Who do we Trust the least? The ESABLISHMENT(Obama, Hillary, Bush, McCain, Pelosi, Schumer, Graham, media, IC, Soros and other swamp dwellers) or TRUMP(the man who was attacked and opposed by the establishment, who took $0 from special interests and fights back against their BS and lies)

0  2017-03-04 by [deleted]



I trust trump the same way I trust Shaq to hit a free throw. Yeah, he's trying but I'm not putting money on it. And let's not forget, he could be establishment playing the long con. I know it's hard to believe but the ptb have fooled us all before...

Trump is the poster child for the wealthy elite, and bragged about buying off politicians. The greatest lie these phony skeptics are trying to sell is that he's not apart of TPTB.

That's def possible man, I agree we shouldn't rule it out

Seems like the long con ended the day he got elected and promptly turned his back on the people he voted for filling the swamp with even worse goons.

Well as long as he dangles this pedo stuff in front of us and acts like maybe he will go after it there is a sliver of hope.

If the msm would just cover pedogate it would take away a lot of his base.

No one covers it because it is unsubstantiated nonsense from closet pedophiles on 4chan.

Well it'd be really easy to prove those guys wrong

Show me what his appointments have done that makes them goons and I'll believe you.

Not their associations, what they themselves have done, and I'll be on your side.

They're exclusively millionaires and billionaires

Are you one of those resentful people who will never accomplish anything because you tear down anyone who does, including yourself?


Ugh that guy is such a sanctimonious cunt


Not at all. He exemplifies all the things I hate about college professors. He's an elitist egomaniac who thinks he and his thoughts are more important than they actually are


What does elitist mean?

What does elitist mean?

....are you serious?

What do you think it means?

In your own words.

Believing or behaving as though you're superior to others

Wouldn't that make you an elitist?

How do you figure

You think you and your thoughts are important...

Do i?

Enough to go on about them. If you don't care then stfu

Just wanted to remind you about how piss poor your logic is.


u/BlacksmithSasquatch 's Q: Show me what his appointments HAVE DONE that makes them goons...

Your A: They're Millionaires and Billionaires! Derp.

Not how this fails as an argument: being a millionaire or billionaire doesn't automatically make one corrupt. Many Politicians enter politics poor and THEN get rich. Rich people don't have to enter politics to make money, since they have already made plenty in the private sector. Hell, If one can make billions in business, why enter politics where nobody makes that much? the most corrupt politicians make hundreds of milions from lobbyists over the course of career. Some Billionaires make that much in a year, easy.

But your argument is what one might call "not even wrong". It doesn't even address the question. Not only is it completely illogical, it misses the content of the question entirely.

What have they DONE, or what are they DOING that lends you this perspective? This is not a question of their attributes, but of their actions.

Note how this fails as an argument: being a millionaire or billionaire doesn't automatically make one corrupt.

I respectfully disagree

i'll bet you would call yourself a fan of Elon Musk.

No I'm really not. Dunno where you got that idea from.

Many Politicians enter politics poor and THEN get rich. Rich people don't have to enter politics to make money, since they have already made plenty in the private sector. Hell, If one can make billions in business, why enter politics where nobody makes that much? the most corrupt politicians make hundreds of milions from lobbyists over the course of career. Some Billionaires make that much in a year, easy.

What was the point of this rambling? Robber barons don't go into government out of selflessness. No one goes into government out of selflessness

But your argument is what one might call "not even wrong". It doesn't even address the question. Not only is it completely illogical, it misses the content of the question entirely.

What have they DONE, or what are they DOING that lends you this perspective? This is not a question of their attributes, but of their actions.

Being a billionaire means by definition you're apart of the establishment, the parasitic elite. Period. That's what they've done.

I oppose aristocracy and in turn you're asking why I oppose aristocrats being put in positions of government authority

Gee I wonder

Being a billionaire doesn't automatically make you corrupt. You're entire perspective is based on the founding principle that it does. It is an argument from an absolutist perspective that is crazy to construct a worldview on top of and then consider a valid argument.

Besides, the question isn't one of attribute, but of action. What have they DONE?

existing as a billionaire, isn't a good answer to this question. You could make the case that a day trader is a leach, sure, but one who has built a business empire hasn't necessarily taken anything from anyone else.

You would prefer a government construed of individuals who are not effective people, of individuals who have a lesser grasp of economics, of individuals who lack experience and a proven record of success in the real world?

Being a billionaire doesn't automatically make you corrupt.

Total nonsense. Grow up.

existing as a billionaire, isn't a good answer to this question. You could make the case that a day trader is a leach, sure, but one who has built a business empire hasn't necessarily taken anything from anyone else.

Also bullshit. If you've "but a business empire" then by definition you've profited off the exploitation of others

You would prefer a government construed of individuals who are not effective people, of individuals who have a lesser grasp of economics, of individuals who lack experience and a proven record of success in the real world?

Ah I see you have a childish and naive John Galt fantasy going on.

Are you a communist?

Something close

Ah I see you have a childish and naive fantasy going on.

What a unique response. Boot licker

Also keep in mind the Republicans demonized Obama throughout his entire presidency even though he gave them everything they wanted. It's all Kabuki Theater to create the illusion of choice.

That Shaq analogy is great.

Why would barry tap his phones if this is all a con? Why would he restructure NSA sharing so they could leak Trump's calls and info? I hate to tell you this but it seems like the ptb are fooling you again if you're buying into the Russia hysteria. Not saying you are.

Their have been stories of Donny borrowing from the Russians dating back to his Taj Mahal bankruptcy- I said it before the election, he is beholden to someone and it's probably Russia. No one is going to win an American Presidential election without some serious backing coming from somewhere whether it's money, information, disinformation or a combination of all. If you are poor or middle class don't expect any favors from this guy. Let's hope we still have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe when he's done. http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2017/03/trump_great_lakes_epa_cuts.html

Oh my god! Trump is going to dump radioactive waste in all our drinking water and fill he air with bad thing so /dirkalict cant breath. Gee I hope Trump doesn't kill off everyone's first born son too. Gee let's hope Trump doesn't lower my taxes too much I love paying the IRS. Gee I wonder who Trump owes all this money to, if I'm having to suck my mortgage brokers dick every week, Trump must be sending Russia all of our deepest darkest secrets. Thank you so much for opening my mind and making me fearful of the most unrealistic things.

I'll tell you what- if you earn less than $250,000 a year & your income taxes go down I'll send you a $100 bill. Of course you would have to show us your tax forms and I know that's another sticky problem with you twits. The fact that you're ok with a 97% slashing of a program that keeps the Great Lakes (20% of the worlds fresh water) clean yet you're surely ok with more military spending shows you are a jackass. I don't care who is in power- they should be looking out for the people.

I am aware that people in the high tax bracket pay a large minority if not the majority of all tax. Because of that I think it would be unreasonable to expect my relatively small income tax (UK) to go down. In fact, taxation is a major barrier to business growth - only the megacorps have enough to cover the taxes and still be solvent. If I want to start a business and have the opportunity to keep growing, I'd need to be able to break through the taxation barriers, which will be true for any business in any tax bracket, except that the more tax we levy against the rich, the less opportunity there is to break into that sphere. I know a few self-employed people who have had to restrict their level of growth, not due to any solvency or supply/demand issues, but solely due to the massive increase of taxation at certain thresholds. For me it's all about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. If only megacorps can compete with megacorps where does that leave the people who want to take some control of their economic destiny back?

Dude, the only reason Trump doesn't owe billions of dollars is because he was able to declare bankruptcy five times and discharge his debts... which is something the Republicans in congress happily made it virtually impossible for John Q. Averagecitizen to discharge normal debts via bankruptcy.

He was able to wipe out over $2 billion in loans and other forms of debt owed to his creditors with nary a problem... which is also why he couldn't get a loan from virtually any bank in the USA or Europe except Deutsche Bank who he started withholding debt repayments on shortly after winning the election and they are pissed.

Just goes to show why you don't do business with con-artists.

Tell us more The_Donald regular, how Trump is just a man of the people.

Oh by the way,. just ignore that Trump’s transition raised about $6.5 million in private contributions, fueled in part by corporate interests, billionaires and lobbyists,. Nothing to see here.

The amount Hillary received from Google, JPmorgan, Citigroup, Goldman, Morgan Stanley and Microsoft was over $6.5 Million and I bring this up just to show some perspective. The $6.5 million in private contributions was the total from over 1,000 donations and the max they could give was $5,000. What am I supposed to see here? Please point me in the direction of some evidence that someone's $5,000 donation got them a nice government contract or a deal of that sort. The man used over $50,000,000 of his own money.

I trust him more than others before him and more than those currently attacking him. Why was every corrupt politician avidly against Trump and why are they continuously trying to sabotage him?

I trust him more than others before him and more than those currently attacking him.

Of course you do. That's why 90% of your posts are on The_Donald slobbing your God Emperor's knob.

He owns real estate everywhere. Why would he spend $100,000 to rent another's office space when he could rent his own for less and pay his own employees?

The government isn't funneling money to his business so he can stay at his own property. He owns the place, he doesn't pay to stay there, as for Secret Service housing while away from the WH I haven't seen anything on it yet. You think he's going to charge the government over $50,000,000 in rent over the next 4-8 years?

"Let's not forget, he's done little to nothing to divest himself from his companies" CNN used that same line for weeks straight. When he starts trading hotel properties for arms deals please let me know and I will happily disavow the God Emperor.

What an idiot.

God Emperor.

Daddy issues

On renting his own office sapce; it's not just that he uses his own companies, ensuring the money comes back to him, it's that he does it to ensure more of the people's money comes to him. He raised rent on his own campaign to defraud supporters.

They moved to a larger office space he didn't raise he rent. The rent increased when he was renting out more space. Is this seriously an issue?

Hasn't he already charged close to $13,000,000 due to his Florida trips not even 2 months into his presidency? That's well on track to break $50,000,000 in a year, much less 4.

If you believe the ESTIMATES of vox and CNN

I've met blind people here, I've met dickriding fanboys here, but never have I met a blind dick rider!

Seriously though, it's so sad how you people get so emotionally tied down to a 70 year old politician...

He is already charging the Secret Service both rent and first class tickets on his plane. Yes, he's on track to get around $50,000,000 from that alone.

He is already charging the Secret Service both rent and first class tickets on his plane. Yes, he's on track to get around $50,000,000 from that alone.

He's already spent over $15 million for travel expenses. In less than 2 months. That's $4 million more than the Obamas did in an entire year. He has no impetus to charge the SS cheap rent, why would he? He knows the gov't will just shell out whatever he wants for travel expenses, and he knows that he has to have a large retinue of people following him around. So he gets to stay at his resorts whenever he wants and charge full price to ever gov't employee that is forced to follow along. Not to mention all the Journalists that are staying with him on their bosses' dime.

What is it about Trump that leads you to believe that he would do anything even remotely altruistic? What about his actions leads you to believe that he has any interest in doing anything but pad his own pockets? If your opinion of him is based entirely on things he's said, and it hasn't changed despite all of the evidence of him being a liar, then you really don't have a leg to stand on. You've been fleeced and you may as well be a paid shill. At least the hillbots were collecting a paycheck.

Rule 1 on the_dong is if someone brings up a valid point against thin skin Donnie just deflect to the nearest democrat.

Nah one of the mods would just delete the comment and ban the user (dissent is against the rules). Trumpers only need to resort to deflection when outside their safe space.

He loaned his campaign that money.

The amount Hillary


She's not the President fuck face. What she does is irrelevant at this point in contrast to him.

Yeah everything is going to change for the better with Trump. Nothing will change, Presidents are puppets for banks and business.

As evidence involving a Trump Russia connection mounts, what threshold would you require to disavow Trump? Trump may be anti-establishment in the US but I hardly see how Putin is anything but the establishment, he's run Russia for a decade and worked in the KGB. Even if Trump himself is a patsy, how can you abide this connection to the Russian government?

Nobody cares about a Trump-Russia connection. That is manufactured propaganda. Most welcome a better relationship between the two countries.

maybe in your echo chamber

I don't.

And how is that supposed to improve anything?

And I'm sure you would say the same if Hillary had won.

..You know, after years of bashing Obama for not being "tough enough" on Russia?

I care

Maybe most Trump supporters do, now that you've resolved that awful cognitive dissonance.

Those of us that haven't deluded ourselves into respect for the prototypical modern Oligarchy, or the belief that Putin isn't playing Trump for a fucking fool... we don't.

Nobody cares about a Trump-Russia connection. That is manufactured propaganda.

I care

Most welcome a better relationship between the two countries.

Can I have a poll backing up this claim?

I care

Then you're a sucker.

Can I have a poll backing up this claim?

It's common sense. Most people don't want WW3. Explain to me why you don't want a better relationship between two of the nuclear powers in the world?

So no actual evidence?

Just using common sense and extending that to others. There is no poll that asks Americans if they want a closer relationship to Russia that I am aware of.

Again, tell me why you don't want a closer non-antagonistic relationship with Russia?

Just using common sense and extending that to others. There is no poll that asks Americans if they want a closer relationship with Russia that I am aware of.

So you have no evidence for your claims, you're just assuming everyone agrees with your views. Go it

Again, explain to me why you don't want a closer non-antagonistic relationship with Russia?

I oppose authoritarian states engaging in military expansion and despots who assassinate political opponents and dissenting journalists

So you have no evidence for your claims, you're just assuming everyone agrees with your views. Go it

The reason I say that noone cares is because the only reason this story took off on reddit is through mass bot upvoting campaigns.

I oppose authoritarian states engaging in military expansion and despots who assassinate political opponents and dissenting journalists

Do you oppose the US having relationships with Saudi Arabia or Israel?

Not to mention, it's pretty hypocritical of you to say that about Russia when the US has literally encircled their country with military bases, overthrown the governments of all the former USSR satellite states and replaced them with neo-Nazis. Also, many US journalists investigating US crimes have been mysteriously killed for example Michael Hastings and 6 Russian diplomats have been assassinated in the last few months.

That's not even getting into the other countless countries in Central and South America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa that the US has overthrown.

You are a hypocrite who only spews whatever corporate propaganda as your own opinion.

The reason I say that noone cares is because the only reason this story took off on reddit is through mass bot upvoting campaigns.

Citation for that?

Do you oppose the US having relationships with Saudi Arabia or Israel?

I absolutely oppose that we're both allied with them and provide cover for their crimes

Not to mention, it's pretty hypocritical of you to say that about Russia when the US has literally encircled their country with military bases, overthrown the governments of all the former USSR satellite states and replaced them with neo-Nazis. Also, many US journalists investigating US crimes have been mysteriously killed for example Michael Hastings and 6 Russian diplomats have been assassinated in the last few months.

What makes you think I don't oppose the US government's actions as well?

That's not even getting into the other countless countries in Central and South America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa that the US has overthrown.

See above

You are a hypocrite who only spews whatever corporate propaganda as your own opinion.

Err right, I'm not sure I believe what you think I believe

Citation for that

Take a look at the /r/esist sticky.

What makes you think I don't oppose the US government's actions as well?

So you agree that the US is worse than Russia in everyway yet you oppose a closer relationship between the countries. The US does not stand on the moral high ground here.

You do realize that the US is pushing for war with Russia with their increased propaganda and military presence in their region through Operation Atlantic Resolve? If this new cold war isn't halted it will lead to WW3.

You are so full of yourself and so far up your "God emperor's" ass that you can't even comprehend that many other people having opposing opinions. What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to go through to get to that conclusion? It's literally the butt of a joke on almost every late night show every night, it's a major topic that comes up in the news and it pops up all of the time on multiple subreddits.

You are so full of yourself and so far up your "God emperor's" ass that you can't even comprehend that many other people having opposing opinions.

Go look in the mirror. I'm not even a Trump supporter. I'm an actual left winger, not one of you faux left neo-Liberals who supports the Clintons and Obama. I also couldn't care less what other subreddits or late night talk shows say. You are pathetic.

You are pathetic.

Go look in the mirror.

My only mistake was assuming you were a Trump supporter. Either way you are full of shit. You act like a Trump supporter you just happen to occupy the far left. Just because I don't have the same views as you doesn't mean that you get to tell me that I'm faux left. You don't get to decided what is left and what isn't. Fuck off.

Equally I think you might need a poll to prove the opposite. Yeah, more people shout about Trump, Russia, etc but the election clearly showed that the loudest voice doesn't mean the strongest support

Show me proof that Putin is controlling Trump and I will disavow. Didn't Putin kick Soros out of Russia? Seems like the world elites are all anti-Russia which raises red flags in my head. Every politician has a connection to Russia its not treason. The dems even invited Kislyak to Trumps address last week. WFT is with you people and this hysteria with Russia?

The circumstantial evidence points to trump being a brave hero that will probably be one of the greats of history. He and the people are fighting in the same side against an entrenched canal elite.

I am proud of Trump and anyone who can just for a second imagine he is legit will see what he is up against but the masses back him and that number is expanding quickly as people wake up.

Lol wow

I'm gonna feel so bad for you when you realize how wrong you are, trump is no better than any of the establishment, he may even be worse. Just because they argue and hate each other doesn't mean one of them is on your side.

And what if your wrong?

Then we will all have fun riding our flying pigs.

Is that the least that will convince you you're wrong? Flying pigs?

We should definitely throw corrupt cops out of helicopters, I agree.


You're not really helping debunk the stereotype of trump supporters being ignorant.

You're not helping debunk the ignorance of 3 year old shills by pointing out spelling mistakes as a counter argument.


Yay, you're learning!


Ackkkshully it was grammar you fucked up, not spelling.

Yeah no for real /u/admdrew I hate this dude and the OP and trump, but this you're/your correction shit is insufferable.


Worse than Hillary's human trafficking and organ harvesting scheme? We've seen the fake arguing and hate before does it look the same this time? MSM is now talking about deep state and FISA court. They are going all out against Trump and you guys think its cute acting because you have to find a conspiracy in a bread bag.

I think Hillary and Trump are both pieces of shit, so let me save you the trouble of trying to use that deflection on me.

How was I deflecting? You claim Trump may be worse than the establishment who sells children and steals the parents organs. Im responding directly to what you said.

Hillary is a corporate puppet, Trump cares far less about outward appearance than Hillary does. She at least attempts to feign non-conflict of interest. Trump simply doesn't give a shit. He is unwilling to divest in any of his corporate interests, which is unheard of going into a presidency, at least outwardly. He is going to end up stocking the HUD program with his own real estate investments, and he is going to turn the entire government into a corporate profit system from which his very own companies benefit. Neither Hillary nor Trump care any more about you past how far they can exploit you before you break. And surprisingly to me, and probably more surprisingly to the entire reign of wealthy and politically connected in this country - America is more stupid than they though and will take it up the ass harder than they ever imagined. As long as you have liberals fighting conservatives and democrats fighting republicans the rich will continue to exploit the politics and the citizens of this country and you're a fool to think Trump is not in that club.

What do you think "the establishment" means? Rich, social elites with business and social ties to others of their kind?

Hillary's human trafficking and organ harvesting scheme

That's not a conspiracy theory, that's a mental health issue.

I'm not convinced Trump doesn't take part in human trafficking either tbh.

Here, you dropped a /s

Because Trump is definitely, most assuredly, NOT "elite".

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't seriously think that this man is taking any risk to himself? He is making money from his political career, his image isn't getting any worse (he was a reality TV star KNOWN for being a piece of shit, and a huge liar) and what? You think he gives a single shit about you?

Wake up retard, think for yourself for once.

I cant imagine what its like to be so deep in denial

Are all of his Goldman alumni and his Exxon CEO also "outsiders"?

Well they aren't political hacks. They seem to be the top business leaders with more real world experience than the whole senate. You think Exxon hired Rex because he was establishment? Or did they hire him because his knowledge, work ethic and negotiating skills?

You think Exxon hired Rex because he was establishment? Or did they hire him because his knowledge, work ethic and negotiating skills?

No, but Trump almost certainly took him on because of his oil connections, Russian connections, and in particular, his Russian oil connections. Wtf do you think a political hack is? You think because Trump cut out the middle man and saved some money on bribes it makes him more noble?

Russsia Russia Russia. None of what you said makes sense. Trump isn't in the oil game or profiting from it. Let me know when Trump and Rex cut a deal with Putin to build a pipeline from Moscow to DC. You people probably don't know sht about Trump's cabinet picks. Only that they worked for Goldman and Exxon so they must be working with the Russians to get the oil and the vodka and the oil and the money. Conspiracy gone wild!

You posted on a conspiracy subreddit... You expected something else? Are you fucking stupid?

Dude don't call me stupid when you just went on the most random rant about Trump and Russian oil. I expected to hear from free thinkers not zombie. Podesta is the one with stock in the Russian oil company, Hillary is the one who sold our uranium to Russia, Joe Biden's son is the one who sits on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. Barry is the one caught on hot mic saying "I'll have more flexibility after my reelection" The side that's in bed with Russian while flirting with Ukraine is the side that's telling you Trump is Putins puppet. Are you f'ing stupid? Please show me the proof or evidence, I would love to see it! Unfortunately, NSA/IC wasn't able to find proof even after they wiretapped Trump Tower. The conspiracy here is that the establishment is pushing this Russia narrative and r/conspiracy is either overrun by shareblue(proof is the CNN talking points) or y'all are in denial that we don't have a pedophile globalist in the Whitehouse.

There was nothing random about it at all. It directly referenced a subject matter you were discussing, and it was both deliberate and calculated to draw your attention to the absurdity and naivety of your position of Trump's irreproachable moral convictions.

Please show me the proof or evidence, I would love to see it!

The evidence is purely circumstantial, as is any evidence of a media/liberal conspiracy to paint him as a Russian crony. We happen to be on equal footing there, but that is not the case in regard to Trump's history of honesty and integrity.

I have no idea what kind of groups you repeatedly try to lump me in with, but if that is how you wish to look at the world-- as an us/other dichotomy-- you might be living a remarkedly examined life.

In the past several weeks, Trump has repeatedly made assertions about MSM being fake news in regards to demonstrably true reports THAT HE EVEN ADMITS ARE TRUE. It's not Trump vs. Establishment. It's New Establishment vs Old Establishment and the New Establishment doesn't even try to take intellectually sound positions. It just doesn't care because it knows that its fan base is either too stupid or too busy riding DT's dick to notice how fucking stupid the drivel they spew is.

Random rant? It was completely relevant.

The Russia narrative is important because the real question about the legality of the 2 FISA requests and spying on Trump's campaign with 6 agencies involved is going to be whether or not they were justified in doing so. The fact that we haven't seen anything concrete, when it's as important as it is to them to find something tangible is telling.

No, having the one Russian diplomat Obama didn't deport in Dec. call Sessions at some point so you can ask him about it later doesn't count.

You think all that happened was that the Russian diplomat called Sessions, and that the dems made it happen just so they could ask about it? Did the dems also convince Sessions to forget about it just so it looked like he was trying to hide it? Or was that just sheer incompetence? Did the dems also arrange for Kislyak to meet with Sessions personally? Or to go to the RNC but not the DNC?

I know we're in r/conspiracy but that's not even internally consistent.

The same one that sat with the democrats at the joint session speech the other day? I'm not saying sessions didn't fuck up/I'm no fanboy, but a little perspective is needed here. Should he just have said "I do not recall," 40 times? What I saw in those transcripts could easily easily be a simple mistake, or more accurately, answers to questions specifically about being in contact with them in he capacity of a campaign operative. Why does only one side ever get the benefit of the doubt?

6 other democrat senators met with the same ambassador over the same time period. He's a member of multiple committees for which it is normal to have met and spoken with a Russian ambassador. That may easily be a cover, but it's an angle not presented, and obviously not considered by all of the free thinkers lapping up the new red scare.

So he's just super incompetent in your mind, and fell for the alley-oop that the dems set up along with Kislyak, who was obviously in on it. Sessions didn't want to bore the dems with the same answer, so he just decided to commit a little perjury, nbd!

Seriously? You think Sessions made a "simple mistake" by forgetting to disclose his supposedly innocuous meeting, despite the shitstorm that already surrounded Russia? Your'e the type of person who believes that those 6 Russian diplomats just happened to have heart attacks and died of natural causes at the same time they got shot in the back of the head twice.

The shitstorm that is completely manufactured by one side, with the aid of their propaganda machine, yes. The shitstorm being pushed so that they can justify having spied on an opposition candidate if they find something, which the 6 agencies involved apparently didn't, Yes. It's all bullshit. Left and right at that level is bullshit. They are all the same ppl. If you truly believe in the left right paradigm, and don't understand that sessions specifically represents a direct/visceral threat to those who are attempting to take him out, then you're still asleep. I fucking hate that all of this partisan shit is on this sub now. You're looking at the surface, which is the exact opposite of the spirit of this sub.

You realize that no matter how Putin sees it, Russia and Ukraine aren't the same country right?

Rule 4.

Trump isn't in the oil game or profiting from it.

Dakota Access Pipeline says different. If you want to talk about a real conspiracy against some "anti-establishment" people, why not bring up the first Nation? Or specifically the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. The latest attack handed down from trump himself, and enacted by a militarized police force, and national guard. Using the Military and police in the interests of a private Canadian oil firm, to forcibly remove Americans using their first amendment rights.

But that isn't a convoluted fantasy that's harsh, requires them to realize that there's no big hidden lie and that all the shit is done in front of them while they fantasize about boogeymans.

You understand nothing of the world, the economy, or geopolitics if you think the only way the US is affected by Russian oil is if we directly buy Russian oil.

Right, it's not like Exxon made very public multi-billion-dollar oil and gas deals with Russian oil interests, which were stymied by sanctions over Russia's actions in Crimea and Donetsk. It's not like Exxon is champing at the bit for those sanctions to be removed. And it's not like the State Department is involved in sanctions. /s

Exxon made very public multi-billion-dollar oil and gas deals with Russia. You are a dumb fraud

the cognitive dissonance... wow

So you argue he has none and is against them, then claim the ones he is putting in are just 'good'.

You are a fucking fraud.

"trust" isn't something we're big on here.

the shilling for Trump is getting unbearable today..

Shilling for hope not miserable doubt.

It's not hope when it's being duped by a conman.

Trump the billionaire is the special interests. Instead of buying off politicians to serve him, he's eliminated the middle man and installed himself to run the government directly.

Because re-negotiating trade deals, securing the boarder and bringing back jobs only benefits Trump.

Yet another point for u/spenbass!

This sub has been inundated with SB & I your thoughtful and thorough rebukes of their vain attempts at steering readers away from logical conclusions is appreciated.

Get a room, you two.

Oh please. If Trump is okay with getting publicly fucked by Putin and Bannon at the same time, what makes you think his special snowflake followers won't spread their legs for each other?

Border. I love how trump supporters can't even spell his biggest campaign promises. Also he has yet to do any of those things. All he's done so far is show his gross incompetence.

Also he has yet to do any of those things.

Not a trump supporter... but he has litetally be in office for a few months. This is extremely disingenous

This is true but it's equally disingenuous to assume he will do these things based on his campaign promises because he has already failed to fulfill many of those promises.

Who is assuming he will do these things? I just said he hasnt had the time

The guy I was replying to

Anyone who still believes Trump's about to do some great stuff for the working class in the next 4 years definitely has a shock coming.

Absolutely. Not sure if youre directing this at me?

Regardless, its still disingenous to blame shit on a month old presiden5

Is it? He's already reversed course on so many key election promises in such a short time...

Only weak nations secure their borders.

You can secure the border without a dumb ass wall and terrifying immigrants. Besides, all the smart terrorists will come through Canada.

That may or may not help America as he hasn't done shit yet. But he's filling up his pockets with taxpayer money when he stays at his resort. But I guess you're cool with that.

You can be conspiratorial and question Trump, I get that, his presidency sounds too good to be true

what the fuck sounds too good to be true about a trump presidency? only thing he's done is unite inbreds together into a cult-like mindset, worshiping a guy who's done nothing but continue the long line of corruption of presidents past, except he seems to be lining his own pockets instead of others. the difference between him and other presidents is trump does this all out in the open, and you people still act like he's the messiah.

everybody talks about ctr and "shills" from the left, but if you ask me, the "shills" from the right are just as bad, if not worse. the left has to pay people to shill for them. right wingers are stupid enough to do it for free.

Take Trump out of the picture, you have a candidate who is opposed by each side, the media and special interests. He didn't take millions from Wall Street and rest of K street. That candidate wins. Are you seriously going to tell me that this candidate's presidency is not a step in the right direction?

You're saying that Donald Trump doesn't have ties to Wall Street?

Quote me saying that

"He didn't take millions from Wall Street and rest of K street." - u/spenbass

My statement is true. I'm not denying that he has friends on Wall St. He's a NYC billionaire he knows everyone.

So you think he hasn't taken money from them?

If only there was some way to verify that. I remain skeptical especially with Trumps lack of transparency and his refusal to release his tax records.

Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick, multiple times in this thread you get btfo'd with YOUR OWN WORDS OR SOURCE and STILL have the audacity to act like you're 100% correct.

You're a special kind of stupid. I have nothing to say, only laughter and tears to give.

If you made it this far, fellow redditers, then you realize this is just "alt-facts", but straight up propaganda. If only the failing media would call things like this what they are: propaganda.

The quote OP asked for was, "he doesn't have any ties to Wall Street." These two statements are different. This all or nothing; A or Z mentality on this sub today is ridiculous.

How is it ridiculous?

Asking us to believe that there's no conflicting financial aspect to Donald Trumps relationship with wall street is a bit far fetched. Sadly we won't know the extent of that relationship because Trumps finances are apparently in a state of perpetual audit.

Because the world is not absolute. There are infinite explanations, most of which are more logical, that are not he most extreme of "he's totally corrupt," and "he's a savior." It's a childish way to look at the world, especially when the only evidence being considered in the opinion is that he's associated. If you really do just eat everything that MSNBC/CNN/FOX or any of them tell you, then you're on the wrong sub.

Who is "the media"? Who are these "special interests"? In another thread you cited an article as your proof, and then backtracked into called it liberal propaganda, using yet another buzzword, "MSM". If you want to talk about bias, then answer me this: Even if he didn't take money, why do you suppose that is?

Even ignoring the fact that he has been trying to make life hell for many people I care about through things like the incredibly arbitrary Muslim ban or his uptick in immigration bs, and of course his loving "support" he has shown for the LGBT community by appointing douche bags like sessions, and even ignoring Betsy Devos.... his foriegn policy is disasterous and has done more to undermine our allies confidence in the US than any of the stupid shit Bush or Obama pulled over 16 years combined. There is no stability or predictability comeing out of the whitehouse, there is 0 comprehensible long term strategy or plan for international relations. When the world's only true super power is unstable, it tends to get a bit twitchy. (And yes China is on the rise to eventual super power atatus, but neither China or Russia approach the massive influence and power projection of the US)

You know who he's not opposed by? The rich capitalist class. ie the people in charge

No, it is not. He is his own special interest. Seriously; "How do we stop billionaires from working through lobbyists to get their way? Simple, eliminte the lobbyists and put the billionaires in charge!"

He repealed a part of the anti-corruption clauses in Dodd-Frank, and stated that he did it because, "...a lot of my friends, good friends, just could not get loans because of them."

That is literally manipulating government policy and law to benefit an elite cadre of individuals. It's exactly what you don't want.

No. But he did take 100 million from a Russian Oligarch in a sweetheart deal set up by an executive from the bank of cyprus, in which the oligarch overpaid for a property by at least 40 million.

Anyone who makes it to presidency in the US is in the 'club'. Alot of the fighting is manufactured to create tension and divisiveness. The country has never been so divided, which in turn means a country that's easier to control. Look how awesome alot of Ron Pauls ideas and policies were when he ran. He didn't get a stitch of air time. Trump was all over the MSM. Good or bad press, he was still shoved down everyone's throat.

jobs coming back because we have a president that takes the time to meet with CEOs to negotiate a better deal for the American people.

citation needed.



Meaning you don't have shit that proves Trump created any jobs. Got it.

Either you haven't been paying attention or you're choosing not to. Jobs are coming back. Tax breaks will happen and America is going to improve.


How about you read that article before you lecture me about paying attention?

But it’s unlikely that those proposed policies have had much of an effect on U.S. business, yet. While it would be nice if Trump were a magician who could single handedly revive American manufacturing and convince companies across the world to bring back jobs from overseas, few, if any, of the decisions by companies to locate here can be attributed solely to Trump. Indeed, many were made before he was even elected.

Dude is taking credit for shit he didn't do, from your source. That article indicates that he has yet to do anything of value, and most of the changes are market driven (duh), or were decided before he was president.

How about you search for a source next time. The article is from a liberal outlet, they are going to say none of these jobs are because of trump. If you choose to believe the opinionated spin MSM puts on the story then that's your prerogative.

Got it, walk it back after your source was garbage and you didn't even take the time to read it. Blindly follow some more buddy

"Here's my proof!"

"I just read your proof and it disproves your theory"

"Well of course you'd think that! That proof is actually from liberals so it's obviously wrong and therefor I am right 4d checkmate cuck"

to dust off an old one, my brain is full of fuck

Just making a joke, don't take it personally :) <3

Please take all of this personally. Be ashamed of yourself. Only then will you have any drive to improve yourself.

You have problems. You make up your mind then find sources that tell you what you want to hear. You are completely unwilling to learn and change your mind. You are argumentative about things you don't understand, and it shows. When it shows, you double down instead of learning. You fail to make connections using critical thinking, and fail to scrutinize statements that fall apart under any sort of real analysis.

You essentially have the mind of an uneducated child. That is not an attack, it's an assessment and a to-do list. You need to pay attention in school and try to get better.

The best /r/conspiracy comment of all.

Dude. So true

That article is showing how Prime Minister Abe is creating American jobs but doesn't really go into detail as to what Drumpf's role is.

So Abe meeting with Trump had nothing to do with this?

This was written prior to Abe coming to see Trump. So likely some of it has to do with Trump meeting Abe, much in the same way Clinton would have met with Abe and likely worked out a similar deal.

Also, I thought the main goal was to have America First, not America funded by Japan? Because as it stands, Trump did nothing except ask Japan for help and Japan is footing the bill.

So salty.

You linked the source you fucknut- don't blame him for quoting it.

Don't call him a fucknut, his English isn't very good, so he wasn't sure what the article said. /s

So you got nothing and are full of shit just like trump

Hahaha this dude's serious with this.

Also Trump is still riding on the fumes from Obama's economy and taking credit for that.

I'm curious to see who he's going to blame when they cut taxes for the rich and kick everyone off their healthcare.

I'm curious to see who he's going to blame when they cut taxes for the rich and kick everyone off their healthcare.

Brown people/immigrants I'd wager.

Hillary lol.

"Obama wiretapped the economy, sad, bad, I'm not glad!"

Lol, jobs aren't coming back-- automation is. It's still much cheaper to do traditional manufacturing overseas than in the US, the difference now is that it's even cheaper to get a fleet of robots that don't take breaks, get injured, get benefits or even take a paycheck. Supply chain gets a lot shorter that way as well.

This has jack shit to do with Trump and everything to do with the kind of technological advancements that he'll prevent when he cripples the education system and slashes public sector research.

And even if jobs do come back it's a temporary patch. There are no long term prospects in high school education level manufacturing labor. The era of getting a job at ford right out of highschool, buying a house in the burbs and going up north (michigander) every summer is gone. Trying to bring it back does nothing but a disservice to rust belt workers. We need to be training and transforming our people and evonomies to fufill 21st century needs, not telling them it's all going back to the good old days only to have the rug pulled out from them AGAIN i. 10 years. Michigan can't afford to go through that kind of hell again, i doubt the rest of the rust belt would want to either.

it's even cheaper to get a fleet of robots that don't take breaks, get injured, get benefits or even take a paycheck.

And this is where we have to take a stand!


Will, going, previous comment you said it's happening now, yet you are saying the future in this comment.

From the link that you provided:

"But it’s unlikely that those proposed policies have had much of an effect on U.S. business, yet. While it would be nice if Trump were a magician who could single handedly revive American manufacturing and convince companies across the world to bring back jobs from overseas, few, if any, of the decisions by companies to locate here can be attributed solely to Trump. Indeed, many were made before he was even elected."

Imagine if instead of a works cited page, I just wrote GOOGLE in the middle and handed it to the professor.

Imagine if instead of a structured university essay/report/dissertation this were a conversation online where nobody owes anything to anyone else

Responding with


To a request for sources for a claim is basically the same as not responding at all.

True, but he doesn't owe anyone proof of anything. If you want proof then fair enough but he is under no obligation to provide proof to your standard

Wow that's I get a F in college

Trumps twitter.

Trumps twitter.

Nothing has come of it. Once something comes of it, that's fine.

You're leaving out the reason for Trump's wall to wall coverage in the media to fit your view. It's all in the emails. Hillary was a flawed candidate and didn't stand a chance against Rubio and maybe others(not my words, DNC people's) so they worked with MSM to give more time to the pied piper candidates(Trump, Carson and Cruz) the ones they thought would be easier to take down in the general. Media kept up the plan through the general talking about Trump non stop and taking focus off of all the skeletons falling out of Hillary's closet. When Ron Paul ran Trump tweeted that the media should give him more airtime and that he has some serious and good ideas.

The Russia narrative is fake news. Let's step back to recent global affairs. Our government(whoever runs it) is working on another destabilization campaign in Syria to take out Assad to pave way for pipeline. Clandestine support given to Isis thought Arab nations. Russia steps in to help Assad, find the truth and bomb the moderate rebels Obama funded. Obama and Hillary are pissed at Putin for messing up their operation and accuse him of killing kids while we know the white helmets were working with the terrorists to plant false stories. The serin gas was used by Isis not Assad. Trump is sitting back looking at the situation and probably saying "Russia is trying to clean up the mess Obama started and keep it from getting worse. I would work with him to defeat the rebels and Isis." MSM and democrats paint Russia as the bad guys in this situation when it's the complete opposite. Russia is no saint but they didn't help create Isis. Many countries are hacking us, Trump keeps saying he would work with Russia to defeat Isis so media says he's a puppet. Trump jokes to Russia saying if you find the emails we would love to see them. Media says Trump calls on Putin to hack Hillary's emails. The emails were already hacked. Wikileaks releases podesta emails and says they didn't get them from Russia. Podestas password was p@ssword, he fell for phishing scheme and lost his iPhone in a cab. If Russia hacked those emails so did 100s of others. Hillary camp and MSM point out ties of some trump campaign staff to Russia. Manafort did some lobbying in Ukraine, Flynn was on Russia today and took a trip to Russia years ago, sessions met with Russian ambassador as a senator. Is any of this really out of the ordinary?? Hillary and her people have business deal with Russia and 10x the connections. Trump wins, Hillary blames Russia because her donors are demanding answers. Obama wiretaps trump and finds nothing. FBI finds nothing in their investigation. MSM is still running with Russia-Trump conspiracy. The fake part of the news is how they frame it. It's perfectly normal for Flynn to call Russian ambassador, it's perfectly normal for seasons to have met with Kislyak but MSM melts down for 48 hours straight over a conspiracy they know isn't true. It's fake. Yesterday trump tweets about obama wiretapping him and MSM talking point is "trump claims obama wiretapped his phones without giving proof". So now they want proof? If they took the time to search for it they would have found stories on it from months ago but since it didn't come from CNN or wapo it didn't happen.

Holy shit you're delusional

You're the fucking puppet, you've got Trump's hand right up your ass speaking directly out of your mouth. You're a goober. A doofus. You're the one who is constantly moving the goal post and changing the direcoin of this pathetic excuse of a "debate", and I promise you that is not the same thing as winning. Wearing everyone down until they just let you splash around in the mud braying at the bugs does not help you make your point.

Trump is the special interest

Quote me saying that

You're so smart

LOL did you forget to sign in to your other account to shill for yourself?

Are you fourteen?

Showing us who the real shill is

Did you just comment on your thread calling yourself smart?

Go away...Paid shill...

I like the assumption that all of the establishment is immediately evil. The "establishment" is cynical as fuck, a tad sketchy even, but i like me a nice mix of establishment stability and provocitive rabble rousers. If the entire government was run by anti establishment ideologues we'd get even less done than we already do.

maybe in your echo chamber

The amount Hillary received from Google, JPmorgan, Citigroup, Goldman, Morgan Stanley and Microsoft was over $6.5 Million and I bring this up just to show some perspective. The $6.5 million in private contributions was the total from over 1,000 donations and the max they could give was $5,000. What am I supposed to see here? Please point me in the direction of some evidence that someone's $5,000 donation got them a nice government contract or a deal of that sort. The man used over $50,000,000 of his own money.

I trust him more than others before him and more than those currently attacking him. Why was every corrupt politician avidly against Trump and why are they continuously trying to sabotage him?

I don't.

And I'm sure you would say the same if Hillary had won.

..You know, after years of bashing Obama for not being "tough enough" on Russia?

I care

Maybe most Trump supporters do, now that you've resolved that awful cognitive dissonance.

Those of us that haven't deluded ourselves into respect for the prototypical modern Oligarchy, or the belief that Putin isn't playing Trump for a fucking fool... we don't.


Nobody cares about a Trump-Russia connection. That is manufactured propaganda.

I care

Most welcome a better relationship between the two countries.

Can I have a poll backing up this claim?

So no actual evidence?