Are chemtrails a legitimate thing to believe in?

30  2017-03-08 by [deleted]



yes. the cia admitted they do it.

What about the gay frogs?

I'll post this before the onslaught.

The director of CIA admitted to cloud seeding.

The debate now is what they're putting up there. Some believe it is malicious, while others see it as harmless.

That is where the debate should be centered.

It also depends on how far you take it. My sister thinks that all commercial flights are in on it. They don't fly high enough, and with the number of people who would have to be involved to pull that off there's no way someone wouldn't talk.

Maybe UPS or Fedex? Probably not consumer airlines, although the extra weight might explain why I have to pay for a fucking carry-on sometimes now /s

But yeah my guess would be the delivery guys

Even basic contrails are a form of cloud seeding which is a type weather manipulation. Just by making flight paths criss cross or set planes to fly in certain patterns you can create weather patterns etc.

It doesn't have to be only spraying chemicals to geoengineer the weather. Chem trailing is just one type.

The conspiracy part is if it's chemtrails, obviously contrails exist.

I know, just wanted to point out that contrails can be used for weather manipulation as well if flight paths are manipulated.

Source? Sounds implausible that mere vapor trails could manipulate weather. Interesting.

Clouds are just condensation. A contrail is just condensation left from the jet engine. If they linger for more then a couple minutes you have essentially made a cloud. If it looks like a cloud then it is a type of cloud and that is weather manipulation if created by us.

The newer styles of jet engines leave much longer lasting contrails (several hours ) which is one of the main points some people use to debunk chemtrails.

just grabbed a random picture showing showing a large amount of criss crossing contrails which could also possible be chemtrails. Lets just say they are all contrails left by regular planes. You can still see they start to create a cloud cover which is a type of weather geo-engineering.

I think it may "just" be extra-sulfur in the gas, so every commercial flight could be in on it, and the pilots wouldn't know any better.

That said, every-fuckin-body knows and admits cloud seeding is a thing, so if they told the airliners "oh it's just to help us cloudseed for rain but don't tell people because chemtrails" nobody would bat an eye.

I think you're confused on what cloud seeding is. You SEED an already formed cloud with particles and the particles collect the water into droplets which forces it to rain.

Jet engines naturally do create clouds though. A small cloud is about a million pounds of water. A 707 airliner carries ~167,000 pounds of jet fuel (kerosene) when jet fuel is burned with oxygen it forms CO2 and water. Combustion of 167,000 pounds of kerosene creates ~207,000 pounds of water or ~1/5th of a cloud.

Commercial flights are not the ones spraying the stuff.

I dont know who is doing it, or why, but my guess is its either they are fighting global warming, or they are hiding something, always seems to be be between sunrise and sunset that it happens, on certain days of the week. But mostly random, it seems.

Contrails disappear after a few minutes, no matter how high altitude you go. Watch the next time you see them flying in "x's, criss crosses" the lines drift apart and form a cloud layer of something.

Like ink in water. A drop of the stuff will cover a pretty good swathe. At that altitude (also it can probably be seen for thousands of miles) , they only would need a handful of crews(mostly military most likely), being told they are doing it "to save the human race", yeah they will keep their mouth's shut.

They definitely exist, anyone who goes outside and looks up instead of down into their phone 24/7 and actually pays attention can see them doing something. But yet people can seriously think that chemtrails are a symptom of paranoid delusional schizophrenia, you see that shit all day in /r/news, totally fucked.

We truly live in the age of deception. And most people are to fucking blind to see it.

I've never seen any proof for this, but I would love if anyone could step in with that.

There was an FOIA request of the Dugway Proving Grounds that proves they tested the technology at the very least. Go into these docs and search for aerosol and you'll find plenty. They contain information regarding all testing (including VX testing among other chemical warfare) at DPG




Yes, wven if you just believe it is geo-engineering. Weather modification has been public since the 1960s.

My country's people ALL know that chem-trails are real. We have a British military base and it's common knowledge that they have planes spraying in the air and manipulate the weather, especially near their facilities.

I know seeding is used to provoke rain.

But are chemicals sprayed to change poples behaviour or health? I doubt it. Any links torealistic conspiracy sites about it?

Just google "scientist's propose to fight global warming by creating clouds".

The main problem with what they are doing is they have to be using some kind of solution to form the clouds, but they are keeping it secret, most likely if people knew what was being sprayed above them, they would freak out.

A very small percentage of people probably do legitimately have health issues from what they are doing, but not enough to warrant them to stop, you know for fear of the human race's extinction lol.

The idea, read from the CIA's description of the technology (linked elsewhere in the thread), is to spray particles or chemicals into the atmosphere which would do the opposite of Co2 and Freons, it would reflect sunlight from earth's atmosphere instead of trapping it like greenhouse gasses. Ideally acting as a counter to global warming. Its unlikely that such a program is in the works, but it actually sounds like a pretty good solution.

Come sit with me some day in the summer on my front porch and watch them hit the sun all day.

I might be mildly jealous at the thought you live somewhere that has a sky that isn't covered in X's daily causing it to change from lovely blue to sickly grey. Seeing the planes do their thing on what seems to be a daily schedule makes it difficult to disbelieve in them.

This article is a good starting point, as it's NASA admitting Lithium is one of the ingredients being sprayed, but it's totally "harmless to the environment," so no biggie. There are several links within the article to supporting documentation as well as the NASA statement on video.

Nutshell is there's a variety of toxic harmless concoctions being sprayed globally, under the guise of geoengineering/weather modification, so we should ignore the patterns in the sky. We should also ignore that a lot of people have physical reactions that mimic everything from allergies to flu-like symptoms to significant respiratory distress.

Holy crap! I was just going to post something about chemtrails because I'm seeing them all over the sky here in San Diego today. They're crossing in very suspicious patterns.

Yes! I'm in San Diego (North County) also and can confirm, it went on all day. Never seen it so obvious before. I was always mildly skeptical of chemtrails but after today's display, I got that gut feeling that something wasn't right.

Outdated crap.

If we want to poison you. We will put it in your food and water and SELL IT TO YOU.
And, you'll like it! That's the best part.

This. Easily testable and detectable airborne chemical, or just put bad shit in all the food you eat to make you fat, lazy, and compliant. Way easier to put it in food.

Exactly. They're not going to give us FREE poison when we'll buy it.

Get your new mcdoublekingtaco today! now with 53% real beef*!

I'm sooo confused. Every time I talk about chemtrails everyone says they aren't real. This is one of the first posts where almost all comments agree they exist!! Finally!

Nobody wants to engage anymore, lest being labeled a shill. Why bother having a conversation if nobody wants to talk, just argue over each other?

Whoever it was that invaded this place has certainly made their desired effect. Less interaction on an honest level.

Come to Phoenix and see. They do it all the time here

They do it all the time here

Absolute truth.

I think they put chemicals in it too. Every time I see it, there is a high likelihood that one or more of my coworkers will say that things feel off that day. I'm a bad judge as things feel off to me every day, but in my anecdotal evidence I see a correlation. Started marking it on my calendar actually lol

Indeed. I'm quite certain we get a full chemical cocktail on a daily basis; some days just happen to be worse than others.

Here's a link to an article I posted's a guy from NASA admitting Lithium is one of the ingredients being used. Give it a read if you're interested.

Is gravity?

Reposting a comment I made in another thread about chemtrails

The Morisy FOIA of Dugway removed any sort of doubt I had about chemtrails. If you go into these documents and search for aerosol or spray, you'll find that they have at the very least tested the tech. There's even some About VX spray.




1961 and 1962 are out there as well if you look, I don't want to link direct downloads, I don't have the archive links.

Worth noting that it's not 100 percent chemtrails, but it has gems like this:

Title: Determining Particle Size Distribution in Aerosols Dissemination from Jet Aircraft.

Author(s): Day, William C. Guse, Dennis G. Wallace, Henry C.

Report Number: ABL-TM-53

Publish Date: 1965-06-01


Distribution Statement: Distribution limited to US Gov't agencies only; Test and Evaluation; 1 Aug 1989. Other requests for this document shall be referred to Commander, US Army Dugway Proving Ground, Attn: Technical Library, Dugway, UT 84022-5000. NOFORN. This document contains export-controlled technical data.

Document Classification: C/NOFORN

here's another juicy one

CBRNIAC Number: CB-076014

AD Number:

Site Holding: CB DW 522664

Title: Differences in Effect from an Aircraft-delivered Spray and Spray from Aerial Burst Munitions.

Author(s): Nicholes, H. J.

Report Number:

Publish Date: 1964-06-17


Distribution Statement: Distribution limited to US Gov't agencies only; Test and Evaluation; 1 Jan 1989. Other requests for this document shall be referred to Commander, US Army Dugway Proving Ground, Attn: Technical Library, Dugway, UT 84022-5000.

Document Classification: C

Short answer is no. Long answer is lol no.

Seeding clouds for rain fall vs. a massive global chemical conspiracy are not equal. It would literally take thousands of people who stupidly don't ever ask any questions, or all of them are fully in agreement to also poison themselves and their families, extended family, friends, etc.

Also, the zero evidence thing. Patterns in the sky near airports are not evidence.

Why can't "chem-trails" just be water vapor?

Read this shit. They already admit persistent contrails can affect weather.

Well, the CIA did used to dust French villages with LSD and fluoride and shit in MK Ultra.

And weather manipulation has been around since nam. So maybe. I kinda think they might spray complacency chemicals and things like that but the bottom line is the white lines you see are more than likely just ice crystal shit, and the real chemicals are invisible and fall to the earth as rain. But nothing that can't be reversed with other drugs. I think the elites know this and have these drugs.

And on a personal note they say that fluoride closes your third eye, I can tell you for a fact. Magic mushrooms. Psilocybin. Open that third eye right the fuck up.

I think they put chemicals in it too. Every time I see it, there is a high likelihood that one or more of my coworkers will say that things feel off that day. I'm a bad judge as things feel off to me every day, but in my anecdotal evidence I see a correlation. Started marking it on my calendar actually lol