Theory; Obama never order a wiretap on Trump, because he didn't need to- the NSA is already monitoring all domestic telecomms.

49  2017-03-06 by krom_bom

Everyone is arguing over FISA warrants and FBI wiretapping, but isn't that stuff just really basic? I mean, it's not 1995 anymore, the deep state doesn't need a surveillance van and physical wiretaps and some dude listening to the phones, right?

Aren't we already completely certain that the NSA collects and monitors this data as standard procedure?

So the real question is, what would it take for a POTUS to convince the NSA to "share" some of the goods?


Or even better, they just said 'fuck it' and did it

I will say, this whole wire tapping deal sounds very soap opera-y ; its like the next conflict de jour - keeps everybody locked into this story that they are trying to tell us.

All that I can guess is that perhaps the telecommunications that these VIPs are using are encrypted and exempt from NSA surveillance - but that just may be my naivety chiming in - I don't know

conflict de jour


Makes sense.

Do you think they would have released anything damning before the election since they obviously didn't want him winning or would they save this info for blackmail in case he did win? Seems like posturing to me right now, wonder what the next move is.

House of Cards getting crazy nowadays.

At the very least, they are beginning to reveal themselves whether advertently or inadvertently - 'deep state' is becoming a household name now lol

So the real question is, what would it take for a POTUS to convince the NSA to "share" some of the goods?

Not only is this a good one, but it brings up the million dollar question that everyone should be asking.

Who gets to see what the NSA collects, and what is it used for?

Right now we know we're living under a surveillance state, we just don't know what they're doing with it. That's unsustainable.

Who gets to see what the NSA collects, and what is it used for?

I don't know, but I sincerely doubt it is the POTUS or Congress.

The information that the NSA (and friends) scoops, sorts, categorizes, collates and stores is "The Spice", and those who have access to that information and can control when, where and against whom it is used, are likely the most powerful people in the USA, if not the world.

Fucking bingo.

And Trump supports warrantless spying on Americans. So this thing is a script to memory hole the entire NSA operation. Who Snowden?

So trump pardon Snowden he did not like it either.

This is the truth...dude on Hannity radio confirmed it today. He is former MSS I believe.

Eventually it will come down to this. The NSA has been spying he whole turn per Obama's authorization, ergo, Obama authorized Trump wire tap

This is what I thought when I first heard these allegations. Why would he bother targeting Trump directly, when the NSA would do so by default? As to whether he had direct access to this intelligence and utilized this intelligence for political means, that remains to be determined.