It's time we really boycott MSM. CNN and FOX are now saying the Vault 7 Wikileaks aren't that important. Fuck MSM. Fuck CNN, Fuck FOX, fuck all of them.

912  2017-03-09 by russian321

We need to constantly remind everyone to boycott these giant MSM corporations, people stop caring, what the fuck is this shit


Oh look more concern trolling

I as recently accused of being a concern troll. Do you feel that this is a shill tactic being used to mock both scientific and deontological thinking?

nah op is just a pro at this

ah crap. RES says I've upvoted you both 3 and 4 times. WHO TO BELIEVE?!

Check out that two month old account!

Did you post this at night so no one can counter your karma farming?

It's not night time in Russia

Don't you guys realize that the MSM networks, including Fox, are all working for the same people?


That's a bingo!

Owned by six major corporations and I guarantee all the owners and CEOs of those corporations conspire to manipulate their viewers' perception of reality in order to achieve their goals and ambitions.

Fox is controlled opposition. They are all one

What's actually in these leaks that we didn't already know? Devils advocate here.

Specific names of the exploits used, some zero days etc. We all knew this was how it was done. What new info is there?

Don't just boycott them for this, just boycott them in general cause that garbage is bad for your brain


Wonder if they'll ever be bailed out by us taxpayers like the banks.

Simply unplugging your tv is not enough we all need to DONATE to alternative media sites! Like zerohedge! And wikileaks! Bitcoins are a great way to do it semi anonmyously or full on but you can also load a paypal using bitcoins if you are in a country where getting a real visa card is difficult or bothersome!

Not trying to shill but Alex Jones could use some more buyers of dick pills.. google just pulled his advertisements. Say what you want about him but he has done a very good job waking people up and he predicted a bunch of world events including 911!

For left leaning stuff I go to Abby Martin and her brother. They have an amazing podcast and admit the truth about things and hate the DNC even though they are basically socialists but they also supported ron paul!

Abby Martin is famous for calling out putin on his own network and breaking the set was great overall!

And now she hosts the empire files which is totally amazing!

Thanks; I'll check them out.

fuck em all to death.

Sean Hannity was talking about it earlier so I don't think this post is entirely accurate. It depends on who you watch.

A few years ago Sean Hannity was asking for the execution of Snowden. Not exactly a role model of a journalist

I wasn't watching him then so...He was still talking about some of the contents on it since release.

I am still waiting for him to be waterboarded.

Not fucking Hannity, that's for god damn sure.

Well that's your opinion. I'm talking about a fact that happened last night.

id hire OP to shill my company dude is an artist

thats pretty ironic man

FOX is late to the party, but for the most part... yes, FUCK MSM. Although from what I've seen of FOX is that they are at least painting Trump in a half-way fair light. This can most probably be attributed to the "my team won" approach, but aye... it is what it is.

Christ in a boat, Fox are an abysmal bunch of fuckers run by the most powerful media mogul in the world.

The fact they are supportive of Trump should, if you were honest with yourself, tell you a lot about who's behind that orange cunt.

If fox supports you it's probably just because you're a republican. And speaking of being honest with yourself, using terms like "orange cunt" reveals your deeply rooted confirmation bias. It's not even a great argument because fox bashed trump mercilessly in the primaries.

If you wanna slam Trump Fox News is not the way to go lol

Sorry, I meant orange fucktard

Murdoch is actually not involved with Fox anymore, I believe his son deals with it.

Just his son eh? Well, that's good enough for me.

You mean Fox, a branch of the largest media conglomerate in the world? I'm sure they are just trying to get you the unvarnished truth and just have your best interests at heart.

Wake up. Don't be a sheep.

Actual sheep would be insulted. They know FOX is baaaaaaaaaad.

FOX has been saying WikiLEaks is an Arm of the Russian KGB. Which is even crazier than any spin I could think of.

I hate how liberals just assume all Conservatives kiss Fox news ass. Fox sucks, they took clips of Alex Jones out of context and had fucking JAMES ALEFANTIS on to make pizzagate look like a load of shit.

The only thing Fox does right is report correctly on the bullshit distraction stories that are meant to pull you away from real issues.

If you're under 50 who's actually watching there channels or reading there sites?

They are a dying breed people are seeing them for what they are propaganda.

They are not that important. We all already knew they were watching us from every single device in our home. If you didnt, then yous a tard.

Security experts had been saying it for years and no one listened

Disagree. Very important in light of "Russian hacking the dnc" evidence. Did we all already know that the CIA can leave behind somebody else's "fingerprints"? Didn't hear that mentioned until vault 7. Huge implications.


Plus what are you going to do about it? Write an angry letter? Go out on the streets and protest? Maybe a petition? I'm sure this time the CIA will actually give a shit. /s

It's GLOBAL. Not just in the US, this is a global phenomenon where relatively respected media -in multiple countries- are completely white washing or removing articles on Vault7.

It must have hit a nerve

I'm in Vietnam and have expat tv. I get all the UK, Australian and American national news channels (even big local news stations). That's access to 4 countries news while I'm couch surfing.

It was on every station over the course of the few hours I had the TV on flicking through the channels once a stations broadcast cycled over.

I don't think anyone is whitewashing it. They are shaking their heads going WTF is happening over there - get your shit together guys!!!

And lots of speculation on the source and what consumers can do to feel safe (nothing).

I'm in EU, it's been completely whitewashed here.

Where in the EU? What are you watching?

Nice try CIA


Fox has always been garbage.. it's owned by Rupert Murdoch for christ sake.

All MSM have been garbage. not limited to teh FOX.

Yeah but so is WSJ and they aren't nearly as cancerous.

Every major media outlet has their bias and agenda. Doesn't mean a good writer or two can slip through but for the most part, they're all trash.

I have to agree with MSM that they are not that important. Nothing we didn't already know.

And of all things, this be your reason for boycott??

I abandoned them ages ago.

Been doing so since the election ended. I'll continue to try to convince my parents to stop watching CNN as well, so far it's not working.

Omg the same dude who says fuck all the time !!!

Haven't watched any TV news in over 10 years. I'm visiting my folks right now and my dad does every night, I go for a walk when it's on.

Channel 9 Australian news!!!!!!! Mainly for the shenanigans.

But it's local news so I understand the difference but they covered this today a few times with updates.

I caught the Daily Shows "coverage" of it last night. That clown Trevor made a few jokes about some of the names of the projects. Then proceeded to say "there's nothing to worry about with your TV or phone becoming a government microphone". Literally the exact opposite of what should be taken away from these leaks. It's embarrassing how backwards everything has become.

The media is also taking this stance of saying the FBI is trying to find the mole, etc etc. Basically going after the one person who didn't do anything wrong.

I've never watched for years. No impact. Msm support each other.

Collusion. Is a thing

I just bought a samsung (it is a smarttv) if I don't connect it to my network, I'm wondering if they still have the capability to gather information. I think the answer is no, but because these nefarious mother fuckers are so capable, I'm not sure I'm confident in that answer.

Assume they can do about anything. You can physically remove the mic or remove the wifi module. They can't get around that.

I honestly wouldn't worry about it. If they wanted to listen to you they'd be listening. Just enjoy your TV.

It's more about not knowingly/willingly getting them the info.

With no internet connection the smartTV functionality is worthless, but then again it can't be hacked. Not unless I'm behind the times and these things have built in cellphones - which seems unlikely. It's a low-reward sort of program, smartTVs are not static technology and they haven't seen wide deployment yet. Monitoring every smartTV is simply impractical and not worthwhile, so it's a targeted tool - and not one likely to nab high-value, informed targets.

Personally, I think the CIA learning how to hack smartTVs is part of Operation MightAsWellHackEverything. For example, if I were tasked with spying on foreign governments and terrorist organizations these days, the first thing I would do is make sure we knew how to hack into their phones. There are more cellphones now than there were ever landlines, and nearly as many cellphones as there are people. You prepare these sorts of tools ahead of time so they are ready when they need to be deployed. I would be appalled if our chief spy agency were incapable of hacking into cellphones.

I've been pissed off since Snowden and I'm even more angry now.

Who really is watching TV anymore though? I mean I get that the older people still watch it, but not a single memebr of my family ever watches TV, period. Occasionally if something huge happens we might tune in, but 99% of it is just random "experts" spewing stupidity and opinion masked as factoids.

look at r/politics, most of those articles are posted from MSM and they are supposed to foster unbiased political discussions, but really they are just trying to convince lurkers that MSM is true

If it's true about what they're saying and only about 1% was put out there... It is a big deal, so big in fact, they'll have to acknowledge it sooner or later. Maybe this is a good litmus test of how far their heads are buried and how committed to their agenda they are.

Cut your cable, clear your mind. We cut it about a half-dozen years ago, with no regrets. It's a little tough at first when you're indoctrinated, but it gets better in a month or so and you save money.

If you'll notice, not one of the large media outlets covered the release on it's first day. They had to regroup and come up with a strategy as to how they were going to approach it. Then, yesterday, it was in the news but the angle was that it was bad for the CIA and bad for the country because it's a national security risk for the tools of our CIA to be out in the open.

Very little, if any, attention was paid to the glaring privacy issues and the fact that the CIA has essentially no oversight.

Done. Have been boycotting them all for years

I haven't watched MSM "news" or read a MSM 'newspaper" in over a decade, but finding REAL news isn't any easier online, with all of the bullshit "news" site out here. It's hit or miss finding REAL NEWS.

I actually thought certain segments of FOX news were honest until recently. Hannity didn't even mention the CIA leaks the day it happened. Very telling who they truly support and they are just controlled opposition.

Not you again.... fuck off /r/russian321. You just pander to both sides for upvotes

You disagree with something in this post?

Regardless of what I believe, if you go through his post history he flip flops views just to get upvotes. I doubt he actually cares.

Maybe he's a centrist?

Give me an example of my flip flipping views? I belong to neither party

is this time for r/KarmaCourt?

Trump is going to start condemning these leaks too. I donno how the Trump fanboys are going to be able to get by this one. These leaks just started

Well if it isnt obvious already, this wikileaks dump is also helping trump to get around the Russia isssue, and previous ones got him elected. Sure CIA hacking is a huge deal but its politically timed to take the heat off trump, which is some bullshit. Trump is getting investigated and thats no going to stop.

If wikileaks played it bipartisan they may well be the most respected news agency out there.

They haven't uncovered any evidence after months of spying on him. There is no Russia issue, with Trump that is. Funny how most people ignore Hillary and her minions' proven connections to Russians.

you're the only one still watching.

Some of their hacks are underwhelming in their sophistication but that's only a part of the story and the part that MSM is focusing on.

I also doubt they are revealing that wikileaks claims what has been released so far represents less than 1% of what they have. What they've released so far is just confirmation of what many people believed was possible/happening. The best stuff is yet to come I imagine.

If you're going to boycott, boycott their advertisers. And let the advertisers know you're doing it.

I will add there are certain people in FOX that aren't corrupt and are talking about it ; Tucker Carlson and Hannity (although hannity is tiny bit too conservative for my taste - but still spot on regarding many things with corrupt establishment)

Does XM radio offer any alternative news? I'd love to hear Alex Jones. Typically I just listen to fox news and cnn in the car.

Quit Facebook, quit Twitter, get out of their grid. Go take a hike, sneak onto a golf course, quit ur prescription meds.

Unsubscribe from vice and similar scripted fear porn that's passed off as educational or informative. Put ur neighbors trash buckets away for them. Thank the next cashier u deal with by name, people love to hear their own names. Try to watch the furthest tree in the distance on the highway for as long as you can.

The CIA has controlled multiple US and foreign media outlets since the 1950s. They literally pen articles, and they're printed as if they were written by a staffer.

They're also spending the story to get more funding for the CIA

I made this, I think it is relevant.

MSM, CNN, Fox are all going Westworld on us

"Doesn't look like anything to me"

Fuck them all--you might miss a good one.

Are you guys surprised by this at all though, really? I mean, look at it from their point of view. They have been reporting on these sorts of activities for decades and let's all be honest here, we all KNEW this was happening, these programs, we just didn't know what cute name the CIA and Government had assigned them. I understand what it means, however the CIA has not lost control of these projects at all. They have just been exposed.

Now, tell me. How has it changed your life drastically in the last few days? Other than putting tape over cameras etc..

you realize they could be saying they aren't important just to make it seem like the leaks are actually something the deep state and MSM corporations didn't want leaked, right? Wikileaks = CIA

thats pretty ironic man