So I was just cruising around /r/all and was shocked at how many anti-Trump sub reddits there are now.

351  2017-03-02 by [deleted]



Yeah... and some of those subs made specifically to get a topic boosted to "all" barely have any upvotes on the other non-skyrocket topics.

It is so obviously fake. Why is everything "the left" does so fake? Why do they need to lie so fucking much? I am sympathetic to a lot of left leaning issues, but the lying is just unbearable.

I think they were supposed to be the "good ideals, bad outcomes" side of the globalists, versus the side represented by the Republicans which was more like the, "bad ideals, mediocre outcomes" side. "Leftist" lies are a little more blatant than "right-wing" lies due to the larger gap between stated intents and actual outcomes, but even this dovetails nicely with an intended faux-hyperpartisanship strategy.

interesting observation friend, I like it.

It's not the true left doing it. I'm in the same boat. I'm a left leaning progressive centrist, but I can't stand this shit.

These crooks in power know the American people want justice, equality, better social programs, etc etc., so they pretend to want these things too.

"Public position, private position" blah blah.

The most prominent "progressives" are phoneys. Frauds. Scheisters. Grifters. They are pied pipers tooting a false melody, leading the weak minded away to destruction.

We need the people that the establishment hates the most. People like Ron Paul and the like.


Honestly, the historic "left" seem completely moderate on the spectrum at this point, since the current left are psychos.

Defending actual liberal values is now a conservative position.

That's a lot of mansplaining.

No, it isn't. Classical liberalism has never been been part of "the left".

Sweeping opinionated generalizations are always right, too

JFK would be a Republican today

Yes, I know the source, don't see any factual inaccuracies though.

I've always considered myself "left" but it seems like the definition was changed out from under me. Suddenly the left is all about curtailing free speech and against equality. I don't know how it happened, but it's odd.

Bernie Sanders was a true left. He was a socialist through and through, a champion of the people! He has the history to back it up, too.

But the DMC showed their true values when they pointedly ignored him, denied him any media coverage at all despite his campaign being surprisingly popular all the while, promoted solely online through social media and the like. Hillary was instead given the spotlight, and unsuccessfully made to seem appealing.

The people were so desperate for a change, they elected Donald Trump, an egotistical sociopath who's best friends with Russia, who denies climate change, who can't actually run a company despite his claims (he would have made more money through investing that loan, has run numerous corporations into the ground after buying or making them, and his biggest sources of income are a 'university' that takes your money and gives you nothing in return and various golf courses and the like designed to extort money from the rest of the 1%).

They wanted change. Whether they were fed up with the Republicans never delivering on their promises or just didn't give a shit anymore, they voted for him.

Sanders would have won, had he been given a chance. Instead, the DMC threw the race in a vain effort to put another puppet in the white house. Now we have a wild card who only gives a shit about lining his own pockets and has zero idea how to actually do his job.

I mean ok sure he's been pretty steady on the same thought process for a long time, but he's also shown that he wasn't a fighter and was able to be bought or threatened into towing the party line

Threatened more likely. If Bernie could have been bought, he would have sold out a long time ago.

I believe that to be the case as well. There's a fine line many politicians have to walk in order to keep doing what they doing. Shoot, in Sanders case, yeah prolly his life.

Less likely his own, with his age and how much he seemed to care he might've gone through with it, but since he caved it's likely the threat went beyond himself.


Could have been a bit of both threatening with a bribe to sweeten the deal

I used to drink the sanders kool aide too. Then he started shilling for Hillary after being very obviously fucked out of the nomination. Now he is saying things that don't even make sense. He has no backbone. Or something. I don't even know.

Republicans defending Republicans despite intelligence briefings with damning evidence, but you don't see how Bernie tried to get a democrat in the White House even after being screwed? He's been in politics a little long to take his ball and go home after once again being overruled (in theory, in practice more like conspired against) by his own party leadership.

No damning evidence. At all. It's just dems flipping tables because they lost. I voted Obama twice and Bernie in the primaries but this hissy fit the left is throwing is blatantly obvious and off putting.

Hissy fit? High ranking officials don't resign over hissy fits, yeah? Or do most people aspire to help the highest office in our nation but then just get, what --spooked away by a little made-up hissy fit?

All I see is high ranking hissy fits lately. Suddenly talking to Russians is the worst thing people can do?

The Establicrats are overplaying how much the hacking affected the election. Their livelihoods moving forward depend on the idea that Clinton was a "good candidate" who was screwed and their ideology is popular and sound. It also takes the heat off of the content of the emails which were disturbing.

Yet, there is something to the relationship between the Trump campaign and Putin that the hacking story is the window into, the same way that Benghazi was the window into the illegal Clinton email server story. The Russian ambassador meets with several Trump campaign officials in the lead-up to the Republican Convention, and then all of a sudden, the Trump campaign gets some language about defending Ukraine from the Russian backed insurgency pulled from the party platform? Christopher Steele's salacious dossier goes public and within the next two months half a dozen high ranking Russian Government officials turn up dead? The NSA has already been forced to resign after lying to the Vice President about his meetings with Russian officials, meetings that the President was breifed on weeks before?

There's a fuckton of smoke for no fire here.

No evidence at all? Seriously, youre going to stand by that comment?

Prove him wrong..

Yes I do. Show me any. At all. You can't. It's all a petulant hissy fit by dems.

Yea what damning evidence? Hahah

The only evidence I see is from the Left making a complete fool of themselves and committing the real crimes.. not to say the Right doesn't have any bad eggs but shyt, the Left is a whole different animal.

So you poke fun at my mention of "damning evidence" but then just drop a vague the Left are "committing the real crimes" without any substantial listing either and you feel that was an adequate follow-up? We've got to fight better, guy

So what was the damning evidence? What happened exactly that is damning?

Silence... crickets....

They are probably doing damage control over this:

Zero evidence. False reports. How is fake Russia intervention a problem but very real election fraud in the Democratic primaries not a problem?

Sanders is a dangerous idiot, but god damn it he won the primaries.

No one said the latter wasn't worth investigating? The hijacking of true democracy by malicious parties is always worth looking into, yeah? And you should want that -- you should want us to root out the bad on both sides, not dismiss Russia as false... Based on? Are you in the FBI or CIA? Did you personally overhear conversations? No, you're sitting here trying to figure out what's true like the rest of us. But I know inherently trusting the state to tell the truth is a slippery slope. Let's stop playing favorites and seek justice against all law-breaking liars. Isn't that patriotic? Liberty and justice for all?

He had a choice between Hillary and Trump. He made a decision based on what he felt was least bad for the country, putting that above his own ego.

You might disagree with that decision and think he should have supported Trump in order to exact revenge upon the party that screwed him, that's fine, but you gotta admit, it was a close choice either way.

He didn't want to be responsible for trump. No one could blame him for Hillary's loss. That is all that was. He is not giving up his email list and is not giving up on issues that actually would benefit this country. I do concede he has fallen for the Russia narrative, but he usually sweeps that under the rug and gets back to the issues that actually matter.

who denies climate change

Climate change is happening but we have nothing to do with it. The earth's temperature has changed and shifted dramatically for all 4 billion years of its history believe it or not :O

The atmosphere has more CO2 than ever before, thanks to industrialization. CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

Really? Can you please tell me how far back our instruments are currently able to accurately measure the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere in the past?

The Earth also gives us clues about the levels of greenhouse gases that existed in the past. For example, ancient air bubbles trapped deep in the ice of Greenland and Antarctica reveal how much carbon dioxide was present long ago.

How about you give me some facts. How far back can our instruments accurately measure?

Did you know that the earth is over 4 billion years old?

I read that if we were able to get ALL of the CO2 out of the atmosphere, we would only be about a degree or two colder.

>He was a socialist

>a champion of the people


Not making any argument

Getting upboats

Funny, that's exactly what Bernie relies on for support.

Rofl. Sure. Bernie can rely on presenting the rest of the developed world as an argument for his policies. He relies on people not believing in this bullshit american exceptionalism and thinking that if it's good and works elsewhere, it's probably good and would probably work for the US too. You should try looking at what happens outside the US sometimes.

Socialism has been debunked by basically every economist ever. Just ask Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, or any other socialist country how it worked out.

Socialism implies that there is democracy. None of those countries had democracy when they fell. Try again.

Circular arguments with you people. I'm out.

Please do explain how what I said is circular. You gave examples of countries that weren't socialism to prove that socialism is bad, I point it out and somehow I'm making a circular argument? LOL

Is that what you do when you're out of arguments? Make up accusations of fallacies?

Bernie's a socialist>look at this failing socialist countries>not real socialism>rinse&repeat

Same ol same ol.

Yeah. That's not a circular argument. A circular argument is saying that the bible is true and the proof is that the bible says it.

Stop using words you don't understand.

It's not my fault if you persist in using a bad argument and that people keep countering it with a pesky fact you don't like.

It is the definition of a circular argument.

A. Socialism works because

B. Look at this socialist state which works because

A. Socialism works

Oops it failed! It was never real socialism!!

It's not a circular argument, because showing an example of something working is actual valid evidence. Otherwise you might as well call all science circular argument.

The problem here though, is that the examples you gave didn't not have working democracy so they don't qualify as socialism. you can therefore not use them as examples that socialism doesn't work.



yeah buddy whatever you say

If what you are trying to imply here is that people use Scandinavian countries as proof that socialism work and you say that they can't so that because Scandinavian countries are not socialist, then you can't go and call Bernie a socialist, because what he is aspiring to is pretty much what Scandinavian countries are doing.

Oh, I didn't realize that Bernie wanted a small ethnically and culturally homogeneous population that was sitting on a massive amount of natural resources. Because that's the only reason it works. And once those resources run out... Venezuela.

wanted a small ethnically and culturally homogeneous population

Yeah. We totally were talking about demographics. Nice strawman argument dude.

sitting on a massive amount of natural resources. Because that's the only reason it works.

Oh, really?

(Sweden's economy)[]

(Denmark's economy)[]

Please learn to notice when you are about to talk out of your ass and stop doing it.

That's aside from the fact that your argument is just dumb. Oh wow! Countries work when they have economic activity and they stop working when they don't? Geez, I never would have thought! /s Economic activity is economic activity. It doesn't matter if it's achieved through natural resources, manufacturing, tourism, technologies or whatever. It generates revenue for the state.

Venezuela was too dumb to invest to diversify their economy when they had the money. Same thing has happened with Alberta in Canada which is a province that relied heavily on oil. Scandinavian countries don't have that issue. They are smart enough to invest in other sectors of their economy before their natural resources run out.

Lol, Trump turned a million dollars into 3-4 Billion. What a failure!

they said if he invested his money in stocks instead he would have made way more than what he has right now

That may be true. But it sure is tough to equate being a multi-billionaire with failure.

Bernie is nothing but a SELL-OUT Commie. I cant believe i was even considering giving that lunatic my vote.

The fact you believe Bernie is a commie is hilarious.

Socialist* same garbage. Hes a loser, that i can guarentee lmaoo

He's not a socialist either.

Yes he is. He can say hes not a socialist/commie all he wants. Thats exactly what he is. Same with many of his supporters.

Hes a fucking loser anyways, thats the bigger picture here. He was jobless in his moms basement until he was like 40 years old lmfao.

True left? He was a socialist through and through. And incompetent. Did you see what happened to the VA?


Bernie has an inconsistent voting history and to top it off, he doesn't practice what he preaches.

Yeah I genuinely do not understand any support of senator Sanders. Has no idea how the economy works. His presidency would've been just as bad as Clinton's, except his would've killed us with good intentions.


Bernie Sanders was a true left. He was a socialist through and through

What the fuck are you talking about? Bernie was/is not a socialist.

Define "socialism".

You don't pay attention. It is obvious. Massive social programs, expansive government, hostile to business, and Bernie can be quoted saying "white people don't live in poverty".


Seriously, how is he NOT a Communist?

Eh that's all Shapiro talk. SJW used to mean literal man-hating, race-baiting women, now it just means a man who recognizes his privilege.

Yeah hey I don't mean to belabor this when you've moved on but how has the left done those things exactly?

Done what?

Generalizations about a large group of citizens is the goal. Right left, red blue. Whip up some anger and watch em spit blood. We're all much more similar than many think.

Idiots on the right is what happened. Didn't you see their demonizing and dumping everything and everyone in the same basket? They redefined the discourse with their blanket statements and generalizations. It's right on par with calling everyone on the left a communist or a socialist like that's an arguments in and of itself to discredit their position.

I'm a left leaning progressive centrist

It is the true left.

Right on. Injust found this guide thx. to John B:

-It's basically the current manifesto of this movement - would be interesting to find out who's really behind it.

Keep an eye out.

Why is everything "the left" does so fake?

It is mostly the MSM, and now astroturfing efforts that are fake.

If you look at the size of Sanders following, a very big part of the left are actual real progressives concerned about economic justice both as a major left issue in itself, as well as a solution to many social injustices.

But MSM and astroturfing efforts only give voice to Trump hate and social justice talk completely devoid of any attempt to make a connection with economic justice.

This serves both as a way to make left look silly to the right and re-enforce the divide, as well as an attempt to change the way the left thinks of itself.

It is disgusting, but the silver lining is that they've been trying too hard during last election season and now it looks even more idiotic because at least during election season they had a candidate to promote. Now it is hate-hate-hate every time all the time.

It is backfiring. At least with people paying attention, the kind of people who actually vote and influence others.

I agree. I am sympathetic to many leftist causes. What the MSM and the AstroTurfing is doing is making the left look very bad; like a bunch of whiny sore losers. Of course, the point of the MSM and astro turfing, is to make democrats look good and the republicans look bad. The problem is, the DNC no longer represents leftist causes. They represent corporate causes.

The funny thing is that if you are left on economic issues, Trump was arguably a better choice than Clinton.

Abandoning bad trade deals and other protectionist policies that Trump proposed may actually put more money in the pockets of working class Americans by making US job market more competitive than any minor tax adjustments that Clinton would have done.

Yes. Me too. Leftists do have reasonable things to have human sympathy for. Beep boop.

But for real whenever I read MSM I accidentally replace it with FSM and then I wonder what his noodly holiness would think of all this

The problem is, the DNC no longer represents leftist causes. They represent corporate causes.

Yep. They lost because they let Trump be the only one saying he was for the workers, saying he was going to protect social services, etc. It's so weird, in 2016 while Trump was praising universal healthcare and saying we need it here, Clinton was out there bragging about how single payer healthcare will "never ever come to pass". So fucking stupid, the Democrats aren't even willing to lie to the people like Obama did in order to get their votes. The only rational explanation I can offer is that they don't actually want to win.

No but like, how can you even say "hate-hate-hate all the time" about the left without feeling a little bit like the current president who tweets hate for department stores, American citizens and SNL isn't coming in a little hot every day?

They wouldn't be able to shove us off a ledge if they first didn't make us believe they are going to show us heaven. Charlie chaplin said as much, that brutes make promises

Promises. They(TPTB) know what humanity wants, they stole it and we're the poor dumb mates in the allegory of the cave.

It's not the "left". It's the ruling class.

Not a Trump supporter. However i personally belive both sides are taking advantage of reddits outrage to make money.

Shareblue, briebart and info wars for example are making a killing off of everyone's anger. It's like the monsters inc moving but their bottling hatred.

There is a lot more left leaning redditors who hate Trump so I can see why they have more dedicated anti trump subs. I usually avoid all these places as they don't usually allow any dissenting opinions.

I personally find it more valuable to talk to one person who disagrees with me than 10 that do. Those who only surround themselves with like minded people will be forever ignorant.

So everything is us versus them huh?

Everyone should just leave everyone else alone and we will all be okay. Both sides should chill out and just leave the other alone. Stop telling everyone what to do and we wouldn't be in this mess ya turkey.

They are polarising the nation. You remember that women who got kicked off a plane because she sat beside a trump supporter?

Yep, that's the mission. Everyone hating each-other.

Lol both sides lie. Let's be realistic here. Saying "fake" all the time sounds so immature.

What are examples of these subs?

Lemme see... go to all... look for an anti-Trump article from a sub you've never seen before... go to that sub... look how a couple selected topics will have huge upvote counts... while the rest languish... /r/esist/ is the first one I see right off the bat... I'm sure there are many more... cause there has been every other day too.

Marchagainsttrump is a t_d subreddit in disguise. The mods are Trump supporters.

Ooooh... that's an interesting conspiracy... I guess.


Further down. "What would these people do if they found out I voted for The Donald?Ha Ha"-deletedfor

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The fact that one dude voted for Trump is eclipsed by all the other drama... that was actually better than I expected to see.

Well st the time they weren't so open about it. Now it's pretty obvious

These are fringe subs that don't get that many Up votes or comments. Politics is really big though.

Also completely unrelated subs are getting spammed with anti-Trump stuff, e.g.

I believe it, but if you don't think Trump supporters are doing the same thing. On twitter there are thousands of identical pro trump tweets all in the same 15 minute windows sometimes.

I'm very new to conspiracy, but I stopped following Reddit news groups when they scrubbed all the stories about Hillary collapsing and having to be carried into her van. I searched for the word Hillary in a couple of the subs but all I could find were positive stories about her and nothing related to her collapse. That was a wake-up call.

Welcome to the club. They've been scrubbing this site clean of any real information for years now.

Except this sub. Some call it the last bastion for real free-thinking. Others, just another questionable part of this fascinating story

This is basically the_donald 2.0

Rofl... and that the fact that "they" (whoever they are) are not touching this sub doesn't make you suspicious?

Did you try Ctrl-f "side of beef"?

BASED comment


Slow loud and banging

I'm very confused!

0 results. Let's fix that!

The corporate overlords who control Reddit want to keep the site going as a containment vessel where shills and bots can pepper the poor souls who find themselves here with propaganda on any politically oriented subject. They manipulate, delete, impersonate, ban, shadowban, and otherwise suppress and censor speech.

If they knew the truth, why would any sane user of such an abominable site continue staying here?

We should all be preparing for such a digital migration.

I started going back and forth between Voat and here. Voat always posts the juicy autopsy breakdowns of the leaks first these days

"Hillary was campaigning with pneumonia? Wow, that's badass!"

Here you will find all Trump-Russia conspiracy discussions scrubbed. Welcome aboard comrade!

Lots of money pushing the anti trump sentiment online, and also lots of people really hate trump.

about as many people hate trump as people hated Obama his first few months in office. We are a 50/50 nation. So when you say a lot of people hate Trump, youre right. but no more than normal. Half the country, more or less, always hates whoever is president.

Trump is much more polarizing than Obama or any other recent president.

Yeah, republicans said the same thing about Obama.

Yeah, but serious anti-Trump/pro-Obama folks are much more represented in the Reddit demographic.

Obama's approval in the first few months was 60-ish. A small number hated him, but most liked him or at least were willing to give him a change.

People have hated Donald Trump for a long time including many who voted for him. WAY more people hate Trump than hated Obama.

It would have been the same had Hillary won.

Boy, did he let so many people down. And i hear that from a lot of Democrats. Obama has to be one of the worst presidents in the last few decades; the scandals, secrets, and cover ups were too much. Its insane how people perceive someone with the media on his side compared to the media being against someone. Trump smashed the media in the mouth and proved for the first time that the big MSM bully could be taken down and defeated. Also, your statement wasnt true, people really started hating Donald Trump after he announced he was running for POTUS, people actually loved him before that. And if Hillary had won, it would be an absolute disaster for the USA, she has done so many horrible things, thank God she lost.

People have hated Trump forever. For decades, but especially the last 6 when he hitched his wagon to the racist birther suit.

It's amazing how people ignore Trump's nearly 30 years in the public spotlight, being an unrepentant, trustfund shithead.

Doesn't it make you wonder who really runs the show?

I'm a good judge of character. Obama isn't an asshole. Even Bush doesn't appear to be an asshole (I was a little too young to care about US politics pre 2008). Hillary though, has fakeness written all over her face. Wouldn't trust her. Trump is a petty buffoon. Don't trust him either. But the fact that shit things happened under the presidency of what appears to be very fine people really makes me doubt that they have as much as say in things as their position suggests. Or as powerful as they are, they are still human and amenable to suggestion and manipulation. Plus we never really, really know the real reasons they are doing things. Like yeah we can posit that the whole war about WMD was really about oil interests. But we don't know if that's how it was presented to Bush back then.

According to Gallup, Obama by 3/1/09 had a disapproval of 25%, Trump by the same date this year has a disapproval of 51%.

While many people hated obama, you really don't seem to understand the disapproval numbers trump is currently holding.

His approval ratings are actually pretty high if you look at non-biased, non MSM polls!

That's right!

Trump News (TM) the only source to get the Trump Truth (patent pending). Trust me folks I know news like I know steaks and Trump steaks are the juciest, best tasting steaks I've ever had.

No. Many more people hate Trump than Obama this far into their terms. Why even bother to lie about something so stupid?

Numbers dont lie. Like the inaugural #s.

Trump is hated by a lot of people OUTSIDE the US. That is definitely not something that happened under Obama. People outside the US respected Obama.

They only hate him because the media produces 100 hit pieces a day harping on every misquote and unflattering sitting position they can exploit.

Sure, some people hate him because of that. Lots of people hate him because of that grope tape, and all the outrageous things he said on the campaign trail.

I hate him for fighting against transparency, for lying, for putting a bunch of insane religious nuts in key cabinet positions and pay-for-play clients in others (with lots of overlap). Among other things.

Actually my distaste for Trump comes 100% from things HE said, not reported on. From the horses mouth if you will.

the MSM is pushing stories specifically designed to produce Trump-rage. If Trump takes a shit, the MSM will bitch about whether Trump prefers the loose end of the TP to lie on top of the roll or against the wall.

I didn't and would never vote for the guy, but i find myself playing Devil's advocate on his behalf just to be fair. The overwhelming majority of the time, those in a frenzy about something Trump did were totally silent when Obama or Clinton were doing something comparable. You'll get no argument from me about Trump's damage to civil liberties, but the pundits/media outlets complaining the loudest haven't said a word on NoDAPL/Standing Rock. The Trump/Russia hoopla is just mind-blowing. Its the corporate left's version of WMD's.

If he doesn't put his toilet paper over the top, then the man deserves to be impeached. He may be a Russian puppet, but anyone who puts it against the wall doesn't deserve to rule the free world.

the MSM is pushing stories specifically designed to produce Trump-rage. If Trump takes a shit, the MSM will bitch about whether Trump prefers the loose end of the TP to lie on top of the roll or against the wall.

What harmless thing has Trump done that the media has exaggerated into a non issue?

It's pretty easy to just look objectively at what a goddamn baffoon clown child he is and hate him for that.

I hated his stupid lying ass when he was an idiot fake billionaire host of a shitty reality TV show.

Hated him when he was jerking his Twitter off over Obama's birthplace and then pretended he never did any of that, even though the tweets are still there.

Hated him for his idiotic scam products that he'd slap his gaudy golden font name on and shill for them until they failed, then he'd like and say he never cared about them and other people fucked up.

He doesn't need any media pieces to convince me he's an asshole. He did a fine job of that himself when he took out a newspaper ad to convince a couple men of a crime in the court of public opinion and then never apologized when he was wrong. Asshole still won't admit he was wrong.

So stop this bullshit that you either love him OR the media told you to hate him. There are a billion examples of what a shit he was before he ever even suggested he was going to run for President. I'm talking about things from thirty years ago.

But shouldn't you love Trump's hate? Keep it up, pop that aneurism!


** But shouldn't you love Trump's hate? Keep it up, pop that aneurism! **

Please be joking. Did you not watch the campaign? He said a lot of things that disgust a lot of people.

It can't be possible for people to dislike Trump due to things he does/says, the only explanation is ((the media)) are against him!

Or Trump has been in the public spotlight for nearly 3 decades and we all know what a nasty woman he is.

No. People hate him because they are good judges of character.

Fuck Trump, fuck the government and fuck Shillary. They are all fucktards

True story.

It is such an unbelievable clusterfuck.

And here is (one of) the results:

This seems to be the "under the belt manifesto" for these people.

Stay sharp.

Good, the more the merrier. A fragmented movement will never gain traction.

Yeah, but they do that to have more sources to feed to all. Which I don't really care, I never look at all. But, for some reason after all the t_d autistic warfare, that has become the measure of success.

Here's an idea: focus on your own movement and if its mission is truthful & right it will magically gain momentum as it resonates with the populace! Magic

I have a movement?

Meant the anti-Trump movement in general, not you in particular. Unless you want a movement too. You do you.

I'm not anti or pro trump. I'm pro- glad everyone in DC hates their fucking lives right now.

That's.. a new side I haven't considered. More power to ya

I'm old enough to know how little will ever be done about anything. Let the Lord of Chaos rule.

Yeah, people don't like the guy much. Weird, right? You spend your political career insulting and intimidating people, lying, grifting, swindling, and showing your ass, and the American people repay you by publicly making a show of how much they dislike you. The ingrates!

about as many people hate trump as people hated Obama his first few months in office. We are a 50/50 nation. So when you say a lot of people hate Trump, youre right. but no more than normal. Half the country, more or less, always hates whoever is president.

In case you haven't noticed, though - this guy has historically low approval ratings in only his first goddamn month as President. Two top staff members have extensive ties to a hostile foreign power, the man's agenda is insanely unpopular with a majority of people, and people still resent him because more of us voted for his opponent than him. Hell, more of us voted against him (and his opponent) than him.

I Shareblue really paying millions of us to state how much we dislike him? No one is paying me. (I fucking wish someone was paying me to complain about the President online, man!) After a while, y'all have got to start realizing that this man really is as unpopular as people keep saying he is, and he's just another politician just like HRC. The "outsider" thing was just an act.

And not only that, but there is some actual shady conspiracy shit going down in the guy's administration. You know, stuff that this sub used to talk about.

I fucking wish someone was paying me to complain about the President online, man!

If I had a dollar for every time I read this exact line.

Yeah, because people keep accusing anyone who dislikes Trump of being a fucking shill and it's insulting. So yeah, that would be a common rejoinder to such an accusation, and it would be true. Where's my check, Soros?!

Where's my check, Soros?!

This one too.

Well, I am tired of complaining for free, and evidently George Soros is paying people to do what I do for free. Strangely though, no one seems to be able to come up with a link to where we can sign up to complain about Trump for money. As soon as I sign up, I'll be rolling in that cash!

And if you were smart, you'd sign up for it too. I mean, fuck: some billionaire will pay me to sit at my computer and whine about the President?! Why don't you sign up, pretend to hate Trump, and rake in that dough?

All I need is that link to sign up. Can anyone link me to where I can sign up? I would bet that this sub, with all of its super-eagle-eyed conspiracy spotting skills and ability to ferret out information, would be able to send me the link to the sign up page.

Because obviously there are established PR firms that the work is contracted out to. Or it is done in house by employess of the PAC. A sign up website would be a smoking gun.

Really though, your powers of deduction are pretty weak haha.

But you guys are so good at finding those smoking guns!

You guys? Haha

Sorry for assuming your gender

No you just outed yourself as an outsider to the sub, is all.

They? haha

Yeah, because people keep accusing anyone who dislikes Trump of being a fucking shill and it's insulting.

It's hard to tell when there's so many shills and real people posting this stuff. It's just a jumble of shit online.

Are the polls showing Trump with lowest approval ratings EVER...the same polls that said Hillary had a 91% chance of winning on the day of the election?

There were no polls saying Hillary had a 91% chance of winning, from any firm. Polls don't calculate a candidate's 'chance of winning' they measure a candidate's number of supporters.

National polls said Hillary had 1-3% more supporters than Trump. On election night, 2% more people voted for Hillary than Trump.

It's not that simple, considering almost the entirety of Clinton's lead comes from California. The data analysts would have noticed that Trump was even/winning in many midwest states, as well as Florida.

The point being, polls don't give a 'chance of winning' statistic, they just predict what percent of voters will pick each candidate.

Why did you link to the 538 forecast?

Chance of winning is literally there

But it's not a poll. It's a forecast model.

Based on polls.

Sigh. But it isn't a poll.

You can download a CSV of the polls used if you scroll down.

You mean the ones that were right one nationally and about 3 points off in the rust belt? Yes, it's the same polls that have him in aggregate 9 points negative. It's well outside any margin of error or any historical precedent.

this guy has historically low approval ratings in only his first goddamn month as President.

This is such a shit argument. Trump has low likability ratings, yes.. but he also has higher ratings for the things he's actually doing. Most Americans, believe it or not, agree with his travel ban. More people think he'll change the country for the better than for the worse.

Those are just two examples. This overall "approval/likability" rating is kind of pointless. Who cares if someone approves of Trump the man, what matters is if what he's doing for the nation is what the nation wants him to do. And so far, it seems like it is.

Gallup's approval rating asks whether participants approve of the job the president is doing, not what they think of the person. Here's the wording of the question:

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?

On that metric, Trump currently has a 51% disapproval, twice the disapproval of Obama at the same time in 2009.

Support for the immigration ban is a bit uncertain, polls are split:

I would hesitate to say most agree with the travel ban.

That question is very vague, which was my point. You gotta look at the more specific questions about specific policies and more pointed questions, such as the direction of the nation.

As I said, "handling his job as president" can be interpreted numerous different ways. As a trump voter and a big supporter, I'd actually answer no to that question. While I enjoy his tweets, I think that is a bad way to handle the office. The same goes for his constant attacks on Clinton. I love them but I don't think that's what the president should be wasting breath on.

With that said, I do think he's doing good things for the nation. I like most of his policy proposals and EOs (as much as one can like EOs). My overall approval rating for him would be rather high.

You gotta look at the more specific questions about specific policies

Well, the travel ban yielded split polls, as I posted above. When the ban was worded more specifically by mentioning the timing disapproval was more likely.

And if we want to get even more specific, more Americans think Trump's EO Increases the chance of a terrorist attack than decreases. Even among Republicans who support him bigly, only half think the EO decreases the chance of a terrorist attack.

I can't find any major poll that shows majority support for the wall.

A majority oppose ACA repeal.

A majority oppose repealing regulations designed to fight global warming.

People DO see him as someone who keeps his promises, but I don't see any data that suggests a majority actually wants him to.

I just don't see polls that support what you're saying, but if there's some I haven't found I'd like to see them.

All that said, the OP and most of this thread was about antipathy towards Trump, and the broad question of approval rating is enough to show that people don't like him. The Pew studies also show that those who don't like him are very likely to feel that strongly.

The polls I tend to follow is, because they have a history of actually being accurate (i.e: they correctly predicted Trump while everyone was giving him a 3% chance).

Sadly you'll need a premium sub to see the breakdown.

They were more accurate in the last presidential election, but I'd take that with a grain of salt. They were among the less accurate in their polls for the 2010 and 2012 elections and have continually produced results that tilted more conservative than other polls.

That said, is there a particular poll of theirs that shows approval for specific Trump policy?

That's a bullshit argument because it doesn't take into account Reddit demographics

You do realize websites are not exclusive american? While many Americans hated Obama, the world hates Trump.

I don't understand how the system we've always used to determine the President is now a loophole because you disagree with it.

A lot of people have considered the electoral college a loophole for a long time.

And honestly, I don't really buy any of the arguments for it in the first place.

If we didnt use the college, many states would not have real representation. It equalizes the big cities with the vast majority of America everywhere else. I dont want a president to run for office and only have to speak in NYC, LA, Chicago, and Houston. If you want to breakdown the electorial college you need to get rid of gerrymandering in the states as well. How that would change the vote would be interesting but still, people in smaller states like Vermont would want to be heard out equally.

There were 2.5 million people in the US when the Electoral College was created.

It's outdated.

I guess that's why he's polling at almost 60% approval in every real poll right now?

every real poll

What have you decided are real polls and what are not?

I've never met someone who has been polled for these things.

Which means these polls are based on less than 1% of the population.

I've never met someone who has been polled for these things.

You ask every person you meet whether or not they've participated in a poll?

I've talked about the subject a lot when the news was letting us know Ted Cruz was up two points and Ben Carson was down 3.

No one I know, has ever been polled.

Which means these numbers either represent a very small percentage of the population, or more likely, the media makes them up, to shape our perception of the world.

Obama's approval rating ended at 60%. Do you know anyone who was polled about this topic?

I've never asked anyone whether or not they've been part of a poll. I've been part of online polls, but never a Gallup one.

Regardless, the polls can easily be manipulated.

We shouldn't apply one poll's percentage to the whole population, because obviously not even close to every person has been polled for whatever poll.

because obviously not even close to every person has been polled for whatever poll.

You do understand how population sampling work, right?

Regardless, the polls can easily be manipulated.

This I agree with.

Statistical significance can be determined by way less than 1% of members in a set. Gallup typically polls about 1,000 people and gets a solid 94% confidence in results usually.

You get diminishing returns the more people you poll - doubling the sample size would yield slightly higher than 95%.

Yeah, I don't think those 1,000 people can represent 323,000,000 people.

It's not that they represent them perfectly, it's more so they represent the spread of the data. 1,000 people is usually enough to generate a normal distribution, which we can extrapolate to the whole. That's why polling 1,000 random people gives roughly the same result across 20 different polling organizations.

Medical testing, finance, economics, marketing, civil engineering, all of them are based on this principle. It is not unique to pollsters.

Why do you trust these polling organizations?

I don't think 1,000 people can represent 323,000,000 at all.

Why do you trust these polling organizations?

Why do you trust your "real" polls over the "fake" ones?

Where are my real polls?

So 535 members of congress, and one president, can represent 323,000,000 people?

Where are my real polls?

You tell us.

Why do you believe polls that say Trump's approval is 60% if polls are so easily manipulated?

You think I'm someone else.

Trump is a fraud to the Royal families and their secret society network.

He and Alex Jones are Zionist puppets.

My mistake, I thought you were the one who cited the 60% approval rating figure.

I'm here to tell people not to take these polls as gospel, because they aren't truly accurate, are often times are just made up.

My mistake, I confused you with another poster.

Thankfully statistics is slightly more complicated than your gut feeling.

I've never met anyone from India. Therefore, India don't real.

Why are you talking about polls if you don't even understand the elementary concept of sample sizes...?

Do you think 535 members of congress and one president is fair representation of 323,000,000 people?

Statistically? No. 535 is a pretty shit sample size.

Do you think I can determine your views by looking at polls taken by other people?

You're getting downvoted for questioning some absolute nonsense propaganda.

They pop up quick. R/esist really grinds my gears.

I feel they use a 'build it and they will come' mentality. Setting up some new hate sub, seeding it with bots and fake users until it attracts it's target demographic and self propagates.

The rate they spawn makes me think it's organized, obviously new subs don't reach the front page on their second day.

They really have gutted reddit to the point where I can barely use it because it is all so biased and just reeks of phoniness

every subreddit is build it and they will come..

Very true.

But these are manufactured with an agenda, designed to pull in unsatisfied voters/trump haters/what have you. They control the direction of these subs and unify them for their motives.

Constantly pushing shit to the front page makes it seems like it's reddit's consensus that trump is literally Hitler and people trust reddit at face value (usually not even reading linked articles)

everyone has an agenda, I'm not surprised.. you just have to figure out the truth from the lies.

Yeah but that agenda used to be "let's all rally around this game/anime/meme we all like" but now the entirety of reddit is being manipulated for political gain.

it's always some kind of influence, economic or political..

that has always been the case, I suppose that what reddit is for.

Idk why you're getting downvoted, you're 100% right

It's also possible the largest demographic of reddit users became voting age and thus possibly more political.

That's why I think it's important. Reddit is where most young voting age adults get their info. Or at least the net-savvy ones do so that info needs to be homogenous with what they grew up in: an 18 year old has consumed 8 years worth of Obama programming via school and media it's all they knew since they were 10. Bush is hardly a thought and is thought of as a joke. So they gotta catch them in the bud yet again before they inform themselves.

I wanted to make this thread, but knew it would just get downvoted and ignored. There are ones without Trump in the name either, like /r/esist.

Does anyone remember a bunch of anti-Obama subs showing up when he became president?

No, because Reddit is left leaning. It's not a conspiracy, the site is made up of university kids, people in STEM fields and you guys are surprised there's a liberal bias here on Reddit?

Im left leaning, but this shit is just pissing me off. Its not promoting left leaning ideas, its just bashing Trump. Its not helping. Is this a DNC website or a left leaning website? The two are complete opposites.

I meant this being a left leaning website is why you didn't see a bunch of anti Obama subs when he was first elected. He was pretty popular his first couple of months with a 68% approval rating. Even when he started to fuck up with wiretapping and drone strikes he remained neutral to most redditors so not enough anger to create multi anti-obama subs.

You make an excellent point regarding the forces agenda being DNC and not left leaning. I would venture that about 70% of my legitimate friends (not acquaintances) are left leaning and we are always able to discuss politics with civility. The forced DNC motive is increasingly more apparent than ever before and it greatly inhibits honest opinions without ridicule.

Among other things, the number of Reddit users has increased by an order of magnitude since then, the site has become far more of a place for political discussion and the comfort people have with creating new subreddits has drastically increased.

Trump is a garbage fire. Just because his opponent was the embodiment of the corrupt establishment does not make him better.

Psst. Trump didn't start the fire.

It was always burning since the worlds been turning..


.5 cents has been deposited to your account

Rule #10

You sound like someone who has done zero research on anything.

This is the group that has become the biggest mass of sore losers in human history, ever. They are taking it to epic levels. If Hillary won we would be told to suck it up and STFU.

But you'd do the same thing. Who cares?

nah, if it was reversed, reddit would ban every anti hillary sub once it would pop up

No, you wouldn't. Not everyone has the memory of a guppy. I remember tons of the shit that was said about obama. Don't act like the republicans werent obstructionist dicks the entire time obama was president

Or maybe it's all fake and this is their divide and conquer strat.

Or maybe it's all fake and this is their divide and conquer strat.

Right but I have no evidence to think that, based on all my observations on how the Republicans act in government over my entire life

Act is the key word. They are actors. Don't buy into their failed attempts at manipulating you. The right and the left both expand the powers of the government, work toward taking away your civil liberties, spend like crazy increasing the debt, continue the perpetual war on terrorism and drugs...

Ah! This is the conspiracy-mindedness I miss. And a republican president wouldn't have had that sweet executive power to throw around if a democratic one hadn't helped pave the way, yeah? Either way, it's just one guy signing off... Kind of ruins that whole checks and balances thing.

Kinda weird to have a problem with conspiracy-mindedness when you arguing in the conspiracy sub huh.

It probably is. But people happily participate in it by being morons who think in black and white.

Wait where was the opposition when Obama was elected into office? I dont remember marches and violence? Oh yeah there wasn't, we wanted a peaceful handover of power to the elected president and he got one. W Bush didnt even speak out for or against him over the course of his administration.

Clinton asked Trump if he would cede power peacefully if she won the presidency, and apparently it was only a one way question.

That's bullshit and you know it. You may not have as much support in the msm, but you are talking about the aside that purposefully shut down the government. Damn do some people have short memories.

Don't buy into the dog and pony show.

Would you mind explaining?

The right and the left both expand the powers of the government, work toward taking away your civil liberties, spend like crazy increasing the debt, continue the perpetual war on terrorism and drugs... don't buy it.

But I like dogs and ponys. That's why I go in cute animals and get up voted. Don't you like cute animals?

If Hillary won we would be told to suck it up and STFU.

You mean like Trump and all the T_D people have been doing ever since?

Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah

ROFL. Considering how republicans haven't stopped whining about Obama until the very very end.... hell what the fuck am I saying, they're STILL whining about it, very rich of you to call anti-Trump "Hillary sore losers". Trumpets won and they still whine.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ya.

If that's the kind of counter arguments you can offer, you can't seriously wonder why people who hate Trump persist in hating him.

It's foolish to believe this couldnt happen naturally.. hello look at the demographic of this website..

You are gullible if you think what is happening now on reddit happens "naturally"

Yeah you're not joking, exhibit A would be this sub

It is just a phony attempt to make it look like there is some sort of Trump hate fueled unity on the left.

There isn't.

They shoved Clinton down our throats despite Sanders beating Trump in most polls, which tells me that people signing the checks to Democratic party actually preferred Trump to Sanders.

That the same people are now whipping their PR jockeys into a frenzy trying to make Trump look bad in order to get the left to fall in line again is the level of hypocrisy I haven't seen in a long time.

I literally don't think you could find anyone to pay to make trump look bad. He's doing that all by himself.

Lmao he is? How so?

Enjoy, friend.

Gtfo of here with those paid activist websites lmao. All bologna. If he were corrupt or broke the law, he would be in jail. Stay updated on that shit website though lmfaoooo

"Paid activist"? Have you been drinking the trump twitter cool-aid?

"Paid activist"? Have you been drinking the trump twitter cool-aid?

That literally is paid activist propaganda, it's not even in dispute. The site is run by a Hillary Clinton staff member. This information is freely available online. But I suppose you already know this and are simply trying to convince others that you don't.

*ex Clinton staffer. So what? It doesn't make any of the information contained therein less true.

*ex Clinton staffer.

Oh, excuse me. He only used to have money thrown at him by Hillary's campaign in order to smear Trump in any way possible to advance her goals. Now that the election's over, he's no longer a paid propagandist, but a normal citizen like your or me who only has our best interests in mind and has no narrative to push whatsoever.

Your site has flaws, deal w/ it.

Keep drinking your fake news kool aid

NY Times and Washington Post are fake news now?

Nice try Donald Trump.

LMFAO yes they absolutely are! Theyve both been caught lying an insane amount of times since the beginning of the election cycle. Along with many other media organizations. The fact that you think only the POTUS thinks they're terribly fake is also pretty insane, it's known to everyone outside of r/politics to be extremely left-wing biased media that has been caught lying and selectively editing many of their articles. Look more into it, theres tons of proof and evidence and it just shows you how biased the MSM is nowadays and what little they do to hide it.

No. The Washington Post and the New York Times are not fake news.

Whatever makes you sleep at night, man.

They should print on toilet paper, cause that's where those publications belong.. HHAHAHAHA

He got elected President, you can quit shilling, no one's biting.

You can stop jumping he shark at every opportunity. Like accusing Obama of being a Kenyan citizen. We've both got post histories, dickhead. Just because I have a different opinion to you does not make me a paid shill. PS: I'm Australian and living in Australia. The only dog in this fight that I have is the one that's bound to blindly follow every dumb war that America gets itself dragged off to.

You sound like a dumbass getting involved in our politics, perhaps you should stick to /r/Australia.


Nice retort bogan the braindead.

It's easy to hate a narcissistic lying moron.

this is exactly why I hate all politicians!

Agreed, though you can't lump Trump in with 'all politicians'. His stupidity surpasses the normal ineptitude of regular politicians.

Some might argue opposite and that in his own crazy way he's kind of a genius.

Some would be wrong.

He is the President of the USA. He is also a successful billionaire businessman.

But yes, keep going on about how much of an idiot he is and how everyone who disagrees with your political opinions are stupid! Sad!

Like I said in another comment. He indirectly manages to unite people towards somewhat positive causes.

I agree. I would even remove "somewhat."

Could never be a redditer, they're the bastion of all that REEEEEEEEEs

Then they are as dumb as him.

And yet the establishments of both major parties were unable to keep him from winning the presidency of the United States.

He's managed to unite so many people in his own crazy ways. No other person on Earth has managed to motivate people to help refugees so much. Because of him celebrities and thousands of people are working together to help fix the refugee crisis. They've even raised thousands of dollars.

Stupid like a Fox!

What does he lie about? Lmfao

Basically everything, from his tendency to use superlatives all the damn time (I am the best wall builder / I'm the best with women / etc), which are just weird and dumb and really only just confirm his Narcissistic Personality Disorder. To the things where he is hopefully just ignorant about, like thinking that enacting a tariff would help the US economy or about how the American economy is basically Greece on steroids. Things which if he asked any economist, and paid attention to their answer, he might learn a thing or two about how amazingly wrong he is.

I could go on and on. He blames Obama for the mess he's inherited, but most of the jobs that have been created so far are due to his policies. Not that they're anything special, just that they are the tail-end of things that happened in Obama's term. He praised almost 230k jobs created in January as his work, but either he's stupid or he's lying or he's just in it for the media spin, because that was Obama's work. The wall and other immigration issues will only hurt the economy, but really these aren't economic fixes, they're feel good fixes. They're for the closet racists of America who think to 'Make America Great Again' we need to 'Make America White Again'. He wants to capture the feeling of America after WW2, but little does he know that the job and housing boom during this period was in part due to some pretty high taxes.

How about the 'terrorism threat' from people who come over our border, when almost every single 'threat' over the past few years was either planted by the FBI or a homegrown white supremacist who has gone crazy on his own, or now has gone crazy because of the Trumpian rhetoric of hate and racism.

Essentially, when he says things like, "Nobody reads the Bible more than me" / "Nobody knows the system better than I do." / "Nobody understands the horror of nuclear more than me." it's so obvious how he's just grandstanding that it simply cannot be true. Especially how he says he knows the system, but then things he says show how he has barely a grasp on how it works, let alone what some of the key acronyms even mean.

He's a moron, pure and simple. And many of my fellow Americans have been duped by him, just like so many got duped by Obama. Because they think he'll be a breath of fresh air into the stangnant and disgusting Washington Swamp. Which, of course, he's going to drain by hiring Wall Street cronies and others of the 1%.

When asked where did Trump lie you answered:

Basically everything, from his tendency to use superlatives all the damn time (I am the best wall builder / I'm the best with women / etc), which are just weird and dumb and really only just confirm his Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

So he uses superlatives and apparently has a narcissistic personality disorder. .. Hmm

To the things where he is hopefully just ignorant about, like thinking that enacting a tariff would help the US economy or about how the American economy is basically Greece on steroids. Things which if he asked any economist, and paid attention to their answer, he might learn a thing or two about how amazingly wrong he is.

I dont even remember him ever saying our economy is basically Greece on steroids? well ok.

Wow I am reading the rest, and you are really misinformed. Wow Trump supporters are "Closet Racists" and they want to "Make America White Again'.. Ok no you are really really out the fuck there.

"And I'm telling you we need to get our act together or we're going to be Greece on steroids," he added.


What about his diatribe against Gonzalo Curiel, an American, but apparently biased Federal Judge, because he is, according to Trump, 'A Mexican'.

I get you're a Trump apologist, or seem to be, but really. You need to pay more attention. Trump is a horrible person and anybody who supports him is either ignorant, or an asshole.

I get you're a Trump apologist, or seem to be, but really. You need to pay more attention. Trump is a horrible person and anybody who supports him is either ignorant, or an asshole.

Well I must say this comment is about as ignorant and assholish as you get.

As for paying attention? Maybe you need to get out of your hugbox, Hillary literally fucked all Democrats over. You don't give a shit though.

The same people who fund her and funding coups in other countries INCLUDING THIS ONE. You want a person like that for president? Do you not see the corruption?

Why the fuck are you in the conspiracy sub when you really believe everything the media tells you?

Holy shit you dumbass.. You need to think for yourself. The media is LYING TO YOU. They want you to ignore everything the DNC is doing while casting aspersions on the Trump campaign. 75% of the opposition is paid for, its a way to divide the country.

Why? Clinton lost and the corrupt are scared. You want to defend the corruption to keep hold of the Obama status quo?

Just stop. You aren't intelligent or informed. You just think Dems good = Trump bad = Nazi.

Maybe you should have been around when the DNCleaks were going on.

I agree. Fuck Clinton. She would have been worse than Trump, and that's a hard act to beat!

Don't assume just because someone dislikes Trump that they like Clinton. Just assume good taste.

Hahaha You're ok in my book!!

It's hard not to believe it's organic.

i know it's crazy....... almost like people don't like him.

No, OP is talking about the rate at which all these anti-Trump subs sprung up. There are plenty of other subs that existed and were already part of the the reddit algorithm before his inauguration. Since then, though, it's like a new one crops up every week and hits the front page.

Because most of America hates him.

The europeans hate him too.

I saw a map that said different. The stock market is up at all time highs, so they don't hate him. Most of our allies don't hate him, in fact every person voting to leave the EU doesn't hate him.

This election wasnt even about Dems vs Republicans as much as it was a fight against Globalism .

Why not.. creating subs is free. Also reddit has grown more popular in the last 4 years.

The same response is see every time. You are either a shill or just dumb as fuck. When you reach /r/all everyday with only 1 BIG upvoted thread in your subbreddit and everything else has no upvotes/comments, it's totally boosted by bots.

I really hope you are just a shill at this point because i can't believe people can be this dumb.

You know what's dumb? The idea that eight -- EIGHT -- people in the current administration have been linked to Russia in a way that at least begs for serious questions to be asked and this sub front doesn't have ONE serious post discussing it. You're transparent. This whole "blame the other side for what we're exactly doing" is played out and thank god. Thank god that social evolution and logic can prevail against the best efforts of some very evil people.

1) Find a mirror 2) Believe

Rule 10

Get Reddit Enhancement suite and filter all those shite subreddits out.

I have hundreds of subs filtered. Go through the first 50 pages of /r/all filtering all the fucking soppy shit and sjw shit you find (Hover over the subreddit link and a window will pop up with different options including 'filter') and then refresh and repeat. Do it a few times and you should be sorted.

Also subscribe to /r/undelete, /r/longtail and other similar subs to catch a few things you may have missed.

thanks for the protip!

Sometimes I enjoy seeing the blatant lies so that it's easy to know who my enemies are

Some of them are quite funny. What's wrong with meme magic?

Ya, ahhh ummmmm right, right.

Groovy baby, just groovy.

Gee, it sure is hard to believe people might actually be opposed to that blithering orange idiot, must be shills at work!

/r/conspiracy logic: hugely unpopular president has negative subs created about him, must be some secret underground movement

... Errr, sure. Definitely don't feel like this sub was taken over by #MAGAbots... Definitely not.....

I don't find it so hard to believe. His approval rating is a historic low for this point in a presidency.

All ya'll downvoted down here have to wonder, who are the highly engaged of /r/conspiracy? Clearly anti-Trump anything is not welcome here, and I think in a supposed close election that seems a bit statistically unlikely, yeah? Or are all conspiracy theorists pro-Trump and willfully blind to the obvious and fun puzzle that is the Russia connections? Seriously, not a one person here wants to even try to put it together, just to laugh at "how stupid" that is?

Why are you shocked? Trump is pretty fucked-up.

Honestly fuck that dude

While i am sure that these shill sites are seeding the internet. You must remember that trump remains highly unpopular especially with the average dem of reddit user. It might be easy to fall into an echo chamber and think everything is fine but regardless what shills say he is not well liked. I think what is more damaging is the divisions we are seeing not only on reddit but in society as a whole. I think these paid shills exist on both sides to further exasperate the divisions and troll people. People need to realize that trump clinton ctr are all on the same side its all about the money. People are just manufacturing fake outrage and anger against opposing viewpoint.

I like your outside-the-box thinking. Despite what this sub's pretending to do, herd mentality and conspiracy truth-seeking aren't supposed to go together.

Not only that OP, they are also trying to push anti-trump in totally unrelated subs. r/scifi wasn't too happy about this particular post. Check out the comments.

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That's what happens when you create a meme. Your cheeto overlord is hated by a LOT of people everywhere in the world because of his shitty personality. No conspiracy here. Just an unbelievably idiotic president that has turned into an Internet meme and is disliked by a serious number of people.

r/ImpeachTrump was created 12 months ago by a user who is a mod for 538 subs.

Let they sink in.

r/ImpeachClinton was also created a year ago.

Clinton didn't have <1% chance at winning her party's nomination.

I didn't downvote you friendo. Let that be a testimony to your ability to draw logical conclusions.

Yes, it's all a huge conspiracy.. Oh wait, no one forced his team to meet with Kislyak, it would seem they did that on their own. If you like history, let's tie the Trump business dealings to Russian oligarchs.. I'll wait while you dig, this should be fun for someone who actually likes conspiracies, and not someone who's, you know, a disingenuous ostrich.

Make baseless statements and tell ME to dig? Cute story, bro.

Right. Baseless. I'm not seriously asking you to do anything, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him give a shit about common sense.

Just for shits and giggles, I looked back at early polling. Trump had a massive lead over the other Republicans by the end of July 2015 way more than a year ago.

I downvoted you because it's irrelevant to the point being made.

You have a shallow end of the pool in your brain if you think that makes a difference.

They have to because their unique views are shit

Regardless of if all the new subs attacking Trump are from CTR or share blue what ever it's called, Trump is still a disgusting human being and we need to not blindly follow him, just like we needed not blindly follow Obama or believe in his promises of hope for change

A thinking one among us! Bless you

It's also bled into nearly every popular sub on here too. Advice Animals has an anti-Trump post hit the front page every day (sometimes more than one). And most of the comments there are "OMG, stop with politics in this sub."

Yeah everyones like totes stop making the badger give a fuck, bc we don't #MAGA

I live in the UK and I hate going on r/all there's constantly atleast 3 related articles bashing him for things that shouldn't even reach the Trump hate subreddits it lacks any substance, it's normally taken out of context and could be put on the same level as clickbait where if you invested 5minutes of your time you can find out they really dramatiscized it or took it out of context, the only two things I disagree with Trump on is getting the Feds involved in legal marijuana and the mission which a soldier lost his life, the weird things are the comments they are so anti trump always making fun of r/thedonald the people there actually seem to like Trump instead of just preferring him to Hilary which I find crazy how anyone can genuinely like the guy but they are nowhere near as crazy as the pro Hilary lot, to support Hilary you gotta be one of those people that do literally 0 fact checking.

I don't like Trump I think he's a smug egotistical cunt, but I think wayyyyy worse of Hilary and for that reason would of voted for Trump or maybe some 3rd party candidate but I was so passionate in my hate for the Clinton's that I probably would have voted Trump.

"I don't like Trump but I hate Hilary more so like I'd rather read shit on that bitch despite who's actually a danger to me" - basically you

the only thing I hate worse than Trump is a lot of the ridiculous arguments against him. Same with Obama and Bush for that matter, it's always partisan crap like how the do something completely meaningless.

Definitely -- people in major positions stepping down after a few weeks, possible collusion with a foreign government to undermine democracy... It's like, get a life gossipers, you know?

I don't browse /r/all anymore for that reason. Only very rarely. As I've posted before there are times when all shariablue-like efforts are "off duty". When that happens it's such a breath of fresh air to see reddit by the people and for the people again.

Look at this shit. A post supportive of TPTB on the front page of r/conspiracy. This sub is not even a shadow of its former self anymore.

Seriously--who are the highly engaged of /r/conspiracy? Clearly anti-Trump anything is not welcome here, and I think in a supposed close election that seems a bit statistically unlikely, yeah? Or are all conspiracy theorists pro-Trump and willfully blind to the obvious and fun puzzle that is the Russia connections? Seriously, not a one person here wants to even try to put it together, just to laugh at "how stupid" that is?

We're talking about upvote manipulation and it's ties with Trump. That doesn't mean we support him.

People who complain about CTR/ShareBlue and conveniently leave out the blatant manipulation of this site and indeed THIS SUBREDDIT by the other side are unbiased? Please.

Makes some sense with his controversial bills. Not saying im for or against trump. The bills and executive orders are just highly debated

Some of the subs are t_d subs in disguise. MarchagainstTrump is one of them.

I rarely visit the popular page. Last night I did and I literally saw that 5 of the top posts were some bullshit about Sessions lying about talking to Russia. I knew it was bad but I didn't know it was this bad

I've completely unsubscribed from anything that political in nature as of a few weeks ago. I'm tired of it all.

with the exception of r/EmpireDidNothingWrong everything else is pointless subs.

Other presidents approval rating in March of first year

Barack Obama 62 Mar 2009

George W. Bush 58 Mar 2001

Bill Clinton 53 Mar 1993

George H.W. Bush 60 Mar 1989

Ronald Reagan 60 Mar 1981

Jimmy Carter 72 Mar 1977

Richard Nixon 64 Mar 1969

John Kennedy 73 Mar 1961

Dwight Eisenhower 74 Mar 1953

Trump - 42

That is why there are so many. People don't like him.

What polling agency is this? (Or is it a composite?) thanks for trying to supply numbers & context.

Thank you

Why would anyone believe a poll after the election predictions? For me a certain degree of bias has always been evident in the press, sure it has become more blatant, but it was always there. And we've got the lying press game news narrative. But there's nothing about the polls. Nothing. All the main polling organisations had Hillary clearly in front. It was going to be a near double digit drubbing. How could they all have got it so wrong? I've said it before, the only two answers to why, is that they are all inept or are all complicit in spreading a biased narrative.

See I hear this all the time, but then you have me(check my post history if you think I'm a whatever).

I post anti trump stuff constantly not because I'm paid to, but because he is a fucking terrible president. I know hundreds of people personally that do that same thing on their various social media networks, for the same reason. I think it is entirely possibly that this is a situation that happened on its own. He is terrible. He lies, he implicates the press(they're not great but they're not any worse then they have always been).

I'm sure there are paid redditors, but I don't think it's anywhere near the scale you are saying.

It's almost like when we step out of this sub into real life, the wall of seemingly unwavering Trump support fades away? Hmmmmmmmmmm

Well, I live in South Central Texas, so sadly not so much for me. My educated friends are all anti Trumpers, but everyone else worships him because of GOT DAMN MERICA

I didn't mean to deny the walls of support, just the unwavering part. This country is divided, indisputable, so we can't paint it as ridiculous (read: a conspiracy) for hate to be flourishing on either side.

Yeah, I gotcha. I agree.

The whole reason Trump is president is because the DNC decided they'd rather sand bag an honest man instead of run a fair election.

The fact that the DNC and the media have not changed a single thing in their approach to politics shows that they are just as terrible as Trump if not worse.

This is not talked about at all and mentioning what I've said in many mainstream subreddits would get me banned.

There is a lot of propaganda flying around right now and to only focus on trumps ineptitude is a major disservice to our nations wellbeing.

Oh I know. What the Dnc did is despicable, and the press isn't going to say that. I'm not saying they aren't biased, but they're not totally fake. They omit information based on their biases, but not every story they do run is fake news.

Telling half the truth is still lying as it is said with intent to deceive.

Tell the whole truth or admit your bias upfront. In that regard, what we have in America is fake news.

Any proof of these claims?


He is already far better than Obama, Bush, and Clinton. He hasn't even been in office for a year. On track to surpass all previous President's.


Unless you worship FDR, Obama, and Wilson. Then you are wrong.

Lmao. He has been president a little over a month and a half. It's not possible for any president to be "good" yet. He has repealed numerous common sense laws, like not dumping coal waste into our fucking streams, for one. He lies, constantly - when there is video proof of the lie. There is audio of him bragging about barging in on young, undressed girls because he "can get away with it" due to the fact that he ran the pageants. He takes credit for shit he had nothing to do with. Anyone with any amount of sense knows he is terrible. Most people, including my own family, voted for him because he wasn't hillary. I would have never voted Hillary, but I damn sure wouldn't vote trump. One is the stereotypical slimy secretive backstabbing politician, the other is a slimy, money grabbing, lie to your face and fuck over everyone because his ego is the only thing that matters type.

And no Obama wasn't the best president, he did lots of shady shit. But he did care about the environment, or at least passed legislature that protected it.

Or is climate change a conspiracy too?

Anthropogenic Climate Change is inconclusive. You would know this if you put some effort into researching this.


And you are an idiot if you believe he is allowing coal to be dumped in water. He deregulated the carbon emissions for several industries. Nothing in that allows the dumping of pollutants in the water.


Undressed girls? You mean adult females? Your spin is weak.


And Obama didn't care about the environment as much as you imply. If he did, he wouldn't push the extremely toxic to manufacture photovoltaic products. But then, most on reddit don't care to put effort into knowing what they are talking about.

Blah blah blah blah blah....

But I like dogs and ponys. Haven't you been in cute animals, they are so nice.

Maybe they'll all knit hats to wear when the post and take selfies?

It's so transparent that I think it's a false-flag ploy by the right wing

Trump is no good person, but i have a sense that a revolution to bring in the end of america and the nwo is coming. There's no way to last this for 4 years, sooner or later trump will become the next yanukovich/quaddafi.

Yeah r/all is littered with anti-trump posts. I don't particularly like Trump (or any of them, really), but it's getting old.

You know what's also getting old? The near-weekly revelation that someone in the Trump camp "forgot" about talking to Russian officials. But I guess a diversity of interests is what keeps this experiment so lively.

I made this observation before. Down vote is a form of censorship and is loved by most easily "triggered" people.

Imagine how much they are getting paid to destroy their business....

3 year old account who has cleaned all posting history older than 7 days.

Not Suspicious At all

Andrew Breitbart calls this the Democrat Media Complex. The best thing to happen this election cycle is that the people now know it exists.

Remind me again how many government conspiracies Trump has exposed since he's been in office? Oh that's right, none.

Gee. It's almost as if his misconduct has elicited a backlash. Who would have guessed?

Well, most people hate him and his corrupt cronies...

The media and the left are doing a coordinated attack on Trump's Ukraine/Russian puppets, and everything else Trump. That much is true.

With that said, no one is more deserving. Incompetent, racist, anti-intellectual, rash, obtuse, xenophobic, extremely inhumane and damaging to America, INCOMPETENT, a bullshitter, a sexual predator, a pervert, racist daddy, incompetent, more blatantly corrupt than even Clinton, etc etc.

It's mostly self-inflicted at this point.

Their last ditch effort to rinse away their wrong doings. We need arrests & trials pronto.

They make new ones so they can spam r/all and r/popular. Not only does multiple subreddits give them multiple appearances in r/all when r/all usually won't show a ton of posts from a single sub, but as they create more and more they can show up in the feeds of people who have already blocked their bullshit out. And unless Reddit changes the way their system works dramatically, I can only imagine this is the new normal.

Maybe people just actually hate him that much. He represents the antithesis of President Obama, and all the social progress that has been made.

It's almost like Trump is deeply unpopular.

Nah but "organic" unpopularity is impossible because Trump is so loved right?

Idk, I'm leftish but for Trump bec better than hellish HC, but find myself dismayed by many of Trump's orders & plans. We are paying a very high price to escape NWO schemes. Have keep reviewing how much worse HC would have been.

This and T_D are the only places left that don't constantly shit on the President. Conspiracy still gives President Trump some grief, but much more tactfully and not as often. The rest of Reddit is not worth being on anymore.

The efforts do change the minds of the young by brainwashing them. Way back in 2008 I was brainwashed by the leftwing spam on here and only when confronted about my beliefs by my family did I realize that I had no basis for them and was only repeating them because I saw them so often repeated online.

Maybe trump is a patsy. Taking the fall and attention off other things.

world dont care bout dnc or whatever you think ... world just think trump is an idiot.

You find it hard to believe that the sentiment is organic given the start the Trump administration has been off to?

Trump is awful. That's why you are seeing so many anti-trump posts.

Reality eventually overtakes wishful thinking.

Yeah it has nothing to do with this administration shitting the bed on a daily basis. At what point are you assclowns are going to put country first over ideology or party lines. Im a progressive but dont support Hilary or Bill. They are both full of shit but this new administration. At what point do we not say the obvious. This is madness. But lets go crazy

Personally, I'm even more shocked about the flood of pro-45th potus subreddits and users that have appeared in the last year.

According to all metrics, reddit has been heavily left leaning since its inception, and all of that changed around summer last year.

And it can't be explained away by simple growth.

Lastly: there was a post on how almost all of the frontpage pro-45th material submitted during the early growth was all created by a handful of new users.

Forum sliding at its best ladies and gents.

And now we have jokers like OP trying to revise reddit history.

And don't for a second think I'm denying shareblue's involvement. Their blatant acts to support a toxic candidate is part of what is ruining reddit.

I hate shills of all kinds, and only an idiot would think that just one side is trying to manipulate consensus.

Even this sub has become infected by both red and blue shills, and for some godawful reason it seems red won here.

I really have no fucking clue how that is even possible, we're supposed to be free thinkers, not the sheep we so despise.

What did the one sock puppet say to the other?? DAE H8 TRUMP?!?

I'm a bit late to the party, but I just stumbled upon this jem, thanks to John B. Wells:

It is basically a (communist) guide to wreak havoc in Congress, just like DNC did.

I just became aware of it, so inform yourselves and even the Congress that this is out there. Better keep an eagle's eye out.

Is there a guide for resisting all agendas or just Trumps?

Many. Read and educate in history anthropology, philosophy, liberal arts and the study of nature. There are points to be taken from all works, including the one linked.

Yeah, many people including myself despise Trump and he is the most talked about person on the planet. So why is it a shock that there are so many anti-trump threads?

U mmmm mmmmmm Ya.

Bot, shill, bot, shill, Bot, shill, bot, shill,Bot, shill, bot, shill,Bot, shill, bot, shill,

You guys? Haha

thanks for the protip!


every real poll

What have you decided are real polls and what are not?

Honestly, the historic "left" seem completely moderate on the spectrum at this point, since the current left are psychos.

I've always considered myself "left" but it seems like the definition was changed out from under me. Suddenly the left is all about curtailing free speech and against equality. I don't know how it happened, but it's odd.

Sometimes I enjoy seeing the blatant lies so that it's easy to know who my enemies are

I literally don't think you could find anyone to pay to make trump look bad. He's doing that all by himself.

"I don't like Trump but I hate Hilary more so like I'd rather read shit on that bitch despite who's actually a danger to me" - basically you

It's almost like when we step out of this sub into real life, the wall of seemingly unwavering Trump support fades away? Hmmmmmmmmmm

And yet the establishments of both major parties were unable to keep him from winning the presidency of the United States.

I'm a left leaning progressive centrist

It is the true left.

Done what?

Do you think 535 members of congress and one president is fair representation of 323,000,000 people?

The whole reason Trump is president is because the DNC decided they'd rather sand bag an honest man instead of run a fair election.

The fact that the DNC and the media have not changed a single thing in their approach to politics shows that they are just as terrible as Trump if not worse.

This is not talked about at all and mentioning what I've said in many mainstream subreddits would get me banned.

There is a lot of propaganda flying around right now and to only focus on trumps ineptitude is a major disservice to our nations wellbeing.

Right on. Injust found this guide thx. to John B:

-It's basically the current manifesto of this movement - would be interesting to find out who's really behind it.

Keep an eye out.

Socialist* same garbage. Hes a loser, that i can guarentee lmaoo

Chance of winning is literally there

Rofl. Sure. Bernie can rely on presenting the rest of the developed world as an argument for his policies. He relies on people not believing in this bullshit american exceptionalism and thinking that if it's good and works elsewhere, it's probably good and would probably work for the US too. You should try looking at what happens outside the US sometimes.

Any proof of these claims?


He is already far better than Obama, Bush, and Clinton. He hasn't even been in office for a year. On track to surpass all previous President's.


Unless you worship FDR, Obama, and Wilson. Then you are wrong.

It is the definition of a circular argument.

A. Socialism works because

B. Look at this socialist state which works because

A. Socialism works

Oops it failed! It was never real socialism!!

Lmao. He has been president a little over a month and a half. It's not possible for any president to be "good" yet. He has repealed numerous common sense laws, like not dumping coal waste into our fucking streams, for one. He lies, constantly - when there is video proof of the lie. There is audio of him bragging about barging in on young, undressed girls because he "can get away with it" due to the fact that he ran the pageants. He takes credit for shit he had nothing to do with. Anyone with any amount of sense knows he is terrible. Most people, including my own family, voted for him because he wasn't hillary. I would have never voted Hillary, but I damn sure wouldn't vote trump. One is the stereotypical slimy secretive backstabbing politician, the other is a slimy, money grabbing, lie to your face and fuck over everyone because his ego is the only thing that matters type.

And no Obama wasn't the best president, he did lots of shady shit. But he did care about the environment, or at least passed legislature that protected it.

Or is climate change a conspiracy too?