Dear The_Donald: Why you censoring weed posts?

6252  2017-02-25 by 2016pantherswin

Seriously, Fuck off. I was a trump supporter until my jaw literally fell to the floor when i watched sean spicer live saying that "greater enforcement" will be undertaken. Oh yeah and I looked up the biggest stocks that rose after the election.. #1 and #2 are private prisons. Sorry, shillary ain't going to jail because he has no plans on putting her in there. So he's gonna fill it up with pot heads cuz you know what its just as bard as opiates!!.. Oh, and before you say "he's gotta enforce the law," remember this: theres so much laws being broken, and precious few resources. So while he's locking up your next door neighbor jim because he had a joint, and deporting those mexicans who had no criminal priors (he will, watch), all the real assholes who do the worst harm to our society (bankers, etc) aren't going to be touched.

Oh yeah, and maybe we wouldnt have a fucking mexican immigrant problem if our CIA didn't destroy their country for drug money.

Fuck off the_donald, you bunch of dick sucking hypocrits!

Edit: I don't even smoke pot. I quit recently due to wanting to focus more on work and curtail spending. But if anything is the canary in the coal mine it's this. This proves he is a shill. Or that he is a fucking idiot (and wants to get back at california/oregon/washington/colorado for not voting for him.) Oh, and saying that Sean Spicer misspoke and thats not his stance is bullshit as well. Stop covering for him! Hold your government ACCOUNTABLE!


It's good to see people falling away from Trump, regardless the reason. He is absolutely not a President of the people and anyone who believes so is misguided.

My advice: avoid that sub. Who cares what goes on there. Filter them out and let them circlejerk among themselves.

get out of here hillary shill.

You're breaking the rules.

damn, i am? im accusing him of not being a shill, which doesnt go against rule #10?

No worries I just wanted to give you a heads up. I guess I must have misunderstood then.

Lol reported for rule 10 enjoy your ban

i didnt know about rule 10 and i didn't see ur post as i was looking further into his post history and i kinda jumped the gun, i apologize, and i will follow the rules

I see you edited your post so I don't know what you even said haha

i called u a shill lol, sorry :D

President of the people

Lol…and there is someone in the system that would be?

The system itself is rotten to it's core. As long as people continue to have faith in institutions they deserve to be institutionalized

The topic at hand isn't if there is someone in the system that would be, nice straw man though. What I was referring to is I have watched Trump time and time again (including his inauguration) say that he is his presidency is for the People but his actions haven't been synonymous to that claim.

Your happiness that people are turning from him tells me you think there's somewhere better for people to go. Where is that, exactly?

Cuz if you're expecting someone else to provide "hope and change" within the current system you're seriously deluded

Because a demagogue without unquestioning followers is merely a blowhard.

Because a demagogue without unquestioning followers is merely a blowhard.

unquestioning followers

They are precisely what the two party system is based upon

Yes, because clearly Bernie Sanders is no different than Donald Trump. FDR was no different than Hoover, Carter was no different than Reagan and Lincoln was no different than George McClellan.

I am sick and tired of people who are too goddamned lazy to learn the history of and the mechanics of our government sitting around and claiming that there is no difference or that "they are all the same" when the contrast between individuals candidates and elected representatives is often massive.

And I know this is going to go in one ear and out the other... but if you want to make such a strong claim then I want you to attempt to sway my opinion with a coherent argument with legitimately sourced information

with legitimately sourced information

According to those people, only zerohedge, infowars, randompizzagate youtubers and brietbart/fox are the only "news".

Everything else was a magic fairytale made up by CNN and other fake news. Even if you go read news in different languages from different places-- even then when it corroborates the "fake news" it's a giant, terrifying liberal conspiracy!

They got a moral panic too so if you dont agree they can shame you by calling you a pedophile. Shame people into agreeing. Shit is gross.

Yes there are differences in the most superficial of ways…but with the amount of money required to compete every candidate is beholding to someone.

Yeah maybe Bernie would have been different…maybe…but as you saw he wasn't allowed to even really compete. But really…would Bernie have abolished the Fed? Ended Israel's hold over Washington? You know…the things that really matter?

Hillary is terrible, but she would've been better.

Absolutely no fuckin' way. She'd have made a child molesting piece of shit like Podesta complete with a fancy title and powah. That woman had our demise on the tip of her crooked nose, and we barely missed that trainwreck.

Now I know the shills are out. Hillary would've been better. You've lost your goddamned mind.

I'm a shill because I think she would be better than one of the worst presidents in modern history?


Alright, maybe not a shill. Not very bright, sure, but maybe not a shill. I take the shill thing back, sorry.

He is president to exactly his core, and that's it.

You shouldn't be downvoted, nothing is even going to change in either direction until we have some sort of complete political reform. Everybody in either of the two major parties (yes, including Trump) are owned, and we aren't going to see ANYTHING change until we can stop that.

He is literally going down the checklist fulfilling campaign promises. There is very, very little to complain about.

If he's super anti weed then fine, one thing I wouldn't agree with him on. Let's see how it plays out

Division Techniques - find the first concrete division point within a group, grand-stand it and make it a polar issue. Pump the importance, the gravity. Context? Actions? That's then, this is now. Agents should be acting now. ShareBlue is thick and quick on this issue, running it into the ground. Could it be more important? Ask some of the "concerned" folk here on ... well, I'm sure you smell what I'm steppin' in.

I'm with you, it's just weed. It's not the end of time.

There is if you didn't agree with his campaign in the first place.

The dirty secret of r/the_Donald is that their mods are the biggest censors of all. Mention Israel in anything less than a worshipful light over there and see how that works out for you.

Before r/altright was banned, there were several lengthy threads full of people who had come over after being banned from T_D for really ridiculous reasons.

I myself was banned for daring to question the Treasury Secretary appointment, without warning, permanent ban.

It will backfire on them at some point, I'm sure.

This is why I can't respect them. They can't possibly criticize any aspect of their dear leader.

I love Obama, but I can easily come up with a list of things he's done that I disagree with.

You love Obama... and you're in this sub?

For the millionth time, this sub is not a Donald Trump circlejerk. Anyone is allowed to be here and take part in discussions. Let him live

Why are you talking about Donald Trump? I was talking about Barack Obama.

Why the fixation on partisan politics?

you just gave that guy shit because he said he liked Obama, and I'm fixated on partisan politics? ok man

It's fairly hard to like both conspiracies and Obama since Obama is heavily implicated in a lot of conspiracies.

maybe, but it's not up to members of the sub to judge who gets to read about conspiracies here and who doesn't based on what they think. we aren't the thought police here.

No one is stopping anyone. Theres a difference between being supressed and not being the loudest voice in the room.

I never said anyone was stopping people from being here, I just pointed out that HDJ was being a dick to that guy. this thread only got so long bc he randomly accused me of being partisan hack instead of considering what i actually said

It's because alot of this conversation is meaningless, to the point where it its almost like double speak. Spend more time and thought on your posts and you will get a better reception even if its still through disagreement.

my main goal when i post on this sub isn't to get "good reception" i could care less tbh, but thanks for the advice dude!

Posting good content is not based in wether its generaly agreeable or not. Post good information and people will always be at least apreciative and more receptable to oposing opinions. By "good reception" Im not saying you have to suck cock for upvotes.

we're....still talking about this? i've kind of moved on to the next thing

Nah I think weve summed everything up pretty well I wont keep you

Nah, he's right HDJ was being a hack and kind of a dick. AC-phil is in the clear here champ. No need to critique.

Nah there's no conspiracy against you, you're just wrong. It's arrogant to assume every time you see someone disagree it's a paid shill on the other side. Not too healthy for you mentally either.

Why don't you tell him yourself? Put your tinfoil hat on first, he can hear you.

Not everyone that disagrees with you is some arm of the establishment, people just think you're wrong. It's pretty arrogant to think that when other people say you're wrong it's a government conspiracy against you. You're not that important.

I wasnt wrong, I didnt even comment on if what he said was right or wrong, he was being strawmanned and downvoted and I didnt agree. And you know what's going on here with shareblue because it was a pretty narrow reference I made. No need to write a paragraph presuming stuff about me if you arent at least going to be intelegent about it.

It's not a narrow reference every partisan on here throws that name around constantly.

No need to write a paragraph presuming stuff about me i

Your projection is strong. I simply said you can't accept being wrong and insist instead there's some conspiracy to downvote you. Which you've just doubled down on for a second time! Tell me again how I'm being presumptuous.

I didnt really have a strong enough opinion on the original matter tbh just the replies. Theres not a conspiracy surounding me. I think your abit confused mate.

everyone is implicated in a lot of conspiracies, i heard a conspiracy that said /u/NationalDenbt is a reptilian hyper-shill from Jupiter's forbidden moon...

There is one strand of Narrative which suggests George Soros and other important people are part of a nonsensical left-wing conspiracy, this ties Obama and Hillary and all sorts of other people into a complex network of shadow cartels and Illuminati hi-jinks however this is only one of many conspiracy based narratives - a much more plausible one suggests that the European Aristocracy who used to rule most the world continue aided and merged with various colonial developments (rich americans) this theory makes a lot of sense because unlike the counter-theory 'obama and the nwo' it has a rational start point, during the age of empire the aristocracy of Europe really did rule most of the world, especially England who used economic and military power to carve an empire the sun never set on and declare defacto global hegemony... that this continues is all but proven by the fact there's no point in history where it ever stops, in Britain the queen still has a shiny hat ffs.

So what happened is people started working together to create a better world for themselves, french and american revolution for example however power wasn't just a document it's a physical thing - money, food, and weapons are what really matters... the very rich used their power and influence to make sure they got richer at the expense of everyone else and to scupper the electoral process and government every change it gets - when the government is week people can't combine their resources and efforts so the rich have all the real power - for centuries a very powerful cartel of ultra wealthy criminals has been actively working to undermine any for of progress that help's the people and everything to enforce system that compel people into endless servitude which benefits the bosses a lot more than the workers...

this is who organisations like Fox News support, notice how they'll flit from one set of values to another without any regard for consistency? that's because none of it matters to them, they're just trying to find the weakpoint of everything and cause as much conflict and confusion as possible because that stops people being able to organise and do more positive things... it's about spreading doubt, confusion, conflict and slowing down the advance of progress so that their well funded lobbyists can get in there first and rig the system to favour the mega-rich.

every high-profile person is implicated in conspiracies. they're even regularly directly accused of conspiracy.

when it comes to national politicians, the questions are: who are they helping? who are they trying to help? who are they hurting?

Yes, the only reason to criticize Obama is partisan politics. Not because he knowingly funded ISIS, and gave cluster bombs to the Saudis and...

you didn't criticize Obama, you criticized u/zachar3 by suggesting he shouldn't be here bc of who he likes or doesn't like

You are having trouble reading.

You love Obama... and you're in this sub?

you didn't say "you like obama? obama sucks", you said "you like obama? why are you here?"

As i read it hes just highlighting his suprise that you can be into conspiracy theories at the momment and view obama as anything more than ambiguous. Its you guys who are sperg'ing out over it all imo...

I hail from the roads of r/all

Get the fuck out of here. Adults are conversing.

Somewhat refreshing to see this sub turn its' back on Trump, but that's not what this sub is about.

Let's talk about some Ufo's and missing people.

As an outsider (from Scotland), I subscribed here for that sort of thing. I came close to unsubscribing until I seen this post today. I didn't come to read political bias, isn't this supposed to be where it's ousted for the greater good and accountability? If politically different people can't come together to expose corruption, what fucking hope is there?

Why is that a probem? this isn't T_D Part 2 despite some signalling otherwise. Many long time lurkers are left leaning and are not necessarily /pol/tards

What the fuck are you 13? No sense at all about the history of this subreddit, you've got the pulse for about a minute, GTFO newfag.

I'm an Obama fan and a skeptic. So basically opposite of what this sub represents. I come here for exactly that reason. Self affirming discussions bore the hell out of me. I like my ideas to be challenged.

skeptic of what? you think that the fbi didn't conspire against Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Fred Hampton, Marcus Garvey, and other notable black activists? think the CIA didn't try to assassinate, discredit and destroy pretty much every left-wing leader ever to be democratically elected anywhere in the world? think that a cartel of the richest people in the world aren't manipulating current events to try and maintain control?

the word conspiracy doesn't mean 'things the right-wing want everyone to believe about their enemies' and we need to stop acting like it does, there are some very real conspiracies in the world and many of them unsurprisingly involve the richest people in the world trying to keep and increase their wealth and power at the detriment to everyone else. i.e. the right-wing agenda.

you think that the fbi didn't conspire against Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Fred Hampton, Marcus Garvey, and other notable black activists?

Oh god know, that's pretty much common knowledge by this point, isn't it?

think the CIA didn't try to assassinate, discredit and destroy pretty much every left-wing leader ever to be democratically elected anywhere in the world?

You lost me with "left-wing" and "democratically". Barring the fact that I don't think that many of the people we've fucked with over the past 60 years have fallen into either of those categories, we're pretty equal opportunity when it comes to fucking over people for gains. If anything we just tend to do it with nations that aren't white.

think that a cartel of the richest people in the world aren't manipulating current events to try and maintain control?

While it comes as no surprise that the rich and powerful attempt to use control to remain more rich and powerful, I find it very dubious as to whether or not there is any significant collaboration across varying industries.

But you've also only listed some of the things to be least skeptical about. For instance there's the elephant in the room, Pizzagate. Most of the shit talked about on that is fan fiction at best. Don't get me started when people start talking about demons. Chemtrails, vaccines, GMOs, heart attack guns. It's perfectly reasonable to take a skeptical view and also still be interested in the topic.

Barring the fact that I don't think that many of the people we've fucked with over the past 60 years have fallen into either of those categories

i always forget how differently Americans view the world. uncle ho disagrees

but yes oppressing the third world is basically the engine of capitalism, this is why so many people say capitalism is a systemic evil which needs to end. [see: uncle ho]

there's the elephant in the room, Pizzagate.

you can't believe everything, especially if there's no reason to believe it. Of course Obama isn't the antichrist, i don't even believe in jebus let alone god and the devil... of course hillary doesn't eat children, she's just a wolly liberal without enough of a soul [see spinoza] to resist the call of the hawk... of course three scientists didn't die in a gas explosion on the moon in 1936, why would they be using gas when they already had psychotoronic free-energy wheels?

but uh, the heart attack gun isn't demons, congress believe in the cia heart attack gun - - democratic senator Frank Church believed it, why do you think you get to write it off with a wave of your hand? and do you really think the cia wouldn't at least try to assassinate people with heart attack guns? have you read how many times they tried and what obscure methods they resorted to try and kill comrade Castro?

yes of course you're a fool to believe everything that's spouted in a a hyperbolic infowars shitpost but get some serious docs in there, some court testimony, a bit of video evidence and you've got yourself a stew going....

I'm not going to say that Vietnam wasn't a shit show that the US should have never gotten involved with, but are you honestly going to compare a communist revolution (during which it can't be discounted that political rivals were killed) makes one a democratically elected leader? Seriously, come the fuck on. That example is only vaguely usable due to the fact that the average American has zero fucking knowledge of the guy before the war, and the people who do likely got their knowledge in a Red Scare highschool history lesson, but ye ain't backing up your claim.

I actually wasn't waving off the heart attack gun, I think it's perfectly sound scientifically and historically. I'm not certain that it's correct, but I can't really see anything to rule it out as a possibility.

My point was that this is certainly a place for skeptics, particularly when people can sit down and talk like adults. The people responding with "cuck" however, IMHO, should just be fucking banned.

well no of course he wasn't technically 'democratically elected' because that would be literally impossible, the Viet Minh who wrestled control of Vietnam away from the french oppressor never had a chance to establish a fair and just system for the people because when the imperialist forces of old Europe were defeated they called on their bully boy America to come and drop chemical weapons and fire on villages burning innocent men, women and children to agonising death and causing chemical problems which persist the form of high incidences of birth defects to this very day... the exact same method of ultra-violence, shock and awe [i.e. terror] and pure brutality unleashed by America on any nation that's ever tried to free itself from the oppressive grasp of the old masters...

is the game really not obvious enough for you?!

My point was that this is certainly a place for skeptics

it's a place for sceptics not denialists, it's a place to judge each and EVERY thing on it's merits and not take anything for granted - that includes the 'official story' or 'conceived wisdom' just because it totally seems like it should be true or we'd really like it to be true doesn't mean it is. we should never lump all conspiracies together and treat them as equal any more than we should lump all objects starting with a together and treat them as identical, you'd have trouble when they rushed you to hospital in an apple for trying to take a bite out of an aardvark...

The people responding with "cuck" however, IMHO, should just be fucking banned.

yes, yes they should.

is the game really not obvious enough for you?!

Yap yap yap. I'm not disagreeing with any of that. Vietnam had the utter misfortune of trying this after there were enough global powers interesting in stopping this but before there were enough global powers to keep them from being stomped. They attempted a violent revolution, and like most violent revolutions they angered enough people to get shat upon. I wish it had gone differently, but you can't be a minority power forcing out a majority powers puppet, kill the rest of your opposition, and then somehow expect things to be all hugs and puppies after.

I'm not a typical American. I know for a fact that we've done some ridiculously fucked up shit. I also can acknowledge that some of it was done with good intentions of those involved, some of it wasn't, and that we've more or less fucked up every pie we've tried to bake in the past 60 years. Unfortunately, I think a lot of that is due to the fact that humans are just plain fucked.

yes, yes they should.

Well, at least there's that.

some of it was done with good intentions of those involved

so what percentage of babies in Vietnam that were set on fire were done with good intentions?

if you think that America is essentially just the heroic policeman of the world making the hard choices that had to be made for the greater good then you're absolutely delusioned and every bit a typical american.

This idealistic notion of america as a bumbling hero is absolutely childish, the people of america are often amazing and awesome people but the organisation which controls the government is (exactly like in the uk) absolutely corrupt and evil - honestly the pizzzagate people who think the elites are eating children in DC restaurants are closer to reality than the absolutely insane notion the establishment is doing everything it can do to help people and wishes it could do more...

Well, at least there's that.

it's enough for me... [leans in to kiss]

so what percentage of babies in Vietnam that were set on fire were done with good intentions?

Honestly? A non-zero percentile. I think it's inconceivable that at least some of the decision makers didn't go that route under the logic that it was either our citizens or theirs dead, and really I don't envy that.

I think that there are some individuals who have been ignorant or deluded on our military actions. I don't think that everyone involved in Iraq Round 1 was intent on protecting Iranian oil money, and I think it's naive to believe some of them didn't genuinely see Iraq as a valid humanitarian threat at the time. I can equally some in Iraq Round 2 just seeing Saddam as someone who was never going to mesh with western interests and it would be in the best interests of the planet to snuff him out.

And then there are the absolute knob-gobblers pushing through conflict overseas via lies for monetary gain, and the spineless degenerates who do the same for political gain. And yeah, unfortunately the gobblers and degenerates seem to be in a majority.

it's enough for me... [leans in to kiss]

Sorry about the beard

it was either our citizens or theirs dead

yeah right because they thought they were going to get the boat over and invade america? really? you believe that?

I think it's naive to believe some of them didn't genuinely see Iraq as a valid humanitarian threat at the time.

yeah right, because there's nothing else that spending literally billions of dollars could do which might have a more positive humanitarian impact? destabilising and entire region and taking control of their oil isn't something you do because you love the people and feel bad they have a leader no more cruel than a hundred others they're close friends with...

And then there are the absolute knob-gobblers pushing through conflict overseas via lies for monetary gain,

there are two types the short sighted and the long, both are evil and stupid

yeah right because they thought they were going to get the boat over and invade america? really? you believe that?

I was referring to the soldiers overseas. I would have assumed that was obvious from context?

because there's nothing else that spending literally billions of dollars could do which might have a more positive humanitarian impact?

Don't mean to make you lose your boner, but have you been reading what I said here? That part about assholes being a majority. I was talking on the stupidity of black and white morality on the real world, and more specifically bringing the conversation away from baby-napalm-burning.

For what it's worth, the Iraq and Iran armies were smashing each other over and over again with no real sign of stopping. At a certain point it's obvious that financial motivations played the significant part, but realistically either party could have been sided with. Saddam simply made a better enemy on paper.

there are two types the short sighted and the long, both are evil and stupid

I'm not sure if that statement displays a pathological distrust of humanity, or an utter incapability to emphasise with the nuance of another human mind. There's never black and white. This isn't a novel.

I was referring to the soldiers overseas.

who weren't there before they went there - why would they go there to protect themselves if they're not already there?

more specifically bringing the conversation away from baby-napalm-burning.

yes it'd be nice if you'd done that before they set fire to the babies....

the Iraq and Iran armies were smashing each other over and over again with no real sign of stopping

ah so we sided with Iran and went out of our way to help Iran and get the toppled Iraq back on it's feet so it's people could prosper.... yah.... it was a war far oil, for control and dominance of the middle east - if they wanted to do good things then there's a million things that'd have been more effective, the rarely do anything that actually makes things better but they always manage to maintain or increase their power and keep the impoverished regions firmly under the jackboot...

face it, we're the badguys. just because you've never personally withheld food from a family forcing the parents to watch their baby wither away and starve doesn't mean you're not part of the system that fights incredibly brutal wars to maintain a system which enforces this reality on literally billions of people. yes there's nuance, yes if you struggle against the system and put more effort into resisting it than you get showered upon you just by being part of it then maybe you're not such a bad person after all... but in all regards yes this is a novel, if the novels you're reading don't have nuance then read some better books - this novel is called history and it's going to be read by our decedents.

who weren't there before they went there - why would they go there to protect themselves if they're not already there?

Are you intentionally ignoring the multiple times that I stated that we shouldn't have been over there?

Lemme put it in plain words: yes, when American soldiers were already in Vietnam I believe it's a non-zero-percentage that someone, for the best intentions, decided that the risk of firebombing Vietnamese children was preferable to the loss of lives by drafted American soldiers.

yes it'd be nice if you'd done that before they set fire to the babies....

Man, I wasn't even fucking alive during the Vietnam War. I've done nothing in my life to support actions like that. Sorry, but I'm not going to take personal guilt for something that my father was in university during.

face it, we're the badguys.

At no point have I disagreed with this. We've fucked up a lot of things from malignant meddling, and we've fucked up even more by pretending to ourselves that we're doing the "right thing".

when American soldiers were already in Vietnam

but we're talking about the people that had a choice, it's stupidly easy to find people who don't have a choice and say 'oh everything is nuanced and complex because this guy is a victim too' but firstly no, not Vietnam, if you went to Vietnam you're a terrible person -- plenty of good people made a moral choice and resisted. None of this really matters though because the actions of people who have no option don't count for anything, it's the people who do choose that matter and those people chose to smash an effort by people trying to organise a better life away from the oppression of western imperialism and they did it because they were scared uf working people started getting on their feet then there would be no one to do act as cheap labour and they wouldn't be able to make such vast profits...

I've done nothing in my life to support actions like that.

things like that are happening now

if you're not actively resisting the system then you're supporting it and enabling it, simple as that.

and sorry but i agree with Zizek, people know what's going on you're just choosing not to think about so you don't have to change to a more moral system - you're actively complicit in the evil.

I'm skeptic in that i need logical evidence in order to believe something. For example, the Pizzagate stuff doesnt warrant belief.

yes i know what a skeptic is but i'm saying you're exactly the same as everyone in this sub, there is no default position - some people believe pizzagate, some [often the same] believe american exceptionalism, and some believe absolutely anything the tv, government or local sports team tells them - these same people who demand evidence for pizzagate blithely accept the warren commission as gospel....

to be a skeptic only of 'conspiracy theories' is to be naive to the fact the term conspiracy theory was popularised explicitly to discredit people who pointed out how corrupt the system is....

They can't possibly criticize any aspect of their dear leader.

It's a subreddit created specifically for pro-trump posts, so the thing. It's not really difficult to understand. What happens when you post something negative about Hillary in her subreddit (whatever it's called). There is nothing conspiratorial about wanting to keep the Trump hate out of a pro-Trump sub, but there is definitely nothing wrong with looking wrong with certain agendas outside of that seemingly being pushed by certain mods.

There have been plenty of critical opinions within the posts on /r/the_Donald especially a couple of months back when someone was pushing the "praise Israel" agenda with multiple pro-Israel posts. Plenty of people commented with "let's make America great, not other countries" and did not get banned.

I was for Bernie and regularly pointed out her faults over in her sub, got lots of down votes but I was never banned.

Same here, I criticized their stupid advertising strategy, got upvotes, never was even warned by a mod.

i love obama

How can you possibly rationalize loving Obama?

He's gentle when he makes love to you

He brought me a towel afterwards.

It's pretty easy, actually. Especially if you or someone you love has a pre-existing condition that limited their insurance options. And it's only getting easier to respect his time in office after seeing that shit-show that's going down in the White House right now.

That's an emotional argument. Obama bombing a shit load of muslim countries, aggressively attacking dispensaries, punishing whistleblowers more than any of the prev presidents combined, and much more is why most rational and anti 'obama is so cool cause hes black' media narrative, dislike him

That's an emotional argument.

It's not my fault you asked to rationalize an emotion.

My bad. I assumed that since you love Obama, you thought he was a good president (which is what I was arguing against)

Well, I did think he was a very good president. I know I'm not going to change your mind on that, so why even bother debating your points? I guess I'll point out that my biggest issues with him were his stances on the surveillance state -- that was total nonsense in my mind. But otherwise I think he left the country in much better condition than it was in 2008 when we were on the verge of economic collapse.

Can you state anything apart from ObamaCare that actually improved the state of America?

You mean aside from him helping to bring the country back from the brink of economic collapse during the worst recession in our nation's history?

Well, I voted for him based on his campaign promises, so I guess I'll point to those. Here's 13 pages worth of them.

interesting il take a look at that later. Could you provide a rebuttal for any of my points ?

On the topic of dispensaries: I witnessed some of these crackdowns first-hand. The people the feds came after weren't legit and in many cases were targeted for reasons other than pot. One farm near me had an underground dog-fighting pit, another was a front for a Mexican cartel.

When all was said and done, the pot industry had grown to a multi-billion dollar a year industry, so I don't think it's fair to say Obama 'aggressively' went after dispensaries. He signed memos explicitly stating that the DEA should turn a blind eye to legal growers. My only issue is that he should've gone further and pushed for full legalization.

Emotional argument for an emotion?

Lol so free shit is enough to get you to ignore bombing hospitals and Syrians?

Free shit? I pay for my insurance dude.

And I want to see your short list of presidents that managed to get through their terms without shedding blood while protecting the country. I also want to know how you would have handled ISIS while still keeping our troops off the ground.

Protecting Obama armed ISIS. They exist due to the vestiges of Bush's policies which Obama dutifully continued. Are you kidding? What happened to the antiwar Democrats? Have you no fucking shame?

Nope, no shame. And not a democrat.

And I highly doubt you would have handled such a complex situation any better. He inherited a shitshow of a problem and did what he thought was best. That's all any man can do.

Handling the situation literally any other way would have been better, bootlicker.

Lol like how Trump approves a raid that kills American service men and kills children and destroys hundreds of millions of dollars of helicopters.

You'll find no defense of Trump from me. I was rebuking the man above us with his ass where his head is.

It's pretty easy if you forget the fact that he dropped one bomb every 20 minutes for 8 years in the Middle East.

You got a credible source on that?

Working now but a quick search brought me to this site and quote for 2016.

Looking back at President Obama’s legacy, the Council on Foreign Relation’s Micah Zenko added up the defense department’s data on airstrikes and made a startling revelation: in 2016 alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.

It's pretty easy to ignore that when you realize he likely wouldn't have engaged in those wars to begin with and was a president entering an administration already at war, and someone who just so happened to be THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE USA, after a string of FOURTY-THREE WHITE MEN OVER 200 YEARS OF SUCCESSION.

Humans have a HARD time dealing with change of any kind. Face it: the real problem for you and the rest of T_D was seeing a non-White (or Partial White) in the White House, and NOT his politics.

You really think that 8 years of republicans not giving him an inch had ANYTHING to do with Obama's centrist approach? He was the first president to be vilified openly during a fucking state of the union address for fucks sake. Remember "YOU LIE!" ? Yea. That's what you get for being a fucking black dude in the White House. NO one has ever broken decorum like that for any other president in recent history, likely ever. The racists and war hawks (same people) who make up congress kept Obama from accomplishing his goals.

Blacks make up 37 million out of 303 million in this country or about, 12%. There are 100 senators in the US Senate and only TWO are black, making it 2% of the senate legislative body.

How the fuck can you not see that as underrepresentation?

T_Ders and anyone else will always claim that they aren't racist and yet EVERYTHING THEY SUPPORT OR SAY OTHERWISE IS OBVIOUSLY RACIST AS FUCK...

"It's easy to ignore the things that actually matter about a president if you instead just focus on race instead"

r/politics is that way. That's where your bogus identity politics belong

bogus identity politics

Race exists, we're not living in post-racist times yet. It very much affected how Obama acted and how other politicans acted towards him

I never said it doesn't exist, I said making it THE most important thing in any discussion is absurd.

That's not what you said at all, fam.

No, it's actually exactly what I said

Please point me to it.

Can we be fucking friends man? Like real shit.

I always see this on reddit, and I'm always curious as well. Obama made the same garbage foreign policy decisions as W, with similar outside influences controlling him. We slid further into debt. Job growth gets thrown around, but how many of those jobs were wage slave tier? All our leaders have been garbage since I was born. The government is sick.

It gets easier every day

Whilst I understand you probably dislike Trump, this doesn't excuse the cancerous acts that Obama did whilst he was president

Sure; but it's hard to take his critics seriously when they almost completely focus on stories they made up in their head.

Policies aside; at least he was well spoken and somewhat competent

I don't know much about that. My problem with Obama is that he claimed he enjoyed marijuana when he was younger, then went ahead and made it a class A drug, he continued the retarded war on the east, he prosecuted more whisteblowers than all prev presidents combined, he also shutdown the most amount of dispensaries than any prev presidents, and much more. It also doesn't help that every dumbass 14 year old feminist believes he was the greatest president ever

Trust me; if you dislike Obama for those reasons, you're gonna have a tough next 4 years

Oh I know. I already dislike trump but still would choose him over shillary any day. They are both puppets for corporate overlords and I guess tbh we are choosing these candidates based on their personalities more than their actual policies (mainly)

My problem with Obama is that he claimed he enjoyed marijuana when he was younger, then went ahead and made it a class A drug

Marijuana was classed this way long before Obama was in office.

he also shutdown the most amount of dispensaries than any prev presidents

He also allowed a record number to open.

The response to this comment is confirmation for me that I'm this is one giant shareblue post. The whole post seemed forced and we've seen how easy it is to buy comments and upvotes for cheap. This just did it for me.

His humility.

I could list 50 other non-political reasons, if you want.

You really think his public personality mirrors his personal personality?

Obama was said to always find the dissenter in a room full of smart people to pick their brain. If someone disagreed with him, he wanted to know why to make sure he wasn't missing something.

That is the definition of intellectual humility.

The dirty secret of r/the_Donald is that their mods are the biggest censors of all. Mention Israel in anything less than a worshipful light over there and see how that works out for you

I've noticed that too. I think there are literal Mossad agents on the mod team.

No, there are Russian agents in the_donald


If CTR can be shills why can't Russians?

I won't entertain your delusion. You have the whole of Reddit and and the MSM for that.

They can be and probably are, but that's literally what a CIA/NSA shill would say lol. And I'm sure they are all over Reddit purporting that

The Russian 'Troll army" as the Netherlands named them is a real thing and was uncovered when the Dutch were doing their MH17 investigation. The whole 'shit posting' tactic is what they used on subs like worldnews in any thread that was critical of Russia. This was going on in 2014 and 2015 when things were going down in Ukraine. Hell even the 4D chess meme was heavily used by them. They would claim Putin is playing 4D chess and Obama is playing tic tac toe etc.

Anyways there are a lot of similarities.

The Russian 'Troll army" as the Netherlands named them is a real thing and was uncovered when the Dutch were doing their MH17 investigation. The whole 'shit posting' tactic is what they used on subs like worldnews in any thread that was critical of Russia. This was going on in 2014 and 2015 when things were going down in Ukraine. Hell even the 4D chess meme was heavily used by them. They would claim Putin is playing 4D chess and Obama is playing tic tac toe etc.

Anyways there are a lot of similarities.

the 4D chess meme

That meme is like 2009 old at least. And it's just a modification on the "X is playing checkers, while Y is playing chess", which may be ancient and was at least already used in 2001 film Training Day.

Your post made me curious, apparently checkers with a 64 square board was invented in the 12th century, while earlier versions have been found as far back as 1600 BC.


CTR is a fraction of the Russian Troll Army.

Cybercrime and psyops are their largest national export.

...I hope you're kidding, because Russia hates Clinton.

Perhaps both?

neah just the plain old JIDF

/r/The_Donald is not a place to discuss both sides, it's for when you just wanna talk about the positives. The mods make that painfully clear, just because you can't read the sidebar doesn't mean they're mindless tyrants, they told you you'd be banned if you go against the rules.

Are the rules fair? No, of course not, they openly admit that because it's not that type of sub. If you want to openly discuss it go to 8chan or something of the like.

8chan is not open and fair when it comes to /pol/ they'll ban you in an instant if you don't play along with the alt-right neo nazi circle jerk they got going on.

I got banned for saying it was annoying that the sub was melting down when that comedian tweeted a joke about Barron Trump. I said we shouldn't be getting all upset about a joke, and people were acting just like SJWs.

Banned permanently for being an "annoying cunt". Fucking triggered.

It's because the group think and turf are engineered - because Trump is a Zionist puppet.

I generally so hate it when people claim that others are a Zionist puppet... my mouse hovered over the downvote button... but my conscience grabbed my finger and forced it to press the upvote because, dammit, you are right.

Sounds like the little snowflakes need a safe space.

that's what trump would do

T_d: fuck pc culture Comedian: Barron trump looks like a school shooter T_d: hey man not cool you shouldn't joke about people families Rest of the world: DO YOU KNOW WHAT PC CULTURE IS? T_d: fuck off faggots maga!

You don't support the hive mind? The hive mind doesn't support you

You know what I'm going over there right now with the purpose of getting perma-banned in one post, brb!

I see a lot of people mention you can't say anything bad about Israel in not only t_d but in MSM too. Why is that?

omg hororcost!!!!

If you want to know who controls you find who you can't criticize.

You're getting a stereotypical /r/conspiracy response, but the truth of the matter is because it's an insanely fucked up situation with multiple viewpoints and all of them go frothing mad in the face of opposition. It's one of those topics that almost no one is capable of discussing rationally.

I was banned for calling out one of their posters for creating the most mind-numbingly disingenuous framing of the Milo controversy I have ever seen, suggesting that Milo's book was cancelled for something he said about Germany and not the borderline NAMBLA shit he said in those tapes, this image.

They are so far gone at this point that Trump himself could be caught in a pedo sting and they'd say "he was just infiltrating it so when they came after him they would find the other pedos, 4D CHESS"

Trump and his new labor secretary have deep ties to Jeffrey Epstein, I wouldn't be surprised if he does have some underage shenanigans in his past.

There's allegations that have been around for years and years that Trump has definitely diddled some kiddies in his time. On mobile right now, but fifteen different women have come forward with stories of Trump sexually assaulting them, the youngest being a 13 year old girl at the time Trump violently raped her (allegedly).

They all do. It's a way for their shadow gov to control them.

I wouldn't be surprised if he does have some underage shenanigans in his past.

I mean he's awfully close with Ivanka.

I would say T_D is the biggest source of fake news on reddit through censorship and an unexplainable trend of getting to the top of /r/all at all times. They get outright fake news brigaded to teh top of /r/all and ban anyone who calls it out.

Like this post from yesterday, the article didn't even get the name of the organization right and its a Christian lobbying group but anyone who called it out got banned.

Lol I was banned for asking why everyone was typing in caps

I got banned for saying, during the Milo debate, that both the left and the right should condemn paedophilia instead of defending Milo and George Takei. Banned within an hour.

Considering how we are constantly called Nazis and anti semites - I can see why they would be sensitive on jewelry criticism

I got banned for being a concern troll, what the fuck does that even mean?

Not even a secret. There's an entire subreddit of people banned from T_D.

I am so confused why anyone would think posting non pro Trump shit in a pro Trump forum would be allowed... I cant go to Islams subreddit and talk about athiesm. You guys are a bit crazy. Why go to a subreddit about ford cars and talk about mitsubishi cars? How hard is it to understand?

It's a little different when the subreddit abuses its power to spread outright fake news by pushing it to the top of /r/all.

T_D mods routinely and consistently allow fake news articles to stay on the subreddit (which usually place in the top 10 of /r/all) and bans everyone who calls it out with evidence-based responses, even if the comments are not anti-Trump.

I get banning anti-Trump comments because yes its a pro-Trump subreddit but when you start exposing the entirety of this site to fake news articles and cover up the fact that its fake news is a HUGE problem.

Comment like this usually attract their cops to cross-check the ban. Last time I commented using my another account about the ban, one cop came and give the reason of the ban.

The dirty secret of r/the_Donald is that their mods are the biggest censors of all

Dirty secret? It's been known since forever that they are one of, if not the most censored sub on the website. People celebrate the censorship and don't give a shit. The fact that you guys struggle call it a dirty secret shows how ridiculous the situation is.

Oh well, nobody is fucking surprised.

I, too, am banned for ridiculous reason. Can u/futurenactiveaccount corroborate me? I wonder how he can know why someone got banned from TD without being mod there.

Sorry? What?

I found that you usually checked the background why someone got banned from the TD despite you aren't mod there.

It was never a secret. It was always like this. You probably just thought it was funnny or that they were just attacking the sub. T_D is a walking breathing example of "First they came for..."

I got banned because I literally posted a date. They posted an article about refugee rapes in Sweden that was months old, passing it off as new. I posted the date the article was written: banned.

I was banned from the_donald for being a "Bernie cuck" after a single comment.

I was asking somebody if they thought it was ok to post a picture of blackface while making fun of black people. They did.

I was banned just for clarifying thst he isnt a pro gay rights csndidate, holding up a rainbow flag during a campaign means nothing when your intent is to let states individually reduce rights.

Why is this your only comment ever.

I remember seeing a while back, there was a video on the front page of t_d of french police arresting some drug dealer. It was falsely titled as something like "Muslim refugees assaulting french citizens". A guy in the comments tried to correct it by providing proof that the title was incorrect. He had like 400+ upvotes, then, mods just removed his comment - really shameful.

You ban dissent when you dont have other effective means, like arguments.

And while this is conspiracy, and honestly many here interpret maybe a little too much into things, I think its a sound strategy by Trumpers to enforce strict obedience, because the alternative is to lose your only connection to the group.

This is like the jehovas witness shit where once you question absolute authority, you will get punished by the entire group out of fear of losing more people and out of fear of being rejected themselves.

I was a trump supporter until my jaw literally fell to the floor when i watched sean spicer live saying that "greater enforcement" will be undertaken.

You were a supporter until it hit you personally. Trump and the Republicans had support of conservative people on Obamacare, and then lost it as they started talking about repealing it. It's kinda funny, but also serious business. Especially in light of transgender rights in the news, you don't care, it doesn't affect your personally.

It's always happening to "the other", divide and conquer.

i admit, i fell for the "lock her up" he was chanting, cuz i hated hillary and knew what she stood for. But i've always been against nafta and he spoke about that.. I was against the h1-b visa (importing cheap labor and not using our own talented workforce).. He said so much I agreed with, but i was never a fanboi. Actions speak louder than words.

Sorry I am drunk and was trolling.

haha, rule #5 lawl.. wheres my banhammer.. oh right.. i aint got one.. ur free to go :D

r/the_donald is supposed to be a 24 hour Trump rally. Criticism of Trump in any way is verboten and you'll be shoved off to their ask Reddit for questions on policy.

You say that like it's a bad thing

"echochambers aren't a bad thing"

Fuck off, you absolute moron.

"Echo-chambers are only a good thing if I agree with them".

Fuck off, you absolute moron.

The fact is r/the_donald doesn't pretend to be anything but an echo chamber. If you get sick of the anti-Trump spam that hits every single other sub you spend a little time there to remind yourself that you're not the only one. That's the whole reason it was made, not to be another place for people to spam anti-Trump stuff. You have literally any other subreddit for that.

The real problem with echo chambers is when they pretend to be impartial and goad people into thinking there is only one accepted view. Like a certain political subreddit.

This argument basically boils down to a misunderstanding of how subreddits work. If people only posted about cats on r/cats, that's expected and nobody cares. But if you went to r/animals and there were only pictures of dogs there would be reason to question the subreddit.

Nowhere in my comment did i say that i liked anti-trump echo chambers. All echo chambers are fucking stupid and should be broken up, because the lack of negative feedback will just result in more extremism and more stupidity.

The end.

The sub is literally called the_donald. If you want to bash The Donald then you will probably bother the people on the sub who like him.

This is like baking the gay cake, but even more stupid. Go to another sub then?!?

Discussion and disagreement should still be welcome. You can ban outright hostility, but for someone to come and say that it seems fucked up that he'd ban marijiana given his states-rights driven campaign promises seems kinda fucked. This is putting the president over the people.

Yeah, I can agree with that. At least when the shills stop coming out in full force. The way I view it is that the sub is being brigades just like this one, but possibly even more fervently.

You need some protection -_-

Honestly I think the "brigaded" accusation is just brought way too quickly on both sides. People be having different opinions let's talk about it instead of pretending the other side doesn't exist.

You're a little special snowflake that can't have his ideas challenged. :( Grow a pair, you pussy. No one is above criticism. Not even the president.

Also, your orange lipstick looks great, dog.

the donald doesn't pretend to be anything but an echo chamber.

Nah, they very frequently pretend to be the last bastion of free speech on Reddit

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So a cult

Yeah Trump could go full liberal and they'd STILL be on that tinpot's dick.

He already seems pretty liberal. From Wikipedia. Though if any part of it is wrong I would love to know. I am still trying to learn this stuff

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Whereas classical liberalism emphasises the role of liberty, social liberalism stresses the importance of equality.[4] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality, and international cooperation.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]

Though if any part of it is wrong I would love to know

freedom of the press


Are they not allowed to say what they want? Even though the Legacy media is legitimately propaganda.

Trump is essentially trying to delegitimatize any media that doesnt conform to his views and his pre existing bias. Hence all the attacks on twitter calling them the "enemy of the people".

They are still free to say what they want. This doesn't touch upon the point of freedom of the press. He has freedom of speech and he is able to say whatever he wants?

They are literally propagandizing all of the news in an effort to mislead the public.

Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view".[1] Propaganda is often associated with the psychological mechanisms of influencing and altering the attitude of a population toward a specific cause, position or political agenda in an effort to form a consensus to a standard set of belief patterns.[2]

Trump is just a con man, given power he'll do whatever he feels like.

See: Trump Steaks, Trump the Boardgame, Trump TV

Who has he conned? Can you give any examples of instances where he conned people?

Taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.


That's what I thought.

His "wow" means, "Do you not open a newspaper?"

Trump University? The endless contractors he's screwed over?


He asks a question, gets an answer to the question, and then types "lol"

These fucking Trump supporters can't stop showing everyone how they're the dumbest of the dumb.

He asks a question, gets an answer to the question, and then types "lol"

These fucking Trump supporters can't stop showing everyone how they're the dumbest of the dumb.


To be fair, contractors get screwed pretty regularly, especially in shark tanks like Manhattan

what about all the contractors hes stiffed

what about his fucking supporters lol

That's what I thought.

Trump University ringing any bells?

Taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.

Do you know what a con is?

You obviously don't.

Your ability to ignore what's right in front of you is truly inspiring.


Taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.

Are you serious?

I said taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.

You all really prefered hillary to President Trump?

That's comical.

Yeah, no one here is saying they preferred Hillary. Don't put words in people's mouths.

So maybe people should stop bitching about the only other legitimate option. Trump said what he wanted to do and he's actually doing it and people are flipping out.

You that dumb guy that doesn't know he's dumb

Oh he knows he's a fucking moron, but like his precious puppet-president he likes poking at people.

Don't feed the sad little troll. "Only other legitimate option" lol....

Don't project your issues onto me.


Great logic. Whoever gets elected can never be criticized because the alternate would have been as bad or worse.


I said taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.

Ah, got it. So being screwed over by Trump makes you an idiot - so Trump can screw anyone in the world, and they are therefore idiots, and it's not a problem!

Most people would readily give services on a net-30 basis to someone who is both a Presidential candidate and a billionaire, but I guess everyone everywhere is an idiot.

Still, as a Trump supporter, you might stop and think what it means when you think that trusting Trump implies you're an idiot. What does it say about you?


You must be the king of the idiots


What the fuck is your definition of "con" then? You basically just said "give me an example but I won't allow it as evidence." In this article a guy took a standard business order from D. Trump and trump used his huge amounts of resources to essentially intimidate somebody into not pursuing a legal battle to get the money they rightly deserved for fulfilling his part of the deal. That doesn't make him an idiot. That makes Donald Trump a rich dick contracting out small locally owned businesses he knows won't be able to stand up to him. That's a con in every sense


I said taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.

"Taking advantage of idiots" is the literal definition of being a conman.

Taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.

Even if it wins you the presedency?

Haha good one

Who has he conned?

Trump is a proven conman who had to pay millions for getting caught running a scam university. This happened RIGHT BEFORE the election...

LOL you must really be mad. Calm down cupcake.

No need to message me 3 times.

Yup, your stupidity is rage inducing.

Good one!

freedom of the press, freedom of religion, civil rights, secular governments, gender equality, and international cooperation.


How is he impinging on freedom of the press?

or civil rights?

or gender equality?

He seems like he wants international cooperation?

Can I get an example of how he is violating any of those?

How is he impinging on freedom of the press?

You're fucking kidding, right?

What isn't the argument that supports your statement?

Trump bans press from briefing.

That is the paradigm example of restricting the freedom of the press. Not like the truth is going to change your mind or anything. Just know we know you're completely wrong about our great leader.

It is a privilege to go to the press briefing not a right. CNN can still say anything they want. I am also happier with any other organization getting the press pass.

Do you see the difference?

It's a "privilege" in a dictatorship, not when the highest office is an elected official.

Those news sources are still free to publish their bit pieces. It's a privilege for any media site to be at an event which has limited invitation. Were you aware that they weren't even originally invited? Pool for bigger and they still weren't invited and then they complained. How dare Trump respect the corporate conglomerate media!

I think you're purposefully being obtuse.

"Hit pieces"? Really? Are facts now the enemy of the state?

Are you saying that no media organization has published something false or misleading in an effort to spin their narrative?

Have they always been completely honest when discussing Donald Trump or things related to him?

Of course not. That's not the issue. The media was not elected to run our country. Trump was. And in a functioning democracy, access to true information is vital. If you want a dictatorship, it's to your benefit to stifle the media and its damn questions. If you believe America is a land of free people who give the government its power, then you want the media to be in those meetings to answer the questions you and I cannot.

Here's the real litmus test: If you're just fine with the opposition party doing this, then it's probably not that big of a deal. If it really bothers you if Hillary Clinton were to do the same thing that Trump already did, then you're just a political tool who apparently works against his own interests.

Do you realize that if this truly were a dictatorship the media would be imprisoned or killed for reporting negatively? You are exaggerating the point. They are able to freely say whatever they want right now and it will remain that way. If the President believes that the media is misleading the public with the way they present the information then he has the right to call them bc he also has freedom of speech.

Hillary Clinton were to do the same thing

If the media is lying about the issues and she calls them out I don't care. They shouldn't be lying about issues and misleading the masses of sheep.

Can someone good with video make this for the trumplets

That's entirely accurate. And I have no problem with it, because they're open about it.

Look, if someone wants to make a pro-Hitler sub and ban criticism of Hitler, I don't give a shit.

You'd have no problem with a large community of people wanting to bring extreme persecution to the point of extermination of certain minorities while banning any dissenting opinions on the subject? You sure?

No, I have no problem with people talking about their batshit crazy ideas. This is America.

You're allowed to have a problem with it that's the whole point. Freedom of speech isn't let's plug our ears and pretend everyone's opinion is equally valid. You are still allowed to have an opinion.

It's their right to ban dissenting opinions but it's also unamerican.

No, I have no problem with people talking about their batshit crazy ideas. This is America.

Abso-fucking-lutely! People forget about Freedom of Speech really quick when it's something they disagree with, unfortunately.

It's also free speech to call them out. Nobody here is advocating for shutting them down.

Of course it is, does my post indicate otherwise? One of my favorite authors says it best - “If you accept – and I do – that freedom of speech is important, then you are going to have to defend the indefensible. That means you are going to be defending the right of people to read, or to write, or to say, what you don’t say or like or want said. The Law is a huge blunt weapon that does not and will not make distinctions between what you find acceptable and what you don’t. This is how the Law is made. People making art find out where the limits of free expression are by going beyond them and getting into trouble. [...] The Law is a blunt instrument. It’s not a scalpel. It’s a club. If there is something you consider indefensible, and there is something you consider defensible, and the same laws can take them both out, you are going to find yourself defending the indefensible.”

The moment you ban people for disagreeing, it's not "free speech" anymore. No one here is saying Trump supporters need to stfu, or if they are, they're not advocating free speech.

If dissenting voices are silenced, it's not free speech. Period.

The /r/AskTrumpSupporters response to this was just that Sean Spicier said it, not Trump himself and that there is nothing to worry about. They are really living in denial.

They never wonder why Trump keeps all these wackos around who keep saying crazy things on his behalf

As if Spicer would still be around if he said anything not approved.

They even banned Kellyanne Conwoman from TV because of her slips.

How do you sustain a 24/7 Trump rally, when he changes his position on everything, based on who attacks his dumb ass on twitter every ten seconds?

  1. Make everything a '4D chess move' like misspelling words on an official document (lol now he's got people talking about it when they weren't before!).

  2. Content control. By not allowing anyone to bring up any concerns about their 'god emperor' they can ensure the only messages getting to their front page are positive and motivating to their users.

  3. Encourage shitposting. By allowing shitty memes, spamming, and immaturity the sub constantly seems very active and full of content even if it's low quality.

  4. Make it about the subscriber. Most people want to feel like a part of something. The_Donald has perfected the idea that anything Trump does is because of their help and they are on the front lines of a culture war. By shitposting Pepe. So people vulnerable to their rhetoric join up, like how it makes them feel, and become pedes.

Exactly. And it's exactly what Obama people did when he started wars and drone attacks and the rest. '3D Chess'

People are so desparate for a savior they can't see the nose in front of their faces.

It's the oligarch vs the 99.5 %.

I saw a fair bit more backlash against Obama, but hey, it's early days, it will be interesting to see how long they can keep fooling themselves.

Until the next election. And then the cycle continues..

Number 4 was me. Making fun of SJWs was fun and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Then I came to the realization that Donald is a giant lying piece of shit and I instantly regret ever shit posting in his favor.

They're all lying pieces of shit, with 'public vs private positions'

You are exactly right.

So these people are being radicalized via the internet? Sounds familiar.

It actually balances out the rest of Reddit.

r/the_donald is supposed to be a 24 hour Trump rally.

r/the_donald is supposed to be a 24 hour Trump circljerk

Safe space

This is exactly why I unsubbed from that subreddit. I thought he'd be a better alternative to Hillary and now I can't fucking stand the guy. His whole cabinet is fucked. The shitposting was fun at first but his supporters take it a whole new weird level where they basically worship every fucking move he does, no matter how stupid. It's sick.

I'd be okay with that if the subreddit did not have multiple fake news posts on the top of /r/all on a daily basis.

Just yesterday they had a post about a conservative Christian lobbying group masquerading as "medical association" claiming treating transgender children is child abuse. Except the article misstated the name of the group and misrepresented it to confuse readers into thinking the official American Academy of Pediatrics said it, instead of a random Christian group with absolutely zero credibility in the medical field that pushes its agenda ahead of accepted medical science.

T_D mods response? Ban everyone who pointed any of that out. Not even anti-Trump comments, just people against fake and misleading news. And that post was #3 on /r/all.

The biggest threat to this world is the global financial institutions of the elite. It's behind the military industrial complex (real terrorism) and both sides of the media that stroke your sensibilities. Sex trafficking is bad shit ok? But the root of the problem is the Elite, the petty low hanging fruit dominating /r/conspiracy 's front page is not.

Are you high right now?

meh who the hell cares, from my experience pot heads are generally lazy and unambitious.


Chances of potheads being accepted into an Ivy League school


No u

Your experience is limited

meh who the hell cares

You sound pretty lazy and unambitious yourself

I am,just imagine if I was smoking pot

It's not about that. It's about freedom. Him going after tokers means that he's supporting big pharma, which kills people. Hell, tylenol and ibuprofen kill people. It's also proof he's a corporate shill. So all his drain the swamp crap is bullshit. He's a liar and I've always accepted that it could be a possibility but I really was cautiously optimistic. But I've been waiting for him to show his true colors and here it is.

Why contribute your labor to a society that doesn't accept you? Why focus your ambition upon rising within it?


If basil, oregano, and thyme were made illegal, then die-hard Italian-food lovers would have to break the bank just to have some marinara sauce. They would have less money to spend on other things. If they had children, it is likely they would be going hungry on the occasion that mommy blew her whole paycheck on 'spaghetti herbs'. (Daddy is, of course, in jail.) If the children tried to understand why other herbs such as dill and parsley were legal but not basil, oregano, and thyme, they would probably become disillusioned with society and feel that it was based upon hypocrisy.

Dripping with ignorance

What is your experience, beyond the one time you were invited to a party and nearly shit your pants before saying, " t...thanks." when offered a joint.

Then let's ban alcohol while we're at it! Can't have all those alcoholics sitting around doing nothing!

alcohol is not a gateway dreug

What is it a gateway drug to, may I ask?

If you want a real gateway to harder drugs, try opioids. Many people that start on prescription painkillers move on to Heroin and other nasty shit. If you want a problem, focus there. People don't give a fuck if drugs are illegal. If I wanted to smoke some dope I could waltz down the road to my buddies house and walk home. The only reason I did it was because I had a "Fuck the government" sort of edgy emntality. Marijuana laws only exist to lock up youth and profit drug companies and for profit prisons. More harm is being done by it being illegal than for it to be legal. Users may have to visit a nasty part of town for a deal and risk getting ripped off, robbed, killed in the process. Make it a safe deal where the user isn't going to eitehr of the latter. The justification for parents to tell their kids not to use it is "You'll go to jail!", that was the focus of the entire marijuana unit in my High School health class. My cousin underwent breast cancer treatment last year and she used it through treatment to cope with the sickness and pain of chemo. Do you want these people to go to jail for smoking it? Do you want these people to suffer from treatment? What is your justification for it being illegal?

I'm gonna be serious instead of trolling. I don't care really. I did have some bad experience with stoners, they are generally lazy but I don't want to project my bad experiences into the rest of society. I'm libertarian when it comes to this, states should decide if they wanna make it legal or not.

I'm a Trump supporter and I often post in t_d. I am not afraid to criticize him or hold him accountable.

Did Trump flip flip on this issue or was this the plan all along? I don't smoke weed so I didn't really pay attention to his stance on it. If he did flip flop can you please provide a source? Thanks.

Sean Spicer said something along the lines that attacking marijuana is going to be one of their goals

Yes I heard that. Did Trump ever say he was going to legalize weed or not fight it?

He said he was for states rights regarding marijuana.

The thing with Trump and asking if he has "ever" said something is that you will certainly find quotes of him both defending and attacking a position. The same goes for weed, but he is on the record saying states should deal with the issue.

He claimed he is all for state rights, but now his press secretary now is saying to expect federal enforcement. I would say that's a flip flop

okay, lets see you link to one of your posts in t_d where you criticize him, then.

i'll wait.

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hm yep that comment 100% fits the bill of what i asked for and it looks like you haven't been banned, thanks for following up

you have successfully improved my opinion of t_d as well as trump supporters in general

Glad I could help. Come spend a day reading some of the more serious posts and I think you'll find a lot of people like me. The highest upvoted shitposts are fun and entertaining (at least to Trump supporters) but those usually are not where quality conversations occur.

Go ask them. We're not the_donald.

You can't - the post would be deleted and you would be banned.

Rofl. OP. I cannot believe you didn't see this coming.

Reasons like this are exactly why everyone was saying not to vote him in.

Too bad Hillary was such a terrible candidate.

She was a terrible candidate, but Trump is also bad. I can't say who is worse, but we need to NOT blindly follow anyone.

It simply should have been bernie. Like him or hate him, he has this country's best interests at heart. The other two were there for themselves and no one else.

Maybe Keanu can share some immortality secrets with Senator Sanders and he'll run again. I'd love to see him and Gabbard give it a go.

Gabbard is just a neocon in sheeps clothing. Fuck Gabbard. If Bernie dies and she becomes president just because she supported him during the primaries in an effort to be contrarian I'll be pissed. There are a lot of anti-neolib dem senators who are a better choice, they're just relatively unknown. Fuck Gabbard.

Can you elaborate on why you say she's a neocon? Not arguing with you at all, I'm honestly just curious.

How is she a neocon? She is one of the very few politicians calling out our middle east foreign policy.

I've clearly missed something about her. Could you expand on your opinions of Gabbard? I'm genuinely curious. Also, name some of those Senators and I'll check into them. I'm not being combative, by the way, I really want to know.

As much as I dislike Hillary and Trump, Bernie was not the way to go. His Socialist ideas would absolutely fail in America.

because... why?

Last year, my wife and I left America for a social democracy in Europe. You have no idea how much better things are here. Yes, somewhat more of your paycheck goes to the government (but I lived in New York City, so the difference is small) but the level of services! The comfort!

And the friggen efficiency here. Jesus. We live on a busy street in Amsterdam. A few weeks we got a letter in our mailbox explaining to us that they were going to be doing repairs on our block overnight for two nights in a row - very apologetic.

Starting at midnight they ripped up half the block, did the maintenance, put back the road before the morning. The next night, they did the same to the other half. All done! Two nights! In New York City, this would have easily been months.

Watching them work was a trip. They didn't seem in a hurry - they just worked steadily and efficiently, taking a short break every hour or two, until it was done.

Of course, all Dutch apartments have the bedrooms facing away from the street, so we didn't even hear it.

Because we just moved here, we have had a lot of contact with bureaucrats. In each case these government workers were on our side. "No, I wouldn't put that here on this form, you'll be hit with taxes. Let me white this out for you!" In each case they underpromised and over-delivered. "You'll get this residence permit within six week." Four days later, there it is.

Honestly, I think the reason that social democracy would never work in the USA is because the rich like to see the poor suffer bitterly.

Your examples aren't due to socialism, but due to a small country with lower population. You think the Netherlands is better because road work is finished faster? That's kinda ridiculous.

You have had contact with bureaucrats because they govern a lot less people so its easier to listen to individuals.

The unemployment rate is higher in Netherlands and the value of the currency is lower.

Please tell me what Socialist ideas would work in America.

Parliamentary constitutional monarchy and Socialism/social-democracy are not opposed. Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Denmark.

Universal Health Care ?

Canada seem to be working fine.

So you think you have the right to force doctors, nurses, assistants, technicians etc. to treat you?

Its call job. No one is forcing the doctors and nurse to do anything. Its the same damn job they will do with more centralize approach. And cost less for people like you and me.

They are forced to do it though. Doctors in Canada (and other UHC countries) make substantially less than in the USA. Do you want doctors to make less?

Where is this money coming from for Universal Healthcare? Higher taxes?

Gov already tax you enough for universal health care to implement.

Stop using buzzword stylish "Doo you want doctor to get llow pay" . It is annoying as hell , because that the issue for another time and doesnt connect with the Healthcare issue.

I suggest you check .

Because pointing out every holes back and forth in reddit isnt productive at all.

People already paid tons in insurance that only cover halfass in serious HC problems. Live saving Medicine are massively over price only for sake of profit. And its wrong. We need that middle ground.

My life, and yours is worth more than money. So yes, I don't mind doctors making less.

Netherlands isn't socialist and neither is Bernie Sanders.

Found the one percenter !

Yes, I'm in the one percent because I would like to pay less taxes.

You're already paying some of the lowest taxes in the western world

Lower taxes are not happening. Even under Trump, expect major indirect tax hikes to create all those massive infrastructure project.

You're paying those taxes one way or another.

Democracy is asset insurance for the rich, and if you skimp on the payment you can ask the Russians and the Chinese how that goes.

It's all about the magical mysterious leviathan called public-private partnerships or better yet, straight up privatization! Get the government outta the picture so people can't assert their pesky constitutional rights and let the private companies charge exorbitant tolls for using infrastructure that used to be paid for by taxes and run by the government.

Personally, I just favor a return to cannibalism.

You can't get smaller government than the state of nature !

As far as I'm concerned, a person who doesn't have the integrity to stand up for themselves when they've been cheated by their own party doesn't deserve to be the president. I think all three weren't good candidates.

I believe he's a calculated man. If he had been outspoken. About the primary rigging, then that would certainly have been the nail in the coffin for Hillary. He obviously wanted to win, but he wanted Trump to lose more.

I would fuckin die for Bernie if he asked

This is the answer. I don't agree with him, but I understand why from his point of view he had to play the game.

I understand what you are saying, but the Dems were never Sanders' party until the primaries. He has always been an independent. I am not that surprised that the DNC preferred Hillary. I think Bernie was more than qualified to be POTUS.

The DNC wasnt supposed to prefer anybody. That is considered illegal. Thats the whole point of the "but the emails!" rhetoric- they show the DNC colluding against Bernie even though he filled warehouses and Clinton couldn't fill a gymnasium

To me that makes it worse, what kind of person won't stand up for himself and all those that stood behind him? I do prefer his message to the other two but as far as I'm concerned anyone who's to afraid to stand up for themselves In that situation is happy with a corrupt system to keep running its course.

I don't think that he was "too afraid" to stand up for himself. He had two choices - fracture the Democratic party and hand Trump the Presidency or try and prevent him from winning by backing Clinton. It's obvious, to me, that he believed Clinton to be the lesser of two evils. It was a logical and pragmatic approach.

So, when was Bernie a Democrat?

In all his actions and votes throughout history that place his values and concerned at what the LIBERAL/DEMOCRATIC GOLD STANDARD should be for our candidates and representatives. The guy is the perfect liberal, the PERFECT DEMOCRAT, and the DNC/RNC hydra couldn't have that.

He wasn't until the primaries, but I think that makes it worse having been independent he should have more reason to stand up for himself and all of those who stood behind him.

If he had fought it, it would mess with the process and given trump an even bigger win

The other two were there for themselves and no one else.

Well thats simply not true. Trump is there for bannon and his other business cronies. Hillary wouldve been there for her friends. Only Bernie would have been there for the american people.

You think the elderly socialist Jew would have won away all the people who voted for the capitalist racist who had the explicit backing of the Klu Klux Klan? Are you mental?

No. I just think he would have done better than the elderly authoritarian Cheeto.

I was willing to bet Trump was worse. I didn't want either of them but Hillary has more control when it comes to ridiculous outbursts.

Because Hillary is actually qualified - she's a slimy, underhanded politician but at least she is an actual politician that understands international relations and the limitations and importance of government.

Wow I'm kinda surprised to see such a level-headed rational statement about Hillary in this sub. I hated Hillary and her cabal only marginally less than Trump but the discourse in this sub has been so politically polarized lately that it seemed like any comment not equating her with Satan would be buried.

This whole post is giving real hope that this sub is on the mend.

I despise the Clinton family with the most vehement hate, and I don't think here first quarter of policy would have been great, but it also wouldn't have been this.

The Republican Party would have been a great foil to President Clinton. They operate much better as an opposition party. Case in point: dozens of futile attempts to repeal Obamacare over 8 years when they knew it wouldn't get enacted now they have the power and have no idea what to do.

We would already be embroiled in a fight in Syria that would be pitting us against Russia, getting us ever closer to being nuked.

Sorry, I fail to see how this is so much worse than that.

I know right? This is the first time in a while that this place doesn't seem like /r/the_donald+safespace

I kept seeing this argument during the election. HOW is she more qualified? Because she has more experience as a failed politician?

She withstood 25 years of the entire republican establishment attempting to discredit her and personally attack her for the actions of her husband, was secretary of state, and earned 3 million more votes than her opponent in an open election due to effective organization and campaigning.

Policies aside, you cannot be a bad/failed politician and accomplish those feats at the same time.

Agai , not defending her or her policies, but she WAS more experienced and more qualified, and she did know more about how Washington and the government ran. Trump literally had no clue what he was/is doing, and will do irreparable damage that likely would not have happened under Clinton.

Yeah you answered your own question. Experience and even failure can make someone more qualified than a billionaire playboy businessman who's never held public office and who very clearly has zero grasp on our country's most important contract between citizens and government, the constitution. The constitution is like a whopping 27 pages and this fucker can't be arsed to even read it. He actually thinks the President has the unfettered right to free speech when he speaks for the country. Clinton is awful and I'm glad she lost and I hope I never have to worry about her getting elected ever again. But at least she studied the constitution for 3 years in law school and spent the rest of her life learning the ins and outs of federal governance.

How is Trump qualified should be your first question.

Im not saying he was, but to act like she was a good choice/qualified to be president is a joke. She had paid speeches, public and private stances, and was attempting to attach her name to the failed ACA. Not to mention she was for the invasion of Iraq and wanted continued intervention in the middle east. I would have gladly voted flr Bernie, but I sure as fuck didnt want her shady ass as president.

She was qualified.

And then there's also all the objectively bad stuff like the climate change denial and all the tax breaks for him and his rich buddies with a bit of deregulation on top - they show that he's just another big-money candidate thinly veiled behind anti-establishmentism. Hillary felt a bit too much like a career politician, but at least had decent economic, social, and environmental policies.

At the very least she can read and she's pragmatic. She didn't outright promise to legalize weed because she knows it'd be a lie. Whereas Trump dangled it in front of his supporters under the guise of "states rights" which turned out to be a lie. She said they'd consider moving it to schedule II so that research could be funded, and they would've stayed out of legalized states... well now with Sessions you're getting no research and full private prisons.

If people don't think that's how the rest of Trump's presidency will go they're delusional. Pragmatism is always a safe choice, and incremental amounts of progress are always better than snake oil.

At the very least she can read

Oh jesus this shit again? How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you lead with this hyperbole?

at least she had decent economic, social, and environmental policies.

Did she, though? She wanted war and to continue the status quo that is very clearly not working

They are both controlled, the same shit is going to happen either way. There is no better or worse in our government at this point.

I can say who's worse. It's Donald. Donald is worse. As shitty a candidate that Hillary was, I would absolutely love to hear an argument explaining that she would somehow be a worse present than this orange ass clown. He has acted with complete disregard for the constitution, reality, and common decency. At least with Hillary we would know what we were getting, even if it was more of the same. The damage that this farce of a president is doing to the office and to the country will take a great long time to repair.

She was the bigger threat to democracy. Rigging primaries, colluding with the DNC. That's the shit she needed to be punished for. As shitty as it is that trump was the alternative it had to happen, she had to lose. If she didn't the DNC would never again hold a legitimate primary if they found out they can rig, have the public know they rigged it and then still win the election.

As awful as trump is he's still better for america than Hillary in the long run.

He has repeatedly questioned the outcome of the election he won.

He has repeatedly said that a free and independent press is the enemy of the American people.

He supports regressive racist policies like banning people of a certain religion although simple basic math and facts prove that these people are not the real threat.

He does not understand the simple notion of mutually assured destruction and wants us to have more nukes.

But sure, her emails. You have a point.

nobody brought up her emails....


You're right. I was projecting the most-common argument used against her by far. But the Trump team is using private email accounts and no one seems to give a shit.

I could have also brought up Benghazi although she was, by all accounts, guilty of nothing despite endless investigations. But then, the failed Yemen raid was a travesty and no one seems to give a shit.

The back room DNC shit is shameful. Exceptionally so. And I do think she represents the nearest thing to a real-life Frank Underwood in DC. But let's be honest, that DNC shit is actually not much different from the ways in which Ron Paul was cheated out of ... New Hampshire was it? And the way that the republican propagandists portrayed him (as an old kook) on a daily basis. Nor should any of it really surprise anyone who follows politics at all.

Party primaries are nasty cannibalistic things.


Seems a common problem this recent political season.

At this point Trump could refuse to step down in 4 years and there is fuck all we can do about it if the military backs him.

Isn't it funny how people believe you could ever not have corruption in high level politics? There is too much money and power. Hillary was corrupt but she was at least predictable.

Hillary won more votes(people) than Bernie so she won the primary. How is that in itself rigging?? You may not like the tactics she used, but she still got more votes. If she lost the popular vote and the DNC still picked her then that would have been rigged, but that didn't happen.

The Trump administration is going against the will of the people for a few billionaire elites, that's really bad for our country.

We don't like the tactics she used, such as colluding with CNN and the DNC to receive preferential treatment. Receiving debate questions in advance and having a chairperson in the DNC changing rules to favor her may not be outright illegal, but goddamn it should be.

Receiving debate questions in advance

Wasn't just the one question? I mean that's still not okay, but people were blowing it out of proportion.

DNC to receive preferential treatment.

The DNC is a private organization and they have the full rights of one so they can pretty much do whatever they want. That's why it's important that we get someone like Keith Ellison in to change the mindset of the DNC.

I still attest that Trump is the single best thing to happen to the Democrats; democrats are finally organizing and uniting, and stopping their apathetic ways. We might have to suffer in the meantime, but the future looks bright.

I get that the DNC is a private organization. They can utilize whatever policies they want, but they don't just outright skip primaries and put the person they want as their nominee because then Democrats and independents allowed to vote in primaries would see that it isn't a democratic process. They may as well though, since they'll do chickenshit things like use superdelegates and at the last minute change contribution rules to favor Clinton.

There is no real democracy in the primaries and that is my beef. This is the system that determines ultimately who is president because it produces one of the two choices. I think primaries should be subject to extensive transparency rules that make it more Democratic and fair since it ultimately produces the choices for which vote in the general election.

Are you off your rocker bro? This election wasn't about either of them, it was about who was in control of choosing the vacant Supreme Court seat and any potential future vacancies.

You idiots in t_d were looking at corruption v corruption instead of reasonableness towards the court v fucking retardedness towards the court (as evidenced by his own flagrant preoccupation with law suits of all kind).

How the fuck this was about him or her to any of you people and not who was going to be in charge of deciding the court's future is the biggest fucking to me.

Y'all fucked up. T_D and all trump voters are a bunch of naive gullible bitches. He conned people like you every day of his life and you and your lot proved just how dumb and how susceptible you are to a good con.

Fuck everyone on t_d with their fake misplaced racist as fuck sense of nationalism and pride. Trump played the shit out of you people because he knew exactly how America works best, but gawking at the idiot box.

retardedness towards the court (as evidenced by his own flagrant preoccupation with law suits of all kind).

To be fair Gorsuch was a decent replacement for Scalia. I'm pretty scared/worried to see who he replaces RBG with, though. She's one of the most liberal on the Supreme Court right now.

Because those fucking idiots at t_d probably don't even know how the Supreme Court works, let alone the implications of Donald appointing a corrupt and biased justice to the court for decades.

If they had the ability to think ahead they wouldn't have voted for Trump in the first place.

"You people trashing Trump supporters are exactly why Trump won!"

-The fragile Trump bots who can't handle criticism

He conned people like you every day of his life and you and your lot proved just how dumb and how susceptible you are to a good con

Seriously. This is a man who'd hire your uncle to retile his hotel bathrooms, promise him a huge payday, and then stiff him on the bill because he knows your small-business uncle can't afford to even go to court against Donald J Trump and his legion of lawyers.

This isn't fiction, it happened hundreds of times. He gobbles up the hard work of small business owners and shits on them when it comes time to pay. He says things like, "Doing business with Trump will pay more than our money could ever pay" but that good advertising doesn't pay for all the supplies you used to do his work.

Trump University was a literal scam school, and he was being sued for it during the election. He was running for President while being sued for scamming people. Then he just settled like a bitch for millions and millions of dollars while everyone was distracted with his "tremendous electoral victory".

He's always been a con artist, scamming people every chance he gets to recoup a couple bucks here and there, small change, pennies for a "billionaire", but he still does it, scams, bullies, sues, and then settles like a bitch if they don't run away. And these idiots welcomed him into their open arms because they suddenly think he's going to start scamming people for them.

Insane. Trump doesn't care about you or your coal job, or your economic anxiety. He only likes you until he's gotten money from you, then he is done with you. T_D are just Johns who think that Stripper really liked them because she smiled when he paid her.

you are the literal picture of the idiot huddles next to a trash fire because nuclear winter going, "Hillary would have brought us all down!"

You think cracking down on weed is the equivalent to a nuclear winter? Get a grip, please.

Hillary and Donald are both so awful, the absolute bottom of the barrel of humanity, that it is pointless to try to say who would be worse. They both represent the same ideologies and represent the wealth class in very slightly different ways. They pander in different ways but their actions are very similar.

colluding with the DNC

a private entity preferring their highest ranking member over an outsider who simply joined the party to have a (D) next to his name on ballots is not some shameful behavior. What primaries were rigged? Last I checked she won the vote by millions over Bernie.

Easy now. The head of the DNC stepped down following these revelations. It's not okay what they did. Guess where she immediately got hired? Hillary's campaign.

That's a problem.

Also the fact that the head of the DNC gave Hillary the debate questions early. If you didn't know the DNC, especially the head of the DNC, is supposed to remain 100% neutral. Not to mention that Hillary hired her just hours after she was exposed for working with Hillary as head of the DNC.

Is it the most corrupt action in democratic politics? Fuck no, far from it. But it just blatantly showed how corrupt and scary Hillary was. And before anyone trashes me, Hillary would have been a much better president overall. She would have been a shit president, and I would have critiqued every action she did but she wouldn't have been as terrible or unpredictable as Trump.

The DNC is a private entity. They could hand pick their GE candidate every year if they wanted to. Wait, is this the reason you people hated Hillary Clinton?! You stupid gullible mother fucker!

That's what Trump wanted you to believe. In fact I dont think she is as bad of a person as people want you to believe. You succame to political propoganda!

Yes she was absolutely crooked and a shitty candidate but Jesus fuck how does that even measure to a dude who is responding to criticism by banning news organizations from the white house, spreading obvious falsehoods and lying blatantly at every step, and looking ever more convincingly like he is selling out his country to a foreign government...

As dumb as trump is, clinton would have been more dangerous to the middle class. She would have some of the exact same wall street people in her cabinet. The difference would be that she would have co-opted the left allowing wall street to get anything it wants with all the mainstream left organizations staying quiet. With trump and his wall street cabinet, the democrats are there to pretend to oppose corporate policies.

I'm afraid that I don't know how to reply to such feebly conceived hypotheticals other than to say that simply because you claim that they would be the same in these ways does not make it so. Trump is taking the same dirty tricks of traditional politicians and bringing them to an entirely new level and since he somehow was able to dupe you into believing that he's an "outsider" you take his word for it rather than give his actions any serious critical thought or scrutiny.

Hillary would have caused actual genocide. Her death count would be 2-3 million people at least. Nothing Trump has done or could do is worse than this.

Fucked up thing is that I can't even tell if you're trolling or are genuinely diluted into holding that view... says volumes about the current state of affairs.

Do you actually know anything about geopolitics? I wasn't talking about a genocide in America you dumbass. I was talking about Syria.

Hillary wanted a no-fly zone in Syria, and an expansion of military aid to terrorist groups like Islamic Front, Fatah Halab, etc. Look, I'm no fan of Assad, but the truth is that the Syrian government is the only thing holding the country together. Russian airstrikes was the only thing standing in the way of the Syrian government's collapse. If Hillary did implement these policies, Assad's government would fall and the result would be unthinkable.

The Syrian Army is the only thing protecting ethnic minorities. Already, in areas of the country controlled by rebel/salafist groups, ethnic and religious minorities are being systematically cleansed and driven into sexual slavery. Not only ISIS, but also Al Nusra, Army of Conquest, and other Saudi-backed Wahhabist groups like Islamic Front have targeted minorities, like Shiites and Christians, in their territories.

If Hillary Clinton implemented her policies, and the Syrian government fell, there WOULD BE GENOCIDE. There is no disagreement on this point by most serious Syrian analysts. Islamist and Wahhabist groups would systematically "cleanse" Alawites, Ismailis, Christians, and Kurds. They are already doing this, and if there is no stable government in the region, they will become genocidal. Kurdish Democratic forces realize this, and have already established militias to protect from genocidal action by Wahhabist groups. Kurdish leaders implored the Obama administration to stop supporting the Wahhabists, because they wanted the Kurds dead.

There are 4 - 5 million Christians, Ismailis, Alawites, and Kurds in Syria. There is already widespread racial and ethnic violence against all these groups. The first genocide will probably be against Alawites because of their control of the Syrian government, and then the other atrocities will follow. By the end 2-3 million would be dead.

It would be the worst humanitarian crisis in the twenty-first century and make the Syrian war up until this point look like nothing. NOTHING Trump has done or is suggesting to do would be more destructive than collapsing the Syrian government, and potentially causing genocide.

Alright so that's a lot more complex than when you simply said "Hillary would have caused actual genocide." Still, I'd like to see some source on these claims about Assad being the only thing stopping genocide from happening in the region.

I reckon trump was the lesser of two evils. My reasoning is that Mr T is absolutely horrible at keeping stuff secret whereas Hilary is a seasoned veteran at the secret collusion game. With T in the white house we have a actual chance at examples of how badly people want to fill their pockets, with Hilary it would have all came out towards the end or long after she stopped being pres, irregardless of the good things she achieved during her presidency. Much like obama tbf, he did a lot of great stuff but he also bombed a bunch of muslims.

While I don't agree with your statement that Trump was the lesser of two evils, I think you have a very very good point with the fact that Trump is far worse at keeping secrets than Hillary. I just really hope all this Russian stuff gets exposed, he's already doing a damn good job at hiding keeping his Russian connections from interfering with his presidency.

I certainly hope you are right. Unfortunately I am less confident that the price we pay for this fool will be low.

In a sense, if our country goes to shit, we can try and build it back up. Hillary would continue a long line of establishment power and she could cement TCF in our political future.

Just playing devils advocate. Sometimes it takes electing a jackass to find out we need something new entirely.

As a Bernie supporter, I was no fan of Hillary. But at the very least she was competent. And while a sell-out, not the evil devil the GOP made her out to be.

Honestly, was 4 more years of the same an apocalyptic scenario? These people man...

I'm really glad to see that this sub is finally starting to come to its senses. This place was insufferable for a good while with the blind Trump support.

"But our president would never lie to us!"

Definitely Trump. Lierally stocked his cabinet with the swamp he was supposed to drain, is the laughing stock of the world, and has the frailest ego of any "politician" in my lifetime. Hence the post-election rallies (gotta keep fanning those flames or the fire dies). And banning news organizations? I'm not sure he realizes the ultimate consequences of the path he's chosen

I can't say who is worse

Really? Cause it's a pretty easy decision. If you can't see Trump is worse... you probably shouldn't make important decisions in general.

You can hate The_donald and support Trump. Both are mutually exclusive.

Both are not mutually exclusive.


Yeah, my bad.

I wanted Hillary to win to keep the status quo of an opposition Congress. The republicans having unfettered control is terrible.

It's not as bad as 08

The Dems had a super majority

The republicans dont

It's already worse than 2008.

Honestly i've been a conspiracy nut my whole adult life. My perspective has always been that both sides work together to control the public. The end goal being complete control and consolidation of wealth and power. I think the "war on drugs" is an aspect of control committed by or on behalf of the ruling class. Donald Trump is a shill just like everyone else.

Exactly, the idea that someone could "sneak through" the republican primary, and not be completely approved by the machine is just nonsense. All this divisiveness in the republican party at the top levels is likely just kabuki theater

Seriously. I shill pretty hard for Trump on reddit for giggles, but honestly hes just a cog in the machine. Terry Pratchett said it best with the lizard people quote. Party warfare keeps people distracted from the real elites and at our neighbors throats instead of theirs. Trump went to Epstein's private island too, they're all in this together.

Thinks legal weed will "fix the Mexican immigrant problem." Lol.... I have yet to be shown any data that suggests immigrants of any kind are a problem, let alone Mexicans who pay taxes. What fucking idiots. They'll never learn.

Hillarys even more against pot than sessions nerd

Came down to one simple thing for me. With Hillary i know i will get the same shit and we are fucked. With Trump i rolled the dice.

Its been a month. Calm down people.

As a WA resident who gets all my weed from rec stores, I say from my cold dead sticky fingers. Come and take my weed bitch. He seemed alright but at first but now all my hope for pizza prosecutions are dead as well.

I'm glad you agree with me based sober man.

Hang tight on Sessions handing Podesta the bill for the pie. That's a really messy situation, takes more time than any of us want.

As for your magical plant, at this point it really sounds like Spicer ran his mouth. Check some of Trump's older statements. Unless something has been said since Spicer said that one thing after he said to ask the DoJ?

Spicer wouldn't still be there if he was saying things that weren't approved.

He was pretty careful to first say he was the wrong person to ask. That's called covering yourself.

If what he said wasn't approved he wouldn't have said anything except for "I'm the wrong person to ask."

Off the fact he wouldn't want to keep doing it. As it said in the article, Trump wasn't happy with him.

Speaking of Conway, where is she? Haven't seen much of her since she said something he didn't like.

Off the fact he wouldn't want to keep doing it.

So you're going with your gut. Ok.

We have the nimblest navigators.

Why did they change positions then previously they stated they would take no action and leave it up to the states. Now they are saying they are going to heavily enforce. Which is it. And why the sudden change of heart?

Sessions is AG.

What does that have to do with anything? I know he is against mj but I thought Trump was "for states to govern this themselves."

Because Sessions is against it, a large chunk of Trump's base is against it, and marijuana is one more drug that can be tied to Mexican cartels, illegal immigrants, etc. Law enforcement likes it illegal, if only because if they can catch a guy with a nug of weed they have cause to look for other drugs if they think there's more to find. And there's likely no money (currently) in it for Trump and his freinds to gain if its recreational.

"States to govern themselves" is a nice catchphrase for putting off comment or decision on what Fed powers they want for handy use, and what responsibilities they want to pass on to others so they can avoid blame on unpopular stuff.

I know the reasons behind it. I have a friend who works for HS. He gave me some very good reasons as to why it should be illegal at a federal level. I also don't disagree with it either. Like you said it allows a fair bit more leeway for the fed to crack down on cartel movement etc. Most local law enforcement I know consider mj a hassle that has weird laws from lots of different angles.

My biggest frustration is the consistent support for a person who has been so erratic and unpredictable in his decisions. How can people fervently feel like he is doing a good job when he doesn't even know what direction he is going in

I do though disagree that trumps supporters were for mj crack down. Just look at op. Trump was supposed to be anti establishment. He was. He has just been pro financial establishment instead.

Have you not been following Trump? The number of things he's flipped on is astounding. Then flipping stances on this isn't the least bit surprising.

I was responding to maga not you I agree with you. I'm not a fan at all and I'm shocked with all the Russian connections he gets so much support.

He's done 1 good thing so far in killing the TPP. other than that there has been no positives.

Why are you taking the staement of one man, who said he was the wrong man, to be a change in position? Again, a second statement will make things a lot more interesting. This is just stirring shit up.

To take eyes off Podesta?

I'm taking what the us press secretary said. If he's not the voice of the Oval Office then why has been talking at all for the last month.

Why would they want to take eyes off Podesta. I thought they were going to crack down on human trafficking and the whole pizza gate thing.

You want to admit Spicer has made a mistake, and then claim it is therefore impossible to do it again.

Go on.

I don't disagree he has made mistakes. Typically the second go at a statement is the correction. Not the error.

This is the second time they have spoken out about marijuana the first time was to say they would leave it up to the states. Now it's that they want to crack down.

What your saying is that they needlessly made a comment about their direction on mj regulation with little to no reason. Then they also got it wrong.

And all they asked is that when they're right, you say they're right.

If they're wrong, we say they're wrong.

Thank you.

Lol, see if you're so gung ho when you're in prison for 50 years working as s slave and being bumfucked on the daily.

Woah. Scare tactics. Trying to appeal to gay panic. You sound like a shill. Just saying.

Rule #10

Rule #10

My bad, ill be better about that. Are you guys just like hotkeyed whenever the word shill is used to triangulate on the user. I said he sounds like a shill, didn't call him a shill. Its amazing how quick you responded, that's crazy.

I think the pizza arrests are coming.

Seemed alright at first? Yeah fuck Muslim Americans but take my weed??! Oh no!

Lol i fucking hate the term but the white privileged in this thread is actually fucking astounding.

It's almost like it's a real thing that people aren't just making up to make white people feel bad!

Seemed alright at first?

Yeah. I had the audacity to hope.

Yeah fuck Muslim Americans but take my weed??!

Difference is I voted for weed. Taking my weed would be proof of tyranny and non democracy as it was something I voted for, that I've had for years that I'm told I can't have. Told my vote didn't count. Its not the weed its the principle behind it. And who said anything about fucking Muslim Americans? Just fuck the rest of em. /s eat shit with your strawman argument that I didn't say, you may or may not shill person. ✈✈🏢🏦🚩🚩🚩

maybe we wouldnt have a fucking mexican immigrant problem if our CIA didn't destroy their country for drug money

aaaaaa fucking mennnnnnnnnnn

Yes, this is the middle-ground argument that you never see made. While technically many Central and South American people have come to the US illegally, even if you staunchly disagree with that it's important to remember that these people are escaping violence that the US is very much responsible. I consider them refugees, more than anything. That part of the world has been devastated by drug violence

Look at this list of cities with the highest murder rates, it's not hard to see the pattern...

And here's the really crazy part: Mexicans have every reason to hate the US. We fought an aggressive war and took away part of their country... twice! (Texan rebellion & Mexican War--then we bought another chunk of land off them because we made them an offer they literally couldn't refuse) We have fucked over their country every which way for decades now. But the Mexican elite keep the populist sentiment tamped down, historically because we threatened them with invasion if they every got rowdy, but more recently due to economic ties.

And Trump is destroying those ties! He wants to build a wall? Not only that, he wants to revoke NAFTA! I don't care what your position is on either of those--you can agree that those things will make the average Mexican very pissed. Mexicans have been fucked over by their elite for their country's entire history. Nieto currently has something like a 12% approval rating.

The stage is ripe for a populist Mexican President to take over. If we're lucky, it'll be Evo Morales. If we're unlucky, Hugo Chavez. Think Mexico would miss our money? Ha! Imagine how much China and Russia would pay to have a major ally right on our border? And this isn't the sort of shit that would go away just because Trump leaves office. This could be a long realignment.

Donald Trump might actually turn one of our strongest allies, one of only two neighboring nations, into a hostile nation. I doubt he would have the same vitriol for us as Chavez brought. They probably wouldn't welcome Russian missiles like Castro. But allow a Russian or Chinese naval base? Why not? After all, we have troops in Poland. We have bases in South Korea and Japan.

It's entirely possible that all this stupid fucking Mexico hate coming from the White House could result in the greatest geopolitical fuck-up in US history by taking out a national asset we've always taken for granted: that the nearest a hostile country could project power has always been at least an ocean away.

At least Trump isn't boring, but I'm no longer so sure I want to live in interesting times.


Not to mention, welcome /u/2016pantherswin . Coming from being a Trump supporter to realizing that you can't trust his words is going to be a hell of a paradigm shift.

If you keep going, you may get to the point where you see that he's setting up economic and regulatory policies that expand and solidify the control of elites (Goldman Sachs running Treasury, billionaires running our schools, oil companies running the EPA), massive tax cuts that will almost all go to the wealthy, rubbing shoulders with drug and private prison companies... and then you also realize that he's systematically attacking anything that gets in the way of his power ("so-called" judges, "fake news" media, "paid" protesters--the judicial branch, the media, and free speech all being pillars of our democracy) shit starts to get real. I only expect it to get worse as he gains more power.

Lol. The media is not a pillar of our democracy. It's just a PR arm for the elites. The very people you're supposedly railing against.

Well said.

It's not all black and white. A lot of historical injustices have reduced in intensity because of the media glare on any matter that nets them eyeballs.

Sure. This is true. But how many injustices uncovered were done so because someone benefited politically or financially? Just look at "reefer madness" for something supposedly done in the public interest motivated by private interests.

You'd rather live with no media at all then a flawed one?

I'd rather that old news media just died at this point. A bunch of yokels on youtube have a better sense of ethics and desire for the truth. Not some fat cat cunt with friends that need a public shine job so they can push through the next piece of legislation that fucks over more people for profit margins of a few share holders.

The media is absolutely a pillar of our democracy. Our democracy just isn't all that great.

It really isn't. And hasn't ever been. Journalists are not the noble idealists the media has tricked you into believing.

Freedom of the press was absolutely important to the founding fathers in the first years of creating a new state and during the revolutionary period (led to things like the federalist papers and numerous other inflammatory publications) and they made a point to explicitly state that fact and make it a pillar of their new country.

That being said the press is often controlled and manipulated like all the major news outlets today are, both left and right. But that isnt because the press is shit, its because those are symptoms reflecting a shit system. Of course most journalists aren't idealists looking to shed light on the truth just for the betterment of humanity, but neither are judges, and the courts are certainly a pillar of american democracy, neither are the cabinet members and the different branches of government but they certainly are pillars of american democracy. As difficult as it is for a lot of Americans to realize, not even the mythical founding fathers were idealists looking to make a country full of justice for everyone and shit, they were just a whole bunch of pretty well-off businessmen who got the fuckin chance in a lifetime to make their own country and they made the best possible country for them.

So yeah if a country is full of corruption, from the cops to the judges to its industry leaders to its secretary of state, dont expect its news corporations to be clean either.

You misunderstand me. I'm not making any kind of value judgment. I don't call it a pillar of our democracy in order to convey a mark of nobility but as a simple observation. The press is not just a PR firm, though they may act in that capacity. It's something much deeper and more complex than that. It is a collection of separate agents exercising authorship over our historical record and over consensus reality. It's a collection of institutional norms and social doctrine that spin the threads from which our discourse is woven.

The press and the state are two of the major pillars of the system that governs our country today. Our country was practically founded by the printing press and it is the press that lends the state a large portion of its public legitimacy and vice versa. De-legitimization of one affects the other and each exert great influence on the speech and actions of the other.

I don't disagree with you that that is what the purpose of the press should be. It's just that I feel that it no longer serves the public in general. Or that when it does it's the exception. Not the rule. I think it's time that old media died to make way for smaller, agile and more accountable organizations. Clearly the old way of doing things is not going to work in an age of click bait with these faceless corporations more concerned with access than being the adversary to the establishment that they should be.

Not american.

Your argument deserve gold.

When you refer to someone by their last name in Spanish you can use their first last name or both, but using only the second is wrong.

Peña Nieto or Peña

Not just Nieto

Wow I don't care.

Says whom? I'm Hispanic and I call people by their second name all the time.

Good for you but that's definitely not common. I don't even know the second last name of half of my friends.

When you have 4 friends names Alex.... You start to call them by their last names. Ortega , Ortiz, etc.

Doofus, we are talking about second last names!

I feel dumb ....I'll take the L . 😥

Ahhh, I didn't know that, thanks.

A fucking +

I agree with much of what you have to say, but it's important to remember just how hated NAFTA was by the Mexican left and in particular the Indigenous communities in Mexico. The Zapatista uprising happened on January 1, 1994 specifically because that was the date NAFTA went into effect. NAFTA was responsible for a really unfair trade relationship between Mexico and the US in many ways, but particularly around corn as a commodity. Corn is originally from Mexico (the genetic predecessors and original human breeding is from the Oaxaca valley) and is deeply entwined in the spiritual and philosophical systems of many Indigenous groups particularly in southern Mexico. NAFTA at that time served to undermine heirloom corn by flooding the Mexican and world markets with cheap GMO corn from the US. Mainstream capitalist Mexicans now might like NAFTA and want to keep it, but the grassroots and left Mexicans (and folks in the US for that matter) hated NAFTA when it went into effect and fought against it with mass mobilizations. I'm not saying Trump's economic policies are good, and I assume and "renegotiation" of NAFTA will probably likely favor the rich, but NAFTA on its face hasn't been welcomed by the many Mexicans.

Very good point. That said, NAFTA has been good to the Mexican GDP. Specifically, note how much more Mexico was hurt by the 2008 Financial Crisis than either Brazil or China. A lot of that growth is coming from being so heavily integrated into the US economy.

Meaning that while NAFTA screwed over a number of people, a large number of people are now directly tied to its success. And as you mentioned, Trump is the type of person that--if he does try to "renegotiate" NAFTA--will attempt to do so from a "positions of strength," meaning that he'll try to get as much as he can for us at Mexico's expense, forgetting that you can fuck over small-time contractors as a developer and not have to worry about their lawsuits, but you can't fuck over neighboring nations without serious backlash.

NAFTA grew Mexican GDP, but it also increased wealth and income inequality in Mexico. The Mexican economic elites and middle-classes support it, but Mexican farmers and the poor despise it. The Mexican immigration crisis was largely due to the economic dislocation caused by NAFTA. Trump's trade policies will do good for the Mexican poor.

American here who has lived, studied, and worked in Mexico.

You are absolutely 110% correct. While Mexico is no saint, we could have dealt with them in a much better way, starting decades ago. Instead, we've propped up their elite and allowed them to send their poor and disenfranchised to us. We've been bad neighbors in every sense. Do people think Mexicans are eager to immigrate? They're not, they'd rather stay with their friends and family and not be forced to learn a new language and work bullshit jobs. Problem is, their country and economy has been systematically fucked by both internal and external forces. And we haven't been good neighbors and helped out when and where we could - we chose to profit off their misery for misguided short-term political and economic gains.

Lol, thanks for the welcome, but honestly I've been waiting for him to show whether or not he's a shill like the rest of them, and for me this proves it. I think we need to start posting about the war on drugs and how we have destroyed mexico.. someone made a comment in here that these immigrants should actually be called refuges, which I agree with.

I have worked alongside people from Mexico, Central America and South America for well over a decade now. The vast majority from Mexico came from the Northern states where the drug trade has had the worst impact. Most from Central America are from Honduras and Guatemala where US funded wars have turned the countries into dangerous places. They are doing work that most US born citizens wouldn't do and they take pride in their work regardless of what it is.

It makes me sick to think that so many good people and their families will be thrown out when all they were trying to do is provide for their loved ones in a safer environment. If anything they are the embodiment of the American dream; Immigrate here, take any work you can, work hard, create new opportunities for your family.

One thing to add to this is that Marijuana was outlawed initially because the US wanted to take land owned by Mexican Americans in the Midwest and West. Much like opium was outlawed to make it easier to subjugate the Asian immigrants out West prior to that.

Mexicans hate NAFTA too. Look at articles before Trump was elected. Killed they're agricultural economy, worker safety, crime all time high, pollution; NAFTA didn't benefit anyone but the corporations. Even Zack DeLa Rocha sang songs against it. Let's not pretend it's wonderful nite that Trump wants to get rid of it.

If we lose Mexico's friendship we also almost completely alienate ourselves from our hemisphere's politics. We have an awful relationship with almost all of Latin America because of our imperialist history and because we refuse to enter any sort of league with them which might require America to capitulate to the odd regulation or two.

We really don't want to sit here with our only friends an ocean away.

Thats the whole point of extreme vetting. The people who are causing the problems in Europe are the large groups of Adult males who are not tied to any form of family. These are the people that are destabilizing countries.

He literally kicked out green card holders. Those are the people who came in legally. When you kick them out all you are doing us making sure that people who want to come here do it illegally so that they won't be kicked out every time some hack wants to pull some more racist grandstanding bullshit. Trump just made the illegal immigration problem a lot worse than it was.

Comparing the vetting that the U.S. does to that of Germany and Sweden is disengenuous. Plus, we've admitted something like 3,200 refugees compared to the hundreds of thousands in those smaller countries.

This has always been my policy on immigration. We create the conditions they are trying to escape while simultaneously decrying them coming to "our back yard!"

I'm mad at myself for even for half a second doubting that Trump was a Neoconservative piece of shit

And trump already cozied up to the CIA...

I know soon as I post this, the Trump shills will come here and spout out their little creative justifications as to why he's doing this, but is still anti establishment somehow...

"He's playing 4d chess!"

Lmao...That's such a fucking lame statement...If you have used this line in regard to Trump before, than you are goofy as shit, I'm sorry..

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.."

Sure buddy, and keep your delusions just as close...

"Look, he comes from the baby boomer generation. They all think weed is bad!"

You're fucking with me right? This corporate big wig wealthy douchebag isn't aware that marijuana is illegal to allow for maximum corporate profits? Sure dude.....are you interested in purchasing a bridge?

"He's just playing the game. If he were to legalize weed, his cover would Be blown"

Which is it? Is he blatant anti establishment, or undercover good guy? Fuck off with the wacky bullshit guys, nobody here was born yesterday, you're not fooling anyone.

Just so you all know, CTR here tries to paint this sub as a trump conservative fuckfest to make us look stupid and racist. Can we maybe like....just accept that, understand it, and develop a way to counter it? Because they're scaring off lots of new subscribers on the liberal side who we could redpill by making this place look like "Limbaugh Land"...

Sadly you're right about the 4D chess line. As much as I wish it were true, it only sounds like delusional idiocy when people say it.

It's fucking comical. Every report suggests that the administration is mired in incompetence, he spends more time golfing than listening to security briefs (this after persistently shitting on Obama for every vacation), and his fuckups result in the death of American soldiers and civilians (see Yemen). His press conferences are comically inept. No chess, just idiocy.

fucking hell yes dude he's playing 12th dimension monopoly

What is 4D chess? I can only assume that chess is the 'game' of running the country from the political side and 4D means Trump's thinking of other 'dimensions' which is meant to make him sound clever or some shit.

Yeah like there's another dimension that we might not be aware of and so might not understand the moves he makes at the time. I do think he is a shrewd person who thinks ahead, but when they try to use this phrase when he appoints Goldman-Sachs bankers to his cabinet I have to roll my eyes.

I think the extra dimension is him orchestrating how to make his fans feel positive about him still (which is clearly working, as you can see in the tumour that is /r/t_d), while he does stupid, selfish, corrupt shit to benefit him and his mates.

Actually creating a 4d chess wouldn't require another dimension could probably be turned into a competitive game that requires more foresight than chess which is what I think these people are getting at with their metaphor.

Basically, whenever Trump makes a mistake, large or small, people will claim that it's intentional and that he's just "playing 4d chess", and that we simply don't know what masterful plan he has.

Sadly you're right about the 4D chess line.

Yep, look at this guy's post for example:

I still have a little hope that maybe this is a master plan/trick or something.

Manipulative people believe that 100% of the rest of the world is also manipulative and it's just that some people are far better at it than others. They don't believe someone can say what they believe outright, no, everything is a game, a plan, a trick, "or something".

CTR tries to paint this sub as a trump conservative fuckfest

the CTR is now shilling for Trump. Really makes you think.

Not shilling FOR trump, they just want to associate him with US, with the "conspiracy community", to delegitimize us.

People like you unfortunately will never be happy to run a program/administration for time without seeing instant success.

You are the hipster of the political world. You feel its " not cool " to like Donald Trump no more he was so " yesterdays news " " hes just like the rest of them"

Dont be like this , this makes you angry and bitter. Have hope even just a little. Feel free to point out the flaws but have some hope what we have now is not perfect and probably never will but remember what we have now will always be better than what could of happened.

Small steps , Trump is not the savior but hes a small step in the right direction and we need to make sure whoever his successor is follows at least the same direction and as each administration comes and goes America improves. We have moved a small inch in the right direction we would of been taken a mile back under Hillary.

The fuck? This is a fake post right? You forgot the /s

Are you honestly telling me hes going to be worse than what would of been with Hillary?

come the fuck on.

I just spit cereal onto my phone, this was hilarious.

Very frightening when you forget the /s though. Delusional and frightening.

4d chess? over on /pol/ they are claiming he's playing 33d.

He's playing D&D 3.5e

CTR doesn't give a shit about this sub, dude. CTR probably doesn't even EXIST as the caricature you (and many others) have created in their heads.

If CTR is operating on Reddit anymore (which I HIGHLY doubt- the election is over and there isn't even a democratic frontrunner for DNC chair yet), then they would be operating on the major default subs....not this sub with its whopping 2000-4000 active users. That's just me thinking critically.

No sir. I've been on this sub in some shape or form for nearly a decade now. If there's ANY group shilling on here, the answer is far, faaar more obvious than everyone here thinks: it's the group that blatantly copy-posts/cross-posts the exact shit that's on THEIR front page to here. Hint hint, starts with a T and ends with a D.

The newbies being scared out of here aren't being turned away by big bad CTR. They're getting turned away by the Donald folks and the mods who have banned them for whatever flimsy reason they could cook up. It's not even a secret. The mods BRAGGED about it a week or two ago.

Pretty sure the dnc chair was elected yesterday

The CIA isn't filled with people who are out tonget the US. it's just headed by those people. Have you heard of the Doolittle commission? it's what gives the CIA covert ops powers and outlines their goals separately and independently from what the President can control. Trump won't be able to oust the secret heads/funders AKA brown brothers harriman clients. there has to be a large movement of citizens who out right reject this structure. and that's unlikely to happen as we trifle over these little details

""He's just playing the game. If he were to legalize weed, his cover would Be blown""

They said that about our last president and said that he'd legalize with one of his last actions in office. Look what happened...

Cozied up to the CIA? The CIA hates Trump and is leaking info.

"Our CIA"... c'mon goyim you should know this by now

Great point, but


you should already know by now means you should take that up with OP

c'mon redditor

Been saying this the whole time.. illegal immigration is certainly a problem that should be addressed but building a wall is just a waste. Better to ask ourselves what we can do to make their country not so shitty rather than just trying to keep them out.

You'd think it would be in the best interests of the US to not have a a neighboring country become a haven for organized crime, but we've done nothing to help them and have actually only made things worse But doing that would require a drug policy that aims to stop the drug problem rather than just creating jobs for police and private prisons while lining the pockets of the officials who perpetrate this injustice on Americans and Mexicans alike. They're not interested in curtailing drug use, they just want to keep this scam going as long as possible.

Maybe trump is one of the ten kings in the bible who hate babylon so much that god gives them the power to destroy it


Or maybe he is a corporate shill out to help his fellow billionaires?

Building a wall is a waste because planes and ladders are a thing.

Not to mention most drug trafficking and illegal immigration happens by air or sea. Even fucking T-shirt cannons

I have a friend from Nicaragua and his family fled during the contras. CIA fucked up his country too.

Same for Syrian refugees.

No shit, as someone who's seen first hand how Honduras really operates it's obvious who's in control and preventibg any meaningful democratic movement. The country with the biggest military base in the country/region.

Remember the Alamo?

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What tons of people in the US dont realize is that this isnt 'theory' outside of the US, its pretty much accepted narrative.

Were not hated abroad for no reason. From drones to drugs our government and big businesses are using their power and influence to do things that are really fucking up the lives of everyday people that just happen to live on a different patch of dirt.

Wait I thought it was because of undercutting mexico on farm prices?

In my opinion full gung ho support for a candidate should end once they're elected president. Then you need to step back and look objectively and hold them accountable for being a bad person or a good person. Don't blindly support a president because you voted for them

exactly. now he is in power, and we need to be rooting for the country, not the candidate

Seriously. I liked Trump over Hillary, but now that he has won, no matter what side you are on, you should be hoping he does well. When he does something I disagree with, I (and anyone else who agrees) should hold him accountable. It's not character assassination, it's trying to make sure he does as good as he can.

I hate Donald, but I do hope he does well... I just hope his stated and implied goals are never implemented.

The_Donald isn't a sub where they hold him accountable, it is a 100% pro Donald sub.

It isn't the place to talk about weed, it is the place to support Donald 100%.

People still fail to realize this. The_Donald is not the place for debate, at all, never was.

What has he done so far that you've liked? And what has he done that you've disliked?

Well he's kept most of his promises very well. He moved the Dakota Access Pipeline farther away and made sure it was built with quality materials, which is a good compromise for both sides. He's already diffused tensions with Russia somewhat, which I think will be beneficial for both sides, and he does seem to be working towards other promises like removing Obamacare. He does seem to be keeping up to the deal-making promise of his campaign.

On the bad side, I think the most pressing issue is his press secretary, he in particular seems to have no interest in telling the truth. This is not much different than previous administrations, but it is certainly no improvement, and honestly might be even worse. I also thought that (while not some human rights crisis) the "Muslim ban" is a largely ineffective measure and that some of his cabinet picks (Ben Carson for HUD, what the fuck?) seemed very stupid.

That's what citizens should do. Contrary to what some think, nationalism isn't bad unless it's taken to the extreme. Don't idolize Trump, just support the country and the Constitution.

Dont ever blindly support someone. Although I do understand your point.

We democrats blindly supported Obama. Party members blindly support their candidates. No one ever takes this advice themselves, we just expect it of the other.

That isn't true. Here in California we were proud of Obama but talked constantly at his lack of courage on certain subjects. One week after his swearing in the DEA ramped up the raid on marijuana clinics around here and people were pissed. We were also pissed at the never ending wars, etc.

Glad to hear it. I found it difficult to find a platform to discuss his shortcomings. We were all so happy when he won, we really wanted to just extol his virtues. When he started engaging in actions I disliked, it was hard to have those conversations.

Right now we are trying to confront issues within the DNC, and it is still hard if not impossible, to question the actions of Obama and the Clintons without being shut down.

Our forefathers warned us against this! The two party system is the real problem. You have to chose one or the other to have a hope of getting some things you want and they both have some extremely old and register beliefs that don't line up with modern life.

We need ranked order voting, and we need Bernie to start a new party (if Ellison isn't elected).

Speak for yourself. I didnt "blindly" support Obama. In my eyes he was a War Criminal just like bush. I thought that of him well before his second term.

My "blind support" ended shortly into his first term, but it was a heartbreaking process.

I'm talking about our party collectively. It's still hard for many democrats to criticize him, and you sure don't see it happening at the establishment level.

I will hijack this post.

I am a Trump supporter. Earned 40,000 Karma on t_d. Got banned for asking mods to stop censorship and to stop banning people for not agreeing with Trump.

They banned me. I sent a PM to many t_d users with proof of censorship. I got a common themed reply from a lot of people. Lots of people are pissed at the mods for massive censorship but they can't say anything because they will get banned. They can't go to other subs to discuss because those subs ban them for the flimsiest of reasons(still better than what the mods on t_d do).

TL;DR - Any Trump supporter who questions mod authority on t_d gets banned. Most users know the mods on t_d are steaming pieces of shit.

Then why isn't another pro-Trump or at least Trump-neutral sub created where people can objectively criticize (or praise if deserved) Trump? If the mods are shit, a new sub should be created to rival t_d.

Because it is not easy starting a new sub. The_donald took 1 full year to grow to the massive size that it is. If I knew how to make a sub, I would have made a sub with the requirements you mentioned.

Yeah, I know it can be tough to start from scratch. It is however the only suggestion I have at the moment.

Regarding creating a new sub- I'm not sure because I haven't participated in creating one yet, but as far as I know it's as simple as pressing the 'Create subreddit ' link on the homepage. Of course then you'd have to promote it etc... but the possibility is definitely there if there is a will to make it happen.

There are plenty of anti-Trump subs, why wouldn't there be more pro-Trump ones as well?

There are plenty of anti-Trump subs, why wouldn't there be more pro-Trump ones as well?

I think if Hillary had won, there would be plenty of anti Hillary sub popping up. When a side wins, they relax. The ones who lose become more energetic - Tea Party is a prime example.


Here you go. Feel free to try and get some discussions going. I have no intentions on keeping this sub (I didn't create it for myself, I created it based on a need) so eventually, moderation may be handed over to someone who is able to run things in the spirit of the sub. Neutral.

Brilliant description and rules on that subreddit pagefault404!

CHOO CHOO so you're chugging along on the hype train, and notice something is amiss in your favorite Trump sub. You point it out, and suddenly, you're banned.

What the fuck mate!?

lol thanks.

Agreed and sub'd.

128 subscribers... I have group texts with more participants.

Well, we can't all be part of Vitalife MLM schemes.

Haha just teasing, we all gotta start somewhere

I figured it wasn't a serious quip. Appreciate ya

Yeah but the paid shills are the problem and I think that is what the OP is addressing at the donald. Any negativity about Trump and you gone. Basically all those that are left will only be able to say positive stuff so those who are reading that sub w/out much knowledge will believe that everyone really loves Trump that much and the media is just hatin.

Yes, T_D has become unbearable.

Has become?

It used to be fun before election night because you had to ignore Trump's faults for the win. But it makes no sense to be blind to his faults once he has won.

But it makes no sense to be blind to his faults once he has won.


It doesn't seem as bad as r/politics . I can't make a comment on there without being downvoted to oblivion no matter how reasonable I try to word it.

You can make a comment praising Trump on r/politics. On r/t_d if you criticise Trump you get banned.

Read the rules


This is kinda frustrating me is everyone just forgetting what the Damn sub is about its a Trump Sub of course its gonna be tight on that kinda stuff. You know where would be a perfect place for criticism and discussion by both Trump supporters and critics r/politics oh wait.

I don't think people would have such a big problem with it if they didn't often pretend to be a bastion of free speech, rail against safe spaces, and ban so many actual Trump supporters.


The rest of Reddit is just fine tho.. gotchya

T_D used to be good at certain points - when JCM ran the sub it was fun.

As for reddit, I filter out the spammy subs.

Smart on you. Too bad the majority are still being suckered into the delusion.. and their plan to control the majority of minds soldiers on. But again, fck the Donald.. they're the problems here lol

get used to it, it's only going to get worse in the years to come as his lemmings dig in even harder and block out all forms of reality.

only reality I'm worried about is the lunatic Democrats who thought putting a rapist who face fucked a woman in the oval office back into the white house was anywhere close to a good idea.

Yep now you have a real rapist in the Oval Office

Listen, I know a trustworthy person when I see one

I hate always being the last comment in hilarious debates. come on! at least fight back a LITTLE.

did you forget to take your meds this morning?

Rule #10

interesting, so the next time I get called a shill should I come crying to you or will you be ready to jump in and take care of it?

Do you see the report button? Use it. In this case you were just being demeaning.

yeah, i was, how about that.

So it's north Korea

It's a little more complicated than that. The gist of it is that you click that button, but then you need to figure out the options. The hardest part was the name.

Once it's submitted and created, however, the options are staggering. I think I have figured most of them out. I created a subreddit based on the need that was presented here.

Because pro-donald organizations don't need to dump millions into shilling on reddit

Your obvious bias made your otherwise possibly good response invalid.

300,000 subscribers, never more than 14k online. It's the sub that bots built.

Thats how we berniecrats felt when /r/politics became ground zero for HRC's campaign and CTR. It was a dramatic change, and we had to find other subs.

Hey, I just created one, it's called /r/ourpresidenttrump. I plan to keep the hive mind of The_Donald out. I am actually a Democrat but I am a huge fan of free speech and will not censor things that are not breaking site wide rules.

Because it will get absorbed and infiltrated by the same paid mods.

And people will have to face the reality none of them want to face: that Trump was shilled for just like Shillary since before the election. And the reason?

He's a Zionist puppet just like the rest. His appeal and style are simply evolved marketing tactics.

Yes I agree with that, it's just that people frequently face that kind of reality and come to those kind of realizations more easily if they have a platform (in this case a neutral Trump related sub) to discuss these ideas/realizations on .

while I'm no fan of Trump I find it interesting that someone who is a "zionist puppet" would have a guy like Bannon in his inner circle.

you probably forgot what sub you are in right now.

The Jews control everything!!11

duh, sorry, my bad.


or I as I like to call it, 99% of what's posted in here these days.

Right. Back to our regularly scheduled debate: "WAS HITLER ACTUALLY A JEW????"

I'm jewish, and I'm not self-hating, as far as I know. However, there are several large donors who happen to be jewish, and who's primary and only issue is Israel. In the service of that singular concern, much influence has been purchased through donations.

Sabin donated 7 million towards the construction of the DNC, and is the DNC's top donor (and was HRC's top donor) and they were close, having donated 10 million to the campaign, another 10 million to the Clinton Foundation, and more. He felt Hillary needed to be more to the right of Obama on issues related to Israel. He accused Ellison (the DNC nominee) of being anti-semitic.

This is difficult to talk about without sounding anti-semitic. I don't believe that there is a "jewish conspiracy", but I do believe that powerful pro-Israeli donors exert an outsized influence on our politicals lives right now.

The issue with Israel remains complex. I'm unresolved on how to understand the issue. I see both sides, but I am clear that I would like the Israeli's and their advocates to stay the fuck out of my government. People are worried about russia hacking the election - how is this different?

Yeah it's not some evil conspiracy , it's Israel trying to protect its intrests. It's become a problem as they dump more and more into making sure politicians are pro Israel.

there are several large donors who happen to be jewish, and who's primary and only issue is Israel.

Just like there are several large donors who happen to be farmers, and their only issue is farming oversight. or how there are several large donors who happen to be part of the military-industrial complex, and their only issues are starting more wars.

People doing everything to defend their interests is nothing new. And the fact that different people have similar interests gives absolutely no indication that they're secretly all working together. If anything, they're probably disagreeing with each other in many things, or might even be actively working against each other. Remember that any group or subgroup has arguments within the group. To think that all of it is one big conspiracy of people working together is fundamentally misunderstanding how people work.

Trump himself literally said he "would be the best friend Israel has ever had". His first meeting as president was with Netanyahu.

If you think everyone on this sub thinks like that, you are sadly, very mistaken.

You forget that some born again Christians see Jews rebuilding the temple of Solomon and a massive war in the middle East as essential to Christ's return. one link of many

Note: I don't think most Christians feel this way, but a lot of Baptists, those crazy fucks that speak in tongues, and southern rural Christians feel this way.

Pentecostals speak in tongues way more than the Baptists. The Baptist denomination is pretty mainstream in the south.

Oh i know they don't but I'm aware of the desire that they hold.

I know of a born again Christian (turned catholic) that believes this (my brother-in-law). I roll my eyes whenever he talks about these things. I play along of course. He would be a Trump supporter if he lived in the US. He believes the fake news bit. He believes that immigrants and their religion are the root of all problems. He doesn't realize that people come to our countries for a reason. Their beliefs do not match the beliefs of their radical countrymen. Granted that some of them have evil intentions, but we have that already in our countries. We deal with it and move ahead. I don't understand why there has to be a number set and a time line set for refugees, when we could just accept refugees who have passed certain tests (speaking English, society integration, learn beliefs and values of communities that they are moving into [even though it may not be their own], etc) , at a slower pace.

I don't think most Christians feel this way

I think most do, and even Christian Palestinians think that most of their western counterparts do. It's sad.

Trump's campaign rhetoric calmed way down after he met with netanyahu. Oh, and fuck the two state solution. Also bannon thinks "islam" is an enemy so it makes sense he'd encourage trump to be friendly with israel.

Sorry if this comes off as disrespectful but you clearly don't know anything about Bannon. He has worked with Israelis for years and there's a breitbart office in Jerusalem. He was painted as antisemetic as an attack not because it's even close to reality.

sounds a lot like pizzagate.

This 100%. People love reality TV shows, so that's what they got. He's not some messiah. Just a reflection of our current societal issues.

Hey, I just created one, it's called /r/ourpresidenttrump. I plan to keep the hive mind of The_Donald out. I am actually a Democrat but I am a huge fan of free speech and will not censor things that are not breaking site wide rules.

In my experience as a mod, allowing free speech is pretty much a sure way to make sure the sub starts leaning to the right. So it may work out in your favor as an ostensibly pro trump sub, while allowing criticism of 45.


I mostly wanted a space to talk about the current presidency with out descending into insults.

Because they sub is just about shit posting...

Do any Trump supporters want to have a real conversation? Lots of places to do it already...

They had the whole time to make a serious sub and nobody did or cared. Too busy shit posting.

Because they sub is just about shit posting...

That is a good point, very little actual mature discussions take place on T_D about policy, politics, law etc.

C'mon, let's be real. The VAST majority of participants in the_donald aren't even old enough to vote let alone have any desire to actually be politically active. People take that place waaay too seriously. It's a meeting room for LoL/4chan/etc trolls. That's it. Politics, especially in its current state in the US, is just such an easy topic to troll.

Would you stand in a daycare and get frustrated by the lack of meaningful, mature discussion? Now, you'd obviously not even try to engage in that manner with a room full of rowdy children.

Only difference is I'm not worried about daycares indoctrinatly future people with insanity

I try to have a discussion on redacted and always get at least 30 downvotes.

And he rest of Reddit is a beacon of transparency and real conversation.. lol

Comparatively? Yes.

Riiiiight. That's a good one..

R/Ask Trump supporters is for this

Nah they changed the rules so that non supporters are limited to what they can post.

r/conservative might fit that bill.

Not even close, they're ban-happy too.

Hmmm... sensing a common thread here

Better check your panty bulge, I've been banned from /r/Socialism and /r/LateStageCapitalism too.

So, all the conservative subs are the equivalent to those^ ??

I got banned on r/LSC for saying that virtual reality was just a fun toy and not Valve trying to control the proletariat with happy fantasies.

Conservatives are generally gigantic pussies who are afraid of everything that doesn't confirm their worldview. They also have the memory of fucking guppies.

"we were quiet when obama was president"

hahahahahahahahah wat.jpg

"respect the office"

Oh, wait, you're serious.

Let me laugh even harder.


I lean right and have been banned there three times. Just last week, a user with the top comment in a thread was banned. No reason given.

r/conservative mods are a bunch of cocks.

there is /r/trump, but that has been dark for a long time. It was a very civil discussion oriented sub about Trump.

r/AskTrumpSupporters is very good, they could be much better though if they stopped banning people for the stupidest of reasons.

Well, people were going over and "asking" "how can you support (name his latest egregious action here)"? Not really "questions" but rather attacks disguised as questions, or rhetorical questions where there really isn't a desire for an answer.

Not that I can't understand how that could happen, but I did observe that, and Trump supporters may have felt like they were being punished for being open.

I posted a question in there and just got a bunch of personal insults as responses.

Take the emotion out of it, people are saying Trump is a disaster and a shill, why are they wrong?

I'm not sure how your comment relates to my comment? My comment was why /r/AskTrumpSupporters is getting hair-trigger with banning, and I was proposing an answer.

You then seemed to defend the fact that they were being attacked.

Sure. If you want to attack people, then attack them. But don't be surprised if they don't line up eagerly for the experience.

So they aren't wrong, got it.

Huh? I'm just saying, this is an opportunity to engage in a dialogue.

But if you feel you are beyond dialogue with them, that's fine. I'm not judging you, just talking about the purpose of that particular sub.

I'm not a Trump supporter and don't agree with a single thing he's done, and have been horrified by many of his actions.

I just fear the growing polarization between us as citizens and so appreciate opportunities for balanced and reasoned discussion.

I don't think it's an attack. It's a question. Yes, kinda unpleasant question, which is entirely expected in a political subreddit where proponents of different parties argue with each other.

What kind of questions do you expect?

Rhetorical questions aren't questions. You may want to yell at them, but most people don't like being yelled at.

So, I guess the question is, why go there if all you want to do is yell at them?

I think it's best to go with a real question, where you really are curious about the answer.

Given that we hope to encourage them to not vote for Trump in the future, they've presented us with an opportunity to converse, learn about how we democrats failed to attract their vote (for future strategizing), and perhaps persuade them come over to our side. That won't happen if all we do is yell.

These questions aren't rhetorical.

These questions aren't rhetorical.

Which questions?

I don't think that makes sense. They will simply recite stuff they've heard from "conservative media".

Well, then, best to insult them - that will really bring them over. /s

Which questions?

Questions like "What do you think about Trump doing <X>?".

If being asked to defend the actions of the person you are ostensibly there to defend feels like an attack, maybe you shouldn't be fucking defending them.

The forum is for people who want to have a dialogue. A dialogue is different than a fight.

Diplomacy versus conflict. You pick your approach. But that sub was there to promote diplomacy, for what it's worth, and I think all olive branches need to be valued. Fighting is easy. Finding common ground is harder.

I posted a question in there and just got a bunch of personal insults as responses.

Yeah The Donald does have a very strong influence there, and the mods are biased as hell. Keep digging though there are some good posters there.

I asked "why pepe of all things, can't you expand?" 1 hour later. Responses dodge the question, I'm banned for trolling...

r/asktrumpsupporters is also heavily scrubbed.

The rules of "Be Civil, Not posting in Good faith and No trolling" are all HEAVILY enforced on non-supporters but supporters can circlejerk about how "Shairablue shill are all over this sub" and "Democrats are just evil" and not even be slapped.

There CAN be discussion, but your walking on ice that's about to crack in 2 seconds.

They recently changed the rules where non supporters are only allowed to reply in the form of a question asking for clarification.

I had a post deleted where I was actually agreeing with a Trump policy because it wasn't a "follow up question"

There is. It's called askthe_donald and it too is getting to be as bad as the_donald. It used to be a place to ask why people supported Donald Trump. There was a question about whether or not people could sue shareblue/CTR and I asked if there was any evidence of either of these two still operating on Reddit because I had been accused of being a CTR shill and the mods banned me for trolling and bad faith participation.

Pro Donald subreddits rely on all people believing the narrative because otherwise when Trump does something completely stupid like he does daily the dissenters can't change the narrative.

I can't really comment on /r/askthe_donald, because I rarely go there, and I'm a progressive who didn't vote for him, but the Shareblue issue is real, and effects all of us (democrats included).

None of us should like this approach to messaging and media: Here's the link:

Oftentimes, when any of us, from any political persuasion, decry the presence of shills/astroturfing, etc., on Reddit, there's always someone to deny it's existence, and it gets frustrating after a while, because it is a big issue for reddit as a whole (forget which party you belong to).

Oftentimes, when any of us, from any political persuasion, decry the presence of shills/astroturfing, etc., on Reddit, there's always someone to deny it's existence, and it gets frustrating after a while, because it is a big issue for reddit as a whole (forget which party you belong to).

Ignore the people who are shills. The problem is t_d actively promotes people acting like paid shills on his behalf. That is why no one wants to talk to trump supporters. The ones who are still left are clinically retarded 99% of the time in my experience.

Ignore the people who are shills.

No. It's not a problem which should be ignored.

Sure, there are some dogmatists on all sides of the aisle - some would say that I "shilled" for Bernie, but I wasn't paid, and the Trumpster's weren't paid (unless you have evidence that they were).

Being paid to shill really is an important part of this, and it matters to the integrity of the citizen journalism which is what Reddit's about.

it matters to the integrity of the citizen journalism which is what Reddit's about.

I don't think reddit is really about citizen journalism. It gets used that way for better or worse sometimes, but at it the heart It's just a content aggregation site.

but at it the heart It's just a content aggregation site.

Maybe for you, but for many of us it is a place to share and deconstruct information. That's why there are discussion groups and voting and so on.

If all you are doing is reading articles, why are you even here, talking to me?

I don't doubt upvotes and downvotes are being bought-- by political parties, as well as countless companies, but commenters being called shills is when it starts getting ridiculous. More often than not these account are 3+ years old with full and varied comment histories.

The only time I've personally found real "shills" (dummy account that push one relentless message), are month old pro trump accounts that seem to go around trolling (and they make it pretty obvious).

but commenters being called shills is when it starts getting ridiculous

Look, the evidence for shills is now established. Here's the latest article to confirm it's existance:;refURL=;referrer=

Shilling has been happening. Instead of blaming us for complaining about something that really is wrong and is destroying Reddit, how about complaining about the destructive phenomena of shilling instead?

Its kind of like you are blaming the victim for complaining about being victimized, rather than looking to the perpetrator.

What? I think you misread or read into my comment.

I'm not blaming anyone, and I wasn't even saying you're wrong. And yeah, I've seen all those articles, and the video that the forbes article is about.

It's just that the amount people cry wolf and call everyone a shill is absurd. The shills aren't 4 year long accounts with consistent comments that are 'in it for the long con.' That's ridiculous. If everyone on the subreddit, for example, that's been called a shill, was actually a shill- they would be only be like 50 "legitimate" people on here.

But I guess if I'm not 100% with you I'm against you? Yet I wasn't even disagreeing with you...

The shills aren't 4 year long accounts with consistent comments that are 'in it for the long con.' That's ridiculous. If everyone on the subreddit, for example, that's been called a shill, was actually a shill- they would be only be like 50 "legitimate" people on here.

None of us should like this approach to messaging and media

What exactly do you think is so bad about the strategies described in this document? I read it, and the idea for Shareblue basically boils down to, "Write articles and create graphics that are critical of Trump and that lots of people will want to share."

Write articles and create graphics that are critical of Trump and that lots of people will want to share."

Who decides what goes into those articles? We liberals are not of the same mind right now, so who gets to decide what messages are pushed out?

You're concerned that someone might write an article on the internet that you don't agree with? Really?

Nobody's going to force you to share them on Facebook.

You're concerned that someone might write an article on the internet that you don't agree with? Really?

I'm concerned that the democratic party is pushing out messages that I may not agree with, using media.

But if you love propaganda, then this is a great time for you, and you should celebrate!

I'm concerned that the democratic party is pushing out messages that I may not agree with

You think that an organisation meant to appeal to roughly half the population of the entire United States shouldn't have any positions that you personally disagree with?

Regardless, you realise that Shareblue is not "the Democratic Party", nor is it run by the Democratic Party, right? It's run by some people who support the Democratic Party. So the situation is "some people who support Democrats are pushing out messages that you may not agree with". Are you honestly saying that everybody who doesn't line up with you on literally everything should just shut up? It's pretty hard not to describe that as "purism".

You can describe people disagreeing with as some sinister exercise in "propaganda", all you want, but I'm afraid that it is literally always going to happen.

So the situation is "some people who support Democrats are pushing out messages that you may not agree with".

And those messages are driving the democratic agenda. You think I shouldn't have a voice?

My aren't we authoritarian.

How does someone writing an article online prevent you from "having a voice"?

And you are vastly overestimating David Brock's ability to singlehandedly shape the Democratic Party. He's a Clinton loyalist, but even some people on her team (he's not "on her team"; he operates independently) don't really like him.

Keep on defending propaganda... you won't like it much when it doesn't promote your idea, but that's a worry for another day.

In the meantime you are helping to pave the way to tyranny... what establishment democrats do so well.

What exactly is so awful or unusual about this strategy? I would really like to understand it - they're not asking for shill accounts or fake news there.

Because there is a large apparatus generating journalistic pieces, talking points, catch phrases, and arguments to promote a particular perspective, and the goal is that all of us exposed to those media elements will eventually adopt the view being promoted.

The goal is to shape opinion.

But who gets to decide what the opinion should be? What if you have different views than those being pushed out by the media apparatus? If you are unfortunate and don't subscribe to the establishment narrative, your idea will die.

This is what we call propaganda. I would hope that if you have at least one liberal bone in your body, this would be concerning to you.

Why is Shareblue and CTR such an issue but thousands of paid Russian trolls in support of T_D ignorable?

Why deflect attention away from yourself? Why not take responsibility for your own actions?

Why suppress analysis and reflection on the part of the party?

Why defend propaganda?

Then why isn't another pro-Trump or at least Trump-neutral sub created

My conspiracy take on that is that the Trump support on Reddit (some of it) is far from genuine so such a sub would never take off or get noticed by enough people to prevent it from becoming a dead sub.

the Trump support on Reddit (some of it) is far from genuine

This is simply untrue, you cannot buy the type of supporters T_D has, if you could Shareblue and the other attempts would have been successful, T_D is the result of Trump being a huge underdog (Odd for a billionaire to be an underdog) and people get extremely passionate about underdogs, he was also running on the message of representing the average Joe, and the average Joe see's themselves as an underdog and thus empathise with a billionaire.

Trump won on passion, which is why the posts on T_D are so passionate, you can't pay for shitposting like that.

Take it from a T_D regular, we all know we're playing this online persona but it's strictly for that sub, check the accounts of people shouting MAGA and GIVE THIS GUY A COAT etc, outside of that sub it's just normal users chatting on other subs, but once you go to T_D you're a 110% Trump cock blower and happy about it too.

To me that's what /r/politics SHOULD be.

But you can't even say "I sorta maybe might see where Trump is coming from with that one statement" there.

/r/politics is overrun will shills, like u positive comment on DJT and downvotes to oblivion

Ah, just like how the slightest negative comment on any Trump sub leads to an insta-ban.

Or maybe--just maybe--most of the people on that subreddit don't like Trump?

Why is it easier to believe paid agents are downvoting you than legitimate people disagreeing with you?

Or maybe--just maybe--most of the people on that subreddit don't like Trump?

Yeah, the whole "I got downvoted, NO ONE WANTS TO TALK TO ME" shit is retarded. Most of the die hard Trump supporters at this point are so far up his ass that they twist themselves around in the worst ways, and talking to them basically results in them doing 2 or 3 things:

  1. Blame Hillary
  2. Blame "Tolerant Left"
  3. Tell us to shutup and he won

I've had a few good conversations with Trump supporters. The ones who are polite and not totally useless morons who just derail any conversation with childish calls of "FAKENEWS REEEEEEEEEE" it's tiresome to deal with.

Yeah, I think /r/politics is pretty much impossible to salvage for any useful purpose at this point :)

It would need a complete overhaul and I just don't see it happening (maybe in the future? Who knows...)

yes you can. You're being hyperbolic. Plenty of comments about the Gorsuch nomination were positive. You have to admit that's the only decent thing he's done in a month, though.


The media's agenda is to make trump look as shitty as possible

Let's be fair: he does plenty to make himself look shitty. Of course stuff will come through a filter, but then you have unedited videos, his own twitter posts, and of course his actual actions (removing transparency for oil companies, removing EPA safeguards, for-profit prisons, the bathroom stuff and now taking a step back on pot). Maybe if the man would do some things to actually make himself look good to the majority of the country, but you can't blame his abysmal ratings on just "the media".

Because, well, it's Trump!!

The_Donald only exists because it is subject to "mod rule".

Start something about Trump and it only has two possible directions: Either it is managed, criticisms pruned, tailored to fans, nay-sayers deleted...

...or it evolves to represent what Trump actually is: an empty character who was never going to drain the swamp, puts his right-wing corporate cronies in high places and panders to the lowest common denominators of fear and anti-establishment sentiment (which, for most of his voters, are now clearly revealed as the lies that sane people have been seeing forever).

A new, "honest" Trump sub would fill up with so much criticism that not even former/excommunicated T_D's would enjoy it.

To paraphrase a famous quote "Reality has a distinct anti-Trump bias"...

T_D exists and remains pro-Trump for the same reason that the White House barred some valid accredited news outlets from a press conference yesterday: Trump support cannot win on a fair playing field.

T_D exists and remains pro-Trump for the same reason that the White House barred some valid accredited news outlets from a press conference yesterday

Not being invited to be included in a meeting held in a small room IS NOT THE SAME as being "banned"! All the outrage is just more manufactured FAKE NEWS! Those not present were given copies of the pool report; they didn't miss a damn thing! And there will UNDOUBTEDLY be other occasions when these whiners are invited and others (the smaller outlets) will not be. Will you be pitching a fit when this happens? No! Your one-sided agenda is just so painfully obvious that it's hard to understand why you're not too embarrassed to pursue it; you're just making absolute FOOLS of yourself.

And where is the outrage over the exclusion of reporters of all the small media outlets who are prevented from attending the official press briefings because the room will only hold about 50 people? WHERE IS YOUR (FAUX) OUTRAGE ON THEIR BEHALF? Report back to your masters at Clinton News Network (or whichever other fake news outlet you work for) and let them know they're only fooling themselves and DRIVING MODERATE VOTERS FURTHER AND FURTHER AWAY! Keep up the good work!!

What a calm and well reasoned response /s

Screaming fake news every time you disagree with something is retarded. For the most part, Donald has been criticising the media for their "dishonesty" and has been actively running his mouth talking about instances which never happened or stating "alternative facts". He has since picked up criticisms from news outlets for the hypocrisy he is creating around himself and looks to have subsequently forbid them from taking part in a press conference. He is simply giving fuel to a fire.

He doesn't help himself in these scenarios. If he can't take criticisms then he is not in the correct job. Every US president in modern history has had their critics. Trump looks to be creating more and more every day with his, and his team's actions.

You're joking, right? This is sarcasm? You don't actually believe any of this, you're just parodying an extremist supporter, right?

Right? Because it's becoming harder to tell the difference.

I am not a trump supporter and I agree completely. I think there's so much division that everyone is doubling down to the point of unfairness. People who blindly praise trump are failing to address legitimate concerns. The other side is anxious so any news that comes out will be distilled into an anti trump talking point without considering all the facts.

For example the recent transgender controversy will hurt transgender people, yes. But the arguments about title nine were complex. It's likely that trump was motivated to act in order to appease his anti LGBT supporters but it's very reductive to say title nine was only about transgender bathrooms.

I've also been reading a lot about the health care issue and while I am insured and dependent on the ACA some of the ideas the gop suggest are not bad. Opponents imply everyone will lose coverage right away and die in order to scare us but that's not accurate. It's important to have all the facts.

he rescinded obamas executive order on transgender bathrooms to set up moving marijuana into the limelight as a state's issue. the bill is in congress. there is no threat to weed coming from trump, it is up to the senators now to pass it. he will sign it.

^ Redditor making a reasoned comment.

The_Donald only exists because it is subject to "mod rule".

EVERY sub exists because it's subject to "mod rule". That's what the moderators are there for. To enforce the rules. Don't like the rules? Start your own sub and make your own rules.


Nope. Not at all. I think it's hilarious that you have to go to conspiracy because you may or may not have gotten banned on T_D. So your feelings got hurt? Extremely funny.

They all got triggered and came to this thread to defend themselves and skew the voting a little while ago. It happens. Best to just downvote and move on.

youre negative votes indicate you're right. shariablue is dominating this post. concern trolling /r/conspiracy with a post on marijuana? how is this conspiracy related??

I frequent conspiracy a lot. You can definitely tell when a post gets brigaded from the outside. Conspiracy is normally one of the extremely few places on Reddit where both sides can have civil conversations. Shariablue definitely doesn't like that.

i agree, i rarely post here but was surprised at how brigaded this post is

The big Milo post from last week was like this as well. In all fairness, a lot of the brigading may be because the post made the front page.

Some people actively prefer to be in an echo chamber, it reduces cognitive dissonance.

I consider t_d to be the cognitive dissonance event horizon.

Mmm tasty librul cucktears.

*sees safe space *


You're delusional if you think t_d is the problem.. and also believe the rest of Reddit is the beacon of truth and honest discussion.

Roll one up and calm down.. nobody is taking your weed away, good lord...

Because I said anything about pot or trump... Right?

Oh. Wait. I didn't.

Just hijacking your comment mate. I wasn't disagreeing with you.. just wanted people to see that they are totally freaking out over a comment Spicer made, who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

He's the voice of the white house to the press. If he misspoke, he should correct himself. Otherwise, I'm going to take what he said at face value.

It's the first time weed has came up since the campaign. Trump would be an absolute fool to all of a sudden start criminalizing states that have already passed it through vote. He already said it was a states issue and 70% of America agree. I don't see him committing political suicide on an issue he already supported..

Congress may have the necessary motivation now to pass through law and decriminalize it. Then you all can thank the scary Trump monster..

being two faced about what actually falls under state rights is like...a move straight from republican play book

And illegal immigration/ sanctuary cities from the Democratic Party.. government is fcked

Remember when he was an LGBT ally too? But there goes some transgender protections that were totally safe.

He appointed Jeff Sessions. If you think he intends to be kind to legal weed you're not paying attention.

And Trump is a fool - how many times must he prove it to us?

If congress decriminalizes marijuana than Sessions will have no problem following the law.. I know it's weird for people to have an Attorney General that actually follows the law. I'm sure we'll get used to it tho..

hooray for baseless claims.

see Hillary Clinton.. lol

I'm not a democrat, didn't vote Hillary - but I live somewhere that it was irrelevant (which is a problem in itself, I think state votes should be split like NE/ME, not winner-take-all). I'm so sick of Trump supporters still bringing up Hillary. He's president now, it's time to stop trumpeting the electoral victory and start leading the country, which he has done very little of in his first month. He has signed a bunch of EO's for theatrics and ultimately just repealed some environmental and consumer protection laws (nice?). I'm waiting for him to do ANYthing that does GOOD.. for people who aren't coal executives or predatory financial brokers.

Trump supporters ALL seem to have this internal ability to translate his intentions. Which is wrong, and dangerous as fuck - especially since they deny his actions. The man is an idiot and idiots around the world are listening to him and reaching into their guts to pull out this deeper meaning. Nobody knows what the man intends to do with things like legal weed because we have no accountability of the guy. He lies and changes his position on a whim, he's petulant and reactive.. his own staff can't even get on the same page for the press. His supporters either don't care or stay unaware in their safe spaces, making nonsensical claims - usually rife with hypocrisy and double-standard. Not willing to get into a true fact based debate - it always spirals into this emotional (and usually xenophobic) argument. But whatever, anybody who claims to be a republican at this point is firmly party over country - that has been their whole platform since the TEA party reared its ugly head, it's been a disgraceful show.

What has Trump done?

And yes, I master in translating Trump tweets and scary rhetoric so let me know if you feel too afraid. It seems like you don't understand what is happening in the world..

And yes, I master in translating Trump tweets and scary rhetoric so let me know if you feel too afraid. It seems like you don't understand what is happening in the world.. illegal weed should be the least of your worries it keep living in fantasy land if you want. It's a free country.


Is that a RRRRRRREEEEEEEE that comes shortly before smashing somebody under a bulldozer and punching it until it explodes?

You're right, but wouldn't even the least bit of self-awareness cause issues? I'm really curious about how it continues. The event horizon analogy was fantastic, by the way.

So, there are different ways people can confront cognitive dissonance. The straightforward way is to accept that your worldview is incorrect, and alter it to match the new information. For people who cant seem to do that, they can employ ego defenses such as rationalization, denial or projection to offset their dissonance. T_d is like a beautiful museum of ego defenses, you can see the whole array of them on display whenevet Trump does something extremely difficult to defend. When the level of dissonance gets really overwhelming, they will collectively pretend that the bad news of the day (that is plastered accross the front page of every newspaper and news website) simply never happened. Like I said, its beautiful in a perplexing way, like some kind of fantastical outsider art.

The straightforward way is to accept that your worldview is incorrect, and alter it to match the new information. For people who cant seem to do that, they can employ ego defenses such as rationalization, denial or projection to offset their dissonance.

That requires your worldview to have been incorrect in the first place. To judge whether people are actually experiencing that you'd need to full understand their world view.

Ego defenses would also only be necessary if the change to world view needed was so dramatic that they'd prefer to not accept it. I have yet to see any combination of actions by Trump severe enough to justify that myself; other people may be different.

You also need to take into account the social forces in play, ingroups are always fortified when they are under threat. This changes the cost - benefit ratio a lot.

People can, and do, live with cognitive dissonance on a daily basis. If they didn't then every persons believes and world view would have to be a perfect match for society.

T_d is like a beautiful museum of ego defenses, you can see the whole array of them on display whenevet Trump does something extremely difficult to defend. When the level of dissonance gets really overwhelming, they will collectively pretend that the bad news of the day

That's based on the assumption that people in t_D never leave t_D. So you can't really assume that just because it's not on t_Ds front page that people there are ignoring it. You could say exactly the same thing of places like r/politics - when something bad happens its never there.

Ego defenses would also only be necessary if the change to world view needed was so dramatic that they'd prefer to not accept it. I have yet to see any combination of actions by Trump severe enough to justify that myself; other people may be different.

The dissonance becomes unavoidable when an event happens that makes Trump look bad whether one accepts it as fact or denies it. An example of this is when Trump's own scotus nominee Gorsuch harshly criticized Trump's handling of the immigration executive order. To accept Gorsuch's criticism is to infer that Trump made a bad mistake with his executive order. To declare that Gorsuch is a hack is to infer that Trump's claim of having impeccable judgement is false. It's a lose-lose situation for people who consider Trump to be infallible, and just as I expected, I found zero mentions of Gorsuch on that day or the day after that story came out on r/the_donald, even though he was their hero up until that point. The denial ego defense was in full effect.

That's based on the assumption that people in t_D never leave t_D.

I saw a post on t_D where subscribers were discussing their disbelief that much of reddit distrust Trump, and someone said they were unsubscribing r/pics because they saw a post critical of Trump. That's the kind of thing i'm talking about, if they don't like it, they turn on the blinders, i.e. protecting the ego.

You're right, but wouldn't even the least bit of self-awareness cause issues?

Cognitive dissonance is overrated to start with. It does describe accurately and experience you could have in a given situation but the idea that its explains everything is laughable.

OP seems to be operating on the assumption that everything happening with Trump is inherently contradictory to what people expected. What is actually happening is that OP is taking his own perspective on the current state of affairs and wondering why t_D isn't collapsing from dissonance. You can't really generalise like that.

You first need to understand what the individuals in question actually believe before you can determine if their beliefs are directly contradictory.

I supported Trump for several reason, none of which have yet been undermined by actions Trump has taken. Why would I experience cognitive dissonance about that?

Then there's the question of whether cognitive dissonance is even worth discussing in this case. People hold contradictory beliefs all the time, it's not unusual it's actually probably the norm. Often the actions of an individual don't match what they believe so how does everyone survive.

A more appropriate thing to consider would be cost - benefit analysis. Especially in this situation where both sides are so hostile to each other.

That's true to an extent, but have you had good experiences in making "voice of reason" comments on worldnews or politics? Anything less that pure vitriol gets downvoted to oblivion most places..

Every other sub on reddit manages to allow dissent. If the T_D community is so toxic that not even creating a new sub with different rules would solve the problem then there is a much bigger problem with that sub than censorship

then there is a much bigger problem with that sub than censorship

I mean ya no shit.

its not censorship when they lay out the groundrules in the side bar. mods are not censoring, its a pro-trump subreddit and it says so in the rules. there are hundreds of anti-trump subreddits. pretty much every single one.

No I don't give half a shit about the censorship. I don't go to the sub, and as a mod I understand the necessity of curating content anyway.

What I give a shit about is that the userbase is so toxic GLaDOS could use it to kill research subjects.

What I give a shit about is that the userbase is so toxic GLaDOS could use it to kill research subjects.

As t_d lamers would say: kek.

well if all you give a shit about is a fictional hypothetical then maybe you should focus your energy elsewhere. The_Donald is not toxic, it is just pro-trump. why is that toxic? so many truths have been revealed there. nothing, imho, is more toxic than the democrat identity politics platform. it divides people into groups and makes them hate each other. donald trump is preaching "i dont care what color you are, how much money you have, what gender or sexual orientation you prefer: i just want to get us out of debt and remove corruption from government so we all have a better experience." how the fuck is that toxic? where in his policy or his actions has he expressed anything different than that?

Righhhhhhht. I'm sure the couple dozen people I banned yesterday for telling other users "kill yourself you cuck" that have a history almost exclusively in T_D are just figments of my imagination. Not toxic at all.

lol, i'd love to see what you said to elicit a response like that

If they were saying it to me, I wouldn't bother banning. I don't care what people say to me, it's my other users I care about.

which one of your 397 subs was it in? trumpgret? why isnt that a "toxic" sub?

lmao Trumpgret doesn't get nearly the traffic it'd need to ban that many people even if literally every comment there was uncivil. Nottheonion.

Also, it's not toxic because the users more or less stay there, and don't spread out over all of reddit.

meanwhile, its on record that The Left is hiring hourly, round the clock, to spread anti-trump propaganda with dozens of baseless, factless subs, and to brigade the_donald like crazy everytime some nugget of truth hits the feed. isnt that toxic? suppression and misleading? i feel like a bunch of pissed off trump supporters getting mad at being wrongly labeled nazis is more organic than it is toxic. if only the left knew how to argue with facts...

Hell yes, paid shills are toxic as FUCK. I was a sanders supporter, trust me I'm very sympathetic to that. They suppress reasonable discussion on and from both sides. I'm also not in favor of labeling people nazis and racists due to what can trivially be a simple lack of exposure to different viewpoints.

HOWEVER, that also doesn't mean that nazis and racists don't exist. That doesn't mean Jeff Sessions is acceptable.

Jeff Sessions is much more acceptable than loretta Lynch who refused to prosecute anything unless it benefitted the DNC politically. Sessions will judge Trump as fairly as anyone else presented to his department. he literally killed the KKK in alabama and stood hand in hand with john lewis and coretta king at a march in selma. the racist argument is nonsense. why is he unacceptable? i have yet to hear a valid argument as to why he is not the most fair and qualified person to become AG in 50 years.

I'm sorry, this is the Jeff Sessions that said the kkk was "OK until I found out they smoked pot"?

maybe it was in PresidentTrumpsTwitter? how come you need 22 mods for a sub with 70 readers? oh thats right, because youre paid by CTR. i get it now. keep spreading the hate, we are a movement of love and Jesus always wins. Always. your day will come.

how come you need 22 mods for a sub with 70 readers?

Because it's a mod circlejerk, duh. It's for laughs.

but isnt all of reddit a mod circlejerk? isnt that why you hate Trump so much, because he's putting power back into the hands of the people?

but isnt all of reddit a mod circlejerk?

Ya pretty much.

isnt that why you hate Trump so much, because he's putting power back into the hands of the people?

If by "the people" you mean "billionaires" and by "putting power" you mean "selling power", then yes that's part of it!

youre nuts. hes cutting taxes for the middle class and jacking it up for rich people. eliminating taxes if you make less than $25,000. hes returning wasteful federal regulation issues to the people by deregulating and shrinking the federal governement. the defecit has decreased $12bn in his first month, compared to a $200bn gain in Obama's first month. the people in his cabinet are not corrupt and he has forced them all to sign a 5 year anti-lobbying agreement, which also places a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign countries. what exactly has he sold? other than the 20% of our uranium futures to russia. wait, oh yeah that was hillary. i forgot. she walked away with $150m. funny how her foundation closed less than a week after election day. if it was so charitable and beneficial you'd think her supporters would be flooding it with donations.

In the first month of a presidency, the president has not had time to effect meaningful change on the defecit. The defecit right now is still following the trend created over the last 8 years by Obama. Same for the first month of Obama's presidency, following the trend set by Bush.

I am not defending Hillary. She's not as bad as trump, but she is by no means good.

A movement of love? If you agree with us

They're lingo is fucking annoying. "REEEEE," "CUCK." Its the stupidest shit I've seen.

It's totally anemic to any kind of conversation, ya.

Yeah right definitely not toxic, that's why half of reddit has it filtered and the other half downvotes their BS that hits the frontpage (hint: these people aren't Hillary shills)

lol, reddit is owned by the sponsors. you have no idea what the real numbers are.

Its toxic in the sense that it is a test ground for controlling mass supporters. That sub is being run by people and being watched by people who are thinking we can operate in this manner in real life.

You can already see it. The administration banning dissenting news organizations.veryone that disagrees with them fake news thus the followers become to conditioned to only believe certain sources or Trump only.

That sub is way more than a sub it really is a the administrations frankenstein.

lol, reddit is exactly what youre describing, but on a much bigger scale. banning dissenting news orgs? i thought the NYT and CNN purported to be unbiased? why would they be dissenting if they are unbiased? nobody is preventing them from writing whatever they want. they are only called fake when they misrepresent with a dishonest headline or just flat out lie, which they do all the time. the first amendment guarantees nobody can be arrested for speaking their mind. it does not guarantee that people have to listen to your bullshit, especially if it is dangerously dishonest.

TD does and is doing exactly what the left does just only with a pro Trump twist. It isnt organic and it is manipulated by a power structure.

Lol, bigger power structure than the Washington establishment? I don't think so. Trump held rallies everywhere. People woke up

bigger no. new yes.

you dont unseat the establishment power structure over night

new - no, its called democracy

TD is the true definition of fascism

Lol, you're a really progressive thinker huh

Im a Trump supporter bro. Although it gets harder and harder everyday.

If you can not see TD is Fascism Im not sure what to tell you. That sub fits the definition and actions of a fascism to a fucking tee

What dictionary? What is the definition of fascism that you're applying to this semi anonymous online forum?

instead of trying to push that garbage conspiracy theory bullshit about The_Donald being a "test ground" for the admins of reddit (who i guess secretly love Trump?), focus on REAL conspiracy taking place, like this:

TD is being gamed the same way that reddit is being gamed by the left. If you cant see it then im not sure what to tell ya.

The wall is going to add more debt. The government is going to be as corrupt as it is or even more. The Muslim ban was on countries that haven't caused recent terrorist attacks in the US. Coincidentally, the countries he didn't banned were countries who HAVE caused terrorist attacks in the US and COINCIDENTALLY are countries that Trump has business ties with.

Trump is such toxic, immoral, and a liar. He manipulated so many to vote for him by using fear and intimidation towards others. He demeaned women, he generalized muslims, and to him, the only "illegal immigrants" are Mexicans who "rape and kill."

Trump is filled with so much bullshit.

People like him because he speaks his mind, but guess what, half of the shit he wants to enforce would be illegal under our constitution. Making trump our president was clearly a step back instead of a step forward. What a fucking shame.

illegal immigrants cost over $120bn to the country in welfare every year. the wall will cost $20bn. removing the non-team players will cost like $1bn. its a net win. get over yourself. trump has already reduced the debt by $12bn in 35 days so the wall is half paid0for. you're throwing around ad hominems with ZERO statistics or reports or claims. your argument is based in opinion, which means its not really an argument ar all. How does the Saudi Arabian government, who gave hillary clinton $150m dollars to win, treat women? how do they handle illegal immigrants who wish to make them adapt to ther beliefs? they kill them. with stones. or cages that they throw in the water. Trump is the anti-sharia. sharia is the enemy, it is not welcome here. he has done more for women than any executive in his field. maybe if the general muslim population was more proactive in the fight against jihad and domestic terror, they wouldnt be generalized into the caterogy of "accessory." their silence is bringing the generalization on themselves. trump got elected because most of the country agree with what he was saying. i havent heard any bullshit from him tho, just this and i am holding him to his promises made. he is through about 40% of them, and it is less than day 40 of 100, so he is ahead of schedule. his platform is open and transparent, it prioritizes veterans and the middle class over immigrants and criminals. if he fails on it we will call him out. if he has actually committed any kind of illegal breach, he would have been destroyed already. you need to stop being such a worry wort, go out an do your job and make money, add to the GDP, and enjoy life. trump is the most qualified president to have ever run in our lifetimes. everything is going to be ok.

I would agree with your statements regarding money if there was really no conflict of interest. The president of the United States who owns several businesses will only run this country as a business for his own gain because his businesses are some of the worst that this country has seen. He is an individual that claims so many riches but can't even pay taxes.

Something that I hate when arguing about trump is how the other person will always bring up Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. Who even brought them up into the statement? No one. Can you please tell me something that trump has done for women besides belittling them?

You CAN NOT say his administration is transparent when he just banned several news outlets from his briefings.

"Trump is the most qualified," is a statement that you should keep to yourself because quite honestly, half of the world knows he's not.

What did he do to lower it by 12b?

Because that's all bullshit? Actions speak louder than words and all that's come out of Lord Orange is lies.

Which userbase? R/politics.. R/EnoughTrumpSpam.. R/vids.. R/worldnews.. half of Reddits' Leftist propaganda?

Nooo.. fck t_d and the only place Reddit allows for them.

Lots of people are blind on Reddit, including this post. But fck those nasty Trump supporters lol

Roll one up and calm down. Nobody is taking away your weed for goodness sake

I'm outa weed atm ;_;

Yes, I view /r/politics as fairly toxic, ETS as annoying as all hell, and /r/worldnews is a different beast altogether. But all the subs you mentioned combined can't touch T_D's toxicity.

Also, they're sure as hell tryin, but that's literally the smallest complaint I have with the Trump administration.

Just wait for action. Getting tired of people freaking out over scary rhetoric and leftist narratives..

It's the Trump administration's rhetoric though...

Nobody should care is my point.. Wait for actions, not words. The same administration who said they'd lock Hillary Clinton up..

It's far more difficult to undo an action than it is to prevent it. You get the largest effect for effort by being preemptive rather than reactive.

Get congress to decriminalize it then. Sessions said he was going to follow the law.. a rare phenomenon for Attorney General I guess. People are so used to getting away with anything that it's culture shock once the laws on the books start becoming enforced.

Getting a republican congress to decriminalize weed, that's a good one. I'd have a better chance of setting up a colony on mars.

Nearly every Democrat would vote for it in spite.. and you'd only need a handful of Republicans to get it through. If it were to ever happen.. this is the time

I honestly don't think that's the case. But even if it were, republican congressmen right now are a hivemind. Voting in absolute lockstep.

Nahh.. both parties of pretty fcked at the moment. Republicans have to stick together if they want their cabinet to go through in a timely matter.. Democrats are running obstructionism to slow everything down.

Nahh.. both parties of pretty fcked at the moment. Republicans have to stick together if they want their cabinet to go through in a timely matter.. Democrats are running obstructionism to slow everything down.

Their cabinet is awful though. They range from just incompetent to actively malicious. The only exceptions I can think of are Mattis and... McMasters I think it was.

You never know. They might surprise ya.. People wanted change 8+ years ago and in this last election. So now you've got it.. let's see where things shake out without killing and crying over each other

Justifying the current administration with "But change" is like justifying burning to the ground every tree on the planet with the justification that wildfire is good for forest. Sure occasional fires improve the health of forests, in fact they're necessary for continued survival, but if there's nothing left to regrow at the end you're entirely fucked.

Nice analogy. What would make more sense is to.. start cutting more trees down in forest fire territory and using the wood to benefit the US economy and infrastructure building.. glass half full

The US is in serious economic and social trouble. To go down the same road is fcking stupid.. and I'm sure mistakes will be made. Atleast you'll know about it and won't be hidden behind the Leftist media and CIA, or whichever of the 17 intelligence agencies that are doing god's work for all of us. Waking up is a bytch.. I get it, but we're long overdue.

The US economy has been steadily improving for the last 8 years. DOW hit an all-time high, unemployment went from ~10% to ~4%, the housing market has been recovering, etc. To keep going down that road would have been the smart choice. Are there areas of the US that haven't seen a lot of that improvement? Absolutely. Some parts of middle america are hurting bad. But coal jobs will never come back. Automation has already made most factory jobs obsolete, and outsourcing low-skill labor is far, far cheaper than our labor will ever realistically be barring a new great depression. We need to reach out and retrain and help people in those areas, not feed them lies and false promises.

And off topic, but cutting down trees in forest fire territory actually doesn't make sense. The forest need the fertile ashes, and the undergrowth needs to be burned away so new growth can thrive. That's why firefighters generally conduct controlled burns rather than simply cutting down growth.

Lol you rolled out the unemployment propaganda numbers I see.. Conveniently leaving out the people who gave up trying to find work because there no longer enough jobs since they all left for China and Mexico under Obama's watch. Unemployment is still around 10% and the jobs people have are part time as welfare and Medicaid skyrockets every year. Negative trade deficits with nearly every country.. middle America, you mean 90% of the land mass that doesn't live on the highly populated coast. Yea that's a big fcking problem.

Speaking of the DOW.. what does the stock market and business think of Trumps' plan?

Steadily improving= the first time in history economic annual growth hasn't reached 3% in the last 8 years. Doubles the debt to $20 trillion and borrows an insane amount of money that we'll never be able to pay off. All while fighting in endless culture wars around the world that will cost us a hell of a lot of money and lives.. Brilliant!

Let's do both. Cut and burn.. Change

Unemployment is still around 10%

It depends on how you measure it. Using the measure traditionally reported, unemployment is ~4%. Other measures measure it differently, obviously, but all measures have decreased by approximately the same amount. Source.

middle America, you mean 90% of the land mass that doesn't live on the highly populated coast. Yea that's a big fcking problem.

It absolutely is a big problem! But land mass doesn't hold jobs, people do.

Speaking of the DOW.. what does the stock market and business think of Trumps' plan?

Too early to say. The market's been all over the place since his inauguration. His administration is too unpredictable.

Steadily improving= the first time in history economic annual growth hasn't reached 3% in the last 8 years.

Steadily improving, yes.

Doubles the debt to $20 trillion and borrows an insane amount of money that we'll never be able to pay off.

From nearly 10% GDP deficit to 3.3% deficit

I'm in favor of change, I wanted Sanders. But we need a controlled burn, not an unrecoverable wildfire.

See Venezuela.. socialism is the end of America and contradictory to the American Dream but everyone loves free shyt! Why not slow down immigration and worry about the people already here that are struggling to find work, put food on the table, pay for mandated health insurance.. Fck off big governemnet, stay out of my life! You're driving everyone crazy...

See Denmark, Sweden. Democratic Socialism leads to two of the happiest countries in the world.

lol Sweden is so fcked.. along with the rest of the EU

It amazes me people don't see what's happening. Things have been too good for too long.. I don't know how it's all going to shake out but everyone's due for a wake up call to life. Bet on it.. prepare

Man what happened? We were having a solid, policy and facts debate. But the moment actual sources and numbers come out, you switched to T_D talking points :(

Sweden is in a good place right now. I have several friends over there. They're doing great. It's consistently ranked among the best places in the world to live.

What do you mean things have been "too good"? Life doesn't have to be pain! Life can be friends and family and good food and good music. It can be farming and guns and ranches and big trucks. That's the american dream. But to get there, we all need to contribute. We need to help the poorest among us so even more people can join those of us that have more than enough.

$20 trillion debt.. too many loans

Too many people to feed. Do the math.. it all doesn't add up

As a species, we produce more than enough food to feed everyone. It's a logistics and politics problem more than anything else.

Government debt is not the same as household debt. This is a fairly good post that explains the difference.

Exactly! It's not censorship if we change the definition of censorship ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Every other sub on reddit manages to allow dissent. /r/politics lul

Every other sub on reddit manages to allow dissent.

Not every one. GamerGhazi and other far-far-left subs don't allow dissent or questioning. It's one of the many things they and t_d have in common.

People who say horseshoe theory is bunk are missing that it does describes the Actions and rationalizations of far left and right as being similar, not the entirety of the philosophies. This is another example of it in action.

Every other sub on reddit manages to allow dissent.

Go to /r/GamerGhazi and simply disagree with anyone about anything.

There are many subs that do not allow dissent. Trying posting something even a tiny bit critical of feminism to one of the women subs or even /r/relationships and you'll be censored and possibly banned.

But that's fine as nobody ever claimed some of these subs were not echo chambers.

Back when t_d was gaining momentum, they specifically claimed it was not one of the only subs where free speech is allowed.

So if honest criticism is being censored, they've really gone downhill.

I've never tried visiting them and likely have a black mark because of my extensive post history in theredpill. No regrets.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc

Shit, even when it had 0 momentum, i got banned for suggesting that some trump supporters were bigots (some, not all, that was my point on that particular post). That sub straight up turned into a cult

There is no such thing as free speech on that sub. Then again, lots of left leaning subs do the same shit, however they dont pretend to be an open space for discussion

Right of dissent is fundamentally antithetical to a fascist system, and thus has no place on t_d...

Because, well, it's Trump!!

The_Donald only exists because it is subject to "mod rule".

I think the_Donald only exist because the political subs banned anyone who supported trump, to the point people made alt account/subs to support him.

Why were they banned, hmm? It wasn't just because they were trump supporters, was it?

Not it was not. All the Trump supporters that got banned from /r/politics conveniently forget to mention that they broke rules.

The most common one I saw was accusations of shilling/CTR.

On /r/politics, that is an insta-ban. Whether that's fair or not is a different convo, the point being that they violated the subs rules.

It's as though there was a concerted effort to get banned and then claim victim-hood, yes? I was banned from Politics as well... twice. I did my time and didn't whine like a little bitch about it.

But I'm not a precious Trump supporter, either.

Strange. You can see Trump supporters in most political subs, including anti Trump subs. I wonder if the Trump supporters who were banned did something egregiously wrong...

And most of them are on alt accounts because it's a bannable offence to support trump.

That's simply incorrect. This weed issue is absolute bullshit elevated by corrupt media outlets. It's a topic you care about so when a headline gets published that trashes Trump you jump on the train but it is just like the other articles full of lies and manipulation. Take a step back rewatch his answer to the question, Spicer says they'll follow the law and then refers to the DoJ in regards to how that law will pan out. You're being mislead by people who don't care about you and who want to leech of off you to gain more money and power for themselves.

Please stop taking these media outlets seriously, they are using headlines to generate ad revenue at the expense of your desire to know the truth. The Russia story, the weed story, the barring outlets story, and many more issues have been sensationalized not for the truth but for greed. They are stabbing you in the back by feeding you lies for clicks and throwing journalistic integrity to the wind.

Spicer says they'll follow the law

Yeah, the Federal laws, and then refer back to Sessions, who said he would "aggressively enforce federal laws" in regards to recreational marijuana states.

Think about that.

And then realize that it is YOU who is being mislead by the media and those you trust.

Trump certainly can come out alright if he just sticks to his most important campaign promises: bringing back jobs, punishing big corps that offshore and use visa workers, enforce immigration, pick judges who support the Constitution and sane gun rights, and generally ignore the screeches of the virtue-signalling SJW / ultra PC crowd that much of the country is tired off.

The minute he starts going after pot smokers, the majority of long-term illegal immigrants, transgender and gays, abortion rights - things that many of his non-republican supporters, like me, just don't worry about much, he's going to start getting criticized for the things he's now getting a free pass on such as stupid tweets, big ego, and a few awful cabinet nominees (e.g. 1st Dept of Labor choice).

I love that quote about reality being anti-trump. So true and sums up the mentality of pro-trumpers online. Those facts are fake news! Anti-trump! Oh wait he actually said that!? Oh well he didn't mean it like that!!

With the amount pro Trump content and subs are censored on here, it's impossible to start any other sub and have it gain any traction. The_Donald just benefitted because it existed before Reddit realized how popular the candidate was, and got too big to completely shut down. New subs are just brigades, spammed, and consoled to the point nobody ever finds out about them.

We tried to create many alternatives but the people chose t_d

We tried to create many alternatives but the people chose t_d because of its momentum paid russian troll army

fixed that for you.

Wait do people unironically believe the Russian stuff?

To be fair, the russians do have a known internet brigade team or whatever. (

If you believe in CTR/Shareblue shilling, but don't beleive the other side does the same shit. Even if it isn't russian guys shilling, there are clearly shills for Trump is all. Just like there is the shareblue/whatever people.

Although you're right a good deal of them could just be people who are idiots going along with everything else they see and essentially "shilling" for free.

But do you not acknowledge any evidence of mucking around in our shit?

There is literally direct evidence available to the public of ShareBlue/etc. interacting on reddit. None for Russians. I go by evidence, that's all. Probably a hard concept for some to understand nowadays.

There is literally direct evidence available to the public of ShareBlue/CTR/etc. interacting on reddit. None for Russians.

Show me direct evidence of Shareblue/CTR though, I've never seen it.

You act like you go by evidence, but can you explain why the FBI is bothering to investigate russia then?

Investigations ≠ evidence. I'd say the same if they were investigationg Shareblue.

Also every time I have to explain all this I lose a little more faith in humanity since this is publicly available knowledge to those actually seeking the truth, but here we go again:

Check out their website. They specifically have an "online taskforce" or whatever, that's specifically for "correcting the record" on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit.


The task force currently combats online political harassment, having already addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter. The task force will provide a presence and space online where Clinton supporters can organize and engage with one another and are able to obtain graphics, videos, gifs, and messaging to use in their own social spaces. Additionally, the Barrier Breakers 2016 task force hopes to embrace the creativity of Hillary Clinton’s supporters by sharing their efforts and content with other groups.

Here's a t_d user's findings of odd behavior that is pretty obviously shilling from an objective standpoint:

Here's a leaked email that provides evidence for this kind of thing happening as well:

Here's an article about it:

Hope that helps.

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Investigations ≠ evidence. I'd say the same if they were investigationg Shareblue.

Also every time I have to explain all this I lose a little more faith in humanity since this is publicly available knowledge to those actually seeking the truth, but here we go again:

Check out their website. They specifically have an "online taskforce" or whatever, that's specifically for "correcting the record" on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit.


The task force currently combats online political harassment, having already addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter. The task force will provide a presence and space online where Clinton supporters can organize and engage with one another and are able to obtain graphics, videos, gifs, and messaging to use in their own social spaces. Additionally, the Barrier Breakers 2016 task force hopes to embrace the creativity of Hillary Clinton’s supporters by sharing their efforts and content with other groups.

Here's a t_d user's findings of odd behavior that is pretty obviously shilling from an objective standpoint, although this obviously isn't evidence of ShareBlue or CTR doing it:

Here's a leaked email that is pretty damning IMO:

Here's an article about all this:

Hope that helps. Keep in mind that CTR has been revived as ShareBlue along with some other shadow organizations that basically have paid users spending their time spreading propaganda against the political opponents of their bosses. It's why I don't take /r/all's political stuff seriously anymore, because reddit admins let it happen.

Also every time I have to explain all this I lose a little more faith in humanity since this is publicly available knowledge to those actually seeking the truth, but here we go again:

Ha, people are always going to ask for evidence though. At least you can actually back up what you say with something.

Investigations ≠ evidence. I'd say the same if they were investigationg Shareblue.

That's fair.

If you are interested, here is the rather (damning as well) technical break down of the DNC hack and why someo believe think russia was behind it. (

SeaDuke information:

However, security people aren't 100% on it, mostly because a lot of the releases from the USGov on it were funny:

The DHS list is none of these things, as Lee, founder of the cyber security firm Dragos, discovered when he ran the list against a stored cache of known clean traffic his company keeps around for testing. The results stunned him. “We had thousands of hits,” he says. “We had an extraordinary high amount of false positives on this dataset… Six of them were Yahoo e-mail servers.”

Obviously nothing is perfect though. As it stands nothing is 100%.

Hey, I just created one, it's called /r/ourpresidenttrump. I plan to keep the hive mind of The_Donald out. I am actually a Democrat but I am a huge fan of free speech and will not censor things that are not breaking site wide rules.

Why not create a mixture of the policies of KiA and the message of t_d. I know i would join in a heartbeat. T_d is getting a little too echo chambery for me anymore. We voted him in now we need to hold his feet to the fire, he works for us.

Why not create a mixture of the policies of KiA

KiA people are the problem with a lot of Trump supporters. I swear to god gamergate fucked a bunch of peoples perception of the media up because they grew up trusting retarded "gaming journalists" who were nothing more than internet fanboys who wanted to get free shit.

I've had more than one person tell me that gg exposed them to the "corruption of the media"

They are corrupted, yes, but not in the 100% fiction fakenews pushing way people want to believe now.

The problem here is that any neutral subreddit will be 95% critical of Trump, because 95% of what he does is horrible. So you'll just think that it's controlled by the Illuminati to oppose Trump.

Because it wouldn't grow on reddit. There is no way to get the original subs growth, especially with all the conspiracy and vitriol floating around.

There is a few. There's the MrDonald one and the ask trump supporter ones

Then why isn't another pro-Trump or at least Trump-neutral sub created where people can objectively criticize

Reddit is way more orchestrated than you realize. Mods and power users spend all day on reddit and as soon as they see a sub like that popping up, they can hijack it.

You see the videos about shills on reddit recently and think that there arent both left and right? There is a reason you rarely hear such polar conversation in real life. Not everyone is so crazy and thinks in such absolutes.

There is influence and power in controlling the conversation and its been proven time and time again that it can be pretty easily done. As long as they can hijack a sub before it gets very popular by either astroturfing it, downvoting all the posts, or getting their own users into mod positions, its not going to get enough traction to become what it was intended to before it is corrupted.


please please please can it be le_Donald?

Because they are actual paid shills on reddit, that much is not a conspiracy. t_d has to be the way it is to balance that out and a neutral place would be a war zone.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters is a pretty solid subreddit. I've not been there in a bit, but there was a ton of great discussion and the moderation was pretty solid.

There is askatrumpsupporter. So far this is all talk. I would be disappoonted to see.him take any actual action as well as surprised.

"Trump-neutral" I like that term.

Ask Trump Supporters was supposed to be the discussion sub.

Apparently they cracked down on what sort of things you're allowed to ask though.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters is like that. Sometimes they question what Trump does.

Wow. This makes sense. I'd love that sub.

In an ideal world there'd be a sub with both negative and positive opinions on him. Right now, you either delete all criticism or drown in shills. They chose the censorship option so as to at least have one place you can see support for him.

That sub should be r/ politics. But it's not, it's corrupt

I've been enjoying /r/asktrumpsupporters lately but i don't know if there's any mod drama there or not yet.

Every time I see an article on the first few Reddit front pages on Trump ALL I see is negative comments on Trump. THIS is why they are kicking people out, plain and simple. And I don't blame them. It's hard to even get any kind of conversation going on Trump b/c of this. It's censoring his supporters who want to debate issues and the sad part is I would like to have discussions with people about Trump but when people can't even see you're there unless they filter through all the comments then there's no point.

All conservative and Republican subs are very ban heavy and they control their narrative very carefully. You'll notice on most days in conservative and Republican subs, that the mods make up a bulk of the front page submissions; often half or more of the front page. These are subs with tens of thousands of users and yet consistently mod posts will be on top of the heap.

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There's "asktrumpsupporters" real easy to get banned here as well though..

you know whats up.

Post history checks out. I'm glad you saw the light. Same shit happened to me when submitting a post on weed legalization.

I always knew the mods of t_d were pieces of shits. Under jcm however, the mods were kept under control. He was ousted due to his own stupidity but he kept a leash on mods abusing their power.

However, before the campaign, I played along because making Trump win was more important. Now, holding him accountable is more important.

More importanter*


Has Trump's hypocrisy or the fact that information on t_d was so heavily filtered of dissent changed your view on any previously held beliefs? Particularly in regard to media criticism of Trump?

Mods in all the popular subs have cracked down in a sometimes unreasonable way. I'm currently enjoying a week ban from politics for telling someone they seemed "sheltered".

Mods are the worst part about reddit.

I'm banned from /r/worldnews for life. Reason? "Wow slow down friend" because I went through the new comments on a thread and tried to explain to everyone who didn't read the article and was confused what a certain policy was. I was just trying to inform people but they rather keep the people ignorant I guess.

I got banned from /r/politics for being mean to someone and calling them a shill for three days but I guess I deserved it. I'm super anti-Trump btw.

I've had multiple posts deleted from /r/conspiracy for being anti-Trump, including one that reached /r/all #20 and then the mods deleted it because they were scared. Honestly worldnews etc subreddits are really uptight but this sub is the worst when it comes to censorship, almost on par with the_donald. I've never been banned or had my post deleted for my OPINION from any subreddit, except for this one, the_donald, offmychest (because I post on KiA) and ShitRedditSays. So I hate it when people try to lump in news/politics/worldnews with places like SRS and t_d.

I'm a gay socialist feminist atheist who respects gun rights and doesn't think Christian bakers should have to do fucking anything they don't want to. There's basically nowhere for me to be honest these days.

It's almost like people who worship an authoritarian tend to be authoritarian themselves...

Like I said, a lot of people on T_D don't accept what the mods are doing.

They 100% accept what the mods are doing because they continue to post there. They simply don't like it.

Maybe. I complained and got banned. Not going back.

It's possible a lot of them simply don't know or care. /The_Donald feels very much as if it's mean to project the idea that Trump is right and that no one outside of there believes he can do wrong. Everything there is always spun to be a positive for Trump, regardless of what it is. I really wouldn't be surprised if the sub was intentionally set up to make Trump look good and as popular as possible.

Well it's definitely curated. It was tolerated during the election but it's gone so crazy by this point.

Nah, I personally talked to /u/ind4trump via PM after he was banned. Even referenced him 2 days ago in a post on T_D. Was threatened to be banned by 2 differnet mods for "concern trolling". I didn't/still don't support him being banned for making an observation. Being that T_D is the only place on reddit that will support T_D, it's nice to post in your safe space from time to time.

I thought the Donald hated safe spaces and found them to be shielding people from reality? Oh wait. For what it's worth, safe spaces and hug boxes for anything resembling intelligent discourse is bullshit. Is the majority of Reddit unfriendly to the opinions of donald trump and his supporters? Yeah absolutely, it's part of an ongoing polarization among mods and subs that's essentially become cancer. This having been said, donald trump supporters don't exactly make it easier on anyone.

I don't always post in T_D and I don't always agree with them, but there are times where I just like to shitpost and circlejerk. Do I always agree with what the mods do? Nope. But I'm not a mod.

See this is what people don't understand about dictators. They don't have universal support, in fact most are disliked. People just don't want to do anything about it. It's not even just dictators, almost every voting system has flaws yet rarely is there an effort to fix it. If you don't like something but continue to participate in it then you are propping up its support.

It's like disagreeing with a company. It not boycotting it.

Wow, that totally makes sense. Like a bunch of mini-me's runnin around


And Trump bans reporters. As above so below.

So did Obama, nice shitpost though... /s

Link proof.

He's being sarcastic, hence the /s.

He did it to Fox News. Just do a search. It ain't rocket science.

No he didn't.

The Treasury department did not include Fox news on a list of people to interview Feinberg. Fox news said they were being banned.

The White House immediately apologized and let them interview him.

Later on, it turns out they were excluded because they never requested the interview with Feinberg.


Trump Supporter, but not blind supporter and will always question and call out the b.s. That is just wrong.

This is exactly how their president is running the country as well.

I'm sick and tired of this bullshit about private prisons. They house 6% of prisoners. SIX PERCENT! The vast majority of prisoners are in public prisons. If you really did want to make more profits for the private prison companies, privatizing existing facilities would be a FUCK TON more effective than expanding the pool of prisoners. There are plenty of prisoners here already that you could just relocate to private facilities. Why not do that?

Private prisons make a few billion dollars a year. They're a tiny industry. The entire private prison industry is probably 1/20 the size of Lockheed Martin, a single military contractor. They simply don't have the size to muster significant political influence. The private prison industry is probably 0.02% of our GDP.

Far more significant are the contractors who build and supply public prisons and use public prison labor. The Trump administration has already taken steps to fight these interests and the perverse incentives they create, by abolishing no-bid contracts, using smaller local contractors rather than national monopolies for federal prisons, ensuring transparency in the contract process, and cutting down on private use of prison labor.

GEO Group, one of the nation’s largest for-profit prison operators, donated $250,000 to support Trump’s inaugural festivities, Pablo Paez, the company’s vice president of corporate relations, told USA TODAY.

That’s on top of the $225,000 that a company subsidiary donated to a super PAC that spent some $22 million to help elect the real-estate magnate. Another prison operator, CoreCivic, gave $250,000 to support Trump’s inauguration, recently filed congressional reports show.

Trump's campaign cost hundreds of millions, 250,000 is nothing.

No kidding you fucking idiot. It should have been obvious to qnyone over the age of 5 from the start.

Downvote away, but you're an asshole.

Calm down, dear. Take a deep breath.

Time for your meds.

He said in r/conspiracy

t_d as in the same people who praise themselves on "not being an echo chamber"? HA, what a joke.

It is the worst echo chamber on reddit.

It is an echo chamber. They don't even try to hide it. It's in the rules!

"We are a circle jerk. We love to suck each other's dicks. Then we proceed to shriek at the rest of reddit" - T_D rules.

You clearly don't remember our conversation 2 days ago where I defended what you were claiming.

Eh. It's a mirror image of /r/politics. Both are full of "my team or nothing" morons.

Which happened first? Action.. reaction

You won't be banned for going against the grain in /r/politics. Dissent is actually allowed and that's a huge difference. I really don't understand this false equivalence.

You will be downvoted to oblivion.

Not the same as banning

That's not on the mods though, that's reddit users

Same result though. Massively downvoted posts in popular threads are as good as removed.

I expand downvoted comments all the time.

/r/politics at least feels like it's mostly people who can tie their own shoes posting.

All t_d is copy/pasted memes and propaganda. I've had many conversations with reasonable conservatives and even trump supporters there.

The problem is most trump supporters just want to deny anything bad all the time, continue to point to hillary/obama (seriously, when will they get over that and accept that tehy can't blame someone who didn't even get elected) and deny that anything anti-donnie is posted by "very fakenews"

You can tell when you're dealing with a brainwashed Trump supporter really fast.

No, that would be /r/politics. The_Donald isn't far behind though.

"We're the best echo chamber on Reddit, no the world! We'll echo chamber so hard that everyone will be sick of echo chambering when I'm done, we're the best"

For people who want to ask questions about the Trump administration you can visit. r/AskTrump

you're a sucker who got what he deserved.

just consider what happened to you on t_d as a preview of what's going to happen to you under trump

No. I still support Trump. I don't support him regardless of his faults - something I did before the election because in an election you gotta win. After winning, you hold the government accountable.

Same with T_D. I have complained numerous times, got banned, came back and fought for Trump. Not because I liked the mods but because Trump's victory was more important. Now that Trump has won, holding his feet to the fire is more important. It makes no sense to support the mod's censorship now.

I am fairly consistent in my reasoning.

As for suckers, liberals are the biggest suckers IMO. At least Trump is keeping his promises.

At least Trump is keeping his promises

You can do that with executive orders, but not with the support of most Americans. Unless everyone in the United States jumps up and says "I love dictatorships!" it will ultimately backfire. Trump is rolling back whatever hard earned protections for Americans he can, it'll be just easy to roll them back when he leaves office... with executive orders

because in an election you gotta win.

Just curious, but we're you a Trump supporter in the early primaries? I ask, because it frankly seems like most of the things he's deserving to be criticized on were always there.

Not attacking, the election is fucking over, just curious.

Just curious, but we're you a Trump supporter in the early primaries? I ask, because it frankly seems like most of the things he's deserving to be criticized on were always there.

Supported him from day 1. Was fan of apprentice. supported him because you like his tv show?

I like people like Trump. Contrarians who do rather than talk.

Ugh. I'm not gonna lie, I think that's a pretty stupid reason, but to each their own. It's not like that isn't a pretty common statement from his supporters, and that is how most of the world knew of him before the past 2 years.

I should have phrased my sentence better. I like the apprentice because I like Trump. I like the fact that he is willing to take on everybody to win and does things rather than talk about doing things.

What do you think about his accountability?

What do you mean? I do think he holds people responsible and accountable. You will see it in the future. Problem is media thinks firing is a bad thing. Anyone who has run a private enterprise knows that firing is the most important part of human resources.

Haha no, sorry, I should have been clearer. I'm talking about his personal accountability. I can't think of a time where he admitted he was wrong or even that it was a possibility. I find that troubling because it means I can't trust him to be honest about himself. His press conference last week is a great example of him lying to the American people and I just can't rectify that with a good leader.

But I don't mean to go on a diatribe because Im more interested to hear what you have to say about it.

Yes, that is a bad part about him.

So, without putting words in your mouth, you see it as a problem but it doesn't concern you too much?

Do I want Trump to be more of a statesman? Yes.

Will he be one? Doubt it.

Does it concern me? Yes.

Is it enough for me to stop supporting him? No.

What would a hypothetical tipping point be for you to stop supporting him?

Debt and deficits. If he can't bring those two things under control, he will have lost my support. My hope is that he reduces debt held by the US by at least 40% after his first term ends and gets a balanced budget at least once.

That'd be seriously impressive considering 40% of our current debt is north of 7 trillion dollars and the US government only collects around 4.6 trillion dollars in a year, federal and state. I think you'd probably have to cut military, Medicare, and social security expenditures in half to accommodate that amount of debt paid off in one term.

Well, anyway, thank you for being patient with me and answering some of my questions, I appreciate it.

Can I ask you a question? And do not take this as an attack. I am really curious. I watched for years people complaining about Obama playing golf and the cost of his trips to Hawaii. Even Trump was tweeting about it. How do Trump supporters ignore or justify his trips to Mar a lago and the insane costs to secure Trump tower? It frustrates me. Maybe if I can at least understand their reasoning, I will feel a bit better.

Are you basing it off the Washington Post report? Few thing to keep in mind -

A. It is an estimate by WaPo. Not hard data.

B. WaPo, in its estimate, includes expenses for protecting every Trump family member. It's not Trump's fault that his family has received threats.

C. Trump apparently and correct me if I am wrong on this, paid for Abe's trip to Mar-a-lago. Something WaPo didn't consider.

So the fact that more money has gone into Trump's trips is not only misleading(as he has a bigger family than Obama) but also not based on hard fact.

If it does come out, based on hard data, that Trump(&not his family) cost tax payers money for travelling while NOT working, then yeah, I wouldn't like it. But if he does diplomacy, like he did with Abe, during these travels, there is no problem. The gripe with Obama was that a lot of the money was spent on his vacations. If a lot of tax payer money is spent on Donald Trump's vacations, sure I would be pissed.

That's what they don't get. His economic policies are going to fuck those over who "memed him into office"

And then they came for me..

Why not start r/the_donald_uncensored?

And soon that will be our country, thanks for that.

And soon that will be our country, thanks for that.


RemindMe! One year

Remind you of what? Both clauses are facts.

Trump verbally attacking the press is neither new

Obama did and a lot of other presidents before him have done it.

nor is it against the 1st amendment.

Factually true.

Remind you of what? Both clauses are facts.

It's a bot that will pm me to look at this comment again in a year.

Obama did and a lot of other presidents before him have done it.

Obama had one incident where Fox was left out, either intentionally or unintentionally depending on who you ask. He never outright blocked organizations from a press briefing. To compare the two is hilariously disingenuous, just like most comparisons you people use.

Factually true.

You're arguing against things you've decided I've said in your mind. I never said it was? Nothing your mods are doing are against the rules either but it's still shitty and despotic.

Usage of the reminder bot implies you think I was making a prediction. False. I was stating facts. You can't disagree with facts.

Obama had one incident where Fox was left out

That doesn't matter. All I stated was that what Trump did was nothing new. President's have gone after the press. I never said Trump's attacks were more or less aggressive.

Also, you conveniently left out the point where I said verbally attacking the press is not against the 1st amendment. Convenient.

Usage of the reminder bot implies you think I was making a prediction. False. I was stating facts. You can't disagree with facts.

I made a prediction?....

That doesn't matter. All I stated was that what Trump did was nothing new. President's have gone after the press. I never said Trump's attacks were more or less aggressive.

Except it's not clear it was intentional which is the key point...

Also, you conveniently left out the point where I said verbally attacking the press is not against the 1st amendment. Convenient.

You're arguing against things you've decided I've said in your mind. I never said it was? [against the first amendment] Nothing your mods are doing are against the rules either but it's still shitty and despotic.

I know reading is hard but at least fucking try ffs

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I got news for ya-- DT LOVES the press.

Yes. Feeds off it.

That's pretty ironic.

A whole sub full of people loudly bemoaning Reddit censorship whilst aware their own community is being actively censored

Yes. They should call themselves the_irony.

It is not accurate to compare censorship on t_d with r/politics for example. T_D is specifically a forum for supporting a certain politician. Obviously they should be able to kick people out of the community who do not support him. If I start a club for people who love Star Wars, it's reasonable for me to kick people out who hate Star Wars and complain about it. However, if I start a club for debating about Star Wars, then it would be a dick move to kick out Star Wars haters. In a similar way, /r/politics is not supposed to have a political agenda and is supposed to be a neutral forum. I do not have a problem with r/hillaryclinton kicking out Trump supporters, nor r/the_donald kicking out Hillary supporters. My problem is with allegedly neutral subreddits that have been hijacked by a political agenda.

You need to be able to talk about the negative stuff he does. People can support a person and not support all of his policies.

Literally every other sub on Reddit. There is only one place where you can see a pro Trump message, cry me a river.

It is a pathetic circle jerk where people lie to each other.

You're like the ugly girl in high school bitching about the cheerleaders. ;)

The Donald is afraid of communicating with people. So yeah, very much like high school kids.

The_Donald is a reddit forum, it doesn't have feelings.

If you're referring to the members, well you're clearly full of shit, as one is communicating with you right now.

Aww, that's cute. You subscribe to a weak safe space where the mods protect you from the truth. Incredibly sad.

You want the truth?

You're salty as fuck, because you can't formulate a rational argument and people are waking up to the decades of bullshit that has been coming from the political establishment. The_Donald wouldn't exist if Trump supporters hadn't been silenced and banned from every other sub.

The left is in ruins, and it's thanks to people like you.

You could have tried to state your position, made some feeble attempt at formulating an argument, instead all you want to do is mock and insult.

Like a chirping cricket, all you contribute is noise.

Dude, trump does nothing but lie to you. When people point that out they get banned. It is pretty simple.

You want the truth?

I don't want you to change the subject like a triggered little internet diva.

Okay, hypocrite, I was only responding to unfair criticism. I guess you're the one who needs safe spaces.

See you at the top of The_Donald!

I was banned. So when the president lies about something I cannot help you guys out and correct the president's error. If anyone does that they get banned. Enjoy the echo chamber of lies for people scared of the truth.

See you at the top of The_Donald

Oh god the cringe

You can still support someone and criticise their policies. I support Obama, but i acknowledge that he did a lot of stuff that i disagree with

Except here is your problem, when you start titling your posts "it be a shame if r/all" or "hey r/all..." you are inviting criticism. To censor it then is to claim that everyone agrees with you.

And r/Star Wars is fine if you don't love all the movies. Why can't t_d be okay with people not loving all of his policies. I was an obama supporter and didn't like drone strikes, was a little disappointed with how long it took for him to come around on gay marriage and a bunch of other things. Once he was elected there was no need to be a cheerleader it was time to make sure he kept his promises.

Except here is your problem, when you start titling your posts "it be a shame if r/all" or "hey r/all..." you are inviting criticism. To censor it then is to claim that everyone agrees with you.

I personally think these post should be banned.

And r/Star Wars is fine if you don't love all the movies. Why can't t_d be okay with people not loving all of his policies.

T_D is more like a grimy strip club, and you're a customer complaining about nudity, Asktrumpsupporters is the bar next to the strip club that normal people go to.

Once he was elected there was no need to be a cheerleader it was time to make sure he kept his promises.

I agree, on this occasion with the weed thing it'd be like complaining there were no tits at the strip club and the club kicking you out for conplaining, Trump said he'd leave it up to the state and even if he didn't he was elected with the idea that he'd have a business savvy mindset to it aswell, there is nothing business savvy or clever for the country about harsher weed enforcement.

I said this in a previous post, we Trump supporters pre-election bragged and boasted that we actually had the better weed candidate and everyone was stupid for worrying, should this go ahead and Trump not say or do anything, rub our faces in it loud and happily, because we sure as fuck would have done it to you for Hillary.

So basically you guys helped turn this site into a bigger shit pile than it already was, and we've all got to deal with it?

If this site is a shit pile, why are you using it?

Besides the few subs I frequent that weren't completely ruined by the 2016 election, I'm not entirely sure.

Imagine how Trump's cabinet/staff must feel.

They must feel pretty good. Trump has repeatedly stated he is fine with Cabinet members holding a different POV.

Lies. What about Betsy DeVos opposing Trump undoing the bathroom transgender protections? Or did you forget about that already.

What about Betsy DeVos opposing Trump undoing the bathroom transgender protections? Or did you forget about that already

What about it? Did Trump admonish Betsy?

You guys can discuss it in my sub r/HarryPotterRipOffs It was meant to be a joke in the form of Harry Potter titles. Like "George bush and the steel beams" But it never took off

its like r/pyonyang over there

China is looking for Kim Jong Un's replacements. The top mod on the_donald is top contender right now.

Do they actually support NK, not sure....

Just got banned from there for a very civil contradiction. Had a bitchen response, couldn't post it

Yes, it is a cesspool as are most political subs. T_D has become the worst.

If only they could see it.

same here. banned for asking questions then muted and ignored.

I had the same experience, but from the opposite side. This was my first (and last) post on t_d:

This sub is also very quick to ban people who voice dissenting opinions, so it should be surprising that there are so few comments compared to the number of downvotes.

Of course many t_d regulars responded to tell me how/why I was wrong, but ironically my post was remove by the mods and I was banned shortly thereafter, so I never got a chance to reply. Instead of just leaving it at that, I decided to PM several people who responded and ask if they could explain or justify my ban, since it didn't seem to fit the explanations and defenses they gave to justify the strict moderation and censorship.

While I kept my PMs civil, I honestly wasn't expecting much...figured I'd probably get called some names and maybe hear some MAGA rhetoric, then move on. To my surprise, I actually had some reasonable and insightful conversations with t_d regulars who seemed angry and frustrated with the moderation and general direction the sub is headed.

Yes. Mods are fucking lunatics on the sub. Ruining it.

Most mods on reddit are power hungry assholes. Except for this one of course

I was banned for saying that a meme, where Bernie Sanders is dressed as a Nazi was disinfo because at his extreme he would be more akin to a communist than a Nazi. I guess someone's feelings were hurt. I tried to dispute my ban with the mods and they muted me from replying to them. It's funny when you pair that with the constant threads that complain about other parts of reddit censoring opinions.

I am for full free speech but it is hard to argue Bernie wasn't a nationalist socialist, which Hitler too was. Take it as a compliment though as commies killed more people than nazis. I don't like Bernie but I don't agree with banning those who do.

Instead of banning me and leaving me bitter, someone like yourself could have made this argument and I would have went on my merry way and learned something. I guess that's the benefit of having a conversation who'da thunk it? Not the mods over at The_Donald.

Bernie was a national socialist in that he believed in social democracy for America. That's a far cry from the ideology of "national socialism."

Bernie was a national socialist


That's a far cry from the ideology of "national socialism.

Not really.

Bernie wasn't a social democrat. The social democrats would be the tories in the UK. Use capitalism and then take a chunk to fund public services. Bernie is anti capitalism.

Bernie himself might have been, but all the policies he pushed were social Democratic in nature. Regardless, even if he pushed anti-capitalist policy, it'd be a far cry from national socialism.

Bernie himself might have been, but all the policies he pushed were social Democratic in nature

To be a social democrat, you have to support free markets. Who is going to fund the public services otherwise?

What? He wasn't advocating for central planning or the worker's taking the means of production. Are you trying to define capitalism as free market, and nothing else?

it is hard to argue Bernie wasn't a nationalist socialist, which Hitler too was.

National Socialism has little to do with actual Socialism. It was a name Hitler Co-opt for his own purposes.

and north korea calls itself a 'democratic peoples republic' , people can call themselves what they want, but bernies actions through the years spoke for themselves

True. But his economic policies are very closely aligned with those of the nazis.

even if that is true(i dont know enough about the ecenomics of nazi germany) but the nazis weren't the nazis becaue of their economic views..but i just googled some things and from the small amount of time that ive spent(so take this with a grain of salt) im reading that the socialist part in national socialism was just put there for people to feel good, from what im reading the nazi party didn't really have a real economic plan

much like donald they used the rhetoric of the pro-worker socialist to attract disaffected recruits, but then fed them with racial hate rather than equitable economic distribution.

you know how you've heard about hitler being into getting shit on and stuff like that? That all comes from a story told to an early nazi defector, who defected largely because hitler wasn't doing the socialist part national socialism, who supposedly got it from hitler's niece/lover. She incidentally "killed herself" or was murdered by hitler or one of his crew, or maybe even killed herself, its not super clear.

That is so hilariously incorrect. Hitler was neither actually Christian nor Leftist in any way.

If I call myself a Vegetarian but all I do all day is eat meat, am I a Vegetarian? National Socialism (Nazism) is a regressive right wing, Fascist political party. Hitler rose to power, in part, by muddying the waters of what the hell he was doing. Fascists don't get into power by admitting they're Fascists.

Feel free to join us at the chan

4chan is funny but I don't like the interface.

Yeah you can really tell who's new based on how flustered they get by that stuff!

Can confirm.

Am gung-ho supporter of Donald. Hate T_D mods.

I was actually banned for this post:

Bookmarked for future reading. Seems like a good read.

I just got done with a ban for calling out a conspiracy and telling them to prove it.

Literally every subreddit has faggot mods. This is nothing new. It's more about the users that visit the sub than the mods IMO. There will never be good mods.

Yes, but when the sub started it used to support free speech before the retard ciswhitemaelstorm took over.


See my post history.

I've long had a thought of starting /r/rationalthe_donald it's probably not worth it, but I'm sure there's a lot of people who would want to use it

Also t_d complains a lot about a handful of "power users" in the anti-trump subs, but there are accounts that for the months leading up to the election were created to only post trump articles, which the mods then pinned to the top.

It was a ridiculously controlled environment to just allow the mods to force feed their agenda to Reddit and t_d in general.

Lots of people are pissed at the mods for massive censorship but they can't say anything because they will get banned.

Welcome to dictatorship! We hope you enjoy your stay, or else.

I am a Trump supporter. Earned 40,000 Karma on t_d. Got banned for asking mods to stop censorship and to stop banning people for not agreeing with Trump.

Where did you ask this? Was it in a PM to them or in a comment? If it was a comment, you did break the rules. No matter how much karma you had you should be treated the same as others regarding rule breakages. If it was in a PM I agree that's bullshit.

It's in the rules that T_D promotes censorship. Fine. That doesn't stop me from calling out T_D for what it has become - safe space seeking, whining, authoritarian cunts.

The_donald is one of the shittiest communities I've seen here. Half of their posts are crying about reddit censorship when their own mods censor hundreds of posts a day I assume.

Yes. The irony is lost on them. They will up vote posts where Trump promises to reduce legal immigration and then make posts where they say they oppose legal immigration. Be honest about what you believe.

i'm going to be unhelpful and post this:


This post and this comment are more of a conspiracy than half the shit actually discussed here. Bravo to you and OP for speaking up.

This sounds more like a first world problem of not being able to complain on the internet.

Ironic that this is exactly how our government is being run.

Ironic that this is exactly how our government is being run.

No. There are checks and balances that will hold back Trump if he goes authoritarian(which he won't). Reddit mods have no checks and balances on them.

Umm silencing the people they don't agree with? Is this not exactly what Trump is doing with the media?

A. I believe WaPo, ABC, CBS etc. were still allowed.

B. According to Spicer, some outlets were kept out of the press gaggle, not the briefing.

C. Having said that, I don't agree with what they did - even if it was simply a gaggle. No point getting down to the level of the press. Don't lose the moral high ground.

No offense but we aren't talking about who was let in. For some reason, every pro Trumper I talk to always skirts around the issue at hand. The media outlets that Trump sees as "fake news" were not allowed in. There is no A. B. C. It's pretty black and white.

The media outlets that Trump sees as "fake news" were not allowed in. There is no A. B. C. It's pretty black and white.

That is factually incorrect. ABC, CBS etc. were still allowed. Trump branded them fake a few days ago.

I wish you could see how hard I'm rolling my eyes right now.

It's kinda of like how the administration you voted to put in office is going to handle dissent in real life! Congratulations! You abs your like minded folk turned America into a dictatorship

It's kinda of like how the administration you voted to put in office is going to handle dissent in real life!

You have to be naive to compare a reddit sub to the American political. Trump has checks and balances on him. Reddit mods have none.

Damn son that is some serious karma agriculture.

I'm not a trump supporter, but your post makes me feel a lot better about his supporters, knowing that the rational ones are banned from TD for bringing sense in there. That place is a huge circlejerk, and I was beginning to think that's all there was when it came to people who voted for him. Good on you.

See the up votes on top posts. It's way down from what it used to be. The sub's activity has decreased because every fucking thing is 4D chess apparently. Used to be fun during the campaign. Now it is boring and the censorship has gotten way worse.

The Trump subs are being run like the Trump presidency: any opposition is silenced and called out for being "fake" and "shill". The circle-jerk is complete.

One difference : Trump has checks and balances on him. Reddit mods don't.

It's so funny how much echo we get from the Trump subs in parallel to the cabinet. How pissed off Trump gets when he is opposed through the system of checks and balances "Why won't you just let me do this? It's for the greater good!" Because, Mr. Trump, that would undermine the entire process of democracy.

I am fine with the checks and balances but in certain instances they are abused - 9th circuit.

Pretty much all political rules and regulations can be exploited in some way or another. The process for change is carried out, sometimes over long periods of time, by swaying public opinion and voting the change out/modified. Democracy takes time, and I think a lot of Americans who voted for Trump are just tired of how long it takes for certain changes to take effect. I don't blame them, but the issue is picking and choosing which process should remain, and which should be expedited. Which greater good is "the" greater good? Too many differing opinions, built on a system that does not allow expediting change. Ugh!

Right. I agree but the constitution is fundamental. It decides the rules of the game. If the 9th circuit won't abide by the rules, that sets a dangerous precedent.

I got banned from the T/_d after agreeing with a post there... my comment was pretty well upvoted, but I was banned for saying "I'm usually pretty liberal, but I agree..." I don't know why they would ban people for..: agreeing? Like, if someone from the other side supports what you've done that's a good thing...

Yeah, the sub is a full blown cult now. Most people realise this. There is a reason most posts get way less up votes now.

Come on over to Voat, man! More users than ever, absolute commitment to free speech, we'd love to have you, and anybody else from this increasingly repressive/censored site. It makes me sad reddit is becoming increasingly worse all the time, but at least Voat, for now, is an excellent alternative.

If r/conspiracy goes to shit, then maybe I will come to voat.

I got banned for talking about Israel. I think I know what the mods are.


T_D is becoming very reddit like these days. If Trump renegs on his bid to legalize marijuana in states that voted for it, I'll reneg my vote in 2020 and vote for ol' Liberal Blue again.

They love the marijuana... at least, they claim they do.

Trump is keeping his promises. Don't see why he won't fulfil his weed promise.

The_Donald turned into a piece of shit. F those mods. Worse than here in conspiracy.

At least its not the new front page... thats bogus as fuck

it took you 40000 karma to come to that realization?

Didn't care before campaign. After campaign, made no sense to continue censorship. Not my first time arguing against censorship on T_D and facing punishment. However, before I knew about r/conspiracy I had no other place to go. So I decided to stay on T_D.

Did you not know t_d is a completely propaganda channel? You get banned for saying pro Trump things that might derail the current discussion. Did those top comments never look fake to you? Inane agreeing with OP "Oh my god this is so right!" "Oh my god I agree with you".

t_d reacts to current events with a delay, as if the instructions about what the top post should be, are coming down from somewhere, and not decided by the community.

No. Most users are real, lol.

I cannot believe that.

Some posts over there are inanely sycophantic. One thing 4chan is not, is sycophantic. They are equally irreverent to everyone.

There's /r/the_donald_discuss that mirrors every post from the main sub and is not moderated.

The place you are looking for is /r/AskThe_Donald

Trump is so lucky there are gullible people like you out there to support him.

FYI: he doesn't give a fuck about you or anyone else "holding him accountable." Lol. He got what he wanted from you.

God I wish t_d was real, half these people would be in camps and the other half soiling themselves in their swivel chairs.

If they want to speak up, but wont out of fear of being banned then they should take their ban with pride. What sort of bitch wants to be part of a group they cant speak up in with out being kicked out.

A cuck?

it's not censorship you idiot, you broke the sub rules, it is not a place for criticism of trump.

it's not censorship you idiot, you broke the sub rules, it is not a place for criticism of trump.

Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions

Secondly, I broke no rules. I merely asked why the words Ben Shapiro were part of the auto filter.

"Got banned for asking mods to stop censorship and to stop banning people for not agreeing with Trump."

that's what you said.

and it's within the rights of TD to ban anyone for breaking the rules, it's not a freedom of speech issue. anyone can be banned from any subreddit for anything and it isn't a freedom of speech issue

I have been a republican for years, and have worked on campaigns, have worked on the hill for a republican office, etc. I was banned from the conservative subreddit which I have been a semi regular commentor on because I openly opposed Devos on there. The mods then blocked me from messaging them because I messaged them asking why. I then pm'd one of them to finally get an unban but it was a little ridiculous the way they are acting. Yes I know some liberals jump on when it gets 400+ upvotes, but generally most commenting in the sub is by conservatives.

r/conservative is equally trash. There was a period when your posts had to be approved by mods.

It's a fan subreddit. Well, that's what they say. It was created several months before he announced his run so I have a hunch that it was created by someone on his campaign. Probably Eric.

Probably Eric


It's a fan subreddit

That's an excuse.

When it comes to censoring mods, I would really like to see them get doxxed. If anyone deserves it, it's them.

-He who seeks to control the free flow of information fancies himself your master.

When it comes to censoring mods, I would really like to see them get doxxed. If anyone deserves it, it's them.

I don't support rule breaking. Whether it is by illegal immigrants or trolls on the internet.

When it comes to censoring mods, I would really like to see them get doxxed. If anyone deserves it, it's them.

I don't support rule breaking. Whether it is by illegal immigrants or trolls on the internet.

This is my point of view as a /r/The_Donald subscriber, based off of casual observation.

Consider what would happen if the mods allowed criticism of Trump on /r/The_Donald. It would become /r/politics. It's easy to see the majority of Reddit is against Trump. On most days, multiple anti-Trump posts are at the top of /r/all and /r/popular. With /r/The_Donald opening up itself to criticism of Trump, the sub would be subjected to mass posting of negative propaganda. I suspect nothing positive about Trump would ever reach /r/all again. The same reasoning also addresses why criticism of the mods is not allowed. Anti-Trump subreddits would brigade /r/The_Donald, attacking the mods in the hope of forming distrust and probably to try to get mods replaced with people who would further attempt to make /r/The_Donald a place of anti-Trump sentiment.

I don't like the censorship, at all, but I defend it for now because Reddit's user base have made it necessary in order for /r/The_Donald to function.

A. Removing censorship and particularly the rule of concern trolling, will give T_D the moral high ground.

B. T_D's posts already barely make it to the top of r/all.

C. Criticising mods will sow discord and disunity? Why does unity around Trump have value? Shouldn't you try to hold him accountable? Also, if someone makes accusations against mods, you can ask for proof and make up your mind based on facts.

D. Most of the people banned are those who criticise Trump constructively. If you remove people critical of you, you will lose your customer(voters). There is a reason companies ask for feedback . So they can improve.

A. I know that. What difference would the moral high ground make now when the rest of Reddit is jerking off to how much they hate Trump?

B. Right, since the algorithm change that limits one post from each subreddit to reach /r/all so long as its not a stickied post. The work around for that being make multiple subreddits that have the same goal in mind.

C. Unity matters when there is a constant barrage of negativity and propaganda and down votes. I would never know any good things Trump does if it weren't for The_Donald and other alternative news sites. It would always be half-truths and twisted facts to undermine what Trump is doing. Yes, holding Trump accountable is important. Good thing there are plenty of other subreddits officially and unofficially dedicated to doing that to near ludicrous degrees.

Regarding the mods, sure, I can be shown proof and make decisions for myself. The issue, however is trust and unity. Allowing open criticism of the mods would invites our opponents to do their best to undermine the mod's activities. Sow distrust. Demands to remove existing mods. It would open The_Donald to the threat of the mods being replaced with people looking to subvert the existing subreddit and turn it into /r/politics.

D. I would love to know how you know that.

Again let me reiterate...

I don't like the censorship, at all, but I defend it for now because Reddit's user base have made it necessary in order for /r/The_Donald to function.

You want to state your case against something Trump has done. Good. Pick a subreddit. Just not /r/The_Donald. And let us present a counter to your case in the only place on Reddit where it is allowed and it will be publicly visible on /r/all.

Proof or its bullshit

/u/FutureNactiveaccount - Please confirm my story.

You can see my post history also if you think I am lying.

It's not bullshit, he posted a bunch of times on T_D saying that him posting a certain person's name was getting Auto-Banned or Shadow Banned. It was true. He then got banned from T_D entirely for "concern trolling" by a relatively new mod.

He did spam his claims on other threads saying "Hey Hey look at this!!" but overall, he claim is 100% legitimate, watched it happen in real time.

T_D can censor any negative Trump things they want, and that's ok.

This is no different than whining over the Enough Trump Spam sub not posting positive Trump articles.

The Politics sub is supposed to allow positive and negative Trump stuff, and they don't, they only post negative

You have multiple subs devoted to posting only negative Trump articles , and you have no problem with that, it's completely ok.

And it's completely fine that The Donald only posts positive Trump comments.

This grievance of your is not legitimate, just attacking the T-D for nonexistent slights.

T_D can censor any negative Trump things they want, and that's ok.

Sure, they can. But if they cry censorship when they do the same, it is hypocrisy.

This is no different than whining over the Enough Trump Spam sub not posting positive Trump articles.

If T_D aims to be like ETS, then I am glad I was banned from T_D.

The Politics sub is supposed to allow positive and negative Trump stuff, and they don't, they only post negative

If ETS and Politics are benchmarks, count me out. Why don't you talk about r/conspiracy which allows both sides to be posted? Aspire to be better not worse.

You have multiple subs devoted to posting only negative Trump articles , and you have no problem with that, it's completely ok.

I have a problem with mod abuse in general.

And it's completely fine that The Donald only posts positive Trump comments.

Yea, and hypocritical too.

T_D is the biggest safe space now.

Sounds like Facism

Who are the mods? Nobody knows.

The extreme censorship and nazi like banning of any firm if dissent, including anger at broken promises is on purpose.

The mods, likely working with the Trump administration, are creating an army of only 100% completely servile brainwashed monkeys.

Of course they can't see it and if course they don't want to. It offers them the one thing they can't get in the real world, acceptance.

My estimates have the place at about 20k actual users (not including bots). A couple of thousand brainwashed space monkeys with a desperate lack of self worth in each state is all that they need or want. Only the most unquestioning and loyal are suitable to become brownshirts/redhats.

They literally don't care about the cognitive dissonance they're experiencing about now. 1st ammendment trampling and broken promises. Because they don't care about those things. They only care about feeling accepted by something. Anything.

True. I common T_D, and they shut down any possible concerns with "concern trolling." It's blatantly obvious why it [concern trolling] is done, too.

No fucking shit you got banned, t_d is a Trump cheerleading subreddit. Dissent is explicitly forbidden. It's like posting a self post on r/pics and then wondering why you got banned. realize theyve been banning people for not 100% agreeing since day 1 right? Literally nothing has changed except you now see through the bullshit. It has been this way the whole time

TL;DR - Any Trump supporter who questions mod authority on t_d gets banned.

Well... duh? They haven't exactly hidden that policy.

that is a very logical thought. Almost sounds too easy

I have great suspicion that t_d is actually run by the trump administration. They probably hired some intern to take care of moderation duties at that sub.

T_d should be renamed as r/pyongyang2

This is what blows my mind so much. The people who consistently act like trump is doing GREAT when it's clear that he's fumbling around. Even if you like him and everything he stands for, you should be pissed that he can't roll out a damn executive order that passes constitutional muster (and there's no doubt the immigration ban could have been written correctly the first time around if somebody with a half-decent knowledge of constitutional law had done it). Likewise for numerous other slip-ups.

In what way is he fumbling around? Almost everything he's done has been incredibly calculated.

Like that EO that got smacked down by the courts? Yea, he's doing an A+ job that Donny.

The court that has 80-90% of its decisions overturned? The most liberal circuit court in the nation?

They are just going to reword the order and reimplement it, thank god.

Why didn't they have the capacity to word it correctly first time round? Were they overcome by emotion?

Do you think I'm a mind reader? They released it too quickly or something.

So, uh, it was not incredibly calculated..

No, it was. Based on Obama's administration's list. They just didn't expect a circuit court to supersede them on bullshit grounds.

and what list would that be?

Jesus, you don't even know the seven countries were taken directly from a list Obama's administration published regarding countries with increased terror threats?

The court that has 80-90% of its decisions overturned?

That's not even close to true.

This guy is posting snopes and politifact in a conspiracy subreddit. Just fucking lol.

It’s true in a very narrow sense that the Ninth Circuit has an 80% reversal rate for that ten-year period, but it’s also true that they have a 0.123% reversal rate — and that’s actually the more accurate way to view their.

You did read the article that you posted right?

Yeah, you do realize that the cases that go up to the Supreme Court are the ones that are challenged, right? And those have an 80% rate of being overturned. That is a relevant and important statistic. No one is suggesting that stat is regarding all of the cases and their rulings. That's what obtuse morons would think. I'm not one. Are you?

The court that has 80-90% of its decisions overturned? The most liberal circuit court in the nation?

Could you point me to where you made the distinction that the 80% figure referred to decisions that were taken up by the supreme court? The article you posted said that an 80% overturn rate is not all that remarkable, so why even bring it up?

Because it's the second-highest in the country. That is a relevant fact. You can't hand wave things like that away.

You posted a link to an article that said that that number is misleading.

Yes, the article is, in a biased way, clarifying the number. The number is not misleading but not fully explained.

The court that has 80-90% of its decisions overturned?

This is incredibly misleading. The Ninth circuit has 80% of its decisions that are reviewed by the supreme court reversed. The Supreme court hears 0.177% of cases from the federal circuit, and 0.151% of cases from the Ninth circuit. So of the 114,199 cases the Ninth Circuit has ruled on between 1999 and 2008 (the date the paper I'm getting my numbers from was published), 138 have been overturned. The Ninth Circuit gets 0.12% of all cases overturned, not 80%.

Yeah. I already addressed that. It's not insignificant that they have so many of their cases that go up get overturned. You don't get to ignore that.

Ah, my apologies, I thought you were using that number to suggest that this ruling is likely to be overturned or is in some way significantly likely to be flawed. If your only point is that that Supreme Court tends to disagree with them on cases they agree to hear, then that's easy to explain. Like you said, they're the most liberal court in the country. The Supreme Court until recently has been a 5-4 conservative majority. It's just different beliefs.

It is a flawed ruling. The President has the unrestricted power to restrict immigration from any country for any period of time.

Considering that his power to restrict immigration has thus far been restricted, that is clearly not the case.

Also, the counterpart to your argument is that the president must also have unrestricted power to open up immigration from any country. Would you have supported Obama if he had tried to entirely remove all border control but was stopped by the courts?

It'd be nice if you had any idea what you were talking about instead of using your dumb hyoptheticals.

I trust the ninth circuit far, far, far more than I trust some random blog.

Anybody who says the ninth circuit has "80-90%" of its decisions overturned instantly exposes his/her complete ignorance about basically everything. If you don't understand how the federal courts work, how could you possibly understand what made the EO unconstitutional?

Already said it's the cases that are challenged in the Supreme Court. That is still a relevant statistic, sorry.

No it isn't because despite what you "already said," you still don't understand it. Lots of people bit on the whole "80 percent" thing, so don't feel bad.

It's not "cases that are challenged in the Supreme Court." It's only a measure of the Supreme Court's rulings on cases in which it GRANTED CERTIORARI. meaning the Supreme Court let 99+% of the ninth circuit's cases stand as decided. THAT is the important statistic.

What are you talking about? There is no difference in those two other than the phase.

Your continued failure to understand is why I was making fun of you and people like you in the first place.

The Supreme Court grants cert in only a very select few cases (less than one percent) that warrant its attention. OF THOSE cases, the overturn rate for the ninth circuit is slightly above the average for the federal circuit courts in recent years. No circuit court had a lower than 50 percent overturn rate. The ninth circuit decides thousands of cases and a near-zero number of them are overturned.

Your continued failure to understand is why I was making fun of you and people like you in the first place.

The Supreme Court grants cert in only a very select few cases (less than one percent) that warrant its attention. OF THOSE cases, the overturn rate for the ninth circuit is slightly above the average for the federal circuit courts in recent years. No circuit court had a lower than 50 percent overturn rate. The ninth circuit decides thousands of cases and a near-zero number of them are overturned.

5d chess huh

what about the travel ban policy (which was fucking terrible, read my utter dismantling here

what about bits of his cabinet falling apart (flynn)

what about his inability to successfully communicate with foreign leaders (australia, mexico)

what about having to go to his stupid vacation resort every weekend? i mean come on, this isn't presidential.

What a fucking shill. You are peddling bullshit, constructed hit pieces like the Flynn situation still?!

psst... i made other killshots in my comment too... better debunk those

Those leaks of the phone calls or whatever are more manufactured news stories. Try following a story past the "breaking news" you read on Vox or whatever trash you read.

The travelling to Florida on the weekends I've read is precisely because of these other bullshit stories you've listed. That is, the White House has moles that are trying to sabotage Trump and his presidency.

you skipped the most important one wherein i dismantled the travel ban... why don't you click on my linked comment and give it a few swings?

Keep moving the goalposts. And one slip up out of everything that has been done? Just lol if you think one misfire out of so many is some kind of huge indictment on the Trump administration.

so you're admitting a slip up?

The only slip up with the list was not making exceptions for green card holders.

what about all of the gaping holes in the travel ban?

You're the exact person I was talking about when I said people act like he's doing a great job when he's fumbling around. He is objectively not doing a great job, he's not even succeeding in doing the things his base wanted without botching them

Is this what you read on Buzzfeed? He's already saved $12 million dollars in a month. There is a whole litany of things he has accomplished or is in the process of accomplishing. Try reading sources other than those that lambast him regardless. Speaking of which, where's that Russia story now, ya giant boob?

"saved $12 million dollars [sic]"? You mean by spending $10+ mil on vacations while Melania drains taxpayer pockets living in New York? whatever you say. Likewise, the Russia story is still in the news and still evolving.

Every source reports on what Trump is doing other than bullshit clickbait sites.

It's still a fake news story and the sycophants you read are still trying to create some bullshit connections. It isn't working, bro. Sorry.

It's not a fake news story and you're a moron if you think so, honestly. I personally saw Air Force One in west palm, so the only part that could be fake is the expenditure, and knowing what we know from past administrations, that part checks out too.

How's that Obamacare repeal coming?

They've already said they are looking to move things through in March or April as they've had to spend the beginning of the term dealing with budget issues iirc. Also, repealing obamacare is an issue beyond the executive branch alone, idiot.

I'll believe it when I see it.

A Great Wall is also beyond the executive branch alone. Doesn't stop him from promising it.

Same thing with making Mexico pay for it. Remember when the Trump administration proposed a 20% tariff on Mexican goods to fund the wall? Yeah... that means AMERICANS are paying for the wall.

Re: Obamacare, on 1/17, Trump said:

"We're going to have insurance for everybody," Trump told The Washington Post. "There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can't pay for it, you don't get it. That's not going to happen with us."

"[They] can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better,"

Good luck. If I see a plan that actually does this, I'll be all for it. As far as I can tell, Donald and the Republicans are fumbling hard on this.

The wall is getting built. Deal with it.

Yeah you can't keep saying "he's our president like it or not", blindly disregarding everything wrong with the real world right now.

I got banned from their subreddit for suggesting this.

Idk why people even go there to try and reason with anything even slightly neutral about Trump. They are literal fascists over there

The real reason /r/The_Donald is censoring weed posts is the same reason anything related to naming the Jew gets censored: the mod team has been hijacked by people handpicked by the admins, the subreddit has been compromised.

I did not blindly support him, but I have taken a large step back objectively and every decision like this is going to alienate himself further from people like me, that were hesitant on him to begin with.

Exactly how I feel.

I agree wholly. Support them until they get elected and once elected, be their biggest critic when they do things you dont agree with.

Too much blind allegiance to political leaders and human history has shown what happens with that.

It just feels like we're still in a war because of all the attacks on him. We're all still in defense mode.

The problem is the left never stopped "campaigning" against Trump, so they just kept on going.

Seems like they don't want anyone to find common ground. The conspiratorial side of me believes Trump is being used to agitate the left into voting in a full on authoritarian socialist in the next election.

This is not the MO for that subreddit and we all know it. I even agree with some points they make but it's just over the top, no discussion, any dissenting voice is banned.

mfw objective reasoning and accountability becomes relevant after America has elected a guy who can't actually make a statement without contradicting something he has already said within the last week.

A politician speaks with his oen not his mouth

Support for that candidate ends when the Russian Sanctions are lifted. Thats when the Russian trolls can finally take a break.

It's a sports game though. In their mind they are on the winning team. They have to keep winning.

Yep, this is why I think "teams" shouldn't be a thing in politics. I get the need for them in some areas but imagine if you just voted for someone because of their ideas and not because they're red or blue.

That's the problem with the Donald subreddit. Blind fanatical support.

Agree with this 100%. Not matter what side of the aisle you're on.

gilded ?

that sounds way too rational for his base.

When I see something from r/t_d I remember those videos of North Korea that glamorize Kim so much without knowing that he is their worst enemy. The sad part is that trump supporters are just ignorant while the North Koreans don't even know.

You are completely correct on this, I am pro-trump (most of reddit hates me now) but I dont agree with him on alot of things


Climate change

Net neutrality


But in my opinion, he is what America needed. Putting America first.

Because in 4 years I want to have a Christmas ham and not be beheaded for being an infidel, cause you know Hillary would've let in those diverse refugees just like sweden.

Yeah, I'm like you but still split in the middle a bit. I don't really think that Hillary would've turned this country into Middle East v2 and I don't know if Trump is the better option. Probably between the two but I think we really NEED someone like Ron Paul

It's too late to step back when they are elected.

No one does this. Voters are like fans, and politicians are sports teams.

Yep, it really annoys me

Totally agree trump has completely backpedaled on weed/states rights and its fucked up. I wish the mods over there would let us talk about it because he's just..wrong. And I haven't really said that about anything else he's done.

Yeah and it's not a gray area, I can go and pick out clips of Trump saying he's gonna leave it up to the states and now Spicer is saying the opposite. It's not some "alternate facts", it's blatant lies and backpedaling.

Yeah and it's not a gray area, I can go and pick out clips of Trump saying he's gonna leave it up to the states and now Spicer is saying the opposite. It's not some "lies", it's blatant lies and backpedaling.

Yes but they refuse to do that they can't even fathom that he has some flaws, according to them Obama was the worst president ever, so the person they chose can't have flaws. They have so much hate for Obama from a mix of stupid conspiracy theories to their own lives going to shit once he was in office, it's like he was their scapegoat. But Trump has failed them he said he'd get Mexico to pay for the wall he hasn't done that. He said he'd protect the LGBTQ community yet he removed a law to protect them. They voted for Trump cause Hillary was in Wall streets back pocket and Trump would serve the common man, look at his cabinet and ask yourself if they really give two shits what happened to you.

And then there's their incredible hypocrisy. Hillary was under investigation by the FBI, the FBI must be right she's a crook but now that Trump is firmly in office what the FBI and CIA says is a lie. Hillary got money from Saudi Arabia according to some not 100% proven sources, we must investigate her. Trumps camp had contact with Russia continuously according to our intelligence agencies, leave it alone you're lying. Or how about how r/The_Donald had multiple posts about how much time Obama spent golfing but look at Trump or how Obama spent our money on himself when Trump is going to easily beat how much Obama spent in a year in months.

And it amazes me how they are completely okay with him putting down the media, can you imagine if Obama said that shit about Breitbart or Infowars. It's so hard for them to admit after they thought they won they elected someone who's incompetent. Trump is not for you Trump is for him and his friends

Ppl are just so butthurt that r/The_Donald is so active and hilarious to be a part of. The shills have gone and taken a shit on all of the other subreddits and now they have seen that their efforts have only moved them backwards. The_Donald has grown however and this makes shills heads spin at night. It's kinda like that one really negative friend who talks down everything and thinks they are too cool for certain parties. They then see all of their friends having a great time without them and have to hear about all the fun stories while they are miserable inside, so they do shit like call the cops on the house party, etc.

I agree. But unless Trump starts world war three, which he won't, I won't regret my vote.

Wow what a perfectly reasonable thought that most wont agree with. People have more loyalty to who they vote for than who they marry.

r/the_donald is run by spez. That sub is fully cucked.

OK so where is the conspiracy? Do you know what sub your on dude??

Conspiring with private prison operators to ensure they have a steady stream of nonviolent, profitable inmates.

It's widely believed he has private investments in private prisons. The stock market took off in favor of him, even though he didn't really speak on the subject. Now he is promising to spend vital resources taking down states rights, that could be used to stop child sex Slavery and the cartels instead. He is profiting, by allowing more kids to be sold into American sex rings.

It would be nice if he released his tax returns and we could see where he is invested.

I agree, this really does prove trump is either not a smart person, or he is just another cunt. Like the Clintons and the bushes and obama an all the other elitist cultists.

No. This has Jeff sessions written all over it. Sessions has a point though- Federal law over rides state law. If Federal law stops Marijuana, then it must be enforced. Jeff's job is to enforce the law and not make it. So, in a way, Sessions is right.

Having said that, Trump promised to leave weed upto the states and he must remove weed from schedule 1 classification. Change federal law so weed is not illegal.

Having said that, the_donald is a cult now. The mods are full blown authoritarians. Worse than most other subs.

So he's a visionless push over. That's really the best option

So he's a visionless push over. That's really the best option

The way I see it, and having observed him on the Apprentice, there are striking similarities to how he ran his business, how he ran the show and how he is running his presidency. Trump delegates and lets people perform. He then evaluates them and if they have done well, he rewards them. Else he fires them.

I would say that Trump's biggest weakness is articulation. You can be a terrible president but if you articulate your side's position well, you will be remembered as great. Opposite is true if your articulation is bad.

Trump's biggest weakness is putting two thoughts together, or a single coherent one.

Not talking about speaking either, just the thinking part.

Federal Law only overrides state law if it falls within authorization given to the Feds by the US Constitution. The Feds cite the interstate commerce clause as there source of authorization, however nobody has made it legal for companies to sell cannabis across state lines. The Federal Government does not have the authority to regulate state level cannabis sales.

Well, then I hope the states take it to the SC and win.

He isn't smart. He isn't calculated. He isn't careful. He isn't competent.

That's pretty clear at this point.

Thank you. This is my stance, fuck Trump, fuck the Clinton's. It kills me that any negative Trump comments get you labeled a Hillary shill.

What happened to this sub being anti-establishment?

Its shill mania, so many have taken over nobody knows who to trust anymore.

I kinda saw some freaking out a little in the sub, talking about protesting if this is legit or w/e in the comments at t_d. Then someone made a detailed post about Sean Spicer, and why medical marijuana was given a pass while rec marijuana didn't (something about a law, and states or w/e). I do remember people freaking out tho.

However that was one post that I found, and td can get a little hard to wade through aha. Also it was a day or two ago, and I don't know if anything's developed or drastically changed since then. ¯\(ツ)_/¯

I feel your pain I was affected too especially with the bull shit shadowbanning. This seems all the more relevant now

Dude, I would make out with you right now if I could, this post was fucking epic.

Give me a fucking break with trump people. I've been saying it since day one, this asshole is a fucking puppet.

This is a conspiracy community, we largely reject the government here. Politics are retarded. If you're a person who has incorporated a political leaning in this sub, maybe you should go somewhere else..

and you called hillary a corprate shill?

Hillary is a corporate shill. That doesn't mean Trump isn't too.

I think hillary would do it for money. Trump will do it for free

Republican , Democrat it dosent matter. Two sides of the same coin.

Exactly. The president has also just been a puppet.

Or rather - two puppets, one puppeteer.

only one side had a plan to tackle college debt, make healthcare more affordable, and not be a general foreign policy embarrassment

i am still not convinced that hillary is anywhere near the same level of obvious corruption as trump.

Bullshit. They were making the same token gestures they always do when progressives force their hand. If these are things you want elect someone who isn't a member of a fucking right wing party.

you dont think there's a chance she was modifying her platform to match that of what her party wants, as was her job?

after she realized people wanted someone like bernie she started reflecting his policies and whatnot. its the same as donald trupm originally being pro-choice but recently has changed, for the sake of representing what his party wants.

I would rather she didn't have to. I would prefer if my president was a decent sort of person for most of their adult life. If their politics are going to be force me to change or I will be bad I'd rather just vote for the people and parties who basically have all their shit together.

You have to realize that these movements, pro-choice, pro-LGBT, they don't come out of nowhere. They start in other ideologies sometimes decades and decades before democrats start to care. And when those democrats start to care it isn't because of some moral epiphany it is because some people who weren't liberals started protesting.

So from the perspective of someone in one of those outside groups fuck the democratic party and fuck democrats. Too many good people died because of your sloth.

So Hillary would have implemented a ban on Sudanese refugeess? Or revoked LGBT protections enacted on a federal level? Lower taxes on the rich? Try to destroy the EPA and a whole bevy of protections enacted by the Obama administration? Repeal the ACA and leave millions without insurance? Continue to break down the barriers between church and state? Criticize the leaders of some of our closest allies? Seriously? This whole false equivalence argument is bullshit.

She would have had a different method same end result. Use the executive orders to further her agenda which would get the right so pissed of they'd be marching in the streets.

Keep everyone pissed of at each other and the president so they can't see what's really going on.

She would have had a different method same end result.

Wait, what? You're saying she would have enacted a ban on the immigration from those 7 countries but in a different manner? And was actively trying to get rid of the EPA? And remove protections for LGBT students? You're argument is unbelievably naive. The point is that they have radically different agendas. So they aren't two sides of the same coin.

You're just not seeing the bigger picture.

They just want control stir up the protests and riots so they can lock it down. They will take away your freedoms in the name of security.

Just you watch

No, you're right. They are 100% absolutely trying to "lock it down." And you know who they are? The Republicans. Not the Democrats. So once again, they are not two sides of the same coin.

And yet the democrats and the republicans both seems okay with political assassinations and imprisonment of the left a la COINTELPRO.

Jesus christ this is retarded. You really can't argue with stupid.

Coming into a conspiracy sub and refuting the consequences of one of the largest conspiracies that was irrefutably proven is stupid. LBJ's administration was in contact with Hoover's and they approved of and encouraged Hoover's actions against King.

Coming into a conspiracy sub is stupid



Does that not make her a shill? That whole wing of the party is bought and paid for, and they're constantly making it hard to talk to conservatives as a liberal. It'd be a lot easier to get along if I didn't have to be associated with them, so I'm not about to defend Hillary Clinton's actions because Trump did something similar. I will only point out Trump's actions to call him a hypocrite for criticizing her for something before doing it himself, but that doesn't justify her actions or make her not a shill. She is a shill. I don't even mind if Trump supporters call her a shill, never mind how hypocritical. The Democratic Party would be many times better without politicians like Hillary Clinton and the entire corporation-lobbyist-consultant-campaign handshake infrastructure that surrounds them and her.

Thanks for using retarded in a negative light you bigot.

my apologies. i meant no offense to retarded people. I shall edit and use the word fucking idiot

and wants to get back at california/oregon/washington/colorado for not voting for him

It's also because he hates Obama, who softened his stance on marijuana. Look at Trump's nonsensical comments on Cuba and how he wanted to set back relations with them after what Obama did. No logic at all, just petty revenge.

The issue is with illegal importation of marijuana without regulated production, not the legality of it. For fucks sake stop googling everything and read actual statements and releases. He doesn't give a fuck if you wanna smoke or if it's prescribed, he's just trying to make sure that the US isn't pandering to drug cartels in this country or supporting them elsewhere.

I watched the live press conference, I didn't google anything. You are making a strong assumption by saying what his intentions are. I think his intentions are very clear, since his press secretary said "expect stronger enforcement".

If he wanted to shut down the cartels he'd do it by telling the cia to stop supporting them. He's going after the tokers, watch and see.

Dude he hatessss the CIA why do you think the elusive "shadow government" is suddenly in the media while also ironically shitting on Trump? His intentions are clear because they also align with the insane human trafficking agenda this country has ignored (along with many others) that ties into working with various drug cartels all over the place. US soldiers have been told to guard opium fields in the Middle East but you want to tell me there's nothing shady going on and Trump just hates weed?? Come on now...

So yea he's probably going to crack down on weed being sold illegally but that was one of those inevitable things that goes along with legalization of something. You can't just sell it anymore and it's going to matter where you get it...

Im a Canadian and my fellow soldiers guarded poppy fields in Afghanistan. Like, I knew some people personally who had that job for a time.

Do you have any idea why we guard poppy fields in afhanistan? Do you know our goal behind it, or who we are guarding them from? Do you think it's because the west is processing the poppys to be sold as opium?

I mean I will absolutely admit I'm not super-informed on the topic, I have friends in the military and have my own reasons for believing certain things but I can't say anything for sure. It just seems to me, that since the US has gone to war with various countries over oil while not yielding any major influx of oil from those countries, while also having another massive heroine epidemic breakout during the past few years; idk it doesn't seem like stretch thinking that our government is making deals over something other than oil. Multiple corporately-controlled factions would gain from it (hospitals, pharmaceutical etc. especially with the OxyContin getting banned and switched to a "slightly less addictive" variation), I mean I can't say for sure but it seems to fit?

Just a heads up, this a long one lol.

Okay, so first of all, very little opium/heroin produced in Afghanistan gets into America. It's almost impossible to smuggle, it would have to go through Europe. And why would they smuggle it through Europe when Europe is just as addicted to opiates as America is? All opiates from Afghanistan remain in Europe. We get our heroin from down south.

Now, poppys have been grown and cultivated into opium for thousands of years in Afghanistan, literally thousands of years. And it will be cultivated for another thousand years. Nothing will change this. The federal government has essentially no control over the areas where poppys are grown, and even if they did they would never enforce a law against poppy cultivation. Too many farmers rely on it as their only source of income.

Now, since the federal regime has no control over these areas, the areas are left to the control of warlords. These warlords essentially enslave the local farmers and keep all the earnings for themselves. With the invasion of Afghanistan, this presented the allies with a very big conundrum. What do they do here? They have warlords who are assisting the allies against the Taliban exploiting civilians who are producing drugs that the federal government of Afghanistan is refusing to regulate. What do you do in this situation? Burn the crops? That would hurt the farmers. Force the federal government to outlaw poppys? That would hurt the relationship between the allied governments and federal regime. Do they force the warlords to stop exploring poppy farmers? This is about the worst idea, if they did this the warlords would turn on the allies and go back to the Taliban. So what do they do? There is literally no good solution.

So they guarded the fields. They just stationed troops around the fields. This way they weren't directly telling the warlords to back off (since the warlords were doing this exploiting under the table, in "secret"), they were just there claiming they were protecting the local farmers from the Taliban. The farmers were free to cultivate the poppys, the warlords stayed away from the fields, and the farmers were free to sell the opium without first going through the warlords as a middle man. The only ones who got fucked over were the allied European nations who were looking the other way as heroin and opium was smuggled into their countries. But like, it was coming in anyways, and heroin will always flow. If not from the mideast, than the far east. At least if you know where the supply is coming from you can attempt to curtail it once it arrives in your nations.

Now, to me, this explanation makes perfect sense. And I spent a long time in Afghanistan , this is exactly how this country operates.

Could the US be involved in the sale of the opiates? Sure. But there is no evidence of that. Literally the only evidence is the soldiers guarding the fields. But it's not like this is done in secrecy. There are pictures, literally recruiting pictures, of soldiers in poppy fields. Dont you think if the CIA or some other agency was selling the opium they would have used paramilitary officers or mercenaries to guard the fields? It doesn't make sense that they would use the military, and it doesn't make sense the military wouldnt classify these operations if they knew something illegal was going on.

So, to sum it up, you could be right, but I believe there is a much more plausible explanation as to why soldiers guard poppy fields.

Look you know better than I do and I want to believe that I'm totally off base with all of it and I very well could be. I just think it's worth mentioning that the heroine epidemic has spiked in this country since our presence overseas and our initial reasons for taking action did not yield the results we were told they would. Again, I'm not super informed and have only looked at numbers (addiction and epidemics were part of my research for my thesis last year and it kind of blew my mind) so while I know I'm looking at it out of context, the numbers and dates are very interesting.

Thank you for answering though, I really haven't gotten any input from someone with any real perspective and I'm actually really glad it's not as bad as it looks. I mean it could be lol but it's good to know that it's not so much direct involvement as it is protecting assets, which I completely understand and agree with.

If you think medical marijuana is imported from other countries, you're an idiot. Why the hell would you import shitty Mexican weed instead of just growing a better product in your backyard?

When I visited T_D yesterday after the story broke, there were many pro-recreational marijuana threads asking the Trump administration not to crack down on it. I didn't see any censorship at that time.

If circumstances have changed over there, then please provide some proof. Given the number of ShareBlue trolls in /r/conspiracy, I have a difficult time taking any claim about the T_D at face value without accompanying screenshots or links.

Why don't you read my post in it's entirety.. For me this exposes donald trump as a liar. So far the defenses suggested by trumpsters are as follows: spicer misspoke (bullshit) 4d chess (wtf? gimme a break..) Law has to be enforced (this is the biggest and most logical argument, but it's complete bullshit, as sessions has to pick and choose where he allocates resources, because he can't go after everything.. so seeing what he goes after is very telling.)

I did read your post in its entirety and didn't see a single shred of evidence to back up your claims that you've been banned from T_D.

Again, given the recent ShareBlue infestation and the strong push to paint /r/conspiracy as a pro-Trump subreddit, I remain extremely skeptical until I see actual evidence and not mere anecdotes.

I posted 2 different threads in ask t_d from two different accounts, asking for discussion about Spicer's comments.

Neither thread exists anymore. No comments were made.

There are NO threads in ask t_d about Spicer's comments. It was a big deal. You really think no one on reddit is discussing rec marijuana and the WHs approach to it?

T_D had no issue during the campaign to kick stuff over to (spam) r/trees when it made sense... I sure hope T_D isn't doing what you're suggesting.

I don't care about MJ legalization... and by that, I mean there is so much stuff that is more important and higher priority, President Trump needs to just legalize MJ once and for all at a the Federal so everyone can cry about it for a week as if they care, and then move on to the next sparkly topic dangled in front of them by MSM.

I sure hope T_D isn't doing what you're suggesting.

They are. There's numerous links to stuff like redacted showing that it's happening.

Because of the smell?

Dear /r/conspiracy,

Why are two of your current top 10 posts marginally related to conspiracy?


/r/conspiracy is about finding the truth.. exposing lies etc..

Nah, Take a look around. Or even at the picture i posted.

This is a subreddit for complaining about donald trump.

I actually liked coming here and "searching for the truth", reading about the exposed lies. Now the truth is muddled, hidden in 2/10 posts. Maybe. It is bullshit (But slightly ironic) that this is what /r/conspiracy has become.

We are on current events bud. I'd suggest you toke and start watching documentaries.. Turn it on and pass out and after a couple years you'll be up to speed. But damn I musta watched athenes theory of everything like 200 times cuz i always passed right out after a few mins.. haha the best way to fall asleep bro is a good conspiracy doc.. in fact i am quite jealous as i've seen just about everything ('cept dem alien ones as im more about wtf goin on with this planet nigga aint got time for space yet)

So.. Your solution... is to get high and ignore the problem?

Yeah, documentaries are great and all but... Really?


knowledge bro. get it and pass it along.. its all we can do.

Can't pass it along if your message gets drowned out by all the garbage.

All according to plan, right? There's the real conspiracy.

well that's just one tool in their tool chest.. but the idea is getting a firm understanding of whats really going on in this world

Compare the current state of /r/conspiracy to two years ago.

What You Find May Shock You. /s

3 months ago it was full of Hilary posts. It seems to fluctuate, and since Trump is president why wouldn't he be a constant subject for new posts?

It was being gamed then, too. They were just more in the open about it, what with CTR and such.

I'd expect trump to be a constant subject if he was doing things conspiratorial (which he is). Like, say, his ties to russia. That's a good start. Coincidentally, on the entire first page of /r/conspiracy/hot i see one post related to this but it's related to mccain.

But.. Trump not wanting weed to be legal? He never once said he would legalize it.

This isn't /r/politics. It's /r/conspiracy.

He never once said he would legalize it.

You are being downvoted because your reading comprehension is poor. No one is complaining because he isn't legalizing it - they are complaining because he is stepping up enforcement of the ridiculous marijuana laws, laws which are also astonishingly expensive and have contributed mightily to the big, oppressive government that Trump was railing against.

Gee, thanks for the insight. That must clearly be the cause of the downvotes. For sure. You're not cherry picking anything at all.

Sarcasm aside, that seems to be your own personal reason for downvoting me. Thanks, I guess.

PS, who gives a fuck about imaginary Internet points?

It's not about wanting or not to legalise it, it's about increasing support to a corporate system that benefits directly from its status as an illegal drug.

The conspiracy hasn't changed in a century, at least in America, is that corporation dictate policy while the people are on ever rotating loop of politician promising change and whatnot while continuing to support the very core of what is wrong with the world today, international corporations and their financial backers.

That's the conspiracy, it's always been.

This is common knowledge.

Apparently you haven't been here long. There are waves of T_D, waves of r.politics people coming here to "stare at the crazies" and be smug, waves of shills, and some awesome shit like aliens, collective consciousness, secret societies and bloodlines, and crazy esoteric shit. Settle in and enjoy the ride.

Apparently you haven't been here long

since I started using reddit 6 years ago.

When's this wave over, then? Four years?

It wasn't like this before.

Then post something interesting. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Besides, we already have enough "DAE THIS IS (your side here) 2.0" concern trolling.

concern trolling

the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion.

is this what you think i'm doing here?

I'm just saying whether or not you are genuine, if you stick around you will see these posts quite often. It's kind of like pissing in the ocean at this point.

I do still lurk here very often, i catch those peanuts suspended in the diarrheal slop. but my point is that it shouldn't be like that.

Conspiracy is a really broad but narrow subject and a majority posted here is barely tangentially related. I wish the mods would do their jobs but maybe it's fear related.

Conspiracy is a really broad but narrow subject


as stated.

Conspiracy involves many things but is a narrow subject that's easily defined.

I agree. There is definitely games being played with this sub from both sides. But the core of this sub is still here and we like to discuss stuff outside of partisan politics. A lot of us don't buy into it and just see it as a system of control. Divide and conquer. Every president is a puppet to TPTB. As to who those powers are? That everyone has their own take on.

But don't despair. Stick around, downvote the obvious partisan narrative plays, and let's get weird.

This subreddit sucks Donald Trumps dick almost as much as The_Donald. There occasionally is a post like this that makes its way through the cracks because the mod team isn't ban heavy like The_Donald but it's pretty much pro Trump

Trump or not, I don't give a shit. That's not my point. I want conspiracies. Not another political circle jerk unless it's conspiracy related.

Who cares what t_d does with their hugbox? Is it really a conspiracy that their mod team deletes certain subjects?

Yeah and in 2008 it was 8/10 Obama posts. That's how this goes, buckle up or don't. Up to you.

I was here then, too. It wasn't nearly as bad as it currently is. At least the posts had actual conspiracies to them.

What exactly does whatever subject t_d bans from their hugbox have to do with conspiracies?

I completely disagree that it "wasn't as bad"

Nor did I say this post belongs here, just that this volume of posts on Trump isn't irregular for the sub given the election. And with how much Trump hungers for controversy/headlines it makes equal sense a lot of it might show up here.

Disagree all you want. I can't find an archive to show you otherwise.

Controversy does not a conspiracy make. Might as well accept the fate of this sub. Fun while it lasted. Now I've gotta Wade through the literal shit pile that is GLP for actual conspiracy.

I think you're using "nor" incorrectly. " I didn't x, nor did I y" would be correct usage.

I also didn't say controversy=conspiracy....

If you don't like the sub anymore, so be it. No one is keeping you here.

But we're on /r/conspiracy. ... Controversy does not make conspiracy. Go post this garbage on /r/controversy instead.

"If you don't like it just leave". No thanks. If I don't like it I think I'd rather voice my opinion on a public forum. If you don't like it; how about you keep your mouth shut and move on?

What a load of shit.

Someone got real emotional just now....

You said you were going to find a new hangout, I said go ahead. You got butthurt.

Also, I said the sheer amount of controversy would cause a lot of buzz. Some positive, some negative, some conspiritorial. It really isn't hard to see the big picture for most people.

Someone got real emotional just now....

Not at all, really.

You said you were going to find a new hangout, I said go ahead. You got butthurt.

This is untrue. When did I say that? And butthurt? Couldn't you try a bit harder?

Yes, you did. Got real defensive for no reason.

Feel free to voice your opinion all you want. That's why we're on a forum.

But don't whine about the "state of the sub" or whatever and threaten to take your ball and head home, then stay anyway to bicker.

No one gives a shit.

You gave enough of a shit to reply so you're invalidating yourself pretty quickly.

Maybe think before you speak?

Keep reaching :)

I'm out of gloves, do you have any?

1/5th is the fraction you're looking for

I wrote it that way on purpose. I screenshotted the top ten posts. Two of ten are conspiracy related... On a subreddit for conspiracies.

Thanks for the kindergarten math lesson though.

Np. Figured you'd need it being a trump supporter ;)

I'm not a trump supporter, Are you retarded?

Truth "As long as it fits our nartive"

Narrative? The posters here wouldn't be able to agree about the color of the sky.

I disagree.

I don't think you do.

I think he may.

Says the bot.

Says the shill

Says the so-called doctor.

Says the moron whose head this totally went over.

Says the snowflake that didn't realize a joke, you know we're on conspiracy right bot?

You know the "joke" was simply to disagree and not make claims right?

Yeah right. I just read through well over 100 posts in this topic and all it boils down to is a bunch of potheads crying about their weed and blaming Trump for everything that has been going on for many years now, as if this shit never existed before he took office.

Though I supposed that is the 1 undeniable truth that has surfaced here is that the only thing potheads ever care about is getting more pot. To borrow your oh so elegant opening statement "Seriously, fuck off."

No you dumb fuck, you don't get it. Trump is going to waste federal resources to prosecute pot. But from reading your comment you couldn't give a fuck. But I think soon enough you will, when you realize that he's not gonna increase jobs, he's not gonna get rid of h1b visa etc. He's in their pocket books. He's a shill. I thought he was for jobs? This just means he's up big pharma's ass.

He already has increased jobs you dumb fuck.

really? the dakota access pipelines? once construction is complete, it'll actually cut jobs.. Where has he actually increased jobs?

Indeed. And this is one of the few bastions of truth & freedom of speech of disagreeing views left on reddit, due to reddit conspiracies.

You cannot put everyone from /r/conspiracy in the same basket or indeed address this thread and expect a an answer that encapsulates all of this sub's users. There may be some users that are regulars here, but there are probably more that are sporadic.

As with any other sub, people post whatever they want to discuss and whatever they deem to be a conspiracy.

It is pretty chaotic on this sub if you haven't noticed already and because of the size and controversial nature of it I don't feel like blaming the mods for it as it must be pretty difficult to moderate a subreddit like this (though I do feel like there could be many rules added and enforced to turn this sub into one of a higher quality in terms of content being posted and discussed)

You've got a strange idea of my expectations. Thanks for the assumption... And for summing up a subreddit I visit regularly and have a pretty good grasp of.

What was your point?

Then I must have misjudged/misinterpreted your post. My apologies.

Seriously. Can we sort out 9/11 or JFK before we go any further?

Have you been on this sub for the last two months? It's been all Hillary reposts (not conspiracies) and Pizzagate reposts, both have absolutely no new information yet we'll see them take up 90% of the front page.

Don't act like this is a new trend. Don't act so suprised unless you just started browsing /r/conspiracy a few hours ago.

That's a pretty cool strawman you've built there.

Check account age, I've been here since i made this account and likely before it but who can really remember 6 years ago clearly?

Well maybe you shouldn't act so surprised as to why the sub is acting the same as it has been for the last two months. At least this can kind of be attributed as a conspiracy, mods on The_Don are hiding and censoring shit, it might be a shitty conspiracy but it's a light one at that.

I'll say posts like this are better than the million+ "Hillary colluded with DNC!" or "Obama dropped 10,000 bombs" reposts that we see here every single week. It's safe to say that less than two percent of the posts here are actual new conspiracies, or provide new information to older conspiracies. The rest is just reposts and propaganda for the most part.

Sorry, didn't mean to come across as harsh in my first comment, I just haven't been happy with how this sub has turned out since Trump won.

There's some other interesting filters there.

Unplanned vacation is kind of nice.

U need to relax number one they said med is a done deal that's half the battle, second we know he's a stare rights guy which us likely how hell handle rec mj since it's now legal in several states

bible says tha sluggard desires much but hath nothing.. consider the ants, they be gettin shit done cuz their i dunno they be programmed like that? but anyway, in reply to what you said: bullshit, i know what he said, and they are gonna go after people even where its recreationally legal. expect more fbi raids

Well no, I don't actually think you do know and in fact, I don't even think they really know yet. But what I do know is that in order to allow medical it needs to be either decriminalized or reclassified. You're getting super emotional and we dont have any of the facts yet, save it, at least until you do.

People voted, he's gonna tell them no?

Yes, that's literally what it means when they say they will step up enforcement in states where the law comes in conflict with federal law. It means that even though the states voted, the feds are going to tell them no.

"There is still a federal law that we need to abide by when it comes to recreational marijuana and drugs of that nature."

I mean, it's not even ambiguous. The administration is literally saying that in this case, they don't care about how the states voted.

I agree with everything you said except if you think he's going to deport legal Mexican immigrants you're retarded. And if they're illegal, well they took that risk when they crossed. I think it's a waste to seek them out but if they become a problem get them out. Our CIA did fuck them but that's not trumps fault and what do you want to him to do? Just mix economies?

Legal, yep, rip children from Mommy's arms and throw the infant on the bus back to mehico. Brain surgery? Fuck you, on the bus assholes.

Yep. And we're going to install "You bettah not be a fuckin' MUZZIE!" signs at all of our airports to deter the terrorists, too.

Fucking clownshoes around here. Funny how "people" are "worried" about him doing something absurdly, stupidly, obviously wrong.


Undocumented folks who haven't committed a crime. It's not as simple as legal/illegal.

What part of illegal immigration is not committing a crime?

Undocumented is illegal.

That's still illegal, and if they're causing locals problems, the people who actually pay shouldn't suffer. I even said they shouldn't be seeked out unless they're causing problems just cause I don't think it's worth the tax money

A lot of these people never even crossed, and have been here since they've been born. What kind of problems are you talking about? Speeding violations? Being in the house while another person is being detained by ICE?

If they were born here they're legal and won't be deported. If there parents came here illegally to have their kid here, well they knew they were risking separation for the sake of giving their kid a better life. Sorry but that's the law and they chose to have their kid here opposed to raise in Mexico. If certain tragedies ended entire laws we'd have none. And any problems, they aren't supposed to be here so if they broke the law to get here and are causing problems then fuck em. Again, even if they're here illegally and everyone likes them then again I don't think spending tax payer money is necessary

If everybody likes them? What're you going on about? The law is a blunt instrument that doesn't take account for popularity. Being born here does not make them legal. Those are the Dreamers Obama pardoned with DACA. Trump has wavered on how to treat those people but some are already being rounded up and deported in a wrong place wrong time kind of way. While the very presence of these people in our country is technically a crime, that's no reason to totally uproot them (especially those born here!!!) so long as they aren't getting involved with these "bad elements" Trump is so fond of talking about. Those are felony convictions. Widening the cause of deportation to lower-level crimes or even just accusations (see Duterte) is the wrong way of going about this. It makes the particular tragedy general, and we should focus on minimizing human cost while still enforcing immigration laws. you're a citizen if you were born here mane. Connecting all Mexicans to illegal immigration is your ignorance, not trumps. And yes, there very presence here is illegal so if they're causing problems for ANY local I don't care if they get punished for the law they're already breaking by being here.

I never mentioned all Mexicans. But you're right - I equated the Dreamers with people who were born here. I guess my mistake reveals the fact that I don't make much a distinction, personally, between people who crossed before birth and people who crossed at 1 or 2. I don't know why anybody would. And by the way, Trump on the campaign trail wanted to do away with that "by birth" section of immigration law. I'm sure you remember him going on and on about anchor babies.

Citizenship of the United States is not a requirement for universal human rights as defined in the Declaration! If the only requirement for deportation is "ANY problem" for the locals, what's to stop locals from acting out xenophobia against those around them by accusing them of crimes, therefore putting them on the chopping block for deportation, or even ICE harassment if they're in fact naturalized? This sweeping generalization of any problem (even without conviction!) = deportation is the exact same strategy Duterte took in the Philippines against drug offenders. Even an accusation was enough to get away with murder, so his program quickly and obviously got out of control. We obviously don't have the manpower at the judicial level to try every case accused of undocumented immigrants, so why not set a very clear line about what kind of laws CAN warrant deportation? Even under Obama, when he was deporting people left and right (but nevertheless operating under a much narrower set of criteria than Trump proposes) the courts couldn't keep up. I'm trying to tease some nuance out of your view, but I'm finding very little. Help me understand.

The_donald mods are fucking scumbags. I say this as a Trump supporter and someone who earned 40K Karma on that sub. Check my history if you don't believe me.

I was gonna reply to you, then I saw the username.

You replied.

And you still support him?

Who? Trump? Yeah. I want him to do well. He needs to get some grade A guidance though. Change inner circle to Kelly Anne, Jared, Ivanka and get someone like Mark Cuban into it. Kick out Bannon, make Miller purely a policy guy. Priebus is also pretty idiotic. Replace Spicer with Gorka or Katrina Pierson.

Honest question. What are some of the good things he has done you think are not being covered?

Pulled out of TPP, it seems the wall is going to be built, deporting illegal aliens who commit a crime while in the US, I love his cabinet picks, putting a ban on refugees from the middle east, easing the burden of Obamacare, fighting the bureaucracy etc.

In terms of legislation, he signed a bill to repeal coal regulations that would bring jobs back to Kentucky and West Virginia. You may not agree with it but it was a promise to his voters.

He is doing everything he promised. Whether you agree with it or not, it's a refreshing change.

I cannot agree that all of those are good things but I do appreciate the response.

Yeah, no problem.

Wanted to say thanks for responding to someone and being cordial. Even if we don't agree, it was nice to see that sort of interaction. We need more of it.

I cannot agree more. Part of politics is (should be) being able to discuss what we agree on and disagree on and still be part of the same country. Too many of us only listen to who we agree with and totally discount and ignore any other viewpoint.

I love his cabinet picks

Your previous comment was pretty much just a lost of cabinet members who you reckon should be replaced.

And do you really approve of him picking DeVos?

Why not? What's wrong with Devos? She has been a consistent advocate for school choice which was part of Trump's promise and is part of the conservative agenda. Her job is not to run a public school.

Your previous comment was pretty much just a lost of cabinet members who you reckon should be replaced.

No. I want his inner circle changed. Not his cabinet. Maybe Wilbur Ross. Don't like him.

I appreciate your responses too, even if I don't agree with a lot of it.

My question to you however is about the wall, do you really think we should be spending 30+billion on a wall when our net immigration is well below zero? We're literally at a historic low for illegal Mexican immigrants, do you really think now is the best time to build a wall?

My question to you however is about the wall, do you really think we should be spending 30+billion on a wall when our net immigration is well below zero?

A. I believe welfare expenditures are around 100 billion on illegal immigrants. I could be wrong.

B. It was a campaign promise. He can't back out, can he? The left will accuse him of being a con man. I saw plenty of posts on reddit where people were saying Trump won't keep his promises and that he is a con man. Now 62% believe Trump keeps his promises. That is part of his brand. He won't let it go - for better or worse.

C. Regardless of net immigration, the rule of law must be upheld. It shouldn't matter than 10 people are going out and 10 people are coming in, so there is no need to stop the 10 people coming in. No. Those who break the law must be stopped regardless of any other consideration. If a border law stop 10 people coming in, it must be built. Border patrol has endorsed Trump's plan for a wall too.

A: Illegal Immigrants also provide the same amount in state and local taxes. Illegals provided $10.6 billion in taxes in 2010 alone, so if we removed every single illegal in America we wouldn't see an extra dime in our pockets, not only that but we would make millions of peoples lives worse, illegal or not. Also undocumented immigrants can't qualify for medicaid, welfare or food stamps, and even legal immigrants have to wait five years to use public services such as those.

B: He's already completely broken his 'drain the swamp' and 'take down Wall Street' promise, so what's one more? For me drain the swamp was the one reason I was actually excited for a Trump presidency, when he filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs CEO's and execs and Rex Tillerson as well as Steve Bannon I lost complete hope. I also don't buy the '62% believe Trump keeps his promises' statistic, I'll definitely have to see multiple articles for that one because that number seems impossibly high. Maybe if those polls were taken in week one of his presidency I'd believe it, but those numbers seem like something Trump would pull out at a press conference. But I do agree that 'the wall' is one of Trumps biggest projects and definitely the one he hyped the most on his campaign.

C.Immigrants really aren't that bad for our economy, illegal Mexicans have gone down 90% in the last 10 years anyway so they really aren't a threat. If we take away 8 million illegals in a day there will be thousands of businesses that will be fucked because of it. Why do you think Trump continuously used illegal immigrants to work and build his many buildings? I know it's a matter of 'enforcing the law' and I agree with that, but it just doesn't seem like an issue in any way. If we're going actually give a shit about 'enforcing the law' we should really focus on real issues like the fact that Trump was illegally caught not paying sales tax or paying off prosecutors via political donations to avoid charges, or using his foundation for other illegal expenses.

Point is there is so much illegal shit going on that we don't enforce. I find it insane how people want to get rid of illegal immigrants who pay billions in taxes each year, but turn a blind eye when Trump skips out on millions of dollars of tax and then passes the costs onto the people who actually do pay taxes (me and you).

Also border patrol isn't really down with Trumps full wall, the agreement is that walls/fences are put up/reinforced in specific areas and that a wall from Cali to Texas would be insane.

The head of the border patrol union had this to say "We're not talking about a great wall of the United States. We're not talking about a continuous wall from California down to Texas. We're talking about a wall in strategic locations which then helps the Border Patrol agents do their job better."

I'm all for Trump doing what he said, building walls or reinforcing parts of the border. But spending 35 billion+ on the 'great wall of the united states' would be insane. Have you ever driven from California to Texas? It will literally be impossible to build the entire wall like he's proposing in under four years, especially with all the Indian reservations that have gone on record saying that they will actively fight the wall building, which could take months if not years in court alone.

deporting illegal aliens who commit a crime while in the US

We were already aggressively doing that. A lot of people don't reazlie that Obama actually deported more people than any other POTUS in history.

In terms of legislation, he signed a bill to repeal coal regulations that would bring jobs back to Kentucky and West Virginia.

The coal industry is in it's final death throws. Those jobs are never coming back like they were before, ever. It's a harsh reality that republicans need to face.

I think this is just optics, PR, and a way to throw some bones to the elites who own those coal companies. Get some more millions out of the ground before the whole industry goes belly up. That won't help those people living in the mountain valleys of W.Virginia, though.

He is doing everything he promised. Whether you agree with it or not, it's a refreshing change.

This I find frustrating because he is ignoring many of the campaign promises he made, but putting a lot of attention on the few he is doign something about.

What about a plan to "destroy ISIS" within 30 days?

What about prosecuting Hillary?

What about the "draining the swamp"? (filling your cabinet with billionaire donors does not equal draining the swamp, in my book)

That's my two cents, at least. I'm not trying to argue or start a fight or anything, just wanted to share my thoughts as a non-supporter independent (not dem or repub).

Curious what has he done that's good? Even if your in favour of the muslim ban he didn't touch Saudi Arabia (the country behind al quaeda and 9/11)

It wasn't a Muslim Ban. Saudi Arabia isn't undergoing war and isn't looking to build nukes AND is an ally of the US. As for the good he has done, replied about that to another commenter.

What about him not touching Turkey and Egypt? Two countries who've had some of the highest ISIS attacks in the world, and that are all in the smack dab middle of the ban zone? Doesn't it concern you that he has millions of his own personal income invested into businesses in those countries? It seems to me that he left them out because he has so many hotels and businesses in those two countries+Saudi Arabia, the country that was supposedly responsible for the biggest terrorist attack in the history of the U.S.

What about him not touching Turkey and Egypt?

Turkey is an ally. Egypt at one point was and is still an ally(I could be wrong). Regardless, both these countries are not torn apart by civil war. Vetting is possible in these countries as governments have control. In most of the 7 countries, governments don't have control over their entire territory.

As for Trump's businesses, dude has businesses everywhere.

To suggest that he banned only the 7 countries he doesn't have business in is intellectually dishonest. The 7 countries were chosen by Obama.

As for Saudi Arabia, I already gave you the reasons. If anything, Pakistan should have been on the list.

What about him not touching Turkey and Egypt?

Turkey is an ally. Egypt at one point was and is still an ally(I could be wrong). Regardless, both these countries are not torn apart by civil war. Vetting is possible in these countries as governments have control. In most of the 7 countries, governments don't have control over their entire territory.

As for Trump's businesses, dude has businesses everywhere.

To suggest that he banned only the 7 countries he doesn't have business in is intellectually dishonest. The 7 countries were chosen by Obama.

As for Saudi Arabia, I already gave you the reasons. If anything, Pakistan should have been on the list.

and get someone like Mark Cuban

The only thing less likely than trump asking Cuban for help is Cuban giving it.

That makes a lot of sense.

The system is finally at its breaking point. Another moron elected but this time it's THE moron not just A moron. And what's different this time around is that people are finally realizing it.

It may seems a bit fucked up, but I hope the presidency to be bad and I mean really bad, so that way people will look at the shit they made and finally realise that politics have to be taken SERIOUSLY. That you shouldn't put an ABSOLUTE MORON in the White House because : "i like trump becuz he's triggering libruls, lol"

Make it easy, reschedule Marijuana and let the states individually decide what restrictions/taxes/etc that they want to put on marijuana. Problem solved. Use the enforcement money for something else (well not for more surveillance).

Big trump fan and an original centipede...i dont like the wee thing by spicer and not ONE post about it in my fav sub...i dont even smoke weed but i dont like that.

it's not silence, the discusssion is being actively suppressed. right?

You're asking this now where have you been for the last year? All they do is remove anything that goes against there narrative.

Too many people are making too much sense in this post that it almost doesnt feel organic.

man that is a fucked up way to think.

Probably a lot of people here from r/all, e.g. myself. I can't stand this sub, but I'm interested about what trump supporters or former supporters think about this and what else he's done so far, and this is the only popular post with real discussion.

I think you are juding this sub without enough information. There are a bunch of smart folks here and this is the only place on reddit where although it does get brigaded it does allow all walks to spew whatever they want

In fairness to this sub, good stuff from here does get to all on a regular basis, and politics is a hot topic here at the moment so I can get a lot more threads like this if I want to.

On the other hand, any conspiracy themed community will be (and is -- I've seen more than enough bad content from here to demonstrate it) infested with magical thinking and conspiracy glitch sufferers, so the signal-to-noise ratio will be low.

It's nice that, unlike r/politics, r/uncensorednews or pretty much any other political sub, this one allows insanity targeting all sides, but I think I'm going to keep crowdsourcing the filtering.

Because everyone's sick of everyone whine about weed. Seriously, fuck off.

What's whiny about wanting to do away with our archaic private prison system? Or with our archaic drug laws, designed to fill up aforementioned private prisons?

There are things you can't go against in reddit. Those are guns and weed.

There is no point in trying, this site is full of weed smokers.

You don't have to be a weed smoker to see the absurdity of punishing people for smoking pot. You just have to not be a complete moron.

Weed smokers are delusional and that weed has probably made them retarded.

You're right, locking people in a metal box because they smoked a cigarette that made them feel lazy makes total sense. That's not an important issue at all.

its a gateway drug

No its not

I guarantee 95% of heavy drug users started with weed.

Do you know what the word guarantee means? And if you're so worried about gateway drugs, you must also be terribly frightened by all the people who drink and smoke tobacco, then poof, meth addicts.

Classic stoner argument.

Me - Weed is bad

Stoner - Nuh uhhh, muh alcohols

You got me man, I had no IDEA alcohol was an issue.

You're saying that - arbitrarily - 95% of heavy drug users started with pot, claiming it is a gateway drug, while ignoring the legal drugs that cause a much more severe judgement impairment (alcohol) and far more severe addiction (nicotine) so that you can cherry pick your arguments in a sad attempt to discuss something you know nothing about. Also, your name sucks and you can graciously eat a bag of dicks.

See previous comment. Whenever you say 'weed is a gateway' to a drug addict they always come back with alcohol being the root of all evil. They never argue the point. Either agree with me that WEED is a gateway or lie and say it isn't.

I don't believe there is such a thing as gateway drugs, it's a concept used to scapegoat addiction causes instead of looking at root social and cultural issues, and victimizes regular and medicinal users of marijuana that never use anything more, and may even be averse to alcohol. You sound like you grew up watching reefer madness. It's 2017 and we have ample anecdotal and scientific evidence demonstrating the benefits of marijuana medicinally, and the relative safety of it recreationally, and yet our administration is proving that it does not care about the voice of the people or the facts, but will instead continue to create divisive legislation while spoon feeding it's flock of blind mice whatever rhetoric it likes for the week, a la "state rights are key, but fuck state rights"


The idea that marijuana is a gateway drug is unsubstantiated at best. Research has shown that the majority of marijuana users don't move on to harder drugs, and one study found that medical marijuana usage correlates with decreased use of harder drugs.

Additionally, any likelihood of marijuana acting as a gateway to harder drugs is likely due to its illegality, as drug dealers are likely to offer harder drugs to marijuana users. This is supported by the Netherlands largely decriminalizing cannabis, which has shown correlation with fewer marijuana users moving on to harder drugs.


Anyone wanna name-drop the major T_D moderators?

Hellz ya, I heard there's a tribal influence. Oy vey, they move quick!

You tellem brother. Tell they bitch ass mofo how you really feel.

Even the Police want Marijuana legalized. The only people against Marijuana is jeff sessions and the pharmaceutical enforcer that is the dea.

Any censorship is complete bullshit. The left is scared of ideas. We're not. Silencing dissent has already been trademarked by the left.

You say this bullshit the same day the Trump regime silenced the press...

Ok, silencing different opinions versus silencing blatant lies is a different thing.

CNN and others are guilty of that. He didn't ban every news outlet that's been critical of him did he?

He banned the ones that are THE worst, for spouting complete shit, slot-editing clips and twisting words far beyond their meaning to twist public opinion towards their political viewpoint, you can't GET anymore dishonest than that..

Because Fox News is far more credible than BBC... totally

Who mentioned the BBC?

After this whole debacle, Fox news smells of roses compared with CNN.

That just shows how low CNN have gotten.

The White House did. He included them in the press ban from the White House

Good, the BBC are a joke. And I'm British. I should know.

CNN and others are guilty of that. He didn't ban every news outlet that's been critical of him did he?

Is it a blatant lie that Priebus went begging to the FBI to be shills for the President? and that the FBI said no? Is it a blatant lie that Flynn was talking to Russia? get your heads out of your colective assess, and realize that at a certain point is no longer "Oh they are coming after my poor daddy Trump!", and it becomes "holy shit this demagogue is incompetent, lied to us in saying he was a "man of the people", and is doing extremely dangerous shit for our democracy".

Please be alert and knowledgeable as a citizen. We can call out the bullshit from the corporate media, but PLEASE call out the bullshit even when it comes from your Dear Leader Emperor.

I lost faith in the Don. He's only seeming to keep his shitty promises like the ban and the wall. Yet he's appointing the same type of people he was supposed to drain out of Washington.

He only lies. He tells you whatever you want to hear. He's working on fulfilling useless promises because it makes him look good. But they aren't designed to make anything better. It's called a demagogue, and it's one of the most dangerous weaknesses of democracy. Unfortunately we've thrown that accusation at so many politicians, when it truly comes around it's hard to see.

The solution to a demagogue is educating the people though, not a different candidate.

That's funny, four days ago you said you weren't a trump supporter but that he's doing everything he promised...

I think you meant the parent poster.

So much of the focus is on Trump when the vast majority of what he's done in office hasn't differed from the average Republican playbook. Aside from the wall, the attempted ban, and attacks on the media I reckon all of the ruling is being done by the people president Trump has surrounded himself with. While many voted for him on the idea that 'he can't be bought'- those around him can be, or are part of the very industries trying to buy influence in the government.

There are two factions behind him. Priebus and Bannon. Bannon is behind the weird judeochristian crusade shit with the ban and wanting to go to war with Mexico and China and everyone basically. Priebus is just focused on passing regular GOP guidelines that Ryan and McConnell have been pushing for years.

Basically the foreign policy of Putin and the domestic policy of Kansas. It'd be funny if it wasn't so disastrous.

Can't be bought, but seemingly pretty easy to manipulate.

To be fair, the average Republican Playbook is fucking terrifying.

But I agree, we're seeing things not dissimilar to Bush. In fact there's even talk that Dick Cheney has taken over this government too

TPP. Taxes. Health care. Jobs. Pay for play.

Seems to be working on all of these currently.

He's only seeming to keep his shitty promises like the ban and the wall

He's not even keeping those. The wall is not even close to started and the ban is not even a real ban.

I have been a Trump supporter (only because I hate Hillary), but if he takes away my recreational weed then we have war.

Did you know Clinton was going to reschedule marijuana to acknowledge its medical benefits? That would have also opened it up to scientific study, which is the most important event in the sequence that leads to federal legalization.

Doesn't matter.

She's a "shrill bitch". Also emails.

You were literally tricked into voting against your own interests. Congrats

This will either lead to fascism or to the eventual fall of the House of Trump. People are using him, but those people will not fall, he'll be their fall guy. The American people are being experimented on, he's the tool they're using to run the experiment, and they're seeing how far they can get away with, how far the people will let them, how much the country will tolerate.

Because its freaking exhausting at this point, you can't talk about anything without a bunch of drug addicts bitching about they can't buy their legal shit. Its a state issue.

So everyone upset by Trump flip flopping and deciding to kill a growing industry that creates jobs and expands freedom is a drug addict? I'm sure it's upsetting to watch your movement get destroyed by people finally realizing he's a liar who doesn't give a fuck about them or their priorities but you're gonna have to come up with a better argument than that bullshit.

Prior to election he straight up said it was a state issue, there was no flip flopping.

Lol. Yes he did. So when Sean Spicer (who's sole job is to communicate Trump's thoughts and agenda to the public) comes out and says the Feds will be enforcing the matijuama laws in states that have voted to legalize, that is flip flopping. Fuck off (I use big boy words) with your denial of reality.

I agree with the essence of your post but the idea that you would be a Trump supporter until he hints at enforcing weed laws is weak. In the big picture its such a trivial issue. Trump himself has always said "leave it up to the states" anyway.

i love how selfish people are with politics. that was a lie.

"I was a trump supporter until my jaw literally fell to the floor when i watched sean spicer live saying that "greater enforcement" will be undertaken."

Seriously, you supported him right up until this issue? jesus h christ.

Welcome to r/conspiracy! It's the best of the timelines.

It's a place that seems to be more and more pro-D, and less and less critical thought.

The two are not mutually exclusive. I'm pro Donald and I've never lost an argument. Part of the trick is keeping one's mouth shut, granted. But I hear you. Banned from the Donald myself. Don't much miss it.

I disagree with your politics, but I agree with your method of winning arguments. Respect.

It's more of an important thread than you know (well maybe you do). I don't know you, nor do I want to.(jk) but we both agree on the absurdity of the original post. Between us there is a thing called Truth. I disagree with your politics as well, but I know intelligence.

I've never lost an argument.

Holy shit this sub

Keeping one's mouth shut is the key. Dumb asses like you can't do that.

Never lost an argument but resort straight to ad hominem? Lmao look at yourself.

No, just stated one cannot lose an argument if one keeps one mouth shut. Victory is mine.

Completely missed the joke idiot

Those things go hand in hand.

Yeah that was crazy

20bn on a wall we don't need? HEIL DONALD

Violating human rights based on religion? HEIL DONALD

Filling the swamp with people literally choosen to take away citizens rights? HEIL DONALD

Taking away one of MY rights? How could this happen? I never saw it coming

I agree about the wall, there were no human rights violated. Just stick with the legit stuff, no need to add fake news into the equation.

the travel ban was a violation of human rights.

And constantly bombing those countries like Obama was not.

when was the last time obama bombarded sudan and somalia? look who is adding fake news into the equation.

because he didn't said that the ban was aimed to stop muslims from coming or that he will give christian refugees priority over muslims.

dude you are seriously giving me alternative facts.

Whatever Joseph Watson covers the bullshit behind the issue regarding the ban. If you want to ignore it go ahead.

so you want us to discuss anything but the ban itself.

Well the comments on medical MJ is fucked up. So is the fact that TD is not talking about it. FUCK SAKES

Watch nothing happen, Trump will pivot and will look good saying his admin will not touch rec states, calling it now this is a PR stunt.

You need to remember, marijuana is calming. Take it away and a bunch of previously calm people will be pissed off.

Supporters won't care until they're fucked over personally.

I endorse this message.

I unsubbed from T_D over this. I'm kinda hoping this was a miscommunication on Spicer's end, but I'm not holding my breath.

Guessing Trump only wants to be a 1 term president, because going hard against weed is a surefire way to lose the 2020 election.

Get a grip, marijuana is more important to you than security for your nations children?

Get a grip, honestly.

Trump said he wouldn't go after legal weed. Maybe next he'll decide to change his stance again and go after medical weed too?

I'm a vet. I've served my country and would like to see it be secure and do well. However, if my nation is going to lock me in a cage for my medicine, for something that is helping me and isn't hurting anyone else, then maybe that nation isn't worth saving.

You can harp on about saving the children all you want. The "think of the children" argument has always been a shallow justification of bad policy. How many children have had their lives destroyed when they were removed from their parents over a little weed?

To quote Franklin, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Well said.

I'm a vet.

...and him calling McCaine pathetic for being a POW wasn't what crossed the line for you?

...him mocking the achievement of a Purple Heart isn't what crossed the line for you?

...him cutting spending on welfare programs for vets and medicaid in general isn't what crossed the line for you?

Doesn't matter. He might lose his weed! This is how Trump supporters act. Like children.

Giving tax breaks to corporations and the top earners in the country is more important than providing health care and affordable education/college for our children? Letting this administration gut the EPA and roll back environmental regulations is more important than leaving a non-polluted country for our children? Gutting education and allowing school to teach climate change and creationism instead of science is more important than equipping our children with the knowledge they need in order to be successful in college and beyond. Creating an environment of hate, xenophobia and promoting discrimination is more important than teaching our children to coexist in peace with people who are different?

We live in the safest time in history. Banning people for their religion and building a wall are the least of our children's problems for the future.

It's not about the smoking, it's about putting kids in jail for smoking.

Why on earth are they mutually exclusive? Also, provide one shred of evidence that what Trump is doing is making our nation's children more secure? Even the goddamn DHS just released a report clearly stating that the recent ban Cheeto Benito tried to get passed would do nothing of the sort. In fact, he's doing completely the opposite by making sure none of our allies want to stand next to the biggest dipshit in history and making sure everyone of the barely coherent arguments he makes is prime propaganda material for extremist recruitment.

The point is, DNC when they fucked bernie off , clearly didn't care about the wellbeing of people who were getting short changed by illegal immigrants and welfare sponges.

They aren't mutually exclusive, THAT'S THE POINT.

So why would a marijuana point of view turn you off from someones whole schtick? That's just retarded.

So why would a marijuana point of view turn you off from someones whole schtick? That's just retarded.

Why wouldn't it if that issue is important to you? This isn't a team sport where you pick a team and root for them regardless what happens. You should constantly be reevaluating your elected officials based on their actions, even if you voted for them.

Who said it was the only reason? And not just another item to add to the endless list of shit he's reneged on? And again, how on earth is voting for Trump making anybody's children more secure?

Securing yourself from ISIS instead of funding them is not securing the future of your children?

If let immigrants in en-masse you end up with Sweden. Or OPen as I like to call it.

Guessing Trump only wants to be a 1 term president, because going hard against weed is a surefire way to lose the 2020 election.

The problem is that many Trump supporters, not all I realize, but many, are being groomed to ignore anything that is negative against Trump as "fake news."

I fear that by the time 2020 rolls around, ~40% of the country will be immediately discounting literally any criticisms of Trump as "fake," without doing any personal fact-checking.

So even if he is fucking over legal marijuana, blowing up our national debt with military spending, destroying our economy with insane policies, or w/e other shit he might get up to, it just won't affect his poll numbers....

TL;DR - I've lost so much faith in the American electorate, I'm not sure there is any "one big issue" left that can damage Trump

The election was very close. Don't discount the stoner vote.

Hillary's private/public stance thing ruined her with much of the cannabis community. While Trump promised to leave it alone and even claimed to support medical. On paper, it looked like Trump was the least bad candidate for weed.

If somebody like Bernie runs in 2020 and promises full out legalization, it would be a landslide win. Assuming the DNC doesn't pull another fraud and screw over who the people actually want.

As for the fake news. There's been a lot of fake news and propaganda coming out of both sides. There's always going to be the gullible or uniformed that will buy nonsense wholesale. Doesn't mean that everyone will.

I'm glad for your new found focus to MAGA. It appears to be rubbing off on you.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

The nuclear codes? GTFO you did not vote Trump.

Oy vey ive been found out. Back to shareblue i go for reprogramming

He already has them.

back to 4chan

Then why the fuck did you vote for him?

I am still fully supporting Trump, but if he goes against his campaign promise of letting states decide he proves he is just like the other lying politicians.

I think he has already proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt. He drained the swamp, imported the finest swamp water money can buy, and refilled it with his own swamp.

Because he hasn't completely proved that he's just another lying politician already...Christ wake up man

Firstly I disagree completely regarding censoring any posts but thats that sub for you. " ITS A FUCKING DONALD TRUMP FAN SUB STOP PRETENDING ITS ANYTHING DIFFERENT "

Secondly his entire campaign NEVER EVER talked about the legalization of pot. We always knew Hillary was never going to do it but he was NEVER EVER asked about it. It was never brought up in interviews.

If the legalization of weed was so fucking important to you WHY DIDNT YOU OPEN THIS DEBATE THEN? Why would you complain now when it was never a campaign promise.

The Bankers dont like him , the deep state dont like him , the pedos dont like him, the globalists dont like him so ask yourself HOW DID HE BECOME PRESIDENT WITH ALL THESE PEOPLE HATING HIM?

Because he had to grease someones palms and he decided that the Military and the corporate side of the justice system was who he would bow to.

For the rest of your rant the man has 4 years to do what he needs to do and if he doesnt do it then he doesnt and we will know where he stood and who he stood for.

I dont want pot to be legalized in the fucking slightest. I dont want my children to be able to freely pick it up when they feel like it and get hig , but what I do want Is I want it to be freely available for medical use and medical research and I have to accept that that will only happen if weed is fully legalized, decriminalized so that investment will flow into it.

Can your children freely pick up booze? No. Can they still acquire it anyway? Yes.

It's been a long time since then, but when I was in high school it was way easier to get pot than alcohol.

That's the way it'll stay, too, so long as we're half-assing the laws and cherry picking the states that get to do that.

If it were federally legal and regulated, like alcohol, there would systems in place to prevent underaged consumption. Just like alcohol.

May be a bit easier to find for a while, but it would fall in line within a couple years without too much turmoil.

Dear conspiracy, why are you censoring immigration posts? r/multiculturalcancer

I used to like T_D before Trump won. Now that sub is cancerous as fuck! The mods are JDIF shills!

Because you don't agree on one particular issue, you lost support? I don't agree with him 100% either, but Trump still has my full support. He has done more against the establishment than any living person I know of. Plus there's more important issues going on in the country than marijuana.

You are missing the point. This is a basic test of government corruption. There is NO non-corrupt reason to make pot illegal. It is a huge red flag.

Also, the single issue voters who care about pot are often enough to change the results of an election. Politically shafting them is stupid.

I though he said he going to crackdown on drugs coming across the boarder. Which is exactly what he said he'd do before being elected.

For a party who core beliefs are centered on states rights it's very amusing.

Trump hasn't done a single thing against the establishment, are you retarded?

Holy fuck the shilling on this post is amazing

Isn't the entire point of T_D to blast positive things about Trump?

The point is to be a safe space but never admit that you're a safe space. It's the biggest safe space on Reddit.

Well, it's their sub, their rules. They don't pretend like it's a sub for open and honest debate; they're pretty up front about what posts are allowed and what are not. I'm comfortable with that.

Frankly, there's no room for healthy and honest debate in democracy. Demagoguery is king; we've known this since ancient Greece.

On the whole weed issue, you're looking at the wrong branch of government. It'd be a bit hypocritical to run on a platform about enforcing the law against illegal immigrants, and then not enforce the law in other subjects. Legalization is happening in legislatures. It's congress or the courts that need to be tapped to either change the law, or strike down the federal drug laws as unconstitutional.

I didn't support Trump or Hildabeast (because well, logic, this 2 party system is a fallacy. A control grid), but i agree. It's such a disregard for what the country wants and needs. Although i never remember hearing Trump say he wouldn't do this, all his anawers involving state's rights seem very much purposely vague. Fuck all of them..

If you guys in the US got Hillary you may have gotten rid of first past the post voting at one point because it benefits the democrats a lot. Eventually it would have ended up destroying the two party system (it does in other countries). Now you will have basically permanent Republican rule in all three branches for at least ten years if not more. Dems are never taking the senate or congress back once the SC is stacked, and Trump will win a second term. With the laws in 2024 I'd be surprised if Dems even win the popular vote again.

It's basically already a one party system.

This isn't true at all. Hillary and most Democrats by extension have no interest in changing our voting system.

Also many would argue that Trump is beneficial for dems. They have not been so enthused and organized in a while.

There is e very good chance the dems win the senate and the house next election in 2018. If they put out a decent candidate they can definitely win in 2020, but that is not for sure.

Just look at the Bush presidency, the last time the was a Republican majority. It led to Obama, the most liberal president in a long time.

So you were a Trump supporter but because of differences on views about marijuana that makes you suddenly not a Trump supporter anymore?

Yea, I don't think many are going to believe you to be honest.

Those that do, will think you're an idiot.

If that issue is such a big one for you, why are you even in the US? Go to the Netherlands, clearly it's integral to what you deem important in your life.

Personally I don't care either way, marijuana isn't the worst thing in the world for people to be taking, but then, it isn't the best either. Though from a libertarian point of view it should technically be made legal.

But there are so many problems that surround this logistically, tactically, politically, socially and economically, so to cast Trump off based on this one thing I find absolutely retarded to be honest.

Go on, be honest, were you really a Trump supporter to begin with?

I agree only on ONE point, which is the_donald needs to lead by example [since the rest of reddit can't] and not be a complete echo chamber.

But then, does it really matter? if you want the truth go between many subreddits and then see what the consensus is, then make up your mind from that. Or just, do your own research like you should be doing.

The fact the_donald may or maynot be censoring counter-narratives only really balances out reddit on the whole, since every other sub is anti-trump anyway..

No. Marijuana control is basically a control tool.

I know where I work, every accident reported you need to go for a piss test. Weed stays in your system so long, as infrequently as I smoke, it's enough to put the fear of God in me. So I don't report accidents like many others and the numbers go down.

This whole thread is tinted corporate cornflower blue, share the sentiment.

They don't HAVE to enforce the law, they could more easily change the law.

Also, pot controls high blood pressure if you use it regularly. I just discovered that well kept secret. Now I know why pot smokers tend to live about 6 years longer than non-potsmokers. High blood pressure is a silent killer.

>muh drugs

I'm glad they shut that degenerate shit down. Get a life, junkie.

Did you just walk out of a PSA from the 80's?

Those god damned pot junkies are out of control. I saw one inject 4 pots and then immediately kill an entire family just so he could rob them to score some more weed.

So salty in here. Not every person is perfect and is gonna do everything the way you want it done. Just adapt to the situation. You shouldnt demonize someone over 1 issue. Let it be known to your congressman instead of circle jerking on here.

Fuck Trump

So it was the weed part that made your jaw "Literally fall to the floor" and not his gross incompetency and completely unqualified, corrupt picks for his cabinet, or his potential ties to Russia? Or the fact he is now blocking media from the White House, which should be heaven for you tin-foil hat wearing morons? Fuck you pothead retards.

The next 3 years 10 months 24 days is going to be very "interesting".

Cus they're a bunch of dumb bastards who trust a man who can barely even read. Believing Trump is somewhat competent literally requires a conspiracy theory.

I was really hoping Donald would at least try to drain the swamp but I don't think he has the intellectual capacity to do it. He is a trust fund baby who has surrounded himself with the usual bull shit artists and con men in a feeble attempt to shoot us back to the 1950's. I mean that his big plan. That's all he came up with? FAIL.

I was really hoping Donald would at least try to drain the swamp

I'm curious as to what made you have any hope that this was going to happen in any capacity? I love the idea of it, but I was never under any illusion that Donald was going to be the person to do it.

Oh no he wants to drain the swamp, but only the liberal part of it.

And we tried to warn all of reddit about this. But no, now the swamp is as full as ever.

Yeah who can blame the illegals for working here in the USA making 4-11x as much as they would in Mexico? If Canada did the same, I know many Americans would leave for it, legally or not.

The real problem is the people who hire the illegals, but most Trump supporters want to ignore this and put the blame on the illegals.

Wait till the cost of produce and construction goes up. Then they'll notice.

Would love if as a teenager I could work my ass off in the fields making 18.50 and hour because no one else wanted to do it. I would pay 20 cents more for produce if it meant jobs for teenagers and other unskilled Americans.

Who is making $18.50 an hour in the fields? If we had to pay American's to do all of the work that migrant workers do you would be paying way more than an additional $00.20 for produce.

No one is making 18.50 because illegal labor is willing to do it for cheap. Because Americans are spoiled no one would want to do the backbreaking field labor jobs, so the wage for those jobs would rise until enough people were willing to take the job. Just because the wages would increase by 50-100% that doesn't mean the price of produce would increase by as much, although certainly it would increase by some.

True most Americans do not want the jobs because they pay so little for such hard work. While there are many illegals who do the work the majority of them are legally allowed to come in and do the work and then return home. Not saying it is a great system by any means but they are not all illegals.

Demand for labor varies throughout the year. It won't fit perfectly into a summer vacation.

The population doesn't exist in rural parts of the country. Poor people generally live in the city and can't afford transportation.

Society has shifted away from farming and doesn't have the infrastructure to bring it back. We've relied on illegal immigrants for too long. It's not about being spoiled.

Your wages would not be higher unless you were willing to unionize.

Because weed post don't belong there.

Off the Trump Boat if Sessions doesn't pull his head from between the Private Prisons legs.

/Wheres gov't accountability?





-There's no problems that should be taking priority over MJ? Pharmaceutical co's, Prison complex and police and lawyer unions are who want the easy job of arresting people that DARE smoke a substance that cures cancer?! That helps parkinsons better than any other drug out there?

A war on POT is TREASON.

Direct harm to the American people through legislation through backdoor deals with entities that profit off our suffering.

/A revolution is coming

Benghazi was a political witch-hunt, Pizzagate is an internet witch-hunt, any vote manipulation helped his party, Dark Gov helped his party.

Trump supporters got conned and are still getting conned. They are the street team in the pyramid scheme that just "know" they are gonna get their Maserati any day now!

Benghazi was a political witch-hunt, Pizzagate is an internet witch-hunt, any vote manipulation helped his party, Dark Gov helped his party.

Succinct, but 100% true. A bitter truth to swallow for regular /r/conspiracy subbers.

Dark Gov helped his party.

Source? I haven't heard this before.

Or just a Supreme Court decision. Which would settle for once and for all.

You think pot cures cancer? Oh, wow...

Oh wow.. You're so fucking dense you didn't know this, and now you think you're being 'smart' by asserting it doesn't..

You didn't know pot cures cancer, oh wow..

-See what a dick you sound like?

Everything gets patented. That doesn't prove anything. Also, treatment =/= cure. There is not proof that pot cures cancer. It's pathetic that you think a patent is evidence.

Also, if you think I sound like dick, it's only because I have no respect for you, at all.

Lol. You're a complete fucking idiot eh?

I have a medical degree. I've done my research. Who the fuck are you? -Oh, another fucking idiot pretending they know shit they obviously don't.

/Too common

You link to a completely pro pot website whose other top articles are about zodiac signs. LOL! And yeah, I'm so sure of your vast medical knowledge because you said so on the internet.

Oh fuck. I thought you were trolling and got me.

Lol. Ok. you really are dumb as fuck. Nimh articles.. you're saying they are all fake? BECAUSE they are on a 'pro-pot' website.. RLY?

Thats about 500 doctorates all conspired and produced fake findings.. Across years of academia and hundreds of institutions?

Thats some good logic there, lou.

Cardiopulmonary degree btw. Wanna talk the talk? I have a specialty in neonatal and critical care. Not a big deal, but I just state this to tell you I definitely know how to read a fucking medical article for veracity. (They didn't make this up, lol).

I'm arguing with a 15 year old aren't I?.. From some southern state?

Motherfucking common core.

Dumbest generation ever.

Jeez, I can't believe I've been putting up with 12 year old. Motherfucking common core. Dumbest generation ever.

All sarcasm aside, I don't believe a single thing you've said. You just continue to show why I don't give a fuck about pot being legal. Potheads are the most annoying, preachy, assholes around and you only further reinforce that point which every word you type.

If you are a doctor, I'm sure you're a terrible one. I still don't believe you though, and at the end of the day, I don't care if recreation marijuana is ever legalized. You haven't won me to your side. I don't care, keep crying about it forever, I still won't care. Get fucked.

Hey fuckhead, nobody cares whos side you're on.

You just got RUINED in being shown 100+ articles proving Marijuana has anti-cancer properties. But, YOU think NIMH articles are all made up? Shit, I should tell all those hospitals who pay $1000+/yr for access to the PubMEd library that its all made up..

Seriously. Go ahead and restate your premise: MJ has no anti-cancer properties? -Shocking, you are UNABLE to admit you are wrong..

You're gonna go through life that fucking stupid?

Did you know in Jamaica, they did one of the biggest MJ studies.. People who smoked MJ only got CA at 50% of the rate of their NON-SMOKING peers. Thats right, you decide to NOT smoke marijuana? Fine. But you just doubled your chances of CA compared to your buddy who smokes a joint occasionally.

Guess what, weed is legal in my state now! Go MA!

Not a doctor. Health professional I said. And VERY good at what I do. Your chances of survival when I walk in a critical care room go up. I've worked at Bostons best hospitals too. So, I'm gonna go ahead and say people who understand my field agree with the value of my skillset.

Pushing 50 myself, son. Have a some fucking respect for your wiser elders. TRYING to educate your dumb-ass. -But when you yell "NO! I won't believe your FACTS!" and run away.. Yeah.. YOU'VE got a big problem.

Ok. Coffee is gone and this 5 minutes of my life, trying to wake your ignorant ass up, is done..

Who gives a shit about idiot theories like pizza gate(an incredible reach and embarrassment to anybody who wants credibility in the conspiracy field) or Benghazi (which has been investigated over and over and nothing has been found because there isn't anything deep about it).

We should focus on the swamp that is Trump's presidency. He is stepping on the constitution and leaving a footprint of hatred and injustice. This is the real shit we need to focus on

REACH? Dominos on kids in the torture chamber? Not a big stretch. Matching EFITs suppressed by SY? -Thats not PROOF? A background check that confirms worst fears: these people are psychopaths. (Dahmer and pedo art?)

Benghazi? They sold stinger missiles to terrorists (WH and DOJ)- Against Pentagon and Armed force objections.. What happened? They send back the seller to buy back and they torture and rape the guy for days while the embassy was calling for help: which they ignored.

No prosecutions? -The WH Stacked the DOJ. They were literally turning away HARD prosecution cases from congress. (ask Gowdy and Chaffetz).

-You need to wake the fuck up. Stop reading the Post, same fucking people who were managing Saville and now we find out, under the aegis of a $600 million CIA secret 'buy-in'.

You blue-pilled.

Wait, only when they started spouting their idiotic rhetoric about weed you started to lose faith in Trump? Everything else he did so far was just fine and dandy?

I looked for this instead of posting my own. Thanks. It's amazing what we've been left with because of people's smallness.

Well yeah, this effects 20-30 aged white people, now shit is on

They thought republicans would be cool with weed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

It never ceases to amaze me how thoroughly Trump bamboozled these people


Or maybe the other choice was Hillary Clinton. Quit dealing in absolutes, just because we voted for him doesn't mean we blindly followed every stance he took. I'd still vote for him over her knowing all of this. To me, putting Trump in office was like the Browns having Brandon Weeden start so they finish 0-16 and get the #1 pick. Put Trump in and he destroys party politics, wakes up people and hopefully burns down Washington and we start over.

What a ridiculously naive and childish view of politics. The only people who benefit from flipping the chess board over and destroying people's faith in the political system are the corrupt assholes that want to step in and take advantage. Which is exactly what has happened. Just look at the jackals that have crept into the White House since Trump was elected. Rich, selfish, morally bankrupt snakes who are gutting the country's public resources as quick as they can.

You think you're helping by undoing all the progress we've made and putting a moron and his sycophants in power? How fucking old are you? The whole "burn it to the ground" attitude is just so childish and careless. That orange-faced idiot has the God damn nuclear codes, his executive orders and bills pushed through by congress can be the difference between life and death for millions of people. And you think you've done the world a favour? Jesus Christ man, you really need to take a step back and think about your decisions.

I've seen what the other option was though. Literally a corrupt, morally bankrupt career politician who already had a track record of endless wars and zero regard for the millions of lives lost just in the last 8 years alone. Both sides guilty, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Obama... all the same. The other choice was zero change. My "childish" and naive views come from spending 6 years fighting over there thinking I was doing something good, being proud when I came home. Now the precious land that we fought for is back in Taliban hands while they're armed with American weapons and vehicles. Don't give me this dramatic shit about his exec orders killing millions of people. I hope to God that nobody else has to die in this shitty situation but don't act like voting for the other person wouldn't result in even more lives lost. Just like the ones already lost under the previous administrations. Just like my friends who died over there. So you keep believing that you're up on the high road. Those of us who chose to vote for him did so because we were so fucking sick of what the other side promised to offer. But you telling me that I'm childish just because I voted for someone that you didn't just shows you have a very narrow view on what it's really like. Stay in your bubble and keep listening to those telling you how to feel.

Both sides guilty, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Obama... all the same. The other choice was zero change.

Utterly delusional. Clinton wasn't perfect, of course she wasn't. But when things don't go your way you don't flip the board and throw the pieces on the floor, which is what what voting for Trump equivocates to. With Clinton in office we could have had some stability in Government while the growing anti-establishment movement pushed for election reform. Instead, like a child, you threw a tantrum and tried to bring the whole thing down. Now the US's international relations are being ruined, public services are being absolutely gutted, and the administration is in such disarray it leaves the whole country vulnerable. Those who could actually do something about corruption have been crippled, and the worst offenders of corruption and corporate interests have almost total power.

No matter how good your intentions, your vote was self-defeating and foolish.

Don't give me this dramatic shit about his exec orders killing millions of people. I hope to God that nobody else has to die in this shitty situation but don't act like voting for the other person wouldn't result in even more lives lost.

If you really believe that I have a bridge wall to sell you.

You're still not hearing it. Stability for who? Go to the civil war we are arming and funding in Syria and tell me how stable it is there. That is what Clinton brought. I really don't expect you to get it though because it's just words to you that you choose not to hear. Go out and see it yourself and make opinions and views based on that. Nothing is ever black or white, good or bad. It's all grey and shit. I don't agree with 100% of Trump and what he does. I'll call him out on things he does that I don't agree with, like this, going back on marijuana and states decisions. But you keep spreading doom and gloom and alienating anyone who has a different opinion than yours.

Clinton wasn't perfect

And she also wasn't good. Like not a good person. Not worth a vote. No person who was complicit in warmongering is worth my vote.

If you can't manage to run someone who never bombed a child you deserve Trump.

You did not make that progress. That progress was made in spite of democrats. The center right party who tried to elect a union busting hawk is not the hero here.

Jackals have always been in both establishment parties.

Thank lord tuts for this great word.

Trump voters just wanted to take rights away from brown people not the white ones.

I could strangle my friends in that age group that didn't vote because they are fucking lazy. The election was given away by them and third party voters.

Tbf, they were probably questioning their hopefulness and finding less and less excuses for Trump until they were finally met with something that caused them to put two and two together. I know it's too little too late, but I'd like to commend OP for realizing what's wrong and also coming publically with it and starting a discussion. Good job OP, keep it up.

I do agree it's commendable he actually has the balls to go out and say he was wrong, unlike 99% of Trump-voters who will still shout things that have been disproven a hundred times before without even the slightest hint of irony.

Tbf, they were probably questioning their hopefulness and finding less and less excuses for Trump until they were finally met with something that caused them to put two and two together.

This was me, I began to do double takes when I saw what people he was appointing, the coal dumping regulations being repealed, and now this?

Nah, I'm done with Trump. I said I'd give him 100 days, to accomplish that 'contract for the voter' plan, which he did have a start on.

However this weed shit was never talked about. The only thing that could bring him back around in my eyes is his tax plan, if he doesn't fuck it up.

They censor anything that isn't 100% supportive of Trump, they don't pretend otherwise and they always have. Did you expect something different?

I agree with this point. TD never pretended to be an open forum. However the weed thing is still super shady. It's more of the same politics from our government. Let mother fuckers smoke some weed. I would think our government and politicians have bigger issues to worry about...the American people are becoming pretty vocal...

Is it really shady? He's always shown authoritarian tendencies, he's written about his dislike of drugs, is it really a surprise to find he was just pandering?

An entity taking away the free will of the people will always be shady. The fuck does Donald Trump or any other president have to do with how I handle my body? We need to move past our government and politicians and take back control of our reality

Sorry I misread your previous message - I interpreted what was shady as him going back on his word, but you didn't say that. So yes I agree it's stupid, but it was also completely predictable that Trump would be like that.

They pretend they aren't the biggest safe space on Reddit but they are.

In the Press Beatings the other day. Sean said that President Trump was committed to medical usage per the laws of the states and the the Dept of Justice would have to clarify their policies going forward.

Sean does not say the DoJ would be taking action on anything. Only that the reporter would need to follow up with the Dept of Justice for clarification.

From what I've read in Bloomberg, Forbes, et al, the DoJ has yet to respond to questions regarding recreational use. So we're still stuck relying on the statements AG Sessions made during the confirmation hearing.

which he danced around it, but did not openly commit to devote federal resources to chasing cases of recreational use.

Further to that. The House Resolution 975 was introduced which in turn would force the executive to recognize the State's rights over the aims of the Fed.

This whole bit feels like doom and gloom when really, we just don't know yet.

This^ the happy medium. No one really knows yet. We know so little. He's only been in office for a month and alots already changed. We need to do our duty to the facts and to our country.

He still is trying to help private prisons either way so fuck him

The fact that we have to argue over weed let's you know this is more of the same. Let's fucking take back our free will. We do not need our government we do not need our politicians. We do not need anyone to hold our hands. Move past these false idols and take care of your neighbor

Like MLK said, it is a man's moral obligation to break unjust laws. Fuck em all, smoke weed if you want. The system can't keep it up forever, we'll all be vindicated sooner or later through the natural course of time and political effort.

Actually, most Trumpians' view is: We support Legally Gay Married couples defending their Legal Marijuana plants with a Gun...

If that's the case, they should've voted for Gary Johnson.

Nah, we don't believe in wasting our votes. Some of us (mis-guided as they are) would probably have voted for Bernie though. We're just not THAT conservative.

How can a vote be any more wasted than one which is cast for someone whom you disagree with?

No, we actually agree with 'most' of POTUS Trumps policies, just not all of them. I've never wasted a vote in my life, as I always vote my wallet... though, my candidate has not always been the winner. I'm 6 & 5 in Presidential elections.

I'm honestly surprised that I don't see more conspiracy post on this sub about Donald's connection to child sex Slavery. He's friends with Epstien, he talks about spying on minors in dressing rooms, and his resorts have had issues with minors being used as prostitutes inside of them. Tag that along with slave labor used to build his facilities, the hidden rooms party guest are taken too, and the way he hasn't launched full investigations into the obvious abuse of children by the political elites. Donald is a supporter of child sex slavery .

The evidence is overwhelming! /r/donaldgate

Meh, all these things are public knowledge.

It's almost if T_d is trying to do the same thing 45 is trying to do!

I know, I know, fake news. Except even people who are skeptical of the news rely on it for at least a baseline of what's happening.

This is why we need to vote third party. You have one ultra corrupt candidate who desperately wanted WWIII with Iran and Russia and then another moron who pandered to people's desires and is now worse than we thought.

Vote third party, it's not that hard. All you gotta do when you go vote is scroll over to a third party candidate (vote third party Congress as well to make it "count") and hit enter.

I don't even smoke pot... since recently!

Sorry, but it had to be said.

Your embarrassing yourself


Thanks bby what would I do without Ya

You it's k just realized all of this because of a pot policy? You're a special kind of stupid. All of Reddit was warning you about this kind of shit through the entire election.

But this affects straight white men!! Muh weed

I believe that T_D subreddit is run by one of those internet marketing companies that have fake accounts for posting, comments, and upvotes. It has that lame, stretching it feel to most of their posts because some shitbirds are trying to continuously post a response to everything the media or others say about him.

Support who you want to support, it's not a big deal. Why should anyone expect you to stand on a side like this is a sports game? Seriously, grow up. This isn't about picking a team. You sound like a football fan pissed off that your team blew a game.

Was a "Trump Supporter".

The Don, lord emporer has spoken and these vile ignorant people do not dispute their stupid obnoxious King.

This is why I stopped visiting TD. There are no more meaningful discussions there. How stupid do you have to be to support dumping chemicals into streams? I understand the need to tone back regulation - but not regulation that protects the environment from scumbags! I'm starting to get real annoyed with the current mess in the White House. I don't see the tax cuts coming just a whole bunch of unrelated shit that doesn't do anything to make this country great again.

... I don't believe we live in a world where recreational drugs should be legalized. They will never be used in a responsible manner by the majority which will in the end abuse them, create a special circle that attacks everyone else who refuses to use them, and descend into the well known SJWs... You can drink an old whine and remember about the past after which you start puking in the bathroom, you can smoke cigarettes and believe you look as cool as some people you admire after which you start coughing your lungs out. Its enough.

Wouldn't the appropriate place for this be /r/AskThe_Donald ?

That subreddit specifically prohibits questioning the practices of /r/The_Donald.

You " pot isn't addictive" trolls are so cute. Always assuming that everybody else shares your delusion that pot is healthy and harmless when it isn't. Let the potheads rot in jail. Then maybe folks would actually accomplish something, assuming their is any functionality left to their drug-addled brains.

While marijuana can be abuse like any other substance, I've yet to meet someone jonesing for hit of the green. Your misconceptions of this plant stem from something else. Watch someone deal with seizures everyday of their life while being prescribed to big pharma, then see how they function while using marijuana. Might change your mind.

People totally jones for weed, without a doubt. Some people should not smoke weed, it's as simple as that. At the end of the day, none of that matters to me, I think you should be able to do any drug you want and it should be completely legal. There are just so many benefits to cannabis, I don't think a rational argument can be made for it to be illegal.

The whole war on marijuana is bullshit. But we've made progress much sooner than I expected. This is a minor setback. By 2030, it'll be 100% recreationally legal in every state. And fuck Baby Hands.

Haha, fuck baby hands ?!

They came after the Mexicans, I didn't care, because I was high

They came after the Muslims, I didn't care, because I was high

But then they came after my weed, now shit is serious.

Finally the line has been drawn

That better not be coke kid...

lol yeah that's how I was for the last couple weeks up until the news about weed.. screw that shit Trump said he'll leave it up to the states.. this is back tracking and it's bullshit.

If the only reason you Trump supporters are angry at him is him going after weed, then you deserve every thing you're getting from him. Bunch of idiots.

And then I got high

You must be high as fuck. He still hasn't come for the mexicans or the muslims lol.

What about the ICE raids and the travel ban?

ICE raids against illegal immigrants. It's a legality issue.

Travel ban is against countries currently having very serious internal issues with wahhabi extremism (except Iran).

I wish it was like this:

First they came for Muslims and I cared big time because I'm an American who believes this country should be a place where anybody can come and make a life for themselves.

That whole thing about not caring makes or seem like people only care about themselves. Lots of people have empathy as well as foresight (and hindsight which so many people have lost or seems).

On one of my trips to America, I was on a boat with a bunch of industry guys, and most had the following outlook.

"as long as I'm employed, I'll vote republican. The moment I'm retired, I'm voting democrat."

It really did make it seems like Americans had a "me first" mentality when it came to government.

That's definitely a common opinion and where I think people need to use some common sense. Treat others like you want to be treated, have the government treat others like you want them to treat you.

I thought Republicans were for "small government and states rights" instead they are being anti marine, anti states rights on it being legal. What the fuck

They censor everything that MIGHT be considered negative. The_Donald folks are sensitive little snowflakes that can't handle a discussion.

The irony is that they complain about being censored from the front page, but ban anyone who tries to have a discussion.

You want an god laugh look at the post about the news organization being kicked out. That's irony.

I find it a dangerous precident when the white house excludes legitimate press

Exactly and T_D are rallying behind it while complaining about their voice not being heard on R/all.

On the topic of /r/The_donald reductions censorship, this happened to me 4 months ago.

I got banned for stating facts back at someone for false bs. This was last September.

The Donald is a bigger circlejerk than r/circlejerk which is ironic.... They blame it on hillary, shills, cucks, immigrants etc. When the problem is their inability to debate anything about Trump. Last time I checked they are blaming downvotes on sharaiablue bots or something and not actual humans who genuinely disagree

Except the posts being downvoted to 50 percent are usually news not opinion pieces. Most disgusting of all is how hard the pedophilia busts in the last month are downvoted. There's no way regular users would downvoted that while dumb memes and ludicrous claims stay upvoted

Maybe everyone's sick of your shit

As of a few months ago... You can filter subs out of r/all. You never have to see it again. Saying you're sick of it is nothing more than lazy whining. Type the_donald into the filter and you have end your sickness

You were banned for posting fake news. "Trump doesn't understand science" Dafuq are you talking about. "Global warming" is nonsense and always has been.

I've looked at your post history a little bit and I haven't really seen anyone like you before. Do you believe Mac's arguments in this clip to be coherent logic?

Considering he is getting all his information from a TV personality I'd say it's safe to assume he would.

Everything I disagree with is fake news wwwwwaaaaaaaa

Lol alright then I'll trust the reality TV man instead of the hundreds of thousands of scientist that have devoted their careers to studying climate change.

In this sort of case, they usually believe in some kind of ivory tower conspiracy. I've had some success by explaining the peer review process to people.

You mean to tell me, the fake billionare, fake celebrity, fake Republican, fake patriot, misled you? I for one am shocked...

Hey now, he's a real celebrity. Just like Paris Hilton.

He's famous for sucking dick too. Putin's dick.

Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to the discussion.

You're quite welcome.

I'm happy to see that members of r/conspiracy are concerned that the president of the United States has had constant communication with an evil murderer.

Hell, I would've voted for Paris Hilton over Donald Trump.

don't forget fake tan!

Which is it? Billionaire or not billionaire? The left seems to flop this whenever one is more convenient.

Stay delusional.

Stay delusional.

So the left never flip flops on his wealth? Keep watching that FAKE NEWS.

We'll never know unless he releases his tax return so speculations all we got.

My dad always said if you can't sell a stunner you're not fit to lead the free world.

Your dad is good people

A fake billionaire? Okay, no go ahead. I really want to hear the explanation on this one.

Without directly seeing Trump's tax returns it's impossible to say how much he's worth or has. Up to this point it's mostly going by his word that he's an actual billionaire.

I didn't know millionaires could build skyscrapers in their name

Look, how could you not have seen this shit coming from a mile away. It's not like it wasn't obvious who he was going to stand for and who he wasn't. Glad you've woken up now though.

(Hillary was also shit, not denying this. Fuck her, lock her up.)

They way I seen it, the government hasn't been "ours for a long long time.

Big governemt, Republicans are hypocrites amd Americans are ignorant.

Sorry op but you were a fool to think trump would ever help legalization or anything decently helpful for his country.

Because the stupid mods won't let you talk about anything controversial. It must be sucking Trump's dick 24/7! I've been a Trump supporter since the beginning but I'm not gonna try and pretend like he's perfect, because he's definitely not. And we should be able to have discussions about certain topics without being banned right off the bat. T_D mods need to get off their high horses, and soon

Yeah as a trump voter I'm rip shit right now. If he doesn't turn this over to the states like he said I will not be voting for him in 4 years I promise you that.

I saw like a dozen weed threads yesterday.

Trump ran on the reagen "law and order" campaign he didn't do this to save American, Donald did this because he wanted to win and be powerful. Donald trump doesn't understand or care about issues like drug prohibition, his supporters labeled him a "God-emperor" and believes he was here to solve their problems.

Anyone who voted for trump believing he would legalize marijuana does not understand rhetoric.

I mean that's how trump would run the sub. It's a reflection of trump, a lot of talk but nothing of substance. He'll trump fires anyone who dare questions him so the sub is very a good representation of trump mixed with the ideology of bannon

If your support for Trump took one statement by his press secretary to rescind, you were never a true supporter.

If you post a pro trump comment on world news or a link to Sweden violence they ban you permanently.

Censorship on both sides needs to stop.

I understand wanting to appeal to their conservative base, but this is a dumb move which will anger their army of pothead shitposters who supported him as a troll President.

Hell yea! Maybe this fucking sub will finally get it's balls back and look at some of the shit that's happening in plain sight.

pizza! you must concentrate on pizza friend! No russians here! Pizza and pedophile only! you no agree, PEDOPHILE!?

He ran as a law and order candidate who wanted to support cops and soldiers above all else?

...what did you expect?

Are you saying you think he'll deport mexican who immigrated lawfully, or illegal aliens?

You never supported Trump, and if you did you are a complete retard. One of the things Trump championed was Law and Order. It is ridiculous to think you wouldn't want law enforcement while still supporting him. Another reason I know you never supported him is the fact that enforcing the law is enough to make you go on a tirade, when real Trump supporters stayed loyal even after access Hollywood, and ever other attempt to take him down. The reason? Trump supporters see Trump as the last chance to save this country. They see this as do or die. You never supported Trump, you think illegal aliens are not criminals, and that we should not enforce our laws. TRUMP RAN ON THIS, ARE YOU RETARDED?

This, OP is just...

You are the one who is retarded. Donald Trump marketed himself as a champion for states rights and said the weed should be a state issue during his campaign. He is doing a complete 180 on that. He has obviously been shilled by the drug and prison companies. I get that you guys are embarrassed that your guy didn't turn out as great as you thought he would but doubling down on blindly following him is really only making it all the more pathetic. You guys have been cucked just forget about it and move on.

Are you insane? Trump has turned out better than I ever imagined! Even CNN said he is doing exactly what he said he would do! And by the way, he is enforcing federal law, which means you can still smoke weed until your lungs burst in Colorado and DC. If your state wants to smoke weed, you can make it happen in your state. And why shouldn't I trust Trump? He has been keeping his promises down the line, while everyone, including Republicans flip flop and never come through with what they say they will do. Trump is the only trustworthy man in Washington if you ask me! And your calling me a cuck?! Your side are the ones that are doubling down on your failing Democrats and identity politics, which are the things that got Trump elected! And you blindly follow people link the failing New York Times and very fake CNN! Look around you, your side has lost!

First off I never said I was a Democrat and second he said that he wants to federally enforce stricter weed prohibition. That means legal states as well. Now honestly I really don't think much is going to happen because it is really hard to undo this type of stuff, but it's becoming really hard to deny that the man is a hypocrite and a bit of a lier. It's funny watching Pence and Spicer desperately try to clean up his messes every time he decides to tweet. Things are getting ridiculous.

I apologise for assuming you were Democrat, but that doesn't change the fact that the States law overrides federal law in this instance, he is simply enforcing the law and doing what he said he would do.

State law basically never overrides federal law, it is entirely a matter of federal enforcement as well as the federal incentives states get for playing along. Alcohol and tobacco age restrictions, speed limits, age of consent, pot, etc etc. All of these have federal and state laws that differ. Historically the feds do not enforce their side of the law, but that's because no one wants to open up the can of worms that would be the States Rights discussion, and that's because when push comes to shove things would get nasty.

If a weed has been legalized in a state, it is legal to snort weed in that state. Trump will be enforcing federal law in states where it is not legal.

Have you been following California DEA actions much?

Not really, I'm an Atlantic Ocean kind a gal

Same, just with a Y chromosome.

In a nutshell, DEA was still running operations in California after commercial legalization, it to an including registered pot businesses. It's the reason why banks as a rule won't open business accounts for these folks; unless someone puts a halt to enforcement, there's nothing to stop the feds from coming in and seizing property and funds, because so long as pot is federally scheduled the DEA can superceed state law and take action.

Until Spezzy's comments are clarified, the assumption is that DEA may continue operating under this mandate as they see fit

That's why people should support their dealer instead of handing it to beaurocracy.

And then you get to go to a for-profit prison...?

Sorry, being illegal on a state and federal level isn't any better than being illegal on just a federal level.

The prison system does need reform. Our system puts mentally ill people in there and it's not good. But, that does not mean we should not enforce our laws, if the prison s need reform then reform them, don't ignore the problem by not enforcing the law.

Jesus fuck, are you trolling or what? Which is it, Trump isn't imposing fed laws or states or fed laws should trump states? Because you've just fucking contradicted yourself in the span of 3 comments.

Listen, state laws trump fed laws. All of our laws should be enforced unless trumped by another law. If weed is legal in a state, it should be legal in that state, but not the others. Trump is enforcing the laws, which is what he said he would do. That's all there is to it.

Are you fucking dense? I just told you that until told otherwise the DEA was attempting to enforce in California, where it was already legalized. DEA doesn't give a shot about states rights, which until this current statement is clarified appears to reinstate their mandate.

So if it's the DEA's fault why are you blaming Trump!?

Sorry, you're either dense as a brick or trolling. Not doing more of this.

Too bad, I was having fun. Heil Pepe!

This entire thread is people emo raging that Trump is going to allow medical marijuana, and not support recreational use.

Your retarded drug use isn't really a national concern. Plenty of places in the world that dont mind if you're a burn out. Plenty of places that dont want drugs, and drug related crimes in their neighborhood.

Weedposts are a gateway drug to critical thinking, that's why.

PSA: pagefault404 made a DMZ subreddit


Here you go. Feel free to try and get some discussions going. I have no intentions on keeping this sub (I didn't create it for myself, I created it based on a need) so eventually, moderation may be handed over to someone who is able to run things in the spirit of the sub. Neutral. However, for right now, the current moderation team will work.

/r/conspiracy is finally back!

$0.05 has been added to your account

because this is as off topic here as it is there...

this isn't a conspiracy. so clearly you lack both basic logical and literary skills...

this sub needs to crack down hard on off topic shills. it's getting out of hand

i dont agree with donald on some things, but weed is not a big enough issue to me personally, to even care.

it was marijuana enforcement that made you dislike this president. you know what fuck you, I hope the DEA raids your house, idiot

I hope the retarded DEA raids the wrong house, gets yours and flashbangs your children in the face.

joke's on you, I don't have a house or children

joke's on you, I don't have a house or children


The_Donald is a cancerous tumour on the underbelly of Reddit, filled with nought but dick-swinging hypocritical retards.

But that's just my opinion. The facts are less exaggerated and a whole lot more terrifying.

the only thing terrifying is your stupidity

Fuck you if weed was the turning point for you. If you didn't see this coming a mile away then you're one dumb mother fucker and this is YOUR fault.

You got conned, dumbasses.

Whatever, ill just pay the $50 a year for a medical card, not like they are hard to get.

lmao "former trump supporter here" is a clear sign of some fat loser pushing the narrative that his supporters are turning on him

Lol look at the states that voted for trump and obesity rates. Across the board the fattest states went to trump, and the fitter states went for Clinton. Maybe his fat loser supporters are turning on him? Not everything is a conspiracy.

Haha nope, noones gonna see this

Just gotta wait for /r/conspiracy to delete or block your anti-Trump post. They did it to me when mine reached #20 on /r/all. The subs moderation is compromised. I'm sure this comment won't be up for long.

Unfortunately I gave Barry like 6 years of loyalty before I gave up on him. Probably will be similar with Trump. I am an optimist.

Optimist? You sound like a sucker

You sound angry, I get it. Channel that energy and make some money off your passion! Hope you find mental health sometime in the next 8 years. Godspeed.

Now you sound like an idiot and a sucker, but I guess there's a correlation between the two



Maybe it took you quitting pot to realize what a twat your president is.

So you were fine with everything else he did? Nice to see where your priorities lie.

Just so you are aware The Donald isn't real people. It's mostly humans employed in Russia to move an agenda. There are a few trolls and 4channers in there doing it for the lulz cuz anarchy but your pleading will never even be acknowledged.

It's not a real place

fuck you faggot

I'm a real person, from the USA and I voted. I know at least 1 person IRL who post on T_D (We don't know each others usernames, because....reasons) because he sent me a meme from "rising" a few months ago and I asked him.

All i see is a post with literally zero evidence. not even a simple screenshot of him posting, and the next screenshot of it getting deleted.

Sorry but i see pot articles on the_donald all the time they just don't reach high upvote levels because the community doesn't really think weed is an issue that adults should be focusing their lives on when shit like human trafficking and economic turmoil exist...

Economic turmoil? You mean the record dow levels? LOL... Also, by keeping weed illegal and trying to enforce these stupid laws, you're taking away resources from combating human trafficking.

You're logic is terrible, but then again, you are a trumpov supporter. So I guess it's to be expected.

I didn't know i supported trump when i voted NDP in the last canadian election ahahahaha.

I like the_donald because its a good subreddit with an active community. It's also the only place on reddit where i could find many many fully censored news articles over the last year and thus i've slowly gravitated to it.

My-are(sic) logic is actually pretty good considering it's what i've seen as top comments in several weed related threads on T_d.

Economic turmoil? You mean the record dow levels? LOL... Also, by keeping weed illegal and trying to enforce these stupid laws, you're taking away resources from combating human trafficking.

Way to not respond to the actual discussion...

You got duped by a conman. Only have yourself to blame for not waking up earlier.


Yeah my biggest problem with this is they are espousing "state rights" with every other controversial issue. Be consistent with all policy

As a leftist and vehemently anti-Trumper all along...

We fucking told you so, jackass.

Enjoy reaping what you sow.

"As a former trump voter, how did this happen ?? i am surprised, he is bad man all along ! "

jesus christ the people in this sub are retarded.

I'm right there with you. People saying this is your fault because you supported him are forgetting Clinton, the only alternative, was even more anti marijuana than Trump so all this "gotcha" stuff is bullshit.

So everything else he has done did not phase you but the mention of cracking down on weed was the crossing point? Just find that a little humorous either way happy to see some people finally standing up to this crap. The_Donald is a joke I am convinced Trump can do no wrong in there eyes. They are the biggest "sjws" on reddit.

I too supported DJT and all his other antics hardcore. But he's losing me rapidly if he tries to put the weed genie back in the bottle.

deporting those mexicans who had no criminal priors

If you are complaining about Trump deporting illegals who have not broken any other law, then you clearly were never a Trump supporter. I was never a Trump supporter, but I have trouble believing that OP was either.

Yay!!! A post on this subreddit that isn't about how much you guys wanna suck trumps tiny hot dogs.

So this sub is now resorting to name calling like in /p now, huh ?

So this sub is now resorting to name calling like in /p now, huh ?

This will probably get buried because it's kind of pedantic, but I'm a "banker" (not corporate level) and it irks me when people mention how "bankers" are the big white collar thieves and harm to society. Hasn't been a "banker's" fault in a long time. Blame the corporate executives and CEOs that make policies and exploit their customers AND employees, not the "banker" who is just a peon of the company.

At least the prices going to go up from 800/pound maybe back up to 3200 saving the weed Market

Seriously, is weed all you care? How good is that shit?

We don't want drugs in this country.

And for the record, many of arrests are because of DWIs, and assault. Very few people are arrested for nothing other than marijuana possesion.

Very few people are arrested for nothing other than marijuana possesion.

This is incorrect, I'm sorry. Very very very incorrect, in fact.

In 2015, for instance, about 575,000 (!!) people were arrested for only possession of marijuana. source

I'm just very curious- does the fact that your belief that marijuana possession arrests were rare is incorrect, change any of your preconceptions of the drug war in the united states?

Drug Offenders in Federal Prison: Estimates ... - Bureau of Justice Statistics

Download the real numbers for yourself, I'm sorry but that website is fake news.

Those numbers are absolutely correct.

Sourced from FBI crime stat website, here

So for anyone else reading this, my numbers are 100% correct, according to the FBI.

How's that for "fake news"? It's funny because I wrote a comment in this very same thread about Trump supporters being conditioned to discount anything that disagrees with them as "fake news" without actually checking. Depressing and ironic.

Yup, those numbers seem to be right.

So once again, I'd like to know, does this information have any impact on your thoughts regarding the drug war?

So many grammatical and spelling errors in one post! Sad!

Don't do drugs, kids. I honestly don't know why people are so passionate about marijuana, it is probably just a trendy thing people do to fit in. Unpopular opinion, I know, but still... Just don't do drugs, how about that? You will feel much better living a healthy lifestyle.

The potheads overwhelmingly voted against him. For the few who didn't, I'm sorry, but the rest are getting what they deserve. Obey or get put in your place. At least they should be happy that this is something they can easily avoid, if they value their life and freedom over a fucking psychoactive drug. Seems like a simple choice to me.

I've seen lots of weed posts on there. Maybe they don't want the sub flooded with the same shit. That's what mod's actually do.

One thing you need to remember that they are conservative.

Every time something happens this guy SAYS I WAS A TRUMP SUPPORTER, you can find posts from before this mentioned press conference with this user saying I WAS A TRUMP SUPPORTER-BUT.

THIS IS a concern troll. I can't believe /r/conspiracy is falling for this.

After reading your post, it was Amazing you were a Trumptser, what was so bad about Bernie???

He's economically retarded and socialism only works in homogenous countries.

Barack Obama dropped 21,000 bombs in one year.

This is horrible, but also does nothing to contribute to this conversation. Obama sucked and Trump is probably going to suck too after announcing policies like this.

Stick to the forum topic so we can have a meaningful conversation!

but weed!

(Hillary Clinton is also adamantly against marijuana legalization. It didn't matter who OP voted for, and his entire point is moot.)

b-b-b-b-but hillary!

Shit's over, bringing up Hillary is the laziest shit

he literally said he was mad how he voted because Trump is against weed.

but so was his main opposition...

Yo my dude, you responded to the wrong thread I think.

This was a post about /r/the_donald censoring marijuana news, just FYI.

nope got it right

Opening the jail spots isn't for weed smokers. Think about the law enforcement news they released recently about human trafficking

I'm curious why people believed trump was ever an honest candidate when he has a long history of lying. And the moment he chose Pence it was clear he would happily pander to the old school religious right on outdated social issues including drug use.

The Donald and frankly many posts in this sub seem to ignore any legitimate concerns people have with trump which is disturbing. They like to say it's patriotic to criticize the government and I agree but doesn't this extend to the president?

I'm happy trump voters are paying attention and being honest with themselves and others. We the people are united and strong. I don't care about partisan affiliation or who someone voted for. There's a movement now of angry worried people who want what's best for our country. Things will be bad for 2-4 years but I have hope that the important things we learn from it will outlast trump.

you have to understand something. americans take pride in their ignorance. thats something extraordinarily be that dumb.

Dear Reddit: Why you censoring posts?

He stated during the campaign that he wants it to be a states issue. He also said he will enforce the law. This means if the DEA unschedules weed, then he won't crack down on it according to the law. It's pretty simple. we don't have to agree on everything he does, I personally think weed is harmless, but he is a law and order President.

His blind worshippers don't care, they're too dumb anyway

It was always fucking obvious he would be this kind of president. You idiots voted for him because you were impressed by him saying things like "very good" and "great". Read a goddamn book before the next election.

I voted for him because the alternative was warmongering hillary who desperately wanted WW3 with Russia. Seeing how all the news organizations that sucked her dick constantly before the election, keep trying to say that Trump is a Russian agent, or hacker, or whatever, and every single time there has been no proof, yeah I made the right decision.

Also because you wanted people of color and LGBT folks to be second class citizens like back in the good old days. And warmongering with Iran is way better.

But there he is holding a rainbow flag so I guess it's all okay. It's not like he'll imply any policies that directly lead to discrimination.

That's all his moron supporters need. "Hes holding a LGBT Flag? SO BRAVE"

OK so a single photo op during the election is a better indicator of his stance than the people he hired and the policies they support?

Yeah, except the FBI is actually looking into Russian stuff, whereas Pizzagate aint going anywhere

the alternative was warmongering hillary who desperately wanted WW3 with Russia

So you voted for the guy that wants more nukes and is asking when he can use them on the middle east. Also the same guy who wants to "kill the families" of our enemies and ban/mass deport people?

This is how wars start.

Because it's not pro Trump obviously u dumbass. The mods of that sub say time and time again anything that isn't pro Trump will be removed.

For one thing, you are correct. My neighbor Jim does smoke joints. But, I do not think this is about getting back at Oregon, California, Washington and Colorado. This is about money. Trump loves money, and power. What they are doing is reformatting and tightening up the Marijuana industry. Maybe Trump wants to reel it in so the federal government can take it over and reap the rewards. Then in the near future he could use the money for infrastructure, jobs and cutting deficit. While at the same time filling the private prisons with lesser pot heads to get cheap labor driving up GDP. Or maybe im wrong.

He did separate medical from recreational in his statement, in other words he wants the fed to control the dispersal like opiates yeah it will make the fed alot of money but poor people will be left out unless they go to a doctor and get a prescription and I doubt the fed requirements will be as easy as Californias were when it was only legal medically. This could be an attack on dispensaries alone so the government or one of their friends (big tobacco) can control where it comes from and how you get it (shitty mass grown weed) this is why the legal states should start preparing for battle. Protect your dispensaries at all costs this message is to owners, local and state governments, and local police this is not just about weed its about rights no government should tell us what we can and cannot put in our own bodies including a naturally growing plant.

I think you are absolutely right that it is an attack on dispensaries. I have already spoken to a few owners that say it will be nearly impossible to abide by all the rules and pay the taxes and still make a decent enough profit. The cost of private armed security alone is 15k a month!

For one thing, you are correct. My neighbor Jim does smoke joints. But, I do not think this is about getting back at Oregon, California, Washington and Colorado. This is about money. Trump loves money, and power. What they are doing is reformatting and tightening up the Marijuana industry. Maybe Trump wants to reel it in so the federal government can take it over and reap the rewards. Then in the near future he could use the money for infrastructure, jobs and cutting deficit. While at the same time filling the private prisons with lesser pot heads to get cheap labor driving up GDP. Or maybe im wrong.

People have been brainwashed into connecting their egos with every single decision. There are people who will defend the Orange Fucktard even while the nation burns down all around them.

What do you mean "why". It's because they will never disagree with the Trump administration. It's like Hillary shills, except the opposite direction and real.

r/The_Cult will never hold Trump accountable for his many, many lies.

Hold your government ACCOUNTABLE!

I don't see my government any more.

Trump is for Gutting/Eliminating:

  • net neutrality
  • EPA
  • Education
  • Things that help pay for the cost of the ACA
  • Dissenting press
  • Dissenting personnel in govt. agencies
  • People of foreign decent voting or participating in the country.

Double down on:

  • Surveillance
  • Prison Industrial Complex
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Military
  • Homeland security
  • Things that cost a lot in the ACA
  • Voter suppression

And it's only be 1 month! We are witnessing the last political party the United States will ever have.

This sub has been sounding the alarm that the growth of executive power matched with an overarching surveillance state is dangerous.

There is now a man in the White House who does not flinch at using all the aggregated power to undermine the core of our country. He does not give a shit about America. He only cares about himself, and those loyal to him.

Snowden was our last chance to get people to CARE about what the government is doing. It failed. Now we are going to watch the whole thing morph into some sick combination of China and Russia.

And those fucking assholes in the_donald are going to cheer as he tears down our constitutional republic brick by brick.

it's hilarious, the people in this sub cheered him on and touted him as their solution for corruption and government overreach, and he doubles down on everything this sub stands against. Fucking idiots. They swallowed the Trump pill, now they should be forced to take the side effects.

I clicked this post looking for evidence. Didnt find any

People at The_Donald regularly make good points but when Trump is in the wrong, good look getting any acknowledgement out of that place. It is the most one-sided, selectively blind 'community' on the internet.

Why is there an expectation that a President needs to fit all your views 100% across the board? This will never occur. Stupid thread is stupid.

He's a Zionist puppet just like the ban and the mods of t_d were pieces of shits.

Wow its almost like hes a con man ripping people off, selling shitty inferior products using the truml name who would have thought...

Can we please stop with the bullshit narrative that this sub has been taken over by t_d as thats clearly never been the case.

Oh good to hear, so Trump isn't all bad then.

Dude, Donald was always against weed and illicit drugs generally. There was no pro-weed candidate I can't even imagine what it would be like if Don was pro-weed. People voted for him on other issues.

OP: "I like weed, but fuck poor people"

Seriously though it really is like oceania over there at T_D. Stuff they supported then gets banned and history is rewritten to pretend it always was that way.

Lmao these fake accounts claiming they regret voting for trump... haven't met a single trump supporter who regrets his decision. Trump has done exactly what he said he would do.

Like his 30 day plan to beat Isis? Oh wait...

Hey RETARD it's probably the LAST thing on their fucking priority list which btw their opinion is STATES RIGHTS FUCKO and Spicer probably hasn't even had the conversation with Trump about it and freestyled to the press. What's easier to back up from, being tough or being soft? The feds aren't going to waste their fucking time with marijuana and if you weren't such a degenerate retard you'd be able to have figured that out yourself. Do you know nothing about Trump, swamp idiot?

Now I'm glad to be in California with the open border and illegals. Trump is just another puppet like all the rest. Fuggin hippocritter

God I can't wait to shut down that fucking Trump train. Here we have one of the potentially biggest scandals/conspiracies of our time with Trumps alleged involvement with Russia. Which you would fucking think in a normal timeline r/conspiracy would be all over this shit, but nope. Instead the rest of us are gonna have to figure it out and shut this shit down ourselves.

Bro...we all told you so...

Since you are a former trump supporter I hope you are better positioned to sway current trump supporters.

What I don't get is how the subreddit has almost 380,000 subscribers when it is the most cancerous, ignorant, and blocked sub on Reddit.

I'm just glad this sub is finally rejecting the nonsense that is T_D.

Finally the original r/conspiracy is coming back.

Don't forget the part in which Stephen Miller intoned that the president's decisions will not be questioned. We've heard this before in Germany and dozens of tin pot dictatorships.

Just introduced......2017 bill to make marijuana a state rights issue - HR975. Call/write all of your representatives ASAP. We need to get the federal government out of the drug business.

Created and co-sponsored by Republicans (6) and co-sponsored by Democrats(6).

Look at conspiracy trying to be relevant by jumping on the train.

Your post is a giant mess. It doesn't explain how or what kind of "weed posts" T_D is censoring. Instead, you just whine over a million things with naive rhetoric like:

and deporting those mexicans who had no criminal priors (he will, watch)


all the real assholes who do the worst harm to our society (bankers, etc) aren't going to be touched.

I was watching t_d when news first broke that they were going after states that have legal marijuana. There were between 3-5 posts about the subject, with most comments suggesting this was a bad idea. I thought to myself, "hey, first time I see myself agreeing with people from t_d. Maybe this will spark a real conversa..." Then the mods arrived and it was over.
Glad to see people talking about this in a civil manner. Of coarse, it would be weed that brings people together. :)

He's also going to repeal Dodd Frank which was meant to keep big banks in check... AND he's going after net neutrality! He's a fucking corporate whore.

I subbed the story to T_D, yesterday, it was up for about 15 minutes, got a few dozen up votes & comments...then gone, and my account banned.

Chickenshit Toadies...

Durr Durr I didn't see the obvious.

Troll account is troll

Breaking news: Notorious bold faced liar lies again. Public shocked.

Why would you for one second think that a Far Right politician would EVER be Pro Marijuana? Do you just not pay attention?

Most are just kids voting for the first time

Ignorance is no excuse... Well maybe... he did vote Trump...

It isn't an excuse I'm just saying they heard all these wild things he was going to do and followed him not realizing he was pandering

I think you have it backwards. They heard all these wild stupid things he said and thought he was just pandering. Turns out he meant all that crazy shit...

No shit. Anybody who thought Trump was a libertarian who was decriminalizing drugs is just plain stupid.

I don't think you know what literally means.

The only reason my little brother kicked his opiate pill addiction is because of weed. Fuck Trump

bro i hear ya, i was addicted to pills and heroin for years.. weed + god saved my life

Gosh golly! If only we could have seen this coming.

One of the biggest reasons I liked trump was because he said "medical, ya gotta have medical folks. Recreational, I'll leave it up to the states."

Another subreddit lost to shariablue this is just sad

Oh yeah, and maybe we wouldnt have a fucking mexican immigrant problem if our CIA didn't destroy their country for drug money.

god bless you

Oh, and saying that Sean Spicer misspoke and thats not his stance is bullshit as well. Stop covering for him!

Or maybe thats not his stance. Time will tell.

i hate to break it to you buddy, but you're gullible as fuck.

most of these things you cite in your post were known positions of trump before election day.

Woah. This thread might actually be the first sensible thread about Trump and Hillary in the history of this sub.

Balanced, thoughtful criticism of both candidates, whilst not completely demonizing Hillary and not completely loving Trump.

The best part? I haven't seen a single shill accusation yet!

Good, good. This is what is known as "accountability." The way it should always be.

All the shill accusing is getting downvoted! My my! Quick everyone have a civil discussion while nobody is looking!

Exactly what a shill would say!

I'm just joking! =)

This thread is a rare treat, IMO.

You and the "reasonable discussion" shill lobby are really getting too fucking wholesome for me tbh.

Amen brother.

ITT: People who think that hating r/the_donald all of a sudden makes this subreddit good again.

FFS, this subreddit has always been good, it just didn't follow your narrative so you hated it.

I'm super pissed about this shift on recreational marijuana too but r/all drags in some stupid r/politics readers/other stupid motherfuckers.

I think the worst part of T_D's censorship is that they use it to push outright, blatant fake news to the top of /r/all, and ban anyone who calls it out.

Take this post from yesterday, about the "American College of Pediatrics" ruling treating transgender kids is akin to child abuse. It made #3 on /r/all. First of all the organization in the headline and title doesn't even exist, it's the "American College of Pediatricians," not pediatrics. They got the name wrong as a deliberate attempt to confuse it with another, legit organization, the American *Academy of Pediatrics, considered the de facto authority of pediatric medicine.

The group the article quoted is a right-wing, conservative Christian lobbying group masquerading as a "medical association." It routinely puts its political agenda above valid medical science, and the claim the article made is no different.

Just take a look at the removed posts, anyone who called out the ACP's Christian bias and the fact that the name in the headline wasn't even correct had thier posts removed and banned. All to avoid admitting Trump outright lied about protesting LGBT rights.

Shit like that happens every day on T_D and always reaches the top of /r/all due to what appears to be widespread vote brigading. Through that censorship, I think it's fair to say T_D is the biggest source of fake news on reddit. It's disgusting.

I see weed posts on the donald all the time. What are you talking about?

Where was the outrage over Obama's stance on federal prosecution of Medical Marijuana dispensaries--which far outpaced Bush's?

Read that article, and envision a world in which Trump's administration was carrying out those actions.

This is the world you lived in for the past decade.

Nothing has changed.

Gas the lugenpresse.


Nice propaganda you have there. Sorry it is based on the assumption people weren't outraged (They were) and that Obama's policies matter when judging Trump on Trump's actions(they don't)

I would hardly label an article highlighting the aggressive stance of the previous administration "propaganda".

It is merely meant to show the juxtaposition between the system that Americans have been living under for the past decade--which was nominally "socially liberal"--and the one being adopted by the current administration.

The facts (not propaganda) show that Obama went against the decrees of the Congress, and prosecuted the MEDICINAL marijuana industry at a rate much, much higher than the average American is aware of--to say nothing of the litigation pursued against recreational users.

If one were so inclined to peruse further facts, they would see that Spicers comments would actually indicate a LESSENING of the litigiousness of the DOJ by acknowledging the benefits of, and support for, the medicinal marijuana industry.

The ultimate irony of this situation, which will never be reported by the media, and completely refutes your wikipedia-sourced, attempt at Russian humor in the form of whataboutism, is the fact that the comments by Spicer should be seen as progress for legal marijuana advocates, as anything would be a step forward from the Obama years.

I'll accept your downvotes in lieu of a concession.

The article isn't propaganda. The deflection from the topic at hand IS.

Again, nice attempt at steering the conversation away from relevant issues.

Tell me, virulentthoughts, what the relevant issues of the day are?

We live in a world where people are at one another's throats because of their perceptions of reality. Those perceptions, are dictated to them by very deliberate, very controlled source. You can call it "the media" if you want, but really, it's much deeper than that. Our attention spans have been shortened, our entertainment has embarked on a consumer-driven push towards ever increasing instant gratification, and our information flows have followed suit. Everything is now designed to be consumed in as quick a manner as possible, and anything running counter to that is either censored or ignored.

Does the_donald censor material running counter to the opinions of it's users? Absolutely. But all other forms of media do the same, to promote whatever viewpoint/agenda they are pushing at the moment.

Do those agendas connect? Is there a person/group/entity behind the agendas? Those should be the topic of conversation for a conspiracy minded individual. Today, on this "conspiracy" board, I see numerous threads dealing not only with Spicer's comments, but the reaction that one SHOULD have to those comments.

The simple fact of the matter is, his comments have been misconstrued and misrepresented by each and every person who has reported on them, and by the majority of the people who have "consumed" this news item.

People should fight to know the context and sources of the information they are being given, as it's "truth" is subjective. The censorship of the_donald is equaled by the thought censorship here. One is no better or worse than the other.

Any number of people, organizations, and agencies can post here, and flood the board with any narrative they see fit.

What is the motive behind that agenda?

That is the conspiracy.

The simple fact of the matter is, his comments have been misconstrued and misrepresented by each and every person who has reported on them, and by the majority of the people who have "consumed" this news item.

I guess you're the smartest guy in the room.

Does this sub not even have the pretense of beung conspiracy based anymore? What do the mods do all day? Although I guess it would be a hard and controversial job deciding what qualifies to be posted here.

Funny how it's still legal in his new front yard. Guess Im hitting DC up before all this goes into effect. People, if you have leftover shwag seeds? Start dropping them in public places. Civil disobediance via peace plant. No one panic, hemp can't get anyone high.

Everyone concerned about the future of enfranchised cannabis in the US needs to take a moment to make their local house Rep earn their pay by hearing what a good idea this is.

This issue is polling 70+%, it's a matter of federal deregulation, every member of the house needs to viscerally feel how popular this is despite their personal feeling on the matter.

Don't give in to despair while we have some semblance of proper hope. I implore you all.

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I love these "I used to be a Trump supporter" shill posts! They are so hilariously transparent.

"Imagine voting for a known con man and then being surprised you've been lied to."

Weed is for degenerates.

Haha...I was banned on another account in the_Donald for bringing this up. My feeling is this: if your single issue vote is about legal weed, this country is fucked, anyway. If you people are that weak that this one issue would turn you against Trump, you're useless to society.

Weed legalization ties into ending the drug war and overpopulation of prisons and a lot of bad things in our society. Also, a lot of trumps supporters were single issue voters for abortion or gay marriage, its the state of our politics these days.

Oh i dont fucking know anymore, i feel like giving up on caring about politics, i support trump but im starting to lose faith in him, i cant say this on /r/The_Donald because I'll be banned but i cant discusses it anywhere else because the moment i mention that I support trump i get downvoted and ignored

I am simply curious: California has legal weed, so no enforcement will be taking place in Cali, right? Trump says he leaves weed up to the states, that still holds true, right? If so, then meh.

No, they said they will crack down on recreational use anywhere (but will not crack down on medicinal)

That's the whole point. Trump said that, this guy said they were not doing what he said.

ITT: people finally realizing they got conned, yet for some reason are patting themselves on the back for only realizing it now? Lol.

That's where you draw the line?

With a stroke of the pen, he could order marijuana off schedule one and shift DEA enforcement funds to go towards impartial university studies of the effects of weed usage. These republicans are barbarians.

With the stroke of a pen he could begin taking away states rights too.

Which he has already done. Your point?

This seems like something you should have expected from Trump. He's a republican president, regardless of whether or not Trump wanted it, the republicans do and this is what's gonna happen.

I helped elect DT and this would certainly fall under BAD trump. Spending tax payer dollars on enforcement and detention after states made the decision is absurdity. Also if we can't be critical of our elected leaders after we voted for them wtf are we doing?

I told you do.

OP: the point of T_D sub is to completely support Trump. Obviously, even his most fervent fans will disagree with various policies, but T_D is not the place for that.

My neighbor doesn't smoke a joint. He smokes 50 metric tons of weed a day and I can't walk my 1.5 year through our apartment door without walking through a wall of pot smoke.

He also has no job and probably is directly sent my tax money to buy the weed that makes my life shit every day.

Or he grows it? It's a plant you know? It grows in the ground

No one is getting locked up over a joint. I've been caught with much more and had nothing happen.. at most you'd pay a small fine. You're being dramitic

Dear conspiracy, go back to thinking sandy hook was fake and the earth is flat you losers

it's gonna take a few kush addicts in jail to rid the world of globalist control, sorry. Trump's program is more important.

Seems like a lot of the same irrational fear here.

This is such a stupid thread. You're not a "hypocrite" for supporting a candidate doesn't doesn't exactly align with your delusional ideals.

Trump supporter here. I'm devastated.

I would love to see how the Trumptards spin this bullshit

Literally enforcing the Orwellian police state they supposedly were "scared" of.

their house, their rules.

I think he's trying to have his cake and eat it too. It was a paean to moralists and law-enforcement the same way Pence saying "pray for me" to a standing ovation at CPAC was a dogwhistle to Christians. The polling on MJ is too strong for Trump to push back that hard. If anything, they'll ramp up enforcement in neighboring states.

This is not coming from a Trump supporter. This is coming from someone who thinks that nothing his administration says should be taken at complete face value. I think Spicer's statements are just indicative of them "walking the line" and not an indicator of a future crack down.

Please don't ramble like this. You're not in a bar with friends, you're writing a post for thousands of people.

So what's the issue? You just spouted out 6-7 half cooked sentences

Did you actually read the rules of their subreddit before posting, or just sperg out like you did here?

I'm sorry but I have to say you being shocked that a Republican cabinet would have a problem with weed comes from the same source of gross ignorance that keeps t_d as nothing but a safe space for the administration.

"My jaw literally hit the floor"

Come on. There is no excuse for being that daft. I would urge you to take it as a sign that perhaps your entire outlook on what the Republicans and Conservatives stand for and maybe even the political landscape in general.

You all made a choice and were well informed of what the results would be. There is no excuse for such blatant ignorance and the bottom line is, this is the sort of logic that is at the root of this disaster of a President.

"He is a fucking idiot"

So what does that make the people who support and have supported him? You voted for a yuppie thinking he's the champion of the working class for fuck's sake. Trust me the rest of us all know the cognitive dissonance doesn't stop there.

Blame the right people, but first start with yourself.

So you're not a Trump supporter anymore because of a subreddit? Lmao, seems legit

T_D posters are just as thinskinned as their ridiculous pissbaby president

I was going to tag their names in this post in the hope of starting a discussion--because it's a good question--then I read your actual post and realized it just was an insulting rant.

I think this post, along with the comments, proves that there is no censorship here. I will also add, I LOVE WEED

An analysis from a different point of view.

my jaw literally fell to the floor

Bullshit. Use literally correctly

Look, NOBODY in this country is against weed. It's not going anywhere

The poster doesn't even smoke pot.

This was posted only as an excuse to troll Trump and it's nothing new here.

As you can read there are hardly any poster discussing using pot but taking full advantage to troll \trump on subjects that aren't even close to smoking pot.

Most importantly how the fuck is this anything close to being a conspiracy???

The Donald is not playing any games they make quite it's a sub that is 100% in support of Trump and will only accept post that are positive towards Trump. They know it's one sided and make it clear it's one sided and they ain't gonna change just because you can't have you own way. .......grow up.

They need to leave the weed alone. I don't smoke weed or know anyone who does, it just pisses me off that the only reason it's illegal is because you can grow it in your yard and the government wouldn't get their cut. Assholes, all of them.

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That's a legit fake news article. Anyone who pointed that out got banned.

Trump was never gonna be the savior. He really is kinda a cunt. But if i were an American there would have been no honest way to justify a vote for her.

They are both horrible people and horrible choices.

She has been in the game a long time and had a lot of time to develop networks to keep shady things under wraps and would probably be less exposed than he is. I would hope he has a huge learning curve about how his government even actually functions that would hinder his abilities to put one over on the people.

Still either choice in this one would leave you with the need to shower off three layers of skin just to feel clean.

Now this will never happen but let's just be hypothetical for a minute. What would happen if the entire American public stops paying attention to these people? To politics and the media in general and we all cut back on spending money for only the things we need a just a little bit of indulgence beyond that. How quickly do you think things would change? Because I'm willing to bet as soon as the bank accounts of the big wigs, who own the conglomerations of media and business, not to mention lobbyists, as soon as their bank account stop going up they will start caring. Not about us, about their money. But that will translate into a better country for the general public. It's a shame that so many people are fully entrenched in the values promoted by this country and it's businesses like overconsumption, blind faith, excessive pride, and total ignorance of what's going on around us. I'm surprised none of the people on our currency have risen from the dead and and demanded they be removed as a symbol of this fraud of a country. Well, except for Alexander Hamilton. He'd be up at the top with the global bankers

Hes leaving it up to the states. I don't know what mote you wanted from a guy who campaigned on states rights.

The fuck? Literally the entire point of what he said is that they will use federal power to undermine states rights. You must have some crazy brain damage to be that delusional.

Except they wont. And they havent.

You're thinking of obama.

There's a bill up right now to leave marijuana classification to the states.

By trump? HIS appointed AG Sessions literally said that he WILL go after legal states. Congress disagree with him but trump and sessions will do whatever they can to fuck over stoners.

You should keep up to date.

And no, he never said that. Unless you'd like to quote him directly.

Someone wants you to think he did though. You should wonder why that is.

After Spicers announcement I threw away my red had and ripped off my Trump bumper sticker. I was a huge trump supporter but I can no longer support him if he views a harmless plant as in the same category as opiates.

So you were a big supporter until you found out they stand for something you don't? Sounds like you're a spoiled millennial who grew up getting whatever you wanted. Kind of like a liberal

God I love sorting by controversial. This is the retarded shit I'm looking for.

I'm confused that people are surprised that the Trump administration is vowing to enforce Marijuana laws. His voter base is literally the people who think it is "The Devil's Cabbage" or something of the sorts, and they cheer him for doing this. He exists as president soley to make this country richer, and by doing this he elects to send countless harmless drug offenders to private prisons, which he supports, furthering that industry. Illegal Marijuana also profits drug companies. He does not care for your rights, he only cares to make money.

donald duck

Can T_D mods be part of Trump Administration or shills of his advisors? Namely Bannon, for instance.

Because the whole circlejerk that goes in there resembles what it is, a circlejerk fed by the same people they are actively supporting. Like, a fabricated cult of personality.

... and this fellas, is a real meta-conspiracy that's been put up OUR asses for a while now

Ima plug /r/weedstocks

If the US doesn't want to be a market leader in a Blue Ocean industry than others will. And in the US you CAN buy foreign weed stocks around the world, make money off it, and help the industry grow.

They're laughing at us folks! We aren't winning anymore!

What a load of COCK!!!!

How's this for proof:

r/The_Donald You've been banned from participating in /r/The_Donald

r/The_Donald is only for supporters of the President of the United States.

[–]to /r/The_Donald sent 29 days ago You're kidding me right? We can't have a discussion in a thread? permalinkreply

[–]from NotNolan[M] via /r/The_Donald sent 29 days ago Not inside r/The_Donald you can't, unless you support our President. There are plenty of other subreddits for you to choose from if you don't.

cause they're cucks?

"I never thought they'd ban my weed!" said man who voted for the "ban the weed" party.

I was banned for asking a question, seriously fuck those guys/gals... they made me fucking hate all trump supporters

It's so crazy to go after weed, especially in the places where it is helping the economy. If Donald came out tomorrow as extremely pro weed, it would increase my opinion for him by a million fold.

and i don't mean " oh certain drugs should be a state issue!" either, I am talking full " Weed prohibition should end across the board." to actually make me agree with him on something.

lol you know the reason- state's rights for bathrooms but not for pot. Double standard.

So the president wants to keep drug users off the streets and this is somehow a bad thing? There really is no pleasing you people. Have some damn FAITH!

Found the 14 year old guys.

They've been duped and don't want to face it. Obvious from the start, imo.

They ban anyone who doesn't agree with trump 110% so this isn't the least bit surprising.

I'm subbed to the Donald and go there for some good entertainment and I'm a Trump supporter. I did notice I have no seen anything about the weed thing on there which concerns me. T_Ds whole platform is against censorship and if its true they are censoring it (which I believe because I haven't seen a single post), then T_D has become hypocritical itself.

They say they are against censorship but only when it's being imposed on them - there are many here who can attest to be censored on T_D for only asking a question. Be cautious of trump, he could just be telling people what they want to hear

I'm cautious ofcourse. It would be stupid to follow blindly. But I do think he's done a fantastic job so far and believe he's working hard. If pot illegality is more forced and he does nothing about it I would be pissed. Considering he has already stated a few times that it should be left to the states.

Besides dismantle TPP what else has he done? As someone who was anti everyone during the election it seems as he does more childish/bad moves than good ones. What do you think Trump has done so far that warrants a 'fantastic job' rating? He's lied multiple times during his first conferences, he completely backed down from 'draining the swamp' and 'taking down Wall Street' and he's now completely blocking any media that's critical of him from questioning him.

This guy essentially sold his campaign on draining the swamp and being different from Hillary and the establishment, and then he goes on to hire 7 of the most powerful execs at Goldman Sachs, the CEO of Exxon, Betsy Devos and Steve Bannon among many many others. Doesn't that bother you in some way and make it apparent that he's someone who frequently lies to get where he needs to be?

Maybe they're all really high?

I don't care what reason brings them out of the Trump cult, whether it's weed or trans rights or Obamacare. If they want out (or get thrown out of t_d), we can and should embrace them and talk about the common ground we have.

Welp looks like shariablue is spending a little extra today on ads.

Literally every single subreddit is against r/The_Donald and now they just HAVE to nitpick at everything like it is supposed to be the moral standard subreddit. No, it is clearly based on supporting Trump just like the bernie or hillary subreddits are. It really is sad that the shills have turned so much of reddit into a blindly onesided opinion. The people who don't want to join in the hivemind will just leave and give up. They have to go to work or school tomorrow and don't have the resources to combat the corrupt admins and big financers. Soon they will probably just outright ban The_Donald like they did with other subreddits. They want to back you all into the same corner before they pull the plug.

Or maybe people just don't like our president? Is it that hard for you The_Don bots to believe?

I have no problem with The_Donald, but if you can't critique or view the president or government in a bad light then you need to get the fuck out of a conspiracy subreddit. News flash, this subreddit has always been anti president and anti government, if Hillary or Bernie were president we'd be critiquing every wrong breath they took.

And bro FFS, you literally look like a pro Trump propaganda machine. Your posts are literally The_Don circle jerk posts or bashing people who dislike our president and calling people shills over at conspiracy subreddit.

Of all places you guys had to bombard you guys chose a conspiracy sub, one that's been known for actively critiquing and bashing presidents. It just goes to show how smart that entire sub is.

First off, did you listen to Spicer? He said, states issue...then he moved on to opiates. Point being, "let's not touch this and let the states decide, we are damned if we do, damned if we don't address it.", Trump is cutting cost, the former complaints on private prisons was that they compare poorly with Fed prisons. Fed prisons cost monies, and the Federal budget reflects that. What do you do if you want to save 12billion your first month? Cut funds, to datada daaaa fed prisons. Then "private" owned prisons take over the market, stocks go up :) as you stated. Eventually private prisons is profitable again, more people jump in that market,(insert friendly competition) tada!; capatlism! Hooray. I would be interested to see the regulations on them however. Anywho, if you are low energy on the_donald, they kick you. You sound low energy. I mean, seriously, you take a statement out of context, or maybe I'm wrong, either way, you hinge you entire opinion about the new administration off of weed, that you said you don't even smoke anymore? Really dude? No, really? I mean, I'm all for it, but there is bigger shit going on.

Smells like shariablue in here

Gasp or maybe people here actually critique their president and don't trust the government/president WHOEVER it is! Is it really that hard to believe that people in this country dislike Trump because of the shit he does and how he acts? Maybe if you left the echochamber/circlejerk center you call The_Donald you'd be able to expand your narrow minded way of thinking.

what a shariablue thing to say

Says the guy who has a 1 month old account who only posts about riding donalds dick lmao. Maybe you should hop off bro, your gonna stretch your asshole out too much.

I sold my other accounts to CTR when they were buying them up for a few hundred dollars a pop.

eat a dick

Maybe ill join you and all the 15 year olds jerking each other off over at T_D.

Right the 15 year olds who elected President Trump by a land slide

Lmao you dumb fuck you actually believe Trump. Find me one statistic in which he won the popular vote. News flash kiddo, he didn't, he actually lost the popular vote to Clinton by 3 million.

Also he won because of Hillary Clinton being complete shit, even I voted for Trump. Doesn't mean I can't admit I was wrong or that I can't criticize him, but you kids over at T_D are praising him like how North Koreans praise KJU and it's hilarious in a way. It's safe to say that half the people on T_D can't even vote because they're not of age.

You're an even worse lier than our president

the 7 million illegal votes hildog got.

But we will have voter ID laws soon enough. So this won't be a problem much longer.

I'm sure we can all agree voter ID laws are best

Sources? Link? Anything? Didn't think so, in fact the only cases of voter fraud has been for Trump and one for Jill Stein lmao.

I honestly can't even tell if you're trolling anymore, Trump says 3 million illegal votes for Hillary with no backing and now you're saying 7 million with no backing. You Trump Bots are hilarious, please keep replying.

And don't bother replying unless you have evidence or proof about your previous statement, but I know you'll just ignore me lmao.

10 million illegal votes on the low end.

But voter ID laws will clear this up and all sides will be happy.

LMAO, I ask you to provide ANY sort of evidence or sources that would prove your point and you nearly double your number. I'm not even gonna reply to your next comment if it doesn't provide any sort of proof or source, and no the tweet that Trump used for his source doesn't count.

25 million illegal votes, low ball estimate. Voter ID laws will be the savior of any future arguments about voter fraud.

thank god

I am a trump supporter and I agree 100%

To be honest, I'm hardcore trump, but the more I'm on r/conspiracy the less I like him. I wonder which posts I believed are shills and which are genuine.

/r/conspiracy isn't really a trustworthy source for information either, but maybe try NPR.

Thanks for the link

I'm cool with everybody's right to smoke, snort or inject whatever they deem apropiate into their bodies, but I can't but feel a bit amused is that only now that your weed supply is in danger notice that neither the mexicans that mow your lawn for a couple bucks or the guys that needed the affordable care act to stay alive are the principal problem.

As somebody who voted Trump for libertarian reasons, he and his administration's stance on marijuana is appalling.

I haven't been following too hard but my question: is this mostly Trump's policy or Jeff Session's policy? Regardless, this fucking blows. Trump's libertarian base wanted less regulations, not more.

Have no fear. Just wait. These guys, Bannon, trump, and the rest are not to clever. It won't be long untill they make a fuck up so obvious that even their supporters can't deny it. Or they allready have and it hasn't been revealed yet. It's as inevitable as night follows day. Fight your corner, but do so in the knowledge that reality will intervene in their fantasy soon enough and when it does they are going to feeling fucking idiots. ( disclaimer for the many who are in capable of feeling like the were idiots)

It won't be long untill they make a fuck up so obvious that even their supporters can't deny it.

Didn't Trump spokesman Stephan Miller already cross that line?

This is just the beginning. Trump is a massive con-man. It was all a con to steal as much money and screw you over as much as possible.

T_D doesn't tolerate free thought. It's a safe space. Reality is harmful to their fragile small minded egos.

How the fuck did you not see this coming?

We warned you about this. Trump is another 1%er who will profit off the rape off our country. He put a fucking Goldman-Sachs banker in his cabinet for fucks sake. He'll lock up people for smoking a joint but he'll pardon his buddies when they screw up. God damn the fools who fell for his "drain the swamp" bullshit. It's as full as ever, if not before. But remember, the emails...

That's what I thought.


Trump University ringing any bells?

Taking advantage of idiots doesn't count.

Do you know what a con is?

Nah, Take a look around. Or even at the picture i posted.

This is a subreddit for complaining about donald trump.

I actually liked coming here and "searching for the truth", reading about the exposed lies. Now the truth is muddled, hidden in 2/10 posts. Maybe. It is bullshit (But slightly ironic) that this is what /r/conspiracy has become.

Truth "As long as it fits our nartive"

I won't entertain your delusion. You have the whole of Reddit and and the MSM for that.

They can be and probably are, but that's literally what a CIA/NSA shill would say lol. And I'm sure they are all over Reddit purporting that

The Russian 'Troll army" as the Netherlands named them is a real thing and was uncovered when the Dutch were doing their MH17 investigation. The whole 'shit posting' tactic is what they used on subs like worldnews in any thread that was critical of Russia. This was going on in 2014 and 2015 when things were going down in Ukraine. Hell even the 4D chess meme was heavily used by them. They would claim Putin is playing 4D chess and Obama is playing tic tac toe etc.

Anyways there are a lot of similarities.

The Russian 'Troll army" as the Netherlands named them is a real thing and was uncovered when the Dutch were doing their MH17 investigation. The whole 'shit posting' tactic is what they used on subs like worldnews in any thread that was critical of Russia. This was going on in 2014 and 2015 when things were going down in Ukraine. Hell even the 4D chess meme was heavily used by them. They would claim Putin is playing 4D chess and Obama is playing tic tac toe etc.

Anyways there are a lot of similarities.

I though he said he going to crackdown on drugs coming across the boarder. Which is exactly what he said he'd do before being elected.

I was for Bernie and regularly pointed out her faults over in her sub, got lots of down votes but I was never banned.

Perhaps both?

What does that have to do with anything? I know he is against mj but I thought Trump was "for states to govern this themselves."

I disagree.

For a party who core beliefs are centered on states rights it's very amusing.

I disagree with your politics, but I agree with your method of winning arguments. Respect.

Yes. They should call themselves the_irony.

Yeah, my bad.

They must feel pretty good. Trump has repeatedly stated he is fine with Cabinet members holding a different POV.

That's the way it'll stay, too, so long as we're half-assing the laws and cherry picking the states that get to do that.

If it were federally legal and regulated, like alcohol, there would systems in place to prevent underaged consumption. Just like alcohol.

May be a bit easier to find for a while, but it would fall in line within a couple years without too much turmoil.

She withstood 25 years of the entire republican establishment attempting to discredit her and personally attack her for the actions of her husband, was secretary of state, and earned 3 million more votes than her opponent in an open election due to effective organization and campaigning.

Policies aside, you cannot be a bad/failed politician and accomplish those feats at the same time.

Agai , not defending her or her policies, but she WAS more experienced and more qualified, and she did know more about how Washington and the government ran. Trump literally had no clue what he was/is doing, and will do irreparable damage that likely would not have happened under Clinton.

CTR is a fraction of the Russian Troll Army.

Cybercrime and psyops are their largest national export.

Can you elaborate on why you say she's a neocon? Not arguing with you at all, I'm honestly just curious.

How is she a neocon? She is one of the very few politicians calling out our middle east foreign policy.

Yeah you answered your own question. Experience and even failure can make someone more qualified than a billionaire playboy businessman who's never held public office and who very clearly has zero grasp on our country's most important contract between citizens and government, the constitution. The constitution is like a whopping 27 pages and this fucker can't be arsed to even read it. He actually thinks the President has the unfettered right to free speech when he speaks for the country. Clinton is awful and I'm glad she lost and I hope I never have to worry about her getting elected ever again. But at least she studied the constitution for 3 years in law school and spent the rest of her life learning the ins and outs of federal governance.

It is not accurate to compare censorship on t_d with r/politics for example. T_D is specifically a forum for supporting a certain politician. Obviously they should be able to kick people out of the community who do not support him. If I start a club for people who love Star Wars, it's reasonable for me to kick people out who hate Star Wars and complain about it. However, if I start a club for debating about Star Wars, then it would be a dick move to kick out Star Wars haters. In a similar way, /r/politics is not supposed to have a political agenda and is supposed to be a neutral forum. I do not have a problem with r/hillaryclinton kicking out Trump supporters, nor r/the_donald kicking out Hillary supporters. My problem is with allegedly neutral subreddits that have been hijacked by a political agenda.

Nope. Not at all. I think it's hilarious that you have to go to conspiracy because you may or may not have gotten banned on T_D. So your feelings got hurt? Extremely funny.

Well it's definitely curated. It was tolerated during the election but it's gone so crazy by this point.

See my post history.

You'll find no defense of Trump from me. I was rebuking the man above us with his ass where his head is.

What about Betsy DeVos opposing Trump undoing the bathroom transgender protections? Or did you forget about that already

What about it? Did Trump admonish Betsy?

Your ability to ignore what's right in front of you is truly inspiring.

I've clearly missed something about her. Could you expand on your opinions of Gabbard? I'm genuinely curious. Also, name some of those Senators and I'll check into them. I'm not being combative, by the way, I really want to know.

Wanted to say thanks for responding to someone and being cordial. Even if we don't agree, it was nice to see that sort of interaction. We need more of it.

I've never lost an argument.

Holy shit this sub

You really think his public personality mirrors his personal personality?

youre nuts. hes cutting taxes for the middle class and jacking it up for rich people. eliminating taxes if you make less than $25,000. hes returning wasteful federal regulation issues to the people by deregulating and shrinking the federal governement. the defecit has decreased $12bn in his first month, compared to a $200bn gain in Obama's first month. the people in his cabinet are not corrupt and he has forced them all to sign a 5 year anti-lobbying agreement, which also places a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign countries. what exactly has he sold? other than the 20% of our uranium futures to russia. wait, oh yeah that was hillary. i forgot. she walked away with $150m. funny how her foundation closed less than a week after election day. if it was so charitable and beneficial you'd think her supporters would be flooding it with donations.

I was really hoping Donald would at least try to drain the swamp

I'm curious as to what made you have any hope that this was going to happen in any capacity? I love the idea of it, but I was never under any illusion that Donald was going to be the person to do it.

I found that you usually checked the background why someone got banned from the TD despite you aren't mod there.

lol, reddit is exactly what youre describing, but on a much bigger scale. banning dissenting news orgs? i thought the NYT and CNN purported to be unbiased? why would they be dissenting if they are unbiased? nobody is preventing them from writing whatever they want. they are only called fake when they misrepresent with a dishonest headline or just flat out lie, which they do all the time. the first amendment guarantees nobody can be arrested for speaking their mind. it does not guarantee that people have to listen to your bullshit, especially if it is dangerously dishonest.

I'm not sure how your comment relates to my comment? My comment was why /r/AskTrumpSupporters is getting hair-trigger with banning, and I was proposing an answer.

You then seemed to defend the fact that they were being attacked.

Sure. If you want to attack people, then attack them. But don't be surprised if they don't line up eagerly for the experience.

instead of trying to push that garbage conspiracy theory bullshit about The_Donald being a "test ground" for the admins of reddit (who i guess secretly love Trump?), focus on REAL conspiracy taking place, like this:

Yeah right. I just read through well over 100 posts in this topic and all it boils down to is a bunch of potheads crying about their weed and blaming Trump for everything that has been going on for many years now, as if this shit never existed before he took office.

Though I supposed that is the 1 undeniable truth that has surfaced here is that the only thing potheads ever care about is getting more pot. To borrow your oh so elegant opening statement "Seriously, fuck off."

Lol you rolled out the unemployment propaganda numbers I see.. Conveniently leaving out the people who gave up trying to find work because there no longer enough jobs since they all left for China and Mexico under Obama's watch. Unemployment is still around 10% and the jobs people have are part time as welfare and Medicaid skyrockets every year. Negative trade deficits with nearly every country.. middle America, you mean 90% of the land mass that doesn't live on the highly populated coast. Yea that's a big fcking problem.

Speaking of the DOW.. what does the stock market and business think of Trumps' plan?

Steadily improving= the first time in history economic annual growth hasn't reached 3% in the last 8 years. Doubles the debt to $20 trillion and borrows an insane amount of money that we'll never be able to pay off. All while fighting in endless culture wars around the world that will cost us a hell of a lot of money and lives.. Brilliant!

Let's do both. Cut and burn.. Change

How is Trump qualified should be your first question.

They all got triggered and came to this thread to defend themselves and skew the voting a little while ago. It happens. Best to just downvote and move on.

Oh no he wants to drain the swamp, but only the liberal part of it.

Rule #10

My bad, ill be better about that. Are you guys just like hotkeyed whenever the word shill is used to triangulate on the user. I said he sounds like a shill, didn't call him a shill. Its amazing how quick you responded, that's crazy.

/u/FutureNactiveaccount - Please confirm my story.

You can see my post history also if you think I am lying.

Yes. Feeds off it.

What about him not touching Turkey and Egypt?

Turkey is an ally. Egypt at one point was and is still an ally(I could be wrong). Regardless, both these countries are not torn apart by civil war. Vetting is possible in these countries as governments have control. In most of the 7 countries, governments don't have control over their entire territory.

As for Trump's businesses, dude has businesses everywhere.

To suggest that he banned only the 7 countries he doesn't have business in is intellectually dishonest. The 7 countries were chosen by Obama.

As for Saudi Arabia, I already gave you the reasons. If anything, Pakistan should have been on the list.

What about him not touching Turkey and Egypt?

Turkey is an ally. Egypt at one point was and is still an ally(I could be wrong). Regardless, both these countries are not torn apart by civil war. Vetting is possible in these countries as governments have control. In most of the 7 countries, governments don't have control over their entire territory.

As for Trump's businesses, dude has businesses everywhere.

To suggest that he banned only the 7 countries he doesn't have business in is intellectually dishonest. The 7 countries were chosen by Obama.

As for Saudi Arabia, I already gave you the reasons. If anything, Pakistan should have been on the list.

joke's on you, I don't have a house or children

What a ridiculously naive and childish view of politics. The only people who benefit from flipping the chess board over and destroying people's faith in the political system are the corrupt assholes that want to step in and take advantage. Which is exactly what has happened. Just look at the jackals that have crept into the White House since Trump was elected. Rich, selfish, morally bankrupt snakes who are gutting the country's public resources as quick as they can.

You think you're helping by undoing all the progress we've made and putting a moron and his sycophants in power? How fucking old are you? The whole "burn it to the ground" attitude is just so childish and careless. That orange-faced idiot has the God damn nuclear codes, his executive orders and bills pushed through by congress can be the difference between life and death for millions of people. And you think you've done the world a favour? Jesus Christ man, you really need to take a step back and think about your decisions.

Doesn't matter.

She's a "shrill bitch". Also emails.

Exactly, the idea that someone could "sneak through" the republican primary, and not be completely approved by the machine is just nonsense. All this divisiveness in the republican party at the top levels is likely just kabuki theater

lol Sweden is so fcked.. along with the rest of the EU

It amazes me people don't see what's happening. Things have been too good for too long.. I don't know how it's all going to shake out but everyone's due for a wake up call to life. Bet on it.. prepare

I'm cautious ofcourse. It would be stupid to follow blindly. But I do think he's done a fantastic job so far and believe he's working hard. If pot illegality is more forced and he does nothing about it I would be pissed. Considering he has already stated a few times that it should be left to the states.

Oh fuck. I thought you were trolling and got me.

Lol. Ok. you really are dumb as fuck. Nimh articles.. you're saying they are all fake? BECAUSE they are on a 'pro-pot' website.. RLY?

Thats about 500 doctorates all conspired and produced fake findings.. Across years of academia and hundreds of institutions?

Thats some good logic there, lou.

Cardiopulmonary degree btw. Wanna talk the talk? I have a specialty in neonatal and critical care. Not a big deal, but I just state this to tell you I definitely know how to read a fucking medical article for veracity. (They didn't make this up, lol).

I'm arguing with a 15 year old aren't I?.. From some southern state?

Motherfucking common core.

Dumbest generation ever.

It's not bullshit, he posted a bunch of times on T_D saying that him posting a certain person's name was getting Auto-Banned or Shadow Banned. It was true. He then got banned from T_D entirely for "concern trolling" by a relatively new mod.

He did spam his claims on other threads saying "Hey Hey look at this!!" but overall, he claim is 100% legitimate, watched it happen in real time.

Indeed. And this is one of the few bastions of truth & freedom of speech of disagreeing views left on reddit, due to reddit conspiracies.

It's as though there was a concerted effort to get banned and then claim victim-hood, yes? I was banned from Politics as well... twice. I did my time and didn't whine like a little bitch about it.

But I'm not a precious Trump supporter, either.

Please point me to it.

"saved $12 million dollars [sic]"? You mean by spending $10+ mil on vacations while Melania drains taxpayer pockets living in New York? whatever you say. Likewise, the Russia story is still in the news and still evolving.

Every source reports on what Trump is doing other than bullshit clickbait sites.

What are you talking about? There is no difference in those two other than the phase.

The forum is for people who want to have a dialogue. A dialogue is different than a fight.

Diplomacy versus conflict. You pick your approach. But that sub was there to promote diplomacy, for what it's worth, and I think all olive branches need to be valued. Fighting is easy. Finding common ground is harder.

Your continued failure to understand is why I was making fun of you and people like you in the first place.

The Supreme Court grants cert in only a very select few cases (less than one percent) that warrant its attention. OF THOSE cases, the overturn rate for the ninth circuit is slightly above the average for the federal circuit courts in recent years. No circuit court had a lower than 50 percent overturn rate. The ninth circuit decides thousands of cases and a near-zero number of them are overturned.

Your continued failure to understand is why I was making fun of you and people like you in the first place.

The Supreme Court grants cert in only a very select few cases (less than one percent) that warrant its attention. OF THOSE cases, the overturn rate for the ninth circuit is slightly above the average for the federal circuit courts in recent years. No circuit court had a lower than 50 percent overturn rate. The ninth circuit decides thousands of cases and a near-zero number of them are overturned.

Seriously. I shill pretty hard for Trump on reddit for giggles, but honestly hes just a cog in the machine. Terry Pratchett said it best with the lizard people quote. Party warfare keeps people distracted from the real elites and at our neighbors throats instead of theirs. Trump went to Epstein's private island too, they're all in this together.

And we tried to warn all of reddit about this. But no, now the swamp is as full as ever.

triggered :)