The fact that most people aren't surprised that the CIA spies on them with their phones and TVs shows the complacency of Americans for how disgustingly powerful the government is.

59  2017-03-08 by russian321

The pessimistic in me makes me wonder if Americans will even change things. How about having a million march for more privacy?


Nope. its over. They won. Its like trying to teach my dog to speak English. Not gonna happen.

I agree with this. That being said, I think a civil war would do wonders, but no one in their right mind would want that... Ultimately I think that or a revolutionary war would be our only answer. We (speaking of the masses) are too ignorant and have it too cushy here in the US. Europe knows how to protest, sadly the US doesn't. Literally the cards are stacked against us, and TPTB have us at check mate, sadly....

I'm not going to fight in any damn civil war unless I lose my house and my job and can't feed my family.

Precisely. Diabolic, yes, but brilliant.

It depresses me that this is my life now. Work, watch tv, go to bed. Do again next day.

If i could work for myself and support my family I would do it in a heartbeat.

True. They intended this, and succeeded.

I've tried my best to get out of the system, but am still in it. There is no escape, but there are things we can do.

I'm a freelance web dev and bought acres of land in the forest far, far away in the North. Have you ever thought about that? What skill do you have that you may be able to freelance, instead of working for someone else? Ever looked looked into homesteading, or just buying land and hunting, fishing and living a self sustainable life? There are outlets. Hard, but if you put your mind to it, you can truly accomplish anything.

all those things you suggest are only feasible if you're single.

i hate my job. it pays well (also webdev) but I despise the people I work with the toxicity and the anti-team spirit. All these know-it-all devs now flooding the market. I'm setting a challenge for myself.

Figure out how to generate money with the least amount of code possible.

all those things you suggest are only feasible if you're single.

Not true. Easier? Sure, but not unfeasible. I've seen much. Where there is a will, there is a way.

i hate my job. it pays well (also webdev) but I despise the people I work with the toxicity and the anti-team spirit. All these know-it-all devs now flooding the market.

Know the feeling, and cannot stand working a traditional 9-5 for schmucks, hence why I do freelance. Both has pros and cons. I work far longer hours, but ultimately am happier. I set my hours and my workload. I'm single, have some dogs and acreage, but no little ones or a wife. But, dogs are like autistic kids, no? Probably to hell for that, lol...

...Anyways. What is your situation? You're making decent money, no? Is your wife on board? She feel the same? Cut some expenses, and save up ~10k. That will get you at least ~1 acre in any state. In many states, that will get you upwards of ~10-15 acres. You're going to have to sacrifice, but it will be worth it, imo.

If you're interested in getting closer to your goal, let me know. I can give you some resources/sub reddits to check out. Cheers!

Would you mind posting some of those resources here?

Absolutely (no particular order - just off the top of my head):

  1. /r/simpleliving
  2. /r/Homesteading
  3. /r/TinyHouses
  4. /r/Permaculture
  5. /r/Jobs4Bitcoins
  6. /r/freelance
  7. /r/vandwelling
  8. /r/Bushcraft

If you're curious about land, check out: and type in your area. Prices for land are actually really cheap (well, cheaper than you actually think).

Thank you :-)

I am not sure what buying 1 acre is going to do for me. Especially if its halfway across the country.

You're clearly not ready then. That is fine. Peace and love.

So you can't explain what the point of owning 1 acre in the middle of nowhere is?

Why do you have to own it ~1 acre in "the middle of nowhere"? Are you even listening? Do you even care, to learn? Own land, stop being such a wuss and blaming shit on everyone else. You are the problem. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm trying to help you. Fuck off, if you don't care to listen. I truly don't care. So much for trying to help... Whatever...

rofl. what a douche.

Hypernormalization art it's maximum

I mean it was pretty much a given considering everything online is spied on

They're sheep. They know the wolf won't bite them if they don't put their head up. Little do they know the heard is thining.

The pessimistic in me makes me wonder if Americans will even change things.

The answer is no. We are doomed.

Sadly, I agree with your opinion. We've passed the point of no return in respect to the point at which there was still a plausible opportunity to "take back control" of the government and overall economic and power hierarchy. At this point, taking back control is still possible but I don't believe it is possible without devastating economic consequences, which will lead to social breakdown and eventually a collapse of the existing government.

I've been concerned about camera-phones since they decided to put them on both sides, because wtf do we need a selfie camera for. My distrust was solidified when they gave us the voluntary option to give them our fucking fingerprints... so idk if it's so much that people are accepting of anything, just that no ones surprised but we couldn't really do anything until it was public knowledge.

Now I'm down to march or something lol.