Find any post on /r/politics that is positive of Trump/negative of Obama and that has been voted to 0 in the past day, and make a pro Trump/anti Obama comment. You'll be -12 points in a matter of minutes despite the post being buried on the sub. Very suspicious behaviour...

58  2017-03-03 by RussianShill4Trump


It's called forum manipulation and is a tool implemented in essentially every recess of Reddit. Such is the current state of affairs

It's called complete and utter bullshit. Just tested it and, surprise surprise, OP lied. Nothing happened.

Living up to his name.

I've been lurking here for years. I really miss the vibe the community used to put out :(

Which of your posts tested it? I didn't see a pro-Trump post in your history, but maybe I missed it.

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That post is 13 minutes old and my post is 17 as of when I just checked. Did you test it when you said you tested it, or did you just do it now?

Obvious shill is obvious

First comment was test test test because I misread OPs comment.

Neither comment was downvoted so it's still bullshit,

That's what I figured in regards to your test post, but thank you for testing it again.

Paid shills and vote bots are this generations telemarketers.

Tested it and OP is full of shit.

Astroturf! Because when rich people discover they can't buy love, they satisfy themselves with the things they can buy instead!

Bullshit! Because when trump supporters think they're being oppressed, they don't care that OP's lying. Just tested it. Complete crap.

Nothing new and nothing we can do about it. Nothing LEGAL tho...

Nothing at all. Just tested it. He's full of shit.

Are you going to keep spamming this? Look at my comment history for proof

No. I already tested it myself and it was bullshit.

You tried it on a 4 day old post. My OP specifically says posts in the past day

Please learn some reading comprehension

His post is at 0...

Whether it is lack of action or by invitation from u/spez, shareblue is running r/politics and heavily brigading and influencing all the other political and news subs.

If we can do these types of expirements and see obvious manipulation as it happens, there shouldn't be any reason Reddit Admins can't do the same thing but with extra scrutiny and identify which accounts are associated with the manipulation. The fact that this doesn't happen tells us they are OK with the manipulation. Very telling. admins are the ones doing the manipulation.

I think that is a big leap to make.


If they aren't aware they are mentally deficient,


If they are aware they are willfully allowing it.

It's really not a big leap to make at all. is a for-profit company owned by Democratic party activists.

/r/politics is a Democratic party spam sub.

No you won't. This is why this sub is shit. Trump supporters literally just make shit up and none of the other subscribers will bother testing it cause they want to suck eachothers dicks and moan about how the admins are mean to them.

Just like when the Trumpster the other day claimed he was banned on Twitter for saying Anthony Pedesta. Yet he didn't provide any proof he just linked to a banned account. Then some other idiot linked to a voat thread where they said the same thing happened to them and once again, no fucking proof. Trumpsters want to believe everyone's out to get them.

What's your argument buddy?

Not sure if you can't read or you're literally making yourself an example of what we are talking about. Trumpsters always take everything they don't like at face value they don't bother digging for the truth

Is that an argument? Or another critic on 'Trumpsters' lol

Are you for real? Or trolling?

I haven't decided yet.. how bout you?

They are either searching for key words or are lurking in "controversial".

Tested it. OP's full of shit.

Make it known!

Living up to his name.

I've been lurking here for years. I really miss the vibe the community used to put out :(

Which of your posts tested it? I didn't see a pro-Trump post in your history, but maybe I missed it.

I haven't decided yet.. how bout you?