Vault 7 release is the biggest news today with far reaching implications. The story is all over reddit and being discussed in dozens of subs. Its on the front page of /r/all and dozens of subs....except one: /r/politics. Coincidence?

153  2017-03-07 by [deleted]



I saw several on there a couple hours back when I sorted by new...

And the only comments are "the Russians!!!"

The shillbots control r/politics.

Still nothing on CNN or msnbc. Fox news is first major media outlet I've seen report it.

Yep just checked. Can't say I'm surprised though. They don't even hide their bias anymore. It's on the front page of though.

It is?? Good. Glad to hear CBS is semi enlightened.

Yeah I was pleasantly surprised myself. Not only that but the article managed to give unbiased reporting on the leaks, all without mentioning Russia or Trump.

/r/politics is such a joke now. I remember a couple years go Edward Snowden was a god on a sub like that. Now they would probably call him a Russian spy.

crickets on MSM, wonder if anything will be said.

Wrong! They have a Buzzfeed article titled:

No, Wikileaks Didn't Just Reveal That The Government Has Access To Your Secure Messaging Apps

See? they're covering it.

It's also on RT and Spiegel (German).

To be fair it is about CIA hacking tools, not really anything "political". If would belong more in something like /r/news than /r/politics.

It has incredibly dense political implications.

You're right. This article about spending $775 dollars on Apple equipment is more relevant.

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Did the hearing happen? Outcome? Or is this a secret hearing with secret results?

Top of that article says the hearing was postponed.

Did the hearing happen? Outcome? Or is this a secret hearing with secret results?