I am Robert David Steele, former spy, Marine, electoral and intelligence reformer, champion of Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). AMA

627  2017-03-04 by RobertDavidSteele

Fly invited me, I was glad to accept, we've already started but this is the official opening. I will answer every question between now and 8 PM on Sunday. This week I care about getting a meeting with Donald Trump to discuss the eight specific things I have recommended in the memo read by a million people so far, at http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/robert-steele-memorandum-for-the-president-warning-on-american-spring-riots-eight-actions-to-make-america-great-again/


What is your opinion of what happened on 9/11?

And what was the demolition method?

Controlled demolitions -- dogs were removed two weeks in advance and never allowed to return.

"Steel toes would often heat up and become intolerable. This heat was also a concern for the search-and-rescue dogs used at the site. Many were not outfitted with protective booties. More than one suffered serious injuries and at least three died while working at Ground Zero.”

“Instead of heat subsiding within a week, as is generally the case for major fires, the astronomically elevated heat levels remained for three months. Cleanup vendor Bechtel Corporation—with 40 employees at the Pile—issued this comment about working conditions:

“The debris pile at Ground Zero was always tremendously hot. Thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day showed underground temperatures ranging from 400ºF to more than 2,800ºF. The surface was so hot that standing too long in one spot softened (and even melted) the soles of our safety shoes.”


There were firefighters working at the scene and their boots failed but their feet were fine... how are boots going to stop superheated water from affecting their feet? this wasn't heat... some other effect was making the steel on the scene glow. There was paper right next to the glowing metal that wasn't burning.

Veterans today is fake news

yup think

He said:

For me the fundamental fact is that WTC and the Pentagon were crime scenes that were rapidly eradicated by officialdom. We never did the forensics. It is certainly possible there were nuclear events but it is certain that controlled demolitions were used to bring down all three buildings.


wile y they set these buildings up all summer long one if the bushes actually oversaw this and like 3 weeeks before even tech crews were re wiring the wall street related entities i think

Yeah, I'm thinking the 1993 WTC bombing was an excuse to repair and wire the basement. I seem to remember a Bush-related company getting the repair contract.

more than likely and right at the beginnings of clinton administration

see all the stuff on 9/11 at http://phibetaiota.net. Here is one of the more important posts that I agree with completely:


That literally does not explain anything. There is no concise story to that.

It's a bunch of links that don't flow together and you're attempting to explain 911 off of them?

This is gish galloping.

There is in fact a very strong explanation on that page. It is the ad inviting you to have David speak at your event.

His answers are pretty strange you notice he's not directly answering anything and he has not provided any proof the links to his website are just driving traffic and boosting his sales he's not really doing an AMA here


Do you think Osama died in Dec 2001, or Seal Team 6 did do it (going through all that just to chuck his body out to sea)?

2001 <---reality not their ineffetive mandella bullshit

Great Question!

My vote is 2001. Then he died again 2006/7. Then Obama singlehandedly got him a third time in 2011 (such a hero!).

That guy had really bad luck.

Robert, I've moved this post to the top of /r/conspiracy. Please PM me if you have any questions.

ty for this sticky good thinkin

everyone needs to start here. many hours were committed to the previous thread.

My hour will be isolated and posted alone shortly. Here are my other recent audio-visual interviews:


what can you tell us about the Russian Pee Party?

Hello. What do you think about the splits in our intelligence agencies and what are the current status of affairs within?

This and why was Hillary getting intel from ex-CIA agents instead of current intel? Something doesn't pass the smell test with that. How long have these splinters existed and why?

When? Now or due the campaign?

When she was SOS. Many emails from Sid Blumenthal from intel guys in the ME.

ignorant pretentious fucks whose budgets should be cut by 75%.

I like you.

The majority of this sub has taken a non-political stance. Many of here actually reject the two party system, and share a skepticism of Donald Trump. His vocal support of NSA spying, his cabinet consisting of several Goldman Sachs members and billionaires, his relationship with the character Jeffery Epstein, a convicted pedophile, and his AG's stance on cannabis reform, have many of us rolling our eyes and expecting "the same old stuff".

Would you agree that, as a conspiracy theorist, that this skepticism of Trump (skepticism of all government officials really), is warranted and healthy?

Yes, absolutely. The chances of Trump rolling over and playing dead the way Al Gore did are 80-20. He is however our one chance of taking down the Deep State in the near term, so I will do everything I can to reach him and help him. If that fails, I am positioned to open alt-gov.org with a Sunshine Government, and seek to raise $1B a year with bigbatusa.org so that I can beat Trump (or Pence when Trump resigns) with a really large weiner every single day.

seriously its (current year). trump is approachable

Tru.ps Twitter doesn't accept direct messages and is constantly spammed with thousands of angry liberal troll posts per minute. Needle in a haystack.

Pence is establishment so even if you contacted him there is no guarantee the message makes it past pence.

The_donald is pretty establishment. It's hard to tell some times if that sub is being run by neoconservativism or what. No guarantee there either. It was literally founded by JCM who was a nevertrumper who publicly stated that HRC was a good option.

So if Trump will chat with AJ and David is okay with AJ have AJ set up a meeting for David and Trump?

You are not a victim.



So, you've been interviewed by Alex Jones a few times... lay this to rest. Is Alex Jones the real deal or a shill... or are those who call him a shill, themselves, shills?

Yeah would like to know more about this

See for yourself:

Alex Jones blows his cover in Austin

BTW I post this everywhere I see AJ brought up, and fwiw I'm not a shill. (I could be lying.) (But I'm not.) (Or am I?) (I'm not.)

I am an extremely accurate reader of people and I have never gone near Jones. For what it's worth I have a very positive feeling about our OP here.

Not the most damning evidence. Sees like he just has a big ego. What was the protest about?

The protest was a pro 2nd amendment rally in Austin, Texas. This is damming evidence to me because the people at the rally knew Alex Jones should be on their side, yet he showed up with his bullhorn and drowned out the speaker so badly they had to shut down the rally. People there realized what was going on and called him out for being"one of the bad guys" and he almost got in a fist fight with one of the people there. I was 100% convinced Jones is CO after seeing this video the first time.

Yeah, I probably would have fought him at that point. There are times when taking an assault charge is worth it.

Maybe only because it would feel awesome to lay out that grimy bastard, but it's probably what he was hoping for. It makes the side he's "controlling" look violent and crazy. I'd still love to find myself in a locked room, just me and Jones. I'd have fun, he would not.

I've known he was full of shit for a long time but man, after seeing that video just now I know for sure he's against everything he says he supports. Getting a pro 2nd amendment rally shut down and calling all the people mad at him Democrat plants? Wtf?

It's absolutely damning. I don't know how he can speak with credibility after watching that.

Not to mention he won't talk delve into zionism and its impact. How can you do a conspiracy/anti establishment show about the problems in this country as long as he has without understanding and addressing the powerful and subversive role the pro Israel lobby has in politics and corridors of power in this country..

He NEVER talks about the Council for National Policy. They're as important as the Council on Foreign Relations, and he never discusses them.


Wait im confused, you said both... so he's a shill being called out by shills???

He says a lot of true things, but he also doesn't talk about a lot of things, and sometimes he lies.

The sad part is that he isn't even good at lying. It's always so over the top when he does try to slip one by that fucking buzzers start going off.


Maybe... He does that on purpose?

He says things in a way that doesn't help his credibility. Things like "They're turning all the frogs gay!" Not exactly... but there is leeching from manufacturing in ground water / in the biosphere that has been seriously fucking with the sex and sexuality of frogs.

See what I mean? He is his own worst enemy.

That strikes me as "limited hangout" or "gatekeeper"

it could also mean that nothing is that simple.

A limited hangout.

Username checks out

It's funny because -obliviouscommenter-'s username is very applicable to their comment.
beep boop if you hate me, reply with "stop"

Haha but seriously read this:

Is Alex Jones the real deal or a shill... or are those who call him a shill, themselves, shills?

then the answer:


So is he saying that AJ is both real and a shill, or is he saying that AJ is a shill and there are shills attacking him, or is AJ the real deal and there are shills attacking him, or all three??

Like "both" as an answer to the question as stated isn't terribly clear or helpful.

Watch how he interrupts Robert when he's about to talk about Republican pedos in this interview:


I noticed that too. He also stated a week or so ago that 'we are being pressured to hold off on the pedophile stuff' or something like that. He was back on message within a few days but still.. who is talking to Jones?

who is talking to Jones?

Literally the President.

Pro Israel branch of intelligence. Alex supports yinon plan and war on Islam.

I remember where he chose to cut off Steve Pieczenik in the first big interview after he dropped the viral counter-coup warning.

Every time Steve was about to drop some major points, Alex jumped in to cut him off. Wasn't natural for anyone listening


5 minutes in, maybe?

Again, this response gives reason to believe this is not a legitimate AMA. We are being fucked with.

VT linked Alex Jones to organised crime.

THE CONTROVERSY OF ALEX ‘BULLHORN’ JONES being an alleged Zionist shill has now expanded to his apparent Zionist-Jewish connections on his 1) Personal Staff2) Website Advertisers 3) Link To Time Warner President, Edgar Bronfman Jr.

Jones’ seeming allegiance to Zionism, which explains why he virtually never targets Zionist Jews or the racist, Zionist rogue state of Israel when engaging in his notorious rants and attacks, may well stem from a Protestant-Zionist belief system, and the widely circulated reports that his wife is a Jew – – which makes his two children Jewish under Talmudic law and eligible for the Israeli Law Of Return.

With additional information on Jones which this site is now providing, Alex Jones’ Zionist connections prompting his reticence to expose global Zionism, becomes ever more obvious.

I think he's also supported by the fossil fuel interests. Why else would he call climate change a huge scam. Don't bother trying to convince me btw. Shell exxon BP etc. benefit from global warming denial.

Did you also know that telecoms benefit from WIFI cancer link denial?

Is there actually anything to that? What little I've learned about it sounds kind of nutty, but I'm open to some scientific evidence.

W.H.O. classified it as a type 2 carcinogen, though it should probably be type 1 carcinogen. There is no proof of causality between smoking and cancer, there is for wifi. This is because you can't smoke in only one lung, you can expose one side of your head (through mobile phone usage). Google Barrie Trower to see what former MI5 consultant and navy spook says the Government knows about the danger of wifi.

he's part of a process of undermining and recruiting using trade tricks akin to putting your dogs pill into a clump of meat to get it into its system.

in this case, the dog is the new right

people think he's a zionist, but it's a false fag

A couple of questions Mr. Steele:

a) do you think it's likely that F-22 technology was sold/obtained by the Chinese?

b) Fletcher Prouty has said that the intelligence briefings to the President are the way the Deep State poisons the opinion of the President. Is Donald Trump right to avoid these briefings?

c) what do you know about Tyler Drumheler?

Thanks for your time

I am very curious about B & C as well.

Yes Yes and PDB is also shit. General Tony Zinni is on record as saying he got "at best" 4% of what he needed from secret sources and methods. CIA calls me "open sores" they are just fucking irresponsible and unprofessional about the craft of decision-support. No

Thanks for the reply

Is Trump legit or is he controlled opposition?



Don't agree..

Cool. Change my perspective

Lol. And you affirmed mine with your insight

Mike Flynn was a huge loss. I'm leaning this way.

There is no way an actual legit person could make it to the top. Sorry.

that's why you play both parts

I know I just want him to say it

I hope we're mistaken.

My mother supports Trump but she's on the fence about some stuff with him, but she also didn't vote for him. I was proud. She wants him to be legit. I didn't vote, and I too want Trump to be legit. We've had many discussions about it, some in disagreement. But really, do anyone think "guy that's wants to do good for America" gets this far? That's naive thinking from my perspective. Time will tell though. Everyone though Obama was the real deal too.

The thing about trump is that he's 70 years old. All of the stress that comes with being a president will do a number on him. He knows this. People close to him say he has a need to be well liked. Well right now, he gets shit on by the media, and others. I'd like to think he's in it because he wants to change the country. But he's a sociopath so you never know.

Lizard people

I think he was supposed to take a dive, and his ego kept him in the race.

That's exactly what I thought for most of the election. Still think it's likely.

I think he is legit and confused. Some of us thought he took a bribe from Lynn Rothschild to throw the race, and the won it accidentally, and has been struggling with himself over taking what is a shit job as it exists, but could be a great job if he would read my fucking memo and bring us in to help him.



Have you tried reaching out to Ivanka? It looks like she is the one who got him to pay attention to pizzagate.

Good advice

When was the last time we had a legitimate government/president? Was JFK's death a coup?

I love your name. Keep spreading the word, friend. I think you would very much enjoy this book if you have not already read it.


Ahhh, no, giant space birds called the Anunnaki have nothing to do with it.

The "New World Order" is run by a group called "The Agenda" which is essentially run by Demons, Hell and the Reptilians, and the obvious Banking cartels, hybrids, Thalmudic Jews, Zionists and Satanists.

I was referring to his name.

Calling them "giant space birds" was a given random example, and an extremely absurd one at that, because you already claimed something based on from a book, so I claimed something based on random whims.

I am not however "mocking" the book, the issue with the Book is that by claiming that the Anunnaki are ahead of the NWO is already horseshit.

The point is the Anunnaki aren't behind it, yeah they are behind the creation of humanity, but that's about the general story we get, if the Sitchin and what else isn't taken into play, yet however the "Serpent", "Dragon" whatever has always been the sentient and major threat, and that thus ties in the whole Reptilian ordeal.

Moral of the Day: Don't trust and read actual "official" books and media, because there is a high chance that it's fake, if "Controlled Opposition" is believed, best bet is simply to go on the internet and do some "laying of the land" (or researching) rather than jumping on the "probably fake" list.

You obviously have not read the book. I highly recommend doing so. It's a great and somewhat short read. I know the author personally and he is a very knowledgeable person. He stems a lot of his writing from Sitchin and does an excellent job tying the whole theory together.

Ahhh, no, giant space birds called the Anunnaki have nothing to do with it.

The "New World Order" is run by a group called "The Agenda" which is essentially run by Demons, Hell and the Reptilians, and the obvious Banking cartels, hybrids, Thalmudic Jews, Zionists and Satanists.

Throw out "Reptillians" and "hybrids" and add "The British," and you've got a pretty good overview of the world.

Demons, Hell, and the British? Talk about a challenging political environment, but I suppose there's nothing for it but a stiff upper lip!

Actually my name is a reference to something even more obscure than that. It's an old Soundgarden song (and a typo). But thanks for the reading material

Ahhhhh ok that makes sense lol. I love Soundgarden! I used to listen to them as a kid with my dad. Chris Cornell's voice is sooooooooo amazing

JFK assassination was an intelligence coup.

The CIA has run EVERYTHING since then. Getting a new president is merely "like putting a new saddle on the same old donkey" -MJ

The CIA runs everything. They are the world's biggest opium dealers out of Afghanistan and use the $$ to fund black ops.

Legit Question: Has anyone noticed the absence of fake shootings since Obama left office?

Not one.

It hasn't even been two months bro, I think we may want a larger sample size before we file that one away as case closed.

How soon will the globalists implement their economic financial collapse, and ultimately, the "end game". ?

And, is Trump a part of this? He seems to be showing some strong sings of being another presidential puppet.


How soon will the globalists implement their economic financial collapse, and ultimately, the "end game". ?

We're already there. They've completely subverted America. The question is how to take it back, and the answer is telling the truth about suppressed technology.


He is confused and mis-guided. He lacks the world-class independent staff he needs. Everyone he picked to survive the first three months needs to go.

even Rex? Mattis? Sessions?

Why June? How do you think financial collapse will go down? Simple as CBs and IC insiders selling and the bottom of the pyramid just crumbles?

A link to Roberts Memo to Trump as the link provided 404s


Thank you for this!

Holy shit this is freaking fantastic.


Yeah I think my VPN was just giving me issues

Been following your work for a long time. Love it. My question is what your perspectives are on extraterrestrials, suppressed technology like zero point energy, and consciousness. Any info on CIA's Project Stargate?

yes and no info but I have talked to a participant. The stars realigned about twelve years ago and we lost some capabilities we once had. I am just stunned that they have deprives us all of the knowledge.

When you say participant, can you say in what way they participated?

Could you please elaborate? What exactly do certain stars have to do with our psychic abilities? And what abilities were lost?

Do you think all the politicians in D.C. know 9/11 was an inside job and just don't say anything?

How about that there's a global pedophile ring?

What percentage of government is being blackmailed? How about SCOTUS?

Realistically, is there anybody who can do anything about this?


Heh, So let's refine that.. clear up the waters. :p

And ask What percentage of government is being blackmailed for pedophilia?

silly muddy waters is about the best blues guitarist EVER! ;0

Oh right! Of course! Wtf am I asking that for anyway..lol

Happy Friday rogue ;)

;0... i love you benefishy!!!!

yes yes 20% electoral reform act -- restore integrity to process

Wow....yet probably the same answers I would've guess. :-/

Thanks for the response.

Where is the evidence? All you're saying is yes.

It's the guy's opinion why does he need evidence?

Because he has just accused every single elected representative in the second biggest democracy on earth of treason against their own people.

Talk about an unlikely story.

We're on r/conspiracy, there are going to be unlikely stories

That is definitely true.

Uh... welcome to r/conspiracy! This is probably the majority opinion here.

It's always better to provide evidence when possible. Nothing wrong with asking for it. And if Robert doesn't want to/doesn't have time to provide it, he doesn't have to.

He has provided tons of links as his evidence. Read through the comments. This was an opinion question

As a marine, did you receive any shots, and did any of them make you or your fellow marines sick?

I would like this answered. When my husband was an active duty Marine, he received the 'anthrax' shot multiple times because they kept 'misplacing' the med records. He received it four or five times all up before his deployments.

Its really weird, though, we've spoken about it scores of times over the years, and I bought it up again just last week and suddenly he doesn't ever remember even getting the anthrax shot. I had to remind him what happened, and he readily agreed and nodded, but I can tell he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

It makes me uneasy af :(

I've heard literally same story about multiple anthrax shots and misplaced records as the reasons multiple were given. I'm very suspicious and I only hope your husband and all the others can not be permanently impacted negatively with whatever they gave them.

I did receive mandatory shots, I never had adverse effects I know about, I absolutely do not trust CDC or any aspect of government quality control over anything.

"For English, Press 1. To Go Fuck Yourself, Press 2."

Do you think Hillary will get charged/prosecuted?

She Bill, and Chelsea all need to die the way Justice Scalia died. She is not untouchable -- not is Dick Cheney untouchable -- but on balance we don't need trials and recriminations.

supposedly Justice Scalia was summoned to the White House and was hand-delivered an envelope from President Obama. the envelope contained evidence of Scalia's involvement in a pedophile ring

9 days later, Scalia was found dead, with a pillow over his head, at an "uber private hunting ranch" which in pizza gate lingo would be called a "farm".

the autopy was supposedly done over the telephone, and the body quickly cremated

not sure if i believe any of this, fwiw


Thanks for taking the time to come on here! Was the JFK assassination a setup?

Thank you for this!!

What the heck is going on in Antarctica?

I believe he is hinting at secret operations.

On a related note I want to ask, is there an inner/hollow earth?

I would love to know that answer.

All the research I have done point at nothing but oil; or another type of energy source. Perhaps, ufos...


I just want to thank you Robert for your hard work & bravery for telling us (the People) the truth. I'm so sick of the Government lying to us.

Q1) Any opinion of Gab.ai versus Twitter? Sometimes there's only so much I can research until not knowing whether an alternative "twitter" site is safe or not to express my feelings freely. Lately Twitter has been banning accounts from talking about certain taboo subjects (Pizzagate).

Q2) I noticed certain web forums there's always this army brigade downvoting and/or bashing/belittling others in order to change the narrative. So, are we dealing with real paid people, or are they just a computer program activated by certain words?

Q3) Is the future of a free Internet safe from heavy regulations from the Government?

Thank you.

Twitter needs to die a slow painful death -- as well as Facebook, Google, YouTube.

The Zionists have perfected organized trolling and added a new twist: they now silence critics by labeling their comments as abusive or spam, and there is no recourse once so labeled.

Internet needs to be like air -- not controlled by anyone but we all need to look out for its health.

Thank you so much sir for keeping us informed, and helping save our freedoms! Thank you! :)

Speaking of air staying healthy;

What are they spraying?!?

What can we, as individuals, starting today, do to help take our planet back? Most of us are already trying to educate when and who we can, but what else can we do? (Besides prepare ourselves.. I mean how can everyone help work towards a better outcome for our species).


I have been off reading since I asked that question, you weren't glib. I hope to God you get that hour alone with him.

Why has Trump ignored you?

Elsewhere he has stated that he believes Reince Preibus is trying to keep information away from Trump.

Why is Trump letting people decide what he gets to see? Wasnt his whole campaign based on his assertion that he was a strongman who called all his own shots?

Because Trump doesn't trust him.

Maybe you should apply for a job as trumps remote mind reader.

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This statement just deligitimized look

This statement just deligitimized this entire AMA. I don't think the user is legit.

(It would be interesting to see an intelligence reformer answer that.)

Should not had erased the last thread, he answered at least 20 questions there

It's not erased.

Yeah my bad, sorry.

What are the chances we see people that matter get charged? Jail? I'm talking people like the Clinton's, Podesta, Abedin, etc.

No sense. Either Trump sees me in the next two weeks or he does not.

What can you tell us about modern Mk Ultra being used on celebrities?

Mind control is in my view very real, to including experimentation on innocents driven to do terrible things they cannot explain. Look up non-consensual neural experimentation. At http://phibetaiota.net search for mind control.

Do you think a lot of the False flags (Orlando)(Boston bombing) were carried out by mk ultra subjects?

Look into Esteban Santiago and the Ft. Lauderdale shooting. Sounds like a sloppy MKUltra false flag..

Duh. When God tells you to do things, it means the CIA wants you to do things.

It's done via satellite and radar now (rather than drugs). Jesse Ventura did a good program on it:


Robert, I see that there is no mention of the Federal Reserve or central banks in general. Since this is the lynchpin of the system of control, why is this most important item absent from your memo?

The government has handed over the minting power to a private monopoly and uses our taxes to pay interest on the money it creates. Why is this not front and center in your memo?

Ron Paul to the Fed to close it down, then he becomes a Supreme Court Justice. No borrowing. No federal taxation, only states can tax their citizens, Automated Payment Transaction Tax.

Works for me! Thanks for your reply.

What the heck is going on in Antarctica?

PizzaGate, for all its flaws

  1. re: #pizzagate; what "flaws" ? :)

  2. re: "Yitzhak Rabin": Does Israel/Mossad have more "control" over the CIA or the NSA ?

  3. re: "NSA spying on everyone": Which organization (CIA vs. NSA) posses the greater danger to the citizens of United States, and why ?

As far as 3) goes - I would imagine their coexistence is the most troubling part.

A lot of the spying was inter-agency. Trying to get blackmail on each other, government vs. government.

their coexistence is the most troubling part.

yes, a bit like choosing between Killary™ and Drumpf for "last place", but... I am still keen to learn of RDSs thoughts :)

I have written eight books and many articles and chapters and testimony and interviews. Start here:



Will do. Thank you for the references.

Pizzagate has made false accusations, for example, against the Maccoby family. Rookie mistakes, untrained investigators.

CIA and NSA are deeply penetrated by Mossad, and NSA is TOTALLY penetrated by both China and Israel at the systems level IMHO.

Yes. Both, but NSA is the one that is doing most of the blackmailing of politicians and insider trading based on its spying on Wall Street.

interesting about china - never heard that angle before.

thank you for your time and insight.

Was the NSA doing the insider trading of airline stocks right before 9/11?

how come mossad is able to do this, and get away with it? Israel is a small country? are they so good?

Israel is such a small country, how are they doing this, are they this good? How do they keep getting away with it

how come mossad is able to do this, and get away with it? Israel is a small country? are they so good?

Yes. Both, but NSA is the one that is doing most of the blackmailing of politicians and insider trading based on its spying on Wall Street.

Pretty easy to time the market when you can read the CEOs' e-mails.

Thank you for taking the time to do this Robert

In the context of the false left-right paradigm what do you think we as citizens can do to effectively bring about change? What can we do to help?

electoral reform is root. Everything else is rigged. start there.

Hi Robert. Who are the real puppet masters? I heard its George HW Bush and the English royal bloodlines. A high level insider did an AMA and he said Queen Elizabeth II ordered JFK'S murder. Did the royals have Princess Diana murdered?

Thx alot!

Did the royals have Princess Diana murdered?

Here's a pretty good video on the subject if anyone is interested.


Probably, using Boston Brakes (computer alternation). She may have been pregnant. Pregnant by an Egyptian. Horrors. Prince Charles treated her very badly, turned her into a drunk. She appears to have been a SUPERB mother, the next king is her proper revenge and he married a woman I think his mother would have liked very much who is raising her children as Diana would have.


how come none of the Rothschilds died in the holocaust? (read this on wikipedia) for a man hating jews and international banking elites as much as hitler, its curioius, that all of the rothschilds were unharmed,

was hitler a british agent?

How come no Rothschilds died in the "holocaust"
Hitler claimed to hate jews and the international bankers, yet all of them survived

He was not Jewish, but it is likely that he was an agent.

Is it true they answer to the Bog. Brothers? I know I'm late to your AMA, just heard about it now.

Hi Robert and thanks again for doing this.

  1. Do you think there might be a Deep State orchestrated false flag "UFO" attack? Steven Greer claims his Deep State contacts warn that this false flag attack will happen this administration.

  2. What kind of insider/whistleblower evidence of a major conspiracy (JFK, UFOs, 9/11) might be extant and would be powerful enough to be a catalyst for significant change? Do you think any such evidence would suffice?

  3. How does the Deep State pass on the reigns of power? Or instead - do you think there's been an unbroken chain of the knowledge at the CIA about JFK and UFOs?

  4. Do you think Eisenhower knew about aliens?

  5. Do you think CIA Director Hillenkoetter was a "good guy"?

  6. Do you think CIA Director Bill Colby was murdered?

How on earth would Trump meeting with Jesse Ventura enhance the president's image?

Sweaty wrestlers are a very important democraphic. As are the military, truthers, and others. You under-estimate him. It takes all kinds. I am INCLUSIVE, not EXCLUSIVE.

I think exclusivity greatly contributed to the working class turning their backs on the Democratic party, and Hillary losing. I also found your analysis on the voting machine hacks that Hillary used to defeat Sanders interesting.

Is this story about Jeff Sessions meeting with the Russians an attempted distraction from the story about Obama's DOJ slush fund? Is it also an attempt to make him resign because of his knowledge on pizzag8?


Had to manually approve this link. Reddit has it on a ban list.

I will keep approving them as they remove them so no worries.

Reddit has it on a ban list.


Url shorteners are banned site wide I believe.

Was the answer to my Antarctica and Lexis Nexis question also on the ban list? The reply didn't show up in my inbox until this morning. Maybe just a glitch, I suppose, but it was odd.

What does Trump have to do differently to start winning this media battle?

Create his own channel.

i read a story about a journalist complaining about how Trump had so many followers on twitter, that he could single-handedly create his own reality.

the implication is that the journalist felt it was journalists and main stream media's job to create our reality, and Trump was going his own way, talking about issues that the MSM didn't want to talk about, like the fact that vaccines cause autism

make no mistake, his strong stance on vaccines and autism helped get him elected.

That was Mika on Morning Joe. Her father is one of the big wigs in our international politics.

Since July of last year, we have had a few "insiders" - namely, FBI Anon, who claims to be a senior-level FBI analyst, and an unnamed DHS insider (that has also corroborated FBI Anon as legitimate) coming forward from behind the scenes on 4chan and other sites like Victurus Libertas to clue people into what's really going on behind the scenes, specifically about the currently-ongoing Pedogate/Pizzagate investigations. Many have dismissed these people as elaborate LARPers, but much of what they say rings true. Can you confirm whether these particular sources are legitimate?

I cannot confirm anything but they sound credible to me.

Thank you very much. Glad you're doing this, I'm a big fan of your work.

Aliens, real or naw? Any Roswell info?

Yes. search extraterrestial at http://phibetaiota.net

I've never seen any evidence to support this, beyond obviously forged documents.

It appears that you are being forced to share some deliberate misinformation. I completely understand, I will not hold it against you. Stay safe.

Here is Bill Cooper talking about he was deceived by the government into thinking aliens were real:


Feel free to argue back with me, if that is required. You have my pre-forgiveness.

I agree with you! I haven't seen any real evidence of aliens.

Who is vault 7? Who is the capstone of the pyramid?


When can we expect high level arrests to be made and charges being filed?

Sessions just recused himself from campaign related investigations. The capitulation to the left looks like weakness and opens the admin up for some doj obama appointees to start causing problems. What's your assessment of this situation?

They are systematically attacking Trump's surrogates and because Trump does not have my game plan and/or is stupidly being told to ignore me, he has no idea how much power he could bring to bear against them. I can close down the Deep State tomorrow. I just need an hour with Trump outside the White House (which is bugged six different ways).

Can you elaborate on this? You could "bring down the deep state" tomorrow? How? And why is it so important to get a face to face with trump with no listening devices (read: no proof of what is said) before you accomplish this feat?

Why would he tell you? He wouldn't tell Trump if they were in the White House....why would he tell you over Reddit?

I guess he's not going to. Just continue with a string of unverifiable opinions based on three word sentences

Why can't you publish your plan here or Twitter, and then we can each contact him with it.

That's why he goes to Mar a Lago, so obvious e can't even trust the Whitehouse facilities.

Is it possible that Trumps presidency is just more controlled opposition? Is there any evidence that this is the case?

Are you going to answer questions?

We've move it back to this thread.

He's in his previous AMA thread.

oh, thanks

trump should have a round table with all the whistleblowers he can [give them amnesty]

and find out the real skinny what is goin on for realsees in alphabet agenies

then FIRE away!

I agree. Before I took down NSA I would assign William Binney to carve out the 30% worth keeping and move that to a Directorate of Signals Intelligence at an expanded CIA. This I would take down the NSA building with controlled demolitions, tear up the parking lot, cart away all the debris, and plow salt into the ground.

I watched an interview with Binney, he was a true patriot.

;0 seriously he needs to get ahead of the forces who dont know their place right now is NOT in washington

Yup. Binney needs to be back at the NSA and in charge of reforming it. If Trump only did that during his time in office his presidency would be a success.

Is what we are seeing in our Intel community now just one battle of an internal war that has been fought since Ike? Who are the sides that are fighting? Are they aware of how they're being used? What do we as people do if the unraveling of the NWO order sweater fails?

80% are good peopole trapped in a bad system -- think bureaucrats in cubicles. The other 20% are generally at war against us on behalf of the elites, not against foreign enemies who are laughing at them.

Can you name drop any of the "Elite," families that are pulling the strings. Are they families or members of families that subscribe to a particular group that uses Hegelian Dialectic to control the outcomes of false conflicts to further the agenda of the NWO?

Rothschilds were mentioned elsewhere.

Since everyone knows the Rothschilds are the big bad guys, why hasn't anyone taken them out or dropped a bomb on their estate?

Because most people have a conscience and don't murder other people. It says a lot about the restraint of us normal people that we haven't just killed these psychopaths, even though one could argue that it is morally justified.


Did Hitler live in Argentina till the 1970s?

Is the elite aware of the emerging western Ayuahasca psychedelic culture?

Is fluoride really a thing/talked about in the IC?

Fwiw I know a lot of Argentinians and they all say yes, like it's common knowledge.

Really? I knew the conspiracy of him living there but wouldn't think it'd be common knowledge, thought he'd have been hid better

It was hidden from us, anyhow. Keep in mind the world wasn't that connected until fairly recently. Back in 1990, I knew zero Argentinians. Now I know, like, fifteen.

I still know zero, which I live in really rural nc so it's nothing different really than it was in 90 haha. I watched the history channel show finding hitler? Or something like that where they went to Argentina and found a bunch of evidence of him there, even a picture of what some people claimed was him, it was really compelling. I believe it just still getting used to the feeling of "well they said differently in school and that's obviously not true" makes you think if our teachers truly had any of our best interest in mind

I can't imagine our history teachers, anyhow, are not tightly controlled. In retrospect, my high school teacher looked just like a spook -- wore a tie and glasses every day. I wanted to throw this pic at him, but he's recently dropped off facebook.

I wish a real history buff would redpill the children, that's what we need more than anything. People to start actually looking at evidence instead of following reality tv shows or the kardashians. I consider one of my high school history teachers to be the best teacher I ever had but even he didn't do anything like try to redpill us. I started with believing in Bigfoot, rural nc youlll hear some stuff in the woods that really make you wonder, along with stories from the elderly around here, there something out there. So I started looking into him, then 9/11 and now I don't believe anything history teaches. I can only imagine what's going on in Antarctica, tunnels, bases, et. There's no telling

Welcome to the Apocalypse.

Apocalypse's always feel fun in video games. This isn't lmao

I believe areas of Northern Argentina look like Bavaria down to the swastika in the tavern. No direct knowledge, but certainly the Nazi culture is deeply embedded in the US elite and the US government -- we are living in a fascist state now -- banking control of everything.

Start here: http://phibetaiota.net/2012/03/56400/

Not sure. Dulles DID save the Nazi leaders and their treasures, read this book or the summary reviews of it:


(1)If Pizzagate/pedogate is real, why would the people involved be poking the bear? If they truly fear Flynn, Sessions and Trump bringing down the whole charade is it a smart play for them to be going after them publically?
(2) furthermore why would they "allow" Trump to win in the first place? If they have "alien technology" surely they could have easily rigged the election couldn't they? (3) should the 2 previous questions lead us to reasonably conclude that trump is controlled opposition?

In what ways could the government use blockchain technology to improve trust and transparency?

Screw the government. They should not control anything. Blockchain by definition should be out of control.

I didn't say control, I said use.

Did you really destroy two days worth of questions and answers? See if you can bring them over here while I am doing Hagmann. Not cool at all.

Robert, Ive linked the all the past questions and answers to the top of this post.

I wouldn't recommend doing any bench presses for a few months.

I need a spotter. Are you willing?

No sir, the other post was my announcement thread. This one should direct all new questions to your Reddit inbox and make things easier to manage once a multitude of responses pile up.

Sorry for the confusion I could have explained this better and have learned from the experience. The announcement post will not be destroyed and I will make sure to immortalize is along with your AMA post in our wiki.

Silent weapons for quiet wars by anon; from Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper and, in particular, this part:

In 1954 this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called "moral issues" were raised, in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent. Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquillity, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy (wealth) of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few. In order to implement this objective, it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new weapons which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated in their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name "silent weapons".

Is this legit in your view?

Yes. Absolutely. Actually started in 1920's when Carnegie and Rockefeller redirected public education toward creating docile factory workers rather than critical thinkers who could read and write.

There's a lot of questions you'll be fielding, so thank you for that. I'm curious what your stance is regarding climate change and it's potential for creating a mass extinction event.

I'm also curious what you see as the greatest threat to humanity, currently.

Climate change is serious. The ten high level threats to humanity have been established, in the following priority order:

Poverty Infectious Disease Environmental Degradation Inter-State Conflict Civil War Genocide Other Atrocities including pedophilia Prolfieration Terrorism Transnational Crime

Thank you for the response. I do have one more question for you, though I'm not quite sure how to phrase it. It's about a secret society/cabal/whatever you want to call it that I heard about years ago, composed of Christian extremists. I think when I originally heard about them I heard the name Dominionists used, though I haven't been able to find what I'm looking for in reference to that name.

These people were said to believe that it was their duty to hasten the apocalypse shown in the Bible because if they could bring about the end of the world Jesus would return to bring about the kingdom of heaven, or something along those lines. To this end they sought to gain power by any means necessary while quietly seeking out people who shared the same ideals. They think they'll be rewarded for doing God's work in this endeavor, so they're not afraid of death and because they feel it's a holy mission then everything they do is preordained and justified by God.

For all I know now this group could've just been something that was a plot to a book, but I swear I heard about them through reading conspiracy theories. My question is this; have you encountered anything/anyone along these lines? Does this seem like a real group, and if so is it a real threat? I apologize in advance if I'm not communicating it properly.

I have no problem with genuine Christians who consider themselves conservative, fundamentalist, etc. But a lot of these Dominionists are clearly fake, created by the Council for National Policy.


Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway are members. Betsy Devos' mom is a member, as is the founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince:


The CNP is probably as important as the Council on Foreign Relations, but no one knows/talks about them.


FYI, when I looked up why pot was illegal in 2003 and discovered this group and their goals, I decided to do a little political action project of my own. I call it my return of Jesus project for equal rights and an end to war globally.

I have no idea how seriously these people take me, but I was threatened by a Blackwater helicopter in late 2004, so I know for a fact that they are aware of me.

More info?

What is your take on Henrik Svenmark's work. Also have you heard of Brilliant Light Power - do you know anything about their work? Also, what makes you qualified to talk about scientific subject matter like analyzing 9-11 evidence?


He does it, no doubt. But many of them were spies/insurrectionists.

Robert, thanks for all that you do.

  1. How have you managed to stay alive?

  2. Is there any way to contribute to your open-source intelligence project?

  3. Are there intelligence agencies or federal law enforcement that a non-psychopath can join today, and actually help America?


I have not been important enough to kill, no one of importance was listening to me.

I'm pretty sure i heard Alex Jones say that exact same phrase

Seems unlikely when you've held the kind of security clearances and job position he's had. I think the Gov would be pretty well aware of one of its former spies/architect of one of its Intel agencies spouting off sensitive info. Gives off a sheep dipped vibe.

what if alex jones discredits himself on purpose because he doesn't want to die. just a high thought

what if alex jones discredits himself on purpose because he doesn't want to die. just a high thought

Who sent the anthrax around to top politicians and media heads after 9/11?

I do not know but on balance I suspect it was a false flag operation by elements of our own government, part of a larger Deep State campaign to intimidate and blackmail those politicians.

I would suggest the evidence points to Dick Cheney.

Here's a link to the interview taking place right now over at Hagmann & Hagmann.


Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?

I am here to be responsive to serious people, not morons.

I am serious. Take everything with a grain of salt with your opinions since you are a former CIA trying to stay relevant.

Obviously, crunchy. We're not children!

But it messes with the consistency of a good pb and j sandwich.

Um, chunky pb and thick preserves is the best, obviously. Next you're gonna tell me no crust or some shit...

Strange there's not more comments/upvotes...

Robert is doing a PodCast right now. He will be answering questions all weekend.

I don't mean by Mr Steele I mean by redditors....

Mr Steele, thank you for your prior replies to my [initial question](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5x5qd6/weekend_ama_guest_robert_david_steele_friday/dehdf9n/_

. WRT this reply, may I ask:

You stated:

Hillary Clinton is a lesbian pedophile traitor and criminal. To say that I have been a Never Clinton is to put it lightly.

I have no idea about Hillary Clinton's sexual preferences. What evidence do you personally know of to support the claim she's engaged in criminal pedophilia?

I started supporting Donald Trump in July 2015 but my focus has always been on electoral reform, not on a particular candidate.

WRT: Trump, numerous press outlets have reported on connections between he and his campaign staff's connections to Russian state and business interests. For example:

There is the Interagency Intelligence Community Report on Russian US election interference.

And the Steele dossier, which I won’t link to.

This is just a short list of the many associations between Trump and Russian interests personally, as well as through his campaign staff.

My question to you: As an old cold warrior, do these reports concern you? And if not, why not?

There is ample evidence that she has a predeliction for youngish yoga instructors. Huma Abedeen was run at her as a young girl, they appear to have fallen in love (at least Clinton did, Abedeen is just a Saudi agent doing her job) and have never been apart since; Hillary visited Lolita Island many times WITHOUT Bill...and so on.

Nothing in the media about the Russian thing is true or useful.

I ripped John Brennan a new asshole on RT and in the following which is also a best seller at Amazon (Kindle Short):



Mr Steele, thank you for your reply.

You wrote:

There is ample evidence that she has a predeliction for youngish yoga instructors. Huma Abedeen was run at her as a young girl, they appear to have fallen in love (at least Clinton did, Abedeen is just a Saudi agent doing her job) and have never been apart since; Hillary visited Lolita Island many times WITHOUT Bill...and so on.

So there are four assertions here regarding your claim that Hillary Clinton is, according to your prior comment, a "lesbian pedophile".

  • Hillary Clinton has had a "predilection(si) for youngish yoga instructors. Has this ever been published on the public record?

  • Huma Abedin (si) was "run at her as a young girl". And there, according to you, they "appear to have fallen in love". And where is evidence for that on the public record? Furthermore, even if it were true, according to Wikipedia, Abedin took a position as an intern while at University in 1996. She would have been about 20 years old at the time - well over the age of consent. How is that "pedophilia"?

  • And as for Abedin's Saudi intelligence connections - being a mole for Saudi Arabia while working for Clinton - how can you prove that?

  • And where are the flight logs that support your contention that Hillary visited Epstein's island home without Bill. And to my knowledge, there are no public statements on the record claiming either Bill or Hillary engaged in sexual conduct while in the company of Epstein.

Do you know for a fact Hillary (or Bill) engaged in sexual conduct with minors? At any time? Are you witness? Can you make an affirmative declaration of fact in a formal deposition in support of this claim?

Are you like working for mediamatters or something?

No. I'm not involved in Media Matters. I do not support Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party.

For someone that just advised Clinton on his own website to sue RDS for his allegations on this thread I really doubt you really 'don't have any partisanship' or ulterior motives.

Why do you people are so obvious?

I'm not a lawyer and not qualified to give legal advice.

Never said you were, I said you wrote a blog and pqndered her to take legal action.

The fact that he equates "no public evidence Hillary raped girls on Epstein's rape island when she went there" with "Hillary is innocent" shows his bias.

Highly doubt he doesn't have any ulterior motives. He always comes to this sub trolling and undermining every conspiracy thread.

He also literally just posted this on his website : https://medium.com/@paranoid.factoid.reports/in-a-public-interview-session-former-cia-clandestine-officer-robert-david-steele-has-claimed-16a373fda82b#.2bj2wkiek

If this is not written like an obvious hit piece in order to discredit a person's character, I don't know what is:

Highly doubt he doesn't have any ulterior motives. He always see him in this sub trolling and undermining every conspiracy thread.

He also literally just posted this on his website :


Written like an obvious hit piece in order to discredit a person's character.

A quote:

Thus, an assertion as fact of criminal sexual misconduct by Mrs. Clinton might be construed as defamatory speech, spoken or written with ‘actual malice’ and ‘reckless disregard for the truth’. And thus she might consider Mr Steele’s statement damaging to her public reputation. If so, I’m sure Mrs. Clinton has access to the best libel attorneys in the United States.

If so, I’m sure Mrs. Clinton has access to the best libel attorneys in the United States.

And since she doesn't sue, kinda makes it clear she has something to hide.

Everything he said is same thing Cathy O'Brien said, she'll never sue because there's a direct victim that can corroborate his story too

Cathy O Brien and her handler seem suspect as fuck. Literally they brainwashed this young girl (18) and her family haven't been able to contact her since. They made a youtube video on it.

Mr Steele,

I note you edited the prior comment I quoted.

Currently, the first sentence reads:

Based on all that I have read and observed, Hillary Clinton is a lesbian pedophile traitor and criminal.

A snapshot of the current state of your comment is here:


Yet prior to editing your comment you said:

Hillary Clinton is a lesbian pedophile traitor and criminal.

A snapshot of that original statement is available here:


That's a definitive statement of fact, as written by you. Do you have evidence to back up that assertion, on the record, or do you openly amend that statement?

Stating for the record, Can you or can you not you verify with personal knowledge any criminal pedophilia conducted by Hillary Clinton?

Mr Steele,

I note you edited the prior comment I quoted

Currently, the first sentence reads:

Based on all that I have read and observed, Hillary Clinton is a lesbian pedophile traitor and criminal.

A snapshot of the current state of your comment is here:


Yet prior to editing your comment you said:

Hillary Clinton is a lesbian pedophile traitor and crimina.

A snapshot of that original statement is available here:


That's a definitive statement of fact, as written by you. Do you have evidence to back up that assertion, on the record, or do you openly amend that statement and claim?

Stating for the record, you can not verify nor do you personally know of any criminal pedophilia conducted by Hillary Clinton?

You were given a very thorough explanation. Please do not cross examine AMA guests over minor matters like this.

Please do not cross examine AMA guests over minor matters like this.

Minor? Calling the prior Presidential candidate a pedophile and then walking back on that statement with a retroactive edit?

Do you know Ron Paul? What does he think about your electoral reform pitch ? Do you think it's possible trump could get on board with it? It seems like it could ensure solid democracy's future. What happened to Bruce gorcyka ?

I don't know him personally but have been a fan since I read his collected speeches. He introduced electoral reform himself, four out of the nine times it has ever been pitched. I am hoping Dennis Kucinich will get him on board. I would support a Ron Paul Dennis Kucinich ticket in 2020 if Trump does not listen to us. You can read the twelve fixes here:


Do you know of the Cause, Ka......, and is "the Agenda" a major threat to humanity?

Also, you may or may not have experience in this, but are the main operations in Afghanistan based on protecting poppy fields to send in heroin to destabilize the Russian population?

Mike Ruppert (RIP) wrote some great stuff. Drugs provide the cash liquidity for Wall Street and the City of London. We do things for financial reasons, not for public good reasons. We went into Vietnam to use up our military so we would have to buy it again, not to stop communism. We went into Afghanistan and Iraq on the basis of 935 now documented lies do we could spend $5 trillion in stupid ways.

i thought we went in to Vietnam to lock down the golden triangle

Keep the military in check to prevent them from rebelling and stopping the Banking-Agenda?

Thanks for that, sheds some light on the whole "useless wars in the last six decades" stuff

The companies that a huge bulk of that 5 trillion was spent on are owned by the people who started those wars, their friends, and their interests.

hi , my question is , what do you know about Satan and the Antichrist ( or one of them ) being prostituted to movie stars and pop/rock stars since the 1980's by MI5 ?

It goes WAY further back. Look at the history of "Birth of a Nation" in the early 1900s. It was a Klan propaganda piece.

Boxers or briefs? What is your favorite kind of fruit? Is Jesus coming back?

  1. Why do retired CIA always come out and "expose" the CIA etc, eg yourself, Ray McGovern et al, when you guys probably have done loads of shady stuff when you're inside the CIA yourself? Guilty conscience? Have you defied shady orders?

  2. What is your purpose to do this? Sell books? Get paid interviews? Radio show?

  3. No witnesses? If your memo has been read by a million people already, then why do you still want to do a "no witness" meeting? Why should the POTUS trust a person like yourself to shed the Secret Service and whatever, when you were an intelligence agent that should be quite skilled at stealing info and perhaps killing people?

  4. "You have 30 days to settle the country. A violent “American Spring” looms." You're starting one? Somebody from CIA whispered this tip into your ears? CIA starting another colour revolution? Which is it?

  5. Once a CIA, always a CIA. Why should anyone trust what you're doing?

  6. In your estimation, how many people are still languishing in Black Sites?

  7. In your estimation, how many tons of drugs does the CIA smuggle per year? Which branch of the CIA does it, or is the whole organisation behind it?

  8. How is the Black Budget funded, other than through drugs?

  9. Does the CIA traffick humans? Sex slaves? Organs? Meat for consumption?

  10. Does the CIA kill whistleblowers?

  11. Which agency killed Michael Hastings?

  12. Which agencies killed 9/11 truthers?

  13. Which is the agency that suicide people? Have you suicided people, or directed their suiciding?

  14. Does the CIA have the ability to remotely control all aircraft through the "Uninterruptible Autopilot System"? Which agencies have control over that?

  15. Does the CIA have the ability to remotely control all vehicles? Which agencies have control over that?

  16. Do you know any politicians that are cannibals? Please list them.

  17. Do you know any politicians, and their staff, that are paedophiles? Please list them.

  18. Which journalists are targeted by the government now?

  19. Which journalists are targeted by the CIA now?

  20. Which journalists are on the hit list now?

  21. Are "Targeted Individuals" really targeted by the government, or are they crazy? Which agency is responsible for targeting them?

  22. In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he claimed that people can travel to Mars through some machine and the air is breathable. Additionally, he claims that the colours were filtered so people see all red on TV. Is it true?

  23. In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he exposed an expansive base in the Ozarks mountain range. What is that facility for?

  24. Are FEMA Camps now being used?

  25. 9/11 - Was it an inside job? Which agencies? Name names.

  26. 9/11 - Was it a plane? Remotely piloted plane? How was the plane remotely piloted? Was it a missile? Which flights were actually missiles? Where are the passengers if it was a missile? If it's not a missile, what plane was it?

  27. Directed Energy Weapons. Real? What is the size of such a weapon if it's real? Meaning, anti-personnel, anti-tank, anti-building, area effect, etc? Space based? Air based? Land/Sea based?

Answer ALL of these.

Bite me.



Is there a link to somewhere I can read more info pertaining to you?

Sorry but 28 questions I an AMA, are you serious?

Pretty serious, actually.

henceforth we shall call that format an ask me everything

If a person is wiling to do an AMA, it's only common sense to ask everything in your mind to get the most out of it.

Haha RDS seems like a bit of a prick... Shouldn't we all be a little bit sceptical?

I agree. He's a self promoter that basically wants a job in the Trump WH. His behaviour reminds me of Seaman's.

He has supporters because he spoke out against the CIA, but his supporters are quick to turn a blind eye to him spending his entire life working in the CIA and still advocates whoever that can make it to get into the organisation. He's a "company man" through and through.

I take his "We're mostly just desk jockeys" claim with a huge grain of salt.

I doubt that, with the way he speaks of trump lately.

Can you ask questions one at a time? Huge lists like this can overwhelm the guest and drown out everyone else's questions.

Sorry, it's either this, or I end up getting into some trouble for flooding and stuff. As you can see, I've got tons of questions...

He is here until Sunday night (with normal life breaks obviously) so take your time. No harm done.

I posted a few separately to see if he answers

This makes sense to me. A lot of shitty questions with no evidence of thinking or independent reading, but out of respect for Reddit I will give it a go.

your patience is appreciated.

My answers to ALL questions was too long and could not be saved. You guys need a limit of 3 questions per....

Do you know any politicians that are cannibals? Please list them.

Nancy Peloisi and Hillary Clinton both like small children (little girls) served rare and thinly sliced. Are you fucking serious? The pedophiles do have rituals and do like blook and probably cannibalism, but I have no direct knowledgel.

Do you know any politicians, and their staff, that are paedophiles? Please list them.

No direct knowledge.

Which journalists are targeted by the government now?

All MSM journalists work for the US Goverment either directly for cash or indirectly to keep their jobs -- such as Massimo Calabrisi who published the CIA party line as a cover story for TIME -- alternative media journalists such as Alex Jones and Natural News are now targetted by #GoogleGestapo under the leadership of Eric Schmidt, they now do the dirty work for CIA -- Amazon and Washington Post probably have a growing role to play, I fully expect Amazon to stop selling any books or kindles that question the official narrative at some point.

Which journalists are targeted by the CIA now?

Which journalists are on the hit list now?

Are "Targeted Individuals" really targeted by the government, or are they crazy? Which agency is responsible for targeting them?

Mind control and involuntary neuro-manipulation is very real. Here is one link to several posts: http://phibetaiota.net/?s=mind+control

In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he claimed that people can travel to Mars through some machine and the air is breathable. Additionally, he claims that the colours were filtered so people see all red on TV. Is it true?

I like Jesse Ventura very much. He is a wild card.

In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he exposed an expansive base in the Ozarks mountain range. What is that facility for?

Ask him. There appear to be a number of secret camps across the USA including in the unreachable portions of Washington State and of course across the south, where "men without a country" are held in waiting against the day when a unit is needed to wipe out an entire US town or demonstrating body. Lots of weird stuff that the local authorities turn a blind eye to. All of the Governors are part of the Deep State, one reason I do not believe Donald Trump can survive without an Electoral Reform Act that knocks the two-party tyranny on its ass.

Are FEMA Camps now being used?

I have seen advertisements for National Guard camp control specialists. FEMA started the camps and the trains with shackles as an illegal refugee round-up concept under Ronald Reagan.

9/11 - Was it an inside job? Which agencies? Name names.

Yes. Learn to read for yourself.

9/11 - Was it a plane? Remotely piloted plane? How was the plane remotely piloted? Was it a missile? Which flights were actually missiles? Where are the passengers if it was a missile? If it's not a missile, what plane was it?

Controlled demolitions in NYC, a missle in Washington. Here are all references to 9/11 at Phi Beta Iota: http://phibetaiota.net/?s=9%2F11

Directed Energy Weapons. Real? What is the size of such a weapon if it's real? Meaning, anti-personnel, anti-tank, anti-building, area effect, etc? Space based? Air based? Land/Sea based?

No direct knowledge.

Which agency killed Max Spiers?

No idea but the US Army has a lot of pedophiles and sodomizers and sexual saddits with neo-Nazi tendencies, if he got too close to any of them it is entirely possible he was killed by an individual or small cell rather than as an official act.

Here are my 2,000+ non-fiction book reviews, in 98 categories, all free online:


These are the real questions that can't be answered by reposting his link over and over or giving short dodgy answers. I'd be ok with this being the only comment answered in the whole thread. Put your money where your tin foil hat is and answer these truthfully and thoroughly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do retired CIA always come out and "expose" the CIA etc, eg yourself, Ray McGovern et al, when you guys probably have done loads of shady stuff when you're inside the CIA yourself? Guilty conscience? Have you defied shady orders?

Out of the thousands of clandestine case officers (spies) -- every one else works out of a cubicle -- most disappear into retirement or double-dipping jobs retirement jobs pushing paper. A few of us become vocal opponents of spying done wrong. Robert Baer, Ray McGovern (who founded Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) and I are examples of the latter. Part of your problem is that you are LAZY. You have not bothered to go to http://phibetaiota.net and read a single thing I have written. You have not bothered to see the lists, all with links on line, to my books, articles, chapters, interviews, testimony, and even movies. So I am answering your LAZY questions out of respect for Reddit, not because I think you deserve an answer.

What is your purpose to do this? Sell books? Get paid interviews? Radio show?

Moron. Try the obvious: responding to a well-presented polite, professional request from Fly -- not something you are capable of.

No witnesses? If your memo has been read by a million people already, then why do you still want to do a "no witness" meeting? Why should the POTUS trust a person like yourself to shed the Secret Service and whatever, when you were an intelligence agent that should be quite skilled at stealing info and perhaps killing people?

You have no idea.

"You have 30 days to settle the country. A violent “American Spring” looms." You're starting one? Somebody from CIA whispered this tip into your ears? CIA starting another colour revolution? Which is it?

You give Reddit a bad name. Do you even have an education? When the weather gets warm enough so people can "Occupy" public spaces comfortably, Soros and the many organizations that have received ober 50 million dollars are ready to roll out into the streets. Berkeley was a test drive. Note that the Governors, Mayors, and university presidents are all part of the Deep State and against Trump. For those who are interested in the four-track strategy against Trump, start here: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/special-three-track-program-to-destroy-trump/

Once a CIA, always a CIA. Why should anyone trust what you're doing?

I feel sorry for you. If you cannot figure that out by yourself, based on all the writing and public speaking and testimony to Congressional and Presidential Commissions to be found, with links online at http://robertdavidsteele.com, then you are barely worthy as worm food. Certainly I would not feed your ignorant remains to my dog.

In your estimation, how many people are still languishing in Black Sites?

In your estimation, how many tons of drugs does the CIA smuggle per year? Which branch of the CIA does it, or is the whole organisation behind it?

How is the Black Budget funded, other than through drugs?

Does the CIA traffick humans? Sex slaves? Organs? Meat for consumption?

Does the CIA kill whistleblowers?

Which agency killed Michael Hastings?

Which agencies killed 9/11 truthers?

Which is the agency that suicide people? Have you suicided people, or directed their suiciding?

Does the CIA have the ability to remotely control all aircraft through the "Uninterruptible Autopilot System"? Which agencies have control over that?

Does the CIA have the ability to remotely control all vehicles? Which agencies have control over that?

Do you know any politicians that are cannibals? Please list them.

Do you know any politicians, and their staff, that are paedophiles? Please list them.

Which journalists are targeted by the government now?

Which journalists are targeted by the CIA now?

Which journalists are on the hit list now?

Are "Targeted Individuals" really targeted by the government, or are they crazy? Which agency is responsible for targeting them?

In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he claimed that people can travel to Mars through some machine and the air is breathable. Additionally, he claims that the colours were filtered so people see all red on TV. Is it true?

In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he exposed an expansive base in the Ozarks mountain range. What is that facility for?

Are FEMA Camps now being used?

9/11 - Was it an inside job? Which agencies? Name names.

9/11 - Was it a plane? Remotely piloted plane? How was the plane remotely piloted? Was it a missile? Which flights were actually missiles? Where are the passengers if it was a missile? If it's not a missile, what plane was it?

Directed Energy Weapons. Real? What is the size of such a weapon if it's real? Meaning, anti-personnel, anti-tank, anti-building, area effect, etc? Space based? Air based? Land/Sea based?

Which agency killed Max Spiers?

I am giving you a chance to clear the record, but instead you insult me repeatedly. It is highly unfortunate that you're so egotistic and seem to be more interested in pushing your website than anything.

I can see that you cant take hard questions.

you deserve every insult. your lack of respect and unwillingness to read his previous work shows you do not deserve our attention. Regardless of that, he provided some good responses anyways.
This AMA is a chance to ask him in greater detail about the things he's already stated. To actually have a conversation. You seem intent on pissing people off and generally acting like a child.

Haha, how is there a lack of respect? I'm not the one going around insulting people. Is it not right to treat everyone with suspicion, especially after they spent their entire life in the shadiest organisation known to man? Or is he your hero and idol so suspicion and caution go right out the window?

"Greater detail", like accusing Hillary of being a paedophile and then editing it out when caught? Haha...

Actually, your post demonstrates the "intent to piss people off and generally acting like a child".

AMA means "Ask me Anything". I suggest you look up what it means.

He answered a great deal of your incredibly pointed questions. More than I would have. Maybe next time don't ask 28 pointed questions in one post on an AMA.

Also, it's called Ask Me Anything. It isn't called "I need to be nice to everyone".

28 pointed questions? I can see that you are too lazy to read.

I can see that you don't like it when your hero and idol is asked hard questions about his intentions.

He answered every single one of you're snarky questions, it was good of him to take the time and answer those and you deserved some snark back. If you can't take it don't dish it out.

The questions are not "snarky".

He answered half. That is not the same as "every single one". I get that the stereotypical American is bad at mathematics, but you should really learn how to count.

Your first 4 questions are absolutely "snarky" in the way you present them. I'm not saying he's in the right for attacking you but you asked for it.

Really. Haha.

Rephrase them for me then, smarty.

  1. it seems that a lot of former CIA have come forward recently to denounce the organization that they worked for and have been staunch opponents why is that?

  2. with all of the dis-information coming from both sides and this being a conspiracy subreddit we would like to know your motivation for doing this AMA.

  3. What are your motivations for meeting the president one on one? Are you worried about who might be listening? as you point out the whitehouse is bugged so we are all curious why one on one? Are you concerned the people around Trump are trying to sabotage?

  4. Why do you think the violent spring is coming? Is soros that deviant?

I get why you are angry at the establishment but there is a way to talk to people and there is a way not to talk to people. I did the same thing you did to a soldier just back from Iraq. I was so angry they were killing people and for a war I did not agree with but I said some bad shit about how he could lie with himself. It was not till his friend let me know that he could not sleep and had nightmares every time he did that I realized I was the prick and not him. I apologized in a cowardly fashion with my head held low because I did not know his suffering. Robert Steele was nice enough to answer our questions when he did not have to so we should at least be respectful . He did not need to insult you but he was probably pissed off as most of us would be if you insulted him without reading what and who he had campaigned against for some time it seems. I have not read all of his work.

People are heated and rightfully so but channeled aggression should be towards those who wish to do us harm and not those seeking to shed light on a dark time.

You are skewing the intent of the questions you're rephrasing.

  1. Not "recently." The gist of the thing is, why did they not make noise while they were inside, or changed the organisation, or quit.

  2. It's not to talk about disinfo. It's to talk about his motivations. Not just this AMA, that he wrongly interpreted, but coming out and talking crap in the first place.

  3. Again, it's not about "bugs". He already mentioned it. He wanted a no-witnesses meeting, and judging from how CIA is famous for killing people, wanting something like that, while saying that there'd be a "violent American Spring" in less than 30 days is highly suspicious. I do not see why Trump, or anyone, should let down their guard when in the presence of such dangerous characters.

  4. I wanted to know his source of info. Whether it's his crystal ball, a CIA contact, or he's actually going to start anything. Soros is unlikely to do it, seeing how this is "home ground" and he still owns much of everything here. His protests are just mere annoyances, not a bloody revolution.

The soldier you mentioned did not serve the military his entire life and is not telling people to join the CIA. Having nightmares and suffering does not excuse his going to other countries and taking part in the genocide there.

I am highly suspicious of anyone that retired from the CIA/NSA et al, and I think that I am perfectly right to be suspicious and cautious of them.

The questions are not "snarky". The fact that you called them "snarky" tells me that you did not read them.

If you actually think that I feel bad for your lack of self awareness.

You guys treat him like a god, when he's CIA. If you actually think that you should not be suspicious and cautious of him, I feel bad for your lack of awareness.

I'm not treating him like a God, I'm treating you like a child because you are acting like one.

You don't like it when I ask your hero and idol hard questions. Got it.

I don't even know who this guy is.

He's a CIA guy that served in the CIA his whole life and encourages people to join the organisation.

He claims to be "awake" now and even has a website where he writes shit about the CIA.

My questions are a perfect fit for a character like him.

Don't let him know that you don't even bother to "read", he'll call you "barely worthy of being worm food", and he wouldn't "feed your remains to his dog". Hahaha...

Don't jump in without know anything.

Not intending to be rude here, but it's very obvious you were being extremely condescending and worded the questions for a "loaded" response or to squeeze in a jab at Robert. Sweeping generalizations and accusatory language are not the best way to be asking a guest questions that you want answers to. I'd consider yourself lucky he even answered the first 4 questions. These could have been reworded to much more accurately ask the question and get an answer without involving your own personal bias, accusatory language and without insulting his intelligence.

If you didn't want to receive a slight negative attitude at your questions, you shouldn't have worded them with your negative attitude. You don't have the right to complain when you did it first and in my opinion were more insulting than his replies were.

No, it was not condescending.

Out of the 4, 2 of his "replies" are non answers.

Is it true that ex-CIA always come out and talk crap? Yes. So why do they do it? Exactly. Guilty conscience/sell books/whatever. Similarly, asking if he ever defied shady orders comes naturally.

Why should Trump trust somebody from the CIA? Especially somebody that is saying "30 days to settle the country" or "a violent American Spring looms". It is very clear that he's talking about a revolution, not protests.

Maybe if you stopped seeing that he's trustworthy just because of a few internet posts, you'd see that I'm the one asking the right questions.

I don't disagree with you, I do think you're being a bit more skeptical than I, but that's not the problem, I'm glad there are people that are more skeptical.

I'm saying that at the very basic level of human communication, there was a better way to word the questions. If someone comes off as rude or a know-it-all when asking a question, you're less apt to answer said question, or at the very least you're going to reflect the attitude they gave you in your response. When you ask questions worded like that you're just kind of asking for him to insult you back.

Now to the opinions: If I dedicated my life to something I felt was right (like the majority of people in the intel community) only to slowly realize I was being gamed the entire time, I'd be doing the exact same thing he is doing currently: trying to get the word out about the corruption, greed and power monopolies within the government. I think the reason a lot of ex-3 letter agency guys flip is because of the very nature of their work. They're exposed to a lot, and are usually presented with frequent moral dilemmas surrounding their work, and have access to verifiable sources that most normal citizens don't. That fact alone can lead them to believe that if they don't do something about it themselves, it's likely that nobody will, as very few know what they do.

I think there's more of a human element to this as well. I think that for the most part, people (humans in general) try to be "good". I don't think that they've suddenly had a change of heart mid-career, I think that for the most part, they were most likely left in the dark, and once they figured out the truth, this is what changed them.

Similar to what Robert previously said, I believe the vast majority are good people just pushing paper, the bigger issue is the secrecy and compartmentalization of tasks in the intelligence agencies. Hundreds of people dispersed into smaller groups or projects are led to believe that they're helping create a better world, when in reality they're compartmentalized puppets for the real "masters" so to speak. All put together they can create something truly evil, all without knowing what they contributed to.

I don't agree with all of the book/website links, etc. Although I personally do think they're great, it just seems a bit shady linked from the author himself. If you read through his websites and books though, he isn't trying to get rich at all from any of this. He's just trying to spread the truth, and I haven't found many sites or books that are on the same level as his, so I don't know of any better links for him to share with us, and it'd be unrealistic to expect him to type out pages and pages of replies that could be condensed into a single paragraph and a link to a website.

Just my thoughts.

When you ask questions worded like that you're just kind of asking for him to insult you back.

I disagree to the notion that my questions were worded improperly, or were in any way rude.

They're exposed to a lot, and are usually presented with frequent moral dilemmas surrounding their work, and have access to verifiable sources that most normal citizens don't. That fact alone can lead them to believe that if they don't do something about it themselves, it's likely that nobody will, as very few know what they do.

I think there's more of a human element to this as well. I think that for the most part, people (humans in general) try to be "good". I don't think that they've suddenly had a change of heart mid-career, I think that for the most part, they were most likely left in the dark, and once they figured out the truth, this is what changed them.

... All put together they can create something truly evil, all without knowing what they contributed to.

The person you're talking about is John Kiriakou and other CIA whistle-blowers. Not Steele. He retired, AND is still encouraging people to join. He is a "company man" through and through.

I will now respond to some of your "answers".

Part of your problem is that you are LAZY. You have not bothered to go to http://phibetaiota.net and read a single thing I have written. You have not bothered to see the lists, all with links on line, to my books, articles, chapters, interviews, testimony, and even movies. So I am answering your LAZY questions out of respect for Reddit, not because I think you deserve an answer.

No need for an AMA then. From what I can see, everything is just "go read your website".

When the weather gets warm enough so people can "Occupy" public spaces comfortably, Soros and the many organizations that have received ober 50 million dollars are ready to roll out into the streets.

Since you imply that I do not have an education, can you enlighten me what is the difference between a CIA backed coloured revoluation vs Soros protests? The question is valid because "Whatever Spring" means there will be a bloody revolution.

I feel sorry for you. If you cannot figure that out by yourself, based on all the writing and public speaking and testimony to Congressional and Presidential Commissions to be found, with links online at http://robertdavidsteele.com, then you are barely worthy as worm food. Certainly I would not feed your ignorant remains to my dog.

Anyone can say anything. Heard of Mocking Bird? Oh wait, you're CIA, and you're pushing your website, books, and whatever.

Does the CIA kill whistleblowers?

I have heard you talk about 7 branches of CIA.

Computerized cars can be hijacked, sometimes without installing a chip. Do you not read at all? Have you not seen the proven demonstrations featured by WIRED and other magazines?

I already know this. All I want to know is if the CIA has a programme, a unit, a team, and interest to do this.

Do keep your ego in check.

Haha oh this makes more sense. Can't post your own blog without it being considered spam right?

I see that in order to come to the defense of your new hero, you have to be totally bloody ridiculous. It belongs to somebody that has been banned from r/conspiracy because of this AMA.

Don't be stupid.

Although you make a point when you press for truth, please.. take a second to look at your irritation from someone else's point of view.

No one owes you anything. You come off as entitled, and controlling. Control is a form of violence.

Although you make a point when you press for truth, please.. take a second to look at your irritation from someone else's point of view.

No one owes you anything. You come off as entitled, and controlling. Control is a form of violence.

Although you make a point when you press for truth, please.. take a second to look at your irritation from someone else's point of view.

No one owes you anything. You come off as entitled, and controlling. Control is a form of violence.

You are imagining things.

Part of your problem is that you are LAZY

So I am answering your LAZY questions out of respect for Reddit, not because I think you deserve an answer.


You have no idea.

You give Reddit a bad name. Do you even have an education?

I feel sorry for you. - you are barely worthy as worm food. Certainly I would not feed your ignorant remains to my dog.

Do you not read at all?

I honestly didn't expect this as a reply. Your first several questions were ones that I'd thought about myself. I'm glad you asked, but I'm disappointed to see this kind of reaction. It bugs me that those who were members of an organization which is openly loathed in subreddits such as this are treated as "allies", often without question.

I've seen confirmation bias become such an overwhelming part of political discourse that I had wondered if that were the reason for this attitude. After all, we all like to have the thoughts that we espouse affirmed by an authority figure of sorts. It's become increasingly difficult to take the word of anyone anymore. It's easier for me to trust someone that has actually risked something, like Snowden, but I may just be ignorant of this dude's history. Maybe I'm just becoming overly cynical.

I will not trust anyone that retired quietly and is essentially gaming the community. These CIA scum are the ones that entice/threaten others into committing treason all over the world (in his own words, no less), as well as many other nefarious things. They are experts at mind control and manipulation.

MICES - The people here identify with the ideology part, because they imagine that Steele is not one of "them", just because of a few internet posts. Ignoring everything he did in his life, the fact that he, the self proclaimed "desk jockey" is meeting up with terrorists in other countries, as well as encouraging people to join the CIA.

Maybe I'd trust John Kiriakou. Big maybe. Never the likes of Steele, definitely.

Open sourced government is a fascinating concept. What are some key changes to be made in its implementation?

Suggested reading?

at http://phibetaiota.net search OSINT and use Blog page to get to the handbooks.

at http://robertdavidsteele.com see the Nobel materials and everything else.

Oh, cool! I just have one question. Is Paul Bonacci telling the truth about the sex abuse party with various politicians, such as George HW Bush? He mentions Senators, Congressmen, Governors, etc. Is reality really as crazy as it seems?


Also, what do you know about The Finders? I believe they were involved with the Franklin Scandal. What are your thoughts on this mess? I also believe Johnny Gosch was kidnapped by The Finders, and ended up in Omaha. Do you have any inside knowledge or insight on these topics?

It is like The Finders were sent out to "find" and photograph potential kidnapping victims. The photographs were shown to potential buyers, and then the kids selected were taken. I think some of the potential buyers were very high level government officials. I have also heard rumors about auctions, and the kids were branded like cattle.

If any of this is true, then the "War on Terror" is not being waged against the real terrorists.

All probably very very true. The elites think pedophilia is a privilege, and there is a sado-massochistic cult among senior military officers, see the YouTubes of Kate Griggs.

That was quick!

And, I am very, very sorry to hear it is true. I was hoping I am insane for thinking it...

I will look at Kate Griggs. Thanks.

There are a lot of people backing you. This is one war I will gladly fight and die for.

Here is the whole 7+ hours interview with Kay Griggs from 1998:


Here is an update with Jeff Rense from 2005:


Thank you!

It's been nice to see you pop up in some recent interviews and thanks for doing this.

My questions are, knowing what these people are capable of, (your former employer specifically), how are you still alive when so many others have been silenced?


Knowing what we now know about dyncorp, essentially how it's ran by human/drug traffickers, perverts and pedos, how do they still "win" multi-million dollar US gov't contracts?

I have been successfully marginalized for 30 years, and because I do have a following on the inside (most people in the USG are good people trapped in a bad system that hate the Deep State) I am just not worth a bullet. My profile is higher now, one of the reasons I support Truth & Reconciliation is precisely to avoid being targetted.

What part of evil USG paying evil Dyncorp are you not getting?

I suppose the 2nd part was more of a rhetorical question. It really blows my mind that members of the gov't have known about dyncorp's extra-curricular activities for over a decade, yet that partnership still exists.

Thanks for taking the time to respond and your contributions to the truth movement.

Truth & Reconciliation

this phrase needs to be repeated often.


With all the heat Donald Trump is taking from the establishment, and the massive propaganda campaign against him, do you feel it would be in his and the truth movement's best interest, and America's best interest, for that matter, to start to run a press conference campaign exposing decades of corruption? The best whistleblowers, best white hat bipartisan politicians, military, intel etc to cover the century of the hijacking of this country?

I ask because I feel if he keeps giving soft answers to hard realities, then we will be stuck in this cabal mentality for far too long, and it will only escalate. I say bipartisan whistleblowers across the board (and from multiple previous administrations) because it would be perceived as some revenge tactic against the "left" if not bipartisan.

I do realize a conspiracy press conference could actually make matters worse, possibly putting him in more jeopardy, but what do we do? We seem to be in a position where an information offensive is necessary. It's obvious that our nation will be held in arrested development until we face the truth about our past. In your expertise, what should we do? Continue soft disclosure via the alternative media? Or step it up a few notches and just swallow the bad medicine in order to move forward? Thank you.

"American Spring" used by the link provided seems pretty accurate. Who are the major players in this? Who benefits in the end? Most importantly should U.S. Citizens be concerned?

Soros and the CFR-Bilderbergers, pretty much

The globalist agenda is open borders and the end of self-governance. Personally I think the globalists are killing the golden goose and have not thought this through clearly.

With all the heat Donald Trump is taking from the establishment, and the massive propaganda campaign against him, do you feel it would be in his and the truth movement's best interest, and America's best interest, for that matter, to start to run a press conference campaign exposing decades of corruption? The best whistleblowers, best white hat bipartisan politicians, military, intel etc to cover the century of the hijacking of this country?

I ask because I feel if he keeps giving soft answers to hard realities, then we will be stuck in this cabal mentality for far too long, and it will only escalate. I say bipartisan whistleblowers across the board (and from multiple previous administrations) because it would be perceived as some revenge tactic against the "left" if not bipartisan.

I do realize a conspiracy press conference could actually make matters worse, possibly putting him in more jeopardy, but what do we do? We seem to be in a position where an information offensive is necessary. It's obvious that our nation will be held in arrested development until we face the truth about our past. In your expertise, what should we do? Continue soft disclosure via the alternative media? Or step it up a few notches and just swallow the bad medicine in order to move forward? Thank you.

I have given Donald Trump a road map in two documents. The first, delivered via Certified Mail to both Judas Preibus and his love child Spicer, was trashed and not delivered to Donald Trump. The second has been read by one million people including Trump and Bannon, and the latest word I have is that Trump is ignoring pleas that he sit down with Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney and me (to which we have added Jesse Ventura, I am trying to connect to Jesse and fly out to Mexico to have a face to face before I leave for Norway on the 14th of March). The second link was also at ZeroHedge where it got over 180,000 views.



Judas Preibus - HA!

Hey Robert, thanks for the AMA. Do you know if Andrew Breitbart came close to bringing pedogate to the public years back, and was he killed for it? I'd assume Steve Bannon would know of some of his research.

...and/or was it an "inside job" to take control of his media?

I have no direct knowledge but I do believe people have been killed in the past over this stuff. Now we are achieving a critical mass. If I were a world class pedophile in the USA I would be making plans to both emigrate and legally change my name and perhaps my nationality. Not sure if they can stop -- at some point they will be killed by angry villagers if they do not.

Is Julian Assange still alive? In London? What happened to him mid-October?

I have no direct knowledge but my general sense is that he is alive.

You should watch his AMA, he explained everything


Had to manually approve this link as it is banned automatically by reddit. Probably because of URL shortener, not really sure.

Does anyone know if Reddit bans tiny.urls?

I find that tinyurls are increasingly banned by lazy stupid administrators. Here is the long URL for the OSINT page:



Testing link for Reddit domain ban

Good man.

Did it work. I have been banned from both Reddit and Wikipedia for being hyper critical of the morons abusing their power. I understand my Reddit ban was lifted, probably termporarily, so that I could respond to Fly's invitation.


Do you think that the elites have the technology to communicate with interdimensional aliens?

If so, why? What is the purpose? Wouldn't changing plans in more than one dimension change all the others? How can anyone control such a scenario?

How does this relate to the theory that the universe is a computer simulation?

Do you think that the elites have the technology to communicate with interdimensional aliens?

can a man walk a dog?

That didn't answer my question.

The dog always walks the man...I know this to be a fact from my daily walks with my teen-ager's dog.

Yes. I think we have two ETs, one good, one bad, and each has its own version of human "straw bosses," and there is afight going on between those who want to pillage the Earth and those who want to help humanity reach its full potential (the one infinite resource we have is the brain power of the five billion poor we are repressing).

I believe there are at least 4 and probably 26 dimensions, and we are at the very beginning of understanding cosmic complexity across time and space. I do not believe there is any computer than can replicate living (not just human) cerebral complexity, see this interesting quote: http://phibetaiota.net/2009/12/graphic-jim-bamford-on-the-human-brain/

I am a severe skeptic about Artificial Intelligence, I worry about embedded artificial stupidity and criminality (flash trading is a good example, Facebook algorithms represssing free speech another).

What are your thoughts on the hollow earth theory?

Worthy of further study.

what is the reason for most of the western countries becoming opposed to Turkeys government since 2012/2013

1) Many people have called you a shill/controlled opposition because of your stance that there do not need to be arrests. What is the rationale behind not arresting the high-level people involved in the pedo rings?

2) Will an "awakening" of the mass consciousness be possible without arresting those behind these atrocities? If the truth is revealed to the public, they will want to see the arrests happen. If the truth is revealed, and no arrests happen, won't that totally diminish any trust that is left in our government? If no arrests happen, and the truth is not revealed, then what changes? Aren't we just as vulnerable to fall back into the previous state of affairs as soon as the cabal regains enough positions of power?


Like they ever lost power.

Please see the below link. Nothing wrong with killed a few of them, but try to understand the logic in the below link:


So.... Looks like he is a shill. At the very least for his website

Yeah, can't say I see a coherent argument against arresting all the pedos. Doesn't prove he is a shill, but I hope he is wrong about Trump being in over his head.

Tough to know who is on your side and who isn't in these situations.

Do you think Osama died in Dec 2001, or Seal Team 6 did do it (chucking his body out to sea)?

What's your take on reptilians?

I believe they exist in some form.


Back tomorrow, closing for the night.

http://phibetaiota.net is free subscription, no ads, three posts a day. It has 20,000 posts from over 800 contributors, and is a gold mine of truth if you want to do any research on common topics. Use simple search terms.

1- What's the real role of Dyncorp?

2 - Are they harvesting the organs of children in Haiti and giving them to the elite?

3- Are they behind the mass shootings in America?

Probably yes to all three in some fashion. But don't forget Blackwater, Eric Prince took legalized street crime and regime change to new levels. And that leads to an important point: 70% of the secret budget is spent on contractors. The evil is not necessarily ordered by or committed by the CIA or the USG. We now live in version of the Wild West and have to get a grip on our own communities.

Why should the POTUS trust a person like yourself to shed the Secret Service and whatever, when you were an intelligence agent that should be quite skilled at stealing info and perhaps killing people?

Having the ability to steal and kill people does not mean a person is unfit to rule. Moses was a murderer.

Look at Steele's character since he left. He is talking openly about pedophile as a means of controlling the politicians, and proposing some real (although partial) solutions.

Start here, grasshopper, don't overlook the recommendation for a Nobel Peace Prize: http://robertdavidsteele.com

Do you have any answers to list that aren't simply a link to your websites?

My time is valuable. I am not going to sit here and spell crap out for you when a better reference is available. For example, why should I spell stuff out when I have a pointer to a superb book by someone else with my summary review?

Your comment reminds me of Wikipedia destroying five days work when I created the Open Source Intelligence page with links to the original work of 200 different people as stored at oss.net. They said I was self-promoting because all the links went to the same site.

With all due humility, I am fucking ground zero for most of this stuff, fuck you if you don't like my answers or my links.

first thanks for answering our questions and taking your time I usually don't ask questions or read amas no reddit anymore but this ama is really interesting,

i'd like to ask this question:

what is the reason for most of the western countries becoming so strongly opposed to Turkeys government since 2012/2013 before 2013, they seemed to only have praise for Erdogan, what changed? Also what is their long term plan for Turkey, is it true that they want to create a Kurdistan with access to the mediterranean, black sea and caspian?

also is it true that the Saudi Royal Family has a jewish origin? a week ago there was a post on this subreddit about the movie taken is it true the saudi/emirati "royals" are involved in buying slaves?

Do you know any politicians, and their staff, that are paedophiles? Please list them

You list them -- just list every senior Democratic and Republican leader, including Governors and Mayors and State legislators not just federal, throw darts to pick out 20% and you will be more right than wrong.

In other words you don't really know.

He's named many of them, in this thread, and all over his website. And you come in here and attack him because he doesn't spoon feed you this information, that is already available.

I've read most of the thread last night and saw no specific names listed. A lot of replies he just posts links to his webpages. Maybe he updated it since now he seems to be answering more. I'll check around.

Realistically I have no evidence and no list. I simply know from very broad reading and a lifetime of advanced thinking that roughly 20% of the Republican and Democratic leaders are at worst pedophiles and at best closet gays or into other blackmailable stuff (Marco Rubio, for example, the sanctimonious shit from Florida for whom we have lots of evidence including photos -- Wayne Madsen broke that story, here is one of the links http://phibetaiota.net/2016/01/wayne-madsen-marco-rubio-homosexual-update-with-photos/

I understand, you don't know the ACTUAL names, and you don't have a giant blackmail file if anyone ever tries to fuck with you.


Is there such a thing as a gay agenda? I didn't believe it before, but recent revelations make it more and more likely

Exactly. And I am glad to get you Cynthia McKinney, you don't have to send me a photo with shit in your pants, I waive that (smile).

Hello Mr. Steele, I'm listening to a podcast and wanted to quote you as saying this about the Electoral Reform Act, which he states is how Trump could bring the country together and actually be the one person who truly represents all people. I really want people to hear this. What this act does, in his words (I'm replaying it and typing out on mobile, forgive me if I miss anything, I'm getting the gist):

Creates paper ballots, exit polls which keeps Democrats from stealing elections like they did to Bernie

Frees the members from their dependence on Israeli, Saudi and Wall Street money

Opens the way for Greens, Libertarians, Conservatives, all kinds in congress as opposed to the Two-Party tyranny, which is neither Conservative nor Liberal, it's simply criminal.

This also stops the violent American Spring, which certain entities are working towards, from happening.

Mr. Steele, please fill in or correct what I've missed, and feel free to expand on anything.

You, sir, are an American hero and a treasure!!

Podcast: http://www.davejanda.com/audio/RobertDavidSteele021217.mp3 (opening song is awesome :)

Dave Janda is an American hero, I wish he could break through to Trump. I may make Trump uncomfortable, but I believe I am the one ace in the hole that is Trump's for the asking. Here is the official post with graphics on the rigged system and how to fix it: http://phibetaiota.net/2016/10/robert-steele-rigged-twelve-ways-the-two-party-tyranny-rigs-the-us-electoral-system-to-block-out-independents-small-parties-and-70-of-the-eligible-voters/

What are your opinions on Trumps relationship with the MSM?

Complicated. He is absolutely right to hate them all -- remember that Chris Cuomo on Crap News Network has angst because his family was in Trump's pocket for many years. These people are not stupid, they are simply corrupt and worthless to the public. When I watch James Baker brag on CNN that we have a functioning democracy, and the sock puppet does not challenge him -- or when I watch them all embrace "the Russians hacked the election" without any intelligent push-back such as I and 29 others offered up, I want to puke. We can do without the MSM. I want to build the Trump channel.

Robert, you talk about ranger justice coming for Soros. What has kept this man out of the line of fire so far?

Why did they kill Michael Hastings?
Do you have any guess what he was working on before his death

Thanks so much for taking the time to do this Robert!

Since the 1980 Global 2000 report, do you think the world has a depopulation agenda mixed with lad grabs to maintain planet resources? If so do you think the resource concerns legit, or a deceptive tactic to gain control of everything?

Do you think the Agenda 21/ The 2030 Agenda is a vision for a world government?

Answering with y/n's is fine - thanks!

The Global 200 report was one of Jimmy Carter's greatest contributions. He is a good man who did what he could but now we are past the time of going along with the Deep State. I believe the time has come for all nations to expropriate all land and all mineral resources and deny the banks and corporations their continued impunity in stripping the world of its resources for their benefit.

There will be no world government. They over-played their hand with the housing bubble, and that started a dismantling of the Deep State and an awakening of the public.

Thanks so much for the reply Robert!

I gotta ask, how do we know your not just some troll on the internet here to screw with us.

What do you know about alien/extraterrestrials and Area 51

He is 100% real - guaranteed.

If you cannot figure me out from http://robertdavidsteele.com, I beg of you, commit suicide tonight and help cull the herd for the good of humanity.

Hahaahaha. I'd recommend treading a little lighter. Reddit mods (thought police) are foaming at the mouth to silence and permaban patriots like yourself over silly jokes

I've been banned by Reddit before -- I did not and do not give a shit. I take it as a signal honor to be banned by morons with very small brains and too much authority. It should be enlightening to all of you to reflect on the fact that you have missed years of my contributions because some jerk within the Reddit autocracy thought I was somehow "off."



A. How close are we to complete disaster, be it the loss of our freedoms, ww3, the police state etc. B. What stands the greatest threat to America

I am optimistic. There are enough pissed off veterans (22 million) and right thinking law enforcement (2-3 million) so that the elite are now powerless in terms of keeping us down with guns. They keep us down with propaganda, misinformation, and bribery. They have lost all three of those methods since the accidental election of Donald Trump. With or without Trump, the way is open for all of us to demand that the system be unrigged (http://phibetaiota.net/2016/10/robert-steele-rigged-twelve-ways-the-two-party-tyranny-rigs-the-us-electoral-system-to-block-out-independents-small-parties-and-70-of-the-eligible-voters/). The greatest threat to America is the Deep State and our own apathy.

How can we help you get the meeting with trump?

If I knew I would not need you. I support 100 people with signs outside the White House would help -- or 100 people with signs outside Mar a Lago. I just heard that Steve Bannon is not the problem, Trump is the problem. Trump does lean toward arrogance, he may not realize that the four tracks outlined at the below link are going to crush his ass; then again, he may have taken a $20B bribe from Lynn Rothschild (second link) and after failing to deliver a loss in the election, is now trying to fulfill the deal by finding an exist strategy that leaves Mike Pence as our Jimmy Carter, front for the Deep State.



Sounds like we need to get your memo to the top of The_Donald. There's enough energy there to get your proposal to Trump's desk.

wait you're not already banned from there?

No. I don't have enough information to be anti-Trump yet. I dislike some of his cabinet picks, but I haven't given up on Trump himself.

With a smile, the only person worth saving there other than Trump is Bannon and he is open to diversification. Trump needs the A Team and the A Team is a) not comprised of billionaires and b) generally not part of the Establishment.

I just heard Bannon is open to the idea but Trump is resisting. I have no idea what the truth is. I am going to do everything I can to help Trump until 1 April, on 1 April I open alt-gov.org and file legal papers for bigbatusa.org to start taking in political money (EIN is an educational non-profit and stays below the $20K a year in donations line).

the progressive will need your strategic mind if and when Trump fails to come through for the people. His ego led to his win, and his arrogance will be his downfall.
Koch is right to fear the united left. I hope the corporate dems will be unable to contain us.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Deep State is the common enemy of ALL Americans regardless of race, creed, or ideological persuasion. The Kochs (pronounced COCKs) should fear a united 99% not a united left.

I will adopt your preferred terminology.

Why did the western elites turn on Turkeys government in 2013? Before this, western media only had praise for Erdogan.
What changed in 2013 in the relation? Was the coup attempt really a Erdogan false-flag, as western media suggests, or was it the US as Erdogan claims?

Is it true that the Saudis/Gulf arabs are buying slaves from europe and all around the world? (including children)

We helped the French destroy Libya, a gloriously functional country with massive oil, water, and gold offering all of its citizens free education and more, because a) Qadaffi was threatening to liberate Africa from colonialism, and the French wanted a better deal.

We do not do evidence based policy in the public interest. For my take on what a new Grand Strategy should be (just the national security side), see http://phibetaiota.net/2016/09/robert-steele-reinventing-the-us-army-and-everything-else/

The Saudis, like the CIA, are not monolithic. There is some good visible in the younger princes. The older leaders are pedophiles, sadistic homosexuals, and evil in every possible sense of the world. Saudi Arabia and Israel are the two greatest threats to world peace, not Russia and Iran. Anyone that does not get that is either stupid or a paid asset of one of the first countries.

True or false? Osama bin laden = Barack Obama.

I've tracked Obama's movements and he was always out of the US when Osama was active in CIA 'theatre'. This has to be true if Obamas family is CIA.

This is seriously fucked up thinking.

A high level insider did an AMA and said this is true. If you read through his 25+ AMA'S, he is definitely credible. He is of the group known as 3, which can be traced back to antiquity.

Stupid. Bin Laden was certainly aided and abetted by the Saudi Royal Family and there have been multiple Bin Ladens over time (the real one died in 2001 or thereabouts, for a good time see http://phibetaiota.net/2012/01/obamas-annoucement-dick-cheney-confesses/

Obama's family was almost certainly being paid by CIA in some fashion. Obama was almost certainly born in the USA and then his citizenship given up by his parents when he moved to Indonesia. That may have been a cover that could be reversed by CIA, and Obama would also have had the right to reclaim his citizenship at the age of 18. In any event Obama, the Bushes, Clintons, everyone going back to JFK, all Deep State controlled. Puppets. Including Jmmy Carter who cried his heart out when he found out he was not really president, just a placeholder.

You state poverty is a top threat. Given current economic divide, how do you think oligarchs and governments will respond to automation's possible destruction of monetary and economic systems? They're starting to seriously discuss basic income at meetups like Davos.

What are the Deep State's long term chief aims and primary guiding values?

Why are revolutionary technologies withheld from wider humankind?

Animal Farm is Ref A.

Mr Steele,

Thank you for words and actions. You are a great encouragement.

My question is: does Dr JW know Laneta?

Hello again, what are your thoughts on the (sortof) 'whistleblower' Phil Schneider (https://youtu.be/Slgb5U-OqFM)? - who had experience as a geologist working for the military etc and spoke out about the multitude of DUMB/DUMB2's (Deep Underground Military Bases) internationally and their connection to aliens and possible SRA - also he had a possibly questionable death after doing multiple speeches about his experiences

No knowledge. We are overdue for a full independent study of all of this.

2 questions:

Do you think nuclear devices were used on 9/11?

How powerful are the Zionists in the world?

While nuclear devices may have been used, the core facts are that controlled demolitions were installed two weeks in advance (after the dogs were removed, never to return) and Dick Cheney controlled everything. Start here: http://phibetaiota.net/2014/03/mini-me-911-convergence/

It's not just Zionists, but over-lapping circles of criminal influence centered on the Rothschilds with the Zionists, the Vatican, various dictators including Saudi Arabia, selected organized crime familiies, selected banking executives, all able to ignore all forms of law and social responsibility. Here is one starting point, see especially the four levels of Jew: http://phibetaiota.net/?s=Rothschild

It's just a religion. Not even a very interesting one. It's probably just a bunch of fairy tales anyway. Why the hell would something that isn't even real bind and unite this great evil against the world?

You are a fucking joke. Just call it the Israeli elites 1% if you want to win back any credibility. Why the fuck would a typical Zionist have any vested interest in global unrest? If anything they want their dumb neighbors to chill the fuck out.

What the fuck is this khazarian shit, I remember black people making up the term and claiming to be the real Jews. If I'm a khazarian that thinks I am Jewish than that is exactly what I am. There is no loyalty to some past preconception khazarian homeland. Do the khazarians that know who they are pract

What is your opinion on the Georgia guide stones? Was a Rothschild redo for it?

No knowledge.

No sure you'll get the chance to read this but there is a theory that these guuisestones/ modern stonehenge were built by a roosevelt during the 80s the messages read in many languages. It reads like a globalists wet dream.


<1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. 2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity. 3. Unite humanity with a living new language. 4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason. 5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. 6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. 7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. 8. Balance personal rights with social duties. 9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite. 10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.>


Given Omidyar's ties to Booz Allen, Snowden's NSA contract through Booz Allen, and Omidyar's subsequent $250 million investment in the Intercept/Greenwald (who had possession of Snowden docs,) do you think it's possible the whole thing was prearranged?

Opinions vary on whether Omidyar viewed the docs. What is yours? If affirmative, what content would interest him most?

Thank you so much for doing this AMA- very positive!

You have mentioned that there are restaurants where children can be ordered on the menu. Do you happen to know if one of these is a restaurant chain owned by a sort of celebrity chef, where the restaurant has multiple US locations and one location in Saudi Arabia?

No but is exactly the right kind of thinking. The FBI is not serious about this stuff. Discreet surveillance of Saudi princes, many of them pedophiles and most of them homosexual in a sadistic controlling way, would quickly map their favorite places in London, DC, NYC, etctera. We are simply not requiring the FBI to be serious in part because many of our federal and state "leaders" get to go to those restuarants, probably without paying, as part of the deal.

Mr. Steele,

Thank you for doing this AMA. I know you are against fracking and shale oil, but how do you feel about natural gas?

I love natural gas. The Netherlands has done very well with it. Two things matter:

01 all natural resources should belong to the public, not to private corporations

02 no resource that draws down on clean water, contaminates clean water, or causes earthquakes, should ever be considered. Nuclear energy is insane. See this excellent book: http://phibetaiota.net/2003/01/normal-accidents-living-with-high-risk-technologies/

You are aware that modern nuclear technology is far, far safer than any of the old reactors that have had all the problems, right?



And it would be fairly easy to get nuclear power to around 3 cents/kilowatt hour, half the cost of coal.


When you were in the CIA, did you get the impression or see first hand any agents that were in business for themselves/their group? People who would use CIA skills assets to smuggle drugs, steal money, or con people out of things etc? Any type of illegal activity?

Are you aware of any assassinations conducted by the CIA while you were there or after?

Do you feel that there is any difference between the CIA and the various military intelligence services in terms of tactics, effectiveness, or ruthlessness etc?

When you were in the CIA, did you get the impression or see first hand any agents that were in business for themselves/their group? People who would use CIA skills assets to smuggle drugs, steal money, or con people out of things etc? Any type of illegal activity?

Yes. They would get fired. The most common was stealing money from agents (as a 38 year old I was handling $100,000 a month without receipts) or cheating on their travel vouchers. By and large CIA is a bureaucracy and most spies including myself are a joke because CIA is lazy and insists on working with official cover, meaning all of its case officers are easily identified to local liason within 30 days or arriving in-country.

Are you aware of any assassinations conducted by the CIA while you were there or after?

Me personally no, but we supported the White Hand in El Salvador that assassinated extreme leftists, and we have been helping dictators improve their secret police for decades. CIA trained and armed ISIS with funding from Saudi Arabia, see http://phibetaiota.net/?s=ISIS+CIA and especially http://phibetaiota.net/2016/01/robert-steele-the-virtual-caliphate-between-two-evils/

Do you feel that there is any difference between the CIA and the various military intelligence services in terms of tactics, effectiveness, or ruthlessness etc?

Both are 90% clown shows with enormous waste, and 10% evil.

Thanks for your informative answers! It makes me sad that we are incompetent and that I find hope in that incompetence.

First off, as long as you’re not a bitch-ass limited hang-out or biased shillstain, thank you eternally from my entire being for your efforts and work, please don’t get me wrong, I’ve/we’ve been hurt before and now I cringe every time I hear someone that makes sense to me waiting to be dissappointed, maybe that’s the psy-op. And whether or not you (or any of us) are correct, merely the effort at the legitimate search and communication of “the truth” is the highest, most noble living a human can attempt I believe. So again HUGE THANKS, and to everyone really, with aforementioned caveats of course. ;)

Ill elaborate my question as a statement for your assessment and criticisms/advice.
Going with my own extrapolation of popular history of religion, I believe monotheism, which is a developmentally staged form of anarchism, was developed as a foil to undermine rulers and kings (alternate meanings for the generic word “god”/malach in hebrew, “father” being another) and eventually to undermine classes so that people could have the dignity and courage to stand up for themselves, but ironically, and yet as prophesized by monotheistic scripture itself, the very same “rulers ” who desire to be the god of humanity on earth would seek to deceive them using base primitive desires (back-sliding into idol/alpha-ape worship) to lead them to hell (suffering) and darkness (ignorance). If you realize that even though scripture constantly states there is nothing likened to the “god of the universe,” god is mentioned in direct equivalence as “the light” which also had multiple meanings, one of them being knowledge or information,. as well the god of the universe is referred to in scripture as “the truth” and “the reality,” truly the only thing(s) that are deserving of submission to by humanity, whereas a beast submits to it’s primitive desires.

For the Hebrews, the original monotheistic “people of the book (the record-keepers),” it was pharaoh who was “the devil” that undermined the scripture by raising ranks among the corrupt power hungry Hebrew scholars (reading and writing was uncommon amongst ancient peoples) to subjugate the rest using their own primitive inclinations towards idol/alpha worship, thus enslaving them all and fooling them into building an empire, not to mention suffering and despair.

For the Christians, it was caesar that coopted “the word” using terror, torture and false gospels (saul of tarsus/st.paul) and placed a “man” in the place of god(sound familiar?). then the trinity “father”(king in heaven/dead king), “son”(natural heir) and spirit (dna) for the purpose of predictive programming acceptance of royal bloodlines in order to secure control of the world for one’s own dna, truly basic bitches.

And for islam its, any longbeard in drag with the right collection of hadiths and/or sunna (a 300 year old game of telephone/hearsay and 1000 years of record and analysis) tucked under their sweaty armpit in order to take the merits away from critical thought and analysis and give it to some tribal gang leader as middle eastern culture is amongst the most tribalist and conservative. The qu’ran (“the recitation, the reading” in arabic) is, as it stated itself, “the only source for islam(submission to the will of god/”the light/the reality, the truth”).

The reason paganism and polytheism are considered evil in monotheism is because one purports that humanity is nothing more than an advanced beast and the culture, rituals and rites are programmed accordingly, and the other implies and programs the mind to perceive the daily and vital phenomena people perceive as disconnected and in historic and eternal conflict/”war,” thus fooling people into feeling disconnected from one another and reality so as to convince them to accept conflict, thus mediating authority figures, and fairy tales, thus supernatural magicians and sages as reasonable. Satanism(rulership over humanity) is a mixture of these two psychological operations.

Until people can be courageous enough to decode all the meta-parentalism and take personal responsibility for their own beliefs and actions, firstly they will never be able to live free, to be themselves, and secondly… who cares about secondly.

Even if you don’t bother to answer, Thanks again, really

I hope that was good for you. It left me wanting a drink. Everything is connected. We have lost sight of community, intelligence, integrity, the fundamentals. Here is my vision in one graphic: http://phibetaiota.net/2014/02/graphic-new-ein-method-logo/

Did i miss this!??? Nooooooo

He said he will be answering questions through the weekend

nothing worse than AMA for 20 minutes and then thanks goodbye!

If I were a member of any press, or independent, how can we define "truth". Conspiracy culture is taking over right now. Fake news, etc. How do we tell the truth, where can we look to for truth? I know you're all in for what you know, but I am less than you, and the people around me are much less than I, in any conspiracy I may think of. What is the initial corrosion on the non-questioners, that we can use to get them on board with some ideas? Shock value of pizza, proven false flags from over 50 years ago, WMD, etc....what will work to get normal people a bit investigative.

f I were a member of any press, or independent, how can we define "truth". Conspiracy culture is taking over right now. Fake news, etc. For once, nobody knows what to believe. I've been this way my whole life. How do we tell the truth? where can we look to for truth? I know you're all in for what you know, but I am less than you, and the people around me are much less than I. In any conspiracy that I could think of.

THIS IS MY FAVORITE QUESTION OUT OF ENTIRE AMA. Send your mailing address to robert.davids.steele.vivas@gmail.com for a copy of my book INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH, inscribed if you wish. Start here: http://phibetaiota.net/2015/05/review-truth-philosophy-in-transit/ I am utterly fascinated by the whole challenge of divining "best truth." Here is my best graphic on information pathologies, all of which can be solved with integrity (which requires an educated engaged public):

See also: http://phibetaiota.net/2008/07/worth-a-look-book-reviews-on-disinformation-other-information-pathologies-repression/

What is the initial corrosion to use on the non-questioners, that we can use to get them on board with some ideas? Shock value of pizza? proven false flags from over 50 years ago? WMD? etc....

what will work to convince normal people to become a bit more investigative?

Where do we start, if you're basically the end right now, or is that our job to solve?

Restore normal to the 1950's -- our high school graduates back then had more civic duty and more critical thinking skills than the average mentally-challenged midgets we are graduating from college today.

Lol gah the ignorance in this comment is just too much for me to handle. Please put the internet away and go sit back down sir.

Lol he's prolly right, my generation are stupid pussys

Psh speak for yourself. I know without a doubt myself or any of my friends could compete with any dumb maggot from the 1950s. He's way off base on this one, I'm sorry.

Lmao delusional

Naw man. I was a public school kid for life. Same with all my friends and family. Two of my besties and myself are software developers. One bestie is currently working for NASA and is pursuing Phd in geology from a top school in the country. And my last bestie is an aerospace engineer.

My point is, he can't come in here and say public schools are failing. Because us guys, we were not even close to the top of our class. Hell even my little sister who is finishing high school up now, they bumped her up two grades when she was younger and she still finished high school by her junior year to graduate early. She's smart as shit. Smarter than me.

I guarantee you, anyone of us could hang with whomever this dingus RDS guy is saying was soo smart in the 50's. I understand this is sort of an arbitrary argument, so I'll just leave it at that but I am definitely far from delusional on this.

Thanks for being here! Loved your ten-point letter to Trump in December, and your work with Occupy.

Given that the NSA collects our every online activity, what encrypted mesh net protocol do you support? Could decentralized encrypted mesh nets allow workers to collaborate as a bargaining unit without the inefficiency or corruption of union officers? Union membership has declined because people think union bosses are corrupt. This would also create the prototype for global distributed direct democracy through mobile phones, with no representatives to blackmail or threaten.

What's the best Twitter alternative for dissidents? Reddit alternative? Public charity? Credit union?

If the Pacific Northwest peacefully votes to secede from the US, would you oppose a military occupation of the PNW by the US?

You've stated that you support a "truth and reconciliation" approach to rooting out organized crime syndicates among elites (e.g. Saudi slaves, Bush cocaine, Pedogate). 'Decrease resistance to reform by giving your enemies a way out'. If billionaire sadists can avoid punishment by coming clean, it follows that you should also support legalization of these crimes on the part of users (e.g. prostitution, drugs, possessing but not manufacturing CP). To what extent is this true? What should happen to all the sadistic psychopaths that have packed the ranks of the rich and powerful? Mental hospitals?

What US legislators are most vulnerable to political pressure calling for an audit of the CIA and Pentagon?

What can a Bernie Sanders (anti-Soros) leftist in the US do to start a sustainable American Spring occupation in their city?

What was the most unethical thing you ever did while working for the USG? Are you a pacifist? If not, under what circumstances would you murder a fellow human?

What warm countries are best for reluctant American ex-pats?

Given that the NSA collects our every online activity, what encrypted mesh net protocol do you support? Could decentralized encrypted mesh nets allow workers to collaborate as a bargaining unit without the inefficiency or corruption of union officers? This would also create the prototype for global distributed direct democracy through mobile phones, with no representatives to blackmail or threaten.

I believe that NSA needs to be eliminated (along with the NRO and NGA, and ODNI). CIA needs to be cut in half and then expanded with a division for signals, another for imagery, and two centers, one for all-source process and one for all-source analysis. An open source agency (what I want to do for the next 20 years) keeps everyone honest and informed. I totally believe in blockchain and other solutions that cannot be hacked (I wrote the first letter to the White House in 1994 on cyber-vulnerability) but blockchain evidently has scaling issues and no one is committed as I am to a world brain that connects everyone to all data in all forms with absolute anonymity, privacy, rights, and security. I will happen. NSA is a dinosaur. They only process 1% of what they collect and they are a cancer on the US polity.

What's the best Twitter alternative for dissidents? Reddit alternative? Public charity? Credit union?

Face to face.

If the Pacific Northwest peacefully votes to secede from the US, would you oppose a military occupation of the PNW by the US?

No. I strongly support secessionst movements including those of Quebec and Scotland. The United STATES of America is now a fascist imperium. Time to either make it right or break it up.

You've stated that you support a "truth and reconciliation" approach to rooting out organized crime syndicates among elites (e.g. Saudi slaves, Bush cocaine, Pedogate). 'Decrease resistance to reform by giving your enemies a way out'. If billionaire sadists can avoid punishment by coming clean, it follows that you should also support legalization of these crimes on the part of users (e.g. prostitution, drugs, possessing but not manufacturing CP). To what extent is this true? What should happen to all the sadistic psychopaths that have packed the ranks of the rich and powerful? Mental hospitals?

I support decriminalization of no harm to others behavior. I support culling the heard of deviants, but only after we first carry out a truth & reconciliation program. I support selective euthenasia for specific psychopaths - the problem is that our government is psychopathic and our universities are socio-pathic and a major vehicle for creating mental disorders (am a fan of Jon Rappoport). Every institution has failed. See this starting point: http://phibetaiota.net/2008/10/2008-paradigms-of-failure-election-2008-lipstick-on-the-pig-full-text-online-for-google-translate/

What US legislators are most vulnerable to political pressure calling for an audit of the CIA and Pentagon?

All of them. Wayne Madsen's piece on McCain and Graham (a closet gay) is representative: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/01/wayne-madsen-cia-interference-in-us-election-is-without-precedent/

What can a Bernie Sanders (anti-Soros) leftist in the US do to start a sustainable American Spring occupation in their city?

Bernie is fraud, his movement is not. An Electoral Reform Act would bring the Sandernistas together with the Tea Party and the small parties (e.g. Constitution, Green, Libertarian, Working Families) and Independents to end all parties and establish extreme democracy. Part of the problem is that too many Sandernistas and liberals are stupid ignorant and too many conservative christians are stupid God will provide. We need a middle where we take responsibility for evidence-based self-governance.

What was the most unethical thing you ever did while working for the USG? Are you a pacifist? If not, under what circumstances would you murder a fellow human?

Participated in a regime change operation and managed a false flag operation without questioning either. I am not a pacifist; I have designed a US military with 450 ships, a long haul Air Force and a three million soldier armored Army that can smash any peer competitor, but I also understand the irrelevance of the military to nine of the ten high level threats to humanity. We have a stupid out of control government that does not govern, it just taxes the wrong people and spends on the wrong things. At this point in my life I would rather die than kill someone else, but I have absolutely no problem shooting an out of control human about to kill someone else.

What warm countries are best for reluctant American ex-pats?

Mexico in the Yukatan, Ecuador Pacific Coast, Thailand coast, etc.

Robert, You stated that Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and Scott Walker were "road kill". Racine, Wisconsin (Ryan's district) is an absolute cesspool of criminal corruption with unusually powerful ties. Can you elaborate on what you know about them, how it connects to any of the issues below, and why Loretta Lynch and DOJ would stop investigations into Racine following a recent RICO lawsuit?

Connections to Clinton Global Initiative and Clinton Foundation, Agenda 2030 and sustainable development, water (Lake Michigan), play to play racketeering and collusion, pedo crimes, mafia, secret societies (Freemasons/Scottish Rite, Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias with Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, etc.), illegal campaigns and bribery, embezzlement, laundering, trafficking, abuse in juvenile centers, viruses (e.g. Zika), vaccines (e.g. Polio), dialysis, community policing, social surveillance, social justice and sanctuary cities, controlled harbors, American spring, or any other critically relevant topics.

I love your question and I am not adequate to it. This is what the FBI should be doing, deeply, every day.

About your Memo, and its economic recommendations in particular, how do you expect prosperity to re-emerge without reform of the money system? In particular, on your debt pledge, how can aggregate credit reverse its logarithmic growth in a system which depends on such expansion for its very survival?

You answer your own question. Our existing economic system is a Ponzi scheme that has run its course. I stand for holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering. Read this: http://phibetaiota.net/2016/04/open-source-everything-engineering-osee-the-ieee-manifesto-in-early-draft/

Money is nothing more than an administrative tool. Interest is a crime in its present incarnation.

This might be forward and off-topic so I apologize in advance: you mentioned the economic end-game coming in June earlier in this AMA. I have a decent amount of money invested in Wall St still. What would be your strongest recommendation? I'm guessing sell all my stocks? And if so, what's a viable investment alternative?

I am the last person to ask for advice on the stock market. I would recommend you take David Stockman very seriously. If it were me and I had real money in the stock market, I would get out completely before 1 May. Everything is inflated in price now including gold, I am not smart enough to suggest what to do with your funds, but I would certainly have most of my money spread around different banks ideally community banks. Everything the USA makes is 50% waste. I guess if I had to pull out completely, I would look to taking my money to invest in India and China and Russia and maybe Iran and Turkey. These are the powerhouses of the future, the USA has lost its integrity. Now having said that, if I can get Trump to listen, I would just as soon save us and stabilize us.

Awesome insight! Thank you for taking the time to do this and to answer my inquiry. Cheers!

I don't think he's going to answer you on that, but you should get out before July, this crash season will be a bad one.

Move into cash - the last 10% could cost you more than 50%

If you want a good book on the subject, Harry Dent's Sale of the Century lays it all out very well. Very soon a super cycle will end and many non-elites will lose everything.

What do they tell people in the security services who aren't cleared high enough to know the truth on 911 but who aren't dumb/gullible enough to buy the official story?

You cannot hold a top level security clearance without going along with mass idiocy.

How do you feel about zionism?

Zionism is as bad as the Catholic Inquisition. Israel is an invented state, Jews are not a race, they are a culture, and Zionism, along with Saudi Wahabbism, is one of the fundamentalist evils that we have to put down.

Best country in the shithole Middle East. They respect their citizens more than all the other recent US presidential administrations.

I'm not a fan of the Rothchilds, but this Israel bad narrative does not help us in any way.

You prefer us to be cozy with Iran?

Do you think Hillary will be brought to justice in her lifetime, or after she's passed? Just with high level pedophiles here in the UK, their crimes only seem to have came out years after they passed.

With all the evidence that citizen journalists have uncovered, it's infuriating she has not been charged or had an unbiased investigation.

He answered this. He thinks Hillary and company should get the Scalia treatment. He doesn't want to prosecute these people, just to get them the hell out of government.

I expect her to have a heart attack before 2018. I also expect Bill Clinton to have some sort of fatal attack. I would not mourn the passing of Chelsea Clinton, who has given new meaning to the words "entitled bitch."

Do you know who Bruce gorcyca is, aka guccifer ? Do you know what happened to the man ?

Romanian taxi driver. See the Wikipedia entry with is not bad. Guccifer and Guccifer 2.0 are the same Romanian taxi driver.

I believe the strongest thing we can do for our future is the electoral reform to take away the power of money / influence from the electiion of Representatives process. We have to do this for the future generations . How can we get trump to look at this

You need to understand all twelve fixes. Taking money out of it changes nothing if they can still gerrymander districts, rig the electronic voting machines, and so on. Here is the complete picture, please read it!


Do you have a comprehensive outline of how you will go about with the sunshine party plan ? I feel like we're going to be hard pressed to get trump to give us a shot.


Thanks! Just now bought the book!

Is the CIA compartmentalized like the mafia was? For example, there's the guy who does the work, who only gets an order. There's his oversight, which works in those area of operations. And then here's the head, like department head or something near that. Meaning no actually agents doing the work really have any idea what their contributing to or what the big picture is.

Has the CIA taken the place of the mafia of old? For example fast and furious and drug smuggling ops are regularly discovered.

Do you have any details on government or CIA operating Brownstone ops, human trafficking (mainly children), and organ harvesting.

What connection do the Clintons share with the CIA.

And finally, thank you. I don't know if it is too late for your response. Do you ever worry your going to be suicided or heart attacked? Also, I posted an image, may you please take a quick look and tell me what you think is most important in relationship to the image. http://i.imgur.com/JbYXBrt.jpg

VERY compartmentalized in one sense, and very open in another.

No. CIA is simply legalized crime on behalf of the White House, Wall Street, Saudi Arabia, the Vatican, the Zionists -- they work for everyone EXCEPT the American public.

War is a profit center that also produces children for pedophiles and organs for marketing.

The Clintons were entirely created by CIA. Bill Clinton, like Barack Obama, has been a Deep State president installed to screw the 99% for the 1%, at the direction of Wall Street.

I am in an odd position. I welcome death -- am worth more dead than alive now -- but I believe that my deep integrity combined with the realization by many that I actually represent what is best for the secret world, the US Goverment, the US public, and indeed global civilization, is a "grace" of its own.

I don't do images.

I am back. After I clear my email will go find the 25 questions from one person, clear that, and then work my way through everything else.

Hi Robert, huge fan of your work. Thanks for answering questions! Do you believe Project Blue Beam is real and if so, why and when could it be deployed?

No idea. We spend money in many insane ways. The point is to spend money, not to actually help humanity.

Hello Mr. Steele,

First off, thank you for service and joining us for an AMA. I am sure that you have some of the most unique perspectives into the military operations of the nation.

I am currently in my senior year at college, and I'm working on a research project into the Invention Secrecy Act. I was wondering if you could answer a question of mine and then maybe elaborate more on how classification or special access programs that may have "free energy" technologies.

Question: To your knowledge, would it be theoretically possible for the existence of "free energy technologies" to be completely suppressed from the public?

I am an Environmental studies student and I believe that there is the possibility to 'save the planet' with a new energy source, but I realize the destabilizing effect that this may have on governments. I would love to have any insights into the influences of companies like Lockheed into protecting certain technology.

My grandfather was a marine that fought on Guadalcanal. I know men are a rare breed, I look forward to your response.

Arugah! I honor your Dad! Uncommon valor was a common virtue. I just weep for the fact that most of our soldiers die for criminal purposes set forth by the elite. Most do not know that Wall Street and the City of London funded Hitler -- without their support there would have been no WWII (or Civil War or other wars for that matter) and most do not know that we commited eight separate acts of war against Japan to force them into attacking Pearl Harbor. The perfidy was all ours.

Short answer is yet. Study the concept of Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), not the same as free energy but there is a lot going on that is repressed by the elite and that needs to be freed.

Here is one guy I pay attention to: http://phibetaiota.net/?s=Sepp+Energy

Thank you Mr. Steele. You are doing good work, thank you for your service!

Thanks a lot, Mr. Steele for taking the time to come here and answer some questions.

I would like to ask, what are your thoughts on the Trump cabinet (individually) so far?

I wish you guys and gals would call me Robert.

Trump did not expect to win. He knew from the moment he won (3 am the morning after election day, his odds until midnight were 20% per Cambridge Analytical, 20-1 at best 200-1 at worst from bookmaker -- the house never loses) that he had inherited a shit storm and was slated for death. My take on all this, still the best available with 50 linked endnotes, is here: http://phibetaiota.net/2016/11/robert-steele-the-accidental-president-will-he-resign-the-closed-system-is-still-rigged-and-likely-to-remain-so/

Trump had to deal immediately with two big problems: first, to "settle" the Deep State, Wall Street, and the Rothschilds as well as the military-industrial and intelligence complexes so he could live to see Inauguration Day (many of us were worried that he would resign and leave the mess to Pence who is a Deep Stater); and second to start being presidential in a domain completely foreign to him.

He had to pick someone like Judas Preibus as a sop to the Republican Party that hates him and fought him tooth and nail. He had to pick some of the people like Rick Perry (probably the dumbest Governor on the planet after Gary Johnson) to settle that side of the house. He made many mistakes. He did not reach out to the 73% that did not vote for him. He did not reach out to folks like David Stockman that could have helped him form a government, he did realize the everyone around was blocking attempts by people like me (since July 2015 -- my first article for him was in CounterPunch in August 2015) to help him.

He also seriously mis-calculated in offering so many posts to billionaires who are either dropping out because they rightfully will not destroy their fortures for what are essentially shit jobs or wrongfully cannot stand scrutiny, and he has let folks like Judas Preibus roll him -- the guy Preibus put in charge of Presidential personnel is salting Establishment moles into the process and Sean Spicer is simply not up to the job.

In my view, Bannon is a keeper, everyone else including McMaster (a NeverTrumper without a clue on any threat not named Russia or Iran) need to go. Trump, in my humble opinion, needs to make nine decisions and announce them all at once and do so before 1 April 2017. The nine decision are at http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/robert-steele-memorandum-for-the-president-warning-on-american-spring-riots-eight-actions-to-make-america-great-again/

Great piece Robert. What about Tillerson and Mattis? I believe that Tillerson is beyond redemption as he was the CEO of Exxon, but I am not sure about Mattis. He publicly criticized Israel before but his war hawk stance on Iran is very alarming.

I like them both and do not agree with you on Tillerson, he is a GIANT among world leaders. If Jon Huntsman comes in at Deputy Secretary, we will have the two top guys in the world on Russia and China next to each other. Mattis is too steeped in the old mind-set and needs a Grand Strategy such as I devised for the US Army Strategic Studies Institute -- my ideas for reinventing diplomacy, defense, development, intelligence, and White House strategy are here: http://phibetaiota.net/2016/09/robert-steele-reinventing-the-us-army-and-everything-else/

Also, in Turkey they say that you are in favor of building a new Ottoman empire. Isn't that textbook imperialism, something neocons like Dick Cheney embrace?

Turkey has a role to play going forward, as does Iran. Below is a n article by the Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council, I believe he is on to something, just read the Abstract if you do not have time for the whole thing.


How widespread is the use of "trauma-based mind control" within government ranks or to what extent is it relied upon?

An interesting question. CIA and Yale and other places in Connecticutt started the whole mind control thing in the 1950's, there is a very strong neo-Nazi patina over all this stuff, I would say that 95% of the USG is just stupid and the other 5% is Satanic.

Have you looked at the posts of High Level Insider on 4chan?

Very broad overview of his arguments:

  1. Build a space elevator
  2. US government kills people to suppress technology
  3. The British are incredibly powerful, and basically rule America through subversion of our intelligence agencies and freemasonry. Clintons and Bushes were involved in 9/11
  4. Barack Obama was a CIA agent

Compilation of posts here: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5ee4wk/updated_for_anyone_interested_in_high_level/

Ho hum.

Hi Robert,
How did you find yourself here at /r/conspiracy? Obviously you are a busy person, but have you lurked here in the past?

I do not lurk. One of my fans brought me to Fly's attention and he acted in a most professional manner to reel me in.

Do you believe in a diety? And are the elite hiding this diety from us somehow via pineal gland calcification, poisoned food/air/water, etc?

I believe that God is the manifestation of all that is good in the Cosmos -- that we are all God (and Satan) and that every thought and act that is good is Godly, every thought and act that is bad is Satanic, and we are in a constant state of war between good and evil.

The 1% are Satanic and all policies they pursue, including the poisoning of air, land, and sea, vaccines, fat food, all of it, gratuitous evil.

What did you think of the Super Bowl halftime show? Lady Gaga feel to Earth, like the Morning Star, which represents Lucifer? They had pentagrams half buried, as in "As above, so below". Was this a Luciferian show?

What about the Freemasons? Good or Evil?

Lady Gaga is crap. She is also liable for prosecution under the Sedition Act. Hollywood is largely a cesspool of pedophiles and traitors. Los Angeles has its own pedophile taxi service, and the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department evidently specializes in protecting the pedophilia network. California has become America's cesspool. The would have four fewer Representatives in Congress if the districts were allocated only on US citizens instead of all including illegal aliens and foreigners in country legitimately. Hollywood is like a gun -- it matters who pulls the trigger. Oliver Stone and JFK were an example of important work - most of what comes out of Hollywood is mindless crap perpetuating a society of obese morons.

Los Angeles has its own pedophile taxi service, and the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department evidently specializes in protecting the pedophilia network.

That would explain the pedophile symbol on their badges:


Good lord

Opinion on Elon Musk and SpaceX, reasons for building a civilization on Mars. Thank you

People with too much money lose sight of reality. I would like to create heaven on earth first -- a prosperous world that works for all. The fastest way to Mars is a mix of full disclosure and uplifting the brains of the five billion poor.

That election reform act that you propose would be amazing. Thank you for putting that document together; that's the first time I've seen a concise summary of all of the ways we don't have a democracy. Btw, you may want to update your link to the Sanford study about the democratic primary election fraud, it is broken. Perhaps consider linking this paper which does an in depth study of the election anomalies in the 2016 primary cycle, looking at the "precinct size anomaly", exit poll anomalies, and how they both correlate with the voting machines used. http://www.election-justice-usa.org/Democracy_Lost_Update1_EJUSA.pdf

Question: do you think it would possible for the Trump administration to get a bill like this passed? I'd imagine it could happen is if we could get mass popular support for it.

Which link was broken? The How Hillary Clinton Stole the Election was deliberately points to a Duck Duck Go search stream.

Donald Trump is GIFTED at barn-storming. He is NOT gifted at dealing with Congress and he is NOT gifted at diversity. I offer to solve both those problems by combining the Electoral Reform Act (I often stress that I aggregate ideas from others, these are not my original ideas) with a diversity team that includes Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Jesse Venture, me and a few others), and 50 states in 30 days. I would like to jam this up Paul Ryan's ass and break it off -- make add some little gerbil claws to the pointy part that goes in first.

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/stanford-university-confirms-democratic-election-fraud-albert-gibel?trk=hp-feed-article-title-like is the link I was referring to on this page. Looks like an unbroken link appears later in the article, though.

I think the diversity team is also a great idea, especially for getting the support from the large block of people that are disaffected from the system. Best of luck.

How is lobbying the current administration for a job repeatedly, and writing books, count as being and "electoral and intelligence reformer"?

I promised Fly I would try to answer every question, including those from village idiots, so here goes.

How is lobbying the current administration for a job, repeatedly, and peddling books on YouTube channels, count as being an "electoral and intelligence reformer"?

I respectfully suggest you read the Nobel Peace Prize nomination that the Norwegian supporters guided me in preparing. You will find it at http://robertdavidsteele.com as the last entry that begins with the article that recommended me. If that does not do it for you I cannot help you.

You haven't reformed anything. You're just saying things, directing people to your websites/media, and know a couple of long- irrelevant spooks.

Evidently you have no life beyond Reddit. Consider drinking yourself to death. All of my life's work is at http://robertdavidsteele.com which you obviously have not looked at. I don't do comic books, so sorry, I think you are better off finding another Reddit threat to monitor.

Why not affect change while you were already in the belly of beast?

Had you ever worked in the belly of the beast you would know that change has to come from outside. Had I stayed in, sacrificing my integrity, I would probably be an agency head today, a world class drunk, with nothing to offer the world going forward.

Suppose things are different now. You were biding your time maybe, right..

Donald Trump's accidental election changes everything.

You folks are a dime-a-dozen nowadays and I'll not afford you automatic credibility.

I personally do not give a shit about you or anything you think. I am honored to do a Reddit AMA (my second, but you would not know that since you have the attention span of an elderly gerbil).

I'm sorry, sir, but Nobel nominees ought not call people drunken village gerbils.

If you cannot responsibly handle very mild criticism, it seriously detracts from your overall objective here. You sounded like an angry teenager just then.

You are on a conspiracy sub, as a former CIA operative. I have no idea why you'd think it would be a breeze here. If anything, the other users are to blame more than yourself. If you think about it, even yourself could understand a certain level of cynicism regarding both your history, and current intentions.

Overall, I just think you're laying it on a bit thick with your websites, books, and other stuff. Answer the questions. If people are interested, they'll seek you out.

Good day.

That was beyond mild criticism, that was dismissal.

You realize a lot of his stuff is available for free, right? Moreover, it's really, really easy to never hear about people like Steele if you're plugged into mainstream sources. Forwarding people to the domains where you store your work is the sensible thing to do if that's the whole reason you put it there.

No one here should be solely plugged into mainstream sources, so that's moot. Whether his media is free or not, his exposure is worth something (at least to him). I have no problem with that-- but answer the questions in concise way, rather than shoeing people off to his stuff automatically. We have enough people peddling their shit on reddit, this sub should have higher standards.

Besides, doesn't it strike you as odd that a former CIA agent, who's plugged into very important subjects, got rattled almost immediately and pulled my criticism (admittedly somewhat provocative) into child-like territory?

"No one here should be solely plugged into mainstream sources, so that's irrelevant."

There's a difference between "should be" and "is," so it's not irrelevant, but we don't have to argue about that.

If I had already written extensively on something, I would certainly forward people to where I've published it instead of repeating it, knowing that I don't have the time, space, or energy to do my work twice to appease one Redditor, but that's just me. I'm sure Steele is ten times busier than I am.

Honestly, it doesn't strike me as odd that he responded to you that way because what you said wasn't so innocent. You lumped him in with others, calling him "a dime-a-dozen." Even if you have valid points to raise, the tone of your comment was, "I doubt your credibility and am not impressed," that started off with a subtle accusation of ulterior motive. If I had my doubts and wanted to bring them to his attention, I definitely would have been more careful in my phrasing. You probably came off sounding like countless fools he's dealt with before, even if you aren't a fool.

countless fools he's dealt with before


You don't rattle me. You represent the 1 out of 25 morons that I am constantly running across. Fuck you if you cannot learn.

Not done yet I see. How about you retain some dignity and professionalism and simply ignore me. You cannot manage to speak without lashing out like a petulant child, so kindly make use of the obvious alternative.

I'm not here to engage thousands of people regarding important issues, claiming to have answers. I'm not petitioning the executive branch of government for a position. I'm not a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, nor an author trying to spread the word on their work. You are..

Your incessant need to engage someone like me, in the manner you have, really shows you in poor light. Rather than relying on the meat of your supposed expertise, as I'm sure is your intention, you've devolved to silly name calling and vulgarity.

It's your show, so whatever..

Hello Robert, I will still take a look at your points but you kind of lost me here with that aggressive tone and your personal attacks. If you claim to work towards a world where respect, kindness and equality are core values this kind of attitude isn't helping your cause. Please be better than that.

Robert, you said that the GOP/DNC only get a small percentage of voters. Why would Trump meeting with small fringe candidates somehow win over the other 70%? Combined, those fringe people would still constitute a very tiny percentage of the population.

Why is there so much clandestine opposition towards the creation of the internet bill of rights or electronic bill of rights?

It would solve most of this crap.

Precisely because it would remove control by the 1% (#GoogleGestapo) and end the ability to lie to the public about everything.

How, exactly, could Trump make the Electoral Reform Act happen? Wouldn't our corrupt congress have to vote it in? It seems like a purely logical way to manage voting, but we're talking about the Congress here!

If it did happen, how many cycles do we need to wash out the district gerrymandering? (since those lines are being legally, if absurdly, drawn)

This is a very helpful question and wins a copy of INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH or the oldie but goodie NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE if you send me your mailing address.

Normally the two-party tyranny would refuse to consider an Electoral Reform Act. Electoral reform legislation has been introduced nine times according to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News, the last four times by Ron Paul. Each time, slammed into the dust.

WHAT IS DIFFERENT NOW is the combination of Donald Trump as the accidental president, and the awareness of the 27% that voted for him that the Republican Party is as much his enemy as is the Democratic Party, combined with the awareness of the Sandernistas that they were fucked by the DNC and Hillary Clinton combined with a whole bunch of other increased awareness moments for everyone else

COMBINED WITH -- if Trump embraces my ideas and sits down with Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Ventura, and me -- a 50 state in 30 day barn-storming tour in which we mobilize the 15% who are nominally members of the Republican and Democratic parties and the 70% who are not members of either, and literally storm the Members home offices -- Occupy -- until the act is passed. My intent is to have him introduce the Act by the end of this month and barn-storm the country in March and April, among other things this immediately stops dead the violent "American Spring" that George Soros and others are funding.

Read in here: http://phibetaiota.net/2016/10/robert-steele-rigged-twelve-ways-the-two-party-tyranny-rigs-the-us-electoral-system-to-block-out-independents-small-parties-and-70-of-the-eligible-voters/

Best of luck getting the presidents ear, I think a lot of your ideas are great, but I'm just very skeptical about a couple of people being able to change Washington. It's quite a tide to fight against. Yeah, understatement of the century, I guess.

How dirty is Pence, do you think? I know he was there to make the establishment GOP happy, and I think the reason congress is doing NOTHING is because they are hoping to impeach Trump and put in Pence.

The dog says it's time for my walk (and two cigars). Will check in once this afternoon and once this evening, clearing all questions, and same again tomorrow. Person who asked me the question about truth, see my answer, get a book if you want.

Hey Robert, just curious on your thoughts of Trump's move to make public about the Trump Tower being wiretapped by Obama's administration.

Was this a good or bad move on his part? Is he barking up the right tree?

Trump is killing himself by chasing a tweet a day. He really needs to sit down with me and a few others and plan a break-out. All the ideas needed for triumph are in the Memorandum for the President.

What do you think would be the most powerful and decisive way to destroy the faux credibility of the "fake news," especially CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Hill, etc.?

It seriously pains me to see so many people that I went to school with that were reasonably intelligent regurgitating the most meaningless, intellectually dishonest, baseless propaganda hook, line, and sinker. They think that the surface-level, symbolic representations of the world served on a platter by MSM (and their respective universities of choice) are the world itself and the absolute insanity of it is threatening my own sanity.

How do we pop them, or do you think it will happen on its own in due time? "The real battlefield is the mind," etc., and this is war as far as I'm concerned.

If Donald Trump would allow me the honor and privilege of creating the Trump Channel and the Open Source Agency, I would bury the MSM as well as the secret intelligence community within 90 days. It is not hard. It just takes integrity, my unique blend of lifetime knowledge that CIA and others have been repressing for 30 years, and the support of the President. It will be harder without his support. I cannot articulate more emphatically my hope that he will talk to me before 1 April; and ideally before I leave for Norway on the 14th.



What do you mean by "Open Source Everything"?

Surely some secrets shouldn't be public knowledge, where do you draw the line?

Have you ever seen something dangerous that's classified that could potentially threaten the world? (Don't explain the details just say yes or no) and also something ground breaking that could revolutionize technology as we know it or any related to UFO? (As I said before don't explain the details just say yes or no)

I don't have anything to offer here but I will tell you that in my testimony to the Moynihan Commission I pointed out that there are no secrets from our enemies, the primary point of secrecy in the US Government is to avoid oversight and protect the ability to lie to Congress and the President and the public with impunity.


What do you think of Discus as a comment site?

A lot of websites like TruthDig and the Real News Network use it for managing their public comments and some of my friends have even used it to create their own comment board websites. I'm pretty sure it is located in Australia. I don't think it squashes free speech like Facebook and Twitter are so obviously doing, but I'd like to hear your opinion about it. Thanks.

I gave up on all forms of social media and all of the so-called progressive press, they are all just shit with a shine.

I thought reddit was a form of social media.

It is. I am only here because Fly was so professional and I care about this specific group. The only other group I would consider spending time with is TheDonald or whatever they are called. I consider most of Reddit to be a cesspool of latte-sucking liberals who prefer fingering their keyboards to jerking off.

/r/The_Donald ... Enjoy.


Hahaha that is funny and true and I agree. I just spit out my latte... Uhhh I mean whiskey.

How has Rience Priebus been covering up for pedophiles?

I have no idea. I actually like Mike Pence but I have a suspicion that he is just waiting quietly for Trump to self-destruct and then he will be the face of the restored Deep State.

Thanks for the reply,I was looking into some of your claims and have to say I am impressed. Keep up the good work.

Think Denny Hassert and the years and years in which the RNC and DNC leaders have been covering up the page boy scandals, the late night tours of the White House, etcetera etcetera.

Any idea why they recently fired HAARP back up? Seems like coincidental timing given the current political atmosphere. I've read the articles at https://phibetaiota.net/?s=Haarp regarding HAARP. What the hell are they really up to with that thing? It's shrouded in mystery and has no shortage of conspiracy theories surrounding it. P.S. Thanks for your hard work and dedication toward ultimate truth on such a wide variety of topics!

A lot of stuff gets started and then takes on a life of its own. What we do not have is any form of management, oversight, or evidence-based budgeting in the US Government. And of course too much secrecy and too many liars and abusers.

Ooo this, what are they up to with HAARP?

Are the three letter agencies active across internet forums and social media in spreading disinformation/propoganda/fake conspiracies? I realize the human shit stain David Brock has his own propoganda machine. But I feel like it would have to be a pretty big operation given the amount of nefarious shit they're up to and actively covering up.

It's easier than it may seem. People self-censor as soon as they know their jobs depend on it. At one point in time I was responsible for CIA's global message on a particular country where the US was supporting the extreme right colonels and wealthy families against the extreme left peasants. What I produced on a weekly basis was fed to perhaps 100 media assets world wide and from there took on a life of its own.

I hope multiple questions are okay, because I've got several and this is my third:

I think the role that media (creative as well as informational) play in effectively programming the populace is pretty obvious. What do you think the ideal role of the arts is when it comes to taking back our government and maintaining the evidence-based self-governance that you've prescribed?

I am a filmmaker, actor, musician, and I'd like to think I'm a decent researcher/investigator as well, but I find myself woefully at odds with Hollywood and the MSM as a whole. They have a two-item menu that includes meaninglessness and poison as far as I'm concerned. What is the best application of these artistic skill sets going forward in your opinion?

Arts including music exercise the intuitive part of the brain. They are essential. Scientific reductionism exists because someone took away the crayons from an entire generation.

Crowd sourcing and crowd funding have not reached optimal potential yet, in part because #GoogleGestapo (which pick up from #MicrosoftMorons) is repressing an entire generation of free thinkers. I strong recommend Micah Sifry's book, http://phibetaiota.net/2014/10/review-the-big-disconnect-why-the-internet-hasnt-transformed-politics-yet/ see also http://phibetaiota.net/?s=Internet+Sucks I strongly believe that arts are part of the educational continuum and should be pervasive and persistent across a lifetime.

Does the CIA still research stuff like Remote viewing and such? if so, how successful is it?

Supposedly it has been moderately successful. The problem with progams like that is you get one working model and then some knave comes along and says we need to fund 1,000 look-alikes and it all becomes a budget-building exercise. CIA and the rest of the IC have lost sight of their mission: to provide decision-support for all threats, all policies, now and into the future.

What happens at Area 51

Are there extra terrestrials

What's going on in Antarctica

Is there a inner/hollow earth

Are you always 100% honest with us

No direct knowledge There are definitely extra (too many) terrestials. There are also extraterrestials. No idea but Antarctica clearly needs an independent multinational citizen's survey. Probably Yes.

I needed that chuckle :-)

Seeing as you ahve already commented on the Secret Space Program I would like you to look at some secret patents and give us your opinion of them and if you have any experience in the matter. http://www.google.ca/patents/US20030197093

None. I am against all secret patents. In fact I am against patents and trademarks generally. Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) eschews patents and trademarks and protects innovation with reliability and reputation.

Why do you think Roger Stone blew you off? You'd think people who want to restore the Republic would love to get as much assets as possible together.

Based on my own experience since I have become popular and inundated with emails, I would put Roger Stone's blowing me off to three factors:

01 lost in noise 02 he knows Trump will refuse to listen 03 not worth it to him to use up political capital trying to get Trump to listen

Thanks for responding! Means alot. I respect charitable ideas and sacrifice. One day you'll be rewarded for everything you've given up for people like me and the rest of us.

I am back. Surprised to not have more questions on what it is like to be a spy, is secret intelligence worth what we pay for it, false flags, etc.


I believe Aurora was a mind-control false flag. There are a lot of incidents where the patsy thinks they are doing a drill and then they die. The guy in the Florida airport was probably supposed to die on the spot, he actually walked into the FBI claiming he was being driven to violence by a mind-control program, and the morons did not take him seriously -- a priceless opportunity to humanely systematically debrief an alleged victim of CIA (or other -- the paramilities are doing this now also.

Will scan below for the question I missed.

I've often wondered if the public knowledge of MKULTRA could be exploited by some foreign state such as China or Russia.

The scenario being that China produces a fake MKULTRA victim where the victim thinks they are being groomed by the CIA but China intentionally does it imperfectly enough that the victim becomes a whistle blower against the CIA.

When I was busy announcing - on line - that I had a solution to end war globally, well over a decade ago, the CNN crawl line on my local TV advertised a job that I knew was catered to me - in China or in Hong Kong. I forget where. It was a headhunter's ad.

I was really impressed that, 1) I would be anonymously offered a job, and 2) they hacked into the CNN crawl in order to do it. Who does that? The CIA? The State Department? Upper CNN management? God only knows. To this day I never have figured it out. It could have been a lot of different players. I suspect it was the FBI, CIA or someone in China. But is also could have been MI6 or even Mossad. One thing was for sure, I was NOT interested in the job.

But I was very interested in who would hack into the CNN crawl line in order to offer it to me. That was something I had never,ever seen or heard of before.

I like your memo4trump and electoral reform plan but wouldn't automatic voter registration hurt the nationalist cause? Making it easier for the youth and minorities to vote would likely help the globalists. I don't think Bannon or Trump would agree to that.

I agree. I think we'd need at least a five year break from the current climate to allow younger folks to learn to think for themselves again.

I can get everyone back on track within 90 days if I get the Open Source Agency and the checkbook that goes with it. The first $50M goes to create the blockchain alternative to displace #GoogleGestapo. You can read the formal proposal for the President here:


Building that and helping create mirror sites in other countries is how I want to spend the rest of my life.

I don't think you are going to get me on track with your racism.

Have you looked into the history of how the Americans treat the native Mexican population in California? How about the Doctrine of Discovery? I have a big problem with people like you (white guys) who think Mexican Americans need to be driven out of this country where they have been forever - repeatedly. What is it about you white guys? No seriously, what is it? Why are you against people who live here becoming citizens and voting?

PS, I'm a Californian born and raised. My family arrived in California in 1858. I'm white. Not one Native American tribe that I am aware of ever gave my ancestors permission to come here. If you have a copy of that document, I'd really like to see it.

You do realize RDS is at least part latino?

Robert David Steele, or for Latinos Roberto David de Steele y Vivas, is a futurist and applied intelligence expert who founded the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence Center, Open Source Solutions Network, Inc., and Earth Intelligence Network (501c3).

Heh. No such thing as part Latino. You are or you are not. Latinos come in all colors: white, black, brown, red, yellow....

My kids are part latino. Why is that so hard to understand? I am latino and my wife mostly white.

It's not. Use your head, you're agreeing with me.

Where on earth did you come from? You are way off base and obviously have not done your homework.

01 It's not just the Native Americans, but also the Mexicans.

02 Most do not know we stole most of the west from Mexico with a war based on lies.

TRUE STORY: one of my colleagues in Customs asked his grandfather when he emigrated and he said "I did not emigrate, the moved the border on me."

I have a big problem with people like you (white guys)

I've reported your post for racism and trolling.

Take a downvote, and come back when you're ready to discuss things like an adult.

I think you would be surprised at how quickly people can awaken. A seed just needs sun and a little water.

Everything is negotiable and can also be phased in. The priorities for right away including redrawn districts counting only citizens (this would lower California seats by four), public funding of campaigns and an end to all lobbyists and political fund-raising, and paper ballots with on site public counting and exit polls which Trump needs or he will lose the House in 2018 and be impeached.

Incidentally, the twelve fixes are a starting point for a national conversation, perhaps with Joan Blades Living Room Conversations as a hub, and not intended to be a take it or leave slate.

The root point is that no issue will get an honest hearing in the US Government (or any state government) as we are organized today. Electoral Reform is "root."

Jesus dude, you want to make it harder for people you dissagree with to vote and you think you're the good guy?

What is your opinion of a Universal Basic Income, for all citizens and eventually, to all People of Earth. I'm a big supporter of your Open Source Everything Manifesto and the Global Village Construction project. Thanks for all your work. And be safe.

I agree with the universal income concept and note with interest that "give us our daily bread" in the Lord's Prayer would seem to bless that concept. Check out my other OSEE papers including the Nordic Manifesto at http://robertdavidsteele.com.

Nothing on Vrillon.

Hello, again. If you had/have school age children, would you allow them to go to public school? If you couldn't afford private school, would you opt for homeschooling?

I was a shit father -- too focused on building a business and saving the world. My oldest was saved by my wife's devotion to supplementing his public school education at home, the middle son got less of that, the third least (but also more of my attention as unemployment actually made me a better father).

I admire home schooling but I would much rather re-invent education so that it is one third team learning, one third online learning, and one third experiential learning -- apprenticeships in the trades in high school, in the professions in college, universal service with common boot camp and then three options (homeland first responders or environmental, military, peace corps). "School" including apprenticeships should be year round and both sports and arts are mandatory.

Thank you for this. My thirty years of parenting has been dedicated to building diverse groups of families that are willing to "group-school." We have everything from engineers, nurses, farmers, chemists, historians, welders, musicians, candle makers, etc and our kids have become (in my opinion,) incredible thinkers. They know how to farm, they speak several languages, play instruments, can interact naturally with people of all ages and demographics, are well traveled, are good stewards of the planet and are incredibly sceptical of social media. They aren't all genius by any means, but I can't help but believe that they are "brighter" than they would've been if they had been cattle herded through the conventional system. The weird part is they are ostracized by both sides of the aisle, the left accusing them of being right wing bible thumpers, the right accusing them of being new age hippies. Now we are suddenly "alt-right". None applies, but it troubles me that so many are afraid of the possibility that they could educate their children possibly better than the current system can.

Dunno. I thought things would be better by now. I'm not sure how you keep up the steam.

Another question, do you think Jimmy Carter being nominated by the dems was a plot to scoop up the votes of the bible belt or was it an orchestrated move by both sides to create a 50/50 division? I'm amazed at how the Republican party suddenly (in my lifetime, lol.) became the Christian party, yet the Dems created this phenomenon.

Carter was, like Obama, a Deep State candidate whether he knew it or not.

Throughout world history it seems to be a common theme that a small powerful group seizes control over the rest of society. Be it locally or on a more global scale as recent signs point to. (1) With that being said do you believe it is in our human nature to have a hunger for power. Or is that a sign of a more sinister nature? Reptilian, evil, Satan, or whatever you may choose to call it? (2) And whether it's human nature or something else what is to stop another cabal from rising to power after the deep state is dethroned? No matter what measures could be set in place it seems evil would always find a way unless it's irradicated and eliminated.

Merchants have always controlled governments. Gold rules. Democracy existed in indigenous populations (note Native American seventh generation thinking -- how will this decision impact 200 years out -- and consensus councils. I like Lionel Tiger's book, http://phibetaiota.net/2003/08/the-manufacture-of-evil-ethics-evolution-and-the-industrial-system/ see also the recent book by Peter Linebaugh, http://phibetaiota.net/2014/04/review-stop-thief-the-commons-enclosures-and-resistance/ one of the greatest mistakes of the West has been the fencing of the commons and the arrogance to assume that people can "own" land. Land is best kept as a community asset with inheritable lifetime leases, but I am in favor of expropriating all property from both the federal government and non-residents -- no more absentee owners -- and in migrating communities toward open source everything engineering that has zero waste and costs less than 20% of what our predatory proprietary model demands.

What do you think about the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, especially it's application in US law?

no idea.

What was it like being a spy for the US? How did you wind up with your particular role?

FINALLY. The question I have been waiting for!

First off, I joined the Marine Corps out of grad school (this is almost never done) because I thought I had become too intellectual and wanted to reconnect with my physical side. It worked, I was a rock, but I was also bored in garrison in peacetime. A small CIA ad in Stars & Stripes while I was in Okinawa got my attention, I applied, I was their ideal candidate: lives overseas all my life, graduate degree with a thesis on predicting revolution, infantry officer skills. One out of 20,000 gets in and I continue to recommend CIA -- as fucked up as it is -- to anyone who can get accepted. One day I would like to make them 1000 times more effective which will not be hard, they are in the shits now.

Second, spying is like being a cop. 90% boredom and 10% sheer terror. I cannot count the hours I spent in seedy hotel room waiting for an agent to show up, or the hours I spent typing up reports (typing is the most important skill in spying, after listening). Worst is when you have to type up the transcript of your meeting with a terrorists, this take a LONG TIME.

In theory spies are there to get the information that cannot be gotten any other way. They spot, assess, recruit, handle, and sometime terminate (release with a bonus and good will) agents who agree to betray their country for money or other incentives. Rarely do we blackmail. Rarely do we do anything useful. CIA made a decision a while back to stop doing unilateral spying and rely heavily on receiving information from other national intelligence services, to the point that CIA today has no bench -- no unilateral assets of note and certainly none not already known to the host country service.

Spying is mostly about paying for information, and trying to get at information that is not openly available. It is actually dysfunctional. A typical US diplomat gets enough money for one reception a quarter and a few lunches. Spies, no matter how junior, have unlimited funding (one of the ways they are easily identified). CIA has refused to be serious about open sources of information, and it shocked the hell out of them when I got the DDCI Bill Studeman to agree with me that we should have a conference on the topic in 1992. Bottom line is that CIA is not doing what it is supposed to.

Come back with follow-ups, I do not want to run on. But here are a couple of links:



CIA is the runt of the litter. NSA is the big dog that costs too much and blackmails politicians.


Was there a moment in your career when you felt the CIA and or NSA was no longer effective? Or was it more a gradual realization?
To what extent were you an ignorant recruit? Have you ever regretted becoming involved as an agent?

Was there a moment in your career when you felt the CIA and or NSA was no longer effective? Or was it more a gradual realization?

Important question. My awakening came AFTER I left CIA. Like being a Jesuit priest, you simply do not question the sacred perfection of what you are a part of. It was when I created the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, and top secret access to everything and one PC in the corner hooked to the Internet, that I was shocked to see the analysts lined up for the PC. That is when I discovered (for the first time in my life I was responsible for producing intelligence about the whole world, not just collecting in a narrow lane) that the CIA and the secret world know nothing about most of the world. There is literally nothing in the secret databases about Burundi, Haiti, Somalia, etcetera. That was the beginning of the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) revolution. Here are two links, the first is about how I beat the crap out of the entire IC for the benchmark exercise on Burundi for the Aspin-Brown Commission, the second is my Danish briefing in April 2016 indicting the CIA and others for crapping all over OSINT for 30 years -- they are TERRIFIED of my getting an Open Source Agency, it will not only provide the 96% of the decision support that the President and Cabinet need (which can be shared with the public) but it will justify a two thirds cut of the entire secret intelligence budget.

To what extent were you an ignorant recruit?

I was an ignorant recruit who believed then and believe now in the mission of the CIA in the ideal. I had no idea how many depraved aspects there were to the CIA (torture, drone assassination, running drugs, money laundering, blackmailing our own politicians, etc).

Have you ever regretted becoming involved as an agent?

We are OFFICERS, not agents. Agents commit treason. Case Officers or Operations Officers spot, assess, recruit, handle, and gracefully terminate (severance pay with good will) agents. I have NEVER regretted my time with the CIA, my only regret is that so many senior officers at CIA are totally lacking in integrity.

"I was shocked to see the analysts lined up for the PC." Sorry analysts are lining up for your personal computer in the corner?
Also concerning holes in the databases, perhaps a deliberate effort? On some level there must be the 'secret databases' but then also this other data in the hands of... mafia elements. You can't trade on the black market without intelligence on some level. Who's got the phone number for the contractor who moves a plane full of cocaine? If the alphabets don't have the data, wtf are they doing with our money?
That's classified, I suppose.

No. A top secret system is locked off from the Interent. This was the one PC with access to the Internet -- back then in 1988, that was "The Source."

The databases are shit. I have written about this a lot. The center of gravity for intelligence is knowing who knows about being able to ask them.

REAL WORLD STORY: US Southern Command wanted a forecast on the Nicaraguan economy. CIA was as usual in the shits and worthless. Booze Allen wanted $250K. When asked, I said I could do it on the fly for $250. They did not believe me but agreed. I had the email of the recently retired Governor of the Bank of Nicaragua now a green card holder in Minnesota or someplace. I sent him an email and promised a check, overnight he sat down and wrote a four page summary of the current state and future forecast and emailed it back. Best $250 the US Government ever spent. I can do that over and over on every topic every day.

I love this story. Thank you so much for contributing to this best AMA ever!

You are a true patriot, Mr. Steele. Keep up the good intel you provide to the people of this nation! Thanks again!

I could not find the Clinton impeachment question. I think I have answered all the questions so far less the real jerk-off questions that remind of MSM sock-puppets (coke or pepsi" suck my straw).

Here is my chapter on detecting a false flag, and my chapter on Orlando as a false flag.



Here is one of my favorite conspiracy posts, sadly the MSM got to the orginal, and the general conspiracy search at Phi Beta Iota:


Impeachment is theater. All of those doing the impeaching are easily impeachable themselves. It is time for the public to take back the power. Trump talks platitudes, if he were serious he would be demanding the electoral reform act, diversifying his team, and barn-storming the country in March and April. He is not serious (yet).

Do you believe Sasquatch could exist? Commonly known as Bigfoot.

Everything is possible.

i've seen bigfoot...on Mt Shasta

Are you pulling my leg or serious? If so can I pm you?

totally serious

I pmd you

Quick tip: use the '>' (without quotations) symbol before text you want to quote. When you are finished with the quote, hit return a few times and continue with your answer

it makes distinguishing between quotes and answers easier to read

I've been lazy. Even cooler would be ability to make the questions bold. Will go in and edit now, while I wait for more questions.

Bold can be accomplished by two asterisks before then two after the text you wish to bold. Helpful: https://www.reddit.com/wiki/commenting

I'm skeptical of "electoral reform" actually helping to end the deep state and chosen leaders. Wouldn't that just give them an easier chance of only having to rig the votes in a few high population areas? Or even MK Ultra some densely populated cities and control elections that way?

Ok thank you. I wasn't trying to troll you I just needed more info. Thanks for the link.

What was a positive "defining moment" for you at CIA? A negative one?

Love this question.

Positive: scoring an EARS ONLY for President Reagan listing the specific Senators and Congressmen known to be working for an enemy country as obtained through an overseas operation I was responsible for.

Negative: When my petty little boss in Central American Task Force told me to go down the hall and "case officer" another government employee, meaning I was to lied cheat and steal inside our own agency to get him what he wanted. That was the end of my social contract with CIA. A few weeks later the Marine Corps asked me to resign and come create the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity and I was glad to pull the plug.

I care deeply about CIA in its ideal incarnation -- I did not know then what I know now about CIA as a Wall Street creature doing great evil, but in principle, the Republic NEEDS CIA and I would like to first create an Open Source Agency and then help create a much reduced secret intelligence and counterintelligence community that actually serves the public interest.

Thank you. Follow-up:

What did you learn about Reagan during the "ears only" report that you wouldn't otherwise have known?

Does "ears only" tend to relate to a certain category of info? What percentage of info is relayed "ears only?" Has percentage changed over the past 30 years, and, if so, why?

RE: "end of my social contract" - would not expect any other reaction from you. MCIA - Great timing or Divine intervention

What did you learn about Reagan during the "ears only" report that you wouldn't otherwise have known?

Alan Fiers, Chief of the Central American Task Force, delivered the ears only.

Does "ears only" tend to relate to a certain category of info?

I had never known of this category -- even more sensitive than EYES ONLY and this is the only instance I know of its use. I mean how cool is it to have, in enemy documentation, the list of their paid Members of the US Congress? Since then, CIA and NSA appear to have become the primary blackmailers of our Congress.

What percentage of info is relayed "ears only?"

If I had to guess, less than 1%.

Has percentage changed over the past 30 years, and, if so, why?

No idea.

Embarrassingly, I had no idea of ANY of those technical delivery terms.

Thank you for sharing your very unique life experiences.

How would your wife describe you?

Ouch. Obessive workaholic unwilling to work three shit jobs for $2500 a month net, visionary to the point of being delusional, think too much, talk too much, snore too loudly.

"Hear ye, hear ye - anyone doubting Robert's veracity need only read the above ;-)"

Likely accurate - and very complimentary except for the loud snoring (which everyone knows is genetically connected to obsessive, workaholic, verbally expressive, intellectual, and visionary traits.)

Thanks for being a good sport :-0

What do you think is the true purpose of NASA?

To cover up flat earth duhhhhhhhhhhhhh. disclaimer flat earth is a steaming pile of garbage

Clever question. I am convinced some extraterrestial and other programs are concealed within NASA. There is a lot of revelation that is needed about all covert programs across all US government elements.

An an yet unmet challenge in my view is cleaning up all the space garbage we have created, and getting serious about electromagnetic pollutioni.

Who do you think organised the murder of Kim Jong Nam? Does North Korea actually have nuclear weapons? I'm worried the marginalisation of NK by sanctions and hostility is making NK more dangerous, like a cornered animal.

Never neglect the possibility that the murder was a false flag by Japan with assistance from the USA.

From where I sit North Korea is China's problem. We should be friends with Russia, end sanctions on Iran, slam Saudi Arabia and Israel into very small boxes, end all US taxpayer support for all foreign countries and especially Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other dictators, and focus on America First.

Benjamin Fulford called that assassination a fake, as the local authorities reported no identifying marks whereas Fulford produced images of a tatooed Jong Nam.

Have you contacted Benjamin Fulford? Seems like you two could share some stories.

If you were president is there some things you think need to stay secret? Or be completely open with the public

This is worth thinking about, I have not thought about it before.

I guess the most important place for absolute secrecy is in counterintelligence. We need to completely penetrate and neutralize every group that seeks to subvert the USA beginning with the Vatican, the Saudis, the Israelis, Wall Street, the City of London, and major crime gangs as well as the Deep State.

If in doubt, open over secrecy.

pry it open far enough, and the need for counter intelligence dissipates, no?


Hey Robert, very interested in your work and you seem to be fighting the good fight!

Though I'm iffy about your suggestion for Trump to start his own "Trump Channel". Wouldn't this be widely seen as a Trump propaganda network, and be painted as an act of an authoritarian creating his own loyal, state controlled media?

Also, what is your take on Trump's allegation of the Obama Admibistration tapping Trump Tower? I just find it odd that he didn't supplement these tweets with any further evidence or announcements. My theory is that this is a tactical choice, where he purposely leads the media into a trap where they vehemently argue that this is a nonsense claim, and then makes them look foolish and transparently partisan when he later backs this up in much more detail. Is this a reasonable assumption, or is there some other inside info you could give us that helps shed light on this?

Trump Channel is how I explain it to Trump. It would actually be the People's Channel, two way, with PollMole as a big part of it.

Trump is killing himself for lack of a grand strategy. As I used to lecture the civil affairs folks going to Iraq, no amount of tactical excellence is going to overcome strategic idiocy at the White House level.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Another question, if you don't mind:

I recently saw some videos that displayed the disturbing potential of technologies which can be used in order to convincingly manipulate video + audio of people being interviewed. As in, being able to create a realistic "puppet" version of a public figure, and them inserting the desired manipulations in order to make it appear that the target is saying something that they didn't actually say. I've seen speculation that this was used to manipulate the Assange/Pilger interview, though I'm not sure about the accuracy of this assertion.

My fear is that this technology can be used in order to create false evidence of Trump making statements that he in fact did not make (some have also speculated that this was used to create Trump's "locker room" comments). I fear that they will be able to basically weaponize this in order to release phony "leaks" of Trump conversations that can be used as "evidence" of him conspiring with Russian officials.

So I'm curious, do have any info about these technologies, or if they have already been employed to create fabricated audio/video leaks of any significance? I fear the power that's inherant in this, as it could literally be used to create false evidence that leads to Trump's impeachment.

These technologies do exist, but it will be easier to slip toxins into his system, not necessarily via food, through his clothes coming back from the dry cleaners, into his toothpaste, that make him erratic and tape him, then Judas Preibus and Pence can collaborate with Ryan to have him declared incompetent and the 25th Amendment I think it might be kicks in, and Trump is declared out, Pence is promoted. Then -- heaven help us, Jeb Bush or Elizabeth Warren, both Deep State scenarios. Trump is alone. Am very frustrated by this.

Jesus, thinking about that gives me shivers. I have heard you mention this as a serious possibility before, and I'll admit, during his speech to Congress I was thinking about the possibility of his speaking capabilities basically turning to mush right in front of us.

Are directed electronic weapons also a serious possibility, or do you think there are more viable ways for trump to shield himself from that? I can see how drugs would be the most effective option though. It's just quite amazing how vulnerable he could be, while ostensibly being one of the most well-protected men in the world.

Why is the Deep State doing this?

If they have all this wealth, and alien technology, then what do they lose by sharing say, zero point energy?

If I had my own flying saucer, I'd not give a fuuuuck - I'd be chilling on a random uninhabited planet smoking some fire with my friends. Why do they need to keep people oppressed?

You don't think the folks at the top don't have their own power struggles and treaties among themselves to keep each other in tow? "Go ahead and take off in your spaceship and we will destroy you, your family, your friends, your country.."

You ask an important question. I hazard the guess that they are slow learners and have not adapted. They are too focused on concentrating wealth for themselves oblivious to the fact that they are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs -- the public. One of my coolest pieces is below, Cynthia McKinney and I have talked about this often:


I am a defense contractor - should I give up the swank paychecks to better humanity? Or is there still a place for us who are wary of our own "sought and unsought" influence?

Do NOT give up the paychecks. Change your lifestyle to save 50% of your combined paychecks with your wife, and have a bug-out plan. Consider selling and down-sizing to a rental. I believe that 50% of all contractors will be unemployed within six years at most.

Do you have any insight on the groups/divisions within freemasonry? I mean, deeper than the surface explanations like York vs. Scottish, etc., are there any truly dissident, humanist factions within freemasonry, or do you think it has been completely subverted?

No, I see value to all forms of fellowship and aid, even secret, but on balance I would rather we ALL be fellows.

Are you aware of any secret societies truly working for the good of humanity? I've found bread crumbs of various groups laying around (Platonist and Gnostic mystery schools seem to be popular) but no concrete information confirming that any of these groups have real influence in the world.

Short answer is no. I am also skeptical because the good of humanity is best achieved at scale in the open.

Yeah, but until we get there, sometimes you have to hide from the psychopaths.

I disagree. I think the psychopaths need to hide from us.

I have duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a rare Muscular disease that is fatal, do you think the government has the ability to cure Muscular Dystrophy?

I do not know but my gut sense is that we know how to cure cancer and many other diseases but the system is oriented toward keeping threats and illnesses and problems going so as to keep the money moving in old ways.

What was the deal with John Coleman in the the 90's, with the committee of 300 - was he for real or full of it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZdinrakQVQ

If you ever need a web designer David hit me up.

Thanks for your time!

No idea. If I get the Open Source Agency we will create the World Brain in such a way that no one -- least of all Google and Amazon -- can screw it up.

With regard to major/high-profile arrests for pedophilic crimes, what would you say is currently holding the floodgates in place? Are any of these investigations far enough along that action could be taken now?

I have no direct knowledge. I believe Trump and Sessions made a serious mistake in starting the arrests without first security a broader public base with the Electoral Reform Act.

From secondary information is would appear that roughly 30 political leaders in the DC area have been identified, and I expect one token arrest (similar to the Epstein arrest) with all the others being more or less under a threat of blackmail from Trump instead of their usual blackmailers, NSA and CIA).

Any chance the Deep State will be dealt a major blow from someone inside the Deep State? Or is it too naive to think of a "silver bullet?"

I absolutely believe that there are many within the Deep State who wish to bring down the Deep State. What we do out here is what will give them the courage to leak to WikiLeaks and take other actions.

Donald Trump, for all his flaws, is the great disrupter and offers all of us hope. And even if he self-destructs, as he will on his present course, he has awakened the sleeping public.


We are planning to locate both in Iceland. Details for smarter people than me to figure out.

what do you think of me and others in san diego county grouping up in the future to shut down the fbi, cia and relocate the navy base here and any other gov agency that should be doing something about the extreme gang stalking here which has turned san diego into a gang stalking haven and one of the worst places in the country for gang stalking targets? fyi i got a fuckin hole in my face cuz of the tech weapons. since they allow at least severa thousand domestic terrorists to roam around and kill pple here, san diego doesnt need these special gov agencies here. you think im being a huge asshole or am i being reasonable by just shutting them down?

gang stalking and mind control are real but 80% of the agencies are totally innocent -- perhaps even 90%.

We need a national truth & reconciliation process, inclusive of a counterintelligence process 100X better than the FBI offers now (and actually in the service of the public). We need to take all citizen complaints such as yours seriously rather than blowing them off, and we need to do pattern analysis across all 18,000 police jurisdictions.

We have a 19th century government with 12th century ethics.

Do you mind expanding on what happened to your face?

Have you attempted to maybe get into contact with one of Trumps children on Twitter or E-mail? Sry if this question was already answered.

Hundreds have suggested this. I personally wrote to Donald Trump Jr. and I am told he knows who I am, but the Trump Family Universe does not seem to "computer" what I am trying to get them to understand is the difference between their being the Chumps from New York and Masters of the Universe.

Was there ever a time during your active career that you questioned whether or not you were working for the 'good guys'? Is there a force or group in the world that you know of that would be even more disastrous to mankind than the current deep state running it the way it is?

When I was threatened with assassination by the Colonels in charge of the country we were supporting (I was responsible for penetrating the extreme left, they thought I was a sympathizer), and I was learning about the rapes, assassinations, extortions and more these Colonels were carrying out on behalf of the wealth families repressing the public, I had doubts.

My real awakening came when I got into heavy non-fiction reading, including these 300 books about intelligence: http://www.phibetaiota.net/2011/08/worth-a-look-book-reviews-on-intelligence-lack-of/

Later I was deeply impressed by books about empire, war is a racket, etcetera, and over time -- after leaving the CIA while spending 20 years evangelizing for open source intelligence -- understanding the deep corruption of everything about how our government commerce and society are managed, that I began to understand that CIA was a fraud, the military was a fraud, the two-party tyranny is a fraud, and ultimately -- this most strongly in 2014 -- electoral reform is root.

Here are my many lists of reviews -- you could usefully spend a long time here reading summaries of important books -- over 2000 of them.


Are there any big players/governments not complicit with the global cabal? Or are TPTB pretty much involved in everything across the globe?

If I had to guess, all our current enemies (Syria, Iran, Russia, etc.) are at odds which is why we are fighting that damn war.

I'm curious where the global cabal seems to be the weakest.

The critical point I try to make is that no government, no bank, no corporation, no secret agency is "monolithic." They have different pieces. Here for example is something I wrote about CIA: http://phibetaiota.net/2012/11/search-seven-cias/

This is really about hand-picked individuals within each agency, especially CIA and Treasury.

War is a profit center. There is absolutely no reason for us to have gone to war in Afghanistan and Iraq -- peace is vastly cheaper to assure and the profits from peace vastly greater BUT the profits from war are concentrated for the banks while the profits from peace are evenly distributed among all.

What has been missing, which I have conceptualized standing on the shoulders of many others, is an Open Source Agency that makes possible holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) such that we create a prosperous world at peace -- I explictly forecast that we can accomplish all seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals within 20 years at 20% of the current industrial paradigm.

This is all about awakening the public and doing counterintelligence against all traitors, mostly domestic.

Robert, thank you for answering our questions.

There's a lot of confusion, both on /r/conspiracy and within the public at large, as to who exactly is on what team in this Deep State war, and what exactly organizations like the CIA (or even the MSM) are trying to accomplish. I find that most people can't even confidently identify who opposes/props up the DS and what other groups/parties in Washington feel about it, privately or publicly. Could you give us an outline, as you see it, as to who the major players are in this and what their goals are, at least ostensibly? I think this would be invaluable as /r/conspiracy moves forward with their scrutiny of the US govt. Again, thanks for your time.

I think the confusion comes when people fail to see the big three levels of which the Deep State is the lowest. I cannot claim to be an expert on the Deep State but I admire the book by Peter Dale Scott, http://phibetaiota.net/2015/01/review-guest-the-american-deep-state-wall-street-big-oil-and-the-attack-on-us-democracy/ and also the work of Mike Lofgren who focuses on our prostitutes in Congress, http://phibetaiota.net/?s=Mike+Lofgren -- reading Lofgren and Assange, I am convinced the Republican Party is toast, which is one reason I feel so strongly that Donald Trump needs an Electoral Reform Act.

Within each agency, there are over-lapping slices of the Deep State -- the pedophile/Vatican slice, the Zionist/neo-con slice, the Saudi Arabian slice, the Nazi slice (often collaborating with the Zionist/neo-coni slice), and others.

Everything is constantly shifting. What never shifts is the fact that the US Constitution is worthless today, every one of our institutions have failed, and We the People are screwed. Donald Trump has the power to change all this, but only if he diversifies.

The highest level is the Rothchilds and the blend of the UK Royal Family and City of London modern face of the old East India Company along with the Vatican and the Dragons in China (the good guys, ripped off by the other two for 300 years, that is about to change).

The next level is Wall Street and the City of London and a mix of non-traditional financial centers -- they are the grease between the Masters of the Universe and the Deep State.

Beneath them are a wide variety of institutions from the media to universities to Hollywood to labor leaders and local dignitaries who are all complicit in the general meme of screw the public as long as I get mine. Charles Hugh Smith has a nice diagram at ZeroHedge, https://tyrannyrising.com/does-a-rogue-deep-state-have-trumps-back-2/

The Deep State is the unelected hand-picked officials from generation to generation who violate the Constitution with impunty and believe that transient polititians (who are one step up from whores and in many cases actual traitors to the Republic) are irrelevant to policy. They work for different masters, and consider the USGovernment their personal piggy bank and the US public expendible farm animals.

Do you think he will though? So far, evidence seems to indicate that he's either a) purposefully ushering in an openly corporate-dictated US govt or b) at least complicit in that while it happens.

Also, if I may ask another related question-- You've spoken of an impending violent American reaction of Trump does not make the swerve you describe. How do you see that (the violent uprising) happening, with the with the US military and police being what they are?

Also thank you for your wonderfully complete answer. Really appreciate it.

Also, if I may ask another related question-- You've spoken of an impending violent American reaction of Trump does not make the swerve you describe. How do you see that (the violent uprising) happening, with the with the US military and police being what they are?

See this post on the four track strategy to destroy Donald Trump.


Now think about Berkeley (the recent violent riot). Did you see law enforcement lift a finger? They did NOT. The Governnors, Mayors, and University Presidents are all part of the Deep State. The word is going to be out to let the hired and stupid destroy whatever they turn their attention to. The 1% are willing to pay any price in OUR blood and property, to drive Trump from office.

He has ONE "nuclear option" - the Electoral Reform Act.

Who are the Dragons in China? The same guys that did the Boxer Rebellion?

Spies are glamorously stereotyped - What's the real story, and what was your most decidedly non-glamorous spy experience?

There are some CIA spies far superior to me -- I estimate them to be no more than 20 in number but probably closer to 10 -- that are under deep non-official third country passport cover with access most people can only dream of.

The vast majority of CIA spies are bureaucrats who work under official cover and whose only real distinctions are their selection in the first place, their success on their first tour -- most do not, I had an unusual back to back three tours overseas with five times the regional recruiting and production average -- and their ability to throw around virtually unlimited amounts of money.

Unglamorous is waiting in a third rate hotel room with cockroaches for a low-life to show up on their own calendar and turn out to have nothing worthwhile to report, they just came to collect their monthly stipend.

Wow, only 20 in number?

What is a "deep non-official third country passport," and to what/who does it provide access?

How was your production measured?

Yes - cockroaches in crappy hotel decidedly not glamorous. What is the average pay for the type of informant you describe, and how do you select them?

This is very interesting. Thank you!

What is a "deep non-official third country passport," and to what/who does it provide access?

A legitimate passport from the right country -- along with the language and cultural skills and skin color that most CIA spies lack -- provides access to the best fishing holes in the world

How was your production measured?

Apart from recruitments (most case officers in my regional division recruited at best one a year, I nailed five a year every year I was out), what we called Foreign Intelligence Report -- actually intelligence reports considered worthy of disseminating to those authorized to see them -- also five times the regional average. One fitness report said that among the ten case officers in the Station, I was producing one third of the recruitments and one third of the report -- the other nine, together, were producing the other two thirds.

Yes - cockroaches in crappy hotel decidedly not glamorous. What is the average pay for the type of informant you describe, and how do you select them?

It's been 20 years, pay rates have probably changed, back in the day it was anywhere from $250 to $1000 a month at my level of agent, for Ministers and others more senior it was probably closer to $10-20K a month.

In theory we are supposed to methodically find the best possible access to the highest priority target, and then devise a means of meeting and then recruiting exactly the right person. In reality we throw money up in the air and whoever grabs at one of the bills is immediately recruited. It's all largely worthless.

Globalist-related organizations commonly use the word "open" - Open Society, Open Government Partnership, Open Borders, for example - which has created a semantic connection between the two - and not a positive one bc the ideology is, hypocritically, anything BUT open. "Open Source" is your baby. Would you consider an alternative descriptor to "open," and, if so, what would it be?

No I will not consider an alternative to Open. What I will consider is eradicating every organization that uses the word Open with criminal intent. Certainly that would include the organizations you name. The key is public education. Soros and Omidyar and Gates and the Rockefeller and all other US foundations get away with murder because they have a) bribed our Congress and b) created a narrative that an idiot obese public does not question.

Heck yeah! I'll take eradicating "open" with criminal intent ANY day. You are absolutely correct about the bribes and the non-questioned narrative (which thanks to people like you, is being increasingly questioned.)

You stress the importance of getting competent people elected. Corruption aside, the complacency and ignorance exhibited by many in Congress is absolutely appalling - and an extremely attractive avenue for the Soros-ilk to make inroads. I was shocked to learn that Civil Society, via the OGP, is our Congressional Research Service - Really?! Nothing biased about THAT! How many Congressional members realize this or even care? How many realize that the four or five testimonies in a Congressional hearing are all related to/funded by the same source(s?) I've been researching this in detail, and it's rampant - in fact, it's the norm. They do the same thing to get favorable agency decisions. They are very strategically shaping legislation and policy changes over time - which not only places the laws and regulations on their side, it also effectively removes competition. For example, they want to market a new type of solar tech. They fund three or four different solar tech studies (which all, predictably, support their desired outcome,) and they get "the green light." Before most manufacturers are even aware of the new standards, etc, the "inside track" group is already shipping their solar panels to customers. It's disgusting! So, yes, the lobbyists, the bribes, the ignorance - We HAVE to stop this, or their takeover will be complete - and the majority of Americans will have NO idea it has even taken place.

An Open Source Agency would promote transparency, nurture citizen investigative endeavors (a form of collective intelligence) and more. You can see my latest thinking here:


Is Putin as bad as they say he is? As far as killing journalists and whatnot. Or is he simply being propped up as an enemy?

Putin is not as bad as the Deep State narrative would have you believe. Certainly he has been responsible for having people killed, but I consider most instances I know of to be totally justified. People forget that Putin is working within the confines of his own country.

The crimes against humanity that we are responsible for -- the 1,000 bases we maintain around the world to support CIA for the elite smuggling of drugs, gold, guns, cash, and small children should be closed immediately. Our support for dictators, our taxpayer subsidies for those dictators (and the Zionists, who get $30,000 a year for every man, woman, and child in Israel) is totally outrageous. What we have done to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria -- our drone assassinations, our torture and rendition -- all of these add up to Putin being the gold standard for international leadership while we represent the lowest of the low. Here is a graphic of how the rest of the world sees us: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/graphic-foreign-perception-of-usa-as-greatest-threat-to-world-peace/

CIA and the MSM lie. It's time we had a Trump Channel and an Open Source Agency to tell the truth (to include telling the truth to Donald Trump, I am not sure he has anyone with the balls to do that now).

Afterthought: how many people have we killed between 9/11, our murder of all kinds of activists and journalists, etcetera.

Hi Robert and thank you again for helping us see the truth.

Q) I consider Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and many other Truth-Revealers to be heroes. Do you think the President will ever pardon and/or be able to "forgive" Edward, and allow him to come home?

There will come a time when truthers are rightly reecognized as the healers of our dysfunctional government, economy, and society. If the President is willing to pardon those guilty of horrendous financial and war crimes, as well as elite pedophiles, he should certainly be willing to pardon truthers, and also see the political value of that balancing act. I support full pardons as well as financial restitution.

Thanks Robert for the reply. You're one of my heroes too, for helping us fight for the truth! Some of my co-workers are still brain dead because of TV, but at least my close friends & one of my siblings are awake thanks to the work you and many others are doing. Peace!

Is Iran really ditching the US dollar this month? If so, have you heard anything regarding US or Great Britain reaction/timeline? I'm under the impression that dropping the US petro dollar doesn't go well for the countries/leaders who do so.

Don't know but it is long over-due. The US dollar is corrupt and the banks have been manipulating both interest and currency exchange rates. The BRICS have been talking for some time about an alternative international economy, see for example our 2013 post on this, it is all starting to happen now and will include a new Internet: http://phibetaiota.net/2013/10/4th-media-what-will-happen-to-the-global-economy-if-brics-announce-launch-of-new-currency-brisco/

Thank you for doing this and answering sir.

First, thanks for all your efforts. You should put up more videos on your youtube, a patreon account might be in order?

Q)My understanding of the born secret doctrine suggests that any scientific theory developed from the Manhattan project onward, which truly would push understanding deeper than what was know the open literature, would be suppressed or restricted on its face. Do you think this is too paranoid? It seems clear from leaked beam weapon docs that the manufacture of weapons was almost more important than collision of particles, and our deep theory hasn't really produced anything useful since reactors...

Could science be kept in a box of sorts? I know there's an entire secret science world to let the national labs communicate...

I understand we actually enslave some scientists -- they are moved to underground cities and forced to work and never be allowed out. I have no direct knowledge but my bottom line is that secret science borders on satanism and is not right. We spend too much on weapons of war and not enough on instruments of peace, in part because the public has been inattentive and there is no transparency in the US budget. 50% of the federal budget could be cut tomorrow and we would be better off.

Okay, wow. Would that be after they get a clearance or just if they happen to research the right (wrong?) subject?

I guess im curious how they keep a population of smart minds around over the years to understand such things if they're often sent to the dumbs.....

Do not underestimate the ease with which rogue elements in this country can make people disappear.

Just a couple general questions from someone who has been following this online political struggle for a while now.

Does the kind of investigation/talk/action that happens on places like the chans and sections of reddit actually help anything?

The pot seems like it has been about to boil over for the last several months. Do you think it will ever? How about within the next year? What do you speculate comes next?


Very thoughtful questions. I gave up on all social media a while back -- it was just too much trivia. Right now it appears to be an alternative to watching cartoons for many people, and not at all instructive or useful. The tools for sense-making and better aggregating civic power are just not there. For me, the invitation to this particular Reddit was offered so professionally I felt a desire to contribute. I think of this Reddit as a small flap of the butterfly wing. Someone reading all this knows someone who knows someone who can tell Keith (Trump's security guy) that he should tell the boss to diversity. And then magic happens.

Trump was an accident and has enormous potential. Whatever happens, the Deep State is now on the run.

Looking forward to your answers tomorrow. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Hi Robert I forgot to ask one more question:

Q) The election is over but I noticed that trolls keep attacking Jill Stein on both her Twitter & Facebook feeds. I've supported the Greens ever since Bernie endorsed Killary, but what I can't understand is I expected the attacks to die down. Is this some sort of revenge by the Democrat Elites on trying to ruin her image well in advance before 2018/2020 elections? Thank you.

This is at least three different issues.

I met Jill when we were both running for president in 2012 and when I introduced myself she was like a deer in the headlights. I formed the impression that she was more posture than substance and too timid to go the distance. Then when she vandalized construction equipment I concluded that she is done.

The Green "Cabinet" is well-intentioned but light-weight. They are just not heavy-weight thinkers who can produce a balanced budget that demonstrates holistic analytics and true cost economics -- indeed I have never heard the Green Party talk about true cost economics.

Finally the party itself is much smaller than most realize, and is totally oblvious to electoral reform as a winning issue. I tried to get the Libertarians and Greens to understand that they should run together, a Libertarian president and Green vice president with a coalition cabinet cutting across all political lines, and they blew me off. ALL PARTIES ARE TOXIC, without exception.

Thank you Robert for the reply. Yes, I've wanted Jill to drop her Campaign Manager David Cobb, as I didn't feel he was guiding Jill with the best strategies. And yes, it's a small party that doesn't have a lot of "know-how" (i.e. light-weight is correct). I kinda think of them as a baseball team, but they're not scouting the best that they could call into play.

I did like her "Green New Deal", where (for example) we commit to solar & wind. But maybe because the party is still relatively small they don't know all the "in's & out's" of true cost economics. I kinda applauded her for spray-painting the bulldozer (or whatever that was), but boy, she got attacked a lot online.

Thank you Robert for your work & helping us see the truth.

Take a look at my policy primer and my holistic analytics matrix two links below. Green Party is an important perspective but they are simply not able to move past their present state.



Closing for the night. Will be attentive tomorrow until 8 PM.

Do you have any idea of the true purpose of the Great Giza pyramid?

Have you heard of Brilliant Light Power and Dr. Randell Mills?

What is your take on Dr. Judy Wood?

Has Jesse Ventura talked to you about Dr. Judy Wood's work?

Have you heard of Henrik Svensmark -what is your take on his work?

No on all.

Is/are there any members of the US House or Senate that you believe have talent that is overlooked/unrecognized? If so, who and what?

The short answer is no. From Mark Warner to Kristen Gilibrand of New York, they are all pimps for the 1% and have zero integrity. Rand Paul has potential but has not been daring enough, in part because he has a stupid staff that cannot "compute" good ideas coming in the door.

Who do you think site tapped Trump's towers, Obama or Andrew McCabe (or someone else) ? )

In my experience the answer is always "all of the above." I am quite certain that Trump has been tapped by the US Government (both NSA and the FBI) as well as the Zionists. There are two kinds of tapping: those against communications devices, and listening devices planted in his office by visitors. I am quite certain the Oval Office is bugged six different ways and everything said there is in Tel Aviv as well as Fort Meade as it is said -- real time.

Our secret intelligence community is out of control -- it is focused on our own politicians and our own public. The FBI needs cleansing, but once cleansed I would triple it budget and unleash it against everybody in betrayal of the public trust.


You all can feel free to call me Robert. Am in the trenches with you. Alt-gov.org will be launched soon -- am offering it to Trump first, to organize everyone against the Deep State, but if he declines, then I and others will launch it on or about 1 April 2017.

No idea on technical stuff.

There is no lack of evidence on all three Clinton's being pieces of shit (and Chelsea is probably only half Clinton). What is lacking is intelligence and integrity on the part of the American public -- I am just stunned by how stupid all these people are that really think they can wish Trump away.

From an average American point of view, "revolutions" seem to be reserved for Middle Eastern countries and rural European states. It's unbridled violence and pillaging.

I imagine it's possible this image is pushed on us to make us seem "above" insurrection or otherwise fighting back. Yet another amazing invention to keep us placid.

My question: do you foresee the Second American Revolution happening as a diplomatic, militaristic, mixed, or even unlikely event? Is there promise for us to pull the "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore" approach, or do we wait for the state to thoroughly destroy itself first?

I know you'd prefer intelligent questions, and I hope I provided an adequate one for your time.

Thank you.

Nice. I did my first graduate thesis on predicting revolutions, in 1976, CIA still has not caught up with me. You can find that work here:


Since the 1920's there has in my view definitely been a strategy of propagandizing the US public into not revolting. Populist revolutions are very rare. See this excellent work:


A revolution is underway right now in the USA. I like these two books by Russell Brand and Chris Hedges, note in the second that he says that the last defense of the elites is law enforcement: when law enforcement STOPS defending the elites it is over for them. I would add to that when law enforcement STOPS taking orders to allow Berkeley riots to proceed unmolested (I would have slammed that down in five minutes) then it is over.



We are at a fascinating points in time. Donald Trump is an ACCIDENTAL president, I won't argue this point, read the memo with 50 linked endnotes -- he was elected AGAINST the violent opposition of BOTH the Republican and Democratic parties and the 1% as well as the US military senior leaders who are corrupt to the bone.


Whats Trump is missing because he has been in the fight for his life and had to appoint some real traitors (Preibus) and has not had access to holistic thinkers like myself who have been trying to help him since July 2015, is that he can flip the tortilla overnight, he just has to read the memo that one million people have read below, and the underlying ten-pager with graphics that Judas Preibus and Sean Spicer refused to deliver to the President elect in December 2016 hen it could have shaped the Inaugural speech.



For tom: Do you know Greg Webb on youtube? And if so How close is he in his investigation to the truth?

Not someone I follow, others have mentioned him. If I had an Open Source Agency, all such voices would be given a proper public hearing.

hi Robert thank you for your time - my question

have you ever heard of Fiona Barnett she claims a pedophile ring operated here in australia during the 70s and that Nicole Kidmans father was involved as well as former prime minister Paul Keating.

Could there be weight to these claims have you ever heard rumours regarding any of our politicians here do you have info to shed on Australia in general?

I absolutely believe that. Australia, UK, US are central to pedophilia but it is everywhere including Russia. And of course in Central Asia and Arabia it is routine.

Have you had time to check into CERN's Dance of Destruction? Thoughts?

If asked prior, my apologies. Sifted through about half of thread so far.

No idea but I worry about ignorance and arrogance leading to multiple nuclear and other WMD effects including pandemics.

What exactly will happen when the Elites, Deep State, et al begin their "end game" ? Will they cause the collapse of the US Dollar?

In your time as a spy, did you ever infiltrate foreign governments?

What exactly will happen when the Elites, Deep State, et al begin their "end game" ? Will they cause the collapse of the US Dollar?

I strongly believe that we need to offer them a "soft landing" and an "exit strategy" through a Truth & Reconciliation process. The US Dollar has already collapsed, it is worth 10% of what it once was and is about to be replaced by a BRICS currency. We need to be more creative about alternative currencies based on community and kinship and trust, and focus on keeping our communities healthy.

In your time as a spy, did you ever infiltrate foreign governments?

Duh. Just about anyone can be recruited with the right combination of money, narrative, and opportunity. Often you can use "false flag" to good effect, and also "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" pitches. What kills me is that we spend 90% of our time and money on the 5% or so that might be worth stealing and usually is not, and we REFUSE to be serious about open sources of information in all languages that we do not speak.

hello, Is Trump going to be the first official trillionaire ?

No. He is a MINOR billionaire. Everyone laughs at him. He actually tries to earn his money the hard way, with construction. The REAL billionaires rip us all off by manipulating interest and foreign exchange rates, using insider trading, dumping bad stocks on unsuspecting individual buyers, and of course starting wars to make good on their bad bets on futures (e.g. Goldman Sachs bet big on oil going over $200 a barrel, they were wrong, so what Goldman Sachs wants right now is a war in the Middle East so they can hit their futures bets).

I think the reason his tax returns didn't come out is that it would reveal he's not actually that rich.

I am inclined to agree. I suspect $5B to $7B.

thank very intersting

Thanks very much for your participation with us. How many people have died in the world as a result of the CIA's actions? Thank you again.

This is a great question. I would divide it into three parts:

01 Those that died in one on one assassinations -- fewer than 100

02 Those that died in covert wars such as in Africa and Laos and Cambodia where we were there for the wrong reasons: easily hundreds of thousands and probably millions

03 Those that have died from drone assassinations that are proven to be 98% collateral damage (innocent children, women, and older men by no conceivable stretch of the imagination legitimate targets) perhaps 2,500 if not more.

01 Those that died in one on one assassinations -- fewer than 100

So you don't think John Potash's book "Drugs As Weapons Against Us" is accurate? His book is subtitled "The CIA's Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Activists."

Potash thinks the CIA has very, very dirty hands. Then there's the death of Frank Olson.

Let me underscore my appreciation again for your weekend-long participation. I would have missed speaking with you otherwise.

Death by drugs is not something I lay on CIA alone. It is certainly as important aspect, but so is death by phamaceuticals, medical malpractice, Flint water, etcetera. The government is working for enemies of the American people. Donald Trump, for all of his flaws, is our one chance to get this fixed fast. Otherwise I have to spend the next four years running for president and I absolutely do not want to do that.

The government is working for enemies of the American people. Donald Trump, for all of his flaws, is our one chance to get this fixed fast.

Yes, I agree. The CIA and their Military Weapons Industry faction of the Junta are thrashing with Trump and his Oil faction of the Junta for sure.

President Exxon (Trump/Rex Tillerson) wants to drill in Russia's arctic waters and so is calling for detente (friendlier relations) again with the Russians (like Nixon called for detente and so the CIA got rid of Nixon a little more gently than they dispatched John Kennedy) while the military weapons industry still needs to portray Russia as a mortal threat to continue expanding the Weapons Industry's trillion-dollar annual budget, which has been crippling our economy since Nine-Eleven, 2001. On that day the Military Weapons Industry rejoiced and probably had something to do with 9/11 in the form of the Deep State and the C.I.A. After 9/11, the weapons industry was no longer hampered by Bill Clinton's peace dividend domestic spending which saw "Defense" spending drop dramatically in favor of supporting our domestic economic growth. Of course Bill Clinton was representing Arkansas then (he was President Walmart), but now Hillary in New York is neck-deep into the Deep State favoring the ruthless CIA now.

Doctor Jill Stein of the Green Party would have been much better than Trump. She will challenge both wings of the Junta, both the Weapons Industry faction and the Big Oil faction. Please consider voting Green next time. I voted for Doctor Stein 4 years ago too.

Sorry, but Jill is a lightweight and the people around her are lightweights. Their voice must be heard but none of them has the balls to do what needs to be done. I do like -- very much -- the overall thrust of the Green Party.

I do like -- very much -- the overall thrust of the Green Party.

Thanks for complimenting the best and only honest / non-criminal party.

Ralph Nader who ran on the Green Party ticket in 2000 is not a lightweight and neither is Jill Stein :-)

They have the heart, the ideas, and the strong ethical character to make America truly great again. Ralph Nader has given away 90 percent of his income every year for decades to causes he supports. A person like that can't be bought. I think Greens always look for candidates like that to put on their ticket.

So, if everything you say is true, why isn't this is the news, rigged elections drug smuggling CIA, and just literally everything that isn't world wide known and on the news and stuff, if the entire country knew this was true it'd be ridiculous riots and all

if the entire country knew this was true it'd be ridiculous riots and all

That is why its not on the news

What part of the media being part of the Deep State are you not understanding? Read CounterPunch and ConsortiumNews for some stuff that the MSM won't cover. I tried for three years to get them to cover electoral reform, this is not an "approved" topic. The ENTIRE system is rigged, not just the two-party tyranny that fronts for Wall Street, the Zionists, and Saudi Arabia.

Sone zionists maybe. Just like post Trump Republican Party I doubt they are a monolithic evil conspiring entity. I'm sure some Just want to MIGA

Another question I got have any questions you have answered have been deemed classified by the us government? (Or any higher level of secrecy)

I am vastly smarter and more ethical than any combination of security officers you can identify. I can certainly be harrassed -- and I lost my multi-million dollar business to three morons working for the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) who stripped my clearances (which cost my my contracts and livelihood) when I cheerfully declared 7,500 foreign contacts and all income for foreign intelligence elements I had trained in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) -- while a judge found in my favor on every count (I am purer than ceasar's wife) one cannot underestimate the idiocy of the current security regime. I would never ever be subject to criticism by an ethical intelligence security regime and I give the CIA, particularly the Publications Review Board (PRB) very high marks. I have never violated my lifetime secrecy oath and I have been good about getting PRB approval on books and articles that are clearly in their domain -- for example, this 2010 monograph for the US Army was approved pre-publication review by BOTH DoD and the CIA:


Thoughts on The Black Hand?

No idea.

You're in for a ride if you start down this rabbit hole. The Black Hand were the Serbian group thought to be responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Almost two weeks before Malaysian flight MH370 was brought down a Chinese blogger posted about how a group called The Black Hand was going to target a flight from that airline. On that plane were co-owners of a valuable semi-conductor patent. Their deaths lead to Jacob Rothschild being the sole owner. They're also known as the black hand of the illuminati. Whether you believe in the illuminai or not, if it does exist, the Rothschild family is at the top.

False flag question: I've been up all night reading from your site and watching YouTube videos over false flags. I know that one of the reasons is for the gun control agenda. However, most people I know buy tons of guns after every "mass atrocity." Could false flags also be used at the same time to spike gun sales to promote the weapon industry?

Clever thought but I think it is more about keeping the fear alive so people do have have a chance to think about the extremely large thorny Deep State dick that is constantly up their ass. Spend some time here:


Do you think the US military and its members have overall good intentions? It seems our military members were once considered heroes for defending our freedom but now WE are the terrorists who steal resources and bully other nations. How do military members feel about what is being defended these days?

Short answer is yes. Long answer is that the more rank you get the more you have to compromise your integrity to get and keep rank. Many if not all of our veterans now suffering silently at home know that Iraq was an elective war based on 935 now-documented lies. Some of them understand that the Pentagon is a massive conspiracy to steal money from the American taxpayer -- the infantry, which is 4% of the force and takes 80% of the casualties, gets 1% of the budget. The rest of the budget goes to overpriced crap that never works the way it should and requires 3-6 contractors per uniformed person, to keep operational.

A few links (the first just posted today):




We have been liars and bullys for a very long time. It is now time to restore intregrity to our government, everyone wants that expect the 1% and their political servant class in the two-party tyranny.



I am back and will work through any questions for next hour.

Hi again Robert. What keeps you motivated and energized every day? You have a massive body of work, which must take alot of effort. Do you ever look at the world, the regime, the uphill battle, and just want to hang it up and do something else? Or does it only further you resolve?

Thanks again.

I never planned to be an author. That happened when one of my generals refused to sign an article I had ghost-written for him, so I published it in my own name. One thing led to another, I give a lot of credit to the American Intelligence Journal that published me early on (always with pre-approval by a very effective DoD pre-publications review process).

I never planned to leave the government but when CIA ordered the Marine Corps to forbid me to do a second conference on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) I quit government and risked everything on leading the revolution. While it was enough to support me -- grossing 1.2 million with only one employee in my best year, CIA was able to repress and distort the OSINT revolution for 30 years. Donald Trump makes my ideas viable again.

Never give up is something I take seriously. I have had many dark years, but at root I am a) confident of my value for humanity and b) not about to give those assholes the satisfaction of seeing me give up.

How do you think economic and educational gaps between the rich and the poor people in the US ?

Finish the sentence.

OK I went through your book reviews and we have read many of the same books. This one caught my eye:

Review: Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations by Joseph Farrell

At the end of the review you write:

I found this book to be ABSORBING. It has rough edges, the cover detracts from the seriousness of the book and it desperately needs an index, but my bottom line is clear: if I had the authority or influence to get a retrospective study done, the author would be among those commissioned to do a foundational Truth & Reconciliation survey.

You still think this is a good idea?

(If Fly is still reading Farrell might be a good AMA subject.)

I said it, didn't I?


I have attempted contacting Dr. Farrell, we will see what happens.

Final question why are the majority of the richest and most powerful people are the biggest assholes to ever exist?

A different reality. Read Daniel Ellsberg lecturing Henry Kissinger -- money buys fantasy and they lose touch with reality.


What happened to Kay Griggs?

No idea. I have been glad to see that her YouTubes are still up.

I found this. Hopefully, it is up to date and accurate.


Do you happen to know about Archuleta Mesa and if it's anything to be concerned about? I'm asking for my husband.


He's gonna be disappointed.

Do you know the true goal of the stratospheric aerosol geoengineering programs? Is academia promoting a "conversation" on the topic (through the likes of Harvard's David Keith) as a means of "disclosure?" Some believe that these programs are one of the biggest threats to life on the planet currently.

A lot of the massive idiocy starts as well-intentioned but ignorant exploration, then it becomes a budget building exerecise (folks get promoted and money and manning increases).

The Open Source Agency will examine ALL threats, ALL policies, ALL budgets, and no penny being spent by any government entity from federal to state to local, will be invisible. Lots to do.

Most academics are both lazy and stupid We no longer have moral or intellectual standards in academia.

Hah! Tried contacting Donald Trump on Instagram (I know.... But it was worth a shot.)

This is what I tried to write, "Robert David Steele is wanting to contact @therealdonaldtrump


Instagram kept on denying, "couldn't post, tap to try again."

I tried wording the comment in different ways. Looks like it specifically denied me reaching out both to Ivanka and Donald.

Well, by my count you are about the 250,000th person to try to do that. Plus Twitter in manipulating all messages having to do with Donald Trump -- if I get a chance to create the Trump Channel our first priority, using PollMole, is a replacement for Twitter, I think I will call them TRUMP-ETS -- one message out, 150 million answers back in to a presidential dashboard....

I am really looking forward to burying #GoogleGestapo including Twitter and Facebook.

One last question, what do you think about the JonBenét Ramsey case? Do you have a theory?

No direct knowledge but I have always considered parents on the baby showgirl step to be one step up from pedophiles and therefore suspect.

Another question... What's the deal with Donald Trump and Monsanto? They making agreements?

Who knows. If and when Donald Trump has an Open Source Agency that can give him holistic analytics and true cost economics, he will know with certainty that Monsanto is one step up from the Holocaust and the most evil corporation on the planet with the Koch Brothers (that's pronounced COCK Brothers) coming in a close second.

REGULATION IS NOT THE WAY TO ERADICATE MONSANTO. Education of the public is how we do it. Did you know the beer industry refuses to buy wheat that has been touched by Monsanto in any way? Nor does the lentil industry? Monsanto is toxic in every possible sense of the way but only an educated public can eradicate them, this cannot be done by government fiat.

When it comes to all of these false flag, mass-shooting events that seem to have FBI fingerprints all over them, who exactly do these operations originate with? Have these things been part of what agitated the rank and file of the FBI?

Henry Kissinger is seen as some sort of political messiah by the elite. What are your thoughts on him? Does he still play an active political and strategic role? If so, does he have Trump's ear?

Henry Kissinger is the most over-rated political science professor in American history. He got to where he is by sucking up and kicking down and he is a war criminal. This man killed 20,000 US troops and hundreds of thousands of others by sabotaging the Paris Peace Talks so Nixon could get an edge on election. He is delusional, dangerous, and a neo-Nazi. He tries to play an active role. I do not know if he has Trump's ear, if he does I hope Trump will realize that there are vastly more ethical intelligent people out here loyal t the public interest.

Hi Robert, I just read this interview about ex-CIA Glenn Carole being critical of (at the time President-Elect) Trump. He even agrees with Morell (guy who was okay with putting Russians in body bags). https://twitter.com/i/moments/809033129918951424

Not sure if you can read or see it, but what're your thoughts of this interview? Thank you.

Most former CIA people speaking publicly are both stupid and poorly grounded in history. Morrell is a pasty faced asshole of an analyst that never left his cubicle.

Thank you for your answers Robert,

I wanna know, what it is myself and others can do starting today to bring about transparency of our government? Besides protesting outside the White House?

Is there anything we can do as far as contacting our local representatives?

Regarding El Salvador, were you colluding with members of the School of the Americas as well? Who else was involved? How many people were killed by American agents - civilians and far leftists? My family was heavily involved in the far left resistance there, and I would like to know as much as I can about American involvement in that country.

I wanna know, what it is myself and others can do starting today to bring about transparency of our government? Besides protesting outside the White House?

My humble opinion is that Donald Trump the man and Donald Trump the President are the center of gravity. Nothing else matters. He is the legitimately elected President and this is FREAKING OUT the Deep State precisely because they know that now he has a bully pulpit and can mobilize the 70% who have been marginalized and disenfranchised by the two-party tyranny.

Is there anything we can do as far as contacting our local representatives?

Your local representative are ass-wipes and corrupt to the bone. Here is a book that opened my eyes to the degree of corruption there is at the local level, followed by a book from a friend that shows the corruption at the state level.



Regarding El Salvador, were you colluding with members of the School of the Americas as well? Who else was involved? How many people were killed by American agents - civilians and far leftists? My family was heavily involved in the far left resistance there, and I would like to know as much as I can about American involvement in that country.


If your people win in 2020 (or 2024) and you are put in a position of power - will you announce anything ground-breaking, such as the existence of extra-terrestrial life, or spill the beans on the people at the very top of the 1%?

If Donald Trump listens to me (my preference) or if an independent coalition cabinet wins in 2020, the public will be establishing the priorities for action via PollMole and the other elements of our Public Channel. From where I sit we need to stop doing harm to others and ourselves; establish free quality education and health care for all US citizens while shutting out all illegals; and focus on full employment -- meaningful employment. We need to end absentee landlords (and federal ownership of all land and property). There is so much to do. One rough sense of what I would try to do if I were president can be seen at http://bigbatusa.org, see especially the Coalition Cabinet and their marching orders.

If I were helping Trump, see the Memo, a grand strategy is how he gets a grip and gives direction to his Cabinet. I am concerned that his Cabinet is all over the lot and a traitor is in charge of the Office of Presidential Personnel.

Does the question asked get answered here?


You have been a military officer and also created a military intelligence center at the service level. What are your thoughts on the recent announcement by President Trump that he is increasing the military budget by $54 billion?

Additionally, what is your opinion on blackwater contractors? I think they changed their name but are still operating under Eric Prince. I know some religious folks who are convinced that Eric Prince is "the blackwater prince, aka the Black Prince". I'm pretty sure the Black Prince in that context has to do with their views on biblical prophecy.

You have been a military officer and also created a military intelligence center at the service level. What are your thoughts on the recent announcement by President Trump that he is increasing the military budget by $54 billion?

I really like this question in part because it allows me to be critical of Donald Trump. I am always troubled when "leaders" believe that anyone who questions them or criticizes a potential course of action is disloyal. I do believe that one should be silent after the decision is made, but clearly Trump has a shit staff, no strategic perspective, and is making rotten decisions because of them.

First off, the military is documented at 50% waste. Second off the military is consuming 60% of our disposable federal budget (half of which is unConstitutionally borrowed from private banks). Thirdly, our military cannot fight and win wars and most of our officers are inbred liars, especially so at the flag level. To give this Department more money is like pouring gasoline on a fire.


Here are my previously published comments on this IDIOTIC decision:


Now, having said all that, do NOT confuse righteous anger over military fraud, waste, and abuse with being against a strong defense. The Department of Defense today lacks intelligence and integrity and Jim Mattis, as good as he is, shows no signs of making any changes of substance in this dysfunctional department.

I have spent the past year funded by the US Army Strategic Studies Institute ($9K) to write three monographs, one on Grand Strategy, one on Global Reality, and one on Re-Inventing the US Army (and everything else. The essence of my vision is that w e must immediately close all 1,000 bases overseas, end all support to dictators and all subsidization of Arab and Israeli and other programs against humanity. My findings are here:


If Donald Trump wants to be a serious president he must:

01 Have a Grand Strategy Summit across all threats, all policies, all budgets

02 Cut the entire government starting with Defense, by 30-50%

03 Instruct the Secretary of Defense that within his new sharply reduced budget, he is to design and build a 450 ship Navy, a long-haul Air Force, and a 3 million solider Army (up from one million) with no contractors (down from 3-6 million) based at home with no overseas bases.

Additionally, what is your opinion on blackwater contractors? I think they changed their name but are still operating under Eric Prince. I know some religious folks who are convinced that Eric Prince is "the blackwater prince, aka the Black Prince". I'm pretty sure the Black Prince in that context has to do with their views on biblical prophecy.

I don't think Prince is particularly evil, he is just a low level businessman who deals in humans as commodities rather than simply ripping off the government with the USS Gerald Ford (Northrup Grumman) or the F-35 (Lockheed Martin). In my vision of the future, there is no place for contractors. The military and intelligence and public services are inherent responsibilities of civil servants. In my vision of the future, you join the government for life and you are not allowed to EVER cross over to the private sector inclusive of after retirement.

This is a great question FlyTape brings up. I was confused about Trump's 54 billion dollar (5 to 10 percent) increase in the "Defense" budget, but he seems to have made it contingent on a 54 billion dollar decrease at the State Department and "foreign development." The State Department is actually the Spook Department (State is loaded with CIA spies -- Trump and Tillerson having abruptly fired hundreds of them a few weeks ago), so Trump seems to be playing off the "Intelligence" community with the Military Industry thieves that steal a dollar for every 2 they're given.

Trump seems to be saying if "Defense" companies want a 50 billion dollar hike, it will have to come out of the Spooks' budget at the State Department. Then things crystalized for me more when I heard Nancy Pelosi say that Trump's proposal will never pass because State won't stand for such a large cut.

At least that's my hopeful reading. I certainly hope Trump won't increase the War budget by 50 Billion, or I'll call him Donald Rump again.

If you haven't left us yet Robert, does that sound plausible to you or am I way off?

As a Canadian, how does having Trump follow your memorandum help your northern neighbours? Thoughts on PM Justin Trudeau? Should we vote for Mr. Wonderful Kevin O'Leary, or is he a part of the establishment?

Am not focused on Canada but wish you well. I expect Quebec will be free soon (as will Scotland). From where I sit, if Trump gets an Open Source Agency he will quickly be persuaded that both the Keystone Pipeline fracking are criminal idiocy and should be stopped. I have no thoughts on Canada other than that it is still too cold to be worth invading but with global warming, may soon be worth a second look if only for the water and the beachside access to the Arctic.

I can tell you, the cold becomes amazing and refreshing after a hot and humid summer. You truly feel alive when you're out in the -40F weather. 4 seasons FTW!

I definitely need to reread your OS work (probably many times - ha.) It's much easier to understand OS in terms of technology, engineering, government data, etc, than understanding it from a personal privacy perspective. Since we have no Constitutional right to privacy, should we kiss the remaining vestiges of privacy goodbye?

Privacy -- and integrity -- are making a comeback. Life is what WE want it to be, WE just have to want it enough to fight for it.

Thank you. So are you saying that Open Source would further privacy? If so, how? I apologize for being so dense - def need to expand my knowledge on this.


Noted. I like Nikki Haley. The Open Source Agency would fund a United Nations Open-Source Decision-Support Information Network (UNODIN) that would serve as the world brain -- what we get is access to all information in all languages all the time -- what the rest of the world gets is the same thing plus Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) and digital cash to each village, ending the 80% to 90% waste associated with the UN and NGO bureaucracies. I wish Nikki would hear of me -- trying to reach her is mission impossible, her front end staff is too stupid to compute big ideas or is part of the Deep State and I am on the banned list.

Considering that Snowden and Omidyar both had Booz Allen connections, Omidyar and Snowden's Booz Allen boss were partners in Innocentives, Omidyar purchased the Intercept for $250M (acquiring access to the Snowden docs in the process,) Snowden's boss was named an Omidyar Fellow, Obama made Omidyar a WH Fellow, and Omidyar is clearly interested in amassing political power...Do you have an opinion on the degree to which Omidyar's access to docs was serendipitous versus a strategic plan (not necessarily know to Snowden,) that was initiated prior to Snowden's NSA contract?

Thank you. You are going to need much more than 11 hours of sleep by the time you finish this AMA - You have gone above and beyond!

Omidyar is among the evil ones -- Gates is vastly more evil than most realize, to include sterlizing people within the "free" vaccines. Anyone the Deep State loves is probably a traitor to We the People. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Even latte-sucking liberals with no brain should understand that the ONE THING we should all come together on is an Electoral Reform Act that restores integrity to the whole and gives every person a voice and vote.

I'm a vet, former MI, really hope this is still active. Infiltration of other agencies is a textbook COINTEL op. and Mossad is known to have Infiltrated every major Intelligence service at high levels.

My question is would/could you confirm anything about the infiltration of other agencies hitting critical mass?

What I mean by critical mass is at some point every agency would have infiltrated each other to the point of it being acknowledged and/or allowed, maybe even intended. (Fixed number of agencies and they all run the same textbook ops)

Not clear. Mossad owns NSA and law enforcement computing and communications across the USA. CIA has all agencies and all state and local elements penetrated. DoD uses reservist lawyers to manage the US judicial system. We lack integrity at all levels across all domains.

How powerful is the Vatican? Is there a divide in the church, such as the jesuits vs the others?

Very powerful. One of the top three players in the world to the point that it can get Soviet KGB and US CIA people to collaborate together against their own respective governments. Many divides. Jesuits have been cut in half in last 20 years. Also Rothschilds have been steadily cross-marrying with Jesuits, absolutely fascinating. No one, anywhere, does proper counterintelligence against state and non-state actors.

Why has Comey defected from the admin to attack the DOJ over wiretapping?

No idea. Wheels within wheels. If I can get Trump to announce the Electoral Reform Act and barn-storm the country it is game over, all these trivial political attacks will be buried. Most of the Members of both parties are nasty selfish people with many hidden problems who do not at all represent their constituents. We must restore integrity to the whole and we do that by putting 100% of the public instead of 27% of the public into this Presidency.


Thank you for this 3 day AMA! I have a good amount of reading to do. I look forward to the future.

Thanks again.

You mentioned something about N. Korea missle launches being some sort of signal to either buy or sell Yen... I can't seem to find the comment...

Looks like that's happening right now... http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-05/north-korea-said-launch-missile-east-sea

What do you make of this?

Not me but generally war-ish things are leverages for manipulate the stock market.

OK. Officially closed. Thank you all less one for a great experience.

Does Israel fund Hamas at all?

This interview suuucks

Can you tell us about vrills?

TY to all that made this event happen

Hello, Do you think Donald Trump can use the massive insider information he receives as a president to make tons of $ ? How hard would it be for him to do that?

I know for fact that several things this guy says are completely wrong. He has no accurate insider information and doesn't have any idea what he's talking about. Take my word for it or don't, your call, I don't care either way.

Just wanted to Thank you Robert Steele, for taking the time to answer all our questions. I can't imagine the life you're leading, especially in these tumultuous times. So it's an honour to have had this candid exchange. With that said, take care and Peace to everyone. May we get our sovereignty back.

So what did you really do what is relevant

Should we all agree to boycott Amazon?

As far as 3) goes - I would imagine their coexistence is the most troubling part.

Answer ALL of these.

Sorry but 28 questions I an AMA, are you serious?

Can you ask questions one at a time? Huge lists like this can overwhelm the guest and drown out everyone else's questions.

Yes. Absolutely. Actually started in 1920's when Carnegie and Rockefeller redirected public education toward creating docile factory workers rather than critical thinkers who could read and write.

Pretty serious, actually.

Yes. search extraterrestial at http://phibetaiota.net

Pizzagate has made false accusations, for example, against the Maccoby family. Rookie mistakes, untrained investigators.

CIA and NSA are deeply penetrated by Mossad, and NSA is TOTALLY penetrated by both China and Israel at the systems level IMHO.

Yes. Both, but NSA is the one that is doing most of the blackmailing of politicians and insider trading based on its spying on Wall Street.

Mind control is in my view very real, to including experimentation on innocents driven to do terrible things they cannot explain. Look up non-consensual neural experimentation. At http://phibetaiota.net search for mind control.

It's done via satellite and radar now (rather than drugs). Jesse Ventura did a good program on it:


how come none of the Rothschilds died in the holocaust? (read this on wikipedia) for a man hating jews and international banking elites as much as hitler, its curioius, that all of the rothschilds were unharmed,

was hitler a british agent?

(It would be interesting to see an intelligence reformer answer that.)

My mother supports Trump but she's on the fence about some stuff with him, but she also didn't vote for him. I was proud. She wants him to be legit. I didn't vote, and I too want Trump to be legit. We've had many discussions about it, some in disagreement. But really, do anyone think "guy that's wants to do good for America" gets this far? That's naive thinking from my perspective. Time will tell though. Everyone though Obama was the real deal too.

Wait im confused, you said both... so he's a shill being called out by shills???

How come no Rothschilds died in the "holocaust"
Hitler claimed to hate jews and the international bankers, yet all of them survived

So if Trump will chat with AJ and David is okay with AJ have AJ set up a meeting for David and Trump?

These are the real questions that can't be answered by reposting his link over and over or giving short dodgy answers. I'd be ok with this being the only comment answered in the whole thread. Put your money where your tin foil hat is and answer these truthfully and thoroughly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do retired CIA always come out and "expose" the CIA etc, eg yourself, Ray McGovern et al, when you guys probably have done loads of shady stuff when you're inside the CIA yourself? Guilty conscience? Have you defied shady orders?

Out of the thousands of clandestine case officers (spies) -- every one else works out of a cubicle -- most disappear into retirement or double-dipping jobs retirement jobs pushing paper. A few of us become vocal opponents of spying done wrong. Robert Baer, Ray McGovern (who founded Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) and I are examples of the latter. Part of your problem is that you are LAZY. You have not bothered to go to http://phibetaiota.net and read a single thing I have written. You have not bothered to see the lists, all with links on line, to my books, articles, chapters, interviews, testimony, and even movies. So I am answering your LAZY questions out of respect for Reddit, not because I think you deserve an answer.

What is your purpose to do this? Sell books? Get paid interviews? Radio show?

Moron. Try the obvious: responding to a well-presented polite, professional request from Fly -- not something you are capable of.

No witnesses? If your memo has been read by a million people already, then why do you still want to do a "no witness" meeting? Why should the POTUS trust a person like yourself to shed the Secret Service and whatever, when you were an intelligence agent that should be quite skilled at stealing info and perhaps killing people?

You have no idea.

"You have 30 days to settle the country. A violent “American Spring” looms." You're starting one? Somebody from CIA whispered this tip into your ears? CIA starting another colour revolution? Which is it?

You give Reddit a bad name. Do you even have an education? When the weather gets warm enough so people can "Occupy" public spaces comfortably, Soros and the many organizations that have received ober 50 million dollars are ready to roll out into the streets. Berkeley was a test drive. Note that the Governors, Mayors, and university presidents are all part of the Deep State and against Trump. For those who are interested in the four-track strategy against Trump, start here: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/special-three-track-program-to-destroy-trump/

Once a CIA, always a CIA. Why should anyone trust what you're doing?

I feel sorry for you. If you cannot figure that out by yourself, based on all the writing and public speaking and testimony to Congressional and Presidential Commissions to be found, with links online at http://robertdavidsteele.com, then you are barely worthy as worm food. Certainly I would not feed your ignorant remains to my dog.

In your estimation, how many people are still languishing in Black Sites?

In your estimation, how many tons of drugs does the CIA smuggle per year? Which branch of the CIA does it, or is the whole organisation behind it?

How is the Black Budget funded, other than through drugs?

Does the CIA traffick humans? Sex slaves? Organs? Meat for consumption?

Does the CIA kill whistleblowers?

Which agency killed Michael Hastings?

Which agencies killed 9/11 truthers?

Which is the agency that suicide people? Have you suicided people, or directed their suiciding?

Does the CIA have the ability to remotely control all aircraft through the "Uninterruptible Autopilot System"? Which agencies have control over that?

Does the CIA have the ability to remotely control all vehicles? Which agencies have control over that?

Do you know any politicians that are cannibals? Please list them.

Do you know any politicians, and their staff, that are paedophiles? Please list them.

Which journalists are targeted by the government now?

Which journalists are targeted by the CIA now?

Which journalists are on the hit list now?

Are "Targeted Individuals" really targeted by the government, or are they crazy? Which agency is responsible for targeting them?

In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he claimed that people can travel to Mars through some machine and the air is breathable. Additionally, he claims that the colours were filtered so people see all red on TV. Is it true?

In one of the "Conspiracy Theory" episodes by Jesse Ventura, he exposed an expansive base in the Ozarks mountain range. What is that facility for?

Are FEMA Camps now being used?

9/11 - Was it an inside job? Which agencies? Name names.

9/11 - Was it a plane? Remotely piloted plane? How was the plane remotely piloted? Was it a missile? Which flights were actually missiles? Where are the passengers if it was a missile? If it's not a missile, what plane was it?

Directed Energy Weapons. Real? What is the size of such a weapon if it's real? Meaning, anti-personnel, anti-tank, anti-building, area effect, etc? Space based? Air based? Land/Sea based?

Which agency killed Max Spiers?

That was Mika on Morning Joe. Her father is one of the big wigs in our international politics.

Watch how he interrupts Robert when he's about to talk about Republican pedos in this interview:


No but is exactly the right kind of thinking. The FBI is not serious about this stuff. Discreet surveillance of Saudi princes, many of them pedophiles and most of them homosexual in a sadistic controlling way, would quickly map their favorite places in London, DC, NYC, etctera. We are simply not requiring the FBI to be serious in part because many of our federal and state "leaders" get to go to those restuarants, probably without paying, as part of the deal.

No knowledge.

Animal Farm is Ref A.

I find that tinyurls are increasingly banned by lazy stupid administrators. Here is the long URL for the OSINT page:


Based on my own experience since I have become popular and inundated with emails, I would put Roger Stone's blowing me off to three factors:

01 lost in noise 02 he knows Trump will refuse to listen 03 not worth it to him to use up political capital trying to get Trump to listen

I don't have anything to offer here but I will tell you that in my testimony to the Moynihan Commission I pointed out that there are no secrets from our enemies, the primary point of secrecy in the US Government is to avoid oversight and protect the ability to lie to Congress and the President and the public with impunity.


That literally does not explain anything. There is no concise story to that.

It's a bunch of links that don't flow together and you're attempting to explain 911 off of them?

This is gish galloping.

I've often wondered if the public knowledge of MKULTRA could be exploited by some foreign state such as China or Russia.

The scenario being that China produces a fake MKULTRA victim where the victim thinks they are being groomed by the CIA but China intentionally does it imperfectly enough that the victim becomes a whistle blower against the CIA.

I disagree. I think the psychopaths need to hide from us.

Hundreds have suggested this. I personally wrote to Donald Trump Jr. and I am told he knows who I am, but the Trump Family Universe does not seem to "computer" what I am trying to get them to understand is the difference between their being the Chumps from New York and Masters of the Universe.

Was there a moment in your career when you felt the CIA and or NSA was no longer effective? Or was it more a gradual realization?

Important question. My awakening came AFTER I left CIA. Like being a Jesuit priest, you simply do not question the sacred perfection of what you are a part of. It was when I created the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, and top secret access to everything and one PC in the corner hooked to the Internet, that I was shocked to see the analysts lined up for the PC. That is when I discovered (for the first time in my life I was responsible for producing intelligence about the whole world, not just collecting in a narrow lane) that the CIA and the secret world know nothing about most of the world. There is literally nothing in the secret databases about Burundi, Haiti, Somalia, etcetera. That was the beginning of the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) revolution. Here are two links, the first is about how I beat the crap out of the entire IC for the benchmark exercise on Burundi for the Aspin-Brown Commission, the second is my Danish briefing in April 2016 indicting the CIA and others for crapping all over OSINT for 30 years -- they are TERRIFIED of my getting an Open Source Agency, it will not only provide the 96% of the decision support that the President and Cabinet need (which can be shared with the public) but it will justify a two thirds cut of the entire secret intelligence budget.

To what extent were you an ignorant recruit?

I was an ignorant recruit who believed then and believe now in the mission of the CIA in the ideal. I had no idea how many depraved aspects there were to the CIA (torture, drone assassination, running drugs, money laundering, blackmailing our own politicians, etc).

Have you ever regretted becoming involved as an agent?

We are OFFICERS, not agents. Agents commit treason. Case Officers or Operations Officers spot, assess, recruit, handle, and gracefully terminate (severance pay with good will) agents. I have NEVER regretted my time with the CIA, my only regret is that so many senior officers at CIA are totally lacking in integrity.

Thank you. Follow-up:

What did you learn about Reagan during the "ears only" report that you wouldn't otherwise have known?

Does "ears only" tend to relate to a certain category of info? What percentage of info is relayed "ears only?" Has percentage changed over the past 30 years, and, if so, why?

RE: "end of my social contract" - would not expect any other reaction from you. MCIA - Great timing or Divine intervention

I think the confusion comes when people fail to see the big three levels of which the Deep State is the lowest. I cannot claim to be an expert on the Deep State but I admire the book by Peter Dale Scott, http://phibetaiota.net/2015/01/review-guest-the-american-deep-state-wall-street-big-oil-and-the-attack-on-us-democracy/ and also the work of Mike Lofgren who focuses on our prostitutes in Congress, http://phibetaiota.net/?s=Mike+Lofgren -- reading Lofgren and Assange, I am convinced the Republican Party is toast, which is one reason I feel so strongly that Donald Trump needs an Electoral Reform Act.

Within each agency, there are over-lapping slices of the Deep State -- the pedophile/Vatican slice, the Zionist/neo-con slice, the Saudi Arabian slice, the Nazi slice (often collaborating with the Zionist/neo-coni slice), and others.

Everything is constantly shifting. What never shifts is the fact that the US Constitution is worthless today, every one of our institutions have failed, and We the People are screwed. Donald Trump has the power to change all this, but only if he diversifies.

The highest level is the Rothchilds and the blend of the UK Royal Family and City of London modern face of the old East India Company along with the Vatican and the Dragons in China (the good guys, ripped off by the other two for 300 years, that is about to change).

The next level is Wall Street and the City of London and a mix of non-traditional financial centers -- they are the grease between the Masters of the Universe and the Deep State.

Beneath them are a wide variety of institutions from the media to universities to Hollywood to labor leaders and local dignitaries who are all complicit in the general meme of screw the public as long as I get mine. Charles Hugh Smith has a nice diagram at ZeroHedge, https://tyrannyrising.com/does-a-rogue-deep-state-have-trumps-back-2/

The Deep State is the unelected hand-picked officials from generation to generation who violate the Constitution with impunty and believe that transient polititians (who are one step up from whores and in many cases actual traitors to the Republic) are irrelevant to policy. They work for different masters, and consider the USGovernment their personal piggy bank and the US public expendible farm animals.

The fact that he equates "no public evidence Hillary raped girls on Epstein's rape island when she went there" with "Hillary is innocent" shows his bias.

I see that in order to come to the defense of your new hero, you have to be totally bloody ridiculous. It belongs to somebody that has been banned from r/conspiracy because of this AMA.

Don't be stupid.

Do not underestimate the ease with which rogue elements in this country can make people disappear.

A different reality. Read Daniel Ellsberg lecturing Henry Kissinger -- money buys fantasy and they lose touch with reality.


I think the reason his tax returns didn't come out is that it would reveal he's not actually that rich.

Again, this response gives reason to believe this is not a legitimate AMA. We are being fucked with.

I am inclined to agree. I suspect $5B to $7B.

Your first 4 questions are absolutely "snarky" in the way you present them. I'm not saying he's in the right for attacking you but you asked for it.

I do like -- very much -- the overall thrust of the Green Party.

Thanks for complimenting the best and only honest / non-criminal party.

Ralph Nader who ran on the Green Party ticket in 2000 is not a lightweight and neither is Jill Stein :-)

They have the heart, the ideas, and the strong ethical character to make America truly great again. Ralph Nader has given away 90 percent of his income every year for decades to causes he supports. A person like that can't be bought. I think Greens always look for candidates like that to put on their ticket.

The questions are not "snarky". The fact that you called them "snarky" tells me that you did not read them.

If you actually think that I feel bad for your lack of self awareness.

Is it true they answer to the Bog. Brothers? I know I'm late to your AMA, just heard about it now.

Part of your problem is that you are LAZY

So I am answering your LAZY questions out of respect for Reddit, not because I think you deserve an answer.


You have no idea.

You give Reddit a bad name. Do you even have an education?

I feel sorry for you. - you are barely worthy as worm food. Certainly I would not feed your ignorant remains to my dog.

Do you not read at all?

I honestly didn't expect this as a reply. Your first several questions were ones that I'd thought about myself. I'm glad you asked, but I'm disappointed to see this kind of reaction. It bugs me that those who were members of an organization which is openly loathed in subreddits such as this are treated as "allies", often without question.

I've seen confirmation bias become such an overwhelming part of political discourse that I had wondered if that were the reason for this attitude. After all, we all like to have the thoughts that we espouse affirmed by an authority figure of sorts. It's become increasingly difficult to take the word of anyone anymore. It's easier for me to trust someone that has actually risked something, like Snowden, but I may just be ignorant of this dude's history. Maybe I'm just becoming overly cynical.

thank very intersting

You are not a victim.
