Wiki-leaks clearly State sponsored/directed

0  2017-03-08 by Magnumag

American Patriotism wielded like a knife in the most terrifyingly effective propoganda/psyops campaign ever contrived. If you don't think wiki-leaks is state sponsored at this point... I don't know what to say.

-Undermine American Democracy -Deligitimize the American Intelligence community

Who benefits? I mean, the leaks have been far from an unbiased look into the seedy underbelly of world politics at large, and more a focused tool with a singular purpose.

Sorry to say to you veterans of "The Great Meme War" but you were moat likely an unknowing weapon in the Russian propaganda war.


U still think russia hacked the election. Sorry this sub failed you

It's still entirely possible and needs to be investigated.

It'as astounding how much some people are clinging to the Russia narrative.

It's astounding how much some people are looking to brush it under the rug without investigation. It's possible it was the CIA, it's possible it was Russia.

Your bias is showing.

It's been investigated exhaustively, and the links between Russia and the Clintons/globalists is compelling. It doesn't connect to Trump though. All of that has already been fully debunked.

It's compelling to you because it confirms your pre-conceived notions. It absolutely has NOT been fully debunked.

No it's compelling to me because I've been investigating ties with Russia since Hillary Clinton cheated to become the Democratic nominee. While you were cheering on fascism and child-rape, I was actually doing the thing that you claim needs to be done.

You're an investigator? What are your qualifications? Where have you published your findings?

No, I'm pretty sure you're just a wannabe with an inflated ego and false sense of superiority.

We're all investigators and the work is collaborative. It's r/conspiracy, for christ's sake. I have degrees in computer science, accounting, and linguistics. All that is required of investigator, however, is a logical mind, a hunger for information, and a talent for problem-solving.

Forgive me for not just taking the word of a random internet stranger.

You're forgiven, now back to your corporate overlords before you are missed.

Whoever the mystery hacker is (and I have my severe doubts the election was hacked), they didn't stop Hillary from campaigning in the Rust Belt. They didn't rig the DNC primary against Bernie and alienate half of the Democratic voters in this country.

Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign. This "hacking" narrative is designed to deflect any and all blame for the 2016 away from the DNC. Anyone who disagrees is living in deep denial.

It's completely irrelevant if she would have hypothetically won or not. If someone is interfering with our elections it's a big deal.

If someone is interfering with our elections it's a big deal.

It only became a "big deal" when Hillary lost. The DNC certainly didn't care when the Saudis interfered in our election by dumping tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.

I am not a Democrat and I didn't vote for Hillary. The election is over, stop using her as a deflection.

I will stop bringing her up when justice is served for her many crimes.

Classic deflection. Any time a discussion isn't going your way you'll cry "What about Hillary!"

As long as the DNC and their useful idiots keep bringing up Russia, I'll keep bringing up her massive campaign failures, Saudi donations, and crimes. That's what they're trying to deflect from in the first place.

It's cute that you can't see that you're being a useful idiot for the other side.

I'm on the side of truth and it appears we're winning.

Winning what exactly? How incredibly naive.

Until we see some real evidence, I find it to be just a narrative. If they had smoking gun evidence of Trump colluding with Russian officials they would have come out before the election.

I thought we were in /r/conspiracy , not /r/ConfirmedFacts .

Assuming they have more about Russia/Trump than what is currently in public view, why would they wait to release it?

That's the point of an investigation. Everything's not going to just fall in your lap.

In your opinion who should be the agency to conduct these investigations?

I'm not sure; but, the people claiming it 100% wasn't Russia are just as biased as those claiming it 100% was.

C'mon you want it investigated... who should investigate it?

I don't have a legal or criminal justice background, I don't know exactly who should do the investigation. That doesn't mean we just forget about it.

Yeah, but if it is actually a subject that is near and dear to your heart as this one appears to be you should spend more time reading up on the USIC and legal system, and less time pointlessly bitching about it.

So unless I am personally able to run the investigation I should just keep my mouth shut? Sit and spin buddy.

No... you just need to take the appropriate steps to educate yourself so that if you wish to contact someone in a government office to voice your opinion in any meaningful way you will know what you are talking about and who to talk to.

This is the new campaign. De-legitimize wikileaks and label this sub T_D 2.0.

They started hitting us hard with this BS after that lull we experienced right after the release.

10 years of Wikileaks... these Russians are the masters of the long con, I guess... ingenious!

All they needed was a shit candidate to run against. How long does that take?

Every 4 years.

when is the last time wikileaks leaked anything from Russia?

I dunno... most of their documents appear to be from english speaking origins. Maybe Russia deals with classified document theft a bit more strictly than America does.

what if I told you that they use to leak Russian stuff until Russia threatened them, and since then they haven't release anything from Russia and Assange got on show on RT right after that.

America has threatened him and then he got an interview on Fox... I don't read Russian so I can't really delve too deep into that rabbit hole without relying upon someone else translating for me... which ain't how I roll.

But you can keep playing this role if ya wanna... it's a good hypothesis... just you ain't gonna gain any traction with it around these parts. Try /r/politics/ they will eat it right up over there.

like I care about what T_D people believe.

Ooooh... that a fresh conspiracy... T_D controls /r/politics/? I can get on board with that... they purposefully make the opposition look like out of touch nutcases in the midst of a mental breakdown... interesting take... now that is an original theory... you should make a topic about it.

wasn't talking about politics.

Oh ya can't bring up T_D without bring up some politics... WTF are you talking about again? Oh yeah... Russia hacked the election... have you checked out /r/politics/? You'd love it there... wrapped tight in a sweater of love like only yer grandma could knit.

This is not true. What was stated prior to the cable leaks was that Russians will learn a lot about their country. And they did, there is plenty of information there about Russian oil companies, and diplomats. It was never stated that they have Russian data that they will leak.

sure, believe what you want.

until Wikileaks release something about FSB or Putin, I'll think of them as anti-west propaganda. They already decided not to release GOP/Trump emails a while ago, they have little to no credibility left with me at least. It's not only about the stuff they release, it's also about the stuff they choose not to release.

You must release all the russian top secret files that you have... or else we all just have to assume you are an old school KGB holdout.

I will try to limit my judgments to the evidence which is the following:

Here is Forbes interview from November 2010:

The Russian press has reported that you plan to target Russian companies and politicians. I've heard from other WikiLeaks sources that this was blown out of proportion.

It was blown out of proportion when the FSB reportedly said not to worry, that they could take us down. But yes, we have material on many business and governments, including in Russia. It's not right to say there's going to be a particular focus on Russia.

All of this starts with this article in the CS Monitor:

Where two quotes are attributed to Wikileaks from the Russian press.

"We have [compromising materials] about Russia, about your government and businessmen," Mr. Assange told the pro-government daily Izvestia. "But not as much as we'd like... We will publish these materials soon."

He then dropped a hint that's likely to be nervously parsed in Russia's corridors of power: "We are helped by the Americans, who pass on a lot of material about Russia," to WikiLeaks, he said.


"Assange and another WikiLeaks spokesperson, Kristinn Hrafnsson, who talked to the daily Kommersant Tuesday, refused to provide details. "Russians are going to find out a lot of interesting facts about their country," Mr. Hrafnsson told Kommersant, adding that WikiLeaks would soon be targeting "despotic regimes in China, Russia, and Central Asia"

Here is the Russian version of Kommersant:

We find the following:

Even when you run WikiLeaks Julian Assange wrote in a letter to potential investors that "the main target of the project will be despotic regimes in Russia, China and Central Asia." Now the Russian section of the site does not contain any important documents. "We have a lot of time spent on the work of the Afghan and Iraqi papers, but as soon as we deal with them, will be able to resume work on other regions, - he promised to" Kommersant "Christine Hrafnson.- I think that Russian readers will learn a lot about their country" . WikiLeaks spokesman hoped that the resource will attract the attention of the holders of classified information from Russia. "China has already reacted," - happily said "Kommersant" Kristin Hrafnsson. Yesterday it was reported that Chinese dissidents have announced their intention to launch a resource with information about exposing human rights violations by the Chinese authorities.

The important point being the following:

WikiLeaks spokesman hoped that the resource will attract the attention of the holders of classified information from Russia.

This seems to imply that they don't have info to release, rather wish to concentrate on Eurasia, and hope that people will leak info.

The Izvestia article is not available.

Of course there are numerous cables about Russia and Putin available that inform us about real geopolitics for example:

C) Gazprom announced on October 22 that it may have trouble refinancing some of its debts and obtaining needed new loans. The announcement was the latest in a recent string of news indicating Russia's oil and gas sector may be seriously affected by deteriorating conditions in financial markets.

C) Summary: As is often the case in Russia's relations with its neighbors and former Soviet comrades, Moscow's decision to shut-off crude deliveries to Lithuania's Mazeikiu Nafta (MN) refinery in the wake of a July 29 oil spill along the Druzhba pipeline (Ref C) appears driven by a mix of geopolitical revenge and common-place commercial considerations. The good news may be that there is little more the Russians can do to worsen the situation (like cut off shipments from Primorsk to Butinge) and the refinery is unlikely to fold. The bad news is that refinery profits are likely to suffer until there is another shift in the oil delivery paradigm facing MN. End Summary

In addition to this total, the GOB demands that any company supplying crude oil to the two Belarusian refineries must sell a set portion of the refined product to Belarusian enterprises, many of whom are state owned, at discounted prices. End summary.

(C) Describing his experiences working in a small ConocoPhillips(CP)-Lukoil joint venture, a CP employee said his Russian counterparts cling to inefficient central planning approaches to business operations. He also noted problems of favoritism, corruption, and a disregard for principles of worker and environmental health and safety. He said that CP intervenes when it can, but that changing the working culture in Russia is an uphill battle. End Summary.

So the claim was that they will provide information about Russia and they did. There is no evidence that they are sitting on Trump/Gop data other than statements that they have received documents that are already in the public domain.

Even if it was all sponsored by Russia.. does it matter? Our government is apparently already run by a shadow party, and they have betrayed the public. I don't particularly want to be conquered by a foreign state, but by the looks of it, we were already conquered by what amounts to as a rogue terrorist organization/mafia (CIA) - at least we are getting some tidbits of the truth right now- this will give a chance for actual Patriots to fight back

I'm right there with you, how can common men stand up to an entity with those tools, I get it, it's fucked and needs to be addressed. This post is just about putting the likely pieces together. It all fits and isn't too convenient. If everything is on point (this is r/conspiracy) that could mean the US president is complicit.

Never thought I'd see people defending the CIA on this sub

I don't see OP defending the CIA here. This could be a war between two equally evil organizations, Russian Intelligence and US intelligence. I'm undecided as to what's going on here, it's pretty hard to see through all the smoke.

Ok so first off i dont buy the Russian boogeyman thing. Even if i did i would consider them more so heroes than an enemy. Why do some folks deny legit information when considering who or where it came from. Who cares if the Russians exposed it all...It is being exposed. What does this mean? Does it mean there are 2 enemies? America for the content of the leaks AND Russia for stealing those leaks in order to expose them? That doesnt sound right to me. How is what wikileaks is doing different from Edward Snowden? Is Edward Snowden a Russian agent too? What about Chelsea Manning? Russian Agent? How far do we have to go before we see the big picture that America is the bad guy and has been for centuries?

Democracy is dead. It should be undeniable at this point. All these wikileaks are pointing at American politics being a facade. We knew it was true, now we are seeing evidence confirming our beliefs. A criminal cabal is in control profiteering endlessly so long as they get away with it.

Quick, somebody call Q and have him fashion me an Aston Martin with headlights shaped like nipples that release Sarin gas.

Go back to your James Bond novel.

Don't do that.

I mean, Russia being a stereotypical and historical enemy of the US doesn't mean they absolutely can't be one now. Of all the reasons to doubt the Russia narrative this is the weirdest.

But it's something that I've personally looked into, debunked repeatedly, and still regularly see.

There is a connection between Russia and Clinton that everybody ignores, but there is no connection between Russia and Trump; and to top it off, the CIA is capable of making any web based attack look as though it comes from Russia (a country that is basically on Mexico's level in terms of cyber-capability). It's therefore irrational to accuse Trump of Russian collaboration when most of the Democratic establishment is still in control, definitively connected to Russia, and controlling the media to make it look like Trump is doing exactly what they are doing.

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Warriors are always someone else's weapons - memewarriors included. If you think that surprises people, you missed a few details.

Russia and the USA are both run by the same shadow world government, have been for a long time now.

It's pretty obvious looking back in history, not the history in the school text books but the parts they leave out.

There is a reason why Russia, USA, UK, France and China have permenent seats on the UN.

OK bub. Scratch your ass in front of your SmartTV in your underwear (for all the CIA nerds to see) if you want, but not me. You save us from those Ruskies.

America has threatened him and then he got an interview on Fox... I don't read Russian so I can't really delve too deep into that rabbit hole without relying upon someone else translating for me... which ain't how I roll.

But you can keep playing this role if ya wanna... it's a good hypothesis... just you ain't gonna gain any traction with it around these parts. Try /r/politics/ they will eat it right up over there.

This is not true. What was stated prior to the cable leaks was that Russians will learn a lot about their country. And they did, there is plenty of information there about Russian oil companies, and diplomats. It was never stated that they have Russian data that they will leak.

wasn't talking about politics.