ELI5: Why are the Rothschild seemingly front and center again?

26  2017-02-26 by HahThatsSilly

First off, I know who the Rothschilds are so you don't need to explain that.

However, I've noticed more and more talk about them over the past week or so. Not just here, but also over on t_d and KotakuInAction. There was even talk that maybe reddit was censoring the name "Rothschild" (I suppose this will be a test, eh? lol)

Is this over the "angry" tweet one of the Rothschild girls sent to Podesta? That seemed like a pretty minor thing -- she was just saying Clinton failed because of Podesta. If it was that tweet, how did that single tweet thrust them back into the forefront of conversation?


I don't have the answers mate, but the Federal Reserve needs to go and if this helps accomplish that, then that's a good thing.

Yep, randoms talking about the Rothschilds on Reddit shout do the trick.

The exchange of information always leads to progression.

It tends to help. Common knowledge leads to common sense, and that's a very dangerous thing in politics.

It is a coordinated sockpuppet narrative that is attempting to make Trump supporters look like low-effort memetards who blame the New World Order/Illuminati for all the world's problems without evidence.

Of course, when real hard evidence against the Rothschilds are found, blaming it on the people sharing these memes all day is a great way to bury the story.

their girrrl didnt win did she [they the franchise]

Before it was "sockpuppets claiming Trump will win hahahahaha"

Still can't face reality?

Huh? Our president is at war with major news networks. These news networks know that a growing group of people are getting their news from social media. The people that control the news are here on Reddit. You can't face the reality that social media is influenced by sockpuppets?

And the news networks are controlled by gatekeepers. Do you really think you're better at getting past media gatekeepers than social media shills?

because maybe they are gettin hung out to dry

How, where, why? I've only single that single tweet. Is there more to this story (minus the whole who they are) that I don't know about?

think about it they front for the jesuits and the vatican [all roads lead to rome]

they are hanging podesta and maybe in the food chain they the next to get hanged

just mho and speculation but theres sense there

the story is, for a rich elite, they sure don't keep quiet. The real rich are quiet and behind the scenes.

Trump has a guy who was an executive at Rothschild Inc. for 25 years in his cabinet, along with nine former Goldman Sachs employees The only people being hung out to dry are trump supporters. This is the most banker controlled administration in history.

obama was a puppet as well

cool story, but not nearly as much as trump is and no rothschilds are being hung out to dry...

actually not a kool story at all

but it's true, unlike your comment

truth is a diamond with many sides

dont judge mine iwont judge yours

facts are facts, and have only one side

trump is president and we have sanders supporters to thank

no you have a cheating dnc to thank be clear about that they made their bed be mad at them

  • Lynn mouthed off about Podesta.
    • This revealed an interesting filter on the Trump subreddit.
  • Rothschilds donate to HRC

Just more following the money, and Soros isn't the only source.

They figured out how pimp out the masses 200 or more years ago so they locked it down that's why. Aliens and shit probably and of not aliens then I guess it's gotta be God because there is too much science for it to be nothing. Unless we are in a simulator thenI don't fucking know man.

Maybe hijacking but guys here what i think: i know we have a lot of trump haters /skeptics here, i am a skeptic too. But i do believe we should build friendly relation ship with T_D,thats how i became redpilled : some briliant friendly ppl from this sub posted truth about 911 on T_D when i was hyping the god emp. Yes, it is a echo chamber, but echo chamber full of simcere ppl that are less blind to the status quo. we should find common ground with them. Post more stuff like Rothschild, 911, pizzagate there, less you-are-dumb-believers rant. Please!

They are just relatively less blind to the status quo. In reality theyre just as bad as the people who believed in Hillary. A silver spooned billionaire as the the guardian for the working man? Absolutely hilarious and the fact that people still choose to believe this even with his cabinet picks and who he rubs elbows with makes it even more funny.