It's starting to be more clear what the Trump presidency is all about. He's a fucking FRAUD, and this whole sub needs to clearly understand this. I'm glad many here are seeing that now.

0  2017-03-11 by russian321



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Trump supporters are going to be disappointed in their God Emperor just like Obama's supporters were disappointed in their Messiah.

He's the Obama 2.0 rebranded for the right, instead of the left. They flipped the coin over, but we're still getting the same exact coin.

I'm pretty sure that the 45th is going to do much, much worse for his electoral based than Obama ever did.

There will come a time, hopefully soon, when being known as a Drumpf supporter will stain a user so deeply that no one will even upvote their cat pics.

This 100% accurate, unfortunately.

Thank you for fighting back and continuing to expose the farce that is American politics. Unfortunate that this sub needs a reminder that our government and politicians sought a position of power over us and exposes us daily to a life not a single one of us would choose

gulp gulp gulp

What? You didn't like the traction you got when you posted this an hour or so ago, so you deleted the first and are reposting?

While I was trying to edit the last one I fucked it up and accidentally deleted it

Shit as long as he's spreading a message inline with what this sub is all about what does it matter? Fuck our politicians

It has nothing to do with the spirit of the sub.

It's divisive grandstanding, repeated ad nauseum, delivered in a hyperbolic manner with a smattering of covert condescension with the intent of distracting by keeping people focused solely on politics.

What is gained from this? If someone new stumbled across this post, there are no supporting links to any of his statements; similarly, he brings nothing new to the table for those that are already awake to this aspect of the game.

It's just a guy making a lot of noise by appealing to base emotions and never offering anything of actual substance.


And the way you describe it make it sound like Trump's baseless tweets

My posts are what I want people to hear, the messages of my posts are important

Wow. This confirms so much and explains even more. Thanks for your honesty.

It's divisive grandstanding, repeated ad nauseum, delivered in a hyperbolic manner with a smattering of covert condescension with the intent of distracting by keeping people focused solely on politics.

No, that came from the influx of Trump supporters

You seem to be missing the point that a good amount of this sub's userbase have been pledging support for an upper class american businessman, who is now president.

This sub didn't used to be that way, it's important to recognize the change and make it known to other people

Despite the rampant shilling for either side i believe the consensus in the actual conspiracy posters was that anyone who achieves power is a part of the system, it is all a grand theater, all of it.

b-but muh swamp

this one will get botted to the top

Again if it's speaking to the spirit of this sub why does it matter? The fucked up part is that people in this sub do not want to hear it. Fuck each and every politician that seeks to rule over us

I'm annoyed by the fact that every day we have some guy shitposting and degrading the quality of an already low quality sub. The partisan (pro bono) shilling is one problem this sub has. The circlejerk aspect of post like these only further delegitimize anything that is said here. Just look at the post history of anyone and you'll see what their input and role is.

It's a good message though. My dream is for this sub to get back to TPTB stuff. Fighting over political false idols is like saying the Undertaker is better than Hulk. It's all make believe, theater. I get that it's spammy but it's also alarming how many are okay with handing over our free will to these false idols that seek to rule over us.

I post stuff that I feel people need to hear.. if people like it they'll upvote it. Some of my posts get upvotes, some don't. But I don't post shit just because I think they'll get upvotes, I really want my message across that TPTB are controlling everything, including those factions that we deem as against TPTB.

TPTB have been planning this shit for YEARS though, and many people even on this sub have been tricked and duped into this bullshit. That's why there were so many pro Obama people the last 8 years, and I hope the same thing doesn't happen for Trump

I agree with the message, not with the method. Low effort low substance post will only ruin this sub long term. Sure it will give some exposure on the subject and more discussion will happen. The point is that if discussion is kept on this level we will never advance beyond where we are at now.

Again I mostly agree with what you're saying but to make new threads about something that could be said in a single comment is very counter productive to what you want to achieve.

I understand and I am sorry you have to see my "shitposts" every other day, but most people don't read the comments. The other day, I had a post that reached almost 9K upvotes and I can guarantee you that MOST people did not read my message, they only upvoted it because of the post title. And that's how people are these days... Just upvoting titles. I think if people are only looking at the titles but don't bother to engage in the conversation or see the actual message inside the post, then might as well put the exact, concise message in the title.

Also, I'm usually only on mobile, so it's hard for me to post in depth posts that require me to sit down at a laptop and write something more meaningful with a keyboard and not just a small screen with my two thumbs.

I do appreciate your concern though, and I will work on making more quality in depth posts in the future

The point is that if discussion is kept on this level we will never advance beyond where we are at now.

This sub has regressed so far back that this type of post is an advancement

Your concern isn't warranted. During the last year this place has basically become an offshoot of t_d. We have people here actively supporting a millionaire american president.

Self posts like these are some of the most important content at the moment, simply because they remind the people who were here before the election cycle that we aren't alone on r/conspiracy, regardless of how loud the echo chamber is

Do you have any fucking proof to anything you say

Read the link at the bottom of my post

Wow, great post OP! Really insightful. I recommend everyone checking out the link too

I recognize you, you and your buddies were tryin to pass off that muslim at byu shit.

That's the only way to fight the shills, keep pointing out their post history and force them to change usernames.

People laugh when I say a long and consistent post history is the greatest earmark of a legit reddit user.

Keep up the vigilance and don't let the bastards get you down.


Thanks for calling him out, even though he liked my post, I don't tolerate $hills. There are too many fucking $hills and bots on this fucking sub

funny, because he only posted supportive posts on his friends/alt's threads.

Ya think? Gee, what a terrific sub this is. You all made such wise decisions during the election and didn't buy into a decades long smear campaign whatsoever. /s

What s the conspiracy in this one?

OP is on my shill list, he used all tactics recently. First "all parties are bad" then "Trump is super bad" and now he is pushing this old "this sub sucks!" while essential there is zero pro-trump posts here at all.

I remember him too.

All I know is that if Trump is legit, and the conspiracy is real, you're going to have actual paid shills posting shit exactly like this in attempt to divide the sub even further and spread confusion.

Observations much appreciated, u/Thoutzan.

What about the people that constantly defends Trunp?

They don't bother posting anti-trump-with-nothing-else posts 7/24 like OP. They only defend him in comments section of said posts like OP's

There are tons of accounts that do nothing but praise or defend Trump on here

C'mon. Exposing Hillary and Obama does not equal to praise or defend Trump

I never said that, and you know it.

You mean people from r/The_Donald? You know there are actually real people who think Trump is legit. Probably because if he's not, we're so fucked nothing is gonna save us...

I haven't seen anything that convinces me Trump is actually working for the "bad guys", despite cabinet picks and controversial comments by him and his staff. I think a lot of it is for show/cover, but we will find out soon.


I have another theory for y`all that has more logic and explanations than this

read it through, your jaw will drop, and you'll connect things with all the recent events.

This whole sub needs to stop being emotional and take a step back, a few deep breaths, and remember the 60+ years of tyranny we've been subjected to under the CIA, and come up with a plan on how we can work on restoring constitutional democracy to the world by fixing it in America.

Can we do two or three things at once?

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

I'm not.

We can hold multiple people or agencies accountable.

It's not a zero s game

Damn that's just such a classic shill thing to say in my experience.

What is anyone expecting if "somethings done about trump"? Impeachment? Then congrats we have Mike pence. How about we take the evidence of 60+ years of CIA tyranny, and really try to get trump to do something about it. Change moving forward.

Saying that we need to hold our president accountable for his actions is a shill thing to say?

I would be estatic if Pence is president.

Oooooooooooo yeah bud ya lost me there. What actions do you think we should hold him accountable for? What's he done that's impeach worthy?

Who said anything about impeachment?

You said you'd love to have pence

Instead of Trump, yes

"We should hold governemt officials accountable for their actions"

"You lost me there!"


Lost me at you'd like to have pence slapchoprolapse

Why are you still trying to karma farm? Or are you literally just trying to confuse people

It's not about the karma. I want people to hear my message

Then why was it removed, I'd be fine with your message but you keep contradicting yourself dude

You typed all this up on your mobile?


OP, please stop being a one-trick-pony and post about something other than Trump.

Can we do two or three things at once?

Read the link at the bottom of my post