David Seaman has no credibility anymore stop posting him in this sub

29  2017-02-25 by [deleted]



You are making a claim against an individual. This is fine.

Now, you need to provide at least a token link for evidence.

I'm not even disagreeing with you. I don't have an opinion on him yet, I don't think about David much at all. But I can't form one based upon your subject.

Well, I can... but the opinion would be that someone doesn't want him in play.

Come on, it's on reddit so it must be true. ;-)

Shit, you're right. I forgot. 😱

You Really Think Someone Would Do That? Just Go On the Internet and Tell Lies ?

No, I believe everything on the Internet especially if it's backed up by a YouTube video. Double proof, what more can I ask for? 🙅

But has it been retweeted yet?

Shills be shilling. He lost all credibility because he said there would be high level arrests and Jerry Sandusky doesn't count? Give me a fucking break.

All it says is that he is not as connected as it seemed previously. Has he done anything to specifically hamper the investigation? Not that I've found.

We're all in this together. Nobody likes being lied to. If he's wrong about something, all that matters is WHY.

We're all in this together. Nobody likes being lied to. If he's wrong about something, all that matters is WHY.

Why can't I upvote twice?

David S was claiming that his 'sources' told him that high-level arrests were coming. When it didn't happen he claimed that Jerry Sandusky's son being arrested was what he meant all along. David S is bullshit.

Yeah, that was absolutely disappointing. Hyperbole.

Not totally incorrect, but not what we wanted.

That being said, personally I would need a bit more than the guy exaggerating to consider him completely lacking of credibility.

David S is bullshit.

So who is a perfect source of leaked info? Don't you understand that there is an implicit understanding that these things are rumors? When Seaman says 'my sources say', he is telling you that it's from 2nd hand sources. Use some common sense. It's like playing a game of Telephone and then claiming the person who says the phrase to you wrong is lying. He is passing along information, and he should have never promised anything. It was a rookie mistake.

Anyone able to fill me in on the situation about the guy who has been exposed for being a self proclaimed attention whore and sensationalist surrounding a very serious subject that he is attempting to monetize rather than expose exhaustively with detailed and well researched journalism?

Make more repetitive, rambling videos that beg for money Seaman all while you make bunk predictions and cryptic retarded claims about a secret race of black donkey people that rule the world from earths invisible moon.

Or shall we mention his book once again?

This is a much better criticism.

That being said, there's some suggestion at this point that he has been poisoned.

Make more repetitive, rambling videos that beg for money Seaman all while you make bunk predictions and cryptic retarded claims about a secret race of black donkey people that rule the world from earths invisible moon in an attempt to discredit the real important subject that you are also covering.

Uhhh you lost me there...

I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. I think Seaman is human and he can be manipulated by his sources. We don't know if he's being messed with or not by shadowy forces - we shouldn't comment on it because it doesn't really matter.

As far as his book goes, I understand that he wrote a book about building a social media business, but how can you say that he didn't start down the path and get serious once he started digging into it? His goal may have been to make money initially, but at a certain point he went way too hard.

If his goal was to gain support and make money, why would he EVER try to predict mass arrests? Why would he take a risk like that? He was gaining so much support before that point with all of his attention - his plan was working - so why did he fuck it all up? To myself, the most logical explanation is that his 'sources' screwed him over and gave him bad info to discredit him, and now he is being attacked by a coordinated social media effort to make him go away.

If his goal was to make money, it makes no sense to do what he did. If he wrote a book on this subject, that should be clear to him as well. I feel there is a disconnect if he is smart enough to create a massive social media campaign but too dumb to not take risks he cannot manage or control the outcome of. It doesn't all line up.

Seaman's job is to either take hold of and discredit a movement, just like Alex Jones or he is trying his sensational media tactics to create a buzz and a profitable following.

Again, you are assuming a lot. Do you have proof of this?

You're in over your head bud, turn back to /politics.

i'm not even up to my waist, and i don't go to /r/politics as it's an echo chamber.

i did notice that you have brought nothing of substance tho...

No one has to spoon feed you information...

It's not my job, grow the fuck up and dig your own dirt. Fucking look at yourself, they've ruined you.

you made claims, refuse to substantiate them. It's all good man.

The insults are unnecessary. They make you look silly. Have a good weekend.

Ok David.

Jesus Christ. Okay.

I just got called a shill in another sub for saying I don't have pity for Seaman and the alleged attacks he's under because of the bullshit "arrests at midnight" situation. But what you're saying here is something completely different. If Seaman puts together a video and someone wants to share it here there should be nothing stopping them. However asking to help him or pity him is not something we are obligated to. You want active censorship, that's toxic.

All you need to know is in this handy book!

David Seaman

Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz: How to Attract Massive Attention for Your Business, Your Product, or Yourself


Interesting perhaps to note one of the reviews on the book:

ByAlexanderon March 31, 2013
Verified Purchase
Whore is a whore, even if it's buzz one. Author's admiration by Trump is telling a lot. I don't need my money back and certainly few hours of my life wouldn't be returned. I don't advise to spend yours, that definitely not worth it. Page turner - yes, but head trashing with 40+ more than doubtful rules and even epilogue - that is something. Dim fountain of raw conclusions derived from surrounding us media and obsolete 5 years old facts. In Internet era a truth become naked so easily...

WHAT THE FUCK? YOU JUST START A THREAD WITH A CLAIM BASED ON.... WHAT??????? omfg delete this fucking thread

no shill

ok so this subreddit is about people making wild claims and accusations and doesnt post a single link or even text to support it, kys


What for?


While I agree "kys" is an awful thing to say to someone you don't know, don't be a little bitch about it. Freedom of speech is still valued as far as I'm concerned.

Fucking thank you. You're online, you're in the gauntlet, on an extremely controversial forum, you better fucking buckle your chinstrap.

"Reported." Ha. Pussy shit. I'd just sit back and chuckle. If you can be triggered by "kys" you better stay far away from the fucking internet, for fuck's sake.

serously balls to the walls here in conspiracy always

yes. this thread is indeed reported. how retarded can you be to post a ONE LINER providing ZERO sources, links, or even text to base your claim. i feel sorry for you mate.

Shill method. You guys just love "authority" and can't help but expose yourselves. Go fuck yourself.

You make a dumb little post with a blanket statement and provide zero bit of research or even the logic you employed to come to your conclusion, and thereupon want to silence everyone who want to continue the dialogue.

Hey, listen, I will post a David Seaman video any time I damn well fucking please on this subreddit and you see where "reporting" it gets you.

Dude - I promise you, your hubris is your downfall, pizzagate is real, and your lovely rulers are going down. Savvy? Just you wait.

Rule #10

Hey now, I said he was employing a "shill method," I never called him a shill directly :/ No, seriously, my apologies - but notice, he deleted his account. I'm sick of these fucking diseased people and they need to be called out... in a way that abides by the rules, I understand.

Sorry, I'll keep the rules in mind. This subreddit is probably one of the most important spots in the internet, and I'm serious about that.

This earthly realm is a battlefield - almost literally. There are opposing forces... literally. Light must prevail. Authority and rule are the ultimate sickness this planet is trying to defeat. I will do my best to be tactful and follow the rules of this subreddit - it is a privilege, not a right... But I will continue to fight these fucking demons. :)

It was for the "go fuck yourself"


why are you suuuuch a pussy fucking crybaby?

He isn't worth your time honestly, but I don't think he should be muted. There is no harm in hearing his opinions on his youtube channel, and he does talk about pizzagate, government corruption, and media censorship. I don't agree with his wikipedia being changed or him being kicked off twitter, everyone should be allowed a voice.

this completely the fact that they elevate HIM and cut him off shows they are really scared of anyone saying anything

i mean he is more a parrot to me than a reseacher hacker activist but he has his balls and i give him props for that when others got quiet he kept going

True aren't we all actually parrots of hopefully the truth? I don't agree with him about some stuff but he is certainly getting a respectable amount of flak.

they have been collectively intimidating him

I think they are working way to hard to shut him up. Only one reason why they would take the time to do something like that.

obviously he has been a voice for the pg community

i hope he is ok

Likewise, I hope you are doing well.

as well as expected

i am amazed at the vote yesterday they think secret ballot [against their rules is gonna cut it] after the franchise runs their mouth from atop via video link

we are in terrible shape that this time but at least there is no confusion about where this puts us

What are you referring to? I'm a bit lost as to your meaning.

the pick for DNC chair when they all had a chance to make adifference ,...same old even worse!

Oh right. I think the DNC might be finished and you are only witnessing their death throes. I'm watching for a new party to emerge. Hopefully, not the green party.

got to be brand new major sweeping event

needs a charasmatic leader

[up for it downtowne ;0]

Unlikely maybe you will need to step in for me.

how about a team effot do we need leaders?

canwe all just live?

We certainly don't need the type of leaders we have had. Some say that we get the leadership we deserve and I fear that this is correct. Trying to be a better person daily, over here.

me too it does begin inside out i think

wise words

I'm just gonna leave this here...

I understand he's talking about hollywood, but I would argue that the media world is very similar in terms of the attention you receive from others. I think we should all step back and realize none of us are in his situation. This may have started as a 'strategy' from his book, but we don't know that it didn't get real at some point either. People need to stop judging what they cannot know.

oy vey post it anyway

Is David Seaman and LifttheVeil on YouTube the same guy? LifttheVeil talks about the Moon Landing Hoax and shit.

How about you stop telling me what to do?

OP doesn't like Seaman!

here's a post they made in another thread

He deserves it for being an attention seeking liar. He is so annoying. I say this as a person who believes in Pizzagate 100%. He is hurting us

I was thinking the same thing. Why does one want to censor someone else?

Why the hate against him. Even if he is just regurgitating others information, why is that bad. He has thousands of followers, they see this info.

Do we care more about who gets credit for breaking the pizzagate story or if the people involved in pizzagate face justice?


I kept wondering when he would just simply disappear. Promoting Bitcoin like it was the second coming (pissing off bankers) and hosting daily assaults on the progressive elite (via #podestagate) he normally ended his youtube videos with a "I have no reason to end my own life" type disclaimer. He knew it was coming...The crowning event was his yesterday's youtube post pointing out the owner of the Washington Post and Amazon for having given a "news" column to John Podesta "John Podesta Gets Washington Post Column!: http://youtu.be/dFqtg0o0FJI?a " No Seaman No more.

True aren't we all actually parrots of hopefully the truth? I don't agree with him about some stuff but he is certainly getting a respectable amount of flak.