Theory: Apple is funded by governments with prime objective of spying on people via iPhones etc. The incident the other year where they apparently refused to unlock a phone for government was just a way to make people think they're on your side.

211  2017-03-03 by Panasonsick


Easy: don't use an iPhone. I've been cellphone-free since 2003.

How do you keep the pigeons entertained when it isn't holiday season?

How will I watch my hentai??

...with bated breath.

You understand what the NSA is right? Apple may well be funded by government but they don't need Apple to spy on you. You might be interested in Room 641A. Google it.

Will check out 641a though.

Impossible with the job I do. I need to email and upload photos etc most of the day as I work out on sites.

Apple is an excellent brand, but they are the only phones (and some of the only laptops) whose battery cannot be removed.

All cell phones are tracking devices that provide metadata such as location, even when turned off. Battery must be removed when not in use, or you are broadcasting.

I agree with OP's theory.

Battery cannot be removed on many android devices. Galaxy S8 as one example

They learned it from Apple though

You are correct, I should not have said "only" but as a brand that's the only iPhone option

Does it make any difference if your battery runs out of power?

it actually reserves some battery for the sake of the electronics inside. Its definitely meant to save power for that by design

Figures. Thx

What a load of shit. What about all the Android /non Apple users?

Thought he meant no cellphone at all.

Apple fanboy detected.

How can they spy on you, have your fingerprints, photo of you, where you've been that day and who you spoke to without you using a smartphone?

if that's the theory then why did they release the IPOD?

Maybe the idea of spying on people via a handheld item wasn't a possibility back then like it is today.

Because it the plan changed when Steve Jobs was murdered.

Yo that's a nice tinfoil hat! Where can I get one of my own?

Their first computer was $666.66. The biggt out of the apple... Siri came out of Stanford Research Institute (SRI) which is an MIC research front.

My MacBook pro once oozed a pink goo and started playing QuickTime videos about some guy named Gozer

Are you the key master?

To be fair, Steve Jobs had an interesting sense of humor.

He chose such an iconic price tag because he knew we'd be talking about it years later.

To be fair, you are just pulling that out your arse.

Prove it.

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The first computer was hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Read "their".

First they got everyone to give them about 5 thumbprint scans per each thumb for convenience sake.

Now they're removing that button so you can unlock your phone with iris and retina scanning.

And they're adding "three modules" to the cameras so they can take 3d images of your face.

Global database of the most identifiable parts of your body. Hard to think there might not be an agenda here.

I didn't even think about the fact I put my thumbprint in the system...

Apples mantra is that data is stored locally on your phone and not accessible to them. For now... all the other things op cites are speculation about the next iPhone I've never read. (They are features Microsoft has implemented that you couldn't pay me to touch.)

That's an over-arching post about it with tons of links to even more discussion about each topic I mentioned. There's tons of discussion about it out there if you're really interested. It's all a search-engine search away.

It would be better if you linked to something that backed you up at all.

The article mentions many forms of authentication as possibilities not because Apple is doing them or thought to be doing them, but because they exist.

The article is mostly about a new Touch ID.

What use is searching the internet if you have problems comprehending what you've read?

Apples mantra is that data is stored locally on your phone and not accessible to them. For now... all the other things op cites are speculation about the next iPhone I've never read. (They are features Microsoft has implemented that you couldn't pay me to touch though)

Apparently the data about your fingerprint is stored in a separate chip on the phone called the secure enclave which is wholly in charge of authentication.

and i was worried about my "knock code". thank you for easing my paranoia.

Remember when power switches and batteries could be physically open circuited?

"make people think they're on your side."

I think that's possible. Another way of looking at it is that they were manufacturing consent in the mass consciousness for unlimited surveillance. tptb think that if they communicate what they are doing, even if through what most of would regard as "hidden" symbols, signs, etc then they relieve themselves of the bad karma for their misdeeds. Just a thought....

Spying was ramped up when Jobs died also it seems.

While we're on this topic, are there any Steve Jobs conspiracies? Related to his come up or death or whatever? He was a vocal proponent of LSD after all

Alex Jones once mentioned he was murdered, from the few hours I have listened to.

Interesting! I'll have to dig into this. The man always fascinated me

Careful some (myself included) consider him controlled opposition. He's right about some stuff, ignores a lot of big stuff, and mixes in falsehoods. Great meme machine tho

There's a theory that he really died of AIDS.

Spying was ramped up when Jobs died was assassinated also it seems.


Jobs was woke af. He did LSD and was a proponent of it, spoke to sherpas, and was all around in favor of expansion of consciousness.

Pretty sure he was seen as an obstacle, and given the pancreatic cancer black bag treatment.

His death was faked. A psyop to discredit alternative medicine.

I don't understand the whole spying thing. Why doesn't Trump and McCain and every other Freedom Loving Government Worker simply SPY on the Terrorists of Al-Qaeda and ISIL (ISIS, also known as Islamic State)? Do they use Android phones only? Cusotimezed home screens?


I think your theory is correct tho.

Definitely agree about the the San Bernardino incident. The unlocking drama was so oddly publicized.

Exactly what I thought. Just didn't make sense.

That whole event was fishy as fuck.

Eyewitnesses said it was three tall white males with athletic builds that did the fake shooting; all of a sudden the young muslim couple is blamed.

Text book false flag

Many say this image was staged at at time when police departments were being criticized for using military weapons to justify their use.

You're absolutely right. Most of Apple's tech comes from DARPA. Example follows.

I don't have the link but here's a fun conspiracy for you.

Apple was started as a partnership between the CIA and the British MI5. Apple was originally ... Apple Records, the Beatle's record company and a company that invested in high tech electronics (for the time.) The Beatles were just a cover for the real intel work being done.

But there was a big fight between CIA and MI6, and the partnership broke up. Steve Jobs kept the Apple name - and no matter how many times the Beatles sued Jobs to get the name back, the US judges just said "fuck you limeys."

The rest is history.

You have opened my eyes brother

I've had an odd notion that the Beatles are benefactors of time travel. They stole hit songs from the future. That'd explain why they were such eclectic hit machines.

Yup, and Google is very much the same.

Showerthought, not conspiracy.

Android has a larger market share than iOS and supports more platforms. Wouldn't it make sense to include Android as well? I know Android is open source, but OEMs can add closed source applications and additions to their devices.

I guess so, but let's assume it's USA and UK who want to spy on us. If they are using Apple to do it then it is already a vast number of citizens they can get info on. Do they need to involve an Asian company like Samsung for example? Seems like it's a USA/UK thing hence it's limited to Apple products for now. Maybe if Korea decide to spy on their citizens they will do the same with Samsung phones.

the cameras on both sides of devices has always scared me (iPhone iPad)

I think we will look back in a few years a feel so naive for not realising we were basically using a spying device at our own free will.

Interesting. The theory I built up about this was that the government could already hack the phones. The issue that they ran into was that they would have to brute force it. You can brute force the phone by creating multiple copies of the hard drive and having people try various combinations. Even with the 4 pin code it really isn't completely brute force safe.

What the intended to do was set a precedent in court to make it so that Apple would unlock anything for them.

I don't think they need to hack anything. I in visage a huge Apple database the government can access that stores everything you do on your phone, photos, texts, where you've been that day. If the government ever want info on you they type your name in and the city/town you live in, match a photo they have of you to the ones you have stored on your phone so they know it's the right person and that's it. They can then figure out your whole life. The refusing to unlock phone thing was just another lie to make you think your stuff is safe on your iphone.

It's completely possible, but I have yet to see evidence to support this. Snowden definitely showed that some of our wilder theories can definitely prove to be true. Doesn't XKeyscore do something similar.

Hopefully Trump can tear down the NSA and the CIA. Would anyone in government do that? Can Chaffetz or Gowdy?

How does that even happen to be honest. Who makes the push? Can anyone even make that kind of push?

he's already shown that he doesn't have our best interests at heart. have you seen his cabinet?

Sorry that's not a good enough argument for me or many.

ITT no one mentioning former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is now the chair of the PENTAGON'S innovation board.

Fansboys incoming!

No idea when, but I fully expect California to be the first to make a law requiring everyone to have a smart phone.

Literally no escaping Apple products.

Maybe Jobs refused to use his technology to spy on citizens and was taken out of the picture by the powers that be. Apple have had pretty much no innovation since he died, apart from a front facing camera and thumbprint scanner.

I got in an argument about this with two IT guys last year. I swear Snowden said they could already do this with system called SMURFS or something like that. His revelation came out before the San Bernadino iPhone thing and I believe that the whole drama between Apple and the FBI was completely staged. No electronic communication is 100% secure. 60 Minutes had a segment about TPTB eavesdropping on everything in the late 90s. They probably created the whole fucking internet for this very purpose.

100% agree. I don't think any American company would refuse to help the government if they did genuinely ask them to.

Come on. Apple isn't Jawbone or Tivo.


Probably, but the prime suspect is Facebook.

All working together I'd imagine.

This applies to Google and android too.