ELI5: Between Snowden, the DNC Wikileaks, and the current CIA Wikileaks, how can anyone believe that the US has anything close to a functional democracy (rep. republic)?

78  2017-03-09 by Hasbara4U


Most people aren't aware of this stuff. When it hits the news they dismiss it as an aberration and forget. Our media is not doing its job. The online world and the TV world are quite different places. And the old people who vote are still watching TV. But even they are online now.

And the old people who vote are still watching TV. But even they are online now.

My 93 yo grandmother used to read Zero Hedge.

That's dope

The most hopeless of slaves are the ones who believe that they are free. Ik, ik, it's from zeitgeist buts it is a good quote nonetheless.

We don't. And we haven't for decades.

It's time to act to take it back.



Secrecy is required for these insidious subverters of the will of the people to operate at all. Take it away from them and they get afraid. Whistleblowers fight for human freedom more so than any soldier.