Shills just dont understand.

136  2017-03-05 by i_saw_a_moose

Trying to shill r/conspiracy is a fools errand. The reason being is the people who are attracted to this sub value truth over feeling good. We are immune to things that other people fall for, like appeals to consensus opinion.

It's a shame that they even try, but it also makes me think their purpose here is not to convince, but to demoralize. To make us feel like it's all a lost cause, because God knows when you stare into the abyss it can feel overwhelming and depressing. They are so obvious in their tactics, and maybe that's the point.

The only thing I truly know at this point is that we matter. We are important in the grand scheme. As awareness of the "matrix" continues to hurtle towards critical mass, subs like this are more vital than ever. Keep up the good fight. We may not see justice in our lifetimes, but at least we are trying. Our ideologies may be disparate but our intentions are one and the same. Truth and liberty or death. Fuck the shills.


Agreed but I'm expecting the justice train to start rolling this year.

Hope is powerful. I believe Trump has harnessed real hope for real justice. If he lets us down, God help him.

That, my friend, is why it's referred to as hopium.

Of the masses if you will.

think youre taking it too far and youre talking like alex jones. you believe in god, thats cool... i dont really, or not in the way you do but i will say if trump is doing anything good its a) making people less docile and paying closer attention to the political landscape ( even if theyre hysterical and falling for all the propoganda ) and b) exposing the deep state and mainstream media manipulation to the public ( even if many still dont seem to completely get it )

we're only a small distance into this presidency folks, life is going to get real interesting and the next presidential race is going to have some interesting debates.


As this subs #1 most shill accused user, I can confirm that most shill accusations are false. So I find this post unconvincing.

I could honestly not give less of a fuck.

Then you're not a regular, so your opinion doesn't matter.

Sounds like you think very highly of yourself and you may just be looking for some sort of internet fame. And I am a regular. Check the history brah.

I'm this subs #1 shill accused user, my fame is fimly established.

Branding is essential in 2017 so I will allow you that title.

2016 too.

Haha don't forger 2015.

I don't think having an opinion that's contrary to a threads theory is proof of shilling. I welcome criticism personally. It's when said criticism is so overwhelming communicated ver batim across subreddits, when you see the same phrases and arguments used over and over, that's when it becomes extremely obvious and odious.

Excuse me? I believe that I, in fact, am this subs number one shill! Oops! I mean "accused" shill!


Notice how everyone that uses shill accusations drinks from the punch bowl without caring about the truth.

What punch bowl are you referring to? Your punch bowl?

sounds like a very shilly thing to say lol.

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Lol, get over yourself man. For the record I don't think you're a paid shill. More like a zealous anti-justice warrior type. It would be interesting to meet you.

That guy makes a good point too. Just like /u/twsmith, if you aren't getting paid then you might as well be. You're good at this.

Maybe that's because you've been here for years in a conspiracy forum strictly with the intention of debunking every theory without question.

I do pay attention to what you write though because you bring the devil's advocate and it can be sobering. Especially with so much fake shit out there.

Is there any conspiracy out there that you've leaned towards it being true?

Yep, they are shooting for saturation and demoralization.

They will run out of gas eventually, and here we will remain. Ultimately, I don't think regulars over here really even like politics. Pretty sure we would rather discuss anything else at this point.

Shit, we go whole hog on flat earth for awhile. Maybe we can give them brain damage by osmosis.

Lmao.. this is the truth. They have NO IDEA HOW FUCKED UP OUR IMAGINATIONS ARE. We should just troll them for the next few months. Or we could just go hardcore sandy hook out of nowhere.

I say we have a David Ickes power week to scare away anyone here for politics.

I like it. Lets let our crazy sweaty balls hang out all over the bitches.

Dude I am all about this.

lol not a bad idea. it seems the shilling has already calmed a little. but its true, they are fighting a winless battle. doesn't mean they wont keep trying to saturate us with their garbage though.

It's only calm right now because it is the weekend and they are in a planning cycle. But yeah, if we ran a coordinated disinfo campaign on them it would be hilarious.

Let's do it

I don't understand posts like this. If the shills really are shills, they don't care about any of this. They're just being paid to do a job. They don't care if you respond or don't respond to their posts, and they're not emotionally triggered by anything you say because they have no personal investment in anything that is said here.

So you don't comprehend that my post was addressed users here and not for shills.

If that's the case, I suppose I can understand. Though I expect everyone who thinks shills are everywhere already feels this way. I was more addressing the fact that people constantly engage with people they call "shill" in a way that makes no sense if the antagonists are, in fact, shills.

"Antagonists" , "shills" what's the difference? People want to engage in meaningful discussion. If you try to impede that you're lame, period. Add something to the discussion. You'll be treated as a friend.

That's what I'm saying though. If people think someone is really a shill, why engage them at all? The shill doesn't care either way. On the other side of the coin, if the shill makes a good point, why ignore it just because they're a shill? The point, as you correctly put it, should be to engage in meaningful discussion. If someone is straight-up just name-calling, that doesn't add anything and should be downvoted and ignored. If someone says something provocative, the best solution is to address it with well-sourced facts and arguments based on those facts.

You're absolutely right. No one should be afraid to engage with shills. If thwy are well informed they should have the prerequisite ammunition to win the argument. Shills are more often than not extremely uninformed and relying on talking points for their interractions. They will also use emotional triggers calling you dumb, pathetic, etc to try to shut you down. It's all very fascinating psychologically speaking.

I agree with you, I think, for the most part. Although I find the reaction to shills--or those accused of being shills--much more psychologically fascinating than the shills (or accusees) themselves. I'm quite convinced, based on everything I've seen on this sub, that most shill accusers don't actually believe the people they're addressing are paid shills, rather they use the attack of "shill" either because they have nothing substantive to say or because they think it will emotionally trigger the person.

That's interesting. For me personally the opposite is true. I lnow shills exist because I read the news and I know it's a real thing. When i see a comment that says something that's incredibly redundant i read their comment history. If they seem obsessed with hating trump or belittling a certain frame of thought I become suspicious. To deny that they exist is counterproductive. To look out for them is just common sense.

The shills I have seen are way better spoken than me, and they know how to add links in to words, which I don't know how to do either.

That's why they make the money and you dont

But I could argue their point better.

I don't think that's entirely true. People tend to identify with the argument that they make. So even if they are being paid to say something they don't believe, they will come to believe it.

When you combine that with the fact that what they're shilling for is generally evil, you have people are inseparably married to their arguments, because they need to believe what they're doing is right, otherwise they will have to face the fact that they're evil.

Paying people to shill is partly about making them complicit in the act of plundering the nation.

. Truth

Hear hear

I disagree. If we're talking about high-level people, I would agree that they tend to become emotionally attached to the positions they're paid to espouse because they have a high incentive to do so, e.g., social acceptance, career advancement, etc. Low-level hourly wage employees wouldn't have such incentives.

Yes, it is hard for some people to confront the truth that the order followers (paid shills, soldiers shoving humans into gas chambers, etc) are ALWAYS more morally responsible than the order givers (Bush, Cheney, Tavistock, etc) because they are the ones MANIFESTING that harm into reality.

I gotta tell you it was extremely disheartening to see a post a couple days ago about the Boston Marathon where I would estimate 80% of the commenters seemed extremely confused about what had happened and why when there are about one and a half milllion youtubes explaining in great detail every aspect of that day and what followed. I keep seeing the most absolute basic 9/11 observations challenged by "skeptics." I believe the divide and conquer strategy is driving some people away. I am seeing "this sub is lost" comments daily.

it's not lost, just under attack. Truth will win out in the end.

And truth is always under attack, I guess, right?

Rule of thumb: anyone who makes the 'this sub is lost' thread was never a member of this community

Awareness of the "Matrix" is going to be the end of these parasites. Together we will create true freedom...



Yes! Expose the interdimensional parasites from the Draco Universe!

This is /r/cringe material.

Because he's from T_D.

Yeah you are brah. I'm cringing so hard


Sucks to suck, I bet u/i_alsodislikethat

You'd know with Trumps_Dick in your mouth.

Hard to argue with people who have their mouths full of dicks! Sounds like "trumfullacocfullschockechokegahfuckimafaggot" so it's hard for us to understand. Maybe take the dick out of your mouth. I know, it's hard.

Is this what weaponized autism looks like?

Is that you tinkerbell!!?!


Yes lol

Yes. if you get too mean, they will cry "tolerant left"

preach it brotha!

"We may not see justice in our lifetimes, but at least we are trying"

We see Justice, it's just small right now. In my opinion truth and Liberty will prevail. Behind the scenes, powerful people are saving freedom.

Every person that has good intentions, is very important to the future of our World.

I guess eventually T_D users are going to leave and this place will be normal again.

You're the biggest shill in this place u/edogawa1983 so fuck off.

lol trump shill spotted

Thanks for the promotion, doesn't change your shilliness.

Rule #10

boys and girls, this is how you spot a shill.

You would think the shills would invent more than four tactics.

Yeah Russia can't back this guy forever.

Rule #10

Normal like how? What's normal mean to you?

IMO it's a big mistake to call or td shills and ignore David Brock shills. They are both here en masse.

Could we create a bot that checks posters history, check to see if they post within a time window and then reply to their comments saying "posts In a 6 hour shift pattern, most likely a shill"?

The shills are easy to spot by the arguments they make.

"What's happened to this sub? /smh"

"You got taken over by r/the_donald."

Those are the current popular favorites.

The language in their posts reveals them to be at odds with the entire spirit of r/conspiracy and sometimes you wonder if english is even their primary language. Many times I've seen them tripped-up by western colloquialisms and catchphrases.

Spotting them often has more to do with how they argue (not very deep) instead of what they argue.

Not everyone against trump is a shill btw. It's the majority of Americans.

Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill! Wah

Ima shill. Consperacy topics have been a favorite of mine since the 1970's. I've watched decades of Consperacy change and evolve with pop culture and political climates. ive lived thru at least a dozen end-of-the-world predictions. My favorite conspiracies are the ones that involve evidence claims that are testable.

One critical observation about the culture of Consperacy is its lack of education in logic and critical thinking as evidenced by the peoples almost complete lack of concern over it, or even hostility over normal rational skepticism, and always emotionally self defensive over being critical towards Consperacy.

imagine a group of scientists getting angry at Einstien for contradicting Newtonian Physics?

No, falsifying one's own hypothesis should be the goal, not avoided and demonizing the skeptics.

No person can progress in thier knowledge if they are not willing to activly falsify their own favorite worldviews and beleifs... this is why Consperacy Culture will never be taken seriously...not until some Standards and Methods are valued and it's authority recognized by it's culture and a willingness to falsify its own hypothesis......consperacy remains under the category of orgs like religion that demonize necessary and critical skepticism

You can't even spell conspiracy right.

Yes I mispelt conspirarcy, they make me do it so my account seems less AI and more "approachable"..ok whatever comrad qbit

That doesn't sound logical.

people who are attracted to this sub value truth over feeling good

I disagree. There are some truths that are too much for this sub to handle.

The only thing anyone ever wanted, even in the primaries, was transparency. We looked to outsiders, like Bernie, Johnson, Trump. We have questions about The NSA, lobbying, back room deals, media accountability, obtuse partisanism. There is no transparency in politics.

Both sides are so counter productive to this point.

Trump is in charge. I don't want to hear that there is no Russian connection. Clearly there is. Back channel to wikileaks, Russian hacking, dossiers. Courts seen enough to allow a wire tap. There is something going on.

Why are we not asking for transparency there?

Transparency shouldn't be weaponized. It shouldn't be a political tool. Let's get outraged by all of this, red and blue. It's all we wanted from the start. Pizzagate, Hillary, Trumps Russian connections. Agree or disagree, let's get demand transparency about all of it.

No side or candidate should be let off the hook. Demand if you want the highest office, you better be ready to deal a public demanding that this isn't good enough. There's no plateu to reach that says this is a good democracy. We always need to hold our leaders accountable. Trump included.

I disagree with you about truth there are a lot of people here that believe there is a giant dude in the sky that tells you who you can sleep with that's not truth that's wishful thinking

I trust my intuition a lot. It is often right.

Just look at all the fools on r/politics

It's getter harder and harder to separate the ice cream from the bullshit.... but we must trudge on.

Carry the fire.

I'm surprised some shill hasn't seen the light and exposes the whole operation on 4chan. I'd like to know how many accounts they have how they get paid etc.

All the shilling pushed me to the right. The emptiness of the left's incessant whining and their cozy relationship with the shadow government and media did it. They are eating themselves.

Before I knew it there has changed to issues political mainly, not be focused on p.g anymore...

I downvoted this post for free AMA

It's only calm right now because it is the weekend and they are in a planning cycle. But yeah, if we ran a coordinated disinfo campaign on them it would be hilarious.

You can't even spell conspiracy right.

That doesn't sound logical.