Weekend AMA Guest Robert David Steele, Friday March 3rd beginning at 8pm EST and continuing throughout the weekend.

178  2017-03-02 by Flytape





Verification was established by contacting Steele through the contact page on his main website robertdavidsteele.com


Fuck yeah, dudes great to listen to. He's got some great insight on what's going on behind the scenes. Hopefully we get every bit of info we can have out of him!

! this is great!

Awesome. For a split second I thought this was Christopher Steele and I was really confused.

In this newest video Robert David Steele, who came onto the pizzagate scene late, attempts a limited hangout. First he says he want to make clear that he thinks the truth should come out, but no arrest should be made. He says he thinks it is best to get all the truth out, move the guilty aside, and then not seek criminal charges, but move on and reconcile. Focus on supporting America and Trump with them gone and not dwell on the past. He says this at 6:40 mark. https://youtu.be/TqyKJ0R_ytM?t=6m40s

Once a spook always a spook?

This is what spooks do. He shows up at the 11th hour with this "arrest are petty and counterproductive" nonsense.Look at how the two host nod in agreement. "yeah definitely agree". We need to move forward not focus on the past. Is there anybody in there right mind that feels if everything comes to light, arrest are not needed? You can do this with impunity and walk away?

Source & Commentary: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1662524

I'd rather see the mods here try to get Michael Flynn, Michael Flynn Jr., Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Ben Swann, James Woods, Paul Craig Roberts, Sibel Edmonds, Kathryn Bolkovac, Tulsi Gabbard, Lawrence Wilkerson, Max Cleland, or Ellen Brown here for an AMA.

One of the problems with those who say "once a spook always a spook" is that they lack intelligence. An intelligence person would examine the eight books I have written critical of secret intelligence, note that of those books have Forewords written by former Chairmen of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and wonder if perhaps my being the most published critic of secret intelligence in the English language might signify that I am a professional intelligence officer who seeks to redirect the craft of intelligence away from spies and secrecy promoting war and waste, toward open sources fostering peace and prosperity for everyone.

An intelligent person would examine my various vidoes, including my recent RT video with Sean Stone where I tear John Brennan a new asshole in the air, and perhaps conclude that I am what I appear to be, a totally transparent intelligence (and electoral reform and governance and economic and social) reformer.

It is my intent to ignore all comments as stupid as the one I have just taken the time to respond to.

One of the problems with those who say "once a spook always a spook" is that they lack intelligence.

I'm willing to defend your character here, because I haven't seen you spread any misinformation. But the CIA is full of psychopaths, so beginning with a healthy skepticism of any CIA agent is a good policy.

An intelligence person would examine the eight books I have written critical of secret intelligence, note that of those books have Forewords written by former Chairmen of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and wonder if perhaps my being the most published critic of secret intelligence in the English language might signify that I am a professional intelligence officer who seeks to redirect the craft of intelligence away from spies and secrecy promoting war and waste, toward open sources fostering peace and prosperity for everyone.

And that's why I'm willing to defend you.

It is my intent to ignore all comments as stupid as the one I have just taken the time to respond to.

That's not going to help your cause.

I edited it. We have a real problem with people who don't read.

Welcome to Reddit!

Thrilled to talk to you RDS! Thank you so much for always telling it like it is. As much as I seek to watch every single one of your interviews now, I can't think of any questions at this time.

Following one of your interviews, I'm starting to wonder about Bannon's 'objectivity' as well.

Once a spook always a spook?

That's my biggest concern. I don't trust Freemasons or CIA agents.

Michael Flynn, Michael Flynn Jr., Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

I would shit my pants if we got one of these. MODS, MAKE IT HAPPEN!

I will try!

I will deliver Cynthia McKinney if Prgjdsaewweoidsm will post a picture of the shit in his pants when I do.

This really is a stupid line of thought to go by because it instantly discredits all CIA whistleblowers. If anything this protects the CIA dirty work and discourages whistleblowers from coming out. Judge him by his work.

This really is a stupid line of thought to go by because it instantly discredits all CIA whistleblowers.

Most of them are bullshit. I've seen dozens of them come and go, and honestly I'm not sure I can think of any besides Steele that I would say are being honest.

I hope you will reconsider your rather harsh stance on whistleblowers - both CIA and others. In order to be a whistleblower, one has to either be "crazy" OR value integrity to the degree they are willing to face harassment/retaliation (while still employed,) risk their job (and in many instances their career - there is a difference,) lose their reputation/perceived credibility, and experience other collateral damages like marriage dissolution, loss of friends, and financial ruin. No one in their right mind is going to choose this path without firmly believing that something very wrong is occurring, and it needs to stop. Unfortunately, the system is constructed in such a way, that, to go through the "proper channels," the whistleblower is reporting to the very people committing the wrongs - or at least the people who are motivated to protect the wrongdoers (one reason why the corruption is usually top-down - people who "cooperate" get promoted.) Many whistleblowers only "come out" to the public after years of going through the "proper channels" has proved fruitless. Despite so-called "Whistleblower protection laws" there is no real protection for whistleblowers. Even when it gets to the point where there's an actual investigation, Senate hearing, etc, and it's obvious to everyone that the whistleblower is telling the absolute truth, they still get no support - Even if every member of Congress is shaking their heads at the "wrongdoing," do you ever a whistleblower get their job back? Do you ever see a public statement vindicating the whistleblower for telling the truth? No. In fact, you are more likely to see the "guilty" quietly permitted to resign (with full retirement pensions,) discreetly transferred to another agency/area (in the position or even a promotion, ) and have much of anything they did, admitted or not, be sealed/protected from disclosure to any future employers, etc.

I understand what you're saying, but we're not talking about the same thing.

You need to do more homework on all of the fake whistleblowers the CIA puts out. They do it ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Robert is literally the only person I am aware of that has come from the CIA that is any kind of meaningful whistleblower. The rest are frauds and liars.

Thank you for clarifying - I was referring to actual whistleblowers - not fake ones.

There's a more conscious reason arrests are pointless at this point. He's not saying no justice but an eye for an eye perpetuates and distracts from addressing the root of the problem. The system itself has allowed this to carry on.

There is a more practical reason. If you catch a terrorist or a pedophile and they know they are going to be fried no matter what, there is no incentive for them to give up all the others. I have written a piece you might find interesting: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/robert-steele-on-pedophilia-punishment/

I wish I could add to your experience and perspective to my own. Thank you so much for attempting to allow people to do that and thank you so much for choosing my comment to respond to even though I completely agree with what you intend.

Godlike work and thank you for raising consciousness all around even in those that doubt you.

my version is everyone gets the truth, no one goes to jail

Give them the choice between the slowest and most painful possible death and a bullet to the head if they cooperate and you achieve the same thing, ie

incentive for them to give up all the others

If you honestly want to let everyone of those most vile and depraved creatures on planet earth go free, I'm not giving an iota of thought on anything else you have to say, because it makes you one of if not the most crazy person I've ever encountered.

I'm with you on everything except this:

my version is everyone gets the truth, no one goes to jail — is vastly more likely to clean house and prevent another generation of pedophiles from emerging

You're saying the best way to prevent future criminals, is to let the current criminals off, scot free, with no accountability?

I would think arrests, trials, and jail are the only ways we stop this and keep it from happening again.

Epstein was exposed, but the recent filing from Boies Schiller law firm says that he was continuing to operate an international sex trafficking ring while under investigation and after being released from prison. The Clintons have been exposed, but are still in the spotlight, with rumors of running again in 2020 or for NYC mayor. Their Foundation is still running, as well.

Exposing the truth is not enough. These people must be stopped.

Did you expect Robert David Steele to criticize your argument the way he did?

I didn't know he was here for this thread, so no. I'd still like to know though when he first spoke out publicly about pizzagate, the process he took to becoming informed on it, and if he still stands by his statement that he doesn't support arrests regarding it.

I'm also wary of anyone who is showcased in mainstream media outlets like The Guardian, RT's Sean Stone show, and Alex Jones.

And I expect better verification than this: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/reddit-ask-me-anything-robert-david-steele/

I can't remember his stances on 9/11 either, but would be interested to hear more on that.

I watched an interview he was in the other day, and he seemed like his position was kind of from a spiritual side. He believes that we have to bring love and light into the world and we can't base our revolution on vengeance and hate towards the pedos. He wants to let them face the justice system, from what I got in the interview, but he doesn't want to make the big change ahead of us about hate.

He's a pretty public figure and appears in a lot of interviews over time, and has a good amount of extensive ones that are recent. Just head over to youtube and search his name and look for a recent interview. I don't think you'd be disappointed. I do hope we get better verification though.

I watched an interview he was in the other day, and he seemed like his position was kind of from a spiritual side. He believes that we have to bring love and light into the world and we can't base our revolution on vengeance and hate towards the pedos. He wants to let them face the justice system, from what I got in the interview, but he doesn't want to make the big change ahead of us about hate.

He's a pretty public figure and appears in a lot of interviews over time, and has a good amount of extensive ones that are recent. Just head over to youtube and search his name and look for a recent interview. I don't think you'd be disappointed. I do hope we get better verification though.

I will reach out to everyone on your suggestion list.

Hopefully they won't be deterred by the fact the top voted comment on the current AMA announcement is a copy pasted criticism from voat.

I guarantee you that any of the 7 billion people on earth have their own critics and I would hope that we would use these opportunities for direct access to these guests without the filter of the MSM to see what information they have to share with us instead of piling on criticisms from groups who have their own agendas and critics of their own.

The case for truth and reconciliation is that these corrupt officials are still in positions of power and are dangerous. To 'back them into a corner' would be unnecessarily dangerous to public safety, so the argument goes. Perhaps respond to the issues at hand rather than a vague character assassination.

Mongoose, our counterintelligence officer who needs to remain anonymous, has posted this, I buy into all of it. Note that 13 countries warned us in advance and Cheney scheduled a national counterterrorism exercise months in advance for the day so that he could control the entire US government and US armed forces on the day. The FEMA emergency operations center was set up in NYC on the piers the night before. Dogs were removed two weeks prior. Israelis spent over a year digging a deeper waterway so the evidence could be removed rapidly. I am friends with and totally endorse all that has been done by Gage and A&E 911. http://phibetaiota.net/2015/09/mongoose-911-done-by-dick-cheney-neocons-and-israel-saudi-cover-up-is-misdirection-ploy/

Great to have you with us...for an early pre-AMA!!! I'm assuming you have posted (or will be posting) a pic via social media to confirm...

I saw your recent interview on Hagmann & Hagmannn (50 minutes, 2/7/17) and was wondering how you feel about what the CIA has done in in terms of overthrowing/destabilizing governments around the globe...Do you feel guilty for participating? And is that why you seem to have become a critic?

PIC: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/reddit-ask-me-anything-robert-david-steele/

There are seven CIAs. http://phibetaiota.net/2012/11/search-seven-cias/

I am ashamed of all the the USG has done -- CIA, JSOG, mercenaries such as Blackwater, our military going into elective wars on the basis of 935 lies because our generals don't have the balls to challenge domestic treason (which the Constitution demands that they confront)...all bad. See my book reviews, especially this list: http://phibetaiota.net/2010/07/worth-a-look-book-review-lists-negative/ see especially the lists on empire and war as a racket

Afterthought: I treasure my time with CIA and may return one day as its director if the coalition team i support wins in 2020. Without being inside the beast and understanding its cancers, you cannot heal it. Intelligence matters -- intelligence is decision support. We need to do evidence based governance in the public interest. My big awakening when I briefed Occupy on electorla reform and then ran for president briefly (Reform Party) was that no amount of good intelligence -- which we do not have -- matters if you have a corrupt two party tyranny that fronts for Wall Street. Electoral Reform is "root."

I am friends with and totally endorse all that has been done by Gage and A&E 911.

Do you then discount the work of many researchers that some form of exotic weaponry was used in the destruction (dustification) of the twin towers?

Sorry to abuse the term, but A&E911 has been accused of approaching "limited hangout" status, as they appear to ignore evidence that mere conventional explosives couldn't have produced the extent of the damage on that day. That combined with the lack of significant seismic recordings and the randomly "toasted" cars in the vicinity suggest another level was at play.

For a detailed overview of the "3 levels" that carried out 9/11, I highly recommend Joseph Farrell's book: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11 and Penetrated Operations.

Farrell argues that Cheney and his ilk were merely part of the 2nd "level" of 9/11 planners. The 3rd level showed its hand with the complete destruction of the towers (via unknown tech) and the acquisition of PROMIS, which allowed for penetration of "the entire U.S. command structure, gaining access to top secret codes, databases, and, as its utilization by several major U.S. Defense contractors implies, may also have gained access to a variety of hidden technologies and their platforms."

Farrell continues:

In other words, there is a space-based connection in PROMIS, one that, if penetrated, might have panicked the level two planners and plotters of 9/11 beyond anything we can imagine.



WIKIPEDIA is crap -- ignore that, they destroyed five days of work when I first created the Open Source Intelligence page

I'd think wikispooks would be far more suitable if you've backed up your work.

The accidental election of Donald Trump

How much of an "accident" was it really? Would it be more accurate to say that one faction rigged the election more adeptly than the other?

I think he means accidental because the Clinton campaign propped up Trump as an easy opponent to beat. They had to prop up the worst candidate to cover up how bad Hillary was. However, by propping him up, they accidentally caused him to win.

I think he means accidental because the Clinton campaign propped up Trump as an easy opponent to beat. They had to prop up the worst candidate to cover up how bad Hillary was. However, by propping him up, they accidentally caused him to win.

A great argument against voting for her. She had the leverage to select her opponent; she misjudged so poorly that she lost the election.

You really do have to read -- I cannot teach you anything here. Read the endnotes with links first. Study the graphics.


Fair enough...you've provided a lot of material and I'm just beginning to tackle it all.

Thanks for joining us!

Thank you for the link. I read through the article...

These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries.

This policy was originally written by the Republican George Bush administration. It's the 1992 Defense Planning Guidance, and it has been accepted quietly and implemented by both parties ever since.

Donald Trump has been all over the board on international relations, sometimes going with the "neo-Cold Warriors" and sometimes against them. This is mostly all talk. His stance on making relations better with Russia is wonderful, but it does not ring true -- except to the extent that there are trillions of dollars of investment opportunities for him and his Establishment Swap friends.

This is not a recipe for lasting peace with Russia. This is a recipe for disaster. On the other hand, the ridiculous and absurd Russia-bAiting by the Democratic and MSM establishment is no alternative. It seems like Hegelian dialectic to me -- both parties taking (ostensibly) opposite sides on an issue so that everyone can dig their feet into the partisanship.

As protests and riots continue and spread – high school students are now being organized by professional agitators and covert social media campaigns designed to foment civil stress against the President-Elect,

The Republican Party -- with the help of the Chamber of Commerce and Koch brothers, have been doing this for decades. Exxon has been a major player -- and now we see the Exxon CEO in the Trump cabinet.

I share your concern about a "purple" revolution. The moment the United States steps outside of the legal process that has been in place since 1789, we risk an outcome like Egypt or Syria.

"Agitation" is an interesting word. Such things always happen. However, agitation does not produce crowds like we saw at the Women's March. Some protests are very real, whether they include agitation or not.

Trump has been slow to recognize that he [needs to] to unify the country by educating the 73% who did not vote for him, on how the system is rigged twelve different ways

At the risk of sounding like MSM, Trump will not "unify" the country with his viewpoints on minorities. FDR unified the country. Look at how he did it.

Maybe Trump doesn't want to recognize your excellent work on exposing how the system is rigged. On the contrary -- Trump talks about "illegals" voting and voter fraud. He has completely missed the boat. Paul Joseph Watson is not a credible source and someone who should never be cited. He and the entire Alex Jones crew are pure Republican partisans. I recommend that you read up on elections at the Brennan Center.

Anyone not supporting a peaceful transition of power to this miracle President is a traitor.

Miracle president? You need to step back!

Greg Palast has outlined how Arizona, Michigan, and North Carolina specifically, were wins engineered by the Grand Old Party (GOP)’s Operation Crosscheck, led by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Koback.

Yes, he did, and his numbers explain the difference between "winning and losing." But you try to explain them away ...

When Stanford University documented the theft of the nomination from Bernie Sanders by Hillary Clinton, using electronic ballot tampering,[5] Donald Trump was silent.

Maybe he was silent because his buddies in the Republican Party rigged the Democratic primaries, or maybe HRC was working with the Republicans only to be back stabbed later on -- sort of like they did with Saddam Hussein. After all, who has been rigging elections since 2000 after GWB stole the election. You do know that GWB stole it, right?

While I'm on the subject of back stabbing, Donald Trump's peace claim for Russia does not ring true either. As we see now, Republicans are grumbling, but they are supporting Donald Trump in more important ways. The idea that Republicans would suddenly turn their backs on the George Bush Russia policy is laughable. Most likely, they are trying to fool Russia. Despite the Donald Trump support all over RT (where I saw you speaking recently), I am sure that the government of Russia is skeptical, and may have its own double-cross in mind.

As we have learned since the election, Republican James Comey is being kept on by Trump. He was the Linda Tripp of the Obama administration!

Donald Trump and the GOP purging of 1.1 million black voters did not win this race

This is r/conspiracy, and you are denying or minimizing factual information to create a coincidence -- or as you would prefer to call it -- an "accident."

But you overrate the substance of the WikiLeaks emails, the Clinton Foundation, and other things. While you are correct these things are significant and show that HRC is a part of the corrupt establishment, too often you take these things all the way to Republican partisan positions no supported by the evidence.

Regardless of that, your math doesn't work. The difference in the numbers that Greg Palast presents still may be regarded as the deciding factor. It works like this:

Any one of these things could have swayed the election to HRC but all were required for Donald Trump to come out ahead. Therefore, what Greg Palast found was as much the deciding factor as any of these other things. You are plain wrong on this, and the math says so.

One thing that is clear throughout your article -- Democrats are the evil establishment, and Republican Donald Trump is the savior.

I have a simpler idea. Donald Trump was chosen by the establishment -- perhaps by the leaders of both parties -- to claim "outsider" status to rehabilitate the Republican Party and make important reactionary changes befor ethe demographics make it impossible to do so.

And the corporate MSM played along -- first by promoting Donald Trump nonstop for about 15 months, then by suddenly taking its Hegelian side and superficially supporting HRC with low-brow polarizing content.

Comments? :)

Well written and astute observations, thanks for this.

Trump will not "unify" the country with his viewpoints on minorities. FDR unified the country. Look at how he did it.

Probably a lot easier when 90% of the country is white, and you don't have the extreme-identity-politicstm we see today.

Probably a lot easier when 90% of the country is white

United States has a long history of civil rights concerns, and there were plenty in FDR days.

and you don't have the extreme-identity-politics™

Discrimination against minorities is very real and very important.

If by "extreme" you mean very loud, sup9erficial, and heated, I agree, with one significant exception.

But we can test this out. Take the BlackLivesMatter movement against police shootings. Police accountability benefits everyone. Do you support this?

Perhaps another "Pearl Harbor like event" will unify us once again.

I might look to a "natural" enemy like a plague. Lots of investment has gone into this since PNAC.

Discrimination against minorities is very real and very important.

I think what you're probably referring to is overblown, and entirely depends on what you mean by minorities. We don't see the same types of "discrimination" against Asian minorities that we see against Blacks, as Asians are among the highest earning groups, much more so than whites. Jews are a minority also yet they disproportionately occupy all the most powerful positions in government, finance, media, academia, etc. Our affirmative action laws are discriminatory against whites, Asians, and Latinx. There is discrimination all around, and the fact is, white people are the true minorities on the planet - I can't blame any of the racists or white nationalists one bit for wanting to "check out" and have a place for themselves, since all of their countries are being invaded, against their will in many places, which will change their cultures, general behaviors, and demographics forever. It's the people that make a country, not it's laws, not it's magic dirt, and we have a variety of different people on the planet with different behaviors, beliefs, and standards. Is the racist the society the one I want to live in? No, but I believe they should have their sovereignty and freedom of association if they so choose. I'm very much anti-authoritiarian in that way.

Police accountability benefits everyone. Do you support this?

Of course.

Millennials and trumptards can't read. Got pictures?🤔

Trump himself is Track 5

YUGE backstory. FANTASTIC possibilities. TREMENDOUS potential. UNLIMITED scope. GOLD mind.

Hey, thanks a lot for taking the time to do this. I hope to have some question ready for tomorrow.

Why does a CIA let you live

PizzaGate, for all its flaws

what flaws? :)

He's good. My only caveat is that he is ex-CIA, and I always distrust anyone who worked for the CIA. But I haven't seen him spread any misinformation, and his points about open source intelligence are excellent:


Thank you. CIA calls me "open sores." They have successfully marginalized me for 30 years for the simple reason that my success with an Open Source Agency would immediately justify the elimination of 75% of the secret budget. Here is another excellent and recent interview: http://themindunleashed.com/2017/01/cia-spy-speaks-30-years-censorship-time-listen.html

And here is the story of how I kicked the hell out of the entire secret world with six phone calls in front of the Aspin-Brown Commission: http://phibetaiota.net/2000/09/open-source-burundi-exercise/

And here is my testimony to the Moynihan Commission on secrecy: http://phibetaiota.net/1996/03/reference-testimony-to-moynihan-commisson/

Afterthought: totally unrelated to spying (has more to do with the combination of intelligence and integrity) is my accidentally being the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories. Start here: http://phibetaiota.net/reviews/

If anyone wants to understand why I was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize, see the links at http://robertdavidsteele.com.

Any thought on Douglas Valentine's latest work? CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME

He claims CIA is, among many other things, spreading Phoenix-style programs in other countries around the globe--Iraq, Afghanistan, etc...

It makes sense to me--we know James Steele helped train Iraqi police forces as torture/death squads...out of this came ISIS.

My theory is that Julian Assange is a limited hangout to cover up the much darker truths about what really went down in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Why on Earth would we want to disengage the empire with a hollowed out manufacturing base at home?

At the very least it seems rational to maintain it until we rebuild here. The creditworthiness of the nationstate and value of the dollar derive from military prowess and not much else these days.

The last thing we want to do is an ill-conceived withdrawal allowing the dollar to be chucked from world reserve currency status - continuing the predatory cycle of international banking cabal moving through and using a variety of nationstates in their perpetual fiat->gold->fiat->gold cycle.

The only viable way forward is to exploit our virtually unlimited credit line to start making trillions of dollars of good, productive investments which will in turn obviate the need for the empire, but also make it stronger than ever as a resurgent engine of wealth. Withdrawal must be done from a position of strength, not weakness - unless you are counseling us to pursue it as part of the CIA's longstanding balkanization strategy against nationstates capable of opposing the cabal.

CIA was created by Wall Street

I agree, but I'll supplement by pointing out the connections to British intelligence. The British basically set up our intelligence agencies. The importance of this cannot be understated.

Bunch of good points in this one. Would love to see closed bases.

Your point of 80-90% being good people is important - trapped is an apt description.

And waste - don't even get me started - we could pay for health care and education by dealing with waste and abuse alone. Most people have NO idea the extent of this - it is absolutely shameful - and a "if we don't use it we lose it" budget allocation system is part of the problem.

low quality

Weekend AMA Guest Robert David Steele, Friday March 3rd beginning at 8pm EST and continuing throughout the weekend.

Hopefully this won't replace the UAF model sticky

All sticks eventually go away. Put the pitch forks down and slowly walk away from the gallows.

Put the pitch forks down



This kind of thing seems naively appealing but has very fundamental flaws. Some years ago before 9/11/01, William Cooper created the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence. The idea of open source intelligence networks is nothing new.

But, it didn't get us anywhere. Why? The "deep state" or "powers that be" assassinated people that were doing this sort of thing.

If you want a truly open source intelligence platform, we have to first address the problem that the United States is at present a closed, totalitarian society whose government assassinates intellectually capable and morally upright dissidents.

While Mr. Steele's ideas might have some merit (as did CAJI) he is putting the cart before the horse here. For an open source intelligence agency to truly be viable, what we really need is to restore the first amendment in some way. And on this point he offers no viable solution, which renders the whole idea irrelevant.

There are technological solutions however.

One thing we might do is to create whistle blower centers in every major city in the country. There can be a variety of options available, like live streamed cameras whose feeds are also archived. The servers / backbone of such a system of course has to be open source to the public for transparency. There should be options to plug in a flash drive and upload contents to the public immediately, to inhibit the possibility of the deep state's assassins preventing this process from working on more detailed and lengthy whistle blowing processes.

This sort of technological solution need not be limited to whistle blowing centers, though they may receive more immediate crowd attention. There is no reason why we can't put an open source design "cell phone" onto the market (government should put them out to every citizen at no cost) that is not individually identifiable. One time anonymous keys for communication would enable people to connect to public archive servers and submit data anonymously from anywhere in the world. A few satellites over America that are designed in a public transparent manner would thus grant Americans something they have not had in a long time: the ability to speak freely.

These sorts of systems will render Mr. Steele's concerns about the failings of intelligence agencies completely irrelevant. It is not, and has never been the case, that the intelligence community is "failing." It is failing the American people, but that is by design.

The problem is that the people have no free speech. We must address root problems, not superficial redressing that ignores the elephant in the room.

You really have no idea what Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) really means. You don't have the patience to study my third years work, I know you have not read my D3C Presidential Initiative memorandum. You have your pet rock and it is blocking your vision of everything else.

Not an argument friendo. Neither of us can prove whether I have read it or not (I have).

The problem for you is you've already conceded my point. Telling us about presidents getting assassinated and massively pedophile networks despite hard evidence being absent from the public commons means: (1) whistle blowing is effectively and systematically suppressed (i.e. we have no free speech, as I asserted), or (2) you are just making shit up out of whole cloth (I don't believe that and you certainly wouldn't admit it)

So, we're left with only one choice: free speech doesn't exist, we're not in an open society, therefore open intelligence can't be a solution.

I realize you are unable to acknowledge this truth given that you are a company man, but it still needs to be said. I'll cover what you can't.

Derp State BTFO. Exchanges like this is why I love the internet. Good hearted, well intentioned people, asking honest questions...getting responses from obviously arrogant, hostile, aggressive, self-important turbo-douchebags who think they're some kind of authority, yet their powerlessness and uselessness is on full display. ClosedSociety, thanks for the great comments. You're my e-hero.

redditor for 13 days

So? He made some FANTASTIC points. Have an open mind and always read closely


William Cooper created the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence. The idea of open source intelligence networks is nothing new. But, it didn't get us anywhere.

What do you mean? I wouldn't be here without Bill Cooper's work, which came from CAJI.

If you want a truly open source intelligence platform, we have to first address the problem that the United States is at present a closed, totalitarian society whose government assassinates intellectually capable and morally upright dissidents.

No disagreement there.

These sorts of systems will render Mr. Steele's concerns about the failings of intelligence agencies completely irrelevant. It is not, and has never been the case, that the intelligence community is "failing." It is failing the American people, but that is by design.

Again, no disagreement. But I think Steele is trying to work out a solution here, given the reality that our government is currently totally subverted.

Steele is not allowed to tell the full truth and even worse he is required to hustle lies mixed into what he says (muh aliens). My point is not to be hostile towards the worthy aspects. As another huge fan of Cooper and CAJI, the open source intelligence is obviously appealing. What must be said, but Steele cannot deal with, is that there are fundamental problems that prevent open source intelligence from working right now (his agency assassinating people who try to engage in such things). I gave a couple examples of how we can start to remedy those problems and thus make open source intelligence actually viable rather than a cosmetic change to save the CIA's approval ratings.

What is going on here is that the CIA has launched a full court press to redeem itself to the public because they know we are all onto them. We cannot and will not tolerate a simple rebranding by them ("open source intelligence") without truly making it open source: resuscitating free speech in society.

The company does not approve of that, only of the rebranding process to perpetuate the con, so Mr. Steele cannot speak to how to address the lack of free speech in society or how we might remedy that. I'm commenting to fill that gap, not to reject the open source idea altogether. Even better, by forcing the issue into the open Steele and his bosses at the CIA will have to tweak their propaganda to accommodate, so I am also working to grant him broader scope to speak. Really I am more on his side than even he is.

Steele is not allowed to tell the full truth and even worse he is required to hustle lies mixed into what he says (muh aliens).

That was exactly my first thought. (what the fuck? Oh... they made him throw that in)

(his agency assassinating people who try to engage in such things)

When you say "his agency" isn't it pretty clear he's saying things that are severely damaging, far more than a limited hangout like Snowden? Just the pedophilia stuff is enough to crash the whole system.

We cannot and will not tolerate a simple rebranding by them ("open source intelligence") without truly making it open source: resuscitating free speech in society.

Ok, I'm with you. I do genuinely think Steele is on your side with these kind of things. He's just got a gun to his head.

Even better, by forcing the issue into the open Steele and his bosses at the CIA will have to tweak their propaganda to accommodate

Do you have any hard evidence it's limited hangout, or just piecing together circumstantial? You can lie if you need to.

Really I am more on his side than even he is.

I figured as much. :)

It seems like you're just misleading people and wasting our time.

I am ignoring this. Thought this was an AMA for me rather than a posturing pit for someone who has never read anything I have written.

TY for the links

JFK Assassination: The general consensus seems to be that the releases which are to take place later this year will Not have a smoking gun, but may have some tidbits which could be pieced together.

Antonio Veciana was highlighted in Gaeton Fonzi's The Last Investigation as having seen LHO with a CIA operative in Dallas the week of the assassination. Last year, Antonio Veciana finally named that CIA operative as being DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS.

There was also a truck parked on the corner across from the Texas School Book Depository--which would have been a perfect spot to run communications for an operation from...

Lastly, any thoughts on the photo which strongly resembles George HW Bush that was taken in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63?

See my summary reviews of these books and one DVD:


A few questions if you'd be so inclined to answer before the AMA officially starts:

How does one join the CIA?

How connected is the CIA to foreign intelligence agencies i.e. MOSSAD?

What role does secret societies i.e. Skull n bones, bohemian grove, monies, jesuits, etc play in vetting/recruiting future IC ops?

Can Julian Assange be trusted? What role did growing up in a cult play into his radicalization?

Does the CIA do ANY good for the American ppl, or are they just domestic terrorists?

What role does secret societies i.e. Skull n bones, bohemian grove, monies, jesuits, etc play in vetting/recruiting future IC ops?

Skull and bones in particularsends a lot of people to intelligence agencies:


I didn't check the link yet but I know the Bush's are mostly bonesmen and obviously big into the CIA and Allen Dulles

How does one join the CIA?

Apply by mail with a thoughtful resume. Preference is given to veterans who speak foreign languages and have advanced degrees.

How connected is the CIA to foreign intelligence agencies i.e. MOSSAD?


What role does secret societies i.e. Skull n bones, bohemian grove, monies, jesuits, etc play in vetting/recruiting future IC ops?

Integrated at the highest levels in that there is a globalist agenda that the dark side of CIA support, but invisible to 90% of the good people trapped in thats bad system.

Can Julian Assange be trusted? What role did growing up in a cult play into his radicalization?

Everyone has multiple masters and multiple agendas. On balance I think he has been a force for good.

Does the CIA do ANY good for the American ppl, or are they just domestic terrorists?

Short answer is no in their present form -- as General Zinni has pointed out, they provide less than 4% of what anyone needs, but see my various links elsewhere on what needs to be done -- I would eliminate NSA, NRA, NGA, and ODNI, but I would EXPAND CIA with signals and imagery directorates, triple FBI and create an Open Source Agency that would be the baseline for what can be done with open sources and methods.

Cool man, thanks a lot for getting back to me. Great AMA and thanks for putting your neck out on the line for us, assuming you aren't controlled opposition lol (gotta hold on tight to my skepticism nowadays, I'm sure you understand why)

The time when dissidents could be killed and ignored is past. The truth at any cost lowers all others costs. Truth & reconciliation is part of the deal, we need to provide an exit strategy for the hyanas and jackals.

Was there ever a real, actual investigation into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation? Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) claims HRC was never even read her rights when she finally chose to sit down with the FBI last summer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsgapaYCs40

If not--what can we do to get authorities to have a real, actual investigation?

BLANK CHECK: The Pentagon's Black Budget by Time Weiner is one of the books I've recently read--it has 5 pages which cover the procedure which POTUS and Congress began to legalize "plausible deniability" and the Black Budget. Any recommendations on where to find more info on this period of US history (1945-1949) which seems to be rarely covered? Are any of the NSC documents available online?

What would happen if there ever was an actual audit at the Pentagon?

It would discover the following:

01 They did not lose $2.3 trillion. They spent it on extra-terrestial and intra-terrestial programs that Congress and the President are not briefed on.

02 50% of everything is waste.

03 We have a military that cannot fight and win wars. We spend money to optimize the spending and the profit, not the capability.

04 Most of our generals and admirals are traitors and most of our officers are liars. One reference point: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubID=1250

Funny how DoD knows exactly how much to ask for in their budgets every year...but can't pass an annual audit (as every branch of the US government is required to do by law since 1993).

Since the 2011, DoD has spent at least $15 billion on upgrading computer systems to enable them to pass an audit...in the same time frame DoD/NSA has expanded like a monster to "collect everything" (except for DoD budget accounts).

It's all about keeping the money moving. I and other experts agree that we would have a better government if it were cut by 50% or more. Furthermore, I do not believe the government should be allowed to tax citizens or anyone directly. We are the United STATES of America. Taxation should be the Automated Payment Transaction Tax collected by each STATE, with an allocation to the ADMINISTRATIVE federal government (which should not be allowed to own land or anything else).

This de-evolution of government that folks like Pieczenik and Alex Jones are pushing alongside you is deeply misguided.

For anyone versed in the basics of conspiracy like people on this forum, we know that:

we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day

and indeed this conspiracy can be easily traced back thousands of years, often referred to as "mystery babylon" or "saturnic cults," etc.

One thing that mankind seeks to achieve through the nationstate is to create alternative structures that can overcome this monolithic conspiracy against us through the ages.

On the other hand, the evil conspirators, among them the CIA from which you hail, pursue policies of balkanization as you well know. The de-evolution of power through the CIA's balkanization abroad and the immense suffering laid upon our fellow human beings in the aftermath of such programs lays bare the bankruptcy of the de-evolution mythos that is now being pushed.

At the same time, we can immediately note the great benefits of (some) centralization: the dredging of canals organized by Washington, construction of the first major canal systems under Hamilton, the transcontinental rail network and interstate highway system produced the world's first majority middle class and great awakening against the den of vipers whom we oppose.

Thus, it becomes obvious that we are not interested in the size of government but rather its effectiveness. Organizations of immense size are capable of even greater achievements. The proper dissident, as opposed to the empty CIA-styled balkanization peddler, asks not why is the government large, but do the fruits correspond to what should be expected at such a size.

We have no interest in becoming another Greece subject to the whims of bankers with more capital than their nationstate, but instead prefer to overwhelm the international cabal's scope with our own size and leverage it to both independence and great achievements.

We could enumerate a wide swath of multi-trillion dollar investments with returns on capital far in excess of anything private enterprise can deliver: NAWAPA, a maglev train system, a Bering straight bridge, a space elevator, and so on. It is within our current technological ability to end water crisis, energy crisis, and so on.

Hence it becomes readily apparent that the most direct route to alleviating human suffering is through an even larger government than we have now, albeit more rationally and humanely directed in its pursuits.


Your entire post I was thinking that you meant we just needed a better quality government and then somehow at the end it's Spohn into a bigger government being better.

I don't know anything that gets simplified with more variables.

I do not find it believable that you are sincere, but I'll respond anyway.

The post enumerates multi-trillion dollar infrastructure programs at the end:

NAWAPA, a maglev train system, a Bering straight bridge, a space elevator

The assertion is that the quality of world would be increased by these and that their pursuit justifies bigger government (on a quality basis) rather than bigger government being a good in itself (which to some extent it can be because it represents an organizing force of sufficient scope to put down mystery babylon).


Quit trolling. This is a direct quote from my post:

Thus, it becomes obvious that we are not interested in the size of government but rather its effectiveness.

In an era where technological advancement has been suppressed for decades (like our own), there is much work to be done and thus government can be both large and highly effective/productive (lots of catch up to do). One need only look at the pothole roads or dilapidated schools to see as much.

I am not an ideologue claiming big government is always good or small government is always bad. Ideologues like lolbertardians or communists are all mentally challenged. Rational decision making is dependent upon circumstances. It can make sense for government to by 50% of GDP one year but only 10% of GDP a few years later because it ran out of worthwhile things to do. Fetishization of the size is a direct attempt to distract you from analysis of merits.

And you're adding a lot of frill to a pretty slim point that you're failing to get across. All of your words don't make what you are saying correct or logical.

With more people and projects, there is more room for coverup and runaway profit. Look at the objective functions of what you are implying and they can be achieved with much less, so I ask why a larger government keeps creeping its way back into your argument if you aren't for one?

Figure out your stance and come back later when you don't contradict your points through obscurity.

I don't see him being FOR bigger government in itself. That would make him a narrow minded ideologue, i.e. a child. I see him being FOR human progress achieved through leveraging the power and weight of the nation state. One can debate the projects on their merits.

You're the one being sloppy with your either (A) sincere criticism or (B) your cynically reductive accusations.

Thanks for your contribution.

Or maybe I'm a fool.

I don't know. I'm just a caveman. You're complex rhetorical arguments confuse and scare me.

I don't reckon this guy is a govt spokesperson trying to sell a globalist nightmare by subterfuge. I hear a legitimate criticism of govt incompetence and failure to deliver meaningful value to its citizens. A squirrel can provide some nutritional value to me, a caveman. But a large hunting party taking down a wooly mammoth can provide substantial nutritional value to my community. The nation state, as a large target rightly leveraged, is no different.

You hurt your own feelings a lot. Not sure why.

So do you wanna overthrow the entrenched power structure first or turn it loose on these ideas you guys are talking about?

I'm being serious. Either you give too much credit to politicians and faith in their abilities despite their personal motivations, or you're suggesting a complete makeover to make these things happen.

So I don't see how that approach is conceivable in the near future with trust publicly.

All in all my bottom line is I don't trust government because the track record of history backs corruption. I'm not idealistic when it comes to government and "hoisting it on its own petard" doesn't seem logical in our setting.

Less is more. Always is. :)

The caveman thing is a joke based on Phil Hartman's old SNL skit, caveman lawyer.

I think I see your point more clearly now. To be sure, I believe these large scale projects are viable and necessary just as I see good government being viable and necessary. But you're right to question the likelihood of such a government emerging "in the near future" barring some large scale awakening.

:) didn't mean to attack you in any way by the way. Thanks for the reply.

You hurt your own feelings a lot. Not sure why.

Your shallow rhetoric is distracting from the adults having a serious conversation. Have a downvote. Come back when you're ready to discuss things like an adult.

Playful* and I didn't catch the Phil Hartman reference in context.

You offered excellent counterpoints. Both perspectives are perfectly valid, imo, as long as they are respectful to each other. It's the domination, control, forcing people to go one way or another that's the problem. People should be free to form big powerful groups, working together (OPs Open Government), as long as they do not trample on those who want no part of it, and visa-versa. Is it even possible to create that type of world? I have my doubts, it's the dilemma of the world we live in.

Good philosophy. :)

Where have we heard this as a goal of globalism?

"Globalism" is a made up term by people who actually want fracturing of the nation-state. You can rule the world with a single government, or by ensuring that no government is powerful enough to resist your cabal.

Edited my post for clarity. Thx.

This is exactly right and here it sits at the moment with zero votes.

It's pretty simple. Break up governmental power, deregulate and consolidate private unaccountable power ... what do you get?

what do you get?

Inverted totalitarianism.

And you're adding a lot of frill to a pretty slim point that you're failing to get across. All of your words don't make what you are saying correct or logical.

You're not even responding to anything being said. Have a downvote for hollow rhetoric utterly unrelated to the topic being discussed. Come back when you're ready to discuss things like an adult, not shit all over the chessboard and declare yourself the winner.

I don't need to nitpick dribble when I get the point across that I am trying to make. "Hollow" rhetoric only if you don't read the context of what is being discussed, but it isn't my job to make that easier for you.

Your waterfall of assault in my inbox was delightful.

Have a downvote.

Your waterfall of assault in my inbox was delightful.

Don't piss all over the forum and you won't get splashback.

I respect this forum and I maintain my point despite you being distracted by my colorful word usage.

Your ends still don't justify the means. We have the ability to automate many of the positions that you are implicating.

This is incoherent. What the fuck are you talking about? The post was about infrastructure projects, like a space elevator.

It honestly just seems like you are using big tech to try to steer people towards thinking they need a larger government.

Size =/= corruption level. You can have a small, corrupted government. And you can have a larger, effective government, so long as it is focused on only the right projects.

The post was about infrastructure being created by a larger more powerful government to benefit international interests. The frilly terms would distract from the bigger goal of the idea.

You further my point about corruption. It finds a way. It's free will and there is always negative reinforcement until we have complete transparent trust in the officials. No big overarching controlling government FOR ME. That's all I'm saying and I'm adamantly opposed to it. I don't like back door attempts to convince people that it's a good either, so I call it out. And still.

The post was about infrastructure being created by a larger more powerful government to benefit international interests.

You're presuming government corruption (I agree), and then conflating it with the size of government, which is generally unrelated.

There are good monarchs, and bad "limited governments." There is some correlation with limited government and less corruption, but you're making them synonymous.

I was only trying to call attention to the probability function of corruption versus size.

Fair enough. We all believe in limited government. But when your government is subverted by blackmailed perverts, it doesn't matter.


Nice name by the way open society. How esoteric of you.

Mystery Babylon is old stuff. Do you like William Cooper's series?

and indeed this conspiracy can be easily traced back thousands of years, often referred to as "mystery babylon" or "saturnic cults," etc.

Here's a great source on this. Anyone reading this should stop, drop everything, and watch these. If it doesn't blow your goddamned mind, you can come kick me in the balls:


At the same time, we can immediately note the great benefits of (some) centralization: the dredging of canals organized by Washington, construction of the first major canal systems under Hamilton, the transcontinental rail network and interstate highway system produced the world's first majority middle class and great awakening against the den of vipers whom we oppose.

Yep, for the libertarians saying "government projects are inherently inefficient" transportation projects have shown much higher Return on Invested Capital than private enterprise:




Holy moly over 20 hours of conspiracy! I've got to set some time aside for this.

Are you HLI?

Would love this - current tax system is entirely too cumbersome with too many loopholes

The Automated Payment Transaction Tax eliminates all taxes especially income tax, and shifts the burden from Main Street to Wall Street. It is in my view the only honest tax proposal that Donald Trump should be considering -- it is also the one tax proposal that his nine Goldman Sachs advisors are absolutely opposed to.


APT Tax is the ONLY policy that makes common sense and is equal across the board - Is Trump looking at this?

did he answer this AT?

not yet, but he may not know

ask him again

What can we do to encourage Trump to consider this? It would level out the playing field. The Goldman ilk will obviously fight it. On the other end of the spectrum, what do you say to people who believe an APT tax will unfairly discriminate against the poor? Thank you.

AT well lookkee here flytpe is a resource yeah!!

Why HAS the government been buying land? Is it part of a nefarious plot, as some suggest?

What happened to the billions (?) that was "lost" the day before 9/11?

It was not lost. It was spent in ways not declared to Congress and the President -- underground cities, exotic programs, extraterrestial exploration not declared to Congress. I really have no direct knowledge but I am pretty sure they did not misplace the funding.

Does that money possibly have a paper trail? Could the trail be FOIA'ed?

follow the PUT options <---the answer is there

i think that when most people think of the phrase "follow the money" they imagine where money goes, not where money comes from.

I disagree it means follow the money in both directions or multilaterally.. origin and destination

Maybe it's time for an upgrade: Follow the transactions!

doncha think they took it all offshore?

Hi Robert, can you tell us more about the underground cities? What's down there? Why are they built, rather than the elite just buying an island?

Hi Robert, can you tell us more about the underground cities? What's down there? Why are they built, rather than the elite just buying an island?

Hi Robert, can you tell us more about the underground cities? What's down there? Why are they built, rather than the elite just buying an island?

Hi Robert, can you tell us more about the underground cities? What's down there? Why are they built, rather than the elite just buying an island?

Hi Robert, can you tell us more about the underground cities? What's down there? Why are they built, rather than the elite just buying an island?

I have read about them and seen photos of the drilling machines, I believe they exist -- in 1950's form -- and am not sure of their status.

I always thought that the missing money from 9/11 was actually used to buy gold to replace the Chinese gold that was stored beneath the WTCs. I think the govt stole the gold, used it on something else, the Chinese were like "we want our gold back" the govt was like "oh shit" and had to create a cover story for its disappearance.

01 They did not lose $2.3 trillion. They spent it on extra-terrestial and intra-terrestial programs that Congress and the President are not briefed on.

Do you have any good sources on this? I know they fed Bill Cooper bullshit like this.

Thank you for doing this, i have been watching you stay busy the last few years. and prolly grabbed to many pdfs from phi beta iota. ;-) Thank you!!! yes, new account, locked my self out, again.

Oddly enough, it was not until the USG destroyed my business in 2006 (stripped my clearances for declaring 7,500 foreign contacts, all legit) that I started doing serious wandering in the wilderness. I got the clearances back but it cost me $6M in lost revenue and turned me toward deep thinking about Applied Collective Intelligence and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). Now I am thinking about creating an alternative coalition government that destroys the Deep State, since it is increasingly evident that Steve Bannon is not going to let Donald Trump talk to anyone with any ideas in competition to those of Bannon (I love Bannan and his 10% lane, he is dangerously stupid to be blocking Trump from talking to me and Cynthia and Dennis and Ron Paul most urgently).

http://tinyurl.com/Memo4Trump is what I want to talk about.

I have read that. ;-) "dangerously stupid to be blocking Trump" Trump seems to be blocking himself quite nicely. this: talking to me and Cynthia and Dennis and Ron Paul most urgently sounds really good. It seems to me he has a ton of people wanting to talk to him, he seems to want to stay blocked.

Any thoughts on how we can overcome social media censorship? Youtube, google, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook have all gone batshit crazy--we need alternatives!!! (thanks for answering my questions--sorry if there are quite a few...I definitely look forward to reading the links you posted)

Love this question. I coined the hastag #GoogleGestapo and told Brendan "I am not a potted plant" Sullivan (he is Google's top lawyer) in email that there is a racketeering investigation against Eric Schmidt, Google, Facebook, and Twitter. There are in my view two solutions:

01 Everyone everywhere should ask their state Attorney Generals to start racketeering investigations against Google and its surrogates (e.g. AdRoll and YouTube) as well as Facebook and Twitter, and of course include Eric Schmidt the architect.

02 We need an alternative to all of them based on blockchain and not controlled by anyone. My virtual CTO (arnoldit.com) tells me that for $50M we could patch some pieces togethe and offer the public a scalable alternative to all of them. I also recommend Micah Sify's excellent book, http://phibetaiota.net/2014/10/review-the-big-disconnect-why-the-internet-hasnt-transformed-politics-yet/ and my Foreword to Arnold's book on CyberOSINT, http://phibetaiota.net/2015/01/2015-robert-steele-foreword/. In tring to help Trump I had hoped to earn the right to create the Open Source (Technologies) Agency which would in passing bury Google and all the others who take the law into their own hands (e.g. PayPal cutting off Wikipedia, that should have been a $100M lawsuit against Theil personally). Here is what I want to build. OMP has already approve it at $2B a year but Trump has to ask for it. http://robertdavidsteele.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/D3C-Presidential-Innovation-Memorandum-3.3.docx

Yep. Antitrust against the social media networks is actually justified. There is no real competition, it's all giant, NSA-friendly corporations.

There's plenty of attempted competition, just the past has shown that the market won't support more than one of each social media platform in each "genre" - no one ever seriously thought Facebook would overtake MySpace, but here we are. How's Voat doing? (spoiler, not that well) Reddit supplanted Digg, nothing has become prominent enough to replace it as a news aggregator.

You sure are asking a lot of Trump and disliking him whenever he doesn't take immediate action and thank you for your services. I'd assume he's pretty busy trying to get his team in place and still learning quite a bit on how to govern. Unlike you, he's pretty new to the game.. cut him some fcking slack.

He's not disliking. Please re-read Robert's posts again. He's saying the people surrounding him are giving him bad advice & direction. They don't know what they're doing, and Trump has to rely on these bozos to get things done. He did say though that with the way things are going (increase military spending, deregulation without foresight, etc.) Trump is turning into another puppet of the Deep State.

Speculation on that last point.. Deep state is trying to make Trump into a puppet, that's for sure.

Hey, don't shoot the messenger, Rob stated it and IMHO he's correct. It's speculation, but the direction where his plans are going doesn't look good, but I will wait & see. I'm willing like many of my neighbors to give him a chance. It's blatantly obvious that the Red Scare of Russians is totally bogus, so I'm on his side (even though I voted Green).

How do you wrap your head around the apparent war between the intelligence community/former Obama appointees/the Left/establishment Right against Trump and his handful of administration appointees that have been lucky enough to get through the senate?

IMHO I just don't see it yet.. everything is pointing the other way. Some tough love if the Deep State are punishing Trump for being his puppet lol..

i have had accounts suspended at digg, reddit, friendfeed, twitter, and each of these websites is a hub-and-spokes type network, a model whereby who-ever controls the hub (them), controls the spokes (you)

any viable, long-term "alternative" to a hub-and-spokes model MUST NOT be a hub and spokes model, or you will continue to have censorship and control issues.

one alternative is diaspora*


"suicide" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilya_Zhitomirskiy

ideally, you will be able to have your own personal "server pod" where your own personal, original content is stored, with controlled distribution.

this requires you to adopt linux, which can be a significant barrier to entry for original content creators with limited linux experience.


bitcoin has an interesting model based on blockchain, which seems to be popular and secure



Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality.


Steemit is a social news service which runs a blogging and social networking website on top of a novel blockchain database, known as Steem.

true story: a friend and i have an ongoing discussion about money and the banking and the federal reserve, and one day we were talking about the future of money and he said in the future each individual will be their own bank. when i first heard it, it sounded far out, crazy but the more i thought about it, i'm like yeah, we could do that.

beware of micro-lending especially in places like Haiti where it is used to facilitate human-trafficking. if these human trafficking victims could turn the tables on their "owners" by adopting block-chain based decentralized banking, just like my friend described #OpTubman

How would an irrelevant clown like him know that? God are you people so naive? You read like you're rubbing your clit to some biebeR crap

Any recommendations on how We the People can get Congress to (re)gain control of their Oversight functions (re: FBI, CIA and DoD, etc.).

Other than elect Ron Paul - Dennis Kucinich or Robert Steele - Cynthia McKinney? Rise up and demand that Donald Trump read the memo and invite to visit him at Mar a Lago (the White House is bugged six different ways) for a one on one chat. David Stockman says he has until 15 March, I give him until 1 April to get his head out of his ass or he will not finish his term.

This one may seem "out there"...but have you ever objectively considered the possibility that the USA never landed Apollo 11 on the moon? Bart Sibrel has done quite a bit on this--and among the many questions he has is the Van Allen belt and the missing original Apollo 11 footage from NASA (which they now claim to have recovered). I also find the low-energy "press conference" which the astronauts held after they returned to be suspicious.

Yes. I think we did land, and I think astronauts have seen structures and matter that would shock everyone if revealed. I am quite certain there have been eight ET races active on earth in the past and there are two active now -- one evil and one good. What continues to stun me is all the wealth-creating technologies (such as free energy) and all the life-expanding technologies (such as teleportation) that have been repressed by an evil elite.

We have LOTS of room to grow. First we have to eliminate the control of the 1%.

Pretty outlandish claims. How about some evidence?

I read all of the articles and the only thing of substance is the debunked Majestic 12 program. We're all familiar with project bluebeam and Bill Cooper's work exposing the alien fraud around here.

Feel free to offer hard evidence at any level of sophistication you please. I'm capable of grappling with graduate level physics, chemistry, whatever you've got.

I won't hold my breath.

Nothing is ever simple. I am satisfied based on the links I have provided which you have NOT examined in full, that there have been eight ET races active and there are two active now. I am satisfied from personal conversations and other exposure that we have had ET technology for over 50 years, that we have repressed that technology, and that there are massive disclosures yet to be made by governments all over the world on this topic. Satisfying you is not at all of any importance to me.

I'm capable of grappling with graduate level physics, chemistry, whatever you've got.

And yet you act like a petulant child. Grow-up or get-out. Hubris is your downfall. It's like you smoke Hubris everyday just to get off on belittling others.

Thanks for taking the time to do this.

I'd like to hear what your thoughts are on the information presented by folks like david wilcock, corey goode, drake and the saga involving cosmic disclosure, the secret spae program and the supposed global collateral accounts.


Nothing original to say. I believe.

Do you mean nothing that hasn't been said before, or nothing of any substance?

I have no direct knowledge. I am a total believer in cosmic possibilities.

Why haven't here been any big prosecutions of big pharmacy/vaccine manufacturers/chemists for their intentions to deceive the public? Why are they still given federal protection?

Because the US Government is part of the criminal network. The Center for Disease Control is a criminal network whose job it is to sell vaccines that cause autism and (in the case of those distributed by the Gates Foundation) also sterilize "useless eaters." The Food and Drug Administration is a criminal network whose job is to legitimate every possible means of poisoning and dumbing down the US population.

Would it be possible to audit/investigate the activities of those agencies (instead of time sponging lawsuits) like how people are proposing to 'audit the fed'?

Yes. All it takes is an honest government and a public demand for open books.

What is the current system/practice that is maintaining closed books? Public figures paid with public taxes =public record?

What would be some ways to somehow separate financial gain/greed from the science, research, healthcare, etc systems/practices?

Open Access Open Everything. I am the champion for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). It is INSANE to allow knowledge to be fenced the way we have allowed the commons to be fenced. Personally I think both education and health care should be funded by the community and free to all.

Great idea I agree - great ideas shouldn't be such surprises these days but due to their scarcity they are

Do you think the "CDC whistleblower" William Thompson will ever testify in front of Congress?

What do you think of the efforts of RFK, Jr (and others) in trying to revitalize the vaccine debate?

Are you aware of the connection between defense contractors like DynCorp, the CDC and the creation of weaponized vaccines?

It seems that the most taboo topics (ie vaccines) are the ones that most desperately need to be discussed. How can we reopen a dialogue in the mainstream when constantly barraged with "the science is in" platitudes (when it's clearly not "in")?

I have commented often on the criminality of the CDC and the toxicity of vaccines (as well as their use to sterilize people).


Come visit /r/theculling, where we try to document the many ways the elite are trying to depopulate humans.

See my review of Griftopia and especially the quote below:

QUOTE (32): What has taken place over the last generation is a highly complicated merger of crime and policy, of stealing and government. Far from taking care of the rest of us, the financial leaders of America and their political servants have seemingly reached the cynical conclusion that our society is not work saving and have taken on a new mission that involved not creating wealth for us all, but simply absconding with whatever wealth remains in our hollowed out economy. They don’t feed us, we feed them.


I'll definitely check it out

I have an old phone and don't feel like jumping through hoops. Here is my second authentication, a snippet from an email:

On Mar 2, 2017 6:28 PM, "Fly Tape" <flytapeactual@gmail.com> wrote:

Could you post a picture of yourself holding a sign (hand written) that says your Reddit /u/username and /r/Conspiracy AMA for verification purposes?

Take it or leave it, I really don't care. The first authentication was cooler, that one is here:


I wasn't trying to get you to jump through hoops or do tricks like a circus monkey.

Verification is for the protection of the namesake of the guests so that imposters don't pretend to be Robert David Steele and do silly things.

I am personally satisfied that you are you, since I got your email from your own website and you replied to me. Others will always be suspicious, sorry for the bad signal this impressed upon you.

this one time, at reddit, someone did an AMA at reddit where they claimed they were Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth


the official story is that it was an impostor, but i don't think so.

this AMA was well publicized for weeks if not months in advance... so how Richard Gage could not have been aware of this AMA is beyond me. "Richard Gage" rolled in with a team, one user claimed to be an actual engineer.

the reason this AMA was ultimately called a fake was because Richard Gage could not control the conversation.

in particular, he could not explain the cause of 9/11 WTC pot hole.

"Richard Gage" tried explaining 9/11 WTC pot hole away as a "100 million year old [previously] molten mica",

when Gage was challenged to explain where the skyscraper footings would have once been, somehow on top of this very unevenly surfaced "100 million year old mica", which obviously would have had to be either excavated or filled in to build a skyscraper on top of it. there is neither evidence for excavation or fill in the WTC pot hole pics


Richard Gage, supposedly an architect and/or engineer, representing "architects and engineers for 9/11 truth" could not explain how this skyscrapers foundation was built, and he couldn't explain where the foundation went...

it was at this point that the AMA was declared a "fake", and that "Richard Gage" was an impostor.

imho, it was actually Richard Gage doing the AMA, and Gage exposed himself as the shill that his really is, and he knew it, so he had to back out of the AMA.

Jet Fuel Cant Melt Bedrock

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Who killed Michael Hastings...and Why???

My best guess is that he was killed by the people he was investigating with a chip planted on his car that allowed the car computer to be hijacked from a nearby car (turns off brakes, ramps up speed). I have no direct knowledge -- we call this "Boston Brakes." The FBI is a theatrical agency -- not really serious. We hae 18,000 police jurisdictions across the USA and the FBI never seriously looks for patterns in deaths -- medical activists, environmental activists, investigative journalists, etcetera. We are coming to the end of an era when people can be killed with impunity. PizzaGate is actually the beginning of this new era when crowd-sourced investigations begin to enlighted all of us.

Michael Hastings named a JSOC associate in his book as threatening to murder him (but claimed others had made threats as well):

(page 64)

Jake came up to me. "We'll hunt you down and kill you if we don't like what you write," he said. "C. will hunt you down and kill you."

[note: Jake McFerren is General McChrystal's top civilian political advisor responsible for helping foster international relations with the 44 coalition countries involved in Afghanistan. Jake was also McChrystal's West Point roommate and drinking buddy....C. was a member of the SAS, the most elite British commando unit]


The FBI is a theatrical agency -- not really serious. We hae 18,000 police jurisdictions across the USA and the FBI never seriously looks for patterns in deaths -- medical activists, environmental activists, investigative journalists, etcetera. We are coming to the end of an era when people can be killed with impunity.

Mad respect for even mentioning this.

You've redeemed yourself for the aliens stuff. (I understand you have to say that, feel free to say whatever they're making you say, I won't hold it against you).

yes pizzagate pedogate is very real and hasta end!

do you think assange is alive?

Is Julian Assange a limited hangout or controlled opposition?

In my experience such people have multiple concealed relationships -- I had an agent once that was working for the Israelis, the West Germans, the host government and -- until I came along, the US Army pretending to be the CIA. I think Assange has done great good, I think he hides some stuff, and I don't care. Too many people think "limited hang-out" is some kind of cool term. Life is complicated. Take the best you can get from such people, and forgive them their sins.

I certainly enjoyed wikileaks pulling down Hillary's fat pants and exposing her crookery. Assange has flat out denied 9/11 conspiracies and derided those who believe otherwise.

I think whistleblowers are an important ethical asset to America - when a chain of command is corrupt or willfully ignorant then reporting issues must be done for the benefit of Americans - usually in the past some of this data would be given to investigative journalists but with the technological age the lines have become blurred - but the ethical intentions are still there


You may want to migrate this AMA to the_Donald it would get alot more support and questions -best wishes

I am more than glad to engage -- sadly, too many of those blindly in love with the Donald do not get that he is surrounded by traitors and making many mistakes -- the most recent decision on the Pentagon getting more money is sheer idiocy and represents a total lack of integrity. Here is what I think is happening to the Donald, to this add Track Five, The Donald Self-Destructing because he listens to Bannon too much.


The Washington machine may be moving to fast to manage without a fully structured cabinet - his defenses are weak - I did like your idea I saw on Infowars about asking the president (Mr Trump) to have a strategy meeting with Mr Ventura, Ron Paul, etc and others (each with a popular following and good ideals for the country, and not bought out by anti-human globalists)

Any chance Trump increased military spending as a bribe to the military to protect him?

If you ever speak with the president - and idea for millenials and Gen z'ers especially would be to have initiatives or encourage local inperson get togethers - we need to spend time away from screens and with actual humans - it is probably is a factor in the generalized anxiety/depression these days due to isolation - the internet is great, you can almost be everywhere at once but it's a lot to comprehend if you physically cannot impact or help any of it - technology is effecting an almost voeuyeristic and sponge - like mentality, the brain is almost like a sponge, but the physical body requires interaction - integration not isolation :)

You are definitely correct about declining human interaction - but we can do a lot about that on our own by making an effort to meet people in person. Communicating via internet is also plagued by anonymity leading people to say things they would seriously reconsider in face-to-face discussion, and all non-verbal cues are lost which can alter the way comments are perceived. RE: your "lot to comprehend if you physically cannot impact it" comment. I feel your frustration - one reason I admire Mr. Steele banging his head on a wall for 30 years with the hope that people would listen. I hope this AMA gives him some small satisfaction that we are.

Whose idea was it to put toxic fluoride in the national water supply?

The guy with a lot a floride and enough money to bribe enough Congressmen to get it dumped into our water supply at our expense.

No one in this country does holistic analytics and true cost economics. Trump has been lied to about the Keystone Pipeline (that is about keeping legacy refineries owned by a couple of rich guys alive so they can export fuel we do not need to UK) and fracking (causes earthquakes, uses up clean water, contaminates what is left).

We do not have an intelligence community in this country, we have a spending cesspool. My dream is to make evidence-based governance in the public interest possible. I can cut the size of the government in half, cut the 50% waste in every domain from agriculture to energy to health to housing to the military to water and on and on and on. We do not lack in this country for intelligence or for wealth -- we lack for INTEGRITY.

We do not lack in this country for intelligence or for wealth -- we lack for INTEGRITY.

This is precisely the issue.

The real answer to this question is the freemasonic cabals that have hijacked the world.

Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland which has been known to be extremely important to higher consciousness for thousands of years. You can find reverence for it in Egyptian hieroglyphs and what not.

If you review Matthew Fisher's work on quantum entanglement in the brain it'll become quickly apparent that this process can best work in the pineal gland. It isn't a long road to hoe to realize that the mystery schools are poisoning you with the intent of suppressing your consciousness from there.

How can one treat the calcification after ~30 yrs? Drink battery acid?!

Lots of Vitamin K2 (shuffles Ca2+ ions to bone cells)

If you review Matthew Fisher's work on quantum entanglement in the brain it'll become quickly apparent that this process can best work in the pineal gland.


Read the excellent book The Fluoride Deception for your answer!

It goes back to the Manhattan Project and the need for an excuse to explain the massive amount of fluoride compounds needed for the experiment.

They faked a study to "show" it was good for teeth and they ran with it.

1)Do you think the Maxine waters and Pelosi being on TV saying stupid shit recently was a psyop to make the alternative /right believe their opponent is stupid and not intelligent therefore delaying our next steps? .. They are trying to play down their knowledge and lethality by making the stupid ones their figure heads while hiding away lethal Soros and others? Like sacrificing pawns and withholding the king?

Chris Hedges nails it: http://phibetaiota.net/2009/09/review-empire-of-illusion-the-end-of-literacy-and-the-triumph-of-spectacle/

Beginning in the 1920's everything about America started moving toward mind control, massive propaganda and more. And we let it happen.

If we can prove intent - why can't this all be stopped?

How dirty is Karl Rove?

The real questions about Karl Rove are these:

01 Does he really represent his Nazi heritage to the best of his ability?

02 Is he a pedophile?

03 Is his asshole stretched really wide from over-exposure?

Okay. I was shooting for an opening more like this stuff but fucking funny reply!

Here's my back-page theory on Seth Rich for David S. Please pass it along if you find any merit. And again, thank you.

Think I'll go to my grave believing Karl Rove called the hit on Seth Rich! I've posted below a long FB post I got off the internet - I came across this in my research of Karl R. and I feel it links to Seth Rich.

I've linked Luke R. youtube video of Karl R. July 31, 2016 and also AJ only to get time stamps but I swear I saw video or image of Karl R. prior to this date and prior to the death of Seth. I've scoured aimlessly...I'm pretty sure Seth met up with him via name dropping prior to his murder. I've no resources/skills to track Rove but he uses UBER and flies cheap... Honestly, I think KR found out Seth had already exchanged the DATA and KR ordered the hit. Sounds crazy, right?

This is how KR would appeal to SR for common ground?

Karl R. stomping the Vote during NIXON Era:


We Are Change - July 31 - DNC


Infowars - July 18 - Cleveland


My research on KR began because of Gary Webb and Arkansas connection to Hattfield:

Jim Hatfield - Researcher and author who wrote "Fortunate Son," an unauthorized biography of George W Bush that included planted information from Karl regarding George W. Bush's alleged cocaine. Rove knew that Hatfield was an ex-con and could easily be discredited along with the Bush cocaine allegation. The last thing Hatfield wrote "Why Would Osama Want to Kill His Ex-Business Partner?" A "suicide."


Cliff Arnebeck July 26, 2016 · ARNEBECK LAW OFFICE

Dear I believe former star Philadelphia prosecutor Beverly Campbell was assassinated because Karl Rove operatives believed she was about to reveal to you, before it unfolded, the wholesale corruption of the electronic voting process in the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary.

The first secret revelation from Mark that Bev shared with me—in strictest confidence, with the caveat that she would deny telling me if I ever attributed it to her—was that: “911 was an inside job.”

On July 17, 2008 I pointed out that Karl Rove had breached the general rule of a successful racketeering enterprise by employing his IT/Webmaster guru, Mike Connell, across the full spectrum of his criminal activities. Mike Connell’s presence was a sure marker of Karl Rove’s involvement. It is now my belief that Karl Rove made the same mistake in having Beverly’s Mark serve as his chief of executions as to all executions in which he was involved.

We learned through our opposition research team from the 2012 election cycle that Benghazi was but the first of three planned attacks upon American overseas government personnel, to serve as props for Karl Rove’s Operations Security (“OpSec”) advertisement. This ad argued that President Obama’s decision to reveal to the public how the take down of Osama bin Laden was accomplished was to serve his selfish political goal of being reelected President and that the disclosure of these methods jeopardized overseas personnel of the United States.

Because of Mark’s high level of service in the CIA and pay grade of $3.5 million afterwards that he claimed to Bev, Mark would have been a likely candidate, if he was not the person finally settled to orchestrate these planned attacks – beginning with Benghazi. I believe Mark gave the stand down order to CIA contractors a few moments away from being able to rescue Ambassador Stevens.

Cunnyngham’s innovation and Karl Rove’s application of it for the benefit of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Primary campaign is common knowledge among employees of SmarTech at which its CEO, Jeff Averbeck, continues to work exclusively on behalf of Republican candidates.

In the past the unadjusted exit polls published by the media have been a reasonably accurate measure of the actual votes as cast by the voters. In this 2016 Democratic Presidential primary election, however, they are not. The current exit polling was designed to anticipate a substantial amount of fraud in Hillary Clinton’s favor. Thus, while these polls show Sanders getting dramatically more votes than the reported tally, in fact his actual vote percentage as cast by the voters is dramatically more. In Ohio, for example, where end of day screen shots of exit poll results showed Bernie Sanders receiving 10% more than those recorded for Hillary Clinton, Sanders actually received more than enough votes to achieve a substantial majority of those cast, entitling him to the majority of Ohio’s delegates to the Democratic Convention. The last reported exit polls before their final adjustment to conform to the reported result show Bernie winning the 2016 Democratic primary. He actually won it by a landslide. There is no credible basis to believe that the reported votes in an easily hackable electronic vote counting system controlled by the very global corporate cabal that wants to rule the world has any validity whatsoever.

Karl Rove’s team covers Republican officials. Rove’s partner on the speaking circuit, James Carville may have been involved, without the knowledge of the Clintons in influencing Democratic officials. Rove’s mentor, R. Doug Lewis, has influenced election workers of both parties. Alwaleed bin Talal, Nathaniel Rothschild and George Soros have directed financial & press support in aid of this criminal undertaking. The mainstream global corporate owned press suppresses the exit polling indicative of massive fraud in this election.

In my July 7, 2016 letter to Attorney General Lynch I described FBI Director Comey’s fundamental conflict of interest in having served as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Legal Affairs Institute of the US Chamber of Commerce. His Institute engineered the Citizen Untied decision of the US Supreme Court to overturn a hundred years of campaign finance regulation against corporate corruption of American elections. Then, pretending to act as both a career prosecutor and career investigator Director Comey terminated the investigation of Hillary Clinton for violation of security laws with her private email system.

I will now go further. When you, Mr. President, proposed an executive order to require federal contractors to disclose all their political expenditures, the US Chamber of Commerce stated that if you did so, “All options would be on the table.” If Bev Campbell’s CIA friend’s report of an implicit threat against your life is true, why was the US Chamber of Commerce not immediately interrogated under oath by the FBI and Secret Service?

Is the fact that James Comey is Karl Rove and Tom Donohue's top lawyer in service to the global corporate cabal, have something to do with the absence of FBI Cyber security investigation of the obvious evidence of massive theft in this election?

Are the overwhelming majority of Democrats who supported Bernie Sanders supposed to shift their support to Hillary Clinton because their votes have been fraudulently flipped or destroyed? If there is such a strong basis for uniting Democrats to be sure to defeat Donald Trump, why are Democratic Party leaders, including Hillary Clinton, backing Bernie Sanders--the man who is outpolling Donald Trump?

Why should any American allow Karl Rove to steal another Presidential election? Perhaps with Karl Rove’s help Secretary Clinton may be able to “beat” Donald Trump, the same way she “beat” Bernie Sanders. But that way she, as the candidate of the global corporate cabal, will have won–not the people. And, whatever may be Donald Trump’s faults as a citizen candidate, it is obvious to the broad public that has supported him that the global corporate cabal’s contempt for Mr. Trump is based upon his refusal to embrace their highly profitable campaign to overthrow the democratically elected leader of Russia.

Very truly yours, /s/ Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.

Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.

Attorney for the Estate of Campbell, deceased I hereby attest and affirm under penalties for perjury that the statements of fact set forth in the above letter are true and correct, based upon either my personal knowledge, or the sources that have been consistently reliable over years of my working with them, and the opinions expressed therein are my true professional opinions to a reasonable degree of certainty. I have written this letter with knowledge of the threat against my life that has been made by Mark R. Nomura on behalf of Karl Rove for doing so and their proficiency in carrying out their death threats by means of apparent suicides, fatal accidents, terminal illness as they have done to many of my witnesses, clients, and even my champion -- former U.S. Attorney, Judge and Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. I intend that this letter be used by any prosecutor or citizen in any federal or state court of law court in any state, or any international tribunal, whether I am alive, dead, or incapacitated to prosecute, criminally or civilly, Karl Rove as the principal perpetrator of the fraudulent manipulation of the 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary Election. /s/ Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.

Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr. Sworn and subscribed before me this 26th day of July 2016. /s/DevinRobinson ________________________ Devin Robinson-Notary Public Ohio 14 Likes6 Comments4.6K Shares

US to hit debt ceiling March 15th--at which point Congress must work a fix...or POTUS will decide on money appropriations until they do. Why isn't anyone discussing this?

One estimate is that the US will have $200 billion left on March 15th and that amount will only carry us a few months, until July.

Yup. David Stockman, who has my vote for new Chief of Staff, has been saying intelligent things about this.

US to hit debt ceiling March 15th--at which point Congress must work a fix...or POTUS will decide on money appropriations until they do.

Are you suggesting that the golden muppet is about to get his tiny hands on the purse-string? Are you joking? Why the fuck is nobody talking about this?

I really hope you can help Mr Alex Jones sue those that cut his funding for political reasons to oblivion !!!!! - he cannot become a domino

Alex plays his own game. If AdRoll has not reinstated him by 1 April Alex should certainly file a $100M lawsuit, but more importantly, should join together with Natural News and all others who are being censored by Twitter, Facebook, Google and Google surrogates including YouTube, in a class action lawsuit. At the same time, he should mobilize his considerable supporters to start public demands for each Attorney General (all 51 of them) to file RICO lawsuits against Eric Schmidt, Google, and the others.

Yes, JOIN TOGETHER big names and large intelligent followings have been attacked - even Pewdie could join in due to defamation - once the legal actions are publically started it would be a domino effect in our favor for sustainment/protection of basic rights - blitzcreig the NWO -stand up, stand together, or fall separately!!! We must take the fight to them they have been firing many small arrows for some time we must FINALLY return meaningful fire!!!!!!

Do you know much about if hemp could be a viable alternative to fossil fuel?

Yes. Hemp and marijuana should be totally legalized. Again, part of the criminal conspiracy that Matt Taibbi calls "Griftopia."

In the context of Flynna and Sessions recent events: Why is the Clinton-Russian Uranium deal not a bigger 'news' story? If fakestream media is why - why oh why are they still on the air?

The MSM is part of the Deep State. The Clinton Crime Family (and the Bush Crime Family and the Obama Crime Family) are part of the Deep State. All this Russian crap is made up lies. A massive narrative is being put forth as part of a larger effort to destroy Donald Trump and the one guy that can get his ass out of sling, me, is being ignored because Steve Bannon simply does not get it.

SPECIAL: Four-Track Program to Destroy Trump


Is the "Russia is bad" narrative in play by the Deep State because of..... Melania?

No. Melania is one of the very best things about Donald Trump. He won in part because she passed the smell test with the 27% voting for him. "Russia is bad" is part of the neo-Nazi neo-con narrative. You have to remember that Allen Dulles and CIA saved the Nazi leadership and their treasures -- the fascists did not lost WWII, they escaped to the US and Argentina and then were restored in Germany, Japan, and Italy by CIA using the gold we captured in the Philippines that created the Black Lily Trust. This story is told by the Seagraves in http://phibetaiota.net/2003/09/gold-warriors-americas-secret-recovery-of-yamashitas-gold/

More recently, from 1998 - 2001, the USA has been running a neo-fascist Gold War against Russia, with Buzzy Krongard of Brown and Root (affiliated with Deutchbank) sitting next to George Tenet (who prostituted his office and let Dick Cheney tell 935 lies after 9/11 to justify elective wars from Afghanistan to Iraq and beyond) as the campaign manager. That story is told here: http://www.wanttoknow.info/911/black_eagle_trust_fund

What I would emphasize is that the USA has been in multiple wars not authorized by Congress, including a persistent war against Russia using economic tools, and We the People have been clueless about the misbehavior of our government (and Wall Street) for all these years.

So.. the character assassination smoke screen is another tactic commonly used against common sense people in the MSM to distract us because 'they' beat the exact war drums that they are themselves are guilty of ?

Why is geoengineering/chemtrails still allowed to occur?

Because we have a criminal government where the Members are bribed and blackmailed to do evil, and Monsanto, among others, feels perfectly fine experimenting with ways to rig the system, the banks are happy to play with climate rigging for futures profiteering, and more. Geoengineering is criminally insane in part because we simply are not ethical enough or smart enough. See my reviews on climate change and environmental degradation.



Monsanto is like Dr Mengle in business form... Intent to do harm.. Damn shame it's being allowed to continue

What are your thoughts on Graham Hancock's archaeological research?

Not familiar

The 'alternative'/'truther' of mainstream archeology: researching evidence of worldwide floods and possible connections/proofs of religious texts, researching and comparing/contrasting multiple archeological sites that push back the dates of civilized society by 10s of thousands of years, attempting to decipher ancient previously lost knowledge, etc - would definitely suggest his talks on YouTube or his books if you have the time :)

I am personally convinced there were great civilizations before, with the aid of extraterrestial engineering.

He discusses/ponders/researches that possibility/idea also :)

He argues and presents evidence for a great human civilization that existed but was then wiped out approx 12000 years ago aka 'Atlantis'.

What connections do you have to current employees in the intelligence community?

01 Married to one 02 Still good friends with my former bosses 03 Hold all current leaders in high disdain 04 Feel sorry for everyone else

Generally I am not known by most -- my time inside was in the 1980-s 1990's. I have a strong following -- fans who want their pride back -- and a modest set of detractors who are afraid -- but on balance no substantive contact.

Thank you. My question had no context, but was not written assuming you are some kind of operative. I was more trying to get at your sources of information.

I have over 80 people that know what I am interested in and send me stuff. None of them paid. A loose network. I scan a lot of stuff. I read a lot. Here is something I paid $30,000 to create, before the USG destroyed my business: this is how I would create top councils for each threat, each policy, each country:


Here are some opeds I wrote for Huffington Post before I got fed up with their child editors removing my graphics:


Did you work with my Dad? At the Company.

Are you aware of George Webbs YouTube channel and work?


And if you are what do you think of him? Some of the things he claim are mindboggling, really puts in perspective the whole spider web of corruption that our government is in.

Heard of him but not watching anything. Am inundated and literally do not have the time for slow moving stuff like YouTubes. If I cannot scan it fast, generally I have to past it by. Also, I collect minds, not data. If I were ever in a position to bring great minds together, his is probably one that I would want to have in the mid.

It's an ongoing daily explained display/mindmap of Clinton/Dyncorp investigation factoids that can quickly show/inform uptodate viewers - he seems quite knowledgeable/informed and would be a good resource if ever necessary to explain to those unaware of the situation

Dutchsinse claims the USA is manipulating the weather via HAARP...have you ever looked into this?

I agree. It is. Very bad. Should be shut down.


Right now I can't complain in the SE USA it's been 50-80s last few weeks

supposedly, HAARP is old-school technology and the new technology is called NEXRAD, which is presumably weather tracking but in fact is weather control

not sure what to believe on this topic yet... its a rabbit hole i haven't gone down yet


Why do you think Mr "Where's Aleppo?" 'won' the libertarian nomination?

I am a Libertarian. Gary Johnson -- whom I let drive my 1964 MGB when we were in New Hampshire together some years ago -- is a good well-intentioned man who has lost too many brain cells to drugs long ago. Today he is a fitness freak, but the damage has been done. The Libertarian leadership is myopic, arrogant, and perhaps stupid as well. Despite STUNNING success at getting the party on every ballot, these morons really think they can win with two old white guys, and an absolutist platform. In my view all parties are toxic because they insist on a party ticket, a party line, and fulfilling party promistes to big dollar donors. My own views on a winning strategy are at http://bigbatusa.org. I would be interested in being the Libertarian Party candidate in 2020 on two conditions:

01 that they meet with me immediately and agree to make a demand for an Electoral Reform Act the non-negotiable condition for supporting Trump going forward and

02 that they agree I can pick Cynthia McKinney as my VP and a Coaltion candidate (however, I would support a Ron Paul - Dennis Kucinich ticket in preference to me, but I think I have a better grip on the total picture).

Not going to happen. I wrote to the executive director of the party a few weeks back, he is blowing me off. These people don't really want to win, they just want to posture.

I agree you would be a great candidate - would a possible better alternative to party politics be the destruction of bipolar 'parties' altogether - People can become informed and vote on their local or federal issues, and representatives even and just do away with 'parties' that are completely over taking the issues themselves ? The discussion of the left right 'spectrum' is totally semantical/pedantic when the spectrum of issues is not like a pendulum but something totally different these days

The Daily Bell (Libertarian rag) interviewed me and I made two points when asked to distinguish myself from other candidates:

01 I don't tailor my message to each different group and

02 I am not trying to be elected to be a decider but rather to restore integrity to the system.


The Libertarian leadership is myopic, arrogant, and perhaps stupid as well.

There's also a few freemasons in there, fucking things up.

Do you think the Hitler -line is being pushed to demoralize patriotism/nationalism and therefore dissolve semblences of unity?

Yes. Remember that Eric Schmidt is the architect of #GoogleGestapo, and that during the election Google rendered tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of illegal undeclared campaign contributions to the Clinton campaign with search manipulation (stripping all searches fro Clinton + Crime to just Clinton while adding + Hitler to all searches for Trump. I cannot over-state both the pervasiveness of the propaganda campaign against Trump and the certainty among those organizing it that we are all stupid. Sadly, Trump has a shit staff and is himself oblivious to the fact that if he does not act on Memo4Trump, he is toast.

What can we get some open debates on 9/11?

Last year, WhoWhatWhy.com tried to get a debate together--it seems no professors or scientific community members will step forward to debate.

Could you maybe call out youtuber Stephen Molyneaux (who prefers to debate amateurs)???

The best work has been done by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I remind people that the first truthers were the Families of 9/11 who smelled a rat immediately. Professors are TERRIFIED -- there is no integrity in any US institution any more, people are getting fired for questioning conventional wisdom. I have no interest in calling out anyone. You can find ample 9/11 truth at http://phibetaiota.net.

Most people don't realize how long ago the CIA infiltrated college/university campuses--way back in the 50's.


As for calling out Stephen Molyneux: I just think it would help get a conversation started...right now the only thing I'm looking forward to is the University of Alaska study (which was sponsored by ae911truth). I think their computer simulation is due out in the next month or two.

What are your thoughts about the danger to Americans that is Fukishima?


Don't give up!

What is your knowledge about connections between Mr Trumps grandfather (iirc) and Nikola Tesla? Do you know if any intelligence agencies kept his (Mr Tesla) limited documents after his death and if 'they' created any of his imagined /genius technology?

No knowledge. Tesla was a genius and represents the kind of repressed knowledge that would elevate humanity.

Tesla proposed the first (and so far only) practicable design for a space elevator. We've had the ability to construct it since the day we put payloads into space (50 years now or so).

The other significant area of his work is dealt with most prominently by James Woodward today. See his paper "What is the cause of inertia?" which seems to have been partially understood by Tesla in his day.

See his paper "What is the cause of inertia?" which seems to have been partially understood by Tesla in his day.

Partially understood? This is debatable. Your reference says: "the electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF) that putatively permeates all spacetime." It used to be called " luminiferous aether, aether or ether" in the times of Nikola Tesla.

We've been able to build a space elevator for 50 years now?! Now that's the real conspiracy here... WTF.

Did you ever work with Michael Hand of the Hand-Nugen banking scandal? Michael Hand now lives in Idaho Falls, Id. should he be prosecuted for his crimes of gun running, drug smuggling, money laundering and human trafficking?

No real knowledge. He was a functionary, not the grand master.

The Bank carries half of his name...he stole millions from innocent people, he murdered innocent people and most likely Nugen so he could make his escape!

What are your thoughts on the concerns/coincidences that the sinking of the Titanic has to do with the creation of the Federal Reserve ?

I've read where the list of people killed in First Class included opponents. Mass murder has been popular for a very long time. We still shoot down entire civilian aircraft to kill one person. Although some histories exist from a public point of view, there has never been a really good multicultural history done from the bottom up, or with pattern analysis, etcetera. Much of what we are told is history is actually a big lie -- for example, we stole most of our land from Mexico in a war based on lies. We committed eight distinct covert acts of war against Japan in order to force their hand on Pearl Harbor, and on and on.

What are your thoughts on the connection between networks of underground tunnels in a plethora of cities/countries around the world to pedogate?

Absolutely worthy of study but not sure I would tie in pedogate.

Cynthia McKinney has agreed to do an AMA. She is new to Reddit and will need to be encouraged to register etc. I have introduced her to Fly via email and told her that our reward will be a photo of P's shit in his pants.

For me, Cynthia McKinney is a perfect example of how the media can shape a story to control how viewers think/feel about a subject/person. The first time I remember seeing her was when she was on nightly news getting berated for walking through the entrance of the Capital building. They showed her screaming at the guards "I'm a member of Congress...you know that!!"

I immediately detested her and, without knowing anything about her or her positions on political topics, became a victim of our own media. It wasn't until I got into 9/11 when I realized how wrong I had been--that I had allowed the media to shape my impression of Mrs. McKinney.

After viewing many of her videos I have a great deal of respect for her and realize she was actually doing her best to expose the corruption--hence she was attacked and framed by the media.

The same type of Dirty Trick was played on our nation by the MSM during the Iran Hostage Crisis. ABC news began late nightly updates to help enrage the citizens of America; the newspapers began counting the days atop the headlines in the morning. I often wonder how many times did ABC (or the New York Times) mention that the Iranians were acting this way as a result of the 1953 overthrow the CIA pulled off against Mossadegh (sp?).

What's your opinion of Tulsi Gabbard?


But Robert, I think she's doing honest work, no? She & Dennis Kucinich went to Syria to get the real truth behind the "moderate" rebels, and to me that shows integrity, no? :(

<3 tulsi she's got reeal courage!

She just called for Sessions' resignation.


i did nt doubt you some have a problem with his racial attitudes

Yeah they do. That's mostly narrative, too. Coretta Scott King and he built the Rosa Parks library, he walks in the Selma march, won the NAACP award in '09.

well well wellll RUSSIA TRUMP ! /snark

TY she must must must must must

of all the days you could have picked, you pick April Fools Day?

What is the population (#) of Earth?

Counting the extraterrestial and all forms of non-human life? The scientific answer: infinity.

Going to sleep now. Will check in often over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, will end my participation at 8 pm Sunday.

ty for doing this

What if any anti-aging techniques are being hidden?

We've pretty much solved aging. The government has a national security directive in place against publishing drugs that are effective against malignant cancers (rapid cell division) without major toxicity issues.

That's important to aging because aging has roughly two causes: (1) stem cells turning off over time, (2) accumulation of junk that the body can't clear.

With anti-cancer drugs that can be applied repeatedly (not toxic or carcinogenic themselves) you can turn the body's stem cells back on and revitalize youthfulness. Absent such non-toxic cancer treatments, you want your stem cells regulatory mechanisms that cause them to shut off as you age in place or you'll get cancer and die very quickly.

Secondly, the body is very good at clearing small waste and large waste, but there is an intermediate zone that tends to get stuck and accumulate in cells. (Very small things can diffuse out, very large things can be removed mechanically) We have pretty robust immunotherapeutics coming down the line that can target this intermediate zone and therefore start clearing out accumulated debris related to aging (misfolded proteins in the brain etc.).

The government won't allow this stuff to really move forward in a holistic way because (1) it promotes a scarcity myth to justify a lot of the bad stuff it does to the lower level people involved, and (2) although we have the technology to support a healthy planet with many billions more people on it, the government can't allow robust economic growth because a thriving middle class is an existential threat to the freemasonic cabal that seeks to lord over mankind.

no direct knowledge but close to 6,000 technologies are being repressed in the USA by secrecy orders (and then you have the ones that are not patented at all including ET propulsion and energy from water and natural cures for everything).

What do you think about Veterans Today's analysis of 911 being a nuclear demolition?


Possible but doubtful. Three towers were visibly done with controlled demolitions, Pentagon was hit by a US missile. Massive covert propaganda elements including drones dressed up to look like aircraft, etc. See below links for what I have.





Have you heard of WTC6? A big pothole was blasted out of it. I'm not an explosives expert but I don't understand how anything other than a nuke can do that.


There were potholes found under the other towers too that according to the mayor, burned at thousands of degrees for months.

For me the fundamental fact is that WTC and the Pentagon were crime scenes that were rapidly eradicated by officialdom. We never did the forensics. It is certainly possible there were nuclear events but it is certain that controlled demolitions were used to bring down all three buildings.

What did you think about VTs claims that attempts to blow up the Lincoln tunnel and Washington bridge would have destroyed the economy resulting in martial law, had they succeeded. Something about the fiber optic cables needed for certain bank transactions, I don't recall the details.

...attempts to blow up the Lincoln tunnel and Washington bridge would have destroyed the economy resulting in martial law, had they succeeded. Something about the fiber optic cables needed for certain bank transactions...

Ohhh shit of course. In addition, it would trap thousands more NYC residents on Manhattan Island, breathing irradiated asbestos dust for days.

So their plan went all to shit, but they mostly made it work anyhow. Wow.

Doesn't it remind you of Dark Knight 3?

Christopher Nolan might be a spook, inception is very real (see Korean war vets interrogated in dream like state by LIDA machine)

Never watched it, but I'll take your word for it. Not into movies anymore - reality is too interesting these days.. and interactive. I probably should watch some just to relate to normal people.

I never did figure out WTC6, myself. Looks like a very low-yield micronuke or something, like a sphere was just vaporized. One of the loose ends for which I haven't heard a good explanation.

Richard I'm gonna hit you with a popular one, and again love your work.

Are the elite really luciferians and into the occult Satatani. rituals? Can you name some of these people that are on the US?

No direct knowledge. All serious reading I have done suggests that an element of the elite -- say 10-15% -- is absolutely big into Satanic rituals including the death of small children. They even have a temple with an Owl visibly on display in Long Island. Our FBI has never been serious in part because it was founded by a cross-dressing pedophile, and there are pedophile, Vatican, Zionist, and Wall Street "protectors" at every level of government and particularly in FBI, NSA, and CIA.

What is your opinion of the Open Government Partnership sponsored by Civil Society and funded by Omidyar? The ideology is identical to Soros' Open Society - yet CS, via the OGP, monitors the WethePeople petition site, is the gatekeeper to all government websites, oversees the FOIA process, and is entrenched in our government agencies. How is this not a threat to our sovereignty and national security?

As bad or worse than Soros. Both are evil. The CIA is the heart of evil within the USG, the USG is the heart of evil within the Deep State, Wall Street is the heart of evil within the Khazarian Mafia including elements of the Vatican and led by the Rothschilds.

and Soros/Omidyar intertwine with them all...

Thank you.

Then we DEFINITELY have to encourage Trump to withdraw from the OGP. Thank you.

What is man?

Woman with balls.

To what extent do you think that open source technologies such as bitcoin are influenced by TPTB? I have been following bitcoin since pre $1 days and have witnessed extensive shenanigans in the scene. I don't buy the success stories of individuals such as Musk and Peter Thiel and the fact that Peter Thiel is such a high profile player in the scene, as well as some of the allegations of child offenses against bitcoin foundation members and Satoshi's fairy tale story makes me distrust the entire scene slightly.

I appreciate that the cat is out of the bag with respect to the technology, but I wonder how well it can succeed when the movement is being corralled by people who I suspect have shared interests with those who wish to dominate and control us.

I think if people actually get to any kind of position of influence without being in bed with TPTB, that they'll end up getting suicided like Swartz did.

It does seem China is getting in on BTC hard. Personally, I'd like to see a more American friendly decentralized cryptocurrency. To me it goes along well with the abolish the fed narrative. I feel like there are so many, eventually it could be like a website and everyone will have one.

It is absolutely vital that all new technologies not be controlled by individuals or legal fencing. The Open Source Way demands that the aggregate be in charge, not any one choke point.

How would you alter the government contracting process to alleviate "cronyism?"

Knowing everything we now know about the extent of the corruption Why do you hold the position that these people shouldn't be prosecuted??

no idea -- certainly all elements of government are concealing vital information from the public, including NASA and probably the Smithsonian as well.

Truth & Reconciliation is a very practical strategy -- it's about creating possibilities for infinite wealth for the many, instead of vindictive justice for the few. Here are a few thoughts on pedophilia and punishment, it applies to other less henious crimes including treason:


ALSO, as a professional intelligence and counterintelligence officer, my real target is not the pedophiles, but the people that have been blackmailing them. I would love to do the dirty on every blackmailer. My focus is on restoring the Constitution and ending the Deep State -- the pedophiles are a stepping stone, not the endgame.

my real target is not the pedophiles, but the people that have been blackmailing them.

Funny how people overlook this. I'm reminded of recent discussions revolving around a given party "supporting pedophilia." Usually that support is bound by a lower age range, typically 13-14.

It's somewhat astounding that people who accept the existence of the pedophilia blackmail ring do not seem to realize that the most direct method for undermining the blackmailer is to undermine their leverage. "Limited legalization of pedophilia" could instantly cut the number of blackmailed officials dramatically.

I just thought I would put that out there. I don't support such a movement, but I at least appreciate that if the conspiracy is real, that would be the most direct method for confronting it.

On an "information" level, T and R makes sense - but does it not also send a message that, under the same laws, elites "deserve" different judicial treatment than the "low rent blue collar assholes that kidnap kids and chain them up in the basement?" Or are you saying we must differentiate between "real" pedophiles, actively engaging in sex with children, and those who use pedophilia for blackmail?

How does T and R deter recidivism by "preventing another generation of pedophiles emerging?" From what we've seen from many of these people, they'd give their "mea culpa" and return to the same activity - be it direct sexual contact with children or "merely" trafficking them. Where is our responsibility to protect children?

Is the Smithsonian hiding the remains of ancient giants?

What is going on in Antarctica? any knowledge on the subject?

No direct knowledge. Have read about the underground stuff and the possibility of an ET or Nazi bases there, anything is possible.

thank you for the reply, keep the good work up man

If you catch a terrorist or a pedophile and they know they are going to be fried no matter what, there is no incentive for them to give up all the others.

my version is everyone gets the truth, no one goes to jail

How does it make any sense at all to give "incentive for them to give up all the others" and in the end let everyone go free? Technically you only say "no jail", that could mean death as well, idk if that's what you're implying here?

"Yes sir, I've raped, tortured and sacrificed dozens, maybe hundreds of children, and we mind-controlled some of them to eventually take over the USG. He, he, he and her were also part of it. Ok, can I go now and go back to what I've been doing for decades?" RDS: "Sure, thanks for your honesty, have a good day sir."

Does this sound about right to you? I mean, are you fucking kidding me?

It's truly disturbing, because most everything else you say resonates with me, and I highly respect some of the people you surround yourself with, most notably Cynthia McKinney and Ron Paul, but the 'no jail' part makes absolutely no sense. I hope in case you ever make it to an election for president or whatnot, that you'll have changed your opinion on this by then.

Have you ever been shunned? I offer you the below link for perspective. There are many ways to punish people -- to include putting them on an island with Dick Cheney and Karl Rove who love each other very much... Please just give some thought to the points made below:


Hi Mr. Steele, thanks for being here.
You wrote: "The contributions of Julian Assange and Wikileaks cannot be over-stated. However, it must be made clear that without the work of retired intelligence professionals and ambassadors and US cyber-specialists willing to risk everything to challenge the US IC lies, the assertions of Assange with respect to sourcing would have been overwhelmed by the official narrative."

Can you elaborate further on the specific actions of those individuals who took risks to support wikileaks?

Please call me Robert and thank you.

There are really two parts to the answer.

First Julian would be nothing if individuals were not prepared to offer him truthful insider documents that reveal the hypocrisy and criminality of our so-called leaders. What happened to the Democrats is going to happen to the Republicans soon.

What I was focusing on is the fact that the narrative from Wikileaks would have been buried by the MSM if a number of us had not stepped forward to challenge the lies by John Brennan. Below are a few of my pieces and one appearance on Russia Today that called out Brennan (and Clapper) as liars. This helped in a small way avoid the flipping of the Electoral College with these lies.

Below in reverse chronological order (in the last one see UPDATE 17 listing, with links, all the people who testified that the Russians did not hack the election, it was all insider leaks or a single legitmate Romanian taxi driver who got lucky on Podesta, and NYPD detectives).






Thanks for the response. Following up on the comment about the Electoral College, what was your sense of the battle for control of the electronic voting machines? Vote flipping on both sides? Just how fictional are these vote tallies? Was there ever any real risk that the Electoral College would vote against their constituents? It all seems very murky... Thanks great writing!

I certainly thought so. And evidently so did Lawrence Lessig, who fled to Iceland during that episode when he was guilty of treason and jury tampering. In retrospect, maybe not so much, but at the time, to someone reading and listening to everything, I thought there was a real possibility of at least sending to Congress for a compromise other than Trump to be named.

Did the CIA fly drugs into the country in the 80's and distribute them in poor neighbourhoods? What is your thoughts on Reganomics and the war on drugs?

Two different things. Read Robert Parry and Gary Webb. And watch me in Last White Hope. CIA protected Blandon who was one of many close to CIA, DEA, and FBI allowed to smuggle planeloads of drugs into the USA. Col James Sabow, USMC was assassinated by US Marines at El Toro Air Station back in the day, he was about to blow the whistle on contractor aircraft flying drugs into California all day long. That's Part A. Part B is Ricky Ross and others converting the strategic drug deliveries into tactical sales earning $2M cash a day. That was not CIA's operation.

The war on drugs like all wars declared by any White House, are frauds -- profit centers for the 1% at cost to the 99%.

Thanks for the reply and doing this AMA. I have been following a bit of George Webb's stuff at the moment. Will have to follow up on some of the other names that are new to me.

Do you have any thoughts on the emdrive, or propellantless thrust tech in general, Mr Steele??

Please call me Robert. I have no direct knowledge. Everything I am reading says that these technologies have existed for some time, perhaps derived from extraterrestial capture or collaboration, and they are certainly going to be mainstream within the next 25 years.

Hello Robert,

You said something along the lines of you guarantee Wikileaks will expose the Republicans as pedos or pedo enablers.

Is this based on a strong hunch or from inside information given to you? Thanks for doing this AMA.

Strong hunch, past knowledge of Republican pedos, and lots of reading. Also Catherine Austin Fitts and others are talking about what is next. Paul Ryan, Scott Walker and Judas Preibus are road kill.

Here are some quickfire ones:

Is Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán a direct Alphabet Agency asset? I assume he was extracted from Mexico for his own safety as his Cartel is under attack by his own ranks.

What is the best proof you can point me to about ET life on Earth?

Are any beasts (like Sasquatch, Loch Ness, El Chupacabras as examples) real or all fiction?

Cannot handle any of these. Just do not know. But see my ET links in another post.

Thanks for taking your time to even acknowledge my questions, that's really dope.

And I will, you gave me a treasure trove of stuff to dig into and research. Always could use more info and different perspectives. Thanks!

http://phibetaiota.net has over 20,000 posts from over 800 contributors. Use the search bar, it works well, but keep searches simple -- one to three words.

Do you believe Bernie Sanders is being threatened or blackmailed into silence about the election fraud as well as other issues?

Or do you think his silence is strategic in nature and he doesn't want to alienate Hillary voters?

Bernie was born a slut. He rolled over and spread his cheeks the first time the Democrats beat him with a serious challenger.

Maybe you forgot what happened to Ralph Nadar, and for that matter, Cynthia McKinney. It's been many years and, despite their good intentions, they haven't accomplished much if anything since they ran for president.

Bernie Sanders did the smart thing -- trying something different.

Sorry, but Bernie made the wrong decision many times over. So did Perot, so did Gore when he sold out in Florida for $100M, and so on. Cynthia did not sell out, they took her district away from her.

There is one word that matters. INTEGRITY. You could spend a lifetime thinking about that one word...and another living it.

Yes - integrity - easy to talk about, challenging to live, and not fully realized until we choose it's internal congruence over anything external. I think you have been there.

Does the CIA or other alphabet agencies raise children from birth to play certain roles in the future? For example, the ones who are likable and skilled at deception become news anchors or politicians.

That is a really great question. I think the short answer is no but somewhere there is undoubtedly both a "from birth" group and a mind-control group that creates people with split personalities that can be "activated." I would stress that 90% of CIA is bureaucratic.

Do you believe that intellectuals like Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are in the msm bubble, or are they deep state assets?

They seem to really be buying into the Russia propaganda and they ignore the corruption coming from the democrats.

Do you have any interest in appearing on Sam Harris' podcast to talk about American politics, AI, open source intelligence, etc... Or have Cynthia talk to him?

Most intellectuals are lacking in both intelligence and integrity.

Who is Sam Harris and why should I care.

Sam Harris is a neuroscience and philosopher. He is extremely articulate and cool headed. He is interested in having hard and honest conversations. He will never straw man your argument for example.

You should care because he is a thought leader with a very large audience. I think he would love your open source everything ideas and hopefully you can talk some sense into him about the deep state. He seems hyper focused on Trump.

Thank you -- read his Wikipedia bio -- a real pity the morons in charge of Wikipedia have never been able to stop blocking mine being that good -- which is why http://robertdavidsteele.com get so many more hits. Many accomplishments to be proud of but on balance too annoying and unlikely to be a satisfactory conversation....plus I generally do not do podcasts. I consider science today to be dishonest and retarded. Association with Dawkins is a negative for me. My touchstone is John Caputo, who is at the intersection of philosophy and theology and whose book, http://phibetaiota.net/2015/05/review-truth-philosophy-in-transit/ I found very satisfying.

TY flytape for the heads up

Fly has managed this most ably and that is one reason I have connected him to Cynthia McKinney for the next one. If you have not already had Jesse Ventura here, that is a future possibility..

please jesse was here before and very very well received

in fact it took a weeek but he answered everyone's question or comment

i really wish he had run with cynthia in 2016 we needed their clear thinkin

The concept is to create a TEAM that engages every voter who wants an honest government. This is not about a president who is a "decider" but rather a TEAM that guarantees the integrity and inclusiveness of the whole.

This is so true

With the internet if we had a transparent block chain goin we would almost not need congress and just have general consensus amongst citizens directly

My vision for a Trump Channel would displace MSM as well as Google, Facebook, and Twitter. We would have Trump-ets going out to all citizens, and then bring back in their concerns and views via PollMole and some other pieces I cannot talk about right now. I hope that Jeff Sessions does a RICO investigation against #GoogleGestapo as well as files sedition charges against George Soros et al.

we need the Rico for more than just that arena but yes all of it has to be made right

trump is genuis at branding i would think his project would be very cutting edge

also i think he needs to keep his family close [folks he can trust]

i would not be staying at the white house until it was completely swept i dont trust obama not leaving his markers everything

plus that FLY is just tooo sweome ! [ i want a zebra but they just dont come that small ;0]

You're very welcome

this is gonna be a epic event

I agree wholeheartedly.


Are Clif High and his predictive linguistics legit? Or is he just a propaganda tool?

No idea.

Dear Robert, What are your opinions on The Zeitgeist Movement by Peter Joseph? How about Jacque Fresco's work in Venus, Fl? I know to get a complete answer you'd have to look analyze a lot of their work. I can summarize The Zeitgeist Movement by: A movement based on changing value systems like our Monetary System through the ever evolving field of sciences through a general System's Engineers point of view. It gets a lot of inspiration by R. Buckminster Fuller and his broad non-specialized work. Thanks, Brett

Like Peter Joseph and Zeitgeist. Venus does not ring my chimes. My work goes into the practical matters of Applied Collective Intelligence and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE).

Thanks. I love what you're doing and I totally agree with it. What do you believe is going to be the biggest struggle for OSEE, TZM, and any other activist organization that means the best for the world?? From my analysis it seems it'll be the psychological disposition most people already have. The "indoctrinated", "brainwashed", or "psychologically subverted" shall I say. Especially when people are ignorant about things since most of their lives are focused on work, pay bills, relax. By ignorance I don't mean to be harsh, it's just a simple fact of not knowing what you don't know. Thanks

Is evolution a deep state invention?

WOW--Dr. Cyril Wecht just knocked one out of the ballpark:



See the below link. Nothing wrong with killing a few of them, but the real protection comes from educating the public and being alert in the future. We have turned a blind eye for decades.


Dr. Steele,

I have seen the videos you and Steve Pieczenik posted on Youtube regarding a 'Deep State Coup' and state sponsored Pedophilia rings. I have also read material you've posted and material from interviews you've given.


  • It is stated on Wikipedia and elsewhere, you have extensive expertise in crafting military Psychological Operations. Did these skills come in play during formation of your public statements about this election or claims of pedophilia rings containing elected officials and other business elites?

  • A followup to the pedophilia question: Are claims of pedophilia - like Pizzagate - being used to foment a political purge, much like Mao did during the Cultural Revolution?

  • Your claims about a 'deep state coup' provide no backing evidence. They are - like Robert Steele's dossier - based entirely on your say-so without any named sources or documentation. What public evidence can you provide to bolster the case that these claims are true and accurate?

  • Your statements appear to focus primarily on a partisan support for a particular Presidential candidate in opposition to another. Do you have a partisan preference? And if so, has it impacted your statements regarding these claims of a 'deep state coup'?

Thank you,

Not a Dr. MA MPA NWC but not a PhD. I have designed a PhD/DBA I want to earn in Stewardship, that combines holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE).

It is stated on Wikipedia and elsewhere, you have extensive expertise in clandestine services. Did these skills come in play during formation of your public statements about this election or claims of pedophilia rings containing elected officials and other business elites?

No. Being a case officer is one third theater, one third manager, one third daring. I turned my back on case officering long ago, what you see is what you get now.

A followup to the pedophilia question: Are claims of pedophilia - like Pizzagate - being used to foment a political purge, much like Mao did during the Cultural Revolution?

I really prefer people ask one question at time.

Pedophilia broke when the Romanian taxi driver suckered Podesta and then citizens stepped in to investigate. Up to now pedophilia has been OFF LIMITS to law enforcement as well as the MSM. I was as surprised as anyone that PizzaGate, now PedoGate, emerged, that is a sign the Deep State is breaking up and losing its grip.

Your claims about a 'deep state coup' provide no backing evidence. They are - like Robert Steele's dossier - based entirely on your say-so without any named sources or documentation. What public evidence can you provide to bolster the case that these claims are true and accurate?

You don't read a lot, do you? Pity.

Your statements appear to focus primarily on a partisan support for a particular Presidential candidate in opposition to another. Do you have a partisan preference? And if so, has it impacted your statements regarding these claims of a 'deep state coup'?

Hillary Clinton is a lesbian pedophile traitor and criminal. To say that I have been a Never Clinton is to put it lightly. I started supporting Donald Trump in July 2015 but my focus has always been on electoral reform, not on a particular candidate. I offered electoral reform eight times to Bernie Sanders in 2015-2016, he and his staff blew me off eight times. I offered it to O'Malley, Bloomberg, and Kasich also. When I offered it to Trump I was blown off in turn by Roger Stone, Corey Lewandowsky, Paul Manafort, and whoever intercepts the mail for Donald Trump himself. In December when I had my Spy Xmas Msg to DT delivered to Judas Preibus via Certified Mail, he evidently threw it away and did not deliver it to DT.

If and when you start to read broadly, you will find that I favor the elimination of all parties, and with the twelve electoral reform fixes, 100% citizen engagement and evidence-based governance in the public interest.

That's a remarkable statement Mr. Steele. Thank you.

Again, thank you for your detailed replies.

Hillary Clinton is a lesbian pedophile traitor and criminal. To say that I have been a Never Clinton is to put it lightly.

I have no idea about Hillary Clinton's sexual preferences. What evidence do you personally know of to support the claim she's engaged in criminal pedophilia?

WRT: Trump, numerous press outlets have reported on connections between he and his campaign staff's connections to Russian state and business interests. For example:

There is the Interagency Intelligence Community Report on Russian US election interference.

And the Steele dossier, which I won’t link to.

This is just a short list of the many associations between Trump and Russian interests personally, as well as through his campaign staff.

My question to you: As an old cold warrior, do these reports concern you? And if not, why not?

Hi Robert and thanks again for doing this!

What do you think of Steven Greer's speeches about how his Deep State contacts have told him that the false flag UFO attack would be orchestrated during this administration?

What do you make of John Podesta's public interest in UFOs?

What kind of evidence, given by a whistleblower or insider, do you think could possibly "blow the lid off" in a catalystic way, any of the major conspiracies? Ie, JFK, UFOs, 9/11. Do you think any kind of "leak" could actually accomplish this? Something so big, with such providence, that it could dominate mainstream media and bring about significant change?

What binds the Deep State together? If Allen Dulles was a progenitor of the Deep State, how did the reigns of power get passed on? Ie, has there been an unbroken chain in the CIA who have always known about JFK, and UFOs?

Do you think Adm. Hillenkoetter was a "good guy"? Do you think Bill Colby was murdered - if so, over what?

Sorry for the long list - I am happy to take reading suggestions in lieu of answers, for any of the above.

You all really need to ask ONE question at a time.

I have managed a false flag, I take Greer seriously but don't think it will come to that. Podesta has a foundation for knowing that there is stuff that needs to be disclosed. A tape of George Bush talking about how easy it was to fool the American people for so long on JFK, a tape of Dick Cheney bragging on how he pulled off 9/11. Stuff like that is coming. PizzaGate is the beginning of the end of the Deep State. Money, secrecy, citizen apathy. Colby might have been murdered -- or simply had a heart attack while canoeing.

At http://phibetaiota.net search for JFK, 9/11, Colby, etc, there are 20,000 posts from over 800 people, it's a treasure trove.

I posted my AMA opening statement but I guess whoever is supposed to host me is not there yet. Will continue here until someone tells me otherwise.

Am on Hagmann & Hagmann at 9-10 Eastern live streaming is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxfYdZud_eY I'd be glad to do a verification on the air and will try to send their audience here.

Do you think Hugo Chavez was killed by agents from the US?

Maybe. I am intimately familiar with CIA operations in that country. I have heard of different forms of cancer inducing guns, and of course it is a simple matter to get someone close to him to administer poison. However, based on years of experience, I tend to consider CIA very inept and if I had to bet my life on it, would lean toward Chevez dying of natural causes. By the by, Cynthia McKinney, a future AMA, earned her PhD with a thesis on Huge Chavez as a leader.

What the heck is going on in Antarctica?

Asked and answered.

Help me out a little? I've read through all your replies and used the search function and I can't find what you've said.

Another question, though. Is LexisNexis part of the globalist conspiracy?


Thank you so much for what you do! Great bit on Hagman, btw. Cheers and God bless.

That's not the right address

That's not the right address

In five minute I start setting up my informal "studio" for Hagmann & Hagmann. Tonight I expect to discuss the four track strategy to destroy Donald Trump, Donald Trump as his own worst enemy, how to save Donald Trump and defeat the Deep State, and what I will do if Donald Trump does not take a meeting (form a Sunshine Government). You can watch the one hour live stream here:


Robert, any info on Sandy Hook?

absolutely a false flag. if you don't want to watch Hagmann, go to phibetaiota.net and search false flag. see my chapter on Orlando also. and search boston bombing.

proof it was a false flag? not doubting you, need proof.

Acknowledging new address. Closing down to do Hagmann.

What are the prospects for NESARA law enactment?

No direct knowledge. I think we need to STOP trying to do any legislation with the current corrupt Congress that neither writes nor reads legislation. It is a pay to play system with lobbyists writing the legislation and Members voting the party line. ENOUGH. We need the Electoral Reform Act of 2017, with or without Donald Trump's "getting it."

The Swamp will not be drained without ERA2017!

I'm back....great show with Hagmann. Will do what I can now and leave no question unanswered by end of day tomorrow. Will also work most of the day Sunday, cut off is 8 pm Sunday.

Why did the western elites turn on Turkeys government in 2013?
Before this, they only had praise for Erdogan. Was the coup attempt really a Erdogan false-flag, as western media suggests, or was it the US as Erdogan claims?

Is it true that the Saudis/Gulf arabs are buying slaves from europe and all around the world? (including children)

All sticks eventually go away. Put the pitch forks down and slowly walk away from the gallows.

What role does secret societies i.e. Skull n bones, bohemian grove, monies, jesuits, etc play in vetting/recruiting future IC ops?

Skull and bones in particularsends a lot of people to intelligence agencies:


How does one join the CIA?

Apply by mail with a thoughtful resume. Preference is given to veterans who speak foreign languages and have advanced degrees.

How connected is the CIA to foreign intelligence agencies i.e. MOSSAD?


What role does secret societies i.e. Skull n bones, bohemian grove, monies, jesuits, etc play in vetting/recruiting future IC ops?

Integrated at the highest levels in that there is a globalist agenda that the dark side of CIA support, but invisible to 90% of the good people trapped in thats bad system.

Can Julian Assange be trusted? What role did growing up in a cult play into his radicalization?

Everyone has multiple masters and multiple agendas. On balance I think he has been a force for good.

Does the CIA do ANY good for the American ppl, or are they just domestic terrorists?

Short answer is no in their present form -- as General Zinni has pointed out, they provide less than 4% of what anyone needs, but see my various links elsewhere on what needs to be done -- I would eliminate NSA, NRA, NGA, and ODNI, but I would EXPAND CIA with signals and imagery directorates, triple FBI and create an Open Source Agency that would be the baseline for what can be done with open sources and methods.

This de-evolution of government that folks like Pieczenik and Alex Jones are pushing alongside you is deeply misguided.

For anyone versed in the basics of conspiracy like people on this forum, we know that:

we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day

and indeed this conspiracy can be easily traced back thousands of years, often referred to as "mystery babylon" or "saturnic cults," etc.

One thing that mankind seeks to achieve through the nationstate is to create alternative structures that can overcome this monolithic conspiracy against us through the ages.

On the other hand, the evil conspirators, among them the CIA from which you hail, pursue policies of balkanization as you well know. The de-evolution of power through the CIA's balkanization abroad and the immense suffering laid upon our fellow human beings in the aftermath of such programs lays bare the bankruptcy of the de-evolution mythos that is now being pushed.

At the same time, we can immediately note the great benefits of (some) centralization: the dredging of canals organized by Washington, construction of the first major canal systems under Hamilton, the transcontinental rail network and interstate highway system produced the world's first majority middle class and great awakening against the den of vipers whom we oppose.

Thus, it becomes obvious that we are not interested in the size of government but rather its effectiveness. Organizations of immense size are capable of even greater achievements. The proper dissident, as opposed to the empty CIA-styled balkanization peddler, asks not why is the government large, but do the fruits correspond to what should be expected at such a size.

We have no interest in becoming another Greece subject to the whims of bankers with more capital than their nationstate, but instead prefer to overwhelm the international cabal's scope with our own size and leverage it to both independence and great achievements.

We could enumerate a wide swath of multi-trillion dollar investments with returns on capital far in excess of anything private enterprise can deliver: NAWAPA, a maglev train system, a Bering straight bridge, a space elevator, and so on. It is within our current technological ability to end water crisis, energy crisis, and so on.

Hence it becomes readily apparent that the most direct route to alleviating human suffering is through an even larger government than we have now, albeit more rationally and humanely directed in its pursuits.

Would love this - current tax system is entirely too cumbersome with too many loopholes

no idea -- certainly all elements of government are concealing vital information from the public, including NASA and probably the Smithsonian as well.

Fair enough. We all believe in limited government. But when your government is subverted by blackmailed perverts, it doesn't matter.

Truth & Reconciliation is a very practical strategy -- it's about creating possibilities for infinite wealth for the many, instead of vindictive justice for the few. Here are a few thoughts on pedophilia and punishment, it applies to other less henious crimes including treason:


ALSO, as a professional intelligence and counterintelligence officer, my real target is not the pedophiles, but the people that have been blackmailing them. I would love to do the dirty on every blackmailer. My focus is on restoring the Constitution and ending the Deep State -- the pedophiles are a stepping stone, not the endgame.

Why HAS the government been buying land? Is it part of a nefarious plot, as some suggest?

Thank you so much for what you do! Great bit on Hagman, btw. Cheers and God bless.
