Friendly reminder that this very minute CIA and NSA employees are waking up to go cause more crimes against real Americans, and humans world-wide, with nearly infinite money, power and no oversight.

811  2017-03-08 by [deleted]


Lots of hate for the only people protecting our country from a compromised president.

Just hating those who took time to destroy my life for no good reason.

Taking my now free day to fan the flames allllll over the web with a huge smile on my face. : ^ )

destroy my life

lol, would looooove to hear how the CIA ruined your life

please tell us

The CIA has small elements which can and very much do destroy lives. It's the smallest minority of the overall agency, but it's responsible for more destruction than you can imagine.

well of course

but read op's history....

im not even being facetious here, he worries me very much

i work with people with paranoid schizophrenia and his writings read a lot like other writings ive seen from clients

im being completely serious here. He sounds increasing delusional and paranoid and dangerous

unless he's just a very accomplished troll who is taking on the character of a stereotypical "crazy" conspiracy theorist...

It sounds like you, being in the helping profession, already know how important it is to evaluate suspected mental illness to discern a clinical diagnosis. Clearly, we can't do that on Reddit.

And if you're posting here, then you probably realize that true psychiatric illness is the most common -- but not only -- cause for such claims. I believe there are many people who've been diagnosed with schizophrenia, paranoia, and many other conditions that manifest down to the letter of the DSM4/5, but with a spiritual root cause rather than physical.

One condition misdiagnosed for decades was MPD / DID. The medical community is finally starting to realize that this illness in particular almost always is a result of repetitive, extreme trauma, usually in childhood. Many, including myself (not in that profession, but I take an interest in this topic) believe these are intentionally-created cases. And one of many responsible parties has its home base at Langley.

Be that as it may, the OP needs help one way or the other. By the by, my post wasn't in contradiction to you in any way -- I suspect you share similar ideas. I have a broader audience in mind.

Also, forgot to mention this:

I have this friend who is very much mentally healthy, and by no means would anyone accuse him of being a conspiracy theorist. I've known the man since we were kids, and have never seen any indication of paranoia. But he confided in me a similar story to the OP -- that he started dating a girl who he later found out worked for the NSA. He claims that when he broke up with her, she went bat-s**t insane, and that for years afterwards, he felt targeted.

His emails would be completely removed from his Gmail. He'd be on the phone with someone and a third party would then say something and the line would drop. He'd be walking down the street, and suddenly three or four guys would start following him literally everywhere for hours.

I found it hard to believe, and when he first told me, I informed him that the NSA didn't have the purview to conduct unwarranted operations on a US citizen, and they certainly didn't have it anywhere in the organization to stalk / harass anyone. At the time, I was working in the intel world and still hadn't realized all the deep stuff that was going on.

But he doesn't share it with anyone, he doesn't make crazy claims, and I've come to believe him. I've also read of similar accounts from various people across the country.

My point is, perhaps what OP is saying could have an element of truth, even if there's a concomitant mental issue at play. What if many of these crazy-sounding claims could be taken at face value?

kill youself

That's a good little Russian


Holy shit the shilling is strong in this thread

Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill

And an institution with no oversight, a black budget, and literally no accountability with complete control over all technology is absolutely 100% here to protect us. Surely absolute authority given to a bunch of people could never go wrong.

Maybe people disagree with you because you're pushing a narrative completely counter to this entire subreddit's existence.

No. It's a turf war between people that want him out and the people that know better than even him how evil the elites are.



Looking through your post history. Here's some hard wake-up reality: you need a doctor, like a real, his psychologist because if you continue like this eventually patience runs out and you're going to be forced into treatment.

I am heavily armed, and I outwitted you horrible monsters.

Get that passport to me, allow my dog and I to leave, or it's show time. : ^ )

I hope someone can help you.

Do you have a purpose for keeping me prisoner in this New United States?

Again, passport by the date I've already given your people, or it's time for the rock n' roll show.

I hope someone can help you.

Well, your people can help by ensuring that passport gets to me right quick. My p;patience is running out.

I hope someone can help you.

You a spook brah?

Seems like someone hit a nerve.

Listen, I know it's hard and you see shadows of your enemies everywhere, but I am in no way affiliated with any govt agency. Quite the opposite in fact. But you need psychiatric evaluation. Let someone help you. You can PM me if you want to talk. I'll respond as I am able.

Over my cold dead corpse.

Get me that passport, let my dog and I leave or the show will start, and you won't make the .75 of a second reaction time to stop it.

All I want to do is leave, the choice is up to your monsteriuos, disgusting people.

It's still a good thing Trump asked for Americans to get hacked and secrets leaked, right??!?

I'm with you dude. Fuck these dudes

holy shit, finally someone calls out the NSA too?

I thought Trump was only mad at the CIA?

have we forgotten our Cambridge Analytica talking points OP?

Why the fuck are you bringing this trump comment in every thread about the CIA?

Their username says it all.

"Enough Trump Spam" spamming trump comments. Hmm.

Cause he's not relevant and gets no attention if no one brings up Trump, so he hijacks top comments to do it himself now.

Fuck anyone that invades our privacy under the guise of security and anyone who takes us to war for profit or empire.

You're the one spamming shit about Trump dumb fuck

After seeing your comments in many different threads here it seems you are more worried about spreading the anti-trump gospel than actual conspiracies.

Trump seems okay. I don't agree with everything, but he seems like a good guy who is trying to clean up some of the muck, well in his own way... heh.

I'm not a huge fan of the way he handles certain things but baselessly attacking anyone who has hope he may still be a decent president is ridiculous.

I hope that he makes a decent one... as fucking crazy absurd as all of this is lol...

Me too.

The day these people are arrested and their archives are openly released to the world is the day humanity starts moving in the right direction.

The day these people are arrested

No. Those people had their chance at life, and used it to bring additional pain and suffering to the world. I used a good portion of mine to bring in an unpaid non profit to help the homeless get out of their jams, how little it may of helped, but I tried. I also operated a business these monstrous cia nsa fucks destroyed, and my business was small, but honest, no fraud or anything.

They took their time, and used their fancy tech to destroy these things, drug me, perform psycological war on lil-ol' me, and do various other bad things. These are the nsa and cia.

No, they had their time, and all arrests will do is allow them to continue waste our planet's resources. They must be expunged from existence, and not allowed further time to use our resources, or allowed the possibility to continue to bring pain to our species.

If we are fortunate enough to see such efforts taken place, there must be consideration taken so that innocent people are not hurt (anyone outside of these two organizations).

What was your business that the CIA took time to destroy?

The business didn't matter, just a small tech thing, it was my person that they were after.

I'm not sure what all triggered it, but I think it was because the cia / Obama Administration helped armed ISIS via the Iraqi Army base that weeks before was a US Army base, or so it's been told to me by kind informants.

Heh, and I'm just a normal American like many of you, not even a protester or an investigative journalist.

It just seems odd that out of all the things CIA is (probably) doing they would take the time to come after you. I suspect there is more to this story than you are letting on, but that's cool man, up to you.

Think what you will, enough time on this post, my energy is better spent on others. Know that the new Nazi SS do act in strange ways.

Let's just hope that a few bunker busters land on the cia and nsa HQ followed by enough firepower to turn their concrete and bones into magma, destroying all of their dna so that they couldn't even be cloned for any weird reason.

A patriotic act like that would make a huge improvement for the country, and the world will breath a sigh of relief as the evil is removed from our planet.

Be careful friend, these institutions you so casually threaten have more power than you can possibly imagine.

Hey, I'm just the guy fanning the flames. The only promises I'm making are if I don't get my passport to simply leave the nation. How simple is that? Fucking easy!

Other than that, they've fucvked my life and most all I've built so if I die, okay, that's fine, but things are setup so, well... I'll die with a smile on my face.

Just a real quicky that you'll probably only read:

The only reason why I'm so casual about my rhetoric is that I've met these people, face to face, man to man, man to woman. When they aren't hiding behind their computers and fancy tools, or cars, they're cowards through and through, just as we'd expect them to be. Sure, they probably have a few badasses, but when you see the tiny pinpricks their pupils turn to when they think they might be living in their last moments and they come to realize the evil that they are, and represent, they are complete disgusting cowards.

Yeah, they can kill me at any time, hell maybe they can from space now, who knows, and I'm okay with this. I'm ready to die, and it's so freeing, but all I really want is my mother fucking passport and for my dog and I to begin a new life on another continent.

Good luck to you buddy, I hope you can find the peace you are looking for.

Same to you. I just want to leave the country, and not bother these guys, and not have them bother me.

To me, that seems like a simple compromise to whatever the hell all of this has even been about.

Heh, that's one of the worse things. I'm not even sure why they did/are doing the things to me that are happening. I didn't start a cult or anything.

Anyway, gl to you to.

The business didn't matter, just a small tech thing, it was my person that they were after.

you're schizophrenic fam. watch Beautiful Mind and see how accurate it is to your life


normal cowardly excuse

They took their time, and used their fancy tech to destroy these things, drug me, perform psychological war on lil-ol' me, and do various other bad things.

I suspect there's far more you're not sharing here, and that it's far darker than your portrayal. If so, and if you're actually referring to programming, I know some resources that can help you break free of that. I personally know people who've suffered this, but they've found healing. PM if you're interested.

Nope, couldn't imagine what more it could be.

One idea I've had is that maybe I was shifted into a version of hell after that car crash, that's pretty far out there though.

Yes, they programmed me with click programming, and still try. They use magnetic devices and either have the house coiled or use the planet's magnosphere thingy (that's pretty far out there though, but who knows).

Hey, that passport better get here lickity split, huh? See you in the funny papers.

(that's pretty far out there though, but who knows).

Trust me, I've heard stranger things. Do you have large portions of your memory that seem blank? Like, years' worth, specifically from childhood?

I've seen demonstrations of similar technology. With advanced imaging and motion capture it's possible to parabolically direct stimulated emissions of audio and other sensory phenomena straight to your head, through walls, with very portable equipment.

(Before you ask, this is just an example of what next gen VR gear can do.)

No need for the magnetosphere. But who knows.

No, it is metal devices. Some people are holding on to some of them, and my magnetic wave readers went wild when the clicks occur.

IT's fancy, and simple and a bit cool. If only it were used for good, instead of evil. :\

Metal... gear??

Never played the game.

Voice2Skull technologies exist. I think technologies they are using are 25-50 years ahead of what is currently available.

Scary stuff. I just want out. No voices here, thank god... or yet...

Well then.... This just happened..

Just nod and smile, nod and smile..

Kill them with kindness... Mercy is always the worst punishment for anyone, so let them rot in a prison cell somewhere. They'll know that after we took back our power, we were still the better people to not use it for violence in the name of "justice". Doing that would make us no better than they were.

I say no. They are a pox on our species. I don't mean violence, I mean decimation.

These are sick minds, I've interacted with them, they cannot be allowed to have a chance to gain power again, or represent us.

Well I've been a firm believer that nothing can happen to you that you do not permit. Laws/rules are arbitrary, for better or worse. If we don't want these people in power it's simple, don't give them power.

their archives are openly released to the world is the day humanity starts moving in the right direction.

friendly reminder to be careful what you wish for

And out of those who participate in such crimes, there are those of conscience who work to expose them, as whistleblowers.

Let us not forget they are still human beings, they make mistakes like the rest of us, and still have an opportunity to redeem themselves.

No, let us forget that lie, and let others, those with nothing left to lose, do what probably shlld have been done years ago.

We let it all go on too long, we let our nation turn into the New United States, turn into yet another Nazi Germany, but it's one of the digital age, with some 1984 added to the mess.

I'm so sorry everyone, I was one of the people, just like many of you who turned my head when I saw, or read about the horrible things these monsters would do, but there is still a sliver of a chance that we can turn it around, but we'll need those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the world, to make that change happen.

I agree, but this really is nothing new. Fuck the NSA big time, but the CIA has always been a spy agency. I am not all too surprised to learn that they posses modern day spy tools.

If they are targeting everyday citizens, than this is a big problem. But if they are spying on enemies using these tools, its no different than the things they have always had. Its just a lot easier for them now..

Have an upvote.

I just hate the bastards who fucked my shit up.

Heh, wish I knew why, and I wish I could meet them so that I could choke the life out of them with my bare fucking hands and watch as they leave our kind forever.

Just be thankful they leave the fake Americans alone.

The nsa and cia are the fake Americans.

Ah, another fake botted account. /u/Prismos_1st

To everyone else: There are various ways to spot these accounts, this one here, do you see his commenting pattern? Skipping every few days'ish? It's a botted and purchased account, often used by nsa / cia scumbags, or marketing teams.

Now this isn't always the case, but it's pretty common. There are a few other patterns as well. Keep an eye out for the enemy of We the People, and call them out.

Botted account? I just don't comment that often lol.


Pick up where Kennedy left off. Join the resistance.


Eh, planning things on reddit is not going to work. I don't know what would.

It would take.. like those guys in the concentration camps who escaped, they made a movie about it with a badass jumping over a fence on a bike, that kind of careful planning to subvert and destroy these new Nazi SS guys.

I can't put all of that together, so I just have to leave the US. It sucks, but that's where I am at, but I wish you guys the best trying to turn America away from evil.

How do you know it won't work? Not even worth a try?

I won't be coaxed into discussing such things.

I just want out of the god damn country.

You can try if you want, I'm out.

Where are you gonna go?

I have my plans.

It is not so much "running away" as not being a part of the new Nazis.

My impact will be doing good works outside of the US.

If they do not let me leave, bad works will come into existence.

I guess I just don't get why you don't want to improve your country. America was great and can be great again under Trump but he needs help.

I do, but I cannot be here for reasons that I will not explain here.

Eh, planning things on reddit is not going to work

Not with that kind of attitude.

"They" will see, and eventually control, or use the data in some manner to subvert.

No, it's pretty much impossible to stop these new Nazis at this point.

The best we can hope for, that I hope for, is that Mattis performs a coup with the Marines, and maybe another arm of the military joins, like the Navy or Air Force, and we take back our nation.

Maybe that could never happen, but a man can dream.

The best course of action, unfortunately, is to obtain your passport, leave the nation, and attempt to help build up another nation in the name of good.

Give up then. Bend over and take it, slave. Tell your fellow prisoners you didn't even bother resisting when you're rotting in the gulag.

Nah, helping to build another nation isn't bending over and taking it.

If I would have applied to the cia, as they seemed to have wanted me to do, THAT would have been bending over and taking it, thus my two middle fingers, and online dialog.

Helping to create good in this world is not hiding, running, or being a bitch in any manner, it's just being a good person.

Most of the employees are unaware of the agenda and what their work achieves. It's all compartmentalized. And for most of them, it's a family thing. However, it's blatantly obvious to everyone how evil the CIA is and has been for some time, so there is no excuse of innocence.

Most of the employees are unaware of the agenda

This is a bit a philisophical debate I suppose.

I'm in the camp of wishing that all of them, all of those who comprise these horrible things are expelled from the planet. They knew, they may have not liked it, but they have known at least a little that they were and are a part of the new Nazi SS.

They had time to leave, have time to leave, now!

Maybe they are like me and cannot leave. Hell, I'm trying to leave the New United States but they keep blocking my passport, and if it doesn't get here quickly, it's going to end badly.

Maybe none of them, and many of us, are allowed to escape the New United States now.

Has anyone else here actually tried to get their passports in the last few months? Is it possible? Are the rest of you a prisoner here like me? If so, maybe it's time for the prisoners to do what must be done to set things right again.

"Real americans"

Yeah, real Americans. You know, the kind that try to make the world a better place and don't go spying on people?

You know, /u/Rustyray84 you have the most intriguing commenting pattern!

How so?

OK, so if you check out my post history, you'll see I'm not a shill or disinfo agent. But I do need to point out that the average employee -- both federal and contractor -- at the CIA and NSA is no different than you and I. I know some of them actively post here in good faith, and you'd never know they worked for the IC. Tens of thousands of employees across several agencies, and most of them are good, honest, decent people. Let me give you some inside perspective:

I spent several years as a federal civilian working for a joint IC / military-intel organization. I routinely collaborated with agencies you know of -- CIA, NSA, NGA, DIA -- and those you don't. There were regular conferences at various organizations, at which I met and maintained contact with many people across the entire swath of the IC. And in all my years, I never personally encountered a single instance of an intentional violation of constitutional rights or court opinions related to privacy. Clearly, we all know it does happen. But you have to remember that the average analyst is following the law and his / her conscience as an American citizen while working a difficult job to provide for his / her family.

Every program and project is very compartmentalized. The Manhattan Project employed over 129,000 people, but just a few dozen had the information on the whole scope of the project. Think about it: only .018% of those involved understood the whole story. A vast majority of people working it, including many who were fully cleared to the highest levels of classification -- research scientists, maintenance crews, construction workers, shipping and transportation, mining, parts and assembly -- knew only as much as was required to do their job. And how much more time have we had to perfect the art of compartmentalization?

I know we have cause for concern, and we should be very angry. Our rights have indeed be violated over and over again. But trust me when I tell you that most people working for these agencies have no clue how their work serves the bigger picture, and most are subject to the same cognitive bias as everyone else, which means that most of them will see the evidence and continue to deny it.

That said, it brings up an issue of larger concern. Whoever leaked this information still only has access to a very small part. I cannot confirm nor deny the veracity of the recent leaks, but I can tell you with certainty that they are but a fraction of the truth.

Eh, I've spent enough time on this post, my energy is best used on other ones. All I can do is fan the flames with what few abilities I have left, and juuuuuuuuust maybe it might make the smallest of differences to improve America before either I die, or leave the New United States forever.

I hope your comparison is borne out of your exhaustion. You cant really compare the holocaust to spying on citizens.

Not the holocaust, I never stated that, but the same sick mind set of the Nazi SS. We're dealing with the same types of people.

No we are not. Its a bad comparison.

It's a very good comparison, and you are, I'm so sorry, but I'm not really sorry, only that it got so bad and that I did what everyone else would do, look the other way, and try to warn on the web.

No, it's you that should be sorry, apologizing to the true Americans, and leaving whatever position you may be in that helps these New Nazi SS scum stay in power.

The "true American" bullshit sounds a lot like Aryan propaganda. Fuck off

Nope, don't like the nazis, but there are Americans, good folks, do good work for the world.

Then you have these new Nazi SS mother fuckers, spying on people, trying to kill them, click programming them, horrible shit, life destruction... vile humans.

try writing actual sentences, ease up on the commas. It sounds like you are drunk.

No need to be rude.

I apologize if I was rude for no reason. But Im having a hard making sense of your posts, and the first one seemed as if you were being rude to me. That's why I took the gloves off.

Eh, I live in a high stress world now, so I may have been a dick. Imagine your life is filled with daily things like knives, smashing into cars of people trying to stalk or kill you, and a whole bunch of other dumb, pointless, stupid shit.

Then it spews online.

As I've been saying, I just want my passport, and I want to leave with my dog, peacefully. I call them today, and wouldn't you know it, it looks like their trying to fuck it up again.

I've given plenty of warning. Do not fuck with me, those who are reading this (not necessarily you who I'm replying to :) ). I have nothing to lose, and the other things are in place as I've been cautious and clever. Let me leave the US with my dog and live a whole new life (thanks you fucking assholes), or shit gets messy.

Well good luck man. I wish for you health and happiness.

Same to you!

The atmosphere of Nazi Germany was very similar. Everyone snitching on everyone to the higher ups. no secrets were safe, couldn't trust your own neighbor, disobey and pay the consequences.

Sound familiar America?

That part sounds a little familiar, yes. Along with the ultra-nationalism. But it is still a bad comparison.

A lot of the Nazis didn't know either, but we bombed them out of existence.

And who's to say that was the right thing?

There were human right's violations at Nuremberg. There are human right's violations at Guantanamo.

We know that not all of the people who were brutalized at Guantanamo are guilty of what they were accused of.

Same could apply to Nuremberg.

Be careful when fighting monsters.

It's a hard one!

Like today there's a guy, going around my little circle house area, I asked him what his business was, he didn't see the knife I had out, he said he was looking for a stolen car, and it was good that he answered as quick as he did that it was a missing 68 mustang, or I probably would have cut him up pretty bad.

It's a dangerous game. I never wanted to play it, not sure why I'm in it, and I'm making efforts to peacefully exit, but if I see them fucking with me, I will kill them.

You're a threat to yourself and others with that current line of thinking. I hope you get the help you need. Peace be with you.

I know what you're trying to do there. It won't work.

Over my corpse.

All I want is to get my passport and my dog and I out of this new Nazi controlled America (not including Trump).

It's not your fault.

I might be, or it might not be. I'm not too sure what triggered all of this, but what is clear is that they attacked me, attempted to murder me, multiple times, stalk me, and bug my house, and hack my stuff.

They're pricks.

I just want out of the country at this point, and if they prevent me, well, do you/they honestly believe that I'm going to allow this to continue?

Hi there. My name is Jacob and I DO work for the government.

See you real soon.

I'm well armed at all times.

Come at me, bro.


: ^ )

Thanks for a sober post.

Also I didn't know about the DIA or NGA. Like I've suggested, I always kind of stayed away from that stuff, or didn't even try. It wasn't my business, no need to get involved.

The only reason I'm full of so much fire is that they ruined my life, tried to murder me, tried to make me into a terrorist, tried to kill my dog even, the fuckers.

They still have people stalk me, I don't really get why though. God damn this is so stupid, and if I don't get that mother fucking passport quickly, they cannot stop, and they know this, it's a work of art, sometimes caution can pay dividends.

... but hopefully I just get my passport and am able to leave to another nation with my dog, in peace.

The only reason I'm full of so much fire is that they ruined my life, tried to murder me, tried to make me into a terrorist, tried to kill my dog even, the fuckers.


Great question, I'm not sure as to why, and it no longer matters.

If they don't allow me to have my passport, party time mother fuckers.

Or... you know... I get my passport and my dog and I leave peacefully.

You seriously need help before you hurt someone

Oops, I think that you meant to send that to and not me, an honest American, soon to be ex-American hopefully living in Holland.

I'd better get that passport, or else. :-)

User says he isn't a shill before shilling, described Fordism like he has a point.

How is my post in any way related to "the eponymous manufacturing system designed to spew out standardized, low-cost goods and afford its workers decent enough wages to buy them?"

Also, a good shill would be sure to change the narrative by introducing an unrelated, emotionally-charged topic in the context of the reply such that it sounds natural. If you notice, my point was to remind people that the general, run-of-the-mill IC analyst is no different than anyone else, with no nefarious intent.

I believe I was quite clear in stating that the illegal activity is happening, and public trust is being violated, but by the few with full knowledge rather than the tens of thousands of cogs in the machine.

The idea behind Fordism is that if you taught you worker how to build the entire car, they'd just leave your company and do it for themselves.

So instead of teaching people to build entire cars, you teach them individually to build wheels, mirrors, seatbelts etc. so each person has a job they do, but they all contribute to the bigger task at hand without understanding the finished product.

Just because they are too short-sighted to understand what is going on doesn't cleanse them of wrongdoing. Anyone can play stupid.

Ah, I see your point about Fordism -- thanks for the clarification.

However, I believe there's a major distinction here in that in practice, the guy making steering wheels in the assembly line knows everything there is to know about steering wheels, including how it fits into the steering column, what components attach to them, and where it goes in the car. He also knows its overall intended function within the context of the completed end product, and very likely quite a bit about many of the other individual components. He may or may not know much about the specific details about other parts, or how the car actually functions on the mechanical level, but he gets the overall picture.

In the intel community, the corresponding analogy would be of that same guy who knows everything there is to know about steering wheels, but his abstract contextual knowledge is limited to the fact that someone will eventually place their hands on it. He doesn't know where the wheels go in a completed product, what its intended function will actually be, how its going to be specifically used, to what and where it will be attached, or exactly why he was asked to make steering wheels in the first place. He is literally in a silo with respect to every aspect of his work.

Now, it IS difficult to draw that analogy in the case of the IC because truth be told, there are a lot of smart people there who do collaborate and interact with each other. But the concept holds that the individual analyst really doesn't know who's reading his assessments, how his products will be used, what decisions are being made by whom based on his work, etc, etc.

Just because intelligence community members are too short-sighted to understand what is going on doesn't cleanse them of wrongdoing. Anyone can play stupid.

Perhaps because I've worked alongside many of them, and have been able to discern their humanity and general desire to do actual good, but I simply find your assessment far too broad and overly-critical. The enemy is not the guy working day to day in a cramped cubicle in a dark, windowless room so that he can feed his family. The enemies are those who have hunger for power and control, complete disregard for the common good and constitutional freedoms, authority to guide intelligence directives, authority to make intelligence-based decisions, and a full grasp of the whole picture.

They are much fewer in number than you seem to think. Dangerous, yes. Evil, yes. Abundant and/or apparent? No.

I watched Jason Bourne last night, and a major part of the plot centers around the CIA trying to infiltrate a Facebook-esque social media platform to spy on everyone, all the time. Suffice the say, the CIA was not portrayed in a positive light in the film.

When will the revolution come? How much more do Americans want to take?

I don't know, but see, it's hard to even think about, I mean these Nazi scum they can spy on everyone, and kill easily.

I suggest getting your passports and leaving the New America ASAP.

Reminders suck.

And I got to upvote the post to 420. This is a good day?

I don't do the 420 thing, but best wishes to ya! TY for the upvote!

Nearly infinite? we live in a country where money is literally numbers on a computer screen... if we want 789 trillion dollars to be created we type some shit in and print some cash out. with nothing to back it theres theoretically nothing stopping them from doing that, other than arbitrary "regulations" put in place.

Reptiles don't sleep

Hahahahaha, well done!

And the US government is doing nothing to stop it.

You a spook brah?

Seems like someone hit a nerve.

well of course

but read op's history....

im not even being facetious here, he worries me very much

i work with people with paranoid schizophrenia and his writings read a lot like other writings ive seen from clients

im being completely serious here. He sounds increasing delusional and paranoid and dangerous

unless he's just a very accomplished troll who is taking on the character of a stereotypical "crazy" conspiracy theorist...

Eh, planning things on reddit is not going to work. I don't know what would.

It would take.. like those guys in the concentration camps who escaped, they made a movie about it with a badass jumping over a fence on a bike, that kind of careful planning to subvert and destroy these new Nazi SS guys.

I can't put all of that together, so I just have to leave the US. It sucks, but that's where I am at, but I wish you guys the best trying to turn America away from evil.

I'm not a huge fan of the way he handles certain things but baselessly attacking anyone who has hope he may still be a decent president is ridiculous.

I hope that he makes a decent one... as fucking crazy absurd as all of this is lol...