If you are Content with the CIA Hacking our Phones and Smart TVs, Please do not Call Yourself an American.

2840  2017-03-07 by Winter_Folger

If these leaks are "normal" and "business as usual" for you, then congratulations, you have been successfully conditioned by the US government!


Muh Freedom!!!

Yea we knew. We've been saying it for a long time. If this is all that comes out of Vault7 I'm a little disappointed.

Same. I thought this was going to be big. Like sure it would have been big if everyone and their dog didn't already know the government partakes in mass surveillance. Like how is this breaking news?

Hopefully this will at least wake up some new people.

"Everyone all ready knew this".

"What do we have to hide"

Yeah those are the responses from the sheep I know too. Sad.

The discomfort caused by understanding these truths is something many people simply will not bear. It is the same reason people stay in bad relationships for so long....the unknown can be even scarier than someone who bloodies yournose on occasion.

But this argument is not even valid. You don't want privacy only because you want to do bad things. The "I have nothing to hide" idea suggests that the only possible scenario i would not the government spying on me was if i was up to something criminal, which is not the case, at all!!!

I want privacy because we live under a society and i have to refrain myself from certain behaviors while surrounded by other people to whom i share some sort of "invisible social contract". What this basically means is that i want my own time and space to fart since i'm not supposed to do it at the elevator.

Then, there's my info out there being (potentially) used by another person without my consent in ways i don't even dream of.

I mean, OK, they're the fucking government but hell they're people right? They're people just like ME. Who the fuck allowed these bastards to gather information about my shit?

They're just people man... And these people have access to everything other people do.

People have been so brainwashed that they've turned so numb to their enviroment that once they hear "CIA" they just go blind and can't hear anything beyond those letters.

I have recently done some research on an effective response to the "nothing to hide" trope. Here are my 4 main takeaways:

  1. The rules can change in the future. You may have 'nothing to hide' right now, but what if things change and suddenly those critical comments you made about the government or a large multinational company become a punishable offense? You may laugh at this possibility, but there are several precedents for exactly this type of behavior littered throughout history.

  2. The data could be wrong. Imagine you visit your sick grandmother every day in a bad part of town. An algorithm notices your behavior and labels you as a potential criminal or drug addict. You begin to get hassled by the police who find some cannabis residue inside your car ashtray during a traffic stop. You cool with this type of profiling, because it happens every single day.

  3. Data collection could become much more invasive. If nobody bats an eye when all of their appliances are spying on them because 'they have nothing to hide' would they be ok if companies started collecting data on their innermost thoughts and feelings? This technology is rapidly coming to market, and we will cross this bridge at some point.

  4. Privacy is a deep psychological need like food, water, air and love. When you use the restroom, you don't lock the door because you are up to some kind of criminal activity or 'have something to hide' but because it's your natural right to experience private moments without someone constantly peering over your shoulder. Creative exploits, intimate moments between lovers, singing in the shower - it is your right to enjoy all of these pleasures without some device continually spying on you and saving all of this information for perpetuity.

Number 4 is the best. The bathroom parallel is something every normie can equate to.

Absolutely. Anyone that disagrees, challenge them to always shit with the door wide open. I mean obviously nobody wants to watch them shit, but if they have nothing to hide then there isn't any reason to shit with the door closed, right?

I have nothing to hide, I still wear clothes and own a pair of curtains.

It is about dignity and security. What we all do, within reason, is not their fucking business. It is the government that needs to be under constant surveillance, not us.

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Well spoken.

God the word "normie" really really turns me off to coming back to.this subreddit. What a fucking elitist thing to say man...

Completely agree. Why use "normie" if you can say it with "sheeple"?

I'm so sorry man. It wasn't meant to be mean. It's a galvanizing phrase amongst those who know and those who don't

That said, I won't apologize for the use of it. It needs to be said. My wife, my brother, my family. They are normies. They don't get what we get here in /r/conspiracy. It makes me sad to type this but it's true.

I took the red pill. Did you?

I try to take as many steps as possible: VPN on clearnet, tor on tails with bridges and no social media. I am aware that they still get a piece of me though. My gf, my friends, and family think i am paranoid. However, I just value my privacy.

Sex and/or masturbating. Enough said

You get my upvote

Except they want to normalize taking a shit in public with an "open door" as being the same as taking a shit at home with your wife of many years.

And fuck off with your closed door shitting at home policies. I close the door if I feel like it, a man has got to have some freedom to not worry about every tid bit of privacy.

Your shit must not stink then...

That's why I leave the door open, fresh air.

You know: that logic is sound.

Not bad, but I'd axe #3 if I were you. Speculating about technology that captures "inner thoughts and feelings" will sound a bit woo woo to many folks, and besides, three points total is a compelling number.

He's not talking about tech that can litteraly read your mind by scanning your brain or whatever. He's saying that when you have a private conversation in your home and share your inner thoughts and feelings with your SO or your brother or whoever you share inner thoughts and feelings with your internet connected applices or your cell phone will record that conversation along with everything else you say. All that data gets sent to the NSA to be filed nd analyzed.

Thanks for the effort you put into generating rhetoric. I've saved this one for my files.

On point number 1, I find it a nice anecdote that some people added to the Hollywood blacklist of the 1940s and 1950s were added because they were anti-Nazi/Hitler before the U.S. intervened (i.e. some were blacklisted because they held a then-popular belief before it was approved)


Should be its own post

The rules can change in the future. You may have 'nothing to hide' right now, but what if things change and suddenly those critical comments you made about the government or a large multinational company become a punishable offense? You may laugh at this possibility, but there are several precedents for exactly this type of behavior littered throughout history.

Can you expand on this or provide some links? I'd like to read more about this subject

why the downvotes? It's a legitimate request. I'm not disagreeing with u/plato_thyself, I really would like to read more about this topic

My argument is the blackmail material that will be had on anyone in, or running for office.

Privacy is a deep psychological need like food, water, air and love. When you use the restroom, you don't lock the door because you are up to some kind of criminal activity or 'have something to hide' but because it's your natural right to experience private moments without someone constantly peering over your shoulder. Creative exploits, intimate moments between lovers, singing in the shower - it is your right to enjoy all of these pleasures without some device continually spying on you and saving all of this information for perpetuity.

I think you've struck gold here as to a major reason (there are several) why social media is making people more depressed.

The biggest reason to shun that narrative is the CIA is acting 100% as a Secret Government. This secret government answer to no one and their prime purpose is money and power.

The CIA can affectively shut down and squash any and all social movements they think challenge their power, authority or affect their revenues.

Almost every American has that feeling things are rigged or know something isnt right and on the up and up. The citizens right now are 100% powerless to challenge the government and 100% powerless to fight for social change. As it stands now the only major changes must be approved by this secret government that wasnt elected.

Seriously? Trump is also expanding every aspect of spying on Americans that doesn't involve the CIA.

Trump may end up way worse. That is a possibility. The reality though is this country needed a change of leadership. 60 years was enough for the Bush Family.

I knew going in things could get worse but I was willing to make that bet because I knew 100% they wouldn't improve with same people in charge.

You can't fault someone for that thinking

I thought the same thing. Turns out I'm feeling the /r/Trumpgret

Well said.

You should make this its own post over at r/C_S_T.

Just ask for their usernames, passwords and pin ...they shouldn't care with nothing to hide

That's awesome!

"Oh, you have nothing to hide? Can I have the password to your Facebook account and your email, then? No? Why not?"

When people know there is a possibility that they are being monitored, they will often self censor what they say. Even the smallest chance we are being spied on had a profound impact on how we discuss things.

This! Just think of a tele-conference call and how you say one thing when the other party is listening & then once the call is over suddenly everyone has a completely unrestricted discussion. Imagine life where you feel 'on call' 24/7!

You can witness that kind of thing on Reddit sometimes as well and I always feel a little sad when I see it.

There are plenty of times when people don't want to type out their actual feelings or opinion about something because they don't want to end up on "a list".

Or they're worried about googling certain keywords because it'd look bad, even though their intention is purely to learn. Or not wanting to click on any links that could seem suspicious if someone was observing their behavior.

I know that quite a few people say this kind of thing as a joke, but the only reason it's even a joke in the first place is because it's a real thing.

Own a gun? They know. Ever remotely defi d authority, they know.

I'm saving this. As soon as I heard about these leaks being released, I knew they'd be a very good subject to bring up I'm my Poli Sci class. Some people might have some small conjectures that I'd be able to explain and refute in my mind but not so much in words. Number 4 especially is one that puts the right if privacy into a very applicable context. Thank you very much for your writing.

The data could be wrong. Imagine you visit your sick grandmother every day in a bad part of town. An algorithm notices your behavior and labels you as a potential criminal or drug addict. You begin to get hassled by the police, and suddenly it's impossible to get a mortgage to buy a house in upscale areas. You cool with this type of profiling? Because it happens every single day.

Wait... So algorithms misidentify innocent people as criminals and cause them to be harassed by police and not able to get mortgage loans? We need to spread awareness of this...


The Chinese government is taking the first steps in an evolving plan to employ big data to establish a nationwide system of mass surveillance of the entire population. This “social-credit system” would mobilize technology to collect information on all citizens and use that information to rate their behavior, including financial creditworthiness and personal conduct. The local experiments have provoked mixed reactions.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System

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What are the pros/cons of having many/few credits? What's at stake? The wiki page didn't say.

I would add "you don't even know 10% of the laws to which you are subject."

Thank you for your amazing, well thought out, and insightful response. With your permission I'd love to cut and paste this.

Number 1. The Netherlands kept tabs on your religion when there was religious freedoms. In came the Germans, where being Jewish was verboten, and simply used the Crown's archives. Saved them a lot of trouble.

Even if you don't fear your current government, you should be skeptical of the next one.

I was talking to my friend on the way to the bus stop after college today and we were discussing this latest WL publication. One of them is on the way to being red pilled but not quite there yet as I have been getting him into these conspiracies. My other friend who had not heard about V7 until I told him about it today said those exact two phrases. It worries me. Stockholm syndrome is rampant these days.

"What do we have to hide"

Then you have nothing worth protecting.

What does the government have to hide?

No before today you would have been called a conspitard. Same reaction with Snowden leaks.

Yeah but reading this shit directly from the horses mouth really makes anyone want to puke and for sure it's going to raise hell well beyond US borders as it gets around.

These are my fave

"Everyone all ready knew this".

The people saying that mostly appear to be shills. But it's hard to know for sure.

> Everyone all ready knew this

> all ready I got autism reading that

Pretty much what my friend said verbatim.

My favorite argument against the nothing to hide argument is suggesting that they hand over all of their passwords and accounts so I can take a look around.

The issue is everyone has something they want to keep from someone.

Everyone has something to hide even if it's nothing. If you close doors, password protect your phone, lock doors, whisper etc. you have something to hide. Privacy is more for personal peace of mind so who are they to discard that?

Wikileaks is proving good for that!

and I think this is digestible water cooler talk for most. we already knew CIA was up to shit. "spying and hacking proven, now let's talk about it. Oh wait there's more??"


PRISM should have awoken people, they got away with it, so the CIA got into the game BIG TIME.

I don't think the problem is with waking people up. Many people are fully aware that our government is totally corrupt. The problem is, what do we do about it? The whole "write your congressman" or "attend a city council meeting" advice is b/s. We need to actually DO SOMETHING. And then comes the problem of getting your fellow countrymen of lazy, complacent idiots to get off their ass and support the cause. Most Americans can be chin deep in shit before they'll admit to even smelling it.

We need to actually DO SOMETHING.


It would take hundreds of thousands of people. Storm the House and Senate with the goal of all new seat holders, every person in every major city protesting outside their city hall. I don't really know due to the fact that I'm just a dumb construction worker. But if someone has an awesome idea, for fucks sake throw it out there! I will follow with guns blazing

Storm the House and Senate with the goal of all new seat holders

un huh...and how do you decide the new seat holders?

I will follow with guns blazing

sigh...you say that with pride too huh?

"durr, i aint da tinkin sort, but just tell me where to angrily point muh gun!!"


Alright dude. It was a figure of speech. What ideas do you have? Instead if criticizing, contribute.

I'm waiting on one of your awesome ideas. Or is your plan to just ride it out going along with the flow? What a patriot

The government is corrupt because the central intelligence agency have tool to collect intelligence? Nice logic.

There are many ways that the government is corrupt. This is just one example. Try not to be so ignorant

who will bitch about it on reddit for a bit

...then go back to their computers and smart tv's

tbh, it does feel like a losing battle

with how fast technology is advancing, true privacy will be as dead as the dodo in the next few years

unless you live in a cave that you can somehow seal against micro-drones

Where have you been for the past three years? Oh... right. Talking about Hillary's emails and Benghazi.

There's a difference between what we assume to be true on the inside and what we can prove to people on the outside. I know that some buildings were demolished on 9/11 but it would still be a big deal to me if someone published proof of some kind.

Yet you are on Reddit connected to the internet

Is there any indication where the CIA software has been used?

The first full part of the series, "Year Zero", comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina. It follows an introductory disclosure last month of CIA targeting French political parties and candidates in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election.

Recently, the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized "zero day" exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation. This extraordinary collection, which amounts to more than several hundred million lines of code, gives its possessor the entire hacking capacity of the CIA. The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.

"Year Zero" introduces the scope and direction of the CIA's global covert hacking program, its malware arsenal and dozens of "zero day" weaponized exploits against a wide range of U.S. and European company products, include Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.

TL;DR - Everywhere

Right, the French election is international and is the CIAs remit.

Are they deploying these tools within the US is my question.

I'm sure every Samsung TV in Qatar is at risk but I'd be interested to see if they used this in the states as that would be an NSA issue I believe.

Oops sorry, I figured there was evidence of this being used in the US. I just skimmed through it. I'll search for something

I'll search for something

OP will surely deliver...

Well we've already got the NSA spying on us. The CIA has no checks and balances, so it's safe to assume there are countless Americans being spied on by the NSA. Also I would recommend that you look into Michael Hashting's death.

Evidence mounts showing CIA & FBI knew about catastrophic weaknesses in the most-used smartphones in America, but kept them open -- to spy.

-Edward Snowden

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Intelligence_Surveillance_Act#Electronic_surveillance

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Are they deploying these tools within the US is my question.

If they have lost control of the arsenal and they are being circulated by non-government agents at this point, isn't it safe to assume that somebody is probably using them within the US at this point?

Well, yeah sure but that's an ancillary issue isn't it? It's great that these tools have been exposed but we still don't know where and why they were deployed.

are you actually questioning if they've been used? I think we can agree they've been used...

But by whom? Do you think the CIA has broken the law and used these on citizens?

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Intelligence_Surveillance_Act#Electronic_surveillance

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Well then the CIA wouldn't be breaking a law and got a warrant with probable cause through the FISA courts.

Probably by everyone who has gotten their hands on it. The CIA is going to use the tools they've developed for themselves - to think they wouldn't is asinine.

Why wouldn't the CIA use this on our own citizens as well as foreigners? Why would they even create such a tool if they didn't mean to use it for their benefit?

Your question, "Are they deploying these tools within the us" is a little strange. The tools are deployed. Period. It's everywhere, ESPECIALLY in the US. And, this is done with no regard for any other intelligence agency no matter the level of redundancy.

How is it strange? The CIA could well have developed these tools for foreign targets, as is their remit.

The NSA is the one collecting all your domestic data.

I think you forgot the "only" in your statement(?)

wikileaks states in the press release they have redacted thousands of IPs many from the USA which represent CIA machines and the victims of these techniques. All within the USA.

I wish we had revolted earlier

We're civilized. We've tried to do it through the electoral system several times, and they murder people, steal the election (Ron Paul primaries in 2012, Bernie 2016). We've tried protests (Iraq War protests under Bush, Tea Party, Occupy), and they subvert those.

Isn't it amazing that we haven't just starting murdering these psychopaths? It says a lot about the character of the American people that we've constantly tried to do this in a civil, ethical manner.

Countries have gone to violent internal turmoil for less than what we've endured.

We are a very comfortable and civil people.

It's crazy. I'm not even sure the actual American people have even murdered anyone in the political class yet. Remarkable restraint.

Idk the D.C Sniper tried his best.

It's not remarkable lol. The American spirit is weak from Christianity. Christianity teaches you to enjoy licking your master's boot. There is a good reason why slaves were forced to believe in Jesus.

Jesus got murdered for resisting the government. He was not a boot licker.

True. Today they would call him a terrorist for clearing out the temple and saying things like it is harder for a rich man to enter heaven then for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle.

We're civilized

That's what they want you to think while they murder and pillage the rest of the world. They don't deserve to be treated in a civilized manner. There is nothing civilized about our society, all a giant lie.

Especially since we out number them more than 300 to 1. Im just glad we are better than that.

Maybe it's time for a public and voted upon hit list?

How can you revolt against people you never see or know who they are? The people in Congress aren't the same as the ones doing all this. They could pass a bill to revoke the agency's existence, but that wouldn't do anything except make them go completely dark. They would still exist and still have money (via drugs) to so what they please.

The entire organisation needs to be tried for crimes against humanity - right down to the fucking janitor.

Hey man, don't fuck with Carlos. He's just trying to get by and provide for his family.

If we revolted against Congress, with the clear aim of revolting against the CIA, Congress would take the job of splintering the CIA much more seriously. It would only take a few deaths for them to become more afraid of not taking down the crime family.

But everyone loves their congressman it's the others that are the problem

Yeah ive said this. CIA doesnt even need tax dollars anymore. They probably used it to get a foothold but now they own the entire worlds Heroine and Cocaine trade. They are no longer reliant on tax dollars for funding. Defunding them will just push them into much deeper levels of secrecy.

I don't think realistically that Americans will ever revolt again.

"can revolution wait until after payday?"

My favourite video. Talk about getting caught: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sCioKnpHdY

Everybody who has entered Walmart has their face in a database with all of their information, emails, social networking and audio/phone recordings. Even reclusive drug dealers, if they have been in a Walmart, have their faces and all of their information stored in the super-computers at Walmart's security center in Jane, MO. Everybody (with the exception of women's miscarriages), is in the government's database.

While everybody believes this has been done to blackmail politicians, the biggest reason is that citizens of the U.S. (by means of their birth certificates) have been "pledged" to the Federal Reserve System by FDR (in 1933) to be used for forced labor when the federal government can no longer service the national debt, which is now at $20 trillion.

Everybody who has entered Walmart has their face in a database with all of their information, emails, social networking and audio/phone recordings

Didn't see this one. I get how they get face recognition, but how would they get your email social media and audio and phone recordings just by entering a walmart?

Prescriptions for the most part, I would assume. Credit cards, debit cards, checks, etc. Also notice all of the cameras when you walk in.

Prescriptions for the most part

Yes. And, now doctors offices are required to get photo's of every patient. My doctor recently told me "there is no more 'doctor/patient' confidentiality. Nothing is private; everything is open to the government".

Probably some Israeli facial recognition software and good old facebook if I had to guess.

Believe it, or not, all of the data ends up in a supercomputer in Israel.

Why is it always the ((them))?

Because ((them)) don't want to be the people thrown into labor camps like they have been in the past.

Spare me, dude.

The same thing happened to Serbs, yet no one seems to give a shit.

Of course it does. That way they can spy in us and pass the information to our agencies. With the US agencies not actually sifting through the data they can keep the illusion they aren't breaking the law. Thank you Israel and American patriot agencies.

They can identify you through face recognition, which matches up with police mug shots; driver license photos, etc., and then they put your photo and info in a database.

If you have Facebook and there is a photo of your face, they will match you. Same with every other online profile. It's easy.

Holy fucking shit if this is true. Time for more guns.

OP has since discovered and admitted that this has been debunked, in quite an honorable fashion.

I saw one of your comments not too long ago on the Federal Reserve about forced labor, but I forgot to save it, think you could sauce me some info on this? Or actually I can just go in your history but since I'm already this deep in the comment I'll just post it.

Congressman James Traficant opened the "can of worms" on this issue in an address he gave to Congress in 1993:

"The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.

Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle.

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) "Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.

In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.


I was curious and tried looking into this a few years ago but couldn't find anything, is there a source for an official government document stating emphatically that the operation of the Federal Reserve System is subject to admiralty/maritime law?

Thanks for the link, I read through 73-1 and couldn't find any reference to admiralty/maritime law, I also checked 73-10 which seems to be heavily referenced on the internet and couldn't find any reference therein. I'm not a lawyer or jurist so it's probably something I'm missing.

A redditor just opened my eyes that the Traficant speech is a fraud. It's all bullshit. I got this speech from Ron Paul supporters, and I am quite puzzled right now because they usually are pretty straight forward people. I am sorry I have wasted everybody's time. I need to stick to gardening.

I had never heard of this and am not American so the Constitution and law parts weren't familiar to me. But "the US govt had no assets" is so obviously wrong that I had to question the whole thing. I mean, a single building, for example the white house, is an asset.

I recently had a similar revelation with the fluoride talking points which make the rounds here from time to time

Thanks buddy.


If you click the link at the bottom of the page, you'll find that the only part of that from the Congressional Record is this: "Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise."

The rest is from somebody else (and is utter bullshit).

You have exposed a fraudulent claim on the net, which has left me frightened beyond belief. Now, I have more confidence in our government, and I will be able to sleep at night. Thank you.

The rest is from somebody else (and is utter bullshit).

I wonder who this was copied from? McFadden? Mullins?

I also found this, which supports your claim:

That Traficant statement has also been debunked ...

The 'bankruptcy of the United States" as alleged by "congressman" Traficant. I have heard people discuss statements by "congressman" >Traficant allegedly made back in 1993 where he stated in the >Congressional Record that the US was bankrupt and this bankruptcy happened back in 1933. This statement has been used to support UCC arguments about the bankruptcy of the United States.

Frank F. checked the accuracy of this alleged Traficant statement and found it to be utterly false. Here is what he said in a recent e-mail:

This is 99% bogus.

You'll notice that it claims to be from the Congressional Record of March 17, 1993, page H-1303, and a speech from Rep. James Traficant (D-Oh). It starts with a double quote mark and it ends much later with another double quote mark.

Except for the first paragraph (the first 66 words), it is a fake. Traficant's own words run from "Mr. Speaker ...." to " ... our demise" and that's the only portion from him or from the Congressional Record. Trafficant was arguing against deficit spending, and everything else in the article (starting from the words "It is an established fact ...") is fake. Traficant never said them.

In fact, if Traficant thought that the Banking Emergency Act of 1933 was Public Law 89-719, we'd all have reason to doubt his soundness of mind, because the Public Law number is clearly decades after 1933 -- in fact it is the number of the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966. Ditto for the pretended title and description of HJR 192 (of 1933). All of that, including the references to canon law and maritime insurance, is fakery, falsely attributed to Traficant. The actual page from the Congressional Record is here. Please excuse the copy quality of this PDF file as it was obtained from microfiche. This page proves that those who allege that Traficant made this statement are not telling the truth.

Please also notice that the fake Traficant statement makes certain allegations:

  1. "The United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency banking Act, March 9, 1933";
  2. That HJR 192 was a part of the bankruptcy;
  3. That the 1913 Federal Reserve Act was effective back to 1870, many years before that act was adopted.

These congressional acts have been posted on my site. The Emergency Banking Act and HJR 192 are posted, as is the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. Please read these acts to deteremine whether these allegations are true. Reading them discloses that the allegations are false. The password for the Emergency Banking Act and Federal Reserve Act is "Becraft" (with a capital "B").


Source for any of that ?

Doesn't show anything about Walmart. Just two random websites without any sources talking about a bankruptcy...

The Walmart info is from my own experience working with Walmart security at very high levels. I had the manager of their security tell me what I shared here in my post. I thought, though, that you had reference to the Federal Reserve and forced labor.

Why Not ask for that information directly to Facebook ? If there's no other source, I call bs

Why Not ask for that information directly to Facebook ?

Seriously? Why don't you just call Walmart and ask them directly?

I call bs

That's your right. But what I shared about Walmart is not some bullshit I read on the net. It's a fact, even if you don't believe it.

If it's a fact, prove it. Walmart is a big company with lots of past and current employees, shouldn't be too hard. Show other sources instead of what you've heard someone say. Or you can start by explaining how they do it. Who does the facial recognition ? How do they match the face with name and address ? What if I don't go to Walmart, does it mean I'm good ?

If it's a fact, prove it. Walmart is a big company with lots of past and current employees, shouldn't be too hard.

So, if what you are saying is that "past and current" employees would have come forward by now, then why hasn't "past or current" employees come forward and said who was behind 9-11? Or, who was behind the murder of JFK? At the time Walmart was doing this, I was led to believe that it was because of 9-11. Walmart was doing its "patriotic duty" to prevent another attack. Maybe Walmart wasn't/isn't being malicious in helping the government. Maybe that's why there is no need for someone who knows about it to be a "whistle-blower". As far as proving it, why don't you call Walmart and ask them?


So wait ... you are the one that came here and wrote that they were doing it (without any proof at all, like I'm suppose to believe you #believeme) and now if I want to confirm what you say I need to call them ? And by doing a call they are going to confirm it ?? Does that mean that EVERYONE that works at wallmart knows about it ?

Also, what does 9-11 or JFK have to do with this ? It feels that I need to take your username seriously ...

I shared a first had experience with the sub. If you don't like it, or want to believe. That's fine. What the fuck! Do you want to fucking fight? What the fuck is your fucking problem??

You said it's a fact and it's not because you can't prove it. So it's just a "someone told me" which is useless and most likely false specially when you can't answer basic questions about it.

It's a fact to me because it was substantiated by another person who worked at Walmart, and my wife is a witness. So, it's what I think that matters. As far as I'm concerned, unless I hear it first hand, or see it first hand, it is all either a lie or a speculation. If you don't believe me that's fine, but you don't have to be such a mouthy prick.

Do you have more info about the forced labour and the Federal Reserve?

So what's the boots on the ground plan to remove a couple hundred million firearms from citizens when that day comes? How is this little wrinkle taken into account as far as you can tell?

That's what the drones are for. The federal government currently has millions of drones warehoused that were manufactured in the U.S. and in Israel. The government is not going to have the military pull up to your place to detain you (which was in the original plan of the Treasury Department; written in 1979). Instead, you will be visited by a drone that circles above your residence; calling you on your cell phone, and also announcing on a loud speaker for you to come out and to lie on the ground. Once you are "secured", a vehicle will come to take you away. This will be done to prevent unnecessary deaths of the military.

Yea I don't see hundreds of millions of people going along with this. The guns have to go before anything like this happens and that just physically cannot happen. The guns make me feel a bit safe.

Would you shoot a drone circling above your house if you knew that when you shoot it, it will blow up you; your family and your house?

If he drone is designed to dive and blow up upon being shot then why not just...fuck dude I dunno carpet bomb my entire neighborhood in the first place? These hicks aren't going down without fighting.

I dunno carpet bomb my entire neighborhood

When things are really bad, will there even be "neighborhoods"?

In any case, I agree with you. Americans need to hold on to their gun rights because once they take the guns it will be a "replay" of what Stalin and his henchmen did to the Christian farmers when Stalin took away everybody's guns in the Soviet Union.

why not just carpet bomb my entire neighborhood in the first place?

They only need to make an example out of a few resistors before the rest comply without trouble.

Thats pretty fuckin pussy bro..

I don't see how the government has "millions of drones" period. Where are they storing all these drones and who are the millions of trained people to operate them? The logistics alone would be a nightmare. There is barely a million active duty service members in out entire armed forces....

ITT: Yeah, we totally knew this before anyone was talking about it... Who knew conspiracy theorists are hipsters too.

Luckily, I don't think you'll find a lot of people that think that in this sub. :)

You'd be surprised.

Amazing the amount of people on this board today saying "so what, we knew that already"

Can't wait to see how the MSM will respond to this over the next few hours.

Its simply not true that we knew this. Those people are dumb

Or paid for.

Depending how deep in the rabbit hole you are you should definitely have an idea of the scoop of things.

We haven't had direct proof of it until now (outside experiments like talking about products near your phone then conveniently seeing advertisements shortly afterwords for said product) , but remote controlled cars and technology eavesdropping has been known about for quite some time.

The only people who are dumb are people who didn't know this.

"Knowing" something without proof isnt "knowing"... We guessed this before.

You don't have proof now. You have a source that you trust and you count that as proof. But for all you know, all the documents could be fake. I'm not saying they are- but my point is, this is only "proof" because you consider wikileaks reputable.

We have known this technology was available. Not guessed it, but known.

We have had many insiders tell us these things were happening. Who you choose to count as reputable determines what you consider proof, no?

If CIA said this was all fake, would you still consider this proof?

Oh look a 4 day old account trying to make us look stupid. Oh boy oh man I don't see an agenda here at all!

We have known this technology was available. Not guessed it, but known.

We knew the tech was available and we guessed it was used for surveillance but many "normies" refuse to believe it's even a possibility. Most people who already "knew" frequent conspiracy forums. Wikileaks is far more widely known about and many have at least heard of them. It's not some random conspiracy forum with regular people spouting conjecture.

You're trying to argue that everyone "knew" the CIA could cause car crashes on specific people if they so wished. Many people on this sub do know that, but many of your average Joe's wouldn't even consider the possibility.

As /u/pilgrimboy said:

This seems to be the method. We talk about it. They say we're just making crap up. It's revealed. They say that we already knew this. Both answers are just change stoppers.

Dude, go look on other forums besides R/conspiracy.

Literally everyone is saying that they knew this.

I'm really not trying to make anyone look stupid. I think that if you didn't realize all this before then admitting you didn't makes you look stupid.

But yes, my agenda. My agenda is to point out that the function of this release looks exactly how a limited hangout would look.

But sure, focus on my account age. Because we all know that's more important than the content of what I'm saying.

But sure, focus on my account age. Because we all know that's more important than the content of what I'm saying.

I addressed your comment's content. I only mentioned your account age in one line. I love how you didn't address anything else I said.

I think that if you didn't realize all this before then admitting you didn't makes you look stupid.

First, the obvious glaring problem here is that if you can't recognize your own faults or gaps in knowledge then you are arrogant and small minded. People don't grow without working on their flaws. The second glaring problem is that plenty of people guessed they were doing this but they didn't have proof. Here's the proof in vault 7. It's being downplayed. If people are getting paid to downplay this, they need to realize that this affects the entire world and the planet could very well turn into one of the worse dystopian novels within their lifetimes. We're already headed there.

Once again

This seems to be the method(to curb discussion). We talk about it. They say we're just making crap up. It's revealed. They say that we already knew this. Both answers are just change stoppers.

And just to add:

Because we all know that's more important than the content of what I'm saying.

You're full of shit.

love how you didn't address anything else I said.

What do you want me to address, specifically?

First, the obvious glaring problem here is that if you can't recognize your own faults or gaps in knowledge

What is my fault and/or gap in knowledge? Please be specific here.

The second glaring problem is that plenty of people guessed they were doing this but they didn't have proof. Here's the proof in vault 7.

Dude, there was proof before. That's what I said that was unaddressed.

This seems to be the method(to curb discussion). We talk about it. They say we're just making crap up. It's revealed. They say that we already knew this. Both answers are just change stoppers.

Victim complex much? I'm not curbing discussion. I'm also not one of "they" who said "you" were making crap up. So this doesn't apply to me and fuck of with it.

You're full of shit.

Because why? Because I claim that something that has been news for years has been news for years? Why don't you go look for yourself. All the info you think was released today was available prior to 3/7/2017.

Not my fault if you wait for wikileaks to spoonfeed you.

First, the obvious glaring problem here is that if you can't recognize your own faults or gaps in knowledge What is my fault and/or gap in knowledge? Please be specific here.

I'll rephrase that to "First, the obvious glaring problem here is that if one cannot recognize their own faults or gaps in knowledge then they are arrogant and small minded."

Because I claim that something that has been news for years has been news for years? Why don't you go look for yourself. All the info you think was released today was available prior to 3/7/2017. Not my fault if you wait for wikileaks to spoonfeed you.

OK. So we knew(by knew I mean proof and not conjecture) that the CIA could remotely control car computers, had malware on iOS, android, routers, and could download, upload, and remotely execute any program they want? Or perhaps we had proof that they "stole" russian malware to misdirect attribution of cyber attacks? Like I said we have a good idea they could do many of these things but no actual proof other than coincidences for many things. One of the few things that went mainstream before this was the samsung smart TV's and windows OS basically spying on you.

Many things have happened that point towards foul play, such as convenient car crashes that occur to those who look to deep, or "russian malware" used to shutdown power to a town.

this doesn't apply to me and fuck of with it.

You conveniently ignored where I said:

It's revealed. They say that we already knew this. Both answers are just change stoppers.

Some people, who when written or spoken to, give off the vibe that I'm talking to a brick wall and that there's no point arguing with them. Have a nice day.

OK. So we knew(by knew I mean proof and not conjecture) that the CIA could remotely control car computers,



had malware on iOS, android, routers, and could download, upload, and remotely execute any program they want?

Um. Yeah dude. First of all, there is malware such as keyloggers that jilted lovers can install onto your smartphone. If the average person has access to this, then yes, it's obvious the hacking community of the intelligence agency has access to this.

As for remotely seizing control of smartphone features?



5. Your Phone's Tilt Sensor Can Sense What You're Typing on Your Computer

4. Smartphones Can Steal Your Credit Card Information Just by Being Near Them

3. Fake "Free Charging" Stations May Be Waiting to Ambush You

2. Fake Cell Towers Can Turn Your Phone into a Remote Listening Device

1. Big Brother Can Use Your Phone to Spy on You in 3D

I'm including the most mainstream articles possible to reinforce the fact that the mainstream audience is exposed to these ideas. How many people do you think are exposed to cracked?

Or perhaps we had proof that they "stole" russian malware to misdirect attribution of cyber attacks?

Um. Have you never watched a spy movie in your life? The idea that one spy agency would steal technology from another spy agency? Or perhaps that they would, idk... commit a false flag? Yeah, we had no proof that the CIA committed false flags before, amirite?

You conveniently ignored where I said: It's revealed. They say that we already knew this. Both answers are just change stoppers.

Didn't ignore it. I addressed it. I did already know these things, as did most people. As far as it being a change stopper? I'm not stopping you from changing shit.

just block him. they hate that.

Yeah I just did.

me too

On the mainstream forums

fake news sites aren't immune from shills...what kind of logic is this?

What is your point?

Did you know that the intelligence agencies had the ability to hack into smart devices for the purpose of domestic and foreign espionage prior to today?

Do you think that you're the only person who did?

If you did know about it and you don't think you're only one who did, what makes you think that the people saying that they knew about it were all shills? Where's the logic in that?

Never knew that the CIA had lost control of their cyber weapons and malware before Wikileaks. Haven't ever seen it discussed in any forum or place on the internet.

Now I know that the CIA lost this data I won't be surprised when terrorists or foriegn countries, or criminals use these weapons against the country which created them. Wouldn't surprise me if the CIA can now use their cyber weapons to create a false flag. Maybe they already have with this Russia stealing the election narrative.

Never knew that the CIA had lost control of their cyber weapons and malware before Wikileaks. Haven't ever seen it discussed in any forum or place on the internet.

Now I know that the CIA lost this data I won't be surprised when terrorists or foriegn countries, or criminals use these weapons against the country which created them. Wouldn't surprise me if the CIA can now use their cyber weapons to create a false flag. Maybe they already have with this Russia stealing the election narrative.


Check your metrics. How sure were you really? How sure are you now? If your cogitator is working properly, your bayesian weighted estimate of the truth value of this data should just have jumped upwards.

Um. Well, since I took the time to look into what technology was available and to try to understand how it would work years ago and was then exposed to all this =>

I then found it entirely reasonable to conclude that the groups with the highest technology available estimated to be 10+ years ahead of what is publicly known.

I then listened to many different sources including whistleblowers claiming said tech was being deployed.

Today, a source I don't claim is saying the same things that were said for years.

I'm exactly no more or less sure today than I ever was.

Snowden has been saying this stuff for years

There's a difference between knowing it was possible and probable versus knowing for a fact that it is practiced with sources.

Okay. What is the difference? I mean, besides the obvious.

Do you think that anything will come of this? Honest question.

It goes from conjecture to fact.

I personally don't think anything will come out of this at a societal level or anything. Everyone is going to keep buying these devices while the government keeps listening and we will eventually get to a place where you can get placed on a watchlist for private conversations in your own home under the guise of national security.

Exactly. We had no sources so when statements like "you know your TV/ALEXA/iPhone/android/car is spying on you, right?" It was just an educated guess with some circumstantial evidence that garnered a "nice tinfoil hat ya got there"

Now we have proof and links and sources.

This IS a big deal and it needs to be known to everyone.

What documents are the best to cite and read?






Samsung’s privacy policy warns customers not to discuss sensitive information in front of their smart TVs

Just because you had your head in the sand doesn't mean everyone did.

The smart TV thing was downplayed as something to do with the business world. Advertising purposes and whatnot. Even the article says this. That link doesn't say the CIA was doing this to spy on people. We now know that you didn't even read the wikileaks press release.

The smart TV thing was downplayed as something to do with the business world. Advertising purposes and whatnot. Even the article says this.

No shit. The argument was whether the technology was out there. I can provide plenty more sources and plenty more situations.

If the technology is out there and you don't think the intelligence agency has access to it, you're dumb. I'm sorry.

We now know that you didn't even read the wikileaks press release.

I did though.

We didn't know the CIA lost control of all of these tools

Agreed. This is the most substantial part of the leak.

Don't be a propagandist.

I don't think you know what that word means.

4 day old account sourcing wikipedia and theguardian. There you have it folks.

Which is why this whole thing has a smell of Snowden-esque cloaks and mirrors for me.

A lot of it isn't news if you have been paying attention.

Now if again the 'general public' doesn't arc up about these releases that's another green light for the agencies to carry on.

I hope I am wrong I hope this is all 100% legit trying to bring the CIA down.

Edward Snowden would like to have a word with you.

Nsa leaker... Who just tweeted this was a massive legit leak that teaches us a ton of new info?


Where did he say "ton of new info"? Looking at his Twitter right now.

Not in those words. But its clear its new info to him. Keep grasping at straws.

Oh I'm not the one grasping at straws here.

Well you didnt even know the difference between snowden leaks and these...

So yeah.

We knew that smart TVs and phones had the ability to record and transmit audio/video and we thought that companies might be abusing that but now we know that the government certainly is.

I'm not saying "so what" I think it's fucked up to the highest degree. But all of this was out there already. We knew the government monitored the fuck out of us. Snowden specifically leaked that the US IC monitors citizens through all the means leaked by Wikileaks. For example, we knew they could and would listen on phones they can access cameras on laptops and cell phones and pretty much listen in on anything with a mic or camera.

While I'm not saying we should dismiss it, it's nice to have a refresher, I don't understand why everyone is acting like this is new news or something and they never heard in the slightest bit that the government is big on citizen surveillance. Like it's just weird that people's jaws are dropping and their head is spinning over shit we already knew.

Now anything else, such as specific programs and missions are different I guess, but the overall agenda of them wanting to maintain a surveillance state has been out there for a while now. It's fucked up and seems unconstitutional, but it's not new like people are making it seem just because WikiLeaks released more info.

Great points, as someone who works in ITsec. Regardless if you have known about specific programs and devices the, overall concensus is you know they were data harvesting and able to access pretty much any device on the internet.

Well I suppose the point is that we now know the specifics - so yes instead of one overarching "The Government is Watching Us." claim.

We can now say things like:

That last point is probably them most interesting and one that would disturb a great number of people.

So no, I won't normalize this, and I'm confused at the amount of people on a conspiracy sub who are dismissive of information which opens itself up to providing proof for past and present conspiracies.

providing proof for past and present conspiracies.

Point well taken. I guess for people like me, I wholeheartedly believed that the government was partaking in mass surveillance, and I thought the bulk of /r/conspiracy did too, so this kinda feels like a "duh" thing to me. But I guess I didn't take into consideration that it adds proof for some people who would have otherwise denied it.

Like I guess for me it just feels like old news and it just reinforces how I thought the government functions.

This seems to be the method.

We talk about it. They say we're just making crap up.

It's revealed. They say that we already knew this.

Both answers are just change stoppers.

Spot on.

When the cops finally find DNA evidence years later on the perp they suspected all along do they just say, "Big deal we knew he did it." and just walk away?

Nope. That's why the CIA is about to be splintered to the wind.

Well, in some cases DNA has overturned convictions and you've had cops who won't admit they were wrong and on some cases will even say that they believed that person was dangerous and it's okay that they were off the streets, even if it wasn't for that crime.

In some cases, individuals are just so set in their ways that they'd never admit they were wrong. Doesn't matter if their actions fucked up a bunch of lives for years.

You've somehow turned an analogy effectively saying, "When one is presented evidence of wrongdoing, should one ignore said wrongdoing because of previously held suspicions?" into a defense of the current of state of affairs concerning the leaks because cops fuck things up.

I wasn't commenting on the leaks. Or making any analogy.

Just pointing out that in your analogy, many times it's a judge who makes a decision based on DNA and many police officers don't agree with it when asked years later.

Glad we agree we shouldn't try to normalize the actions of the CIA just because "we knew about it."

Oh, the leaks are terrifying.

Oh come on, as a software developer, I knew most of those tools already existed. It would be even more insane for the CIA to not have them. mainly because all of our enemies have them.

Regardless of your individual knowledge I find it interesting your attempt to normalize the implications of these leaks on this board considering it has the potential to provide proof for past and present conspiracies.

Sorry, I'm really not trying to just normalize. I don't know how else to explain it, I just meant that exploits exist for essentially all devices. Exploits will always exist. If a user is savvy enough, they can control your computer, phone, wifi, tv, etc. This is very much the reality of the world we live in.

So in my mind I just don't understand why wouldn't they have these tools? All our enemies have them. All our allies have them. Joe Schmo down the street could have them if he's smart enough.

I will clarify though, if they are being used against the American people. Well obviously that needs to be checked. So sorry I hope that clarifies a little better what I was trying to say!

I cant stand that phrase, it happens all the time, for years you tell these people about something, and the deny it. Then it's revealed, and they act high and mighty, furthermore, it then leaves them in the position of 'no change necessary' - no, because if the people saying it was happening had started a fucking rebellion, they'd slander and castrate us. Now that we have the evidence to back it up, they won't support the rebellion because 'so what, we already knew that'.

Something needs be done, but no matter how right we are, the masses are fucking cowards, and will ultimately leave us to die for protecting their rights, because they are afraid. It's a lose-lose. Do nothing, it continues - do something, and everyone except the few will hate you while you rot in jail or are dead. There is literally nothing you can do. Nothing.

Revolutions have happened before, so don't be so pessimistic. You're starting to sound like one of those despair shills. The ones they undoubtedlly employ to instill a sens of hopelessness into conversations about this. And inb4 revolutions are pointless because they get power back every time... At least you clear out a lot of deadwood and put them back decades in terms of their influence.

Barely at all. They are covering this Jeff Sessions bullshit.

It's just that this was hyped up so much that this reveal wasn't that big. I think most people were expecting some earth shattering reveal. Something that would get people to a near revolution. Something that would make Jake tapper blow his brains out on live TV. Something that would make the country stop and reflect about things in such a way that massive change would take place at the highest levels. This will be barely in the news for two days and forgotten about. I'm done with WikiLeaks. The hype never matches the follow through.

We may have long suspected all of this, but now there is evidence. That's HUGE. I would suspect anyone who says "So what?" of being brain dead. I wouldn't even respond to such a silly person.

I always enjoy this quiet time before the controlled responders get their new script.

About the same way they reported on the Podesta and DNC email dumps on Wikileaks---crickets except for Fox.

Here are highlighted the opinion making bits in the headlines they would not add in a favorable article. It is a propaganda technique that has nothing to do with neutral news.

CNN: "Wikileaks CLAIMS TO reveal how CIA hacks TVs and phones all over the world"

NPR: "WikiLeaks Releases What It Calls CIA Trove Of Cyber-Espionage Documents"

Fox: "WikiLeaks releases 'entire hacking capacity of the CIA'"

NYT: "WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents"

ABC: "WikiLeaks reveals CIA files describing hacking tools"

When the editorializing is just right.

Real news orgs have to actually verify this stuff. I doubt the CIA is going to say here is all the info.

... You mean like Wikileaks does? They just don't post whatever, they spend tons of time verifying information to make sure it is legit before posting.

They have an 100% accuracy record, and put most of these other organizations to shame.

i dont have smart-tv and i dont have a smart phone. i dont trust this shit

My neither - but I do have computers and routers.

me either. No new gadgetry and we stick to the older vehicles with no GPS or other nonsense.

I was reading about the Federalist papers and the Bill of Rights this morning. I see now the American experiment has failed. The Republic is off to the way of the Greeks and the Romans.

Do we at least get to have a huge badass traditional empire before we crash and burn?

Look around the world. We got a huge badass traditional empire.

It ended where it usually does. When people get it in their heads that they are the true king, the one who was all along deserving of empire... people suffer, because emperors are a stupid idea born of madness.

We had one, now we get to watch its demise.

Pretty big warning sign was the election of a billionaire riding a wave a fake populism.

I thought we knew this? I thought all this was in the info Snowden released? It's pretty fucked up but I thought we were well aware how invasive just bad with liberty and privacy out ic could be. This is not surprising. Saddening, but not surprising.

Snowden dealt with the NSA. This is the CIA.

I know. but honestly, who in their right mind thinks the IC doesn't share technology and software with each other. I would be highly surprised if the CIA did not do as much intellegence gathering and surveillance if not more than the NSA. I mean it is the Central Intelligence agency

This is taking things to a whole new level. The CIA is not the NSA, and the CIA is by law forbidden to operate within the USA (unless as a detachment to a domestic Federal LE agency). Kiss that goodbye.

Yeah, I'm starting to think the roads aren't worth giving color of law to organized criminals like the CIA.

I agree! The CIA has proven itself time and time again to be an unamerican institution. They are an organized crime syndicate who deserve to be punished accordingly.

If there are any good people still working for the CIA... Expose shit or quit already,

my thoughts exactly when people talk about the "good guys". If they ARE good guys they will get the fuck out of that cesspool or i consider them complicit.

Remember too that most of them were probably lured into compromising situations which are used to extort loyalty from them. I don't doubt that many on the inside are "loyal" because of fear, nor that they resent it.

I know that many in the system are held in check by "insurance files", but as for the scenarios in which they are lured i am struggling to imagine one in which they didn't ultimately make a choice that was unethical, baited or not. Forced would be another thing - but i'm not certain what forced kind of scenario we'd be talking about.

Okay, true. Ultimately, they made a choice which was unethical. That's why your forgiveness is yours to either withhold or to give. I, for one, am not in any hurry to forgive!

That being said, there is still culpability on the part of the one doing the tempting. Seduction is still a thing, you know. And sometimes, weak people can be seduced into doing things that they don't really want to do.

That's why sex with children is illegal, and one has to be above a certain age, or else it's statutory rape. We all agree that children don't have the experience and wisdom to resist. Not only that, but in cases of statutory rape, the child is considered innocent, while the adult who seduces him/her is considered guilty of a crime.

This type of Omerta networks are driven from the top-down - not the bottom-up. There's a method behind the madness, which has been utilized for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

"there is still culpability on the part of the one doing the tempting."

I agree, those doing the entrapping deserve their blame for that - not meaning the poor slave that had to do the deed - but those that forced such a situation.

I tend to see institutions like the CIA like a meth house. That place is too contaminated to go on. Just burn it down.

How effective do you think it'd be to rally a shitton of people and just demand entrance or just obstruct their HQ entrances. I'm talkin, like... 100 people, if not, then like twice as much or something.

There's an occupy Langley movement. Make it a million - too many to arrest them all.

Yeah I didn't wanna lowball the number but I was really wanting to think like a mil or so. Understandable that many if not just about everyone wouldnt even consider doing something like this but uh... with a population of +325 mil? I mean comaaaaaan maaaan :(

Hah just like the tv show The Path using files to coerce and blackmail and manipulate. The CIA is the biggest and most evil known cult of them all. No doubt the spirit cooking club is worse but I am sure membership overlaps

They absolutely overlap. The CIA's occult ties run pretty deep.

I'm stealing this title OP but I shall use it for good!

I don't know if most people even care. :(

I always thought the act of blowing the whistle on those in charge of government was pretty much the epitome of defiance to the powers that be. If what you're saying is true and the powers that be are not the government then who is? Or do we simply base that part on who we like at any given moment? ✊

The government is just a front for the establishment. They will never make a change for the good if it conflicts against the powers that bes' wishes. Why do you think lobbying is legal. It's just legal bribery. If they can't bribe them the data collection allows them to blackmail. Everyone has stuff they don't want public.

i think shills are trying to create the illusion that the majority doesn't care. really, i think people care but the problem feels too big to solve so there's probably some amount of cognitive dissonance going on.

Girlfriends response: "They can spy on me if it keeps us safe"

The only thing we have to fear is the fucking CIA spying on us and crashing our cars while we are in it and illegal wars and a blackmailed congress and also our food supply is pretty harmful to our bodies.

also crashing planes if we are lucky enough to randomly be on the same flight as their target. hooray for freedom!

Make her crap with the door open in case burglars come while she's doing it.

This reminds me of all the "bathroom issues" I've seen on r/raisedbynarcissists.

and now that all the tools were stolen, the CIA has actually made everyone far less save, and basically broken internet security.

Honestly I always thought that until seeing how they are using these leaks against the Trump Administration. If the CIA can use the info they got from spying on people on people at that level They can use it on anyone.

The argument isn't whether the CIA is spying on you but the capacity for them to spy, blackmail political dissidents.

I.e. See COINTEL pro against MLK, or the spying on journalists, whistle blowers and congress under Obama.

Does she care now?

Stupid girl

Your girlfriend is a fucking idiot, sorry.

Pretty sure there was a quote that goes like this: If you are willing to give up your privacy for a little bit of security, you probably won't get nor deserve neither.

My thoughts, "Holy shit, fuck this. But what can I do about it? Stop using technology?" My life, like many others', has a great deal of dependence on technology and these leaks make me feel like I've been drug under 30 feet of water and chained to the ground. I'm still somewhat hopeful of finding a good, non-violent, way to help the people fighting, but so far all we can do is talk together on the internet (dependent on technology, and they have people even trying to fuck that up) and hope that someone with power will do something to help the privacy of Americans and everyone else. Hands are tied is the general feeling of everyone I talked to that is legitimately upset by this.

The Amish are probably thanking their ancestors for having the foresight to forego modern civilisation. I'm pretty sure they don't have to deal with CIA spying on them the same way we do.

the truth is that most people DID already know about everything being spied on.

Snowden already revealed it , right? It's not like people didn't think their smart TVs were exempt from all the spying, right?

Time to become a farmer.

*Small subsistence farmer. Large farms and agricultural corporations are definitely part of the Deep State.

Then they'll just watch you by drone.

Shoot the drone

Pretty sure you would get shot first the moment the drone sees you with a gun.

No i wont

We should start crowdfunding business that make smartphones and TVs that aren't compromised.

Touring phone

Its an invasion of privacy. The excuse of it being for the better good has a lot to do with the same people doing very bad things.

The "I'm not bothered by it because I've nothing to hide" routine is premature. As time passes and more things are discovered civil unrest will increase. That may translate into more restrictions on things and additional laws.
Something you do now may be illegal as time passes. But by then its too late because you wanted to stay subserviant or maybe your "so close to being able to afford that 2nd home" that speaking out may compromise your goal. Conditioning takes time and as time passes we become more like prisoners to our circumstance. We are at the time where we recognize somthing is wrong. I urge you to look at the path we are on and all of the hidden shadowy corrupt things that have gotten us to this point.

The strongest argument has always been that ::

we are not protecting ourselves because WE ARE BORING.

But people of interest and political dissidents like MLKs and Michael Hastings. The truth seekers, whistle blowers, opinion leaders.

That is the real target of the establishment.

I wouldn't say it was "known", but i'm not surprised. The CIA has conducted a lot of known unethical human experimentation in the past. Certainly there isn't much else it could do worse than that?

Like, if the CIA hasn't been dismantled because it intentionally injected african americans with syphillis, why the fuck would it be dismantled for this?

Yup, they're going down for this. History is under no obligation to make sense to you personally. Sorry your narrative constructs were offended. I mean that. Mine have been offended an awful lot, too.

OK Winter_Folger, then tell me, what the fuck are you gonna do about it? Go tell off some normies on reddit? Great job. much hope such change wow.

You are being conditioned to police yourself through fear.

When people know they are being watched they are more likely to conform and to not talk about about anti establishment subjects.

This slows/prevents the uprising/rebellion.

Yeah, that's going to fly like a lead zeppelin. Land of the free, home of the brave. Make America great again!

People are being divided along the same lines they always have been (Race, Religion, sex, class etc) via mainstream media - . They're still playing from the same book they've always played from just with different tools (internet etc).

It is a multifaceted approach.

Get people to police themselves through fear.

Divide along the tried and tested heart strings of society.

Conquer with the introduction of Orwellian laws and police state.

What are we supposed to do? Protest?

I got a family to feed.

This is by design.

You have 13 families to feed. How are you going to do that if everyone protests against your federal reserve money?

Neither the CIA nor NSA can collect intelligence on U.S. citizens without a FISA warrant. As of 2015, the NSA can't even do bulk collection. I am 100% okay with our intelligence agencies using any means possible to collect on foreign targets. I am 100% not okay with folks like y'all getting your pom-poms out for leaks that benefit foreign targets of collection.

I call myself American and question both the intelligence and patriotism of folks here that want to weaken our country's collection dominance because they're afraid that the deep state is super-interested in their browsing history.

You're operating under the premise that the government has our best interest in mind. This is demonstrably not true.

"Use any means necessary" is getting us closer and closer to an Orwellian society.

They have our interests in mind better than any other Government.

Wtf?! You're kidding right.....these leaks show they do operate without warrants.

Spoofing foreign tools for an officially-sanctioned purpose is cool with me. Any spying on a U.S. citizen without a warrant should be prosecuted 'cause that's just straight up illegal.

You need to remember that the weapons that are supposed to be for enemies of the country are always, eventually, turned on their own people. This has held true throughout every civilization/empire that has ever existed.

Oh man, I guess my front yard fence won't stop an Abrams tank!

Joking aside, I hear what you're saying and don't discount the need for oversight and vigilance on the part of our elected officials. I do discount the value of supporting an institution like Wikileaks with an obvious anti-US agenda over the folks at the CIA and NSA.

Whatever inherent risks that a strong intelligence apparatus has, I'll throw my hat in with the folks who put in their 9-5 to safeguard national security.

Whatever inherent risks that a strong intelligence apparatus has, I'll throw my hat in with the folks who put in their 9-5 to safeguard national security.

Except do you understand that there is a sizeable number of people who use "national security" and government to justify immoral acts that enrich themselves and their friends?

I think we would all agree that if our "national security apparatus" were run by saints, then there would be no issue. The problem is with that kind of power, there comes people who are willing to corrupt that power.

So knowing that, what kind of power do you allow your government to have? That is the bigger question that this is all about.

In a vacuum, as little as possible. In the real world? As much power as you need to attain and sustain dominance against other state and non-state actors, but less than full autonomy and carte blanche authority.

I don't see the David vs. Goliath here. I see a literal (pardon the fascist overtones) enemy of the state here with Assange and a whole bunch of folks on Reddit buying his bullshit wholesale.

There's a real discussion to be had on national security and accountability. Leaking 9,000 pages of operational documents that will clue targets in that they should return that Samsung TV? Not a good conversation starter.

sustain dominance against other state and non-state actors

So you are ok with intelligence agencies determining who is allowed to be elected into our government?

What about them being able to manipulate the supreme court?

What about if "Mr Smith" wants to go to Washington and do good for his country by exposing corruption, but intelligence can reveal all his darkest secrets?

These are all possible.

I see a literal (pardon the fascist overtones) enemy of the state here with Assange and a whole bunch of folks on Reddit buying his bullshit wholesale.

Put aside your Trump hate for a minute and be reasonable.

Leaking 9,000 pages of operational documents that will clue targets in that they should return that Samsung TV? Not a good conversation starter.

The point is that our government should neither be nor have the capability of spying on every individual wholesale. If you think that it is a reasonable capability, then there really isn't any point in even having a discussion.

I guess turning my comment into a what-if deep state dystopia needs to at least be appreciated for its creativity.

I don't hate Trump, but I do think he's a fucking moron. My line of business would've benefited from either Clinton or Trump. I would've preferred the former as I'm not really into using the social safety net as a jizz rag, isolationism, and retarded fiscal policy. But, at the end of the day, it's a wash for me.

I would like to live in the utopia you're envisioning. But existential longings aside and US citizen real talk back, I would like my superpower to continue leveraging its global hegemony and ability to keep tabs on everyone with a boner for it.

Do we need to check that power? Sure. But you are throwing out the bathroom with the tub with the baby with the bathwater here. Maybe the whole first floor, too.

Let's just all talk in extreme language and spout catchphrases rather than saying actually anything!

Serious question: what the hell are we supposed to do about it? We're in checkmate.

Man, if you wanna be in checkmate, I won't kinkshame.

Explain how we're not. For that matter, explain how it's even a choice.

Explain in detail how any of this can plausibly be reversed, or admit that your position has no merit. Keep in mind that failing to do the former is doing the latter.

I think it's more exciting having CIA agents watch me watching porn.

Yeah, my biggest take away from all of this is to wave my dong infront of my Samsung a little more, and to hang out in my TV room a little less.

They won't waste their time watching you unless you're an attractive young woman. Instead they'll be indexing your preferences to use against you at a later date if possible, and any private companies who collect the data will be selling it to advertisers who will invest a lot of money into figuring out how they can use it to manipulate you down the line.

The funny thing is that if you had said this 2 days ago you would have sounded crazy or at least on the "extreme" end of the conspiracy believers. Now it's just so likely it's scary. Something's gotta be done.

I'm not American. Still not content with them doing it to you or anyone else.

The CIA is only meant to operate outside the USA....

I bet they don't though.

The CIA is only meant to operate outside the USA....

JFK was in Dallas... but they didn't have anything to do with that... that would just be crazy talk.

"But I have nothing to hide."

That's the line from people that really grinds my gears.

The discomfort caused by understanding these truths is something every normie can equate to.

“I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there’s nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there’s no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

"The two highest achievements of the human mind are the twin concepts of “loyalty” and “duty.” Whenever these twin concepts fall into disrepute--get out of there fast. You may possibly save yourself, but it is too late to save that society. It is doomed."

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity." - RA Heinlein

CNN and others aren't even reporting on this. It is honestly disgusting.

I'd rather not call myself an american BECAUSE i'm not content with all of that. Being identified as american is starting to feel like a bad thing.

Fine, but if you think wikileaks are the good guys, you can't call yourself American either. They're influenced by Russia, just like the president. And that is the real story.

so what do i personally do about this?

CIA is rogue, always has been.

My question to you, un-American hero, how do you stop a deep seated rogue entity that controls everything from behind the shadows?

Rise up? Revolt? That'd take too much coordination, the average person isn't about to potentially lose their house/career over a small chance at stopping this entity they may not believe in.

In short, help with solutions to the problem like organizing people or get fucked and stop pandering.

I remember not too long ago people saying it was crazy that the government could remotely control cameras and mics on our devices, and only in a place like /r/conspiracy was it acceptable.

Are you now saying that if we believed the government has been spying on us through our technology then we are conditioned by the US Government?

Front Page: "GOP Rep Chaffetz says people can pay for healthcare by not buying new iphones. This man is a joke. People will die if this plan passes." by -r-esist.

what can anyone do about it though?

Being an American literally means you're from America.

Assange should be given a public apology by all of those that attacked him. Obama can go first, on his knees.

So what can we now do legally from here forward. Is there going to be anything that comes from this? I hope it red pills some people

"I have nothing to hide"

Okay, do you care if the CIA can access your phone and post on Twitter or take over control of your vehicle?

Okay, do you care if the CIA can access your phone and post on Twitter or take over control of your vehicle?

Well, why would they, if you have nothing to hide? If you're not a threat to national security, or whatever it is the CIA is trying to protect, what would be the point of the CIS accessing your phone, posting on your twitter, or taking control of your car?

You are assuming that all the CIA does is legal. If someone (Michael Hastings, etc) find out what they were doing is not legal then the CIA would have a reason. The people deserve to know if the government is trying to gain absolute power over the people.

Or just poop with the door open. Or Take off all of your clothes.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

For me, there is a missing link between "okay yes - everyone already knew this" and "the government is using this to control/murder/terrorize Americans"

I'm not saying it's not there, I'm just saying I'm not able to make that connection yet.

Have you heard of MKUltra? Operation northwoods? Project paperclip?

I've heard of the other two, but what was north woods?

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government, that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The plans detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.[2] The proposals were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[3]

Man, /r/politics is having an aneurysm.

How many "I BET /r/all, /r/politics, MSM wont even mention this" comments/threads do we need around here?

I am ready for the new world. I have had enough of this shit.

Thank you for posting this.

I thought I was the only one massively confused as to why there is an overwhelming amount of people on r/conspiracy right now trying to act like this isn't the biggest leak of a violation of our civil rights in history.

Have they read the third paragraph of the press release?:

Recently, the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized "zero day" exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation. This extraordinary collection, which amounts to more than several hundred million lines of code, gives its possessor the entire hacking capacity of the CIA. The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner




This is like finding out that we lost a bunch of nukes.


These are powerful cyber weapons, capable of not just creating a covert surveillance network and crashing cars and planes, but of shutting down power grids and sending us all back to the Stone Age in one instant.


These weapons are currently in the hands of hackers around the world, black and white hat, and probably a few governments as well. And the CIA sat on it, instead of letting the device manufactures know to fix these vulnerabilities.



So the only damn safe OS is OpenBSD. Usable if you use an Intel/AMD graphics cards, a bit of Linux knowledge ot install it and XFCE4 as the desktop so it looks close to Xubuntu.


But I'm not American?? (actual Australian here) so....

I didn't know r/conspiracy was now r/RepublicanPartyAmericanNationalists now???

They're spying on you too, bogan

He's still not an American

no one here is content. we knew this was happening, just not the how of it. this rabbit hole goes deeper, whether or not anyone (those that don't know/don't wanna know) gives a damn is what bothers me.

I find this sentiment interesting, because when Black people were saying that the CIA (and the FBI) were terrorizing them by various means (shoveling crack cocaine into their communities is up there among the worst CIA offences against them), people called them un-American and dismissed it all as whining and scapegoating. But now that the CIA has been shown to target everyone to some degree, now everyone is ready to revolt.

Can't wait for the leaks that show that Police officers are mostly gangbangers in uniform out to guarantee an arrest and conviction at any cost, even if it violates the 4th, 6th, and 13th amendments. Black people won't get credit for being the ones to point it out, but at least something might be done about it.

I never said anything like that about black people. In fact when I found out what was going on I was as disgusted as I am now, if not more so. Seems like a false narrative. I think it had less to do with race and more to do with people not believing the CIA/government would do this.

Seems like a false narrative.

It's not a false narrative just because you weren't part of the group who was saying those things. Everything is not about you.

I think it had less to do with race and more to do with people not believing the CIA/government would do this.

Here you go dismissing everything as "identity politics" if it has anything to do with the color of someone's skin. The disbelief was a combination of race and how the media was constantly hammering negative imagery of Black people and convincing everyone that the reason the CIA/FBI were terrorizing them was because they deserved it and because people didn't want to believe that government agencies would come after them some day as long as they were better than those Blacks who were getting arrested everyday on tv.

As LBJ famously said,"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

It's just as true then as it was before he said that and as it is now. Don't you dare try to dismiss the obvious racial motives that were at play here. You're part of the problem.

Wah wah wah. Don't I dare? Lmao. Maybe the media played the race card but let's be honest, it had way more to do with people just not believing the CIA would do this. You want to get all butt hurt and indignant and scream "race" go ahead, but I'm not interested in your faux outrage.

Attacking people won't get them to look at the bigger picture. It'll make the tune you out or defend their stance

I am an American.

I am happy the CIA can hack phones and Smart TVs, so long as they do so with a warrant.

Fuck calling yourself american anyway, OP should edit this to 'Human'.

Edward Snowden - "Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say".

Beautiful. Fucking beautiful

The man has a way with words.

That's false equivalence.

I very strongly disagree.

The comparison is an oversimplification and a complete willful ignorance of a multitude of additional factors and variables of each to attain a political goal.

If u voted for a white racist then don't call yourself one either :)

If you're talking about my post in the_donald, I only posted that so they would start believing that we are heading toward an Orwellian state. Although I did attempt to vote for Trump, however, my state fucked up my vote so it didn't count.

Anyway, doesn't matter. At this point I'm pretty sure he's a zionist puppet.

Nah I didn't go through your history. I just assumed you were a stupid white dude crying abt surveillance.

why are people even okay with it? Were they okay with the Snowden's NSA leaks too? or is it because they somehow think this is political

last I checked they were only doing this to non usa types

You really believe that?

Freedom = Slavery

Nothing we can do, unless you live off the grid. But the last time I checked, it hasn't stopped me from living my life how I want too.

I'm inclined to believe that this is just the beginning. There is simply no need for a mass surveillance state. We are heading toward 1984.

I think we are already in a 1984 state and the public is waking up to it. But again, what can an average person do about it.

Wrong. If you are Content with the CIA Hacking our Phones and Smart TVs, Please do not Call Yourself a Citizen.

Actually its the other way around. A citizen is is a fictional character in the governments role of rulership. The correct definition is "One of the people" Not American, and not citizen unless you want to exchange benefits and villages for rights and freedoms. Something you do when you become a citizen of a state. People are sovereign, not subject to any state or insitution.

Yo fuck John Brennan the director of the CIA. He needs to resign. Everyone start calling out that mother fucker.

He's not the director....

Oh, who is now?

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Pompeo

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 40705

Fuck that guy

A similar unit targets Google's Android which is used to run the majority of the world's smart phones (~85%) including Samsung, HTC and Sony. 1.15 billion Android powered phones were sold last year. "Year Zero" shows that as of 2016 the CIA had 24 "weaponized" Android "zero days" which it has developed itself and obtained from GCHQ, NSA and cyber arms contractors.These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the "smart" phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.

Can I please get a TD;LR of this whole situation and how I can protect myself? I have been working all day, plus she only knowing basic HTML I'm kinda lost just reading any info on it. What are the implications? What can I do?

Reminds me of this quote:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Add that quote to my site, good one.

Seriously guys, please stop buying smart TVs.

If you dont want these things in your life, do not suppor them with your time, money, and energy.

We allow these things to come into our lives by our actions or in actions. Everything is really our responsibility, there is no excuse for what we are dealing with today but our own ability to be responsible for what we have allowed to be created.


Hey govt, stop using OUR taxdollars to fucking spy on us. I'm not sure if that would work. I get the premise of the site you linked, but we're not dealing with a fast food restaurant here. We're dealing with a corrupt govt.

Please stop with the, "We voted for this, we did this". That's complete BS. These are psychopaths we're dealing with.

Aside from that though, what can we realistically do?

This is one of those things that people dont want to accept no matter how its put to them. The fact of the matter is everything that is being done, is our fault. we allow it to continue by our consent. If you really want this to stop you will stop assuming the role of a tax payer, you will stop paying money to government for any service it provides, and you will stop spreading their talking points. Divestment works. It's working with Israel, and it will work for government just as well. This country (U.S) operates by consent of the governed. Stop consenting.

Baby Boomers: if it's not on or in MSM it's a conspiracy theory Baby Boomers: everything today is a conspiracy theory

Imagine we had Wikileaks when JFK was shot and that mass murderer LBJ who had him killed in a state where he has tremendous power

correction - Zionist Jews had JFK killed when he tried to audit the Federal Reserve and inspect the nuclear site in Dimona. Zionist Jews run the media and world finance and through that control opinion and buy all parts of our government. It's been a plan in the making for hundreds of years but their complete control is post WW2, please don't confuse this.

thats right

So what do we do about it?

/r/conspiracy vindicated again for the 100th time this year alone after being called crazy the last decade. Can't believe this knowledge is getting mainstream now. What timeline is this?

Year Zero. The redpills are served in mass, Alex Jones is a credible source, CNN is called very fake news and everyone knows their devices are spying on them.

Ok... i'm not an American

But i'm not an American

Accidentally clicked on the threads r/news and it amazed me how many people are like "doesn't bother me" "nothing to hide here" I felt my anxiety going up quickly

Fucking beautiful. i do nt trust this shit.

I used to be one of those people that would say "people who have nothing to hide shouldn't care if the government can spy on you".

I have seen the light though. This is scary shit. I hope and pray Trump somehow can get rid of this

He is pro state survellance

Except, this is dishonest outrage. I'd love for conservatives to hate authoritarian privacy invasion. Where is your outrage at the Patriot Act? Are you okay with the NSA doing it? All of the spying was authorized after 9/11 on the GOP's watch. (Yes Obama ramped it up too). But you have to admit, it's hysterical that it's just the CIA. So intellectually dishonest. You guys are so funny. Why does the GOP hate the agency responsible for investigating Trump's Russia connections? Gee, I wonder....

The Democrats didn't shut it down so what's your point?

Trump won't shut it down either.

Checks and balances. Congress could. The Supreme Court could.

Zionist Jews own the Executive - check...

Zionist Jews own the Legislative - check...

Zionist Jews own the Judiciary - check...

those are the checks while our balances of every American trends to zero.

Everything being done in Washington is to score bullshit political points or line their pockets. The new "awakening" is really a bunch of zombies driven by the latest fad in Washington. I do not see anyone making an honest criticism of the entire spectrum of the hacking that is taking place, only playing partisan politics.

How do I know if my Samsung KU 7000 model is "pwned"...I was always suspicious the mosad was listening in....(I live in TLV)

There are laws in America. They went beyond the law. If you are in trouble because of this, then lawyer up. I don't think the CIA thought this through and I'm glad they are being exposed.The CIA looks pretty dumb at this point.

Did they hack Americans phones or cars? Why wouldn't I want them to have the most up to date cyber-warfare techniques? Do you freak out because our govt also has nukes and WMDs and could vaporize your city if it wanted to?

Look up Michael Hashting's death. Also lol @ your logic. Welcome to 1984. Giving up your liberties for "freedom". Pathetic.

If they are actively using against American citizens - my reaction would be a 180. If this is proof they have the equivalent of cyber-WMDs in their arsenal and use/don't use them responsibly - then my reaction is more measured. Is that hard to understand?

They aren't actively hacking everybody they just have the ability to hack everyone which was blatantly obvious for years.


I'm not content with it, but I'd still rather not call myself an American.

My life is pretty boring, and I have nothing to hide, but it's bothersome nonetheless that I no longer have a reasonable expectation of privacy (what constitution?). I am also offended that I need to have my nutsack jiggled before I can fly to my parents house, that I have to show an ID for almost every transaction, and that my economic and on-line activities are tracked and data based.

I don't necessarily worry about that faceless entity we call "the government", I am more concerned with the people who have access to the data. We all know that people are horrible, and it's the thought that lots of cubicle-dwelling weirdos will have instant access to my life.

Your assessment is accurate, and terrifying.

Make their work harder. Cover your cameras

Saying you have nothing to hide is like saying it is OK to give up your freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.

Why would a tv need a microphone inside it? What is the companys answer?

B-b-but its going to stop terror attacks?!?!1

If you're doing nothing wrong youll have nothing to hide. Who needs privacy

The problem is no one cares. I tried telling a few people about this today and all of them rolled their eyes, said it was fake news or said everyone knew that anyway.

The CIA are not the only ones doing this shit. People in the USA need to wake the fuck up. All you scumbag veterans that get paid to help these government agencies break the constitution should be ashamed to call yourselves patriots.

Found the person whos never served. Why dont you give up your life and fight the very thing youre disgusted by? All talk hiding behind a keyboard. What a sad existance. I take pity on you.

Something tells me this isn't supposed to be just applied to Americans. This sounds more like a world wide effort.

So telescreens are real and we all paid for them.

I just dont care tbh

What if I just don't care

I am with the federation of mankind. I am okay with this.

Thank you, HELYEAH!!

I'm not concerned about the information that was leaked. I know I should be though. I just have so much going on I can't worry about it. Besides that, I don't know what I can do to stop it. I mean, even if we manage to get the CIA to say they won't do it, what's stopping them? So friends, help me be concerned and active and tell me what can I do.

Trump was fine with it when he said Snowden should be killed for exposing it.

I mean it's news, but it isn't. I mean, you have to be pretty damn naive to think that we knew the NSA was up to this years ago, but would never suspect the CIA.

I agree that this is a massive break of privacy if these tools were being used.

However in the spirit of discussion. How would you feel if they developed these capabilites but did not use them(lol). That they were developed:

  1. To use in times of actual all out cyber war between us and a rival super power (china/Russia).

  2. In order to develop countermeasures.

  3. To see what the practical limits of these types of attacks would be.

The United States has nuclear weapons but doesn't use them on its citizens, if this was developed with the same outcome in mind, but only used in a similar situation would you find that acceptable? Obviously it is difficult to tell if these were used as opposed to a nuke, but at least in theory.

The problem is what as Americans can we do. I feel like there is nothing we can do at all and to me that's most frustrating

So now we see that last year when rand Paul's hair was on fire over this shit he wasn't blowing smoke. He was telling us what they are doing.

Which kindas looks like the Central Intelligence Agency down.


Well said.

And if you're fine with people taking away our guns.

I don't disagree with this post at all, however; we still buy smart phones and smart tvs. This isn't a new concept. There's been a piece of ductape on my laptop's webcam since 2011. Bitch about it all you want, but until you're truely ready to dump technology, it means absolutely nothing to complain about it. Read the fine print. They disclose all of this to us.

We need to produce&buy products that not only protect our privacy but take steps to actively prevent others from invading it. Whether you work for a firm that makes these products or if you intend on purchasing these products, we need to start demanding it.

Cool post. You should also give some advice to people since you have the answers....

When did I claim to have the answers. However, I am thinking of solutions. It'll take multiple people though. People near me.

Well I mean the solution is get rid of all your electronics and new cars. Weird to call someone un-american if they can't do that. Not trying to troll you but was looking for legit answers from such a strongly worded title to a post.

The solution is not to get rid of electronics and new cars. If the CIA wasn't a bunch of psychopathic fucks we wouldn't have this problem. We have to rise up and tell them we're not playing their game. Which will be extremely difficult. Surrendering is not the answer. The government can't just violate our 4th amendment. That's like if the CIA said they were going to search your house without a warrant, YOUR solution would be to let them in your house? I have a feeling if you own guns you'd be the first to give them up.

Rise up and tell them you aren't playing their game? What does that even mean? I'm not disagreeing that this isn't a huge problem but you aren't giving any valid answers or suggestions to any of this.

It's a better answer than letting the govt trample your rights. I don't have all the answers.

Fair enough

CIA databases are full of audio of people singing in their car, video of people browsing Facebook whilst shitting their guts out and more audio of folks jacking off on their couch. Nice use of resources.

I predict this will be used for much more sinister purposes in the future. I truly think we're heading toward an Orwellian state. I think this mass surveillance will be used to target those that are against the govt. I'm sure many of us here are already on a list. There is absolutely no need for a mass surveillance state, especially when I believe that the war on terror is a hoax.

We are living in interesting times. This is not normal.

I predict your prediction is already correct and obama and his surrogates all have these capabilities. There was a crazy story awhile back that Trumps leaks may have come from his android phone.

is it only limited to America ?

This is global friendo

any suggestions on good tv brands anyone? lol

Why does the revelation that they have these tools automatically lead you to draw the conclusion that they have been used against (all/any) of the American people

Evidence mounts showing CIA & FBI knew about catastrophic weaknesses in the most-used smartphones in America, but kept them open -- to spy. -Edward Snowden

Also look into Michael Hashting's death.

if you are trying to help cover up trumps Russian ties you are a traitor.

Who said the CIA was doing that? These tools would be for using outside of the USA. Now the NSA and FBI are another story but I saw nothing that showed the CIA doing anything inside the USA.

Evidence mounts showing CIA & FBI knew about catastrophic weaknesses in the most-used smartphones in America, but kept them open -- to spy. -Edward Snowden

I've been on a rant all day how children have phones so the CIA must be knowingly collecting child nudity. WTF

Funny how this all comes out TODAY, and my 2 year old Viziyoooo notified me TODAY that it was collecting data and I can turn this feature off...

The good thing is that so far it doesn't look like tech companies are willingly give out the info.

The bad thing is that the government has more resources than most tech companies and can walk past security implementations with out setting off any red flags.

Well I'm glad I have you guys. Everyone on my facebook page don't give a shit. I've seen them bitch and complain about more trivial things. It takes away my faith in my fellow citizens that when a real threat appears that impacts us all they are not taking a stand.

With all said and done how much is too much? Where is the line or do we keep playing the wait game to see how much liberties we can lose?

Amazing, the American spying agency has the potential to...spy! Gasp!

At this point who the hell cares what the Kremlin's mouthpiece WikiLeaks has to say, well besides the Russian shills themselves?

Wait wait wait, is there direct evidence already discovered in Vault 7 that definitively shows the CIA was using these exploits against American citizens on US soil?

I mean, of course they are, but is there a memo or something in the 8,000+ pages that says, "And here's where it's illegal!"?

Shut up. This jingoistic, nationalist, patriotism is a fucking lie to keep you divided, to keep you fearful of “the other”.

We’ll all human beings and Americans need to stop acting like they are the “good guys” or being American means you are the “good guys” the whole world hates and resents you, with good reason.

I love the concept of America, but still, you’re just as much a villain as the rest of them.

Everyone's against spying ... until Wikileaks publishes leaks on HRC etc., I mean isn't the word on the street saying that it was the FBI/NSA/ABCDEFG agency that was fed up with all her corruption that they weren't supposed to know. So for the first time I thought, thank goodness they were spying.

Look, I get it, the privacy of our citizens is important, NONE of us law-abiding citizens should be monitored by the government. I'd go so far as to saying even criminals shouldn't be monitored unless a warrant is obtained. That is why I am glad that DOMESTIC SURVEILLANCE IS ILLEGAL in our country. And I hope we never have a President like Bush again who will overstep legal boundaries to have the NSA spy on us like he did in 2005.

But if you are going to rally against the CIA and try to get rid of it, understand this. You have no idea how many American lives the CIA has saved with it's intelligence gather techniques. Has it killed with it too? I don't doubt it, but i'd be willing to bet that the amount of American lives saved vs. the amount of Americans lives taken by the CIA would be somewhere in the 100:1 ratio.

And here's the other thing, if you don't think our enemies are using methods way more nefarious and intrusive against the US you know nothing about how this world works. Russia, China, Middle-Eastern Dictator countries have all done worse. And they would LOVE to get their hands on CIA methods, luckily for them Assange has allowed this to happen.

For the CIA haters I ask a simple question: What exactly do you want to happen to the CIA? For them to be disbanded and for us to have no Intelligence gathering abilities? Or maybe you want the CIA replaced with one that's all gumdrops and lollipops, that don't have such vast intelligence gathering methods. Maybe their techniques could be to just ask REALLY REALLY nicely, "hey can you give us some intel on what your country is planning against us?"

Understand this, today's wars are fought with information. The CIA's DUTY to the American People is to keep pace in this war and considering the strength, wealth, and intelligence of our nation I would expect them to be the BEST country in the world at intelligence gathering. Why would we expect any less of our country, who's responsibility it is to protect us.

Shotguns are about $220 used or shitty new ones.

A box of shells is about $20.

I had friends say "I don't care what the CIA is doing" when I brought it up, then they went right back to whining about Trump. How can you not care that you're being spied on 24/7/365?

Call yourself an American't.

(I'll show myself out.)

providing proof for past and present conspiracies.

Point well taken. I guess for people like me, I wholeheartedly believed that the government was partaking in mass surveillance, and I thought the bulk of /r/conspiracy did too, so this kinda feels like a "duh" thing to me. But I guess I didn't take into consideration that it adds proof for some people who would have otherwise denied it.

Like I guess for me it just feels like old news and it just reinforces how I thought the government functions.

You're operating under the premise that the government has our best interest in mind. This is demonstrably not true.

"Use any means necessary" is getting us closer and closer to an Orwellian society.

Wtf?! You're kidding right.....these leaks show they do operate without warrants.

Nope. That's why the CIA is about to be splintered to the wind.

You need to remember that the weapons that are supposed to be for enemies of the country are always, eventually, turned on their own people. This has held true throughout every civilization/empire that has ever existed.

But by whom? Do you think the CIA has broken the law and used these on citizens?

I think we are already in a 1984 state and the public is waking up to it. But again, what can an average person do about it.

The man has a way with words.

You are assuming that all the CIA does is legal. If someone (Michael Hastings, etc) find out what they were doing is not legal then the CIA would have a reason. The people deserve to know if the government is trying to gain absolute power over the people.

You really believe that?

Well, in some cases DNA has overturned convictions and you've had cops who won't admit they were wrong and on some cases will even say that they believed that person was dangerous and it's okay that they were off the streets, even if it wasn't for that crime.

In some cases, individuals are just so set in their ways that they'd never admit they were wrong. Doesn't matter if their actions fucked up a bunch of lives for years.

Glad we agree we shouldn't try to normalize the actions of the CIA just because "we knew about it."

Oh, the leaks are terrifying.

I predict this will be used for much more sinister purposes in the future. I truly think we're heading toward an Orwellian state. I think this mass surveillance will be used to target those that are against the govt. I'm sure many of us here are already on a list. There is absolutely no need for a mass surveillance state, especially when I believe that the war on terror is a hoax.

We are living in interesting times. This is not normal.

True. Today they would call him a terrorist for clearing out the temple and saying things like it is harder for a rich man to enter heaven then for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle.

No i wont