It's really time to wake the fuck up. Hillary Shills and Trump Bots need to get the fuck off this sub. They have taken over like crazy and we are getting more divided than ever. Fuck Trump. Fuck Obama. Fuck the Clintons, and the Bushes.

9608  2017-03-06 by russian321

Is it just me or are there constant people in this sub defending either Trump or Hillary?

It's gotten to the point where this sub is a complete disaster.

Oh, how I miss the good times when we didn't have all these stupid fucking attacks from either side.

I miss the good old times when we didn't defend the FUCKING government and the President of the Goddamn United States.

Wake up Every One. Wake. Up.

Edit: spelling


Trump wouldn't be defended if people didn't make it their mission in life to smear him over every little minor thing.

If Trump is so horrible, let his corruption show organically.

I think the OP's point was that regardless of who is "right" or "wrong"; whether Trump is being wrongfully picked on, or not, is not the subject matter for this subreddit. It has nothing to do with a "conspiracy". Now, if you want a conspiracy regarding Trump, research the reasons why the Jews are destroying Trump's presidency when he is the most "pro-Israel" and most "pro-Jewish" president we have ever had.

Maybe they are "destroying" his presidency and Trump is playing along with it to divide Americans even further. It's all scripted. Now, that would be a conspiracy!

It absolutely has to do with conspiracy.

Current strategies are costing the media the trust with which they pursue their division strategies. Therefore, as a matter of cui bono, we can guess that they're not pursuing this strategy for that purpose. If that is the intended purpose in mind, they're being refreshingly incompetent about it.

Still, you get an upvote for suggesting a legit possibility.

The conspiracy is: why are a good majority of idiots who never gave a shit about politics or the corruption within it before suddenly have this expert analysis on the Presidency of Trump?


Your facebook feed, r/politics, celebrities, etc.


To be fair, lots of people already think he has been showing it, and they're doing their best to point it out.

The problem is the source of their information. It can't be trusted.

Neither can Trump himself be trusted. So where do we get the truth from? Where do we go to see what Trump's actions REALLY mean? No one is impartial. Everyone has an angle. No one can be trusted to give you the truth in the news.

So then what? Wait? Doesn't that seem dangerous? I guess we could move on the offensive, but without actual proof, well, that's dangerous, too.

So then what?

Lol, you just missed the point of Original Post! Just stop all together. Nobody here cares about your love for that idiot, nist like nobody here cares for the Clinton Machine. This sub is about getting to truth, Not Skewing truths to fit out political beliefs. So again just Stop!!

No. I get the point. I just don't agree with it.

If people would stop trying to compare Donald Trump's opinion of Rosie O'Donnell to Operation Northwoods, then this sub wouldn't be discussing Donald Trump.

You say 'smear'. I say 'criticism'. It's the job of the media to criticize the president when he lies.

Mehh... I mean... Do you remember them EVER doing that to obumba?

'Obumba'? Seriously? Keep that stuff in /r/forwardsfromgrandma.

Says the guy who used Drumpf!!!! Hypocrisy is thy name.

I'll fully admit that they're both dumb.

At least in the case of drumpf that's his actual family name. Obumbo is just supposed to make him sound bad.

Yes. A lot of liberals criticized Obama, you just never looked. They might be singing his praises now, but that's because they despise Trump so much.

no i said THE MEDIA.

Seriously link me a single MSM article that even CLAIMS obama lied EVER, let alone an article that CRITICIZES him for lieing

WSJ, Obama lied about NSA spying involving foreign countries

I guess that means it's ok for the current administration to collude with the Russian government, so it's all even...

how are you making a jump like that

how are you making a jump like that

You're argument is a version of false equivalence implying that Trump is being attacked out of proportion to Obama. That's bullshit. Obama never colluded with the Russians against his American political opponents. That's where the current administration is dipping their toes in the waters of treason. And that's why there's no comparison between how the media treats Obama vs. Trump on lying.

Yes, without controversy, both these guys and every other president ever is a liar. Some lied to protect others, some lied to protect themselves. Some lies got people killed. Some were in avoidance of shame. Most we'll never know about, but some are clear. And they belie questionable motivations. Do you think we should ignore the Russian connections with the Trump administration? Even if it's possible that means Putin controls they guy you voted for?

You should be in the olympics for hurdling. I merely linked an article about Obama being criticized. As requested.

Looks like I replied to the wrong comment. I see now. Sorry about that. Going to let my ignorance stand.

The fact that over 8 years you don't believe the MSM ever once criticized Obama tells me you need to read more news and diversify the places you read it from.

But Fox News and Brietbart tell me that the media literally has been sucking Odumbberrrr's dick for 8 years. You're prolly one of dem mainstream libtards who can't think for yourself! How can the media have criticized Obummmerrrr if the media was sucking his monkey penis?! Check mate dumbocrat. The country would be so much better if all you types were deported or better, shot (since we have the gunz!).

/s since I know I need it around these parts.

If only the media had done that to Obama when he backstabbed the peace movement and betrayed his promises of transparency, the media might have more trust with which to criticize Trump!

I take it you've never heard of Fox News. Because they spent the entire 8 years criticizing every twitch he made.

Unless said President is 'picked' by the owners of the conglomerates which control the media organizations.

Donald Trump brushed his teeth and smiled in the mirror. His teeth were too white

Donald Trump said climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese. Donald Trump filled his cabinet with globalist elite billionaires.

If you are so concerned about climate change, then why don't you quit exhaling?

let his corruption show organically

It's not already? As a Brit watching America lately has been amazing.

History in the making

It's weird how the people on reddit that attack Trump the most always end up being Brits or some other foreign country.

My cousin is Irish and periodically check up on me, legitimately concerned that Trump is the next Hitler. I'm not sure what their media feeds them over there but he sees him as a serious threat to my well being.

Our media doesn't say anything about him being the next Hitler.

But he's absolutely of great concern to us. He's the most extreme nations of leader the west has had since WWII, and he's belligerent towards us, as can be seen by his promotion of secession.

Extreme in what sense? Why doesn't Nobel peace prize winning, 8 years of drone striking Obama not get that honor?

How is drone striking extreme..?


Yes? How is it extreme compared to manned airplanes or use of SF?

Murder and destruction is always extreme

It was the same as the past several presidents, it shouldn't be normal, but it is. At least with drones Americans aren't at risk.

Extreme in the sense that he willingly let people take and post pictures of potentially classified information onto facebook like they were on set for a movie.

If you're watching Mainstream Media you are being misled and lied to on a massive scale.

If you're blindly ignoring everything the media says because of manufactured and systemic internal bias, you're a moron.

It's good to question information that the media brings up. It's not good to just assume everything the media says is a lie and then go out and find the media outlet that tells you what you want to hear instead.

Many in /r/conspiracy are very guilty of this mindset and many think they're above being a hypocrite, while being a hypocrite.

Goosfraba friend.

Nothing Trump has done this far compares to the corruption of Presidents before him.

It's "hip" to hate Trump.

no, it hasnt

i mean he was wire tapped and there was nothing found even then

It's not "smearing" if it's true and clearly detrimental to the rest of us.

Nothing he's done thus far is detrimental to us.

So if Obama had appointed a business associate who helped launder hundreds of millions for Russian oligarchs in a Cypriot bank to the secretary of commerce, you'd be totally cool with that? I doubt it.

Or if there were the kind of lingering questions about deals with the Russian government for possible election tampering, you'd be cool with that if Obama was under the microscope? I doubt that too. The fact is there are real questions about who has control over our president. If you don't believe that, you're probably not getting a very balanced news diet.

It's convenient how all of this comes up AFTER he's sworn in.

Also, it's interesting how it's being claimed by sources that never wanted him elected in the first place.

It's convenient how all of this comes up AFTER he's sworn in.

I don't understand what you're getting at here. The people who want an independent investigation would have LOVED to let the Trump campaign fail miserably, they just didn't have this information before. The reason it's coming out bit by bit is probably because Trump keeps insulting the intelligence communities. Pissing people off who work for you is like insulting the waiter and sending your food back so they "get it right this time!" Not likely to produce good results.

Why wouldn't they have this information before?

Because they're manufacturing it.


If it was being manufactured, it wouldn't check out, i.e., get corroborated by other sources. That's what makes me think you're getting a low-information diet: these connections are, so far, getting confirmed.

As for the Christopher Steele dossier, the less salacious parts are indeed checking out--like location and company.

Please tell me: do you think there's no questionable connection between the Trump people and Putin?

You mean like how obama, and literally every other president, have been criticized for every little thing?

The phrase WMD exists because people made fun of Bush's speaking.

Obama is a secret kenyan muslim, and republicans blocked any bill he supported, even if they agreed with it (lookin at you Mitch "the man who can't take yes for an answer" mcconnell).

He's already shown his corruption, what are you talking about? So your train of thought is that if he does corrupt shit we just ignore it and can't be outraged about it?

What has he done?

They are not exactly 'people'.

I think the majority of the posts you refer to are paid social media posters who get paid a few pennies for every post, and perhaps a bonus penny for any subsequent upvotes.

I's just been a bombardment in here. It's exhausting. They're human-bots.

"Literally billions" Oh yeah, for sure. There are billions of fake redditors...

Political affiliations are your personal prisons. I cannot imagine handing over my free will to these false idols and then arguing with my brothers over my false idol. There is some growing up that needs to be done and people need to understand we do not need a single one of these politicians to hold our hands through this journey. There is only me and you. Turn off your tv and take care of your neighbor. Fuck our politicians, they only hold the power that we give them

That's true, and why so many ex-Obama voters abandoned liberals this election... these are the people who turned off the tv already, and turned away from the MSM... until we find a way out of this political system, which begins with identifying the real criminals, then we have to do our best to avoid the evil people in politics by not voting for them.

It's not a prison to have a political affiliation so long as you are not afraid to break with your affiliation when you think it's necessary. If you share 90% of your views with conservatives, refusing to call yourself a conservative doesn't change the fact that it's an apt descriptor of your views.

No person should ever rule over another. A government of hierarchy will always succumb to corruption. I reject the system as a whole

So what? You'd rather live in anarchy?

Why not?

roads, fire departments, public education, welfare, clean water, managed public lands, building codes, rental laws, child labor laws, agricultural certifications, animal cruelty laws etcetera

"No leaders" and "no public infrastructure" aren't the same thing. As a political philosophy anarchy is about a society which lacks hierarchical power structures, not a totally lawless community.

How do you enforce laws in an anarchy without asserting power over someone else? I hope you don't actually think an anarchy can ever be sustainable.

I'm not actually exceptionally knowledgeable about the theories behind anarchic law, and it's pretty hotly contested among various schools of thought.

I believe the general idea is that laws are created by a consensus social contract (or something similar like a consensus-1 system), and they are communally enforced.

I'll just drop this off as well, because I totally referenced it for my answer.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 40295

Yeah, I'd be willing to bet most people would rather have a state police force that has been gradually refined for hundreds of years and has established authority and control than theoretical "community enforced consensus social contracts" for the way of protecting the public from crime. Sorry buddy, this entire ideology is only barely possible in theory, and arguably not even that.

You asked a question and got an answer, inject judgement in your own.

Because I like living in a society without constant civil war. Also, I like police departments, firemen, public utilities, etc.

Somalia is waiting


Well, there's always places like Somalia. So go live there I guess.

Not while globalists are using it as feedstock for human trafficking. You didn't think the local warlords were paying their soldiers on the profits of telecommunications, I hope?

Everyone is an anarchist in private life. You wouldn't go rob your neighbor to fund the forcible installation fire alarms in his house, so you shouldn't delegate that power to others. If you thought your neighbor managed his property in a way that created fire hazards for him and you, you'd persuade him peaceably to take common-knowledge measures against the hazards of fire. That's the power we should be delegating to others.

I think humans are humans and there will always be those that lead for personal gain. A government with transparency allows its people to now allow corruption to thrive. The past 15 years have been smoke and mirrors for the sake of national security. There is no perfect but we have to try.

A government of hierarchy will always succumb to corruption.

Respectfully, I have to disagree with you there. There have been good governments, of many different kinds, throughout history. The primary problem is subversion by psychopaths.

I would say the primary problem is that the only tool the state has is it's a monopoly on violence. As the saying goes, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

If people don't have the right to initiate the use of force, and you can't give something you don't have, then people cannot logically delegate this non-existant right to another person or group - regardless of whether or not 51% of people agree.

If people don't have the right to initiate the use of force

I generally grant this principle, except in cases of defense of self or others. Thus, a police force who arrests rapists and murderers is morally justified, as is a military that defends against foreign invasion.

For the record, defense is not initiation of force (aggression). I'm pretty sure we agree, up until people are defending anything beyond their directly-owned property from a currently-present threat of aggression from a specific individual.

Anarchists of the world, overturn the system with the chaotic impacts of billions of people pursuing their own interests with minimal regard for what their wannabe rulers tell them! Strife wins because unity is dumb.

What is your alternative?

The labels are a method of controlling people. It drives people to look for new labels (oh, maybe I'm an alt-right, or a progressive-but-not-democrat), instead of just focusing on good policy ideas.

Political affiliations are your personal prisons

If I believed in reddit, I would give you gold.

it's not only you. no.

Yes, all of this. All of this times 10.

Yes, but I'd say it's more a pro or anti-Trump. I've never seen anyone defend the Clintons, although I have seen people that are anti-Trump be accused of supporting Hillary.

Almost like that Trump fella is the one carrying the nuclear codes or something.

As someone who is anti-Trump, being a Hillary supporter is almost always an assumption by other people and will be used as a argument "tactic" against me almost every time.

Me: some criticism of Trump

Them: omg get over it Killary lost. 4 more years. Benghazi bitch.

Me: wait what we were talking about Trump, yanno our president?

That's funny, I never met anyone in the US who does not like trump. Only people online bitch about trump.

You need to get out more than or go to different places.

Usually they love Hillary where they don't love Trump. It's pretty polarized that way.

Where u from

I hate both of them.

Can't stand either of them

I live in a pretty liberal college town and everyone here hates both of them.

You are fucking high. I meet trump haters and trump lovers almost everyday. Half the houses I walk into someone gives me a political opinion and it's always different.

There are legitimate conspiracies of people trying to take Trump down. Russia is a non-fact based conspiracy. The media smears and claims of fake news to protect top criminals is unprecedented in US history. This is not about Dems vs Rep politics. There are dirty politicians on both sides.

The Cabal is real. The manipulation of the deep state and the MSM are real... all conspiracies connect to the hidden hand of power. Actual murderers and pedophiles have been running the country - the world - for decades, and now they want to destroy Trump because of the threat he represents to them.

Maybe people should put aside their biases and unite against the criminal globalist Cabal, so that we can move on to better things.

amen all this fucking!

Hey chicky!

;0 what a way to commence Monday

Right? This is the story of WotB too, right? The weekend was a bloodbath.

in what way dear


"Troll!" "Shill!" Purity trolling and rage quits.

i know and new mods at old places [not here THANK GOD other subs.... ]

why is re-edits ruinin itself this way its a shame and a sham

If you want to get a lot of points in the comments you need to point out the age of the OP's account or call him a concern troll. Haven't you learned anything from reading the comment section yet?!?..;-}

well only recently this sub usta be the best hang on re-edits and now

how paultry

where are all the regs eh?

Fuck USA politics, there is an entire world and I am sick of reading about one countries leaders.

Well start focusing on other countries when the world economy isn't based on the American dollar and we all start speaking Chinese and when this isn't a sub filled with primarily Americans and when there isnt a ton to talk about regarding the united States election and when...Etc.

I don't understand comments like these. It'd be like posting on /r/nfl after the Superbowl saying "God can we please stop talking about the Patriots??? There are 31 other teams!!" Yeah, we know, but none of the others are as compelling or important right now.

your posts are the definition of concern trolling. A few hours ago you were posting about anti-trump. now you are anti bots.

You are not woke. Look at your posts and threads. Here is the one from a few hours ago:

They are in response to all the Trump bots in this sub. And a message to all the Hillary Shills here: I also want you to know that you are not helping. Fuck the system. Fuck every government in existence. Since when do conspiracy theorists defend the government? It's utter bullshit what we've become. We used to be labeled as wackos who believed in UFOs and alien abductions. Now we are actually seen as people who defend the establishment like none other. Disgusting.

I understand your frustration and distrust of those around Trump - to be clear I do not trust all of them either. Some of them are definitely villains... I would have preferred Sanders, but Clinton literally cheated him out of the race... but what outcome would you have preferred and what solutions do you suggest?

If you are awoken to a global Cabal that has manipulated us, you must see some of the things happening now with politicians and media trying to overthrow Trump. If you are 'woke' you can easily see who is behind it, and that these people need to go to jail.

If you are 'woke' you know that pedogate is real and these people must pay.

Can't you see that Loretta Lynch is calling for insurrection? That everyone who sided with Clinton and Obama are out for Trump's blood? Isn't that at least a partial clue into the mindset of those who have held power for all these decades?

And for the record, I am also anti-Zionist... pro ET disclosure, and a supporter of all the other non-political conspiracies. Trump is not a likable guy, he is surrounded by bad people - but the people who oppose him are so much worse.

I don't disagree with you. What I disagree with is people defending him.

It depends on how you define defending him. Do you mean defending his policies - something no-one anywhere is really doing? The fact is that the country did vote toward the right and a lot of people on reddit cannot accept conservativism whatever. But Trump is also legitimately being attacked by the media and the DNC outright. Much of that is raging hypocrisy and represents a potential conspiracy that the hard leftists don't want to see. Is Trump a threat to the NWO? So therein lies what you might call Trump support from this sub. Being this is 'conspiracy' that means we don't have he same set of issues you have. We probably don't believe in global warming and we don't support multi-culturalism much. Probably the real issue is: you don't belong here.

That what a shill would say

"What we've become"

Says the <1 year old account


You realize people delete their accounts right? I've been on reddit since Digg.

Why delete your account?

Popular or inciteful comments can get the fury of a thousand people. Some of those people might want to dox you.

So people sensor themselves? That's interesting. People talk a big talk but then hide when it becomes difficult.

Censor* and no it's more like just protecting yourself from a cyber attack

Scared of your own shadow? Thats noway to live.

Not at all. Just like, deleted my account and made a new one when I needed to. I feel like being so attached to an internet account is worse.

Depends on what youre trying to accomplish. The main post is a legit plea but the first post is "2 days old gtfo" response and it seems a majority of people agree.

I was trying to accomplish not getting doxxed. I'm unsure if you understand the context of this thread at this point. In response to someone saying that the account was young, someone else said that people sometimes delete their own accounts to avoid getting doxxed. Then you said it was self censorship. Now here we are.

Yeah he's not the brightest bulb.

Obviously you don't remember how Reddit solved the Boston bombings. Or how people on Twitch get SWATted. You'd delete all your social media in an instant if you had that kind of pressure on you.

It's more like, why allow this trivial thing to potentially cause me harm when I can just get a new one and be protected?

I just had to delete my account because a really basic comment I made got thousands of upvotes and some people really flipped. It was along the lines of "It's scary that people truly think the AG's job is to just agree and promote all presidential decrees instead of being the chief legal advisor and law enforcement officer for the country."

You'd be amazed what people could dig up on you with a 7 year old account if they were so inclined.

This isn't the same person I responded to that deleted their comment, FYI

Fuck every government? Well can you provide a solution or an alternative to your response? Fucking edge lord

It probably is his job.

Whoa could this be a conspiracy?

Soros? $/

David 'Pedo' Brock courtesy of ShariaBlue

Don't do that. Don't ever mention Georgio Sorosini again. Code name: Soroshima. Aka Sorosocity. Aka the Eye of Soron. Don't do it. I bet of you.

If this is his job and he does it all the time why does he keep reaching the front page? Is this like how a new anti-Trump Reddit pops up every other day and instantly hits the front page?

I wouldn't say there's no connection. Reddit admins can tailor algorithms so that only certain information is exposed, so saying there is a connection wouldn't be unreasonable.

Take it easy on him...he's in midst of skeptics, he should have known better.

You know that this sub has been taken over by /r/the_donald when it's considered concern trolling to post about a conspiracy theory surrounding Trump. lmao fucking laughable.

I don't even have RES but I still recognise this guy's account. He spams this sub like it's his job.

But it's coming in fashion

I agree that the guy is probably trolling, but can you explain to me what "concern trolling" means? I have only seen it used to attack someone who expresses an idea that is against the mainstream ideology of the sub where the post is made.

All the "Sanders" people who appear in any anti-Trump thread circlejerk to be on board with the crowd, and then they start feeding stuff in there about how they need to bust up the Democratic party "establishment" and then their posts trend toward attacking Democrats and the Democratic party.

Because they're so concerned about the state of the nation, you see.

That's not concern trolling. That's good advice. You should listen to those people. Ever since one of them BTFO'd Podesta, I think the Rothschilds have started listening to them.

I do listen to them but most of the time they're full of shit. "Oh the Democrats are so bad because of this and that"... and then their first demand for change is "Put this asshole who is worse than anything I complained about in charge, and the reason he's good is he's in my clique". I mean, they attack and criticize but it always leads to what amounts to a power grab by their own insiders who are nowhere near as good as the people already in.

Anybody is better than who is already in. You rotate them out again and again until they actually listen to you. Same with leaving the Democratic Party, if they won't listen to you then what's the point of sticking around? You know the plan of "primary in progressives" is bullshit that won't work, because if it did there would already be progressives in office, that's what progressives have been trying this whole time. You have to leave the party in droves so they realize they need to listen, then you can speak. It's not concern trolling it's just not business as usual.

I guess that's one way to flush out people who aren't working out well. But didn't this already happen in the past 6 years?

The next Democratic party will grow the people who get elected in the next 6 years, basically. And talking won't get affect that, it's the growth from within when the party is hollowed out, that makes change.

(I'm a big fan of change-by-growing.)

I googled it for the exact definition. It is feigning concern in a sub or thread to garner and gather attention and emotion, and to generally waste time.

the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion.

Seems like a way to just put people down for having any genuine concern and not going along with 100% of an ideology.

Any concern is too much, now get back in the circle! /s

True, some people use it to bring people down that are genuinely concerned. That was seen in the instance of people coming to /r/wikileaks to talk about Julian after his internet went out - and people were being banned for 'concern trolling'.

But in OPs instance, if you look at his history, there is a good number of posts like these.

"Virtue signaling" is the new one. Any time someone expresses a moral or ethical position, instead of addressing it they just use the term to end the discussion.

Sets a dangerous precedent. Anyone showing humility or compassion? Virtue signaling.

Not exactly.

JK Rowling saying everyone should accept refugees while she doesn't accept any in her mansions is virtue signalling. Now if she said the same thing and gave at least one room to a refugee family, that wouldn't be.

Virtue signaling is expressing compassion in something and doing jack-shit else hoping that everyone calls you tolerant and progressive. It is like slacktivisim.

Having them in her home is silly, I'm for helping the homeless but i don't want them moving in. If she's for having them in her country and having her tax dollars go towards supporting them, that sounds reasonable. JK Rowling is infamous for giving huge sums to charity.

I don't know what she said about immigrants, Googling it pulls up many pages suggesting refugees should move into her house. To me, it sounds like she took a stance and opponents are attacking her personally and her assumed motivations rather than her argument.

Someone offered to pay for plane tickets for as many immigrants as JK Rowling was willing to put up in some of her empty properties, she wouldn't respond to the person.

Thats retarded. Jk rowling isnt advocating for people to live in her house. Youve changed the goal posts and declared victory. Shes advocating for more immigrants and you resorted to an ad hominem.

You did the exact same bullshit people do whenever someone says they wanna go to war (well get a plane ticket and go over there!) Or they wanna raise taxes (feel free to write them a check!!) Youre not addressing the topic, youre being smug and lazy

She is advocating for dangerous people (look at Malmo) to live in our neighbourhoods. To be by our children. She wants none of the risk though, she knows damn well they wont be moved into her gated community. It is virtue signalling plain and simple. Unless she takes some of the risk, she has no right to call us intolerant.

Youre a moron. Also, by claiming to be better than her youre virtue signalling. Stop it.

"Oh look at me, im not putting our children in danger. Everyone should respect me." Fuck off. Virtue signalling ninny.

Also, she would still live in the country and be subject to the effects. So what you mean to say is her affluence makes her less likely to suffer negative consequences than you.

Also, she would still live in the country and be subject to the effects. So what you mean to say is her affluence makes her less likely to suffer negative consequences than you.

No shit? Yes her in her gated community and armed guards will make her less likely to feel the effects. She is one of the elites... have you forgotten what sub you are on (and you call me the idiot)?

Nope haha youve made it clear your overly emotional. You virtue signal constantly. Also, your "gotcha" of wanting her to have live in immigrants is retarded and you should feel ashamed for such a stupid line of thinking

-Cannot argue without insults

-Calls me overly emotional

Here is some reading that you may enjoy

If i communicate without insulting you then im not being honest with you

No, virtue signalling is expressing an opinion and then hiding behind your sense of morality/ethics to avoid hard questions. It becomes magnified when the person spouts all these ethical ideas, but then never acts upon them apart from maybe re-posting something on facebook.

It sets a dangerous precedent: we cannot discuss my ideas, because I'm morally correct, and thus you are NOT morally correct, and probably Hitler, too.

Arguably obsessing over shills, concern trolls, etc is much more harmful to productive discourse than those things themselves.

Arguably obsessing over shills, concern trolls, etc is much more harmful to productive discourse than those things themselves.

Way to manipulate sentiment to justify increased mod activity/demonstrate a particular trope to newcomers.

Related to Sea-Lioning.

What an annoying way to shut down discussion. Label it and dismiss it.

yes, it can be frustrating, indeed.

Concern trolling is pretending to be concerned about a subject while actually intending to undermine debate or demoralize chosen targets.

How do you distinguish between a concerned Trump supporter and a concern troll?

Trolls are hairier?

The whole "concern troll" mania is affecting other subs as well. I am a regular reader of r/PoliticalDiscussions and right now if you voice a concern about anything you'll be accused of being a concern troll. I lean Democratic, voted for Hillary and am at risk of medical issues if the ACA goes away and I simply suggested there that Dems taking control of the House in 2018 was ridiculously ambitious. I got a bunch of replies from people accusing me of being a "concern troll." It's like fuck you- I'm sorry we all can't be fucking cheerleaders or disagree with the groupthink on our own side.

You don't, it's just a way to dismiss anyone not going along with the groupthink.

They're basically the same thing now You can't tell the difference anymore

That's exactly what it is. It's T_D way of justifying bans on people who ask the right questions.

Its when you try to spread some "sympathy narrative" in a sub, trying to appeal to the userbase or mods in order to get the sub changed in some way. Typically it's from an outsider.

The good old flip the script comment slide technique!

(I can make up some shit too)

this guy sucks

How comes the bots are always pro Hillary or anti trump 🤔

I have seen 0 pro trump bots

Have you been on this sub lately?? Or on the_donald?? full of pro-trump bots

They're never bots though, just people.

& don't you think it's weird there's only 2 subs on Reddit where you can make a non-bashing trump comment without receiving a million downvotes?

It's not even like r/conspiracy is pro trump, they're just not anti. Anytime someone posts obvious fake stories about trump & the commenters point it out, they're labeled as "alt right pro trumper conspiracy theorist".

It's not even like r/conspiracy is pro trump, they're just not anti.

Ahahahahahahaha. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Pizzagate has nothing to with Donald trump. & the fact that you & many others on Reddit constantly tie 🍕gate with being being pro trump just convinces me even more it's real.

You say r/conspiracy is overrun with 🍕 posts, could it be because it's one of the few places left on Reddit where at least some discussion is permitted? Remember when they fucking banned the 🍕sub?

I don't think r/conspiracy is pro trump, I just think all the other subs have been compromised to be very anti-trump. That's just factual at this point. It's why we saw an anti trump post via r/sci-fi reach the front page

Being a Pizzagate theorists doesn't explicitly make you pro-Trump, I agree. But you've got your head in the sand if you don't think the most fervent Pizzagaters aren't also Trump supporters.

I don't think r/conspiracy is pro trump

Try posting some legitimate Trump conspiracies and see how quickly you get downvoted or called a shill.

Okay post a trump conspiracy on any sub except r/conspiracy & see how fast you get upvoted.

Like you said r/conspiracy is full of skeptics, I trust them to call out bullshit conspiracies, which they usually do. Trump doesn't have any legit conspiracies because he's a very transparent guy. We know he's an obnoxious asshole who says whatever's on his mind. This is a good thing.

Okay post a trump conspiracy on any sub except r/conspiracy & see how fast you get upvoted.

I'm not sure what you think this proves. Of course /r/politics and any shit sub like that is going to mindlessly upvote with thier bias.

I thought the point of /r/conspiracy was to be skeptical of all information, and discuss is using logic and reasoning. Not to simply spew your biases here because it's not popular on other subreddits.

Trump doesn't have any legit conspiracies because he's a very transparent guy.

And thank you for proving my point. You're beyond compromised and incapable of rational thought, apparently.

Trump conspiracies are posted here & they're quickly dismissed as fake news, because it is.

Stop pretending r/politics is the only anti trump sub. It's every sub now.

Check this weeks top post on r/scifi then tell me reddit isn't pushing a narrative

davidreiss666 who is the submitter of that astroturfing post in /r/scifi is also a mod there. All the comments were calling him out as litteraly the cancer on Reddit since this is not at all the first time he's done it.

Mods of the sub then removed almost all the critical posts, it's a comment graveyard there now with all dissenting voices removed.

the t-d crowd are the pro trump bots. ;)

Says one of the biggest Trump spammers on this site.

This dude sits in new and controversial and protects Trump all day. A bunch of accounts just like this are astroturfing. They switch accounts often, but don't need to, because they're protected here.

^ Says one of the biggest Trump spammers on this site.

Says a 17-day-old account called "trumptastic shitshow".

KingJames, Subnautica, NationalDenbt, Lily_levisour, chickyrouge. Nothing but pro-trump astroturfers who have co-opted this sub.

Yeah on the other hand your account totally doesn't look like astroturfing.

Really couldn't give a fuck about whatever defensive stance you take. Fact is, these accounts are spammers. This sub has been outted in multiple other subs, including undelete, with legitimate proof of shady shit. That includes EricCarver, and all the accounts above.

Call me out all day for using a 17 day account. I spent fucking years here before these people took over this sub and turned into Pizzagate and Hillary all day. It's bullshit, and everyone sees it.

oh ok. Sounds believable.

SHILL FIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!! Let's see which side has the most bots!

This is truly the only real way to settle this

All these comments are a shitshow, because there are a fuck ton of shell accounts shitting on other shell accounts. Now anyone real, regardless of their view, is either in the echo chamber or left alone. Either way, reddit is quickly accelerating to it's death and downfall

Do you think there will be a day where user anonymity must be tied to a real person across the internet? Like if I had to tie my Reddit account to Facebook (but my real name remain private to other users)?

Sometimes I question if the anonymity of the internet causes more harm than good. Then I feel terrible because of privacy violations... but no one makes you use the internet I suppose.

Eh, I doubt it honestly. That's part of what makes something like Reddit work. The fact that you can say whatever you are actually thinking with nearly no consequences. The karma system is a good way to "limit" what can be said on few of being the outcast. Plus people change their opinions and views all the time, if you tied that to a real account with names, then that person would be branded by users forever and never allowed to grow.

What they are saying is that it would remain anonymous but you couldn't have more than one account and an account would need to be held by a real person.

Thank you for clarifying my point. This is what I meant. It's anonymous, but if I want to create a new account I would have to delete my current one and verify I'm a real person. Right now we can have essentially an infinite number of accounts with a finite number of internet users. 1 person can reflect the "opinions" of what appears to be 100 people and no one would really know. What appears to be the majority could in fact be a very small minority.

That's the whole concept of "paid shills" but it's an inherent flaw in any system that is built on total and complete anonymity and lack of control. It's a system failure that will carry over to any Reddit replacement without addressing the main concern.

Yeah I misread it completely, he explained it clearly I just think I sped read it wrong.

/u/kerkyjerky clarified what I was getting at and I responded to him below. I don't want to make it so users lose anonymity or the ability to change an account to reflect a change in opinion, but there are other issues that I think we need to address while maintaining those central tenets of how a Reddit username works and what it can be used for.

Ah, I misread, that would be another better step. But then I guess it's left to consider; how easy is it to create a fake Facebook (or w.e method used), and do you want another website to have your personal information.

Interestingly enough there are a lot of websites that can guesstimate a lot of information about you, based of your reddit account answers. It's decently accurate (considering you don't lie), and I'm not sure I would like anyone (including just admins) knowing my personal info.

For sure it is an interesting concept and presents a lot of problems. I'm not on one side or the other for the matter... just thought it could provoke some good comments.

I did see another post using an algorithm that shows information on users based on posts and it is pretty crazy how accurate it was for me. Some glaring errors in it, but it was about 75% accurate to describe me.

I wonder if we could use a central login method tied to your PII but then encrypt it so nothing could be tied back to you personally other than the verification that you are indeed a real person.

If Reddit actually wanted to improve its site, it would be easy to identify patterns and get rid of accounts like this that do nothing but enervate its integrity. However, we all know Reddit does not care about free speech. In fact, they actively suppress it in favor of their political leanings and allow spam like this to proliferate in order to manipulate its ever-slimming base of human users. I am completely okay with this as it only quickens the demise of this geriatric site and opens the door for a new, better alternative.

Do you spend all day on Reddit posting topics? You're either unemployed or a shill.

Yeah on the other hand your account totally doesn't look like astroturfing.

The irony.

ah, you you intrigue me. I am flattered to be listed with the likes of KingJames, Subnautica, NationalDenbt, Lily_levisour, chickyrouge. 3 of those I respect incredibly so for their independent thought. You think any thought that isn't anti-Trump is pro-trump, and that is your prerogative. I know I personally am Trump neutral and sometimes lean anti-Trump (especially in cases of why the heck he chose who he did for his cabinet).

And we post organic posts, and think organically - there is no protection here. I find it interesting that a young account like yours is so angry and so detailed.

^ Says one of the biggest Trump spammers on this site. This dude sits in new and controversial and protects Trump all day. A bunch of accounts just like this are astroturfing. They switch accounts often, but don't need to, because they're protected here. KingJames, Subnautica, NationalDenbt, Lily_levisour, chickyrouge. Nothing but pro-trump astroturfers who have co-opted this sub. Likely, these are all sock puppets for a small group of powerusers. They're saying russian is the one being paid, but projection is now how this place gets by.

TY Eric C ;0

its been quite the morning of temper tantrum[p]s

ha! Cheeky Chicky, you are hilarious. :)

;0 leave them laughin!

Lmao wtf?? If people only knew how much we get in trouble. 🤣🤣🤣

/u/ericcarver is one of the few names on here that I recognize and pay attention to, mostly because he comments a lot on this sub. That being said, I'm pretty sure he's usually fairly impartial and plays the middle ground a lot. I haven't scrolled through his post history honestly, but I wouldn't say he sits here and defends trump all day.

And now it's being bot upvoted to the top. Get ready for the comments to get taken over soon.

Being anti-Trump doesn't mean you're pro-Hillary or pro-Establishment.

That's something far too many Trumpsters around here can't seem to comprehend.

True. my post was that he posts a lot of threads about how this sub is going downhill, but I don't recall any threads about any good conspiracies. It's why I posted what I did.

Anytime I say something anti-Trump I feel like I need to add "Hillary sucks too" to the end of it.

Exactly, every time someone here defends Trump they always do it by deflecting to Clinton or Obama.

This sub is always been anti government, I don't know why people on a conspiracy sub would be defending a 70 year old politician.

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I don't understand why I should still have to make my hatred for Hillary known just to criticize the current president of the united states. Nobody criticised Obama's foreign policy but then quickly said "but Romney sucks too".

I shouldn't have to express my dislike for the candidate who lost to him 4 months ago every time I want to criticize the president of the United States. Nobody was like "Obama's foreign policy is too aggressive and underhanded. Oh BTW Romney sucks too no hate pls"

I rarely post here, but I've been a long time lurker. It's so baffling to me that a large number of the posters in this sub blindly shut down all criticism about an untrustworthy billionaire who claims to be "anti-establishment." You would think people on a conspiracy sub would be more skeptical, wouldn't you?

Trump is a conspiracy theorists' wet dream.

Even if you don't believe/trust all the sources, the amount of information to discuss on a daily basis is just staggering.

Noun, 'Concern Troll': see above comment for definition

I respect your opinion, but when the establishment are clearly attacking him in every way possible, you can no longer credibly say that Trump isnt anti-establishment, or imply this is just an unsupported Trump claim.

And being anti-Obama, and the shit he did, doesn't mean you support Trump.
There are people who don't explicitly wanted Trump, but they wanted Obama and the dems out for the shady shit they kept pulling.

I'm anti trump but I don't concern troll. I have to agree with you on this one and I have to agree with op fuck everybody

ha! I respect your opinion friend. Lots of good posters here are anti Trump, but the good ones use facts vs feelings or emotion.

Concern trolling?


I dont get it what

Concern trolling? Oh you mean a convenient excuse to ignore people disagreeing while also being civil.

Yup. This guy's a big fat phony.

He who chest thumps his wokeness is truly a sheep.

Indeed, friend.

Why would being anti trump contradict what they are saying here?

look at OPs posting history. Party's over.

Ok i checked the last 20 submissions or so. what am i supposed to be looking for? none of it contradicts this post.

Politics is a hot topic lately. The 2016 shit show got everyone fired up. One of my best friends pretty much stopped talking to me for a while because I wouldn't STFU. I had to make a conscious effort to not mention politics at all when we spoke to eventually get a decent conversation out of him. Before that he kept conversations brief and to the point. It took me about a week to finally snap that I'd burned all my political currency and another two weeks to get past the walls he'd put up.

It's good you did that. I don't talk to anyone about politics, really. My husband doesn't care about politics at all. And his people are REALLY conservative anyways.

My friend was a liberal but he's been leaning the other way. His father in law is almost constantly watching Fox News. I think his influence has had it's effect. The kids spend a lot of time with the father in law so my friend is over there a lot picking them up and dropping them off. I guess I was trying to influence my friend back to what he once believed.

Honestly, I'm trying to get rid of the labels Republican and Democrat. IMO, they've dominated politics in America for long enough. There are more than 2 flavors of ice cream for a reason. It's unnatural to try to group such a large number of individuals into only two types.

Unfortunately, people are pretty tribal. They'll stick with "their team" no matter what. If they loose they'll just try harder the next time around.

I'm looking into a new political movement. I don't know all that much about them yet but I do like what they appear to stand for.

That's interesting, I'll look it up. Thanks.

Lately, I've been arguing hardcore for a centrist party who throws left or right on particular issues as they come up and isn't nailed to extreme left or extreme right litmus tests.

Which might be the same thing as your reason and progress.

You ever hear of think progress or our revolution?

thinkprogress is compromised, owned by moneyed interests. IDK about OurRev since it's Sanders' but it could have the same fate. The site this person linked also has a whole article about fake news and how we should be ignoring headlines like "Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Investigated For Child Trafficking" and "Top Official Set to Testify Against Hillary Clinton Found DEAD."

Wh... why ignore those things? Ignore the deaths of people like Seth Rich or John Ashe? The article says this kind of awareness perpetuates stupidity but I think that's a case of projection. I think articles like this, which showed up on any facet of MSM including fucking POLYGON, are meant to dumb us down and lower the common denominator for rational thought. The elite is maniacal.

Don't talk about politics. Talk about policy. What should we do.

Politics is a shitshow.

Don't talk about politics. Talk about policy. What should we do.

Very concise, I like it.

It's awful. I'm trying to figure a way out myself. I want to continue to interact and contribute, but without being caught between armies of shills. I guess talking policy is the right way, but everytime you step outside of one group's box and then the other's you end up on everyone's hitlist.

Hard to do when your friends are saying stupid shit like,"I'd pay more taxes if went to the border wall."

(South Texan)

So they aren't conservative they just want to spend money on things they like

No conservatives are actually conservatives, they just hate liberal democrats. Most don't even know why.

Yeah I know what you mean, it's also hard when you're surrounded by liberals constantly patting themselves on the back, calling everyone else in the US who doesn't think like them ignorant, blabbing about the joys of diversity in between complaining fits about the Bluetooth feature of their phone not sinking up with their new blender in their $400k white-suburb house, and always bitching about how awful and heartless gun owners are.

Politics is policy... all policy is political

That's enough out of you "EnoughTrumpSpammer"

you were downvoted for being a dick

The person is lying, and I'm the dick?

I don't talk to anyone about politics, really.

Look at their post history, half of it is anti-Trump

They mean in real life which is why you got confused. People can actually talk to people face to face and not just over a screen and keyboard.

I'm not confused, just fed up with the Trump spam. Glad we get to be his outlet, really makes this a better place/s

Actually, you can. I delete my history from time to time.

That's blatantly untrue, you talk politics in multiple political subs, ETS, TMoR, FtAR. In fact your most frequent sub is /r/politics according to:

I meant I don't talk politics to people IRL. Just online.

That's blatantly untrue, you talk politics in multiple political subs, ETS, TMoR, FtAR. In fact your most frequent sub is /r/politics according to:

Never said I didn't.

I don't talk to anyone about politics,

Oh, OK. I mean in my real life. I do it all online.

I would never talk about politics to someone IRL. Shit's too crazy and divisive, nowadays.

If you don't talk politics, then why do I have you RES-tagged as ETS?

Who said I don't talk politics? And I was a heavy ETS poster during the election and for a while after, and I still post to ETS.

I'm thankful i was in a huge work project the WHOLE late election season and not around most of my friends except for online or it would have gotten bad. The weird part is now that I know so much more about various things thanks to the season I basically am afraid to ever bring up politics around most of them again outside of like 2 people that are pretty hip to things like surveillance or MSM.

Good for you for building that relationship back up, can't let yourself be among those allowing themselves to be divided from each other.

Yeah I also went on a retweeting spree after seeing a constant wave of anti-trump stuff. I had to cool down though, it's easy to get so worked up about this stuff that you lose some self-consciousness. Same with some of the stuff here. You see a few Hillary or Trump shill posts and then assume all of the related posts are shills. I have also done this lol. Anyways, good comment and thanks for sharing it.

This same post pops up every other day. There is only one type of person who sounds like a robot



Ha, I read this in a human voice.

Same type of person who complains about people being thought police.

Getting tired of Trumpeters makes me a robot? Fuck.


If we continue to feel divided they are succeeding. Mountains don't fold to the wind.

you're pretty much a spam bot yourself , that's worried about other spam bots. That's a lot of karma for being a two month old account , how often do you post ? Every 3 to 5 minutes . What do you post ? Politics. See your a bot so shut the fuck up , log out take a break stop bitching , it's old

The left has no other option but to filibuster.

Liberals think conspiracy thinkers are stupid. And this is a good time to get you on board and off the Trump train. But instead of talking to you openly and honestly, they are trying to pretend their way in.

No thank you, some us know better than to get tangled with any political agenda, politicians don't give a shit about 90% of the population.

that is an all or nothing statement and as a psych would tell you, is unhealthy. If you really believed that then you wouldnt feel thhe need to prove it to everyone else. Take a step back and fuck off.

This passive aggressive shit is exactly how hillary voters pitched "omg both candidates are so bad this year, i cant get over how bad they both are, and everyone is so political... but trump is literally hitler so we have to vote for hillary"

"tangled with any political agenda"= involved in politics. Apparently you "know so much better" that no one believes you. Must be because every single other person is dumb right? they just dont get how smart you are, thats it

Run in more circles yelling about Hillary, nobody cares ffs

kk thx fam

that is an all or nothing statement and as a psych would tell you, is unhealthy

So he likes to play armchair-psychology

that no one believes you. Must be because every single other person is dumb right? they just dont get how smart you are, thats it

Then says this, which is deeply ironic. Do you eat lead paint for breakfast or were you born this way? Am I literally picking on someone with downs syndrome? Should I feel bad?

Someone with down's syndrome at least has some loveable human attributes.

Leftists on the otherhand are so despised that even average americans cheer when they see riot police attacking them. Leftists have literally become oppressors for peoples happiness and well being.

Your statement is perfect and falls right into what I said, all I meant was each person dictates their own happiness and to be emotionally involved in politics is fucken stupid, and (YOU) are the perfect example. My opinion got you to take time out of your day to tell me to fuck off hahaha fuck you and the facade of choice you think you have!! :)

I just want things to run well enough so that I can walk away and stop paying attention, so that I can be involved in my life without having some losers bring the financial system down or let other disasters happen when people aren't paying attention.

If they could at least do their jobs well enough so as to not run aground, we could all pay more attention to our own lives and let them do their jobs without our constant attention.

Because as we all know, conservatives are soooo good at talking to people not in their conservative bubble. Which is why they regularly say things like liberals are traitors, or not real Americans, or come up with constant conspiracies about liberals being pedophiles etc. Even in your post, you're saying "regular Americans" to refer to non-liberals.

Everyone is an American. There is no such thing as a "real" or "regular" American and conservatives use language like this, it reinforces that divide by painting themselves as only true, patriotic Americans, and anyone that disagrees with them as "others" and "traitors" and not "true" Americans. When the reality is that we are all Americans that have differing view points.

The only time anyone talks about a "regular" American should be when they talk about the working class which is 90% of this country, regardless of political leaning. The only people that don't understand "real" Americans are the wealthy on both ends of the spectrum that pit the working class against each other in petty political squabbles. The sooner we all realize that, the better off we'll be. We shouldn't be fighting against each other, we should be fighting against the politicians and CEOs that pick our pockets.

Well said


The bankers that control politics, destroy countries, and ruin economies, a whose entire occupation is a vestigial parasite


I'm exceedingly liberal and very much a conspiracy theorist.

Since 2001, it's hard not to be. We have to constantly pay attention because some guys in DC can create terrorist disasters, start bogus wars, bring down the financial system, and all kinds of chaos, if people aren't constantly paying attention and trying to read WTF they're really up to.

Liberals also think that Christians are stupid

How dumb are you? You think these thoughts are exclusively held by liberals?

You're a puppet!


I think I got a beitbart article with the proof around here somewhere

Oh, man I had this idea for a cartoon of that moment in the debate: put one on strings, and make one a ventriloquist's dummy. "You're the puppet!" "No, you're the puppet!"

I feel sorry for you yanks. Seriously, I really do. They've created another level of psychosis upon you poor souls. Bloody hell. -concerned Aussie

Don't blame us. Blame the government.

The government is a representative of the people, lol. I thought land of the free was like so edgy and cool and eagle flag gunish

Do you know anything about how the Deep State works? I've worked in government, and I assure you, it has NOTHING to do with the will of the people.

What does it have to do with


My guess would be money?

the government is a representative of the people

I disagree. Click any fucking link in this sub.

What fantasy land do you live in?

land of the free

If you think the people you're talking to believe in that propaganda, you're in the wrong sub.

I edited my post. Forgot the /s

The reason the world is as fucked as it is right now is because people refuse to look in the mirror and hold that person accountable. We look to immediately point the finger at external authority structures. We are to blame because we have allowed things to get this far gone. Yes, the human population has been systematically manipulated and put under deep mind control programming. But that is also because we have not cared enough to do anything different about it. Most people really don't care about changing themselves from within, much less trying to effect change from without. We need to stop handing our authority away and making excuses for our own individual agency. Accepting our role in this fucked up chess game is the first step toward truly liberating ourselves and this planet.

The reason the world is as fucked as it is right now is because people refuse to look in the mirror and hold that person accountable.

You know the US government murders dissidents, right?

you say that like it is standard operating procedure or something

They're all red vs blue when it should be haves vs have nots.... As in 99% vs 1% But the 1% has blinded people and tricked them into thinking skin color and religion are more important divides and they secretly carry on fucking everyone.... Happens all over the world but in the US next level

I'll leave der snoo profile here.

God damn where the fuck are these mods

Suitcase suicided, prob'ly.

Honestly tho I've got another subreddit we could used /r/Conspired.

He is a Russian Nigerian Prince? I should help him move his money.

this is awesome and needs more visibility, I would love to see an extension wher I could just click on a username and be redirected straight to this website, that guy is so obviously using Brock's shill tactics.

That's a really cool site. And scary to do it on myself... don't realize how much information I share haha

Is there something similar to this for twitter?


a two month old account

Don't throw stones

That's a lot of karma for being a two month old account

Can you read? Do you know what context is? The two key words being "karma FOR". Do I need to get some kids cartoon character or The Wiggles in here to explain to you what context is?

Do you like asking questions? Do you think you are in a scene from Whose Line is it Anyway? Do you want to suck on my tiny penis?

Wow, you're annoying.

Good post.

Holy shit you implied he's a child and he can't read. Levels of savagery I haven't seen in years you madman!

He could just have ADHD and he could be unemployed

I am not saying he is a shill, but he sure posts polarized opinions like they are his job.

Is it your job, though? It's like you live in /r/conspiracy...

ha! I am not here that much am I? But it is true, my work affords me a good amount of slack time and some of that I spend here.

Holy fuck. I'm ADHD and unemployed... and I'm on political subreddits wayyyyyy to much.

It's an easy way to waste a lot of time.

Yeah, on free days I can literally eat up hours just arguing with people and shit on political subs. I don't even care about the argument sometimes lol, it's just fun and a way to ease the boredom.

Dope username, man.

Me too. Holy shit, it's like a lightbulb went off. I need to go outside. I need a new hobby.

Could also be a /r/neckbeard.

What a sad existence than. Do something more meaningful then posting endlessly on Reddit if you are unemployed.

ayy im unemployed

I sense conspiracy a-foot.

He's obviously a Russian bot.

Doesn't matter how old his account is and what kind of karma OP has. What matters is the message, and the message is good. If you're for Trump or Hillary or any of the above, you don't belong in this sub.

I believe the sub is called "conspiracy" not "you must hate every authority figure in the USA".

If you are aware of what happens in Government, then you would hate most authority figures in the USA. SO, by that definition, yes, you would if you were not an idiot and you frequent this sub. But if you don't get that, then, well...

What does that have to do with this sub? This sub is for anyone interested in conspiracies. It's not only for people who are anti-conspiracy.

That's really not that much karma for a 2 month old account

(ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง

What, I see about 3 or 4 posts and comments a day...

Yeah this is the worst kind of conspiracy theorist, there are people arguing and interjecting politics on a sub that lends itself towards politics on a site that will argue immigration policy in the comments section of a picture a girls butthole.

Does that mean he is proving his point?

Is it possible to block/filter by username?

This is like the 20th post today taking about how shit this sub has gotten.

Demotivating people much?

You're right, but you'd convince a lot more people of your argument if you used proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. What you wrote was intelligent, but you still sounded like an idiot.

This sub has fallen for the propaganda

It's actually people bringing up the politics ruining the sub.

That's about 95% of all the posts here

the good times

2 month old account.

he got on the front page again, what is this like his 6th or 7th front page post saying nothing but "Fuck" this or that?

This guy is good.

This guy fucks.

for some reason I doubt that.

This guy yells fuck at things.

for some reason I don't doubt that.


Hey, you suck dick for coke!

Can confirm

Wow. That took me back ten years.

You're in here for weed?!?!? I suck dick for coke!!!!


We put birds on things!

Maybe he's this guy

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

This guy fucks...himself

I thought I remembered OP from somewhere...

The problem with new accounts is that they have no credibility. As you can see above, I was about 99% sure that /u/russian321 was a shill. Now I'm about 99.9% sure.

As a tip to new Redditors or users with new accounts--If you want us to trust you then stop filling up this sub with meta posts and start submitting good (and well-sourced) content.

he is probably from shariablue

Clearly sent by George Soros himself! Fun fact george soros is rich and uses his money to try to influence things! Unlike all the rest of the billionaire class that spends their hard earned money on buying peppermint dreams and candy cane hopes for alllllll of america!

Yeah! The rich, especially Uncle George, love us to death.

Oh hush

Obviously sarcastic, but if you're implying that George Soros receives more hate than he deserves, then I don't know what to tell you. The dude is scum.

He's literally been banned from multiple countries. Too bad Americans are too stupid to care.

Being called a shill for pointing out bullshit and hypocrisy.

Better to not offer any opinion on anything political or else you will be labeled a shill.

You are one of the worst people for this sub and you are doing the TPTB a favour. Shill. Hrc. Kremlin. Hasbara. Witch. Satanist.

Better to not offer any opinion on anything political or else you will be labeled a shill.

If you don't want to waste Redditors' time then please stop filling up this sub with shitposts (complaints, no sources, etc).

On the other side, if you want to put together a well-sourced post that also has some of your opinions then that is great!

Being called a shill for pointing out bullshit and hypocrisy.

Better to not offer any opinion on anything political or else you will be labeled a shill.

You are one of the worst people for this sub and you are doing the TPTB a favour. Shill. Hrc. Kremlin. Hasbara. Witch. Satanist.

start submitting good (and well-sourced) content

exactly! we need good content we aren't going to do anything about, not meta content we aren't going to do anything about lol.

Sourced wiki of Obama spying on journalists.

why do i need a source for something no one is going to do anything about?

But this is r/conspiracy ... if the evidence was well sourced and good it wouldn't be a conspiracy anymore.

regadlrsss of what is and isn't a conspiracy, keep talking in your echo chamber, and make sure not to take real action against your masters

He's a shill because he dared to say trump is a cunt without also calling Hillary a cunt? No mate. The story wasn't about Hillary. You are exactly what he was talking about

OP is just shitposting. This isn't the type of posts we need to be taken seriously on /r/all. It also has a very suspicious amount of upvotes. Considering he's talking about shills & bots and this fucking shitpost made it to the top I'm already pretty suspicious.

If OP actually wanted to change somebody's mind he should stop sounding like a lunatic and post some goddamn sources. Here is one right here he could have linked

Problem is old accounts are sold.

I'm not blaming you but it's crazy how this subs skepticism/paranoia is cannibalizing it self.

We know that there are groups that utilize forums to shift narratives and what not. We don't know how influential, big, or successful they are and we also don't have a surefire way to identify a person who is here for that purpose.

Your account is too new? Probably a shill. Old account but "came here from r/all?" Probably a shill. Account with high karma? Must have been sold off to the highest bidder.

Outside of a few identifiable posters we have no way of knowing who is genuine, and even they are suspect now because they could have been given an offer they can't refuse. It's just really fucking crazy. I posted the day after Trump got elected that it would be interesting the direction this sub takes. I still participate in threads but for the most part of just been enjoying the ride.

Agreed. Reddit has to address this. Could kill the site.

reddit dont give a fuck

Sadly i think youre right.

Don't blame the users for accusing extremely suspicious users. Instead, please blame Reddit for not suing groups like CTR for tortious interference

Or we could all just migrate over to a new system that takes this issue seriously (I'm not sure what network that would be)

I think Reddit should do something about it but what third party contract had CTR affected?

According to Reddit's Content Policy and User Agreement you are not allowed to participate in vote manipulation. I made a post about this a 7 months ago

If a single person quit Reddit / migrated to Voat / whatever because of perceived shilling I believe Reddit would have standing to sue, because # of users active = more money for Reddit.

The burden for TI is higher than that.

First of all you have to show intent. It can't just be a byproduct of your actions. Here's the classic example. You have party A, party B, and party C. Party A blackmails party B into breaching a contract with party C. Party C sues party A for TI.

For Reddit to win a suit they would have to show a specific company either stopped contract negotiations or breached a contract because of CTR. It can't just be a scenario where they might have lost out in business deals because users left the site. If that was the case they could go after users who simply stopped logging in.

Tortious interference with contract rights can occur where the tortfeasor convinces a party to breach the contract against the plaintiff, or where the tortfeasor disrupts the ability of one party to perform his obligations under the contract, thereby preventing the plaintiff from receiving the performance promised. The classic example of this tort occurs when one party induces another party to breach a contract with a third party, in circumstances where the first party has no privilege to act as it does and acts with knowledge of the existence of the contract. Such conduct is termed tortious inducement of breach of contract.

Company A hires Company B to shill (intent), thus breaking Reddit's Content Policy & User Agreement. If Reddit's users started abandoning their service for Voat because there is so much shilling on Reddit I think you've got a case there. Though IANAL.

It can't just be a scenario where they might have lost out in business deals because users left the site. If that was the case they could go after users who simply stopped logging in.

This doesn't make sense because users leaving the site doesn't disrupt the ability of any part to perform their obligations.

How do you think reddit makes money? They sell access.

If Reddit users had proof of this the site would be dead within a few months (optimistically it would be dead in days) if Reddit didn't address the problem. Personally I believe that this is the case since they have done nothing to fix it, but who knows?

Why the hell would reddit SUE CTR? They are more likely sending them a monthly bill.

I agree that cooperation is more likely, but that's not my point. My point is that people shouldn't blame users that accuse others of shilling since Reddit hasn't done anything to fix it.

All of is 100% gamed. The voting doesn't follow some "objective" algorithm. A huge percentage of the accounts are bots. The entire site is basically run by marketers. The admins are running a business - not a "community."

The only misunderstanding here is that any every thought that was a "community" or that voting wasn't "rigged."

FFS, one of the major stories about is the first few years it was mostly fake accounts run by the admins to give it the appearance of popularity. The first admin account had unlimited karma and it was a long running jokes.

It's like online poker - how could you ever think it was NOT rigged?

I can't get a fucking dime for mine. Too much controversial comments for corporate standards.

Lol yea. I guess it has to be one way or the other.

How old we talkin?

Idk. I saw an article about the market for social media accounts.

You know this is Reddit right? We don't do well sourced content 'round these parts o' cyberspace...

Some users don't obviously...

Here's some good content: NOW WAKE UP!


SuperTroll indeed.

Because of shadow bans and bans in general, I've had to form new accounts just to post in places. If you make a post on conspiracy or t_d you are automatically shadow banned in certain subs. If people who were edging the line with accounts to stay visible, they should @u/originalaccountname so people can verify a history.

So make a new account for the subs that auto-ban and use your default for those that don't?

I use this one to post and another to check if it showed up. If it doesn't show up, I post with a different account. People get mad it's a new account but I try to tell them this.

Kick him out... simple

I thought I remembered OP from somewhere...

The problem with new accounts is that they have no credibility. As you can see above, I was about 99% sure that /u/russian321 was a shill. Now I'm about 99.9% sure.

As a tip to new Redditors or users with new accounts--If you want us to trust you then stop filling up this sub with meta posts and start submitting good (and well-sourced) content.

Source: /u/AdviseMyAdvice

Been lurking on this sub for a long time. I have never seen good or well sourced content here. Usually just a bunch of insane ramblings.

Then start paying attention :D

I'll give myself credit for this post regarding CTR shills on Reddit

This video about shills was also shared on this sub


These posts are a giant circle jerk. All the links cited are either WikiLeaks or other reddit conversations or screen shots of other reddit conversations.

A well sourced post will draw on multiple types of sources, perhaps even from disparate views and tied them together into a cohesive vision.

R/AskHistorians does this really well. Check out this thought provoking post; how did slave owners justify having sex with slaves if they saw them as non-human

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

go on

Been here forever as well. Came in my first year looking for aliens and other such stuff. 6 years in reddit and I agree with you, I can also tell you this sub is in ABSOLUTE SHAMBLES right now. Between brain washed die hards spouting divisive bs on both sides (thanks CTR/T_D invasion) this sub has successfully been infiltrated and destroyed even well documented proof bearing research is debated heavily ie; PG. Now there was always skeptics but holy shit the astroturfing against it is unlike any other on almost every thread there's at least 1-2 "this is such a stretch bs blah blah" comment.

Conspiracy is dead it's now a front lines for the willing and unwilling shills from both main parties of the American government going at it deflecting and brigading any nonagenda matching thread. Even when we aren't seeing unusually high lurk numbers.

Reddit has been compromised. We know this people talk about it here all the time, but they fail to acknowledge that conspiracy is the sub that has it worst. Blatant censoring in subs is one thing but this is a more quiet method.

Hell even this comment is bad because it's attacking the community any OGs to the sub who haven't been caught up in their political support know what's up. I'm still on a search to find a good replacement, maybe something private.

this sub has successfully been infiltrated and destroyed even well documented proof bearing research is debated heavily


I gave an example..... Did you just quote a bit and decide "this is what I'll argue!"


You'd be surprised how often I post here getting the troll "source?" On things that are not only well documented in the sub but also by a bajillion news outlets.

Because that's what it's come to nowadays, trumpeters and CTR play number 1. So if I missed the sarcasm that's on me. I'm accustomed to new shitty conspiracy not old conspiracy where someone would actually want a source to not argue the source in some strawman argument bs.

However, 10/10 on your impression of the cancer

Lol how long have you been lurking 6 months?

This sub took a huge hit this election, but before that it was completely different.

If you can't remember it, you probably weren't actually here.

Like two years. I enjoy conspiracy theories, especially theories about the survival of the Templar order, Jesus bloodlines, the Free Masons and Nazis.

Like... Conspiracy theories or something?

Then you haven't taken the time to read anything substantial. There are quality posts, granted they've gone down in frequency since the Election cycle. The posts are there, and they are full of information.

Good sources are rare as rocking horse shit though

Lol you should try /r/C_S_T/

They must have finally got to you then too! How much are they paying you to spread these lies! Oh hold on I forgot ALL CAPS SHOULD BE ON! YOUR A SHILL A DAMN SHILL A SOROS TROLL SPREADING DISINFORMATION!WE DO RESEARCH HERE! GO DO THE RESEARCH!

You found me out. I clicked on a hill shill link to Act Blue, and now every time they send me an email I leaving a flaming bag of shit on a Trump supporters porch.

It's called Tone Policing and it's part of the liberal strategy to narrow the overton window; it functions like Political Correctness but it doesn't require the justification of hurt feelings it just uses circular reasoning based on a baseless presupposition so that the un-descerning submit to and enforce the Tone Policing themselves.

This is how 4chan fell to SJWs during gamergate, and SRS takes over subs they want, it's also how Occupy Wallstreet was ruined by people who wanted cultural marxism and "social justice" and weren't interested in running a legitimate long term movement based on one simple bipartisan effort to increase wages.

Nice summary!

this dude is a total shill

This. If they can't distract us with mindless shit, they're going to try to distract us with ourselves.

"Nerd virgin"

great Silicon Valley reference

He has a LOT of fucks to give. He is a hero.

nerd virgins dont fuck

Fuck this guy

Lol the post clearly resonated with the majority of users here...

You guys can all piggyback on the top comments to give the illusion that the community doesn't support this post, but you're wasting your breath...

We've already won.



Silicon Valley reference, nice !

yeah, this guy is in tune to the reddit 'system'.

I use RES. Would you explain how to mark people to filter them out or whatever?

I don't filter, but if you hit the tag icon next to their name, you can make up a tag. Worst offender people I give a 'shill' tag and color it red. Some people really micro break it down. I don't have time for that. :)

Also, when you hover over someone you like, you can hit the +friend button. That works well to highlight people whos opinion you might respect higher than others.

Awesome tip, thanks!

anytime. My biggest bummer with it is as I use multiple devices, my RES database doesn't follow me.

Oh, that makes sense. It's a client-side enhancement. I bet they're working on storing settings in an online db.

seems a natural progression for it, as it would be small like a bookmark file. But it would have to be private as I don't want people seeing or editing my shills list! :)

Wow I never knew this and I use RES when ever I'm on reddit. Going to have to check this feature out. Kudos.

I'd say really fucking good.

Those damn Russians

I need OP's help to promote my band it seems.

You don't want the marionette strings that come from going around getting people's "help" to promote your band. The more they can do, the worse your deal.

David Brock is great at promoting something, just so long as that thing isn't hillary clinton.

I'll promote your band, you are now a Marching Band. Congrats.

Shareblue, and many others, simply buy votes on reddit. Doesnt make them good at anything other than wasting money

Must be tough being a Trump supporter though.

Libtards get paid by ShariaBlue. But Trumpets have to gobble the lord emperor's microdong for free.

Shareblue doesnt pay 99% of fhe partisans, they just pay enough people to shape the narrative beyond what the media and government already do, and those are dedicated employees, not random forum posters like this guy. There are GOP paid "shills" as well, like Milo, certain influencial pastors, etc. The DNC is just more visible because they are active on reddit, which you pay attention to

The real conspiracy is always in the comments

Who cares?? Hijack much??

Rage sells.

ShareBlue buys.

Because when your mad...

You click.


He's obviously supported by the Kremlin.

A buddy I know has a group of about 20-25 guys. They made a bunch of alt accounts to help stifle the shill problem a few months ago, he says they started using them recently.

Is this a bad thing? I mean, fight fire with fire right? Fight disinformation with an influx of rebuttals, facts, and sources? I see no problem with that.

This whole idea that every person who doesn't worship the Donald is a shillbot is so far fetched it's actually sad to see people shouting it everywhere.

On r/all now. Get ready, shills coming into the comments as we speak

Shill here, where do I get my check?

and guilded


holy crap, you are right. This shitty thread is now at near 20k votes.

Fuck OP

He's trying to build karma to sell his account.

Pretty obvious.

he must be pushing some agenda that mods want. fuck trump?

i think he must be referring to the various conspiracy theories regarding the clinton campaign which are a bipartisan issue in my opinion

Exactly this is only an agenda, the best we can do is ignore this shit.

Yeah... what happens when you ask anybody against Trump what do you think about Donald Trump's policies? What is it they say and have been saying for a year? Oh yeah FOOK DONALD TRUMP!!!!!! Hey OP how is that Obama Soros money treating you? Not ggod for long I hope.

He is farming karma so he can sell the account to shills.

Everyone makes an account immediately after browsing reddit

most shills are 2 months old accounts

So all 2 month accounts are shills. Simple logic.

What are you retarded. I didn't say that

The allegation is that he must be a shill due to his account age, so what are you saying?

He did say most, not all. Come on now play nice on the series of tubes.

learn to read fag

You sir are sorta correct. I need to read more good (as I did misread his post) and stop being inebriated on all of the cock (or booze and dabs) as I am fag. Thank you Sammy baby.

I would go a year at least.

Also many people don't keep their accounts forever. This is probably my 5th or 6th account, and I didn't get here until like 2013.

Took me about a year of lurking

2, for me.

Yes, I've been at least reading on reddit for 11 years.


Everyone keeps the same reddit account forever and never make new ones.

I don't. Why would people make new reddit accounts?

To bypass bans.

"Guys, guys many people lurk for long times!"

Anyone worth their fucking salt who's lurked for long enough ALSO knows that there's no reason to believe a concern troll with a bran new account. Especially one claiming to be an old user.

The username/account is 2 months old but that doesn't mean the individual behind the keyboard is new to reddit or doesn't have other usernames.

It means the user is literally 2 months old!

Awe lil baby redditor, not even in pull-ups

The Reddit Manbaby Conspiracy! Don't look down!


I've been here since the digg exodus and this account was created in November

you don't know things!?!!?

That is fake news sir

All it proves is that the account is 2 months old. Not the user. Semantics I know, but an important distinction.

I would rather say the account is 2 months old, since the user indicates the person behind the account

It's the same rhetoric that the neckbeard mods spit out every time they criticized for not doing anything to make this sub an actual conspiracy sub. Welcome to the_don2

I just checked the sub's front page. Where's all the pro Hillary stuff OP is taking about?

That's a good point. I had that thought after re-reading through the thread. I've not read a single word in support of Hillary Clinton from this sub.

The pro-Hillary shills almost never post pro-Hillary content directly. They mostly spam anti-Trump shit, especially if there's no policy substance to their propaganda they're posting. They're the type to ignore Trump saying he'd kill terrorists' family members (which would be terrorism and literally a war crime), all while spamming about how Trump is a Russian spy. They might defend Clinton occasionally ("She didn't intend to use that email server to save classified material!"), but they'll never directly say things like "Hillary Clinton is great!" because of how quickly they'd be torn apart for that kind of stupid bullshit.

Yeah I alternate between accounts if I decide I'm getting too comfortable and posting too many potentially identifying anecdotes. This one is my current main but it's not even my oldest. Sometimes I comment a lot on pretty new accounts so I tend not to use someone's account age as an argument against their credibility.

Yeah I was accused for being a shill cause my karma was too low for having such an old account. I'm just lame lol.

Take my karma

This is one of my alts. My main is already geared in all epics, waiting for the next expansion.

I was gonna say, I've only recently made an account and I know my username seems suspect but I've been a r/conspiracy lurker for two years now. You guys opened up my eyes to the realities of the world in which we live, and I could not thank you more.

doesn't have other usernames.

Using sockpuppets is both against the rules of the site and suspicious.

If someone is using a sockpuppet, it's because they're trying to hide something. I'll never put any trust in any post coming from an obvious sockpuppet. I don't care if the person behind the keyboard has been a redditor in good standing for 35 years, if they're using a sockpuppet, they're suspicious as fuck.

"Complete disaster"?

Sounds like someone has gotten their english degree from Trump U

Terrible disaster. The worst people tell me. Believe me.

I would have figured that this subreddit of all places would understand the desire/need to constantly make new accounts.

In a way it kinda goes back to this place being over run with bots and shills since this the top post.

A separate account from your main, perhaps. But constantly making new accounts? No, that's only to protect karma despite opinions contrary to your own.

Also known as selling out.

Nah, you're just a dick who doesn't know what he's talking about

They do, but it's also a super convenient way to dismiss something you don't want to hear.

New account that posts something I agree with = can't be too careful, brother!

New account that posts something critical of me/my ideas = fucking shill.

That's why my account is new. But still, I have never once been called a shill with my young account.

his account name is amazing too.

Damn really? Guess I gotta start snooping on these herbs.

Lol it's at 1300 votes and there's 2200 in the sub. Get ready.

44 minutes later and it's near 2100. This thread is now blessed.

Eh, reddit is weird. I only posted submitted like 1 popular thing and it had 1600 in the sub but my karma is 880 or something.

yeah, you are right. That is weird, guess it's not linear.

It was some kind of weird delayed logrithmic scale. Votes aren't 1 to 1.

Sounds like a shill account. "I miss the days when we dominated /r/conspiracy and could denounce anybody who questioned us on the sub that questions literally everything."

except this sub is literally a r/the_donald sister sub now with hillary shills brigading comments. both sides of the shit pile are polluting a sub that's purpose is to help expose and discuss. not spew obvious agendas everywhere.

I'm a Bernie supporter and I come for the progressivism

I am a Sanders supporter myself, and post comments advocating progressive approach to economic policies all the time, and they get upvoted very well on this sub.

Phony attempt by astroturfers to make it look like there is some sort of Trump hate fueled unity on the left will only reinforce our perception of how fake the "official" DNC party line is.

They shoved Clinton down our throats despite Sanders beating Trump in most polls, which tells me that people signing the checks to Democratic party actually preferred Trump to Sanders.

That the same people are now whipping their PR jockeys into a frenzy trying to make Trump look bad in order to get the left to fall in line again is the level of hypocrisy I haven't seen in a long time.

You are absolutely 100% correct. Thank you for replying

This is an honest question, I'm not trying to start an argument just a discussion. Let's say the Democrats would prefer Trump to Sanders and let's say Sanders had won the nomination. Do you think the Trump-Russia claim would have been made or pushed as hard? I'm sure this narrative hurt Trump in the polls and would have benefited Bernie. What I find odd is that since the democrats seem to be so anti-Russia, they never attacked Sanders for visiting the Soviet Union after his wedding. I don't believe there was anything nefarious about the visit, from what I understand it was an official state trip that happened to fall on that date. If Trump had made an innocent trip like that, it would have caused major outrage and speculation from the Democrats about his ties to the soviets or KGB. I personally believe Hillary threatened Sanders and maybe his family if he didn't fall in line. What's the guy to do at that point? He didn't have the resources or the entourage to fight back.

Sadly, the Russia claim worked to distract people from the content of the leaked e-mails that exposed corruption and collusion between DNC, Clinton's campaign and even the media.

Had Sanders won, people would've focused their attention on hopes that with Sanders leadership the party would reform.

I don't doubt Sanders was a more honest politician seeking change he truly felt was right. Had he have won and became president, do you think the deep state and corrupt side of DC would let him reform the party and bring the change he wanted? I have a feeling Hillary and Obama loyalists would have surrounded Sanders and pushed him in their direction.

He certainly would've pushed the limits of what could be done "within the system". Presidency also a position that allows you to steer a lot of public debate your way.

Obama may have a very questionable record of what he actually did as a president, but he inspired a lot of public debate about economic justice, which I believe contributed to mainstreaming of ideas started by OWS.

Sanders popularity beyond fringe left was likely a result of that. With Sanders being president the Overton window would've continued the shift towards more progressive discourse.

That's unfortunately how disinformation works. They found out where we were having intelligent discussions a few years ago and filled it with so much crap that you can't tell what's real and what's a psy-op distraction anymore. I've been trying to figure out where all the old smart r/conspiracy users went because Reddit is not an accurate reflection of real people and their opinions anymore.

David Brock has ruined the Internet

you may enjoy /r/C_S_T

We're on fullchan's /pol/

Besides cat is out of the bag on almost all major conspiracies of the last 40+ years: total surveillance, confirmed. various attempts at mind control, confirmed and frequent with a multiplicity of variations and relatively high success rate.Deep state shadow government, there are a few loops of these things, commies, globalists, zionists, all have similar goals and methods because all are run by jews reading the same books. State/deepstate propaganda, confirmed and obvious now that their methods are known. We have proof the government was malicious in both Waco and ruby ridge, we have proof of a number of false flag attacks from 9/11 to Sandy hook.

There's almost no point in researching and digging super duper hard, we have their playbook, all that's left is punishment and if trump can't do it legally then it's time to call the militias in.

OP is an obvious shill, Share blue david brock fuckface using political fealty and virtue signaling to try to slide the overton window out of the favor of the current administration that was elected based on reactionary populism.

I agree with the Six Million Dollar dick.

Well said.

Oh cmon you sound like a Donald shill

They used "virtue signaling". That phrase is almost 100% exclusively used by people from The_Cheeto.

Implying there is a multi-billion dollar slush fund paying people to support Donald Trump

Shills get paid.

I want to know the Truth and don't want to let my people get depopulated by globalist wars and demographic usurpation.

Oh okay so you just suck him off got it

Looks like I made the list, triggered.

Hey man, if you find out please let me know, I know it'll be a stretch to pass that info along but if you need proof scour my history I've been here 6 years and Ive been trying ever since the CTR invasion more proactively since the T_D invasion but to no avail. I'm an OG here and short of reaching out to Own_the_NWO or whatever (who I'm pretty sure got banned here for something possibly being labeled a shill?) I have nothing. I missed the memo on the backup plan clearly

You mean intelligent discussions about Sandy Hook and Jade Helm? Or are those the psy-ops? You see the problem here?

They got banned by losers who couldn't handle the truth in there faces and admins afraid of lawsuits.


If you can find out, you can bet your ass the government has already found it

I see more bullshit about how this is "a /r/the_donald sister sub" than any evidence thereof.

So, you haven't looked at the front page of this sub?

So, you haven't looked in the comment section of any Trump post?

this sub is literally a r/the_donald sister sub

And Trump is literally Hitler.

Given everything you know about reddit and the MSM does it really surprise you that some/many of the people on r/conspiracy are going to be skeptical of the fuck trump bandwagon? - That doesn't make it a sister sub, even less, "literally"

skeptical of the fuck trump bandwagon?

What an interesting way to phrase your support of the president. Something tells me your healthy skepticism doesn't apply to all sides equally.

What are you talking about? You can't infer anything other than skepticism of the fuck trump bandwagon from what I wrote.

Keep your "something tells me" crap to yourself.

Fuck off retard, trump supporters were here before trump even ran for office.

If you support Trump you're critical of the government, the whole fucking point of Trump to go against the establishment you idiot.

God you part-time conspiracy hobbyists are a disgrace. Get the fuck out of this sub.

Can't tell if serious

Youre extremely unintelligent if you still don't realize that Trump is simply another puppet of the establishment. He conned all you unintelligent people who lack critical analysis skills.

I wanted to be wrong about trump, that he would be a good president and "drain the swamp" but he hasn't shown any of that.

It was very clear he wouldn't. He never showed any of that thoughout the election, he just said meaningless nice sounding things.

How was it very clear? Please elaborate on how you were so sure?

He spoke like an incoherent moron, for starters. He said he loves the uneducated voters. He was the least in touch with the common man of all the candidates. This was his first real job interview in his life. He admitted on the debate stage to hiring illegal immigrants to work for his business and he said he would keep doing it. Seriously, he gave so many amazing examples of how unfit he is for president, but his extremely unintelligent supporters just heard and believed the nice things they wanted to hear in his bullshit.

Acting like you gave a fuck in the slightest amount in any way shape or form about that dickhead before he represented your party.

Was this a real conspiracy theory sub at one time?

I post to T_D, but I would be in favor of a no-political-posts allowed. Perhaps the mods could do a week long trial? Delete anything that mentions Trump or Clinton or Obama. See what happens?

The problem comes up with deep state stories, etc. - valid for r/conspiracy.


Also, 95% of his posts are anti-Trump conspiracies lol. But he mixes in the occasional "fuck Obama" to keep it balanced.

Well, atm Trump is the president. I really don't get why critiquing the current USA president is weird for a conspiracy community. He is not a fluke, he is part of the system, has been brought there by the system to do the interests of the system.

It's not weird. But Trump also isn't really part of the system. For example, the system is pushing the Russia conspiracy. That's the system / government's doing.

Why would this sub be interested in doing the investigative work the government is already doing? That's like this sub trying to corroborate the government's 9/11 story. It's ridiculous. The government has its own story, and we don't need (or want) to be farming the same land.

That's why this sub so thoroughly rejects the Russia stuff. If you have another Trump conspiracy that our government isn't already trying to force down our throats, then let's talk about it. But unfortunately the Russia stuff will never play well here.

The government is refusing to acknowledge the Russian conspiracy, otherwise the Congress would move forward the inquiry. The same congress that have ruled for almost a decade. The same Congress that pushed mass surveillance and the rise of our contemporary oligarchy. The FBI has greatly helped Trump become the president. The White House is filled to the roof with the oligarchs that have pulled the strings of the world so far. Please, remind me again how Trump is not part of the system, it is hilarious to read.

Ok. Trump is part of the system because both sides of congress didn't really want him there, but we elected him anyway. That makes him part of the system obviously. Really clutch analysis on your part.

And they're already investigating Russia. And they're going to keep investigating Russia. Just because Democrats won't shut the fuck up about a bipartisan congressional investigation doesn't mean bipartisan investigations aren't already happening.

Democrats want a circus like Benghazi, which is understandable. But both intel committees and the FBI are already actively investigating this. Stop blindly regurgitating dumb Democrat talking points. Hey buddy -- they're already on it. You can shut up now.

The one that makes the least sense is the fbi helped Trump get the presidency. Riiiiiiiiiiight. These people think Comey somehow used a jedi mindtrick to convince people Hillary was a bad seed. The only way the fbi helped Trump is by allowing a candidate as shitty as Hillary to continue running despite her many disqualifications

Exactly. No one told your dumb asses to rig your primary and run a candidate currently under FBI investigation. Comey admitted she broke laws, yet the FBI still wasn't going to recommend charges (cough suicide cough). The real person who helped Trump get the Presidency was his corrupt, criminal, unlikable opponent. Give me a break with this blame Comey nonsense.

He is part of the system he said he was

Pretty sure a guy who appoints Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State is on the inside. He might not realize he's a puppet, but the corporations continue to run this country.

If you think Hillary Clinton or John Kerry is a better Secretary of State option than Rex Tillerson, you're a dunce. And this is coming from someone who hated that pick when it was announced. I watched his entire confirmation hearing. He's not going to be arming terrorists for some New World Order project. That's a good thing. He's not a CIA puppet. That's a better thing.

No, he's an oil puppeteer. And Trump's the puppet.

What do you think the Secretary of State does? The Secretary of State is an oil puppeteer. Might as well use the master puppeteer, instead of a JV intermediary.

Sure, I see how it works out well for those in power. It's a brilliant choice on that regard. I just don't see how it signals anything but a slavish dedication to supporting the current system.

Because this person doesn't need outside influencers to advise him on every decision. He has the experience personally. He doesn't need the intelligence community and corporate interests to guide his every move, as someone like Clinton or Kerry needed. I wasn't a Tillerson fan originally. I was wrong. Of all the things to dislike Trump for, Tillerson has to be at the absolute bottom of the list, unless you think he's getting paid to do some dumb conspiracy with Putin or something.

What exactly do you think that Tillerson is going to do that will benefit non-corporate America?

Trump also isn't really part of the system.

Trump is exactly the system now. He may have been an outsider, but he is now at the center. Even if he were to actually drain the swamp and replace everyone with outsiders, they would all be the new system and worthy of critique.

tagged as trump supporter

You do all the peeps collecting data on people an awesome favor when you tie account age to trustworthiness.

Well, I miss them. I miss the threads about UFOs, reptilian shapeshifters, project MK ultra, and all that other shit.

Multiple accounts? Same stupid reply when I bring up how repetitive this infiltrated sub's content is. Remove the mods. They are trolls from the_don. Should I sign in with my 6 year old account so that you feel better about an old account? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit thinking. Just because an account is new doesnt mean that the commenter hasn't made multiple accounts over the years.

To be fair I frequently visited subs for over a year before making an account. It a common thing I think. Just saying.

I've had probably 10-15 accounts in the 5 or 6 years I've been on Reddit. I don't bother remembering the passwords so if I get logged out I make a new one. If I get a new phone, I make a new mobile account. Its extremely common.

to be fair

And you would know that we also have no reason to believe a concern troll thread from a new account claiming to remember the "good ole days" as well.

Do you know what sub you're in ? The point you've tried to raise is moot and indicative of nothing.

I overwrite all my comments and delete my accounts about every 5-6 months. I feel like any r/conspiracy poster who DOESN'T is insane.

You know, it's really not that fishy when you consider the rate at which people are (questionably) banned from this sub. ofc it is "against the rules" to create new accounts whenever this happens but I have noticed a number of people confess to doing this and I'm sure the vast majority do not, so um. yeah.

2 month old account

And OP username. . .

2687 upvotes withing 4 hours.

Pointed out by a 8 month old account, made just before the republican convention.

Yessss goy, I collected my blood libel allowance from George Soros for upvoting this post. Now hush before you expose us to the world...

Saul Alinsky pays me in freeze-dried infant parts, which I sprinkle on my pizzas!

Right, because making fun of conspiracies is what this sub stands for. When it finally comes out that our government is like the Catholic Church in terms of protecting pedophiles (except worse because the government actually controls the investigations), I hope you all remember comments like these. Get fucked.

I'm making fun of the accusation that everyone who is anti-Trump is being paid to do so. I think that's fucking ridiculous to assume that literally everyone on the planet would support that buffoon if not for the sweet, sweet CTR dollars. Like, how much would I be being paid submission, $500 per post? Hilldawg can't afford me.

I threw in the Pizzagate bit on the end for my own personal amusement, 'cuz I'm kind of a bitch. Do I think there are pedos in government? Absolutely. Do I think Pizzagate is remotely plausible? No. So I'm gonna make fun of it. Sorry about that case of butthurt you just got from my shitty sense of humor.

Get fucked.

Thanks for your concern about my sex life.

I'm not butt hurt about your sense of humor. Well, your sense of humor does suck, but people like you have turned an investigation about government pedophilia into some narrowly defined thing about one pizza place. That's not what happened.

That one pizza place happened to have some sketchy circumstantial evidence at the height of the investigation on Reddit. But it was never about that one pizza place. It started off as an investigation into John Podesta's weird sexual habits / art collection, then expanded into his role in covering up pedophilia and human trafficking.

Once it got to that point, it expanded into something much greater, including the highest levels of government actively involved in trafficking + covering up investigations. Yet you're sitting there making jokes about pizza like you know the whole story. The Podesta brothers are freaks. They also happen to be Democrats. That shouldn't invalidate the entire conspiracy...

Thanks for your concern about my sex life.

You're welcome.

Listen shitdick. I can buy an account today that is 8 years old. Stop using account age as a means of verification

How is this comment getting so many points (410 points, really?)

I do not like how this smells. This should not be the first thing people see in the comment section if they do not sort by 'new' like they should.

I've been using reddit for almost 9 years now and this political cycle has been the worst shit to plague this site.

With corrupt as fuck admins changing everything to fit their narrative to kids starting businesses to brigade posts and censor others, I don't see things ever returning to a non shit point.

Hey if you're not making new accounts every couple of months, then I'd say you're the crazy one. Gotta keep 'em off your trail...

I lurked for quite some time before I made an account. There's nothing wrong with having a 2 month old account.

Yeah. Created by 3 month baby.

I can't believe this completely non sequitur comment got 3 months upvotes

With nearly 14,000 post karma and over 4300 comment karma.

That's a hell of a lot of shilling happening there in a very short period of time. CTR is accomplishing something. Maybe not their goals, but a lot of something.

You are not s true /r/conspiracy nut if you don't change accounts every month or so.

I sometimes create new accounts

Sorry you prolly got a thousand of these msgs already

ah, someone who hasn't yet figured out you can use multiple accounts on reddit....

over 1k upvote here. lol we all know your bullshit

My account is only a few months old but I've been on reddit since it's first year. Your point is invalid.

Meaningless. I create and abandon accounts regularly. Simple matter of anonymity/security and making things more difficult for the PTB.

Today You Learned: You can create multiple Reddit accounts at different times.

And he's russian no less. Maybe he's a Putin shill


Fuck Obama, the Clintons and the Bushes.

Trump will be our savior.

But still. Fuck politicians that aren't Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders.

Or Tulsi.

Everyone knows you can't use the same account for r/conspiracy for than 6 months. Too dangerous

i've been here since 2010 but i get a new account 3 times a year

Have you never made a new account? I'm on like my fourth personally.

Seriously, his point is extremely valid. Stop grasping at straws to try and invalidate his argument.

He's a damn shill. Just look at his post history

Could be a newer account made by a longtime user.


Hahahaha great catch

I miss the good old times, ten days ago.

Stay woke

Account age = clearly the only measure of how long you have parttaken in something. Retard.

FUCK this guy. 2 month old account with a gilded shitty post.

Every conspiracy almost ever has been about the deep state, about how the media will deliberately lie and implore bias to make a candidate against their agenda look bad, and how anyone seeking to fight the deep state will be crushed and ridiculed.

OF COURSE Trump is going to be a part of this discussion. This isn't a place for only your fantasy conspiracies to come to fruition. We literally have evidence of pedophilia among the elites and you want us to talk about aliens just because those elites happen to be a part of your political alliance that you are emotionally attached to?

This is ridiculous, people are defending Trump because he is clearly an enemy of the deep state and is the culmination of much of what conspiracy "theories" set out to expose and correct. You literally have someone who beat the deep state, lying media, propaganda, and shills, and is firing and destroying deep statesman in the intel agencies and crushing pedophilia, and you're asking us to not take sides and instead talk about aliens and Antarctic bases? What happens when we find the elite on Antarctic bases are part of your political leaning? What happens when Trump is getting rid of them in the background? Find some other farfetched fantasy conspiracy theory? Get out of here. Anyone saying to not talk about Trump hasn't been paying attention to conspiracy theories for any significant amount of time. All the theories have been coagulating in 2016 with the election, pedophilia, media propaganda/collusion, funding rebel groups, paying websites to shill, funding terrorists in the Middle East (for many reasons as many conspiracies explain), etc. AND TRUMP IS AT THE CENTRE OF ALL OF THAT AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO NOT TALK ABOUT HIM!?

You guys get that people change accounts often right? You get that there is now way of telling how long a user has actually been a user from the account age right?

Posted from one of my older accounts.

I mean it's not like OP is allowed to have multiple reddit accounts, each varying in age. No sir, absolutely not. I mean, what are the odds of OP having a separate account that's older than this one??? Or better yet, what are the chances of him being a lurker????

I've had to make a new account because of doxxing. OP might have done the same

He also could be like me and makes new accounts every few months.

probably a throwaway

I lurked for a couple years before I made an account.

Thanks. You are about the 80th user to make such a comment.

OP spams the shit out of this sub.

Yeah he's definitely not real. Sorry for wasting your time.

So Hillary shills are real people and the Trumpers are all bots? Now there is a conspiracy if I ever heard one.

You forgot Fuck Hillary!

Then again....I cant bring myself to think that ever happened to her by Billy's Willy!

It's a problem, one which you are a part of

Surely there is some racist shithole of a sub you could crawl back to that hasn't been banned yet. Isn't there?

OP may be a shill too. A particular kind, called fuck everyone shill, like a special squad.

Yep. Lotta those round these parts lately.

They realize they can't save face by promoting their people anymore so they try to pretend to be "one of the guys" by saying fuck everyone, thus dragging down their enemy to their own level. Or attempting to, at least.

It sure is easy and fun to imagine everyone who disagrees with me has to be paid to do it

Yeah. But he's actually right this time...

They're on my shill list. I've been wondering about their side. I think OP may actually be a pro-Trump shill spreading the narrative that we have to be on the defensive against anti-Trump voices.

If that's the case, I hope OP knocks it off. There's already enough to be done without anyone stirring the pot to make things worse.

I’m not saying that we should be constantly suspicious that everyone is a false-flagging agent trying to ram our political groups and movements in the ground. Rather, I’m saying that we should avoid creating constructs that outright facilitate these sort of tactics. People who cause problems while claiming to share our allegiances should be viewed in the same light as those openly against us, and subject to the exact same dissuasion tactics we would show them if they had declared themselves our opponent.

Emphasis added. Anyone who opposes Trump should oppose the sort of shill campaigns that have raised up his popularity.

The goal being disruption or something perhaps.

fuck you

Are you offended because he is criticising Trump or Clinton?

Probably because he's telling people what to think just as much as Hillary and trump supporters

Tbf that makes a lot of sense in a conspiracy sub.

But it doesn't. And it shouldn't. Look at the comments, no one likes this but it's being pushed to r/all so they can make fun of he sub again

I assure you, posts like this are not the reason the sub is laughed at.

No just check his post history he literally SPAMS articles for trump on a 2 month account while making this post whining about trump/hillary.

Hypocrite, maybe even shill

As Marine Le Pen said, "Now, the split isn't between the left and right, but between the Globalists and the Patriots."

The people fighting to expose the successful plan by a Globalist secret society to infiltrate our government are not explicitly Trump supporters. They are Patriots.

However, the people being paid to shill for CTR or ShareBlue, or liberals who have been tricked into echoing a false narrative, crafted by the Mainstream Media, are unwittingly siding with the Globalists.

This is not LEFT and RIGHT anymore. It's FREEDOM vs OPPRESSION.

Which side are you on? The PATRIOTS? or the GLOBALISTS?

You want us all to sit nicely while our country is used as a front for a human trafficking and drug ring? While they fund terrorists and then spend millions of our taxpayer dollars to "fight" them? While they illegally surveil and wiretap millions of Americans covertly?

You're the only one being partisan here, by failing to see through the bullshit LEFT/RIGHT dichotomy the media laid out for you.

Taking down Globalists doesn't make you a Trump supporter. It makes you a Patriot and an American. America has fought against Globalists plots since we were a scrappy little colony. Their tactics have just frown much more secretive and insidious.

You're either fighting to expose the Globalists, or you are part of the millions of people brainwashed into helping their agenda of destruction, by staying silent.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." —Thomas Jefferson

"everyone I disagree with politically is either a paid shill or hates freedom"

Who are you quoting in this post? Because I would never say what you just put quotes around.

CNN debunked this

Lol. Great shitpost.

Looking through his cabinet so far, I don't see any indication he really plans to break away from globalism. Besides I think cutting ourselves off from the rest of the world is only going to hurt the United States.

Just my opinion, but I'm just not sure how you back away from some sort of globalism at this point without a lot of people here in the US getting fucked over even more.

Again, just my thoughts but I definitely do not align myself with super nationalistic ideas. Just seems kinda old fashioned and indicates to me ignorance of the issues we face today. But this is a pretty nuanced subject, not sure we could really tackle the intricacies of it here on Reddit properly.

Are you implying a billionaire who profited immensely from globalism doesn't have an anti-globalist agenda?

How has he profited from globalism? Proof please.

He has properties all over the world. He has products made outside of the country also.

Sure. He definitely does.

But how does that prove that he benefits from a global government?

He was against the EU, because the regulations caused him to make LESS money in Europe. The only people who benefit from a Globalist Oligarchy are the few people in charge. And he's nowhere near rich enough to sit at that table.

WTF globalist government? Are you against multinational corporations also? Because those exist and are currently in power.

Hi. Welcome to r/conspiracy where the basically the #1 topic is the Globalist Government.

You should really look around this subreddit while you're here shilling....

Uh 12+ countries manufacture products with his name on them.

He holds stock in plenty of companies that outsource work and hire HB1 employees in the U.S.

He owns properties in tons of countries and pours money into foreign businesses and governments through bank loans and purchase of government owned land. He also owes them money.

He owns companies that profit off of fluctuations in currency valuation, such as his golf course in Scotland benefiting from the drop of the immense drop in the pound after Brexit.

His companies, like many others, go all over the world to seek new markets for their products and services.

Given his proposal to pump more money into the American military at the expense of the people who elected him because they thought he'd help fix some of the ails that U.S. imperialism and globalism caused, he's certainly not an enemy of globalism. We've spent 14 trillion on wars designed to seize other nation's property for the enrichment of the U.S. instead of putting that money back into our citizens. He is no anti-globalist.

All these things are examples of him taking advantage of GLOBALIZATION.

I asked for proof that he was benefitting from GLOBALISM.

Globalism means: the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.

Trump isn't part of the small group of people making decisions and policies that will impact and impoverish the rest of the globe. But I bet if you search r/conspiracy for the term "Globalist", you'll see who I'm referring to.

"We've spent 14 trillion on wars designed to seize other nation's property for the enrichment of the U.S. instead of putting that money back into our citizens"

Trump hasn't spent 14 trillion on wars. He's only been president for a month and a half. He increased spending in DEFENSE. It is a separate budget from the Military, a common mistake.

"Unfortunately many Americans confuse defense spending with military spending. The two terms are used almost interchangeably. But there is a huge difference."

"The military budget is something very different from the defense budget. The military budget is the money spent each year not to defend the United States, but to enrich the military-industrial complex, benefit special interests, regime-change countries overseas, maintain a global US military empire, and provide defense to favored allies. The military budget for the United States is larger than the combined military spending budget of the next seven or so countries down the line"


The Military budget, in part, goes to the Military-Industrial-Complex, the same people who are currently trying to overthrow Trump.

Trump has vowed to restructure the military spending budget drastically, I presume in hopes to exert some leverage, as the President has ZERO power over the Military-Industrial-Complex.

It's gonna be an interesting fight to watch play out, that's for sure.

He increased spending in DEFENSE. It is a separate budget from the Military

That is not true at all. Its the exact same budget. Calling the military budget "defense spending" is old and straightforward propaganda, dating from when we renamed the "Department of War" to the "Department of Defense". Whatever your 'source' ( really?) says is just false.

Trump has also talked repeatedly about invading Syria, seizing middle eastern oil, increasing our nuclear arsenal and attacking Iran.

I keep showing you sources and proof and then in return you say my source is wrong and then you make claims with no sources! Haha

I googled it for you.

"Trump has also talked repeatedly about invading Syria, seizing middle eastern oil, increasing our nuclear arsenal and attacking Iran."

Can you show me some sources for your claims? I'm not a blind follower of Trump, so maybe you can show me a clip of him saying each of those things. Because I've seen footage of him saying the opposite.

You don't actually read much, huh? Your google search, which brought up your ridiculous source also brought up the somewhat saner American Conservative, which says:

David Brooks has a headache:

To be honest, my brain has hurt ever since Ron Paul made that distinction between military spending and defense spending in the debate the other night. Was the invasion of Normandy military spending or defense spending? What about the Battle of the Bulge? I’m totally confused.

Yes, it is a difficult distinction to grasp, isn’t it? It is a euphemism to refer to spending on military deployments and installations that have nothing to do with the defense of the United States as “defense spending.” This is politically useful for those in favor of larger military budgets and an activist, militarized foreign policy, since they can portray opposition to their latest proposal as an unwillingness to defend America. Americans have been pretending that spending on unnecessary wars has some relationship to national defense, even when the supposed threat being countered doesn’t exist and the U.S. and its allies start the war.

IE, there is 0 legal or monetary difference between military and defense spending and it is a rhetorical trick to justify bigger military budgets.

As for Trump's enthusiasm for military adventurism:

Here is him talking about seizing middle Eastern oil. He does this as president in an address to the CIA.

Here is Trump threatening to sink Iranian ships that are too rude to US ships:

"With Iran, when they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats and they make gestures at our people that they shouldn't be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water," Trump

That is just a couple pro war quotes, there are many more if you wanted to actually look.

"You don't actually read much, huh?"

No need to be rude. I'm trying to have a civil discussion. Of course I read a lot. As I'm sure most on this subreddit do. I was asking for sources because I'd like to read what you're reading and understand the points you are trying to make.

"That is just a couple pro war quotes, there are many more if you wanted to actually look."

I do want to look, as I said I did before. Thanks for the links. I'll check them out now.

Sorry for being rude, it was unnecessary.

No sweat. Tensions run high. Lots of disinformation floating around. I think we're all just trying to pin down what the truth even looks like any more....

As Marine Le Pen said, "Now, the split isn't between the left and right, but between the Globalists and the Patriots."

All through the primaries I kept pounding, "It's not a Right vs. Left battle, it's a Top vs. Bottom battle, and a lot of people are just now realizing they've been someone's bottom all this time."

In what way has there been and shift in power from top and bottom?

I think it's always been there but the power at the top preferred to keep people believing the divide was a Left/Right split, so that people would focus more on social issues (gays, guns, abortion, immigration, etc) and less on economic issues, and after this primary it became obvious to many people who might not have framed it this way that the real divide is Top/Bottom and the same Tops are controlling both parties to protect themselves from any policies that could affect them economically.

After this primary election?

The only person who would believe this is a new idea or feeling has never studied history or paid attention to politics.

I forget how many people on Reddit are completely new to politics with this election cycle.

The only person who would believe this is a new idea or feeling has never studied history or paid attention to politics.

Or too caught up in polarized political tribalism, where the debate is little elevated from "My side's great, your side sux!"

Spot on take. That was my point.

When less than 1% controls the wealth and power of the other 99%, then it makes zero sense to be on the side of the 1% if you are part of the 99%. It's a pretty simple argument. Not sure why people are having a hard time getting this.

Do people actually think this? Taxes for the rich and businesses are going to go down, the military industrial complex is going to grow. Theres very little chance anything is going to get any better for the bottom portion of Americans under a republican/trump presidency.

That's my point. But both parties want to pretend it's a battle between Left and Right, and that's only the superficial battle.

Regan tried exactly that. The divide grew exponentially.

Oops misread your comment, my bad long day!

I love you

And to do that we will appoint the head of one of the largest multinational companies in the world to be Secretary of State.

Just shut the fuck up.


I just don't like big walls of text.

Oh, so you're a minimalist.

Here, then.

TL;DR: A Globalist Elite runs our planet. Nationalism is an attempt to bring power back to the people.

This is not LEFT and RIGHT anymore. It's FREEDOM vs OPPRESSION

You're right about this, but it seems like you're argueing that the "FREEDOM" side is the side that wants to ban Muslims from the country, drop out of NATO, shut down public schools, shut down the EPA - how does that represent freedom? How can a person be free while they're being restricted from free movement, threatened by war, unable to educate their children, force to drink lead filled water and polluted air? That doesn't sound like freedom to me, unless I've misread your post.

"How can a person be free while they're being restricted from free movement, threatened by war, unable to educate their children, force to drink lead filled water and polluted air? That doesn't sound like freedom to me, unless I've misread your post."

I agree? How can one be free when that is happening. Donald Trump did not cause those things. He has been President for month and a half.

Those things are byproducts of our government being systematically built to support a Globalist ruling elite, rather than taking care of its people and infrastructure.

You are making my point for me.

You said Trump wanted to:

"ban Muslims from the country, drop out of NATO, shut down public schools, shut down the EPA"

Ban Muslims? False. Read the executive order.

Drop out of NATO? False, Trump likes NATO, but is not a fan of the UN, rightfully so.

Shut down public schools? Really? C'mon now.

Shut down the EPA? False. Deregulation gives Americans more freedom. Not less.

You will have more success in your debates if you show proof supporting your statements.

To be clear, it's not Trump that is doing those things, in many case it's the Republicans and the globalists that's hes's put in his cabinet. The goals of people like Tillerson and Devos seem self-evident.

Ban Muslims

Trump: " Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on" - it's literally on his own website - how's that for a source? I'd love to hear a comment on that.

Drop out of NATO? False, Trump likes NATO

We're both a little right and a little wrong. What he said was that the US won't support NATO members if they don't pay up $$$$

Shut down public schools?

I'd urge you to do some more research on this. Here's a crappy blog that sums up my reasoning:

Betsy DeVos, Trump’s pick to head the Department of Education, has long sought to end free public education and replace it with vouchers and for-profit charters — even though 85% of American kids attend public schools.

And here are some journalist sources: BETSY DEVOS AND THE PLAN TO BREAK PUBLIC SCHOOLS


Shut down the EPA? False. Deregulation gives Americans more freedom. Not less

False and false. Fox news source shows that EPA funding could be cut by 25%. And even worse, shut down completely

More freedom to be poisoned by lead, maybe.

I hope that helps support some of my arguments.

Trumps presidency is doing nothing but making the rich and powerful more rich and powerful. Lowering the budget of the EPA and cutting planned Parenthood funding isn't doing anything to get rid of globalists.

Are the globalist the ones with bankers and oil CEOs in their cabinet?

No. They are billionaires who would never run for office, because they already have the power and don't need to the ego trip or spotlight of being president.

So Obama, Clinton, Trudeau, Sanders, Merkel, Bush, et al aren't globalists?

This sub is giving me gas.

Stop telling people to wake the fuck up! I've been up for an hour!



Created originally as a sub pre-election, I (and another person I know IRL) are the only mods.

I will be honest and say that yes, I do post in T_D, but I am a long time member of this sub and have posted here for over a year.

My sub is incredibly inactive and that's the way I have kept it. I only wanted it to serve as a fallback in case things got too bad here.

All are welcome to join if they wish to discuss things in a free and open manner. You'll find the sub to be very similar in regards to rules and layout as this one.

Not more trump shit

Partisanship and factionalism are leading this country towards civil war and making it impossible to investigate truth. Conspiracy deserves better. Thanks for calling out the intensely political rhetoric.

Mods should ban this person for saying fuck trump.

This sub isn't /r/T_D

Or has it become /r/T_D 2.0 ?

Seeing a comment like this leads me to strongly believe it truly has.

Pretty sure it's a joke

Are all these posts sucking Trump's dick jokes too?

I think people see the deep state and media against Trump so they hope and assume that Trump must be one of the good guys. Doesn't always work like that. He's no Ron Paul.

Seeing a comment like this leads me to strongly believe it truly has.

That was the point of his post.

It seems even shills aren't stupid enough to defend Hillary anymore. It's been a long time since i've seen a pointed defense of her on here. Usually they just attack Trump or pizzagate or something conservative in general.

There are a lot of pro-Trump shills here too.

Yeah, anyone that second guesses leaked intelligence or mentions the obvious media bias against Trump is a Trump shill.

The only reason people think this sub is pro-Trump is because we can see through the bullshit: this sub is an anti-anti-Trump sub. There are posts about him being a Zionist all the time, but no one cares about that -- they want to push their Russia conspiracy like people were born yesterday.

Fuck y'all if ya doubt me im a piece of white trash I say it proudly

I don't wanna win this battle I'm outtie, here tell these people something they don't know about me

It's time for a political purge, almost everyone can agree that the politicians currently in office are dogshit and need to be replaced with young, new and trustworthy folks.

We need to get rid of the blackmail networks, or the new guys will be just as bad.

young, new and trustworthy folks

So you want President Beiber?

What a dumb comment

He's Canadian, Like Ted Cruz. Can't be president.

Now that's just racist.

Are you assuming his gender?

That literally just happened, Trump is President now.

Trump can't really be described as young, new, or trustworthy.

Maybe if we had more impartial mods over here at /r/conspiracy, we wouldn't have this issue.

Eat a dick shill

Eat a dick shill

Are you coming on to me?

I love when these alt right try to attack anyone who isn't a orange fan. The only come with insults rather than facts. Oh kind of like the orange!

Lmao, a certain pro Trump power mod threatened to ban me for calling this sub 'a safe space for Trump supporters' and that it was considered 'attacking the sub'

What a joke

Sick burn.

I still don't get how people could support either of the two candidates. They were both so extremely flawed. If the Democrats picked just about anyone else for the nomination, they would have won. Had the Republicans picked just about anyone else, their victory wouldn't be such a surprise.

There really needs to be a push to inform people about other political parties.

Sigh... another shill posing as someone concerned about the shills. Fuck off will you.

I'd rather members of this sub be open and honest about their political leanings.

I'm a dyed in the wool Trump supporter and I'm proud of it. To me, Trump represents a knife that is being driven into the heart of the deep state by We the People. I do not apologize for my beliefs and would rather you all knew about them so you can judge my opinions and views in context.

I'd rather admit partisanship and bias exists than try to ignore them.

Taking away epa funding, dismantling net neutrality, and expanding the defense department budget is a knife being driven into the deep state?

Read Section 223 of the Communications Act of 1934 and tell me if you still think "net neutrality" as it was passed by the FCC is a good idea. You have no idea what you're talking about.

And you will support anything Trump does and says, even if you didn't support it the day before. I'm guessing a week ago you would have said we shouldn't be increasing our bloated defense budget, and now you are fully on board with beefing up military spending huh?

This entire post is a strawman argument combined with an ad-hominem argument. Good job..

You're like Kellyann, you won't answer questions because you know the answers suck. Sorry that you have to constantly change your ideas to align with Trump. Enjoy supporting a man who doesn't believe in climate change, and who wants to spend an extra 50 billion on the military. Very we the people...

Do you think that one reason we see so many Trump Bots (can't speak for Hill Shills) is

This post gave me cancer. Christ go fuck yourself buddy if you don't like the discussion, post something you think deserves to be here. What does this post add? There are a hundred like it.

You have become the idiot you seek to banish

You're the guy I called a shill yesterday and got downvoted for, now everyone sees you are a shill. Justice.

I found the shill

Lol, but conspiracies are usually made through the government. So they have the most to talk about.

Sooo... that's like seeing a conspiracy happen in front of you and saying "Well, I better not take this to a place that talks exclusively about conspiracies"

So you're saying that it was money well spent, and a great success?

Ya better be careful or the mods will ban you.


I think they are mostly just arguing with each other and creating a bit of theatre for the rest of us.

So, how is Lois Lane?

People commenting on this pointing out OP has stated this all before like that negates the truth in this post. We're currently wintessing one of the biggest political scandals in history and more times than not I see no mention of it at all but rather links to biased "news" websites about something with no evidence to back their claims. For fucks sake the AG of the US recused himself of a federal investigation last week and one of the top posts involved an infographic with 0 sources listed and a link to a tweet from a biased source. Wake up and don't stop believing headlines without evidence and the bots will remain voiceless.


Nice to see a celebrity take a stance on this. Can we start banning bots pretty pls kthx


You're a celebrity bro. Don't fight it.

Where Lol..I wish dude

Shh bby only dreams now

The AG excused himself from investigations into the campaign he was apart of due to obvious conflicts of interest and that's a scandal to you? That's exactly what recusals are for.

The AG excused himself from investigations into the campaign he was a part of due to the obvious conflict of interest and that's a scandal to you?

YES. This is incredibly uncommon and is amplified by the fact that said investigation involves illegal acts commited by a sitting President. Many are looking at this as an admission of guilt as it gives credibility to the conspiracy.

That's exactly what recusals are for.

Yes but that doesnt make them mandatory or common. That's like saying launching a nuke on another country isn't a big deal because nukes were built to be launched.

But that requires effort. It's sad how many will just take a headline as fact.

People don't like being told there side is as bad as the other so there attacking OP nothing new there.

Yes well unfortunately until people realize that their are no sides and we are all in this thing together nothing will change.

I wouldn't doubt it if half those comments came from shills and bots trying to discredit OP so people remain unaware of their true nature.

What would you doubt?

I doubt filling a large conspiracy-based message board with bots to attempt to remove major conspiracies will make people stop questioning them. If anything it makes the parties look more conspicuous and guilty of trying to hide something.

If I were them I'd leave subs like this alone and go back to pairing conspiracy theorists with crazy people because the more they try to cover it up the more attention it draws. Before the election this sub was looked at in a vastly different manner.

I'm more asking if you would doubt it if you learned that most of these "Shillary" accounts are actually just organic in nature. Reddit is overwhelmingly liberal, after all.

I'm sure that a decent amount are natural but it's hard to tell over text. The blatant ignorance to alterior ideas is what makes me think otherwise. Especially in a sub built around questioning everything.

we are all in this thing together

What? I thought the only people that existed/mattered were myself and people that I know /s

That requires admitting you fucked up and accidentally voted in a stooge while trying to vote out a monster.

But ad hominem is a lot easier than ever considering what you're doing could be considered wrong or misguided! Everyone but me is a bot! Fake reddit!

None of the issues you mention are conspiratorial though. If it's being talked about on the news and on the cover of WaPo, it definitely doesn't belong in this sub. Russian hacking isn't a conspiracy. Pre-election Russian meetings aren't a conspiracy. Obama wiretapping isn't a conspiracy. That shit should stay in the cesspools of r/worldnews and r/politics.



a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

"a conspiracy to destroy the government"

synonyms:plot, scheme, plan, machination, ploy, trick, ruse, subterfuge; 

"a conspiracy to manipulate the results"

Literally just googled conspiracy and came up with this. Tell me how that isnt the perfect word to describe what you just mentioned.

Just because it gets picked up by the MSM doesn't mean it changes definition.

You'll never find the wiretapping in those abortions-for-subs. But the other two, yeah.

youre talking about Obamagate or pedogate right?

Recused himself of any future investigations on the election, which isn't a declaration of guilt, its a safe guard from people thinking he'd be biased.

Your last paragraph needs to be echoed!

All this so-called controversy is nothing but propaganda being pushed by the powers behind the Obama regime who cannot stand to see a nationalist take a stand against the globalists. They've repeated it often enough that stooges like you and OP believe it and are prepared to fight against a president who stands against a corrupt power that's controlled our so-called leaders for decades.

Eh, these kinds of scandals happen every 20 years. Clinton/Lewinsky in the 90s, Watergate in the 70s, McCarthy in the 50s.

This is where I'm at. This post speaks so much truth. It it mind boggling that this sub is not all over the Russia thing. Like Trump's fucking NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER resigned over this shit, his past campaign manager resigned over this shit. His CURRENT Attorney General had to recuse himself because he was caught lying under oath about talking to Russia for what Trump supporters say is (no reason at all). It is just waayy to many times and coincidences for this to be a nothing burger.

People need to stop being so fucking partisan and biased especially if they are going to frequent this sub.

Go collect your share blue paycheck. Guess this is the new playbook. Making it look like Trump is the same as GWB the war criminal.

russian321, you deleted this as I was replying.

They are in response to all the Trump bots in this sub. And a message to all the Hillary Shills here: I also want you to know that you are not helping. Fuck the system. Fuck every government in existence. Since when do conspiracy theorists defend the government? It's utter bullshit what we've become. We used to be labeled as wackos who believed in UFOs and alien abductions. Now we are actually seen as people who defend the establishment like none other. Disgusting.

I think a free thinking person can fight against or fight for any system including government. I am not going to say we should hate all government. Why would a rational free thinking person bash a well working benevolent healthy government?

Bashing the system like you with your 'fuck the system fuck every government' is just as partisan and UNTHINKING as the zealots screaming pro-republican or pro-democrat.

Some of us here are not so much defending the establishment as we are defending a best-chance scenario given the choices we were given.

You did your job, you got me to take time to reply to you. You win this one.

its just you. Seriously, who is shilling for Hillary at this point?

Share blue and every other group under David Brock's leadership. You can't be seriously asking that question.

Trump shills are abound, too, don't get me wrong.

Yeah, I don't think they are shilling for Hillary. I wouldn't even call them shills personally but that is a different discussion.

It's pedantic to say they aren't shilling for Hillary when they are shilling for the Democratic establishment.

If not shills, then what?

Shes done, her career is over. If the back her again they deserve to lose, but I don't see it happening.

She's definitely not done, and what alternative label are you suggesting we use?

How about not labeling people just because they say something you don't like or agree with? It just shuts down any productive conversation. Its like being called a racist, a cuck, mentioning white privlidge, a sjw or any of the other loaded pop labels.

Your point has a great deal of merit when referring to one individual referring to another individual as a shill, but I don't think it's appropriate when talking about the invasion of paid trolls on this subreddit.

Fair enough. My thoughts on paid "trolls" or "shills". I dont think its as wide spread as users, at least many of them on r conspiracy, think it is. And it certainly isnt, or at least shouldn't be effective. Its just my observation, but people that comment on political subs usually already have their minds made up. The articles might have some sway on people. But I think the bigger issue is most of us consume media that aligns with our bias. So many of the "shills" are volunteers actually. We are all guilty of this to some degree. And lets face it, if a billionaire is going to buy people, they are probably buying politicians. At least thats where i spend my money.

Gotcha, I think we're on the same page then.

Posts like these by OP are why the community is divided.

It has always been a community looking for the truth - but now we find the truth conflicting with peoples ideologies and they are abandoning the truth. Trump bots? There aren't any. Shills, yes, there are many due to some major wikileaks coverage. Unfortunately, the donald is the closest thing reddit now has to exposing falsehoods and dragging them into the light. Bring the down votes.

The community isn't really that divided, the vast majority of the organic userbase agrees on the OP's points.

You can't seriously believe that people on this sub give a shit about partisan politics.

Especially fuck the Bush family. They're the real traitors and war criminals of the bunch

THE LEFT: He is all chummy with Michelle Obama look! He is bashing Trump! WE LOVE BUSH NOW!

Not a single response from OP? "I'm concerned." (Isn't actually concerned.)


Account name is "russian321"


I think it's time to break away

Nooo way fuck boy. Trump is our guy. We need to support the man the ptb are spending 40mil to shill against.

Do be fucking stupid, we are in the conspiracy. Reddit being astroturfed is the conspiracy.

Anyone who has even followed any sort of gov gray area shit can see this..

Shariablue. They will never get this sub

I want to believe this, but what has Trump done thats much different from Bush or Obama?

I can't say I believe I have seen a single Hillary defender. I have seen liberals defending themselves and thier post history, by rabid Trump supporters. It is possible to be liberal in your political beliefs without being a fan of Hillary or the DNC...

But even this post is bipartisan bullshit. What I'm really concerned about is the nationalism, sexism and pro-corporate influence that is seeping into this sub. There used to be a far more Libertarian-like sentiments. Discussions about free energy and spiritual manipulation. On the history of the RCC and Freemasonry. Now, it seems like any spiritual talk is about drugs or aliens.

There's disturbing bills in our Congress right now. Trump keeps tweeting dumb shit or allowing the media to distract itself by defending itself and bills that erode rights, further damage the environment and setting the stage for another great recession are just sailing by...

Sure thing snowflake

Ok, parrot...

Welcome to our world.

We try to remain open to a wider spectrum of voices (as long as people can refrain from making it personal - a tall order), but then it leads to "This sub has been taken over by [the other side] and I'm not going to post here if [the other side] is allowed to continue posting here."

We wanted to be Switzerland, and instead become Lithuania. At least we're not alone.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

What did Jeb do to you? Rude

Who the fuck is upvoting this troll?


Your account is only 2 months old, and has a shitton of karma. All your posts are anti trump stuff in this subreddit, but you're going to complain about shills? Where do I sign up for shariablue, because clearly their current employees are retarded

Fuck off you spineless shill

He's got himself a point there, bot or no bot.

You're a fucking sack of shit OP

Medication nation is what we need to become.

Ok, this post PROVES there are vote bots on the loose. Total votes of over 1000 in 2 hours on a sub with 1700 people visiting. There aren't even enough logged-in voters to get that many votes up.

Ever heard of the front page? Ever heard of /r/all?

Ever heard of the front page?

Not a default sub.

Ever heard of /r/all?

Nowhere close to the top of r/all at the time.

I got here from /r/all, and a page doesn't need to be a default to appear on your front page (hence the "subscribe" button)

It could be that the term "Fuck Trump" activated an upvote bot. Something in the post title was picked up by the algorithm.

Or, maybe people are just getting really pissed and frustrated at the state of the sub.

Some Trumpsters are trying to turn this sub into a platform for the alt-right narrative, but I've yet to find post defending Hillary or Obama.

Open your eyes

I'm sure you mean well, but your comment does nothing in the way of actually responding to the above poster's point

If you've been on this sub for any amount of time and you don't want to see Hillary and Obama behind bars, you're the shill.

For the most part, there's a huge swath of people here who aren't interested in solutions, resolutions or truth. They continue to maintain the red vs. blue philosophy and keep the partisan politics going. Even aside from that, "conspiracy theories, in general, aren't considered with proper scrutiny and standards. That's why oft posted subjects continue to branch out into the ether with no conclusion in sight.

As a sub that's pretty much "hands off" (where mods are concerned) it's up to the frequent userbase to filter all the bullshit out. Downvote it. Challenge it. Quit being afraid to voice your skepticism just because of the sub you're in. You do everyone a disservice.

They're like a loony tunes fight where the characters whip up a dust cloud while fighting engulfing other characters as they move.

Here's an up boat for you I wish I could do more

I miss the good old days when I could baselessly assert the government was putting chemicals in plane contrails without people arguing over which government was responsible for implementing it


Well yeah I think the comment is better served by removing that term, fluoride in the water certainly isn't a conspiracy just whether or not it's bad. Hopefully the sentiment is that there used to be a focus on more traditional shadowy nefarioud activity, rather than political infighting.

stratospheric aerosol injection is a real thing that is happening. Get up at 6am, look at our blue sky get turned into a artificial cloud overcast sky.

Lol you are retarded do angels leave feathers around your house too?

Lol you are retarded do angels leave feathers around your house too?

High quality rebuttal

The burden of proof is on you, dipshit.

Thats all you can do, is name call. Heres your "proof"

Climate engineering is a real thing that is done under the auspices of various government agencies. Look further into the HAARP array. So we know that, at least to some degree, weather and the climate are manipulable and governments and military groups possess the tools with which to do so. The conspiracy side of it is the resulting line of questioning - what are the methods used? Are they harmful to people or the environment in any way? What are the long-term effects? Is there a large-scale program to alter weather that the public is unaware of? Using this technology can individual weather catastrophes be artificially generated and unleashed? Have they been?

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 40229

You not understanding electromagnetism does not a conspiracy make.

Additional source: I'm an electrical engineer.

This guy's "scientific writing" means less than nothing to me.

You're getting downvoted in your own sub.

Yeah, by r/all who refuse to knock themselves out of cognitive dissonance? This post is at nearly 6k.

Kid, just because you don't understand science doesn't make a research facility nefarious. The government doesn't even use or own the place anymore.

Condescending, love it. You're the one who is trying to say they are only putting 1hz into the ionosphere. That is obviously a lie, and the government and DARPA are obviously using it for more than radio communication.

The ionosphere has nothing to do with weather. There are satellites orbiting at that altitude. You're too deeply brainwashed by all the retarded blog posts. Stay in school, open a book, you know fuck all about how the physical world works and it shows.

Your government is lying to you.

Lol wow you are fucking crazy. I'm not gonna waste any more time arguing with someone who believes ridiculous shit with no evidence.

Someday you will realize that the truth don't always present evidence out in the open. Especially when the vatican and world bank are in control Dont you see how fucked up our world is? Truly, wake up angry person.

You have to be a troll. Nobody is this retarded for real.

You cant get to me ;) see ya

You haven't made a single credible point. You've quoted what sounds like scientific jargon to you that is actually just nonsense.

Ok sweetie

No, I know what those words mean. The way you used them betray a lack of understanding on your part.

You just tried to tell me the ionosphere doesn't play a part in weather. You should be fired

It doesnt. It's purely a protective shell against solar radiation. Look it up.

Hey, not an /r/conspiracy subscriber, but I'm in the aviation industry.

It's not real, man. The contrails you see are just condensation created as a byproduct of lift, and clear skies turning overcast is literally just *weather.

The mysterious jets "spraying" chemtrails are just commercial flights, many being flown out of my home airport and being piloted, serviced, and fuelled by people I know.

It's a small industry- everyone knows everyone- and it's not feasible that even a dozen planes could "spray" without everyone knowing about it. In fact, it's one of the biggest jokes we've got.

Hey shill. Damage control? I see it everyday. I watch my blue clear skys turn into a dirty white artificial cloud cover from the trails coming from behind airplanes. Solar Radiation Management.

I'm a pilot, not a shill.

The science behind contrails and wingtip vortices are actually pretty interesting if you're unfamiliar with it.

Most contrails are just jet exhaust, which warms the air giving it the potential to accept more water vapor, and then adding the vapor itself. Once it cools to the dew point, it forms long areas of stratus clouds that flatten out depending on winds aloft, ambient temperature, and persistence of condensation nuclei.

It's exactly the same as the white exhaust smoke you see coming out of your car on a cold day, only thousands of times amplified.

You might also be thinking about clouds seemingly forming from the wingtips of commercial jets:

Lift is just a low pressure area forming along the top surface of a wing, and a high pressure area underneath. Air is a fluid, so it naturally wants to flow from a high to low pressure area, in this case from the bottom of the wing to the top.

Because of spanwise flow, the separated airflows meet up at the wingtip, with the high pressure area literally wrapping around and creating a vortex of air. Obviously with enough decrease in pressure, the air will reach it's condensation point and form visible clouds.

This is all simplified somewhat, but what you see is just moisture and air following the same rules and principles we see and observe daily.

Even if we were spraying you guys with chemtrails, you'd see the exact same contrails because they're a natural byproduct of lift in certain conditions.

That guy here, fluoride is actually a great counterexample, but yeah my sentiment is pretty much to aware. I like to think I'm funny.

That assertion is baseless. He's right.

Chem trails are making the frogs gay, though!

But they've always been autistic!


Oh shit I stumbled into /r/4chan

Where is this from? I don't get it

Alex Jones, I believe

Chemtrails and black helicopters everywhere!

Frogs were alway colourful

Haha yeah but srs though it was Bush.

Bush did donald trump

He believes that contrails aren't a hoax created by (((certain groups))) to keep us distracted from the truth.

I remember what the world was like before I was woke, too.

Hillary did it.

Bring back chem trails!!

Yeah and watching videos of orbs attacking Chem trails and the moon wave. Honestly I stopped even trying looking here about a month before the conventions last year. This place changed over night.


Part of the problem with making a sub on conspiracies in general is that you'll see a whole lot of people who, for instance, find evidence of the podesta emails being linked to other DNC heads and browse he sub. Those people are not usually the ones who believe in the JFK assassination conspiracy, or to a greater extent the moon landings or 9/11. Then there are the flat earthward and matrix theorists that are one step above those. All those different levels of conspiracy mixed with different political opinions really makes this a divided sub, and when things get too contested and flaming starts there needs to be some kind of wake up call.

Conveniently you leave out Russian bots which far outnumber all bots and shills on reddit by far.

It's a conspiracy!!

Seems like a thread to pull everyone into a pissing match instead of focusing on pizza and the foundation.


Now when I came out, I told you it was just about Biggie Then everybody had to open their mouth with a motherfucking opinion Well, this is how we gonna do this: Fuck Mobb Deep, fuck Biggie, fuck Bad Boy as a staff, record label and as a motherfucking crew! And if you want to be down with Bad Boy, then fuck you too! Chino XL: fuck you too! All you motherfuckers, fuck you too! (Take money, take money) All of y'all motherfuckers, fuck you; die slow, motherfucker My .44 make sure all y'all kids don't grow! You motherfuckers can't be us or see us We motherfuckin' Thug Life-riders, Westside til we die! Out here in California, nigga, we warned ya We'll bomb on you motherfucker! We do our job! You think you mob? Nigga, we the motherfuckin' mob Ain't nothing but killers and the real niggas All you motherfuckers feel us

That's why I fucked your bitch you fat motherfucker

how was your 14th birthday?

How is the 8th grade?

eh, it was OK from what i remember


Exactly, fuck all y'all



"we hate all the things"

I mean it's not even a conspiracy anymore. All of Reddit is just political bots at war with each other. It's become total garbage.

If someone's actions are commendable, isn't it worth defending. I thought one of the goals of this sub was to both expose and stand up for truth, regardless of political affiliations. Truth is things as they really are and it doesn't choose a side.

Maybe you guys should get rid of your insanely biased pro-Trump mods and actually start digging into conspiracies again. Hell the Russia connection with Trump is the largest scandal in political history and yet it get censored out of this sub over and over again.

Come on r/Conspiracy. Make Conspiracies Great Again.

Hello Shareblue.

The biggest 2 scandals in political history are:

-The presence of special access programs on a private Clinton server

-Wiretapping a campaign opponent as you are leaving office and flying around a democratic candidate and promoting them with 3 Billion USD taxpayer money.

Kindly kill yourself.

Getting so deluded and narcissistic to the point where anyone with a dissenting opinion who says "fuck trump" is a paid shill.

Toppest of keks.


Redditor for 5 months

Mar - 5 = November.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

Shillary Snowflake Triggered

Fuck Hillary. I just think it's pathetic r/conspiracy is ignoring the largest conspiracy of modern times because they've got their heads so far up Trump's ass.

That's why you spend all day everyday bashing Trump in r/politics and every anti-Trump sub reddit? Yeah, sure, your story checks out!

Yep, I enjoy bashing Trump because the man is an incompetent buffoon. Does that somehow change the fact there is a huge scandal surrounding Trump and that the IC is investigating him? Nope it doesn't.

And as I said, fuck Hillary. It should have been Bernie. It's pathetic you believe people have to be paid to hate your cult leader.

Careful there, trump supporters immensely struggle with comprehending most people who hate trump couldn't give a fuck about hillary.

No, man. The biggest conspiracy of modern times is 9/11, Iraq, and the NSA. The Trump/Russia ties are coming from inside the government. Why should we trust the government at all? You're propagating stuff for the war machine, my man.

Rofl ok buddy. I guess the IC are all just illuminati globalists. Lol you fucken people.

What sub do you think you are in?

Lol so in your view watergate wasn't a huge scandal huh? So what if this sub is run by Trumpers? They can't hide from this forever.

What are you talking about watergate wasn't a huge scandal? Who said that? We're in the longest war time in US history and you're worried Russia is doing what exactly?

I was commenting on how just because mainstream media is reporting on it doesn't make it fake news. Russia colluded with trump for trump's gain and Russia's gain in a nationalistic and isolationist president that weakens the US/European/NATO super power.

I don't trust the media or the deep state. Let's imagine there was evidence of Russia colluding with Trump (which there isn't, but who knows, it might turn out to be true), what do Trump and Russia gain? Peace? What's wrong with being an isolationist, anyway? (which, sadly, I fear Trump isn't)

I'll just link you this and after you look at please tell me there is no Russia story: (and this is from a few weeks ago not even mentioning the recent updates about Sessions lying about meeting the Russian ambassador:

Do NOT let Flynn take the fall for this story

Current number of Resignations over Russia ties : 3 Flynn, Manafort, Page.


The Intelligence Community

Our own intel agencies and spies are withholding information from the White House because of the concern that it has been compromised by Russia :

Additional :


Trump has a relationship with Putin, which he has denied in recent times:

Trump recently defended Putin from being called a killer :

He's done this before :

Trump Dossier leaks. He's possibly being blackmailed:

Dossier claims possible gain of 19% share of Rosneft and not long after 19% is sold to a currently unknown party :

The spy who created the Dossier is highly regarded and wouldn't just make things up:

Multiple sources now confirm some of what was in the Dossier:

Additionally financial incentives with Russia:

Trump tweeted the day after Flynn spoke with Russia :

Recording equipment was turned off for Trumps call with Putin *anecdotal need confirmation :


Russia confirms it had communication with Trump during campaign. :

Russia purges people in charge of intel (FSB). Multiple arrests:

Murder related to the Dossier leak:

Trump campaign specifically pushes pro-Putin move to Republican platform (Under Manafort) :

An interesting bit of data related to Killed or wounded in action numbers of Ukraine/DNR forces in the Donbass region for 2017 so far (If anyone can find a reliable source for this data please let me know, I can only seem to find "an uptick in aggression" without numbers.) :

Flynn ( National Security Advisor) - RESIGNED

Seemingly has a relationship with Putin :

And apparently discussed sanctions with Russia:

The White House knew about Flynn communication with Russia :

Flynn has now resigned (right after the above article was posted) :

Manafort (Former Trump Campaign Advisor) - RESIGNED

Seemingly has ties to Russia (and was paid by Russia) :

FBI was looking into this

Truth about Manafort coming out angered Russia :

Tillerson (Trump Secretary of State)

Tillerson gets put as Sec of State, has a relationship with Putin:

Right after Tillerson is confirmed House removes transparency rule :

DNC Hack

Russia was directly responsible for the hack according to all government sources we have and additional independent sources that worked on behalf of the DNC. We've since announced sanctions and additional retaliation for those actions.

If we see sanctions getting rolled back at all its more or less the final nail in the coffin. Everything since the Dossier seems to confirm the info in the Dossier. Or we just happen to have an awful lot of Russia ties for seemingly no reason at all.


Recommended reading (Opinion piece by a well-known, pro-American hacker) :

Are we still doubting that Dossier? Or is the Flynn resignation due to a Russia scandal enough to start getting through to people to maybe take it a bit more seriously

You dodged my question.

Rule 10.

Use of the word "triggered" is a dead giveaway of a T_D shill.

It's fake red-scare nonsense manufactured by CNN. For fuck sake like it's CNN, what more do you need to know?

And NYT, BBC, AP, WaPo, the entire intelligence community, multiple intelligence communities from other countries, multiple advisors linked to Russia as well as clear timelines about how it all took place. But hey, you keep sticking your head in the sand there buddy.

Wow, a bunch of liberal rags that basically sucked the DNC's dick throughout the election cycle, how trustworthy!

Don't forget all those """"""anonymous"""""" white House sources either!

Despite the fact that I just named the most reputable news sources on the planet how about addressing the fact that there is an investigation from the intelligence community as well? I know you're trying to cover Trump's ass and will never admit to Trump doing anything wrong but god damn dude this is a huge scandal and no matter how much you deflect you won't be able to escape it, just like Trump himself.

NSA has only moderate confidence that Russia even "interfered" with the election. CIA and FBI (I think) said they have high confidence. Confidence is a crucial word here. Also important, is the fact that that "intelligence agencies" stated they weren't sure if potential interfering was to undermine confidence or to help trump. Furthermore, zero evidence has been provided that Russia was responsible for the hack outside of the generalized conclusions of "confidence" I mentioned previously.

These "conslusions" of Russias theorized general and undefined ends.... are actually completely separate from the theories of trump actively working with Russia for whatever they theoretically aimed to do.

The only evidence of so-called "trump-collusion": * a fucking server that happened to exchange data with another server in Ukraine or some shit (servers do all sorts of shit and communicate with servers around the world all the time) * an unsupported dossier alleging outlandish shit (also evidence this was from paid opposition research from either bush or clinton and used information from a fucking 4chan larp) * Sessions doing his fucking job and going to ambassador training event that was organized by Obama's state dpt. and answering a question sort of poorly * Flynn doing his fucking job and losing credibility with his team through poor communication

Another funny thing is that Clinton's team called "RUSSIA" on day one of DNC leaks before there was even a possibility that they could have actually investigated that.... and they didn't even let the United States FBI look in to the source of the "hack". Then they blamed the Podesta "hack" on Russia as well even though his password was literally password.

Its all a crock of shit. And for people that have been involved with conspiracy oriented material for a long time.... The fact that the entire MSM and establishment (including deep state REPUBLICANS) are actively working against Trump, speaks volumes.

I am a lefty by heart and I am not a Trump apologist... and calling out obvious bull shit is not shilling for Trump.

Hahahahaha holy fuck not only was a lot of that information incorrect (for instance the 4chan shit) but you're going to extreme lengths to avoid any wrong doing when it's so blatantly clear what's going on. I wish I wasn't on my phone so I could fully respond but holy shit that was so dumb.

Let me know exactly what was incorrect about it. I am happy to discuss it. I can provide sources on every fact I alleged if you wish. I can provide more reasoning on whatever conclusions I reached based on those facts.

I'll wait.

I would gladly go point by point if I wasn't on my phone and at work. But just for instance the dossier came out months before that 4chan post. It simply hadn't been made public yet.

It's a dedicated server contacting Alfa bank which Trump has numerous ties and has failed to explain the purpose of the server.

More and more of the dossier is being proven true and many of the Russians implicated in it have turned up dead in recent months.

Sessions lied under oath about talking to the Russian ambassador. And it's been proven he used campaign dollars for that business trip so he was in fact there talking to the ambassador in his capacity as a Trump affiliate.

Flynn violated the Logan Act and lied about it in an attempt to cover it up.

Hell thats even just the basic tip of the iceberg stuff. You're missing a ton of other factors going into this scandal.

Seems like everything you listed is great evidence for why it should be all over /r/conspiracy

This timeline makes it clear what's going on.

The scandal isn't that trump is friendly with the Russians(They are red and scary!), that much is obvious. The scandal is that the Russians hacked the DNC and are controlling Trump.

If they had conclusive proof of either of those things, we would have heard about it almost immediately. Instead, we hear that the hackers used "known Russian methods" when hacking the DNC.

I think trump is an idiot, but getting worked up over the Russian ties is exactly what he wants, because it makes you look like a bigger idiot.

You'll see soon enough.

I guess so, but that would be the worst case scenario by far.

Trump is the best president to come by in decades, not for his skill, but for how polarizing he is. If he fucks up enough, you will have several generations of apathetic voters wanting to do everything in their power to stop it from happening again. It would ostensibly be a political revolution.

That's already going to happen.

You're really showing who the blind follower is

That does not mean that the subject can't be discussed and debated here. If it is bullshit because a mod believe in it that does not mean they should delete the subject before people can make or debunk the case.

If it has clear hallmarks of a conspiracy and is topical to what this subreddit is, then it should be allowed to stand.

Your name leads me to believe you're posting satire but I honestly can't tell. If you're not then may god have mercy on your poor soul.

Redditor for 1 month.

Speaking of manufactured...

Russia is a evil and violent country with an evil and violent past. That's not CNN, that's just a fact. Stop lying.

You fell for the propaganda.

JFK faked the moon landings on his secret lizard based on Mars = stone cold fact.

Trump has ties with Russia with like 15 well-documented connection = propoganda nonsense.

You don't belong here libtarded sheeple. /r/conspiracy has always been right wing.

We have always been at war with eastasia.

It's cute that you say that with pride.

Liberalism itself is the conspiracy.

Lol this is the comment that proves you're insane.

Sure I guess the intelligence community isn't investigation the Russian ties right? Guess they all just fell for their own propaganda huh? Get out of your insane cult bubble of TD.

Same intelligence community that put is in a war against Iraq under false pretenses?


Yeah I used to love reading this subreddit before it literally became t_d

They specifically targeted it to suppress Trump scandals from being discussed here. It's pretty sad.

Doesn't surprise me tbh.

Dank conspiracy bro 👌🏻

Sad! But really I don't know what this sub used to be like but subscribed because it's reads a joke. In the sense the stuff posted here could be completely unfounded and no one seems to question it.

the reason no one discusses those here is because it's well covered on other larger subs. IMO /r/conspiracy is the failsafe or place between the cracks

I disagree. This sub should be all over the Russian scandal but has been silenced.

What aspect are you referring to? Russia "hacking" the election? Trump being a "Russian spy"? All the "Russia" narratives are pretty well covered by MSM and really lack clout. Will be interesting to see how the investigations all around go.

Well I agree the investigation will be interesting.

If you want Trump conspiracy theories go to politics or any anti trump sub, they're always quick to offer suggestions as to what Trump's treasonous crimes entail

I'll just link you this and after you look at please tell me there is no Russia story: (and this is from a few weeks ago not even mentioning the recent updates about Sessions lying about meeting the Russian ambassador:

Do NOT let Flynn take the fall for this story

Current number of Resignations over Russia ties : 3 Flynn, Manafort, Page.


The Intelligence Community

Our own intel agencies and spies are withholding information from the White House because of the concern that it has been compromised by Russia :

Additional :


Trump has a relationship with Putin, which he has denied in recent times:

Trump recently defended Putin from being called a killer :

He's done this before :

Trump Dossier leaks. He's possibly being blackmailed:

Dossier claims possible gain of 19% share of Rosneft and not long after 19% is sold to a currently unknown party :

The spy who created the Dossier is highly regarded and wouldn't just make things up:

Multiple sources now confirm some of what was in the Dossier:

Additionally financial incentives with Russia:

Trump tweeted the day after Flynn spoke with Russia :

Recording equipment was turned off for Trumps call with Putin *anecdotal need confirmation :


Russia confirms it had communication with Trump during campaign. :

Russia purges people in charge of intel (FSB). Multiple arrests:

Murder related to the Dossier leak:

Trump campaign specifically pushes pro-Putin move to Republican platform (Under Manafort) :

An interesting bit of data related to Killed or wounded in action numbers of Ukraine/DNR forces in the Donbass region for 2017 so far (If anyone can find a reliable source for this data please let me know, I can only seem to find "an uptick in aggression" without numbers.) :

Flynn ( National Security Advisor) - RESIGNED

Seemingly has a relationship with Putin :

And apparently discussed sanctions with Russia:

The White House knew about Flynn communication with Russia :

Flynn has now resigned (right after the above article was posted) :

Manafort (Former Trump Campaign Advisor) - RESIGNED

Seemingly has ties to Russia (and was paid by Russia) :

FBI was looking into this

Truth about Manafort coming out angered Russia :

Tillerson (Trump Secretary of State)

Tillerson gets put as Sec of State, has a relationship with Putin:

Right after Tillerson is confirmed House removes transparency rule :

DNC Hack

Russia was directly responsible for the hack according to all government sources we have and additional independent sources that worked on behalf of the DNC. We've since announced sanctions and additional retaliation for those actions.

If we see sanctions getting rolled back at all its more or less the final nail in the coffin. Everything since the Dossier seems to confirm the info in the Dossier. Or we just happen to have an awful lot of Russia ties for seemingly no reason at all.


Recommended reading (Opinion piece by a well-known, pro-American hacker) :

Are we still doubting that Dossier? Or is the Flynn resignation due to a Russia scandal enough to start getting through to people to maybe take it a bit more seriously?

Hey, I've just seen this and thanks for the info I'm about to look through it. I don't think I ever said there wasn't a Russia story, but I am skeptical considering the MSM tendency to blow things out of proportion and blatantly overexaggerate or misrepresent statements or facts.

I did say that I think the investigation will be interesting and I look forward to the "truth" on the matter coming to light for /r/conspiracy to dissect.


I used to love reading conspiracies. The really far out ones. It's fun to just entertain without accepting.

This sub is boring now. There's so much untouched material because for some reason nobody posts about Trump.

Well it's more like every post is some sort of scrambled infowars breitbart bullshit.

When did Alex Jones become the leading conspiracy theorist? He's a fucking joke.

Calling him a joke just increases his power. Hillary made a huge mistake by mentioning his name in public.

I some point you just gotta tell it like it is instead of pandering to essentially flat earthers.

If mentioning him makes him stronger then it doesn't matter because people are so dumb that nothing can convince them they are wrong.

Hillary made a huge mistake by mentioning his name in public.

Trust me, it's worse if you do it three times in a dark room.

Alex Jones is legitimately insane. He really should see a doctor. I worry about his health every time his clips get circulated.

People love to repeat this, but I see more people bitch about how this sub is another t_d than actual evidence that it is. If you look in the comment section of any Trump post, you will see a bunch of anti-Trump comments with plenty of upvotes and lots of comments such as the one you made.

If this sub was "literally t_d", over half the comments of any given Trump post here would be deleted for breaking the rules of the sub.

True the comments section isn't as bad but you have to admit a certain type of person/post has become commonplace since the campaign picked up steam

Yes, I've seen two types. One on each side.

When the dossier came out they market it as "unverified" which they never do with anything else and then they stickied pizzagate to the top of the sub. They also refuse to talk about the Russian scandal. It's pretty obvious.

When the dossier came out they market it as "unverified" which they never do with anything else

Yes they have, what are you about?;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=relevance&amp;t=all;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=relevance&amp;t=all;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=relevance&amp;t=all

People only see what they want to see.

Have you ever actually been on t_d? This sub isn't anywhere close to that subreddit. People are just doubtful about the "Trump is a Russian plant" narrative because one, MSM is pushing it heavily, and two, there hasn't been any hard evidence. As I said, over half of the Trump comments/submissions here would be deleted if they were posted in t_d.

I would love to add some left wing mods here

You need non-wing mods. Having left-wing mods with right-wing mods trying to censor the discussion will make this subreddit about as productive as our government.

But what's non wing.

Someone who doesn't favor either side. Or, at least, is able to take an impartial stance and allow discussion. I was raised democrat, I am a life long democratic voter, I hate the democrats. I hate the republicans also - i think they're both corrupt as fuck and a cancer to this country, no I don't want to be a mod. But you can't expect impartial modding from partial mods. Its like asking for 10 T_D mods and 10 +H_C mods to play nice and mod a subreddit together.

ATM I vote democrat other than for Charlie baker. I like to think I'm impartial as I'll criticize everyone and my favorite political commentator is dan carlin. But I would still describe my self as left wing atleast when it comes to social issues.

Yes, me as well. But you and I are still impartial. Any mods who share that in common with T_D cannot be made up for by adding equivalently partisan left wing mods. Everyone leans one way or the other.

I think a large aspect of the issue is that the most recent election galvanized the bipartisan tendencies of Americans

um...most trump supporters are no-wing.

we didnt vote for him because hes Republican or because hes going to build a wall. we voted for him because he wants to bring down the shadow government and drain the swamp

Ummmmmmm. His voter always voted republican.

you should start checking sources yourself rather than just accepting what you're watching on CNN as fact

my eyes where my source he didnt have the biggest inauguration ever. They have also made up multiple terrorist attacks... i dont even watch the news lol.

Well there's no left wing political party of any substance, so someone really to the left at least would probably still hate the DNC and bizdems.

What's needed are non-US mods who don't give a shit about US politics.

there is no Trump/Russia scandal.

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

This is the only on-topic comment in the top five comments. This sub is compromised.

Thank you. It's gotten absolutely absurd.

Believing the deep state and neocons isn't going to make conspiracies great again. Sorry, fam.

Aww little Trumpy scared of admitting the Russian scandal is huge news. Guess you can go back to speculating about lizard people now.

Oh, I see what's going on here.

Yeah you're refusing to see the scandal in front of you because it hurts dear leader.

Yeah, you can take that dear leader stuff somewhere else, fam. You got the wrong guy.

Aww did you not like me insulting the golden God? Sorry to your dear leader. Just drink more koolaid and all will be ok.

I think you have me mistaken for someone else.

Lol you think the thing with Russia is the biggest scandal in political history? One of your presidents lied to start a war that killed minimum hundreds of thousands of civilians. One of your presidents expanded the surveillance state to the point where the only difference between it and big brother is a strong AI that can sort through the information. But sure a president making deals behind closed doors, something I can assure you has never happened before with past presidents. Is far far worse than starting a new crusade in the middle east. Your outrage meter is broken. And your moral compass is fucked.

Fuck off

If people don't think they are shilling for Hillary when they are shilling for Hillary.

Finally! Been waiting for this thread for ages now.

Most importantly TRUMP supporters. Back to your crappy Donald sub.

Deportation!? You racist!

Fuck everything but the circus.


Hillary sucks but trump is great!

They both suck.

Trump must grab your pussy.

Hillary must forward your classified emails over encrypted public channels.

Retards here somehow started believing more and more in the Democratic system since this election. Bernie just got booted because wall street didn't want him. Its so fucking obvious it's just two rich parties running against eachother trying to get the most benefit for their own party.

Devide and conquer theatre is the best method to get sheep to believe they somehow have influence

The whole of Reddit is fucked. Has been for at least 2 years now.

4 years

How is a post like this not removed? This is just pathetic on the mods part.


At this point...Fuck you all.

Fuck both sides.

Three sides

Every side.

Fuck you sideways

Well, considering that this is just another Trump propaganda site, it's no surprise that any differing comments are found to be offensive and unacceptable and likely to make people cry like the delicate little flowers that they are. You people will all be gone soon, mark my words snowflakes

Well you have to remember that the US presidential election is a big deal and this year's was especially polarizing. People on both sides are mad and there's so much shady shit flying around its only natural that many conspiracy theories will spring up. That being said, I agree that enough is enough and I'm pretty tired of every subreddit being filled with election/political material. That's why subs like politics, the Donald, Hillary Clinton, sanders for president, etc exist.

I want aliens and lizard people.

All the lizard people are still in play, don't worry.


tongue flick


The current administration is the mlem of the lizard people.

I agree with your message, but youre concern trolling. Gtfo

OK ,.,,,, Now you know what kind of Leaders run this American Killing Machine....remember "yes I think killing 500,000 children from IRAQ was worth it",,,,,,Libya look what you did there.....and now Syria and Yemen .....And the Dark CIA empire of Drug and human trafficking and dark budget killings all over..... All the refugees are your doing .....You have torture and killed at a Satanic level......and here you are pointing fingers like if a classmate had thrown gum at you..... ENOUGH .... You as individuals are responsible keeping the machinery of DEATH running smoothly.....Take a BIG mirror and Look at The Monster you have become......Stand up Now!!! 1000 years won't cover up the shame you are bringing your kids.....

Lol stfu

Dude, it is reddit in its entirety. Every random sub has turned into a political shitstorm.

Every sub on Reddit has devolved into this crap. It's paid shills arguing with true believers everywhere. It's like the Middle East only worse.

its like the middle east

No its a war for your mind. Not a war where people get blown up.

Fuck you, I like Hilldawg.

Fuck Shillary

Retard alert.

OP is here to fuck.

I honestly think people complaining about political 'shills' are some of the dumbest on earth.

There are millions of conspiracies around the Clintons, Obamas,and Bushs. You can "fuck drumpf" all you want, but he just doesnt have anywhere near as many conspiracies - of course there are some, but its nothing compared to those other three. You are ovviously an anti trump, partisan democrat, because you act like hes even in the same category

Because conspiracy theorists are mostly right/conservative. Of course there are more on demo. presidents

No, conspiracy investigators are politically non partisan, most of the time. A lot of us, including myself are registered Independants

A lot maybe but you still are very minority. Checking the current status of conspiracy sites and this whole subreddit should make that clear enough.

Show me polling data to source your claim

Honest question: why would the conspiracy theory community give a damn about Trump prior to 2016? As far as I'm aware, conspiracy theories are usually centered around powerful and important public figures, not reality TV stars and real estate developers.

He was always extremely wealthy, so hes had potential to do harm, but there isnt really anything to suggest that he was wrapped up in any big conspiracies

Fuck off

The mods here are licking assholes over at the_don. Good luck getting anything to change in this place.

All you do is cry LOL

Strange, I've never posted or commented there. Perhaps you should have considered this a possibility before you got banned for rule 10 after being previously warned already.

Sign of the times. This is war.

"Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

OP is a shill and should kill himself.

Im not a shill but I wanna kill myself :D


lol yeah ok buddy


lol. yeah. ok. bork.

I miss the good old times when we didn't defend the FUCKING government and the President of the Goddamn United States.

So before Obama?

still mad at the wrong people.

Fuck Trump? The conspiracy president whos shutting down pedo rings, attacking the deep state and throwing the globalist plan out the window? The man who said there were bombs in the world trade center buildings? Putting him in the same category as Clinton and Obama makes you willfully ignorant or a paid shill.

Fuck Trump. Is that clear enough noob?

I agree OP. If you are a shill for any politician, then you're completely missing the point of being a member of this subreddit.


I completely fucking agree with you, and I don't give a shit how old your account is. We're all being corralled into one line of thinking or another by ALL social media, reddit included. I'm not entirely convinced it's not orchestrated.

Some new accounts are alts of long time users.




The problem is that this was one of the few places where pro-Trump people could discuss their conspiracy theories, and the mods let them have free reign of the place.

This became another 'safe space's for them, and I would be happy to see them gone. No more lame-ass non-story "scandals". Let's get back to what this place is supposed to be.

Yeah. I'm not for censorship in most cases but honestly the mods should start banning trump bots and Hilary shills on a one to one ratio till things settle down this is insane.

Current votes on top three posts in this thread: 333, 256, 326

Votes on the following three posts: 26, 33, 6

Other than the post with 6 upvotes, the rest were all posted within one hour of each other.

Top three posts all discuss OP's account and post history, rather than discuss the topic at hand.

What a coincidence.


Trump is going to save us

I'm not gonna hold my breath.


Death to the Lizard People!

I'll stick to fucking bushes, thanks.

Lol, get something better to do with your time before your tombstone is "spammed subs all day cos he thought it'd accomplish something besides get his mind off his failure"

I am SO over the cult of Hillary that I could scream. These are H1b visa lovers (Hey if it hurt america it MUST be good), the anti Trump fanatics (Look I'm not a "Trump guy", but he won, he's the President, and we had better ALL HOPE that he does a good job), and they present NOTHING more than Ad Hominem attacks and do NOTHING to further a discussion. Please let me know if there is ANYTHING that I can do to be of help.

It WOULD seem however that /r/conspiracy is under attack BY a conspiracy group...just ironic.

I agree w/ all that shit except the "fuck Trump" part.

The anti-trump shills are the real problem on reddit. The_donald shills stays mostly in the_donald.

The anti-trump retards are mods of every major subreddit and they have created dozens of anti-trump subs.

Agreed. I have unsubbed a few times and getting close to doing so again. While I almost never AGREED with some of the ideas here in the past, I was always intrigued by conspiracy theories and so forth. This sub is now just an extension of The_Donald. Sad!

but i love bushes!

We now know the source is hiring out companies to flood reddit with agenda

I miss the good old days when everything was normal and we all knew the government were Reptilians that were secretly ruling the planet.

Fuck /r/conspiracy for being dumb asses. I blame your lack of education for being so dumb.

Not the prickly Bushes though... that'd hurt :P

It's not the Trump bots that have taken over, it's the Trump mods.

It is because Americans still don't understand they have been played so they continue to defend the people controlling what they think.

Exactly. They still think "RUSSIANS!"...DUH.

My Brother!

I think, as I have said before, this sub needs to crack down for a short period of time and just delete posts that are not related to conspiracy and are simply posts that are off-topic. Posts that are taking advantage of this subreddit's "No Censorship" policy and shitposting garbage on to this subreddit to the point where it is not even recognizable as a conspiracy subreddit at all.

We are now at, and have been far far past the point where something needs to be done. Action needs to be taken, and it has to be drastic, significant and meaningful action.

Half measures will not fix this subreddit now.

I believe that the mods and some of the longtime regulars of this sub need to find a way to get together and make a decision on the course of action(s) that needs to be taken in order to reclaim this sub and make it a conspiracy subreddit again.

The bottom line here is that it is time to do something, it can't keep going on like this.

he said the f word

Fuck you OP

Agreed, this division tactic is toxic and annoying as fuck. If anything goes it's pushing both sides to a moderate non existent third party which I would welcome on heart beat

Yes, FUCK the government and all of those highly educated people working to keep our country running. We could do it so much better ourselves, with our absolute zero knowledge of how the world really works.

wake up sheeple, this sub is being brigaded by the lizard aliens. wake. up.


This should apply to Reddit as a whole. So tired of seeing fourteen different anti trump subs in top of /r/all complaint about anything and everything.

Obviously conspiracy needs that shit gone just because it's irrelevant.

Obama slush funds and wiretapping are worth speaking about in this sun

op consistently gets front page and high comments for "fuck trump" stuff and has the audacity to make a post like this

Sweet jesus, the fact the shills allowed this to be updated should be a huge red flag

Is it just me

Noooo, the hundred thousand other posts complaining about the exact same thing are just in your imagination.

What makes you think that this post is going to change anything at all where the rest have failed?

There are definitely libera shills posti g all over reddit hard right now, but trump bots? No i see it more as trump aupporters concerned at all of the auto subs being dominated by shills and the new anti-trump su reddits popping up every day automatically making it to the top of r/all.

You are a concern troll trying to make it seem like we are being bombarded by both sides...but anyone with a brain sees the real issue.

"MY side is all real genuine people but those OTHER guys are clearly shills or bots.

Does trump really have shills? Never heard this. If anything it seems this website is dominated by liberal agenda not conservative...Who funds em and what companies?

The left has nothing to gain at the current time from using shills, they also would likely have learned from Hillary losing that it's not very effective. Reddit is mainly people under 40, and people under 40 are usually liberal, there's not much more to it.

Trump was a very controversial candidate, lost the popular vote by a pretty big amount, and many people disagreed with him but voted for him because they liked Hillary even less. People are interested in what he's going to do and many are expecting him to fail, so the media is feeding into that narrative and talking about it because it gets them more views and ad revenue.

so why r u defending trump

Agreed 110% Someone needs to develop an algorithm or an app or something to detect the bs.

Not Woke

Fuck you too! Have a nice day though

The only one who has your best interests in mind is Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren they are the only people who arent bought on the national level of the us government. I'm Canadian so i dont know much about local but call your local reprensentatives so we can get money out of politics.

I have a strong urge to start defending Trump or Hillary just because

I feel this sub should be just retitled to r/altRightConspiracy

Obama brought the country together, trump is tearing it apart. The same old Democrat to REpublican timeline.

I love when conspiracy people create conspiracy theories about themselves.

I don't know. We've now hit a paradigm shift in government. It's no longer a struggle between the People vs Government and Party 1 vs Party 2 for control of the Government. Now, it's Government feeding on itself. Within the next four years we may actually see a former or sitting President go to prison and a person not elected by the People become President. This is potentially Fall of Rome level stuff all caused by conspiracies and cover-ups (possibly treason with a historical enemy of the State). I don't think this subreddit is best served by ignoring the problems. In fact, I think it should be made a default sub.

A few months age there was a very selective effort to shut down any discussion of DC based pedophelia and CST. I was personally hit with several accounts that would just not let up, until I typed the words they wanted to hear "there is probably nothing to Comet and CST."

I've argued with people, even rabid people online since the mid 1990's. I know what I know.

As a result, I rarely post here, wind up caught in partisan bickering with bots, or just miss the posts due to downvotes.

There appears to be an organized attempt to alter this subreddit. I am hopeful the mods can keep away from being corrupted by organized propagandists, and this returns to an area free of political theater. The political conspiracy theories have many outlets on reddit now.

OP is right, people need to wake up and realize what we are possibly losing here.

Don't forget fuck the media. As soon as Trump started hating the media the left became best friends with them and now you get downvoted and called a trump supporter unless you swallow everything they tell you.

That is actually a very good point.

Now that a lot of the MSM is critical of Trump, suddenly some people I know who are more left-leaning are believing everything the media is saying.

I wonder if there is an agenda behind the rotation of MSM credibility among the different political divisions..?

That's a lot of of fuckin' OP. I' m gonna need lube. Lotsa lube.

That's the best usage of the word fuck I have ever seen.

I fucked a bush once.

.....and fuck the Rothschilds.... and fuck the crown!.........Freedom!

This sub became compromised by shills years ago. No different today.

Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas.

No sympathy. Users courted T_D to get more activity in the sub and they got it. Choke on your own filth.

As an outsider, i like watching you all argue :D

Blame the reddit admins and cock sucking power mods. They made it this way by selling this site out.


Simply agreeing makes us shills though

And fuck Putin most of all!

Oh, I forgot, according to this sub, he's the one true hero that will save us all from the illuminati satanic lefty sex cults. My bad.

Go Bernie.

Just curious, do you guys think there is a possibility of a non corrupt government? Is it too entrenched in the dna of our country? Is there a possibility for conspiracy to not exist in out lifetimes?

The non-corruption of a government is directly proportional to the number of citizens willing to remain active. Democracy isn't a natural state, it needs constant maintenance. Your country in particular, though it is not alone in this in the world, has been sitting without any preventative maintenance for a long time (arguably 40 - 60 years or longer).

It's possibly, but people would literally have to fight as hard as they did to overthrow kings and Nazis, and that's really fucking hard.

Ahhh i see. Thanks for your input!

It's like you want to escape reality. Globalist are trying to destroy America. That's real and isn't going away anytime soon

Lol shit post upvoted by I wonder who

Sorry, but the latter three are way more evil than Trump.

It isn't humanly possible to more evil than Trump.

Found the guy that takes the Trump is Hitler memes seriously ^ What the hell makes you think he's more evil than our last few presidents?

What memes? Trump is Hitler. He has zero respect for human rights or the democratic process. There is a very real chance of his efforts at keeping Muslims and Mexicans out of the US escalating to violence, much like how Hitler's plan to deport the Jews escalated to murder. And there's an equally real chance of him rigging or cancelling the 2020 election, or using the false flagged "violence" of anti-Trump protestors as an excuse to crack down on political dissidents (in fact, this is already happening).

Remember, we're talking about a man who praised the Tiananmen Square massacre, who supports torturing terrorists for no reason other than as a form of cruel and unusual punishment, who believes that the city of New York owes nothing to five young men falsely convicted of rape (when he himself called for their execution), who believes that the Geneva Conventions hold America back, whose solution to the problem of police brutality against black people is to flood black neighbourhoods with police and take away black people's right to bear arms, and who has never once, in his entire political career, ever had a kind word to say about freedom.

And checking your history you said this:

"If you're going to die without ObamaCare, shooting Republicans is technically self-defense."

Other side of the wall for you, Galle.

That was clearly a joke.

True if true y

Everyone is a lizard until you peel their skin back. Shrodingus lizard

This looks like a slide. Get out

And a gilding on top of that. Interesting.

Don't forget the standard formula of the bots/shills. Over 10k upvotes, at least one gilding.

But at least people will be more likely to see the replies to OP, which seem more reasonable.

OP is right. Fuck everyone - fuck Trump, fuck Obama, fuck Bush II, fuck Clinton (and his wife), fuck Bush I, fuck every other president as well. They all suck, with the exception of the founding fathers. Fuck the NSA, fuck the CIA, fuck the FBI. Fuck Wall Street, fuck the Government, fuck religion, fuck political parties, fuck them all. They all suck.

Can we do something about it, for once?

Also, fuck you for not seeing your own hypocrisy.

Trump supporters don't have bots. That's Hillary's and Soros's side

I don't see people actually defending Hillary like people defending Trump, everyone hates her.

Yep Hillary sucks, but Trump is SO Corrupt and up to SO much shit and has SO many skeletons. But can we talk about that? NOPE. Soros is paying my rent becasue I think Trump is a chucklefuck.

I wish I got paid to shit on Trump lol.

so many skeletons but was spied on and nothing came of it

so corrupt the media resorts in out of context quotes to manufacture concern

From the looks of this thread. Seems like T_D users are getting downvoted far more than non-T_D users. So how are T_D silencing you from expressing Trump's corruption?

It must be hard to be a Trump supporter, damn near everyone on the planet thinks your guy is a dickhead whos too incompetent for the job and likely corrupt, but we also don't give a fuck about hillary.

So when they see the constant non stop flow of aalll this justified trump hate, they just don't know what to do, they can't accept the fact that the majority of earth thinks they're an idiot for being on the side that theyre on, shit I know I wouldn't want too.

So when you have evidence of actual shills how could you not have a field day? "Oh, this many people don't actually disagree with me, they're just being paid! Cheeky hillary paying people to talk negatively on reddit about the most hated man currently on earth, she sure has a lot to gain from it!"

Fucking well said.

right on!!! I just unsubscribed from /r/politics for the same reason

I checked yesterday and 50 of the 50 top posts were anti-Trump and/or promoting some bogus Russia narrative... You are saying that you quit because of the HillShills AND the "Trump bots"?

yes. their sub is a propaganda machine for the demo-traitors. Every time i said anything positive for trump or negative about the Dems i was downvoted regardless of the voracity of my statements. Fuck those propagandists

The shrubbery did nothing wrong

Just because people like me have a different opinion about something than you do, does not mean you get to kick them out of the sub.

You need to come to terms with the fact that you have to share the world with other people who may not think the same way you do. That does not make their opinions invalid, just different. Also, you're acting like a godamn child.

Fuck everyone, I guess.

What needs to happen is people need to stop making THESE kind of fucking threads. There's been one or more per day for a week. Just shut up, people. Stop fucking whining, good god.

Sounds like you just had a genuine Bernie moment

Conspiracy was my last bastion to talk to like minded skeptic's with almost no political stance. Just pure tinfoil hat people "like myself". Now, ictake potshots at assholes on here from time to time. Thats it :( i fucking miss the old sub. Shills ruined reddit.

take a breath, it will all be ok...

You know a couple months ago I was saying this sentiment in many comment sections in many posts in this sub. I'm glad this sentiment is being shared now.

Fuck you OP.

So you are saying my fake internet points might be even more meaningless than I already thought? Devastating.

Why do people upvote shit like this? Is there a way to look at the population of this sub and determine bots/shills with algorithms and systematically remove them???

It's not "people" upvoting shit like this.

Fuck em all. They should all be in prison.

David Brock, you are losing

Fuck America. Yeah.

Sounds like something a bit would say..

Make r/conspiracy ok again

If you want to be anarchist you're in the wrong sub. Conspiracy is conspiracy. If you don't like that politics and conspiracy is currently hand in hand...that's a personal problem.

This post has officially brought me to /r/conspiracy

that's a lot of fucking

sure you have it in you?

As if anyone actually takes this sub seriously

Me too man fuck this entire govt

LOL at someone guilding this shit.

Lol who would be so stupied as to belive in the goverment

Truly tho, of you think there is any person in the political system that's above reproach, you've become the sheep.

So your saying Bernie still has a chance?

Oh, how I miss the good times when we didn't have all these stupid fucking attacks from either side.

What? What days were those? We've NEVER had those days. Things might be worse now. I won't disagree with that. However, let's not go too overboard and think that things use to be great either.

Who guilded this asshole?

OP is a FEMA shill trying to deflect attention from Jade Help 18, wake up sheeple!

I love how you're trying to lump TRUMP in with Bush and Clinton...

Clinton/Bush/Obama were on the same team. Trump is the only thing that derailed their plans.

He's literally the answer you're looking for.

Lmao! I thought I clicked on t_d and was thinking "whaaaa?". Oh, Conspiracy! Alright then 😉

Who is still defending Hillary? The election is over, what's the point?

"It's not a conspiracy unless everyone is the badguy"

Your shitty astroturf won't work here shill.

The money lost has to come from the breach.

You are saying someone who is working for CTR is contracted with Reddit once they sign up with the site. For the sake of this discussion we will assume that is an enforceable contract.

CTR induces their employee to breach said employees contract with Reddit by participating in vote manipulation. You would still have to show that company D cancelled a contract, breached, didn't renew, etc. because of this if you wanted to get any money out of CTR. It can't just be that Reddit may have lost out on money.

Thinking that there is a massive conspiracy between a presidential campaign and Russian intelligence services to throw the election of the most powerful position in the history of the world should be what this sub is all about.

Fuck you. Let people think freely.

fuckin nerds

Who is Hillary? I doubt she will be remembered in the history books.

No reason to defend Trump. Just let him be president and his works will defend him or they won't like a bunch of other presidents.

Read my lips, No new taxes. Or was it "I DID NOT have sex with that woman. Or was it weapons of mass destruction. Or possibly every bill will sit on my desk for ten days and the American public will decide on it. . . except for every bill and the worst was passed in the middle of the night. I'm pretty sick of all the shills too BTW.

I can go back through the presidents of the last sixty or more years and be totally ashamed. I'm sure you have stories as well.

I never thought that conspiracy theorists would also be supporting the government.

Just seems bizarre.

I like my conspiracy with a little bit of equality, I hate them all.

The typical conspiracy theorists' personality tends to lead them towards supporting autocratic, authoritarian governments and mistrusting democratic, egalitarian ones.



trump isn't your typical politician

that's why

Yet he's surrounded by establishment figures. Whether that be politicians and corporate titans who influence politicians for personal gain in wealth

Keep your friends close and...

your masters pleased?

So what are you saying? Trump deliberately placed his enemies in positions of power?

Good luck getting /r/The_Donald out of here. You guys let them fester for too long and now this sub is stuck with their specific brand of cancer.

Lol shut up

^ Case in point.

Hey just you know they're like 50 subs you can talk about the bull shit Russia trump narrative, sorry we don't care about literally a myth

sorry we don't care about literally a myth

checks sub HAHAHAHAHA

lol you are in the wrong place

you just called trump supporters cancer but think youre the bigger person

Incorrect, I called /r/The_Donald and their specific brand of user cancer. If the shoe fits...

same difference.

if you need a safe space go to r/politics

The_Donald is a much safer space than /r/Politics

For real. I get banned for insulting Trump supporters! T_d would gold me for shitting on libs lol

everything which is against the left is classified as a conspiracy

wonders why so many right affliction people are here

Fuck trump too he is part of the 1% so is Clinton but she kills people. Get out. REeEEeEeEE

It's gotten to the point where this sub is a complete disaster.

Oh, now this sub is a complete disaster.

The reason that happened is sometime last year or earlier more people started subscribing the conspiracy and reading it instead of news or politics. That's when all the trump bots and hillary shills flooded this sub.

Regardless of how any of you feel, this is the simple truth. We are more divided, we question our own community more than we question the people who pit us against each other. This is a fact.

This sub 2 years ago was a much more secluded corner of critical thinkers, yes we still had some mad hatters, yes we still had #FALSEFLAGATEMEME bullshit but we let that steep for a few days then dug into it. This place is one of the Most toxic places on reddit now, becasue we are always at our own throats instead of the people pitting us against eachother.

It's very disheartening to even attempt to bring this subject up because everybody just says, look at the shill, HEY GUYS THIS GUY ONLY HAS A 2 MONTH OLD ACCOUNT FUCK HIM AND HIS LACK OF CREDEBILITY, LOL ok, or something else that doesn't add to the conversation in any way.

/u/citationdependent this goes out to you since you are the highest voted comment without providing any evidence. If this guy is a shill then provide evidence that he is.

Don't misunderstand this notion, I'm not saying /u/russian321 Is not a shill, I just see no evidence pointing out that he is in fact a shill for whoever . If he is, fuck him, if he's not then you (whoever is saying he's a shill without proving it) can go fuck off with your baseless claims.

I was around here when 9/11 happened, nobody was this adverserial towards other conspiracy theorists, everyone just wanted facts that were backed up by evidance. The number one thing this sub is lacking right now is actual critical thinking.

The CIA labled us becasue we didn't accept their narrative then, why the fuck are you guys deepthroating the cock AND balls of the narrative that is being given to you now? Figureatively speaking of course.

Side note fuck spelling correctly everytime you post anywhere, we are not perfect at everything.

Fuck 'em all

This dude steals the title for subreddits biggest cry baby.

Made /r/ConspiracyWorld for quick discussions. This sub gets pretty heated and that's good, the thing is many fruitful conversations just end in 'where's the proof?' Most of the time I just have 15 min. I still like this place for US base conspiracies. Although the problem here seems to be preference. Mods can't control who's popular. I guess the opposition just doesn't have enough clicks.

My two cents here if they don't want to go in this direction would be to limit the number of posts per topic. There's a lot of conspiracies just not enough time or space.

So true OP, so true.

But no one wants to fuck bernie sanders...

Hillary shills and Trump bots won't care about this post.

nice one brah you're clearly WOKE as FUCK

never forget: chemtrails makes you have lizard babies and your water is pumped full of bear cum. also everyone is a shill.

I felt weird commenting about the state of the sub in previous posts, because I got constantly berated, but yeah. This sub should be the nonpartisan collective of people who simply are drawn toward the veiled truth

  • posts anti trump conspiracies multiple times a day
  • tells us to be nonpartisan

Why pick on Hillary now? She lost. She's done. Focus on the active threat.

But I mean all these threats are buzz facts with 0 to no basis and clearly partisan.

...i don't get it.

There's a push to cause divisiveness. Consider the topic at hand juxtaposed to this:

I'm sure these aren't the only two subreddits' they intend to manipulate.

Yup, that's what I've been saying the whole time. Fuck them both


in the words of gandalf the grey

"you riddle us in your stupidity"

This thread was a shit show.


That's exactly what A BOT would say!

Why would they get off this sub if they're getting paid to argue about something that don't care about?

(Note: I'm highly, highly skeptical that there are any paid shills on this particular subreddit.)

Fuck the government anarchy is our only salvation! Kicks over garbage can rahhhh!

If H.R. 861 passes, the bushes really will be fucked.

"Fuck Trump. Fuck Obama. Fuck the Clintons, and the Bushes." Do we have time?

I'm mostly retired because of the Trumpets but are there really people defending Clinton now? How?!

A lot of people interpret anything that's evens lightly critical of Trump as a defense of Clinton.

(also, let's be honest - it's one thing to make accusations against Clinton that are at least plausible, like that she rigged the Democratic primary against Sanders or is in the pocket of Wall Street; it's another thing entirely to claim that she's part of a Satanic cult and runs an international child sex trafficking ring)

Reminder that State Department under Obama became a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

The State Department has always been a state sponsor of terrorism.

Well, yeah. Its rarely caught in real time though. The Podesta leak exposing the SA arms deals was released on 5 October. The most recent SA arms deal was signed on 21 Oct (?). All I can find on the deal was the Senate approving in September.

I'm just saying, the fact that the Obama administration armed terrorists does not change the fact that Hillary Clinton probably isn't literally a baby-eating Satanist who also runs an international child sex trafficking ring out of a DC pizza parlor.



Nice Karma Speech...

And the aliens. Fuck them and their worshippers.

This thread essentially exemplifies everything OP was talking against. Its almost kinda amazing in a depressing kinda way. Chalk full of ad hominem, finger pointing and shit throwing. Keep up the great work guys.

Yeah, this sub is more about wanting to be right and taking sides. It's this VS. this. Not even a damn conspiracy sub anymore, just political feuds.

We finally have an ally in the White House actively confronting the deep state and you want us to just abandon him? Hell no! BTW this guys name is russian321, you guys are really going to fall for this? r/conspiracy is getting astroturfed.


What the fuck are you doing to improve it? Not a damn thing -- shut the fuck up.

Fuck politics

agreed. they are wasting so much time doing completely useless shit

Oh, how I miss the good times when we didn't have all these stupid fucking attacks from either side.

Yeah me too, but I'm kind of curious OP? 2 months according to your user name is not long ago.

I miss the good old times when we didn't defend the FUCKING government and the President of the Goddamn United States.

I miss the good times when we didn't defend any Nations government. I miss the UFO and Paranormal conspiracies as well. Th shills here drove them out to their own subreddit

And fuck /r/conspiracy

Stay woke brother

from Russian321 on a brand-new account.

a-fucken-men!!!! fuck all of those cunts!!!!

The God Emperor is saving the world puddinpops

He better hurry up. The US just fell to Chaos.

Sounds like shill talk to me.

/u/russian321 user for 2 months. Front page multiple times, and it looks like this savvy user also speaks Spanish. Very talented, I hope you are paid well in your professional life.

I agree, OP. The weirdest thing is that the patron saint of conspiracy, Alex Jones, seems to be 100% on board with everything Trump does like he's some sort of savior.

I think the fact that literally everyone seems to hate Trump gives him more credibility than Bush, Hillary, Obama, but still this isn't a Trump sub and if I had to bet I would guess that Trump will sell out eventually if he hasn't.

I agree Alex Jones's love for Trump is a little weird, especially if Alex Jones is 9/11 disinfo as some alledge. I felt like the pro-trump thing is a natural progression given the media's all out attack, but it does take on a pro-trump slant for sure. Pro-Hillary here seems so friggin bizarre on conspiracy. I've not seen a pro-Hillary conspiracy theory....ever.

Yeah the pro Hillary stuff is straight shills lol or the dumbasses that think being against trump means they need to defend Hillary

Trump won't "sell out". He always just does what is best for himself, collateral damage be damned, and I find it hard to believe that someone could get him to change.

the thing is whats best for him is whats also best for us.

Not much of a conspiracy believer, but I do support the fuck everyone mentality of this post, so please take my upvote.

And fuck America?

Nice try but it's too late, once the shills have taken a subreddit they'll never leave. They'll spread their cancerous ideas and forcefully silence all who dare speak up, their end goal is to make reddit like Voat, a big safe space for pizza gate and minors posing (coats from page, /v/ little girls). Sickening!


but you could just blanket downvote everything that contains a few key words.

and the blatant buzzfeed shillin' sheesh.

Remember a Wrinkle in Time where everyone is bouncing their balls in sync? I feel like I'm always living that part of that book.

I am a bot

👏👏👏YES! Exactly how I've felt about this sub for the last 16 months. Utter partisan garbage up and down this whole fucking sub has turned it into a useless alt-right/clinton sympathizer shill fest instead of a truly interesting place to discuss cool conspiracies. Everything in here is upvoted and downvoted along party lines. Politics broke this subreddit...😡


Ok u/Russian321

God forbid someone should challenge your opinions/ideas

Biggest shill post ever.

Shilling for what?

Really shills? This post made it to the front page again? You're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Why would Hillary shills still even exist? She lost and she's not coming back. It doesn't make sense for people to still be shilling for her.

fuck you for being so pissy about people having a politician they support. if we all come here for the same overall message then who cares? you just have to live with the fact that people who may believe the same things you do may ALSO not believe much of what you do.

how about people stop posting off topic political posts that don't meet the definition of conspiracy?

that's the main point...

Thank you this subs a joke now

Look at this shill.

ITT: Everyone's a shill.

It's just you.

like crazy



this is a conspiracy subreddit i dont get the political shit i mean there are other subreddits for that like example the donald ect can talk politics there here on conspiracy talk about stuff like chemtrails,aliens/reptillians,ufos,9/11 ,haarp,cern ect

Fuck Trump. Fuck Obama. Fuck the Clintons, and the Bushes.

Finally, something from this sub I can agree with.

I agree

Yeah... So this totally backfired...

Hear! Hear!

Is this post an attempt to cover up the conspiracy?

Chill politikz

Yeah this sub turned into PUT CROOKED HILLARY IN JAIL. I'm just sitting here like "everyone's guilty"

If anything, Trump has been on our side outing those fucks in Washington.

But why would they leave if they have already taken over...

get out of here, hill shill

And fuck religion too!

snoopsnoo is a good site to determine if someone has an agenda. I hate the Clintons btw

Fuck you op

It's too early to say with trump. The fact that the entire intelligence and media systems are attacking him and that he's taking on vaccines makes me think that there may be some hope. Then his anti marijuana and pro oil shit makes me doubt.

He's already said he wants to leave Marijuana to the states... he's not "Anti-Marijuana".

And I don't even think he's Anti-Oil. He's simply said we should have taken it when pulling out of Iraq. (And that's true.)

Taking the oil from Iraq would have been a war crime. We were supposed to be "liberators" not conquerors.

We shouldn't have even been in Iraq in the first place. That in itself was a war crime.. Overthrowing a dictator just so jihadists can take over. Not a good idea.

Agreed we shouldn't have been in there, but that doesn't make it OK to take their oil.

I couldn't agree more.

Yeah! And fuck Ron Paul!

Whoa... hey now...

Meh, get used to it. Or start banning people for being anti-Trump and show that this sub as overtly partisan as it appears.

Conspiracy gravitates naturally against the establishment. During the Bush years, it was all leftists. During the Obama years, it was all right wing stuff. Now that Trump is the establishment, most conspiracies are going to revolve around him.

This sub is fucked. Trump isn't the good guy painted as villain, yet so many people here believe that. I agree with you 100%. Fuck Trump. Fuck Obama. Fuck the Clintons and the Bushes. They're all part of the Global Elite. This sub demonizes the Democratic elite, but needs to focus on the whole picture. Both parties are entirely fucked, and the entire last year has proven that. Trump is the embodiment of how corrupt the US is, this should be a major concern for everyone American.

I know someone who knew Trump personally for years. He's definitely not "evil" or part of the elite. He's an independent who took over the Republican party. A lot of the republican party are Globalist shills but Trump is not. He's just a capitalist. Doesn't mean he's a globalist...

It's kinda funny that you say he's a globalist when his whole campaign has been combating globalism and promoting nationalism...

You're completely ignoring what's potentially the biggest scandal in American history with Trumps ties to Russia

Trump's ties to Russia are fake news peddled by the globalists to try and discredit his public support for taking them head on. They want to keep the status quo, and the only way to do that is do everything they can to make him seem like a total shill for Russia.

I think some clarification is in order with this post. People say I'm defending Trump when I point out the Russian story is bogus bullshit because it's coming from known purveyors of disinformation. This doesn't mean I am a Trump supporter, it doesn't mean I don't believe Trump is full of shit, it just means I am not going to give into the "Two Minute Hate" because the media is telling me to. I think that people should step back and consider for a moment that the attacks directed at Trump leave us several possibilities: either Trump is the real deal and he poses a threat to the Deep State, or we are meant to believe he does. Either way, I refuse to take part in the rabid foaming at the mouth. It takes little time to point out the Democratic ties to the Russians, or the ties of anyone in politics to foreign powers that influence our policies. The fact the Democrats are acting surprised and pretending they are entirely innocent should be evidence enough that both sides are full of shit.

Moreover, I think that the OP mistakes what "conspiracy" is for. Conspiracy theorizing, or at least I always believed, is not about anti-government or anti-establishment, is rather about asking questions about things that the mainstream refuses to ask questions about. It was, I always believed, about being skeptical of everything. It seems that it has instead steadily devolved into anti-government, anarchist bullshit.

Reasonable comment. I get the same treatment. Then again, I was called a traitor for protesting against another war in Iraq back in '03. Media dis-information campaigns are common in American society because Americans allow emotion to rule them.

I cannot agree more! It's annoying and hard to even come here anymore. I just wind up getting baited into a thread and that's not why I enjoyed coming here at all. It started with the extreme Anti-Trump stuff, then Anti-Clinton, now it just feels like we are so unbelievably divided that every thread is just a war. It's like 4chan here now.

Look at Russian321's posts. HE IS A SHILL

He's mad the sub supports Trump instead of Leftists. He spends all of his time trying to discredit Trump

He sees no way to sway the sub to supporting Leftists so he is trying to get rid of all support for Trump by temporarily throwing his own under the bus too

How much do you want to bet if I went digging through his posts Id find him supporting Hillary?

Clinton isn't left. Clinton is a sellout.

She is overwhelmingly supported by leftists and she claims to be left

Shes a leftist

She does CLAIM to be left.

I don't know how overwhelming the support from the left is. I seem to remember her losing the election because she through Bernie under the bus and the leftist voter base told her to go fuck herself. All she had going for her was not being literally Trump.

This sub has been brigaded and botted

6,780 upvotes, 60% downvoted in only 9 hours

This sub DOES NOT get that much traffic

Over 435,000 subscribers with posts that regularly hit r/all and you think the sub doesnt get enough traffic for a few thousand votes?

Why don't you read the top comment string of the post to see most agree with me anyways. Russian is a shill account

435,000 subscribers is irrelevant when theres only 1000 online at a time.

I made no comment on 'russians' account. Only that this sub plus the fact the post was on r/all is MORE than enough traffic to account for all voting. 1000 people at a time for over 9 hours, plus visibility on r/all is plenty sufficient for a few thousand votes in either direction. Your opinion on the op's 'shill' status is not relevant to the amount of traffic on this sub and r/all

And fuck the mother fuckin government

Shills pretending to hate shills to gain credibility? I love it. I can't wait to get even more meta.

So the conspiracy theory is that shills have taken over the Conspiracy sub? We are through the looking glass, people. ConspiraCeption.

Same in my country the UK. It's so incredibly divided and everyone is so vicious to one another. I may not agree with your political views but I'll respect your right to them.

Currently the poison being thrown from each side is increasing. We may never recover at this rate

Im a history buff and I come for the Cambodian flavored alt right Class Warfare

What they want is for us to think that there is a good side and a bad side of the government, when really it's just one giant group of people trying to turn us against each other. Don't fall for it.

Nah, fuck this sub. You have silently posted 90% pro-trump fake news and directly stupid shit for months. Reap what you sow dumbasses.

Trump is the only one who will save you, cuck

Perhaps, but only if you froze him and shot him out of a cannon at Hillary.

Stop going full retard

Reddit has become an absolute shill factory. When SandersForPresident became a legitimate threat to the status quo, they started sinking in their claws. Look at the front page. It's dominated by like 20 anti-Trump subreddits that have popped up over the past couple months, and all of the default subs are totally compromised. It's sad because it's obvious and (most) redditors aren't mouth breathers. Very boring website now.

Is it just me or does pure unadulterated shit get gilded these days.

You forgot your mom, OP.

Fuck you, OP. You're as phony as your ramblings.

Its more of a "people called me racist for not liking Obama..." that gets me. Same circus, different clown.

Oh yeah 'cause this was a bastion of honesty before all the political spam. /s

Hallelujah! Finally! It was starting to drive me bats how nobody seemed aware that BOTH sides are pulling this bullshit! Argue against one side, get accused of being a paid shill for the other. It's MADDENING!

Hang 'em all and hang 'em high!

Ahh..a political post I can agree with!


I mainly just lurk this sub, but at this point is feels like 'fuck everyone in power'?

Do the world a favor and eat the tin foil that's covering y'alls heads.

Everyone love to defend their tribe, politics is like a cult which is why it's for morons.

Retake the sub from the mods.


What about that lovable old scamp Bernard?

Trump is the guy conspiracy theorists have been waiting for, hes our only chance of actually being able to make an impact on the swamp and maybe, just maybe re-investigate 9/11. I'm going to keep supporting Trump until he actually does ANYTHING to deserve such hate and disrespect, so downvote me all you like but with respect if you can't see the incredible opportunity we found ourselves with then you aren't really paying attention. 🙂

Just unlist the sub from /r/all.

I hated this sub in 2012, but OP, I like you.

This post is absolute horseshit I don't know how it got so many upvotes.
There are essentially zero people on this sub defending Killary, and, in most cases, the defense of Trump is justified; there is significant evidence indicating that this particular 'President of the Goddamn United States' is not in league with the PTB. I don't like Donald Trump and I certainly didn't vote for him, but virtually everything that's going on with him right now deserves the attention of conspiracy researchers & theorists, and it's actually in our best interest to help head off (through simple truth telling) this clear effort to impeach him and insert a loyal puppet.

Simply being "not in league with the PTB" does not mean he is worthy of defense.

Coming late into this thread, Trumpets are shilling HARD in the comments, trying so fucking hard to keep their little hidey-hole in /r/conspiracy. Nowhere is fucking safe from astroturfing, not even here apparently. We see HillBots getting called out by Trumpets who can't take the same heat they're dishing out, and as someone who voted for Trump, fuck anyone who shills for either, or ANY side.

Yeah man, FUCK the government. Try not to cut yourself on all that edge

Shareblie detected

I have gotten almost 300 upvites back from last week when I argued on here and on another sub regarding media and trump etc. Go figure, he was acting like a shill and turns out he prob was one.

Trump supporters seem to be some of the only people that even care about conspiracy theories. The left usually calls us lunatics. Great that you've been getting into them too! We need more differing opinions here.

All -isms, all ideologies, be it capitalism, socialism, libertarianism, anarchism, liberalism or nationalism, prevent Lucidity.

belief, religion, tradition, philosophy, opinion, perspective, prevent Lucidity.

They act like a filter, which limits, distorts, shapes and colors all perceptions.

Therefore, your brain never Perceives anyone or anything as it actually is.

Moreover, they invent the illusion of division, separation, and disconnection among human beings, which leads inevitably to conflict, violence, and suffering.

See the danger.

The brain must be Totally Free in order to Perceive what is...the isness, the fact, the act, the actual...what is actually taking place from moment to moment, free of any interpreter or censor.

Then and only then can there be Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Goodness, Compassion (Passion for All), Beauty, Creativity, Feeling, ExperiencING, Lucidity, Truth, Communication, Communion, Relationship with everyone and everything, for the very first time, in each and every moment of daily life.

So first Inner Total Freedom. Then and only then can there be Outer Total Freedom in the society.

Only such a brain can usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.

Without Inner Total Freedom, we will only be moving from one form of tyranny to another form of tyranny, calling it growth, progress, or evolution.

Total Enlightenment NOW!

this was the first election that i felt my vote actually mattered and im sure Im not alone in that regard.

there is a reason why there are so many pro-trump posters here...and its not bots lol

as conspiracy theorists we believe in the plot for a new world order and we believe that Trump is helping to put an end to thier scheme

its as simple as that

Like, one at a time, or all at once? Asking for a friend.

Is Carter ok?

The only reason that this shill posted here is because he knows like 70-80% of actual users here support Trump. It's a direct shot at Trump and trying to group him in with globalists, which is fucking stupid when he's clearly a lot different.

The guy has taken on these people publicly and you're grouping him in with them? He's called out the Bushes multiple times, despite them being from the same party..

Always attacking the government is as stupid as never attacking it.

You don't have to always attack the government, but you should always question it. The government is pretty shady right now so I think a bit of skepticism is healthy.

You don't have to always attack the government, but you should always question it. The government is pretty shady right now so I think a bit of skepticism is healthy.

Thank you! The establishment needs to be destroyed before they destroy us.

Pretty much all of Reddit has become a massive shit dump or idiocy. Even really niche subs are being ruined

Omg, people here are sticking up for those they believed in, how dare they!

I call conspiracy you didn't say Fuck Sanders

You have been identified as one of the premier imbeciles on this sub. The shills love your utter stupidity, which is why the upvoted you with a few thousand bot votes.

Now fuck you.

He is right. Any man or woman who seeks power only wants just that, power. If you voted then good for you but your vote is useless in a government that is made only to help the rich. This sub has turned into a page of alt right. Now don't get me wrong, there has been posts about non biased things but it gets shot down by those that love the president but he is just as much as a hack as the others. He has his darkness and we the people should take down those who are in power and give the power to the people.

Our voices are not heard and our lives are no concern to Washington. We all have been lied to and kept secret. Every time I'm about to leave this sub I see posts like these and see how many care about it.

If you love trump, go fuck yourself, if you love Obama, go fuck yourself, if you love Clinton, go fuck yourself.

Fuck what this government is and the lies it tells you! ✊️

Fuck Flo the progressive insurance lady too!


Bernie Sanders was on unemployment until his mid-30s.

fuck the bushes

Got a problem with shrubbery, bro?

i stopped reading this sub around 5 months ago when it became a pro conservative shill dump. conservatives by definition are delusional - they try their very hardest to keep things from changing, and, well, you do the math...

Seth from "super bad"???

Good for you and your lack of giving a fuck.

This shit is still going on, even if you ignore it.

The internet is precisely why there will never be a 'revolution' in the way everyone thinks there will be unless drastic circumstances force one (like the power being shut off). Because the internet gives people a platform to argue about the small intricacies of an issue rather than accepting there is an issue and doing something about it. This thread is a perfect example of that. It's not a case of 'the government doesn't have the people's best interests at heart', it's a case of 'this particular part of the government isn't as good as this one, and this person would definitely have had less of the people' s interests at heart, but this person will do better because of this issue, how can you think that about that issue you're a fucking shill, etc etc etc etc etc' until the end of time. By all means continue to argue amongst yourselves, that'll solve the problem.

come at me le leddit

Who guilded this tard?

Whether or not OP is a spammer or not isn't relevant. He's got a good point, seriously when was the last time, or any time that you saw a post that paints Trump in a bad light?

Try posting anything that critiques Trump here, I guarantee that all the pro Trump folks will downvote that shit immediately. It's insane that so many people feel the need to actively defend and praise a 70 year old politician on a anti government conspiracy subreddit.

Can we get some more UFO posts? That would be great...

Isn't this whole sub dedicated to Pizzagate these days?

OK but I still hope Trump succeeds. Good try though.

How can you tell when it's a TrumpBot or a HillaryBot?

Every sub is a disaster now. But reddit uses relatively lower battery

Fuck you. Shill.

Comparing Trump to the Obama's, Clinton's and Bush's shows how warped some people are by the media.


Oh, how I miss the good times when we didn't have all these stupid fucking attacks from either side.

Are you kidding me? This sub has always been 90% nothing but attacking the current government.

We need to all start digging up stuff, we need to discuss conspiracy that has been proven or were part of the past and connect to the present. We also need to look outside of the US and at other governments and what their citizens take on the world political climate is.

you sound like a triggered snowflake

I never stopped focusing on the Lizard People.

It's really hard to keep up with who's a shill and who's not a shill these days within the truth movement. Now I realize I'll probably be accused of being a shill, but it seems like the term gets thrown around pretty liberally, but I guess every group needs it's buzzwords. Now what would be great is, in an attempt to identify these pesky individuals maybe someone could do a "Daily Shill Report". The question is though, how would we know they aren't a shill themselves. Another good idea is maybe someone could do a video like "A Trusty Guide to Identifying a Shill" or "The Top 10 Reasons Why You Might Be A Shill". Once again though, anyone taking on this arduous task would need to be vetted very carefully for shillary themselves by a trusted board of certified individuals who aren't shills either. I do have to say trying to keep up with these shills seems like exhausting work especially when we already have to deal with all these damn racists and Nazis as well.


I should be allowed to talk about the President of the United States.

Says the one with a user name that includes Russia.

Fuck Trump. Fuck Obama. Fuck the Clintons, and the Bushes.

No thanks, that would be gross.

I wish I could upvote this more!!


Fuck George Soros. Fuck the Koch Brothers and the Rothchilds. Fuck working more hours for less money to increase corporate profit margins. Fuck the two party system that distracts us from the true powers that be. Fuck calling everyone a shill based on petty divisions that only serve our oppressors. Fuck nationalism. Fuck xenophobia. Fuck borders. Fuck everything that keeps the working poor divided and incapable of realizing their unified strength. Fuck the media. Fuck Hollywood. Fuck the cult of personality.

I don't like Trump or Hillary. Hillary sucks less. But fuck both of them. Yay partisan politics.

If every person of authority is against you then...

They shoved Clinton down our throats despite Drum Sanders beating Trump in most polls, which I sprinkle on my pizzas!

What were you fighting for then? The whole cause is and always was about the goddamn truth, not perpetual anarchy! "The truth is out there." Bet you don't know that one, where it's from or what it means.

Has t_d infiltrited this sub lol?

Yes bad spell on mobile

We need to talk about the HAARP system

there is only one side that is 'elite' or 'establishment'. if you know which side that is you are already woke

This sub has been absolute garbage because of Trump and Hillary. Their supporters are the worst examples of humanity.

Make r/conspiracy paranoid again!

I don't agree with 90% of the stuff on this sub, but this post is the best fucking thing.

Fuck you

It's an apt descriptor of ideological views.

And this is a trojon horse.

Not just defending but attacking anyone who tries to discuss conspiracies around either one and tons bitching and moaning about the bias on every thread instead of actually refuting anything or offering a different idea.

Lmao the top comment calling out the bullshit.

I love this sub.

You can't demand that people don't discuss current events. Politics naturally spill over everywhere else, especially in times like these.

Why do people keep acting like Trump fans in this sub is a new thing? It's really suspicious. The Democratic establishment shills are on a new wave recently, so I could understand making it seem like they're new even though we've had plenty of CTR floods too, but Trump's useful idiots have been a consistent presence since the primaries.

lmao this thread is completely worthless

Good one, shills. Keep it up and soon enough this sub's front page will be just as worthless as r/politics and any other sub you've destroyed.

There is an excel spreadsheet going around from an invite only discord group on full pol. The sheet has the names, addresses, age, usernames: Reddit, tumblr, google+ Of all active share blue shills. It's gonna drop soon. Dunno how they can do it on Reddit tho.

It's time for a long time lurker.

This is an unrealistically high vote count for /r/conspiracy. Best post ever? Or paid upvotes?

Blame the government is directly proportional to the number of citizen volition to remain active.

the great /r/conspiracy Proxy war of the 45th presidential cylce

We need to unite and destroy the new world order. Forget about politics it's simply a ruse to make us fight over mundane thinks.

if you're an avid visitor of this subreddit then you know right off the bat that 9k upvotes is not a common sight to see.

something's obviously not right here with both u/russian321 and the message behind this post.

You wouldn't doubt that.

Now this is a rally I can get behind.

I'm so tired of the left vs right charade... people don't realize that if we get divided, we all lose.

Wow, close to 10,000 upvotes and 1,500 comments in a day on a two month old account that spends it's time trolling the conspiracy sub.

Yeah, nothing to see here.

You do realize the government especially the American government have multiple agencies that are basically factions some less morally awful than others. With interestingly enough as we can see in public their own political interests. And with the deep state going against the potus the coordinated msm attacks on trump im just saying it kinda feels like the msm WANTS you to distrust and hate and believe conspiracies about the potus which these billion dollar companies arent exactly the "free press"

It's a pretty complex situation right now but yeah your a shill so why am i bothering

The president, though he may be rich and therefore nothing like us, is not a typical politician. The "elite" that play dress-up at rituals in the woods got really mad when he was running. The media takes a shit on him every day. Whatever you believe about his intentions, Alex Jones himself supports Trump.

Now this could all be a ruse and planned from the beginning, of course. It could be the same old shit. For NOW, I'm gonna wait and see. I'm not willing to shit on him simply because he's rich and part of the government now.

I find it funny that people who enjoy conspiracy theories are completely unwilling to give Trump a chance. In my eyes, he was the first person elected that I could conceivably imagine shouting "THEY'VE GOT ALIENS, I SAW THEM!" on Twitter.

When nothing has changed a few years down the line, I'll be right there with you, saying fuck Trump. I'm not going to feel like a fool, I've always been cautiously optimistic and skeptical.

Not sure if you've been on T_D but we have a lot in common right about now.

I've thought it was strange as well. Conspiracy should be about aliens, Bigfoot, facts on the JFK, good stuff.

FUCKING THANK YOU!!! Trump is the fucking government. Clinton was a corrupt cunt. Why does anyone on this sub defend either. Especially the current government and Trump?!?

Because they're mental

OP calls out shills OP gets accused of shillinglol

Doesn't change the fact that both parties are heavily co-opted and unlikely to actually do anything even remotely resembling "splintering the cia into a million pieces" like the current narrative says. A narrative supplied by an organization MANY feel is compromised or was a limited hangout to begin with.

OP, your statement about "the government" demonstrates you are an idiot.

I read the title in a Lil Jon voice because of that song Shots ..."if you ain't taking shots, get the fuck out the cliub"

"if you ain't wiki leaks, get the fuck off this sub"

Yeah but the trump people here are way more inline with the overall message.

Batshit crazy some people are on this sub. Stop being so dramatic and trying to sound like you're in a movie. Some really unhealthy state of minds in this sub.


They are in response to all the Trump bots in this sub. And a message to all the Hillary Shills here: I also want you to know that you are not helping. Fuck the system. Fuck every government in existence. Since when do conspiracy theorists defend the government? It's utter bullshit what we've become. We used to be labeled as wackos who believed in UFOs and alien abductions. Now we are actually seen as people who defend the establishment like none other. Disgusting.

I don't even have RES but I still recognise this guy's account. He spams this sub like it's his job.

I agree that the guy is probably trolling, but can you explain to me what "concern trolling" means? I have only seen it used to attack someone who expresses an idea that is against the mainstream ideology of the sub where the post is made.

Popular or inciteful comments can get the fury of a thousand people. Some of those people might want to dox you.

The good old flip the script comment slide technique!

(I can make up some shit too)


this guy sucks

You'd be amazed what people could dig up on you with a 7 year old account if they were so inclined.

How comes the bots are always pro Hillary or anti trump 🤔

I have seen 0 pro trump bots

Says one of the biggest Trump spammers on this site.

This dude sits in new and controversial and protects Trump all day. A bunch of accounts just like this are astroturfing. They switch accounts often, but don't need to, because they're protected here.

And now it's being bot upvoted to the top. Get ready for the comments to get taken over soon.

Never said I didn't.

Seems like a way to just put people down for having any genuine concern and not going along with 100% of an ideology.

How is the 8th grade?


Fuck Hillary. I just think it's pathetic r/conspiracy is ignoring the largest conspiracy of modern times because they've got their heads so far up Trump's ass.

I am not saying he is a shill, but he sure posts polarized opinions like they are his job.

What a dumb comment

Holy fuck. I'm ADHD and unemployed... and I'm on political subreddits wayyyyyy to much.

Use of the word "triggered" is a dead giveaway of a T_D shill.

Being anti-Trump doesn't mean you're pro-Hillary or pro-Establishment.

That's something far too many Trumpsters around here can't seem to comprehend.

Lol you are retarded do angels leave feathers around your house too?

Could also be a /r/neckbeard.

That's why you spend all day everyday bashing Trump in r/politics and every anti-Trump sub reddit? Yeah, sure, your story checks out!

Chem trails are making the frogs gay, though!

The government is refusing to acknowledge the Russian conspiracy, otherwise the Congress would move forward the inquiry. The same congress that have ruled for almost a decade. The same Congress that pushed mass surveillance and the rise of our contemporary oligarchy. The FBI has greatly helped Trump become the president. The White House is filled to the roof with the oligarchs that have pulled the strings of the world so far. Please, remind me again how Trump is not part of the system, it is hilarious to read.

Sadly i think youre right.

I'm anti trump but I don't concern troll. I have to agree with you on this one and I have to agree with op fuck everybody

Trump also isn't really part of the system.

Trump is exactly the system now. He may have been an outsider, but he is now at the center. Even if he were to actually drain the swamp and replace everyone with outsiders, they would all be the new system and worthy of critique.

Yeah he's not the brightest bulb.

Sets a dangerous precedent. Anyone showing humility or compassion? Virtue signaling.

Hey, not an /r/conspiracy subscriber, but I'm in the aviation industry.

It's not real, man. The contrails you see are just condensation created as a byproduct of lift, and clear skies turning overcast is literally just *weather.

The mysterious jets "spraying" chemtrails are just commercial flights, many being flown out of my home airport and being piloted, serviced, and fuelled by people I know.

It's a small industry- everyone knows everyone- and it's not feasible that even a dozen planes could "spray" without everyone knowing about it. In fact, it's one of the biggest jokes we've got.

What a sad existence than. Do something more meaningful then posting endlessly on Reddit if you are unemployed.


Lol. Great shitpost.

Concern trolling?

Related to Sea-Lioning.

He's Canadian, Like Ted Cruz. Can't be president.

Haha yeah but srs though it was Bush.

seems a natural progression for it, as it would be small like a bookmark file. But it would have to be private as I don't want people seeing or editing my shills list! :)

He believes that contrails aren't a hoax created by (((certain groups))) to keep us distracted from the truth.

I remember what the world was like before I was woke, too.

Hillary did it.

;0 leave them laughin!

Not exactly.

JK Rowling saying everyone should accept refugees while she doesn't accept any in her mansions is virtue signalling. Now if she said the same thing and gave at least one room to a refugee family, that wouldn't be.

Virtue signaling is expressing compassion in something and doing jack-shit else hoping that everyone calls you tolerant and progressive. It is like slacktivisim.

Concern trolling? Oh you mean a convenient excuse to ignore people disagreeing while also being civil.

Yup. This guy's a big fat phony.

"How can a person be free while they're being restricted from free movement, threatened by war, unable to educate their children, force to drink lead filled water and polluted air? That doesn't sound like freedom to me, unless I've misread your post."

I agree? How can one be free when that is happening. Donald Trump did not cause those things. He has been President for month and a half.

Those things are byproducts of our government being systematically built to support a Globalist ruling elite, rather than taking care of its people and infrastructure.

You are making my point for me.

You said Trump wanted to:

"ban Muslims from the country, drop out of NATO, shut down public schools, shut down the EPA"

Ban Muslims? False. Read the executive order.

Drop out of NATO? False, Trump likes NATO, but is not a fan of the UN, rightfully so.

Shut down public schools? Really? C'mon now.

Shut down the EPA? False. Deregulation gives Americans more freedom. Not less.

You will have more success in your debates if you show proof supporting your statements.

No, virtue signalling is expressing an opinion and then hiding behind your sense of morality/ethics to avoid hard questions. It becomes magnified when the person spouts all these ethical ideas, but then never acts upon them apart from maybe re-posting something on facebook.

It sets a dangerous precedent: we cannot discuss my ideas, because I'm morally correct, and thus you are NOT morally correct, and probably Hitler, too.

Trump can't really be described as young, new, or trustworthy.

Lol shut up

Stop going full retard

What an annoying way to shut down discussion. Label it and dismiss it.

Does trump really have shills? Never heard this. If anything it seems this website is dominated by liberal agenda not conservative...Who funds em and what companies?

so many skeletons but was spied on and nothing came of it

so corrupt the media resorts in out of context quotes to manufacture concern

Your government is lying to you.

ayy im unemployed

Bring back chem trails!!

He who chest thumps his wokeness is truly a sheep.

He certainly would've pushed the limits of what could be done "within the system". Presidency also a position that allows you to steer a lot of public debate your way.

Obama may have a very questionable record of what he actually did as a president, but he inspired a lot of public debate about economic justice, which I believe contributed to mainstreaming of ideas started by OWS.

Sanders popularity beyond fringe left was likely a result of that. With Sanders being president the Overton window would've continued the shift towards more progressive discourse.

your masters pleased?

From the looks of this thread. Seems like T_D users are getting downvoted far more than non-T_D users. So how are T_D silencing you from expressing Trump's corruption?

And you will support anything Trump does and says, even if you didn't support it the day before. I'm guessing a week ago you would have said we shouldn't be increasing our bloated defense budget, and now you are fully on board with beefing up military spending huh?

Why would being anti trump contradict what they are saying here?

No, man. The biggest conspiracy of modern times is 9/11, Iraq, and the NSA. The Trump/Russia ties are coming from inside the government. Why should we trust the government at all? You're propagating stuff for the war machine, my man.

everything which is against the left is classified as a conspiracy

wonders why so many right affliction people are here

Yeah and watching videos of orbs attacking Chem trails and the moon wave. Honestly I stopped even trying looking here about a month before the conventions last year. This place changed over night.

So what are you saying? Trump deliberately placed his enemies in positions of power?

Also, she would still live in the country and be subject to the effects. So what you mean to say is her affluence makes her less likely to suffer negative consequences than you.

No shit? Yes her in her gated community and armed guards will make her less likely to feel the effects. She is one of the elites... have you forgotten what sub you are on (and you call me the idiot)?

davidreiss666 who is the submitter of that astroturfing post in /r/scifi is also a mod there. All the comments were calling him out as litteraly the cancer on Reddit since this is not at all the first time he's done it.

Mods of the sub then removed almost all the critical posts, it's a comment graveyard there now with all dissenting voices removed.

You found me out. I clicked on a hill shill link to Act Blue, and now every time they send me an email I leaving a flaming bag of shit on a Trump supporters porch.

For the record, defense is not initiation of force (aggression). I'm pretty sure we agree, up until people are defending anything beyond their directly-owned property from a currently-present threat of aggression from a specific individual.