Met a man in a hot tub

33  2017-02-27 by twentytwo11

We got to talking. He told me of his life and a fiancée he had broken up with after she confessed to a priest that she had cheated on him just two weeks before the wedding. He went on to tell me about his time in the navy and how he once shot down a Russian plane over the ocean. He said he was a highly regarded admiral and knew lots of specifics you'd expect someone like that to know. I asked if he had top secret clearance and he said yes. Naturally I ask if the government knows about aliens. And he said yes.

Apparently an American ship found an underwater base on earth (not in USA waters) where aliens had been living on earth for hundreds of years. He said the base had pieces of culture and tech left behind that we recovered. He also said an American ship once saw a flying saucer take off from out of the ocean and they took many pictures. He wasn't on the ship but had friends that were and he said he had seen the pictures. He also said that an alien race had been living somewhere near the Grand Canyon and the area is now heavily guarded by military to this day. He also mentioned the government had recovered a tinfoil like material from an alien race. It could get run over by a tank and take bullets like nothing. He said he saw this with his own eyes

Anyways, thought id share with you guys. He seemed very trustworthy to me because he had told me of his time in the military in detail before I asked about the aliens, and I had no doubt he was a high ranking officer based on the terms and details he was aware of. And for what it's worth he left the gym in a corvette.


Only hundreds of years? Was that specific?

He said hundreds but he could of just meant a very long time the way he said it- so maybe thousands I'm not really sure

Should have asked him to an anonymous AMA.

Law of one mentions underwater alien bases.

What's that?

It's a recorded contact with aliens. Check google.

Ate a bunch of LSD. Stared at the Pacific all night. Was convinced there was a UFO hovering just above the water. Thought it was communicating with me. Felt a vibration like I was being slightly electrocuted for hours. Sun came up and turns out it was a crab boat. Water aliens confirmed.

You could have gotten so much more information if you would have jerked him off.

Hindsight 20/20

Eyes on the prize

why were you in a hot tub with an old guy?

Hot tub at a YMCA haha

That is part of the information you throw out and do not ask upon.

Seems to fit a lot of other ex top secret vets. A book called day after rosewell details it well.

hope not. He could probably get in trouble just from the uptick of people viewing the link. Also, some pretty strange responses here. Thanks for sharing.

Not the guy. I've deleted that part of the post- could you delete this comment as well?

fits in to the narrative that has been goin around. I too met a dude once. He said they were chilling in a hot tub or hot spring and he saw it over the mountains, then it blinked above them then flew to space and made the stars twinkle. I made a post about this awhile back.

His name was x and looked about 75 if anyone wants to do some digging and find out who i was speaking with.

If this is real then you're a real douchebag, seriously.

Yeah, either op is lying or op has put a 75 yo in Great Danger

It's removed

It fits the Antarctic conspiracy . Alien base frozen under 2 miles of ice . Nazis were there and had saucers by the end of the war .America sent warships but fled after being attacked .Believe it or believe it not.

Americans and Nazis in Antarctica waters around WW2? More believable when you consider Australia and New Zealand both hosted US military forces during the war. Maybe more than just a show of good faith between allies...

I went to Roswell about 10 years ago and found a lady who makes pottery in the middle of nowhere. She had a piece of tinfoil like material and you could crumple it up and put it down and it would go back to its original shape.

Reminds me of this guy's story:

Aliens aren't real, bruh. This is baseless fiction.

This is a true account of something that happened to me. Not fiction.

Btw-Former defense ministry of Canada says they are real.

Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell said they were real

And countless others, including generals and admirals. Check out the citizens disclosure program and the book ufos by Leslie kean.

John podesta and clinton even insinuated during the campaign they believe. Podesta said his biggest failure during Obama admin. was not securing disclosure of ufo files.

Check out the Rockefeller initiative too if you get a chance.

It's pure fiction

Says the moderator of r/No_Conspiracy. The shills just keep coming.

hope not. He could probably get in trouble just from the uptick of people viewing the link. Also, some pretty strange responses here. Thanks for sharing.