So do occultists really control this world or what

6  2017-03-14 by [deleted]



More power that they can't attain on our physical plane!

they use to control South Korea for the past few years


Occult simply means hidden. So one of the ways they control people is by hiding in plain sight. Using symbols to communicate (marketing to subvert you conscious thought processes, secret symbols let each other know who is in the "club")

Also, Satan is real and he hates humanity and loves despots. And many of these people are outright Satan worshipers. Pedophilia, ritual murders, etc.

But the primary means of control is just lying to people constantly about what is really going on. Create "news" that is nothing but lies. Cover up real history. Teach people to value framing over substance (pay attention to the handsome man in the nice suit with the nice hair who makes you feel safe).

Satan is real

go on..

Just look at what the CIA does.

Still not proof of Satan.

Just keep doing what you do

Ok, let's take your username. Who do you think told Mohammed to write a book that said you should murder people of other religions?


In another passage, he also told them not to murder followers of other religions..

Pretty duplicitous for the 'most beautiful book ever written'

Pretty duplicitous for the 'most beautiful book ever written'

Yeah, it's almost like he was hearing from an angel that was... evil... or something.

First we would need to prove that Muhammad existed. Let's just assume a man named Muhammad did exist and started Islam. There's no evidence for me to think anything other than he wrote the book himself and plagiarized a bunch of it from other texts as well.

What? Why did you quote someone from another comment here?


I've approved this new user comment as it's interesting that it's basically identical to u/ygnabb's comment made 3 minutes later. The more you know eh?

Well, this one knows how to spell...

Why did you quite someone else who didn't even comment here?

ctrl + f "satan"

You'll see where I'm quoting the comment I responded to.


I don't know about Satan but at the depths of the rabbit-hole of conspiracies you'll see that intellegint design is logical and that it's being acively supressed.

I agree, in a sense. But a lot of the people pushing "creationism" are actually controlled opposition. You can take a look at the membership list for the Council for National Policy, which is a huge right-wing organization that has billions of dollars of corporate money coming down:

Could tie into the "fake spiritual awakening" that's possibly on the agenda

What do you mean?

We can't predict excatly what the NWO goal is, but it always seems to include a one-world government, a cashless society, depopulation, etc etc you know what I mean. Another bullet point on that list that's often overlooked is the breakdown of current religion and the debut of a one-world religion, but the only way that could ever be possible is if there's a big revlation about us misinterprutting current religion with an archelogical discovery or alien contact, either of which reveals some grand new truth. It's all gonna be a lie, of course, but it'll make people think we've gone through a religious/spiritual revolution but really it's another step of making uss less peaceful, less informed and less powerful. Instead of a pleasent role-model like Jesus, for instance, they'd rather have a wolf in sheeps clothing like Baal or Amun-Rah or any sort of Antichrist. Already we've seen the top of the pyramid take steps to make people more athiest, could be a prerequisite to all this.

one-world government

This is the only one I'm not sure about. It seems like they want to destroy nation states, and rule through an extra-state system that is not actually a nation. And they've mostly succeeded.

the debut of a one-world religion

You should check out Bill Cooper's series on "Mystery Babylon." We already have this, for the most part.

Instead of a pleasent role-model like Jesus, for instance, they'd rather have a wolf in sheeps clothing like Baal or Amun-Rah or any sort of Antichrist.

Lots of "Christian" churches already use pagan symbols in their rituals. I mean, we celebrate the birth of Jesus on Winter Solstice, for crying out loud.

Jesus may not have even existed and Son of God could really be Sun of God, that's a good research topic. And for the religion, any of them that end their prayers with a variation of Amun are playing for the same team. Religion has already been conquered, don't have to look much further than the Vatican to see that, but we're still in for a few big revlations in terms of religion and government when most people just expect the latter

Lol those words don't sound the same in their original languages dude. Zeitgeist is not a good source.

The best way I have been able to cope with a why is this; essentially at the start of mankind/religion the relationship with God was a very literal and everyday thing, where as rituals, curses, spells, prayers, basically anything trying to invoke or control the forces of the universe is something that has persisted in belief and most importantly, practice. Why? If the Creator/God/Whatever has built in operations that can be triggered through created events, in essence, kind of like hacking the system with programs/designs built by the system itself.

Could be nothing like that, but to me that's why a modern cultist with a high 'station' in life would do any of this, for 'power', 'control', and to syphon all the energy off those who falsely worship you.

You may want to check out Julian Jaynes' "The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind." This book is very important to elite occultists and how they understand the world.

People that desperately hold on to their pagan roots. Out with the old and in with the new I say, we need new hieroglyphs

I tend to believe while they may not control the world, it is a huge part of our world. I personally believe it is a huge part of pizzagate. And it is the part they want talked about the least. Bohemian grove was a big eye opener. It could be that these religions were hidden from the public in the past. And that they feel some sort of superiority for following these older almost forgotten religions. These are just my speculations but that's why we are here discussing right?

The question is whether there is real power behind it or not. It could just be used as a control mechanism for the puppet masters to control our world leaders. Kind of like a promise of ultimate power only to find out it is a lie to keep other humans in line. I think there is power within all humans and religion is used to bring it out and also to stifle it at the same time. They use our natural talents of the soul and lead us astray from the true meaning. For example when people experience being in the astral world, they try to explain it as heaven and full of angels. Which is close but in my opinion "heaven" is our spirit world that we all go to and hell doesn't exist. Some of these beliefs I have are from reading "Journey of Souls :A Study of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton".

But I have experienced astral projection myself and I know it exists. I've had dreams of the future that come true but the dreams were about the most insignificant things at times. For example I dreamed of a scene during an anime and remembered it years later. I know it is a premonition type of dream because of how vivid it is and how strong the feeling of deja vu is. And other times I dreamed of more recent and important things. Another example would be I dreamed of my ex, my daughters mother screaming in pain and asking a question "Why? Why are you doing this? Why me?" And etcetera.

My personal theory behind the whole future dreams/deja vu experiences is that our soul is downloading information about the life we chose to incarnate as. Of course we block that information but sometimes a little will leak out. Whether that sneak peek is supposed to be confirmation of being on the correct timeline or simply the souls subconscious desire to inform the conscious mind of its desires I haven't decided upon yet. I really need to refine the theory to be truthful.

I think it is hard to see evil unless you have experienced it. People are too comfortable.

If you have ever experienced severe pain or evil, it is a little easier to understand.

I think ultimately these people worship themselves as God.

Far right Christian's rule the world. Maybe?

Yeah thanks for da link.