So all these heroin/fentanyl overdoses are pretty unusual...

41  2017-02-24 by lordbananafist

Here's my hypothesis...

If a police force is stupid enough to put Craft International/Punisher skulls on the hoods of their cruisers, they're also probably stupid enough to deal heroin.

There's a lot of heroin overdose news on the front page today. I noticed the big red blob of heroin overdoses over eastern kentucky in this r/dataisbeautiful link:

Then I noticed this article about cops in Boyd County, Kentucky putting Craft skulls on their cruisers. And I thought to myself, "That's too fucking retarded. There's some shit going down in Kentucky"

Boyd County is at the confluence of 3 states and the Ohio River. 20 bucks says the cops in Kentucky are moving heroin.


So if we have a map like this. Why aren't we sending in mother fucking law enforcement to crack down it seems we know where the shit is at least coming from in the US. Even if it's crooked law there. Other law should get in there. I will never understand....its sad. I'm tired of having friends die from this.

I dunno bud. That's why i'm here swinging at the fences. I can't take this shit anymore.

God, that pretty much sums it up doesn't it. We are either going to strike out or knock it out of the park. Bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, two outs, two strikes, down by four. Need a home run just to tie the game.

Off topic, is your screen name in reference mars volta? Or just the shape?

"Tetragrammaton" is the term for the four letter name of god; translated to English it is YHWH.

I changed the end to "tron" instead of "ton" to give it a robotic/ computerized kind of vibe. Also accidentally dropped one of the "m"s. Apparently there is another guy on Reddit who had the same idea but can spell correctly.

Great thread man.

Obama runs the heroine trade in Afghanistan. He probably flooded the US with enough heroine to maintain lifetime customers for his giant supply stock.

Lol they wouldnt let obama run the heroin trade, thats a rouge cia team..

I would suggest reading dark alliance by gary webb.

My source is FBI anon, the original one who gave up the clinton foundation. CIA could be his right hand.

Lol the person who promised and never delivered?

He did though. We were all focused on Hillary's emails and he told us to focus on the CF.

Wikileaks exposed the clinton foundation pay to play scandal,

Fbi anon is the reason i dont believe in pizzagate.i remember before the election, that person kept claiming big leaks and pizzagate going public.

After the 3rd time i figuered out its a big psyop distraction campaign, same with trump presidency

So the Pentagon is loyal to a "black Muslim" who is out of office and now can offer them nothing?

He just left a month ago. Him leaving doesn't solve the heroin problem overnight and obama doesn't want to lose money.

So Obama is still in control of troops in Afghanistan?

No, troops are run mostly by his generals and he commanded his generals. He's now retired. He served the cabal well and they are rewarding him with many treasures including respect. They don't just throw him out like trash. He's part of the mob for life now.

So then, different presidents "own" different generals? And therefore the Pentagon hates Trump? Because otherwise you're saying that the Pentagon operates differently according to each general. Or are you pulling all of this out of your ass? Smells funny in here

I feel you don't keep adding to the story, you might understand it.

What I am saying I see that Obama used to control his generals. Now, trump controls it but it's to early to tell what he's going to do.

Obama doesn't tell the generals everything. If he needs a poppi field guarded, he just tells them to bunker down in the area with some stupid excuse as to why.

I bet you're right.

Maybe I'm out for the loop, but what cops were putting the punisher skull on their cruiser?

Fuck I love the "warrior cop" mentality.

Sorry they couldn't pass the basic psych/fitness test to get in the military.

Interesting. The Texas border stays mostly green.

Too dangerous to nod out on smack around there.

So are you just saying these cops are involved in the trade? Or are you suggesting they're spiking product with fentanyl or just outright selling fentanyl as a way to "clean up" the junkies?

I live just next to Boyd County. I have yet to see any cop car have punisher signs on it.

Carter CO represent

Don't forget the 100+ room for drug rehab they opened up this year.

Great assassination method. "He had a secret drug problem and got some bad shit."

Dyncorp snatches fentanyl organs

And Dyncorp is loyal to Obama/Hillary, right? Who are not in office and have no power to award contracts. But the Pentagon is loyal to emasculating bitch Hillary & hates MAGA, right?

Trump is a zog lol

honestly, as someone who was in that scene for years, not in kentucky another state. its def not cops selling, its just other junkies and people making money off junkies. there are some real pieces of shit, but I dont think the widespread opiate problem is from police.

thats my take on it, and I know its anecdotal, but just an opinion from the inside of that culture.

So how are the junkie dealers getting it, there, in such volume?

Great thread man

My older sister over dosed on heroine 6 days after my birthday.

I live in Kentucky. Recently moved to bowling Green from Louisville. The heroine problem in both cities is terrible. It's Even bigger than what it was a few years ago. Heroine and Cocaine used to be drugs (in Bowling Green at least) that you'd have to know someone in order to get, but now pretty much everyone has contacts with people who wheel and deal that shit, or they have it themselves. And for whatever reason there seems to be an abundance of that stuff, which seemingly appeared out of no where. It's very strange and it's becoming a serious problem. Walk in downtown Louisville and you'll find needles laying in the street, or even on the side walk of areas you wouldn't think would have these issues facing them. It's really disheartening.

Where is the museum, I think somewhere in Kentucky, that a guy heard kids screaming & security ordered him out?

I thought when Prince died from Fentynol overdose, attention would be paid to this epidemic but not a peep. No outrage at all. The media certainly didn't mention it.

I feel you don't keep adding to the story, you might understand it.

What I am saying I see that Obama used to control his generals. Now, trump controls it but it's to early to tell what he's going to do.

Obama doesn't tell the generals everything. If he needs a poppi field guarded, he just tells them to bunker down in the area with some stupid excuse as to why.