Welcome back! To all our Share Blue friends!

97  2017-03-02 by AgainstCotton

Yesterday this sub was almost completely free of suppressive down votes and snark filled comments that distract from rather than address conspiracy. There were few threads about imagined Kremlin influence and overall we wondered where our paid pals from CTR, MM and SB were.

Good news is, one look at any comment thread made today and you can see the uniformed talking points and upvoted Russia conspiracies all over while other discussions that we know this community used to talk about sit at 0 with dozens of comments.

So, I just want to say welcome back guys. It just isn't the same swimming here with out your mud in our waters. Its great knowing we are such a threat to democracy that the Democratic establishment needs to hire an army of wannabe PR reps to troll fringe subreddits to dissuade and impede free discussion. American values on display indeed.


there were no snark filled comments? heyyy i was still here yesterday! :)

Says the person with a month old account who defends shareblue on other posts.

it's a joke! lighten up

It would be a joke if it wasn't true.

you've only been here 30 days...you're one to talk haha

edit: i can't tell if you're needling me or defending me actually


Jesus... I got accused of snark TWICE yesterday...

You were a LITTLE snarky yesterday...

you're not wrong.

But you're OUR asshole. <3

Ya, it was so nice yesterday. The shills are shortsighted. They can succeed in the short run, but in the long run, they are digging their own graves. They have also ruined it for all the true anti-Trump redditors who can easily be confused for shills which causes crossfire.

Thanks for the daily reminder that there are shills for the left, while completely ignoring the Russian shills, and the Nimble America shills, which have completely overrun this site.

I know right, claim left uses shills but the right would never do that. They have never been found to be projecting. This sub is such a joke. Anyone know of a good conspiracy subreddit since this is just an echo chamber?

I know right, claim left uses shills but the right would never do that.

Please find me a single example of someone saying this, and I will remove your downvote.

Not worth my time and effort sorry. Leave the downvote. Know of a good conspiracy theory subreddit that isn't an echo chamber and maybe you will get an upvote?

You got nothing.


And here we have another shill

Is that the go to argument when you have no defence? Just call people shills. SAD!

I don't need to make an argument. Your post history is visible to all.

As is yours!

You might not be but you must use this account to shill. I looked at both you as well as /u/NotDroopy (s)he has a more diverse range of subs where yours are mainly in here and politics. Which in my opinion would make this account a shill account. You may not be like this on your main account and might even be level headed but from what I seen your post history screams shill.

Hmm sure you are welcome to make that assumption but let me remind you that correlation doesn't equal causation.

Also are you sure you are not falling into the trap of confirmation bias?

You came from a literal echo chamber to complain about an echo chamber that doesn't fit your narrative.

What is up? You wanna talk about it?

Wrong, I came here to discuss with like minded conspiracy minds the Russian scandal and all I got was stale pizza.

Hey Shill, you forgot to delete this comment reply too.

Why you attacking me?

Next time, phrase your post like this:

"Don't forget, there's also Russian and right-wing shills, too."

Much more productive.

Maybe don't use shill factories to back up your claim that there are other shills?

Prove the content is false. I'll wait.

Da I am russia. How did you know.

You left out Cambridge Analytica.

Indeed. Good call.

How Trump's connections with Russia is not a conspiracy baffles me.

Needs a bit pizza to get this subreddit to bite.

Making fun of the sub is a great way to have people listen to what you say.

Kind of like OP?

Rooster....that's like a cock, right? You're a slave to your cock? Like David Brock? Just checking.

It's hilarious to me that OP is talking about how it is different in the past few days. I'd like to say that his 'normal' is abnormal and is not even close the norm for this sub in the larger scope.

Someone was arguing against popular vote in here today. Fuck the people, amiright? Give me a fuckin break.

I know huh, Its like he sold 20% of our uranium to Russia. Oh wait that was someone else.

Yes. Both are conspiracies.

Its not like they have hilliarys emails proving it.

Can you explain a bit further what you are implying?

Where is that uranium?

The moon

It is a conspiracy, which is why it's absolutely bizarre a conspiracy with almost no evidence is routinely shoved down our throats by the mainstream media and paid shills.

It doesn't deserve the daily and ongoing attention it is receiving as there really isn't anything new that's happened. This is all holdover bullshit from the Obama admin and deep state.

What? New information is coming out almost every week or other week.

And there is tons of circumstantial evidence out there.

You do not find it at all suspicious that like clockwork every week a scheduled Russian narrative citing anonymous intel sources gets leaked by either WashPo or The New York Times?

All the evidence is circumstantial at best, and theres plenty of logical and reasonable explanations for many of the narratives. Meanwhile, some of them are just completely made up without any evidence at all. All the publicly available evidence that Russia hacked anything is inconclusive at best. So the corner stone of the entire narrative is essentially built on weak evidence.

I wouldn't exactly call any of this new evidence, it is the same narrative they've been pushing since July of last year, using the same methods, and the same style. It is clearly a coordinated effort by a faction within the Deep State through collusion with the media.

In marketing they call this a drip campaign. They're purposely releasing little tidbits every week to keep the narrative active in the masses conciseness to convince them of a fake reality. Their intention is plant seeds of doubt against Trump, and provoke a war with Russia.

To understand and process any conspiracy of this nature you need to look at the intentions of the people pushing the narrative. These are the same people who deflected from the contents of Wikileaks, the same people shilling on Reddit, and the same people who rigged the primaries and have made Trump out to be some kind of Hitler prototype. Why should we believe them now when all of their sources are anonymous or based on illegal leaks taken out of context?

I do not find it suspicious. Investigative jouranlists smell blood in the water and are seeking out to find the next 'deepthroat'.

My theory is that yes, there may be some people with an agenda. I think with this case, they were hoping for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself with a special prosecutor in place. That wasn't happening. So they leaked intel they had to force their hands, just like they did when congress wasn't going to set up a bipartisan investigation at first.

Obviously everything is circumstantial, because there's still an ongoing investigation. But, there is tons and tons of circumstantial evidence out there. Here is a subreddit that is collecting it all, feel free to disprove any of it

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Most journalists today aren't even old enough to know what deepthroat was so I highly doubt they're trying to find the next anything. They're being told what to write about by higher ups with intel provided by deep state anonymous sources. The notation that there is blood in the water regarding this narrative has clearly been manufactured.

Even if everything on that sub-reddit you link to is true, so what?

None of it proves anything other than the likely fact Trump and some of his associates have ties to Russia, which is absolutely not surprising at all. Rex Tillerson was the CEO of Exxon, of course he has ties to Russia, and most other countries on the planet.

Even the Clinton's had ties to Russia, Bill even gave a paid speech in Moscow, and Hillary sold Russia US uranium. I mean hell, the Clinton's were taking money from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and several other countries who have been sponsoring terrorism. Where's the outrage for the Clinton's ties to countries who are financing terrorism?

You may not recall, but George W. Bush started two wars in two countries because of 9/11 that had nothing to do with 9/11. The media thought there was blood in the water back then and thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was somehow behind 9/11 when they weren't, and we found few weapons. The WMD narrative very much reminds me of the present Russian narrative, and seems to be following the same pattern.

I'm not opposed to investigating this further, but the way the Obama administration, deep state, and mainstream handled the whole Russian narrative raises a great deal of suspicion, and immediately sets off my bullshit propaganda radar. This has red scare, 1950's McCarthyism, and Cold War rhetoric written all over it. At best, the Russian narrative is a conspiracy, and the only sources are either anonymous or the media citing each other.

There's simply no hard evidence, and what evidence the government has released is inconclusive, circumstantial, and even contradictory. Even the NSA only has moderate confidence in the intel surrounding the hacking narrative, and they're the actual agency with the surveillance to know for sure whats going on.

Anyhow, the media is going to obviously continue to pursue this narrative, and they obviously have people like you convinced of this conspiracy but compared to other conspiracies this one isn't really that profound with the evidence that's been released so far. I will gladly change my mind if real evidence is provided by an actual source willing to stake their name on the intel, but until then this is clearly deep state meddling and bullshit.

I'm not sure why so few don't see that the intention behind this narrative is to stir Cold War fears, and potentially start some kind of conflict with Russia which is absolutely not in the best interests of the American people or Russia. If Trump and his admin do have Russian ties, and they're able to use them to make Russia an ally, and establish peace between our countries that would actually be amazing, and beneficial for both countries. Lets not forget Russia was our ally in World War 2, and took the brunt of the causalities. We would not have won WW2 if it was not for Russia. If the next World War starts tomorrow, we will lose if Russia and China team up against us. They would make a much more powerful ally.

Having some kind of anti-Russian ideology because of deep state propaganda from the last 60+ years just isn't rational since we know the deep state exists, and has been spreading false Russian propaganda for decades.

You seriously think journalists don't know about deep throat?

Out of everything I wrote that's the only thing you took from it?

There's little honor left in journalism and the few credible journalists left have no intention of breaking the next deepthroat. They merely want to tell the truth, and do their job. Journalism isn't about seeking rewards, or having a story go viral, it is about telling the objective truth. Anyone who writes purely for the sake of fame is not a real journalist.

Stop drinking the David Brock cool-aid.

I'm not going to pick apart every single thing at once.

Stop drinking the Trump/Russia cool-aid.

I'm acknowledging that Trump and his admin likely has ties to Russia. I just don't think it is beyond the typical level of corruption we've seen with past Presidents and may actually work in our favor to prevent another major world war.

Intentions matter, and the media is not doing anyone any good publishing anonymous Deep State sources as facts. They're trying to start a war our country and world cannot afford.

It just like with watergate, it's the coverup that is the real evident issue right now. How many times have they been caught lying about their involvement with Russia now?

It's nothing like watergate. There is no coverup. A few prospective Trump admin candidates and supporters talking to diplomats in foreign countries is not a crime, or unusual. One could argue these people were doing their jobs by reaching out to their contacts in foreign countries. Again, we want peaceful relations with other nations, especially those who we might consider enemies.

It's funny how before Trump was elected everyone was screaming he had no foreign policy experience, and now everyones screaming because his administration does, and began interacting with foreign diplomats immediately after Trump won. This is happens with every new President, and it isn't anything new, or nefarious. The media is blowing normal transition behaviors out of the water trying to manufacture some kind of conspiracy.

If you're anti-Trump, that's cool. I don't really care, I'm fairly neutral on him, but if you're counting on this Russian narrative to be real and somehow push him out of office good luck. The Obama, George W. Bush admins arguably participated in actual war crimes and nothing ever happened to either of them.

Meanwhile, Flynn was removed for lying to Pence, and I will be surprised if Sessions goes anywhere.

If the mainstream media stopped publishing anonymous sources, and supposed leaked intel then we wouldn't even be having this conversation and no one would even be talking about this. This is nothing like watergate.

Lying about it and changing their stories is not covering it up?

Lying is lying, and most if not all politicians do it. It's unfortunately normal behavior.

Lying under oath is an issue if you can prove it, but even Hillary Clinton lied under oath about her emails and never faced charges.

A coverup usually requires multiple people or an agency coordinating to hide something from the public. A single person acting on their own lying or misrepresenting the truth is not necessarily a coverup.

You blew him the fuck out, no worries, we saw.

Most journalists today aren't even old enough to know what deepthroat was

This is so hilariously wrong I'm not even going to bother with the rest. Just FYI since you seemed incredulous that the other guy focused on it.

How old do you think all the assholes at Buzzfeed actually are?

Did you just equate Buzzfeed with journalism?


Buzzfeed News actually has White House access. I shit you not. They're basically a news agency.

I don't like this fact as much as you don't like it, but unfortunately it is true.

All the evidence is circumstantial at best, and theres plenty of logical and reasonable explanations for many of the narratives. Meanwhile, some of them are just completely made up without any evidence at all.

Still more evidence than PG.

Podesta is clearly speaking in code, and there is enough to at least indicate human trafficking and warrant further investigation.

Those emails alone are more solid evidence then anything presented about Russia so far. A few phone calls to diplomats between high ranking officials is pretty normal compared to spirit cooking and using human trafficking code words.

Oh, it seems like you are confused. He was looking for real evidence, not manufactured reports from unnamed sources.

Kind of like Michael Cohen delivering a "peace" deal letter from Ukraine/Russia to Michael Flynn?

What? Why is that remotely significant? The opposition leader in Ukraine had a proposal for peace in the region and it was passed along to the appropriate channels.

Explain how that has anything to do with the alleged Trump/Russia conspiracy.

Because Michael Cohen repeatedly lied about it and was trying to hide the deal.

r/conspiracy only believes in proven conspiracies! Stop talking about this one that's just allegations! No wait, not the pizza one. Ok KEEP talking about the pizza allegations, but NOT the Russia allegations. Wait, 9/11? Ok I guess that ones ok, BUT NOT RUSSIA STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.

absolutely bizarre a conspiracy with almost no evidence

Why are you talking about pizzagate now?

It feels Ike half the comments here are Sharia Blue

Or maybe there are quite a few people that genuinely disagree with right-wing agenda and it makes you all feel a certain way.

It was a great day. Front page was full of 90%+ posts. Now all the good stuff is back down around 70%.

Must have had a staff meeting yesterday.

Wasn't there some Chan post about Sharia Blue and/or CTR regrouping and taking a different tact in the future, concentrating on class warfare or some such? Guess everyone was stuck in training/reprogramming yesterday.

Project much /u/AgainstCotton lol?

Ah yes....the return of the sniveling minions of cancerous anal wart David Brock....people who wallow in shit and blood and piss and puss and can't tell the difference from a cool, clear freshwater stream.

Here's how I deal with them: Reply to their dumb, insulting comments and goad them into a response. When they do, block them.

They are the self-hating scum of the earth and their eternity looks either grim or non-existent. There is a school of theological thought that some material bodies have no soul to lose, are empty vessels for others to lead and (ab)use, like puppets, pawns, zombies and golem.

That's who these tragic losers are. Soul-less no ones. As ugly as their words may be, their spiritual absence is ugliest of all. Do not hate but pity them, for pity is all they deserve.

They are the self-hating scum of the earth and their eternity looks either grim or non-existent. There is a school of theological thought that some material bodies have no soul to lose, are empty vessels for others to lead and (ab)use, like puppets, pawns, zombies and golem.

Perfect description of yourself. Kudos.

I know you are but what am I :p

This is what happens to the comments in this sub when astroturfing is in full effect. The quality of discussions simply degrades into petty insults and grade school quality retorts.


Step 1) Be Pro-Trump or Russian Shills.

Step 2) Pump the notion that liberal shills have overrun everything nonstop.

Step 3) Accuse all dissenters of being said shills, encourage others to do so as well, and ensure stories that don't fit the narrative are downvoted early while making certain propaganda is upvoted.

Step 4) Watch as non-liberals take over your shilling duties, for free.


Step 1) Be David Brock and run shilling operations for the past 2-3 years.

Step 2) Pump the notion that T_D or Russian shills have overrun everything nonstop.

Step 3) Accuse all dissenters of being said shills, encourage others to do so as well, and ensure stories that don't fit the narrative are downvoted early while making certain propaganda is upvoted.

Step 4) Watch as liberals take over your shilling duties, for free.

I believe that Media Matters is attempting to project their pattern of projection. It's actually pretty brilliant, because we end up with perfectly symmetrical arguments. I know in my gut what I feel to be true after watching this information war develop for the past couple years. I believe Media Matters has been attempting to co-opt the shill accusations and just confuse the hell out of all the regular people.

But to those of you who think /u/WheredAllTheNamesGo is right and I am wrong, let me just ask you a couple simple questions: Do you trust the mainstream media? Which side of this war do you think MSM is fighting for?

The evidence for pro-right shilling is at least as strong as that for pro-left shilling. It's not a false flag.

To those on the left, it appears that those on the right are throwing around shilling accusations non-stop against the left, but are failing to acknowledge that there are significant shilling operations on the right.

As far as trusting the MSM, that's a loaded term. The main people who talk about it are the right. Fox News is the largest TV news source, but somehow, they talk about the MSM like they're not a part of it.

I generally trust centrist news sources that have a high level of journalistic integrity. They can be right or left leaning, but towards the center. See this list, and this one.

This means I don't trust firmly left or right sources, like Huffington Post, Fox News, AlterNet, or Breitbart, to be unbiased. But I will read those sources to find perspectives that respectable news sources shy away from (due to their generally being conservative about sensationalism in their efforts to maintain respectability). And I'll believe those stories, or not, based on the stories themselves, the arguments presented, and the proof offered.

Step 1) Be a shill Step 2) Call everyone else shills Step 3) No you're a shill Step 4) NO YOU'RE A SHILL Step 5) NUH UH IM NOT

State of the subreddit, right there.

I've noticed the big thing they are trying to spin now is "Where is the evidence of wrong doing?" in regards to Hillary's server case. Like Hillary didn't matter-of-factly lie under oath. We have this on video, you chuckle fucks. She then went on tour echoing that lie.

Dude, the paycheck was late. Those asshats don't work for free you know. Looks like they did finally get paid though.

We had that one REALLY nice day of stuff from all over the map. Now back to Trump, CIA media articles, and Russians (oh my!)

If it makes you feel better, over the past couple months all they have successfully done is mildly irritate the regular users of this site by diluting discussions with generic talking points. All you can really do is downvote them.

At the end of the day, most people aren't falling for it anyways. Everyone knows what's up. Have a little empathy. These people wouldn't be working for a PAC if they had brighter prospects. Their upvotes are probably coming from click mills in developing nations. They don't have any real influence.

It's just a bunch of poop.

Oh my god...we may very well be destroying American jobs. We have become the monsters.

Maybe bots were down because of Amazon's server outage

You got nothing.

Oh my god...we may very well be destroying American jobs. We have become the monsters.
