South Korean President Park Geun-hye ousted - Cult leader, Choi Tae-min, 'had complete control over Park's body and soul during her formative years.' Rumored to have Sacrificed +300 children: Sewol ferry in April 2014

140  2017-03-10 by americanspritecooker

Released by WikiLeaks, the U.S. Embassy in Korea reported to its government in 2007 that "Rumors are rife that the late pastor had complete control over Park's body and soul during her formative years." It also called Choi Tae-min a "Korean Rasputin."

A new rumor recently erupted that Park's possible relation to Yongsaenggyo was behind the sinking of the Sewol ferry in April 2014. The country's worst maritime disaster left over 300 passengers, mostly middle school students, dead or missing. The Park government was criticized for its bungled efforts to save the people.

The de-facto owner of the ferry was Yoo Byung-eun, also a cult leader who was believed to have connections with Chung Yoon-hoi, ex-husband of Choi Soon-sil.

Rumors circulated that the people on the ferry were sacrificed in line with the cult's creed and that Park was deliberately negligent in saving the passengers.

After her father died, Park left the presidential residence and ran a children’s foundation set up by her mother. She turned its control over to her sister in 1990 after some employees protested at what they called Choi’s interference. In her 2007 autobiography, Park said she resigned because she could not let the foundation be tarnished by “groundless allegations.”

Seven years later, Park entered politics by joining the party now known as Saenuri, and was elected a lawmaker in 1998 in the city of Daegu, near where her father was born.

During an unsuccessful campaign for president in 2007, Park said at a debate she was thankful to Choi Tae-min for helping her during “difficult” times. She also told panelists that Choi Soon-sil did not embezzle funds from the children’s foundation Park had headed, responding to allegations aired in local media at the time. Choi once ran a kindergarten affiliated with the foundation.


Thanks for the update. I'm surprised how little of a splash the South Korea and to lesser extent Romanian situations are making on this sub

That stuff is right in the wheelhouse

Can you tell us what's happening in Romania?

Holy Spez... people really ARE waking up! If this level of consciousness keeps growing, there will be no stopping it sooner than later .

I haven't heard anything about the Romanian situation. What's the deal?

I live in South Korea. There media is so restricted most Koreans have to go to blogs to get info before they get blocked. Yes, South Korea, not North Korea. Even porn sites are blocked here.

ROK citizen here. Can confirm. sucks!!!

But think of the children and morals of our fair land!!! /s

Can you confirm that the pedophile/satanic government problem is as big as in England/US?

Maybe even worse in South Korea. Cults aren't very unusual there.

Could this be the act of Lucifer?

She was impeached today, luckily.

Now the boat sinking makes a lot more sense.

Like how the planes "disappeared".

I love how people draw the line at human sacrifices, but the idea of nuclear holocaust is not out of reach.

But think of the children and morals of our fair land!!! /s