3 minutes until Pizzagate meditation session guys :)

32  2017-02-25 by corn_of_action



ill be joining in

つ o_o ༽つ ⚡⚡⚡ #ArrestaPodesta

つ o_o ༽つ ⚡⚡⚡ #ArrestaPodesta

つ o_o ༽つ ⚡⚡⚡ #ArrestaPodesta

I visualized this the most. I also visualized that kid in the tub and Podesta banging on the glass screaming "WHATS MY NAME?"

I also visualized Hillary and Bill in handcuffs being led by the FBI. It's the best I could do but I think it was damn powerful. I felt y'all in the room with me.


Seems like a theme for you. Looking at your history shows you must be a winner. Seriously, all you do is call people names, yell and scream like a child.

like video monster by skillet?

I tried it, i couldn't believe how fast 22 minutes went

Anyone else feel something when they heard "love and light be with you"?

Yes. I solo meditate often, and that was a really good experience.

Almost didn't do it, glad I did. 10/10. Would world meditate again.

annnnnnnnnd this will do..... what exactly? I have never seen this meditation stuff posted anywhere before.

Fuck knows. Somehow this lot found /r/conspiracy.

Oh great.

Compilation of studies and research done on the group positive effect of mass meditation


Make these people feel good about themselves without actually accomplishing something or actively participating in the investigation. The intention behind this is good, but it'll accomplish fuck all.

Yeah, man I agree. Sometimes I weep for this sub, how are people going to take us seriously with crap like this.

We should meditate together to get those gullible fools off this sub. It says right on the CIA website that it works!

Fuck i slept through it

It's okay just practice mindfulness towards it all day and keep full disclosure, mass arrests and justice, and suppressed technologies released

I thought it was in 2hrs?

11:11 eastern time lol

Well, I'm an idiot :(

I wonder if any of these meditators are making a change on the DOT?


that's scary!

Oddest thing. I was determined to meditate at the appointed time today. I totally forgot about it this morning. Then my phone rang in the next room. It was just a sales call, so I hung up. In doing so, however, the phone's screen said "11:11," whereupon I remembered.

It was like my Higher Self sent the wake-up call. So I snapped to attention, and sent out my mental waves to have the pedo-gate people prosecuted (and Trump protected as he did it).

  • Footnote: It was just such a stunning coincidence that my superstitious side wants to believe that I was nudging myself from a higher dimension, lol.

That moment when you realize the TpP was more about building drug and human trafficking networks with Asia to compete against Mexican and Europeans cartels.

All that heroin being made in Afghanistan comes to the USA straight through the South China Sea. And a big trade deal like the TPP gives perfect cover to the companies sneaking drugs and humans into their cargo containers from Asia so they'll be less scrutinized than cargo coming from Mexico or the EU.

Breaking news: Hillary Clinton's head just spontaneously combusted!

Well, I'm an idiot :(

like video monster by skillet?