With Vault7, we now know *the CIA and the Deep State* are more a threat to the American electorate than any supposed "Russian hacking".

217  2017-03-07 by [deleted]



Well, many of us already knew this (but had no real proof). Now we do.

Yes, it is sad.

Well, since it's inside maybe we can fix it.

And get back to a better America that many of us remember.

what exactly is a better America?

An America that more of us rightly had faith in.........

it's the same America, we just have more information now than then.. you know what they say, ignorant is a bliss.

Uh...one without a corrupt CIA that does nothing good!

Maybe it is Revolution Time! :-)

yes! but no violence. with violence, police will beat demonstrators - and BOTH parties are middle class! the 1% will love that, while we fight EACH OTHER.

hack and leak. that's more effective.

violence is the last hope of the 1%.

Yes, I agree. No violence would be the best way. :-)

People forget the CIA is not some rogue entity operating without boundaries. It's still a tentacle of the global government. They use it to bring down governments, kill dissent, bribe leaders, ship in drugs, launder money. All under the guise of secrecy. But it's STILL part of the new world order, it still has global government as the ultimate goal. It's a vehicle of the globalists, remember that.

Yes, I know. We need to get rid of it because of that.

Isn't it a shame that 1000 or so people think they know what's best for 360 million people.


American citizens on the whole will do nothing about this confirmed information. Most people will feel it doesn't affect their lives directly and will still continue just worrying about their life and the micro stresses and problems they face. This isn't a big enough thing to really get people mad. That's what is really sad. People simply aren't going to react much to this beyond the initial "oh wow" and then move on with business as usual. The system is designed to keep you so preoccupied with just keeping your head above water that there's hardly any energy or time to focus on justice.

As a CS major I have the knowledge and ability to protect my self from this, But as a CS major I am lazy as fuck ...

You may have the knowledge to be aware of it, but I don't see it as likely that you know how to lock down all of your mobile devices effectively, or that it is even possible.

If you have them rooted and unlocked you have access to the core processes you can create a white list of what runs on your device, also on Windows make sure you prevent PowerShell scrips to run as administrator. Another layer is to have your router(or a RBPI) sniff your network traffic, making sure you trace where every pakege is been sent to and alert you if any strange traffic happens. Basically you need to figure out what are the basic programs and script you need to run so that you can still navigate the interwebes... On the Samsung TV or any smart TV don't connect it to your internet special the china branded sets they probably sending data to China ( this goes for routers, web cams, and any Internet of things they come from there((not saying that Sony or American brands are not doing the same). If you whant to be secure you need Linux and a good understanding on what runs and how it runs. If you have nothing to hide then fuck it they are not going to steal your I'd . (They probably just want meta data to see what you are watching and determine if you would do somthing if they did something bad)

Most of those solutions are specifically mentioned as compromised in today's leaks.

Please you make it sound like Computers are this magical black boxes that nobody knows what runs on them. Programs are programs and they only work by running by a set of rules Zero Day flaws are holes on the rules or a different interpretinon of the rules that was not expected. If you own the box you can set the rules and the exploits they discuss are irelavent .... If you have a Windows environment you don't own the core , if there is a bug in the core where you can run processes with out the controlleres registering them, there is nothing you could do. But if you own the kernel and you know that only set number of programs run then if you have an extra you know you are compromised

Herp derp, first year CS major knows more than the CIA. Vote for this guy.

Lol you are such a Hater...

American citizen, non /r/conspiracy subscriber here from /r/rising because I'm bored.

Yeah... I don't care and I'm not going to do anything at this point. I'm not shocked that the CIA builds intelligence-gathering capabilities. If it doesn't affect my life or concretely affect the future of the country, why should I care, really? More important political things to worry about, like income inequality, global warming, and geopolitics.

There's also the non-zero possibility that WikiLeaks has been completely co-opted or even was always a tool of state actors. I'm not saying that I'm sure Russia owns WikiLeaks, but I do find it suspicious that all of WikiLeaks' content is targeted at Russian adversaries but never at Russia or her allies. Given that we know for certain that Russia is not a global paragon of individual liberty, that raises my eyebrows a tad.

It feel so wonderful to not be the crazy conspiracy guy anymore.

Don't get too comfortable with that feeling. Soon enough some other scandal will break, we crazy conspiracy people will call it out for being what it is, a conspiracy, and we will be heckled endlessly by everyone calling us conspiritards, and then a month later a leak will happen that confirms that it was a conspiracy the whole time, and then the same masses that called us conspiritards will say they knew it was a conspiracy the whole time.

It's a cycle you start to notice if you've been in the conspiracy game long enough.

Yes public, be mad at Wikileaks for leaking DNC information that revealed the DNC as being corrupt. Don't be mad about the corruption, be mad about the leaks! The Russians, the Russians!

Yes public, be mad at Wikileaks for leaking CIA information that revealed our tactics to our enemies. Don't be mad about the tactics! The Russians leaked this to help Trump, the Russians!

Don't look at the man behind the curtain, people. 🙄

No, they are both a threat. It shouldn't be one or the other.

An America that more of us rightly had faith in.........

Uh...one without a corrupt CIA that does nothing good!
