More Trump connections to Russian Oligarch

63  2017-03-08 by krom_bom

About a month ago, I made a post about Trump possibly meeting with a Russian oligarch before the election.

Now, a month later, it appears the MSM has picked up this same story, and has uncovered further ties to this oligarch here.

Most interestingly is the revelation that Trump sold a beach side mansion to this oligarch for over double the assessed value, and then turned around and bulldozed the mansion and is just selling the property. This is a classic money laundering scheme.

So despite a lack of hard evidence, the circumstantial evidence continues to pile up that Trump has unethical business dealings with high level Russia elites, and may use his powers as POTUS to further these relationships.



It's pretty sad that you don't care that Trump is possibly the most corrupt POTUS in history.


Suddenly Skeptical™

^ This subs motto when it comes to any Trump conspiracy

This connection is literally the most boring fucking bull shit conspiracy. You people are grasping for fucking straws.

I'd just like to note that this post was downvoted literally within seconds of being posted.

Is that a coincidence? Maybe. But I think people around may agree with me that voting patterns like this seem pretty suspect.

It looks like everything in new is being immediately downvoted. Even posts like this pushing the CTR/blue share narrative.

pushing the CTR/blue share narrative.

Are you joking? If you actually read my post, there is strong evidence that Trump and this oligarch are colluding together.

I thought this sub was for conspiracies, not just cheerleading for the POTUS.

Not joking, I read it and not buying it.

Not buying what? I provided significant evidence, and you just sit there and say, "nope, not buying it." I don't even believe you that you read through all of it.

Also, in your opinion, is being suspicious of Trump automatically make someone CTR/share blue?

It's evidence but doesn't look significant to me. He sold a property 8 years ago, their jets were at the same airport at the same time.. Am I missing something?

I never said you were share blue/CTR but your posts fit in with the same narrative that they are blitzing everywhere.

So in your opinion, anyone who criticizes Trump is suspect of being CTR/share blue?

Not necessarily. I welcome criticism if it's objective. Most of it isn't. It's the boy(share blue/CTR) crying wolf scenario. They have made it incredibly hard to believe anyone.

So in what way is my post no tobjective? I laid out a set of facts, and speculate about (what I would consider reasonable) conclusions that can be drawn from those facts.

Consider perhaps you are the one who isn't objective.

No one here is really cheering for POTUS lol he's just as bad as the rest of them

Come fucking on man how many blinders can you have on

Your're the suspect, flappy pants.

Your're the suspect, flappy pants.

What does that mean?

This is getting just so tedious.

Every day about 8AM eastern time US, the Trump-did-this-with-the-Russians posts start rolling in. It's like clockwork.

What's next? Trump eats dinner with Russian next door neighbor! World ending!

Thanks for reading my post and giving a thoughtful response... Oh wait, you just dismissed it out of hand, clearly without reading any of the sources or my previous post.

gtfo with your partisanship. open your eyes. Trump is corrupt as fuck, almost certainly.

Even without Russian ties he is corrupt as fuck.

And, like clockwork, the Trump fellators flood the comments to deflect, deny, distract.

I know a lot of people on this sub want to dismiss the Trump-Russia connections, but I don't think three Trump officials would have resigned so readily if there is nothing there. It doesn't seem like a great leap to me to think that Trump - a lifelong businessman - would use his position in the US government to further his own business interests.

I agree completely.

His supporters are so quick to say, "oh he's already a billionaire, he doesn't NEED anymore money, why would he be corrupt?"

Well, no one on this planet became a billionaire by not caring about making more money. In fact, I'd venture to say that it's nearly impossible to attain that much wealth without being a greedy son of a bitch.

The downvotes are already coming - it's funny to me that the conspiracy sub is ignoring the biggest conspiracy of our time because of their own political affiliations.

Yup, they sit around crying about share blue, while literally any anti-trump is AUTOMATICALLY downvoted to shit.


It's actually hilarious. These people actually upvote shit talking about reptilian alien beings and shit, but THIS is ridiculous. This is where these guys draw the line. And anyone who disagrees with them is paid to do so/brainwashed.

Idk man. As much as I really don't give a fuck about trump he DID give up his presidential salary so idk how greedy he really is

Greedy enough to make a big PR stunt by giving up his salary, only to turn around and use his resort Mar-a-lago as a "winter whitehouse" where the fed government has to foot the bill to the tune of millions of dollars, which goes right into his pockets.

You think greedy people want to be President for the salary?

Literally never said that. But if I was greedy I wouldn't be turning down a steady stream of income

If I was greedy I'd want a token gesture to distract rubes from the fact that my cronies and I are robbing the country blind.

If I was greedy I would just rob people fuck what they think

He's already made his money back by using Mar-a-lago for presidential business.

You could do that by starting a fake college!

The "insider" narrative is that Flynn resignation and Sessions' recusal were work of either Pence or Priebus (who are supposedly pro-Deep State elements within the administration).

Whether the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama enriched themselves through "pay to play" or shifting American interests in favor of their own isn't even a question. Under their administrations, the US wealth gap has grown to record proportions. Further, real economic indicators have been consistently rigged to fit the narrative of the "Great Recovery."

The bottom line is that the US government has grown, its power has increased, and most Americans are worse off for it. If you don't understand why your countrymen don't care about the Russian scare, perhaps it indicates your favored status. If, by some chance, you didn't profit from the looting of the American middle class, then it begs the question of why you are so concerned with Russia.

We are all in this together, whether you believe it or not.

Why would Pence be in on it? Is there any evidence of this at all?

There is actual evidence that there were contacts, perhaps inappropriate, between the Trump campaign and Russia. This is ignored. Really step back and look at it - you are making a claim with no proof, solely because it fits with your narrative.

I do believe that we are all in this together, that is why I'm baffled by the hero worship of Trump. He's out for himself like any other politician for all I've seen.

Pence's own words

Trump worship is just the reincarnation of "Hope and change" from 2008. You really don't get it, do you? I'm not saying that that is what he represents IRL, but (at present, even with your attempted Russia smear) the folks in r/conspiracy still hope that he destroys the Deep State, which has destroyed American democracy (and done the same countless other countries as well). Hindsight might be much different for r/conspiracy, but that is what you are up against.

Oh yeah, I forgot to ask - If Russia is so dangerous and bad, why did Obama administration green light Frank Giustra to sell them so much Uranium?

Nothing in the linked article is proof of a "deep state" or nefarious goals from Pence.

I get that you want Trump to represent some huge change, but that doesn't make it true. Russia can be good or bad, my point is Trump is using the presidency for his own personal and financial gain, and if that involves Russia (good or bad) Trump is fine with it. Pay to Play killed the Clintons, Trump is open about it and somehow that makes him the savior of the common man.

Anyone who idolizes HGW Bush (as a veep) is either an idiot or a psychopath. Bipartisan globalism and looting of US was the real issue of the (s)election. The identical nature of Bush and Obama administrations (minus ACA) has been apparent to most readers on these types of threads for at least 5 years. People are suspicious of folks like you who can't see it. There are legitimate ways to attack Trump and gain traction on this thread. Don't be mad at me that you can't figure it out.

So your evidence on Pence is just because he idolizes Bush?

I'm saying Trump is just more of the same, I don't know why you can't see it. I don't see what point you are trying to make with Giustra. Are you saying that the uranium deal shouldn't have happened at all because Russia is bad?

if you don't know about HGW Bush (CIA, Iran Contra, Saudi Aramco, and Franklin scandal) WTF are you doing in r/conspiracy, ffs???

Yes, that is exactly my point. I'm saying that as a rule, states don't give nuclear materials (for bombs or energy) to their enemies.

Your message fails to reach because you are attacking Trump in the wrong areas, using a flawed narrative. I'm telling you this as a person who did not vote for the guy. I really thought you were a bot after your first few responses (checked your comments and see you are a human karma whore). Your inability to understand the failure of your arguments reminds me of Upton Sinclair...

Of course I do. So, the entire government is the "deep state"? And everyone who disagrees with you is a shareblue bot? For all your complaining, you still aren't giving and specific evidence.

If you are being sincere, then you have some of the worst reading comprehension I have ever encountered in all of my days on the internet. My goal is to help people like you learn to read better, but this cannot be accomplished through an online conversation.

If you are trolling, I salute your successful efforts to make me question your sanity.

Use a search engine to test my "claims."

So far your "evidence" to support your argument has been the fact that Pence complimented bush in a news article, and insulting me. If you are unable to provide anything further I'll just take that as showing you have no proof Pence is trying to get Trump outed, you just have your own fan fiction.

[eye roll] you are still insisting that Flynn's resignation is indicative of guilt. Going back to my first comment, I said it was the work of Pence or Priebus. I don't claim to know who it is. I just gave you one example of why Pence would be considered a liability (love of Bush is a scary fucking thing to people with half of a working brain).

Flynn could have also resigned as a part of a strategy to incriminate the leakers within intelligence agencies and corporate media. It could be a setup for a big purge.

Clinton/Bush alliance is very old (back to Iran/Contra). Ken Starr is a member of the Clinton legal team - did you know that? His role in the impeachment hearings in the 90's was to keep the conversation on the rdiculous Lewinski affair, and out of Clinton's obvious corruption. Comey's role as FBI director has been to quash ongoing investigations of Clinton/Bush political allies. His junior, Andrew McCabe was responsible for the Portland Christmas Tree "terror bust" that was an obvious frame-up (to keep alive the Muslim Terror narrative) educate yourself about this.Their appointees within the federal government constitute the "Deep State". Their function has been to make sure that cronies go unpunished, and to crack down on dissent. Sibel Edmonds reported that the appointees of the Reagan/Bush/Clinton administrations were the ones with the most skeletons dug up by FBI. The Clintons (or their handlers) wanted judges and bureaucrats that could be controlled (through blackmail). This way, corruption in the US grows exponentially, in lockstep with Federal Debt and Wealth gap and death throes of Middle Class. Where have you been for the last 30+ years?

[eye roll] you are still insisting that Flynn's resignation is indicative of guilt. Going back to my first comment, I said it was the work of Pence or Priebus.

Again, this is all I'm asking. You are the one who has poor reading comprehension. What is your evidence that Pence or Priebus are responsible? If you don't have any, it is a work of fiction.

The attention span required for one more sentence of reading would have led you to "Flynn could have also resigned as a part of a strategy to incriminate the leakers within intelligence agencies and corporate media. It could be a setup for a big purge." That doesn't even account for the possibility that Flynn could have been seen as a necessary ally during the election, but expendable now, and dealt with in this way (by Trump). There are many possibilities as to why the dude could have resigned. You seem to know less than most people- why are you so insistent on your own answer for this question?

You are most based in your determination to prove the whole "talking to Russians is a crime" narrative.

Flynn had conversations with a Russian ambassador to discuss US sanctions, and when this was uncovered he resigned. These are facts. Everything you are saying is pure speculation. Do you understand the difference?

Had Flynn sold the Russians uranium, I would be more prone to understand, maybe even agree with your hysterics.

You are willfully and woefully ignorant to greater issues that could be exploited to your benefit. You even ignored my sweet little synopsis of the "deep state" to stay on your inane little topic. I am more to blame for trying to engage you, and thinking you might capable of rationality. My mistake. Peace.

All you are doing is insulting me to avoid admitting that you have zero actual evidence that Pence is responsible for having Flynn resign. Nice tactic.

He already used his campaign for his own interests. He was using donations to pay inflated rent on his own property, to himself. Hell isn't he making a shitload of money renting a floor of Trump tower to the secret service?

Fucking shills. No more wars for Israel, if you satanic fucks want war go fight them yourselves.

Literally have no idea wtf you are talking about.

basically Trump supporters want us to ally with Russia and have this Christian unification and they hate US dealing with Saudis and Israel cuz Muslims and Jews.

and has uncovered further ties to this oligarch here.

Jeezus christ! Long read with little revelations. What spurred you to post this link?

I made a post about this over a month ago, and then I saw that the media had picked up the story, and done some further research uncovering real estate dealings between the two.

Not the post but the article.

then I saw that the media had picked up the story, and done some further research uncovering real estate dealings between the two.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but I feel like the above quoted text is the answer?

I just saw this article pop up in one of my news feeds this morning, and thought, "oh shit, the MSM finally picked up this story, maybe I should make a new post about it."

And then I read the article, and it contained further information that I thought was relevant.

Does this answer your question?

I always look for some relevant quote. I expected you'd done the same and went looking for it. Not finding anything shady or untoward I pondered if you had. Was a well researched bs article. A big nothingburger.

Was a well researched bs article. A big nothingburger.

I disagree 100%. But I'm happy that we can have a civil discussion about it.

Your disagreement would be better served with a quote. Planes on the tarmac and selling houses does not a conspiracy make. Where's the beef?

A quote? From whom? Are you seriously saying that you require a quote from Trump, saying something about how he's doing illegal shit with russians?

From the article you felt important enough to link too.

Oh I'm sorry, I apologize, I didn't realize that you couldn't be bothered to spend 5 minutes reading a few page article. I guess I forgot that nowadays some people can only consume information that is packaged into nice little <140 character chunks, so they don't have to think too hard.

Anyway, I'd say the juiciest part was that Rybolovlev bought a mansion from Trump for nearly 4 timse what Trump paid for it, right in the midst of the housing collapse. This is evidence of classic money laundering. Oh, he also bulldozed the house and is now selling the property at a loss.

Rybolovlev famously purchased Trump’s Palm Beach mansion for almost $95 million in 2008. The transaction made headlines because he paid almost $60 million more than Trump had, and Rybolovlev bought it amid the U.S. financial crisis, which imperiled real estate values.

Read more here:

Yeah, that's why I said I had read it.

Rybolovlev famously purchased Trump’s Palm Beach mansion for almost $95 million in 2008...

Wow! Busted! lol I already checked the twitter doofus you mentioned. Two strikes and your out. You've got nothing.

you are a troll, i see. reported.

I think we can call it a day. Unless you have something substantial? Always interested in the alleged wrongdoings of my God Emperor. MAGA

my God Emperor. MAGA

And there it is...

Partisan bias! The best way to know what's true! /s

Evidence rules the day. Bring it.

huh, evidence eh? Your "god-emperor" never seemed to give a fuck about that, nor the_d, nor breitbart, nor any of his strongest supporters....

you guys are so funny, sometimes, honestly. thanks for the laugh my dude.

Your personal attacks don't cover for your lack of evidence. Sad. Your hollow claims grow more hollow with each passing day. lol

OP, I remain very skeptical of Trump. I do not share the idea that he is some kind of savior that some of the users here have. Its certainly possible he has sympathies for Russia's elite.

Its similar to how Obama grew up Muslim. How could he not be sympathetic to muslims and the religion of Islam you know?

All presidents are bad people. They desire power and control over other humans and I think its just a huge mistake to trust any of them.

However, Trump has done one positive thing so far that I like: He defeated the Cunt. So there is that, wouldnt you agree?

I don't know. To be honest, I have never been a fan of HRC, but I have remained very skeptical of the idea that she would have been worse than Trump. We'll never know for sure, though, since she's out of the game now.

What I do believe, is that the time for talking about HRC is gone. Trump is POTUS now, let's try to hold him accountable, and remain skeptical of his intentions.

She's out of office but not out of the game. If she isn't held accountable for her long, long list of corruption then how can we expect the next corrupt politician to be held accountable?

What I do believe, is that the time for talking about HRC is gone. Trump is POTUS now, let's try to hold him accountable, and remain skeptical of his intentions.

I just use the pedes' phrase against them "get over it, she lost." It's amazing they're still all "lock her up!" and ignore everything trump does

This post is at 0 because why? Because it goes against the narrative of this sub that changed when t_d took it over

This post is at 0 because why? Because it goes against the narrative of this sub that changed when t_d took it over


You know what's hilarious is the pedes telling me what this sub is about...a regular contributor for the past 5 years. I've been here 5 years but obviously am just talking out of my ass when I say t_d and pizzagate ruined the sub.

Have an up vote, friend.

Trump is POTUS now, let's try to hold him accountable, and remain skeptical of his intentions.

100% agree. I hope the users here will do the same. Its very dangerous to give any politicians, especially the ones we tend to agree with, a pass.

Thats how we got into this mess: by not holding our elected officials accountable when they lie, break promises and do evil things. What I mean by that is, democrats do not hold democrats accountable and neither do republicans. They circle the wagons when someone in their group fucks up and that hurts us all.

What I don't understand about r/conspiracy recently is that for every other conspiracy on here, circumstantial evidence is more than enough to discuss possible conspiracies and shady business. Why is it that with Trump, circumstantial is suddenly not enough?

Why is it that with Trump, circumstantial is suddenly not enough?

We both know the answer to that question.

Because conspiracy theory - for a lot of people - isn't about reason or evidence; it's just a re-framing of a backwards worldview.

A few decades ago these people would have been invoking the bible to justify their voting for morons like Trump, but since God pretty much died they use crappy 'muh'lluminati' narratives to justify it instead.

Bear in mind I'm not impugning conservatives or Republicans here. Just morons.

I personally don't subscribe to the idea that Trump is in cahoots with Russia.

But this business dealing here definitely looks like money laundering to me. But a business man involved in illegal or shady business practices I don't think is surprising here. Its disgusting behavior.

I think I would be more alarmed about Russian control over him if he had literally 0 ties to Russia that were visible, because a mover and shaker such as himself would have ties in Russia like he would the rest of the developed world.

FYI, OP, your thread was brigaded by another subreddit from what the mods can tell with the limited tools aviable to them-

We'll bring the situation up with the admins and see what they can do; this outside brigading may help to explain the strange voting patterns in this thread, and the mods wanted to apologize to you for the behavior of the users in that horrific other subreddit.

the mods wanted to apologize to you for the behavior of the users in that horrific other subreddit.

I appreciate the sentiment, but a quick look at that post makes me think they were mocking the people I was arguing with, not me.

Regardless of who their target may be, the votes in this thread should be taken with a grain of salt regardless.

Anyone from that other sub who votes on comments in this thread risks having their account suspended from reddit, which is why we have to report things of that nature to the admins.


Thanks for your work as a moderator, it is appreciated.

Someone disagrees with me!?? My life is over!!!

Pence's own words

Trump worship is just the reincarnation of "Hope and change" from 2008. You really don't get it, do you? I'm not saying that that is what he represents IRL, but (at present, even with your attempted Russia smear) the folks in r/conspiracy still hope that he destroys the Deep State, which has destroyed American democracy (and done the same countless other countries as well). Hindsight might be much different for r/conspiracy, but that is what you are up against.

Oh yeah, I forgot to ask - If Russia is so dangerous and bad, why did Obama administration green light Frank Giustra to sell them so much Uranium?

This post is at 0 because why? Because it goes against the narrative of this sub that changed when t_d took it over


Flynn had conversations with a Russian ambassador to discuss US sanctions, and when this was uncovered he resigned. These are facts. Everything you are saying is pure speculation. Do you understand the difference?

Evidence rules the day. Bring it.

Have an up vote, friend.