Enjoy your weed while it lasts. The Trump administration, big Pharma, big alcohol, big tobacco, and the prison-industrial complex are conspiring to put you in prison, make huge money off you to by being a slave for them, and get addicted to opiates, alcohol, and nicotine. Just follow the money.

23  2017-02-24 by russian321

So much for Trump being a President of the people.

More like a businessman. Who would have thought?!


Sources please.

You didn't hear Sean Spicer say today that the administration will have the feds go after legal states?

It won't happen.

It was happenning under Bush and Obama for a bit. The DEA stands to steal so much cash.

Mark my words. It will happen. Say good-bye to legal pot

tell me how that's going to happen? Whats going to stop Colorado or California from doing it? Seriously, Cali is one of the biggest economies in the World, with weed, we will set records! How will the Fed stop it? Send agents? Shit, they can't even get some states to stop harboring illegal immigrants, you really think they have the power to stop weed?

Sounds a little like "Thur gunna take away our gurns!"

In Colorado, California, Washington, and other legal recreational/medical states, SO many have smoked. Friends and family of local LEO's as well as state reps, mayors, city officials, etc. Are they going to start by targeting them? seriously it just doesn't make sense, at all, too many 'regulars' have access and have partake'd just because they could. Not to mention all those who medically use and those whom love them and know how much it helps, again you run into the same problem.

California is so fucked they protest just about everything, when rec weed was passed, all celebration.

MR. SPICER: Thanks, Roby. There’s two distinct issues here: medical marijuana and recreational marijuana.

I think medical marijuana, I’ve said before that the President understands the pain and suffering that many people go through who are facing especially terminal diseases and the comfort that some of these drugs, including medical marijuana, can bring to them. And that's one that Congress, through a rider in 2011 -- looking for a little help -- I think put in an appropriations bill saying the Department of Justice wouldn’t be funded to go after those folks.

There is a big difference between that and recreational marijuana. And I think that when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing that we should be doing is encouraging people. There is still a federal law that we need to abide by in terms of the medical -- when it comes to recreational marijuana and other drugs of that nature.

So I think there’s a big difference between medical marijuana, which states have a -- the states where it’s allowed, in accordance with the appropriations rider, have set forth a process to administer and regulate that usage, versus recreational marijuana. That’s a very, very different subject.


Holy shit . It's true.. this administration is pure evil


Sessions didn't appear to commit to providing such clarity today. He neither voiced support for the Obama-era rules, nor signaled that he was eager to throw them away altogether. Marijuana legalization advocate Tom Angell called it a "good sign that Sen. Sessions seemed open to keeping the Obama guidelines, if maybe with a little stricter enforcement of their restrictions."

Later in the hearing, Sessions noted that "the U.S. Congress has made the possession of marijuana in every state, and distribution of it, an illegal act. So if that's not desired any longer, Congress should pass a law to change the rule."

Legalize All Space Marijuana Across the Galaxy 2k17

following the moey bas ee deemed anti semitic

Ahahhaha didn't CNN say that ..?

Nice. That's beautiful.

We want to destroy the cartels and fight the opoid epidemic by increasing opoid use and cartel funding! Sounds legit guys. Lol

The marijuana industry in Colorado and California is too big to dismantle.

Exactly, if they tried, it Would be war.

The feds had a crackdown on a bunch of shops in LA around mid-way through Obama's presidency. It wouldn't surprise me if more were shut down, but they spring up so fast and there are way too many of them.

  1. home growing is bigger then ever 2. the public no longer believes weed is dangerous, in fact more believe it has medical benefits than those who don't. 3. Science. 4. Colorado is years into their legal weed venture and it's been heavily positive and the profits like nothing they've seen, it becomes addictive all in itself for the cities/state. The Federal government would have to deploy units to every state in the union, it doesn't have the manpower nor the support from the public and even Law Enforcement is denouncing going after those who smoke.

Wish that Texas would ...

didn't houston just decriminalize?

Actually it's pointless if it's not Federally decriminalized ... If you work for a corporet you will still get fired if your random gets a positive hit.

Most in Colorado do not even test for Marijuana anymore, and if they do find it, as long as you're not smoking during work, they don't care.

Where did you see that?

Damn. I live in Houston and had no idea. So burned out on reading news that this just slipped by.

^ this may be one of the best things I've done on the internet lol Happy toking!

Expensive capsules, available only by prescription, could be the new way. All of the sudden, pot is making people throw rocks at vehicles, and burn stuff. The demonization of weed would be funny, if there weren't any set-up victims, and fuckery.

Sessions himself said it's a States rights issue

But it's illegal on the federal level. So it's not a state's rights issue at all.

it's only a states rights issue if it's about oppressing trans people or keeping slavery legal, don't you remember?

Why do you keep posting the same thing?

The OP uses this sub as a blog it seems, the dude reeeallly doesn't like Trump. Seems to be in every other thread too.

The Spicer statement that your post is likely a reaction to regarded strictly recreational marijuana use and identified that as different than medical use.

It is beyond easy to get a prescription in states that have fully implemented medical marijuana, so I don't think you have much to worry about unless you live in a state like NY, where, even though medical marijuana is available, obtaining a prescription is limited to cancers and auto-immune conditions; and only oils, concentrates and inhalers have been approved as to distinguish medical use from "drug use" in the form of smoking the actual plant.

Sounds a little like "Thur gunna take away our gurns!"