Well.. r/conspiracy just got interesting with a mass influx of the Reddit Left and ShareBlue

64  2017-03-04 by [deleted]



Seems more or less calm right now, ignoring the big news that dropped today. Things don't really start getting "weird" around here until we break 2k at one time, I've noticed.

The Trump tweet on conspiracy's front page has the comment at like 2k and the whole post has 1.8k

I'd bet it's because people see through the whining and are calling him out on his double standard bullshit. Just a guess though. Inb4 I'm called a shill.

The post you're referring to attracted a lot of attention, so the sniping going on in there is to be expected.

When the sub hits 2k users is when the scale begins to tip noticeably. When the number of users increases hundreds or thousands within a matter of minutes, then it's the makings of a full-blown brigade and things are a shit show for a short while.

Things are fairly normal in here right now.

It's not a brigade though, or at least not a directed one. Reddit is largely liberal and quite a few people use r/all, so when a conspiracy post shows up there it attracts the larger Reddit user base to that post and this sub in general. When you have highly upvoted posts, you're going to see a different group of people here than normal.

That's essentially what I said.

OP was confusing the vote count and action in one post with a brigade while the user count in the sub was around 1500 at the time. Nope, not a brigade, just the typical dump on conspiracy when a post gets big. The upside is it remains contained within the confines of the one post.

When the user base goes from 1500 to 3200+ in a matter of minutes and then continues to increase, it's completely different. Not only is there a dumping of posts with nearly identical topics, there are also several of the "this sub sucks" genre along with most posts from the prior 4-6hrs and everything on the front page turning into bizarro conspiracy.

Sorry, I'm at work and skimmed over your post so I misread what you were saying.

No worries. Spend less time working and more time reading because it's Saturday night and nearly impossible to motivate for work. :)

They were all on break for nap time. They are starting to stir again.

Normal-ish atm at 1290 (so it seems)

It's because the posts now hit r/popular, so they're seen by a lot more mainstream redditors

Is it really that surprising that a post that gets near the top few pages of /r/all or /r/popular would attract non-regulars?

What OP is talking about isn't organic at all. I know what you mean, and that happens too, but the behavior of manipulated posts is way different.

If anything, the inorganic behavior seems to be the monumental flood of Trump supporters. Honestly feels like a concerted effort to control the narrative.


It's what they do. Project onto their opposition what they themselves are doing...


Yep, they bear tagging for further observation. Not saying they are a shill, but it sure quacks.

Says a The_Donald regular. Keep up the good work Comrade.

Shout down anyone that challenges your God Emperor's narrative.

Get lost. The real users of r/conspiracy see right through you.

Real users? I know you're trying hard to turn this into another safe space and echo chamber for Donald Lovers... But get real.

Shut the fuck up and go back to the donald.

This is so far opposite of objective reality, you are either one of them, or hopelessly ignorant.

Agreed, be steady boys

Nah, I just started browsing again yesterday after a break

I've been posting on r/conspiracy for 4 years, frig off

You replying to the wrong comment?

The more they fight the more you know you are winning. Paid lemming shills are no match for the truth!

Fuck the left and fuck them they will never win

Guys. The main majority of Reddit is younger than 25. That age group is overwhelmingly liberal. Clinton won, second place was 3rd party candidates. And 3rd was Trump. Of fucking course there are more anti-Trump people on Reddit. What did you expect? I don't think its indicative of manipulation, but just the demographic. Like sure there are shills on both the right and left on Reddit but I would be more surprised if the bulk of Reddit were right wing supporters.

Lol no

This sub went off the rails in October.

Puts things into perspective though

Wait, I associate with the left, these people are not left.. they are fucking morons.