Why the fuck are all the PIZZAGATE posts being downvoted now? Seems like nobody is fucking talking about this shit anymore! Don't fucking give it up, it's not over until all the FUCKING pedophiles are in jail INCLUDING: the Podestas, the Clintons, Steve Bannon, Trump, and fucking Epstein!

130  2017-03-14 by russian321



"Why the fuck are all the PIZZAGATE posts being downvoted now?"

Because the enemy is using some new toys. Don't believe for a moment that those of us fighting for the truth aren't here.

Uh oh OP you fucked up by mentioning Trump and Bannon. The second you try to implicate them people want hard proof, something they never ask for when Clinton is claimed to be involved.

Here's some information on Bannon being funded by Robert Mercer, who literally takes money from the Rothschilds:


A limited hangout called Vault7 swept it under the rug because people grew increasingly outraged over human trafficking and started barking up the wrong tree.

Be prepared for Trumps brainwashed dogs to come rushing to his defense.

Be prepared for people who are too lazy to explain their reasoning, and perpetuate partisan discord.

Please post proof that you were banned for saying something anti-trump.

Which crime did Podesta commit?

Anyone see project veritas release a photo of their next video? It looks related to the pedophile ring in DC.

Pizzagate is dying due to lack of credible or substantial evidence. That mixed with political bias and the onslaught of "Fake News" claims from the media have killed American interest in the subject

Jezz, take a deep breath.


Sorry I have problems believing the testimony from Jeffrey Epstein's brother. Epstein claims he founded the Clinton Foundation so don't you think there's a bit of bias there?

Aw what a good little dog

Don't acknowledge, don't reply, downvote, report, and move on

No they didnt...

Why go out of your way to defend a potential pedophile?

Oh right yeah you blindly lapped up his lies and now worship him like a god. Sigh

Great comment. Currently the PG investigation seems very Democrat biased and that's hurting the credibility. If we are to call ourselves true investigators we need to not forget how this incriminates both sides, including Trump. Until the PG arrests start coming, I won't consider Trump entirely innocent.

Another T_D tool doing anything he can to justify why they voted a probable pedophile into office. Go bury your head in the piss stained sand of MAGA beach.

Oh no, someone implied my cult leader was a pedo, now ima get all sarky and uppity to defend him. QQQQQQ. Fuck off back to T_D you tool.

It's not pizzagate, in the sense of Alefantis, Podesta, etc.

He has connections to people that run pedophile operations, like Roy Cohn:


Now, I have no idea if Trump ever did anything, or if he's just friends with some bad people. But he's definitely friends with some bad people.

I'm more concerned about Roy Cohn, who was a legendary blackmail schemer.


This, of course, does not prove Trump abused anyone. Only that he was friends with a guy who was doing this stuff. But Roy Cohn was a really bad dude, and a really close friend of Trump.

Can you provide proof the Clinton's are? Because the same type of circumstantial evidence applies to Trump in just as many ways....

Same for Trump.

And Trump was very good friends with Roy Cohn, who ran a blackmail operation for decades:


So you have circumstancial evidence but it's only good enough to imply one party is guilty. Come the fuck on. There are ACTUAL recordings of Trump making weird comments about young people and sexually assaulting women.

Pizzagate has basically run its course.

It's certainly gone off the rails, as the infiltrators probably wanted. That doesn't mean there is nothing there. It just means that a lot of the investigations are being derailed.

50% might be a little high. I'd give you 10%.

I'd really appreciate if you'd cite it.

For someone who "won't even waste his time citing it" you sure are wasting a lot of time responding to replies without giving any hints of actualities...

thank you, I did not know this. Can you link those transcripts, I want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes w/ respect to trump/epstein. I was under the impression he banned him from his resort in the early 2000s for grooming another members daugher (?), and the quote you listed first in your comment was essentially the extent of it.


Let me guess. You are anti Muslim.

That doesn't debunk every other pedophile like comment and actions

How do you know I'm not Muslim?

The contents of the article are literally irrelevant. It's all quotes from unreliable sources on both sides...

Trump's attorney denying stuff means NOTHING. It's his job to protect Trump.

You're an idiot.