Anti-Trump story with 7K goes to #1 on Reddit, Vault 7 story with 34K doesn't crack top 15.

1157  2017-03-08 by MaGiiKStudios


Probably has to do with the time. Posts that get a ton of votes really fast tend to shoot up.

You should look into how the algorithm works, and pull your head out of your ass.

Enlighten me.

Thanks for reminding us that the algorithm was changed specifically to remove r/the_donald from the mainpage. To put them into a ghetto so to say.

Now they have many anti-Trump subreddits that constantly hit the mainpage.

to remove r/the_donald from the mainpag

You mean to make it so /r/all wasn't 80% /r/the_donald.

Frontpage have become a mess after they changed the algorithm

How does it work?

I'm not sure why you got downvoted for pointing out that reddit is manipulating the algorithm to favor certain voices over others. That complaint is basically the one the OP is making, after all.

the_donald user complains on /r/conspiracy about /r/all

Fucking hilarious.

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Obvious. 0/10.

You must be new.

Just amused to see how openly they can operate here

How openly who can operate here?


So because people voted for President Trump they can't post here or are automatically labeled shills?

Fuck outta here with

Get over the election and the left right paradigm. You're a smart person. Come on.

So because people voted for President Trump they can't post here or are automatically labeled shills?

Sure they can post here.

It's just suspicious when exactly the same posts get posted here and on the_donald, get upvoted to the frontpage while pretty much all comments are negative.

Not suspicious at all.

Dude...a lot of stuff here is crossposted on wikileaks, uncensorednews, t_D, Hillary4Prison, and other like minded subs.

You may not like the President for whatever reason but you can't be suspicious of people because of where they post. Look at the content of what they post.

I don't get suspicious of people that post on politics, I get suspicious of people that have posted EXCLUSIVELY posted in politics for 20 days straight on a 30 day old account.

Weird seeing shills crying about anyone right leaning voicing concerns despite the entire fucking website doing all they can to silence right leaning

God forbid someone has a different opinion to you ey cupcake

despite the entire fucking website doing all they can to silence right leaning

Tell me again how giving the right a safe space in T_D instead of banning it outright is "doing all they can to silence".

The fact that you need to use your own terms (safe space) as an attack against the right-wingers illustrates how badly they've beaten you at your own game.

Please, do tell me how these are "my" terms and what "my" game is.

A quick look at your post history tells me that you're about as boring and obvious as the rest of them.

Firstly, that's pretty irrelevant to my original comment, isn't it?


trying to make things partisan.

Isn't this very post, and the comment I replied to, trying to make this partisan?

This thread is highlighting Reddit's attempt to hide the CIA story.

your original comment is just whataboutism regarding T_D, and is an attack in it's own way, which illustrates OPs point. He basically asked "where can you openly talk about right-wing ideas without getting attacked on Reddit"? And you came in with a backhanded remark - "tell me again..." like someone who thinks he's clever. But again, you're typical.

Your original comment is just whataboutism regarding T_D, and is an attack in it's own way, which illustrates OPs point.

My comment was in direct response to his claim that anyone "right leaning" on reddit is "silenced." I pointed out it's not correct, with T_D as an example. That's not whataboutism - it's a direct counter-argument.

Then you came in all guns blazing about "my" terms and attacking my character by bringing up my posting history. Who's using whataboutism now?

He's basically saying you can't openly talk about right-wing ideas without getting attacked on Reddit.

No, he actually said that reddit is doing all it can to silence anyone who's right-leaning, which is demonstrably untrue. That's an attempt to make a partisan point capture it as part of the pro-T_D narrative in r/conspiracy. The OP, and you, are doing exactly the same by claiming "Reddit's attempt to hide the story", which could not be further from the truth when it's being discussed openly here and in multiple other subreddits.

And you came in with a backhanded remark - "tell me again..." like someone who thinks he's clever. But again, you're typical.


complaining about Trump and trying to make things partisan.

He should hold nonpartisan views such as LOCK HER UP!!@!!!!

She's no longer relevant, and if she's truly guilty of anything will get hers in time. On to other things tbh.

Locking up criminals is partisan now?

Let me guess, you used to 'lurk' here right?

Nope, but fail to see how that's relevant.

A lot of people from politics and enoughtrumpspam all the sudden got a hard-on about posting on conspiracy.

I'm glad you guys are here, but please realize that we've been talking about this stuff since way before the election when you guys still believed that there was no "outside influence" on the election.

What the hell is right leaning about Trump?

The Donald brigade is strong at night in America and it's day time is a certain place.

why don't you add something to the discussion for once?

I will when we have posts that aren't trash.

Yeah - they have these things called "jobs" I bet

Idk most people aren't up at 3-4 in the morning if they have a job

You can count me in the category of having a job and being awake at 3-4 am. Every shift I have is 2-10pm.

I said most people for a reason

why they bitching about immigrant taking their jobs then?

Hold on hold on Its my first day here at Shareblue. Do I upvote you or down vote? I need money for cigs bad. Do we even get coffee in here?

Honestly there is more anti Trump Spam than t_d spam on /r/all.

Because there are more people who don't like him than people who do.

Then why, oh why, the need for huge astroturf campaigns? Why did the person win who was maximally scandalous, maximally disliked by the political establishment?

You're lying about his appeal.

Some people need to relax with the harsh comments.

What do you mean "some people"

lol funny how the shills come crying in the comments but the post just keeps rising and rising doesn't it

Brigading from the_donald helps with that.

Downvoted for the truth. This sub makes me sad sometimes.

Oh it's the truth? Well why don't you go ahead and prove it then?

Nobody that I know of is organizing the brigades you fear. The people who only use The_Donald have little cause to be aware that this post exists.

I see this a lot. I keep wondering what it means.

I looked on the front page a few days ago and 20% of the stories were anti trump. Even if the guy is literally hitler I think the average Joe is probably sick of hearing about it. If everything is a scandal, then nothing is.

How about them funny talk shows ? Not a single day passes by that Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel, O'Brien, Maher (oh, well, ok) , Corden, Mayers, SNL, Noah mention him in not so good light. Not that he 's not giving them material, but still ...

I consider myself neutral, I think Bill Maher is still doing well. He's always been leftist, but he's not shilling raw propaganda like some of the others are. Colbert has gotten pretty bad, it even feels like he doesn't believe the words he's saying, but I actually like Baptiste so I still watch it.

SNL is just miserable. You can't even call it comedy anymore, it's just blatant propaganda.

Corporate media is eating this up, they love it.

They are basically circlejerking themselves. In the words of wisdom of God Emperor, "Sad! Just sad!"

exactly this

They're selling what sells

Problem is they'd probably get MORE clicks and views if they took an America First approach. They're just pandering to the Leftovers. The people who lost.

Well I think they see otherwise. Honestly I don't want to get partisan here but I'm willing to bet they're more people against the right than for it.

Problem with media and internet today is that everyone lives in their separate bubble of choosing... There might be a bit more of left leaning people, But I do think right leeaning folks now see more of the big picture, which is a weird thing to say, as is the new saying - ' conservative is the new progressive ( or punk ) ' ... PC speak has became borderline soviet communism.

You're wrong. There's just a massive effort by the corporate media to make it appear that way.

I'm not wrong any more than you're right. I hate to drop the 3 million thing but I think you'll see a massive increase of that number in the next election.

Honestly though it's the same as it ever was.

You do know that more people voted against Trump than for him, right?

From a purely numbers perspective, it makes sense to appease that group...

Overall it's statistically irrelevant the spread between their votes. I'm not saying that as any defence just an old objective observation

I think raw numbers might be statistically insignificant. But, I have to imagine that the people that are most likely to watch a newer show/host would be more liberal.

A lot of conservatives are older and old people are generally more set in their ways.

That's a lot of generalizations, but I'm guessing they hold?

Actually given the rise of places like The_Donald, conservative is the new counter culture.

Networks would do very well to fund actual conservative content.

The rub is that most actors are liberal losers.

It would be nice if Hollywood just shut down and allowed a new flock of actors to come in.

I'd say it's more likely that people drawn to arts are liberal...

Conservatives don't really even accept content unless it is almost a caricature of itself. Anything that isn't to the far right isn't even considered conservative anymore.

The movement that's happening now is not the one seen in the media. I wouldn't say I'm full on conservative but I'm a part of the Gen Z bump of "conservative counter-culture." It's the same type of movement as the liberal one back in the 90s that brought about the popularity of Rage Against the Machine and other prominent figures like them.

We aren't Nazis. We respect all people who respect us. There are some bad eggs lumped in with us but thats true in any large group. And I'm not going to sit here and say I agree with everything Trump does or says, because I personally don't, but compared to the alternatives, he was and is the greatest figurehead of our message.

That's incredibly bold of you...

You're wrong. The recounts Hillary demanded backfired, and proved that millions of votes she received were due to fraud.


I suppose Trump told you that?

Fuck off, shill. Go jerk off to CNN some more, leftist.

Well that is one theory

"proved" lol

Just one new example of how you're not right here. But your lack of response in this thread leads me to believe you just a true believer troll.

This is true. This is why alternatives have been proliferating and strengthening.

They're making a mistake about what sells.

And they seldom cast HRC in a negative light even though there was plenty of ammunition. Fuck Trump, but shit...

She lost 6 months ago and has stayed out of the public eye, why would they still be focusing on her.

They never focused on her when she was running.

and they never focused on obama while he was bombing the shit out of the m.e., giving cash to iran, running guns to mexico, etc.

i support trump, but also support being critical of government above all. this anti trump insanity would be ok, if there was equal criticism of the previous administration.

Everyone remembers the Mexico story, it was the justices department not Obama.

he bombed the shit out the ME, because the US began invading the region in 2001, 8 years before he became president, and honestly what was the other options besides bombs? Boots on the ground? Yeah Americans loved having reservists and NG troops dying in Iraq, such a popular bush decision.

he didn't give cash to Iran, it was their cash returned to them after the sanctions were lifted. trump actually has connections to the revolutionary guard but let's focus on Obama.

maybe if you hadn't been skull fucked so hard by a big black dick, you wouldn't be so retarted and support trump while being so scared of Obama.

Didnt we give them back money, then literally the next day hostages were released? How about droning an American citizen in Yemen? IRS targeting groups. Healthcare debacle. Emailing Hillary on private server then lying about it. Did we forget about solyndra and secret service being caught drunk and buying whores..surely it's asinine for talking heads to call him a scandal free president. Don't let history be whitewashed, because you want to be on the "winning" side

Lol, trump just killed an American citizen in Yemen using seals.

What healthcare debacle? The pretty okay system that the republicans are tearing up now?

again, all these stories were extensively covered and reported by the media, no Obama supporters were whining about fake news and bruised egos. Don't be such a chump.

The SS scandal? How many degrees of separation was that from Obama? My impression was just bad employees buying hookers, a lot different from Trump buying hookers in Moscow, as he is the pres not a bodyguard. How is that even an Obama scandal? If a low level employee gets caught drunk at work is that reflective of the CEO or the employees personal problems?

a lot different from Trump buying hookers in Moscow


Lol, trump just killed an American citizen in Yemen using seals.

Just happened to kill the children of the guy, Anwar Al-Awlaki, Obama droned in 2011. Only following precedents set by Obama, and this raid was apparently drawn up under you know who.

Heres another saying it was on the drawing board for months.

If you cant see this raid was drawn up and presented in a bow for Trump, and as a political maneuver, you got your head up your ass.

What healthcare debacle? The pretty okay system that the republicans are tearing up now?

Pretty okay. LOL. What happened to "If you like your Health Care you can keep it." Rated as the lie of the year in 2013.

Heres Bill Clinton talking, ""So you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," Clinton said..

again, all these stories were extensively covered and reported by the media, no Obama supporters were whining about fake news and bruised egos. Don't be such a chump.

I didnt mention any of this.

The SS scandal? How many degrees of separation was that from Obama? My impression was just bad employees buying hookers, a lot different from Trump buying hookers in Moscow, as he is the pres not a bodyguard.

"Two senior Secret Service agents, including a top member of President Barack Obama's protective detail, crashed a car into a White House barricade following a late-night party.."Obama's second in charge of security detail."

Seems not separated at all to me! Like when they let the guy with the knife almost make it into the white house. You are bringing up a whole different episode. Where the agents, were supposed to be planning Obama's visit, but decided to sample the locals first.

You think by now we would have heard from the guy who created this report, but hes just hiding! Seeing as you brought up fake news, and now suggest it as evidence, is irony. Yet nothing else has came from this report! When we will see impeachment process, if this document was so thoroughly verified? Its hogwash, we all know it.

How is that even an Obama scandal? If a low level employee gets caught drunk at work is that reflective of the CEO or the employees personal problems?

Corporate Culture. Do you think they interview off the street for head of secret service? Obama selects them. Trump selects them. Article lists some of their other faults as well.

Fuck off, shill.

When it was looked into deeper, it turned out the IRS was targeting progressive groups more that conservative. That is why it fell off the news.

Lets not get hung up on the who, but more so the actual targeting. If they are open to that philosophy, what is to stop them from targeting individuals next?

I just find it amusing, some people want to spend billions on trying to find people cheating with food stamps, or welfare, (like when they spend millions on drug testing to find a handful of people guilty, saving minimal money,) but when a time in history that political groups (from both sides and down the middle) are popping up like weeds, the IRS wanted to double check to make sure they were actually non-profit, and not ducking their tax responsibility.

we give them back money, then literally the next day hostages were released? How about droning an American citizen in Yemen? IRS targeting groups. Healthcare debacle. Emailing Hillary on private server then lying about it. Did we forget about solyndra and secret service being caught drunk and buying whores..surely it's asinine for talking heads to call him a scandal free president. Don't let history be whitewashed, because you want to be on the "winning" side

maybe if you hadn't been skull fucked so hard by a big black dick, you wouldn't be so retarted and support trump while being so scared of Obama.



i support trump, but also support being critical of government above all. this anti trump insanity would be ok, if there was equal criticism of the previous administration.

Exactly. Most of the media has made themselves very transparently partisan - they gave Obama a pass on the economy (middle class suffered more than at any time since the great depression, most of America has less than $1000 (!!!) in savings,) on foreign policy (aiding and abetting ISIS by creating a power vacuum in Libya/Syria and encouraging the "Arab Spring",) and on domestic policy (fucking wiretapping.) All very serious issues and were ignored. Media spent 8 years sucking Obama's dick 24/7.

Now with Trump they suddenly found their goddamn balls.

Above all else, above everything, when the people elected Trump it was a refutation of these people. The people who will make any excuse for a politician as long as they say the right things. The people who will run defense for a pseudo-totalitarian regime overseeing a crumbling and neutered middle class to push an agenda.

Fuck the media.

The media cooperated in Obama's sabotage of the anti-war left. They didn't hold him accountable for expanding his surveillance. Now they beat the drums of fear incessantly, now that someone who isn't anointed is in office. They were quiet when there was cause to be afraid. Have they continued the pattern of inversion? Are they now loud because there is cause, or because there is no cause?

Well said. If we're going to be super critical, apply it to everyone in power. No exceptions.

you mean bombing doctors without borders hospitals is bad? but Obama won the nobel peace prize! The most credible award ever! Not like they nominated Hitler and Stalin for the same thing.... ... ..

have you head of this political party called the GOP, they really don't like this guy called Osama, I mean Obama..

and their supporter hate him too.

Yes they did, lots of Hillary jokes.

You saw what you wanted to see. They did not go after her like they should have.

This is just false. I can't remember a day going by someone didn't mention emails or Benghazi when she was running.

Really? When did Stuart, Oliver, or Colbert ever mention those other than to try to make HRC look better. Stop deflecting

I am not deflecting I am literally talking about the exact same thing you are. And also you really need to reconsider your media consumption if all you watch is Stuart,Oliver, Colbert. There is an entire media spectrum that goes all the way over to the far right and conspiracy Info Wars nonsense. Fox news itself spent hours and hours on emails and Benghazi, and that doesn't count Limbaugh and other right wing media.

i screwed up I thought you were responding to something I said on another thread. That being said, the media (except for Fox) was far far easier on HRC than on Trump or Sanders for that matter. So you only mentioned the far right media which pretty much speaks to what I was saying. The rest of the media took a pass on her

It must have been that hot sauce she kept in her purse that scared away the media.

Weird. I remember lots of jokes about Hillary. And I remember lots of criticism about Obama, I also remember everyone complaint about the body bags bush was bringing home, so I always figured Obama switched to bombs and drones, because as much as Americans like to start wars, they haven't been good at finishing them. It's so weird, Obama pulled out of the ME, power vacuum, chaos, blame Obama. obama starts bombing the region to bring back American presence, same people complaining.

Uhh what the fuck? Are you seriously implying that Obama toppled Gaddafi and (tried to) topple Assad to "bring back American presence?" Fucking laughable comment. Ridiculous.

Notice how ISIS filled the power vacuum every time Obama decided it was time to overthrow another secular regime in the middle east? Yeah - certainly nothing to complain about there =].

Obama created openings for pliable globalist "trade" partners. A great criminal trade in drugs and human lives operates out of the middle east, and our government has been corrupted to its support.

If Obama had cured cancer, the media and the right would say he was trying to put doctors out of business.

Big pharma money has that impact. Pharmaceutical companies seem to be run by evil.

Obama was in the pocket of big pharma, you fuckin' shill.

If Obama had cured cancer, the media

Wat? You mean like the most "scandal free president" meme?

The media was incredibly kind given his list of scandals and his corporate democrat activities.

Because she's a criminal who committed perjury, threatens other nation's leaders with death, helps destroy entire countries, and launders money through a "charity."

Her husband is a known liar, abuser of power, and has been accused of rape by a half dozen women.

I could think of a few other reasons to focus on her if you wanted me to keep going. Turns out Hillary Clinton's political career doesn't revolve around 1 election.

Because she's a fuckin' criminal, and a murderer.

Hillary for Prison!

If that was true, your "law and order" president would "lock her up", right?

Since he's not, guess that means she didn't break any laws. Just Trump breaking his campaign promise.

But what do you expect from a proven conman who had to pay out $25 million for getting caught running a scam university?

Yeah, I mean, Trump has just broken international law and gotten a Navy Seal killed.

Seriously, Trump is giving him some material with his erratic behaviour and tweets , but they then make up enviroment and context in serious media, and turn to funny media to mock and ridicule something they've mostly made up. One must wonder what calamity would they create around Hillary's e-mails or deals with various countries or Podesta's mails and subtext, if their hands were not tied.

Even Breitbart is anti trump now, they mock Trumpcare calling it Obamacare 2.0 . Bannon is preparing to become president because Trump is done here.

Bannon is preparing to become president because Trump is done here.

I see you subscribe to the Al Haig school of presidential line-of-succession, except Bannon's not even 'chief of staff'.

Ha, ha, that dude has zero charisma. Will not comment on his POW.

It's not a big secret that the entertainment industry tends to be liberal.

And have corporate overlords that donated heavily to the Clinton campaign


Look at Berkeley. Look at California generally. The entertainment industry tends to be regressive and elitist, not liberal. They call it liberal as a euphemism. True liberalism would oppose them.

I guess liberal can mean whatever people want it to mean nowadays. It can be the dirtiest slur or the highest compliment. For me it just means a person who highly values civil liberties and believes in equal legal rights for all, but I guess I'm old fashioned.

Not that he 's not giving them material


Lord knows how many times I wished he shut up and just work.

I wonder what Bill Mahr's viewership numbers look like now. I used to be a big fan of his show. Now that he's hopped on the Trump bashing train with the rest of the unfunny sore loser crybabies, I can't stand it.

Sort of like this sub has turned into an alt-right circle jerk. Some people grow tiresome of that as well.

How is it Alt-Right? Are we advocating genocide? No.

Get that stupid shit out of here. We are discussing government corruption in all its forms, not trying to organize a dumbass redneck klan meeting.

Welcome to Reddit 2017 aka Anti Trump Land

dont worry plenty here think for themselves

and we know our numbers grow daily <--this has them all in a fuckin tailspin

Funny how 5hings changed after that CEO banned a few hundred thousand people in 2015. I wonder what else happened that year? Oh right, the warrant canary died and the signup captcha disappeared for 18 months.

If everything is a scandal, then nothing is.

And that his how Trump became President.

Majority of the left wing Hate Spaces use bots to reach the front. You can tell because most of their subs only have a cpuple thousand members yet they always get one seleced hit piece to the top daily. The rest of their posts on any given Hate Space sub barely break 100.

Exactly this

MSM is still brainwashing some people.

Don't have to watch the MSM to not like Trump

It'd be ironic if the MSM campaign against Trump predicted strong pro-Trump opinions. And by 'ironic' I mean 'actually very interesting'. Do you know if the research has been done?

If the press reports on something he or someone from his administration said, and people don't approve, is that some negative hate campaign against Trump? He's a controversial figure that lost the popular vote by the largest margin out of any president, and he and his administration already has a record of blatantly lying.

It's not a surprise or some MSM conspiracy that he's not liked on a site made up mostly of young, liberal users

Actually, remember how the media kept screaming and screaming that Hillary's victory was such a sure thing? This is a known political strategy to suppress voter turnout for an enemy candidate: frame your candidate as the underdog and the other candidate as the Big Bad ace in the hole. When people are sure 'their' candidate will win no matter what, they're less likely to bother going to vote. This would be especially effective for people who weren't very enthusiastic about that candidate in the first place (probably 95% of Hillary voters). And when people are convinced 'their' candidate is likely to lose, they'll feel more eager to do their part to defeat the Big Bad and get out to the voting booths. We saw the same messaging in both the Brexit campaign and the 2016 election, with similar results. Whether it was intentional or not I don't know-- if it was, they're playing a trickier game than most of us mere mortals have any hopes of figuring out. But if the people controlling the media (and we know they're a very specific small group of people who all meet with each other) really wanted Hillary to win they should have framed it as a close race and had most people thinking that Trump's victory was a likely outcome, so better go out and vote if you don't like the sounds of that. The only person in the media who seemed to understand all this and spoke out about it was Michael Moore.

That's why many people have filtered out everything (subreddits and words) about Trump, Clinton, Sanders, DNC, RNC, GOP, etc. I really love RES.

Yes, so sick of seeing Trump news everywhere, I downvote every article I see, pro or against. Including this one.

Reddit is becoming a echo bubble where shills are all talking amongst them selves.

Worst of all they're all gone this morning, if you weren't here yesterday you wouldn't have any idea it went on. I love the government

Also feels like there's a lot more porn on r/all today than usual.

That's always good.

feed the masses their shit instead of our truth

shiny metal objects all

Whoa man. There is enough time to look at porn and learn about the government. Being a man porn doesn't take to long....

i am not a man so will definitely take your word for iT!

Ha ha ha. Well now you know the mans secret.

;0 [i know many secrets]

keep jacking off to beautiful women you only have a chance of humping in your dreams, citizen. everything is a-ok! pay those taxes and eyes on the screen (also, if you could speak up a little into your Samsung SmarTV, it would be greatly appreciated)

Masturbation is healthy.

healthy and recommended, however, porn can be addicting and unhealthy to your motivation and personal relationships with real women

If you need porn to masturbate your brain is already fucked. Don't equate the two, one has been around since the beginning of time and the other is something our minds were never meant to handle.

It's well known that Reddit porn is controlled by the government

Well, forum sliding is a real thing.

Yes, I know.

Trance-Formation of America!

there are the lulls where we can breathe for a few

i remember about two sats ago they all clocked in at 9 am eastern

i am s glad the fcc publishes all their names they who have no shame

That war criminal GWB is sitting pretty high up on reddit right now. Isn't his whole family CIA? reddit is owned and operated by the deep's not a big stretch to say that either...what better place to learn and control you than sites like reddit, google, fb, etc etc. They are most likely very hands on with reddit

The Bush stuff is sickening.

But he can do a cool handshake! All is forgiven.

Yeah, wtf was that?

You could post a gif of Hitler giving someone a high-five and the idiots on this site would forget the Holocaust in a day.

People are calling Bush a good guy. Constantly seeing Bush highly upvoted now.

A stupid president will always look great next to a retarded one!

You know you have a terrible president when GWB becomes a voice of reason.

GWB is still a politically-insulated war criminal who shouldn't be allowed to walk free in public. He is nobody's voice of reason.

Bush is literally a war criminal.

Apples and oranges

What is up with all the Bush stuff lately anyway? Kind of seems out of the blue.

*out of the [share]blue

What is there end game with Bush you think?

The end game is to impeach the president.

They are dusting of the corpses of every establishment voice they can muster for maximal media saturation.

The fact they dug out ol war crimes Bush smells of desperation.

Political hagiography by people who think they're the victors who get to write history.

Almost like there was an agenda

Really says a lot about Reddit.

they have an agenda and we all see it

stay vigilent

The Vault 7 story was front page on multiple subs for a while. Probably just what time you saw it at. This got full exposure on 3 default subs.

r/Politics was full of people pushing Russian narrative onto Trump instead of talking about the actual leak and it barely got upvoted.

Yeah, I saw it on technology, news, and worldnews. Was probably top or top 3 on all of those. You're right though, I actually searched politics and it didn't crack even top 100 for the week. Sketchy.

Yeah, I saw Vault 7 stories at the top of a bunch of subs. Including technology and Android.

Stories start to lower again after a set time, maybe the OP just saw a moment where the Vault 7 story had started to drop after peaking earlier and a new trending story was bumped up?

If stories just stayed up based simply on upvotes, you'd have top of all time sort.

He's refering to all subs / front page, not individual pages on subs.

the Vault 7 occupied the top post of r/conspiracy

i'm sure a few others as well.

Have we gotten to the point where news is news? Freaky... this will take awhile to adjust.

Also on

/r/POLITIC /r/WayOfTheBern /r/SandersForPresident

But our attention span is horrible

yes but not the front page of reddit, which is the concern. If it's at the top of all these subreddits it should be on the front page

I felt like it was. I saw it at the very top of reddit in the afternoon, at least on my front page. Obviously I can't replicate yesterday's front page but it seemed like it was everywhere.

Because Trump is a clown, at least in the eyes of the general public and the media. Not a day goes by without some new story about him, some new skit or photoshop. Gotta keep the public entertained. Haha, look at the Tiny Trumps! Ignore the leaks, forget about the war crimes and scandals under the Obama administration, just look at the funny Trump!

Will anyone go outside and march against the CIA illegally monitoring every citizen with an electronic device? Nope! But you can be damn sure you'll get millions outside marching because Trump said a naughty word!


Will anyone go outside and march against the CIA illegally monitoring every citizen with an electronic device?

We did, it did not help much.

That's why an outsider got elected. The activist base deserted the left when Obama betrayed his promises.

CIA monitoring does very little to suppress activism and a great deal to promote it. Without it, Obama wouldn't have won, and Trump wouldn't have won afterwards when Obama turned out to be a globalist with no respect for his activist base or the worthless promises he paid them.

I think people are less likely to protest if they think political activism will lead to them being denied a job or otherwise having a harder time down the line. It's the chilling effect, when you know your actions and words are being monitored and stored for later use you self-censor.

Without the illegal spying disgusting the public, Obama wouldn't have won, and Trump wouldn't have won afterwards

The Snowden leaks happened after Obama was elected for the second time, and surveillance wasn't even a major topic in the election. Trump has been a vocal supporter of mass surveillance and the NSA, even calling for Snowden's execution at one point.

If we want that chilling effect to not apply, be the change you want to see in the world. When everyone is an activist, nobody can be punished. Overcomply. Make them chill everything until civilization is on ice. Hold out and refuse consent. Harden your withdrawal.

Obama was elected on an anti-surveillance platform. You can't write that out of history. His was supposed to be the most transparent administration ever. It wasn't. His activists deserted him, and moved "rightwards" to Trump.

When I looked, vault 7 occupied places 1-3 on the front page.

Even Breitbart is anti trump now, they mock Trumpcare calling it Obamacare 2.0 . Bannon is preparing to become president because Trump is done here.

A mandate is a mandate. No getting around that philosophical hurdle.

All hardcore Conservative are against this new health bill. They want the mandate, they don't want pre-existing condition protection, they don't want any tax credit and they want to de-regulate the states ability to set their own standards for coverage so that a insurance company form Iowa does not have to meet the standards of say New York to be able to sell coverage in NY.

We really need to move on to VOAT. This level of censorship is just too much. Let Reddit Die.

Sounds like an excellent idea. The mods should spearhead this. I'll run this sub while you guys are gone.

Good lord, yes. Please go to voat and let us have our sub back!

Yes, yes! Cast out all your witches! And when you have cast out everyone who you might otherwise have persuaded, you will be all alone with your ideas, and there will be nobody left to persuade you that you've made a mistake. You'll have to do that for yourself.

It's at 42.9k now.

What else is new

I suspect it has more negative reports though.

Totally surprised (im not). Im starting to think reddit is controlled opposition ran by the CIA

this validates everything we already know. They only want groupthink with no outsiders that arent sheep.

Reddits FP is completely gamed just like every main sub.

try voat or better yet start up a new one variety is what we need

How openly who can operate here?

Everyone remembers the Mexico story, it was the justices department not Obama.

he bombed the shit out the ME, because the US began invading the region in 2001, 8 years before he became president, and honestly what was the other options besides bombs? Boots on the ground? Yeah Americans loved having reservists and NG troops dying in Iraq, such a popular bush decision.

he didn't give cash to Iran, it was their cash returned to them after the sanctions were lifted. trump actually has connections to the revolutionary guard but let's focus on Obama.

maybe if you hadn't been skull fucked so hard by a big black dick, you wouldn't be so retarted and support trump while being so scared of Obama.

Didnt we give them back money, then literally the next day hostages were released? How about droning an American citizen in Yemen? IRS targeting groups. Healthcare debacle. Emailing Hillary on private server then lying about it. Did we forget about solyndra and secret service being caught drunk and buying whores..surely it's asinine for talking heads to call him a scandal free president. Don't let history be whitewashed, because you want to be on the "winning" side

we give them back money, then literally the next day hostages were released? How about droning an American citizen in Yemen? IRS targeting groups. Healthcare debacle. Emailing Hillary on private server then lying about it. Did we forget about solyndra and secret service being caught drunk and buying whores..surely it's asinine for talking heads to call him a scandal free president. Don't let history be whitewashed, because you want to be on the "winning" side

Well, forum sliding is a real thing.


i support trump, but also support being critical of government above all. this anti trump insanity would be ok, if there was equal criticism of the previous administration.

Exactly. Most of the media has made themselves very transparently partisan - they gave Obama a pass on the economy (middle class suffered more than at any time since the great depression, most of America has less than $1000 (!!!) in savings,) on foreign policy (aiding and abetting ISIS by creating a power vacuum in Libya/Syria and encouraging the "Arab Spring",) and on domestic policy (fucking wiretapping.) All very serious issues and were ignored. Media spent 8 years sucking Obama's dick 24/7.

Now with Trump they suddenly found their goddamn balls.

Above all else, above everything, when the people elected Trump it was a refutation of these people. The people who will make any excuse for a politician as long as they say the right things. The people who will run defense for a pseudo-totalitarian regime overseeing a crumbling and neutered middle class to push an agenda.

Fuck the media.

maybe if you hadn't been skull fucked so hard by a big black dick, you wouldn't be so retarted and support trump while being so scared of Obama.


you mean bombing doctors without borders hospitals is bad? but Obama won the nobel peace prize! The most credible award ever! Not like they nominated Hitler and Stalin for the same thing.... ... ..

Trance-Formation of America!

have you head of this political party called the GOP, they really don't like this guy called Osama, I mean Obama..

and their supporter hate him too.