For those who don't understand politics: fuck the Republican and Democratic parties. Fuck Obama and fuck Trump. They are all on the same fucking team. They want us divided. Wake the fuck up and realize you're in a fucking matrix.

871  2017-02-28 by russian321


Trump won because people took him for an outsider. His priority list sure looks like it's what we would expect if someone won who wanted to fix the problems outlined in Cathy O'Brien's "Trance-Formation of America". It's not clear yet that he's an insider keeping the matrix. He may yet be a rebel against the demiurge. Wait slightly longer, and stay watchful. There have been signs in all directions.

agreed he is early in his admin and wolves have taken great advantage [much to their shame]

I think he will really crack down when he enters his second term. (Or at least I would)

By then he'll have nothing to lose.

LOL I don't understand this logic. Only wait 4 more years of getting fucked out of our rights, it's all good.

That's the problem with this system though, every president has spent the first half of his term actively campaigning to get a second term. It's a waste of time and turns our government into a popularity contest while nothing is accomplished.

he best get on his game and crack down NOW

Let's see if he sees the proper end to his first term.

Wait slightly longer, and stay watchful

Agree, but how much longer? There were a lot of people who voted for Obama for the same reasons, he sold that "hope and change," people who didn't see the Chicago tribal influence bought his outsiderness as well. Even after 8 years of the same ol bullshit, people still believe he was a good president who was just doing what he could. It's getting harder and harder to see Trump as something different, harder and harder to hold on to any hope.

(j) within 120 days of the date of this order, submit to the President a report on transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including the extent of penetration of such organizations into the United States, and issue additional reports annually thereafter to describe the progress made in combating these criminal organizations, along with any recommended actions for dismantling them.

It's a good start, but I hate that I can only read "extent of penetration of such organizations into the United States" as everything except the penetration of those orgs within the government.

Trump is continually being impeded and underminded by both sides. His full cabinet hasn't even been approved including Ben Carson, his HUD pick. It has only been a little over a month since Trump took office.

I'm right there with you, and have patience myself, I just have a different understanding of how much power the globalist, world-domination people truly have. I think it's possible they've already gotten to Trump and it's a charade. I think it's also possible that everything you said is true. I'm trying to keep an open mind and hope for the best.

Me too.

He may yet be a rebel against the demiurge. Wait slightly longer

Oh come on. You gonna say that for the next 3 years?

Dude, calm down. He doesn't even have his cabinet completed yet.
And you can plainly see that the establishment is fighting him every minute and at every opportunity. They lie like all hell just to create opportunities.
They must be afraid of something.
I'm loving this!!!

Trump won because people took him for an outsider.

Yes. But he is not an outsider. He's appointed nothing but Freemasons, Council on Foreign Relations, and Council for National Policy members.

We can change that, but we'll need to apply pressure.

Now is different, Many eyes are on trump and his cabinet, He knows he wont get away with the same shit the other presidents and their sponsors have. Trump doesnt need anymore money, I got a feeling he was kicked out or not allowed to join the secret societies so hes sticking his fingers up to them. If he does sell out hes got the world to answer too because everyone is waiting for his move to save humanity and if he doesnt the people will.

Many eyes are on trump and his cabinet

And the ones that really matter are the same ones that killed Kennedy.

"If you don't agree with me, you're a shill."

And your history is filled with posts to T_D. I guess with both of you here it breaks even.

I don't think he's a shill, I think he's just a simple, pessimistic idiot.

Love everyone. Love the ones who oppress you, who judge you, who make fun of you, who curse you. Love the ones who hate you. We are all so beautiful, talented, creative, and THEY try to hold us ALL down. We all have a beautiful spark of light in us from the creator. There is evil in this world that LOVES to feed on our fear and negativity. Don't let them. Write on the walls, graffiti should be everywhere. Spread a message of love. You are much more powerful than you could ever imagine. When we come together we are a force that cannot be reckoned with. I pray that one day we all walk the streets and oust these billionaires who have no idea what struggle is like. Freedom = Free Doom. When will the slaves to the system wake up?

Well said brother. Love is the uniting energy that binds us all. When you come from a place of the heart it can solve any problem and melt any divisions. The powers that be want us divided and fighting amongst ourselved. The only way they survive is through manipulation and division. But I strongly believe that people are waking up to the divine truth that they are here for a purpose. Some much larger then themselves and part of something so great that it is hard to describe. Each person is on their own journey yet part of the collective. And as we experience what we go through life it leads us closer to that truth. People are waking up and it's a great time to be alive.

So is Trump a Democrat or Republican?

I could have sworn he was a businessman a couple years ago.. I blame Soros and the elite behind the curtain that are trying to divide us

But Trump says scary shyt I guess...

Neither. Or both. Depends on how you define each. And how Trump feels on the day. What he definitely is though is yet another elite in a position of power.

What's it mean to you that Establishment Republicans and Democrats want him dead or to fail miserably?

Warhawks McCain and Lindsey Graham oppose him..

Rand Paul seemingly working with the Trump.

I've been upvoting everyone because there have been great points all the way up.

I do agree with the notion that Trump is an "outsider". That's not to say he isn't a greedy corporate billionaire who has fucked people over for huge amounts of money. He's an outsider to the class of the ruling elite. He wasn't privy to the "plan". Things like Russia as an eternal enemy, feigning support of the Israel Two-State plan, the continued use of illegal Mexican immigrants as a sort of indentured-slave subclass, etc.

Have an upvote! Ha

I say give him a chance to prove you wrong.. he's made billions$ and has a great family. I got a feelings we are all his kids now as weird as that sounds. Should be fun/interesting either way...

He is an insider playing the role of outsider.

He says something edgy and dumb and people think he's an outsider because the bought and sold media acts like they are distraught.

It's like pro wrestling though. Everything is overrated and over dramatized.

And STILL people buy it.

They think he is actually an outsider rather than an establishment player.

Despite appointing:

Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson.

Billionairre dinner attendee and donor Devos.

Goldman Sachs's Steve Bannon (who wants to get everything done that the elites are praying for).

Soros ally and current treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin.

And then there is his connection to Epstein through Mar a Lago.

You know nothing John Snow... you've never even tried. You reek of never-Trumpness

You didn't say anything other than "Huh uhhh" in your comment.

I'm open to other facts.

Like did Mnuchin not work for Soros?

So Mnuchin has experience and knowledge on how to take Soros out? Awesome!

He has not said that. He has not distanced himself from Soros.

This points toward him being an establishment insider.

There is nothing suggesting that he is wanting to do anything more than to make Soros and the rest of their plutocracy money at the expense of the poor.

The_Donald had an AMA with one of Trumps' right hand man

Question: Is President Trump aware of the deep state ties to Antifa, other liberal terrorist organizations, and George Soro? Does he plan to address Soros directly and his funding of domestic terrorism?

Answer:We are well aware of liberals and the destruction they are capable of. We are also well aware of George Soros and his influence, particularly financially, with America's biggest social problems. Even more importantly, Soros knows that we know and is already attempting to hide his financial network from us to avoid whats coming his way. His son has taken over US operations while he attempts to rally Europe behind Anti-Trumpism. It wont work - the money flow will soon cease as will his power to influence our great nation. Until then, keep his name in the headlines so he feels the heat. Berkeley is partially a reaction to our most recent moves.

One of the best AMAs Trump related

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That's PR. Why are you believing all of the BS they are feeding you?

Of course they are going to say they aren't connected. But then Mnuchin is connected. Connected for years.

Nah.. just wishful thinking unless you have facts or evidence.

The oil lobby loves him.
Goldman Sachs loves him.

He is already showing that he is willing to sell out the people in favor of large corporations.

Large corps are the elites money makers.

Gotta pump up that dead Economy son !

And get as many factories as we can back in the states. Become more food independent and natural resource production$$$$ wind/solar/natural gas/ oil/ technology

Get the economy going bigly lol and then put in huge tax cuts and cheap health care for the poor and middle class..

By appointing the same type of people as Hillary would have? As Obama did?

How does appointing the same people that have been shipping jobs overseas and putting money in offshore accounts help get factories in the US?

How is doing more of the same going to get us different results?

It's not the same.. name one person Hillary would have put in her cabinet? And that's why the Democratic senate has barely voted for any of Trump's picks.

Careful you don't just confirm your own biases. Question what you think.

I'm pro American.

What do you think?

I think that being Pro American doesn't mean much since you could be Pro American and be wrong about how to help America.

You could think that repealing environmental protections is a good idea, or that the climate is changing for reasons other than the record change in CO2.

You could think that a having Billy Madison's orange cousin speak at a 2nd grade level with tan lines around his eyes and the most embarrassing haircut a president has ever had Pro America. You could think that having that image won't detract from our country's image.

Never-Trumper spotted.. get em boys

Too many regulations stifle growth..

Climate Change is real.. except more research is needed to figure out to what extent are the causes.

And personal insults are for children..

  1. On judging the value of regulations based solely on their numbers.

Regulations are not bad or good. Just like a hammer or other tool (say a gun) is not inherently bad or good.

When people tell you that you have too many tools as a reason to not buy the one you need for the task at hand, they are trying to keep you from completing the task at hand.

For instance, the tea party Koch's say "regulation bad" like they are speaking to cave children. Then they go and fight for fines on solar. Why? Because they understand that regulation is one of the tools in their tool shed that can be changed in order to shape their world as they see fit.

They tell the average person to drop their tool, that it's worthless, that too many is "bad." Why? Because it makes it so they are the only ones shaping the world.

Regulations should be looked at individually rather than as a whole. If you see one that isn't needed anymore or that isn't working it needs to be changed. But anytime you hear someone say that the way we should decide whether to go through with some new regulation is by counting how many we have then you are getting had.

  1. Climate change and why we should not wait.

Evidence for climate change is not like evidence for water on Mars. I'll explain why that distinction is important.

The evidence for water on Mars is collected by a small range of scientists. These scientists are not basing their science on that of zoologists or other fields of science.

With climate change scientists across the board are seeing the change. Vastly different fields are finding evidence that backs up the science of thousands of other scientists that have never communicated.

The work that needs to be done along with the evidence collecting work, is putting all of the work together. Scientists in separate fields need to look at work that they normally wouldn't in order to help us have a bigger picture of the effects and how to stop them.

That being said, we don't need to wait for evidence to begun acting. If it were anything else we could wait and see. But since it involves world health and world economies, and the very life of our species, we need to not roll the dice and wait. We need to not take chances. Not only because every new bit of science corroborates the idea that green house emissions will cause a green house effect, but because the risk of being wrong is too high.

We can act now and find out we were wrong about climate change being a hoax. Nothing lost. The world still exists in that scenario.

We can also not act and find out that it was a hoax. Which is what you are hoping.

But not acting, and finding out the hard way would be, of course the biggest mistake. We can't make that mistake, so we have to act.

Not just because scientists are showing us evidence, but just in the off chance that thousands of scientists that don't know each other aren't part of a hoax (where they get paid no hush money, never get invited to extravagant parties, hardly ever get laid for their troubles, etc, etc.).

  1. As far as personal insults are concerned. I will retract my comparison of Trump to anyone in the Madison family.

But I will give a more objective description of Trump:

He is our first orange president. This is to be celebrated.

He is our first president to have tan lines around his eyes.

He is our first president in over two hundred years to have long hair.

His hairdo is oddly not unkempt, but coiffed in a meticulous comb-over that is not the fashion for any other human being.

His hair is thin a whispy and strawberry blonde, verging on red.

His is overweight, and out of shape.

His shoulders are narrower than his waist.

His lips are pouty.

His neck is thin accept for the fat that hangs under his chin.

Great post.

God, you really fall for political theatre don't you?

I guess.... lol actually I think I have a pretty good read on people.

What do you believe?

Here's the thing man...

Rand Paul is legitimately trustworthy, trump is not. Rand Paul has criticized trump's positions on military expansion, NSA spying, and prosecution of whistle blowers. Trump really thinks people like Chelsea manning should Be in jail for life.

Trump is not associated with Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, or The Council on Foreign Relations. He is an outsider. This is the source of the conflict between him and the CIA. The CIA is tasked with controlling the media and the President. The CIA is controlled by the trillionaire class.


Just because he is not a member of those clubs does not mean he isn't an outsider.

  1. Trump is a billionaire that represents the interests of the corporate capitalist class.

  2. Trump has filled the swamp with Goldman Bankers, DynCorp executives, military-industrial titans, and Christian theocrat fascists.

Trump is not on our "team", he's not a "good guy."

Trump represents another faction of the ruling establishment that seeks to empower the neoconservative military war class and the bankers that finance them. He wants to clamp down on the internet and turn the United States into a private Blackwater style police state.

Trump is an enemy. Trump is a symptom. Capitalism is the disease.

I am trying to figure this all out. I am not saying you are wrong, but I see things differently.

Have you listened to Robert David Steele being interviewed?

I think Trump is an outsider because hard core Republicans supported Hillary, who they despise. My theory is that they will support other members of the organizations I mentioned over an outsider.

Also, I believe that Trump had the conflict with the CIA before the inauguration because he is an outsider.

Robert David Steele:

Remember, there are different factions within the global elite.

Sure, some deep state factions are against Trump because of he wants to become more friendly with Russia.

But some deep state factions are incredibly supportive of Trump. Mainly the Goldman Sachs and neoliberal banking elite and the private contractor military industrial complex. (Blackwater, DynCorp, etc)

When Henry Kissinger is a big supporter of Trump, you know he's a puppet or a plan B, "audible".

Dyncorp, dyncorp. Where have I heard that before?

Weren't they involved in some human trafficking stuff?

Wonder if they ever delivered to Mar a Lago?

Dyncorp? Maybe you heard about the dancing boys of Afghanistan.

I suspect you are right about the different factions. I think the Bush-DuPont-Rockefeller-Harriman, etc. faction are against Trump. They bet on Hillary instead.

He is just a mouth piece. It's not like there is enough going on in his head to be an outsider.

That's why he is doing all of this non-outskder stuff. The wealthy are just feeding him stuff to say.

Look at the EPA repeal shit going on. That is just done for rich folks to make more money by fucking up areas that are not rich communities.

My theory is that Trump is under intense pressure to be the mouthpiece the President is expected to be. When Trump submits, then the media will start singing his praises. Until then, the CIA will do all it can to make life miserable for him and to undermine his authority.

I wish Trump would come out and say exactly what is going on. I believe that most American people would support him to undermine the CIA. Whether you like Trump or not should not matter. The CIA and the establishment are the real enemy of the American people. The establishment are the trillionaires...

Didn't Trump pick the director of the CIA?

Capitalism is the disease.

False. Central control of money through central and fractional reserve banking are the disease. The cure is to have free market based money systems. Markets can then satisfy demands of people worldwide with money that retains its value. Examples are precious metals and Bitcoin or other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies.

I believe in the separation of money and state in the same way I believe in the separation of church and state. Then we won't have massive wealth continuously siphoned off of us.

Regarding your statement about capitalism, I think there is nothing wrong with private individuals running businesses to satisfy people's needs.

When speaking of a free market, what examples do you have that this is the best mechanism?

AFAIK there is no such thing as a free market in the world. Might as well be talking about unicorns and leprechauns

Free markets cannot exist. The capitalist class would never allow them. The capitalist class requires state intervention on their behalf and the protective measures of the nanny state to protect their oligarchic control and consolidation of capital.

What actually is a free market?

"An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses."

So let's focus on "unrestricted." What does that mean exactly?

Is it an absolute? No restrictions at all?

No. Communities of people can still decide boundaries of behavior for private economic actors. For example, it might be decided to limit pollution emissions. This would be enforced upon actors in that locale. I believe the "unrestricted" here means fair competition among private actors where some actors are not advantaged by regulatory bureaucracy or by being a monopoly.

So in a free market communities are based on location?

Do communities have other limits? Are they limited to a certain number of members?

No, communities are not limited to location, nor are they limited to a certain number of members. Communities are comprised of individuals acting on a voluntary basis. Communities may have rules that members must abide by.

I agree.

So then the drive for the states to decide is just a tactic to stop specific regulations from going through.

The push toward that, in all instances, ignores the fact that communities are for the most part larger than a state or county today.

Such as the LGBTQ community. It's obviously bigger than a county.

I think there's more to a free market existing than "not being allowed".

It's impractical.

Drugs on online darknets tend to be high quality and cheap because vendors face stiff competition and user reviews. This is a free market in action.

You're saying a pay to play market filled with scams and a regulating body that works with escrow is a free market?

I think you may be confused as to what a free market is.

What is a free market then?

Wikipedia describes it as "The free market is a summary description of all voluntary exchanges that take place in a given economic environment. Free markets are characterized by a spontaneous and decentralized order of arrangements through which individuals make economic decisions."

In this case all exchanges are voluntary, decentralized, and spontaneous and individuals are making economic decisions. I'd say that qualifies, wouldn't you?

Keyword is "decentralized"

Calling Bannon a theocratic fascist is delusional.

Isn't silencing the media and attacking those who question authority kind of fascist?

It is the first step according to Goebbels.

I was referring more to Pence and Devos ilk.

He said he wants to go to a prev WWII economy...

In what demented view is the pre-WW2 American economy fascist?
How would ending fiat-money necessarily mean a fascist state?

Do you know what fascism is?
It's an authoritarian centralized government that nationalizes industries deem critical for the state to function and uses violence to suppress dissent. Mussolini used nationalism to whip up support for his fascist state but the tool used to delude the public is not important to the cause.

In the US the DNC uses Cultural Marxism to create a fervent base and they want centralized government control. Not merely of our country but of all countries. The post-modern Democrats are the most fascist party in American history.

Facism is what Prescott Bush and the other wealthy men were fighting for in the 30s.

It's what they spent their time and money on.

Then, after inventing the CIA (Prescott and Dulles), it is what they continued to fight for through Operation Paperclip.

It's why we have this Hydra-like alt right coming back. It's been rising just under the surface.

This "alt right" wants the destruction of the deep state and more aligned with libertarianism than conservatism.

Just like a car salesman wants to give me the best deal.

The alt-right is the fruition of this work. The work of the Hydra-like entity is getting to the point where they have a man running the president.

Trump has been worked very hard by these forces. They stayed quiet after the war, but they succeeded in both the US and Russia.

How about we wait and see how things turn out.

Sucker! He wants to steal as much as he can before he is tossed out of office. He does not five AF about you or any other working person.

We will see.

The Cabal is in control. Do you know who they are?

This is all true. OP's a fag.

He is connected through Mar a Lago, the safest place in the US for politicians to pedo to their heart's delight.

Then why was Jeffrey Epstein banned from there?

He got caught.

Love the ones who oppress you


Pig on a farm: It's not that bad. They feed you, let you go for walks, and every now and then they make you bacon

I think the idea is to not feed on the negativity. If send them love to heal their evil souls it might just help them which helps us.

The house divided cannot stand.

Love takes different forms and I think there are forms suitable for our enemies, including pity and compassion.

Yin AND Yang. Hatred is a natural emotion too just as much as love is. Hatred should be directed at those who deserve it based on their decisions that negatively affect other people, not on things that are beyond their control.

It used to be Love your Nation, disregard/cooperate with everyone else.

"Us vs them" is literally humans in a nutshell, its this "us vs them" mentality what got us so far and made humans highly competitive in the first place. We constantly try to one-up each other and that leads to greatness.

I think atom bombs were the greatest mistake ever made, humantiy has kind of entered slow-down mode. Progress is slow, no one takes risks, world goes by slowly, everyone scared.

No one builds gargantuan over-engineered tanks anymore.

Are you kidding? We have seen more technological advancement per capita since the invention of nuclear weapons than at any point in human history. We don't build gargantuan over engineered tanks any more because we can build a swarm of precisely engineered, self controlled flying robots for the same amount of resources.

But that's just military. In every other part off technology, we have seen such dramatic advancement that it's almost impossible to stay up to date with new breakthroughs. Hell, we are communicating via devices which outperform their 1940s sci-fi equivalents by a dramatic margin.

In what ways were we progressing faster in the pre-atomic era? Culturally, I could see it. But technologically?

Slow-down mode? We went from the Wright Brothers to the Moon in a century and made the Concorde obsolete with our huge advances in telecommunications. The thing we still call a "phone" can perform so many amazing tasks we couldn't dream of twenty years ago. If anything, technology is accelerating. Bio-engineering, medicine, computing, material science - all booming.

Sooo love Trump? How about Podesta?

Podesta loves everybody, regardless of things like age, sex, law, etc.

Podesta would have to come clean. All of them would.


This is dumb. Tribalism and ethnic interest will never allow the world you want to exist. Love won't fix anything it's masturbation and not helpful to anything pertaining to the real world.

I love you

I know


BULLSHIT. "Graffiti should be everywhere"???

You mean SAVAGE prehistoric cave paintings crap and other hate-filled survival level shit as sprayed by the "refugees" in Paris. FUCK YOU.

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

― William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

Wow... this is profound statement. Thank you.

What's wrong w anti trump mission? Is that not allowed in this sub?

OP claims ppl don't understand politics and then provide a simplistic childish view of politics

Right? So sick of this simplistic way of looking at it. "hey everyone! fuck off you're all idiots." In what way is that going to convince anyone of anything? It's just going to get rah rah responses from the same simple people who think everything is black or white.

Politics is a soap opera for adults. Not a single person needs any politician to hold our hand through this journey. We have inexplicably handed over our free will to these people. We have inexplicably accepted a government of hierarchy that is nothing close to 'for the people'. We have inexplicably allowed the bar to be this low. It is time we reject our government and these false idol politicians. To accept this reality, to accept our government and these politicians, is to continue to hand over your free will. Simple or not, many of us are done.

There's aspects of truth in your statement, but you're throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

It seems to me that you equate government with authority, but that's really only as true as you allow it to be. I agree that any authority outside of yourself is to be questioned at all times and rejected if it aims to subjugate you or your loved ones. But to claim that government has no use and needs to be rejected strikes me as a pretty naive suggestion.

How would you go about building and maintaining critical infrastructure? Who is to pay for it and how would the bill be divided amongst the population? Who is to have the power to investigate, prosecute and jail harmful criminals? Who is keeping you from exerting your free will anyway?

Of course, I'm not saying "Don't worry, everything's fine, nothing to see here!", not by a long-shot. Current governments around the world are corrupt beyond compare and will need to be broken, but my point is, we will still need to rebuild them if we want to prosper. The point is, we will have to ensure full transparency and a circular system of oversight to avoid falling into the same traps of authority, corruption, and oppression that we have found ourselves in.

Government has its place in society as an organizing and resource allocating tool, but it's currently gone way out of hand and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up with vastly fewer oppressive powers.

That's my view at least. May well be that you're right after all.

Exactly. No government is better than this government. But a good government is better still.

Worthless, ad hominem post. "Op is dumb!"

Have a downvote, and try harder next time.

Not to mention OPs post history, redditor for 2 months 10k karma and its nothing but anti Trump spam...


Not to mention OPs post history, redditor for 2 months 10k karma and its nothing but anti Trump spam...


He also says this.

Trump is a fucking baby who doesn't know how to handle the presidency LOL

Literally only posts anti-Trump spam, all day every day. Pretty clear it is his job. He is for sure ShareBlue.

Look how many posts hes gotten to the front page of this sub! WTF! Each one is anti Trump spam and somehow makes the front page everytime! Seems to me they have a bot driving this accounts posts to the front page at wich point they get down voted to hell but somehow still stay on the front page. Im guessing we got bots shills and even mods who are in on it.

shut up

Jesus of Nazareth wanted us divided. He said at Luke 12:51:

"Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."

Not politically divided though. He wanted to separate the wheat from the tares, which is allegory for Christian religious belief vs everyone else.

Jesus wasn't a Christian, so the Christian interpretation of what he meant had to have come much later. Jesus was a Galilean, and it is believed that he belonged to a sect known as the Essenes. Jesus' issue was "rich vs. poor", and he also condemned the abuse of religious authority over the poor Jews.

Besides, history has shown that religious wars have been the bloodiest, and Christians have slaughtered billions.

"Christians have slaughtered billions"


The revolution won't happen in the streets. It won't happen on Capitol Hill. It won't be fought with guns or airplanes.

It will happen in the workplace. It will happen at board meetings. It will happen with your dollars. The enslaving oligarchy can only be destroyed from within its own framework. Don't think your vote matters. 2016 has shown us exactly how important your vote is. Twice. Your power is in your wallet.

The Federal Reserve is in your wallet

Samuel L. Jackson, your question has been answered.

It'll happen in the halls of the think tanks, the elite colleges, the masonic lodges, and the intelligence agencies. They run everything.

The corporations run everything, not the educators.

That's a ridiculously narrow view of the world.

Where do CEOs go to school? What secret societies are they often involved in? How do they shape policy (i.e. Business Roundtable).

They go to the same schools that you and I go to. And I wouldn't know what secret societies they belong to; they ARE secret, after all!

No, corporate CEOs do not get to be there by meritocracy. They are groomed, just like the rest of the elites.

No, corporate CEOs do not get to be there by meritocracy. They are groomed, just like the rest of the elites.

Are you saying there are secret grooming schools that aren't available to regular folks like you and me?

Yeah, like Harvard, Yale, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, elite masonic organizations, etc.

er, you know you can just go to wikipedia and see that Steve Mnuchin, for example, is a member of Yale's Skull and Bones, right?

It's not that secret. They just count on people to be uninformed and/or let "debunkers" like snopes tell them that everything is a coincidence

fake news

This is simply not true. The way it really works now is Globalist vs Nationalist and that's not the ruse that Dem vs Repub has been. It's legitimate and not matrix-ey. It requires you to pay attention instead of spitting platitudes on Reddit though. The "illuminati" and "shadow government" and all of that is finally being exposed and most of us are being vindicated after 20, 30, 50 years of being "conspiracy nuts."


For anybody still confused about the Trump phenomenon, it's this.

The cabal is fractured and fighting over whether to sacrifice the empire to save the USA or sacrifice the USA for the empire.

The anti-globalists are on the payroll of the globalists. Steve Bannon is a member of the Council for National Policy, which is funded by corporate money, like the Coors family, Koch brothers, even Rotschild money funneled through some intermediates:

Bannon is a member of a group that supports McCain. There are multiple levels of the "left-right paradigm"

Democrat vs. Republican
Libertarian vs. Statist
Globalist vs. Anti-globalist

Basically every single person you've ever heard of is on someone's payroll. Even right wing militias, radical left-wing rioters, etc.

the highest levels of the elite (Rothschilds) play both sides of the fence so regardless the outcome they are on the winning team

Didn't the Koch brothers oppose Trump & support Hillary?

Yep. They also fund "conservative" Christian groups, as well as libertarian groups, Christian Dominionists, etc.

All controlled opposition at the top levels.

Yes, and when shitty Republicans are backing the know they're worried their free reign of fucking America over may be in peril.

They were also anti Obama and pro Teaparty republicans, aka the crazy evangelicals.

Publicly, they did.

Yup rothschilds own money. While soros is trying to control ideology

Wait what? The Kochs think the US should be a Christian nation and biasedly support any litigation that strengthens this draconian 1920s idealism.

Steve Bannon went to the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, which trains diplomats, which is cover for CIA...

I sense that Bannon is a rat. I don't want him near the White House.

Do you have a source for this? I am genuinely curious as to how you came to that conclusion.

Who is The Cabal?

Who is The Cabal?

This is a good place to start. It does a great job of explaining who is in charge:

Well, its not a single source, its more of a trend that I've watch develop over the past recent years.

If you're interested, check out the top few posts over at /r/greenlight, it might explain some more.

The Cabal is the Illuminati, NWO, Mr Global, the Globalists, or whatever name you want to put on the conglomerate of sick evil fucks who are steering humanity's destiny from the shadows.

I will look at greenlight. I am not aware of it.

Have you heard of Daniel P. Sheehan:

Oh yeah, I think I've seen one of his presentations awhile back. Need to check it, thanks!

Also, holy flipping flow chart batman!

It takes a while to process the flowchart. Once you understand it, though, the world will look much different.

Yes, you know they're doing anything they can to discredit Trump and his team when they're trying to tear apart Devos for praising historically black universities. The fact they literally scream that Trump is Hitler makes me think he truly is not in their team and they're doing all they can to get him out of there so they can get one of their own.

Totally. I think the powers behind Trump are from the same groups of what we'd call the Illuminati or whatevs, but they've broken off and are fighting their former partners.

Neither will happen. Trump seems very pliable. They are going to place people into positions of influence in the White House and control from there.

The way it really works now is Globalist vs Nationalist

You realize the bad guys win either way with this setup?

Don't think there is anything intrinsically wrong with thinking your country is the best country. Nationalism can exist independent of racism and xenophobia despite buzzfeed telling you they are interdependent because 70 years ago we had Nationalist Nazis in Europe. Just my .02.

Like, is Usian Bolt a nationalist?

Taking pride in your country is WRONG. You're a horrible person if you think that one country is better than another. All country's, all cultures, all ideologies, all religions, all people are equal in every single way shape and form and couldn't possibly be better than one another. You're a bigot if you think that one location is better than another.

Get with the times. We're supposed to hate our country because we are now a global society. Ideas like "countries" should be left behind in the 20th century where it belongs.

Can you take pride in your car and have opinions that it's the best car and prefer it over other cars? What does that make you?

You can have a positive without forcing a negative. That's a trick. A pen can write better than another pen, that's reality. A nation can take care of it's own people and the people of other nations better than another can. You can take pride in that without it meaning you think less of another nation. "Proudness" is not a zero sum game. What if you're proud of all nations? There's none left to take the negative label.

You think it's wrong. We all have our opinions.

Taking pride in your country is WRONG.

Fuck that. America is awesome. It's just our government that sucks.

People are so stupid you had to add /s. kill me

Don't think there is anything intrinsically wrong with thinking your country is the best country.

Trump doesn't believe that. His people are all on the payroll of British "globalists." Look into the Council for National Policy.

nationalism in context with globalism is not a synonym for patriotism. it is an economic philosophy. the nationalism you're thinking about is political/identity nationalism. economi nationalusm is not inherently racist, but political nationalism is.

you can absolutely be a nationalist without being a racist, it just depends on the type you are. political nationalism is actually pushed and propagandized for very hard in this country, but the pushers--the govt, the schools, the sports teams, the MSM etc--purposefully refuse to call it what it is.

the 99% is almost always nationalistic economically, even if they shy away from the word because it has been conflated with racist based anti-immigration sentiments since the 1880s.

nationalist economic policy benefits workers and smaller businesses that cannot compete with large ones in terms of global rescource pricing and wages. it hurts large global businesses that rely on selling things made on the cheap abroad for larger profits back home, because it internalizes the externality of their offshoring through tariffs etc.

the history and conotation of nationalism has been interwined with populism and immigration, and highly propagandized in the motherland of global capitalism that is our country in order to kill it:

1860-1870--the west closes. all the land is now somebodies, if you don't have any, you aren't likely to get any now. unions and workers start making head way in their fights against their employers

1873--the panic of 1873 occurs, causing a global depression that lasts until 1879 (this was the great depression until the 1930s great depression changed it to the long depression).

1880-1890--native workers demand better conditions. a new flood of poor, unskilled europeans show up, filling every job left "open" by strikers. native born workers begin to hate them for being scabs. all gains made by workers in the previous decades are lost.

propaganda extolling america's open borders policy and its open arms policy of welcoming of immigrants begins being seen for the 1st time, capped off with the statute of liberty in 1886.

european nations use america's open border policy at this time to "solve" their over populated, poor people problem.

most immigrants are actively recruited by US steel, glass, and coal companies, who used them to "solve" their union, strikes, and "high" wages problem.

1893--the panic of 1893 occurs, depression lasts until 1897.

booker t. washington, a black man, pleads for the borders to be closed because cheap white unskilled FOB immigrants are taking the only jobs open to blacks, relegating them to lay about ne'er do wells.

the populist party is founded to take the country back from the robber barron capitalists and close the borders to protect native workers and their power to organize effectively against their employers for better wages, hours, and working conditions. the official name of the populist party is the people's party.

1890-1900--populist party begins having limited success with getting the govt to close the borders.

the infamous chinese exclusion act gets passed to bar cheap, unskilled chinese immigrants, forever equating anti-immigration and populism with racism. the chinese exclusion act will be used as cudgel against all those calling for restricted imigration in the name of native workers from now on.

1921--the 3% quota immigration act passed limiting european immigration. millions of europeans wanted to immigrate in the aftermath of WW1. the policy has been condemned ever since as being racist and unfair to eastern europeans.

1924--statute of liberty raised from just NYC statue, to a national monument. as FDR said, "there are no coincidences in politics."

1933--populism is rebranded by foes as political nationalism, linking it to the nazis and the facists. in the US political nationalism was and is an oxymoron.

political nationalism began in the late 1800s in europe as a movement by various ethnic/lingual minorities in countries throughout europe, but mostly eastern europe, to get their own countries based on their ethnic idenity. political nationalism is inherently racist and bigotted, by the very minorities demanding it as much as by the ethnic majorities inspiring them.

populists were pro-worker/pro-farmer economic nationalists. they were also fierce advocates for democracry and fierce foes of ploitical/govt corruption. they had absolutely no interest in creating little sub-nations for every ethinic group in the US (which even in the late 1800s included just about every group in the world).

the facists in the US in the 1930s were literally all east coast WASP blue bloods like prescott bush. that's some powerful propaganda reality shifting right there. even the racist, political/identity nationalistic screeds were almost all written by ivy leaguers and in evrey case arguing for the supremacy of the anglo-saxon. the populists and working class were low anglo-saxon members.

immigration takes a back seat from the 1930s to 1946, then the drum beat for open immigration policy starts peeking up, but from 1945-1970 unions are too strong. even migrant workers under cesar chavez effectively unionize.

1970-1980--the neocon and neoliberal globalists start having greater and greater successes against unions, and a new statue of liberty imigration propaganda push kicks off again right in step with the 3rd way DLC democrat identity politics coup, which killed economics as the issue of the left, and replaced it with bourgeois identity sympathizing.

1980--reagan wins in a landslide (the dems had lost labor to reagan, because blue color workers didn't have the upper middle class luxury of making sure everyone received the dignity and respect they deserved. but joke was on them, reagan fucked them over in the end).

1980-1990--unions are in full retreat, rust belt keeps rusting. amnesty for current undocumented peoples already living here through the immigration act of 1986, which focused a large part on cracking down on those employing undocumented workers.

the bill was attacked for discriminating against hispanics because potentially employers might refuse to hire any of them for fear they were illegal, so the fear of racism and discrimination was used to try to kill a bill that would help all workers, native and undocumented, by combatting the black labor market directly.

1990-2000--the NAFTA-WTO-GATTS-401k bataan death march of labor. all criticism labeled evil, naive nationalism. ross perot gets 19% on an anti-NAFTA 3rd party bid. is labeled a kook.

2000 to present--H1B visas, perenial talk about "immigration reform" that convenietly never does anything to help anyone on anyside, except businesses which employ black market labor.

dem party no longer even remembers the economic populism and nationalistic economics it was founded on. it is only concerned with identity politics now to the most absurd and granular degree. criticising black market labor gets one automatically branded a racist, with no discussion. no nuance is allowed (this worse now since the trump hysteria took hold). t.

he MSM pushes this meme relentlessly, silencing labor on this issue and shaming everyone who does not want to be labeled a racist into silence. unfortuanately, the ones who do speak out tend to be the actual racists, having no shame to silence. this is used as proof that economic nationalism is racist, neo-nazi facism.

you'll notice political/identity based nationalism in the US is never actually denounced. it's encouraged, even mandated--we are one the most flag waving, military cheering, pledge saying, war waging countries in the history of the earth. in fact, identity politicas is just a form of political nationalism writ small, saying that every possible affinity group, no matter how small, deserves its own "country" within our country. a house divided and all that be damned. or rather a house divided be easily manipulated.

what isn't allowed is economic nationalism, which is and always has been primarily an issue of economic survival, for both individuals and non-global businesses, and arguing this will get you labeled a racist and a nazi and a facist, by all who are not at least a few streets over from the actual racists etc

there is no label for political nationalism, because they pretend they are the same thing, and pretend that there is nothing to see when true political nationalism rears its head.

why? because economic nationalism empowers people and cuts into globalist profits, whereas political nationalism makes people proud of their economic oppression, and unsympathetic to all the other folk beyond their border that their country is fucking up the as twice as hard.

it's very effective. most dem identity politic disciples don't care about black and brown people outside of the contiguous US. this is true of most bernie supporters as well--look how they went ape shit when it was pointed out that bernie has never opposed war on an humanitarian basis as poi ted out by people like chris hedges and amaju barraka.

that's globalism at work, because globalist economies cannot exist in counties nationalistic economies.

Exactly this.

If I had to choose between Globalism vs. Nationalism, I think it's safe to say Globalism is far better for mankind in the long run...right? Nationalism (like religion) is just a tool used by those in power in order to divide us and spread fear. It's a propaganda tool to wage wars and actually convince average citizens they have a duty to kill other people in order to "defend our country".

Globalism is scary when power is over-concentrated towards those at the very top, and they have no interest in lifting EVERYONE up as much as possible. But globalism should be the ultimate goal of mankind once we learn how to eradicate inequality and extreme class divide. Nationalism needs to go at some point.

Hehe, you said duty... 😏

I disagree. Nationalism says "Take care of yourself first, and THEN the Globe." If everyone takes care of themselves then the entire globe is taken care of, and then we start to share and lift each other up.

Globalism on the other hand is world-wide socialism, by force, not by choice. And that's only the surface level talk, the real motive is elite power.

You're assuming everyone wants to be a participant to take care of their part. There are plenty of places, local and abroad that have complete disregard for what's around them.

Well we're seeing those same "elites" exploiting the system of capitalism to become more powerful than ever. Wealth is concentrated towards those at the very top fraction of 1%. And that's even more dangerous, imo, than a "world-wide socialism by force". I'm not in favor of extreme capitalism OR extreme an ideal world they might both work in different ways, but unfortunately they've proven to be terribly flawed systems when mixed with human weaknesses like greed and corruption.

But we've also seen the negative consequences of extreme nationalism lead to MANY wars around the world throughout human history, especially the most recent world wars of the last century. If we don't solve the issue of nationalism soon, we may soon see another world war...and with modern weapons/technology, there's no telling what the end result of THAT world war would be.

I don't believe Nationalism inherently has any THEN

Exactly. There is little empathy in the nationalist until suddenly they are met with similar circumstances.

In an ideal world (utopia) you are correct. The problem is Globalism isnt being spread for the betterment of man kind

IMHO there is a third 'faction' at play which most don't think about - The Decentralization movement fueled by the Internet and the technologies it enables. So called 'globalists' seek to control the world under one central system with them on top with obscene amounts of power and wealth. Through technology and the Internet, 'decentralists' can counter this by building systems that remove central points of power & influence and free/redistribute wealth from the old guard. This already started with the early days of the Internet, the rise of P2P filesharing networks and Bittorrent, and the rise of social media. We are now going into the next stage with wide spread use of cryptography (i.e encryption) and the rise of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. If cryptocurrencies succeed, the global financial system will be flipped on its head and we will see the greatest transfer of wealth in human history... After that, the only thing left will be to combine it all to create truly decentralized governance, likely ending the entire concept of 'nations' and resulting in a real "new world order" - but one that no one entity or group controls. We have the technology, we just have to put it into practice.

globalism refers to economic policy, not international kumbaya-ing. it is as much a propaganda tool as any other moniker, esp because it sounds noble.

globalism has caused more irrereprable harm than any thing else in history--hitler's "nationalism" was just like stalin's, just like mao's, obsessed with killing his own people. people seem to forget that the greatest evil germans did was to other germans.

there are no nationalistic arguments underpinning our bombing of 7 (or is it 8?) countries, the appeal is made directly to globalism. the iraq war was based on a lie, but on a lie about the potential threat it posed the world, not us specifically.

identity based nationalism is disruptive, but having a nationality is not what predisposes one to lack empathy for people in other countries. competition is. competition caused by globalist economics pitting the world against itself financially in a race to the bottom. you'll work for $1 a day? I'll work for 50 cents.

global capitalism turns the into thunder dome.

when another country has a terrible natural disaster, the whole world, ordinary people too, care and try help. we already have the empathy. we're just beat down and desperate and kept freaked out at home by horrific dog and pony shows like the "ooohhhh trump ahhhhh!" farce.

i'm anti-statist, but i'm no globalist.

globalism refers to economic policy, not international kumbaya-ing.

Definition of globalism: the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis. So it's actually related to BOTH economic policy AND foreign policy (aka "international kumbaya-ing").

And I think many of the issues that arise from globalism when viewed through the lens of modern economic policy is related to unchecked crony capitalism taken to the extremes that we've seen happen within the US. When we allow a concentration of wealth/power that is able to influence policy-making and legislation via political corruption, which then leads to increased concentration of wealth/power because those at the very top of no desire/intention to "spread the wealth around".

I'm not saying I have the answers to solve these issues, but I also don't think it's as simple as "globalism vs. nationalism" or "capitalism vs. socialism"...I think all of these systems may be wonderful in theory but eventually crumble when combined with human flaws. Perhaps there are some pros and cons to both nationalism AND globalism, as well as both capitalism AND socialism. We need to acknowledge the good AND the potentially bad aspects of each, and figure out what can be done to resolve them in a way that works best for overall majority of people rather than just those at the top 1%.

The anti-globalists are on the payroll of the globalists. Steve Bannon is a member of the Council for National Policy, which is funded by corporate money, like the Coors family, Koch brothers, even Rotschild money funneled through some intermediates:

Bannon is a member of a group that supports McCain. There are multiple levels of the "left-right paradigm"

  1. Democrat vs. Republican
  2. Libertarian vs. Statist
  3. Globalist vs. Anti-globalist

Basically every single person you've ever heard of is on someone's payroll. Even right wing militias, radical left-wing rioters, etc.

According to Anthony Sutton, the Capitalism vs Socialism/Communism debate is another divide and conquer tactic.

It's all set up by the British, who want all of the problems of both Capitalism and Socialism, and none of the benefits.

Basically every single person you've ever heard of is on someone's payroll.

Even Yakov Smirnoff, Seth Rogan and Sully Sullenberger?

And all you have to know to support that Trump IS and outsider and focused on up-ending the cabal is to see who is working against him--pretty much everyone in power. have much to learn my friend

You have much more to learn it seems.

Everyone who supports perpetual war and mass surveillance despises Trump. For now, after a month, that is good enough for me.

As soon as he got rid of Mike Flynn, it was obvious.

You're right, but in the future it's best if you give people some sources so they can be enlightened.

Basically everyone in Trump's administration is a freemason, Council on Foreign Relations, or Council on National policy stooge.

If that's so, then I think the Illuminati are dong a pretty good job. The world is the safest and most peaceful it's ever been. Not perfect, of course. Solid A-/B+.

Anyone who has been in the conspiracy game longer than this election knows that what you say is the truth.

Shills are trying to create a false equivalency based on a previous truism that was understood among us "both parties suck."

They're trying to now use that logic to turn us against Trump, but are forgetting that we all know republicans fought tooth and nail to keep Trump out.

It's globalists v. Nationalists, and the nationalists are winning!!!

Anyone who has been in the conspiracy game longer than this election knows that what you say is the truth.

So.. If I disagree with you, i'm either no true Scotsman or a shill? Sounds to me like you live in an echo chamber.

I wish I could find the asshole who "taught" redditors about logical fallacies and kick him in the dick, because if I have to see another regurgitating idiot who wrote the words "no true Scotsman" again I might off myself.

They're almost exclusively used completely out of context and just as a way to play gotcha and ignore the content of someone's words.

I've been into conspiracies for years, and I'm speaking to my experience that the majority of others like me, whose opinions I regularly come into contact with by virtue of being interested in these things, agree with the sentiment espoused by the original commenter.

If you've been in the game for years, and don't agree, then say so and see how I react, hell we could even have a discussion about it. But right now you're just baselessly speculating bullshit that I would say and being a snarky, nitpicking faggot.

You also totally ignored the rest of what I said and went straight to the attempt to discredit me.

If I'm being honest, you do seem pretty shilly.

This. The shills and mainstream media want us to hate Trump because they know it's their end.

No, Trump and Obama are definitely not on the same team bud. Bush and Obama sure, as evident by Bush's friendliness and public support for them.

Bush and Obama were closer, certainly. But the same people are paying Bannon that paid Bush and Obama.

Bannon isn't mentioned in either of those links? Regardless, finding an organization that two parties are loosely connected to does not prove those two parties are working together. Have you ever heard Bannon talk about his political philosophy at all? It's the exact opposite of someone like Bush or Obama.

Bannon isn't mentioned in either of those links?

Your syntax doesn't make sense here. This is a statement with a question mark on the end.

Did you even run a google search on "Steve Bannon Council for National Policy"? Or follow any of the links in the article? Try to put in a little effort to educate yourself here.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a blatant partisan attack dog organization whose main purpose is to attack conservatives. Example: Putting Ayaan Hirsi Ali on a anti-muslim extremist list with the kkk when she's herself is a muslim politician in the Netherlands who escaped Somalia and was a victim of FGM and rape.

The fucking PDF of the membership file is in there. Have a downvote for

  1. Utter intellectual laziness
  2. Refusing to consider anything outside of what you're told by your favorite sources and possibly
  3. Being intentionally misleading

Try much harder next time, you're contributing less than nothing.

The fucking PDF of the membership file is in there. Have a downvote for

And so what? What does that mean? Why does it prove Bannon is playing both sides?

And so what? What does that mean? Why does it prove Bannon is playing both sides?


Did you bother googling it? Did you try reading the wikipedia article? Did you read anything at all?

Bannon and Conway are both members of an organization that takes tons of corporate money. Literally you can link them to Rothschild money, the MOST globalist globalists in charge of globalism.

Mike Flynn was the only person in the whole administration who wasn't controlled opposition, and he's gone.

Bannon and Conway are both members of an organization that takes tons of corporate money.

Literally every politician and relatively successful business men are in a group that could be described as that. You have jack shit dude. Nothing at all of substance.

Literally every politician and relatively successful business man are in a group that could be described as that.

So, you see the whole system... and you realize it's not based on merit... and you know Bannon and Conway are in the system... yet you think they are "anti-globalists." When they take money from globalists.

Sorry man your premise is just plains stupid. You do business with people you don't align with philosophically all the time. Doesn't mean you adopt the views and goals of everyone you are fleetingly connected to financially.

Sorry man your premise is just plain stupid

You reject my argument (not a premise) because you don't like it. That doesn't make it stupid. That just makes you violently close-minded.

You do business with people you don't align with philosophically all the time.

Doing business =/= accepting handouts in exchange for political favor. I don't take billions of dollars from Rothschilds to set up intentionally deceptive religious organizations like the Christian Dominionists (who are NOT Christian at all, they are globalist fat cats).

Have yet another downvote for your refusal to look at evidence or think for yourself. Sit down, look at the evidence, and if you have an objection besides "that hurts my brain, you're dumb!" then come back with it.

Cognitive dissonance right here.

When intelligent people debate they make a claim then back it up with facts.

I hear this often (that Trump is on the same team as the establishment) but I've yet to hear a good argument to support it. Not saying he isn't, but if anyone has some good facts to back that up I'd be interested to see them.

They don't have one bc it's not true. Anyone who watches the Al Smith Charity dinner or merely recognize all the blowback Trump gets from the Republican establishment will see Trump isn't on the same side as the Clintons and Bushes.

Notice all these posts dont give any proof or actually adress a conspiracy? All they do is start another left vs. right argument and divide us more. Heres the real cobspiracy, check out OPs post history and tell me its not a bot or paid s*ill

I hope the green party and libertarians can kick ass in 2018... We will elect a third party in 2020 depending on their success in 2018.

-elect 3rd party pres

-controlled by the same people

it's not happening

Isn't there a secret war going on with the intelligence agencies?

Why are you asking? Read some facts and decide for yourself.

I fundamentally disagree. Obama and Trump are not representative of the same thing. They both have special interests pumped into them, but VERY DIFFERENT methods and outcomes.

The Mercer family, currently backing Trump, wants to create a Christian fiefdom society. Fucking bonkers people.

Vomit or shit, either way we want nothing to do with it

Eh its just different flavors of fascism

Capitalism is always fascism. No other political system can work with capitalism.

a Christian fiefdom society.

That's silly. Christianity has never had less power in America. There is literally zero chance of a "Christian fiefdom society."

So why the panic? Just an excuse to attack Christians?

The fact that some of the upper levels of our current government are Christian Dominionists.

The common person in America might not be that religious, but our leaders are completely devoted to their warped Christianity.

Nonsense. The upper levels of government are atheists that sometimes pander to religious people.

Mike Pence is an atheist?

Trump is not an atheist. He's a...what's the word for believing that you yourself are god? Delusional narcissistic moron?

Mike Pence is an atheist?

Or a Satanist.

And Stephen Bannon literally wants a Christian-based society.

He pretends that for his corporate donors at the Council for National Policy. I know a bunch of people in that organization, and almost all of them are phonies.

Stephen Bannon literally wants a Christian-based society.

America was founded by nominally Christian people and the majority of Americans are nominally Christian.

You are the one that has a problem - with America and Americans apparently.

America was founded by people fleeing religious persecution; a secular nation.

If you have a problem with a separation of church and state then...

You are the one that has a problem - with America and Americans apparently.

That's an interesting non-sequitur there.

You have no idea what America was founded on if you're spouting this off.

You start out fine but end delusionally; there is nothing wrong with religion, but the Constitution has separation of church and state. Undo that and you undo America.

Congrats on knowing the First Amendment - yet another reason why the Democrat fear-mongering is bullshit.

Bannon didn't say anything about repealing the first amendment now did he? So it's yet more fear mongering by the Democrats - one of the reasons they have lost all three branches of government and most state governments.

What do you think about this? Please tell me how this is not worrying. Please explain on a high level advisor to the president saying this is not worrying, I'm waiting.

It's not worrying and he is clearly talking about church policy and culture, not US government policy.

You are no different than the conservatives making up wild accusations about Obama pushing Sharia Law.

Conservatives hates Muslims and Liberals hate Christians.

Liberals don't hate Christians, I just don't want our country making religiously based decisions.

But why am I trying to have a civil conversation on r/conspiracy, that's the REAL conspiracy?

Yeah, that's the Council for National Policy.

but our leaders are completely devoted to their warped Christianity.

No, it's more sinister. The corporate powers CREATED Dominionism as a control mechanism. Follow the money through the Council for National Policy, which funds all of these crazy groups, but gets tons of corporate money.

"Dominionism" is a boogey man for the left just like "sharia law coming to America" is for the right.

The left hates Christians, the right hates Muslims.

The chances of either "dominionism" or "sharia law" being established in America is precisely 0% - and you are well aware of that.

Stop the hateful fearmongering.

Oh, you're back to continue wilfully lying about what other posters are saying? This is almost a cut-and-paste for what you said earlier.

Have a downvote for contributing nothing, and intentionally lying about what is being said. At a certain point, this kind of intentional deceit will rise to the level of violating the rules as harassment.

It's amusing to read you projecting your dishonestly and fear mongering onto other people.

That is why the Democrats have lost everything and the Republicans now run the entire government, federal and most states.

Because of people like you. The professional Democrats - the ones that know how to win elections - have been BEGGING people like you to stop making the party look so bad.

But people like you are doubling down.

Trump and the Republican party thank you for your support.

That's silly. Christianity has never had less power in America

Not what the post said, and you know it.

There is literally zero chance of a "Christian fiefdom society."

Also deliberately misrepresenting the post.

So why the panic? Just an excuse to attack Christians?

And more lies.

Have a downvote, stop lying about what people are saying (that makes you a liar), and come back when you are ready to engage in productive discussion.

You're lying. I quoted the post - it's right there in black and white. Why are you lying?

I see you. You're not good at this. This sub is too smart for stupid misdirection.

Have another downvote.

Your ridiculous attempt at fear mongering against the majority of Americans isn't working.

That is why the Republicans have the Presidency, both houses of Congress, they are about to have the Supreme Court, and all they need is one more state legislature to be able to call a Constitutional Convention without a single Democrat vote.

You know why? People like you.

As Hillary Clinton said, "fake news has consequences."

Truth. Anyone arguing over these false idols is fast asleep

using multiple f bombs dose not help you. I do believe trump wants to help Americans from being raped by the NWO.

You're wrong. Trump needs to surround himself with insiders or he will be killed. He can't just destroy the globalists from the start. He's a smart man. I can't tell if you're just shilling or actually believe Trump is the same as bush and McCain. Sure doesn't seem like they are fans of him. Putin/Trump fight globalism. Really not sure what planet you are living on if you think Trump is the same as obama. Literally TOP KEK.

and once you are surrounded by insiders, you are literally an insider

I see your argument but I don't agree when it comes to Trump. Who know, I could be wrong...but I'm giving it a year before I cast final judgement.

Fair enough. I felt the same way about Obama. I think it took me about a year to come to terms with the fact that there would be no change, only hope.

chew soap

Obama was a puppet from the start. 2 years in congress and his only experience was a community organizer and being half black. Pretty obvious anyone duped by him didn't look hard enough. I know trumps flaws and some of his shady shit, but I do see logical explanations for them. For instance, he used the bankruptcy laws like any smart businessman would do. He's also a 9/11 truther and basically an anti vaxxer. Those are two huge reasons I think he's not controlled.

well I guess a lot of people were duped by him. Most of those people see right through Trump. That he is a slime ball is PRETTY OBVIOUS. Who cares if he is "controlled "or nt. He is going to enrich himself at the peril of the country.

I was with you until he got rid of Flynn. Either he's on their side voluntarily, or he is acting this way because there's a gun to his head.

Username checks out.

It's funny because russian321's username is very applicable to their comment.

That's what was originally implied.

Ooo yea not to mention a post history with nothing but anti Trump spam

I think the jury is still out on Trump. The fact that MSM goes out of its way to vilify him is very telling.

Bravo, OP.

There is no left or right.

There is only them and us.

And THEY will always work against us.

Yet we always seem to support them.

George warned us:"But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They needed only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it? And yet -----!"

Look into the Council for National Policy. They're the equivalent of the Council on Foreign Relations, only you've never heard of them:

Bannon and Conway are members, along with a bunch of batshit fake Christians.

That's fine and all, but I want to be able to say that Hillary is a criminal who should be brought to justice without being called a Trump supporter (which I am NOT as a POC female from the SF Bay Area). I'm not going to stop talking about Hillary, especially as her actions were the indirect cause of this Trump presidency.

I agree with you

But I thought Trump was different? Anti globalist or some jazz

It couldn't be more obvious that trump is a complete outsider, definitely not on the same team.

We've all been duped

No they are not, there are countless fiefdoms that are battling for control of this country.

Oh my god you guys are such losers it's unreal

Go check out T_D and you'll a lot more

Don't poke my illusions. This baked pug tastes just like barbecue ribs.

Wake up sheeple I mean come on it's 2017!

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck

Trump is definitely not on the same team as Obama, Bush, Clintons etc

You can see this by how hard the media and everybody is going after Trump

Funny how fast this Sub turns on Trump all because of Weed. Losers

Honestly, unless I find he is pushing against weed with laws I still don't believe he cares. Most of his stupid decisions in his cabinet and his policy are going to be to cater to the Republicans IMO.

Trump, Obama are both conman who tricked their fellow party members into thinking there would be change.

I'm preeeeeeety sure we are seeing the beginning of big changes right now under President Trump.

You are an odd fellow to judge Trump so negatively off of one single month

Obama didn't want us divided. And I don't think trump does either. Americans just can't get along and think they are in two separate groups. And far as this being the matrix, think what you want but you only get one life.

Does anyone else find OPs post history suspect af? Its like he lives on r/conspiracy but everyone of his post is only about Trump and what little he posts in other subs like r/trees out of all places is more Trump spam. Strange also that in 2 months of being on reddit that OP has gotten almost 10k karma just bashing Trump.

And all his posts on this sub get far more comments than the normal posts here. Definitely some type of coordinated shill business going on here.

Look at top comment from u/TheKellyConway (7 day old account). A long, vague message preaching about blind New Age love and peace. Most upvoted in thread yet few children comments (which isn't shady in and of itself, necessarily). I've seen similar messages in other threads on here as top comment (will keep eyes open for more for future reference). Their post history says they're a Trump supporter, yet they're beginning to show regret for supporting him. Also they mention weed a lot (even by my daily-toking standards), which ties into what u/sether22 was saying. Suspicious to say the least.

Of course, I could be wrong. u/TheKellyConway, if I am, I apologize. But yeah. Seems sketch.

My guess? Share Blue/shills are creating profiles specifically for this sub in order to perpetuate the sterotype that we're all Trump-supporting tinfoil hat lunatics here, while simultaneously pushing the anti-Trump rhetoric.

All I know is that we're watching the biggest show of all time, and backstage TPTB are laughing at us for believing it.

I entertain that thought sometimes. What are you hypotheses?

/r/conspiracy is under coordinated attack by ShareBlue and the management in general.

This place is supposed to be a fringe sub full of UFOs and nonsense. Instead, it is one of the only free thinking places left on reddit.

So it has to be brought under control. is a Democratic party site, and /r/conspiracy was not getting with the program.

So expect from now on Democratic party spam to be on the front page every day, with lots of comments, plenty of shills, and plenty of upvotes. is NOT a free speech platform. It is an advertising and marketing platform.

Anything that disagrees with you is SHILL, or anti-Trump! Don't be so naïve

Touched a nerve, eh?

Odd, I see it as the exact opposite at this point. Sure I can see a little bit of what you mention but it seemed to appear more and more frequently as opposition to the huge influx of the_donald members.

The same stories are rehashed with no new evidence day after day. Stories about busts on prostitution stings are making the front page with titles implying that they are huge pedophilia busts related to pizzagate. Every day something negative comes out about Trump in the media, the front page is lined with stories deflecting from the news of that day. I think you are way off base here.

You forget to mention I also bash Obama, Bush, and Clinton

2 months of being on reddit that OP has gotten almost 10k karma just bashing Trump.

Amazing isn't it?

I keep on being told that /r/conspiracy is nothing but pro-Trump - but bashing Trump is the quickest way to get karma here.

I'm really surprised no one else sees this is the obvious truth. While there are liberal/ Republican differences that is all just part of the show to hide what's going on in front of everyone's eyes.

Every president has continued the war they started in the middle east and has highly supported isreal in these efforts. Obama said he would bring the troops home and instead continued the war picking up where bush left off, now trump is just picking up where Obama left off. Tons of actions trump plans to do are possible because of laws Obama passed.

Thanks for being awake and commenting.. too many people still have the wool over their eyes. Even in this sub, a place in which ignorance would not exist

Il also throw in the point that on the 1980s when Trump's casinos were having troubles the Rothschilds bailed him out. In the late 80s he then announced his interest in running for president and technically started his first presidential campaign in 2000.

It's pretty clear they have planned to have him become president for a long time now.

Additionally wikileaks reveled emails of Hillary having dealings with the Rothschilds as well. Playing both sides like always!

You need to learn some history, son.

I have, and we are repeating it

Actual history i mean. Bush and Trump have nothing to do with eachother. If you want to understand a little bit more about this stuff, you can watch "The Untold History of the United States".

Yes, we know. They divide us with wedge issues, and fundamental just wish to continue war and globalism to make money. Nothing new.

Refusing to consider anything outside of yourself is to be alive.

No they are not the same team. They are from competing tribes of the World Order. Life is more nuanced and strange than right wingers in this movement want it to be.

There are competing factions of the world order and Alex Jones helped one take the white house.

And the worst part about it, is not necessarily because Jones is some paid agent, but rather his biased over emotional partisanship helped make him a stooge of the World Order.

then just kill yourself, remember god in heaven is against you too, he conspired with the devil against you, and remember the aliens too and shit

Yeah I snapped out of it a couple of weeks ago, nothing has changed.

I'd agree with this for any other Republican, but not with Trump. If Trump is lying and all the elites hating on him is just a con-game, it's a damn good show.

It is a good damn show. The best show ever.. And we've all been duped. SJWs and neocons, liberals and conservatives have all been duped.

I feel like the upper elite in the their weird eyes wide shut shit cannot be tolerated.

You know, this is absolutely not true. They fight and scratch like cats and dogs. They thwart each other at every turn. It's true corporations and lobbyists have the real power, but that does not mean all these people are on the same side. The epic democratic smear campaign through the msm to destroy trump is proof enough.

That's what they want you to think and we've all been duped

No, it's not. It's reality. This is a far, far oversimplification of what's going on.

Obama and Trump are on the same team? LOL

It's all a show and we're not invited to see backstage

Normally you would be correct (Clinton, Bush, Obama etc).

Have you been paying attention? Trump is not on the same team as Obama and the establishment. It couldn't be more clear.

Fucking fuck!

BS....I see people being more happy today that Obama is out and Hillary did not get the Shoe in as promised.

Stay focused people.

Except for those millions of protestors the day of Trump's inauguration

millions of protestors

The ones that were bussed in by George Soros?

Lol you don't actually think George Soros paid millions of people to protest do you? I mean, surely a few hundred would have come out with the truth already

LOL? Is that the new debunking sign?

Please provide evidence that President Trump wants us divided. Thank you.

Why the downvotes? No evidence I guess?

Then why does Trump keep blaming obama

It's a show

No, fuck you OP. I'm not playing your games.

I keep posting that, under normal circumstances, both candidates are associated with Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, and/or The Council on Foreign Relations. These entities set policy. That way, it does not matter who gets elected. The policy will be implemented either way.

Voters are given the illusion of choice.

It's always been the commoners vs the elite, Trump's no different. Just look at how quickly he turned on on going after Clinton.

Trump and Obama should not be mentioned in the same sentence. Read this memo then tell me who the conspiracy is directed at. not one mention of any other group, Trump is public enemy number 1 for a reason.

Trump is public enemy number one if youre thinking is entirely in the confines of our political system. There are far, far bigger fish to fry and those fish are all related.

"To find out who rules you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." What country are all politicians, except for the courageous few, not willing to criticize or even address their actions? Israel

Amen. Thank you for finally going against the Trump and Killary shills who have been plaguing this thread since the start of the elections

Losing friends over this stuff is no fun. People who have been brainwashed by the corporation that runs our government.

If people stop being your friend because they disagree with you on some "political issue" - considering that both parties are basically full of shit - were they really your friend to begin with?

This is especially a problem for so-called "progressives." They believe that anyone who disagrees with them is "evil" - racist, sexist, x-ophobe, etc.

Of course no one could ever be friends with an "x-ophobe" so progressives have to stop associating with anyone who has different views.

Exactly like a cult - they are always trying to alienate you from your family and friends.

It's a CULT on campuses, the most anti-intellectual space available. It's hard to blame them, especially when I have lost some who have good hearts. It's interesting to study cult psychology, this trend essentially follows the rules of a cult. I believe that some of the friends lost to this cult were friends, nonetheless.

Yes - by labeling everyone outside of the cult as "x-ophobe" - doesn't matter which "phobia" - they are saying that anyone who isn't in the cult is "evil" and you shouldn't associate with them - including family.

This is what the Scientologists do when they call people who don't agree with Scientology "suppressive person" and demand you cut off all contact with them.

They police their own even more harshly. They have "struggle sessions" where the cult members are forced to "confront their own privilege" and confess to the group their "inner racist thoughts" to be ritually humiliated by the other members.

Watch this cult brainwashing in action, as the cult leaders has the crowd repeat his lines, then the crowd further away repeat their lines, with a technique called the "Human Microphone."

This puts the crowd in an suggestive state, just like hypnotism.

I've seen this human microphoning done on my campus recently, definitely seems like In-group members way erasing wrongthink from the crowd and opening the audience up to suggestion. But whatever it is when they get to the slogans and chanting I'm turned off, especially when it is used as a stratagem of argumentation against an opposing viewpoint. Later, I get lunch with a friend and mention that the protest on campus that day seemed kinda ineffective and suddenly I'm guilty of all manner of ills (for example).

I didn't realize they did it on campus, I thought that was only during the protest rituals.


mention that the protest on campus that day seemed kinda ineffective and suddenly I'm guilty of all manner of ills

Even if you agree with the issue, if you don't show enough enthusiasm, or maybe just think some particular tactic is counter-productive, that is "negativity" or "doubt" and it makes you just as bad as the "enemy."

You have to feel bad for some of these people - especially if they have already been isolated away from their family and friend network.

Right! Fuck You All. Yeah!!!!

Fuck everything!

no this time its different, one of the power factions is supporting trump and making the others follow their way, trump is doing, and has done, only good. Please list the bad decisions taken by him till now, i bet youll have to think reallly really hard to come up with such a list.

Just as you should know thy enemy, OP, you should love them as well. Hate is the driving force behind their evil, so why make it easier for them by returning the favor? Nothing can be accomplished without love... even if it includes showing it to your worst enemy.

And fucking realize that it is nxn.

What about Jesse Ventura?

Podesta did an interview recently saying that Trump had made friends with the "conspiracy people" like "Alex Jones" and that is worked.

Then, /r/conspiracy gets targeted by ShareBlue and Democratic party spammers who were never part of this sub but now post anti-Trump talking points and stuff about weed.

That is how stupid the Democrats think you are. They are literally saying, "hey those conspiracy nuts will believe anything, tell them Trump pees on hookers and is being blackmailed by Putin. Oh and mention weed because those crazy nuts are all potheads."

You can see it right in this thread.

This is a pretty immature point of view in my opinion. There are certainly different levels of "bad" among the elites—some believe they are doing the right thing, some started out idealistic, and some are just straight up evil. Given everything I've seen, I also don't think they're all necessarily "on the same team." If anything, there appear to be quite a few competing factions, united inly by their elite status and love of power/money

Man, I tell people this all the time and they always look shocked. I just can't seem to remember that not everyone understands it.

I like how the wild shit has made a comeback.

But but clean coal

The two part"y system in the US is a plate of shit looking at itself in the mirror." - Lewis Black

Their not all on the same team. But they hurt us and represent the same sort of people.

This is a great sub for shits and giggles no doubt. Also watch out for lizard ppl

This is a great sub for shits and giggles no doubt. Also watch out for lizard ppl

then do something about it?

I've been a long time lurker of five years on this subreddit. With this being my first post, all I can say, is well said. I first began to wake up to the deception when Obama signed the 2011 NDAA. It was at that point I realized there was no hope for true change in this current system. The matrix runs deep and permeates itself into fooling us back into it when we think we are escaping it. But more of us I think are waking up every day. To all truth seekers, don't give up, don't let the haters bring you down, and love your enemy. And try some meditation and shrooms some time if you really want to kickstart your awakening ;)

We should be using both parties to expose the lying media/schools/think tanks/etc. Too much centralized, unaccountable power in DC.

No shit, the GOP is still corrupt, just like the DNC. The president is just a puppet

Does this mean I can stop bullets with my mind, or can only Keanu Reeves do that?

Nothing has changed.. still at war in the middle east protecting our security interests.

Israel's* security interests. Anyone who feels threatened on American soil should probably stop watching the news

The Original Poster sounds extra- ultra-woke.

I say this as a Trump-voter. I pulled the lever for him, and I love the idea that he single-handedly ended two dynasties with his victory [the Clintons and the Bushes].

He was (as many called him) a human hand-grenade.

That said, the poster is right: Even Trump is operating within a fixed paradigm.

The truth is: As good as the wrecking ball feels as it slams against globalism, true liberation never comes from a political solution. It comes from philosophical, moral and spiritual advancement.

Ethical revolutionaries [like Jesus Christ] have always left a vastly larger imprint on human history than mere political rulers [Sancho I of the Kingdom of Navarre? Who the hell remembers him?]

History remembers Socrates, but not the mightiest African warlord from the 13th Century.

Thomas Jefferson made this concession when he said, "The artiosts are humanity's true aristocracy".

And by "artist," he means "People with refined and elevated souls."

Our painters, our poets, our playwrights, our story-tellers....

No political tract will ever free your mind. No "ism" will ever solve your problems. No well-worked-out economics book will ever elevate you like the poetic works of T.S. Eliot. Or Jorge Guillen.

Lame. There is obviously no comparison between the Republicans right now and the Democrats. One is trying to bring fascism to America, the other trying to bring democratic socialism.

There are some evil people.

Capitalism is a complete failure.

Woah ! morpheus is that you?



Boo this person! What a fucking idiot. To stand in the way of progress and unity is to label your hypocrisy. Quit masturbating to old sears catalogs in your parents basement and see that the sun is shining bright.

The left and right wing belong to the same bird.

Please just call a spade a spade. Zionist Jews own all.

I heard it's something to do with the Greater Israel project, where the Zionists want to relive the times of the Great King Solomon. FFS, that era ended.

Bullshit, not Trump. He only pushes and signs off on every damn Republican policy they throw in his face. But he's different. Trust me.

I didn't vote for Killary, nor for Trump. But let's be real here:

  • He's filling top Cabinet positions to rich people, so is he draining the swamp or filling it up? Like, wtf??

  • Deregulate coal mining? Do you honestly think coal mine companies will act in good faith by properly disposing of run-off ecologically? Waterways & rivers will be filled with arsenic & others toxic poisons.

  • So he's going to increase military spending by $54 Billion. Why!? We're already outspending the next 10 biggest nations' military budgets! (Google is your friend)

  • The Wall.... OK, instead of spending all that money on a huge concrete wall, build a solar panel wall and use the energy that you create from that instead of using coal to burn steam turbines that create electricity for us. You get two for the price of one!

I'm concerned dude! Yeah, I'm really happy Killary didn't get in because we'd be in WWIII by now (I feel so anyways), but lately the Prez ain't doing things that I wanted him to do.

The Oligarchs are in control, and they want us enslaved to either party. Fuck this 2 party tango, it's such a fucking scam! They make us fight each other instead of storming the Bastille! They're laughing their asses off at our expense. They don't care if we kill each other.

They know we'll make more babies because we have to tear up more resources & do factory farming to keep the "machine" going with manpower.

Guys, wake the fuck up!

(j) within 120 days of the date of this order, submit to the President a report on transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including the extent of penetration of such organizations into the United States, and issue additional reports annually thereafter to describe the progress made in combating these criminal organizations, along with any recommended actions for dismantling them.

Trump is continually being impeded and underminded by both sides. His full cabinet hasn't even been approved including Ben Carson, his HUD pick. It has only been a little over a month since Trump took office.

I see your argument but I don't agree when it comes to Trump. Who know, I could be wrong...but I'm giving it a year before I cast final judgement.

The fucking PDF of the membership file is in there. Have a downvote for

  1. Utter intellectual laziness
  2. Refusing to consider anything outside of what you're told by your favorite sources and possibly
  3. Being intentionally misleading

Try much harder next time, you're contributing less than nothing.

No, corporate CEOs do not get to be there by meritocracy. They are groomed, just like the rest of the elites.

Are you saying there are secret grooming schools that aren't available to regular folks like you and me?

Podesta loves everybody, regardless of things like age, sex, law, etc.

It's all set up by the British, who want all of the problems of both Capitalism and Socialism, and none of the benefits.

Podesta would have to come clean. All of them would.

All I know is that we're watching the biggest show of all time, and backstage TPTB are laughing at us for believing it.

Anything that disagrees with you is SHILL, or anti-Trump! Don't be so naïve

I didn't realize they did it on campus, I thought that was only during the protest rituals.


mention that the protest on campus that day seemed kinda ineffective and suddenly I'm guilty of all manner of ills

Even if you agree with the issue, if you don't show enough enthusiasm, or maybe just think some particular tactic is counter-productive, that is "negativity" or "doubt" and it makes you just as bad as the "enemy."

You have to feel bad for some of these people - especially if they have already been isolated away from their family and friend network.

You know nothing John Snow... you've never even tried. You reek of never-Trumpness

He got caught.

Odd, I see it as the exact opposite at this point. Sure I can see a little bit of what you mention but it seemed to appear more and more frequently as opposition to the huge influx of the_donald members.

The same stories are rehashed with no new evidence day after day. Stories about busts on prostitution stings are making the front page with titles implying that they are huge pedophilia busts related to pizzagate. Every day something negative comes out about Trump in the media, the front page is lined with stories deflecting from the news of that day. I think you are way off base here.

We will see.

The Cabal is in control. Do you know who they are?