Don't believe in #PizzaGate? Fine. Watch the documentary 'who took johnny?' On Netflix. Watch what happens every time they try to investigate further up the chain.

2689  2017-03-02 by SuperPoop

Edit: I love the amount of conversation that this post has generated. IMO, it's obvious that ShareBlue has infiltrated the odds and ends of Reddit. Anyone, who is against an honest and fair, (keyword being 'fair') investigation of these wild allegations deserves to rot in hell. The sad part is, the non-evil side of the FBI already has the evidence sitting somewhere. The go-ahead just needs to be initiated. When that switch flips, shit is going to hit the fan. It will be spun to fit an agenda, but there are big names on the list of offenders. Biggest scandal of all time if true.

My other point being.... we are all conspiracy theorists on this subreddit. It's the nature of r/conspiracy, which is a beautiful thing because anyone who threatens us of thought provoking conversation sticks out like a sore thumb.

Keep it up r/conspiracy. I love you. I love you because you are non-partisan. I love you because the world is too big and complex to be lumped into two political categories. Keep working together to uncover things. Truth is what we seek.


Does that documentary mention James Alefantis or John Podesta?


Just curious what the pizzagate link is...

there isn't one

I thought as much.

You guys need to unbox your brains a bit. It is connected to this even thou is not directly connected. He is showing you a glimpse on the ''anatomy of the beast''.

Pizzagate is now used as a general term describing the hidden networks of pedophilia by government officials and "elite" businessmen. Alefantis and CPP are only the visible part so far.

Where's any evidence against Alefantis, Podesta, or the Clintons?

Pizzagate has scored 0 hits against its targets and moved the goalposts somewhere else to save face.

The reason why it is expanding is because it got so many hits.

Care to name one claim against Alefantis, the Podesta brothers or the Clintons that wouldn't be defamatory? That is absolutely slam-dunk proof of pedophilia? Something that would hold up against a defamation case?

Or one hit period. They claim ownership of the Franklin scandal, Penn state, Catholic Church, etc. They claim ownership over the arrests that have happened....even though they didn't predict one person, didn't even identify one person prior.

But they're the best Internet sleuths around /s

It's called circumstantial evidence.

the ol "nothing to see here angle" they have been pushing that one pretty hard for a while. My favorite was the gun men that was an known actor that shot up comet and his one round fired hit the hard drive on his computer behind a door. Worked out convenient.

He's being charged with a federal offense.

You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever he is anything but what prosecutors say he is. A gunman who entered Comet Ping Pong with the intent of fact finding at gunpoint. Whereupon he learned what had been told to him as facts about pizzagate were - in fact - wrong.

The 'false flag' narrative was made up after the fact by pizzagate promoters to shift their own blame at inciting violence by spreading false and misleading information.

I also find it curious that on the one hand, this prosecution is claimed to be a 'false flag' while simultaneously pizzagate promoters argue the lack of evidence they present is worthy of an investigation. If prosecutors can't be trusted to fairly charge a gunman, why should they be relied upon to investigate Aleantis, the Podestas, or the Clintons?

I find it more curious how invested you are in defending a known pedophile (Podesta)

I find it more curious how invested you are in defending a known pedophile (Podesta)

I find it astonishing you can say such a thing without having any evidence whatsoever to back up your claim.

I'm not writing a paper. If you want to find evidence that Podesta is a pedophile it's very easy to find on your own.

If you want to find evidence that Podesta is a pedophile it's very easy to find on your own.

Really? Because I've looked into pizzagate extensively since the story broke and I've found absolutely nothing to back up those claims. Nothing!

It's hard to find anything when your boss is watching you browse

Your meaning?


Unlike you, I volunteer my time.

just a bunch of edgy art that he likes to collect. I like this and his brothers collections. nothing to see here.

known actor that shot up comet and his one round fired hit the hard drive


Even if it hit you in the face through a jet engine blast - you will still ''be blind'' my son !

I'm not your son.

Furthermore, if you want claims taken seriously, get them on the record as sworn testimony in a deposition. That's how the real world works. As opposed to Internet claims, which are a dime a dozen.

Then you should be an official FBI investigator. This is a forum and we communicate with each other on a friendly level. This is not a fucking court and even if it is, you are not recognized as the judge !!

Then you should be an official FBI investigator.

No I should not. It's a thankless job, best done by people with the right disposition.

This is a forum and we communicate with each other on a friendly level. This is not a fucking court and even if it is, you are not recognized as the judge !!

Once you start calling people pedophiles, you better have evidence solid enough to take to court. Or a court finding of fact. Lest you wind up defending yourself against a defamation case directed against you.

As we've seen, real defamation cases being brought against pizzagate proponents right now. And rightly so.

You have freedom of speech. You do not have freedom from the consequences of ill considered speech.

I haven't called anyone anything. The evidence is overwhelming for yourself to be on the other side.

That's all it ever was, the media sold you a lie that it was just about Clinton or CPP.

Pizzagate is about child trafficking among the elite. JP and JA were kind enough to start us on the trail, but if you think they're the whole of pizzagate you're either woefully misinformed or a shill.

I'm fairly certain pizzagate is about Podesta's coded emails and James Alefantis' pizza place.

Child trafficking is a huge problem obviously, I just don't know how this documentary links into Clinton/Podesta/Alefantis.

I'm fairly certain I've been involved in the pizzagate community for months, and that JP and JA are just the tip of the iceberg.

So, how is Lois Lane?

Ok, so what part of the iceberg is this documentary on and what is the path of ice to James Alefantis?

The part where law enforcement agencies and other officials are often involved with suppressing investigation into child abuse, dissapearances, and trafficking.

Right, sometimes that happens.

So who is suppressing the child trafficking ring John Podesta is part of? Further, how many victims have came forward regarding Podesta/Clinton/Alefantis?

Must be rough, living with a case of Stockholm Syndrome as bad as the one you're currently demonstrating.

I can't begin to imagine what kind of shit you must have gone through to consider what you're doing a "normal thing", but you have my honest sympathies.

Thanks, you too.

So who is suppressing the child trafficking ring John Podesta is part of?

How would we know that yet? Judging by the extreme lengths the political elite, 3-letter agencies, and law enforcement cronies go to everytime a pedo scandal leaks, probably a lot of people. That is what this whole post is about.

You really, really can't see the forest for the trees.

I'm just curious how we don't have one victim related to podesta/Alefantis yet every mention of other pedophile rings/child trafficking stories is claimed to be pizzagate related.

I can see every tree, trust me.

You are wrong, that's a lie the media is selling. It started with the Bushes ffs. Stop believing everything MSM tells you.

Bush? Haven't heard that before. How does he fit in?

Has someone recovered the 2 million emails he deleted?

How does he fit in? About the same as everyone else, missing children an suspecious activity. And I'm not surprised you haven't heard it, it doesn't fit the media lie that it was always and only about CPP and Clinton.

We all know kids dissappear.

Are you saying by being president during a time when children went missing Bush is part of a child exploitation network?

It was at least a little bit about Clinton/comet ping pong - have any victims came forward relating to those allegations?

No, there was a whole lot of evidence, I just don't have it all memorized or a breaking desire to convince a shill that I'm going to dig through the archives to find something you will just reject anyway. And yes, loads of victims have come forward, one even wrote a book about it.

Oh, thanks.

Bush Sr. used to give teenage boys midnight tours of the White House. Here's an article from 1989:

Have any of those boys claimed Bush snr raped them?

Also that article says only once were male prostitutes on the Whitehouse tour, it doesn't implicate Bush and it implies the prostitutes were of legal age.

I'm just sharing the article. For someone with so many questions, it seems like you should start doing some research.

You're presenting it as if Bush was fucking boys at midnight. Sorry for no being well versed in stories from the Moonie Times in 1989.

Do your own research. Even Tom Brokaw mentioned it. You just outed yourself as being willfully ignorant to history.

Really? Because I was there when this story broke on Reddit and 4chan. And that's what I remember pizzagate being about.

It was called Pizzagate because of claims about James Alefantis' pizza shop 'Comet Ping Pong'.

I've read John DeCamp's book, The Franklin Coverup, and there's absolutely nothing in there about pizza.

Clearly, you were not, nor did any "story break." It's called pizzagate because of the codeword "pizza" in the e-mails, nothing to do with CPP. It was also called: Eyes Wide Open, Podestagate, PodestaMolesta, and others. CPP came in long after the fact, long after pizzagate was already established and even longer after the conversation about elite pedophile rings started.

I was there. I remember the initial 4chan post. The formation of /r/pizzagate. It's shutdown and move to voat. And all the bullshit that followed.

It's in my post history too.

Clearly not as you have all the facts about it wrong. And a bonus, it already existed on voat before /r/pizzagate shut down. You are probably mistaken in thinking reddit ever played a major role or was there in the beginning, it was note. Reddit only became involved after it gained a lot of steam.

Ah yes. This is the kind of minutia that separates professionals from rank amateurs at real Pizzagate historiography.

How is it minutia when you don't even know what the name means? Or the other names?

I know exactly what I'm talking about.

You're debating the relative importance of 4chan vs. Reddit vs. Voat as forums for community gathering.

But I read those Podesta emails as they were flagged. Certainly within a day of the story breaking.

You're debating minutia because you think it matters whether we're discussing stains on a handkerchief or the relationship to Comet Ping Pong as a well liked pizzeria by some politicians. It doesn't.

Neither represent viable evidence to prosecute.

It matters because you telling an outright lie, that pizzagate means CP only, which it does not and never has. You are creating a false pretense for the entire conversation and can't back it up when you're called out. The importance of reddit is because you said "you were there" because of /r/pizzagate, you were the one trying to gain credibility. But when you don't know the basic time line or even the names, you demonstrate your own falsehoods.

It matters because you telling an outright lie

I've told no lies.

Yes, you have. Pizzagate was never limited to CPP nor does the pizza in pizzagate refer to CPP.

Ah yes, the 27 day old account that spends their time denying every conspiracy except the Trump-Russia one. So genuine.

Thank you for noticing.

in the years prior to the Dem primaries, i maybe looked up 20 user comment histories and those were b/c the redditor had said something hilarious or uber-insightful.

now, its pretty much 2+ times a day.

Trafficking and such happening elsewhere in no way vindicates the baseless accusations thrown at Comet Pizza and John Podesta.

Accusations of trafficking are baseless, accusations of them being a bunch of sick pedophiles are not.

What evidence beyond weirdly-worded emails do you have of them being pedophiles?

That's the point...there's not any evidence because there has been no investigation. Media and others are discrediting the claims without even a cursory check.... Child Services does at least that to many families based on much less. And one thing to remember... if these guys WERE traffickers, providing children to wealthy, connected, pedophile clients for sex... getting any real investigation or prosecution would be almost impossible, one reason the trade continues to flourish.

You want a law enforcement investigation.

Are you prepared to accept the investigation done against that gunman who entered Alefantis' pizzashop? Or is that one a 'false flag'?

Is there any investigation you'd accept that wouldn't end in a presumptive predetermined outcome?

The gunman was wrong whether he was a false flag or real. No one can take the law into their own hands. And IF a real investigation was conducted and the conclusion was that Mr. Alefantis was innocent, then he would be owed a huge apology and more than likely a large lump sum from a civil case. I'm not fan of Trump. I'm sure he'll hang himself but I believe Hillary to be worse.

And IF a real investigation

Sounds suspiciously like the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy.

Are you suggesting that in the event of an investigation into this supposedly pedophile accusations, it would be fair and unbiased? Have you not been following all the other failed investigations of pedophilia? Have you not wondered why all these recent arrests of people for sex crimes has not included one single person of importance?/ not in Hollywood, not in DC? I would appreciate a real investigation, unbiased by anything except the facts and if he's guilty, punishment decided by the courts. If the facts reveal his innocence, apologize and award him damages. It's called justice. Why is the concept of this being about protecting children rather than possible covering up for rich, connected people so hard to fathom?

Have you not been following all the other failed investigations of pedophilia? Have you not wondered why all these recent arrests of people for sex crimes has not included one single person of importance?

Dennis Hastert. Jeffery Epstein. Jerry Sandusky.

I think the successful investigations are far more interesting. Those with known victims, witness testimony, banking and medical records backing them up.

Successful investigations land hard evidence. Failures rely on bullshit.

Lack of evidence is not evidence of coverup.

Agreed. Those people were arrested, after years of having their crimes covered up or ignored. Good people have gone to prison for less circumstantial evidence than pizzagate

Good people have gone to prison for less circumstantial evidence than pizzagate

Circumstantial evidence in court relies on physical evidence.

For example, forensics evidence from a gun. And a body with a bullet in it. The forensics specialist ties the bullet to the gun. And determines the suspect has gunpowder residue on his body.

Nobody witnessed the crime. So this forensics evidence is circumstantial evidence. But in pizzagate there is no physical evidence. No bodies. No victims making official witness statements. No forensics tests.

There is no way the coincidences and interpretations of intent in Podesta's emails add up to a viable court case.


Most conspiracies have at least some evidence to support them, even the ones with great implications or ones that never had an official investigation. When asked for evidence, this is all you can provide? Forgive us if we're a little doubtful of this one.

I'm certain there's plenty of evidence for child trade rings around the world, but is there any for this specific store and these people? It's easy to draw connections when it's happening elsewhere.

Most pedophiles, from what I've gathered, try their best to keep any and all evidence of their crimes against children hidden. They do communicate through emails but in order not to get caught with an email in their inbox that asks "Do you have any children for sale that I could have sex with?" they use code words. Now if some of these coded emails got published, they would be a little embarrassing but would not be evidence of a crime because it's not against the law to email someone to let them know children will be in the pool for their enjoyment. It's also not against the law to ask about playing dominoes on pizza or hot dogs. Clever folks. Some people don't think a ton of this is enough to investigate. Others think, why not? If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck....

It's just as likely that you're drawing nonexistent connections, as you have literally no evidence besides shit like "cheese pizza" being code for child porn. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, you could be hallucinating... Or it could be some kind of midget goose.

The absence of evidence is never proof of a preconceived conclusion.

Agreed. Say.. you sure seem to like defending pedophiles a lot. Maybe someone should check into you... got any small kids living close by? Any favorite ones, i mean?

Ah yes, revert to ad hominem when the logic contradicts your conclusion. No ones saying pedophilia is okay, just that there's no evidence for this particular case.

You want a criminal investigation into this, but those things only get started when there's at least a sliver of real evidence to start from.


So where's the real evidence?

I don't have it with me. I was hoping we could invade his privacy, search without a warrant and find something incriminating to charge him with, maybe even do a little enhanced interrogation to make him confess but I'm sure there will be plenty of "pedo protectors" who will scream about trying to catch pedos like this.

so... you hate the NSA and what not and try to keep your shit secure and don't want people reading your emails etc (I assume as you're on conspiracy) but it's fine to do it to others who you believe to be guilty?

1 rule for you and 1 for others? Good to know.

It's how justice works in America... haven't you been paying attention?

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?

In a history class.... not since. You didn't actually believe that, did you? Think about it.

Okay, I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking about how every modern court system follows that concept. It's remarkably similar to the scientific method: an investigation starts with observations and unconfirmed hypothesis, and conclusions/facts aren't drawn until it is precisely proven so. Through your logic, we should declare scientific laws as fact, then find the evidence to support them later on. You're setting yourself up for several cognitive biases.

Thanks, I'll try harder not to do that.

Weren't all the code words a part of the CIA document that got leaked? Would that not be some bit of circumstantial evidence.

Were those codewords common enough to be misused by coincidence? That crossword puzzle man unknowingly published all the beach objectives shortly before Normandy, and those were pretty specific.

there's not any evidence because there has been no investigation.

It's astonishing you don't see how backwards your thinking is.

I do. It's interesting how many people don't see at least the possibility of something more sinister than just pizza going on. It's just my opinion. If I were the Attn Gen, I'd go by the rules of aw, not my opinion. But I'm a citizen and I think Podesta is a pervert. I base that on his taste in art work.

Just keep pretending it's about the word "pizza".

Have you seen Alefantis's Instagram (before he scrubbed it), the performances at Comet Ping-Pong Pong by bands obsessed with paedophilia, the comments from the crowd and vocalist during said performances referring to the manager liking little boys, the artwork that Podesta and Alefantis collect which is almost exclusively depicting adults abusing children?

These people are either pedophiles themselves, or they are obsessed with other pedophiles.

If you have looked at all the circumstantial evidence and don't see anything wrong with it, you are a grade-A idiot, or you're in denial because the accused are allied with your preffered political party.

Edit: It's not just weirdly worded emails that appear to be using some kind of code. There are emails referring to children being in the pool for entertainment at late night parties, and others where the author says they were excited and couldn't sleep because a child was rubbing their nose at 4am.

Have you seen Alefantis's Instagram (before he scrubbed it)...

Yes yes yes yes. Seen it. Again and again and again in countless submissions. And so what. Nothing worth prosecuting in there.

These people are either pedophiles themselves, or they are obsessed with other pedophiles.

Or that's really you and you're projecting.

No, Alefantis is projecting the persona of a pedophile.

You're right. There is no evidence to warrant prosecution with what there is to work with so far. Not everyone is saying to prosecute him over accusations or strange IG posts though. People are saying to acknowledge that what we're looking at strange behavior.

It would be like if you knew a guy, and he was always wearing a shirt with a cat on it. He would also make jokes about cats some times, and his apartment had cat paintings on the walls and had a cat sticker on his car. One day you go to him and say; "boy you must like cats a lot", and he goes "no absolutely not. Never have". Now he never admitted to liking cats, but it certainly does seem like it.

How many pedophiles would you be friends with?

I don't know any pedophiles. How about you? How many of your friends are pedophiles?

Well Podesta is friend with three pedophiles. Do you think that is OK? Do you think anyone who isn't a pedophile would be friends with 3 pedophiles?

Who are these pedophiles Podesta is friends with?

Hastert, Epstein, Freud

These are personal friends of the Podestas?

Both Podestas have stayed at Clement Freud's house, he spoke of being friends with Hastert in his emails, and Epstein I'm sure you heard of.

Both Podestas have stayed at Clement Freud's house...

At a time before allegations of his pedophilia became public.

he spoke of being friends with Hastert in his emails

...I have stayed in touch with denny Hastert and jan ettelt and andy dolan all these years...

This is not a close personal friendship. And even if it were, it is not evidence of pedophilia by either John or Tony Podesta.

Epstein I'm sure you heard of.

What connection does either Podestas have with Epstein?

How many pedophiles would have to be in someone's life before you thought something was odd?

Guilt by association.

Not viable for a court case.

Of course, I'm not saying it is. But I'm not a jury and that's enough for me to say he probably a pedo.

3500 in the sub right now. Welcome.

I tend to agree. I have no doubt there are child predators working in the government, same as there are in every other occupation, but I really havent seen any evidence of a widespread conspiracy that culminates at a random pizza place.

That's because it's not all culminating at comet ping pong. That's not what the pizzagate theory suggests.

The relevancy is the coverup aspect similar to the total media blackout of pizzagate.

So we should believe a totally ridiculous and convoluted theory that has no solid conclusion because it's possible to cover-up actual instances of sex crimes?

a podcast called Sword and Scale had a two part episode covering the disappearance of Johnny Gosch and the Boystown scandal coverup. it was very eye opening

I've never heard of it. I will listen to it. I'm really interested in this.

episodes 5 and 6, I think

Thanks dude.

Just wanted to re-iterate that this is worth a listen. It's easily in my top 5 "red pill" resources and it's a highly entertaining listen in addition to being just good information.

As a follow-up, I'd also recommend the Corbett Report's take on this story as it covers it from a comoletely different angle:

Who Is Jeff Gannon?

You can find both on popular podcast players (I use Overcast for instance).

Also check out true crime garage, they did a great job with it too.

Please watch "Boys for Sale" on Youtube when you have a chance.

OMG. 1981.
This shittery has been going on for a long time. This makes me so sad.

i like how dean cecil got murdered by one of his teenage procurers.....

I have a feeling that the ruling elite have been doing this for for centuries. We're just finding out about it now because it's easier for people to speak out.

a species that preys on itself, especially its young, is not civilized at all no matter how fancy the tech

we now know how to make a society where crimes like this are handled, but fat lot of good it does us

if all this is real, I wonder if the 'elites' regret giving us the internet. or maybe that's just a silly way for me to look at it

It's real.

Newspapers used to report on it back when we still had journalists.

Yah, just look at Greco-Roman history... then realize that really wasn't that long ago in the scheme of things.


Who exactly is speaking out about it though? I haven't watched the doc but from what I understand there are no victims of families of victims who have spoken out. Whose children are they? Where do they all end up? Where is the evidence?

I watched a few YouTube vids and some website dedicated to it but it seems like a bunch of hand wavy shit. Arguments I hear claim they are Luciferin because some artist said sacrifice chicken to moloch to podesta who happens to go to a pizza place nearby in washington that is known for its thriving gay community with an owner who is gay and posted pics of people using his pizza in a provocative way for art as well as a pic of his child loosely taped to a table smiling. They go on to say he must be a Luciferin too and be using his pizza place as a cover to do pedophilic rituals. Black and white handkerchief email, they claim oh that's the hanky sign for pedo meanwhile look up hanky code for yourself black means s&m white means safe sex/masturbation black+white safe sex.

Honestly I think anyone who can look past the whole satanic lens can see it's nothing but a right wing smear campaign against Hillary. Notice how Alex Jones is the one pushing this shit.

Elites and cults have been raping, torturing and killing children (and everyone else) for thousands of years.

In fairness, whole tribes would happily sacrifice an innocent child to whatever god they thought could give them a good harvest or save them from being slaughtered from another tribe.

If you don't believe in God, or karma, if you don't believe your actions have any real meaning, if you don't believe life has any meaning, that it's just a video game, you can talk yourself into horrible things if you want to.

At that point, all rules are out, they are make believe. Fucking kids, killing kids, killing as many people as you want for enjoyment and money and power isn't something you lose sleep over, it's a dopamine release for you.

That's what people don't understand about the occult that these people subscribe to. There is no punishment coming for them, you don't matter, THEY don't matter, nothing matters, it's all just make believe.

What scares me the most, is that the monster lives in all of us, we choose to bury it, we choose to cage it with out beliefs of God, or goodness, or that life matters.

Think of all the horrific things you do in video games. Look at the animal you'll play in a fantasy world, getting a rush, feeling euphoric as you blow innocent people apart, fuck and then kill hookers. In those same games, you'll also do good things, you'll help people you choose to and you'll feel good about it. You'll choose to help some, save some, and choose to slaughter others when the urge arises.

This to me, is exactly what the elite occult believe. I believe they do charitable things, act sincerely at times, not just to cover their tracks, but because they feel like it, they enjoy the love and admiration they get out of paying for a child's cancer treatment one day, and another they might just want to see them blown apart by drone strikes.

I don't often see this thinking here, it's really my own thoughts after years of looking at both the "good" and the "bad" these people do.

To them there is no good and bad, no right and wrong...just making the game as exciting for themselves as they can while they are here.

Wealth gets old fast, power is all these people can strive for. The power of God, to choose who lives, who dies, what the world looks like.

They work together for self preservation, in the past, those who played the game and rose to the top were targets for other players to come kill them brutally.

Now the rule of the empire is democratized and the emperors do not need to fear each other any longer. When new people rise to power, they are invited in to join the party and use their wealth and influence to further the cause. If they refuse, they are dealt with.

It actually all seems pretty simple to me, human nature.

If you don't believe in God, or karma, if you don't believe your actions have any real meaning, if you don't believe life has any meaning, that it's just a video game, you can talk yourself into horrible things if you want to.

If a fictional supervisor is the only thing stopping you from following through with these thoughts, I would highly suggest going to receive professional mental health treatment.

Yea, almost no scientists believe in God or Karma and yet they don't all go round raping and killing people. Strange that people believe you have to be religious/spiritual to be a genuinely nice person.

"Almost no scientists believe in god or karma--" great, supported statement there. Also he didn't just mention religion/spirituality as the sole influencers.

Are they billionaires literally in charge of the world?

I think you should go to a mental health provider and ask them, they'll tell you the very same.

I didn't come up with that idea, it's one of the earliest teachings in mental health study, Freud's view of the inherently evil nature of man.

The belief in a God, or the fear of imprisonment is a massive deterrent to releasing that evil for most people. What separates those at the top, in their not so secret societies of power, is that they do not believe in God, and they do not fear punishment because they own the punishers, they also don't believe life has any meaning or value.

You probably think quite a bit of yourself, your so called morals, your advanced enlightened brain, but you have no idea who you really are without the crutch of your cushy life and your fairly safe society.

I'm a CERT team member, I could say I like to help, but really I just like the idea of potential excitement at some point. Either way, the first thing we are taught by law enforcement and first responders is how fucking crazy people get in a disaster and how to stay safe.

That's just during the panic of a disaster, and within a few days if shit gets worse, no power, no water, no food deliveries to the grocery stores, it's a fucking warzone.

"Good people" fathers, mothers, teachers, will turn into complete fucking animals when hungry and thirsty, worse if if their children are hungry and thirsty.

Some people will choose to be good, most will not. Do you know why some people choose to be good in those horrific disasters? belief in God, belief in something greater. They face fear and the demons inside them and choose goodness because they believe something better awaits if they don't make it, that something better wants them to help as much as they can.

The elite don't believe in heaven or karma, either because they know who wrote all that shit, or it was them that wrote it, or they just choose not to believe any of it.

If they kill you, it doesn't matter, your life doesn't matter, you would die eventually anyway, and you weren't going to accomplish a fucking thing worth living for. Your family and friends that mourn you, they'll die to, billions of people die, whether it's today at their hands or 40 years from now in a hospital.

All of this has been pretty well documented by the confessions of elites throughout history, their texts, the work of psychologists, etc.

I think you should go to a mental health provider and ask them, they'll tell you the very same.

lol. No they won't.

I like your style. Continue.

Think of all the horrific things you do in video games. Look at the animal you'll play in a fantasy world, getting a rush, feeling euphoric as you blow innocent people apart, fuck and then kill hookers.

There aren't many games that let you kill "innocent people". In fact, GTA is one of the few truly popular series that allows it and none of the story-based-missions has encouraged that since 2002.

empires end.....always.

yeah Reagan admin had some scandalous shit

The guy at the beginning seems so beaten down by all the stuff he's seen

He later committed suicide.

I think Generation Why had a podcast about both of those topics too. S&S and Gen Why are 2 of my favorite podcasts

Sword and Scale is my go to for serious looks at the darker side of humanity.

Last Podcast on the Left is great for a comedic look at the dark history of humanity.

The Fifth Column is an interesting podcast for a more libertarian look at current day politics from three journalists.

I'm a big fan of podcasts lol.

Same. I don't like S&S because I'm not a fan of the host, but I listen to a few of their episodes. LPOTL is in my top favorites for podcasts - dark but tons of comedic relief. It can be a little much for some people, but I think it's funny and interesting as hell.

People should check out the Satanic Government episodes (ep. 118-120) from LPOTL which discusses the Franklin Coverups. Spooky as fuck.

My favorite episode is the Native American cryptids. So funny but really interesting

Yeah I love anything paranormal that they do. Especially the Alien/UFO episodes. Unfortunately it seems like that a minority as most don't seem to like those episodes as much. Thankfully Henry loves Aliens, so I hope to see more in the future lol.

Mysterious Universe covers a lot of stuff like that.

Yeah, I listen to Mysterious Universe. Another good podcast is The Unexplained with Howard Hughes. Very dry and to the point, but he's a journalist and conducts the show in that manner.

Never heard of that. Will definitely check it out, thanks.

No problem! He's got a great voice for it too lol.

Loving all these podcast recommendations, definitely will be subscribing to those. I need more paranormal/mystery podcasts. So far I've just got The Higherside Chats and NoSleep Podcast.

It's by far my favorite genre of podcasts! I've got a few more for you as well haha. Check out Astonishing Legends and you may like Lore.

Mysterious Universe and LPOTL are a bit more comedic than the others, but I really enjoy all of them in their own way. Do yourself a favor and give the Astonishing Legends Mothman and/or Dyatlov Pass episodes. They put in a HUGE amount of research into their show.

Hey, this is Tess from AL! Thanks so much for listening, and for the shout out. Dyatlov Pass is my all-time favorite, and I love when others suggest it here :) Also, the mothman series was a crazy deep-dive, so if you're listening to that as your first taste of AL....well, buckle in ;)

Thinking sideways is also quite a good one. They try to find real world explanations for unexplainable events and phenomena.

I'll have to check that out! Sounds mighty interesting, thanks.

Looked for this, but couldn't find the episode. Any idea what the title or date are? Sounds like a fun listen.

Episode 150: Monsters of the Native Americans :)

Great! Thanks!


The Last Podcast on the Left. It's kind of a comedy podcast (I think) that covers conspiracies, the occult, aliens, cryptic, folk tales and all that good stuff. I love it. Highly recommended.

Thanks just subscribed

I've been addicted since, thanks again

Of course! Anything to spread the good word of LPotL!

Last Podcast on the Left

Listen to the episodes on the Franklin Coverup and then follow with the Dulce Facility. The former is insanely fucked up and the latter had my crying with laughter.

I cant wait to see the fuckers in SF

Nice! That's awesome.

Hardcore History does a good job of analyzing the darker questions of our past.

Similarly, his Common Sense current events podcast I think is an excellent source of non-partisan (even anti-partisan) critique.

I love Hardcore History. Great for long road trips. My favorite is how his "blitz" episode is 6 hours long lol

You little rippa!

I have a 12 hour roady tomorrow to go rescue some animals and was chucking my toys out of the pram that he hasn't released anything in a while.

Just got Blitz. Thanks mate. I really appreciate it.

The higherside chats is a great podcast for fringe conspiracies, high strangeness and great information. The people he talks to are authors/researchers who have thoroughly looked into whatever they are writing about. Most don't give a shit about which side of the political coin you are on.

I am also a big fan of podcasts and I'm always looking for more

No Agenda maaaaan.

With John Ceeeeeee -- where the C stands for "conspiracy subreddit" -- Dvorak. No Agenda is indeed the best podcast in the universe. Just discovered it a few months ago and I'm pissed it's taken me so long to find.

I like THC but I feel like Greg is often too loose on hard evidence and relies too much on conjecture and speculation. Kind of the nature of being the host of a conspiracy oriented pod, sure, but I still feel like it'd be better if he were a little more skeptical and reasonable.

I actually really enjoy that about it. I don't really get into (or enjoy, honestly) the alien/lizard people/space spiders stuff, but I love that he is always so welcoming and accepting. He seems to allow everyone their time at the podium whether they are talking about nibiru or corruption in Washington.

That's a fair point. If anyones gonna give them their platform, it should be the host of a conspiracy podcast I guess

Have you listened to No Agenda? I think you'd like it.

On a side note does anyone have any other conspiracy style podcast? I like thinking sideways as they have stuff like that but not a fan of the others.

Generation Why is popular amongst people but i personally get bored with it

TFC is a fantastic resource.

Hail Satan!


I saved this post as I got a great podcast recommendation forum.

Oooh I'm always looking for good podcasts. I'll have to try this. Thanks.

Went and checked out that channel and started watching the episode on homepage. Scarred for life. Had to turn it off.

Are these available on youtube? Or do you purchase them? Ive never heard any of these and want to check it out.

What episodes?

I am checking out the podcast now. Am I allowed to link to it here?

Whats with all the comment scores hidden. Elite global pedo ring cant cover it up this time.

Comment scores on this sub are hidden for an hour after being posted

I never knew that. Thanks!


Thanks for the recommendation OP, same to /u/Dads_BBQ_Brisket. Good resources

Fight the good fight my friend

Will do mister super poop sir

In general, I am very skeptical of this conspiracy wrt Podesta emails etc...

I do believe that there are Pedophile networks involving powerful and rich politics, Hollywood...clergy (not just RCC)...I also believe that third world countries are exploited and the children are a part of the spoils of manufactured wars...

Then whats to be skeptical about? If the pieces fit..

Obviously because the only evidence comes from 4chan, fake youtube videos, and conspiracy and fake news websites/blogs.

Do you know about the Franklin Coverup and Johnny Gosch?

PizzaGate is about the allegations against a pizza shop, its owner, and John Podesta. Child trafficking rings exist, and are sometimes covered up by higher up officials. But don't try to "prove" that months of harassment against an innocent business is justified because crimes happen elsewhere.

PizzaGate is about the allegations against a pizza shop, its owner, and John Podesta.

That is but a fraction of the theory. Although the name may be misleading, PizzaGate is about implicating those connected to the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation in the human trafficking of children, among other crimes. It is speculated that one of a number of ways to traffic said children is through business fronts like Comet Ping Pong Pizza is implicated to be.

The Clinton Foundation is guilty of various fraudulent schemes such as pay to play, gun running and human trafficking. This is a well documented fact. The corruption was first uncovered by Charles Ortel and later published in books by Peter Schweizer and Jerome Corsi. See books, "Clinton Cash" and "Partners In Crime".

It's not a question of whether or not the foundation is guilty of these crimes, rather who within the Clinton's social circle is participating in this illegal activity.

No, that's what you people started claiming that PizzaGate is about once everyone realized how ridiculous the claims against the pizza shop are. Heck, it's in the freaking name: PIZZAGate.

No, that's what you people started claiming

good to see people are taking time out to discredit others. and failing

So, is Hezbollah or CIA?

The Pizza part of the "crowd sourced investigation" is more so aligned to the code in the podesta emails. Investigating the overall activity of those associated the emails or persons and groups relating to the rmails has genereally been the goal. This is why pizzagate and spirit cooking are used together because it addresses the larger actions of the group.

That possible pizzza related code led to some links which also happen to involve pizza shops. The act of associating pizzagate with only comet pizza is the most common method to dismiss it.

If you hate the name feel free to hate the name. I've been watching it all since October and it was never focused only on pizza places.

Granted, as a third party observer, some of the weak associations that lead to large jumps in logic or bias interpretation are some what frustrsting. Those tend to fall by the side and is a source of why so many people got fed up with Seaman. He kept mentioning many of the looser and less concrete "facts" that others then use to descredit the whole intent of the "conspiracy" or investigation regarding probable ongoing corruption.

I've been watching since October too, before ther term was coined and before /r/operationberenstain and /r/pizzagate were banned. It very specifically singled out two pizza places and a certain pizza store owner. This was all within a day or two. The "secret pizza messages" in Podesta's emails are similar nonsense.

Lol. I take it you were not involved in the first posts about it here. We were trying to figure out certain words, phrases, and sentences in Podesta emails. The pizza shop was not mentioned until later.

I originally ignored it because I was trying to find emails relating to classified material that was sent.

Is it better to play dominoes on cheese or pasta?

Is it better to play dominoes on cheese or pasta?

If i was popeye the sailor man i would play dominoes best on spinach. Since im black do you think id play dominoes better on watermelon or fried chicken?

Haha!! This is awkward. No comment.

I am white, so what type of cracker do you think I would use? Ritz? Saltines?

"Ritz" means a white child that a rich person pimps out for exorbitant amounts of cash and expects returned.

"Saltine" means a poor while child that is sold into sex slavery.

Boom! #Crackergate.

Yes! Case closed!

I think you mean BLOWN WIDE OPEN! #ArrestNabisco

Haha! LOL.

John Podesta held a senior position at the Clinton Foundation. Alefantis is associated with Podesta, Clinton, and Obama. Comet Ping Pong is one of the numerous questionable establishments that Alefantis owns. Most of the establishments implicated in this particular trafficking ring are not pizza parlors.

The reason the theory is called PizzaGate is because Alefantis was rather brazen about how he conducted himself on social media while publicly representing CPP. Further investigation confirmed his close relationship with John & Tony Podesta and solidified his ties to the Clinton Foundation. This shed light on a plethora of horrifying details about the alleged human trafficking ring that the Clinton Foundation is implicated in funding/running.

This shed light on a plethora of horrifying details about the alleged human trafficking ring that the Clinton Foundation is implicated in funding/running.

No, it didn't. It resulted in a witch hunt full of gun-happy rednecks raving about how we need to take out people for hosting creepy art shows.

It was Operation Bearenstein first.

feel free to check the date on that submission bud

Wouldn't it be called "name of pizza shop gate" then, based on your argument?

The Clinton Foundation is guilty of various fraudulent schemes such as pay to play, gun running and human trafficking. This is a well documented fact.

Any source on the last 2?

He literally just named 2 books for you to read after making that statement.

kind of hoping for like, verified news articles or reports of some kind. I assume those books source thier claims as well right? i'd be happy with those sources as well.

Bullshit. It's called pizzagate because the original theory had a ton to do with Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in particular. Now, that it is increasingly likely that the original theory involving the pizzeria is bullshit, there's a coverup of people claiming it was never really about that at all. Well, you can't pretend CPP was never part of the theory, it was, and it's a stupid now as it ever was.

I disagree. It is not just about a pizza shop. I was here when the posts first appeared, and the pizza shop was not mentioned until later.

any link to the first post? I remember when it started it's just comet ping pong.

Shit! I would have to go back and look...

Here is one of the emails in question:

I do not recall which day it was released by Wikileaks. I think it would have been around the second week of October 2016...

Is there an easy way to go back and search my posts?

um, they got cheese platter instead of pasta.. and they play domino while eating the food.. okay.

Here is the exact quote:

"Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

If what you say is true, then why did the person not write it in the email? Why write something different?

I really don't see it man, seriously..

dominos is a game you play..

cheese or pasta is a form of food..

people might eat food while playing games..

Fair enough. I don't want to criticize someone for disagreeing with me. It is just circumstantial evidence that something more sinister is going on.

I'm just saying, I would be pretty jazzed too if I receive cheese platter or pasta and sauce as gifts..

and I do play a lot of board games, not dominos of course..

and I do enjoy eating snacks while playing the games.

I can't imagine thanking someone for giving me food as a gift and making a comment about eating it while playing board game and then have people accuses me of wrong doing.

Believe me, I understand. But, play dominos ON? That is a weird way to phrase it.

I am looking at this in the total context of what I know regarding previous events.

You are right, though. Nobody wants to falsely accuse anyone.

Dominoes or dominos is a game played with rectangular "domino" tiles. The domino gaming pieces make up a domino set, sometimes called a deck or pack. The traditional Sino-European domino set consists of 28 dominoes, colloquially nicknamed bones, cards, tiles, tickets, stones, chips, or spinners

at least it's a real game..

These people have an easier time believing in an explanation that requires making up about ten other insane things.

"I wouldn't say on pasta so on must mean that pasta means a child and cheese means my jizz and playing means eating the kid afterwards and then CCing about five different people who have zero problem with this."

I was playing 7 wonders on chicken nuggets, chips, 4 layer dip, and instant noodle yesterday

analyze that.

Underwater buttsecks with sharks.

Some of the emails are odd, sure. But accusing all the pizza joints in the neighborhood, the DNC email contents, etc of having pedo symbology? The accusations are baseless, the alleged iconography being used is always sourced from 4chan or conspiracy sites despite being supposedly "unclassified FBI/CIA/whatever BL/etc iconography." "Cheese Pizza" or CP as a reference for... porn, is pretty much a term used by 4channers and online communities in general. It's like a bad 4chan troll attempt.

Disclaimer: I'm not really /r/conspiracy material so much as an observer of this sub.

I don't buy into this entirely but you taking something literally is the exact purpose of codewords, so you just saying "these are all inconspicuous things" are kind of what someone coding these things would want you to think, lol.

again, i don't buy into it, but looking into it literally doesn't really work.

I mean, the simplest explanation is usually the best.. I'm sure I can read some of you personal emails and make a thing out of it if I wanted too.. honestly, there's some emails I will admit doesn't make sense, but this one seems pretty innocent..

Problem with that thinking is that as outsiders we have no clue what the code words are, much less what they mean.

Ever seen unnecessary censorship? Bleep a totally innocuous word and suddenly the speaker sounds like an asshole/lech. Same thing works for ascribing secret meanings to certain words.

Even if you accept that this is coded language, doesn't it make way more sense that it would be about drugs?

It's portrayed as incriminating because of the awkward phrasing, but subbing in the supposed PG code words makes the language no less awkward.

Sure. It could be drugs, but I think it is not. Did you see the artwork? I do not recall seeing drug related artwork.

Even if you accept that this is coded language, doesn't it make way more sense that it would be about drugs?

It's portrayed as incriminating because of the awkward phrasing, but subbing in the supposed PG code words makes the language no less awkward.

There was a post on The_Donald on Nov. 3 supposedly linking Laura Silsby to the Clintons. Later that day, on 4Chan, anon invented the pizza code: "Search for these possible doublespeak keywords in Wikileaks 'hotdog' = boy ", etc.

By the evening of Nov. 6, Alefantis's Instagram had been scoured by the weaponized autists and Alefantis made it private.

The first post I saw about pizza and pedophilia on reddit was on Nov. 7:

That already meantions Comet Ping Pong and Alefantis prominently

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Oh now you are a 10 year old account? Impressive.

When you can't refute anything someone says, attack the person. Impressive.

It's not about that anymore because the idea of this happening in a pizzeria is idiotic. However this is pretty much the original theory.

Most are now moving away from this theory since it's been outed as, well, kind of dumb.


Yes! Case closed!

Why are people so vehement about denying pizzagate? Genuinely, unless they are shills, I do not understand why folks would come to a conspiracy sub to say pizzagate is fake, when the circumstantial evidence would be enough to begin an investigation, and if the people accused weren't so powerful, could be enough for a conviction.

Like, it's confounding. If you don't agree, don't comment or visit the sub right? There's so obviously a planned response to anything pizzagate related and it's sinister feeling. Creepy stuff.

Genuinely, unless they are shills, I do not understand

Because people who are tired of this no evidence witch hunt, that's trying to set a precedent of investigating people with no victim, no parents of a victim, no witnesses, no former employees collaberating anything, just solely based on anonymous online accusations where the accused can't face their accuser.

Did you read about the Franklin Scandal? One investigator had a plane "accident", then they hauled his crashed plane to a military base.

Great story that has nothing to do with pizzagate at all.

You don't think that other accounts of pedophile ring coverups are relevant to a possible pedophile ring being covered up?

It's D1Foley. I'll let you do your own hw on him...

Came here to say the same thing. Dude spends a lot of time here for someone who believes in nothing conspiratorial. ThatsPopetastic shouldn't be far behind.

Skyderp12 and soonerchad are FANTASTIC members of this great community worth checking out as well

I love the info-sharing that goes on here.

Except I do believe it's conspiratorial. I think there is a politically motivated witch hunt to smear the presidents political opponents and to push a police state. Yet instead of providing any evidence that it's not. I'm called a shill, like your rebuttal is to say look at my profile? When you can't discredit any points I make I guess it's easier to try to discredit me right?

You discredit yourself. Your goal is to waste our time with your side tangents, and it's plain as day.

By asking for evidence and calling you out for trying to destroy the constitution? Well I guess this sub really has changed.

No witnesses, no accusers, no victim, no parents of a victim and no former employees collaberating anything. Your entire "investigation" is a side tangent.

But no one cares as hard as you do unless you are gullty of something or are being paid.

"Nobody could possible disagree with me unless their paid"

You are retarded. I don't mean that in any insulting way. I mean you literally have a mental handicap.

Wow thats real hurtful when a pedo says it to me.

Also it's "they're"

Everyone disagrees with you? Well if you wake up in the morning and you run into an asshole -- then you just ran into an asshole but if you run into assholes all day that disagrees with you, guess who the asshole is?

If you read or comprehended ant of my posts, you'd see that there is no evidence any of these people are pedos.

And I quoting you in the last post.

You'd understand all of this if you didn't, like I mentioned, have a mental handicap.

You didnt quote me you idiot.

Tripping over your own dick to defend these people.

it's tribal......our leaders are good and yours are bad.

Because I am the retard who is tripping over his own dick to defend pedophiles.

Your whole life is dedicated to this, you need to take a step back and look at yourself in the mirror?

What terrible decisions brought you to this way of life?

Well time-line wise, the smearing must have started long before the election.

can we start a list? a sub? of malicious r/conspiracy lurkers? so we know who to dick-punch in the comments if we've had a rough day?

possible pedophile ring

What evidence of this is there?

No witnesses, no accusers, no victim, no parents of a victim and no former employees collaberating anything.

Got an accuser yet? You know the thing the constitution says the accused has a right to face?


Then no you don't.

You know that the so called evidence has no grounding in reality right? The disturbing images you all love to point to were actually from various different websites and cobbled together from someone on 4chan, the home of trolls.

What disturbing images and who is "you all?"

Way to dodge my questions, bud! You should run for president next!

The 'Podesta e-mails' revealed the existence of a secret society of pedophiles operating through a pizza place loosely connected to Clinton associate David Brock.

Of course this is rated false. Nothing was revealed, only hinted at. This is where the formal investigation by people with no vested interests would come in. However, there has been no formal investigation and there will be no fair investigation. There's a total media black out of even the thought of pedophilia in our government at this point.

Also, tangentially related thought: wasn't Snopes implicated as colluding with the DNC in the emails? I can't recall off the top of my head if anyone else can.

However, the photographs that the Instagram account purportedly hosted were instead, apparently, taken from the pages of various people who “liked” the restaurant’s page on Facebook:

Some of the photographs were apparently taken from random web sites

I didn't know the military was involved in civi plane crashes.

Are you sure? The hand of the CIA seems to be everywhere on these issues... Maybe it is just a coincidence...

Children Invaders Agency.....

Yeah... This whole thing is very messed up. How did we ever get so far gone? 4 reasons for the elimanation of television by jerry mander.

OK. Thanks for that. I got rid of my TV years ago, and I do not miss it. I feel like I am better and more accurately informed now. LOL.

most influential book in my life!

People are in no way tired of evidence-less witch-hunts.

What with the Red Scare 2.0 running rampant across politics, news, and worksheets...

Yuuup. It's a weaksauce propaganda.

"Different when we do it!"

Abusers want the privilege to witch-hunt at will, but oh how they scream when someone notices that they've done something which makes them witches worth hunting...


Americans do it for freedom!

Everyone else does it because they are evil.

An axis of it, if you will...

Did Russia not invade Ukraine under false pretenses or am I missing something?

Possibly, we only hear about foreign affairs through the media.

But if we're going to take a stand against nations that unilaterally, illegally invade sovereign nations then start at home, as no one is more guilty of that than America. Once you guys have your own house clean, you can try to reprimand other for doing exactly what you do.

I'm not taking a stand against countries that invade others. I'm taking a stand against Russia and their stupid aggression I don't really care if the USA does it, because I live in the USA. Would rather the USA and our allies win rather than Russia.

This is why people like you can't ever have serious conversations.

You literally just told me that it's bad when Russia does something and totally awesome when the states does the exact same thing because of no better reason than your personal geographic location.

People like you deserve to suffer through the Trump years.

That's exactly the thing trump supports so I don't know why you'd think OP would suffer in that scenario.

Well he seems to be on the hate-Trump side of the spectrum, so years under trump would not make him happy.

Explain to me how trump supports unilateral invasions, assassinations and the like as long as only america does it?

I'm not saying he doesn't but he hasn't invaded anywhere, I've heard of no plans to conduct another invasion of a sovereign nation. None of the rumors claim he has ordered anyone's death, or authorized a coup.

I don't understand where you're coming from.

Trump is the biggest hypocrite ever, and he's 100% America first, america's the best, anti globalization, against every other country if they interfere with anything we do. This is Trump to a T. We can disagree here because I have no evidence, but this is exactly the type of president I think Trump is. And BTW. I think most all American presidents have been this way and will continue to be this way because American sovereignty, etc, etc.

I can't argue any of those points... :-)

As far as global politics and power plays are concerned I'm pretty sure we all miss something. There is no way to know what really goes on behind closed doors and what really happened.

see Dogs of War by pink floyd......

There's more to the tale than we are lead to believe, like the Russian naval interest there, the high number of Russians that live there and the dubiousness of the coup being entirely domesticly fomented. Perhaps over time those parts won't be forgotten, but it depends on whose version of reality to which you listen. Russia does not have to be the perfect country to acknowledge these things that affect opinion of its actions. If we judged the USA entirely upon its CIA, which largely protects the economic self-interests of Wall Street, we'd be unnecessarily demonizing the USA and its people. Russians are humans too and their government is not run by Satan.

he runs ALL government in this world.......

Did the CIA not topple the legitimately elected government of Ukraine because it was pro-russian , thus trying to strip Russia of it's Sevastopol port or am I missing something ?

Yea definitely but I don't think it can really be denied that the Ukranian people wanted to be part of the EU. The elected government went directly against the wishes of the people. Otherwise why would there be such a resistant movement.

it can really be denied that the Ukranian people wanted to be part of the EU

No ,you are wrong. Only the western part of Ukraine wants this and they are not in the majority. That's what you're all missing. The pro-russia government had the support of ~55% of the people - those in Eastern Ukraine.

But the seat of Government is in Kiev, where most people are anti-russian/pro-EU. So ofc they're going to protest.

Also Crimea was part of Russian since they took it from the Ottomans (well technically from the Crimean Khanate, but that was under the protection of the High Gate).

It was only "gifted" to Ukraine by the Ukrainian N. Khrushchev when he was the leader of the USSR.

So how what claim does Ukraine have to Crimea, a region populated by russians for the past 250 years, where ethnic Ukrainians are under 10% ?

Or is everything the Politiburo of the USSR said and done so great that it must never be challenged ever again ? WTF

The wishes of the Russians living in Ukraine is to be either part of an Ukraine that is pro-russian or part of Russia. Those people would rather start a civil war then take orders from Brussels. And ofc Russia would support them in every way it can. Those are Russian people who want to live their lives in a country that does not go against everything they want.

All the russians in the Ukraine couldve just moved back to Russia. I wouldnt accept disrespecting sovereignty in North America I dont respect it from Russia or "Russian Rebels"

Lol they've already fired Flynn and now Sessions is in hot water. Both of them lied about their communications with the Russian ambassador.

There's absolutely evidence that members of the Trump campaign were communicating with at least one Russian official. That Flynn and Sessions have both lied about it is suspicious.

That would depend on the question they were asked, wouldn't it?

If they were asked "Did you have any communication with an official of the Russian government during the presidential election?" and they said no, they have perjured themselves. We have proof that they did just that.

If they were asked something like "Did you have any communication with and official of the Russian government in regards to the presidential election, during the election process?" and they said no, we would need to find evidence that they did to prove perjury.

Flynn was fired because he was tainted, not because he was guilty. Rumours went wild and public opinion turned against him in a bad way so he was cut loose. The same may happen to Sessions yet, but it doesn't mean they are guilty.

Actually in Sessions' case Franken didn't even directly ask him if he had been in contact with Russian officials. Franken asked what Sessions would do if he found evidence of Trump campaign officials communicating with Russia, and Sessions voluntarily said he had not had any communications with the Russians.

When obviously he has. Sessions didn't even need to hang himself on that question, but he did.

If true, then he is spectacularly stupid and should be removed on that basis alone.

Please watch away, it's less than 90 seconds long and it's from the confirmation hearing.

HA! Asshat.

IANAL, but it looks like he locked himself up nice and tight. Idiot.

Rule 4

Apologies. I was referring to Sessions as an asshat.

While I was being abusive, just not to a Reddit user.


Lol D1Foley yall, I suggest you check him out

Haha holy shit

Well put.

James Alefantis posted sexualized photos of little boys and toddlers on his Instagram.

No witch hunt there.

If you found those pictures sexual, see a psychologist.

I call me kids hotards all the time, nothing weird about that.


Is that why they are so obsessed with this shit, they are actually projecting?

Shill harder

Hey it's this copy pasta again!

Well maybe if somebody actually tried to refute it instead of just insult me I'd have to change it up. As it is, pizzagate reposts the same shit day after day after day, so I can use the same words to call out the bullshit, day after day.

The strange part is that the exact same comment is made verbatim by other accounts.

The strange part is that the exact same comment is made verbatim by other accounts.

This is what I find with all the pizzagate comments. They are copypasted from t_d, 4chan and voat. Almost like someone with an agenda is trying to distract us whenever Trump is in the wrong..

Have you seen the "Democratic Party, Republican Party, Pizza Party Image?" on JimmyComet's Instagram? Werkinonmahnightcheese says: "Give me a Haitian special with extra cheese." He must be talking about actual pizza, right?

Holy shit you're not tired of it though, are you? Look at this guys post history. its all he talks about. He pops up every time its mentioned and fucking shills hard.

Maybe if someone actually addressed his posts instead of attacking him, he'd stop. I sincerely doubt it, however, as I've yet to see a logically consistent argument refuting his posts. It seems like more people are busy parroting ideas that they've read elsewhere so the arguments are untenable to them.

He would stop, yeah right. Thats what they pay him to do.

I just checked your profile and saw a lot of pizzagate-related postings. Who is paying you? It's obvious you have skin in the game as there is no other reason to post these baseless accusations that hard

I just checked your profile and saw a lot of social justice related postings. Who is paying you? Its obvious you have skin in the game.

Wow don't have enough imagination to formulate an actual reply worth posting? Not a problem, just play the copy cat game. My five year old did that too.

Every time you post and it isn't refuting what /u/D1Foley said you look more and more like your 5 old. Does he have a reddit account? Maybe he'd do better at it than you can.

Be honest is this your job or are you just a pedo?

Eat my shit you mental midget. I would say ages my points but we all know you can't.

If you don't agree, don't comment or visit the sub right?

You would prefer a circle jerk or echo chamber? There are some claims that are... dubious and I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be questioned. I'm also not a fan of using unrelated crimes to somehow "prove PizzaGate".

Which unrelated crimes do you mean?

If the same crime is committed by the same people and/or government agency, then they are related, even if the crimes are decades apart, right?

Pizzagate originally involved a pizza shop and Podesta, including those who surround him. There were several posts involving sting operations that led to arrests that were posted here with cries of "any day now" in the comments that were completely unrelated to the original accusations espoused by "PG investigators".

Agreed, I'm happy to see an investigation into pizza gate even though I don't think it's real. It's annoying to see people conflate unrelated busts and scandals as proof for pizza gate

77 karma? Lol

Lol your name too? Obviously you're trying to look looney with that name and discredit this but you ain't fitting the part. Don't quit your day job shill.

Lol ok you seem a bit paranoid. I used to lurk here and recently made an account so I could comment. I get down voted a lot in politics for questioning the narrative and not blindly attacking trump while ignoring obamas and clintons actions. Anyone who doesn't think pizza gate is real is a shill? also I just picked this name because I had recently watched a funny clip about dinald rums field being a lizard. heres the link

Not everyone who denies pizzagate is a shill it just shows they have been herded. "Sheeple is an insult to sheep, sheep need a dog to herd them, people herd each other"

Is it impossible that you have been herded into believing in pizza gate to distract from other issues and make us look crazy?

That could be a possibility as well.

There is a bigger picture beyond pizza gate but this could be the smoking gun, the spark to the fire, the beginning of the end of the whole cabal.

Not when I've been researching this since long before it became pizzagate I wouldn't. Many of us were already fully aware this was happening. It's not some new trend, it gained traction because people have been saying this for years and people have a tendancy to "commit suicide" when they report it.

Since you have been researching this for so long then surely you are the best person to ask this. What concrete evidence is there that a pizza shop in D.C. was used as the headquarters for a child trafficking ring?

2 seconds looking at your post history I've concluded you have an agenda. You've seen the evidence and way less has been used to launch investigations in the past. The above comment was at 8 upvotes and suddenly it's at minus 2. People are literally being paid to try and discredit this and you still find it hard to believe. Do you believe our precious government overlords really want what's best for us? Are you that short sighted? You have not looked at the evidence. You are parroting what MSN is telling you. You yourself are doing your part to surpress information, you know, what we have fought against since man learned to read. You are the enemy.

So instead of showing me the evidence that is so overwhelming that "less has been used to launch investigations in the past" you just decide to not tell me what that evidence is?

If I am asking for concrete evidence then I'm not trying to suppress the information, I'm asking for you to share it.

But you have already decided. You claim to have seen it yourself. You are asking me about it to discredit it whilst ignoring the fact that this has been going on since the dawn of man. I've seen your post history. It's the same thing over and over, telling people you have seen the emails yourself and have found nothing conclusive. You must be blind.

Right, I have seen the "evidence" but in my opinion there is nothing solid. There are some weird things, but nothing solid to mount an official investigation like you claim.

And that's exactly what you came here to say from the start. After reading those emails would you happily leave your child with Podesta or Skippy? Yes or no.

It depends, under what circumstances would I need to leave my children with them? And for long?

For a pizza party of course! And either over night or for the afternoon.

For the afternoon yes. Over night only if it's for an old school "lock in" that we used to have in middle school where we were locked in an arcade-pizza store and you could play the games for free and there was a pizza buffet.

Besides children have phones with cameras nowadays so if anything weird happens then they can quickly call for help and record evidence.

Username checks out.

It's funny because creep_lord's username is very applicable to their comment.

Pizzagate originally involved a pizza shop and Podesta, including those who surround him.

No. "Pizzagate" started when it was discovered in the Wikileaks dumps of DNC related emails that Podesta and Co. were using what some call "codewords," such as Obama ordering thousands of dollars worth of "succulent hot dogs," and Podesta having children over to play in a hot tub. This led people to look at the Podestas a little bit more, discovering their propensity for collecting what many would deem strange artwork by artists who seem to do a lot of work involving bound children being tortured. Gradually people dug deeper into the emails and they discovered connections with the DNC establishment via David Brock to James Alefantis' pizza parlor "Comet Ping Pong" which was frequented heavily by DNC insiders and media folk. People began to look more closely at Comet Ping Pong, Alefantis, the strange art around Comet Ping Pong, and the connections with the Democratic establishment. As people began to scrutinize this information, there was a backlash unlike anything we've ever seen against a "looney conspiracy theory" that "no-one in their right mind could believe." For those familiar with spin and disinformation, all of this seemed very familiar to the Westminster pedophile dossier and the scandal surrounding Jimmy Savile, both of which were shut down by similar language by a media deeply in bed with establishment insiders who said only crazy people could believe such a thing. The story evolved to include Hillary Clinton running a sex dungeon in the heart of DC with an elaborate system of tunnels connecting all of these places.

In short, "Pizzagate" began as a real story that got drowned out by disinformation meant to discredit and marginalize anyone who even mentions it. No matter how well developed a reasoned argument is, on Reddit anyone can go back through your history, see you made a comment "in support" of "Pizzagate" and anything you said, regardless of the facts cited, is meaningless. "Pizzagate" is, or became, a limited hangout that serves multiple purposes.


Don't embellish, esp. not in quotation marks. The actual details are more persuasive sans embellishments.

Don't embellish, esp. not in quotation marks. The actual details are more persuasive sans embellishments.

I'm pretty sure you're not aware of what quotation marks are used for. This might help you. I am not embellishing anything. That's why I added quotation marks.

Incidentally, the placement of quotation marks in these emails is interesting. What does "'Waitress'" mean?

If you can link to a podesta email with the words "succulent hotdogs" together then you are correct. Otherwise simply write succulent "hotdogs".

Do you enjoy steering the conversation to semantic and ultimately irrelevant directions?

Man, I love irony.

Think he'll realize it?

In my humble opinion, I always thought that they were talking about prostitutes... I don't know why people went directly to kids. I worked with an event planner for a couple of months and if I learned anything, it's that lawyers/politicians/elites LOVE prostitutes. Out of all the things pizza gate theorists can point out this is one of the weakest.

What do you think the word "waitresses" means?

Here's what I think, and my interpretation is equally as valid as yours because neither of us were party to the email.

This group clearly had a similar "Chicago hot dog day "in the past. They hired people to serve the food. Perhaps these people did not traditionally work as waiters. Maybe the Obamas "turned the tables" by serving the food themselves. Thus, Michelle Obama was their "waitress," but she's really the First Lady. Or instead of the Obamas, maybe they had attractive adult models serving the food. So the writer is saying that he wants the person who served him food, who is not traditionally a waitress, to serve him again because it is a humorous twist or something.

There are soooooo many possible interpretations of this. You are reading into it to find a possible meaning that supports your narrative. I have conversations with friends often that a third party would not understand and that could be misinterpreted. That's why I am a strong advocate of digital privacy. You are doing EXACTLY what privacy advocates fear the US government would do with a digital record of all private communications - you are looking at past conversations to find anything that is incriminating or can be interpreted as incriminating to impugn political enemies. You are taking thousands of communications and picking out small snippets to create a narrative to discredit a person or group of people. This is what we fear, and yet this community has no problem doing it themselves.

looked into the "hot dog party" a bit awhile back and it looks like the original Stratfor emails, which were dated May 14, 2009, are specifically referring to Obama flying in the chefs of Pi Pizzeria in St. Louis to cook pizza for them in the White House. This occurred the first week of April in 2009.

If you read the emails Fred Burton writes: "I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?" He heard about the money spent on flying in chefs and then makes a quip about how they should use public money (taxpayer money/client money) for their Chicago Hot Dog Fridays, (which I'm guessing involved a guy's night out with strippers/prostitutes/drugs). I think that the use of "waitress" was meant to reflect the same thinking--as long as it's paid for using other people's money then it's cool. Remember, these emails were referring to events happening in Austin, Texas, not DC.

mkultra slave with big breasts?

Alright I'm going to break this down line by line

No. "Pizzagate" started when it was discovered in the Wikileaks dumps of DNC related emails that Podesta and Co. were using what some call "codewords," such as Obama ordering thousands of dollars worth of "succulent hot dogs,"

Code words that came from 4chan, and as pointed out "succulent hot dogs" appears nowhere in the emails.

and Podesta having children over to play in a hot tub. This led people to look at the Podestas a little bit more,

This is completely untrue, the emails i'm sure you're referring to talk about a political fundraiser where someone said three children would be using the heated pool. So starting off with a complete misrepresentation of the truth.

discovering their propensity for collecting what many would deem strange artwork by artists who seem to do a lot of work involving bound children being tortured.

Most of art you're talking about isn't even owned by him, not to mention liking weird art isn't a crime.

Gradually people dug deeper into the emails and they discovered connections with the DNC establishment via David Brock to James Alefantis' pizza parlor "Comet Ping Pong" which was frequented heavily by DNC insiders and media folk. People began to look more closely at Comet Ping Pong, Alefantis, the strange art around Comet Ping Pong, and the connections with the Democratic establishment.

Yes he donated to the Democratic Party and had a fundraiser. The rest of this is just trying to paint that as something nefarious.

As people began to scrutinize this information

Which as pointed out, was all bullshit.

there was a backlash unlike anything we've ever seen against a "looney conspiracy theory" that "no-one in their right mind could believe."

Yeah after somebody WENT INTO THE PIZZA PLACE WITH A GUN thinking he was going to save children because he bought into the bullshit. And spare me your false flag trash.

For those familiar with spin and disinformation, all of this seemed very familiar to the Westminster pedophile dossier and the scandal surrounding Jimmy Savile, both of which were shut down by similar language by a media deeply in bed with establishment insiders who said only crazy people could believe such a thing. The story evolved to include Hillary Clinton running a sex dungeon in the heart of DC with an elaborate system of tunnels connecting all of these places.

The first attempt at connecting pizzagate to a real incident of child abuse to give it legitimacy. The rest is what this sub was actually talking about, a post about the tunnels made the front page like 2 days ago.

In short, "Pizzagate" began as a real story that got drowned out by disinformation meant to discredit and marginalize anyone who even mentions it. No matter how well developed a reasoned argument is, on Reddit anyone can go back through your history, see you made a comment "in support" of "Pizzagate" and anything you said, regardless of the facts cited, is meaningless. "Pizzagate" is, or became, a limited hangout that serves multiple purposes.

Pizzagate was always bullshit from the get-go and i've never went through anybody's history to make an argument, but it's happened to me on this thread alone multiple times so

In short you are an absolute disgrace to your username and might as well change it to Fred or the Beast.

Pizzagate was always bullshit from the get-go and i've never went through anybody's history to make an argument, but it's happened to me on this thread alone multiple times so

Every time that I see that happen (happens to me too) it just makes me realize that they can't discuss the points being made and are trying to find an intellectually dishonest "out". Fantastic post, by the way!

Code words that came from 4chan, and as pointed out "succulent hot dogs" appears nowhere in the emails.

No. Those codewords are common codewords used by pedophiles, sweet pea. But nice try.

This is completely untrue, the emails i'm sure you're referring to talk about a political fundraiser where someone said three children would be using the heated pool. So starting off with a complete misrepresentation of the truth.

Nah. Read the email, dear. It says,

"We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzato (11, 9, and almost 7) so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."

And with that, I'm done breaking down the rest of your nonsense point by point. Rich elites fuck children, and from the Westminster pedophile dossier, to Jimmy Savile, to Dennis Hastert, to Jeffrey Epstein, there is proof of it all.

Incidentally, John Podesta was traveling buddies with Hastert. Do you travel with friends you don't have anything in common with? And who appointed the judge that gave Dennis Hastert his light sentence for fucking children? Obama appointed that judge.

Or what about Epstein and Bill Clinton's multiple flights to "Sin Island" on the "Lolita Express" without his Secret Service detail? Why would Clinton, a known pervert and serial assaulter of women, travel to a private island where Epstein fucks underage prostitutes without his security detail?

The dissonance reduction is strong with you, my friend. The Democratic establishment, and the Republican establishment, all associate with notorious child fuckers.

No. Those codewords are common codewords used by pedophiles, sweet pea. But nice try.

According to 4chan.

Nah. Read the email, dear. It says, "We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzato (11, 9, and almost 7) so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."

Where in there does it say hot tub? And yes it was a black tie political fundraiser where somebody was planning to announce his candidacy for something. So when she said entertainment she was being sarcastic. It isn't evidence of anything except that you jump to the worst conclusions immediately.

And with that you decide to break into more nonsense that has nothing to do with pizzagate in an attempt to deflect from the fact that your bullshit got exposed.

Maybe you're more the Smiler?

According to 4chan.

According to the FBI. But nice try.

Where in there does it say hot tub? And yes it was a black tie political fundraiser where somebody was planning to announce his candidacy for something.

Why would a black tie fundraiser to announce a candidate need three underage kids for entertainment in a pool?

And with that you decide to break into more nonsense that has nothing to do with pizzagate in an attempt to deflect from the fact that your bullshit got exposed.

You have trouble reading, don't you? I covered all of this in my initial post about the evolution of "Pizzagate."


It's pretty obvious regardless of what I say, you will continue to flail around as you are. You're apparently incapable of wrapping your head around any of this.

"I don't see the problem with wealthy politicians associating with wealthy pedophiles. So what if they are friends with kiddie fuckers and child diddlers? That doesn't mean they like to fuck kids too. I'm sure when Bill Clinton flew with Epstein out to 'Sin Island' on 'The Lolita Express' he went into the other room when Epstein started fucking the underage sex slaves."

You're right I can't wrap my head around calling for peoples arrest with no evidence beyond one email. No witnesses, no accusers, no victims, no parents of victims, just anonymous online accusations.

Agree to disagree, have a nice night.

i find it funny how hard it is for people to believe they use code words for this shit, like think about when you buy weed. using code words for illegal concepts is fucking logical

It's in a book it must be real!

Book about an investigating about pedophilia on the Internet.

This was all spelled out in the leaks? Can you source some of this hyperbole?

I don't much about everything else in pizzagate, but I do know something about this sentence:

No. Those codewords are common codewords used by pedophiles

And I can tell you from first hand experience that pedophiles do not need to use codewords.

pedophiles do not need to use codewords.

You know from first hand experience that well to do pedophiles don't use code words? I guess you know more than the FBI, right? Even before "Pizzagate" happened, "Cheese pizza" was used by pedophiles on the dark web to refer to kiddie porn. This is a story from 2007 from Slate all about it.

Even before "Pizzagate" happened, "Cheese pizza" was used by pedophiles on the dark web to refer to kiddie porn.

Cheese Pizza was used mostly on 4chan as a codeword that the user was going to ban himself by posting child pornography on the site. The only symbol from 4chan was pedobear, where is that bear on the FBI packet?

On the dark web there were only two "codewords" and they are used exclusively on the hidden wiki. But even the hidden wiki does not expect you to know what the codewords mean so the wiki defines then for you.

This is a story from 2007 from Slate talks about how pedophiles use codewords and links to the FBI document that details some of the symbols and code used by pedophiles.

The article just details what the FBI packet is about and how the FBI was asking local law enforcement agencies if that information was helpful to them.

Cheese Pizza was used mostly on 4chan as a codeword that the user was going to ban himself by posting child pornography on the site.

And yet I heard "Cheese pizza" used to refer to kiddie porn long before 4chan. Or maybe I'm just experiencing the Mandela Effect? /s

The article just details what the FBI packet is about and how the FBI was asking local law enforcement agencies if that information was helpful to them.

And what was that information? Codewords and symbols used by pedophiles.

Cheese pizza because popular because of 4chan. It might have been used in other boards, but the phrase most likely originated on 4chan. But feel free to correct me if you find an old board proving me wrong.

The FBI report was asking feedback back from local police departments. If the report was accurate then why didn't it include real codewords like "hard candy" or real symbols like pedobear?

THAT was one spooky graphic novel series!

Warren Ellis is a visionary. He might even be a prophet.

basically the heir of lovecraft.......

I think you're thinking of Alan Moore.

not as scary as warren ellis.....real scary!

Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing is one of the best horror comics ever written, if you've not read it.

i read it and liked it.....but wasn't scared by it......warren ellis always scares me.

Yeah after somebody WENT INTO THE PIZZA PLACE WITH A GUN thinking he was going to save children because he bought into the bullshit. And spare me your false flag trash.

Normally terrorist shooters don't get interviewed by the NYT a few days after their shooting. Obvious false flag.

Shill harder.

Except he's not a normal terrorist shooter, he didn't go there to shoot up the place he went there to investigate. The press was interested in him because he did what all the people claiming pizzagate is real wouldn't do.

It's only been 40 minutes but I hope you respond to U/Spider__Jerusalem's comment because as he said, the code words were well established even by groups who investigate Child pornography.

Also, there was no email about a "Political fundraiser" where children were going to be playing in a heated pool. Then you have the audacity to say that somehow what he was saying was a complete misrepresentation of the truth when you in fact either have not read the email yourself or are the one completely misrepresenting the truth. Laughable honestly how far you had to stretch that to make it a "This is completely untrue, the emails i'm sure you're referring to talk about a political fundraiser where someone said three children would be using the heated pool" lol.

Actual quote for anyone wondering:

"We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzato (11, 9, and almost 7) so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."

Please respond to him. It's time someone with their head in the sand was called on their bs.

It's only been 40 minutes but I hope you respond to U/Spider__Jerusalem's comment because as he said, the code words were well established even by groups who investigate Child pornography.

They weren't, they were from 4chan, they are widely touted as FBI code words around here with no evidence.

Also, there was no email about a "Political fundraiser" where children were going to be playing in a heated pool. Then you have the audacity to say that somehow what he was saying was a complete misrepresentation of the truth when you in fact either have not read the email yourself or are the one completely misrepresenting the truth. Laughable honestly how far you had to stretch that to make it a "This is completely untrue, the emails i'm sure you're referring to talk about a political fundraiser where someone said three children would be using the heated pool" lol.

Are you fucking kidding me? He literally says "Podesta having children over to play in a hot tub." Where do you see hot tub in that email.

Oh and if you ACTUALLY READ THE EMAIL you would see the following.

"Subject: Re: Farmers L Update and Welcome Mat

Thanks for remembering me, as I was planning to use the farm as the backdrop to announce my candidacy for speaker of the house."

Like you clearly didn't even read the email you're quoting from like a fucking parrot.

Please respond to him. It's time someone with their head in the sand was called on their bs.


So... I take it you're not going to respond then lol. Expected.

I specifically said that because they clearly have the time to lay out a formatted argument. I do not.

I already responded, if you looked. And don't worry nobody who investigates pizzagate can lay out an actual formatted argument. Otherwise it might have gone somewhere in 4 months.

FOUR MONTHS!!!?!?!??!

You're a joke. There are plenty of well formatted arguments that even you might be able to understand.. In the mean time keep trying to get your head out of the sand XD

Where? I've yet to see one. Why not address the point regarding the FBI link? Did you decode words with symbols? Here's the problem with having this conversation with this sub - A skeptic makes a thorough post then a PG "investigator" will ignore 70% of the post, address one point with a blatant misrepresentation (FBI link, for example) and then attack the poster through post history or just calling them a shill (or a pedophile).

I see so many logically inconsistent replies, outright fallacious reasoning, and personal attacks that I just point and laugh now. This is the main reason that I'm such a skeptic now. It's not just the idiotic assertions (Clinton and Kuru), it's the inability to have a conversation with someone who espouses the ideas posited by "PG" people.

Shill harder

You are THE single biggest and most obvious professional shill ive ever seen on reddit. Get lost, youre not fooling anyone.

How about lick my taint you little bitch.

Get lost shareblue

You're putting a lot of time and energy in writing these debunking comments here. Just sacrificing your time and energy and sounding kinda angry. I just think that's very... noteworthy.

I recall that people started searching the daily Wikileak dumps for any words relating to pizza, and that his how a reference to a certain pizza shop was found. Then, people started researching the pizza shop, too. However, it was not originally about the pizza shop.

Right, it was originally a joke on 4chan about how cheese pizza means child porn, and Podesta references pizza and cheese, so lets make a thing out of this. Then some people actually took it seriously, and now here we are.

lol you don't even know what you're talking about, that's why people can't take the DENIERS seriously.

What helped convince me is The Franklin Coverup. Nothing was done, so there was no incentive for them to stop.

Most of the disagreements I have had here with people are with the ones that do not know about The Franklin Coverup and the Johnny Gosch story. When I share links with them, most will not watch and learn. Others do not respond back.

There's also the widely known rampant pedophilia in the catholic church where multiple offenders are given a "lifetime of prayer" as punishment.

Then there's the widely known massive rings in the UK with such influential & elite figures having been proven to be involved such as Jimmy Savile and Edward Heath. These monsters crimes never came to light until they passed.. any time a victim came forward they were shunned and mocked.

Then you can look at any pedophilia case in the U.S. that involves someone with wealth, such as Jeffrey Epstein. These monsters, committing the most vile and atrocious acts on the most vulnerable and weakest of us all, only receive light slaps on the wrist and then they are back in the world with their fortunes in tact.

It's global. It's awful. Any bastard who would hurt a child in such a horrific way should be publicly executed. The fact these monsters get off with a few months of punishment while a drug dealer will get decades shows us everything we need to know.

Right! And, it is all real.

I mean, look, it is beyond belief to think that a sitting US President would have sex with an underage boy, and the Secret Service would provide security for the act, and keep quiet about it.

However, this is reality. It defies belief. But it is reality.

Yup. That's the world we live in. Individuals with access to trillions in wealth & assets are sponsoring the worst acts known to Humanity while parading themselves around as our leaders. Countless Children have fallen victim to these monsters. I wish to God it wasn't real, but I am unable to stick my head into the dirt when so much has been revealed to be proven true.

I remember reading a figure years ago that 800,000 children in the U.S. alone go missing every year. I remember thinking how could that even be possible? Now I know at least how it's possible, and it's devastating.

The cryptic language in the Podesta Wikileaks from back in late October / Early November was the final straw. My Heart is just absolutely broken over this. It kills me that such evil can hold such influence over Humans and that we have allowed them to prey on the meekest of us all. I can't focus on anything else besides witnessing justice at this point. My eyes & soul burn for it. I will be able to easily weep contemplating this evil until the day I die, even if every single one of these fucking bastards is executed in public.

Same. It is horrible that these things happen, and we have to deal with it. If we do not put a stop to it, then it will be on conscious. I do not want to be left explaining why we did nothing to future generations.

I had to look up that 800,000 number because it seemed unbelievable.

Turns out, it is unbelievable.

The true number is about 20 US kids per day are kidnapped for prolonged periods. Less than 1/20th of 1% of the 800,000 are criminal stranger abductions.

Of the 800,000, 99% are found within hours or days by usual law enforcement response.

The 800,000 includes children who run away. If a kid runs away multiple times in a year, each time is counted separately.

The 800,000 includes those kicked out of their homes by their families.

A very large subset of these (>200k) are related to custody disputes.

I'm not trying to argue against a pizzagate investigation. I'm simply pointing out that your numbers are sensationalist and misleading in context.

That makes a lot of sense and is good to know.

Thanks for correcting me.

I don't think he was intentionally being misleading. I've seen the 800k number bandied about quite a bit. I can't remember where it originally was quoted from.

According to FBI stats, the number is closer to 330 per year who are abducted by strangers. 2200 are abducted by non-custodial parents.

Something else to keep in mind that these stats are only accounting for reported missing children. This doesn't include numbers for those unreported (how could you ever figure that number out anyhow?). Many children used in sex trafficking are subjected to this by their own or adopted parents. Peter Truong, for example, trafficked his adopted son internationally for years before being caught.


Being found 'within days' still doesn't mean abuse didn't occur in that time frame. Doesn't mean it did, either.

It's a bit sad anyone could believe that 800,000 number as being real abductions. There would be nothing but screaming and crying parents looking for their children everywhere all the time.

Seen The Island? Short description, clones of rich people lives with just one purpose. To serve as "spareparts". On this topic, there are "breeders" being captive with one purpose. To supply the never ending thirst for babies. To be used in sacrifices. I wish I made this up.

I haven't. Thankfully.

I have not been able to watch any fictional media for months now. I just have no more interest in any of it. I don't care about any of that shit anymore.. any of it. Used to be pretty into video gaming and don't do that anymore at all either.

All I care about at this point is seeing justice. On top of this pedophile shit, there's just the blatant brainwashing & media manipulation that is clearly occurring to push the destabilizing globalist agenda. I thought for sure we'd see figures such as Soros executed by now after the shit show that was the 2016 election. And I'm sure these disgusting issues are intimately related.

It has become a clear case of us versus them. Us are all good humans who care about the greater good and love each other. They are not like us; they are evil.. sociopaths, users, abusers, rapists, manipulators, pedophiles. They have no love for anyone but themselves and their own. Fuck them.

I think maybe you need to take a break from conspiracy stuff, man. Based on some of the stuff you say here, like good vs evil, us vs them, calling for executions. It seems like this stuff is turning your worldview very dark. Especially if you find that you're losing interest in activities you used to enjoy. That's a red flag for depression and other bad things.

I know you'll probably just tell me to fuck off and wonder what my motive is. I don't really have one. Just hope you're doing OK, fellow internet person.

its probably a good thing to take a break. this stuff is really dark and heavy. And heartbreaking..

I genuinely appreciate your concern.

My worldview is dark because the reality of my situation is that I currently live in a very dark world. It's just soul-crushing... I see Human Beings as capable of so much and with our current technology; World Peace is easily attainable. It's just a matter of loving each other, but these sociopaths are incapable of that. The knowledge that the wealthiest of us are vampires capable of harming Children on the scale that they are has truly shattered me.

But you're right; I do need to take a step back from all of this and focus on my own life, a day at a time, while simply praying that this gets resolved at some point soon. It has taken a severe toll on my mental state. I am not doing well, but at least I'm okay physically.

Thank you for your kind message.

I'm sorry to hear that things have been tough. I definitely respect your passion for justice, but in pursuing justice you also need to be fair to yourself, know what I mean?

Not sure if you're interested in my take on things, but for me what helps is knowing that the world is largely populated with good people who want to do good, but have a lot of human flaws. When I look at the world, I see lots of broken shit. But that's mostly what it is, things which are supposed to work, but don't. Because of chaos, randomness, and human error.

I don't know, embracing the idea that the world is kind of derelict with no one having full control has given me some peace. Most of the bad things that happen are because of there never being enough to go around rather than true malice.

I do think that one day (long after I'm dead) we may live in a truly post scarcity society, and a lot of these problems will go away as if by magic. This is a weird time in human history, since we know a lot but haven't yet managed to apply that knowledge to solving the big problems like war, disease, famine, ect. Kind of like an awkward pre adolescence, I think.

Anyway, take good care of yourself. If you don't, then who will?

Most of the bad things that happen are because of there never being enough to go around rather than true malice

This is truly what I used to believe, but it is absolutely not the reality of our situation. We have an extraordinarily wealthy elite ruling class that has more than anyone should ever have. The disparity between the rich and the poor makes the economic realities which sparked the French Revolution look like absolutely nothing. Trillions in assets & wealth is what these people have. Trillions. They are living as Gods among men; not even just mere Kings.

They have control of the Federal Reserve & the money creation system and have essentially completely won the game.

It's like playing a game of Monopoly against someone who is acting as the banker and finding out that they have been cheating the entire time. Do you just keep playing the game?

Alright now what if you find out that the person you are playing Monopoly against is also a sick bastard who likes to harm innocent children in the most horrific ways imaginable? Do you just keep playing the fucking game?

That's where I am at this point. They won the money game ages ago and there is no way to fix it short of seeing these people executed and collecting the loot. They create the chaos. They feed on fear and terror; it drives them. That is not a normal human condition but it is their modus operandi; order out of chaos. They are truly sociopaths and they look at the average Human Being as being an inferior slave. And they have indiscriminately enslaved ALL of us. Now that doesn't mean that it is impossible to find happiness on this Earth, because it isn't. But they have DEFINITELY effectively won the game and control the wealth of nations.

I'd love to go back to thinking it was just misplaced intentions, ignorance, stupidity, and apathy that create our problems but it is so much more malicious than that. We truly are being duped at every corner.

I believe we are fully capable of seeing the post scarcity society as early as tomorrow if we were to eliminate the prime players of this horrific game. Hell, we need to simply start playing a new game instead of their bullshit manufactured money game. It has us successfully divided & conquered.

We as Humans require so little to live fulfilling lives... Love, food, water, warmth & shelter. That's it. Meanwhile these monsters need much more than that and they are insatiable; it's never enough.

Sorry for the rambling and I do greatly appreciate your concern. Day at a time is what I need to focus on and aye, should lay off even thinking about these glaring issues for at least awhile. I am certainly incapable of solving any of them, so it doesn't really do me any good to stress about it.

I sorta dove head first into the shallow end of a pool and need some time to recover. But I'll be okay.

Regardless, God bless you & yours & thanks again.

Be well.

Right on, man. Regardless of what percentage of people are good or bad, there are definitely lots of good people trying to do good things. And you definitely will feel better depending on what you focus your attention on. The world's a very big place, with all kinds of stuff to think about.

Thanks for the positive messages, be well!

see r/jarjarism.....

Great post.

This scum will burn for eternity.


There are some other videos, like when he discusses Bohemian Grove. I will have to look that one up, if you are interested.

which sitting US President?

The brown one, you know the one they irrationally hate for non-racist reasons. Why, I wonder, doesn't Trump, (who actually has sex with underage sex trafficking victims) lock up his enemies who are all involved in this very true and easy to solve scandal?

bro. please just spell it out for me.

I am thinking they do not have Trump on video, or some other form of blackmail.

George HW Bush and, I believe, George W Bush.

As far as we know W. Just had male hookers. At least it's all paid consent with him.

There have been several accusations that some of the "hookers" were underage at the time. It is in the video link I posted.

There's also the widely known rampant pedophilia in the catholic church

Spotlight is a good movie about that. It's a Hollywood movie based on the coverup of pedophiles in the Catholic Church in Boston. It's not a documentary, but I think it gives good insight into the issue and shows the perspective of the journalists that are pushing to uncover that conspiracy.

The difference is the Catholic church scandal had hundreds of accusers, been over four months and pizzagate still has zero.

Man, you sure spend a lot of time arguing about p-gate.

What can I say, always hated circlejerks and this is the biggest one around. A political witch hunt (see the D posting about it every day), combined with a moral panic (see the late 80's-early 90's satanic panics) them topped off with Internet detectives (see reddits hunt for the Boston bomber). The perfect storm of bullshit

Not even close to tthe biggest one around.

Go jerk around in r/The_D(on)ald. Their jerk is more vigorous and their circle much tighter. And they are hella dogmatic.

Sounds fun, right? Now, go'on git.!

But it's supposed to be a circlejerk, it would be like going into r/circlejerk and arguing against it. I'm also banned from ask trump supporters and ask the Donald. Turns out they don't like people going against it anymore than the D.

So either you suck ass as conversation (no one invites you to their birthday parties, people reach their drinking limits when you get to the bat, etc. ) or you are a contrarian with no tact. Which is like a lamb with wool allergies

Well none of my friend accuse puerile of being pedophiles with no evidence so I'm not that contrarian IRL. But thanks for assuming!

"I'm not contrarian!" says the contrarian (insert bone-crushing, face-slamming gif here)

Cooly drop mic, retrieve fedora from coat rack, and drift out.


The pedophile Catholic priests are confusing. They devote their entire existence to God and then molest children. Perhaps they just want to be in a position with access to children so they can molest them.

It's called being a wolf in Sheep's clothing. It's literally discussed in the bible, Matthew 7:15. These people are not of God; they just wear it as a mask. It also serves to drive true believers away from their faith knowing that those who proclaim to share in their beliefs could do such horrible things and be such disgusting "people."

It's terrible and I want these people exterminated.

So these people pretend to be Catholic priests to drive people away from Catholicism?

No, that's just a horrific side effect, and not just catholicism but it can drive people away from God & Christ.

These monsters successfully become catholic priests because, as you said previously, it gives them access to vulnerable Children.

Oh OK, that seems like the most plausible explanation.

The best explanation of I've heard of it doesn't have anything to do with the stupid conspiracy stuff that this subreddit spews.

In Catholicism, it is not a sin to be gay, rather it is a sin to act upon those urges. This motivated a LOT of people who could not act out their sexual preferences to seek a life of celibate priest. Obviously, nearly no one can contain their sexual urges their whole life, so there are many stories of priests being found at gay bars and whatever. This is embarrassing for the church because part of it's whole tenants is to deny your urges and live your life based on their teachings. So, in order to prevent these breaks in celibacy from being spread and causing the church more embarrassment (and more importantly, cause more doubt in the faith of their congregation), they shifted priests around, moved them to places where their actions weren't known.

This is the same logic of why pedophiles became priests and the same logic of why the church tried to cover up their actions.

There are plenty of Protestant paedo clergy, too, and a smattering of Jewish rabbis of varying denominations. The Catholic Church is more publicised because it is a monolithic entity, but these creeps are everywhere.

Also the Marc Dutroux affair.


Thanks for mentioning this. This particular instance of coverup is disgusting.

Thank you for the link, extremely eye opening.

Banned by whom? Banned from what?

It wasn't banned. It was pulled, most likely for legal reasons - they make a number of claims that cannot be backed up with evidence. True or not, Discovery would be leaving themselves open to a massive lawsuit if they screened this. There's a big difference between something being "banned" and something being "unreleased". If you can view it on YouTube, it isn't banned.

Have you seen "Boys for Sale?"

It's a documentary by two news stations in 1981 featuring now "suicided" Tom Philpott.

No! I did not. Just when I think I have heard it all...

I will look.

It's sad, no doubt. Especially with the interviews with the boys.

We used to have journalists who would report and out the scum but now journalists have become the scum.

Why are people so vehement about denying pizzagate?

Because every time I have been shown "evidence" about pizzagate. It fails spectacularly at the scientific method.

Disproving every other hypothesis does not prove yours.

I don't think legal matters....use the scientific method? I don't follow your logic.

They do, although it depends a bit on your definition of the scientific method.

The "Hypothesis -> Prediction -> Test -> Repeat" loop is still present.


  • Hypothesis: "X murdered Y"
  • Prediction: "X was on location of the murder of Y"
  • Test/Observation: "X was on location Z during the time of the murder"

Thus, hypothesis is false. (In this case: An alibi defense).

EDIT: Reddit formatting is hard.

This sub is strong on the hypothesis and occasionally the predict.

If you've watched any cop show you'll know the test and repeat part is bullshit. And anyway redditors are in no position to do police work. Hence the call for an investigation.

If you've watched any cop show you'll know the test and repeat part is bullshit

In cop shows where they get the criminal correct on the first guess, sure.

In the real world, I will guarantee you it's not uncommon to have multiple initial suspects.

Cop shows aren't related to reality.

What do you mean? How can you look at the Wikileaks emails and not be suspicious as fuck? The pizza logo for comet was literally the symbol for little boy love. They hosted a band that has sings about pedophilia, has the little boy kover symbol in jt, and then is seen joking about a guy named John liking littke boys.

The guy who shot uo the place was released a week later and shot nothing but their computer. Hes a laid actor and his father works for the FBI.

But yea, no evidence.

Because suspicion doesn't prove shit.

Evidence that fully supports a hypothesis explaining all observed data DOES.

There is evidence though. Anthony Weiners laptop has tons of it. And the things I listed are circumstantial, but when you add it all together its becomes evidence. Just wait and see. It's coming.

And the things I listed are circumstantial

I did not mean to say there wasn't anything shady, but shady things only means that there has to be done more investigation, it doesn't prove anything on it's own.

Just wait and see. It's coming.

That's what I'm doing. I'm waiting for any possible proof to show up.

THey are not investigating it!!! Wtf don't you get? The media spun the term pizza gate to make the whole thing seems stupid so people like you spew their narrative of there being no evidence when that's because they have not investigated it!!! Of course shady shit is all over those emails but just because it doesn't say 'we're molesting kids' you don't find it as proof because there hasn't been an investigation.. what!? You expect the govt to investigate into itself for this stuff? No thy are going to call it something g stupid say it's fake news and cover everything up like Ben swann.. when in reality pedophilia runs rampant in D.C. And there is proof of that

Plproof of D.C. pedophiles being a common problem And more proof Here lots more proof for ya that state dept officials had a hard time keeping their hands of child porn.

Now these aren't even all the D.C. State dept officials who have been arrested, but seeing these people get arrested and thrown under the bus, I must ask you, shouldn't they investigate into what was on wieners laptop and podestas computers?

No,, the media will just make fun of us because of the. Wry term pizzagate and fake news they brandished into everybody's minds

there being no evidence when that's because they have not investigated it!!!

Uh... duh? Evidence shows up after investigation.

And there is proof of that

You just said there was no evidence of it.

Wtf don't you get?

So, you want people to be locked up without evidence? I'm fine with people asking for more investigation, even fine with people doing their own investigation so long as it follows proper methods. I'm NOT fine with people calling for the jailing of others without evidence.

No I want there to be an investigation into where the child porn came from on Anthony wieners laptop and all the state dept officials arrested with it too that I linked. Lotta people in the Clinton state dept were arrested for child porn. You didn't even bother reading my links did you

I mean, when you edit it after my response, then no. No I have not read it.

After reading:

You seem to be misunderstanding my argument.

I have no issue with calling for more investigation into pizzagate. I have issues with pizzagate being spread as "fact" and that the people involved should be locked up, no questions asked.

Yes, there's a problem, that doesn't mean we should stop maintaining innocence until guilt is proven.

I didn't edit I responded twice

I'm saying to deny any thing sketchy happening involving John podesta and tony his brother, considering their obsession with strange art, the strangely coded emails the weird art involved with pizza logos and the betsa sign they immediately changed having been labeled as a pedophile symbol by the FBI. The fact there is many govt officials caught with this past abuse. . The fact is this has not been investigated as thoroughly explained on cbs news

You edited.

to deny any thing sketchy happening

I am not saying there is absolutely certainly nothing sketchy going on. I am saying that we should prove there is something sketchy going on before we start jailing people.

I'm pretty sure you would be against getting jailed because your coworker secretly ran a methlab.

How can you 'prove' anything if nobody is investigating it

So let's ignore your not too subtle accusation of me being a shill. (Ad Hominem)

Idk why you are so concerned about potential pedophiles,?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you claiming because HRC/other implicated people are potential pedophiles they do not deserve a fair treatment by the justice system?

If so: You're a moron. Innocence until proven guilty is what separates free countries from the not free.

If not: I don't get you. The original comment I responded to asked why people do not believe in pizzagate, and I gave my reasoning.

Either way: I'm done with this discussion, it's clear we're never going to agree, and neither of us is understanding what the other is talking about.

Where did I ever say hillary rodham clinton? Where did I ever say they don't deserve fair treatment?

You keep saying I edited after your response.

I didn't, I would of fixed the grammar had I.

THey are not investigating it!!! Wtf don't you get? The media spun the term pizza gate to make the whole thing seems stupid so people like you spew their narrative of there being no evidence when that's because they have not investigated it!!! Of course shady shit is all over those emails but just because it doesn't say 'we're molesting kids' you don't find it as proof because there hasn't been an investigation.. what!? You expect the govt to investigate into itself for this stuff? No thy are going to call it something g stupid say it's fake news and cover everything up like Ben swann.. when in reality pedophilia runs rampant in D.C. And there is proof of that

Plproof of D.C. pedophiles being a common problem And more proof Here lots more proof for ya that state dept officials had a hard time keeping their hands of child porn.

Now these aren't even all the D.C. State dept officials who have been arrested, but seeing these people get arrested and thrown under the bus, I must ask you, shouldn't they investigate into what was on wieners laptop and podestas computers?

No,, the media will just make fun of us because of the. Wry term pizzagate and fake news they brandished into everybody's minds

Hey moron. Reddit tells me that your comment was edited, lying about it is dumb.

RES even tells me that you edited your comment about a minute after I replied.

I'm deleting my comments in this discussion now, as you have proven yourself a dumbass.

Nice defenses. I'm bringing up facts about pizzagate and you are calling me a moron and dumbass

If say I proved myself a dumbass why are you deleting YOUR comments?

Actually, I guess if you had to delete your comments it might be because it was exposing yourself a bit too much.

First off I said there is evidence of rampant pedophilia amongst sec Clinton's state dept. refer to my links Second off no official has investigated it only this one guy

Because suspicion doesn't prove shit.

No one is talking about proof, we are talking about evidence. And evidence is all you need to mount an investigation.

It's time-tested shillery to conflate "not proven beyond any shadow of a doubt" with "not worth looking into".

I don't think you know what "shill" means.

This is really where the convo becomes bizarre to me. Who here is a police commissioner reluctant to spend man hours? All that is being requested is for pros to look and tell us it's nothing or something. That is a win win win for everybody on every side of this mess. From the believers to the haters to those getting their name smeared. It would end it all.

All that is being requested is for pros to look and tell us it's nothing or something.

I'm afraid not. There's a lot of dumbasses calling pizzagate proven fact, and wanting the accused people to be jailed without investigation.

I'm not against more investigation. I'm against people calling the conspiracy proven again.

Sorry, but that's not how justice works. You don't harass and threaten people for no good reason until you get your way.

Did you reply to the right comment? I don't follow. LE investigating something tens of thousands of citizens want investigated is not 'how justice works'?

When "tens of thousands" (if that is even an accurate number) of people try to investigate something, but they don't know anything about how legal investigation works, they're guaranteed to completely fuck it up. And that's what Pizzagate did.

Rule 1: Don't make your investigation public, and don't post your updates in a public forum.

All other rules: Refer to Rule 1.

The "investigation" has resulted in a social media brigade on the people they're investigating. Not only did they tip-off anyone they might have gotten actual dirt on, they've brazenly and openly trolled and threatened people who are innocent of any provable crime.

I keep saying the argument that if they don't want the harassment, then they should clear their names. That's terrorism. That's holding peace hostage. It's not justice, and it's not how justice works in America.

Proof is defined by dictionaries as sufficient evidence to believe. There is not sufficient evidence to believe that child abuse definitely occurred. There is sufficient evidence to believe it may have occurred and that there should be further investigation of the matter. There is sufficient evidence to believe there is inhibition of that process.

I'm not against investigation into pizzagate being called for, but, I do not have reason to believe the conspiracy is factually true.

Of course. It's a red herring. It is not whether you believe the conspiracy is true or false Why should you believe without sufficient evidence to believe? Question those that have false certainty, they are prone to self-deception, but don't be falsely certain that they represent the entire group of people who have suspicion based on the available evidence. False certainty is an insidious problem in belief systems and discussions.

The original question included To convict people. Which requires actual proof. And, sadly, there are dumbasses calling for immediate jailing of the accused with no investigation.

Literally everything you just said is provably inaccurate. Not only are you gullible, but you can't even get the details right.

probably inaccurate

Shh sweet child.

I can't even tell when someone is joking anymore. I quit.

I was not lying. You got upset and freaked out.

I was being up facts like

THey are not investigating it!!! The media spun the term pizza gate to make the whole thing seems stupid so people like you spew their narrative of there being no evidence when that's because they have not investigated it!!! Of course shady shit is all over those emails but just because it doesn't say 'we're molesting kids' you don't find it as proof because there hasn't been an investigation.. what!? You expect the govt to investigate into itself for this stuff? No thy are going to call it something g stupid say it's fake news and cover everything up like Ben swann.. when in reality pedophilia runs rampant in D.C. And there is proof of that

proof of D.C. pedophiles being a common problem And more proof Here lots more proof for ya that state dept officials had a hard time keeping their hands of child porn.

these aren't even all the D.C. State dept officials who have been arrested, but seeing these people get arrested and thrown under the bus, I must ask you, shouldn't they investigate into what was on wieners laptop and podestas computers?

No,, the media will just make fun of us because of the. Wry term pizzagate and fake news they brandished into everybody's minds

You claimed this comment:

Was not edited.

Reddit proves that that claim is a lie.

You're lying to my face, accusing me of being a shill, and spamming 5 comments desperately seeking validation.

You ARE the reason why people think pizzagate is just a bunch of idiots being salty at HRC.


I edited spelling errors and proper link sources not linking to mobile sites if I did edit anything a minute after I posted it did. It change the content or message like this one showing all the different state dept and govt employees who have been arrested for child porn or child abuse

Would you look at that. After 3 callouts that you've been caught in the act you realize you can't bluff your way through hard evidence. I'm not sure who you're trying to mislead by lying about the changes made by the edit, we both know what you did, any third party reader can clearly see you lied.

But congratulations, you were the only person posting "evidence".

By pulling that stupid little stunt you did more to discredit pizzagate than any shill ever could.

Luckily I'm such a good person I won't let your failure reflect badly on everyone who supports pizzaga- oh I'm sorry. That was a lie. I'm quite the petty person.

And you set the bar VERY low. (Downvoting my callout on your lie while you're writing a "i lied" comment? Now that's levels of petty I believed to be in the realm of myth.)

By the way, I'll be deleting my comments in this discussion. You've ruined it by lying, and others have made my point in a better way. I won't be responding to whatever you may reply to this. We're done here.

This comment will get nuked too, after 20-30 minutes. Feel free to downvote it, I'll be losing more karma from deleting my comments than from your downvotes.

Deleting your posts shows you were wrong

Don't care. Even without my comments it's obvious you lied. Believe what you want. Your lying to me has proven you don't base your beliefs on rational thought anyway.

Full retard.

the circumstantial evidence would be enough to begin an investigation

Sir, you have weird art on your wall, your friend owns a pizza place where children have been photographed, and the city you live in has tunnels. Based on this information and your Instagram profile, you are under arrest. Please cooperate. Agents, spread out and look for napkins.

You know you're misrepresenting it at this point.

What am I misrepresenting?

Is this a "Alefantis is not the issue" claim? Because:

  1. Yes he is.
  2. Didn't I hear the Trump singlehandedly lock up 1500 pedophiles? Sounds like they are investigating pedophile rings a lot.

The Wikileaks emails, the FBI document showing the symbols used by pedophilia rings were the logo for comet (and a few other restaurants on the same street), the super weird photos on his instagram, the fact that he and the creator of share blue used to fuck, the band they feature frequently has songs joking about pedophilia and has the same boy lover logos, there's a video of a little boy being tortured by a man that he calls John and he sounds alot like podesta. The list goes on really.

I just don't get how "super weird photos" indicate pedophilia to you.

Have you seen them?

The very obvious thing you're misrepresenting has to do with misrepresenting the Instagram pictures, and I think you know that.

I haven't even represented the Instagram pictures, I just mentioned them. If this looks ridiculous, it's not my fault.

You know damn well you glossed over them on purpose. Stop being obtuse.

I glossed over everything on purpose. I can enumerate three reasons for that. The first is humor. The second is that there are already enough internet resources that painstakingly analyze every detail in people's social media accounts, looking for "hints" of pedophilia, unable to reach any conclusion beside "this man is a pedophile". There is a huge difference between "let's look at this thing and see what's in it" and "let's look at this thing and see how it relates to pedophila". The third reason is that none of the pizzagate stuff I've seen so far is in any way interesting and I have better things to do than enumerate them.

And you realize the person that you originally responded to was only saying that there should be an investigation, right? He never said that the guy is a pedophile or went to extreme lengths to read into any of the content.

And I disagreed that the evidence gathered so far are enough to justify an investigation.

In that case you contradicted yourself and created a strawman. The majority of people that are interested in this aren't doing what you say, including the guy you actually responded to.

All Pizzagate evidence that I've seen is exactly what I've described. If people treat a civil war era aqueduct as evidence of a child trafficking ring, then they're doing exactly what I've described.

And I'm saying that's not how most people treat it, and it definitely wasn't what you responded to.

But lets be honest, it was all about you misrepresenting the situation the whole time.

I'm not sure I'm following. Could you restate exactly what you're saying?

With regards to the last paragraph, you may be genuine if you honestly didn't understand what I was saying.

But what I was saying is that most people aren't like what you're describing, and even if they were, the guy you picked to respond to wasn't.

And also the govt affiliates from the sec state during the Obamacare admin have been arrested for transporting and possessing child pornography state dept official arrested for child porn ANd here And here Are examples of people in the state dept having been arrested involving child pornography. So now I ask you, knowing the rampant problems of pedophilia in the govt, make your statement again knowing this.

"You have weird photographs on the wall, these emails obviously are code talk for something weird either drug or pedophile related and this pizza place is weird. " But your response is we should ignore it?

You showed two cases of possession (and transportation) of child porn and one of attempting to contact minors online, from the last five years. According to Wikipedia, the State Department has about 69000 employees.

Does State Dept pedophile employees being arrested by the government make me think the State Dept is not, in fact, a pedophilia ring? Absolutely.

Does it even look like an investigation? Absolutely not. It looks like someone is using Google (which by the way is obviously controlled and run by the CIA, am I right?) to connect everything they can to pedophilia, and then shout that they found new evidence. No, a game of use Google to make up more dots and then connect them by force of speculation does not count as finding information and calling it an "investigation" is ridiculous.

"Govt affiliates"! As if there aren't literally millions of government employees. If your Google searches for government employee + pedophilia didn't show any results, then that would be clear evidence for shady play, because statistically there are going to be pedophiles working for the government. You're taking the expected result and treating it as evidence of something.

But your response is we should ignore it?

Ignore what?

First state dept official link Second state dept official link Third state dept official link

Wow we're at three already. Were they caught by investigating their Instagram profiles?

No, local news agencies and he FBI website are the only places it got mentioned

I am not defending potential pedophiles. I am attacking the investigation etiquette of "we suspect someone, let's stalk the shit out of him until we found what he's guilty of". It's as if the FBI showed up at your door and demanded all your personal information to make sure you aren't a pedophile. Then you go visit /r/conspiracy and everyone tells you that it's fine because you're a potential pedophile.

The fact of the matter is yet are not investigating it, and nobody had been convicted of this.....

Who exactly are you defending then for being falsely accused?

I am not defending any specific person. I'm attacking the investigation because:

  1. It started with a conclusion and is looking for evidence. This is the main one. You do that, your investigation is bad and you should feel bad.

  2. Even after considering that the investigation is fundamentally flawed, its details seem simply ridiculous. Digging up weird art, tunnels from the 1860s, every piece of news that mentions pedophilia, all these pieces are hung on the board and connected with absolutely nothing. Meanwhile people shout BOMBSHELL every 10 minutes and pretending that they've done something meaningful.

Sir, you have extremely odd sexual art on your all(making you a suspicious person), your friend owns a pizza place where children with exceedingly rare genetic disorders have been photographed, who's parents still haven't come forward, the city you live in has tunnels leading under your restaurant(and very likely leading inside based on the pictures you posted of you digging a hole to the basement you claim not to exist). Based on this information and extremely creepy and borderline pedophile comments made on your instragram we are launching an appropriate and fair investigation to determine if something sinister is going on here. Please cooperate.

Fixed that for you.

Aside from what I've pointed out, you're deliberately misrepresenting the issue to make it looks like these people are schizophrenic. Furthermore, this is where the issue started out months ago but it has grown larger than that.

You financially support artists who render realistic scenes of child abuse (from the visual perspective of the person who has tied them up and abused them). Your brother has photos of naked teenagers in his house, as well as a large photograph of an abused baby with a red welt on its stomach hanging in his stairwell. You both attend mock cannibalism parties, and then you go to work where you've hung a painting of cannibals about to feast on a corpse. You go into your office, boot up your computer, where you're desktop photo is photographs of slaughtered pigs. It reminds you of all the time you spent slaughtering pigs growing up. And then you go to your brothers house, where he has a sculpture of human babies dressed as pigs, suckling on a pig-mans teats. And NOBODY ever has the right to question whether you might be a monster, hiding in plain sight?

Correct. Nothing you've listed is illegal. Nothing you've listed is evidence of a crime.

We don't live in a country where you "investigate" people just because they give you the creeps.

You clearly don't know anything about law enforcement.

I'm asking genuinely, as I am not that familiar with pizzagate, never heard of it until a guy from my state took a gun there, and am generally not do not believe in large conspiracies, but am curious and willing to listen. What is the circumstantial evidence that is so compelling?

There is none. It is hysteria, just like the Reds under the bed in the 50s/60s and the satanic rituals/pedophilia daycare hysteria in the 80s/90s.

Nothing I've seen is even relatively close to being able to convict someone of anything. There needs to be bodies or children found. Some weird pictures in his home, strange images with kids on instagram, spirit cooking, ect. all lead to nothing. Once someone can find blood or a body, nothing will happen.

Unfortunately this is the elite who are doing this. So if you are expecting to ever hear about a 'body' being found.... ha... yeah... that will never happen.

I think it's being used to randomly accuse anyone certain groups of people don't like of being pedophiles (I guess they found that gets people riled up better than accusing folks of being lizard people) - but I feel there's enough odd stuff out there about it that it deserves at least an investigation.

People seem to just dial themselves to 0 or 11 on every fucking issue anymore. Nobody seems to be reasonable and evidence/fact based. That's the most frustrating thing to me.

If something looks suspicious - investigate it. But don't use suspicion as evidence and use it to brand anyone you don't like. Even if you /KNOW/ something - if you can't prove it it just doesn't matter.

(I guess they found that gets people riled up better than accusing folks of being lizard people)

Why the need for the strawmen and mocking? If you had a stronger point to make you wouldn't feel the need for this kind of pettiness.

I think it's being used to randomly accuse anyone certain groups of people don't like of being

Racist, xenophobe, myosginist, fascist, nazi are all used the same way today. Just pointing it out for context.

and that makes any of that okay how exactly?

Do you disagree?

I've come to the conclusion that if you in any way try to stifle pizzagate you are pro-pedophilia. You can try to rationalize it away all you want but if you say "PG is so fake you guys are all such morons" is unaware of certain pieces of information and/or a piece of shit

I think there are two kinds of deniers. Obvious shills directed by who knows, and people who don't want it to be true. I can attest to the fact that I've had several literal sleepless nights since learning about pizzagate and its implications. It's fucking terrifying. A worst nightmare come true.

I'm vehemently anti death penalty because the government doesn't deserve the right to your very life. But when it comes to active pedophiles, it seems there's one cure, and you can find it six feet underground

Three. If you include people like me. I don't deny that there are most likely high up political pedo rings. But I don't necessarily believe in the relationship between pizza and said rings. The connection between those two seems a reach to me.

If you don't agree, don't comment or visit the sub right?

No? You can like some parts of subreddit and disagree with other parts. It's good to have discussion. This sub used to have a variety of topics before pizzagate. That's why I'm subbed. And honestly anyone can visit any subbreddit they want. Why not? Because they disagree with the popular opinion?

I agree with your post as well and OP. I am a conspiracy theorist but i don't believe every theory out there. I believe 911 was an inside job, and no i don't believe the earth is flat.

But to that point, if you are subbed here and like conspiracies but don't believe in pedogate, i don't think it is fair to just comment that it is "fake news". if you are a conspiracy theorists, you should keep an open mind or at least let others have the discussion about it.

though OP is wrong to think that people who don't believe in it don't belong here. we just need to understand just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean you can outright deny it, find proof first :)

This is pretty much exactly what I believe. I know 100%, no doubt at all that there are nefarious groups of people across the globe commiting appauling crimes against children and vulnerable people. Running child sex rings for the elites and politicians. To deny this would frankly be absurd.

I think it would also be absurd to deny that the whole Podesta/Alefantis clique are weird. The whole dynamic is "Off".

With that being said, I just don't see credible evidence YET. I think its important for good researches and/or the authorities to be looking into these people and when its done in an honest, unbiased way it should be commended. It would not shock me in the least if they were actually doing the stuff they have been accused of.

Some of the people researching this don't understand what proof actually means. I've been called a shill for expressing these opinions before, it might happen again now.

I also think the name pizzagate has been tainted. Some people are just going to automatically reject anything with the name pizzagate in it, and I can kind of see why (although I don't agree that any info should ever be automatically rejected). Some of the claims are plucked out of thin air and are quite possibly dis-info to distract away from the genuinely concerning info. There is almost certainly people within the voat communities keeping tabs on what is being shared and it would no suprise me if they are throwing in the odd outlandish claim to discredit the rest of the community.

I think its important for good researches and/or the authorities to be looking into these people and when its done in an honest, unbiased way it should be commended. It would not shock me in the least if they were actually doing the stuff they have been accused of.

This is McCarthyism, plain and simple.

and no i don't believe the earth is flat.

That really is the most laughable conspiracy theory out there. I'm dumbfounded that anyone believes this.

I actually know a girl who truly believes the earth is flat. You can't argue with her either. Every other sentence you try to dispute, she comes back with some bogus explanation. You dispute that explanation, she offers another contradictory response. It's sad really, but she's free to believe what she wants. Just about everyone believed in a Santa Claus once upon a time, but that changed and so will these people.

There's a phrase for it, I'm sure, but there's a phenomenon among conspiracists where they freely accept a baseless theory, but over-scrutinize the truth.

It's the opposite of logic. Belief leads to rationalization, rather than observation leading to explanation.

Pizzagate is BS. I'm not going to entertain a theory that is based solely on the term "cheese pizza" and most likely being propagated by organized group of shills. Sex trafficking is real and is a huge problem world wide. If you want to make a difference, help victims of sex trafficking.

Because you only attack political opponents of Trump. No one cares about you guys weaponizing pedophilia to attack your political opponents.

they are trying to break this sub the way they broke world news

this means we are being effective

they want reddit to be like facebook, a great way to advertise consumerism but shitty place to discuss

i wrote about how this would be a problem in the early 00s

predicting the future is fun but why does it have to be so bad all the time

Yep. Seems like flooding the discussions from both sides to make everyone here seem crazy and every discussion pointless.

No need for shills. The idiots amongst the pro-pizzagate side make pizzagate seem like a pile of nonsense all by themselves.

I'll admit, when I first heard of pizzagate I thought it was rediculous, mostly due to how it was colored by mainstream media, but after listening to that episode of Joe Rogan Experience with Mike Jones - I'm a believer.

Alex Jones?


Are you talking about the Eddie Bravo / Alex Jones episode? Or is there another pg episode?

I'm not OP. I was just making an attempt at humor because he said Mike Jones (who's famous for rap music and specifically a song that goes **MIKE JONES!* Who?* repetitively) meaning Alex Jones (who's the infowars guy and the one on the podcast). I thought I'd switch those up like he was correct.

It wasn't funny and I should kill myself.

Bill Hicks



Yeah that's it. I must have been thinking of that rapper.

What circumstance? I'm really just curious. The specifications of the orders?

Some of us have experienced "pizzagate" before in other forms.

I absolutely believe Hillary Clinton is involved in some sort of illicit trafficking of SOMETHING, but the way "Pizzagate" is being handled by "researchers" doesn't inspire confidence that they are close to finding the reality of the situation.

It's always funny watching comments here on articles about Trump or Republicans and all the comments are organic, discussing the topic at hand.

Yet when it's an article about Hillary, Obama, the left, or pizzagate, suddenly people are attacking this sub, calling it T_D 2.0, or saying we should get back to "real" conspiracies like reptilian politicians.

All very basic shill tactics.

Because pizza gate almost got people killed already.

You people are dangerous.

Why are people so vehement about denying pizzagate?

Because it's a 'boy who cried wolf' situation. Pizzagate, flat earth, chem trails - they're all the dumbest, most unfounded and unscientific theories that are used as a psy-op to make ALL conspiracy theories look like a moron/nutjob.

It's the targetting of a specific buisness with no real evidence leading to a mob mentality people are weary of. It's not cool and you wouldn't like it either if you were falsely accused of being a pedophile.

You know some of us don't believe the same conspiracies! Shocking right?

If you don't agree, don't comment or visit the sub right?

Thought police.

Because there is absolutely no evidence for it that would hold up in a courtroom.

Because this isn't r/pizzagate and yet it's the single conspiracy that's allowed to gain traction nowadays. It's a broken record.

Why are people so vehement about denying pizzagate? Genuinely, unless they are shills, I do not understand why folks would come to a conspiracy sub to say pizzagate is fake, when the circumstantial evidence would be enough to begin an investigation, and if the people accused weren't so powerful, could be enough for a conviction.

I feel the exact same way when this sub will vehemently deny and discourage any investigation into Russian ties in the Trump administration. Tons of dots that are right there in your face to connect, one of the biggest conspiracies of our Nation's history, and so-called conspiracy theorists won't touch it?

"Its been debunked" Propaganda is insane lately. Has it ever been this bad in US history? Has it just always been this way? Most people are dumb and believe what they hear. Most people who believe in pizzagate probably don't even have reason too. I have read hours of email, been all over every sub, voat, 4chan shit, all the anons and looked at all the IG's, facebooks acct's etc. etc. If you look at all available verifiable shit out there, it crazy. You'd have to be an idiot to deny something seriously FUCKED UP is happening. Or trying to cover it up. Makes you wonder why all MSM are shut up about it.

You realize that's how all conspiracy theories work, right? They overwhelm you with cherry-picked, poorly-referenced, unrelated, or straight-up falsified documentation in order to make you feel like "something seriously FUCKED up is happening".

You know you are in the conspiracy sub attacking conspiracies in general right? Get out of here.

Yeah. That's why I'm here.

You want to shoot deer, you gotta head into the forest.

"I want a safe space"

The same reason people are tired of hearing about Trump: most of it is sensationalist bullshit with nothing to back it up. We're tired of fucking hearing it.

Denier here. Because people were screaming pedophile underground tunnels over #hotard, a baby taped to a table, and podesta emails clearly about weed.

I think it's crazy that people can just build that in their mind from such nothingness. I see something stupid and i want to argue. I argue with christians over god. I argue with sjws. I argue with flat earthers. I argue with holocost deniers. I argue with 911 inside jobers. I argue with moon landing deniers.

Your logic is horrible. Just because you don't believe in one conspiracy doesn't mean you don't believe in all conspiracies. For instance, 9/11 and JFK were clearly inside jobs in my opinion, and Israel is clearly pulling a lot of strings in the US that it shouldn't. But I'm not convinced of Pizzagate. I'm not saying it's untrue, but there are too many partisan people involved, so it feels like a snowjob to me.

Why are people so vehement about denying pizzagate?

It's not so much about denying as it is that pizzagaters cannot provide actual evidence, a crime, witnesses or anything concrete.

I can call up your local PD and claim I saw you beating your kid, and you better believe cops will be there with social services.

Suggest there might be a pedophile ring operating and you're better off calling the IRS, they have the best conviction rate.

It may have something to do with the fact that it's called "pizzagate."

3500 in the government, same as there are child predators working in the sub right?

Not just this, but every single investigation ever. See the movie Spotlight for example just to see a dramatized version of how complex a journalistic investigation was back in the 90's regarding the catholic church cover up in Boston.

There were hundreds of victims there. There are a grand total of zero here. Without a victim coming forward or tangible evidence, this won't go anywhere.

That's because there are people working hard to keep the lid on everything related to child molestation within the church. The Vatican even have people who work as a PR firm to make sure the catholic church keep up their "perfect" image.

Just curious, do you think there were no Dennis hastert victims from the last 30 years?

Milo, Elijah Wood, Corey Haim

Or pozzagate has expanded or none of those have nothing to do with pizzagate.

Milo wasn't even in the USA.

Predicate was always about the international pedo ring being run at the highest levels of the US and British government.

Hollywood pedos and depraved clergy have nothing to do with the echelons of power. Pizzagate is continuously moving it's goalposts. We also know there are pedophiles, but to claim that Milo is a victim of this conspiracy is a new reach.

Wrong, only uninformed shills who have been told to push the moving goalposts narrative think so.

So now a pedo priest in England or wherever is also connected to the Podestas and to a pizzeria in DC?

Yep. The word "so" is a tell for confirmation bias

The Fifth Column is an interesting podcast for a comedic look at the darker side of humanity.

There is a difference between believing that pedophilic groups exists in the upper reaches of society and believing that pizza gate is a real thing.

Please stop using examples of pedophelia as proof of pizza gate. It's dumb.

That's not what's happening here. Have you watched the film? Local & federal law enforcement obstruct these investigations every time & even go so far as to create a public smear campaign against people who don't play ball- including victims & families. That's not the kind of pull just a few random pedophiles have.

What does this have to do with pizza gate?

You obviously don't know what pizzagate is all about if you say that.

I've researched it extensively. You obviously don't understand that things need to have a direct relationship to things to be considered evidence.

Yea pizzagate is a political attack on anyone who is anti trump, seeing as it popped up during the election and against the opponent of his.

Better than conspiracy of silence?

I'm about halfway into this... and it is terrible! WTF is wrong with people!

Finished it, and its beyond fucked.

If you get a chance, please check out "Boys for Sale" on Youtube.

Will do, if I can stomach it tonight I will catch it, I had no idea things were this fucked. Pizzagate almost sounded too crazy even with all the "evidence" like pedo island and all the famous pedos and high society pedos... But after watching this it seems like it's on par with history, maybe just 1 step up.

im just getting into the youtube video you recommended, it makes me sick in 2 minutes talking about 300 boys killed a year just in houston, even if that number is greatly inflated its still horrid, and excludes girls, and "ordering" a child as if he is ordering takeout. It sounds like something out of a screwed up dystopian novel.

I feel the rabbit hole goes much further than I could ever care to investigate. Its bothersome that you send an article of chicago, I grew up in chicago, about 5 miles from John Wayne Gacy's home, and my grandfather was a shriner so clowns were a thing in life, even with that happening prior to me being born it still something I heard quite a bit about, Jeffrey Dahmer is another "local" and it makes me wonder how much of this could have spawned from either the pedo porn, and/or trafficking in the area.

Knowing that things like this are the reason parents didnt allow nearly a whole generation to go outside.

I dont know, this is some of the craziest shit... Im out of words to express my anger, and my distaste, and the fact that their is even a possibility that Pizzagate is real shows a reason to investigate it significantly, but to see all the "alphabet" agencies ignoring this shit is insane!

It's one of the saddest things that I have ever seen in my life.

I wonder if his kids know now that we consider him a hero.

i finished part 1, it does not get any better after the first 2 minutes. some of the worst shit i have heard in my life, and i have heard some terrible shit. It does not help that it hits so too close to home. then even bring up that according to a study "much of it is voluntary unlike women" and the one guy says "thats not what i see at all"

I think the professor went too far out of his way to try and make excuses for the homosexual behavior. Maybe he just didn't have a name for men on the down low.

Congratulations! You're gullible!

are you trying to say this is a fabricated story? or are you trying to say im ignorant to the blight that this is on our society. I knew this existed, but to the extent, and the depth that it goes it makes secret society and shadow government seem like shit when you really dig into it. we have direct evidence of much of this abuse, but so little is done about it.

my biggest realization with this video is how rampant it is, and how organized it is that entire circles exist within this.

Sorry, my presumption got the better of me for once. I thought you were commenting on Pizzagate and not the video.

The human trafficking rings are out there. I'm just on a blitz against the people who think they're going to expose them by harassing Pizza shops.

But you're right; it's easy to want to ignore that humans do this to each other. It's hidden well enough that most of us never have to think about it.

i can understand, its been high tension since this started, but i looked at it with a skeptical eye (and i will continue) but seeing the organization of this, and the blind eyes turned... another world exist under our own feet, and its a shitty world all for a few sick fucks jollys. Pizzagate or not this shit needs to stop.

That documentary is the reason I decided to take a trip down a very disturbing rabbit hole. Who took Johnny starts in the 80's and brings everything to current events. It's horrifying knowing the sinister shit that goes on around us.

Please watch "Boys for Sale" on Youtube when you have time.

I love you dawg. This post is amazing, well said.

Fight the good fight.

Please watch "Boys for Sale" on Youtube when you have a chance.

It was produced by two news stations and the now "suicided" Professor Tom Philpott.

Then look up the book, "The Witch Hunt Narrative" by Brown University Professor Ross E. Cheit.

Have you ever managed to find out more information about Prof. Tom Philpott? I find it so fascinating that there is literally so little on the internet about him.

No, but I wish I could.

I did read the indepth article in Texas Monthly. I don't think it quite did him justice, but it was a lot of good info.

I'm starting to wonder if he himself was a victim. His background has all the markers he mentioned in the documentary that pedophiles look for.

And there is just so much pain in his voice, even from the beginning. Watching him from the first few seconds that he begins talking is one of the most arresting experiences I have ever had. It sort of freaked me out a little, I had to stop watching it for a bit and come back to it later.

I don't 100% agree with his conclusion that this has nothing to do with homosexuality. I think he was wrong about that. While certainly not all gay gays do that, they ones who were doing it were gay because they exclusively sought teen boys, not grils.

I can't decide if the lack of information available points towards a desire to "forget" or bury the information or just that he wasn't very noteworthy, besides the single Texas Monthly article and his documentary. It would be interesting to go back into newspaper accounts to get information on his so-called assassination attempt, work with the University, etc.

I took the "pain" in his voice to be more of a general horror/frustration with what he views to be an epidemic and largely ignored by the powers-at-be. It's tough to compare the context though - today, we have things like the internet and a variety of news sources that report on a number of different stories, while in the 80's, information was much more streamlined. I'm also under the impression that his partner is still politically active but has disavowed his previous work?

I think the connection to homosexuality you suggest is complete bull-shit. It's 2017 - we know better than that now. Almost every documentary/book/news story that tackles the issue of child-trafficking/slavery does a great job of considering that children of both sexes are impacted. Just like with everything else, evil knows no gender/sexuality/age/nationality/etc.

Here's the deal though. These men exclusively want to molest teen boys. That's pretty much a homosexual situation.

They don't go after girls. They only want boys.

So in this situation, what he is talking about isn't human trafficking across the board. He is talking about grown men who only want sex with teen boys. Sometimes it's worse that just sex, as the boys testified to. But it's not a cross-sexual situation.

I think any introductory text on sexual violence and psychology would clue you in to why sexual predators are not exclusive to one group - I'd love to see your evidence as to why sexual molestation is, by definition, a homosexual issue, though...

Oh no, I'm not saying that it is singularly a homosexual issue! I apologize for misstating my position.

My point was this: The point at which I personally would disagree with Professor Philpott is his declaration that these men specifically, (who were buying the boys), were NOT homosexual.

His contention was that because some of these high powered men were married, they couldn't be gay.

My contention is that they were in the closet and this was their outlet. He however seemed to believe that a married man could not be gay. I disagree with THAT part of his conclusion.

No apology necessary - I'm just responding to what I understood your argument to be - this is what civil conversation is all about! :) Thanks for being so willing to discuss!

I don't know enough about the psychology of so-called "johns" who use and abuse children to be able to definitely state their sexual orientation. While I agree that many of them probably are gay and used the exploitation of "throwaway" children to satisfy their urges, I would think you'd finally a similar dilemma with heterosexuals.

There doesn't seem to be enough information to support the assertion that these sort of events are still occurring, at least at the same rate and in the open like they were in the late 70's, early 80's. Do you think the introduction of a gay rights movement and a newly generated social openness about homosexuality has brought those numbers down?

I'm also under the impression that his partner is still politically active but has disavowed his previous work?

Mark McKinnon. He got hooked up with the Bush family and pretty much jumped off the investigative boys for sale train.

Just watched it. How did I not know about this sooner? I've known about the Franklin cover up for years. Have been following Pgate for months and just never knew this was on Netflix. Thanks op!!

Fight the good fight my brother.

Just finished watching it on netflix.. can't put into words how insane it is. You should give this a read it's about the franklin cover up

What with the ones that do not understand why folks would come to a possible pedophile ring.

Johnny Gosch is now Jeff Gannon (James Guckert). Johnny's mom Noreen believes it but can't get enough evidence to force a DNA test. Gannon is the Talon news "journalist"/male prostitute who had over 200 visits to the Bush white house. some of the secret service records show him check in, but not out, and say he spent the night, (which he denies).

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Gonna check out that link in a moment, but just gotta say that Gannon was my absolute favorite of the Bush scandals. Straight up bringing in a male prostitute to pretend to be a journalist and lob softball questions.

How hard is it to just pick up a soda can after he's drunk from it to swab for DNA. And, if he's a male prostitute, there's a surefire way to collect his DNA ...

You need either a warrant or permission to do DNA testing. Otherwise, it's considered an invasion of privacy.

As law enforcement, sure, but as a private citizen?

Good luck.

We have over 100 underground cities in America and almost a million kids who go missing every year.

A millions kids a year could be enough to provide blood donations to the ultra elite for a long time. Part of me feels that the pedophilia thing is just a control measure, keep people in check. It's been shown in mice studies that blood from young mice can rejuvenate old mice. I would not talk all be surprised if our rich were doing the same.

yup, and what better place to hide this than underground.

It's just under 800k not 1m, and 250k of those are accounted for in abductions with known perpetrators.

This comment, right here, is why people don't believe your pizzagate bullshit, /r/conspiracy.

That's a laughable number - if 800.000 kids went missing each year, you'd essentially lose a little over 1% of them per year. Do you think that would not be noticed?

It's 800,000 reported missing, vast majority are found.

Yea, but talking about giant underground cities in conjunction with the missing number just conjures up people vanishing, not running away from home for a night.

As long as we're making shit up. We have over 1000 underground cities and 100 million missing kids every year!

that website lol


There should really be a nod to Conspiracy of Silence in there OP!

What to so when you have all the money and power in the world. Fuck and eat babies, that's what you do. End of story.

Never thought about it that way.

I think part of it is also linked to occult beliefs and rituals. Like deep down humans that reach a certain level of power and corruption meet other similar people who are prone to a hidden/suppressed human nature. The same way ancient humans in positions of power would perform weird sacrifices. It would happen in many ancient powerful civilizations like the Mayan and the Inca. There must be something deep down our primitive brains that calls us to commit such acts.

Your comment sparked that theory in me. It makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I've always had the belief that humans really haven't evolved much in the past 1-2,000 years. We've just learned a lot more. Our technology has evolved, but not us. Thus, we have al these hidden and suppressed tendencies about us happening behind closed door. It is hard to fight nature and instinct that is deeply trained into our primitive minds. I believe it has something to do with genetic memory.

There are many fascinating genetic memory experiments that have been done on chickens and other animals that are fascinating. Quick example; take young chickens bred for 3-5 generations sheltered from the outside world. Place them outside and cast a moving shadow over them. A circle shadow does nothing. A square shadow does nothing. However, when a falcon shaped shadow hovers above they quickly run for cover. The knowledge and data has been passed down genetically.

Perhaps, not all humans have the same primitive instincts, but somewhere deep down in our collective DNA there is a possibility for the chance for some of us to come out with a genetic memory to strive for massive amounts of power and dominance. Perhaps with that same gene there is a higher chance to be led towards some sort of pedo and human trafficking vice as well.

Maybe it's as simple as elites becoming so powerful and wealthy they get bored of everything fun so they have to start doing weirder and crazier stuff.

Thanks for the thought provoking comment!

However, when a falcon shaped shadow hovers above they quickly run for cover.

This sounds fascinating, any source on this?

i tried to find more info after i heard alex jones mention it but came up empty

The study was done by some university. I heard of it on the Joe Rogan Podcast #911. Alex Jones mentions it. I searched it when I saw it and it checked out. However, I cannot remember the exact university at the moment. I'm sure Google could help a lot.

Can you imagine if that once you make it to the "elite" they show you proof of Satan and that he requires sacrifices to keep him happy and to keep all your wildest dreams coming true? No I can't imagine that either.

I buy puzzagate, but not the religious nonsense people are throwing in.

If human sacrifices are all you need to get rich, we'd see a lot more rich people. There's murderers who've been going this stuff for years. To think that Satan only caters to those who are rich in material goods is foolish.

I don't think most people are trying to convince you or make you believe. However, you shouldn't discount the fact that people in power might believe these things.

No, it should be discounted. It's the least likely scenario. Blackmail for later use makes more sense in every way. It's using the Christian devil, so if it was to be leaked it would explode like wild fire through old people. And it's murder/torture, so you can press charges.

Trying to say the supernatural exist lessens the severity of Pizzagate. It lowers it from a reasonable conspiracy, like 9/11, down to flat earth/fake moon landing level.

Again, no one's trying to say that the supernatural necessary exists. Only that those in power might believe it exist and might be acting as if it does.

gary webb calls it "furniture for the mind"......necessary to believe to make the cult work......without the devil it's just organ trafficking.....

Yes. However it is less likely than the blackmail portfolio idea. If we're wanting to get more people to follow this, we can't go around saying that those in power are devil worshiping cultists. That'll cause people to lose interest and write it off.

Satan is an archetype which is nearly ubiquitous in the collective unconscious. It's the diametric opposite of God, or whatever creative force present in the culture. And due to its ubiquity, it's powerful. Did you know that there are priests and ministers who don't literally believe in God, but publicly subscribe to the dogma because of the power that images have? The principles of which God is a personification of, are good, and using God's image are useful in helping to mend people's trauma, or give meaning to their life. For many people it works, they have an ally. It's like a cosmic placebo pill.

Well, Satan works the same if you're attempting to organize sociopaths and encourage their worst impulses. If a person can commit a horrible crime with the archetype of God, Satan, (or Travis Bickle) in mind, it becomes a way to compartmentalize ones day-to-day self from the crime. And if you were committing child abuse, integrating Satan into your abuse ceremonies just also happens be a fantastic means to discredit witness testimony. It's unbelievability in our modern secular culture is an asset, not a liability.

You need more imagination friend. :)

Genetic memory/instinct really is fascinating stuff. There are plenty of examples of it alive and well in humans, too. Being able to swim from birth is one of the big ones. One of the subtler ones that I think gets overlooked is that our earliest dreams are about falling. What better way to warn ourselves than to experience it in a dream. It's also one of the few universal dreams, dreams that virtually everybody has as a child, diminishing with age.

To your idea of DNA coded for personality aspects, I used to think it played a larger role than I do now. I'm sure there's something there, traits or behaviours that are advantageous, and I'm sure it varies between individuals exactly what traits they carry, but I think experiences play a bigger role in becoming who we are.

I did not know about the falling dreams. That's fascinating. I've definitely had those before and so have my friends. Such a crazy feeling to be jolted awake by that dream. Perhaps our ancient ancestors fell of cliffs too much. Or were thrown off cliffs in wars...

True. We are all products of our environment. AI is helping us realize this more. There's also a great movie about this AI robot that grows in a ghetto environment after he is stolen. I forget the name, but it's a movie from the UK. I recommend it.

The falling dreams have fascinated me for years. I don't think that we have the first clue about how it occurs or is passed on yet, but I would be very surprised if it weren't coded somewhere in our genetics.

We've figured out recently (we're starting to figure out) that life is capable of recording new data to its DNA, and can successfully pass these changes to the next generation of offspring. Perhaps our distant ancestors survived traumatizing falls and were able to respond to the threat in this way. It's clearly a very advantageous adaption, which would go a long way to explaining how widely expressed it is in our population.

Speculation and conjecture, but I hope that one day we see real research on it.

Life is capable of recording new data to it's DNA. Hmm... I guess that goes along with why the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. The rich grow and reproduce handing down an instinct to succeed in an industry and culture they're already in. Not only that, but they are born with an advantage.

Meanwhile, the poor grow and are born in a terrible environment, but also with terrible pre-coded DNA instincts. I hate to sound like a dick, but too many poor people are irresponsible and reproduce way too much. Some of them it's like they have no self control. Some have child after child with multiple mothers. The parents have no discipline, have built no real talents or business and let nature raise their children. In my opinion that's no recipe for success.

I think that you should forget everything that you think you know, and start over.

Good post. You're right in that humans have not evolved much since we discovered agriculture. Techonolgy is quickly outpacing our species' evolution, which is why we have so many illnesses never seen before in first world countries. Our bodies are not built to be in a shelter all day, hunched over in our computers, eating foods high in sugar, having blue light bombard our eyes at night, etc.

In regards to your thoughts on some 'hidden drive' humans have for sacrifices and other ritualistic ideas, I disagree. It's not necessarily that power brings out these psychopathic tendencies in us, but I think that psychopaths naturally seek out these positions of power. These individuals, devoid of any moral compass other than the desire to enrich oneself even at the expense of others, are usually intelligent and possess charisma which they use to manipulate others.

Now, that isn't to say that power does not corrupt -- it is well known that wealth and prestige change one's very brain chemistry. But for the most part I think it is psychopaths seeking these positions rather than every human having this 'instinct' buried deep inside our genetics.

Thank you. Great reply. I agree. A lot of our civilization is very wrong. I wouldn't say much is on purpose. Just an effect of us stumbling forward as we develop and evolve. One example that comes to mind is our calendar. There is a better calendar we could implement that would make so much more sense. Also, there has been studies done about human's natural sleep cycles. It goes something like they put people in a dim room for days and the natural sleep cycle that comes forward is much different than the sleep cycle we are forced into by our civilization. These are a couple of examples that science has brought light to that we could implement to create a happier and more productive civilization. I think small scientific reasons like this are part of the reason depression keeps going up with the masses. If we applied these studies to our civilization the impacts would be positively enormous. I make the connection to keeping pets. There are certain ways to keep certain pets. If the conditions are not met, the pet becomes stressed, depressed, don't eat, and in some cases suicide.

Just want to point out I don't think all humans have that drive. Sorry if it sounded that way. I agree with your way of putting it much more. I'd also like to point out that there are people that want power to help their families and in the process realize that they are swimming in a pool of psychopathic megalomaniacs. And when in Rome... they must blend in and learn the same behaviors and mentality.

"Changes one brain's chemistry." That's fascinating. I think that also goes in hand with the point I touched on above.

Also, to clarify a little what I meant in my first post about genetics... I meant that in our DNA there is that 'instinct' or gene to be powerful, or occult, or submissive. Through chance some people get the Power craving gene and others the submissive gene. I think that even if you kill all the psychopathic megalomaniacs they will always return in some form because it is programmed deep into our "gene pool." Generations down the line the Psychopathic Megalomaniacs will reign again through chance and nature. Feels like this is what has happened now and we're all hoping there is a cleanse of some sort soon. Thankfully, all the technology helping us gain new data and knowledge is helping us by providing the transparency the 99% have needed for centuries to stand up to the corrupt establishments.

Wise words indeed. ;)

Also, there has been studies done about human's natural sleep cycles. It goes something like they put people in a dim room for days and the natural sleep cycle that comes forward is much different than the sleep cycle we are forced into by our civilization.

I remember reading this actually a while back! Wasn't it something like two 4 hour cycles with some activity in between?

I meant that in our DNA there is that 'instinct' or gene to be powerful, or occult, or submissive.

True. Something like religion seems to be natural to us. I think it is because we are a very social species -- we have the natural drive to be part of something bigger than us, and religion is one way to fit that mold.

Generations down the line the Psychopathic Megalomaniacs will reign again through chance and nature.

I believe that psychopaths are often more prominent just by natural selection. I would contend that you had to be psychopathic to a certain extent in order to survive before we had modern society. Psychopaths value themselves first. High-functioning psychopaths are a perfect hosh-podge of intellect, charisma, often athleticism, and , to be a little cliche, "evil." This means strong psychopaths often survived more and were able to pass on their genes.

What do you do when you're powerless and have too much time on your hands? Make up stories about rich people eating babies. End of story.

Seriously why don't you just type "I'm a shill". Fucking ridiculous. I'm over here fucking dimes not even giving these any attention. If you're gonna bring a conspiracy you need to actually fucking bring it or shut up. Rekt

I've meaning to ask, why are people investigating pizza gate so openly? Don't get me wrong, I do think that out there there are pedo rings, and that law agencies are doing everything they can to stop them. But isn't doing a full investigation public a counterproductive thing? Cause, how can we be sure that the people involved are not fucking with all the investigation and are dropping misleading clues or leading us into other paths that don't fuck with them?

One of three reaons:

  1. Pizzagate was never meant to be taken seriously, it was started by trolls who are now having a serious laugh that a bunch of people are taking it very seriously and making life difficult for a few D.C. liberals.

  2. The people running the show are idiots who aren't qualified to handle an "independent investigation".

  3. No-one is running the show and they're all idiots.

I'd rather we focus on Anthony Weiner's laptop full of kiddy porn.

Kind of hard to do unless you have access to the laptop.

i don't understand the conspiracy, should there not be an easy enough way to find out if pizza and cash exchanged hands on the given dates in the emails? I understand the nature of what a conspiracy is but it seems to me like with the number of people involved there should be some evidence of either gluten or little kids being consumed

Haha what? If you understood the nature of the conspiracy you'd know it has nothing to don with alleged exchanges pizza for cash.

no my understanding is /pol/ went on an email reading binge and came up with this idea after seeing and exchange about cheese and ingredients or something. It didn't seem there was anything there to actually suggest child abuse is all

My bad dude I misread your comment, I'll take my downvotes.

i sorta snuck the allusion to the issue at the end. people yell at me all the time for my posting style. It's probably me haha

I don't think he actually means pizza

Or, you know, just google "Jimmy Saville coverup"

if you dont "believe" in "pizzagate" you are a moron

if you "believe" in "anything" you are a sucker

Here from /r/all

Can someone link me a reasonable recap of the actual facts of the situation? It's hard to find something that isn't full of obvious bias. All I can gather is powerful people are raping children at a pizza place?

Here's a list of all the evidence that connects the DNC and Comet Ping Pong to pedophile rings:


So what you're saying is that you want a... Quick rundown?

Come on shill; where's those facts?

Are you going to keep replying to my comments in different subreddits like a loser?

Die in a fire, and he'll stop.

Wow so tolerant!

Who said anything about tolerance? Man up faggot.

He's just a troll, don't feed him

Yup, it's your alt.

Why are you using 2 reddit accounts it's pathetic haha

see r/thecultofkek!

Fuck off shill! But no seriously guys what is the most damning piece of evidence you have?

Emails from top chain politicians conversing to one another in code speak is a pretty decent piece of evidence imo.

Which emails? What codes?

No codes. Just e-mails.

The Pizzagaters have only accepted that the food references in Podesta's Wikileaks dump are references to kid-diddling. They haven't proven it, not by a long shot.

The only thing they have done is doxxed the fuck out of the families and friends of the people they're trying to take down, pointing at their macabre art-fag Instagrams and howling about "how creepy" it is, therefore kid-fucking can't not be happening.

Stupid-fuck midwest Christian idiots.

Hey dumb fuck, considering the MSM lies to the general public on a constant basis and tells whatever narrative the govt wants to tell, the real heroes are the ones creative and determined enough to take the time to put together evidence and see through the bullshit. The evidence of Pizzagate is compelling to say the least, and people like you refuse to see it. Or maybe you just have orders to comment things like you just did just to sway people from actually doing their own research...

people like you refuse to see it

Rational people who value critical thought and believe in the presumption of innocence? By all means, count me as part of that group.

The evidence of Pizzagate is compelling

At first, maybe. Once you stop letting your imagination run wild, it all pretty much amounts to speculative nonsense and character assassination.

maybe you just have orders to comment things like you just did just to sway people from actually doing their own research...

Seeing as how solid arguments don't sway fools, those would be pretty pointless orders. But hey, when you're a conspiritard, anyone who doesn't come to the same conclusion as you is working for THEM.

My problem with you is that you call the people who believe in Pizzagate "stupid-fucks" when in fact you are more of a retard than any of the Pizzagaters because you fail to see how free-thinking individuals can come to the conclusion that powerful people can do horrible things and get away with it.

Also, explain to me how it's SOOO outrageous and inconceivable that politicians, some of the scummiest, worst people on the planet, can be pedophiles...but THOUSANDS of PRIESTS, some of the holiest people on the planet, can molest little boys...and have the Catholic Church vigorously cover it up.

free-thinking individuals can come to the conclusion that powerful people can do horrible things and get away with it

That's not the problem. And actually, there's plenty of evidence that powerful people can do horrible things and not get away with it, because that's how we know the people have done those horrible things. We catch them.

Pizzagate hasn't exposed anything.

Either the thing was never meant to be taken seriously, or the people running the show are stupid fucks for holding an "independent investigation" in a public forum after getting the attention of the people they're attempting to investigate.

explain to me how it's SOOO "irrational" and inconceivable that politicians, some of the scummiest, worst people on the planet, can be pedophiles...but THOUSANDS of PRIESTS, some of the holiest people on the planet, can molest little boys...and have the Catholic Church vigorously cover it up

That's not Pizzagate. That's what some people are trying to turn Pizzagate into because they're embarrassed that the actual conspiracy it began as simply has no foundation. Unfortunately, even those people are stupid, because half of the community is still hung up on Podesta, Comet Ping Pong, pizza shops in general, and every website that happens to have a swirl in the graphic design.

You're right I meant to say child traffickers. Although there is evidence of pedophilia..

As for what you said about about it having no foundation, that's a lie. You're right that Pizzagate hasn't been "proven" to be true. But to say that the evidence has no foundation is utter horseshit

Although there is evidence of pedophilia..

There isn't. I've read everything posted over at Voat. It's all speculation, and there is no direct evidence of any sex crime.

to say that the evidence has no foundation is utter horseshit

Pizzagate was founded on the premise that the food references in the Podesta e-mails are some kind of "code" for child sex abuse. The problem is that the "code" is based on pure speculation and that no pre-existing documentation exists which can verify that code.

So yes, Pizzagate has no credible foundation.

I have one final question for you considering our argument isn't going anywhere. I won't be swayed by what you are saying and you won't be swayed by what I'm saying.

If the code is actually not code for anything, and all the supposed "code" has context, explain the "context" of this. I look forward to hearing your explanation of "map"

Here is a handkerchief with a map on it that seems pizza-related.

What's more believable?

  1. John Podesta, who is apparently known for being a foodie, happened to leave a food-related snot-rag on a counter in a house that's maybe for sale or had some things for sale in it.

  2. John Podesta raped a child in someone else's home, purposely used a hanky to get blood and semen on as a "keepsake" of the crime, absent-mindedly left that keepsake behind, and was bailed out by a real-estate agent who totally gave him the option of not replying at all, and then replied anyway only to tell them that the "keepsake" didn't actually matter.

If an explanation is based entirely on speculation and raises more questions than it answers, it's a poor explanation. Plus, deductive reasoning means that you have to eliminate the impossible. In this case, I would consider the first answer incredibly possible and the second answer highly improbable.

I'll do you one better; I'll provide you with the only single thing Pizzagate has produced that has any potential credibility.

Maybe the graphic designer googled "child care" or "child love" and found that symbol, but it's still close enough to the mark to warrant inquiry.

Why isn't the FBI looking into that, you might ask. Who says they haven't? The Pizzagaters are asking all the wrong questions, and so few of the right ones.

According to the realtor the handkerchief was black-and-white...

I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island.

Still gonna try to convince me the handkerchief had an actual map on it with pizzas?

Still gonna try to convince me the handkerchief had an actual map on it with pizzas?

I've literally just proven to you that a handkerchief with a pizza-related map can and does exist.

Here, let me link you to it again.

Do you really need me to prove to you that a black-and-white handkerchief with a pizza-related map can exist?

1) Why would they phrase it as "map that seems pizza-related? If the handkerchief they are speaking of is even slightly similar to the one you're trying to shove down my throat, then they should've said "map that is pizza-related". How can a handkerchief with a map and pizzas on it seem pizza-related? Explain?

2) Considering a handkerchief that has pictures on it, why would the realtor choose not to say it has pictures on it? The realtor clearly wanted to try to send it to the right owner, and logic decrees that when trying to find a rightful owner, it's stupid to simply say the color of an object and not a more specific description. No?

Why would they phrase it as "map that seems pizza-related?

Any number of variations of pizzas and maps and colors on a handkerchief can exist. This is not a question that can be answered without seeing the actual handkerchief, and what's more, it's not an important question. At all.

Considering a handkerchief that has pictures on it, why would the realtor choose not to say it has pictures on it? The realtor clearly wanted to try to send it to the right owner, and logic decrees that when trying to find a rightful owner, it's stupid to simply say the color of an object and not a more specific description. No?

Why would you need a more specific description than "black and white handkerchief that has a map that seems pizza related"?

I don't get it. Are you serious, or jerking me around?

Why is it so hard for you to accept the simplest answer, but so easy for you to believe in wild speculation?

TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE described the handkerchief... idiot. The realtor said "black-and-white" to someone, and that person said "map that seems pizza-related" to Podesta.

The reality is that it isn't a simple answer. You're just in a bubble of denial and trying desperately to sway me, even go so far to google "handkerchief with a map on it with pizzas". Why are you trying so hard?

You're making the assumption that the e-mail chain was the only communication the realtor had with the Sandlers. It's possible that Susan Sandler called the realtor following the first e-mail, got a more detailed description from the realtor, and then forwarded the e-mail to Podesta.

All of these questions can be answered with simple explanations.

The Pizzagate theory is not only extremely elaborate, it's unsupported.

Innocent until proven guilty. Podesta, the realtor, the Sandlers, they don't have to prove that this was an e-mail about an actual handkerchief. Pizzagate has to prove that it wasn't.

The burden of proof is on the one making the claims. It's that simple.

Whatever dude. Choose not to believe in it. But don't go around calling anyone who believes in it "stupid-fucks" because at the end of the day Pizzagaters are sincerely trying to expose terrible crimes and do some good. We all wish that Pizzagate isn't true. But that doesn't mean we should stop investigating simply because we hope it isn't true.

No, you're just investigating all of the wrong leads.

When the lynchpin of a theory is founded on nonsense, it's time to get a new theory. Pizzagate had its chance to do that, and it didn't. It doubled-down instead.

If you want to expose a terrible crime, it helps if you have a crime to expose.

Sorry to burst your bubble but if you think Pizzagate is going away anytime soon you will be very disappointed. And when significance "proof" as you would call it is found I'll come find you and we can argue again

I'm disappointed that it ever began. If it was ever meant to be taken seriously as an investigation, it screwed the pooch on day one.

This is obviously a paid account posting. Look at the history.

Yes, look at my half a decade's worth of posting to Advice Animals. Or the huge thumbprint I've left on the Internet under this screenname since 2002.

Uh, no. I'm saying someone has most likely contacted you because of your awesome Reddit profile. And paid you or paid for access to your account. It's not a big deal. Happens quite a lot actually. My account is no where near as good as yours, and I get contacted about this very thing quite often.

I get contacted about this very thing quite often

Yeah, right. I wish people would pay me for arguing with people who believe crazy things.

Yo, where can I get some of that shill money? Seriously, contact me.

The best part about you thinking I'm a shill? You don't have to address my arguments. Let me put it this way. If someone pays you to shill for them and you present poor arguments, someone can deconstruct your arguments and then... you don't have an argument.

Unless, of course, you're forced to stoop to intellectual dishonesty, which I try to avoid and appreciate being called on when it does happen.

Sorry man I dont have a dog in this pizza fight. Just seems super weird how much time and energy you have spent arguing against it. I'm skeptical so I said so. But you have convinced me that no, you are probably not a paid account. But I can't fathom how someone can have so much time on their hands to comment on things that often. I hope for your sake you're super loaded and just bored and not unemployed. Because being unemployed really blows. I like your simple website btw. Why don't you have design linking to anything?

I get hyperfocused, not unlike the people "researching" this thing.

I'm self-employed, but winter is my slow season.

I'm not sure what it is about Pizzagate that got me so caught up in it at first, or what it is that's driving me to take such a hard stance against it now. Maybe I feel like combating human trafficking is a truly noble cause, and Pizzagate has gone about that in literally the most reckless and idiotic way possible.

Why don't you have design linking to anything?

Maybe if I can tear myself away from arguing on the Internet, I can work on that. Probably make another Imgur album for it. I hate getting graphic design work, though, so I'm more reluctant to advertise it. Heh.

But I can't fathom how someone can have so much time on their hands to comment on things that often.

Welcome to the Internet! Here you can meet all kinds of strange and unique people! People don't need to be unemployed to find a reason to speak against bullshit.

I agree. But it was just how much was being posted and how often. As I said above.

The Internet is massive, so get used to outlandish numbers.

What? The size of a community plays no part in how much one single person interacts?

It does however increase the chances of one person in the community posting a lot more than you're used to seeing.

I'm not sure what makes you think I'm new to Reddit. But okay?

I never said that you are new to reddit. I'm just saying that the Internet community is massive so be prepared to have whatever expectations you have of humanity to be shattered.

He's not paid. He's just a fucking loser with nothing better to do lmfao.

So I'm a loser arguing with losers. Accurate.



Shouting? Its the internet... I typed in caps

Well, based on your website and the number of words you post to reddit on an average 24 hour period, it's safe at least to say you are unemployed and have virtually no income or education... And therefore make a perfect candidate to make a little dough doing something you already do on workdays

I'm a self-employed radical centrist who graduated from a computer network administration college program.

Based on your (wrong) comment, it's safe to say that you're an idiot.

Why do you say youre a self-taught webmaster on your website?

Because webmastering and network administration are two very different things. I went to school for net admin; I taught myself how to build websites.

Yeah bro, I'm sure you intentionally left out the one thing you are apparently certified in in any way shape or form off your website. Makes perfect sense.

This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in a long time. Good lord, man. You're honestly one of those people trying to "brand" yourself, aren't you.

Post some of your music.

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My website is for my creative interests, dingus. It's not a resume.

You're honestly one of those people trying to "brand" yourself, aren't you.

Don't knock Elvis Martini. He'll be famous one day.

Good to see the mods of this sub still aren't enforcing the rules.

You've got a lot of hate man.

I really do. Except unlike the Pizzagaters, I'm not advocating any violence.

Awfully broad strokes you paint with there. I'd be angry too running out of canvas space that fast.

If you want to see broad strokes being painted, head over to Voat.

It's all self-referential 4chan nonsense. The major sources of the codes come from 4chan itself. It's 100% bulllshit.

4chan is the FBI?

Link to the page on where it discusses child sex ring codes, please. Or is are you just talking about the "explosive document" from the "FBI" that was clearly made by some 4chan nerd with photoshop?

No, see, you don't understand how proof works.

They saw someone post it somewhere one time on the Internet.

How are you not convinced by that? You must be a shill.

Shit, and you just said that on the Internet. I didn't even know I was a shill!


I guess you are talking about that picture, then? I'll just sit here and wait for you to prove that it's actually from the FBI.

"code speak"

Emails from top chain politicians conversing to one another in code speak is a pretty decent piece of evidence imo.

Made up code based on a 4chan meme. Fake killroms and basements.

That is literally the best "evidence" that pizzagaters have.

gtfo shills

Rationalwiki is anything but rational. It's kinda like r/atheism, people with their heads so far up their own asses that they can't accept that perhaps their logic is failable and maybe wrong.

It's a humor-based website. Any rational person knows this.

Oh I know, and a lot of their pages are funny as hell, don't get me wrong, but the opinion they push in their humor sometimes isn't always correct.

I don't think anything about being called "rationalwiki" makes them inherently correct, no.

I would say if there are specific cases where you dispute the information or the opinions presented, you should contact them about it and argue a case against it.

The first paragraph of that Wikipedia article says it was "debunked" when it has not been debunked whatsoever...nice try

Wow you're dumb. All of the debunking evidence on that article was reported by the MSM NOT actual investigations. And what do we know about the MSM? They are run by people. And what are people? Biased. Why are they biased? Because they accept money from people who pay them to tell a narrative.

Come back to me when you have evidence of actual debunking from real investigations...

So you've gone from "the wikipedia article doesn't debunk it." To "the debunking doesn't count because Mainstream media!!!!" lol

Great detective work there champ. Burden of proof is still on you though..

That's exactly what I did. There wasn't an official investigation!!!* These media sources just said it's false and fake without providing a shred of evidence to back up their claims.

If someone on 4chan says, shady things are going on underneath/underground X pizza parlor, then another person - 'MSM' or otherwise provides pictures, city hall architecture records, and eye witness accounts that there is no basement to begin with that is an example of debunking a rumor started by 4chan.

Also who owns snopes? What makes them msm?

Also you still haven't "proven" what makes this pizza conspiracy a legitimate concern. And, not some politically charged fever dream of the alt right.

Check out the other dude's link to rationalwiki on this. More debunking of specific 'theories.' If you're actually going for truth, you have to be skeptical. The stuff that survives scrutiny is what has potential value, not this bullshit.

Quoting a Wikipedia article that claims it's a debunked theory, and trying to pass it off as gospel is a joke. And claiming that if the MSM says it's debunked than "it definitely must be debunked" is also pathetic. You obviously don't care that the MSM lies on a daily basis to serve whatever narrative they are trying to tell. And that's scary because you're basically admitting you live in a fantasy world and don't give a shit. Good for you

You still haven't provided evidence to support the theory.

Have you yourself not seen any evidence?? If that's the case then we are done talking because you basically are trying to argue that it's debunked but you haven't even seen the evidence

I have seen arguments for pizzagate, but no evidence yet.

Do yourself a favor and go through all of this from Voat and then let me know what you think.

I have reviewed the latest facts, but I still don't see anything solid. The whole theory is built on top of other flimsy theories and things that can be easily explained via other means.

So I ask again, is there any solid evidence supporting that a D.C. pizza shop was used as a headquarters to abuse children?

You're telling me you already went through all of that evidence from Voat?

I have reviewed and I used to follow the "latest" developments on Voat before. Eventually all the latest developments were just news into on other child trafficking rings. I haven't seen any solid evidence from that site that pins the pizza shop into a child trafficking ring. So I ask again because maybe I missed something that was just released today, is there any solid evidence for pizzagate?

Conspiracy theory means that nothing is "proven", so you already know the answer you're just busting my balls. But if you're telling me that ALL of that evidence from that Voat link doesn't raise your eyebrows a bit then we're done here

Voat doesn't provide any evidence though. A lot of the theories are built on bad info. For example, I can tell you from personal experience that pedophiles don't use codewords or symbols like the fake FBI info claims that they do.

1) You're an idiot

2) You just admitted you're a pedophile

1) How am I am idiot?

2) I am currently going to therapy, but isn't my experience proof that pizzagate has a weak foundation?

You're an idiot because you said "a lot of theories are built on bad info" when there is a mountain of GOOD info on that Voat link if you even bothered to look at it.

If that's true I'm glad your seeking help but if this were a court of law you would be deemed as an unreliable witness due to bias. If you are a pedophile and you are trying to discredit someone who is trying to expose pedophiles then you can't be taken seriously.

What good info is there on Voat? There is nothing concrete, just speculation on top of speculation.

Like I said, I am getting help and I want to help other children, and overall I think that pizzagate is just hurting children in the long run. Pizzagate takes takes resources from real investigations. Also pizzagate looks silly from an outsiders perspective, so if a real tip came out of a different kind of business then that business can use pizzagate to its advantages by saying something like, "ohh those wakos are just trying to make us look bad"

Wow you just said that pizzagate is hurting children...

You need more help than just therapy bud...maybe consider checking yourself into a more intensive treatment facility

I am saying that an investigation into "nothing" is hurting children because the "nothing" discredits real investigations.

That doesn't even make sense

Ok let's pretend that Senator Reddit, who is a Democrat, is running a ring from his DVD store in D.C. If tomorrow a small tip comes out that Senator Reddit is abusing children then not a lot of people will pay attention because people will assume that it's related to "that crazy pizza thing" so no one will pay attention to it.

By continuing to be obsessed over an innocent pizza shop then the people may ignore a real tip somewhere else.

That might be the dumbest thing I've heard all day.

The FBI, police, etc take every tip extremely seriously. They would NOT ignore a tip because of Pizzagate. If anything they might take it more seriously because of all the traction Pizzagate has gotten over the last few months. I can't tell if you're serious or a troll anymore

I am being serious. And pizzagate has not gained any traction with the authorities. If it had gained any traction then why haven't they investigated yet?

It's gotten traction with the public, even going so far as to have Colbert and other shills vigorously deny them on air. The FBI is an unreliable authority at this point considering all the shit Comey has said over the past few months, but I guarentee you that authorities will not be swayed from investigating child abuse because of Pizzagate.

You can't just say shill and dismiss what people say. Colbert act others have brought some very valid points against pizzagate.

Also the FBI is not the only police force in D.C. that can investigate the pizzeria.

It's not me dismissing what they say. It's them dismissing what we are saying.

Colbert's entire segment where we "lays out the evidence" of Pizzagate is a joke. He only touched on a couple pieces of evidence and tried to convince his audience that "that's all the evidence". The pieces he touched out weren't even the biggest pieces of evidence!

What you don't understand is the people running the news are people. And people have the ability to do horrible things like lie and deceive. Or look at naked pictures of children like you do...

The pieces he touched on weren't even the biggest pieces of evidence!

Great! Now we are getting back to my original question. What is the evidence for pizzagate?


Ok lets start again. You criticized Colbert for not speaking about the biggest pieces of "evidence" that there is. Let's pretend that I am Colbert and that you are my producer and you as the producer want me to talk about pizzagate on TV. Over what points should sound I go over to convince everyone that pizzagate is real?

If you won't click on the Voat link and do your research I'm done talking to you

I have clicked on the Voat link. I have done my research. Are you not talking to me because you know that pizzagate is built very weak info?

Well yeah, its a fact that the media doesnt and didnt debunk shit, i dont need Wikipedia telling me otherwise. But the media has been caught lying, manipulating, and colluding so many times that theyve even lost count. But keep it up, youre really going to disprove this whole pizzagate thing! I can feel it! Lmfaoo

'#Pizzagate: A Primer' by Martyleeds on Youtube. or, or the sticky on Voat's pizzagate sub.

A documentary is as biased as the next news article. I follow this subreddit and just read. I don't believe the major of conspiracies, but the theories are always interesting.

That's sort of where I am with it too. It's a seeking of the truth. I realize the wackiness that's associated to it and you have to take everything with a grain of salt.

The sad part is, the non-evil side of the FBI already has the evidence sitting somewhere. The go-ahead just needs to be initiated.

How do you know that, /u/SuperPoop?

Biggest scandal of all time if true.

They've got evidence of something that might not be true?

We know that the NSA reads all of our emails. I'd imagine it'd be child's play to have access to these people's personal accounts. The public stuff we've seen being just the tip of the iceberg, imagine the plethora of stuff we haven't seen.

But the public stuff that serves as the entire basis for the theory was private stuff, and even then it was reliant on the assumption that this entire system of code words with zero internal consistency does indeed exist.

You know, the one 4chan discovered. The one that coincidentally follows the "Child Pornography = CP = Cheese Pizza" meme that long predates the emails.

I dunno about that. Some of the stuff was instagramed.

Is it "fake"? I.e. a real documentary or a story being told of real or otherwise events? I know nothing of this right now.

It's real. What happens at the end will sort of blow your mind and make you question some things...

Oh I've questioned a lot lately

I don't want to spoil it, but there is something the mom says at the end that made me stand up and scream at the tv, "what the fuck!" With my jaw on the floor.

Even if you don't buy all the pizzagate stuff it's still a really interesting documentary. A lot of twists that I did not see coming since I did not know anything about this case previously.

Even if you don't buy all the pizzagate stuff it's still a really interesting documentary. A lot of twists that I did not see coming since I did not know anything about this case previously.

Even if you don't buy all the pizzagate stuff it's still a really interesting documentary. A lot of twists that I did not see coming since I did not know anything about this case previously.

Even if you don't buy all the pizzagate stuff it's still a really interesting documentary. A lot of twists that I did not see coming since I did not know anything about this case previously.

Just watched it - very insightful.

loves that /conspiracy is "non-partisan."

uses the term "shariablue" (I'm assuming autocorrect got you there) in 2nd sentence.

well....we know where you came from haha.

Not as Trumpy as you would think, tbh. I want him to succeed but I think he's an embarrassment right now. He needs to get his shit together.

I can't count the number of times I've heard someone on this subreddit say, "the libtards are trying to divide us!" completely uniroinically.

It would be funny if it weren't so scary.

The moderators probably don't administrate it with partisanship in mind. That doesn't mean the userbase is going to be politically neutral.

Plenty of modern conspiracy theories are politically motivated. It's no surprise that you'd see this kind of thing.

RIP Jill Dando.

I don't believe in pizzagate cause it's a bunch of autistic Trumpets or 4chaners with no evidence who just blindly follow their god emperor. I am not saying I don't believe there are pedophiles. I just don't believe Hillary is one of the or sponsors it. Let's stick to facts and not go full blown retard like the Donald.

Fair. We can all agree that, if true, these bastards need to be put in jail. If not true, then we can put it to rest.

I voted for Fucking hillary but I swear that account is a shill

I don't mind official investigation. I don't even mind amateur investigation of adults and businesses. What I find creepy is posting pictures of babies and young children. I know you believe they're victims, but I don't, and all I see is a bunch of strangers making creepy allegations about people's family photos.

Investigate all you want. But respect due process and privacy while you do. If you think that makes me a shill, I think that makes you unAmerican.

That's actually a really good point. Some of the ones I've seen look like kids being kids. That video of that child in the shower screaming creeped me the fuck out though and we couldn't even see him or her.

Except that the Worldcorpo videos aren't connected to anyone Pizzagate claims is part of this hypothetical trafficking ring.

How about the one with the dude and the child wearing yellow beads, with the hashtag #chickenlovers?

I think that would qualify as making entirely justified allegations about people's genuinely creepy family photos. Adults should not do this shit unless they want to make themselves suspect in the public eye.

That sounds a lot like the argument that if celebrities don't want their nude photos hacked, they shouldn't take nude photos.

If you don't want to be thought of as a pedophile, don't post photos of sad, tired children with sexualized hashtags like "#hotard", "#musthave", or #chickenlovers. Deal? Being a person who lives in the world, this shouldn't be hard to do... right?

You're blaming the victim, and downplaying what's happening.

There's a difference between "being thought of as a pedophile" and being brigaded on social media and telephoned with death threats.

Well to be fair, James Alefantis also potentially threatened to kill IsThisGameOfThrones and his family. That is also worth considering. The vast majority of the researchers are simply people trying to ensure that no children are being harmed by these deeply creepy people, get answers, and lobby for a proper investigation, and many of them have been threatened as well, with violence or legal threats.

But no, vigilante justice isn't a good idea here, and threats only garner support for the suspects. There is likely something extremely shady going on, giving the entrenched network of deeply creepy people and the obvious media cover-up, but we don't have absolute proof yet. Just release the 650k emails, have full disclosure, and we can all move on.

James Alefantis also potentially threatened to kill IsThisGameOfThrones and his family

I've seen the video. If it's true, it's understandable. Pizzagaters have been doxxing his co-workers, associates, friends, and family, trolling social media accounts, calling him up with death threats. If I were in his position, I'd have lost my shit a lot sooner than he did.

It's not fair to harass someone and then use the fact that they get pissed off as evidence that you must be onto something.

the entrenched network of deeply creepy people

The kinds of relationships and associations you'd expect high-profile political types to have? Calling them "deeply creepy" is not evidence of a crime. I know lots of "deeply creepy" people, and I have no reason to suspect any of them of being child rapists.

the obvious media cover-up

To a conspiracy theorist, everything that fits the narrative is "obvious". A dude with a rifle showed up to Comet. Of course it's going to make the news. And since there isn't any actual evidence of any wrongdoing by anyone "involved", then yeah, the media is going to take Comet's side.

lobby for a proper investigation

I imagine it's hard to convince the FBI to take interest in something that doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Besides, according to the IsThisGameOfThrones, Alefantis claimed that the "FBI liked" it. I would assume that means that the FBI contacted him about the Pegasus/killroom thing.

If they haven't taken an interested by now, it's because there's nothing to take an interest in. But Pizzagaters (half of them, anyway) are determined to keep digging because they've already convinced themselves that there's something to dig up.

Being a public "investigation", that just encourages people to keep doxxing, keep harassing, keep being unqualified idiots.

Let me break this down for you:

  1. Laura Silsby was caught trafficking 33 children out of Haiti, and was personally bailed out by Clintons.

  2. Monica Petersen was killed for investigating child trafficking in Haiti involved with the Clinton Foundation.

  3. James Alefantis visited the White House on same day as Laura Silsby, and also has ties through Max Maccoby.

  4. Werkinonmahnightcheese comments on JimmyComet's Instagram: "Give me a Haitian special with extra cheese." They must be talking about actual pizza, right? Not to mention the mountains of creepy shit which reveal everyone in the circle is very comfortable with pedophilia.

  5. Media complicit in Franklin cover-up, under-reports Dennis Hastert's crimes, Mentions the 5200 Pentagon employees who had purchased child porn once, and then never again, as investigation dropped after 8 months with no follow-up. Media also neglects to talk about Joe Biden caught groping children on camera and telling one "Do you know how hard I am to have a 13-year old standing next to me?". Media silent.

But then again, can we ever really "know" anything? Right? I mean, Joe Biden was just groping the girls shirt, right? We can't PROVE he's a pedophile or anything. It's really hard to know things that the media hasn't pre-digested for us, I totally understand.

Laura Silsby was caught trafficking 33 children out of Haiti, and was personally bailed out by Clintons.

Laura Silsby was tried by the local authorities.

Monica Petersen was killed for investigating child trafficking in Haiti involved with the Clinton Foundation.


James Alefantis visited the White House on same day as Laura Silsby, and also has ties through Max Maccoby.

I'm sure a lot of people visited the White House that day. Does that mean Alefantis is "connected" to them all?

You can daisy chain just about everyone in D.C.; that's how the world works.

Werkinonmahnightcheese comments on JimmyComet's Instagram: "Give me a Haitian special with extra cheese."


Not to mention the mountains of creepy shit which reveal everyone in the circle is very comfortable with pedophilia.

Making jokes about something doesn't mean you're "comfortable" with it. Also, "mountains of creepy shit" doesn't implicate crimes of any kind. It's character assassination, plain and simple.

Media complicit in Franklin cover-up, under-reports Dennis Hastert's crimes, Mentions the 5200 Pentagon employees who had purchased child porn once, and then never again, as investigation dropped after 8 months with no follow-up.

Nothing to do with Pizzagate.

Media also neglects to talk about Joe Biden caught groping children on camera and telling one "Do you know how hard I am to have a 13-year old standing next to me?". Media silent.

Once again, nothing to do with Pizzagate.

All I know is, people completely overreacted to that photo of the kid taped to the table. That kid was having fun, and the photo was innocent. I have no idea what photo you're talking about, how it relates to Comet Ping Pong or Podesta, or why I should look at it. My feeling is, unless the child is a known celebrity or there are visual genitals, keep it to yourself.

You mean like the photo of Anthony Weiner with his penis out next to a baby?

Thanks I will watch that.

Yeah it's a short watch too. Maybe buck 20 or so.

Just watched it. I hope Trump gets them all and they all burn in hell. Cowards, the whole lots of those so called protectors of society.

For more on pizzagate, come join us over on!

Rock on voat! Fight the good fight.

So you make this post but you are supporting a site that hosts CP?

Well, this was fucking eye opening. Thanks for it.

there is a massive pedo conspiracy that broke out a bit in the uk but has still mostly been in my opinion suppressed, that involved the highest levels of government.

given how intertwined, unfortunately, our security states could DEFINITELY happen here

While I do think an elite pedo ring does exsist I don't believe the whole comet pizza thing. I will not refer to anything as pizzagate as it is pretty unproven. Can we please get a new name for elite pedo rings pizzagate is so stupid. I feel people Chase so many and unprovable dead ends. Can we please get some real investigation. There are people talking about these rings but so many of you seem to be focusing on something that doesn't seem to exsist just because you don't like certain people. Can we get more investigating into things that are more or less proven and have a real trail of evidence not just some emails.

Also dismissing anyone as shareblue who disagrees with you is as niave as it gets.

If you want to get a glimpse of what this whole thing is really about, watch this

paul looks creepy......what have those eyes seen?

I don't know what is more disturbing. The fact that this dark corner of humanity exists, or that the people commiting these terrible acts are ridiculously wealthy.

Holy shit, sort by controversial and start looking through their posts and comments. Fucking shills

How do I know you are not some shill paid to push pizzagate to distract people from bigger issues like people did to 9/11 truthers in the mid 2000s??

Well for one I don't ever comment on pizzagate. I do like reading about it though. I'd be a pretty bad shill if I never shilled.

I like how this is refreshed everytime a Trump scandal occurs.

In case anyone missed it. Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo were on Joe Rogan's podcast, and they go into pizzagate, e-mails, bohemian grove and so much more.

This is why people like Chuck Schumer are so desperate to get Jeff Sessions out of his seat. He's a threat to their dirty deeds.

Thanks bro. I watched the documentary. It was good, but I don't think I am the right candidate for the documentafy (as your title states;"dont believe pizza gate?")

I have known about this shit for a long time. Still a good watch though, and I appreciate the post.

If I have to read "Shareblue" again in a post... Fuck it I can't keep any promise I make about that. This case did involve a high ranking republican lobbyist and I have yet to watch the documentary but from what I've read for sure some shady shit.
The problem is your leap of logic...
You're trying to connect an incident with a republican lobbyist being caught with an underaged male prostitute in the whitehouse (In the 80's) to a non-existent or yet to be proven conspiracy involving pizza related codewords interspersed within the emails of government employees supposedly whose job it is to maintain a underage massive sex trafficking ring in the basement of Comet Ping Pong.
Sounds kinda nuts, huh?

Reality is nuts.

No, you're just really nuts.

About to watch this one this evening

Come on guys fucking posts about Donnie farting make it to the front page with 50k plus upvotes - TO THE FRONT PAGE

There are a lot of emails, and unless you are one of the people who have read through thousands of them and found patterns - then why even speak out. Do your own research. I remember when all these emails were leaked and the FBI was supposed to review them - but apparently they had a tiny team that read through tens of thousands of emails in a two week span.. that's not enough digging if you ask me I also read somewhere it would take a larger team months to read through every email to find a pattern

Computers could shift through these emails in days looking for hey words. Now if they used coffee words that would work.

Hahahaaaaaaa uhhhhh hey words? Coffee words?

Lol. Code.

This documentary has nothing to do with the DC pizza shop

Pizzagaters are screwing with powerful political elites, their friends, and their families. Of course they're going to fight back!

Pushback isn't evidence of anything except that people are getting pissed off.

If anyone was serious about wanting to investigate the Clinton Foundation and it's ties to CPS, refugee non-profits, and the like, they wouldn't be doing it by making up bogus claims about code-words in a public forum.

Ya, the real investigators end up like Monica Peterson. What's that proof of?

That you guys should have started #Haitigate instead.

You are stuck on semantics. This is an investigation into child exploitation around the globe. To pigeonhole the whole thing into what started it is silly.

You are stuck on semantics. This is an investigation into child exploitation around the globe. To pigeonhole the whole thing into what started it is silly.

It pigeonholed itself.

Reality: You've got people dying in Haiti under mysterious circumstances possibly investigating sex workers or trafficking, and the Clinton Foundation has been named by close parties.

Pizzagate: Make death threats to pizza shops because there's a swirl in the logo and the owner took a photo with a kid.

See the problem?

You are stuck on semantics. This is an investigation into child exploitation around the globe. To pigeonhole the whole thing into what started it is silly.

so what you're saying is trump is a pedophile?

Comment scores on this story as it is beyond belief to think it played a larger role than I do not need to fear each other any longer.

My god this comment thread.

The sad part is, the non-evil side of the FBI already has the evidence sitting somewhere. The go-ahead just needs to be initiated. When that switch flips, shit is going to hit the fan

Sure OP, and what time frame of nothing happening to the clintons and/or comet pizza will it take for you to admit in this sub you were wrong. 6 months? 1 year? never? If it's never, you are not being genuine.

Still waiting for justice on JFK, MLK, RFK, 9/11, shall I go on....?

Those are well documented events that actually happened. One of these things is not like the other.

Pizzagaters will hold their breath until the day they can proclaim they were right all along, but there's no set time and date where they'll admit that they were wrong and apologize to everyone they've doxxed.

Quick question, I might be a bit stupid but, why didn't the armed gunman find any evidence?

On netflix? Oh ok. So most reddit links are to other websites. Give me one more reason to never come back here.

"anyone who threatens us of thought provoking conversation sticks out like a sore thumb" -Oh really, like when websites and people alike had a pair.

Why don't yall give me a virus and shit. Holy crap this site is a bunch of prostitutes. It is so gross.

Sorry I'm new to this new level of stupid. Dudes the entire conspiracy section is non-reddit drivel. Is that something to be proud of?

I don't see any discussion here.

Why are you on this thread posting multiple topics trashing the op? Just go away if it upsets you so much.

I was once almost kidnapped when I was about 5 or 6. I got lost from my mom at the store. This lady told me she would help me find my mom. I waited with her as she paid for her things. I remember walking back to her car, with her, it was so long ago I don't remember why I turned around, but the next thing I remember is running back into the store, finding my mom, and she never even realized I was gone.

Maybe she was genuinely trying to help?

Yeah, that's a possibility. Like we could have put her things in the car then gone back into the store.

I think the reasonable person, if they see a lost child does not take them out of the store. They usually try and find the parents right then and there.

If I were to see a lost child, I would walk with them to the front of the store, and tell the first employee I saw. There is no way I would walk outside with them to my car.

I think I just felt a really weird vibe. I think that is why I went back into the store by myself.

That's an interesting story, and I believe that gut feelings are almost always worth listening to, but I'd like to point out something. You started out by saying

I was once almost kidnapped

But your story doesn't substantiate this as fact. It only insinuates it as a possibility.

A lot of the conspiracy-type stuff I read suffers from the same problem. If something seems like it might be true, it's accepted as fact and then reiterated as such.

True we do not know her intent, but her actions were not that of a reasonable person.

If you were to find a child lost in the store, what is it you do? Do you tell the child to come with you? Do you buy items without notifying the employees the child with you can't fund their mother? Do you walk the child back with you to your car?

You're only proof that I wasn't almost kidnapped is that I wasn't kidnapped.

I don't think you understand.

If a shady-looking man stares at me in an alley and then starts walking towards me... but then I walk away... I can't just conclude that I was almost killed.

Likewise, you can't be sure that you were almost kidnapped, but that's exactly how you started your post - by saying, quite clearly, "I was almost kidnapped."

If a shady looking man points a gun at you tells you to keep walking down the alley and keep walking until you get to the dumpsters. At which point you run away, there is no way we can prove you were almost, "robbed."

Exactly. He might have wanted to rape me. Or maybe I owed some money to someone and he was there to collect. Or all sorts of other things.

You're missing my point.

"Threatens us of" - holy god in heaven ass-backwards wayward funkinshit? Learn how to compose a sentence.

and the white-background text format here is for retards who are used to reading unintelligible internet things. I can't fucking read any of this shit. It is fucking hysterical! Hire someone with an art background and maybe linguistics so that reddit no longer looks like the asshole of the internet. Jesus Christ. I am doing too much for you fucking borderline retards by saying this? Now that is a fucking conspiracy!

Half the shit written here is fake.
"Truth is what we seek" -no thats not what truth means and that's the dumbest quote ever. You fucking psychos,

Man who shit in this guys cereal?

Everyone makes a collective effort to shit in your cereal every day. Because we are doomed. That is the conspiracy. Bunch of rich little shits are going to have us all vaporized. Aaaand you wouldn't know any better either way.

Enlighten me than. I won't even ask for proof. I just want to see into the mind of madness for a second, why do you believe "some rich shits are going to have us all vaporized"?

Dude, fucking highschool level history classes.. If you were alive and kicking in those days did you think you would take too kindly to the idea of your entire family being vaporized? I know my dad lived that for sure, and that you are an ignoramus. Who else would vaparize everyone? A normal person would not do that? So who do we set that burden upon?

You you fucking asshole. Go read a fucking book.

You ignorant little shit. How's that for enlightenment?

Yer gonna be homeless in 10 years BTW "silkenindiana"

YAS! it will be rich motherfucking sickos doing any of that sort of shit obviously. It wont be you or me you dumbass. Gather up your books and burn them. You have learned nothing about anything. You are a sad sack. You want to see the mind of madness?
Look at yourself you fucking robot. You are the most dangerous people out there and some small part of you knows it. Yer an ape asking questions like that, Your stupidity is normal, and it is a fractal of your nervous system. You being stupid about and asking questions about shit you should have had the answer to after any child's education. You fucking piece of shit. You are why we will be vaporized.

Give you proof that we are fixing to do that to ourselves? You have got to be a fucking joker asking that shit. That is is the definition of a poor education.

That's how you are insulting to the whole of human kind to ask "why" like that. Ye need some proof of that now? Yer not like an entirely scary and fucked up genreation? We are in trouble and I could not ever find a more real-time example.

By the way, Then AND than mean different things. You illiterate dick bags. Tell your school teachers how they failed you right away. Get those fuckers fired as they are likely illiterate themselves. Most english teachers have only ever struggled to read a fucking book. Hold your head high, cause this world is full of primal stupid and will eat you alive.

why do pg posts like these blow up?

the investigation has been fair, since there is no hard evidence backing it up, no official authority can investigate yet, at least on any deep and privacy invading level.

Because people like you are a bunch of weird bitches? That's weird there tho. You, and your sentence-long opinion, and highly questionable (hopefully) perceived authority on the matter. You probably wouldn't know about a god damned thing either way. Some of the shit just really creeps people out and for good reason given all the documented history relating to such subject matter in the last 150 years. Let us not go before then I guess.

There is PLENTY reason for it. Aaaaaand for the idea to get bigger than stupid internet trolls will have anything to do with.

Right off the diving board and into an empty pool.

EDIT I see that I think you know that.

The bigger story is the battle between good and evil, and if there's one thing that proves the validity of God, its definitely pizza gate. As someone who has gone deep into the rabbit hole Ill definitely spare you tons of time that you can in other words spend on researching something even more interesting then pizza gate, and that's reading the bible. Truly I say to you all we're in those days and you all need to get right with Christ, I'm telling you... our government, your fave celebs and talk shows are all in on it, they're Satanists and most people are too but they just don't even know of it that's the crazy part. Satanism is intermingled with new age teachings that sound pleasing to the ear but the reality of the doctrine is much more sinister. Everyone that does not know Jesus Christ is deceived, heed to this warning and prepare yourselves because this world as we know it is about to come to a grinding halt

You like to read the Bible? Tell me how Satan is described with actual references. Please and thanks :)

Why would I want to tell you how Satan is described in the bible when I can tell you how Jesus is described in all his glory? you see what you don't get about Satan is he try's to make him self equal to Christ and does whatever he can in his power to rob the glory of Christ but truth is he's not actually as scary as you think but only those who are saved know this. He even went as far as to call himself the bright and morning star but that's what Jesus called himself, but inevitably Satan is a failure and people who worship him knowingly and unknowingly are failures.

Why would I want to tell you how Satan is described in the bible when I can tell you how Jesus is described in all his glory?

Ahahaha, REKT.

I'm not even Christian anymore, but this is the best thing I've read all day.

You know what's the saddest thing is? that you don't even realize that it is the best thing you've read all day, that's the sad irony, woe unto you..

I literally just said it's the best thing I've read all day.

Do I agree with it? Not necessarily. I'm an agnostic.

I still respect it. From a Christian perspective, it's pretty rekt.

You were the signet of perfection,1 cfull of wisdom and dperfect in beauty. 13 You were in eEden, the garden of God; fevery precious stone was your covering, gsardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire,2 femerald, and carbuncle; and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings.3 iOn the day that you were created they were prepared. 14 You were an anointed jguardian cherub. I placed you;4 you were on kthe holy mountain of God; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. 15 You were blameless in your ways lfrom the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you. 16 In the abundance of myour trade you were filled with violence in your midst, and you sinned; so I cast you as a profane thing from kthe mountain of God, and I destroyed you,5 jO guardian cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. 17 nYour heart was proud because of oyour beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I exposed you before kings, to feast their eyes on you. 18 By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade you profaned your sanctuaries; so pI brought fire out from your midst; it consumed you, and I turned you to ashes on the earth qin the sight of all who saw you. 19 All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; ryou have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever.” -ezekiel

I don't see anything about him leading some movement to destroy humanity, do you?

The problem with Pizzagate is that it's a psyop by a larger more sinister faction of pedos against their political rivals. it's promoted by Russian Shills and alt-Right Republican volunteers.

It's not designed to actually stop child trafficking, it's designed to be a hysterical political smear.

When you all want to actually discuss the real pedo conspiracy, and oust all the Trumpists and Republicans creating anti-Democrat hysteria let me know.

I'm not going to be a patsy for a groups of Republican pedo elites trying to use limited disclosure to skew the narrative to make it a political take down.

When you want to stop the Trump Republican pedos let me know.

it's promoted by Russian Shills and alt-Right Republican volunteers.

YES. It is. It's part of a much larger Russian destabilization campaign against the US and UK governments.

Who are actually part of a galactic conspiracy to prevent humans from getting off Earth.

I think you're right. I'm on board.

I guess we can start out, by calling out the Republican volunteer shills here, who only steer the narrative one way. We can also start posting about the Republican pedos, since it gets downvoted.

Their brigade is something fierce isn't it? T_D is an echo chamber with no discussion. Scary. It's almost as if the president with no experience can do no wrong.

The lack of critical thinking, and the FAITH put into the current US government is quite disgusting. Somewhere along the line Russian Cyber influence and Republican gaming of the conspiracy movement have conned these people into thinking: Democrats (only) = New World Order. It's an absurd concept even for the nuttiest conspiracy theorist.

I agree to a point. It seems that both the republicans and the democrats are colluding to globalize. Trump talks the America first talk, but I don't know if he walks the walk.

Trump talks the America first talk, but I don't know if he walks the walk.

So you know why it won't happen? Because the money is in the globalism. Trump can blather on about America first, but he owns a global business empire himself. Like all rich people it's 'themselves first'.

I might agree with you. Only time will tell.

That's not a good example. Johnny's mother is off the deep end. I don't believe most of what she says. I do feel sorry for her though. Losing a child like she did must be devastating.

This is indeed one way to view the film. There's only 2 ways to see it, she's either lost it or she hasn't. Losing a child can do that to a person. I really do see your point though and this thought did cross my mind. She doesn't seem to be all there, but I still believe her.

The FBI agents response when questioned about it was the most telling. He had an instant reaction of disgust, he knew about it otherwise he'd be confused or non-reactive. He's silenced by the DoJ of talking about it, because Johnny was taken by the Finders a known CIA operation or something like it.

Thanks for the attention

Whether the visit was johnny, as his mother claims, or someone posing as him, it doesnt really change his mothers reaction to it. She is convinced it was him. If she was keeping the contact with him secret for fear of his life why did she then divulge the secret?

around 1:11:10 in the documentary the interviewer says "for someone so outspoken and tells the media everything and now suddenly, you dont say anything" noreen responds "it was very simple, my son asked me not to say anything"

but in this interview noreen says:

CHARLENE: In 1997 a miracle occurred. Johnny showed up at your apartment with a friend and visited with you for several hours. He told you he had escaped the sex-slave ring for the time being. He confided in you, and he recounted what had actually happened to him after his abduction; he pleaded with you to expose the people and the organization that had harmed him and that continues to harm many other children. What are some of the key points that Johnny shared with you that night? Did Johnny ask you to write a book about his kidnapping and forced participation as a sex slave in an elite controlled pedophile ring?

NOREEN: Johnny asked me to get his story out. Soon after he left that night, I decided to begin to put all of my journals, notes and already written chapters into book form. The time had come to tell Johnny's story. Johnny was here in 1997, I began within a few weeks of his visit.... Zielinski didn't contact me until Nov. 1999

Which is it? Does johnny not want her to say anything or does johnny want her to get the story out?

I'm going to pull a judge Judy here and go with the most logical explanation

The number one thing to always question is Noreen's sanity. But regardless of that, there are only 3 likely scenarios.

1.) she wasn't visited at all by Johnny and either hallucinated it or just made it up for attention.

2.) she was visited by someone claiming to be Johnny

3.) she was visited by Johnny and everything she is saying is true.

The judge Judy in me completely ruled out option 2, because, just imo is completely too far fetched.

So that leaves us with 1 or 3.

While 1 is entirely possible, the documentary wants us to believe option 3. It's a bit biased. The documentary is my main source of information that I have researched on the subject which is why I believe option 3.

Now, breaking down as to why she kept it a secret for so long makes complete sense to me. If he did show up at her door, he spent hours convincing her to keep her mouth shut about it. That gets to you... but then the years pass, you don't see your son again and you want to, and there hasn't been any action or headway in the case. Going against what your son told you, you speak out, hoping that they don't follow through with what your son said would happen if you did, and hoping that coming out about it gives it the exposure that it needs to be featured in news stories/documentaries etc. she doesn't strike me as an attention whore. She doesn't strike me as trying to make it rich by exploitation of her kidnapped son. What I see in her eyes is a mother missing her smiling boy. And that is why the documentary got to me.

What about my second question?

around 1:11:10 in the documentary the interviewer says "for someone so outspoken and tells the media everything and now suddenly, you dont say anything" noreen responds "it was very simple, my son asked me not to say anything"

but in this interview noreen says:

CHARLENE: In 1997 a miracle occurred. Johnny showed up at your apartment with a friend and visited with you for several hours. He told you he had escaped the sex-slave ring for the time being. He confided in you, and he recounted what had actually happened to him after his abduction; he pleaded with you to expose the people and the organization that had harmed him and that continues to harm many other children. What are some of the key points that Johnny shared with you that night? Did Johnny ask you to write a book about his kidnapping and forced participation as a sex slave in an elite controlled pedophile ring?

NOREEN: Johnny asked me to get his story out. Soon after he left that night, I decided to begin to put all of my journals, notes and already written chapters into book form. The time had come to tell Johnny's story. Johnny was here in 1997, I began within a few weeks of his visit.... Zielinski didn't contact me until Nov. 1999

Which is it? Does johnny not want her to say anything or does johnny want her to get the story out?

I don't know but what I think is important is this is way bigger than Johnny.

You dont think the fact that noreen gosch says in one interview that johnny wanted her to keep it secret and in another interview johnny wanted her to publicize it affects her credibility?

I do. I question her credibility. That doesn't distract me from the fact that she had her son kidnapped and it was possibly part of a global conspiracy of child trafficking.

The fact that her son was kidnapped does not distract me from her unreliable narration. Its a sad story no matter how you look at it.

Is their an independent list of all american based members of this pizzagate? Something that hasnt been turned over to the fbi yet? If so can you forward that list to my email at Thank you

Have any of those boys claimed Bush snr raped them?

Also that article says only once were male prostitutes on the Whitehouse tour, it doesn't implicate Bush and it implies the prostitutes were of legal age.

I'm just sharing the article. For someone with so many questions, it seems like you should start doing some research.

No, Alefantis is projecting the persona of a pedophile.

I don't have it with me. I was hoping we could invade his privacy, search without a warrant and find something incriminating to charge him with, maybe even do a little enhanced interrogation to make him confess but I'm sure there will be plenty of "pedo protectors" who will scream about trying to catch pedos like this.

so... you hate the NSA and what not and try to keep your shit secure and don't want people reading your emails etc (I assume as you're on conspiracy) but it's fine to do it to others who you believe to be guilty?

1 rule for you and 1 for others? Good to know.

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?

You're right. There is no evidence to warrant prosecution with what there is to work with so far. Not everyone is saying to prosecute him over accusations or strange IG posts though. People are saying to acknowledge that what we're looking at strange behavior.

It would be like if you knew a guy, and he was always wearing a shirt with a cat on it. He would also make jokes about cats some times, and his apartment had cat paintings on the walls and had a cat sticker on his car. One day you go to him and say; "boy you must like cats a lot", and he goes "no absolutely not. Never have". Now he never admitted to liking cats, but it certainly does seem like it.

My favorite episode is the Native American cryptids. So funny but really interesting

If you found those pictures sexual, see a psychologist.

Is it better to play dominoes on cheese or pasta?

If i was popeye the sailor man i would play dominoes best on spinach. Since im black do you think id play dominoes better on watermelon or fried chicken?


The Last Podcast on the Left. It's kind of a comedy podcast (I think) that covers conspiracies, the occult, aliens, cryptic, folk tales and all that good stuff. I love it. Highly recommended.

It's 800,000 reported missing, vast majority are found.

Last Podcast on the Left

Pizzagate was always bullshit from the get-go and i've never went through anybody's history to make an argument, but it's happened to me on this thread alone multiple times so

Every time that I see that happen (happens to me too) it just makes me realize that they can't discuss the points being made and are trying to find an intellectually dishonest "out". Fantastic post, by the way!

Code words that came from 4chan, and as pointed out "succulent hot dogs" appears nowhere in the emails.

No. Those codewords are common codewords used by pedophiles, sweet pea. But nice try.

This is completely untrue, the emails i'm sure you're referring to talk about a political fundraiser where someone said three children would be using the heated pool. So starting off with a complete misrepresentation of the truth.

Nah. Read the email, dear. It says,

"We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzato (11, 9, and almost 7) so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."

And with that, I'm done breaking down the rest of your nonsense point by point. Rich elites fuck children, and from the Westminster pedophile dossier, to Jimmy Savile, to Dennis Hastert, to Jeffrey Epstein, there is proof of it all.

Incidentally, John Podesta was traveling buddies with Hastert. Do you travel with friends you don't have anything in common with? And who appointed the judge that gave Dennis Hastert his light sentence for fucking children? Obama appointed that judge.

Or what about Epstein and Bill Clinton's multiple flights to "Sin Island" on the "Lolita Express" without his Secret Service detail? Why would Clinton, a known pervert and serial assaulter of women, travel to a private island where Epstein fucks underage prostitutes without his security detail?

The dissonance reduction is strong with you, my friend. The Democratic establishment, and the Republican establishment, all associate with notorious child fuckers.

How many pedophiles would you be friends with?

Yeah after somebody WENT INTO THE PIZZA PLACE WITH A GUN thinking he was going to save children because he bought into the bullshit. And spare me your false flag trash.

Normally terrorist shooters don't get interviewed by the NYT a few days after their shooting. Obvious false flag.

Shill harder.

It's only been 40 minutes but I hope you respond to U/Spider__Jerusalem's comment because as he said, the code words were well established even by groups who investigate Child pornography.

Also, there was no email about a "Political fundraiser" where children were going to be playing in a heated pool. Then you have the audacity to say that somehow what he was saying was a complete misrepresentation of the truth when you in fact either have not read the email yourself or are the one completely misrepresenting the truth. Laughable honestly how far you had to stretch that to make it a "This is completely untrue, the emails i'm sure you're referring to talk about a political fundraiser where someone said three children would be using the heated pool" lol.

Actual quote for anyone wondering:

"We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzato (11, 9, and almost 7) so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."

Please respond to him. It's time someone with their head in the sand was called on their bs.

I'm not OP. I was just making an attempt at humor because he said Mike Jones (who's famous for rap music and specifically a song that goes **MIKE JONES!* Who?* repetitively) meaning Alex Jones (who's the infowars guy and the one on the podcast). I thought I'd switch those up like he was correct.

It wasn't funny and I should kill myself.

Wow we're at three already. Were they caught by investigating their Instagram profiles?

With John Ceeeeeee -- where the C stands for "conspiracy subreddit" -- Dvorak. No Agenda is indeed the best podcast in the universe. Just discovered it a few months ago and I'm pissed it's taken me so long to find.

Listen to the episodes on the Franklin Coverup and then follow with the Dulce Facility. The former is insanely fucked up and the latter had my crying with laughter.

i find it funny how hard it is for people to believe they use code words for this shit, like think about when you buy weed. using code words for illegal concepts is fucking logical

i finished part 1, it does not get any better after the first 2 minutes. some of the worst shit i have heard in my life, and i have heard some terrible shit. It does not help that it hits so too close to home. then even bring up that according to a study "much of it is voluntary unlike women" and the one guy says "thats not what i see at all"

If you don't want to be thought of as a pedophile, don't post photos of sad, tired children with sexualized hashtags like "#hotard", "#musthave", or #chickenlovers. Deal? Being a person who lives in the world, this shouldn't be hard to do... right?

Who are these pedophiles Podesta is friends with?

free-thinking individuals can come to the conclusion that powerful people can do horrible things and get away with it

That's not the problem. And actually, there's plenty of evidence that powerful people can do horrible things and not get away with it, because that's how we know the people have done those horrible things. We catch them.

Pizzagate hasn't exposed anything.

Either the thing was never meant to be taken seriously, or the people running the show are stupid fucks for holding an "independent investigation" in a public forum after getting the attention of the people they're attempting to investigate.

explain to me how it's SOOO "irrational" and inconceivable that politicians, some of the scummiest, worst people on the planet, can be pedophiles...but THOUSANDS of PRIESTS, some of the holiest people on the planet, can molest little boys...and have the Catholic Church vigorously cover it up

That's not Pizzagate. That's what some people are trying to turn Pizzagate into because they're embarrassed that the actual conspiracy it began as simply has no foundation. Unfortunately, even those people are stupid, because half of the community is still hung up on Podesta, Comet Ping Pong, pizza shops in general, and every website that happens to have a swirl in the graphic design.

These are personal friends of the Podestas?

You claimed this comment:

Was not edited.

Reddit proves that that claim is a lie.

You're lying to my face, accusing me of being a shill, and spamming 5 comments desperately seeking validation.

You ARE the reason why people think pizzagate is just a bunch of idiots being salty at HRC.


Why are you on this thread posting multiple topics trashing the op? Just go away if it upsets you so much.

I cant wait to see the fuckers in SF

You're telling me you already went through all of that evidence from Voat?

Conspiracy theory means that nothing is "proven", so you already know the answer you're just busting my balls. But if you're telling me that ALL of that evidence from that Voat link doesn't raise your eyebrows a bit then we're done here

You are THE single biggest and most obvious professional shill ive ever seen on reddit. Get lost, youre not fooling anyone.

Whatever dude. Choose not to believe in it. But don't go around calling anyone who believes in it "stupid-fucks" because at the end of the day Pizzagaters are sincerely trying to expose terrible crimes and do some good. We all wish that Pizzagate isn't true. But that doesn't mean we should stop investigating simply because we hope it isn't true.

Sorry to burst your bubble but if you think Pizzagate is going away anytime soon you will be very disappointed. And when significance "proof" as you would call it is found I'll come find you and we can argue again

The pieces he touched on weren't even the biggest pieces of evidence!

Great! Now we are getting back to my original question. What is the evidence for pizzagate?

Get lost shareblue

I haven't called anyone anything. The evidence is overwhelming for yourself to be on the other side.

You're putting a lot of time and energy in writing these debunking comments here. Just sacrificing your time and energy and sounding kinda angry. I just think that's very... noteworthy.

I don't think you know what "shill" means.

Die in a fire, and he'll stop.

Full retard.

No, you're just really nuts.

I guess you are talking about that picture, then? I'll just sit here and wait for you to prove that it's actually from the FBI.


So we should believe a totally ridiculous and convoluted theory that has no solid conclusion because it's possible to cover-up actual instances of sex crimes?

Yes! Case closed!

basically the heir of lovecraft.......

see r/thecultofkek!

most influential book in my life!

Cheese pizza as a code for child porn is referenced here, again before pizzagate.

As far as the rest, much of it is guesswork, but it is clear in the context of the emails that they were not talking about food. It's some sort of code. There is no such thing as a handkerchief with a pizza related map. There is no such thing as playing dominoes on cheese or pasta. These things make no sense if viewed straightforward. They are obviously code.

Based on the artwork in Comet, Tony Podesta's art collection, and known slang (i.e. "cheese pizza,") it is not a stretch to infer that it refers to something involving child abuse.

If you want to see broad strokes being painted, head over to Voat.

Wise words indeed. ;)

Also, there has been studies done about human's natural sleep cycles. It goes something like they put people in a dim room for days and the natural sleep cycle that comes forward is much different than the sleep cycle we are forced into by our civilization.

I remember reading this actually a while back! Wasn't it something like two 4 hour cycles with some activity in between?

I meant that in our DNA there is that 'instinct' or gene to be powerful, or occult, or submissive.

True. Something like religion seems to be natural to us. I think it is because we are a very social species -- we have the natural drive to be part of something bigger than us, and religion is one way to fit that mold.

Generations down the line the Psychopathic Megalomaniacs will reign again through chance and nature.

I believe that psychopaths are often more prominent just by natural selection. I would contend that you had to be psychopathic to a certain extent in order to survive before we had modern society. Psychopaths value themselves first. High-functioning psychopaths are a perfect hosh-podge of intellect, charisma, often athleticism, and , to be a little cliche, "evil." This means strong psychopaths often survived more and were able to pass on their genes.