Trump's Speech Tonight

0  2017-03-01 by Adolf_Titler

Trump spoke to congress tonight and regardless what was said, all I have seen from the MSM was how presidential he was. I am disclosing that I am very against Trump as I'm not trying to hide my feelings about him and the establishment. So if the mainstream media is so untrustworthy, why do they seem to be praising Trump right now?

Edit: Honeslty, I am starting to think that media outlets who are "against trump" may be full of shit. They are obviously bullshit. I hate trump but now I believe he is a huge part of dictating the mainstream media.


If you can't beat him join him? Maybe?

Yes, but they must have other motives for supporting him today. What are they?

I thought it was pretty weird too. Even CNN was on his dick.

Yes, I am feeling more and more like CNN may have been for him the whole time. The more they hated on him, the more it will make him a hero when they say they were wrong.

No way. They literally froth at the mouth when speaking of him. This is what it looks like when he beats them into submission.

I don't think so. I think they have other reasons which are more beneficial to them. It will always be about the money and something is fishy here.

You're giving them too much credit. They still have feels and are by definition easily manipulated.

I am feeling like money is the biggest manipulator. Although this maybe pretty obvious.

And when they are back to talking shit in the morning...?

I hope they are, I respect them for not agreeing with the president.

That's crazy. CNN and Trump have been at each other's throats for months. I think they are responding to polling. Most people (nearly 80%) are reporting to have viewed the speech favorably. Railing against a speech that everyone liked doesn't go over very well.

Why can't the answer be that Trump actually gave a decent speech? Why so much fear?

That username.

I have nothing to add.

My username? I'm confused.

you sure are if you think you are going to get positive feedback or rational discussion with a username that plays off a historically significant psychopath

I love when people have something to say about my username. I have blonde hair, blue eyes and large breasts. A friend of mine called me Adolf titler and it stuck as a funny nickname. Are you super p.c. Or something?

Lol, what? What does my username mean?

you know you're on reddit, right?


Not really a conspiracy. But maybe because he did seem 'presidential'. He didn't talk using his normal speaking habits. He didn't say over the top controversial things. It was just not all everyday government oration filled with (probably false) promises.

I felt the conspiracy was what I saw afterwards. The media was agreeing about how presidential he was. He is just falling more and more in line.

The media are sheep without original thought. The seed was planted and they spouted and spewed it as they are programed to do.

I get that but there is some reason they are choosing to do what they do. Someone is directing the media to start supporting trump suddenly although they could just say he was reading a speech written by someone else and told not to deviate.

I think they were smitten for an evening by a truly historical moment but they will wake up with a bad taste in their mouths.

I agree. Terrible one night stand.

I think it was because his speech was well-written tonight and he didn't say anything stupid for once. There wasn't much to criticize IMO, other than whether he can get it all done.

I definitely felt that he was told not to deviate from the script.

Nor should he - it's not his strength. He's not a 'trained politician' like Obama was.

Let's just hope this is a move towards more moderate approaches by all. I think Trump is settling down and realizing that if he gets the rest of government on board with his plans instead of EOs, things go much better. I think he may still learn to do this better.

Yeah, not real excited about the media liking him all a sudden.

Right, I wonder if the shills are going to be flooding every post with "wtf I love trump now" tomorrow.

please no

wtf i love trump now

I am starting to feel like this was the plan all along. Get him in office as an anti-hero against MSM and then having him change into someone the media realizes they adore. Making them even more sales for admitting they were wrong. Even if I am wrong I feel conned.

Oh dude, no matter where we stand we are all being conned. Question is just where and how hard.

We are being conned so hard tonight and there are so many people who are embracing it.

Not in the way I believe you think man.

Not that it matters but I'm a female. Please explain how else I am being conned?

I mean both sides are being conned. Trump folks are being conned he is their savior, anti-trumpers are being conned that he is a russian plant. I'm simplifying there for mobile, but that's the gist.

I don't think he is a Russian plant. He is more likely just a useful idiot.

I won't disagree with that.

There's probably a major leak coming out about him in the next week or so. They might be trying to avoid the constant negative drum beat to give that story more "Splash," when it hits.

Yeah... after you blow your whole load on "He's literally Hitler" you don't leave much room for further outrage incitement.

I never said Trump was Hitler and I never blow my "whole," load. I usually only blow half of it at time.

I didn't mean you specifically...

Ah sorry, I get what you were saying now that I read it again.

Did we call it with Sessions?

It's because of the whole kico CNN out of the press conference thing.

(((They're))) afraid.

One day of good press does not equal a media flip flop.

If anything, we should all be watching the executive orders and Congress very closely. Both Trump and Pence said last week that sources shouldn't be allowed to be anonymous. That's some scarrrrry shit!

You are absolutely right. All I'm saying is the pattern changed. That never bodes well for us.

He opted out of going to the correspondents press dinner, which is a pretty big slap in the face for MSM. They might be just be trying to save face and earn brownie points.

Maybe, but I would imagine they would just use that against him and they did. Now they are saying he is presidential. It doesn't really make sense. I want to know what's really going on and I bet you do too.

I think all the back and forth is a tool of throwing people off of their emotional compass as a way to keep the population in a perpetual state of emotionally heightened confussion. If your population subconsciously doesn't know what is fact or fiction it's easier to sell them on "Big lies."

You're right. This is all bullshit. I really think the speech tonight said nothing but we support isreal (I am not anti isreal but want America to stay out of it) and that we are going towards war with Iran. Everything else was kind if bullshit and even immigration stuff was just a distraction from oil in Iran. MSM owners probably have a lot to profit from this so they are In the same bed. I am so disappointed.

he said we're going to war with iran? wtf

if he said we're with isreal and we're going to war with iran, that meams WW3--no wonder if the media and its CIA handlers are ecstatic in that case, they get their war with russia after all through the back door.

russia has a mutual aid treaty with iran

Did you encounter the story of Peter and the Wolf when you were growing up?

Of course. So the media keeps crying wolf and now they are sucking up? Doesn't make sense but I want to hear your view as well.

You can only lie for so long before people stop believing you. I suspect the economics are starting to catch up with them, the NYT had a 95% drop in profits in Q3

they can't keep this war with Trump up forever. He already barred the worst of them from a briefing last week - there is no law saying the President must allow CNN and NBC full WH press credentials. At some point, they risk severing the relationship, and they have been taking it too far as of late. The media needs to attack Trump on real issues or the public will continue to punish these outlets' bottom line.

and regardless what was said

You can't really just disregard what he said then criticize how the media responded to what he said.

He spoke in favor basically of amenity for non-criminal illegals, that is why the MSM responded like they did.


He did not call it amnesty but that is what it is. He said he is in favor of giving citizenship to illegals that are not criminals. Basically the same thing Bush pushed for.

I feel like the stress of keeping up the charade is eating them alive... a few of the regular anchors on network news have been looking like they were rode hard and put away wet.

Trump fought back until they said uncle... I think there is a ceasefire agreement... either the MSM needs to roll over and play nice or they will get crushed.

CNN Poll: 78% of viewers saw the speech favorably.

Must be a fake poll though, right? /s

No idea. They were trashing his speech all night and then posted that poll.

the jewish media knows its coming to an end and will now bow downs before the god emperer.

Just curious, did you think the speech was presidential?

Our expectations are so low that it seemed presidential to me.

I don't know if it was "presidential", it just seemed like his advisors told him to not deviate from the script and use less hand motions.

Right, there's nothing diplomatic or thoughtful about the man. His body language was completely uncomfortable with having to read the teleprompter and not responding to some of the negative reactions. I can't believe I'm even typing this, but GWBush was more presidential in his recent interview.

I don't understand the press embracing that moment with the military widow either. That's straight political pandering. I'm not saying other politicians don't do that, but I don't think he was more "human" or "presidential" for that moment, especially with the controversy surrounding the raid and the military officials speaking out against his "reforms".

Link to proof of praise please!

They want access to press briefings so they are sacking some Donald dick!

The media are sheep without original thought. The seed was planted and they spouted and spewed it as they are programed to do.

You're giving them too much credit. They still have feels and are by definition easily manipulated.

I think it was because his speech was well-written tonight and he didn't say anything stupid for once. There wasn't much to criticize IMO, other than whether he can get it all done.

I don't think he is a Russian plant. He is more likely just a useful idiot.