The Clintons, the Podestas and Alefantis have still not been charged

472  2017-03-02 by Tunderbar1

Just saying.


Because there's no evidence and it's a bullshit story

suggestion ... dont have children

Judging by your grammar, I would suggest the same thing.

dont be judgemental

even if your mommy told you you were really special

dont be judgemental

He who casts the first stone... And it was only a "suggestion."

no you were being judgemental

dont try to chris hayes out of it now

suggestion ... dont have children

By that logic, so were you then, but I am going to keep my suggestion, but I am going to make it a request too, please don't have any fucking children, idk if our public education system could handle it.

My judgement is that you both suck.

Instead of sniping at each other, next time hit the report button if you think someone's made a post that is nothing but a personal attack.

I don't think anyone has made a personal attack, just pointing out OP's contradictions.

The dissonance here makes my head hurt.

they tryin just remember most of them are paid to be stoopid and annoying

Talking about you my friend, and you continue to prove my point.

your not my friend



such an asswipe?

dont be judgemental

im not



a dickweed?

What would you charge them with

Going up against Donny J, so they need to be made an example of due to Donald's own self-projections that he casts on his "enemies" /s.

Just to start:

18USC§201 Bribery

18USC§208 Acts Effecting A Personal Financial Interest (Includes Recommendations)

18USC§371 Conspiracy

18USC§1001 False Statements

18USC§1341 Frauds And Swindles (Mail Fraud)

18USC§1343 Fraud By Wire

18USC§1349 Attempt And Conspiracy (To Commit Fraud)

18USC§1505 Obstruction Of Justice

18USC§1519 Destruction (Alteration Or Falsification) Of Records In Federal Investigation

18USC§1621 Perjury (Including Documents Signed Under Penalties Of Perjury)

18USC§1905 Disclosure Of Confidential Information

18USC§1924 Unauthorized Removal And Retention Of Classified Documents Or Material

18USC§2071 Concealment (Removal Or Mutilation) Of Government Records

18USC§7201 Attempt To Evade Or Defeat A Tax (Use Of Clinton Foundation Funds For Personal Or Political Purposes)

18USC§7212 Attempts To Interfere With Administration Of Internal Revenue Laws (Call To IRS On Behalf Of UBS Not Turning Over Accounts To IRS)

Okay now provide evidence that would hold up in court to support all those charges. Believe you me I want them all to answer for what they've done but we're being denied the real evidence. Within those 650,000+ emails and any other unknown communications, lay all the smoking guns

Everything I posted we can prove through the emails we've already gotten.

Comey laid out at least 1/3rd of those during the hearing and then said matter-of-factly a "reasonable" prosecutor wouldn't take it. The disclosure of confidential information, the unauthorized removal of material, the concealment, obstruction, conspiracy, attempts to interfere, false statements.

The 650k would just be icing on the cake.

We got them red handed at least a dozen times over. She admitted under oath during Benghazi that she did not delete emails, that she did not have a private server that was kept up by non classified individuals, that she never gave classified information to unclassified individuals. All of which is verifiably untrue.

And this is exactly my point. The FBI released this on their investigation

After a tremendous amount of work over the last year, the FBI is completing its investigation and referring the case to the Department of Justice for a prosecutive decision. What I would like to do today is tell you three things: what we did; what we found; and what we are recommending to the Department of Justice.

First you have to remember who Justice Dept. they were reporting to.

That meeting happened just a week or so before the statement from the FBI. That AG is who the FBI is reporting to.

This happened just a few days after that meeting and a few days before Comey's letter

Back to the letter

Second, I have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the Department of Justice or any other part of the government. They do not know what I am about to say.

I truly believe that Comey meant what he said here. But I think he knew or at least should have known that there were moles within his people that had leaked their conclusions to the Clintons, which then Bill took to Lynch and told her she can wash her hands of this in the eyes of the American people while still appearing to uphold justice by saying they will leave it to the FBI decisions already knowing that the FBI was going to say they didn't have a strong enough case. Now this is where the FBIs conclusions are important.

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.


To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

As I just pointed out, all the prosecutors who this case would be brought to would have conflicts of interest as the broad scope of these investigations and accusations will encompass that era of the DOJ. No reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against their own based off of the current evidence available. Other people accused of the same crimes, with no connections to the DOJ and with no greater implications against the DOJ, would have been charged is what they are saying in my opinion. WHat if other evidence came to light?

I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department.

What's important to take away here is that the FBI is implying that there's potentially an unknown number of deleted communications out there that were "periodically deleted" or wiped when devices were changed. Those are the 650,000 emails. Those are the Wiener emails and this letter is from before those emails came to light. Every time Huma and Hillary and crew deleted emails or destroyed/switched devices they thought they were wiping the slate clean but the info was all still being saved on their shared laptop that Wiener took to the NYPD.

My point in asking what you would charge them with, and asking for evidence to back up the charges was to highlight the intensity and the reality of what were dealing with here. This is something bigger than a lot of us really know or understand and its been operating very quietly and very quickly since the new DOJ has taken over. There wasn't sufficient evidence to support the more serious charges in the eyes of the FBI at the time of their last investigation. A lot has changed since then.

provide evidence

hence the needed investigations.

Yup. The disinformants keep pretending that investigations only happen based upon having already achieved damning evidence. Unfortunately for them, that isn't true. Justice starts the investigation when there's reason to suspect criminal activity, not when there's reason to have already proved it in hindsight!

It just blows my mind that you have the ability to understand all the specific charges but don't understand that if they were going to be charged with all of that, the investigation leading up to those charges would be huge, very quiet and take a long long long time. My point is that we as civilians don't have access to the evidence that is required to bring these charges into the realm of reality. But the evidence does exist. Just be patient. It's going to take time but it is coming

Edit: up not us*

the investigation leading up to those charges would be huge, very quiet and take a long long long time.

I never suggested it wouldn't?

Sorry that's more addressing the question of the OP

i honestly dont think it's coming. I hope im wrong but i just dont see it happening. These people are untouchable.

Uh, yeah... I was a fed for four years, so I know a "BIT" about federal investigations. The ones that are massive, and extensive, and "quite" are the smokescreen used to kill investigations. Make sure that several divisions are working round the clock with full cloak and dagger (seriously the office pogs just LOVE this crap), and wait for the news cycle to spin down, then you quietly present a 1500 page report that says nothing and you declare victory.

Real investigations happen quickly. The longer a case stays open, the less evidence there will be. Time is the enemy of prosecution, from witnesses memories fading, to physical evidence fading, to bad guys working to cover up evidence and leads. Lots of guys in the field, lots of interviews, and forensics on EVERYTHING.

If you think that anyone is TRULY ACTIVELY investigating pizzagate at this time you are fooling yourself. The arrest that have been made across the country, regarding child porn, is all a bunch of low level nobodies. Not anyone who could be flipped to testify about bigger fish, not any mid level players, nothing big. Just a few headlines that keep teasing the reddit an voat crews that "arrests are coming". They aren't.

I was saying if it were true then Trump and co would have to act fast. If pedos knew they would destroy evidence, go into hiding or cover their tracks better.

Really the only ones who could tell us are NSA, FBI, CIA, Defense Dept type people and they are leaking like the Oroville dam right now.

Yes, but what they are leaking looks like a controlled release. They are flooding us with BULLSHIT documents, but not a smoking gun in the bunch. If these leaks were real, and IF there was a smoking gun, we should have seen one by now. This seems all the world like a White Tornado.

You want them to charge Alefantis with that?

not to be a dick, but I feel all of this could also apply to pretty much everyone in congress

I know it applies to Trump .. on many of them.

Which is why it's so crucial that we hold these people accountable and they go to jail.

If they get away with it, precedence is set for Trump to get away with it. That's how the law works.


Yeah, this is regarding her time as Secretary of State and DNC Candidate, not pizzagate. Seriously, if you can expose classified documents to foreign intelligence agencies and cause the deaths of Americans due to incompetence or criminal neglect (Benghazi) and not get charged (when there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence in those exposed emails implicating you), then you aren't sweating pizzagate.

Because if pizzagate was real, then they shut down the operations and swiched locations. Now its under trumps control. We need to bring him down for this...

Impeach now!

they collectivey have no shame


i would suggest clearly dark bold but not caps mods dont like dark blds caps


But Instagrams

And David Seaman.

There is nothing to charge them with.

Yeah it's very frustrating. I think we have to get louder. I'm not going to forget that a cult of satanic paedophiles are running a muck.


Hope this correction is helpful. ☮

Haha, well yes, that is a helpful correction!

From now on, my mucks will no longer run amok.

I liked it as a noun, referring to our situation as a "muck."

Unfortunately, you need evidence to charge people with a crime. Too bad, huh?

evidence like the perjury Clinton committed in court?

SPEAKING of which, any news on Sessions?

Yes. He did not perjure himself. The publicly available transcript (unedited by WaPo) proves that beyond any shadow of a doubt. Look it up if you have any inclination besides preserving your bias.

why is discussion suppressed?

should sessions still lead the investigation on undue foreign influence if there is any concern that he has contacted the russians and 'forgot' to mention it?

Yes, because "concern" does not matter. The facts show that he did nothing improper and he is the fucking AG.

oh really? clinton should lead the charge on the pizzagate investigation. no hard evidence of her involvement.

and its hilarious how you have such respect for an appointed position. one person showed trust in him! respect the office!

or the idea of respecting authority and allowing authority to investigate itself on THIS sub. You must be a gymnast

clinton should lead the charge on the pizzagate investigation.


your double standard is insane. take a step back and think about what you are saying lol

Let me rephrase that. Your concern does not matter because you are not informed, you are just lapping up the false narratives pushed by the MSM and the CIA because they appeal to your confirmation bias.

lol wut? I haven't stated any of my concerns at all. Perhaps it is you is suffering from confirmation bias...?

Thanks for not stating them, I don't want to hear it.

For a bunch of conspiracy theorists, you sure do trust your government officials a lot.

I'm sure you agree that Hillary Clinton, who was never found guilty of anything either, is also totally innocent.

Just pointing out for those following along at home that despite your snark there is valid concern and to look for it here in this comment thread, validated by you as a valid concern since sessions did contradict himself:

Yeah, he could have been clearer. I think it is pretty fucking obvious however that he was not testifying that he had never had contact with the Russian Government. I mean, he obviously doesn't have Downe's Syndrome, so neither would it be believable that he would have forgotten or that he would believe such a lie would be overlooked. His contact with Russian officials under his capacity as a Senator is public record. If you apply Occam's Razor it seems like the only conclusion one could come to was that he was referencing having no contact as a representative or surrogate of the campaign. I can't imagine a scenario where anyone could honestly come to a different conclusion.

That's super, if we assume he did nothing wrong, it certainly is harder to assume he did nothing wrong.

...while they simultaneously assume every Dem they ever heard of, plus the two Republicans actually speaking against Trump, are all child rapists.

(And provably Lindsey Graham was photographed talking to Denny Hassert at the Capital, so it's always nice when they're assumptions take shape and form cold, hard evidence.)

Show me this "unedited" thing other than claiming it exists.

You're saying it exists: Put up or shut up.

Here is the quote, here is the source. Page 26.

Here is the quote, here is the source. Page 26.

Hey thanks. Do you have his answer from Franken? That is the one he got tagged for I thought.

Ahh maybe I linked the wrong interview. My bad. I will poke around.

This was all I could find on the Franken interview. It doesn't appear that he asked the question (according to this transcript). Are you sure this hullabaloo isn't about the question in my original post?

That has a video to it. However I can't find that transcript right now, although I have not looked hard. So make of that what you will.

I believe it was the "surrogate" answer sessions gave to Franken. I'll look for the whole thing/transcript on the site tho

Yeah I have seen it "quoted" but can't seem to find that question within the official transcript. Strange.

Here are the transcripts of the entire process if you want to dig in.

The guy you are responding to is just playing stupid. Its an actual technique.

Those are written questions and written responses for the congressional record, not transcripts from the hearing.

The potential perjury occurs in this exchange:

Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’

"Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

Ah okay that makes sense. I read this quote as him referring to whether he had contact with Russia as a campaign surrogate. I can't really see any other way to interpret his response.

That doesn't strike me as the most natural reading--at best, the testimony is pretty misleading.

...if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Franken's actual question is how Sessions will respond if it turns out Trump affiliates were cooperating with the russian government during the election.

Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign....

Rather than answer the question directly, Sessions volunteers that many consider him to be a Trump affiliate...

...and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians

and then flatly denies any contact. He's volunteering himself up as a representative surrogate and unequivocally denying any contact.

Now, if he had said "I worked as a campaign affiliate and in the course of that work never communicated with the Russian government, or heard of anyone else doing so"; or said "...I did not have communications with the Russians other than as part of my work as a Senator" he'd be on much firmer ground.

Yeah, he could have been clearer. I think it is pretty fucking obvious however that he was not testifying that he had never had contact with the Russian Government. I mean, he obviously doesn't have Downe's Syndrome, so neither would it be believable that he would have forgotten or that he would believe such a lie would be overlooked. His contact with Russian officials under his capacity as a Senator is public record. If you apply Occam's Razor it seems like the only conclusion one could come to was that he was referencing having no contact as a representative or surrogate of the campaign. I can't imagine a scenario where anyone could honestly come to a different conclusion.

I can imagine other scenarios, but then I don't automatically want to assume guilt or innocence. Other scenarios are certainly imaginable.

pssshhhh perjury. Why would we ever want to charge someone like Hillary with that??? /s

Changing the subject from Pizzagate to Hillary's email scandal makes it look like this subreddit has a hidden agenda and cares nothing about pedophiles hiding in Washington.

I'm assuming you weren't here before the election..

Nice try deflecting, but the topic is (check your parent thread) "Satanic pedophilia." Got evidence for a different crime? Different thread.

I believe the context I was responding to was

"You need evidence to charge people with a crime."

I suggest: perjury.

It's not a deflection, just another example of the many crimes these people have committed. Only difference is they have no plausible deniability for the perjury committed.

Wow this comment section is worse than CNN... it is frustrating but there's more evidence to shady shit than evidence of it being fake so if people want to bash those who want to look into it, fine. What is the point of that? Who knows.

The truth will come out eventually.

As manipulative as someone may be, the truth and genuine intention, will always prevail.

The truth will come out eventually.

You're right. Trump's Russia connection will come into the light of day. That investigation is actually proceeding, whereas this bullshit is still rumors an innuendo. But guess which one the "skeptics" on here want to discuss.

Always people coming over defending his political party.

Damn this sucks, nobody mentioned Trump or the Russian connection why do you have to come over here and talk about it, read the fucking title, if you want to discuss Trump's connection with Russia there are many other threads to do it, just fuck off with your politics.

You know who else has connections to Russia? 90% of Washington including all of the "favorites" like The Clintons and Obama.

Good lord you can't throw "Russia" into a sentence and get "Trump is bad" especially when that's not even what the topic was, so fuck right off with your backwards-ass logic.

Neo-mcarthyism is getting pretty tired. It's funny I have liberal friends. None of them actually believe this Russia bullshit. Only place you ever hear about it is on MSM and reddit.

This is an incredibly transparent comment.

I would rather them be in contact with Russia then the Muslim Brotherhood, or did you all forget who Huma Abedin really is?

I suggest you look her up or go through my post history, you may change you tone.

I see this same post every day. We get it. Please stop spamming this sub with meta posts unless there's an actual conspiracy. The rest of us have work to do / better things to read.

(j) within 120 days of the date of this order, submit to the President a report on transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including the extent of penetration of such organizations into the United States, and issue additional reports annually thereafter to describe the progress made in combating these criminal organizations, along with any recommended actions for dismantling them.

If this case is really going to happen we're not just going to start the trial on a whim. No, we had better have all our ducks in a row first... otherwise Clinton will get away with it and the pedos win. Or is that what the OP wants?


That word may mean that these asswipes never get investigated.

It literally doesn't mean that. Get a dictionary <3

Definition of transnational

extending or going beyond national boundaries

Thanks for proving my point.

My point, which apparently went wayyyy over your head, is that the order is specifically directed at transnational crime groups.

Which means that if the activity doesn't cross international boundaries, it is not covered under the order.

So, if the DC ring can't be, or simply isn't "found" to be, connected to international human trafficking, it will not be investigated.

This appears to explicitly exclude the California ring that is part of the Hollywood elite.

The only way that I see that it could affect the Clintons and Podestas and Alefantis is if the authorities investigate the Clinton Foundation people that have operated in Haiti and other countries. If the authorities chose to ignore the international connections, they get off.

And my point which apparently went wayyyy over your head is that the Clinton racket is a transnational crime group.

Which means that activity crosses international boundaries, and is covered under the order.

Maybe you'll find this interesting. Maybe not.

An Arkansas man who ran a missionary orphanage in Jacmel, Haiti, has been arrested and charged with traveling in foreign commerce with the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.

I wonder who else is from Arkansas... probably nobody important ;)

Probably 3 million people who are mostly not child molesters

Just because they cross international borders does not mean an operation is solely overseas.

They're connected to international human trafficking.

Maybe god gave us missiles to reach and destroy pedos in far lands?

automobile race for transsexuals?

I think I speak for the majority of Reddit saying you guys have been loud and annoying enough already lmao


There's a "T" in the first part. I think he's FBI Anon! Tell us your secrets man!

FBI Anon here, ignore Bill Clinton's dozen trips to convicted pedophile Epstein's pedo sex slave island via the "lolita express". Ignore Bill Clinton waiving secret service protection for several of those trips. Bill just wanted to hang out with his favorite pedophile on an island where kids are enslaved and raped.

Ignore the Podesta brothers' obsession with pedophilic art. A personal collection of art certainly is in no way a reflection of a person's views or beliefs in any way shape or form. It is perfectly normal for any guy to have paintings of tied up near-naked children.

CIA/NSA/MI6/KGB/CSIS/Khmer Rouge anon here,

Trump himself has said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side.”
"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump once said about the convicted sex offender. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
2. Trump was named in Epstein’s “little black book.”
Epstein’s “little black book” was stolen by a former employee in 2004. The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”
3. Trump has allegedly flown on Epstein’s private plane — a hot spot for under-age sex orgies.
“Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once,” reports VICE News. “Meanwhile, message pads [see below] from Epstein's Palm Beach mansion that were seized by investigators and obtained by VICE News indicate that Trump called Epstein twice in November of 2004.”
Epstein’s private Boeing 727, according to one of his alleged victims, Virginia Roberts, was nicknamed the “Lolita Express.” Roberts recalled “unsavoury” sex orgies on the private plane when she was just 15 years of age with Epstein and his friends.

  1. Transcript from a deposition from an Epstein lawsuit
    Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
    A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
    Q. Have you socialized with him?
    A. Yes, sir.
    Q. Yes?
    A. Yes, sir.
    Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
    A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.

Hello CIA/NSA/MI6/KGB/CSIS/Khmer Rouge anon, did you fail your Mossad anon certification too? I failed the raping kids and letting them get blackmail material portion of my Mossad interview too, they really look for the best of the best foreign pedophiles over there.

Donald "grab em by the pussy" Trump would never do anything sexually inappropriate to anyone. He would never intentionally walk into pageant contestants' dressing rooms to catch them naked, talk about fucking his own daughter on national TV... twice, be accused of rape by his wife, or associate with known pedophiles like Epstein. You're off your rockers if you think this.


You sound super legit.

Ah yes those secret satanists that are running society (you're an idiot):

Maybe you should not talk about things of which you are ignorant.

Oh you've got evidence of satanists running society in 2017? Bullshit. Careful of your vigorous clutching you'll break your own pearls.

Your attempt at sounding smart has failed, but I'm going to go ahead and assume that happens a lot to you and just move along. Have a nice evening.

That's odd I still don't see any evidence from you. Back to your safe space snowflake!

Well for starters I wouldn't expect a person with your comment history to be open to things like evidence. You know you aren't here to learn anything. You're here to disrupt and degrade because you're just a shitty person. I am under no obligation to provide evidence to stupid and shitty people. Matthew 7:6

Hmm looking at your history you seem to be allergic to anything but one-line responses. Given you seem incapable of stringing together more than a few sentences for pages and pages of history I'd say providing anything but basic snark is above your level. Anyway, weren't you leaving under some pretense to save face? You should go ahead and do that.

Haha I find short and concise declarations to be a much better tactic for communicating with trolls. You can bloviate all you like, on and on and on, but many words does not an intelligent thought make.

Yes quoting the bible and scoffing at people that ask we back up our claims, that's the mark of an intellectual. You like short and concise declarations because that's cheap and easy, if we're honest with ourselves.

There's a dearth of evidence out there man. For a lot of the theories you spend your time scoffing at. A simple google search is all it takes. Or you could just look at society with open eyes. You choose to remain in the dark. That's your prerogative.

Oh, I've looked at it. It's just unreasonably bad. You have ot be an idiot to believe it. Like never-went-to-college-and-thinks-this-is-what-passes-for-an-argument idiot. But that's not you right ;)

It would be nice if Pedosta could just let us know what the fuck is a pizza related map on a hankerchief means. Dominos on cheese or pasta. Just explain that, would clear everything up. 65000$ on hotdogs and "waitresses". What does this stuff mean?

As far as I'm concerned it's just a hankerchief, I don't know exactly what the person meant by that awkward phrasing, and I agree it is awkward, but it's certainly not indicative of anything sinister. Also Podesta didn't write that message he just received it, so even he might not know exactly what the person meant.

As for 65k on hotdogs, literally that's what it is. When you fly in food for the president it's expensive. 65k is a ton of money to you and me but elites spend that money on parties routinely, it's not odd that flying in food for the president was that expensive.

Charged for what crime exactly?

The crimes that will/may/might be discovered during an investigation.

If a thorough and unbiased investigation finds no crime, then no charges.

I'm good with that.

So what's the point of this thread? Do uou have any evidence of a crime?

She said under oath that she did not give classified information to anyone without proper classification. She claimed that anything she sent that was classified, was classified after the fact. That is verifiably false. She gave information to her lawyers, to her IT people, and to her maid.

Each is a crime. So is the lying under oath that she didn't.

Have you reported her to the police yet?

There is enough evidence strictly on the public record to lock up Hillary Clinton without investigation. There is reason to suspect that there would be evidence of still-further crimes with investigation. The principle of equality under the law demands that Hillary Clinton be held accountable, and not protected on account of her stature.

I'm aware you already agree with me; I'm making sure that the comment thread contains more high-quality info in spite of the disinfo teams.

The crimes that will/may/might be discovered during an investigation.

How can anybody deny that pizzagate is pushing a police state with comments like this? Investigate first, find evidence to support it later. Fuck the constitution, there are hypothetical children in danger!

Yeah..... Let's not investigate anything regardless of any suspicious people posting extremely suspicious pedophilic photos and terminology on their social media. Repeatedly. And especially when prominent political people are involved. Heaven forbid we invoke a police state in our search for pedophiles. /s

BTW, the constitution is the pillar of rule of law. Pedophilia is against the law.

So you want to investigate somebody because your find them "creepy" despite the fact that there is no evidence at all of pedophilia? If the answer is yes you support a police state.

BTW the constitution says you have a right to face your accuser, and there is no accusers.

Creepy? No. Rapy? Yes.

These fucking vote totals... Is the forum's userbase really just supposed to pretend we can't see it? Even here in a conspiracy sub?

Are you really pretending you aren't trying to push a police state? In this sub? And we're supposed to pretend we can't see it?

there is tons of evidence of pedophilia and human trafficking right in the public view, it makes me sad you got any up votes.

$ in human trafficking

dinner @ comet, on a pong table

cum panda

cboutliers full ig

my favorite pedo

werkinonmahnightcheese full ig

These are like 6 out of thousands of similar pictures/comments by the same group of people.

Lmao not a single one of those is evidence of any crime. Are people who make dead baby jokes subject to investigation now too?

pedophilia is a crime you fuck,

why would comets bartender draw this?

why would he post photos of naked people with pizza on their crotch, and caption it "cum visit" ?, he even tagged comet as the location. Better question is why jimmy didn't fire this dude immediately, instead he defending him.

comets facebook page says its a family style restaurant, under services it says "Good For Groups

Good For Kids"

What is it going to take for you people to open your fucking eyes? You don't get theme your restaurant as satanic, murdering, kiddie sex dungeon as a joke and then at the same time claim over and over to be a family/kid friendly restaurant.

I would almost excuse all the weird/explicit comments/photos/artwork as them trying to be a hip bar for adults, but if you claim it to be a "kid friendly" place then something is the fuck up

So you want people to be charged for crimes undetermined, that you think will be determined during an investigation, based on your subjective interpretation of some instagram photos and strange terminology?

You realize that is basically what Stalin's secret police did right? That's how you want the US govt to operate?

No, you moron. Learn to read.

Rule of law.

Rule 4

extremely suspicious pedophilic photos and

lmao you mean a bunch of east coast art fags posting weird shit on instagram?

the right's wet dream

It's not partisan. Check out Trance-Formation of America. Many figures on the right are implicated too. The problem is globalists. George Bush was one too! Haven't you seen the attempts at repairing his reputation lately? That's because he's coming under threat of exposure!

Globalism isn't bad. What makes globalism so bad?

The idea of thinking globally certainly has some appeal. I'd like to think globally about getting rid of corrupt oligarchs, certainly.

Only ever voted Left in my life. If Clinton ends up in prison I will throw a party.

can I come?


Reasonable suspicion triggers an investigation. It is not a sign that we have or promote "a police state" but rather that we wish to have police that continue functioning even when rich pedophiles are involved.


You are charged when there is evidence against you. You are not charged with a crime with no evidence. That's stupid.

If I'm a drug dealer, they watch me sell drugs, record it, set up buys, document it, etc. THEN they arrest me THEN they charge me.

They don't charge me then try to prove I was selling drugs. That's silly

Then I assume you'd also be good with providing for me your name, address and social so that I can conduct an investigation into you to see if I can find any crimes that I don't currently have any actual evidence for?

If someone sees suspicious behavior on my part, and the proper authorities investigate, and I get charged, then maybe I shouldn't be involved in suspicious or illegal behavior.

I have no fear of police or other investigative agencies.

Hey its me, the police.

Based on you post history, I've found many instances of the word pizza. This is a well known pedo codeword. Please provide me with your name and address. so I can prove you fuck kids.

Who cares if you fear them, you're telling us you support a police state. There has to be evidence, not just suspicion. I don't know what's going on with this pizza pedophile hunt, I'm all for it if there is something to find, but you're not helping the case any with your comments.

you're telling us you support a police state

No. Rule of Law is what I support.

Not according to your comments in this thread.

What have I said that shows that?

The crimes that will/may/might be discovered during an investigation.

You want an investigation to find evidence rather than evidence leading to an investigation. The exact opposite of how our judicial system is set up.

No. Valid suspicions lead to investigations which leads to evidence or not, which leads to charges or not. It's called rule of law.

Sounds like the actual authorities don't take all that bullshit as credible evidence then

You lie. That is not what Tunderbar1's comments support.

Letting the police do their thing just because they deem your actions "suspicious" does support a police state.

does this not count as evidence? or at least warrant an official investigation?

$ in human trafficking

dinner @ comet, on a pong table

cum panda

cboutliers full ig

my favorite pedo

werkinonmahnightcheese full ig

There needs to be evidence of a crime for an investigation

So far there have been zero reports of children being abused at Comet or elsewhere. You can't just investigate everybody you think has weird taste or a dark sense of humor. I don't see how they could even get a search warrant

So you don't even know if they comitted a crime?

Not going to engage in your attempt to derail the thread. You're either being thick on purpose or just not very intelligent.

You just admitted that you don't know if they comitted a crime. How is that derailing the thread?

You just admitted that you don't know if they comitted a crime.

Except I didn't.

How is that derailing the thread?

Looking at your post history you seem to be dedicated to doing so, so i don't need to explain it to you.

Have a good one.

So which crime did they commit?

Do yoh or don't you know?

Name the crime if you know it.

Fuck off with this sort of trolling. It's not like these people are heavily connected or anything involving lawyers and government. It's going to take some very damning evidence to get these people to trial and even then their corrupted buddies in the system will try every trick in the book to get keep them getting the justice they deserve. We have seen in this very sub that everyday that goes by more things are exposed on these crooks and the more people this information reaches. They can no longer hide but only wait for the inevitable.

Fuck off with this sort of trolling.

If you don't like it go elsewhere. You're not the boss of reddit.

You're spreading a "don't bother" lullaby. The exposures haven't gone far enough. Look at how much disinfo there is. Don't pretend that everything is fully exposed, get out there and keep distributing information! Be an obsessed citizen! Demand justice for all!

Not at all, I said new information is being dug up and new people exposed to it everyday. I was calling out ops trolling that just because justice hasn't been served weeks into a new administration that it will never happen. Bringing a regime to justice takes extreme vigilance not impatient heckling.

Why do you believe that only the left elites are pedophiles? You don't think the current POTUS and those who control him are also in on it. Jesus no wonder Pizzagate seems like a giant red herring.

The red herring is statements like these that try to make it a partisan issue. I like most believe that much of the Republican establishment will be implicated. Thus far most the connections have been made with dnc elites and very little to implicate Trump himself while several statements he has made seem to hint at bringing this issue to justice.

So the government pedophile conspiracy is going to be stopped by the government, suuuure. Is this like how Trump was gonna arrest Hillary and DWS for their private emails because that hasn't happened yet. Meh might as well take em all down why discriminate.

you have to have a witness or concrete evidence, which there is neither. Are they going to issue a warrant on some weird internet pictures? No. Until a witness comes forward or there is hard verifiable evidence, they are scott free

hard verifiable evidence

Hence an investigation. To see if there is any.

Innocent until proven guilty? It's disgusting that you want guilty until proven innocent to be the standard for this situation.

Are you retarded? An investigation is not a decree of guilt. Wow.

Lol, fascists gonna fash.

Lets investigate everyone! Like maybe, a government agency should intercept all our communications and decide on whether or not we are breaking any laws. They can have a secret court where we are not allowed to hear the evidence against us decide on whether we are guilty. We should give this group no oversight. We should allow them to arrest you and send you to a secret prison. Maybe name the site after a color or something, like red or maybe black.

That's a pretty big leap there boyo. There isn't any logic involved at all between my comment and your interpretation. I just said an investigation does not equal guilt.

You might be insane.

you have to have some sort of evidence to start bro, otherwise we are a police state.

completely circumstantial, it has to outright admit to the crime. And unless those people are willing to give sworn statements under oath, this doesnt mean anything, you are not getting it.

LOL. Okay then. I'm glad you're not representing me in court.

actually that sort of thing is a good thing. If someone who doesn't like you accuses you of something, i would hope you would have an attorney that would make sure its not just anger and resentment driving the justice system. you clearly have a distorted perspective of the justice system

The thing is everything cited as circumstantial evidence, isn't even that.

Circumstantial evidence would be there is a murder. Even though there is no physical evidence connecting the suspect to the murder. -He has no alibi -He was spotted by a witness and a security camera in the general area where the murders were committed

-He had motive.

Pizzagate doesn't even have a body/victim. There is no crime all this bullshit can even be circumstantial to.

You're dead on otherwise, it's insane that this sub what this sub is pushing for. Nothing more than anonymous online accusations necessary to have your entire life investigated, fucking crazy town.

You're dead on otherwise, it's insane that this sub what this sub is pushing for. Nothing more than anonymous online accusations necessary to have your entire life investigated, fucking crazy town.

Bootlicking authoritarians who think that they have nothing to hide, and truly believe ol' gubmint would never turn around and fuck them after they gave them all that guilty until proven innocent power.


we already are a police state. You know it. I know it. The OP knows it or else he would know that what he wants is stupid.

partially, a full on police state means accusations = guilt with no investigation, so at least we have that.

I really don't think you understand how investigations work. Let me give you an example.

Murder investigation - Person X's body is found, Person Y leaves physical evidence on the crime scene. Person Y gets investigated. OR - Person X goes missing, Person X is last seen with Person Y. Person Y gets investigated, body may or may not be found. NOT Person X/Y/Z jokes about killing and you find a way to code statements from him to make it look like he's talking about hiding bodies.

You need evidence of (at least a connection with) a specific crime BEFORE you launch an investigation into somebody. That's why investigators have to get warrants. Even when you get pulled over, an officer can't just be like "you look like a stoner, get out of the car I bet you have drugs". He has to smell something, observe inebriating effects, or see drugs/paraphernalia to establish probable cause for a search. There are both legal and ethical reasons for this.

The fact remains that you can build a pizzagate-like case against virtually anyone for virtually anything. The precedent it sets is a little scary. Unless there are actual allegations, witnesses, incriminating statements (beyond normal statements twisted to seem like something else), or physical evidence, there is no reason for a police investigation whether you believe in it or not.

And when that investigation comes up empty, will you scream 'cover up!' like bloody murder?

You don't want an investigation. You expect official confirmation of your bias.

If it is a proper investigation i will accept the result.

...Did you expect them to?

The general hype on this sub was the day after Sessions (lol) became attorney general they'd all be locked up.

this is a thread meant to discourage us. also its very low effort/content and is questionable for rule 12

i don't get how shit post like this get this high.

Because some people care enough about putting pedophiles in jail.

provide some real evidence instead of fan fiction then.

Not my job to provide "real evidence", whatever you think that means.

The suspicious activity, on the other hand, is documented here to some extent:

Any reasonable people would think that the kids involved would be identified and tracked down and their situations investigated by child services, at the very least.

Don;t you think that some due diligence investigation to ensure the safety of these kids is in order?

is there actually real kids involved or are they just the imaginary kids?

You unable to click? You unable to see photos? You fucking retarded?

Of course they're not real kids. They're crisis actors.

Right guys?

The leaks are real, the news is fake.

It's not your job to provide actual evidence, but it's your job to advocate for them being locked up?


I'm actually advocating for an investigation. If it leads to them being locked up, then so be it.

Investigate what exactly and why exactly?

If you don't know why are you commenting?

Because I want to know and you seem to know.

If it had real evidence it would be in /r/news and not /r/conspiracy

That's the thing about a conspiracy.

Some people....

every conspiracy have some evidence to back it up.

Yeah, and that "evidence" is as strong as the "evidence" found in PG.

Please bring your examples, the only conspiracy I can think of with actual factual evidence is 911.

If you really cared perhaps you would actually do something about it. It's clear you do not care about the children as you say. If it was all about the children this post would be about the children. Notice how your post calls for political opponents to be jailed, but NOT for children stuck in sex trafficking rings to be freed. This is a partisan issue for you, this is not about children, if it was this post would have mentioned them. As of now, this post shouldn't even be allowed on this subreddit.

Lol yeah, it's about the children. You are literally the first person I've read on here that isn't calling for the tar and feathering of some high-powered democrat.

Yep. If they stopped calling it pedogate, there would literally be no connection to pedophilia in the posts calling for action. The posts always call for punishment for political opponents, never for justice.

Well I like your attitude. I agree, if there are victims, they should be focused on first.

Fake news. Completely debunked.

OK, show me how it has been debunked then.

Lol. You are responsible for your own education. Just because you ignore commonly and easily googled facts doesn't mean we have to educate you about them. That's why you lefties have zero credibility. These facts are known and easily found.

All I hear is that you can't prove it.

All I hear is that you know I'm right and you've got nothin'.

I posted my link. Ball is in your court.

All you have to do is post a link to proof that it was debunked. By your own statement, that should only take a few seconds of googling. But don't worry, I'm not holding my breath.

Post a current update. That suit has dissapeared from existence.

As I said, the defendant bowed out because she was getting death threats.

That's where the story stops. Her lawyer said she was afraid to even appear at the hearing because of the threats. So the suit was dropped.

Are you going to start defending Epstein now, too?

They disappeared because it was a fake lawsuit.

Lies may be faster, but truth stands more firm.

Because they reaffirm peoples' preconceived notions.

because this is the_donald 2

Gotta push Sessions off the front page.

And get banned if you ask why.

This sub has been utter shit since the primaries. I get that it attracts some odd people. Flat earthers or moon landing hoaxers don't bother me. The nutjobs and fascists that worship trump and the authoritarian establishment bother me. Pizzagaters are probably the worst of them all. Absolute cancer. I'll be happy when the trumpers and pizzagaters move the fuck on and we get back to the aliens and CIA mind control shit.

Unlikely to be investigated, much less charged.

Good. Any investigation that was cobbled together in a month's time is likely to fall apart in the first courtroom it hits.

Proper investigations can take years. I'd rather law enforcement build an airtight case over time than desperately rush in and arrest everyone like a scene out of Hollywood. The people being charged have excellent lawyers and connections--the case must be handled carefully.

None of them will be charged.

Look at anthony weiner. I still haven't seen news of his arrest and everybody pretty much knows they've got evidence of him possessing child porn as well as classified documents he was not supposed to have.

Because Jeff Sessions was just sworn in after weeks of Democratic Grandstanding?

Tunderbar1 is a pedophile. There's lots of evidence for it. Tunderbar1 diddles kids, drinks mixtures of blood semen and breast milk, and is in a satanic cult. We NEED an investigation into this. If an investigation is brought up and he is proven innocent then so be it. BUT I STRESS! THERE HAS BEEN NO INVESTIGATION INTO TUNDERBAR1s PEDOPHILIA AND CRIMINAL ACTIVITY INVOLVING SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN.

You're not being funny or cool. Fuck off.

Why are you denying tundergate? The only reason you'd deny it is because you're a shill or advocate pedophiles!!!! There's so much evidence.

No, just stop. You look ridiculous.

This post is ridiculous.

If that's how you percieve it to be, then it is true for you and you alone. But don't go around yelling slanders at other people for believing differently than you.

If you're gonna make a claim, try avoiding ambiguity. Hiding behind your statements with supercilious merits of worth will not be met with much positive feedback, especially if you're just shit posting propaganda.

Slander? How. Because I'm just a stating that the op Of this post hasn't been investigated for pedophiles yet? He should be!

Check your logic

I'm using OPs logic? So if you're saying my logic is false/nonexistent.... then what does that say about this post and OP?

The amount of evidence against OP is substantially less than that for those mentioned in OP's post, but if you wanna be intentionally inflammatory for the sake of playing "devil's advocate", go for it.

It's really not. There's no real evidence to connect these people to pedophilia rings. What you want to believe is not what is the truth. Could they be? Yes. Is there enough EVIDENCE to charge them? Well no, there's no real evidence at all.

Why make excuses for the mistreatment of others?

What excuse have I made for any mistreatment of anybody? I'm 100% for fair and fact/logic based conclusions. I'm not a fan of opinionated falsities being praised as fact. Which is what this is. There's no evidence. There's no facts. There's no proof. No victims. If there was, they would be charged. If these things turn out to be true, I hope they all rot in the dingiest, darkest cells. Until then, I'm not willing to let people openly slander members of a political opposition.

Yep, Trump is utterly complicit in their crimes and should be charged as an accomplice.

Because they committed no crime. Sessions on the other hand lied under oath and the GOP is demanding perjury laws be abolished just for him.

LOL. Good one.

Almost like both sides are on the same team

Look, if Hillary has, for a fact, mishandled classified data (a felony) and not been charged how in the hell do think that she would be charged with nothing more than paper thin circumstantial evidence. Are there any pictures or video of her with "missing" or subsequently deceased children? Any pictures or video of her mistreating any children? Any CREDIBLE first hand accounts of her harming a child? Ok, there is your answer. If she can get away with the pay for play crimes and mishandling classified data (where there is a paper trail a MILE long) while she was the Secretary of State, she is UNTOUCHABLE when it comes to the bullshit connect the dots logic being applied to "pizzagate".

I DO believe that there is PLENTY of fire to go along with the pizzagate smoke, but as a former fed, let me tell you NOTHING that has been put online, so far, comes withing a SOLAR SYSTEM of a prima facie case to present to a court. There are a lot of unseemly association between the unseemly players, but not ONE SCRAP of ACTUAL EVIDENCE that would lead to a warrant. If the NYPD has the documents from Anthony Weiner's computer that has been RUMORED to exist, then they should have filed for a warrant on State charges and screw the FBI. If the FBI has the files that it's been RUMORED that they have, then why haven't THOSE been leaked, it not like the FBI has been leaking like a sieve lately?

I know that all of the armchair quarterbacks on reddit and voat want to believe that they "KNOW" what's what, but we used to use the Know (Have facts that would stand up in court), believe (good PC or RS usually circumstantial evidence that would stand up in court), an think (everything from Wild Ass Guesses (WAGS) to pizzagate (pretty sure something is there, but no hard evidence. Primarily supposition.) to test how close we were to going for a warrant. If you want to see arrests made, you are going to have to get a hell of a lot closer to the KNOW than the far cold end of THINK.

pizzagate (pretty sure something is there

Honest question, what part of it makes you think there's something there?

gonna take a stab at this one for him.

He knows elite pedo rings exist. Has seen the coverups involved with them. Doesnt believe in PG per-say but does believe some people mentioned in PG are guilty

Normally in a crime it's about love, money, or power. So you find the common thread and follow it (You always hear about "follow the money", well it usually not wrong). So what do all of these people have in common 1. Powerful people (to varying degrees) 2. Links to missing children (The Podesta brothers uncanny resemblance to the police sketch of Madaline McCain's suspects, Laura Silsby's arrest for child trafficking in Hati, Jeffrey Epstein and his island of underage sex slaves, and these people DIRECTLY tie to the Clintons. While there are PLENTY of things that orbit this nucleus, this looks VERY MUCH like the core of a human trafficking network. If I were working this case, I'd start interviewing the girls from lolita island, and the original case workers from Laura Silsby's arrest. I'd work with the Portugal authorities to rework the McCain Cain (Google the Podesta brother's whereabouts when Maddie went missing, your blood will go cold). The REAL meat is not going to be going after THESE big fish, but you have to find a piece of human debris that is orbiting them that you can flip. Someone close enough to have hard evidence, but not big enough to have someone call the head of the FBI or Department of Justice. You flip that person (or get a CREDIBLE victim with EVIDENCE to go public), then you start working your way up. Little fish give you bigger fish, and bigger fish can give you whales).

When you are investigating a criminal conspiracy, you look for what ties the players together. You find a weak link in the outer edges of the chain, break it, and climb higher until you get to the top. Look at EVERY SINGLE instance of these LONG investigations. You find that someone (not a big fish) was arrested, maybe several. You get a headline that lasts for an hour, then life goes on. The real criminals are still doing whatever it is they WERE doing, and no one cares anymore. The concerning thing about the recent child porn arrests is that people THINK that it is an effort to move forward with the people in pizzagate, when it is nothing more than a dog and pony show. Hey look we caught all the bad guys, everyone is safe, go back to watching reality TV please. This isn't a case of follow the money this is follow the children, and so far I haven't seen a SINGLE kid from Hati or Lolita island interviewed (publicly or officially). If they were trying to arrest someone this is where they'd start

Yeah the Podesta bros police sketch is really interesting. Regardless, everything mentioned is circumstantial. I think they're going to have a very hard time getting any of the victims to speak up, if it's as evil as we all think it is, they've definitely been threatened.

Mishandling classified information is a misdemeanor if it shows to not have intent on releasing said information to public/press whoever.

For reference just look up Patreus. He was caught with intention but they let him off easy with the misdemeanor and some probation.

Reminder that Donald "lock her up" Trump was considering him for SoS and as Flynns replacement before he made a comment about wanting control over the personnel of the National Security Council (ie the one Bannon was placed on.)

LOL as of right now my original comment has 0 points.

Did I lie? Could you imagine how mad someone was when they read what I wrote.

NO, mishandling classified data is a misdemeanor UNLESS it becomes property of foreign intelligence, then it goes beyond the nation secrets act. That is when it becomes a felony. And let's not forget that some of those documents were top secret BEFORE they were RECLASSIFIED just before their release to the public.

Ah, well I was just going by what Comey said about there was no evidence of the server been hacked. So I assumed it would be a charge like David Patraeus got for his debacle.

With Patraeus, his LOVER rolled over on him and turned over her emails. Hillary just left the front door open on and illegal server and let the WORLD in.

And they never will be. The evidence is too circumstantial.

Prediction: They will never be charged for any crime.

Here's a suggestion: put away the tin foil and get a job you bums

No one's been charged for 9/11 either...

Think about it.

In order to be charged with a crime, it helps if there's an actual crime.

He still hasn't even had his whole team confirmed. His cabinet is still trying to fight for control of each agency. It's been only weeks (or less) since they've been confirmed.

A little patience is in order.


for all the shills saying "cuz theres nothing to warrant an investigation!!"

how can you look at these comments/photos by these people and not have any suspicion?

$ in human trafficking

dinner @ comet, on a pong table

cum panda

cboutliers full ig

my favorite pedo

werkinonmahnightcheese full ig

dont be judgemental

even if your mommy told you you were really special


That word may mean that these asswipes never get investigated.

Not according to your comments in this thread.

Innocent until proven guilty? It's disgusting that you want guilty until proven innocent to be the standard for this situation.

These fucking vote totals... Is the forum's userbase really just supposed to pretend we can't see it? Even here in a conspiracy sub?

FBI Anon here, ignore Bill Clinton's dozen trips to convicted pedophile Epstein's pedo sex slave island via the "lolita express". Ignore Bill Clinton waiving secret service protection for several of those trips. Bill just wanted to hang out with his favorite pedophile on an island where kids are enslaved and raped.

Ignore the Podesta brothers' obsession with pedophilic art. A personal collection of art certainly is in no way a reflection of a person's views or beliefs in any way shape or form. It is perfectly normal for any guy to have paintings of tied up near-naked children.

you have to have some sort of evidence to start bro, otherwise we are a police state.

I really don't think you understand how investigations work. Let me give you an example.

Murder investigation - Person X's body is found, Person Y leaves physical evidence on the crime scene. Person Y gets investigated. OR - Person X goes missing, Person X is last seen with Person Y. Person Y gets investigated, body may or may not be found. NOT Person X/Y/Z jokes about killing and you find a way to code statements from him to make it look like he's talking about hiding bodies.

You need evidence of (at least a connection with) a specific crime BEFORE you launch an investigation into somebody. That's why investigators have to get warrants. Even when you get pulled over, an officer can't just be like "you look like a stoner, get out of the car I bet you have drugs". He has to smell something, observe inebriating effects, or see drugs/paraphernalia to establish probable cause for a search. There are both legal and ethical reasons for this.

The fact remains that you can build a pizzagate-like case against virtually anyone for virtually anything. The precedent it sets is a little scary. Unless there are actual allegations, witnesses, incriminating statements (beyond normal statements twisted to seem like something else), or physical evidence, there is no reason for a police investigation whether you believe in it or not.

I'm using OPs logic? So if you're saying my logic is false/nonexistent.... then what does that say about this post and OP?

The amount of evidence against OP is substantially less than that for those mentioned in OP's post, but if you wanna be intentionally inflammatory for the sake of playing "devil's advocate", go for it.

What excuse have I made for any mistreatment of anybody? I'm 100% for fair and fact/logic based conclusions. I'm not a fan of opinionated falsities being praised as fact. Which is what this is. There's no evidence. There's no facts. There's no proof. No victims. If there was, they would be charged. If these things turn out to be true, I hope they all rot in the dingiest, darkest cells. Until then, I'm not willing to let people openly slander members of a political opposition.

So the government pedophile conspiracy is going to be stopped by the government, suuuure. Is this like how Trump was gonna arrest Hillary and DWS for their private emails because that hasn't happened yet. Meh might as well take em all down why discriminate.

Lol yeah, it's about the children. You are literally the first person I've read on here that isn't calling for the tar and feathering of some high-powered democrat.

I don't think anyone has made a personal attack, just pointing out OP's contradictions.

Yes quoting the bible and scoffing at people that ask we back up our claims, that's the mark of an intellectual. You like short and concise declarations because that's cheap and easy, if we're honest with ourselves.

And when that investigation comes up empty, will you scream 'cover up!' like bloody murder?

You don't want an investigation. You expect official confirmation of your bias.