Trump now wants a $54 billion increase in military spending. He and his war profiteering buddies want to expand their disgusting empire made from killing people, something that has been going on for many years. Expose Trump for what he his: a war-criminal, no different from Obama, Bush, Clinton

143  2017-02-28 by russian321


A war criminal who has neither started nor engaged in a war? You've spent too much time in the hyperbolic chamber.

He did authorize a raid that led to 20+ civilian deaths and a Navy SEAL, a raid that produced nothing. Soooo . . .

We still don't know all the facts about this raid. It's obvious that the deep state are leaking what's going on in his administration. Who's to say this mission wasn't sabotaged?

We still don't know all the facts about anything. It's obvious that their are people who will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to defend Trump. Who's to say you are not a brainwashed fool?

can you proof that or want to keep up with ad homs

The facts are a whole bunch of CHILDREN were killed in this raid. You could say the "terrorist" used them as human shields sure, there are many sick ones who do that. Yet we are ALL one. No matter what race, religion, ideology. When we harm others, it always comes full circle. The wars need to end. Many of these "Al-Qaeda/Isis terrorists" fight because we invaded their homelands and bombed them to shit over the past 16 years. We need to get our country out of the debt hole, and help rebuild the countries we've destroyed.

Feel free to go through this mans twitter, there is endless death in Yemen thanks to the UK, Saudi's, and the US. When will people be held accountable for their actions????

The facts are that in war people die. We did not start the war with Islamic extremists, but I can tell you for certain we will finish it. That said, given how messed up our military spending is, I don't see how throwing money at it will fix anything.

we didn't start the war lol?

Yeah, he needs to think back to Eisenhower, and there's probably something even before that which I don't know about yet.

You did start the war. And you just rationalized the killing of twenty innocent people. Good job.

We'll see how sanctimonious you are when they are shooting at you.

I'd trade increased terror attacks for the abolition of the patriot act and all of it's holdovers, elimination of the Department of Homeland Security, various NSA and TSA programs.

Internet bravery at its finest.

Said the one willing to sacrifice freedom. Security means nothing if that's the trade off.

The facts are that in war people die. We did not start the war with Islamic extremists,

Of course we did. Wars are not only started by a direct attack or legitimate if the USA declares it so. You will be able to find much evidence that ultimately, the root cause of all of it is oil disputes. A simple history lesson will teach you that for a decade the CIA was supplying radical Islamic terrorists (Mujahideen, Taliban) with weapons and war supplies via Operation Cyclone, for no other reason than because they were fighting 'evil Russia'. Now this was 1979-1989. Clearly, our government had no problem with radical Islamic groups back then. Why not? They were the same people with the same beliefs as they hold now. Ah, but they weren't 'terrorists' because they were attacking evil Russia instead of us! Makes sense. Proxy war against Russia by supporting radical Islamic groups.

Then round about 1990 Saddam decides to invade Kuwait over OIL, and guess what...Team America World Police didn't like that one bit. So we banded together with the UN, leading the charge to impose severe sanctions on Iraq. Another proxy war against Iraq, started by us. Sanctions that did no harm to Saddam or his rich cabal, but instead resulted in the suffering of millions of Muslim civilians who depended on our aid. This right here was probably the main turning point, when the Taliban and later AlQuaeda/Bin Laden decided they wanted to use our own weapons against us. It was definitely cited by Bin Laden in his letter to America as one motive.

One thing is clear from even a small amount of research: They didn't attack us unprovoked or for the purpose of 'taking away our freedumz'. It's all about oil and money at the root, nothing more.

but I can tell you for certain we will finish it.

How is that? By dropping more bombs on them and killing even more civilians for the next 20 years? There is only one way to end it, and that is to stop interfering in foreign affairs where we are not wanted.

That's enough self-righteousness to make you an a full fledged Islamo-nut.

No islamo nut here, but I do not support the "war on a noun".

Right, you just support people who chant "death to American" in the streets. I noticed when they do that, it's not only the 18-21 year old males. You want to aid and support terrorists who kill women and children in this country. You want to make people who routinely rape their own children the victims? Knock yourself out. I won't cry for anyone who gets killed in a country that supports terrorism against the United States of American.

In case you hadn't read what I posted, they are retaliating against us for interfering and causing the death of millions of Muslims long before 9/11 ever happened. Of course, you can make up a story and denounce me as a terrorist supporter all you want and claim i'm supporting death of Americans, but the fact is, this is what Ronald Reagan had to say about the horrible Taliban who want death for Americans. Well, they probably hadn't started chanting death to Americans yet, because we hadn't killed millions of Muslims in Iraq yet. Anyway:

To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters (Taliban) battle modern arsenals (evil Commies) with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom. Their courage teaches us a great lesson -- that there are things in this world worth defending (radical Islam).

To the Afghan people (Taliban), I say on behalf of all Americans that we admire your heroism, your devotion to freedom, and your relentless struggle against your oppressors.

The Soviet people have known great suffering -- more than other people. They should be able to sympathize with the terrible suffering of the Afghan people. To the Soviet leaders, I urge you in the name of humanity to end the bloodshed so that an independent Afghanistan can again take its place in the community of nations. The West has no designs upon Afghanistan. (except providing them with weapons and later invading them and putting a US conrolled government in place) We do not threaten you there or anywhere on the globe. All we seek is the restoration of peace and freedom (by providing them with machine guns, then later starving the noble people of Iraq to death) for a noble and brave people whom we remember today.

So maybe instead of implying that i'm trying to support terrorism, you accuse the US Government of it (because it's a fact). I never gave automatic weapons, grenades, and rocket launchers to the Taliban. We've been interfering with Muslim countries for 40 years now. Maybe all they want is for us to leave them alone?

Correction over 40 years. At least 100 years:

The post-revolution government of Iran has regarded the United States and the United Kingdom as Imperialist states, who have a long history of interfering in Iran's internal affairs. In 1907, an Anglo-Russian agreement between Russia and Britain divided Iran into spheres of influence, calling into question [clarification needed], although not terminating, Iran's sovereignty. In 1953, during the Cold War, British intelligience officials[2] and the administration of the U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower planned a joint Anglo-American operation to overthrow the elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadeq.[3][4][5] The Einsenhower administration was concerned that Mossadeq's nationalist aspirations could lead to an eventual communist takeover of Iran.[6][7][8][9][10][11] The operation was code-named Operation Ajax. At first, the military coup seemed to fail, and Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi fled the country.[12][13] After widespread rioting and with help from the CIA and British intelligence services, Mossadeq was defeated and the Shah returned to power, ensuring support for Western (chiefly British) oil interests and ending the perceived threat of communist expansion. General Fazlollah Zahedi, who led the military coup, became prime minister.

We've been protecting our rights to OIL through violence, imperialism, and intimidation for a century by bullying Muslim countries, supporting terrorists, and killing civilians. But that's ok...WOULDN'T WANT GAS PRICES TO GO UP!

More justifying of terrorism. No one is impressed.

Collateral damage happens. Weren't some high value targets taken out thanks to this raid?

No the main target escaped.

Who's to say

That is a bullshit argument that you can use to rationalize everything.

Lol you have nothing to say to counter it

Who's to say that I'm not right?

Wow. The mental gymnastics are astounding. Trump gave the missions the go. Trump. Wasn't in the room for the mission. Did trump kill those women and children? No. is he responsible for their death by okaying a mission with insufficient intelligence? Better believe it. Love how trump supporters will do anything to take blame off him, yet will cite all day "obamas drone strike record" as if it means shit all since drone technology haven't been used in any other presidency so far. Hypocrisy

also 2 wrongs don't make a right

Mental gymnastics? You don't know shit about the operation you're literally going on scraps of the mission lol and yes one mission compared to bombs dropped everyday by obama is WAY better. Get your fucking head out of your ass

I've never seen conspiracy so pro-government.

When people shoot back they seize to be civilians. But you have an agenda to push. I get it.

yea that 12yo girl was shooting back

You're obviously an expert in Close Quarter Combat. They should have sent you in solo. I'm sure your Call of Duty and Splinter Cell experience would have been suffice training.

I would have killed less kids, actually I wouldn't have killed anyone.

You'd be an awful Navy Seal. We need more people like you in the front lines protecting our country.

oh yea I feel much safer now that all those women and children got killed

You're pushing the agenda. You're claiming roughly twenty civilians were holding weapons WITH ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT. you're so blindly willing to believe this which the government told you... how are you in this sub.

OK Snowflake.

It's sad that condemning the murder of innocent women and children makes me a snowflake.

You lacking any real understanding of the world is what makes you a snowflake.

you must not have heard about the Muslim brothers that got arrested then. One scenario being that the mission was fucked from jump street.

Also, to even TRY to compare a raid that went awry to Barry the Butcher bombing the fuck out of the Middle-East for 8 years shows your bias way too easily.

Obama is a war criminal

Trump is also a war criminal

your username would imply you are part of the most embarrassing sub on the planet.

your comment would imply you don't care about Trump killing kids because Obama did it, and you'd rather focus on my username

I think that mission only happened because of the Muslim brothers that were arrested after providing false intelligence. I do not believe for a second Donald knowingly killed children. Literally not even for half a second would I see him as that person.

Do you have a link so these fucking idiots will shit the fuck up

why talk about policy when they can insult people

Not a war criminal but he will definitely continue to line the pockets of his billionaire defense contractor buddies with the tax dollars collected from regular American citizens struggling to feed their families and pay rent.

Can you see into the future?

No but I can read. Trump wants to increase defense spending by $54 billion. He wants to give more of our tax dollars to billionaire contractors. Why are you defending these actions?

Your stating a 'Defense' budget is for an offensive. While completely overlooking the fact we are festering with imported terrorists from obama.

Your not really good at critical thinking are you?

And that line of thinking is exactly how Democrats convinced themselves to accept 8 years of Obama bombing the middle East. "Well look at the mess Bush left him!" When does it end?

Don't criticize somebody else's critical thinking while spewing pro-government garbage.

You sincerely believe the US defense budget is purely for defense? You probably believe Russia hacked the election and that marijuana is a dangerous drug too.

Imported terrorists?

Your not really good at critical thinking are you?

What the fuck? I hope this is a troll.

Any evidence that it's going to billionaire contractors rather than infrastructure? Asking for a friend.

What do you think the military is going to do with additional funds?

Pave the roads in my town? If he was talking about getting Army Corp out here to fix bridges and dams he would have said that

Lol "I won't be silenced".. you're doing important work from your armchair

It's important to be heard. Reddit's system of quieting those who are not in alignment with the status quo punishes free thinking. I think it's very important.

How about that press conference Trump held where he talked about how our military equipment is not up to date? It sure sounded like he was talking about buying new weapons, not investing in our infrastructure. I'll admit it's not hard evidence, but there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to assume Trump is going to spend the money on infrastructure, where's your evidence for that?

buying new weapons, not investing in our infrastructure.

You do realize that weapons are part the military's infrastructure, being a key component of their makeup, right? The reason we are the best military in the world is because we have the best technology. Especially air superiority.

OK but when people say infrastructure I assume they're talking about roads and bridges that kind of thing not fighter jets, you see why I would think that don't you? And I absolutely agree the us military is clearly the best in the world already, I don't see why we need to spend an additional 54 billion dollars a year on it!

a couple of reasons:

1.) Obama cut spending to the military 2.) Occasionally you have to invest. 3.) Equipment becomes obsolete

It's amazing how much you care about spending money on war. It's clear I'm never gonna change your mind but Ill just say I really think there are much better ways that money could be used.

I didn't say war, I said military.

OK well keep deluding yourself into thinking the military is gonna use the money for anything positive without any shred of evidence to lead you to that conclusion

Trump repeatedly said that america has to win wars again. Plus the increase in military spendings.. I don´t think you have to be a genius to put 2+2 together. He will start a war. Probably with Iran and he will try to destroy ISIS. Thats what he said and I start to believe that he will try to do everything that he has promised. So yeah he is not yet a war criminal but give him some time: i´m sure he will catch up with his predecessors

Isn't he going up against a "shadow government" that controls several powerful defense contractors?

Bulking up the military just seems like good sense at this point.

Wasn't it also part of his platform that he was elected on? I'm pretty sure it was.

fight the shadow government by giving them $54 Billion?

that's an interesting theory..

You don't think the children killed by Trump are not victims of a war crime? GRAPHIC images btw.

Not claiming to know what these children were doing when they died but there are videos of ISIS child soldiers beheading tied up captives or shooting them.

amazing how many #Pedogate people want to "protect the children" but when it comes to actual dead kids all they have are excuses

I'm just saying that dead children aren't necessarily civilians in an army that uses child soldiers. If you are being shot by women or children you still shoot back. I'm not even saying that is the case but I am saying it is a possibility. If a 10 year old will saw a man's head off with a small knife, I'm sure he will shoot as well.

Hehe Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Give it time

Keeping up 7 wars that were never declared by congress is a war crime. Every president since the Korean war is a war criminal. The people do not want war but our rulers (certainly NOT leaders) run up trillion dollar debts that they pay out to their cronies and friends and family members.

A war criminal who has neither started nor engaged in a war?

Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan.

No engagement there, right?

He's building the military back up from the ground after Obama decimated our nation's military security... So...

Yea you must have forgot that 9/11 happened.

A whole world pissed at one country, it's no wonder they pushed for a 'cleaner' right after bush. They just didn't count on him changing America.

...the ground being more than 1/3 of the whole world's military spending combined facepalm

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 37568

You don't think the US government, under Bush Sr. / Bush Jr. and Obama's administrations, made a few enemies? Don't be so naive. Continuous bombings of the middle east have more than likely infuriated several middle eastern nations and its citizens.
It would be wise to protect our nation from domestic and international threats. And Since "terrorists" can't attack Obama, who do you think they'll go after? Just like Omar Mateen, they'll start attacking US citizens.

So do you honestly think the solution is more bombing in the middle east?

Raising the "defense" budget even more will not protect Americans from terrorism.

Obama approved the 2017 budget for the military which included a 30 billion increase. We spend way way way way way way way way way way way way too much on the military as is. These funds are better suited elsewhere for things like infrastructure.

I agree that more funds need to go toward infrastructure, but we also need to protect this nation. Hopefully these politicians can figure something out...

Who do we need to protect this nation from? We already have the largest military in the world, Russia and China have to reason to invade + M.A.D. The only threat would be the periodic terrorist attack and usually those are home grown. So again, why do we need to increase spending on an already ridiculous military?

Yep, there is still led leaching into the water supply and that's not just in flint. Can't be fixing that problem because we need F19 and F22 jets for this war we are going to be in

How the fuck can anyone post this with a straight face?

Wow, Trump IS amazing...barely a month in office and already a war criminal!

Stop covering for the warmonger Trump. The government is always evil and anybody that supports the government is a fool.

Yes, well, that's what killing kids gets you.

aslong he anal rapes ISIS and doesn't start another war/invades more countrys i am still 100% with him + increasing military was one of his promises all along, doesn't mean to nuke or invade other countrys.

How is he going to anal rape ISIS?

The same way they rape adolescent girls and boys

Maybe he is talking about Turbo Anal ISIS:


This is another promise he made during his campaign. No one should be surprised.


looks through your post history

Alright, there are two options:

  • Your life consists of meaningless hate spewing discussions online that will change the world with 0%

  • You are paid to do this

I wish I got paid everytime someone who didn't like what I had to say called me a shill instead of making a point~

I'm sorry I'm not making a point to you saying sigh

You are paid to do this

You don't have to pay people to shit on Trump, they'll do it for free.

Trump said, and has always said, he wants a bigger military because it was depleted under Obama, but he never wants to use it. Peace through strength. He doesn't want to goto war.

He doesn't want to goto war.

He literally said that the US needs to win wars again.


and Bannon has advocated for pre-emptive war on China..

Ok, what's your point? Winning wars and starting wars are too different things, wouldn't you agree? We have been at war against terrorism for 16 years now. Maybe we should end it after we defeat ISIS, i.e. Win.

Ok, what's your point?

My point is that what you are saying is not true. You're just another stooge from the_donald who would never dare yo criticize your Dear Leader.

I would criticize him if there was something to criticize. Winning wars and starting wars are two different things. If you can't agree on that then you're just an idiot. I didn't realize this Reddit page was full of liberal chucks that don't know the difference between winning and starting a war. 99% of Reddit is an anti Donald Trump website, God forbid I stick up for the President.

Winning wars and starting wars are two different things.

What war is there that needs to be won?

Well, ever since 9/11 there has been a war on terrorism that has not ended. We have perpetually been at war since we invaded Afghanistan. Obama, the novel peace prize winner, bombed and killed more people than President Bush. Obama did very little to end our foreign interventions overseas. Toppled Libya, tried to topple Syria. Trump has consistently said he wants to take out ISIS and be done with the Middle East. He doesn't want more war and has consistently shot down rumors of wars with Russia. Apparently Hillary was big on war with Russia. Thank God she didn't win or we'd really be at war.

So the war that needs to be won is the "War on Terrorism"?

Just want to make sure we both talk about the same thing.

It's a vague war that we are perpetually fighting in. We should end it. Trump is not a hawk though. Only fight if necessary.

End it or win it?

it was depleted under Obama, but he never wants to use it. Peace through strength. He doesn't want to goto war.

You guys live in another dimension. I have no words for this level of naivety and willful stupidity.

He may be throwing them a bone before he recks shop. Or he's a sell out.

i haven't read the bill, but it could be money for vets as promised and he also commented about how old the equipment is that the police and military are using, he could be arming them better to arrest some pedos who have serious military backing

How does equipment = money for vets? Veterans are people who are out of the military.

So that's your excuse for militarizing the police state even further? Wow.

so you think we should just send troops to war, let them get bits blown off, and then bring them home and not support them?


The real conspiracy hear is how Reddit deliberately brainwashes people by creating echo chambers filled with shills which creates something called the dangerous "alt-left". Making them think drumpf will kill us all and become the next hitler as if there was no check and balances and amendments, which you know are there supposedly to protect us.

Yes, the 'shills' are the people pointing out that Trump wants to give $54 billion to the military, not the people defending it...

Checks and balances like congress has to declare war right? When was the last time they used that "check"?

That's what I keep saying. Trump does whatever those military assholes want him to do. And they got the bloodlust from the wars. I fear for the children.

Thank you Russian321 for that breaking news

A little early for a Trump war crimes trial. Still not too late for Obama, Bush, Cheney and the gang.

Didn't he just authorize a strike that killed a young girl?

Strikes do that.

Doesn't make it right, and if it's a civilian, it's a war crime.

I guess someone should let you know le Santa isn't real either - welcome to the world.

It's more fitting to charge the drone operator with the war crime, or the intelligence coming in. I doubt the drone strike was for that little girl. BTW proofs that she died due to the strike and this isn't misinformation?

As taken from the obama administrations drone strikes. You'll want to take that into account.

Not sure much would/has changed, but I don't completely rule out that possibility.

I wonder how many civilians and children Obama killed with all those drone strikes

Yeah, he did. Point? They're all war criminals.

Tons, keep this partisan shit out of here right now.

It isn't about the false red-blue dichotomy it's about war crimes the last several administrations have all committed more that enough to deserve a hangman's noose from top to bottom.

why does that matter in regards to trumps OK on this mission?

Leaked info caused that if I'm not mistaken. Leaked by awan brothers?

uhh, he already committed war crimes in Yemen.

Are you one of those that ignored Obama's drone war but are now paying attention to Trump and his actions because you were told not to like Trump?

nope I shit all over Obama's drone war all the time.

are you one of those who ignore Trump's military spending ramp-up because bbbbut Obama?

I'm one of those who understands Obama and Trump are both on different sides, neither of which is my side.

If /u/ENOUGH_TRUMP_SPAM_ 's username is a dead giveaway that no rational discussion will be had

yo, this guy /u/ENOUGH_TRUMP_SPAM_ is either a total nut job or a paid shill. 100+ posts in a day. Seriously, who argues that much on reddit? /r/conspiracy is under attack.

I wish I got paid for all the times people who got nothing responded with shill accusations~

lol, so is this like your full time job or something? what are the benefits like? 401K? vacation days?

I get paid in the tears of people who are trying to spread lies.

You explained yourself mate

Check out all the usernames. There's some good stuff there.

this from conspiracy_edgelord ~

Trump did fuck up by getting American soldiers involved.

You never saw a drone come home in a flag covered casket and get a military funeral.

Way easier to hide shit when drones are the only (American) things doing the work and killing.

He's draining the swamp /s

We complain about the wars in the ME but let's ask ourselves...what if w packed up and came home? Brought every tank, plane an soldier home. Nice. But what then if Russia (invaded Afghanistan) or China (history of human rights violations) decided to march in to replace us. They take the oil fields. Now they have the oil, we don't. Think about it.

If you believe in land sovereignty, the oil belongs to whichever country's borders surround it.

If you believe in might makes right, it belongs to whoever defends it. I understand this goes against everything right but we live in a jungle, a dog eat dog world. Currently, America is the biggest, baddest dog and that keeps life in America tolerable. But make no mistake, should China or Russia get to a place where they are the mightiest... things just as bad could happen. Except to us. That oil is a life blood. We need to control it to prevent others from taking it from us. Sweden was a do-gooder nation that took in refugees, a great humanitarian deed. Do you think the refugees are grateful? Give it some thought.

I understand this goes against everything right

Exactly. Why don't you give this some thought: If "might makes right" was taken to it's logical conclusion, we would all blow each other off the face of the earth.

...we live in a jungle, a dog eat dog world...
...oil is a life blood...

You need to think about this right here. Do you want to live in a jungle surrounded by cannibalistic animals? Please don't let them convince you that's what reality is. Humans are different from the rest of the animals because we can rise above our basic survival instinct to kill or be killed and make a better life for ourselves and those around us.

I understand that what you're saying IS right but what's right is not how the world works. Hoping for peace and sweetness and koom by yah is great but the one plain simple fact is... if we let down our weapons to show we want peace, we will be overtaken. I hate that it's the way the world is. I didn't make it that way, don't want it to be that way.... As I suggested, learn how Sweden did the right thing, the good thing. They now have "no go" zones in their country... places citizens cannot go without being attacked. It is a shame but it's reality.

...what's right is not how the world works.

Hoping for peace and sweetness and koom by yah is great but
if we let down our weapons to show we want peace, we will be overtaken.

I didn't make it that way, don't want it to be that way....

Listen to my words as I truly say this from the heart, the world is what we make of it. Have you been on r/conspiracy long? The elite, NWO, whatever you want to call them, know that we the people hold the power. The only thing stopping us from marching against them and demanding peace? Complacency and a lack of unity. Can you sense that they want to divide us, to keep us bickering about what nationality gets what while they continue to hoard, create false scarcity, and make plans to keep us under control?

I understand that there is a lot to fight for brother, but please, before you decide who to attack make sure you know who you're fighting for. Don't let them turn you against your fellow man.

Return our troops and let China and Russia conquer their neighbors. Or at least let their neighbors defend themselves. As long as they don't have a problem with the US securing it's southern border by Annexing countries down to our moat in Panama.

China has been conquering Africa for the last twenty years. Rather than invading with arms, the Chinese have infiltrated, helped educate, set up partnership businesses and gotten valuable contracts and made most Africans valuable allies. The US, on the other hand....

This is fucking priceless. Fuck you my Chinese comrade. We know who has been running things. You have the contracts and we have the debt. Genius, except Trump has your number. The Chinese empire is no more.

Not a Chinese comrade... trying to explain the difference in how things are handled. We invade, steal the oil and make new terrorists. the Chinese move in, befriend, assist, teach and eventually they will win the hearts and minds of Africa. How long do you think America can sustain it's empire when it has to have war for an engine? It's a short term policy but the policy makers aren't interested in a long term America. And you calling me comrade shows your refusal to think. The Chinese empire is no more? Think again, my friend, the curtain is closing on the American empire.... the empire of China is just now beginning it's rise. As you said, they have the contracts, we have the debt.

If you like the world as it is, then China is your girl. Right now, the globalist have the contracts.

China has a different way to win the hearts and minds of people in Africa. All of this is about resources. While we covet the oil of the ME, China is gaining control of Africa, a literal gold mine of resources.

And they're sneaky like the Zionist. You forgot that. Sneaky little bastards.

Their plan seems to be working much better than ours.I wonder why?

The Chinese are long term planners....willing to take smaller profits over longer periods. Our "leaders" are short term, grab the profit and run types.

Now they have the oil, we don't.

You already don't have the oil.

It was a hypothetical...if they had the oil.

You cannot lose what you don't have.

It's going to be a shitshow with how spending will be done really fucking quick. I'm going to watch what he says today at the congress speech because the market will reflect that AND what his decision is on March 15th. This is not going to be sustainable unless Iran is in the works. Like I told someone else before how the fuck can you spend money on a peacetime military unless you've got something else in mind.

There are maintenance costs for the largest military in the world. Equipment becomes obsolete, tanks and helecopters need repair, training programs need updated. 54B is really not that much...


Someone that hasn't heard about the military surplus stockplies, right here above me!

Yes I've heard of them. Some parts are stockpiles along with ammunition etc. But what does that do for updating equipment and training? As I've said, 54B is not that much. Someone who doesn't understand scale, right here above me! ^

We have tons and tons of equipment in the stockpiles. And yes, 56 billion IS that much when we already spend 12x more than other countries and plenty of that money is going to new equipment. What do you think we put in the stockpile, old equipment? No, it's new equipment that we buy and have so much that we can't distribute them to soldiers!

What do you think we put in the stockpile, old equipment? No, it's new equipment that we buy and have so much that we can't distribute them to soldiers!

The stockpile is insurance in case we needed to rapidly expand for something like a war. But look at 56B/how much we spend currently and see how much it is comparatively. You may not like the fact that we spend 12x more than other countries, but we're 12x the military of other countries. Our military superiority is undisputed. It's best that it stays that way with some key players coming to the table..

Let's wait for them to actually expand their military first. Right now we can afford plenty of new equipment and we are #1 by far. No need to keep spending so much on it, and we shouldn't be the world police anyways.

Very good observation. I wrote a post on whether Israel would attack Iran within the next six months -- back in August. That hasn't happened yet, of course. But I feel we're being prepared for a US/Israeli led attack.

God damn that was one hell of a long ass read but it was worth it. I did not know any of that! It explains why they were so able to announce the change to the petroeuro from the dollar that's coming the 21st of March as I outlined here

I saw that someone, believe it was either cnn or AP, wrote that the spending on the mil budget would include more ships and stuff with a presence emphasized in the strait of hormuz and south china sea area.

This shit is not looking good. We already had Trump say we're going to start winning wars so the prepping has begun. Now the question is where the false flag will be and what. Iran is coming no doubt but as to how we don't know yet.

Glad you liked it.

And that tidbit about the Strait of Hormuz...that is /very/ interesting. Trump is hostile to Iran & China, and this military budget increase seems in line with his priorities.

Ah, thanks. will read

Remember when /r/conspiracy and /r/The_Donald were up in arms because Obama gave 200 million to the Palestinians instead of fixing Flint's lead water?

I remember.

I remember when people found out that Obama was giving money to build a wall on Mexico's southern boarder.

... Obama was giving money to build a wall on Mexico's southern boarder.

Never happened. There is no wall on the southern border of Mexico and the US didn't give money to the Mexican government to build a wall. The US gave Mexico 75 million USD to train and equip Mexican border guards.

All of the "Obama gives Mexico millions to build a wall" articles cite this Newsmax article, which only mentions an invisible wall:

Amid talk of Donald Trump's plans to build a border wall between the United States and Mexico, Mexico itself has an invisible wall along its southern border with Central America as migrants head north.

They also state on what the 75 million USD will be spend:

The Times claims the U.S. is sending Mexico $75 million in the form of equipment and training to help shore up its southern border.

Oh I 'member!!

Your jumping the gun buddy, no pun intended.

How can you say he's a war criminal when he hasn't had a war?

The Bush and Clinton crime gangs are certified war criminals though.

Hey shill douchebag. Take your political bullshit to /r/politics.

Take your partisan shit to /r/the_donald

What was posted was political bullshit, not a conspiracy. Get your subs right douchebag

honestly soon we shall see which narrative has been the true one. either trump is actually working for us against the deep state or he hijacked the country

Look at his cabinet. The truth is already there for anyone willing to look.

It baffles me they don't realize this. But then again common sense...

this post is as comical as the MSM

Trump: does sth remotely relateable

MSM: OMG hes a dictator! Hitler! War criminal! (New!)

it's the simple swords vs. plowshares argument. America already spends an insane amount on the military instead of the people. Trump now wants to make that worse.

it's funny when people think there is a difference between the two parties. War is a racket. It's going to come, not sure with who.

Yup, exactly

Is there a difference between establishment Republicans/ Democrats and nationalist populism businessman?

When you piss off John McCain and Lyndsey 'war hawk' Graham.. Id say that's a pretty good start to your first month

War profiteering buddies? Military is important spending, not for the WAR only side...Obviously he cut spending related to planes already

Even if he spends it SMARTLY, he's still spending MORE.

FAKE news

His point was that we've been fighting a war with no intent to win. By having no intention of winning, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight, does there?

By hoping to win the wars we currently have our hands tied up in, we can pull out our troops faster.

Something something mental gymnastics

Haha that type of response is the reason Trump won in the first place. No ability to look beyond the scope of propagandized unreasoning.

The irony of this post is so rich it's giving me indigestion.

This guys is either getting paid to come here and post this shit or he is a total conspiracy nut. He posts crazy stuff all day every day.

That's just like your opinion man

anyone can look at your history and see that you either have no life or you are paid to post shit all day everyday.

Look at your own post history. Quit trying defend this disgusting conman

lol 100% shill. so who is paying you? Ill help you out with whatever propaganda you want to push. looking to make a quick buck.

Fuck Obama, fuck Clinton, fuck Trump, fuck Bush, fuck all these motherfucking presidents who have been driving this country to shit for many years, fuck them all

lol you cant even respond to my comments without going off with your propaganda. seriously though who is paying you?

54 Billion really isn't all that much.... Especially if it's aimed toward infrastructure and equipment. I'd say stop being a shill, but I'm not sure you can do that.

You obviously know very little about our military and its organization and what it takes to maintain and sustain its equipment and training its troops. Keep on spreading your hate and nay-saying.

Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes. No need, just feed the war.

Like I must not know very much about the American military. Weapons are only a very small portion of their equipment. everything you mentioned is also needed in the military. This is the budget for the military. Our president will soon release his budget for infrastructure etc... The sky is not falling.


He's going to be great to veterans, by doubling the size of VFW Eligible vets. Has any done anything to help us vets? Haven't heard him even mentioned us since taking office.

Well you should join the military. It's too easy to be a keyboard warrior. Should sign up and make the military a friendly peaceful environment.

No one joining the military will create a "friendly peaceful environment". Quit talking out of your ass.

Fuck the military

I guess you hate freedom too.

warmongering will always expand to use up any additional resources available for it.

I mean, logically you cannot expose him for anything other than being suspicious. He hasn't gone to war...yet.

I miss when this sub wasn't infested with shareblue shills.

I miss when this sub wasn't infested with trumpet shills.

I miss it before T_D took over with its narrow-mindedness

Make war great again!

Simpy increasing military spending does not make one a war criminal; slow down and take a deep breath...


bill or hillary? both?

Both. Definitely both

He isn't a war criminal. At least not yet. Geeze. Hillary, Obama, Bush, Cheney, for sure. Trump? May want to give it some time.

Yeah I don't agree with giving more money to the military, but you are not understanding the move. He is increasing military pay and making good on his promise to bring the military back up after it had some cuts. This is a smart move by Trump because he knows the establishment is trying to undermine him and there is a militant left movement to remove him. They would remove him if they could. Having the military on your side is important if you have an enemy as powerful as the deep state.

Yeah I am not sold on Trump either and I hate some of his recent moves, BUT we can't be certain he is one and the same with the esablishment yet.

"military back up"

For what reason? Since when did our military need to be "back up"? You sound like a /r/the_dumpster propaganda peddler.

"militant left movement to remove him" you mean protesters and American citizens exercising their first amendment rights?

You're saying it's okay for Fuhrer Drumpf to use the American military as his own personal army to protect him from scary liberals and Americans who disagree with his putrid policies?

/r/the_donald is thattaway.

That is a lunatic response to my post.

How on Earth does explaining what he is doing qualify as propaganda, specifically when I said I don't agree with it? Did you miss that? It was only the first line of the paragraph. Ironic you saying I sound like a propaganda peddler when you sound and react like a total shill.

Also notice you are responding to things that you have so removed from context that they aren't even shaped into a misleading statement, they are just a few words.

No I didn't say it was okay. You are a dumbass. I said it was a smart move.

Putrid policies? You should list those because you are just a hardcore lefty shill. Most people with common sense can see he is just another politician. Not good, but not the threat that the other politicians are fomenting in the left. The left are the ones being manipulated like crazy into inexplicable rabid hate. Your language shows that you are likely one of those brainwashed into being so upset with Trump that you would disown family and attack people who voted for him. Blindly label them racists, etc.

Hell you misunderstood my entire post so you probably aren't that hard to lead.

Or just maybe as with most negotiations you start high and are willing to accept lower. Congress still needs to approve and politics always wants something.

/r/the_dumpster Trumplings continue to peddle their propaganda in this sub, sad!

What makes these war "crimes" though? What's criminal about what the last couple administrations have done?

Serious question, excuse the ignorance. I just keep seeing the word "crime" and I don't understand.

I like trump. But as long as they get obama and bush too, we can throw trump in l.

Are you one of those that ignored Obama's drone war but are now paying attention to Trump and his actions because you were told not to like Trump?

There are maintenance costs for the largest military in the world. Equipment becomes obsolete, tanks and helecopters need repair, training programs need updated. 54B is really not that much...

Something something mental gymnastics

Yeah, he needs to think back to Eisenhower, and there's probably something even before that which I don't know about yet.

How does equipment = money for vets? Veterans are people who are out of the military.

China has a different way to win the hearts and minds of people in Africa. All of this is about resources. While we covet the oil of the ME, China is gaining control of Africa, a literal gold mine of resources.

Very good observation. I wrote a post on whether Israel would attack Iran within the next six months -- back in August. That hasn't happened yet, of course. But I feel we're being prepared for a US/Israeli led attack.

Look at his cabinet. The truth is already there for anyone willing to look.

So that's your excuse for militarizing the police state even further? Wow.

Well, ever since 9/11 there has been a war on terrorism that has not ended. We have perpetually been at war since we invaded Afghanistan. Obama, the novel peace prize winner, bombed and killed more people than President Bush. Obama did very little to end our foreign interventions overseas. Toppled Libya, tried to topple Syria. Trump has consistently said he wants to take out ISIS and be done with the Middle East. He doesn't want more war and has consistently shot down rumors of wars with Russia. Apparently Hillary was big on war with Russia. Thank God she didn't win or we'd really be at war.

No islamo nut here, but I do not support the "war on a noun".