Shariablue is here to take over reddit

11  2017-03-14 by [deleted]



not more than usual

They came out in force when the CIA leaks happened

I love this so much. 2-day old account with only 1 other comment in history and it was "Aw" about a cat picture. Comes to r/conspiracy and pretends to feel for the community. Clearly you're one of us, so welcome friend.

I've been here a long time with another account that got doxed.

I agree with the premise of your post, but saying you got doxxed sounds kinda goofy dude.

What does account age matter?

Because groups of people can quickly create and toss accounts to push a certain narrative with 0 consequences. They're not necessarily even real people.

So OP, you're a brand new account with two submitted threads, the last one being posted 21 days ago with the same title, and one comment on a picture of a kitty in a tie.

I made a new account because the shills tried to dox me. Guess trying to keep some privacy makes me suspicious.

When a brand new account is claiming that the 'shills' are taking over it is suspicious, yes.

Hey man I've been a part of this community for a long time. I've done a lot of pedogate research.

Then what's your other account.

If I got doxed why would I give you my other account.


You think ya hot shiet don't ya?


What is our secret password?

I kinda think it is more suspicious someone who spends any time here would question the fact that we are overrun with shills. Whether you believe they are CTR/Shareblue/Cambridge Analytica/Organic Trumpers, doesn't matter. We have them. We have tons of them. Why would anyone deny it?

There comes a point where just screaming "SHILLS!" over and over again loses any effect and is just toxic to discussion. It's literally a strawman argument.

I agree, there are factors who look to manipulate reddit in general and this sub particularly, but everyone turning and pointing fingers at everyone else yelling "SHILL" isn't going to improve that situation any.

I have been attempting to track them for awhile. There are a few that are consistent and obvious. But I have tagged over 100 users, and the vast majority are never seen again after the initial tag. I agree it isn't helpful to call everyone a shill, and it is easy to do that in error. It is a problem shills know is impossible to solve.

Just curious, do you have me tagged as a shill? I get called one here fairly often because I post anti-Trump stuff a lot.

I don't necessarily tag for anti this or that. Originally the whole point was to find people with dissenting views that are organic, because those are the most valuable users to me. And it is a scoring system, so very few people are outright tagged as shills, rather degree of suspicion of manipulative behavior.

6 straight months of political spam. If they make 1 shill account why would they not make another. People need to consider that a large large percentage of accounts are not authentic. What would be the incentive to cap these sorts of accounts?

We could use twitter as a reference. There are supposedly 24 million fake twitter accounts. How many active, real, non-duplicate twitter accounts are there? Divide those, you get a rough percentage of fake accounts in social media. Maybe there wouldn't be an exact correlation, but it would give us an idea?

They are shooting themselves in the foot with a lot of these attempts... they are trying to use other subs and a springboard to launch their propaganda to the front page... and the hardcore users of those subs notice the manipulation in a heartbeat cause they know what "normal" activity looks like... when AdviceAnimals sounds exactly like conspiracy you know they are fuckin' up.

Can you give an example from adviceanimals and scifi type posts?

I agree that both are dumb posts. First one fits in "thathappened", and the other one doesn't fit in the scifi sub. But, I guess they put it there because Patrick Stewart is a scifi darling.

And these users of that sub know what used to make it to the front page from their subs... and know when something gets artificially pushed to the front page.

It's possible.

We got people in this thread disputing that we have a ton of shill activity on this sub. What do you make of that?

My gut tells me that there are plenty of shills here... and all over the major subs on reddit... but I think a lot of people overestimate the number of actual shills and underestimate the effectiveness of the propaganda campaigns to effectively brainwash the userbase.

I 100% agree. I think for every 10 obvious shills, there is 1 subtle propagandist that plays it real tight and actually has more influence than 50 of the obvious ones. I think the result of my tagging system I have been playing with is I realize the majority of the ones I initially classify as possible shills are either never seen again, or false positives.

I think the best ones play both ends against the middle. And it might kinda look reasonable, but it is actually extremely disruptive.

I agree with you. I've noticed. ...and I also made a new account last month (been on reddit for years) because of doxxing concerns. My recommendation is to keep pushing through. Remember, we are not being paid like the shills...and we are not told what to say (the shills have a narrative they must try to push). So we just keep plugging away. Never quit.

why do people care if they are getting doxxed? just don't say terrible shit..

I don't say terrible shit but I like to stay anonymous online. Same reason I don't use Facebook or Google or a cellphone.

Sooooo much wrong with your comment. Basically, if you have nothing to hide...... SMH..

more like don't be a shitty person when you comment anonymously..

If you have nothing to hide....

Dude, people like you are the reason the reason why we are at the place we are today....

I thought it's the shitty people who comment anonymously on the web..

Nope, people like you. You do realize, being "shitty" is purely subjective, right?

I don't know, people seems to understand when they are being shitty

what do you know about Igor and the Grinch?

I would just like to add that marchagainsttrump is pro-trump sub in disguise.

If you want more info, I'm happy to provide it.

Go for it, I'm interested.

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Go for it, I'm interested.

It's possible.