What if the Chemtrails are responsible for the awakening?

0  2017-02-28 by mennitti

What if this is a covert op wrapped in a covert op and what we are being sprayed with is increasing intelligence? Though it doesn't explain the blight or bee population.


holy fuck. mind blown.

probably not though. the prob keep people asleep!

You are only truly awoke if you start to see 11:11 every where.

Please elaborate on this. The more detail the better. Synchronicity? I see 11:11 all the time and it often pops up when my thoughts or conversation are at an eerily suggestive place. As if I'm being guided in a way but I really struggle to understand more about its meaning and how I can use it to my advantage. This has been going on for over a year now and I feel blocked in my ability to grow and have really lost motivation recently in seeking to understand more. It pops up and I pay little attention. The spine tingling "aha" moments seem behind me now unfortunately.

It's either a positive or a negative thing in your life. 11 is a very negative number in the occult realm. You will see so much information on line about how seeing 11:11 is the universe trying to tell you something, how you are awake to a whole new world etc. And maybe all the new age and light worker people that make these claims are right but I personally believe it's all disinfomation. But I'm not 100% sure it's all not true. If I was you I would seek out a healer/shaman or a reiki practitioner and see if you have any hexes/curses on you. If you do is very important to rid yourself of them. You can use Craigslist or thumbtack to try and find one or go to a occult book store and ask around. So basically you are at a crossroads in your life. Keep in mind seeing 11:11 is a very big deal. Be very weary of what you read about it online.

I am no wise guy but I think the awakening is largely due to our ability to share information, communicate beyond borders and bypass archaic gatekeeping methods that blinded our forefathers. We have information at our fingertips, knowledge is free now that millions of us can share what we know with others. If they took down the internet wires and servers, we would be in dark again. All we need to do is emancipate our minds from the gatekeepers of Truth. It sounds simple, but billions of us are kept in a state of false hivemind mentality created for only control purposes. I don't take for granted that I can talk to you my friend and share thoughts from little town in Canada. We are lucky to be free of the fog of manipulation because we can talk can share knowledge. As far as the chemtrails, I believe they are engineering their fake climate change hoax into reality by destroying the atmosphere.

Some say chemtrails have been around commonly since the mid 90s some claim as early as the early 70s , if your theory is in fact correct then that is one hell of a long awakening

I'm all for many conspiracies but chem trails is not one of them...

What if they are actually just contrails in which the water vapor spreads out into small clouds over time?

Nope...aerosol programs are not a secret. Tjere are .gov sites about it. What's in the aerosol, on the other hand, is a mystery to most of us.

I am not denying the fact that there are weather manipulation aerosol programs. It is just the fact that they account for a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the planes in the sky leaving contrails that so many people claim are chemtrails.

An operation to spray that much stuff into the sky would require a tremendous amount of secret airports big enough to land jet airliners with an insane amount of storage tanks for the chemicals being sprayed.

And in most cases it would require that commercial airliners are also somehow outfitted to spray as well because many of them are what people are calling chemtrails.

I know I know... down vote me. I must be a shill. Just go research contrails a bit... PLEASE.

You think people don't know what a fucking contrails is? Please.

Don't insult people's intelligence by telling them to research contrails. That's the first fucking thing that was removed from the possibilities when we used our own fucking brains to reason and conclude something else is occuring.

So you latched to my last statement and did not bother to address any of the other stuff. You skipped over the important stuff that requires thought and logic....

None of your conclusions that you stated previously were arrived at from logic.

Commercial airliners do not spray chemtrails. How would that even work?

It is just the fact that they account for a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the planes in the sky

You don't have a clue how many planes and other aircraft are in the sky. commercial, private classified, or otherwise. So whwee are your numbers coming from?

An operation to spray that much stuff into the sky would require a tremendous amount of secret airports

Here you assume how it would all work. But once again you have no clue of the systems in place to carry out operations.

How can you conclude that 'something else is happening' when you don't understand what a contrail actually is?

Did you read the comment that you are responding to?

Yes. And I think you don't have a clue what causes a contrail. And you don't want anybody else to find out what makes a contrail. That's because you like spreading crap science denying fear porn to the 'Sheeple'.

I think you don't have a clue what causes a contrail.

Because contrails are so mysterious and mind boggling, aren't they? They overwhelm the intellect. One might have to study contrails for their whole life before they even begin to scratch the surface of contrails.

you don't want anybody else to find out what makes a contrail.

Why the fuck would I care if some shit for brains doesn't what a contrail is?

Even the dumbest among us knows what a contrail is, and they are able to identify contrails when they see them.

I know what a contrail is. It disappears rather quickly in the plane's wake. Look into Kristen Meghan, ex-USAF employee. She has some of very interesting testimony. Also, most modern planes use high-bypass turbofan engines, which produce little-to-no water vapor, even at their most inefficient operating level. I don't know how old you are, but in my 40 years being alive and able to look up at the sky, I remember tons more actual contrails trailing planes when I was a kid. Now, it's very rare to see a contrail "following" a plane. Here in the SE US, I see aerosol all the time. Sky-painters that cover up the beautiful blue sky with who knows what. What's most amazing to me is the fact that 99% of people never seem to notice them until it's pointed out. And then, 99% of the time then? "Oh, contrails." LMAO, because the same people are all "but let me tell you about not vaccinating my kid." --yet they never even look up to the sky to see what everything and everyone being exposed to WITHOUT ANY OFFICIAL EXPLANATION. It's boggles my mind.

I have lived right beside an airport all my life... over 40 years. Over the years the number of commercial flights per day have increased and with that the number of contrails in the sky at any given time has increased. Some days the planes leave none. Some days they leave a contrail and it does not spread and dissipates quickly. Some days they linger and spread out to blanket the sky. Same commercial airlines... not a battalion of aerosol fitted planes.

Are you saying the commercial airliners that shuffle people around are also spraying? Because that is the planes i am referring to.

Again, you have demonstrated that you don't understand the first thing about contrails. High bypass jet engines actually produce MORE contrail than straight jets. And they produce TONS of water vapour, like any jet engine does. Do you even know what jet fuel is? It's a hydrocarbon, and when it burns in oxygen it breaks down to form carbon dioxide gas and WATER. In fact, 1 ton of fuel will produce 3 tons of CO2 an 1.2 tons of WATER VAPOUR. It is this WATER VAPOUR which freezes into ice crystals to make the contrail. If the surrounding air is dry then the contrail will dissipate through sublimation. But if the air is wet, the ice crystals will grow into snowflakes through deposition, and the contrail will grow and persist for hours. There; you are starting to learn a bit about the subject. Now do the research.

And as for Kristen Meghan, she knows nothing about so-called 'chemtrails' that she didn't learn from watching that pathetic fear porn C-Movie What In The World Are They Spraying.

<"My whistleblowing is not related to chemtrails, it is related to industrial ground activities that overexposed the workers and they didn't want it reported, and since I took the samples, they wanted to demonize me in case I spoke out." - Kristen Meghan, USAF whistleblower. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/kristen-meghan-former-us-air-force-whistle-blower.1066/page-2

No. Aluminium, barium, strontium are not gonna wake anybody up.

What if that is not really the ingredients?

Maybe this is why they made collecting rainwater illegal. They know how poisonous it is. How is it being treated at water plants, just Flouride?

Rainwater collecting is only illegal in very specific places and the reason they give is because the state needs the groundwater. But any strike against someone being able to homestead and off grid is convenient for them too.

I'm not sure what you're asking about water treatment. Fluoride and chlorine are the biggest offenders in municipal water.

And the fluoride keeps our dentist bills down.

It's either a positive or a negative thing in your life. 11 is a very negative number in the occult realm. You will see so much information on line about how seeing 11:11 is the universe trying to tell you something, how you are awake to a whole new world etc. And maybe all the new age and light worker people that make these claims are right but I personally believe it's all disinfomation. But I'm not 100% sure it's all not true. If I was you I would seek out a healer/shaman or a reiki practitioner and see if you have any hexes/curses on you. If you do is very important to rid yourself of them. You can use Craigslist or thumbtack to try and find one or go to a occult book store and ask around. So basically you are at a crossroads in your life. Keep in mind seeing 11:11 is a very big deal. Be very weary of what you read about it online.