META; Why was the post about Sessions removed?

0  2017-03-03 by krom_bom



A little bit of mod transparency would be nice. I asked about this on another thread and while several users had theories and possible explanations, I'd love to hear what the responsible mod has to say about this. If a semi-popular post is deleted, there should at least be a mod comment explaining why it was deleted. All we have now is a screenshot from a user who was banned for complaining about it.

A little bit of mod transparency would be nice


aren't there public mod logs for this sub?

They recently removed them....

oh shit

They removed the mod bot that posts the logs to shuffle it's rank to the bottom of the list. Which makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that this happened right when that post was removed, and who are these new mods.

Don't get me wrong, I like our mods and think they do a great job. But I have questions.

If you are talking about this thread, it is even more interesting...

This thread was removed too, which seems odd

Because they're bullshit pushed by Shareblue shills

You are aware that there is a fucking video of Jeff Sessions directly lying about his meetings with russian officials, right?

I know that doesn't stop trumpers from trying to spin it and spread more fake news, but any reasonable person can look at that video and see the truth themselves.

that is incorrect, you are working with false info

lol ok dude, whatever you say.

like i said, there is a VIDEO, which I have watched, which millions of other people have watched.

keep denying reality though, i suppose it has in fact worked out pretty well for you so far.

I've seen it, and he didn't lie. He said he never discussed the Trump campaign with Russians, which from what we know, is true.

There are a ton of reasons to hate Sessions, but this isn't one.

"I'm not aware of any of those activities and I have been called a surrogate a time or two for that campaign. I did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

So you didn't watch the video, then, eh?

FRANKEN: CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week, that included information that “Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so, you know.

But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious, and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

SESSIONS: Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.

FRANKEN: Very well.

The question was about communications in regards to the Trump campaign. Have you actually considered context when you make comments?

Of course I consider context. And it still appears to be a direct lie, to me.

If Sessions meant to say, "AS A SURROGATE, I have had no communications with russia..." then he probably should have said that.

He's a trained lawyer with decades of experience, you'd think he would know how to use the words that he intends to use.

I don't accept this "oh he just meant this other thing, that he didn't actually say" argument.

You're the only one spreading fake news here

Oh look, another poster from the_donald, here to faithfully defend his "god-emperor" from all criticisms.

We've seen the video, you can't weasel out of this one. It's completely undeniable, you just look like a fool when you claim it's fake.

oh look, another shareblue shill parroting the same old talking points given to you by David Brock

Does this seem fishy to you, or not? Mod log bot got deleted "accidentally" by a drunk mod and then the post was removed.

Not at all

If all you have left is to call me a shill, you already lost.

Here's the video just so you can watch Sessions lie under oath and maybe be triggered a little. I doubt you'll even watch it though, because daddy trump told you it's fake.

You say he already lost because he calls you a shill. All you were able to call him was a poster in T_D. How exactly did you "win" that exchange?

Because I am taking the side of an indisputable fact supported by very clear video evidence.

Also he is a poster to the_donald, anyone can see that.

Same tactic Trump uses, lie through your teeth, and then try to attack and discredit anyone who calls you out.

Clear evidence of him talking about the campaign?

Nope, never said that.

Clear evidence that he lied.

Do you have said clear evidence of him lying?

Yeah, the video which I posted elsewhere in this video, and which is easily available to anyone who wants to find it.

That video doesn't show him lying under oath.

Huh, you must not have watched it, or you must not know that Sessions has himself confirmed that he did in fact have communications with Russian officials during the campaign, despite saying, under oath, "I have not had communications with Russia."

Try to do some independent investigation next time, you might be surprised what else Trump is lying to you about.

Do you have a source on sessions confirming he talked to russians about the campaign?

And how do you expect me to take you seriously when you use quotation marks for things he didn't say exactly.

And how do you expect me to take you seriously when you use quotation marks for things he didn't say exactly.

that quote is straight from the video transcript, sorry to burst your bubble.

and here's this for you... and before you complain about WaPo, just google it. He made these remarks in public, and you can fact check it yourself if you're skeptical.

"On Thursday, Sessions defended those remarks as “honest and correct as I understood it at the time,” though he also said he would “write the Judiciary Committee soon — today or tomorrow — to explain this testimony for the record.” His explanation, he said, was that he was “taken aback” by Franken’s question, which referred to a breaking news story at the time about contacts between Trump surrogates and Russians.

“It struck me very hard, and that’s what I focused my answer on,” he said. “In retrospect, I should have slowed down and said I did meet one Russian official a couple times, and that would be the ambassador.”"


Didn't you hear?

"We're just being skeptical."

"We already found out it was all bullshit."

/r/conspiracy: "Conspiracies are fun unless they're against my party."

I have posted twice on this topic and both times the post was removed almost instantly and without explanation.

I've noticed the mods tend to kill threads here because of a couple of reasons (my guesses here, not mod statements)

1) the threads are shilled fast and hard. Threads in this sub have a normal up-tick on u/d votes. When there is a massive push on a specific thread prior to it hitting r/all then there is reasonable suspicion of brigaiding. These threads need to be killed regardless of whether they get brigaided from t_d or politics.

2) Certain threads are hate factories which devolved from civilized discussion into verbal knife fights. I suspect the user reports explode during the lifespan of these threads and therefore the thread no longer provides an avenue for civilized discourse but instead create a shit storm of headache for the mods.

3) Some threads a repeat duplicates of other more active threads found in other subs. Due to reason 1) and 2) keeping the threads alive here is pointless.

Hate on the mods all you want, but personally I think they have done a decent job keeping this sub as neutral as possible. People can keep accusing the sub users of shilling for t_d or politics but after looking at /new you can see the stream of incoming threads is relatively balanced. The thread getting upped to /hot are likely doing so because users of this sub happen to share common opinions of certain topics (9/11, pizzagate, etc).

Hate on the mods all you want

I'm not trying to hate on the mods. Honestly, I believe there may be an entirely reasonable explanation for deleting that thread.

I'm just irritated that there hasn't been an explanation.

Sorry, I mean a collective "you".

Fair point.