Reddit admins artificially suppressing subscriber count of r/the_donald *WITH DATA & PROOF* Please don't make this a political thread.
334 2017-03-13 by xenonsupra
According to Reddit the current subscriber count of r/the_donald as of 3/13/17 is 378,955 Source
I have reason to believe the actual subscriber count should be closer to 723,840.
Here is my data:
As of 2/5/16 the subscriber count of r/the_donald was 8,217 Source
After 2/5/16, I was able to use archives of the official reddit traffic data to get day-by-day subscriber counts from 2/5/16 to 3/13/17. For example, I started with this page and worked by way back through the archives to account for every individual day between 2/5/16 and 3/13/17. The full dataset is here.
If you sum the columns, the total number of new subscribers from 2/5/16 to 3/13/17 is 715,623. Screenshot from my excel sheet here.
If you take the 8,217 original subscribers and add in the new subscribers by day (715,623), the actual total is 723,840.
Note: This does not account for people who unsubscribe from the sub. Since that r/the_donald is not a default sub, it is extremely unlikely that 344,885 users have unsubscribed to account for this difference.
n/a CuckedByTRUMP 2017-03-13
lol wat? You know our entire stock market was worth 25 Trillion and since Trump won it has went up in value 3.4 Trillion? It's been a couple months and he has increased our wealth by that much. He has also lowered our debt for the first time in 8 years. Billions saved on our debt. Jobs are going up. Illegal border crossing is down by 40%. Businesses are pouring back in. You cannot argue with any of those stats. They are all facts. But somehow our future is ruined. lol wat?!
n/a totally_not_a_pirate 2017-03-13
Don't acknowledge, don't reply, downvote, report, and move on
n/a totally_not_a_pirate 2017-03-13
Don't acknowledge, don't reply, downvote, report, and move on
n/a totally_not_a_pirate 2017-03-13
Don't acknowledge, don't reply, downvote, report, and move on
n/a totally_not_a_pirate 2017-03-13
Don't acknowledge, don't reply, downvote, report, and move on
n/a Gay_N_Racist 2017-03-13
You didn't call me anything. Wrong guy. Too easy with you lol.
n/a Roger_Mexico_ 2017-03-13
Sources of noise you haven't addressed:
1)multiple subs/unsubs by the same user. I, for one, have subbed and then unsubbed afterwards from the Donald at least 3 times.
2)the_don is known to ban users by the boatload. Don't you think some might unsubs?
3)do you know how deleted accounts are handled by subscriber calculations? Because I don't, and I don't think many do.
Notice none of these involve active users of the_dingus losing energy and unsubbing. But this could be happening too, but I don't have the energy to research it.
What you are posting falls far short of "proof" for anything in that it does not seek to explain the discrepancy by any other means than your hypothesus being correct.
n/a XDiabolusExMachinaX 2017-03-13
Hm. I dunno maybe 300k Russian bots?
n/a XDiabolusExMachinaX 2017-03-13
Blah blah blah more shill speak gonna report
n/a Purp 2017-03-13
“clean up corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, D.C.”--appoints CEOs to most cabinet positions
no backing amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress
NAFTA not renegotiated
Obama's gun order not "unsigned [sic]"
no 5 year ban on congressional lobbying
"full repeal and replacement of Obamacare" on "day one"--he didn't even have a plan lmao, most of it is tax breaks for the 1%
“I will ask, to appoint a special prosecutor. We have to investigate Hillary Clinton, and we have to investigate the investigation.”---oops complete lie
complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections--never happened
"Everybody is getting a tax cut, especially the middle class."--false
suspend immigration from "terror-prone" countries--oops somehow he forgot to do that for the 4 mulsim countries where his business partners are
build Great Wall and "have Mexico pay for it"---gonna be 30 billion in government pork barrel spending (if we can get all that private land from Texas landowners somehow...)
but yeah other that THAT...
n/a vivek31 2017-03-13
Yes! I don't understand why they think this is their safe place.