/r/conspiracy is a battle ground of bots, shills and political hacks now. These pieces of shit are vying for the last few independent thinkers on reddit. You do not fool us.

1175  2017-03-05 by [deleted]



How do you tell the difference? A lot seems to depend on your point of view.

If they have a dick in their mouth, they're a hack.

As a Russian T_D shill and a CTR plant (depending on who I just banned for ignoring the rules) I find that doubly offensive.

What if it's satire?

What if the whole of politics is satire?

There is no "what ifs" about it! The world has gone mad!!

It's getting saner all the time, much to the terror of people who profit from ordering madness. Sanity is chaos. We've always been told that would be the price of unraveling the great orders.

Playing both sides huh? Trying to fill up your bank account too I see.

I'm just rolling in them roubledollars, Vodka and apple pie again tonight.

People who take dick to the mouth are the best. Especially if its your dick in their mouth.

Are you a virgin? - Serious question.

As this subs infamous #1 most shill accused user, I can tell you with certainty that people can't tell the difference between a shill and a real user.

It's the dick in the mouth. Dead give away.

Like I said.

Can't tell the difference.

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Well since you're a psychopath it doesn't matter if you're a shill.

That's... Some rather odd logic?

If you're Satan then it doesn't matter if you're as bad as Hitler cuz you're Satan.

. . .

Outofmany must be off their meds.

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You showed up on this subreddit only recently. You weren't here a year ago. Your fingerpointing looks like misdirection.

Name change! Hahaha!

That's what they all say. Wonder why some of us don't need to do that

What was your previous account?

Otherwise, any new user could claim they were here since Reddits inception.

No one knows who you are or gives a shit about you. Going through your history it is clear you are happy to troll and be an asshole. So no wonder people keep calling you out.

No one knows who you are or gives a shit about you.

So no wonder people keep calling you out.

That's a contradiction.

No it isn't dingus.

Sure it is.

You claim people don't care about me, then claim people keep calling me out.

That is a contradiction. If people didn't care, they would call me out.

People don't know you. For some weird reason you have this highly inflated idea of self worth. You are a nobody. It doesn't matter who makes shit posts, they will be called out for them. Like I am to you now, even though I have never seen your username before in my life.

People don't know you.

You're inflating it beyond reason for an internet forum.

Of course people don't know me on a personal level, but as far as internet forums go - I'm famous here.

It doesn't matter who makes shit posts, they will be called out for them.

It matters when people change how they view a post based on who made it.

even though I have never seen your username before in my life.

You're a 23 day old account.

I'm famous here.

hahahahaha, ahhh. I needed a good belly laugh. Thanks.

You're welcome.

You aren't famous. You have delusions of grandeur. You're a mess!

You don't get to be the #1 most shill accused user without gaining fame.

You are the Christina Aguillera of r/conspiracy congrats haha

Man that's a flash back.

I thought she was popular?

I feel like in order to acknowledge that statement, I'd have to find some way to call you a shill with it. It's not the fame you want.

No one cares about you. No one likes you. If you want to be a novelty account, show some personality and make us laugh. You're just a loser who wants some recognition. Lmao

You're just a loser who wants some recognition.


I'm just a lose who HAS recognition.

Only as a distraction. You have no value in this sub.

So you aknowledge I have recognition?

Lets just correct you first before moving onto other topics.

No. Zero recognition. No one gives a fuck about you.

How did I manage to become the #1 most shill accused user with zero recognition and no fucks?

That's rather contradictory.

Again. No one gives a fuck about you lmao

Again, that a contradiction.

Infamy requires attention.

Because it takes me two seconds to tell you how pathetic you are.

You care <3

For you as a human being? Absolutely I care.



This. Rockran doesn't really get accused of being a shill because everyone is convinced Rockran is a shill. It's more because people now expect trolls to be getting paid somewhere. "For the lulz" or what-have-you fell out of common expectations.

Actually I decided to call his bluff and research. Here is when he started posting - https://www.reddit.com/user/Rockran?count=1175&amp;after=t3_nzbqs

Work back from there. He posted a bunch of shit posts and karma grabbing posts. All topics, no actual commenting. He only started commenting on reddit 3 months ago. The same time he started posting to /r/conspiracy. Has spammed the fuck out of the board with nothing but nonsense, insults and terrible debunking. So the claim that he is a long time poster is clear bullshit. A bluff. He created the "prove I am a shill" posts before ever posting in /r/conspiracy. Knowing full well what he was coming here to do. Not sure what else there is to say, the shill is a shill.

My conclusion is it is a bought account. Someone farmed for karma and sat on it to increase the value. Poor guy will need to buy a new one now.

People have seen me posting for a little longer than 3 months.

Yes, as much as I dislike you, I RES-tagged you as 'Shill/Idiot' back in 2015. No offence.


all are shills until proven otherwise IMO.

Lol, I understand your frustration but we will beat back the shills not only from this sub but eventually in overtaken subs like politics.

I feel most sorry for geniuine people who don't support trump because they are getting caught in the crossfire.

This is some 4D shilling right here.

Bush + Obama = Trump

Every American president is worse than his predecessor, there's nothing to suggest that pattern will be broken anytime soon.

Not worse, just differentworse

Pretty much. All crooks because you don't get that far up by not being a crook and doing fucked up shit.

Wtf?!? This whole chain has great comments! Why are they all downvotes?

And why did the lame "4D shilling" comment get so many upvotes?

Shills trying to manipulate votes to control the dynamic of illusion of community support.

Fuck Donald trump so hard in the ass for tricking so many of you fools into supporting him...and fuck the republicans and democrats while we're at it.

Why are they all downvotes? Well,

Every American president has been worse than his predecessor

is pretty fucking stupid...


Obama was worse than W? In what universe is this a reality?

Sure a shit ain't this one!

The Obama administration literally continued and expanded the policies of the Bush white house.

"Every American president has been worse than his predecessor"

That's a pretty indefensible position. Abraham Lincoln is worse than James Buchanan? Ludicrous.


When obama goes to jail I get the feeling this astroturfing bullshit will stop and reddit will return to normal.

Ya, hopefully soon. Id like to see an American People vs Hillary Clinton rico case.

Genuine question. What would he go to jail for? Am I missing something?

IANAL but abuse of power? Since when is it ok for presidents to use the NSA to spy on a political rival? Talk about interfering in a election! This is next level corruption. Unprecedented.

Since when is it ok for presidents to use the NSA to spy on a political rival

since when is it ok to make wild accusations via twitter and have it be taken as cold hard fact?

There are FISA records you know.... lol

good to know. do you happen have a link or some outside confirmation that doesn't involve twitter?

The original FISA request which specifically named and broadly targeted Donald Trump was denied, a second request was redrafted months later which narrowed down on equipment in Trump Tower. The second request is said to have been granted, despite the fact that FBI sources did not believe these servers to be of actual national security or possess any illegal ties to Russia. The notion that this second FISA warrant was granted is highly significant as they exist to investigate cases when Foreign Intelligence is suspected of operations in the US.

The second request is said to have been granted

said by whom? this is the author claiming it was said, this isn't proof of anything at all.

"If proven,"

Is then used later in the article, this is all supposition. nothing here proves anything at all. try again.

So youre just going to blatantly ignore the fact obama TRIED with a FIRST ATTEMPT to monitor trumps server in trump tower?

Love that logic there bro.

FBI requested based on russia ties, FBI isn't Obama. FISA rejected which is pretty unusual apparently but makes it likely that any subsequent requests were also denied.


So at the very least we can agree the FBI, under a Obama administration, lead by James Comey, a appointee or Barack Obama in 2013, sought warrants to spy on a political rival? Right....?

Or the FBI lead by republican Director Comey had uncovered specific information that lead them to suspect trump's aids and workers to have nefarious ties to a foreign state who is not our ally and during the course of the investigation sought to obtain information via electronic surveillance which is a normal course of proceedure in this type of case.

And after 5 months of "muh Russia" bullshit, with zero evidence to show trump had any nefarious dealing with Russia,which do you think is more likely? A corrupt political party used government surveillance power unethically to spy on political opponents, obviously to gain a advantage OR the FBI independently investigated trumps dealing with Russia because (insert whatever bullshit argument you want here).

The best part about this. is those dumb cunts in our source are citing Louise Mensch at heatst.

Louise Mensch is a former british MP and is one of the more vocal journalists pushing the Trumps collusion with Russia. One of the best reasons to believe her is BECAUSE of that heatst article.

Your own sources give weight to what you are arguing against you dimwit. fucking hilarious.

I really haven't seen evidence for this collusion other than a bunch of hearsay and ambiguous accusations.. and I say this as someone who didn't even vote for Trump. Got evidence? Show it, if not, then stop gaslighting.

The idea that this is too crazily farfetched and pizzagate is not baaffles me. They're both interesting to talk about, but apparently on /r/conspiracy everyone thinks Trumps twitter is gospel which is fucking weird.

My point was the poster above used a source that cites Louise Mensch as evidence against it, indicating they believe she is credible. Even though she pushes what they are trying to debunk. whihc is fucking stupid.

Here ya go, I posted this somewhere else:

This is well documented.

Here is some more compiled things that corroborate the dossier as well as Trumps connections to russia, including his buddies and all that.

Here is another source that goes into even more detail of the manafort being compromised, and remember, he had to step down because of this, and that people are not pleased with Trump, judging by what they said when they released the hacked data from her phone. Politico contacted Manafort and the guy even fucking admitted his shit was hacked, so it is likely the dump of his daughters' phone's data is legit.

You also put up Louise Menschs' blog. Reminder that Louise Mensch broke the news about the FISA warrant a couple months before anyone else, which lends some more credibility to her theories. She also is not classical "MSM" and generally leans to the right. She also used to be a British MP or whatever. So.

Honestly there is a whole fuck ton of stuff that points to Russian collusion. More than most people would have you believe here.

More fundamentally, there's nothing illegal about the justice department requesting (or getting) a warrant from a judge to conduct surveillance in accordance with the law. (Whether current law is appropriate is a separate question, of course).

Obama would only be at risk if he order wiretapping without a warrant or otherwise violated the laws governing wiretaps.

The problem isn't whether the wiretapping was illegal. It's if he did it to sabotage his political enemy's campaign and administration.

Ugh, but the only way to sabotage his campaign with a legal wiretap is if something incriminating was found.

So using the power of all the intelligence agencies at your disposal to wiretap your political opponent and send all that information to your ally in the election is not a conspiracy and sabotaging an election?

You got it backwards. If anything incriminating was found it wouldn't entirely be a conspiracy to sabotage an election, it'd be putting something like espionage to light (AKA colluding with the Russians, which we've seen no evidence of).

a) The point of needing a judge to issue the warrant is to prevent that, right? So for there to be an issue, Obama, the justice department, and a federal judge would all have to be in on it.

b) If the point was sabotaging the Trump campaign, wouldn't the information have be put out before the election? No point to revealing stuff now.

Or if it even occurred. Minor details tho.

The wiretapping did happen. That's a confirmed fact. Also confirmed by Obama's non denial denialist statement. What we don't know is who ordered the FISA warrant, who approved it, and who in the Obama Administration knew about. Also why did they keep wiretapping after finding no evidence?



It appears that something happened, the scope and nature of which are unclear. My question is why is it that Trump is bringing this story up at this particular moment.

You're fighting the good fight keeping that info out here in the face of those who wish it would go away. Thank you.

You mean, that doesn't involve the direct word of the President, who is generally considered to be an authority capable of stating simple matters of fact. What do you think motivates a man to put up a 3:30 AM tweetstorm about his home being bugged by the Feds?

Tbis pre definitely isn't an autbority on anything and its well known he gets all bis info from tv news and radio, so I'll go with him hearing/seeing the recent breitbart article about the wiretapping.

IF Obama went through FISA, then he got a judge to legally sign off on it. In this case, you might find it objectionable (as I do nearly all FISA rulings) but it's all completely legal.

What's IANAL? Also, do you have a source about Obama doing something illegal? I did some research and havn't been able to find any proof.


The original FISA request which specifically named and broadly targeted Donald Trump was denied, a second request was redrafted months later which narrowed down on equipment in Trump Tower. The second request is said to have been granted, despite the fact that FBI sources did not believe these servers to be of actual national security or possess any illegal ties to Russia. The notion that this second FISA warrant was granted is highly significant as they exist to investigate cases when Foreign Intelligence is suspected of operations in the US.

If you really want to debate the legal and ethical implications of using FEDERAL AGENCIES to spy on a rival POTUS, go ahead. Ill be reading the history of watergate.

So you're saying Obama asked the FBI to spy on Trump? Where does it say that?

Im saying that the obama administration was involved in asking for permission from FISA courts to spy on Trump and his server at Trump tower, based on the article. FISA courts are run by the NSA not the FBI. It appears they mentioned the FBI because they found no probable cause to investigate trump or his servers, in their opinion. The FBI gave Trump a clear on the Russian bullshit a long time ago.

Do you think that people in Washington do things that approval to cya?

The people who made this thread want us to think so. That's the same excuse Hillary used. It's funny how nobody remembers setting up her server. It's real fuckin' comical.

They literally don't have any beyond Trump saying that it was done. That's all the proof they have.

Yeah, because we're supposed to reflexively distrust the highest office in the land. Whose talking point was that?

Oh yeah! The talking point of bloodthirsty Obama who expanded the drone program, expanded the surveillance state, and spied on his political enemies! What a fun gi.

You're on /r/conspiracy, distrust of the President is expected and when Obama was president there were posts about his surveillance state and abuses of power.

Also, I instinctively distrust someone who repeatedly makes bold claims without offering proof; someone who in any other instance would be called a liar. Trump being president doesn't make him any less of a well documented liar.

Let me get this straight.

You're saying Obama went to a judge and used FISA to get a wiretap on Trump, and that's illegal. Forget about the fact that source you keep posting has zero proof - if Obama went to the FISA court and got a judge to OK wiretaps, it is by definition legal.

Really you seem to throw words around with no interest in their actual meaning...

It isn't

When has FBI investigations and FISA warrants been ruled illegal?

This is unprecedented. Im sure we will find out soon whether its legal to spy on a opposing candidate for POTUS using federal agencies. Or if it is "legal", will it be ok for Trump to do the same thing? Since you know, there is no double standard at all here, right?

If it's approved by the FISA courts I'm fine with it.

So you're saying him being a political opposition should make him immune to legal wiretaps?

What. Fucking. Proof.

It's unprecedented to spy on Russia. Lol fuck off shill.

Rule #10

Rule 10.Warning.

You responded to something that wasn't a genuine question, friend. I'm sorry for your lots.

I get that but where is the proof that Obama was directly involved?

There's no proof that Obama directly ordered it, but given his history of wiretapping, an investigation needs to be done. Look up James Rosen and the AP being wiretapped. Someone in the Obama Administration ordered it.

I get that Obama is/was heavily in favor of spying but how can Trump accuse him of doing that without concrete proof?

How can the Democrats accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians without concrete proof? Also I'm not trying to deflect, but that's Trump. He's a hothead. Maybe it's because he's trying to get the media away from the Russians? Maybe the media and the Democrats are focusing on Russians to hide their corruption and DC pedophile rings? Who the fuck knows. I will say this: Somebody is going to prison.

DC pedophile rings?

Uh, wow. Still with this huh?

I will say this: Somebody is going to prison.

Why isn't Hillary in prison? Trump could order an investigation or a committee be created. Why hasn't he?

This is r/conspiracy we talk about conspiracies like the Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Originally Trump said he would send a special prosecutor to look into her emails. It was really shitty and stupid, partially why I voted against him. But if there was an exchange of information between Hillary Clinton's campaign and Obama's Administration with the wiretapping, then they may both go to prison.

But if there was an exchange of information between Hillary Clinton's campaign and Obama's Administration with the wiretapping, then they may both go to prison.

I promise you they will not go to prison. There is no reason to believe that Trump is going to investigate Hillary's campaign. He could have done it, he has not done it. It's not gonna happen.

As for what Obama ordering it, eh. They still got the FISA warrant, and Obama was huge on spying which explains his EO with the sharing of information between the ICs.

This is r/conspiracy we talk about conspiracies like the Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

Yeah that's fine the problem the "DC Pedophiles" are used as a boogeyman to attempt to shut down arguments a lot now.

Don't agree? Oh you must be a pedo defender! No one wants to be called that. Silencing tactic. So I get tired of it getting brought up at all nowadays unless the topic is specifically about that.

Trump doesn't have to investigate Hillary's campaign. I never said that. A special prosecutor will look into it or some select committee will probably form to look into the Russians, Trump's campaign, Hillary's campaign, and Obama's Administration during the election. It was a hypothetical by the way and you don't know that Obama didn't do it. But we don't know that Obama did do it.

The only reason I mentioned the DC pedophile ring was in my hypothetical if the Democrats and the media were trying to draw away from it. From what I see you're shutting down arguments. Remember this statement you made?

"Uh wow, still with this huh?"

Right...I'm the one shutting down an argument. Nice projection you got going on. Also I never said you had to agree with it and I never called you a pedo defender. You brought that up. I merely pointed out to your confrontational statement that we look into all conspiracies.

Right...I'm the one shutting down an argument. Nice projection you got going on. Also I never said you had to agree with it and I never called you a pedo defender. You brought that up. I merely pointed out to your confrontational statement that we look into all conspiracies.

I explained why I said what I said and it's perfectly valid.

Trump doesn't have to investigate Hillary's campaign. I never said that. A special prosecutor will look into it or some select committee will probably form to look into the Russians, Trump's campaign, Hillary's campaign, and Obama's Administration during the election. It was a hypothetical by the way and you don't know that Obama didn't do it. But we don't know that Obama did do it.

My point is just that he isn't going to investigate them. Ever. It was all talk and bullshit. He said he would, he can make it happen, and if he wanted to he would have done it because it would be another promise he could say he kept. So why hasn't he?

Because you don't just lock up the most powerful and high profile politicians in the world, specifically HRC, who has connections to THE most powerful family in the world and think that's just going to fly without a proportionate, directed retaliation from the citizenship, press, the Deep State, you name it. This isn't TV where you just go lock up the bad guy, perp walk them into the station and go "Book 'em" and ride off like the Lone Ranger. The case has to be airtight, all possible variables need to be examined, all connections exposed, a total slam dunk with no chance of acquittal. Sessions, Trump and anyone serious about bringing them down would be putting targets on their heads along with their families too - it's rumored Barron Trump is not living in DC for precisely that reason. Even IF Hilldawg or big names like Obama, Schumer, McCain got clipped for the pedophilia/occultism, I wouldn't be surprised if it was done in secret with a ready-made media excuse to cover it all up, even to the point of faking their deaths rather than expose the whole fucked up underbelly of what REALLY goes down at the highest levels. Just think of what those kind of revelations would do to the average person, the national/world psyche and people's sense of security to find out that people you trusted and voted for are raping, torturing and eating children. TPTB rely on our sustained faith in the inherent "goodness" and "honesty" of their illusory government and its puppets, or the whole thing comes apart and fast. We know and they know we can't handle a redpill like that in one shot, so we're getting little snippets that progressively get bigger and bigger. All about maintaining control.

He can accuse him. Just like I can accuse you of being a fucking murderer, Chabal10.

Not shit will come of either of them though.

How did they know that Flynn had a conversation with the Russian ambassador? By law, if the NSA hears an American voice on the other end, they have to shut it down. They also have Obama's order, without probable cause, to order the wiretap when he filled it with the FISA court. That's how we know .

Dude, do your research, it was a federal judge who granted a warrant to the FBI. The warrant was issued because of the evidence presented to the court - it was sufficiently convincing that there was interference from a foreign state.

Actually, the FISA court turned it down twice. They went judge shopping.

Don't you talk about my obama like that. I'm gonna make sure your comment sits at ZERO!!

Why would genuine people support such a fake person?

The fact that this post is what shows up at the top of controversial shows why the OP has a hugely inflated vote count, I suspect.

all of reddit is.

Yep, /r/all is littered with biased bullshit political posts that don't belong on the subreddits they're even posted on. Nice new algorithm Reddit, they've already beaten it. Or did Admins give them a heads up and that's why they created so many of the same type of subs filled with bots?

its funny how they isolate the_donald but have no problem with corporations hiring shills to manufacture comments and threads all over their website. reddit is lost.

I'm not even a fan of T_D but holy shit the admins basically promoted outside sources taking over all political subs last year and it bled over into every subreddit larger than 100k subscribers.

Meanwhile they allow hate subs like Enough_Sanders_Spam to openly harass, threaten and brigade. I guess that's all OK when someone disagrees with you politically, but not if it's a dieting issue.


Enough_Sanders_Spam t

i was personally victiized and not one of the offenders were dealt with appropriately

re-edits is a sham of what it could be and until we get a completely new administration within administrating this situation back to proper it will just be the corrupted entity it finds itself....

Yeah a lot of us at Way of the Bern have been targeted, including a 16 year old phone-banker who they've harassed for over a year now.

call them out for what they are

Yeah because the admins will be sure to shut it down, i mean look at what happened to SRS


Shit reddit says. I aint linking to that cesspool. They are the folks who doxx and brigade with admin approval.


my suggestion avoid their herd altogether

kinda quiet over there nnot a thing to say for 10 months wow

Whoops. Made a typo.

i had a feeling this happens when i am calling out putie and gtet the wrong one who loves cats

Targeted how?

Hate speech, and invasions of safespaces from the sounds of it..,

Yeah t_D had a list of it's most active users made by sharia blue...it's hilarious.

How do they harass users?

How have hey isolated t_d?

It's lost in a way. What has happened is a clear illustration in what happened to reality before the internet. Controlled by elites defining the news. Altering people's beliefs by using the media as a weapon. A pro is that thanks to Wikileaks and documented evidence we can observe this phenomenon of evolution. Knowledge and awareness is step 1. Now we have the technology that has provided all the data to give us a more transparent society. Just one simple example; how the top 1% have been gaining 90% of wealth. Before we would be told this is normal. Now more people have access to clear statistics and numbers that show there is enough money to give everyone basic needs like food, water, and shelter. Everything else past that must be worked for.

I digress. Now we comes the best step. Replacing these old methods and technologies with better ones. Ones that use the blockchain in an effort to benefit all humanity. Like the blockchain.

very intelligent post, i wasnt aware of ethereum or blockchain. good stuff.

Spread the good word fellow Earthling.

yes transparent blockchain and a government of the citizens pure we dont need the middle men [i actually tyed muddle men and i think it appropo as well] anymore and they are realizing this in spades!

The algorithm was made to defeat us

Yes, good luck with that - we have the rational truth on our side.

Can someone explain the algorithm and what it does?

Certain subs and users have non-equal voting weights to calculate when a post will reach the front page.

Imagine a pay-to-play user's upvote worth double, triple, or 10X your account's vote.

Now imagine a sub where downvotes are also not equal to upvotes.

10 upvotes + 10 downvotes = not 0


Say you run a small reddit where the average post gets 10 upvotes. Suddenly a great thread apears and gets 500 upvotes. That post makes it to all.

Then say you have a sub that gets 7k votes on every post. It takes 15k+ for it to make it to all.

Because t_d is a karma mine of upvoters

if it bothers you that much go hang out on 8chan

What's worse is that they created /r/popular to create a place where that wouldn't happen and it still happens there.

Yesterday I was on it and the front page alone there were 5 political posts that had "It would be a shame if /r/all saw this" in the title.

They're here as well.

Notice whenever there's a post that hurts Obama, Hillary, the left, and even people that don't like Trump such as McCain, the post, this sub and OP are openly attacked and they say this sub is T_D now to shut down discussion.

Yet any posts that hurt Trump, Pence, or anyone affiliated is upvoted and the comments are all organic discussion of the topic.

It's very obvious the shills are spilling over from the various left wing Hate Spaces around reddit, as they are spilling into default subs as well.

What's killing me with this fucking website though is that subs like /r/baseball and /r/NBA are getting political also though. Yeah I am interested in politics so I sub to the subs that fit my views...but I come to this website primarily for news on video games, sports and just general cool stuff. /r/Warshipporn, /r/natureismetal... most of the subs that used to really interest me are losing their sway because they have to get political. This sub does it too (worshipping Trump) but it's a lot less than most other subs.

Humanity is

All of the net.

Is voat any better? Iv been thinking about leaving

But what op said about us being independent thinkers is what resonates with me. Sure, there many examples where we fall in line when something's posted that we really hope!/want! To be true... Like Antarctica stories. But these people who are paid to come and shill this crap, do they actually believe we will suddenly say "oh okay, this lie has been repeated enough times that it must be true by now!!!". ?

its just so pathetic.

Except the_donald

Well I have a dog in the fight, I don't know if that makes me a hack. I'm ok with criticizing "my team" and speculating on their ulterior motives but I have chosen a side.

The shit playing out right now is not politics as usual and I think it is ok to want to engage with people about it.

This whole election cycle has me questioning a lot of things I thought I knew and believing that there really are big league conspiracies directing world events.

So if you don't want me here I don't know what to say. I want to say "fuck off" but that's just a knee jerk reaction to being rejected. I guess just go on hating me but I'm not going anywhere.

If you "have a dog in the fight" you should discuss that in that dog's owns sub. This sub was never intended to discuss surface level right vs left bullshit. You admittedly are totally new to this whole conspiracy thing, what makes you feel qualified to be here debating? Would you go to /r/physics and join discussions you know nothing about? How about study a subject before you talk about it. If you're still picking a team you aren't ready

Would you go to /r/physics and join discussions you know nothing about?

In /r/Physics, there are objectively correct answers. Here - no.

Politicians are not immune to physics. Objectively correct answers exist even in social systems which dearly wish to pretend they do not.

I just respond to them with stupid jiberish. I make them work for their money. Hey, everyone has the right to earn a living no matter how shifty the job is.


Like this?

“You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things. But nobody talks about that.”

That's some top-tier gibberish right there.

Hey, everyone has the right to earn a living no matter how shifty the job is.

You can't... be serious. Liars and torturers have a right to earn a living by hurting others? Polluters have a right to earn a living that way?

Ya, true but Obama is gone now.

Where are your proofs Russia has put shill here?

Cheers to you Mike_McDermott! My thoughts exactly --- Fuck all of them!

The sub is lost. The don shills win a pyrrhic victory

lol don shills win. Look everywhere else. The donald only has 2 subs if you count conspiracy. Anyone who's against the liberals/shills propaganda is struggling to survive on reddit. Meanwhile anti-trump subs are popping up everywhere and their shills are invading other non-political subs.

On this sub. You've got republican and consertive as well.

The only reason they exist is by banning all dissent.

Maybe because most of the reddit users have always been historically liberal with a libertarian tint?

I'm a liberal. Voted for Stein. Are you telling me that this is a Trump sub now? Where am I going to go for non partisan examination of gov't corruption? I believe everyone needs to be exposed to daylight- TheDNC and the Donald. Both are fucked. So if this is a partisan sub now, that's too bad.

I think it's because reality has a "liberal bias".

Is this serious? ShareBlue and the leftie shills are BY FAR the lion's share of idiots. T_D is one of maybe three subs where Trump supporters don't get shit on by literally everyone, and they're much, much more civil to each other in there than people are in this sub, that's for sure. And that's from maybe 1-2 days of lurking with the occasional post.

Good thing one fucking idiot doesn't speak for a whole sub. Any more low hanging fruit?


The point is that was the top comment

He's at +17 votes. In every other sub he would've been -500. I think that says something.

Maybe it's being manipulated to not count down votes. It's possible. Shariablue and the elite media moguls own Reddit enough to plant some of their people to post that. Then they disallow down voting on it. Then they get a couple people like you to create false conversations that are also programmed to not receive downvotes. Now other people start thinking it's okay to judge all of TD by one comment. Now other people think more and more TD people are posting this ideology when they're all plants too. Checkmate Shariablue wins. Not really. Because people catch on and we're too smart. TD starts being more careful and starts banning those comments. Sike. Checkmate again. It's too late shariablue already controls all of Reddit. /r/conspiracy and TD completely compromised. They're all in on it trying to secretly impeach trump. Wrong. Moderator civil war. 1776 Reddit style commences again. Freedom reigns and truth exposed. Corruption averted and civilization can continue to thrive and evolve. TD not judged by one nasty comment.

Welcome to /r/conspiracy. Try again shills.

So you really think conservatives don't use PR firms? I know you probably won't look into them, but here's an example:

DCI that works for the Republican Party:

DCI Group offers services that include national, state and local lobbying; coalition building; and generating “grasstops” and constituent support for issues. The firm has been linked to several industry-funded coalitions that pose as grassroots organizations. Perhaps it comes as no surprise as DCI advertises its ability to provide “third party support” to clients.

Didn't say they didn't, but they are vastly outnumbered by ShareBlue and others like them. I'd reckon it's not even close, really.

Why would you reckon that?

The overwhelming amount of suspicious comments and fuckery I've seen are predominantly from left-leaning posters that tend to:

  • bash Trump incessantly, to the point of bringing him up in unrelated comments just to do it
  • Attack 9/11 truthers and anything Pedogate-related
  • Engage in smear tactics, gaslighting of contrary opinions and advice hominem
  • claim that T_D shills are behind it all

Happens way too often for it to be anything organic.

I agree. The elites that control the media hate Trump. That's 100% for certain. When the media likes a candidate. That's when I'm really scared.

My God, the mental gymnastics you people jump through to defend your little cult that is t_d. Jesus.

Just look at the upvotes and downvotes on your own post. You had a very insightful and non-inflammatory post, yet you're getting downvoted bc you showed some solidarity with the T_D censorship. Fucking pathetic u/spez

Thanks. I agree. Though I must admit, I got a little silly in my post.

Rock on. Lateral thinking unravels all kind of shit.

Means literally nothing when upvotes and downvotes are rigged and people (myself likely included) are tagged by bots/shills and auto-downvoted whenever they say something against whatever particular narrative. And it means nothing bc fake internet points.

That, and the 16 others who upvoted him. Plus the thousands who upvoted that post.

He felt comfortable posting that there. and received support. The fbi should be monitoring every fucking mouth breathing racist terror inciter and supporter on that sub.

I'll keep that suggestion every single time one of the psychotic lefties threaten Trump or his admin with violence when he doesn't take a Presidential morning shit ;). And considering Reddit is 100% compromised with paid trolls, shills and people sliding topics and farming votes, the whole system is suspect. ESPECIALLY when it always seems to favor the leftist narrative. But you already knew that.

And considering Reddit is 100% compromised with paid trolls, shills and people sliding topics and farming votes, the whole system is suspect. ESPECIALLY when it always seems to favor the leftistright wing narrative.

ftfy, i mean t-d is the biggest bot farm on this site and you whine about leftist vote manipulation? cry more.

Even though the dominant political ideology on Reddit is 90-10 leftist minded posts vs right and almost every sub on r/all is strictly anti-Trump? Even though there's dozens of anti-Trump subs and what, 2 or 3 heavily censored and brigaded pro-Trump subs? I sure wish I too could only see what I want to see instead of looking at, you know, facts. I'd love to know how that really matters in the grand scheme of things. It's not liberal posters and comments and posters that make up the majority that are getting banned or deleted or censored.

Even though the dominant political ideology on Reddit is 90-10 leftist minded posts vs right and almost every sub on r/all is strictly anti-Trump? Even though there's dozens of anti-Trump subs and what, 2 or 3 heavily censored and brigaded pro-Trump subs?

and despite that t-d posts make it to the top of /all all the time. So whats that say to you? says to me they're using a lot of bots and manipulation to not just get drowned in the downvotes they deserve, you agree?

Seems to me they have do it just to be seen whatsoever BECAUSE of the extreme vote manipulations done by ShareBlue to slander pro-Trump comments and posts and slide them to stop their spread.

That is not the proper role of the FBI. It was not the role of the FBI under past presidents to infiltrate left-wing groups. It should not be the role of the FBI under future presidents to infiltrate right-wing groups.

the fbi shouldn't be monitoring people who are advocating hate crimes and violence? They shouldn't be preparing to arrest these t-d posters, why, cause inciting terror doesn't count if you're a white right winger? what exactly is your rationale for saying fbi needs to step back and not investigate these monsters who are trying to radicalize the youth of america?

Their upvotes beg to differ.

WRONG and missing the point.

It isn't missing the point since it clearly isn't just "one fucking idiot," it's a lot of fucking idiots and it speaks volumes of what the sub considers kosher.

Ok, let me rephrase. X amount of idiots do not represent the people who AREN'T racist idiots. There's tons of normal people in T_D who just like Trump. Simple enough for you?

It's indicative of an environment where racist idiots are allowed to get away with being racist idiots. That behavior wouldn't be tolerated, much less upvoted just about anywhere else. That behavior is reflective of everyone in that sub.

Simple enough for you?

Your logic is heavily flawed at a basic level. End of story.

You are blind to the evidence in front of you. End of story.

Mkay guy

This is a thread with manipulated votes. <3

It says a lot lately that the comments section of /r/conspiracy's posts are actually filled with voices of reason a the top. I think it's a sign of change. Their bots can up vote their posts but they're human's are starting to get run out.

"Voices of reason" aka calling this sub T_D 2.0 and mocking the users when the narritive isn't anti-Trump.

The sub is never anti Trump. Look at the front page right now, and through the week. There is a stickied post attacking esist, all posts on Sessions lying about Russian meetings were removed. There are a few posts attacking Obama for "illegally wiretapping" Trump, a claim who's main source is Trump's own tweet. There are posts exposing and attacking leakers from the Trump administration. John McCain, who has begun opposing Trump is suddenly subject to massively upvoted nonsense posts. There is nothing at all about Trump's repeated weekends at his private resort full of unknown members who've paid a quarter million apiece to "socialize" with him.

For an "anti establishment" sub it sure seems to be bending over backwards to defend the administration and attack it's enemies.

Yup, I think even a hardliner skeptic that saw value in /r/conspiracy's anti-Democrat-establishmentism during the election has to admit that this sub is being used to push Trump propaganda nowadays. The proportion of Trump defending and attacking his enemies is way too high - there's organized controlling of the sub involved. (Or at the very least, the non-Trump-supporting faction of conspirators left, and the viewer base is very pro-Trump in here now).

I started thinking this until I read the STICKY post on this sub about /r/esist. The mods in here are helping this sub go alt-right

I rarely go to the front page anymore. Try to stick to /r/conspiracy/controversial where the good stuff is.

This, friends, is what a "concern troll" looks like .

No it's not

Yes it is. It's extremely textbook. This is what concern trolls look like. It is possible for a legit user to post this message, but this is also the message that concern trolls post.

Lol go back to your t_D safe space, no one gives a fuck about "concern trolls" outside of that echo chamber.

I think it's starting to turn around. Any blatantly pro trump posts usually get torn apart in the comments.

Yep, but the posts keep on getting upvoted. That's a sure sign of bots.

Yeah, it has to be just T_D.

No way has this sub become infected with shills from the various left wing hate spaces that brigade their stuff onto most of the default subs.

Spaces such as /r/politics, /r/enoughtrumpspam, /r/impeach_Trump, /r/Trumpgret, /r/shitThe_DonaldSays, /r/fuckthealtright, /r/taxmarch, /r/the_shulz /r/Trumpnicknames, /r/againsthatesubreddits (ironic), /r/the_cheeto, /r/TheDuped, /r/antiTrumpalliance, /r/tinyhandsinc /r/NeverTrump, /r/IndivisibleGuide, /r/BannedfromThe_Donald /r/justicedemocrats, /r/unpresidented, /r/Marchforscience, /r/TrumpforPrison /r/TinyTrumps, /r/MiloForPrison, /r/EnoughRightSpam, /r/EnoughAltRightSpam, /r/WTFAmerica, /r/EnoughGOPSpam, /r/liesTrumptoldus, /r/regrettingTrump, etc, etc

I'll be downvoted by them, but no matter, facts remain. :)

Both sides use shills.

The hot topic titles with up to date buzz words drive me fucking nuts.

Actually, the people who weren't fooled aren't here anymore. I dropped by r/politics because I had heard it was really bad. OMG. Lots more people still here than other places, but it's kind of like they think they are playing in a sand box but instead it's the cat's litter pan. I always had to come here to get news and r/news is blatant propaganda. Run. Away.

What does really bad mean? Just because it's majority liberal?

Yep. Liberals are all shills according to this sub.

I find it funny though... If they are paying that many people to a hill online... You'd think that they could have just paid them to vote in the states Hillary lost by a small margin that gave Trump the win.

Because the internet and bots are different than reality how bout dat. Like how you can have 20 reddit account with 20 different IPs to shit post 20 different times and up vote your own post 20 times but you can note vote like this so no she still would have not won. If you guys still see "sides" like liberal and conservative and whatever than you guys need to lurk more

I've lurked here for years.

This sub is not recognizable as the place it once was.

That's the reason I comment here sometimes now.

The Russian conspiracy is something this sub would have dove into face first with gleeful abandon in the past.

Now it attempts to shut down any discussion of it.

/r/conspiracy has become the conspiracy.

The Russian conspiracy is something this sub would have dove into face first with gleeful abandon in the past. Now it attempts to shut down any discussion of it.

Hear, hear.

Lets start with why though. This sub is not recognizable because of the people OP listed. This is ALL of reddit because these shills and bots are abusing Reddits crap algo thats why you see 1000 of the same worded subs with the same subscribers with the same posts and the same comments just worded a little little differently. I explained why she would not have won at all according to your if every liberal was a shill. I mean if you really do lurk here a lot like you say you would have seen the Reddit is really bought sticky that was up for days and you would understand its just VPNs proxies and up/down vote bots being used and only a small team of people because Magic Internet Reddit Points are worth nothing. Dont slide topic with "This isnt conspiracy anymore" it just does NOT help at all. Instead why dont you post actual sources to this russian conspiracy and back it up on your own thread in conspiracy than posting in OPs clearly drunk rage of reddit because lets face it reddit is abused by the Admins and lets face it anyone with a wallet. I could be gilded and on front page tommorow saying I should be president in 2020 because I can type all because I could pay for it.

Pizzagate brought a lot of Trump supporters here, and now this sub is terribly politicized.

The Russian conspiracy is an attempt to justify a wiretap that should never have existed. Elite Dems are trying to pretend they believe in it in order to meme into existence a reasonable doubt that will save Obama from prosecution. That's your damn Russian conspiracy.

Hahahahahah this is rich

It's truly awe inspiring

The Russian conspiracy is something this sub would have dove into face first with gleeful abandon in the past.

You can bet your bottom dollar if from the beginning it was about Hillary or Obama this sub would be salivating at every dot they could connect

Anyone who supports a neo-liberal or a neo-conservative ideology is a shill because they are against everyone's best interest and in support of everything this sub condemns.

I consider myself centrist and personally I would describe r/politics as really bad. From its name and community info, I don't think it's ridiculous to have an expectation of open discussion with view points from both sides being represented. I understand it's not going to be equal, because of Reddit's demographic, it's gonna skew to one side, but it's been getting out of hand. Literally every attempt at voicing a right leaning view point is downvoted to hell and/or dismissed as idiotic/malicious, even if it's a perfectly rational stance. Lots of what-about-isms come up during that. On top of that, I've been seeing irrational left leaning ideologies being supported a disturbing amount through upvotes. During the whole "punch a Nazi" and violence at UC Berkeley media cycle, multiple different threads had triple digit upvoted comments non-ironically supporting the violence. Also what people are expecting from Trump gets very melodramatic often, but I've been trying to be forgiving of that for now. I remember how the right was having a meltdown when Obama first took office. It's just frustrating when I'm looking for people's opinion on Trump's cabinet pick for DOE, and there's people seriously concerned with the possibility of nuclear war.

It is what it is. I still subscribe to it even though I can't do much about it, it's just disappointing when I have to be careful about commenting anything other than the anti-Trump echo chamber type stuff. There is sometimes a tiny portion of decent information on there, I've just come accustomed to dismissing most of the content.

What do you mean when you say liberal? I'm a progressive and can't stand /r/politics and is was once a favorite sub. Shilling and propaganda are toxic no matter who pays for it.

Can confirm. Was not fooled, did not stick around.

r/politics, r/news, r/technology and r/science are complete shillfests! I used to get my news from here but that changed a few years back when all the online reputation management companies started popping up.

They've already won since people have trouble discerning other's motives. They like when you pick either side for sure.

It doesn't matter what other people's motives are on here. What matters is the validity and rationality of their comments. If a shill actually raises a good point, then good for them, I actually appreciate it. But when you have comments like "lol you still believe in pizzagate" or something, it's just valueless even if the guy isn't a shill.

And I've said it before, the shills are just fucking terrible at their jobs, it is so damn easy picking them out. Seriously, shills, we know you're here, so how about you actually put some effort into shilling? Here, I'll start you off with a free piece of advice: you need to build your conspiracy street cred before you start shilling in threads that have like 43 upvotes and 0% /r/all exposure. You just look out of place when you go to your shill troll script and we check your account and see that you have zero interactions with any conspiracy threads yet you somehow found a tiny thread in a niche subreddit. /r/all redditors make shill-like comments but they only come to threads that actually reach the front page, those people don't hang out in subreddits that they make fun of and they sure don't find tiny threads with 3 comments and leave their own shill comments.

So get with it shills, start posting pro-conspiracy stuff on the less threatening conspiracy theories. And after you build up some credibility, maybe your shilling will work better.

Say "shill" one more time...

I truly believe people see through all this political spam. I also believe the bot and shill issue to be much larger than believed. I wouldn't be shocked if 50+% of accounts are fake

For how long? No one thinks that advertisements effect their decisions, but they do. There is a lot of science that proves it, that is why it is a billion dollar industry. It works by constantly bombarding people with ideas. Reddit shills work the same. They will cut through your mind like a river through a mountain.

Reddit can not be trusted to even show dissenting comments, or accurate vote counts. Shadow banning is the most insidious social control that has ever existed.

Eris rules everything because all attempts to control other people's decisions are ultimately flawed. The more people tighten their control, the more extreme the response of those who slip between the cracks. That extremity of response is worth more than any amount of control.

yea, wheres all out god old conspiracy stuff, guys? now they are bringing politics here

Clinton ordered Scalia's death VoHiYo

blame the people at fault. shareblue and soros

But not the Conservative equivalents?

THis is a very common comment I see. Someone calls out how bad a particular candidate or policy or person is on the left, and some guy chimes in with,

"OH, So only the LEFT is bad huh? I swear this place is a conservative fuck fest..."

This is done intentionally. Any shit comment like that is trying to continue to morph our image into this sinking ship being taken over by conservative values. It's bullshit, fuck trump and fuck politics.

I am just getting tired of the soros boogyman and everyone forgetting about Kochs and the tea party.

That sentiment is mutual with your tribal other, you do realize? They're tired of the Koch bogeyman and everyone forgetting about Soros.

How about being the change you want to see in the world? Be the one who listens to the other side's tiredness. Take the concerns of the other guy seriously. Investigate Soros and stand against him wherever he seems to be wrong. He'll either survive that process or he won't. While you're at it, you'll gain a lot of insight into the people who think Koch is the lesser evil, and by your example you can likely persuade them to listen to your side's tiredness next.

It's both "sides". If you don't see that then you are lost

Thanks, this exactly. Politics and left right are an illusion.

i don't see trump supporters (or people who you might assume to be) posting blatantly off topic stuff

F-ing A. Gotta stay detached and apolitical. It's simply one of the more prominent heavily invested in false dialectics many adhere to without knowing how deep the gloom goes at each "end" of the political spectrum which is what r/consp. has always been in the business of revealing until it got a shot in the arm from wikileaks and the recent cascade of anons, leakers and decent folk who are no longer putting up with the façade.

Hence the recently amplified influx of dis-info agents, agent provocateurs, shills, bots, career political advisors/think tank experts/strategists, JTRIG goons, CIA/mil. intell spook f-tards etc....hi guys.

"You will not divide us! (Reeeeeeeeeeeeee)" LOL.

Are you really that independent when you believe every trump and wikileaks tweet while banning russian conspiracy posts?

Fuck trump dude...the Donald trump supporters don't count here lol. All of the actual organic skeptical pre-election users here don't buy his bs. Someone had to say it.

Let the shill downvotes commence

I love you /u/djklbd

I could not agree with you more!

Thanks man, I work out. I love you too!

I've never agreed with most of the topics that are posted on this sub, but there has been a clear degrade in the "conspiracies" that are bandied now. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed.

I agree with you whole heartedly.

Clear degrade?? This sub has been a shitpost clusterfuck since t_d took over it, if this sub were a horse someone should shot it in the head for good

It went off a cliff, but I remember a year or so ago it not being quite as /r/cringe worthy.

Plus all the different government agencies. Sometimes I think we should avoid the bulls-eye on our backs.

Reddit is really disgusting I wish there was an alternative hopefully voat gets better

We've definitely become the Sweden of reddit.

Sweden is neutral, this sub is not.

Sweden isn't neutral anymore. People are paying more attention to world events than you think.

Some person on r/politics was refusing to even consider the ideas I was proposing or look at links and simply kept asking me time wasting questions over and over. I called him a shill and was banned for a week. At least the Moderator was polite about it ( I did not realize that the word "shill" was being censored. )

This shit is off the hook...Whee!- trying to tell the truth - I love it!

One of the tricks I use to resist being harassed out of forums is simply to ignore replies. If I'm interested in a conversation, I will manually navigate to that conversation. I will do this only for so long as a conversation interests me. I'm rarely dragged back to a conversation by someone replying, so someone trying to overcomply me into tiredness can't succeed. I only comment as long as I'm actually interested in doing so. Good conversations will bring me in, but timewasting replies won't.

Thanks - I see the folly in answering every jab of a baiter.

Some of them are really skilled at dragging people in...


It's the ass cancer killing most of Reddit, including this sub. Thank God I still have r/kappa, never lets me down with the lulz and still relatively untouched by shill fucks.

time to leave this place behind

I unsubbed months ago. I still pop back in every once in a while to see if there's still shit on the walls.

Yep, wall are still covered in shit.

NSFW tag might help

If you believe in left vs right. You're a dumb fuck or a shill

The left and the right does exist and has a purpose. It's people believing either there are only left and right as opposed to up and down or vice versa that are a "dumb fuck or a shill" as you put it. Conservatism and liberalism are actually things, they are not the only thing. Similarly, there are the elites and the masses, that is not all there is. Reality is not that reductive.

Lol there's thousands of political ideologies, but people somehow squeeze it into two sides. Like a sports game. Hence dumb fucks or shills

True, but that is different from saying left vs right isn't a thing and believing it is makes you, again, a "dumb fuck or a shill"

I get you. I don't mean they don't exist as ideologies, but If you buy into the left vs right nonsense and can't see why that's flat out wrong, then...

You're 100% on the money. I just posted and got brigaded with 3 very obvious shill accounts. It's sad. Genuine people are here for truth and to share that with others.

I think we're reaching a critical mass with the anti-shill stuff here.

I'm not saying that astroturfing does't exist, or that it's not a serious problem, but there's a greater irony here...

The essence of a conspiracy theory lies in the willingness to have an open mind. To think critically about widely accepted beliefs. To entertain notions without necessarily buying in to them.

This subreddit has gone so deep down the confirmation bias rabbit-hole that dissenting opinions are not just disregarded, they're automatically branded as part of an active conspiracy against the pro-Trump stance that this subreddit has assumed.

As a matter of fact, I've never seen a subreddit change so dramatically in both content and attitude than I have with /r/conspiracy over the past few years.

If you're so good at reading in between the lines then you should be able discern between a normal liberal on the internet and a corporate shill. And quite frankly you should try harder at doing so.

If you're going to automatically reject any opinion that doesn't line up with your own, then you're a bigger part of the fucking problem than the shills.

yeah but if you look at the evidence, you most likely will support Trump too. Infowars gives you all the evidence you need. r/the_donald gives good factual evidence as well. Even 4chan is bringing forth evidence to support this pro donald thing. At this point, after all the evidence I have seen, I am basically "Pro Trump 100%" now. Does that mean I am not looking at the evidence? no, I read from all the other front page news subreddits to get an opinion on both sides of the story. I have come to the conclusion that I am most likely going to agree with the Trump supporters. Some of them can be stupid, but I DO support and believe in Trump 100%. I have no doubts about him. I have also found no evidence to deny his authenticity as well.

yeah but if you look at the evidence, you most likely will support Trump too.

What if you like Muslims? What the environment is of importance to you? What if you believe in climate change - there are mountains of evidence there if you're a science type?

What if you like people who can emit a coherent, meaningful English sentence?

What if you don't like a President who is obviously using the office to push his own business interests? What if you don't want to see even more rich billionaires in the cabinet?

I understand friend, I truly do. I used to be really concerned about climate change, until I saw the evidence. Climate change is a giant hoax promoted by the globalist, now I know that sounds wacky but you must believe me. I can DM the proof if you so wish desire. I like muslims too :D, two friends of mine are muslim. both moved to America this school year. You must understand that there is a difference between being an AMERICAN muslim (legally) and an immigrant. There is dozens of videos showing the violence and brutality that the immigrants induce amongst the European population. These videos include Muslims raping swedish girls, destroying building, robbing trucks etc, one video includes a woman being raped and one immigrant laughing as if she were nothing but an animal. Her screams were horrifying. Yes Trump is illiterate that is annoying, but I truly believe that Trump cares about America and that he is doing his best to support our country. He IS a president for the people. Why do I say that? Because he listens to us. I have proof of all of this, just DM me if you want it. I would rather have a rich billionaire who became rich through his immense success in business more so than a corrupt globalist politician who had his whole life pre planned for him (including the money). Trump is authentic which is why I like him. The rabbit hole goes deeper than you think and I have only begun to scratch the surface of the truth of what is really going on. I advise you to do the research for yourself because it is out there. you MUST search hard but I believe you will find it. Best of wishes to you friend.

btw, look into George Soros, read about his upbringing and his influence on global society. This is a good starting point.

Everything you just said is so sad. I am really sorry. But I hope real facts eventually reach you and make you see the whole picture. On climate change I actually suggest you take a look on some real science and see the proof of it and how it has already started to have an effect on nature around us. On other things I just do not know. I mean to just support Trump with no reservations and doubt is extremely dangerous but good luck and I guess he will prove one of us wrong in the future.

and I am sorry for you too :) I hope one day you find the real facts as well. Oh well, I guess we all don't have the luxury of being ignorant don't we. have fun with that. I support Trump with reason based upon fact you are accusing me of something which I have never said or done. I have emphasized this point many times. Once again I must state how ironic this situation is because you are no different than the your cult media which you hold so dearly. I still have the evidence debunking climate change if you want it. I also mentioned this several times. :/

Did not accuse you of actually anything, there is no reason to. But of course I am interested in your proof. Exiting!

Goodnight Grandpa!

Have good night! I was hoping for more actually scientific articles from your end and not infowars and twitter but that is not bad. That said I am going to look into your sources.

In response I am going to leave you some videos of my own that maybe make you look into actual science on these subjects.

https://youtu.be/LiZlBspV2-M https://youtu.be/CcmCBetoR18 https://youtu.be/qEylCS6-hBE

Really simple videos and with tons of sources. Look into those and see what you think. I also suggest looking into articles that talk about how recent changes have been influencing nature around us and how fast that has been happening. If you have more questions and would like to discuss other matters than I am here for you. I will do my best and maybe you can give me great information on other matters. Good knowledge and understanding makes a difference in all of our lives.

I agree! Knowledge is important, circumstances have arisen which is keeping me from sleeping at the current moment. I am tired though.. I will look at these articles and consider them and I thank you for sharing them with me. :)

It's a joke post btw

May not be. I think I saw him talking about doing acid recently in somewhere in his history. And weirdly I actually have a friend who talks in same way about these subjects and is also into spirituality and such. Does not matter anyways, who knows to whom we are actually talking to on here.

What if you like Muslims? What the environment is of importance to you? What if you believe in climate change - there are mountains of evidence there if you're a science type?

No politician really cares about any of those issues.

what if you like people who can emit a coherent meaningful English sentence?

Your post was good up to this line. Do you have any idea that you are feeding the ant-intellectual trend through this unnecessary use of ridicule?

That isn't feeding anti-intellectualism at all.

Does this sentence look coherent to you?

"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

Does this paragraph look coherent to you?

That's not the point. When you make comments like "what if you like people who can emit a coherent meaningful English sentence?", you are not only insulting Trump, but you are insulting everyone who doesn't have the same expensive education as you.

How often are folks on the right called stupid by folks on the left. Have you ever looked at that?

I'm just saying, there's a concern about anti-intellectualism, and maybe we need to look to ourselves to see how that happened.

I think there is an issue pertaining to anti-intellectualism here, but it's more about the Republican party giving heed to anti-intellectualism. Putting the blame on the left for calling folks on the right stupid is ignoring the GOP's steady cultivation of a culture that distrusts intellectuals. Science and reason are viewed as subversive of Conservatism, simply because that is the message that the GOP has been pushing to their base for decades. The left didn't push that message.

Putting the blame on the left for calling folks on the right stupid is ignoring the GOP's steady cultivation of a culture that distrusts intellectuals

I am not defending the republicans, nor disagreeing that their own rhetoric plays a part, but calling people stupid doesn't help. You play right into the strategy.

They call us elitists, so how about we don't act like elitists?

God help us all.

I have no doubts about him. I have also found no evidence to deny his authenticity as well.

The over a 100 times him and his staff have told blatant lies don't make you doubt his authenticity? I mean they're not even good lies, no buys them who isn't riding his asshole.

Where are you getting your information? Yes, I am aware of all of these "lies" yet all the ones that I am aware of have been proven to not be lies at all, but merely the globalists making it look out as if they were lies by Trump. It's called media manipulation. and I have plenty of evidence of that if you would like to see it. Have you looked at all the lies that Hillary, Obama, Bill Clinton, George Bush, McCain have said? they are much more serious of lies than the supposed "lies" that Trump has told lol.

the globalists making it look out as if they were lies by Trump.

You realize trumps a globalist right? Businesses in 24 countries you probably can't even name but no totally America first. Or are the (((globalist))) just everyone who disagrees with Trump? It seems to match up with your liar hit list. But anyways no shit they've all lied or mislead on something but not to the maginitude Trump has in only 2 months of his presidency. Here's some that you can't even dispute because we can pull video of him saying he'd do them: 1. His promise to release his tax returns. 2. Promised to move away from his business in a meaningful way. Neither have happened... anyways with your devotion you should look into this [http://www.esama.ca/warning-signs-that-you-are-in-a-cult]. Have a nice Sunday.

I'll look into it but no, Trumps possible lies according to you are no where near as significant as the globalists. You are dealing with people who rape and mentally torture children in rituals. Trump does not do that. Look into pizzagate, the evidence is there lol.

I shared your statement with a friend of mine, her thoughts below.

  1. He says Trump is a globalist. What is a globalist? That is someone who is part of the government elite who are working towards a one world government. How do you do this? You coordinate an agenda with others around the globe, you consolidate power int specific areas, and you do things that will catalyze globalism like have open borders, take away the sovereignty of nations, and make nations join things like the European Union and the TPP. Trump has not bee involved in the construction of any of these things, and we know this because he has not gone to their meetings such as the Bilderberg group and other yearly meetings. He also has been talking about globalists and what the "robber barons" (look that phrase up) do to destroy the US economically for decades, as can be seen in interviews like literally all of the ones in this video from before he announced his presidency https://youtu.be/MP3pMvc9MOY 2. Of course Trump would take advantage of the world market to expand his business, and it is natural as a businessman to do business is whatever country would get him the most money. He did what was best for his business in the past, but that absolutely does NOT take away from the fact that he literally destroyed the TPP ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership ) as his first executive order. The TPP is a globalist partnership because it forces the United States to make trade deals that are pre set up, rather than the US making trade deals one at a time and changing them within context of the trade situation at hand. The TPP is comparable to having to write an essay with only the suggestions that your phone gives you above the keyboard. 3. Not everyone who disagrees with Trump is a globalist, and you never said that. The obvious anti trump shills and those in high positions of the social order such as famous people and politicians who are vehemently anti trump aren't globalists because they are anti trump, they are globalists because they are trying to have open borders. They are trying to have open borders, keep trade deals like the TPP, allow other cultures to take over other cultures, etc. When we say less than %20 of muslims in the world should be temporarily banned from specific countries because of terrorist infiltration, that isn't racist and the left is only lying to make it seem like he is in the wrong whereas all he is doing is going against a globalist scheme to put random people from other countries that want to harm us over the lives and cultures of those who are citizens. The fact is that these people in high positions and their followers are so obviously controlled. Trump once said "in the news tomorrow I bet they will say I made a big deal out of this. Heres the headline: Donald Trump rants and raves..." and WHAT DID WE SEE THE NEXT DAY... more than 3 major news outlets both on articles and live on air used the phrase "Donald Trump rants and raves". Another example of this extremely obvious planned opposition is when Trump said "Fake media is the enemy of the American people." And guess what all mainstream media outlets posted the next day? "Trump says media is the enemy of the America people." They take the word fake out. THEY THINK THEIR FOLLOWERS ARE STUPID. He specifically said fake, and they TOOK OUT THE WORD FAKE. These are the globalists who also happen to be opposed to Trump. If Trump is a puppet, why would they make it so fucking complicated by doing all these things hhat hurt themselves and funneling millions and millions of dollars to stop Trump? Why did Goldman Sachs give 100% of its campaign donations to Clinton? Why did Saudi Arabia fund 20% of Hilary's campaign? 4. "They've all lied or mislead on something but not to the magnitude that Trump has in only 2 months of presidency" Okay, this is just bullshit. Nearly every single thing that the anti trump movement does, both within the elite and within the anti trump followers, is hypocritical. What has Trump lied about? The MSM is owned by the globalists. Literally. They are bought. Here is proof that goes beyond even the fact that they lie over and over https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jH8dejYGa5A there is absolutely no excuse as to why all of these news outlets would say the exact. same. thing. word for word. All of the news channels are not collaborating, that is ridiculous. The logical answer is that they are all owned and given loose scripts, with specific terms and phrases they must say. Given how much the media lies, and I don't need to give sources for that because we already know, that means Trump has to lie a LOT to lie even more than the MSM AND the people following the globalist agenda. What has Trump lied about within these two months? I can only think of one thing, and that is when he said "last night in Sweden" but even that wasn't a lie. He may or may nit have been referencing the terrorist attack by a non migrant, but even so there of course were crimes committed by migrants that night. Rape, murder, and all crime have gone up in extreme amounts. There are so many crimes being committed by them that Sweden has stopped recording the statistics for crime by race or citizenship status. 5. Yes, he hasn't released his tax returns. His lawyer told him not to and even his supporters know that he has probably out maneuvered paying them some years. Given the fact that he has done more to bring jobs, factories, business, and natural resource management back to the US, that makes up for it in my eyes. There shouldn't even be an income tax, and when you're in a cut throat job like business you can't always afford to pay a large percentage of your wealth. He went bankrupt once and came back from it. Paying taxes hurts, and releasing them would only give people a platform to diss him. It would make people ignore the good he is going and bring attention away from the real issues at hand. 6. He DID move away from his business in a meaningful way. He literally gave ownership of his business to his sons in favor of taking one of the most stressful, time consuming, demanding jobs in America that pays very little compared to his net worth. He has no reason to do this extremely mentally and physically taxing job at the age of 70 when he had billions in his bank account besides the fact that he genuinely wants to help the American people. This person..... And then he sent a link about how to tell if you're in a cult. >implying that the liberty movement stops with Trump. Trump simply catalyzed this movement. We have the momentum and strength in terms of willpower at this point to restore America and the world into a place where countries have fair relationships without all kinds of bullshit wars and globalist groups like the European Union (This is why Britain left). If Trump does somehow turn out to be a puppet, the people of America and the world WILL fight back physically. We may not win but there is absolutely no way that those who understand the importance of stopping the globalists would be complacent if something were to happen like he is killed or if he doesn't protect us or does something else that proves he isn't truly on our side. WE voted him into office because we like the IDEAS he has, but if he turns out to be bunk no one who is truly awake is going to still support him. So his cult claim is also bullshit. They really don't get it. This isn't about Trump. Trump is a part of our movement as far as we know and he stepped up to the plate to help it explode into what it is today.

sorry for the sloppiness, we were talking over text.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 39634

Hahahahahaha infowars

You've never watched it

Correct, I don't waste my time with obvious bullshit.

lol, ok dude.

Trump has spoke about climate change hoax ,vaccines ,promised to end human trafficking, took on the deep state along with other issues conspiracy analyst's have long been concerned about.

This is why this sub supports him.We see him as one of us or if not at least the first president to care about the same issues we as conspiracy analyst's do.

The paid for shill campaign which we all no exists only serves to rally us to his cause.

I agree with you.


I bet most conspiracy regulars would and the downvotes are from David Brocks team of virgin vault dwelling shills.

hahahah! I have no idea who David Brock is. I'm definitely an Alex Jones kind of guy. just to inform you lol.

David Brock is the PoC ... sorry , PoS that's the boss of shill-central known as ShareBlue (Sharia-Blue sounds more adequate) .

ShareBlue is the main force astroturfing the internet in the "fight agains Trump".

Sharia Blue hahaha, good one. Oh god, I may need to check this guy out. I always like reading about the criticism against Trump. Most if not all of it is just laughable.

David Brock is the founder of media matters,correct the record and sharia blue.His paid shills infest reedit like the rats they are.

He is also the ex lover pizzagate star James allenfantis.The two men would have shared many a pizza at comet ding dong.

:0 so that's who he is! Yeah, that guy is no good. Thank you for clarifying.

I like this sub but I'm not a Trump supporter. I think he lead you to believe he'd dismantle the system, but he's just breaking it apart and selling it off the way corporations do during a takeover. I'd "this sub supports Trump" I'll have to find myself another sub. I thought this sub was about identifying lies and unsavory behavior in gov't, no matter who's in office. I thought this sub celebrated whistleblowers and transparency.

Its does

As soon as some credible whistleblowers provide leaks on the trump administration we will be all over it.

But its clear the Russian hacking thing is bullshit and a plot by the shadow government to override the democratic will of the people.They dont want to give trump a chance to even get started on what the people voted him in to do.

its clear the Russian hacking thing is bullshit

As a Berniecrat, I had a vested interest in believing that the Russian narrative was bullshit, partly because it seemed designed to divert attention away from the contents of the emails.

But I am curious about Russia's interest in US politics, and it remains a bipartisan question. I guess folks forgot the revelation from the Panama Papers about Clinton and Podesta's ties to Russia as well.http://observer.com/2016/04/panama-papers-reveal-clintons-kremlin-connection/

There are two countries who seem to have an outsize influence on our political lives - Russia and Israel. I'd love to look at both these relationships.

Sorry but that's bullshit. This sub will ravenously upvote blatant false info and fearmongering, as long as it's pro trump. Just look at the top post right now on this sub about McCain's net worth. No sources, no real information, not even a biased pundit website attached to it. Just a photo of McCain and some nonsense about secret funds from deep state terrorists that's immediately disproven in the comments. Remember when the pissgate dossier was released and this sub's moderators buried the fuck out of it? Active censorship. Not suggesting that pissgate is even remotely true, but the reaction to it by this sub is telling of its pro trump bias.

Pissgate was buried because it was bullshit

Everyone could see through it and the thread was being heavily brigaded by David Brocks shill army.

Mcain is leading figure of the establishment and as more and more information comes out about the dodgy Mcain foundation it's only natural that this sub turns its attention to him.

You're not looking at the Trump thing the right way. Everything printed, read from teleprompters or typed on social media is so uniformly anti-Trump that one must take a step back and see the big picture. In reality Trump is a tiny piece of the big picture contrary to everything that we are being force fed. Just because people recognize this more frequently here and don't get frenzied the same way they do elsewhere doesn't make this a pro-Trump sub.

Some of this is manipulation. But a lot of people intrinsically hate Trump. He has gone out of his way to cause people who aren't Conservatives to hate him... and in America alone that's 150 million people. If you care about the environment, if you have friends who are Muslim, if you want a hard line on big business, if you want to spend less money on the military-industrial complex, then you naturally hate Trump.

But, the way people feel is effected by media these days. When we hate Trump, or Hillary, or Bernie, and there are groups that truly hate each of these people for different reasons, the hate was fed and nurtured through the use of shills.

You can say that the hate for Donald comes naturally, but constant drumbeat of negative messaging from the media was quite intense.

This is a tricky argument to make, but I was always one of those people who believed in the integrity of our democracy and valued the role of the free press. Whatever "side" you are on, I would hope we would all agree that propaganda is toxic to a democracy.

I think that's a simplistic view. You cannot be suggesting that if I want the Clean Water Act to stand and oppose a plan by Trump to weaken it I'm caused to do so by the media.

That's dangerous and wrong. You are trying to paint any thoughtful opposition as being under mind control and your next step is to violently oppose me because I'm already gone.

At the least you won't listen to my opinion and conclusions because you have already decided they aren't worth hearing and not my own. How is this fair to the real people? I'd say Trump's rhetoric that the media is the enemy of the people is just as dangerous as this idea of MSM mind control. Because that's allowed you to write off any evidence of fact you'd like and my own opinions, no matter the source, all the same.

"I think there should be limits on public works spending for..."

"You got that from CNN/FOX, that's what they want you to believe"


"I think this government policy is dangerous because..."

"I'll fucking break your face and kill your children"

(I'm using some fake policy example, don't focus on that)

the Clean Water Act

Inorganic talking point alert. Are you a new toy for the users who were attracted by all the unnatural users to the sub?


I'm caused to do so by the media.

That's the purpose of propaganda. It is used so that it can shape our opinions. Otherwise, why do it?

Look, a lot of us just don't trust the media anymore. Trust really matters. That trust was undermined by the corporate control of messaging for both parties. My issue is non-partisan.

Wouldn't you prefer to have news organizations that weren't driven by advertising revenue and weren't acting as mouthpieces for each side?

I personally value journalism which dispassionately reports on all the news, and where a comprehensive review of diverse views and opinions is represented with sources and critical analysis.

Where we citizens can decide for ourselves what we should think.

But what if my opinions are formed elsewhere, or I can follow an easily verifiable fact? Is the fact less true because it's reported on in the MSM? Are you suggesting my innate thoughts the and desires are invalid when someone else agrees with me because they work for a news organization?

So verifiable facts for you only, huh? What are your thoughts on the "trump is a putin plant" angle

I like looking for facts for and against. But I do think there is plenty of evidence this subreddit is full of such agents.

I'm not sure what the purpose of this argument is. My point, is that we have lost trust in our media, and some of us perceive with good reason, that media now acts as a propaganda mouthpiece to disseminate talking points by either party.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Is it that we should trust the media even though we don't.

Or is it that propaganda really isn't a problem, and we should be okay with it?

Or is it okay that advertising has degraded journalism in this country.

What about my point, are you reacting to?

I don't think you get it. I never tried defending the media. You just want to label any thought that is contrary to your own as one formed by the media and that's a scary position you have there.

You can't listen to opposition without an assumption of malice or ignorance. As evident here that you must make a point when no one has denied what you are saying at it's base. I just pointed out a flaw in your argument and you can't even see that.

If you look back to the beginning of our exchange, the question was "do people hate Trump because they really just truly hate him?" or is that hate somehow influenced by media?

HRC ran a fear-based campaign. We were besieged day after day with "OMG!!!" and some new story about how awful he is. Some of those really were stories that needed to be told, and some were hype.

By the end of the campaign, people were so hysterical, really hysterical, that they thought the world was literally ending because he won. That's how powerful that campaign was.

So, if you are a scientist, and you ask "was my opinion influenced by the constant tweets, memes, news broadcasts and social media badgering?" vs "Was I able to make up my own mind about my political views without being influenced at all by the media?

I dunno, but I can't see how any human in this type of climate wouldn't be effected by the media. And those donors spend a lot of dollars on the media, so they seem to agree that it does help to shape opinion.

But, even still, I didn't vote for her, so I guess I am an example of a person where that strategy didn't work - who was turned off by the campaign, and who now doesn't follow the MSM. I don't listen to that crap anymore.

So did you innately hate Obama and Hillary?

This is the problem in itself. Why did you bring hate into this? I want to be able to disagree. I disagreed with every President and candidate since I've been able to have a summary understanding of their policies. I'm allowed to have an opinion and oppose policy for my own reasons, stop acting like there is support or sedition.

Go read the comment chain again. The guy you were defding is the one who brought hate into this

this guy is spot on.

Yup. It's a mountain. Without the crossover from the left's activist base, Donald Trump never could've won.

Spot on.

MSM needs the binary thinking of the populace, "YOU HAVE A CHOICE."

The left and the right at both ends of the "spectrum" sound exactly a like - and at that point they sound just like shills.

fake news

I'm not a Trump supporter but the shilling and propaganda scare me as a progressive. They are antithetical to a democracy.

Scott Adams blog-fan spotted. <3

r/conspiracy is supposed to be "overrun" by David Brock and his cohorts. Yet:

  • Pro-Trump posts get upvoted to the front page.
  • Posts attacking/against anyone who opposes or criticises Trump get upvoted to the front page.
  • Posts concerning conspiracies involving Trump and his cabinet get deleted.
  • Images of 4chan posts and images of McCain's face are the top posts.
  • The moderator log reveals all sorts of interesting things.

It is like there is a massive amount of projection going on. The people complaining about the shills are most likely shills themselves.

Don't forget the Pizza stuff, /r/conspiracy 's greatest known projection.

I don't know how much of the Pizza stuff is projection. However I do find it very interesting that only a few years back there was a lot of talk on this sub about governments labeling people rapist and pedophiles to discredit them. This was the claim for Assange. Flash forward to now and these same people are now doing exactly that. Claiming people are pedo's to discredit them.

Claiming they are, just because they are "the opposition." Go to the McCain hate circle jerks, you'll see it creep in. Without evidence you'll see "he has to be since he's an insider."

There is a different deep state type apparatus forming, it's just run by a cabal of partisan idiots.

Your massive upvotes suggest you're projecting.

Another "Shills are hiding under my bed!" post on the front page proves my point...

Paranoia is in right now

I'll drink to that!

Seems like the legit free-thinkers are coming around more and more. I've been subscribed to this sub since shortly after its inception but mostly lurked. I comment now to show that there are a lot of level-headed true conspiracy theorists and not everyone is a shill for Trump

The youngbloods on this sub (which at this point are the vast majority) are being easily swayed by these hacks. It's clear most of these guys aren't old enough to remember anything before Obama, so they are still naive enough to believe Republicans are any better. This sub had a good run but any forum like this is always doomed. ATS, GLP, etc. all started out legit and look at them now. Same thing as here

An appeal to goldfishing, on this sub? No. Not this sub. Try again.

This thread is being brigaded by outsiders. Reader beware.

Show any semblance of support for Trump. "SHILL!"

Show any semblance of being anti-Trump. "SHILL!"

Democrats seeing any thread on /r/conspiracy supporting Trump. "OMG, /r/the_donald has taken over!"

Republicans seeing any thread on /r/conspiracy that is anti-Trump. "OMG, this isn't /r/politics!"


That'd be easier if every other thread wasn't about party politics. This sub has no identity.

Mods here to ruthlessly ban all partisan apologia. Take that shit to another sub.

You don't agree with me! SHILL

I'm not a bot.

The captcha things prove it.

The future of humankind is in danger. Sponsored fake is trying to kill individuality and freedom.

Go to voat.co. Don't be scared off by the 4chan users posting shit. That is the price you pay for free speech. The more people who go there to discuss things intelligently the better it will become. The developers of voat are open to combating manipulators. It is the future.

BATTLE BOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!

So you're saying that there's a conspiracy going on in the conspiracy subreddit to politically influence people?

Ha, ha, you got that right! /r/conspiracy is officially a conspiracy itself.

The donald only has two subs if you want a hard line on big business, if you're Satan then it doesn't count who makes shit posts, they're even posted on.

If you only have a hammer...

They keep coming back, we just have to keep pointing them out and then ignoring them.

I feel your pain bro, the only r conspiracy stories that reach all are conveniently placed stories about trump adversaries. Disgusting.

LoL. Have fun.

Nice try shill ;-)

It's time to leave.

I don't care if a post gets made like this everyday. The onslaught is incredible and it's a good reminder to new folks coming this way this sub is also trying to be controlled.

What an insane technocratic dystopia - a nation with "freedom of speech" being brigaded into silence.

Despite their massive numbers it is always obvious to spot a shill.

Is time really spent trying to sway so few people's opinions though, on a sub like this one? I'm skeptical because who would waste their time on such a small group?

Honestly I have a feeling OP is a shill account trying to test the waters and see what the sub's awareness temperature is.

That's the impression I got, too. The inorganic vote count is one of the clues. The good stuff is in /new, not /hot!

I know I'm sick of these Russia trolls, and pro Donald "conspiracies" that clutter the front page

damn straight OP

I agree 100%.. it's more of a joke to me now. A post about something irreverent 10 minutes ago.. 45 upvoted, no comments.. ridiculous.

Relax you melodramatic douche.

90% of r/conspiracy is r/bullshit and r/assclowns. Other 10% is what keeps me around, interested and Learning.....

100% agreed. too many Trump bots and Shillary shills on here. Fuck them all

It doesn't count who makes shit posts, they wouldn't call me out.

I used to post here but now I just read every now and then after I switched to voat. They've got a really good conspiracy sub and politics as well. I'd definitely recommend making the switch

Gimma a god damn fucking break. Twice a day these melodramatic "fuck the shills, REEEEEEEEEEE!" posts come up, feeding the pathetic, feeble-minded victim-complex-ridden cultists who have overtaken this sub!

Stop protraying yourself as a victim; Stop pretending there is any shilling going on in this sub, when literally every other hour there's at least a few posts like OP's on the front page and the rest of the trash posts are about Pizza or [Insert OrangeMonkey's New Enemy Here].

This sub has gone off the deep end. There's only so much cognitive dissonance people can take before losing their sanity. I think people like OP are well past that point.

Holy fuck, I just realized many people like OP are actually mentally ill. Get help, ASAP.

Having control of the entire federal government and accusing everyone else of being fake. Just your typical fascist mind control bullshit. Take your persecution complex back to your safe space where you can all circle jerk to you lunatic false idol and enjoy it while it lasts. In the end, history will piss on all you dumbfuck fanatics.

Does anyone remember abovetopsecret.com? That forum was great, and entertaining, when I frequented it in the early 2000s.

Mods please pin

Just gonna leave this little past prediction here... http://imgur.com/mAN4Qw8

I don't know how many older users are in this sub, but having seen quite a few election cycles, with this one it's GLARINGLY obvious that this one is highly abnormal in too many ways to list. There's something seriously intense going on behind the scenes, and I think that's worth exploring, and I wish partisan politics could be set aside to do so.

I've never seen such incessant attacks by the media, politicians, the internet etc. on a president before like there is with Trump. I've always thought a president was just a puppet that's strings are pulled by the real owners of this country behind the scenes, but there's something going on here with Trump. I honestly think there's a deep state war going on right now, and that's why so much craziness is happening, because I've never seen anything like what's going on.

There's nowhere you can go that isn't being manipulated and overrun with shills and bots for information. There's probably a bit and shill war going on as well. Interesting times we're living in.

Judging by the number of subscribers, it looks like we're winning handily.

Xpost /r/The_Donald lol

Doesn't agree with me = shill bot

Completely agree. Stay skeptical, always.

Came here to see discussion on Roger Stone having communication with Wikileaks. Was not disappointed to find little.

Hello Elgin Airforce Base!!!!!

Bliep bliep bloob I am a bot.

i don't think most independent thinkers spend all day arguing partisan politics and clinging to every rumor that floats through a cesspool like this one.

What if the whole of politics is satire?

No. Zero recognition. No one gives a fuck about you.

I'm not even a fan of T_D but holy shit the admins basically promoted outside sources taking over all political subs last year and it bled over into every subreddit larger than 100k subscribers.

Meanwhile they allow hate subs like Enough_Sanders_Spam to openly harass, threaten and brigade. I guess that's all OK when someone disagrees with you politically, but not if it's a dieting issue.


Like this?

“You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things. But nobody talks about that.”

How have hey isolated t_d?

I've lurked here for years.

This sub is not recognizable as the place it once was.

That's the reason I comment here sometimes now.

The Russian conspiracy is something this sub would have dove into face first with gleeful abandon in the past.

Now it attempts to shut down any discussion of it.

/r/conspiracy has become the conspiracy.

It's lost in a way. What has happened is a clear illustration in what happened to reality before the internet. Controlled by elites defining the news. Altering people's beliefs by using the media as a weapon. A pro is that thanks to Wikileaks and documented evidence we can observe this phenomenon of evolution. Knowledge and awareness is step 1. Now we have the technology that has provided all the data to give us a more transparent society. Just one simple example; how the top 1% have been gaining 90% of wealth. Before we would be told this is normal. Now more people have access to clear statistics and numbers that show there is enough money to give everyone basic needs like food, water, and shelter. Everything else past that must be worked for.

I digress. Now we comes the best step. Replacing these old methods and technologies with better ones. Ones that use the blockchain in an effort to benefit all humanity. Like the blockchain.

Maybe it's being manipulated to not count down votes. It's possible. Shariablue and the elite media moguls own Reddit enough to plant some of their people to post that. Then they disallow down voting on it. Then they get a couple people like you to create false conversations that are also programmed to not receive downvotes. Now other people start thinking it's okay to judge all of TD by one comment. Now other people think more and more TD people are posting this ideology when they're all plants too. Checkmate Shariablue wins. Not really. Because people catch on and we're too smart. TD starts being more careful and starts banning those comments. Sike. Checkmate again. It's too late shariablue already controls all of Reddit. /r/conspiracy and TD completely compromised. They're all in on it trying to secretly impeach trump. Wrong. Moderator civil war. 1776 Reddit style commences again. Freedom reigns and truth exposed. Corruption averted and civilization can continue to thrive and evolve. TD not judged by one nasty comment.

Welcome to /r/conspiracy. Try again shills.

Some of this is manipulation. But a lot of people intrinsically hate Trump. He has gone out of his way to cause people who aren't Conservatives to hate him... and in America alone that's 150 million people. If you care about the environment, if you have friends who are Muslim, if you want a hard line on big business, if you want to spend less money on the military-industrial complex, then you naturally hate Trump.

yeah but if you look at the evidence, you most likely will support Trump too.

What if you like Muslims? What the environment is of importance to you? What if you believe in climate change - there are mountains of evidence there if you're a science type?

What if you like people who can emit a coherent, meaningful English sentence?

What if you don't like a President who is obviously using the office to push his own business interests? What if you don't want to see even more rich billionaires in the cabinet?

Hey, everyone has the right to earn a living no matter how shifty the job is.

You can't... be serious. Liars and torturers have a right to earn a living by hurting others? Polluters have a right to earn a living that way?

God help us all.

I have no doubts about him. I have also found no evidence to deny his authenticity as well.

The over a 100 times him and his staff have told blatant lies don't make you doubt his authenticity? I mean they're not even good lies, no buys them who isn't riding his asshole.

It appears that something happened, the scope and nature of which are unclear. My question is why is it that Trump is bringing this story up at this particular moment.

David Brock is the PoC ... sorry , PoS that's the boss of shill-central known as ShareBlue (Sharia-Blue sounds more adequate) .

ShareBlue is the main force astroturfing the internet in the "fight agains Trump".

this guy is spot on.

David Brock is the founder of media matters,correct the record and sharia blue.His paid shills infest reedit like the rats they are.

He is also the ex lover pizzagate star James allenfantis.The two men would have shared many a pizza at comet ding dong.

Means literally nothing when upvotes and downvotes are rigged and people (myself likely included) are tagged by bots/shills and auto-downvoted whenever they say something against whatever particular narrative. And it means nothing bc fake internet points.

Spot on.

MSM needs the binary thinking of the populace, "YOU HAVE A CHOICE."

The left and the right at both ends of the "spectrum" sound exactly a like - and at that point they sound just like shills.

May not be. I think I saw him talking about doing acid recently in somewhere in his history. And weirdly I actually have a friend who talks in same way about these subjects and is also into spirituality and such. Does not matter anyways, who knows to whom we are actually talking to on here.

Hate speech, and invasions of safespaces from the sounds of it..,

Hahahahahaha infowars

Even though the dominant political ideology on Reddit is 90-10 leftist minded posts vs right and almost every sub on r/all is strictly anti-Trump? Even though there's dozens of anti-Trump subs and what, 2 or 3 heavily censored and brigaded pro-Trump subs? I sure wish I too could only see what I want to see instead of looking at, you know, facts. I'd love to know how that really matters in the grand scheme of things. It's not liberal posters and comments and posters that make up the majority that are getting banned or deleted or censored.

Correct, I don't waste my time with obvious bullshit.

The Obama administration literally continued and expanded the policies of the Bush white house.

Thanks - I see the folly in answering every jab of a baiter.

Some of them are really skilled at dragging people in...
