Prepare To KNOW The Truth About Guccifer2.0

199  2017-03-11 by d3fi4nt

ODNI/DHS assessments were all bullshit on the subject but they were based on flawed 3rd party assessments.

ThreatConnect made mistakes and incorrect assumptions had them cling to a false-positive 'indicator'. (Seems I was the only person who actually bothered to reach out and communicate with EliteVPN!)

MSM misreported various aspects early on ... if they admit the truth now what little scraps of credibility they have left - may disappear completely.

He WAS a false flag and this IS verifiable.

For any that doubt it... the first step is identifying intent (and that much comes from tvor_22's discovery, so FULL credit to him - it's subtle, very subtle, but it's quite possibly the most important piece of evidence that exists in relation to figuring out who Guccifer2.0 is because it tells exactly WHAT he is by exposing his purpose/intent.)

This can be done using an RTF format specification, understanding how RSIDs work and looking for "styrsid11758497" in 1.doc, 2.doc and 3.doc - and considering the implications. (Basically, the docs were built on the sane blank Russian-language-'tainted' template)

The documents were tainted even before the body content was added!

These were then opened 30+ minutes later using an account with a Russian name and 1.doc, 2.doc, 3.doc and 5.doc were all opened, had content from original documents copied into them and were then saved in sequence over the course of a couple of minutes (writing the Russian name to the metadata in the process).

Now you have the EVIDENCE of INTENT for a false flag operation (2 sweeps of intentional 'tainting'!)

I'll be posting an article in the next 48 hours (hopefully!) that will attempt to walk people through the process of finding and verifying the discovery for themselves (just by being told the documents to inspect, an RSID number to investigate (which is in this article above) - and let them figure out what it means from there)

As far as the MSM is concerned... this is all you need, on it's own, to discredit their 9 month long fake news festival of bullshit on this particular subject. (and it's important to do this on it's own as a separate article without mixing in theories, hypotheses, etc that will ultimately just diminish the raw evidence)

With intent demonstrated... there are a few questions left... but... it's not difficult to figure out the rest... and yes, I will divulge more.. but for now... forget the attribution, focus on raw, isolated and irrefutable evidence that Guccifer2.0 absolutely was an effort to have leaks discredited through attribution to Russian hackers

Every time the MSM insist that Guccifer2.0 is a GRU agent, they're fucking lying.

If they cite the assessments without qualifying that by explaining that the ODNI/DHS theory is discredited - they're fucking lying through omission.

Only when this first, isolated piece of evidence defeats the propaganda - will people be ready for the next stage.

For more info...

UPDATE: "Minimal-guidance" version is available at:

Guided version is coming soon, it's just going to take a bit longer because of screengrabs, explanations, etc.. and I would prefer everyone who is able to - to use the minimal-guided version anyway.. it's the best way to KNOW the truth rather than have someone tell you what to believe.


Thanks for this, this is been something I've been watching and I don't feel it has been looked at as closely as people should be looking at it

Np... it's time to get this out... doing it in a small abstract step like this is critical though otherwise we get gas-lighting, diversions, etc.

This is why the actual walk-through to checking and verifying will be it's own separate article - and I will be hammering the media with it to let them know... it's time to retire the Guccifer2.0 bullshit or at least inform the pubic of the truth.

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Ok, so, qui bono? The RNC?

Clinton campaign. - They needed the leaks (Assange mentioned on 12th) to be discredit.... and from working in Whitehouse, HRC will have been familiar with the person who is named author of the dodgy versions of the documents.

Sorry but all the article proves is something everyone agrees on. And that is Guciffer 2.0 is a fake front for another org.

Another org that had motive to discredit Wikileaks and have leaks blamed on Russian hackers.

Or the hackers didn't do a good job at first and screwed up. Now people are still trying to cover up the connections they revealed early on.

No Warren Flood fucked up and has been caught.

Then why was there the scramble by Gucifer 2.0 to cover errors that pointed to russian hackers in later releases? Would it not have been better to not try to hide those errors?

Further misdirection. It matters not... We can see the documents from his first day were clearly created with the purpose of having them incorrectly attributed to Russia.

So the misdirection is a misdirection?

His masquerade ("I'm a Romanian") was a cover over a masquerade (Russian fingerprints, Russian VPN service, dropping a "Russian" smiley (")))") in his first blog post.. and then never ever again... among other anomalous isolated efforts to appear Russian)

So what makes your "truth" more true then theirs?

I've insisted we stay away from distractions. The RSID and RTF datastream proving the Russians aren't behind Guccifer2.0 is all that matters. - It shows the actual, literal, absolute truth without the need to put quotes about it in a disparaging manner.

Yes its to not let disinformation spread without solid proof. I am sorry if that runs counter to your goals.

I'm showing people where the evidence is.

You're exposing yourself.

This community can decide who they want to listen to.

For now, you're just trying to distract me - so... thanks for playing mind game but I'm not interested in nonsense. The proof needs to be seen by all.

Haha man dont waste your time. Just another account who writes 50 comments a day ranging from defending Hilary, Podesta, Colbert, denying 9/11 and pizzagate conspiracies, pushes the Russian narrative, etc etc. Its amusing as they still dont bother to dot in organic comments on other topics besides defending liberal or 'deep state' policy.

I've just noticed in the post history the (to put it very politely)... Clinton supporter hallmarks... didn't go back far enough to establish them as intelligence community "cut-out" though. :D

Yes, they will all RESIST this for fucking sure. It breaks the narrative they have clung so hard to for so long... but... not my fault... what I and others have found is just what we have found... and not an effort to seek affirmation of a preconceived notion driven by partisan biases.

the shills in this thread are giving me chills

AND... I've not actually written the article walking through the evidence yet, so it's really cool that you've been able read it already. - How did you do that?

I can hardly wait! Great job on this.

Thanks... and thank you for having my back covered in the worse case scenario. I'll always be grateful for that. :)

There's one version up that some of the other WotB mods might be able to storm through now at and the guided version is being worked on now.

I've read another write-up on this. My question is, who wanted to fuck Clinton this bad? Iirc they tracked back to someone at the DNC. Was this a burned berner?

You failed completely to recognize WHAT Guccifer2.0 is.

He didn't release anything of any significant impact against Clinton.

His first act was helping Clinton by trying to have the reputation of leaks destroyed and giving Dems an excuse to claim "they're probably doctored" whenever questioned about leaks.

Cut me some slack, been a lot of shit between here and there. I don't really remember the specifics of g2. I thought that it was mostly selling bernie out. What have I forgotten?

Cut me some slack Okay, sorry if I seemed blunt - with me being neck-deep in the research on this for months I tend to forget how a lot of what happened 9 months ago is likely to have faded over time for many.

The site should cover almost everything you need to know.

It's the volume man. I've read 10s of thousands of pages since then. And guccifers provenance want really interesting to me. The material was. We get sidetracked so hard on who or what leaked this or that, it shits all over the content.

I was leaving work when I saw your post, I'll check it out now that I'm home.

That's the thing with Guccifer2 - The content he released was worthless, his behavior was all over the place and the MSM seemed obsessed with promoting his statements and claims from the moment he appeared... but never investigated him thoroughly.

I think I have g1 and g2 mixed up then.

I've seen that happen quite a bit. ;)

Guccifer - Marcel Lazăr Lehel - Romanian hacker who hacked emails of lots of high profile individuals, serving 52 months in US and faces 7 years when he return home.

Cut me some slack, been a lot of shit between here and there. I don't really remember the specifics of g2. I thought that it was mostly selling bernie out.

It's amazing what kind of impression the MSM can give people about a situation. The spin and manipulation is real.

Manufacturing consent.


A proper conspiracy theory! How did this make it to the front page?

Dunno but I bet it'll be at exactly 50% by the time I come to post the link to the new article. Y'know how it goes on Reddit! ;)

Everything related to Trump/Russia is instantly buried on here, unless it's to discredit Trump/Russia conspiracies.

Give me the sources/transcripts and if it has direct connection to Guccifer2.0 and isn't included - I'll happily include it.

Thank you. :) I've got some screenshots of the DMs too thanks to Tracy D (on youtube) so will be adding this Stone-G2 conversation to the corpus within the next 24 hours.


Watch out for manipulation.

IC-Cutouts, ShareBluers & others won't like this but even suppressing this post won't work, it's a bit too late for that. Cat's already out of the bag. :D

Great work.

ThreatConnect publish report titled "Rebooting Watergate: Tapping into the Democratic National Committee"

I think that report title says it all. What was the purpose? To fabricate a 21st century rendition of Watergate, implicating Hillary's opponent.

ThreatConnect; was that the (still only) firm which "confirmed" it was Russian hackers?

To be honest, while I can totally understand why you suspect it may have been preemptive (considering what has happened over the last year and the ties some of these cybersecurity fiirms have to the Atlantic Council, etc) - I'm not sure they'd even thought that far ahead at that time and am confident that the main motivating factor was preventing the leaks Assange had only just announced were coming - from making her lose the primary. - THAT incident got the Clinton campaign in a panic.

I believe even the choice of Russian identity wasn't aimed at warmongering at that point but was based on the recent discovery of malware apparently with Russian origins (would automatically serve to affirm a Russian-hacker narrative) and in the months leading up to this, as we see from leaked emails, the DNC were already hatching plans to associate Trump with Russia. - So Russia was the natural choice just from those two factors.

That said... it is possible they may have been thinking ahead for wars... but I don't think it was the thing that really instigated it... I believe it was desperation to mitigate whatever Wikileaks had on them that motivated it so strongly at that time... nobody else would have had any reason to screw with the public's perception of leaks.

Please note though - that these hypotheses, etc. are secondary to the RTF/RSID evidence. Until the foundation of everyone's bullshit beliefs (for those who believe they know the truth but don't) is smashed by the demonstration of intent through that simple example... it'll be impossible to have them even consider the motive & means.

Wikileaks retweeted this too.

The entire story of Russian hackers hacking the DNC stinks

Guccifer is a liar. DNC wouldn't let the FBI look at the server. Wikileaks says the leaks didn't come from Russia.

Makes sense. Great post, though I don't follow all the technical detail. Looking forward to your follow up. Will get some popcorn so it's handy...

This is the kind of stuff we need on this board. If R/Conspiracy had fifty more of you, this board would be be incredible. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for keeping up with this.

This is their 'evidence' that Russia was involved, and it's bullshit. I hope this gets the attention it deserves.

Stay safe.

All of these "hacks" are expert level psy-op's.

Wikileaks is part of the cabal. You'll know eventually.

Sure, some if was real. It had to be so the public would believe it. Not these days.

Could you explain that in non-tech maybe for the tech illiterate? Who did what to who?

I can - but it is separate to the false flag evidence, which is valid on it's own without need for attributions, etc. - But if you're just asking out of curiosity, it was basically...

Clinton Campaign had Warren Flood (Former whitehouse IT manager) cook up the Russian-tainted documents. Guccifer2.0 was an effort to discredit the upcoming leaks that Assange had only just announced were coming.

Now it makes sense. Thanks for the explain.

I keep tweeting this out in response to the psycho Russia blamers. Thanks for the post.

This can be done using an RTF format specification, understanding how RSIDs work and looking for "styrsid11758497" in 1.doc, 2.doc and 3.doc

Since when are RTF files and DOC files the same file format?

The moment you open the file you will see it starts with an RTF stream. "/rtf1"

commenting just to bookmark.

Honestly, what hacker willing to release an alias for notoriety and infamy would use the handle of another hacker for anything but implication/association? Genuine attention seekers aren't really that uh... humble? generous?