To all the shills posting stuff calling Global Warming a hoax, fuck off and tell the Koch brothers to fuck off too.

13  2017-02-26 by [deleted]



You get your point across by ranting and cursing. (Sarcasm) If you believe global warming, aka global cooling, aka climate change is real: prove it with links to your argument. Otherwise you sound very uneducated.

Of course humans have a profound effect on the weather. It's called HAARP.


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One method of spotting a shill is the use of invective rather than evidence, but I agree with your opinion of the Koch brothers.

Of course humans have an impact on the environment; just look at the highway system, but the extent to which we bi-pedals impact global temperature is still up for debate – thanks to a lot of the "global warming" science shown to be faulty and a lot of researchers with paid agendas.

who do you think has more money to hire researchers? the oil business or "Al Gore"?

98% of scientists agree on climate change..

Unfortunately this sub has been over-run by climate-change deniers because DEAR_LEADER wanted to bring back Coal jobs.

Al Gore, because he had the World Bank and the IMF behind him, pushing this idea for the sake of levying carbon taxes and carbon "credit swaps" globally – as a way to even out Western economies and keep the weaker economies from getting stronger through infrastructure development.

98% of scientists agree on climate change only if you're reading the Washington Post or the NYT. See the comment from u/KiA423469420

unfortunately, that 98% myth has been long debunked.

yea probably more like 99.99% at this point

just look at Arctic temperatures.

Been reading a lot recently about near term human extinction (within 15 years)...Kind of feel like mass extinction is what brought the pope and politicians and buzz to antarctica. Global warming probably has nothing to do with humans, though we may not be helping. Hancock and Carlson on The JRE seemed to suggest the Earth goes through these changes constantly and there may have been many mass extinction events in human history. These events could have happened over the course of an afternoon. I would bet methane is being released at an incredible rate down in antarctica and tptb are getting their deep space shit in order, while the rest of us watch spacex rockets, giving us the false hope that we are all going to be just fine

It isn't just Hancock and Carlson that say that though. Mainstream science admits that there were significant changes in the earths temperature, up to a point. Once we get to 'Global Warming' then a lot of that research seems to fall by the way-side.

If Methane is an issue then mega-scale cattle farming and the clearing of forests to support that farming, needs to be the first thing to change.

There's lots of stuff that needs to change.

Step 1 is having a President who admits climate change is real.

Go get 'em tiger.

If you could point me in the direction of an actual statement of Trumps? I imagine its another example of him saying he doesn't believe the lies about Climate Change, which many of us don't. But I am happy to be wrong if you wanted to share.

Deforestation and cattle is my largest concern. It's something that the mass public is totally oblivious to

Wilfully ignorant. The information is there. They also fail to correlate how a large portion of climate change research is actually funded by Oil and Gas companies. It isn't black and white at all.

If methane is being released in such a huge way there isn't a thing us humans can do

Yes, it's called geo-engineering.

The hoax is then world leaders gather at Climate Summits and pretend they're working on a problem that they are causing.

So if someone disagrees with global warming and thinks it's geo engineering then they're a shill? Who's paying those people. Stop making dumb accusations without any evidence just because it shatters your indoctrinated world view.

We affect climate and there are also natural climate shifts... the hoax part is the focus on CO2 and not methane, deforestation, acidificaiton of oceans, HAARP, ChemTrails, etc... its all about diversions

Yes sure. I'll even venture to say that if you are too vocal about the methane that is being released you will run into downvotes

HAARP, chemtrails, etc

Elaborate please, thank you

Both sides are controlled: the pro camp wants cap and trade which is a massive corporate giveaway, the anti camp wants to limit scrutiny of dirty business practices and stall regulation.

We should really be discussing an economic system that permits industrial pollution on a scale so massive it has become a threat to life itself.

I'm starting to wonder if global warming is real because it was made to be real by shit like HAARP.


co2 is lile 400ppm... There was an ice age with 2000+ ppm

Climate change is a hoax.

Yes sure. I'll even venture to say that if you are too vocal about the methane that is being released you will run into downvotes

HAARP, chemtrails, etc

Elaborate please, thank you