I'm not a shill bit this shit about the CIA seems a little too revealing and in line with Trump's ideas.

10  2017-03-08 by WaterPigeon

Trump is a member of the elite and definitely isn't going to usher us into a golden age. But Wikileaks, which has been shown to have multiple backdoor channels to Trump, is leaking info that would seemingly discredit any organizations that oppose him. While none of this stuff is seemingly out of reach of the CIA. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a decoy by the white house to position themselves in a way that allows them to be the central source of "truth." WikiLeaks is surprisingly pro-Trump and don't release anything to hurt him. This seems too convenient.


Which backdoor channels are you talking about?

Vault 7 was being teased before trumps sperg out about wiretaps

Roger Stone for one.

Yup Roger Stone's tweet that he has a backdoor to WikiLeaks. Which he then deleted. Is VERY suspicious.

Yes you are

Why are people so quick to assume there's "dirt" on Trump that wikileaks hasn't released? Innocent until proven otherwise please? You should focus your energy on reading up on the Clinton Nefarious Network instead.

The fucking irony...

How about the fact that apparently there is a dossier on him that only Russia got a hold of and the CIA who has access to 99% of our communications somehow doesn't.

Dossier was fabricated by deep state actors to frame Trump and Russia. It was all a ruse.

So if Wikileaks impeccable reputation regarding leaks are to be believed, the CIA has been spying on trump, yet everything they've leaked to msm hold little to no water. Wikileaks doesn't have anything. CIA doesn't have anything. One of them likes to lie.

basically they said they had GOP/Trump emails and said there was nothing interesting and didn't release it.

Why wouldn't they release it to prove that? Do they just expect the other side to take their word for it?

pretty much..

that's why i don't really trust them anymore..

This is the same logic that paints many neutral spectators into a "proTrump" box.

The logic that a member of the elite is working against the public. I guess its easy to believe that until the guy doing it is in your camp.

Which elite? There are at least three major power players (london banking royalty, vatican, dragon family) and dozens if not hundreds or thousands of smaller outfits (mafia, cia, kgb, soros, mercer, israelis, sauds, etc anon anon)

Reductivist dweebery is disinfo. Get off the fucking boat Gustave

Motherfucker. Trump is a member of the elite.

Removed. Rule 4.

Motherfucker. Trump is a member of the elite.

Removed. Rule 4.


So Wikileaks has been working with Trump since before he even decided to run for POTUS? Never start a statement with "I am not a shill, but"

I mean he has run for POTUS twice. Is a member of the bourgeoisie and has surrogates that have admitted having back channels to wikileaks.

You are giving him too much credit. He is kind of a buffoon and a moron. At one point creditors had to take over his empire and he lived off of an allowance. He is no great mastermind. He is an egotistical snake oil salesman at best. But he does have a big heart and I believe he wants what's best for America.

Trump is a characteristic abuser and gas lighting doesn't seem out of reach.

Twice? Did I stumble into an alternate reality?

Last time and this time. First time he LOST pretty quickly. SAD!

Lol. Reform party. Oprah Winfrey. Pat Buchanan loves Hitler. Thanks, this is hilarious.

What you seem to be missing is that wikileaks is not pro trump or pro republican. Quite the opposite actually in the case of the republicans. Their MO is to expose government corruption and let the peasants see what the elite have been hiding.

That said, we just came out of 8 years of a very secretive administration. Droning countries without fanfare... arming isis through saudi Arabian weapons deals... it's a long list. Then to top it off, Obama takes money from a sickly economy and increases the CIA budget, gives more powers to the NSA... he put a huge target on his dealings being exposed.

Wikileaks obtains the documents seeing that the CIA used this money to develop an equal surveillance program to that of the NSA, but without oversight.

Trump comes out claiming Obama spied on him... they size the opportunity. This is their chance to take down the deep state/secret parts of the government. That is their objective. Trump seems to be willing to facilitate it, so he isn't an enemy to them as of now.

You mean the fact that he is hiding his taxes and communication with the Russians and his surrogates admitted to having backdoor channels to WikiLeak? Sounds like he is pretty opposed to transparency.

He is hiding his taxes. Every intelligence source on record says no evidence of Russian collusion.

You seemed to posit a question about why Wikileaks was releasing this right now. Seems you didn't actually want real theories, just a chance to slam Trump.

Nah. But the elites have always just positioned themselves for more money and power. I am just as critical of Obama and Hillary.

Every intelligence source on record says no evidence of Russian collusion

when did this happen? I thought everyone said there's some kind of relationship that deserves investigation?

Crazy how you get down voted for stating the truth. People don't even realize that WikiLeaks and Assange have gone on the record stating that they didn't want either candidate to win the election.

It's fine... people have a very hard time computing new information that doesn't fit their opinion. Human nature

Or assange has a vested interest in seeming neutral.

Trump is a member of the elite and definitely isn't going to usher us into a golden age.

Looks like you have it all figured out.

This seems too convenient.

Solid theory!

Like most of the stuff here. I agree with you. It is. Unless it doesn't fit your narrative, right?

Sarcasm isnt your forte, i take it

Conspiracy Theory for OP: Trump is actually a good guy, the elites hate him, and he is creating a government that serves the people not the aristocracy of DC.

Yeah. All that Russian oil and those Trump hotel contracts in those countries Ivanka "suddenly" got cleared up once he got elected REALLY supports that.

Maybe just maybe Trump actually stands against corruption, aligning himself with the mission of Wikileaks to expose corruption? Could it be they are just working to better humanity and share similar goals?? I know to you it sounds crazy but you should remember that the possibility exists.

What kind of not a shill are you?

The best way to tell a politician's character is by looking at who is working against them.

Among the many names in the long list, the war criminal neocons and neolibs and their CIA are right up the top the list.

That's how I know Trump must be doing some good.

I haven't seen any real evidence of corruption that hasn't been faked and manufactured, but if I had only two choices, I'll take a President who promotes his daughters clothing line and tries to get some hotels built, over one who has destroyed half the middle east and north africa, sent thousands of Americans to die in their wars of aggression, and murdered hundreds of thousands, probably millions of people with their bombs and terrorists and death squads.

But he is using the office of the president as a means of gaining wealth. You don't see that as an issue? It literally violates the plain text of the the constitution.

You didn't understand what I wrote.

That was part of what you said?

Your question does not make sense. Rephrase it.

I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a decoy by the white house to position themselves in a way that allows them to be the central source of "truth.

People learning not to trust the CIA and the corporate media isn't Trump's fault, it's the CIA and corporate media's fault.

Maybe - just maybe - there's a chance that Trump is the real deal and is trying to make a difference. There's also a strong chance that he's just a bumbling fool who accidentally won the highest seat in the land. Or that he is being supported by Russian interests.

None of us know for sure. We're all just along for the ride, and they sure are keeping us entertained.

Bumbling fool with billions huh?

So some would think. So the media would have us think. Personally I'd go for option 1, if only because it's the most optimistic outcome.

It's also the outcome the media and losing parties absolutely do not want you to consider.

Which is more evidence that it's the correct one.

Flight of the bumbling billionaire

has been shown to have multiple backdoor channels to Trump

Have they?

Roger Stone, for one?

What has Wikileaks released that has been proven false? Nothing! 100% track record. People leaked Iraq War info (and candid photos) during Bush' terms. Snowden was a leaker during Obama's administration. Leaking info is not partisan, necessarily. It happens all the time to both parties.

What have they released that hurt Trump?

Like what?

The Deep State and the MSM and Globalists do everything to Trump right out in the open.

"You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."-- Schumer, about Trump

Trump is a member of the elite and definitely isn't going to usher us into a golden age.

Lets see your research. That's one hell of a meta statement. Show us your meta data. Crystal ball? TARDIS?

Multiple backdoor channels? Care to provide proof of that claim?

Any person with a brain will never look to the white house for truth.

Roger Stone.

Are you forgetting that wikileaks tweeted saying that anyone with Trump info to submit it to them?

Selectively editing information isn't going to help your cause.

Julian Assange also stated that he wouldn't vote for either candidate if he was American.

So wanting to stay unbiased is a bad thing now?

Holy fuck, people are becoming more and more retarded every day.

I was just adding to what you stated, since a lot of people think he is pro Trump.

"I'm not a shill but.."

-Something a shill says, as per their basic ass training on how to 'blend in'

lmao, I forgot this was t_d_2.0

"WL, which has been shown to have multiple backdoor channels to Trump"

Ehmm, no. Show some evidence, or GTFO.

Roger Stone

Anyone else really enjoy the "I'm not a shill but" posts?

I'm totally not trying to piss you off, but Lee Harvey Oswald was definitely the lone wolf shooter

(I really hope /s isn't necessary.)

I am anti-trump and anti-Hillary. Mostly a leftist, communist. I think the government deserves to be under constant scrutiny, they bear the burden of proof.

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a 64 comment thread with literally none of my taggees in it before. And at the top of controversial, no less!

Why wouldn't they release it to prove that? Do they just expect the other side to take their word for it?

Or assange has a vested interest in seeming neutral.

Motherfucker. Trump is a member of the elite.

Motherfucker. Trump is a member of the elite.

Removed. Rule 4.