A message to Spez: Fuck you for not allowing Vault 7 to be on the front page or /r/all. You're a piece shit CEO.

75  2017-03-08 by russian321



You're kidding right? All that rage and you don't even tag him.

Who's the show for?

I saw it on /r/all yesterday coming from the /r/technology subreddit. A lot of people were getting red pilled hard in the comments.

One of the largest uncuckenings I've seen on this sub TBH

The Legbeard Enlightenment.

The Snowden thing already told Americans that the US have wide ranging spying abilities. The mainstream doesn't really care about Vault7 cause its like old news.

It made /r/all with threads from at least three different subs. Sorry, dude.

spez step down

Even better.... Fuck off

that was directed at spez right? ;0

Of course.. I should have clarified... Sorry bout that

its ok no prob since i agree completely !

Or he is working for tbe CIA, honestly would not surprise me.

He's involved with the private sub /r/cannibals, so he probably is.

It was on the front page for quite a bit yesterday. The problem isn't lack of publicity, it's just that no one truly cares anymore. You'll get millions outside marching against Trump because he said the word pussy, but you don't get any protest for the CIA having unlimited access to pretty much every electronic device we own.

I think it seems like no one cares because everyone already assumed this to be a truth. I have had no illusion of my privacy since I started carrying a smart phone in my pocket 10 years ago.

And, while it is creepy to think that someone might be listening to my TV, the reality is, no one is.

I think it's probably a little more wise to wait for people to tear through these docs and see if there are stories that actually exposing something.

/r/android, /r/technology, /r/bitcoin and /r/news had one each on the first page at some point

Fuck , shit , ass ramble ramble , give me karma and gold fuck , ass dick shit , It looks like you have Tourette syndrome Russian, go fuck yourself , shit , ass , bitch

Found the bot

And it looks like a sheep (you) replied .