Can we talk about the conspiracy that our soil solders.

2  2017-02-24 by AFuckYou



sol·der ˈsädər/Submit noun plural noun: solders 1. a low-melting alloy, especially one based on lead and tin or (for higher temperatures) on brass or silver, used for joining less fusible metals. verb 3rd person present: solders 1. join with solder.

Go on...

Yeah what does our soil solder? How is that a conspiracy? ;)

High levels of aluminum in our soil is not a secret at this point...

Oh... So you can use soil as solder, is that what he is saying?

I guessing...

Cool, free solder! Shame it's probably bad to have that in our soil and then in our plants and then in our animals and then in our bodies. A slow chain of poisoning that will surely eradicate most of the food chain. I see the conspiracy now. The industrial revolution has doomed us. There is probably so much industrial waste that there's just no way to get rid of it all without killing massive amounts of life. No matter what they choose to do with it, the environment is on a runaway course to extreme toxicity for most of the life on this planet. Yay!

Chemtrail substrates dude.

Isn't aluminum some what toxic to us

I'm not sure but I'd sure like academia to chime in and let us know...

Perhaps, but first can we talk about the blueberry that our ganglia gobble?



~ X D

what conspiracy?

Chemtrails... metals in our soil...

I think I dunno...

Soil... Sol--

Wait what? SOIL SOLDERS?

Dude you can't solder soil.

You shouldn't be able to. Waiting on OP to show me otherwise...


K I'm gonna get samples, sieves and a fuckn blowtorch and report back. Or OP can chime in. Whichever...

Quick internet search is useless.

(I'm one of the EVERYONE that says I should ditch google but doesn't... food for thought)

Is 2,900 people online regular high or abnormally high these days? Not sure..

sometimes i just check in to laugh.

I know you're a mod at r/highstrangeness without having to confirm ;) how often is sometimes?

= often. you should know that i love r/conspiracy. it wasn't always so popular, funny how 'the times' have changed how people view the world & more truth is necessary, imo.

this sub offers much needed info & a few laughs at times. you have to admit that humor should be a requirement considering how deep it gets.

this sub was 'first', HS came later, both are 'connected' in a way, altho' HS is 'less formal' i think.

stay woke ~ ; )

I know you weren't laughing at OP and agree with the rest :)

It's abnormal for this time.

1-800-GOFUCKYOURSELF Authentication Software would do well in another place in timespace...

That's 1000 extra.

Only after dark

So basically OP just pooped this thread and abandoned it?

Thanks OP.

= often. you should know that i love r/conspiracy. it wasn't always so popular, funny how 'the times' have changed how people view the world & more truth is necessary, imo.

this sub offers much needed info & a few laughs at times. you have to admit that humor should be a requirement considering how deep it gets.

this sub was 'first', HS came later, both are 'connected' in a way, altho' HS is 'less formal' i think.

stay woke ~ ; )