The world's biggest protest against the CIA and TPTB: June 19, 2017 is the day we march on the streets demanding our rights for privacy. Let's unite as liberals/conservatives/independents. If we don't organize, then they will win. Take the power back!

590  2017-03-10 by [deleted]



Sorry... I'm busy that day... I've already scheduled myself to not commit suicide on June 19th.

Boot licker

Rallying people to protest in a conspiracy forum is the biggest joke you can do.

You're the biggest joke, bud.



the powers that be, aka the group who pulls all the strings

Time to start a revolution NOW, not later.

June 19

So lets wait three months and see how we feel? If you're mad as hell now, and know others are too, just start a protest today and invite everyone you meet to join you buy telling them what you stand for, should you think that helps.

Does the date you propose hold any significance besides being far enough in the future for everyone to have simmered down back to complacent apathy?

Don't get me wrong, we're in deep trouble and need to change our ways dramatically, but I don't think protesting "TPTB" with signs and clever slogans is the way to go. If you have a coherent cause and momentum, perhaps, but in general it just won't change much, especially if it's not spontaneous and authentic, as organized protests are way too easily cooped and derailed.

South Korea is perhaps the best example of how a spontaneous and unified protest that is immediately backed up by true facts about the cause they represent can change things. It was a cause everyone agreed with and one of which ever one knew, that everyone agreed with. In the US, this is far from the case. Everyone knows that things are fucked up, but almost everyone thinks they're basically alone in their contempt. If you want your protest to have any kind of impact, you will first need to take care that everyone knows, that everyone knows, only then will "TPTB" have the shorter end of the stick.

Just my 2c.

Not hoping for South Korea style protests so soon. But smaller gatherings like these will also have a huge impact. We don't know how many people know. Even if it's not a success this time, more people might join later on. People need to start protesting against the tptb, and see through the right and left divide.

Small and large gatherings all have an impact, but I've come to think the we need to be for a new way much more strongly than we are against the old ways. You know what I mean?

I reckon there's just no point in defeating TPTB if we don't fight for a new way of doing things. And I think that's the one thing we've not yet understood. TPTB are fine with protesters. They are all too easily dealt with. What they despise and will fight to their inevitable deaths are new and better ideas.

yea this was exactly the problem with OWS. The problem affects all of us, but everyone comes in with their separate axe to grind and their inane, incompatible ideologies. So zero progress is made and no one who can actually change anything gets involved.

For example, serious question: what would the steps be to end the FED and switch to a tenable solution? Similarly, how would we do it with the CIA? These are enormous undertakings and anyone that has any real leverage in the matter is already bought and paid for.

I know he may just be a LARPer, but something HLI on 4chan proposed still rings very true in my mind. The old world can only survive in the shadows. If he want to break with the old world, we merely have to bring it to light. A protest can achieve that, but only rarely does because they are so easily derailed and if need be ignored.

We have to think forward and think in bigger ideas than we're trained to. Thorium reactors, orbital space ring elevators, near infinite revenue and resources from space mining operations. Infinite solar energy from orbital solar power plants, 100% recycling capabilities, safe disposal of nuclear waste straight into the sun, free everything but luxury, etc. etc.

This would be just one path into the future they don't want us to consider, I'm sure you could conceive your own. It's not enough to shout and paint signs that tell those in the shadows what we don't like, we know they couldn't give two shits.

We have to 1) bring them and their ideals to light, and 2) imagine another way forward in love and prosperity for everyone, including those who have sinned against humanity.

Again, just my 2c.

I'm hoping for bigger than South Korea protests.

Yeah, I have op tagged as a shill.

I've noticed more and more they try to look like they're on your side and quietly undermine the discussion.

It's almost refreshing when they just openly argue any more.

This is the shills new tactic.

Winning "the hearts and minds" has been a little more difficult then they expected - Plan B I suppose.

I personally think he does it for lolz.


It's been interesting to watch his narrative shift over the past few weeks, however I'm still not buying whatever it is he's selling.

In the grand scheme of things, 3 months is not a long time. Besides, people need time to plan so if we didn't give them 3 months, not as many people would show up.

Why not both?

It's emancipation day and people need time to organize

I agree with you, let's plan some more and we can make it sooner. That date was chosen far enough into the future to organize and plan better, but I agree, maybe it's too far ahead

Go to T_D will help

Fuck them. They don't stand United. Go to Sanders

I think you're missing the point. It isn't about what politician you prefer to fuck you in the ass, it's about being done getting fucked in the ass

The irony of this comment.

They don't stand United.

I mean, if they do one thing at all, it's that.

Personally I like it. Whose ideas is this? June 19th is Emancipation Day-- the day the slaves in Texas (last ones to find out) found out they were free.

I agree, I'd love to know more

With you.

But then we all became slaves again in 1913.

And then in 2017 we broke free.

More than a century ago

Why 1913? (sorry for naive question)

Non-Mobile link:

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It's a big rabbit hole my man I hope you have a comfortable pair of pants.

Ah the fed. Yes I'm aware of that. Just wasn't aware it was put into place in 1913. Depressing shit! :D

December 23, 1913.

Never forget.

I'd also love to know whose idea this is. Who is funding it? Is this just a token gesture and controlled opposition? A harmless gesture that changes nothing?

I too like it but who is funding it? Who is going to help organize? What are the demands and what are the exact reasons for the ? There has to be way way more focused energy at this than just a wild handful of angry protesters. The momentum you would need for a movement of this magnitude is generated from the dealing of years or oppression. I feel we have been oppressed and controlled for years however, the MAJORITY of Americans have been bred into it and are completely passive. Of the people I have spoken to about the evil agency they are almost always with this attitude of yeah so I'm not doing anything wrong or it's their job to spy on people to help catch evil doers. THEY ARE THE EVIL DOERS!! I am going to pray that something/someone could mount a big enough following of outraged Americans to effect the secret shadow government ruling the entire world but even an Amy of leaves can't control the wind.

I'm all for uniting the Right and Left Against the Deepstate. Unfortunately a lot of the Left I've been seeing at the protests and campuses are so far gone into mental illogical bias collapse it may be too late for many of them

I fear the same for many on the "Right" — perhaps it's time to just focus on all the things we do agree on, and stop labeling everybody.

Yeah there are some nutters on the right, but those same nutters would find anything to justify their 'way,' religion, sports, a break up, etc.

On the Left, unfortunately, there is a systematic cultural marxism that is being spread through the colleges, facebook, twitter censorship that is creating this safe space/pc/sjw/snowflake culture and they lash out with violence if they don't get their way and there is zero room to speak with them logically, because for these folks, feelings are more important.

The majority of the right is happy right now because of trump, the majority of left is angry illogical snowflakes screaming who won't let anyone speak with them logically.

If we can get at least those who are willing to listen on that side, well then getting those on the right to unite is easier

I don't disagree with most of what you've said, but still, to imply that only Left-leaning people have gotten violent (or are the only ones worth reprimanding for it) seems like a pretty far-fetched statement. In fact, some of the violence was shown to be more from anarchist-type groups purposely trying to incite it, not so much from the majority, and even not that much from the ones who are blind to their illogical/partisan stances.

but still, to imply that only Left-leaning people have gotten violent (or are the only ones worth reprimanding for it) seems like a pretty far-fetched statement.

It's all about context. In this case, my example is the Berkley U protests where left wingers attack and beat anyone who has a MAGA hat and burn free speech signs while the cops stand down and do nothing, because this is Left-Ran university, Soros' son goes there and controls them with gift$, the State is Left, and so on.

In fact, some of the violence was shown to be more from anarchist-type groups purposely trying to incite it

Those are funded by leftist (make money by destabilizing countries) George Soros. That's what's sad is that these Antifa folks have themselves become the fascists, funded by a fascist

The Koch Brothers control the right. Specifying Soros does nothing except alienate people on the left. Should be talking about overturning Citizens United and getting corporate money and influence out of politics. There's corrupt oligarchs dividing and conquering both sides and teaching people to hate thy neighbor.

I do agree on the SJW-Far Left exclusive violence.

got it, so we should unite and go after Koch Bros, Soros, & R0thsch1lds

antifa did not become facists, they were always facists. antifa is an astro turf made up bullshit thing, dressed exactly like, employing the same tactics as, and carrying the same flags as the ukrainian neo-nazis in the maidan "uprising" in ukraine.

they are not anarchists. nothing they do or say is remotely in keeping with anarchism. the are not using black bloc tactics. and most of all they are not protesting anything real, they are protesting some amorphous, emo, psuedo-existenstial threat of trump and an epidemic of neo-nazis and facists and whatever is the theme of the day.

anarchists drag ourselves out only for real shit--pershing nuclear missles, WTO, iraq war, occupy wall street (that was co-opted though. adbusters, the anarchist mag, had the idea and made the call, then asshats like that guy from 30 rock showed up, as did a bunch of "serious" people).

rule of thumb: no protest is organic and real if it isn't feared by the cops--with all of these protests, where's the kettling? where's the mace and the tear gas? where's the hoses? where's the instigating? cops don't fear what is going on right now, because they know it's fake.

if you know any of these antifa assholes, ask them the following questions:

what is the definition of facism? (answer--the marriage of the power of the state with the power of the corporation for the benefit of the corporation, i.e. corporatism, i. e. neoliberalism. who says so? mussolini that's who. they were born into a facist country and have lived in one their whole lives and never gave 2 fucks about it until jan 20th).

who is the black bloc? (answer: no one, black bloc are tactics not people. there is no such thing as a black bloc anarchist.

black bloc tactics do not include violence and vandalism. if anarchists engage in vandalism, it is a personal, individual decision. anarchists who do so target facist and capitalist targets, i.e. the police and goldman sacs. while i agree with other anarchists who believe there can be no crimes against inanimate objects, but i also agree with those who think vandalism is self sabotaging bad optics and creates too big of a chance that some regular person's property will be damaged in the process.

targeting individual people is what facists do. anarchists put themselves between facist thugs and individuals. we are reactive in conflict not proactive, just like how straight edge punks used put ourselves in front of anyone being hassled by skin heads.

the core black bloc tactics are arm linking, unarresting, covering mouth/nose and/or eyes in case of tear gas, returning tear gas cannisters, everyone wearing the same color to make it hard for the police to single people out, like lions and zebra stripes).

last question for the antifa-tard--what is anarchism? (answer: anarchisim is the opposistion to all forms of oppression, and since oppression is the inevitable outcome of heirachy, anarchism is also the opposition to all forms of heirachy, and since heirarchy is the inevitable outcome of property, anarchism is finally the opposition to all forms of property that impede anyone else's autonomy, self determination, self sufficiency, and ability to live with dignity--i.e. all land, mineral and water resources, food, and money, and increasingly air).

a real anarchist will answer all three questions right.

Those were anarchist members. Not liberals.

Those were anarchist members. Not liberals.

Why do they attack the right but let the left ride?

Because they are assholes?

I'm not defending anarchists.

But, they weren't liberals.

I'm so tired of hearing only one side acts like shit heads.


As a far leftist who is against TPTB, I'm really against the term "cultural marxism." Please stop polluting the good name of socialism by linking it to annoying liberal teenagers.

Please stop polluting the good name of socialism by linking it to annoying liberal teenagers.

Socialism isn't good because human nature isn't good. What you're going to get with socialism is a culture where everyone is a fucking clone in a safe space PC snowflake culture while the vulture sociopaths rule the whole thing from the top and all free speech is gone because 'muh feelins'.

Do you see how Socialism is working out in Venezuela?

Did you know that Sociopaths/Psychopaths are naturally drawn to positions of power and will do whatever it takes to get them?

So that's the thing, when you have total socialism, sure it may alright for a while for everyone, until that one Hitler-esque Polpot/Stalin/Elnin/Chairman Mao comes into the pictures and controls the People with Ironfist.....then we are all fucked like Venezuela.

Another problem with the far left I'm seeing is the programming in the Universities to only think left, where conservatism is deemed a disease, anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-free speech, and the most important part is the Feminist movements being hijacked by Islam:

Biggest issues of them all is this: Believing in this kind of disillusioned utopian society where everyone gets along, including Muslim Fundamentalists, who want the women to dress in hijabs and to undergo female circumcision and being completely fine with that, or being completely fine with a Psychopath/Sociopath running the country as long as she looks like the left and caters to the leftist ideologies, not knowing what this type of person is capable of.

We see now what's going on Sweden and Germany with this kind of leadership in terms of unchecked and unbridled immigration from 3rd world countries that do not ever adapt to modern day culture and values.

Of course if I asked you if you would take down your fence in your backyard and open your door and broadcast/allow anyone who wanted to come live there including homeless, drug addicts, gang members, meth lab owners, would be fine with that because equality right?

, I'm really against the term "cultural marxism

How about this then?

How do you feel about democratic socialist policies combined with a capitalist market?

democratic socialist policies

don't work because then we become like Venezuela, or rather, some incompetent smooth talking hustler sociopath takes control (like Obama) who knows nothing about the intricacies of economics, and you end up with a starving country on the verge of being taken over by the highest bidders (China/Japan/Etc)

combined with a capitalist market

Unfettered capitalism allows the sociopaths/psychopaths to horde wealth, creating the 1%, raping the middle class, real estate/auto sub prime load bubbles and what should be completely illegal derivatives markets, a military industrial complex that depends on war to make money and is in bed with the deepstate, so you're left with a ton of inequality.

Either of those is doomed for failure. We need some new hybrid pf sorts, decentralized, renewable energies, revolting against the 1%'ers, alternative currencies that are not tied to just oil, getting rid of the Federal Reserve, and a lot more I'm missing here.

Also true A.I. Robotics are coming that will take everyone's job requiring a UBI within the next 30-40 years, so some serious shit is on the way and will only lead to a 1% Technocracy while everyone else can get fucked.

They will have all the tech life extension, cancer cures, protected enclaves, etc while the rest of us are left to fight against each other via divided factions based on left/right, religion, race, haves/have nots, and so on, when we really should be storming 'them' and redistribution under a new system

Most first world countries have capitalist markets mixed with democratic socialist policies.

The US already has numerous democratic socialist policies.

Most first world countries have capitalist markets mixed with democratic socialist policies. The US already has numerous democratic socialist policies.

Yup, and it's corrupt as fuck, war mongering, and massive inequality while the majority are wge/debt slave cogs in the wheel of the machine requiring them for this whole scam to continue via Federal Reserve

It can't be this way anymore, we need change forced or otherwise

I greatly benefit from democratic socialist policies so I'm not complaining.

I greatly benefit from democratic socialist policies so I'm not complaining.

You do, but not everyone does. Also how you currently benefit is an illusion, you only benefit as long as you keep being a wage/debt slave to uphold the current machine as a cog

I have no debt. And yes, I work as a child therapist which is very fulfilling work. And yes my wages are used to pay for food.

And yes, I work as a child therapist which is very fulfilling work.

So you barely scrape by then, unless it's your own practice and you have therapists under you, but even then the liability insurance, bills, taxes, etc.....

At the very least you are dropping gems on the next generation, however if you have money in the bank then you are losing because the interest rate is lower than inflation, if you have a mortgage then you are a debt slave, and they are raping your paycheck of an income tax that should be illegal while you get taxed at a higher % than the 1% who have loopholes and tax havens that you don't.

At the very least, I'm glad you're helping the youth

No, I don't barely scrap by. I live very comfortablely with my wife. Our only real expenses is food.

I don't have any of those problems you listed.

Well good for you.... you figured a way to temporarily beat the system.

Then next layer of the Onion is that everything own, you don't really own. That body has only X amount of years life, there is no guarantee the wife stays loyal, that your job is secure, that our food/water is pure, and many other things.

Explain how I don't really own my stuff.

Yes, we're not importal. Big surprise.

No guarantee, but I still love her and trust her. I have plenty of reasons to believe she is faithful to me and into her.

If I lose my job, there is always another job or way to make money. If worse comes to worse, I'll just become a ESL teacher in a third world country again.

I'm happy with my life

Explain how I don't really own my stuff.

Your own mind creates the idea of ownership and permanence, when really you only have X amount left and when you die, someone else will get what you believe is 'yours.'

No guarantee, but I still love her and trust her. I have plenty of reasons to believe she is faithful to me and into her. If I lose my job, there is always another job or way to make money. If worse comes to worse, I'll just become a ESL teacher in a third world country again.

Kind of shows how fickle things are in life huh?

I'm happy with my life

If your wife cheated, your stuff got taken, and you got fired all after finding out from the Doctor some bad news with only a small amount of time left, would you still be happy? Or does your happiness depend on all these things to be in place?

Well, I was engaged once before to my ex which lasted 5 years. My apartment burnt down in a fire, and lost everything (luckily I had insurance). I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia which is there is no cure for. I have chronic knee pain, and can't run or do old exercises that I enjoyed. But thankfully I receive disability benefits and health care from being a military veteran.

I've also sold all of my stuff before, and lived in a third world country for a year or so. Over time I've learned that material stuff doesn't matter, and I'm the one fully control of my happiness.

I've also sold all of my stuff before, and lived in a third world country for a year or so. Over time I've learned that material stuff doesn't matter, and I'm the one fully control of my happiness.

Good for you man.....same here, health issues, traveling to India/Tibet, having lost everything before as well.....really puts things in perspective doesn't it?

Oh you'll love it. Is this your first time doing something like this?

I been through it all, had a gun pointed at my head during a robbery, lost and found myself, climbed mountains, faced death, Ayahuasca with Shamans, Monasteries with Monks.....etc etc etc

Happy for you. You'll have plenty of stories to tell

Lol "the good name of socialism". There's nothing good about Socialism.

Listen to yourself talk about others then you wonder why they don't like you. Hmmm

I had a lefty defend the stupidity we are all witnessing. If it was a righty talk about killing muslims, I'da called them out too, works both ways

That we can agree one.

We should focus more on what unites us, instead of what we disagree on.

Agreed. So the constitution, getting all the 'shit' out of Gov, like deepstate, and going after the 1%'ers along with getting rid of the Federal Reserve amongst many other things yes?

I believe in making Government more effective and efficient by reducing wastes while accomplishing the goals of the programs. I believe that it's the moral thing to do for the government to have safety nets for people in poverty, especially for kids, and for the government to have safety regulations to protect us.

We should make 1%'s pay their fair share.

I don't want to get rid of the federal reserve.

I don't want to get rid of the federal reserve.

The Fed is massive Scam, they print money and sell it to our Government. It isn't made or backed by gold, it's sold to us and creates massive debt/inflation and is fucking everyone except 1% over

We need to work on what we agree on remember?

which is?


Just ignore them, we don't need those retards. They will follow eventually

That's sure to unite us... and those aren't the left that's the far left antifa

That's sure to unite us... and those aren't the left that's the far left antifa

We still need both sides to agree on commonalities so we can reunite instead of going into civil war

Yeah so how does insulting us help in any way?

Yeah so how does insulting us help in any way?

stating facts ≠ insulting

The far-right also has some fucked up things about them and should get called out diligently.

We are all American's living in this country and have to agree on things. I fucking hated it G.W.Bush was Prez and knew 9/11 was a hustle and the Middle East was a M.I.C. pay day, but the bible thumpers voted that fucker in and we all had to pay for it.

I voted, unfortunately for Obama, and within that first years realized nothing would change except more deepstate puppetry and had to deal with it and all of us have to pay for the Economic deficits and him allowing the banks to get bailed out instead of the people, cause the man is an idiot who simply know how to smooth talk.

Between the 2 sides, the one thing that scares the shit out of me and I will fight for, is seeing the Far Left burn free speech signs and creating safe space/pc/snowflake zones.....that's not real life and that's not how America works. If this side got their leader in, we'd start seeing the erosion of free speech

The thing that scares me about the Far -Right is the Bible Belt thumpers with their guns and racism. This side already had their G.W. Bush and it was a disaster.

We need to agree on what this country stands for, Unite, and go after Soros, Koch Brothers, Deepstate, Mega Corps, and R0thsch1lds

Your "facts" where sweeping generalizations. The left and right have hundreds of sub groups each.

Unfortunately a lot of the Left I've been seeing at the protests and campuses are so far gone into mental illogical bias collapse it may be too late for many of them

How was that not insulting. Mental illogical bias? Like cmon what are you even saying

How was that not insulting. Mental illogical bias? Like cmon what are you even saying

I see it all the time at me local university, its real

What do see?

I work with college students in one of my side gigs who are too freaked the fuck out to speak their minds, some who are white don't get hired anywhere and don't get the college grants, some are spoiled AF and think they deserve a trophy because their liberal soccer team handed out 'participation trophies', and some think this world needs to cater to them and the world out there is 'safe,' lol and that's just the surface

I protested Restore The Fourth. I learned protesting is a shitty way to bring attention to things. Protest busting and discrediting is a service for hire now. People have been made to hate protesters now. There are much better ways to oppose this stuff than protesting.

There are much better ways to oppose this stuff than protesting.

Can you suggest a few (honest question)?

From doing it, I realized that protesting was to inform both the public and political representatives of of the issue and the level of concern for the issue. I found protesting, in my case standing in a group with a sign to be a terrible way to accomplish that.

I saw a couple leave, who had prepared informational cards, that went to go walk among the crowds and personally talk to people, then hand out their leaflet/card. I thought that was probably 100 times more effective.

I also realize that the representatives would totally ignore my actions and the only way to get their attention was to contact them directly as a constituent.

It just seems people ignore protesters. Recently, people have been coaxed to hate protesters. There are a ton of ways to spread information. Many of them are forceful and obnoxious, in a spammy, advertisement, kind of way. It seems like protesting has become spam. Almost any other form of conveying information seemed better.

Also, the problem with protests is that people don't even know what the fuck they're protesting half the time. I'd wager a very large majority of the women's march were dumb as bricks, but they have conviction in their beliefs, and the sheer number of people involved gives credence to the issue in people's minds.

I'd suspect the people actually motivated enough and knowledgeable enough about this issue would amount to a relatively small gathering. So spreading awareness through other means will definitely be more useful in the short term.

That said, I think bringing movements into the real world where you can interact with and talk to people face to face is important. It can be a necessary step in moving forward.

What about starting a social media trend like the ice bucket challenge?

Fuck yeah! Go go go!

We were born with all the rights we'll ever need. You cannot take back power; you must simply stop giving it away. Refuse to pay taxes and refuse to obey. Stop recognising Admiralty Law. Repudiate the Legal Name.

Then they arrest you and all your rights are gone

That's not how rights work.

If rights were important enough they wouldn't need to be written down (and defended).

Otherwise, they'd be understood.


Let's fucking go

smells like a honey pot to round up all the people who question authority

Then make your own group that you can be sure isn't a honey pot.

Unless of course you don't actually want people to protest the CIA and are just using fear to convince them not to ...

-Implying that I'm a shill for the cia

You're talking to a late 20s neet who just got told to fuck off at a interview at 5guys

Better do it at the White House or Arlington VA if it is going to accomplish any goals.

A march!? That's so George Soros Liberal of this Sub.

I've gotten too use to making fun of the marches, I'll need that time for the reconditioning.

3 months from now, 3/4s of Americans will totally forget about the CIA spying. I'm sure the next American idol or whatever reality show will be on in the next month.

So are you saying waiting for 3 months to remind the people again is a good idea?

This protest will be paid for by Soros.


soros hates the CIA? is he actually our guy?

Soro's likes civil disobedience. He supported Occupy Wall Street, is he against biollionairs? No he's just an asshole.

My professor gave me a bad grade. Pretty sure Soros was somehow behind it.

We won't let it be. No Soros signs, no violence, only peaceful protests

Ha ha! After spending years bashing the left and campaigning for Trump Republicans to get elected, this sub suddenly wants their help protesting. LOL Just look at the right wing partisan complaining in this very thread! Good luck with your protest which will be a handful of MRA neckbeards and CIA cyber agents that have infiltrated the right.

There is a reason why at a grass roots level the left have 50 times more people turn up to their protests, because the right has always been the tool of the oppressor.

Step outside your bubble for a second.

Do you really think revolutions come from Republican party supporter/Trump supporter base? No, that base is what elects Nazis and Italian fascists. You guys are all authoritarians. Some of you pretend you are not, then you politically rally around authoritarians like Trump when he masquerades and puts on a clown show saying the things you like at election time.

Your biggest fear is a bunch of SJWs on Tumblr. People who will not ever have any power to be scary, because the SJW Tumblr movement in North America is a lazy movement of the extremely privileged.

So no one wants to support guys, who vote for a Trump administration with Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobile, and Devos in it, because they are super scared about a bunch of powerless entitled SJW millenials.

Do you really think revolutions come from Republican party

13th amendment: Abolished slavery. 100% republican support 23% democrat support.

14th amendment: Gave citizenship to freed slaves. 94% republican support 0% democrat support.

15th amendment: Right to vote for all. 100% republican support 0% democrat support.

Just because we don't want to give free shit to people, and like lower taxes doesn't mean we are racist, or "are all authoritarians."

ALL of those events happened during a long ago period of time when the Republican party was a very different creature than it is today; Republicans and Democrats switched platforms between 1860 and 1936 The people who championed the amendments you cited were not the authoritarian, uncharitable, socially repressive party that they are today.

Keep being an apologist for the current US government and it's political arm, The Republicans. Let's see how great that turns out. You don't belong in this sub. Go back to The Donald where they don't like independent thought.

This is why I hated the millionforwomen marches.. they were trying to point out something so useless that only applies to the privileged. We need a MillionForPrivacy March, something that affects everyone. Or if we don't march we at least need to make greater strides to change the current status quo, and get our message across somehow

Better yet, OP has claimed to be actually Russian in previous posts and comments. Above I called him out on outside agitation, and he deleted his responses, which were- "I went to college in the US" and "I come to the US once a year." !

Holy shit! great catch! What a way for these patriots to sell out their own country by colluding with Russians.

I was really big into the OWS movement and watched it get shred a part. Not saying it was a bad thing-I met some of my favorite people there, organized a peaceful sit in for Wells Fargo and started a lot of community gardens because that my friends is revolutionary in of itself. You want a real revolution, not this french-put-someone-even-worse-in-power bs, don't rely on the TPTB. I know it's drastic to pull out all at once and I am by no means perfect but my vehicle runs on veggie oil, I grow lots of my plants for food/medicine/household products, I live in a small truck camper and would love to build earth ships one day. I would consider attending a march but only to more observe and make connections. If you think about it it's actually pretty dumb for us to congregate un-armed, it's like handing yourself over to the "enemy" in a gift basket.


How is this a conspiracy at all?

Catch up bruh


Lol this "worlds biggest protest" wont even get 1% of what the womans march had and that didnt change anything.

What was it supposed to change? Women are already equal. Shit was just a huge waste of time.


Marching in silence and standing in silence would bet the most effective stratagem.

If the revolution is founded upon Fear and Violence then all we will be doing is beginning a new cycle of fear and hate.

Our true freedom and sovereignty must be predicated on Peace, Compassion and Love.

Like a child escaping it's role as the victim in an abusive relationship with their parent...

We MUST break the Archetypal Cycle that has ruled this world for far too long.

I'm not saying we cannot chant but we must organize in a peaceable manner that prevents agent provocateurs from ruining the movement from the inside out.

We must have a clear statement of desire and intent and we must distance outselves from anyone who behaves in a violent/aggressive manner lest they compromise the entire premise.

Now is the time for organization.

Due not allow extreme emotional reactions/outbursts to be our undoing.

In a time where the world is governed by children, the people must stand tall as the true parents of this world and show love to one and all.

Our Governments have failed us and now...

We must be the guiding hand of grace and kindness that shepherds in a new era of peacetime.

No Red Scare.

No Civil War.

One Existence centered in Love, Indivisible, with Peace and Freedom for all.

Yup, I'm sure they're just going to stop invading our privacy because some people marched.

What's it called? Is there a hashtag? Who is organizing it? Is there a central website or organization?

This needs to be organized or it will be small and pathetic.

I agree.. let's be serious about this. ##MillionsForPrivacy

"Time to start a revolution NOW, not later."

Wants to wait until June 19, 2017..........

I'm willing to do it earlier, I just want enough time to plan it well

You don't want to wait too long, these things have a shelf life. There inevitably be another release or scandal to keep this away from the public.

I hope it works. It would be nice to see people in the street scaring the fuck out of the establishment for once. It has to be a clear and concise message too, none of that occupy movement shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did a false flag for the luz


Did operation wall street accomplish anything? What about any other protest in known history?

In order to get what you want you need to cloud seed the ideas to the appropriate parties. (think trump pence etc).

You cant stand in a street full of locals and expect to effect the outside community of politically backed aggressors. .

You have to really get to the top to make a change snd that tskes a group effort. But 100 million letters to the white house, say way more then a few hundred people rioting in the streets.

Thats all these protests accomplish. We need to really buckle down on an information exchange and amass our own 'shill' armies.

Stsrt demanding change with strength in numbers seeding the messages on social networks and organizing public hits to media channels. Use their networks against then. See a cnn repporter interrupt their broadcast. That hits 10 million viewers with the same message and takes a single person...

These 'protests' require permits lol.

They know who is there snd give you 'relief' areas to vent. You kick over trashcans. Get maced and beaten. They make you look like a criminal dissident and a fool.No change is established and your arrested in the end with even further reduction of rights then the last time / position you started in.

Instead start reaching out in silence. Ask users what they want. Have a list of demands that are practical. Then use PR campaigns and media outlets to push the issue. Start justifying your causes and retaliating in practical ways.

We have far more power then we know. Yet we use this faulty 'protest design' that never ever accomplishes anything. When basic boycotts are the very pertinent manners we truly have in our power to change the system.

Think if 150 million americans refused to goto work until x y z is accomplished.

Thats how you make change...

Whrn you change the rules that control you, you change the rules on what you can control... -guy ritchie

Thanks for your suggestions. I appreciate it

No worries. Once I was boarding a flight that was delayed- the aorline company wss rushing to fix an older plane down for a year due to engine problems. (scrambling)

After getting the facts I quietly moved from grouo of group of weary teavellers. Seeding the prospecting delima to each party goving just enough to allow for their participations.

After a half an hour what began as wuiet talks began to escalate to full on bantor. The passengers were suffocating over the nerve of the airlines solution. Every body and soul growing more and more furious as they passed the message on. Suddenly the airline made an announcement...

You wont be boarding the plane outside. A flight from europe is being reused once its landed within the hour-

To make change you have to initiate it quietly. The nail that stands up gets hammered down- These protests arent designed to change the situation. They are nothing more then participation trophys, to make you feel like you made a difference! Yet their true intent is to make you nothing more then a useful idiot in the greater spectrum of things. You become the tool of theirbtrade and it adapts to your efforts. Using them to chisel its future foundations...

Don't be the tool- be the solution-

Sounds great but it's absolutely critical that no one who is pro-life is allowed to attend.

Considering domestic surveillance is illegal already. This will be one stupid protest.

Literally the protest can be debunked with one google search and one listening to a hearing of house intelligence oversight committee. I'm guessing there'll be like 2 dozen people there and no news coverage.

Two things: Why wait for 3 months, and why choose a Monday? If we do it on a Saturday the turnout will be much higher. I understand holding it on a symbolic day, but any day can become a symbolic day, if we make an impact!

Thanks for your suggestions! I am totally open to doing it another day. We just need to make sure it's peaceful and that our message gets across

Hey that's my birthday and it's 9 days before I'm due to have my baby. Wish I could be there but I will still try to find a way to be part of the cause.

This is stupid. A bunch of neck beards protesting when there are bigger issues at hand. You do realize every country has technologies like this and this is exactly what Russia wanted.

If you want to get something done don't make it a one day protest. Continue for days. Make a stand against this scum. Good luck to you all.

Unfortunately, the globalists who own the deep state pull the the DNC's strings. Thus, I anticipate Soros arranging a counterprotest under the guise of feminism or illegal alien rights.

This is totally what he does, and over just barely started to realize it. FUCK

OP has previously claimed to be Russian and has posted comments detailing life under Putin rule. What gives /u/russian321?

I lived in the US during college and have strong ties to it

So you're organizing a protest you don't plan to attend? And you want to protest an issue that doesn't affect you? You know, I have actually liked many things you've said...but, wow, this really reeks of outside agitation.

I am planning on attending.

Sorry for the confusion, i go to the US once a year anyway, so I'll be there

Stop using labels like liberal. Socialist. Republicans. We are all Humans.

Let's do it

Make a Facebook group for it and I'll spread the fuck outta it

got it, so we should unite and go after Koch Bros, Soros, & R0thsch1lds

Most first world countries have capitalist markets mixed with democratic socialist policies. The US already has numerous democratic socialist policies.

Yup, and it's corrupt as fuck, war mongering, and massive inequality while the majority are wge/debt slave cogs in the wheel of the machine requiring them for this whole scam to continue via Federal Reserve

It can't be this way anymore, we need change forced or otherwise

I am planning on attending.

Sorry for the confusion, i go to the US once a year anyway, so I'll be there

Holy shit! great catch! What a way for these patriots to sell out their own country by colluding with Russians.