Is everyone on this goddamn site a shill?

0  2017-03-08 by [deleted]

You got to practically every news related sub, MEANT TO BE NEUTRAL, and everyone is "no real info" or "this doesn't change anything" or just talking about Russia. I recently have been discovering loads and loads of information from fucking Twitter accounts posting 4chan shit and realized, "oh shit I should probably go there too" and ITS FILLED TOO. WTF CIA CALM YOUR TITS AND STOP FUCKING SHILLING ON EVERY GODDAMN SITE! It's not like they're even trying because really, how many people calmly disagree on /pol/? No one does so these cheesy peanut head looking ass CIA shills stick out like sore thumbs and everyone knows it.

P.S. Anyway that I can easily keep up with this shit because I don't have time to go to eighteen different sites and forums to understand a new small piece of info


its people in general. reddit is full of them.

The sad truth of society is that most people need to be told what to think.

Not exactly, it's more like people need to feel like part of a community, and will adopt the mindset of the community that they seek to be a part of. It's a process: A community will start with a few individuals that have one thing in common, such as a few snowboarders or a couple of metal fans. As the community grows, individuals within the group tend to form consensuses (is that even a word? It is now) around other things, such as clothing choice. "Ingroup" stuff starts taking effect as well, such as in-jokes and phrases recognizable only to the group. Over time, you end up with a large community with similar dress, similar speaking style and phrases, and sometimes even similar posture and body language.

And all this stems from the simple fact that people want to impress their friends.

Or we could just fund education instead of the war-prison machine... But that would take money out of the hands of the wealthiest in the nation, so I don't see that happening.

These shills remind me of the time I saw a muscled crewcut dude in a pristine Phish t-shirt and brand new Birkenstocks asking people at a huge festival if they "Have any L...S...D for sale?" Best part was fake hippy had his doggy with him... a German Shepard sat at perfect attention amidst all the chaos of the partying and music.

Was it Joe Rogan looking to expand his conciousness

But how do you know you're right? You did an observation and then made a prediction based on your prejudice but you never verified your conclusion. Isn't this just precisely the same thing as assuming the conclusion.

Are you assuming that I think he was an undercover cop? Cause I never explicitly stated that in my post... Life is full of assumptions, evaluations, and gut instinct... But yeah... he was obviously an undercover cop. Duh... I know hippies... I know hippy dogs... this guy wasn't a hippy and his dog was certainly a well trained K9 unit.

Are you assuming that I think he was an undercover cop?

And then you say

But yeah... he was obviously an undercover cop.

So...what are you trying to prove here?

Nothing... But at least I'm honest about it. I'm just a dude on the internet that is good at spotting bullshit... And you are starting to stick out.

Or he was a tech bro, off his normal 60 hour start up week and eager to do some acid, so he put on a brand-new hippy outfit and went at it.

I remember when me and three grad school friends were nearly turned away from the drug camp at a festival because we brought nice pillows and blankets with us to our drug frenzy.

people who don't fit your world view aren't all shills.

You're right that everyone who doesn't fit (my) worldview isn't a shill, however, there are shills and undercover cops. And shills are cheap these days...

He might've been wrong, but it's a pretty good guess from the information available.


Man, I totally look like a cop but I'd also totally try to buy LSD off a stranger at a festival. I guess I'm not getting any :(

Welcome to the internet. Shills and useful idiots, oh my! Lots of diamonds in massive piles of shit, though. At least we have that....

Except the ones that agree with me! The lone voice of truth in a wilderness of contrary and paid opinions

Yep it's their last line of defence before they're done. They're throwing everything they can but still every day more and more wake up.

Yes. It is nothing but shills talking to other shills. Most of them (all of them?) are bots. Nothing you read here is genuine.

That's exactly what a shill would say.

I thought everyone else was just me.


Did you seriously not know before that the CIA has hacking tools?

As if. The CIA is a service that provides information for travel agencies.

I'm pretty sure it is a chef training school.

The people who still haven't woken up yet, deserve it to be enslaved. They're just separating the corn from the cuff.

While shilling is a thing, I believe that not only is it not as widespread as you believe, but you are using it's existence to dismiss the actual feelings and opinions of massive groups of people.

Hey! Some solid reasoning showed up in here :)

there's some people here with 15K posting karma and only 300 posting karma, they come here only to post and only post the same thing.


I just saw a 1 month account with 100K posting karma.. there's some people getting paid.

Lol. That's why I have total of 1 post karma haha. In a year. Just a lurker. And I also hate donald trump. That's a crazy amount of karma in a month.

That's patently false. IF an individual makes a declarative in stark contrast to an individuals beliefs it is most assuredly left by an individual of egregious moral character and therefore a shill.

just talking about Russia

You mean, the hugest conspiracy in the world, the richest man in the world who literally stole the US election and continually murders people to get a government in place that would get out of his way to steal even more? Yeah, why would we talk about that?

It's disappointing that there isn't more talk about it here. This place used to talk about conspiracies, now it's all about pizza parlors and sucking T D's dick.

You think Trump is rich or has power??? or every other fuck to ever hold the Whitehouse has not stole or signed the murder of millions??? I don't give a fuck a for Trump but your ignorant comment makes it seem like Trump is somehow Satan. CNN Much.

You think Trump is rich or has power???

No. I'm talking about Putin.

Hmm... I thought religion was the largest and longest running con?

Dim_innuendo's conspiracy goes seems a little weak to me and a little too late; the bankers beat him out by almost a decade.


I am! Mr Soto pays me 12k a month to disrupt any right sided twat! ask me how you too can become a paid shill

Are you assuming that I think he was an undercover cop? Cause I never explicitly stated that in my post... Life is full of assumptions, evaluations, and gut instinct... But yeah... he was obviously an undercover cop. Duh... I know hippies... I know hippy dogs... this guy wasn't a hippy and his dog was certainly a well trained K9 unit.

Or he was a tech bro, off his normal 60 hour start up week and eager to do some acid, so he put on a brand-new hippy outfit and went at it.

I remember when me and three grad school friends were nearly turned away from the drug camp at a festival because we brought nice pillows and blankets with us to our drug frenzy.

people who don't fit your world view aren't all shills.

He might've been wrong, but it's a pretty good guess from the information available.